Experimental Investigation and A Novel Direct Strength Method For Cold-Formed Built-Up I-Section Columns

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Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

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Experimental investigation and a novel direct strength method for MARK

cold-formed built-up I-section columns

Yan Lu , Tianhua Zhou, Wenchao Li, Hanheng Wu
School of Civil Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710061, China


Keywords: This paper aims at investigating the structural response and predicting the ultimate strength of the cold-formed
Cold-formed steel built-up I-section columns affected by local, distortional, global and in particular by the local-distortional (LD)
Built-up I-section column interactive and local-distortional-global (LDG) interactive buckling modes. For this purpose, a total of 18 single
Experimental investigation C-section columns and 18 built-up I-section columns were tested under uniaxial compression load, respectively.
Direct strength method
The cross-sectional dimension, the thickness and the length of the tested members were varied in the test so as to
Local-distortional interaction
cover a wide range of local, distortional and overall slenderness. It was shown in the test that noticeable LD
Local-distortional-global interaction
interaction was observed for a built-up column with short length as well as LDG interaction for a built-up column
with intermediate length. Due to the clear evidence obtained in the test that LD and LDG interactions cause
substantial ultimate strength erosion in cold-formed built-up I-section column, a novel direct strength based
method was proposed in this paper to quantify such an erosion effect. The validity of the proposed method was
then verified by comparing the results obtained from the proposed method with the test results in this paper as
well as several other test results in the literature. The comparison results proved that the proposed method can
be used successfully in estimating the ultimate strength of cold-formed built-up I-section column affected by pure
buckling mode as well as interactive buckling mode.

where (KL/r)o is the overall slenderness ratio of the entire section with
1. Introduction
respect to the built-up member axis; a is the fasteners spacing; ri is the
minimum radius of gyration of the full unreduced cross-sectional area
Advances in technology and low production costs have prompted
of an individual shape in a built-up member.
the Cold-Formed Steel (CFS) industry to search for more structurally
The modified slenderness ratio is based on the researches of hot
efficient cross-section shapes. One of the most favorable ways to
rolled built-up members [2,3], which is mainly focused on the detri-
perform this task is to connect two or more single members together
mental effect of global buckling. However, since the cold-formed
to form a built-up section, e.g. simply connecting two channel sections
members are often controlled by local buckling and distortional
back to back to form a built-up I-section or in flanges to form a built-up
buckling [4], it seems to be inappropriate to directly extend this
box section. As a result, such a member with built-up sections can be
method to determine the ultimate strength of cold-formed members
utilized to carry more load and span more distance.
failing in local (L), distortional (D) and other forms of cross-section
Currently, two basic design methods for cold-formed steel members
distortions. For this purpose, Stone and Laboube [5] had experimentally
are formally available in design specifications in North America [1],
investigated the buckling behavior of built up I-section columns formed
namely the effective width method (EWM) and the direct strength
by self-drilling screws. Their study provided experimental evidence that
method (DSM). However, only the effective width method is formally
the modified slenderness method would result in excessively conserva-
available for cold-formed built-up members, which specifies the
tive estimates for the built-up column with intermediate length (2.1 m).
modified slenderness ratio to take the effect of shear force into account,
Similarly, such a phenomenon was also observed by Whittle and
as is shown in Eq. (1):
Ramseyer [6] for CFS built-up box-section column formed by welding.
More recently, Li and Li [7] had experimentally and numerically
⎛ KL ⎞2 ⎛ a ⎞
⎛ KL ⎞ studied the ultimate strength of CFS box-section columns and proposed
⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ a feasible way to determine the ultimate strength of these members. In
⎝ r ⎠m ⎝ r ⎠0 ⎝ ri ⎠ (1)

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Lu).

Received 11 October 2016; Accepted 17 December 2016
0263-8231/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Nomenclature strength method in NAS and AS/NZS [1,25].

PD2 nominal ultimate strength obtained by the modified direct
Ag gross cross-sectional area strength method in Ref. [26].
b width of flange PD3 nominal ultimate strength obtained by the proposed
d width of lip method in this paper
E Young's modulus Pnd nominal distortional buckling strength
e distance between the center line of screws and the web Pne nominal overall buckling strength
fcrd critical elastic distortional buckling stress Pnl* modified local buckling strength
fcre critical elastic overall buckling stress Pnld nominal local-distortional interactive buckling strength
fcrl critical elastic local buckling stress Pnld* modified local-distortional interactive buckling strength
fy Yield stress Pnle nominal local-global interactive buckling strength
h depth of web Pnle* modified l local-global interactive buckling strength
l length of column Pnde nominal distortional-global interactive buckling strength
Pcrd critical elastic distortional buckling load Pnlde nominal local-distortional-global interactive buckling
Pcre critical elastic overall buckling load strength
Pcrl critical elastic local buckling load Pnlde* modified local-distortional-global interactive buckling
PD1 nominal ultimate strength obtained by current direct strength

addition, the buckling behavior of the built-up I-section columns was In this complex scenario, this paper aims to investigate the
also studied in their study by means of the numerical method. Zhang structural response of the cold-formed built-up I-section columns
and Young had experimentally [8] and numerically [9] studied the affected by pure and interactive buckling mode and propose a novel
ultimate strength of CFS built-up I-section columns with edge and web direct strength method for cold-formed built-up I-section columns. For
stiffeners and evaluated the appropriateness of the direct strength this purpose, a series single C-section columns and built-up I-section
method for built-up open section compressed members. Moreover, it columns, which contain two cross-section type and three length type
is worth to mention that the buckling behavior of the cold-formed built- (i.e., stub column, intermediate length column and long column), were
up beams has also been investigated in some researches, such as Li and tested under uniaxial compression load in this paper. In the test, clear
Li [10] and Wang and Young [11]. evidence was obtained that LD and LDG interactions cause substantial
According to above literature review, it can be clearly seen that strength erosion in cold-formed I-section column. Then, based on the
some researches concerning the ultimate capacity strength of CFS built- test result as well as other test results from the literature [18], a DSM-
up columns have been conducted in the past decades. However, there based method was proposed in this paper to predict the ultimate
are still some points worth to be mentioned, which can be summarized strength of cold-formed built-up I-section members affected by pure
as follows: buckling mode (i.e., L, D and G) as well as interactive buckling mode
(i.e., LD and LDG).
(1) Firstly, the research concerning the structural behavior of CFS
built-up I-section column is still limited. The available experimen- 2. Experimental program
tal investigation [4] mainly focused on the behavior of the CFS
built-up I-section columns with intermediate length. Indeed, the 2.1. Material properties
intermediately long cold-formed members are often controlled by
local-global interactions, which, however, is difficult to be used to The structural steel of the cold-formed column investigated in this
study the basic structural behavior of columns affected by pure study is Chinese Q235 steel. The material properties were obtained
buckling modes (i.e., local, distortional and global buckling). through three standard tensile coupon specimens according to the
Therefore, additional experiments are still required to compensate standard GB/T 228-2002 [19]. The tensile coupons were extracted
the lack of information on these pure buckling modes. along the longitudinal direction of the web of the tested sections.
(2) Currently, extensive studies have been conducted on the structural Table 1 summarizes the material information obtained from the test
response of individual C-section cold-formed members affected by results. The obtained engineering stress-strain curves are shown in
LD [12–15] and LDG [16,17] interactions and have proved that the Fig. 1, where the first number of the specimen label refers to the
occurrence of LD and LDG interactions result in a substantial thickness of the plate (i.e., T1.2 means that the thickness is 1.2 mm) and
strength erosion. However, according to the authors’ knowledge, the second number refers to the repeated number.
there seems no research concerning the structural behavior of the
built-up I-section columns affected by LD and LDG interactive 2.2. Test specimens
failure modes. Therefore, additional researches on such a problem
are still required. In this study, two identical C-section columns were simply con-

Table 1
Material properties.

Specimens Yield stress Ultimate tensile stress Elastic module Elongation (%)

fy (Mpa) Mean value fu (Mpa) Mean value E (10 MPa) Mean value

T1.2-1 317.8 321.5 374.6 374.1 2.18 2.16 34.3

T1.2-2 316.3 366.7 2.11 31.4
T1.2-3 330.5 381.0 2.19 32.9
T1.5-1 301.0 305.4 368.3 369.7 2.04 2.05 34.1
T1.5-2 308.4 374.0 2.06 34.0
T1.5-3 306.7 366.7 2.05 33.9

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 1. Stress vs. strain curve. (a) t=1.2. (b) t=1.5.

nected back-to-back to form an I-section column by self-drilling screws. specimens were connected into a built-up I-section,. The measured
The schematics of the section geometries of the C-section column and maximum absolute values of overall geometrical imperfections (δo) for
built-up columns are presented in Fig. 2. The measured dimensions of the C-section columns were listed in Table 2, while the average absolute
the C-section columns, as well as the built-up columns, were summar- values of the single specimens for each built-up column were listed in
ized in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The test members were carefully Table 3.
labeled so that the type of the section, the cross-sectional dimension
and the actual length of the specimens can be included, as is shown in
Fig. 3. The first character refers to the length type of the column, i.e.,
2.4. Test setup
SC, MC and LC refer to a column with short, intermediate and long
length, respectively. The first number in the label refers to the section
The uniaxial compression test was conducted for the investigated
type of the column, i.e., SC1 and SC3 refer to C-section stub columns
members on the test rig shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b). In order to fix the
and built-up I-section stub columns, respectively. The last number
column, steel end plates with a thickness of 15 mm were welded to the
refers to the cross-sectional dimension type of the column, i.e., SC3-90
ends of all the test members. The fix-fix ends were employed for the
and SC3-140 refer to a built-up I-section stub column with the nominal
stub columns (SC type columns) to avoid the adverse effect of axial
width of the web being equal to 92 mm and 142 mm, respectively.
force shifting after the local and distortional buckling occurred [20]. On
Two set of screw arrangement were used to guarantee the built-up
the contrary, the end plates of other test members were connected to a
members bearing the load cooperatively (see Fig. 4), where the nominal
designed condition devices to model the pin-pin ends (See Fig. 7). As a
longitudinal screw spacing for MC3 type and LC3 type columns was
result, the calculating length for stub columns is assumed to be L0=l,
300 mm and that for SC type columns was 150 mm. The screw
whereas it was L0=l+220 mm for other columns, where l is the length
arrangements were based on the observation of the actual situation in
of the specimen. Since there are L-shape holes on the top plate of the
Cold-formed steel structures design. The smaller screw spacing at the
bidirectional hinged supports, it was not difficult to center the MC type
ends of the column was used to facilitate the alignment and connecting
and LC type columns.
the two C-section columns into an I-section column accurately. The
Both strain and displacement measurements were performed for
nominal transverse screws spacing (i.e. 2e in Fig. 4) is 32 mm for C3-90
each column. The arrangement of the strain gauges and LDVTs can be
type columns and 53 mm for C3-140 type columns.
found in Fig. 8(a) and (b). For stub columns, the strain gauges and
LDVTs were positioned around the mid-height of the column. For other
2.3. Geometric imperfections columns, the arrangement of strain gauges was the same as stub
columns, whereas the LDVTs were positioned at the middle height, 1/
The initial local and overall geometrical imperfections for the test 4 height and 3/4 height of the column, respectively. In addition, a total
members were measured in this study. The initial local measurements of 9 LDVTs were employed to measure the deformation of designed
were performed on the surface of the test members, as is shown in condition devices (labeled as D1~D5 and D16~19 in Fig. 8(b)).
Fig. 5. A displacement transducer with an accuracy of 0.001 mm, which The compressive load was applied on the top end of the column by
attached to a guide, was used to perform the measurements. When using a capacity servo-controlled hydraulic jack with an approximate
testing the initial local geometrical imperfections, the cross sections 1 kN/min loading rate. The load, deflections and strains were measured
were measured with an interval of 5 mm for each specimen along the simultaneously by a data acquisition system and recorded on a
longitudinal direction. The measured maximum absolute values of computer.
initial local geometric imperfection (δl) for each C-section column
and built-up I-section column were listed in Tables 2, 3, respectively.
Further, the initial overall geometrical imperfections of the test
member with respect to the weak axis (x-direction in Fig. 2) were also
measured before testing. It is worth to mention, due to limited space
between the web-flange junctions of a built-up column, the displace-
ment transducer can not be placed along the direction in parallel to the
weak axis of the cross-section, thus the initial imperfection along the x-
direction for the built-up specimens were measured at the web-flange
Fig. 2. Cross-section geometry specimen: (a) C-section. (b) Built-up I-section.
connection line at the mid-length of the single specimens before the

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Table 2
Measured dimensions and failure loads of the test C-section columns.

Specimen l (mm) Geometric imperfection (mm) Cross-section dimension (mm) Test results (kN)

δl δo h b1 b2 d1 d2 t A (mm2) Pu Py Pu/Py Mode

LC-90-A1 3033 0.341 1.213 94.5 43.0 43.5 14.5 15.5 1.19 251.1 11.5 80.7 0.14 G
LC-90-A2 3033 0.412 1.504 92.8 40.8 42.2 15.2 14.8 1.18 242.8 11.6 78.1 0.15 G
LC-90-A3 3033 0.327 1.306 92.2 42.0 41.8 13.8 15.5 1.18 242.3 12.3 77.9 0.16 G
MC-90-A1 1528 0.444 1.012 93.0 42.2 42.0 16.2 14.0 1.18 244.7 33.7 78.7 0.43 LG
MC-90-A2 1526 0.471 1.233 93.0 42.0 43.0 13.0 14.0 1.18 241.9 34.6 77.8 0.44 LG
MC-90-A3 1527 0.313 1.024 92.0 42.0 41.5 15.0 14.5 1.19 244.0 36.8 78.4 0.47 LG
SC-90-A1 303 0.263 0.101 94.8 43.7 42.2 14.0 14.0 1.19 248.4 64.3 79.8 0.81 L
SC-90-A2 298 0.441 0.177 94.2 42.1 42.2 14.1 15.5 1.18 245.6 53.6 78.9 0.68 L
SC-90-A3 298 0.331 0.153 94.7 42.8 42.1 14.2 14.8 1.19 248.2 60.8 79.8 0.76 L
LC-140-A1 3032 0.429 1.212 140.0 42.5 43.0 14.0 15.5 1.48 377.4 17.6 121.3 0.15 G
LC-140-A2 3032 0.543 1.323 141.0 42.8 43.0 15.0 15.0 1.48 380.1 16.8 122.2 0.14 G
LC-140-A3 3033 0.552 1.227 142.2 42.3 41.5 14.5 15.8 1.48 379.3 16.8 122.0 0.14 G
MC-140-A1 1533 0.471 0.819 143.0 42.5 43.0 15.0 14.5 1.49 384.4 46.3 123.6 0.37 LG
MC-140-A2 1531 0.432 0.707 142.0 42.0 44.0 14.5 14.5 1.48 380.4 41.8 122.3 0.34 LG
MC-140-A3 1530 0.444 0.833 142.5 42.5 42.0 14.5 15.0 1.48 379.6 42.5 122.0 0.35 LG
SC-140-A1 451 0.561 0.122 144.0 44.0 42.3 14.0 46.8 1.48 430.8 64.1 123.2 0.52 LD
SC-140-A2 451 0.522 0.234 144.5 43.0 42.5 14.8 16.2 1.49 388.9 67.3 125.0 0.54 LD
SC-140-A3 451 0.477 0.241 145.0 43.0 43.8 12.8 16.5 1.49 389.0 69.5 125.1 0.56 LD

Note: 1. Ag=(h+b1+b2+d1+d2)×t; Pu is the ultimate strength; Py=fy×Ag, where fy is the yield stress (Table 1).
2. L means local buckling, D means distortional buckling and G means global buckling
3. δl and δo are the maximum initial local and overall geometry imperfections, respectively.

Table 3
Measured dimensions and failure loads of the test built-up I-section columns.

Specimen l (mm) Geometric imperfection (mm) Part Cross-section dimension (mm) Test results (kN)

δl δo h b1 b2 d1 d2 t A (mm ) 2
Pu Py Pu/Py Mode

LC3-90-A1 3033 0.412 1.012 a 94.5 43.0 43.5 14.5 15.5 1.18 493.0 42.6 158.5 0.27 G
b 91.8 43.2 40.5 14.4 15.2 1.19
LC3-90-A2 3038 0.521 1.076 a 92.0 41.8 42.2 14.8 15.0 1.19 487.5 39.9 156.7 0.25 G
b 92.8 40.2 42.8 15.0 14.8 1.18
LC3-90-A3 3034 0.334 1.411 a 91.5 41.2 41.8 16.2 15.5 1.19 487.4 41.2 156.7 0.26 G
b 91.8 41.8 40.5 14.8 14.5 1.19
MC3-90-A1 1532 0.565 0.634 a 91.0 40.0 44.0 15.0 15.0 1.18 487.6 88.8 156.8 0.57 LDG
b 93.0 43.0 41.5 15.0 14.0 1.19
MC3-90-A2 1531 0.433 0.521 a 92.5 42.0 43.0 14.5 14.0 1.20 495.3 103.0 159.2 0.65 LDG
b 92.0 43.0 43.5 15.0 15.0 1.19
MC3-90-A3 1533 0.613 0.611 a 93.5 41.5 43.5 14.0 15.5 1.19 488.8 97.7 157.2 0.62 LDG
b 93.0 42.0 42.0 135.0 14.0 1.18
SC3-90-A1 300 0.521 0.112 a 93.8 41.3 42.7 14.0 14.5 1.18 490.2 127.7 157.6 0.81 L
b 92.8 43.0 41.8 14.8 15.0 1.19
SC3–90-A2 300 0.374 0.083 a 93.8 41.9 42.1 15.1 14.2 1.19 494.1 132.8 158.8 0.84 L
b 93.8 41.8 42.2 14.8 15.5 1.19
SC3-90-A3 300 0.452 0.065 a 95.1 42.8 42.2 14.7 17.2 1.18 502.2 131.6 161.4 0.82 L
b 94.8 43.8 42.1 14.1 15.2 1.20
LC3-140-A1 3034 0.646 0.912 a 143.5 37.5 41.8 16.3 14.0 1.48 755.7 49.2 230.8 0.21 G
b 140.8 42.0 41.5 16.0 15.5 1.49
LC3-140-A2 3033 0.535 1.542 a 147.0 41.5 41.5 13.8 15.5 1.48 760.5 46.9 232.3 0.20 G
b 141.5 42.3 42.0 16.0 14.5 1.47
LC3–140-A3 3034 0.462 1.232 a 141.8 42.0 44.0 14.8 15.5 1.48 768.6 50.2 234.7 0.21 G
b 142.0 42.5 43.0 16.5 15.5 1.49
MC3-140-A1 1532 0.652 0.731 a 142.0 42.5 42.5 15.5 15.0 1.48 770.4 124.0 235.3 0.53 LDG
b 144.5 42.5 43.5 14.5 14.5 1.50
MC3-140-A2 1533 0.443 1.112 a 142.0 43.0 42.0 15.0 15.0 1.48 760.0 101.0 232.1 0.44 LDG
b 142.0 42.5 42.0 15.5 14.5 1.48
MC3-140-A3 1533 0.512 1.022 a 141.0 43.5 40.0 14.0 15.0 1.48 757.0 105.8 231.2 0.46 LDG
b 142.5 42.0 44.0 14.5 15.0 1.48
SC3-140-A1 451 0.656 0.173 a 144.2 44.1 41.9 13.9 15.0 1.48 763.3 130.7 233.1 0.56 LD
b 142.7 42.9 42.8 15.1 14.9 1.47
SC3-140-A2 451 0.661 0.143 a 144.5 42.9 42.0 15.0 14.0 1.48 765.3 139.6 233.7 0.60 LD
b 144.2 43.0 42.8 14.8 13.9 1.48
SC3-140-A3 451 0.541 0.121 a 143.1 44.6 42.8 13.4 15.5 1.47 762.0 138.8 232.7 0.60 LD
b 143.0 42.9 42.3 14.0 15.0 1.48

Note: 1. Ag=(h+b1+b2+d1+d2)×t;Py=fy×Ag, where fy is the yield stress (Table 1); Pu is the ultimate strength.
2. L means local buckling, D means distortional buckling and G means global buckling
3. δl and δo are the maximum initial local and overall geometry imperfections, respectively.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

3. Test results

3.1. Buckling behaviors of the test members

3.1.1. SC type column

Fig. 3. Labeling rule of specimens.
As an example, Fig. 9 shows the failure modes of the specimen SC1-
90-A3 and SC3-90-A3, respectively. As it can be seen in the Fig. 9(a),
local buckling occurred first as the compression load increased,
regardless of the specimen section type. Nevertheless, since the
investigated cold-formed members show a stable post-local-buckling
strength reserve, the column can still bear the subsequent compression
load. Then, with load continually increasing, the out-of-plane deforma-
tion due to local buckling increased significantly, as is shown in
Fig. 9(b). Ultimately, it was observed that both the SC1-90 and the
SC3-90 type columns failed in the local buckling mode Fig. 9(c).
On the contrary, for the SC-140 type columns, the distortional
buckling occurred (Fig. 10(b)) in a short time after the local buckling
occurred (Fig. 10(a)) on the specimen. Nonetheless, both the SC1-140-
A3 and SC3-140-A3 specimens displayed a significant post-buckling
strength, even though a complex interaction between the local and
distortional buckling existed in this specimen type. However, the
Fig. 4. Arrangement of screw spacing: (a) SC3-90 type column. (b) SC3-140 type column. magnitude of the out-of-plane deformation due to distortional buckling
(c) MC3 and LC3 type column. was observed to be much larger than that of local buckling. As a result,
the local buckling was overshadowed by the distortional buckling,
which made the columns seem to fail in a pure distortional buckling
mode (see Fig. 10(c)).

3.1.2. MC type column

Similar to the behavior of the SC type columns, local buckling was
observed to occurred first for the MC type column (see Figs. 11 and 12),
regardless of the section type being investigated. However, there was a
quite different structural response between the MC1 type columns and
the MC3 type columns: the MC1 type columns were observed to lose its
Fig. 5. Location of local geometric imperfection measurements: (a) C-section column.(b)
bearing capacity soon after the local buckling occurred, whereas the
Built-up I-section column.
MC3 type columns exhibited a significant post-local-buckling strength.
Such a phenomenon is due to the fact that the local buckling load of the

Fig. 6. Test set-up: (a) SC type specimens. (b) MC and LC type specimens.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 7. Bidirectional hinged support: (a) Configuration of the support. (b) Connections between the support and tested members.

MC1 type column is quite similar to its global buckling counterpart, 140-A2 and MC3-140-A3 specimens. One possible reason is the adjust-
which leads to a significant strength erosion due to the occurrence of ments in end-support devices since a small curvature of the load vs.
the local-global interaction. However, this is not holding true for the axial displacement curve is observed at the loading stage. Therefore, the
MC3 type built-up columns due to its superior overall buckling resistant obtained ultimate strength for MC3-140-A1 members may be unreli-
by changing the cross-sectional geometry property. able.
The different structural response observed above resulted in quite Further, it should be pointed out that, since the force loading was
different failure modes for the MC1 type columns and the MC3 type adopted in the compression test, the actual load vs. axial displacement
columns. As shown in Figs. 11(b) and 12(b), the MC1 type columns curves at the unloading stage can not be obtained if the tested specimen
failed in an LG interactive mode, regardless of the section type being failed abruptly, such as MC3-90 specimens, and thus slight difference of
assessed. However, the failure mode for the MC3 type columns was an the load vs. axial displacement curves can also be obtained for the three
LDG interactive mode. repeated tests at unloading stage.

3.1.3. LC type column 3.3. Ultimate load for the test members
In the test, all the LC type columns failed in a pure global buckling
mode with none of the local buckling and other forms cross-section The ultimate load and the failure mode of the all test members were
distortions visually observed, regardless of the section type. Therefore, presented in Tables 2, 3, where the symbol Pu in the tables refers to the
the photos concerning the deformation of LC type columns were not ultimate load. Observing the results in Tables 2, 3, the following aspects
included in this paper. deserve to be mentioned:

3.2. Load versus axial displacement curves (1) Firstly, it can be clearly seen in Table 2 that the occurrence of
buckling caused substantial strength erosions for C-section col-
Fig. 13 showed the obtained results in the compression test for each umns, and thus the value of Pu for each specimen is always lower
tested specimen. Load vs. axial displacement curves were presented. It than that of Py. Moreover, the value of Pu/Py decreased as one
was observed that for the three repeated tests conducted for each type travels from L to LD, LG and G, where the mean value of Pu/Py is
of specimen at the loading stage, failure load and the unloading stage 0.75, 0.54, 0.45 and 0.15 for SC1-90, SC1-140, MC1-90 and LC1-90
was very similar. Such a phenomenon shows that the obtained results of specimens, respectively. The reason, which results in such a
each tested specimen in the compression test are reliable. However, the phenomenon, can be ascribed to the different buckling and post-
slight difference was obtained for the MC3-140-A1 specimen with MC3- buckling behavior of each type of buckling mode. The detailed

Fig. 8. Arrangement of strain gauges and LVDTS: (a) SC type specimens. (b) MC and LC type specimens.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 9. Comparison between the SC1-90-A3 and SC3-90-A3 specimens: (a) Local buckling occurred. (b) Right approaching the ultimate load. (c) Post-ultimate stage.

Fig. 10. Comparison between the SC1-140-A3 and SC3-140-A3 specimens: (a) Local buckling occurred. (b) Interactions of local and distortional buckling occurred. (c) Post-ultimate

information about the buckling and post-buckling behavior of C- interactions. According to the authors’ knowledge, there seems
section columns can be referred to Ref. [4, 12–18]. no research concerning the structural behavior of the built-up I-
(2) Similarly, the strength erosions for built-up I-section columns can section columns affected by LDG interactions. Therefore, a DSM-
also be found in Table 3. However, compared with C-section based method will be explored in Section 3 to quantify the strength
column in Table 2, the buckling behavior of built-up I-section erosion of cold-formed built-up I-section columns affected by LD
columns is more complicated due to the occurrence of LDG and LDG interactions.

Fig. 11. Comparison between the MC1-90-A2 and MC3-90-A1 specimens: (a) local buckling occurred. (b) Right approaching the ultimate load.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 12. Comparison between the MC1-140-A1 and MC3-140-A3 specimens: (a) local buckling occurred. (b) Right approaching the ultimate load.

(3) Finally, It can be clearly found in Tables 2, 3 that the ultimate load is not holding true for the SC3 type column, where the ultimate
of the LC3 type built-up columns, which failing in a pure global load of the SC3 type column is right approximately two times of
buckling mode, is significantly higher than their corresponding LC1 that of the corresponding SC1 type counterpart. This result is due to
type C-section counterparts. Such a result proves that the built-up the fact that the local buckling, which generally occurred at short
column specimens have a superior overall buckling resistant than wavelengths, cannot be significantly restricted by the screws, as is
that of the C-section column specimens. However, the above result illustrated in Ref. [7].

Fig. 13. Load vs. Axial displacement curves for the tested members: (a) C1-90 type C-section columns. (b) C3-90 type built-up columns (c) C1-140 type C-section columns. (d) C3-140 type
built-up columns.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

4. Design methods since the deformation of distortional buckling mainly accumulated in

the lip-web junctions [23], which can not be significantly restraint by
Currently, two basic design methods for cold-formed steel members screws. Consequently, the same model of the local buckling in Fig. 14
are formally available in design specifications in North America [1], was proposed for determining the elastic distortional buckling load.
namely the effective width method (EWM) and direct strength method Of course, the obtained elastic distortional buckling load of the
(DSM). Compared with the EWM, the DSM is more favorable in this built-up I-section column may be more close to the actual situation if
paper since this method can be used to predict the ultimate strength of the restraint effect of fasteners is considered, but it may not be a
the columns affected by buckling interactions. However, the current favorable choice in this paper due to its complication and modest effect
direct strength method does not cover the design of built-up sections. on the ultimate strength.
Therefore, the appropriateness of direct strength method for the cold-
formed built-up I-sections columns will be evaluated in this paper. 4.1.3. Global buckling load
In the following contents, a simplified elastic analysis model was One of the major advantages of the built-up I-sections is that the
proposed in Section 3.1 for predicting the elastic local, distortional and torsion stiffness can be significantly improved by changing the section
global buckling load of the built-up I-section columns. Subsequently, type from a single-symmetrical section to a double-symmetrical section.
three basic strength curves (i.e., local, distortional and global buckling According to the AISI code [1], when determining the flexure buckling
strength curves adopt by AISI [1] and AS/NZS [25] codes) and the load of the built-up columns, the modified slenderness method is
modified local buckling strength curve proposed by Kumar and specified. Such a requirement is based on the research of the hot-rolled
Kalyanaraman [26] were briefly reviewed in section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, batten column, whose flexure buckling behavior can be significantly
respectively. In addition, the famous LD (PNLD) and LDG (PNLDE) affected due to the shear deformation of the batten plates [24].
interactive strength curves proposed by Schafer [27] were also However, such a usage is not suitable for the cold-formed I-section
reviewed in section 3.2.3. Ultimately, based on the research of Kumar built-up column since the effect of the shear deformation of screws can
and Kalyanaraman [26], novel LD and LDG interactive curves were be ignored due to the small distance between two individual members.
proposed in section 3.2.4, which aims to explore a more rational As a result, the elastic global buckling loads of the cold-formed built-up
strength curve for the cold-formed built-up I-section column failing in I-section columns can be obtained by considering the cross section as a
LD and LDG interactive mode than the PNLD and PNLDE curves proposed whole (Fig. 14), which had been experimentally verified by Stone and
by Schafer [27]. LaBoube [5].

4.1. Elastic buckling load 4.2. Direct strength method

The application of the DSM to predict the structural behavior of the 4.2.1. Current direct strength method
cold-formed steel members requires previous determination of the The current direct strength method (DSM), adopted in AISI [1] and
corresponding critical buckling load values (i.e., elastic local, distor- the AS/NZS [25], takes the overall buckling (E), distortional buckling
tional and overall buckling load), which can be obtained by means of (D) and the interaction between local and overall buckling (L+E) into
rational elastic analysis, such as finite strip software CUFSM proposed account, which yields:
by Schafer [21,22]. The elastic buckling analysis using the finite strip PD1 = min(Pne, Pnle, Pnd ) (2)
method requires the given section to be uniform along the longitudinal
direction. However, the built-up sections connected by screws don’t ⎧⎛ 2⎞
meet this requirement, and thus the built-up sections cannot be directly ⎪ ⎜0.658λc ⎟Py λc ≤ 1.5
⎪⎝ ⎠
employed for computation in the finite strip method. Therefore, based Pne = ⎨

⎪ 0.877 ⎞
on the test results as well as other test results from the literature, a set of ⎪ ⎜⎝ λc2 ⎟⎠Py λc > 1.5
simplified elastic buckling model was proposed in the following ⎩ (3a)
contents to facilitate predicting the ultimate strength of cold-formed
⎧ Pne λl ≤ 0.776
built-up I-section columns. ⎪
⎪⎡ 0.4 ⎤
Pnle = ⎨ ⎢ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ 0.4

⎪ 1 − 0.15⎜ Pne ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pne ⎟ Pne λl > 0.776

4.1.1. Elastic local buckling load ⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠
⎩ (3b)
In the test, a clear evidence was obtained that the ultimate strength
of a built-up I-section column failed in local buckling mode is ⎧ Py if λd ≤ 0.561
approximately two times of that of corresponding C-section counterpart ⎪
⎪⎡ 0.6 ⎤
Pnd = ⎨ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 0.6

⎪ ⎢1 − 0.25⎜ P ⎟ ⎥⎜ P ⎟ Py if λd > 0.561

with screw spacing being larger than the local buckling half-wavelength Pcrl Pcrl

of the corresponding C-section parts. In this scenario, a single C-section ⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ y ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ y ⎠

⎩ (3c)
model was used in Fig. 14 for determining the elastic local buckling
load of the built-up I-section column with screw spacing being larger where λc = Py / Pcre , Py = Ag fy ; λl = Pne / Pcrl , Pcrl = Ag fcrl ;λd = Py / Pcrd ,
than the local buckling half-wavelength of the corresponding C-section Pcrl = Ag fcrd ; Ag is the gross cross-section area; Pcre, Pcrl and Pcrd are
parts. However, it should be pointed out that the obtained elastic local the elastic critical local, distortional and overall buckling load, respec-
buckling load of the model may be inconsistent with the actual value of tively. Pne, Pnle and Pnd are the nominal overall buckling strength, local-
the built-up I-sections. Nonetheless, the effect of ignoring the restraint global interaction buckling strength and distortional buckling strength,
of screws on the ultimate strength is still modest, which have also been
experimentally and numerically verified by Li and Li [7] for built-up
box section column and by Wang for built-up I-section column [18].

4.1.2. Elastic distortional buckling load

In general, the distortional buckling half-wavelength of a column is
larger than the local buckling one. Therefore, the screw spacing may be
smaller than the buckling half-wavelength, and thus the distortional
buckling deformation may be affected due to the restraint effect of the Fig. 14. Cross-section assumptions for the calculation of design strength of I-shaped
screws on the web. Nonetheless, the impact of screws is still limited sections: (a) Local and distortional buckling load. (b) Overall buckling load.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

respectively. respectively.
Since one has Pnle≤Pne, the actual nominal strength of the column Similarly, it is possible to replace Py (Eq. (4) and 5) with Pne to
always corresponds to the lower of two values: the local–global handle column failing in LG interactions, as is done by current DSM (Eq.
interactive (Pnle in Eq. (3b)) and distortional (Pnd in Eq. (3c)) failure (3b)), which prompt
⎧ Pne λl ≤ 0.6

4.2.2. Modified direct strength method Pnle* = ⎨ ⎡⎢ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ β ⎤⎛ Pcrl ⎞ β
⎪ 1 − α⎜ Pne ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pne ⎟ Pne ≤ Pnle
* , max λl > 0.6
The local buckling strength curve proposed by Schafer [27] was ⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠
⎩ (6)
modified in this section. The strength curve proposed by Kumar and
Kalyanaraman [26] was adopted since it provides a more accurate As a result, the ultimate strength of the built-up I-section column by
estimation than Schafer's curve due to the consideration of the taking the above local-global interaction curve (Eq. (6)) into considera-
difference of web-flange interaction at the elastic local buckling stage tion can be expressed as
and at the post-local-buckling stage, which yields
PD2 = min(Pne, Pnle*, Pnd ) (7)
⎧ Py λl ≤ 0.6

⎪⎡ β⎤
Pnl* = ⎨ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ β
4.2.3. Direct strength method for interactive failures involving distortion
⎪ ⎢1 − α⎜ P ⎟ ⎥⎜ P ⎟ Pne ≤ Pnl*, max λl > 0.6
⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ y ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ y ⎠ The current direct strength method cannot be directly applied to
⎩ (4) cold-formed members affected by mode interaction phenomena invol-
where ving distortional buckling, namely (1) local-distortional (LD), (2)
distortional-global (DG) and (3) local-distortional-global (LDG).
α1 = 0.27(2 − μ) (5a)
Followed the similar procedure adopted to handle the local-global
1 interactive mode in Eq. (3b), Shafer proposed an expression which
β= (50 − 7μ) ≥ 0.35
100 (5b) intended to account for the detrimental effect of the LD interactive
mode [27], which yield
μ = max [h / b, (b / h )0.6 ] (5c)
⎧ Pnd λld ≤ 0.776
⎧⎡ 0.15⎤ ⎪
⎪⎡ 0.4 ⎤
⎪ ⎢1 − 0.12⎛⎜ Pcrl ⎞⎟ ⎥⎛⎜ Pcrl ⎞⎟ P h / b ≥ 1.00
Pnld = ⎨⎢ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 0.4

⎪ 1 − 0.15⎜ Pnd ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pnd ⎟ Pnd λld > 0.776

Pcrl Pcrl

⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ Py ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ Py ⎠ y
⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠
Pnl*, max =⎨ ⎩ (8)
⎪⎡ ⎛ P ⎞0.32⎤⎛ P ⎞0.32
⎪ ⎢1 − 0.20⎜ Pcrl ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pcrl ⎟ Py h / b < 1.00 where λl d = Pnd / Pcrl .
⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ y ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ y ⎠
⎩ (5d) Similarly, it is also possible to handle the distortional-global
interactive mode, and therefore, the nominal strength addressing
where h and b are the depth of the web and the width of the flange,
distortional-global interactive failure may be given as

Table 4
Comparison of test result (Pu) with Design method – kN.

Test Specimens Test result Elastic buckling load Pl* DSM-1 DSM-2 DSM-3

Pu Mode Pcrl Pcrd PD1 Mode PD1/Pu PD2 Mode PD2/Pu PD3 Mode PD3/Pu

Wang [18] SC-1 160 LD 153 187 202 164 LG 1.02 168 D 1.05 139 LDG 0.87
SC-2 150 LD 153 187 202 164 LG 1.09 168 D 1.12 139 LDG 0.93
SC-3 130 LD 153 187 202 164 LG 1.26 168 D 1.29 139 LDG 1.07
MC-1 128 LDG 153 187 202 150 LG 1.18 168 D 1.31 131 LDG 1.02
MC-2 125 LDG 153 187 202 150 LG 1.20 168 D 1.34 131 LDG 1.05
MC-3 135 LDG 153 187 202 150 LG 1.11 168 D 1.24 131 LDG 0.97
LC-1 89 G 153 187 202 89 LG 1.00 89 LG 1.00 84 LG 0.94
LC-2 97 G 153 187 202 89 LG 0.92 89 LG 0.92 84 LG 0.86
LC-3 81 G 153 187 202 89 LG 1.10 89 LG 1.10 84 LG 1.03
This paper SC3-90-A1 127.7 L 176 161 125 106 LG 0.83 117 D 0.92 117 D 0.92
SC3-90-A2 132.8 L 180 165 128 109 LG 0.82 120 D 0.90 120 D 0.90
SC3-90-A3 131.6 L 173 166 128 109 LG 0.83 121 D 0.92 121 D 0.92
MC3-90-A1 88.8 LDG 181 164 125 82 LG 0.92 88 LG 0.99 88 LG 0.99
MC3-90-A2 103 LDG 186 168 128 85 LG 0.83 91 LG 0.89 91 LG 0.89
MC3-90-A3 97.7 LDG 176 162 125 82 LG 0.83 88 LG 0.90 88 LG 0.90
LC3-90-A1 42.6 G 180 166 127 43 LG 1.00 41 LG 0.97 41 LG 0.97
LC3-90-A2 39.9 G 180 165 124 40 LG 1.01 39 LG 0.98 39 LG 0.98
LC3-90-A3 41.2 G 186 171 125 40 LG 0.98 39 LG 0.95 39 LG 0.95
SC3-140-A2 130.6 LD 120 156 176 139 LG 1.07 145 D 1.11 119 LDG 0.91
SC3-140-A2 139.6 LD 115 150 178 139 LG 0.99 143 D 1.03 118 LDG 0.84
SC3-140-A3 138.8 LD 117 154 178 140 LG 1.01 145 D 1.04 119 LDG 0.86
MC3-140-A1 124 LDG 118 159 179 103 LG 0.83 117 LG 0.94 95 LDG 0.76
MC3-140-A2 101 LDG 117 157 176 100 LG 0.99 114 LG 1.13 93 LDG 0.92
MC3-140-A3 105.8 LDG 119 156 176 101 LG 0.95 114 LG 1.08 93 LDG 0.88
LC3–140-A1 49.2 G 110 157 174 51 LG 1.04 49 LG 0.99 49 L+G 0.99
LC3-140-A2 46.9 G 113 148 174 51 LG 1.08 48 LG 1.02 48 L+G 1.02
LC3-140-A3 50.2 G 119 166 179 52 LG 1.04 49 LG 0.98 49 L+G 0.98
Mean 1.00 1.04 0.94
SD 0.12 0.13 0.07
MAX 1.26 1.34 1.07
MIN 0.82 0.89 0.76

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

⎧ Pne λde ≤ 0.561 ⎧ Pnd λld ≤ 0.6

⎪⎡ ⎪
0.6 ⎤ β⎤
Pnde ⎨
= ⎢ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 0.6

Pnld* = ⎢ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ β

⎪ 1 − 0.25⎜ Pne ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pne ⎟ Pne λde > 0.561 ⎪ 1 − α⎜ Pnd ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pnd ⎟ Pnd ≤ Pnld
Pcrd Pcrd Pcrl Pcrl
* , max λld > 0.6
⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠ ⎪ ⎢⎣

⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠
⎩ (9) (11)

where λde = Pne / Pcrd . ⎧ Pnde λlde ≤ 0.6

Furthermore, based on the philosophy of Schafer's method, the β⎤
Pnlde* = ⎨ ⎢ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ β

nominal strength of the cold-formed members experiencing triple (LDG) ⎪ 1 − α⎜ Pnde ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pnde ⎟ Pnde ≤ Pnlde
* , max λlde > 0.6
⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠
interactions is related to three basic elastic buckling load, namely the ⎩ (12)
local (Pcrl), distortional (Pcrd) and global (Pcre). Therefore, the nominal
strength addressing triple (LDG) interactive failure may be given as
⎧⎡ 0.15⎤
⎪ ⎢1 − 0.12⎛⎜ Pcrl ⎞⎟ ⎥⎛⎜ Pcrl ⎞⎟ P h / b ≥ 1.00
⎧ Pnde λlde ≤ 0.776
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠
P P i
⎪⎡ 0.4 ⎤
i i

Pnlde = ⎨⎢ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ ⎛ Pcrl ⎞ 0.4 * , max i = d , de = ⎨

⎪ 1 − 0.15⎜ Pnde ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pnde ⎟ Pnde λlde > 0.776 ⎪⎡ ⎛ P ⎞0.32⎤⎛ P ⎞0.32
⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ ⎠ ⎪ ⎢1 − 0.20⎜ Pcrl ⎟ ⎥⎜ Pcrl ⎟ Pi h /b < 1.00
⎩ (10) ⎪ ⎢⎣ ⎝ i ⎠ ⎥⎦⎝ i ⎠
⎩ (13)
where λl de = Pnde / Pcrl .

5. Comparison of results from test and design method

4.2.4. Modified direct strength method for interactive failures involving
distortion In this section, the validation of both the current direct strength (Eq.
As is mentioned before, the local buckling strength curve proposed (2)) and the modified direct strength (Eq. (7)) for predicting the
by Kumar and Kalyanaraman [26] can provide a more accurate ultimate strength of the cold-formed built-up I-section columns was
estimate than the current direct strength method for columns failed evaluated initially. The performance of the two methods was compared
in local buckling. Thus, for the purpose of obtaining a more rational and verified by using the test results in this study as well as other test
estimate for the cold-formed members experiencing LD interaction and results in the literature [18] in Section 4.1. Then, in order to explore a
LDG interactions, the above LD interactive equation (Eq. (9)) and LDG more rational strength curve for the built-up I-section column failing in
(Eq. (10)) interactive equation were further modified here, which yield LD and LDG interactive mode, the aforementioned strength curves for

Fig. 15. Comparison of design method and the test result: (a) C3 type built-up column in [18]. (b) C3-90 type built-up column in this paper. (c) C3-140 type built-up column in this paper.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Table 5 that the tested members in Ref. [18] were connected running perpen-
Nominal dimensions, material properties and test result of the test members of Wang dicular to cold-formed track sections with self-drilling screws (Fig. 16).
According to the researches of Telue and Mahendran [28,29], the
Specimens Nominal dimensions (mm) Test result effective length of the cold-formed columns with such an end condition
varied from 0.62 to 1.0 with increasing track to stub flexural rigidity
l h b d t Pu (kN) Failure Mode ratio. Therefore, for the sake of obtaining a more rational strength
estimate for LC type column in Table 4, which is more sensitive to the
SC-1 450 140 41 14 1.6 160 LD
SC-2 150 LD end conditions than other type columns, the effective length L0 for the
SC-3 130 LD minor axis flexure buckling of the columns in Table 5 was assumed to
MC-1 1200 128 LDG be 0.75 l.
MC-2 125 LDG The elastic local (Pcrl) and distortional buckling loads (Pcrd) in
MC-3 135 LDG
Table 4 were obtained from software CUFSM [21,22] using the
LC-1 3000 89 G
LC-2 97 G proposed calculation model in Fig. 14. The cross-sectional dimensions
LC-3 81 G adopted for performing the elastic buckling analysis were the measured
dimensions for the specimens in this paper (i.e., the average value for
Note: 1. The yield stress fy=334.04 MPa.; the measured dimensions of the two single parts of a built-up column in
2. The Elastic module E=2.23×105 Mpa;
Table 3) and the nominal dimensions for the specimens in Ref. [18]
3. l is the length of the column and t is the thickness of the plate.
4. h, b and d are the width of web, flanges and lips, respectively.
(Table 5). In some cases, when the conventional FSM method of
software CUFSM cannot uniquely identify the buckling modes between
local buckling and distortional buckling (such as SC3-140 specimens),
the CFSM method of CUFSM was employed to determine the buckling
half-wavelength and the corresponding buckling load, as is recom-
mended by Li and Schafer [22].
According to the results in Table 4 and Fig. 15(a)–(c), the following
conclusions can be obtained:

(1) The prediction results obtained from the CDSM and MDSM are
accurate and less scattered - the averages values of PD1/Pu and PD2/
Pu equal to 1.00 and 1.04, respectively; whereas the standard
deviations of PD1/Pu and PD2/Pu equal to 0.12 and 0.13, respec-
tively. This result indicates that the proposed elastic buckling
analysis model in Fig. 13 can be used successfully in predicting
the ultimate strength of the cold-formed built-up I-section column.
(2) For the SC3-90 members failed in pure local buckling mode, the
test results agree well with that obtained from the MDSM method.
However, on the contrary, a clearly conservative result was
obtained from the CDSM method. This result is mainly due to the
fact that the CDSM does not consider the difference of web-flange
interaction at the elastic local buckling stage and at the post-local
buckling range, as is mentioned in Section 3.2.2, which results in
an underestimated post-local-buckling strength reserve for the SC3-
90 members.
(3) For the SC, MC and the SC3-140 type members, which failed in the
Fig. 16. Deformation evolutions of MC-3 members in Ref. [18]: (a) Before testing. (b)
LD interactive mode or the LDG interactive mode, the MDSM
Right approaching the ultimate load (c) Front view at post-ultimate stage. (d) Side view at
post-ultimate stage.
method provides an exceedingly overestimated prediction. The
main reason which resulted in such a phenomenon can be ascribed
interactive failures involving distortion (Eqs. (8–12)) were investigated to the adverse effect of distortional interactions. On the contrary,
in Section 4.2 by using the test results. Ultimately, a novel direct the CDSM seems to be more rational than MDSM. However, it may
strength method, which can be used to predict the ultimate strength of be inappropriate to directly conclude that the CDSM can be used
the cold-formed built-up I-section members affected by pure buckling successfully in estimating the strength of built-up column experi-
mode (i.e., L, D and G) as well as interactive buckling mode (i.e., LD and encing LD and LDG interactions. Indeed, the above rational
LDG), were presented and validated in Section 4.3. prediction of CDSM method come at the expense of the under-
estimated of the post-local-buckling strength reserve can largely
cancel out the adverse effect of ignoring the distortional interac-
5.1. Current DSM and modified DSM tions (ignoring the effect of distortional interactions can lead to a
overestimated strength). In some case, if the above two effects
The test strengths of the cold-formed built-up I-section columns in cannot largely cancel out each other the CDSM can also lead to a
this paper, as well as the test results in the literature [18], were clearly overestimated strength prediction, such as MC and SC
analyzed using the current direct strength method (CDSM) and the members shown in Table 4.
modified direct strength method (MDSM).The comparison results
between the CDSM and MDSM were summarized in Table 4 and 5.2. The DSM and modified DSM for interactive failures involving distortion
displayed in Fig. 15(a)–(c).
The detail information of the tested members in Ref. [18] were Since the clear evidence was obtained concerning the fact that LD
tabulated in Table 5 and displayed in Fig. 16, which includes the and LDG interaction causes substantial ultimate strength erosion in
nominal cross-section dimension, column length, material properties cold-formed built-up I-section column, it was decided to explore a
and the deformation evolution of MC-3 member. It is worth to mention strength curve to quantify that erosion. Table 6 provided the various

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

Table 6
Comparison of test result (Pu) with DSM estimates (Pn) – kN.

Specimens Mode Pu λle Pnd Pnde Pnld Pnld* Pnlde Pnlde* Pnd/Pu Pnde/Pu Pnld/Pu Pnld*/Pu Pnlde/Pu Pnlde*/Pu

SC-1 LD 160.0 1.46 168 166 126 141 107 139 1.05 1.04 0.79 0.88 0.67 0.87
SC-2 LD 150.0 1.46 168 166 126 141 107 139 1.12 1.10 0.84 0.94 0.71 0.93
SC-3 LD 130.0 1.46 168 166 126 141 107 139 1.29 1.27 0.97 1.08 0.82 1.07
MC-1 LDG 128.0 1.37 168 154 126 141 103 131 1.31 1.20 0.99 1.1 0.8 1.02
MC-2 LDG 125.0 1.37 168 154 126 141 103 131 1.34 1.23 1.01 1.13 0.82 1.05
MC-3 LDG 135.0 1.37 168 154 126 141 103 131 1.24 1.14 0.93 1.04 0.76 0.97
MC3-90-A1 LDG 88.8 1.09 118 90 90 99 66 79 1.32 1.02 1.01 1.12 0.75 0.89
MC3-90-A2 LDG 103.0 1.08 121 94 93 102 69 82 1.17 0.91 0.9 0.99 0.67 0.80
MC3-90-A3 LDG 97.7 1.10 117 90 89 99 66 79 1.20 0.93 0.91 1.01 0.67 0.81
SC3-140-A2 LD 130.6 1.59 145 145 105 120 88 119 1.11 1.11 0.8 0.92 0.67 0.91
SC3-140-A2 LD 139.6 1.62 143 143 103 118 86 118 1.03 1.02 0.74 0.85 0.62 0.84
SC3-140-A3 LD 138.8 1.61 145 144 104 119 87 119 1.04 1.04 0.75 0.86 0.63 0.86
MC3-140-A1 LDG 124.0 1.25 147 111 106 122 76 95 1.19 0.89 0.85 0.98 0.61 0.76
MC3-140-A2 LDG 101.0 1.26 145 108 104 119 74 93 1.44 1.07 1.03 1.18 0.73 0.92
MC3-140-A3 LDG 105.8 1.24 145 108 104 120 75 93 1.37 1.02 0.99 1.13 0.71 0.88
Mean 1.21 1.07 0.90 1.01 0.71 0.91
SD 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.07 0.09
MAX 1.44 1.27 1.03 1.18 0.82 1.07
MIN 1.03 0.89 0.74 0.85 0.61 0.76

DSM strength estimates for cold-formed built-up I-section column and standard deviation equal to 1.21 and 0.13, with 7 excessively
addressed the interactive failures involving distortion, namely predic- unsafe values (Pnle*/Pu > 1.10).
tions against (i) pure distortional (Pnd in Eq. (3c)), (ii) local-distortional (2) Almost all DSM estimates (Table 6) associated with distortional
interactive (Pnld in Eq. (8)), (iii) distortional-global interactive (Pnde in interactive failures are safe and less scattered. However, they
Eq. (9)), (iv) local-distortional–global interactive (Pndle in Eq. (10)), (v) become increasingly conservative as one travels from DG to LD
modified local–distortional interactive (Pnld* in Eq. (11)) and (vi) and LDE – Pde/Pu, Pnld*/Pu, Pnlde*/Pu, Pld/Pu and Pnlde/Pu averages
modified local- distortional–global interactive (Pndle* in Eq. (12)). In equals 1.07, 1.01, 0.90, 0.90 and 0.71, respectively.
addition, Fig. 17(a)–(f) plotted the variation of the ratios Pnd/Pu, Pnde/ (3) The DSM distortional – global curve (Pnde/Pu in Fig. 17(b)) agree
Pu, Pnld/Pu, Pnld*/Pu, Pnlde/Pu, and Pnlde*/Pu with λle for the tested SC, fairly well with the test results for λle < 1.3(low slenderness
MC, MC3-90, MC3-140 and SC3-140 members which failed in LD or range).However, it becomes unsafe for λle > 1.3 (moderate and
LDG interactive mode. high slenderness range). This is due to the fact that the post-local-
Comparing the results in Table 6 and Fig. 16(a)–(f), the following buckling strength reserve is relatively small for one with low
aspects deserve to be mentioned: slenderness, which precluding the meaningful strength erosion
addressed with distortional interactions. However, this is not the
(1) The DSM distortional predictions (Pnd/Pu in Table 6) are generally case for one with moderate and high slenderness range, which
very unsafe and highly scattered – the Pnd/Pu values have average shows a significant post-local-buckling strength reserve.

Fig. 17. Comparisons between DSM estimates and test result for column failing in LD and LDG interactive mode: (a) Pnd/Pn vs λle, (b) Pnde/Pn vs λle, (c) Pnld/Pn vs λle, (d) Pnld*/Pn vs λle,
(e) Pnlde/Pn vs λle, (f) Pnlde*/Pn vs λle.

Y. Lu et al. Thin-Walled Structures 112 (2017) 125–139

(4) The DSM local – distortional predictions (Pnld/Pu in Fig. 17(c)) are following remarks:
excessively conservative for SC and SC3-140 columns, which fail in
LD interactive mode, whereas they are slightly conservative for (1) First of all, it should be pointed out that the proposed PDSM
other columns, which fail in LDG interactive mode. This is due to method provided accurate predictions for the ultimate strength of
the fact that the underestimated post-local-buckling reserve for MC, built-up I-section columns failing in LD and LDG interactive mode,
MC3-90 and MC3-140 type column can largely cancel out the with none excessively unsafe estimate (PD3/Pu≥1.1). On the
overestimated strength due to ignoring the occurrence of global contrast, the CDSM provided 5 excessively unsafe estimates (PD1/
buckling. However, it was not the case for SC and SC3-140 columns Pu≥1.1) and MDMS provided 8 excessively unsafe estimates (PD2/
since no overestimated strength due to ignoring the occurrence of Pu≥1.1).
global buckling was expected. (2) For C3-90 type column, which has the local buckling strength (Pl*)
(5) The DSM modified local-distortional predictions (Pnld*/Pu in lower than corresponding elastic distortional buckling load (Pcrd),
Fig. 17(d)) are unsafe for MC, MC3-90 and MC3-140 columns. the MDSM and PDSM curve are coincident. As a result, the PDSM
This is due to the fact that this curve cannot take the detrimental method cannot successfully in predicting the failure mode for MC3-
effect of global buckling into account. 90 type column. Nonetheless, the PDSM method can accurately
(6) Compared with other curves in Fig. 16, the modified local-distor- predict the ultimate strength of MC3-90 type columns. Indeed, the
tional-global curve (Pnlde*/Pu in Fig. 17(f)) is more favorable to occurrence of distortional interactions for MC3-90 type column is
predict the ultimate strength of cold-formed built-up I-section mainly caused by the second order effect since the local buckling
columns fail in LD and LDG interactive modes since (i) it never strength (Pnl*) of the MC3-90 type is lower than the corresponding
provide excessively unsafe predictions, which can be founded in D, distortional buckling load (Pcrd), which precluding the meaningful
DG and LD* curve, (ii) it can preclude the excessively conservative strength erosion addressed with distortional interactions.
predictions due to the underestimated post-local-buckling reserve (3) It is clear in Fig. 15(c) that the PDSM method is slightly
for columns, as is exhibited by Pnlde curve in Fig. 17(e). conservative than CDSM method, which results in an excessively
safe estimate for the case of MC3-140-A1 (PD3/Pu < 0.8 in Table 4).
However, as is illustrated in Section 2.2 the tested result of the
5.3. Proposed DSM method
MC3-140-A1 column is unreliable due to the adjustment of end
supported devices. Therefore, the data of MC3-140-A1 can be
The main purpose of this section is to explore a novel DSM method
omitted, and thus none of the excessively safe estimates can be
for the cold-formed built-up I-section columns, which can provide
provided by the DSM-3 method for the columns in Table 4.
accurate predictions for column not only failing in pure buckling mode
(4) Finally, according to the above comparison, it can be found that the
(i.e., L, D and G) but also failing in complex interactive buckling mode
proposed DSM-3 method is more favorable than other methods
(i.e., LD interactive and LDG interactive). The biggest challenge for
since it (i) takes the LD and LDG interactive buckling mode into
developing such a method is how to consider the detrimental effect of
account, (ii) never provide excessively unsafe predictions for
meaningful LD interactive mode and LDG interactive mode.
column failing LD and LDG interactive mode and (iii) can
As is illustrated in Section 4.2, the modified LDG interactive curve
accurately predict the ultimate strength of column failing in pure
(Eq. (12)) is more favorable than other curves for predicting the
buckling mode (i.e., L and G) as well as failing in complex
ultimate strength of cold-formed built-up I-section column failing in
interactive buckling mode (i.e., LD interactive and LDG interac-
LD and LDG interactive mode. In addition, the differences between
modified LD curve (Eq. (11)) and modified LDG curve (Eq. (12)) for
predicting the ultimate strength of columns failing in LD mode are
6. Conclusions and remarks
modest (see SC and SC3-140 column in Table 4). Therefore, the
modified LDG interactive curve (Eq. (12)) will be employed to develop
An experimental investigation and a novel direct strength method
a DSM-based method to predict the ultimate strength of column failing
for the cold-formed built-up I-section columns were presented in this
in LD and LDG interactive mode. However, such a curve cannot be
paper. Initially, a total of 18 compressed single C-section columns and
directly extended to predicate columns failing in other pure buckling
18 built-up I-section columns were tested, respectively. The cross-
modes, such as pure local buckling which can lead to an excessively
sectional dimension, the thickness and the length of the test members
conservative prediction. Therefore, in this paper, a empirical rule will
were varied in the test so as to cover a wide range of local, distortional
be developed to make LD and LDG safe check, i.e., if one maintains (i)
and overall slenderness. Subsequently, due to the clear evidence
the elastic local buckling load is smaller than elastic distortional
obtained in the test that the LD and LDG interactions cause substantial
buckling load (Pcrl < Pcrd) and (ii) the local buckling strength (Pnl*) is
ultimate strength erosion in cold-formed built-up I-section column, a
higher than the elastic distortional buckling load (Pcrd < Pnl*), the
novel direct strength method was proposed to quantify such an erosion.
modified LDG interactive curve (Eq. (12)) is proposed as additional
In order to verify and validate the proposed method, the test results in
check. The first condition is proposed to ensure local buckling occurs
this paper as well as other test results in Ref. [18] were compared with
first, while the second condition is adopted to ensure the post-local-
the results calculated from the current direct strength method (CDSM)
buckling strength reserve is adequate so that the distortional buckling
[1,25], the modified direct strength proposed [26] (MDSM) and the
could occur as well. Moreover, it is worth to mention that, He and Zhou
proposed method (PDSM) in this paper, respectively. The main conclu-
[15] also had proposed a similar empirical rule (0.71≤Pcrl/Pcrd≤2.06)
sion obtained in this paper can be summarized as follows:
to check the ultimate strength of web-stiffened lipped channel columns
failing in local-distortional interactive mode.
(1) The structure response of the cold-formed built-up I-section column
With the above empirical rule, a novel direct strength method
in this study was significantly affected by the occurrence of local-
(DSM-3) is proposed here as
distortional and local-distortional-global interactions. The complex
⎧ min(Pne, Pnle*, Pnd ) if Pcrl > Pcrd or Pcrd > Pnle multiple interactions effects resulted in a significant strength
PD3 = ⎨ *
erosion for the tested built-up columns.
⎩ min(Pne, Pnle*, Pnd , Pnl de*) if Pcrl < Pcrd and Pcrd < Pnle * (14)
(2) The local buckling cannot be restrained for cold-formed I-section
The comparison between the tested result and proposed method columns when the screw spacing is larger than the local buckling
(PDSM), as well as CDSM and MDSM method, are summarized in half-wavelength of the corresponding C-section parts. Under such a
Table 4 and further displayed in Fig. 15(a)–(c), which prompt the circumstance, the local buckling strength of the cold-formed built-

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