1985 A Checklist of Benthic Marine Algae of The Tropical and Subtropical Western Atlantic

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A checklist of benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic

Department of Biology and Herbarium, U n i v e r s i ~of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A. 48109
Received August 6, 1985

WYNNE,M. J. 1986. A checklist of benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic. Can. J. Bot. 64:
2239 -228 1.
A checklist of 1058 species of benthic marine algae has been compiled for the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic,
covering the region from North Carolina (U.S.A.) through southern Brazil. This list comprises 655 species of Rhodophyceae,
150 of Phaeophyceae, and 253 of Chlorophyceae. Literature references subsequent to 1960 are included in the bibliography,
and notes in regard to some of the species are given, where appropriate.
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WYNNE,M. J. 1986. A checklist of benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic. Can. J. Bot. 64:
2239 -2281.
Un inventaire de 1058 espbces d'algues marines benthiques a CtC dress6 pour les rigions tropicales et subtropicales de
1'Atlantique ouest, allant de la Caroline du Nord (E.U.) jusqu'au sud du BrCsil. Cette liste comprend 655 espbces de
RhodophycCes, 150 de PhaeophycCes et 253 de ChlorophycCes. Des references postCrieures i 1960 sont incluses dans la
bibliogkphie et des notes sur ce&ines des espbces sont fournies lorsque nCcessaire.
[Traduit par la revue]

Introduction ences from the account in Taylor (1960).

More than a quarter of a century has elapsed since the pub- Taxa treated as "uncertain records" in Taylor (1960) and
lication of Marine algae of the eastem tropical and subtropical certain other publications have been included in this checklist
coasts of the Americas by Taylor (1960), and numerous taxo- when the type locality occurs in the geographical region being
nomic and nomenclatud changes affecting this benthic algal covered. It is desirable to retain these names so that inves-
For personal use only.

flora have appeared in the literature since then. With ever- tigators will be aware of their existence and be encouraged to
increasing phycological research for this region many new clarify their status.
records have been added to Taylor's list, and many new taxa For some taxa it has been necessary to make new combina-
have been described. This checklist is an attempt to compile an tions. These proposed name changes are designated with
up-to-date catalogue of the benthic marine algae for the three "comb. nov." in the list of taxa, but the actual transfers have
classes Rhodophyceae, Phaeophyceae, and Chlorophyceae for been validated in the Notes section of this paper. The numbers
the tropical and subtropical coastline of the western Atlantic, in parentheses following the taxonomic entries refer to the
essentially from North Carolina to southern Brazil, using Notes.
Taylor's (1960) checklist as a base line. As far as possible, the
list includes the pertinent literature following 1960 and Rhodophyta
employs the most currently accepted names for the taxa BANGIOPHYCIDAE
treated. It has not been possible to indicate the distributional
ranges for the species included in the present checklist. How-
ever, for species that have been demonstrated to be present in Goniotrichaceae
the study area subsequent to Taylor (1960), reference to the BANGIOPSIS Schmitz in Engler & Prantl, 1896
literature for those records is made accompanying the citation. dumontioides (P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & Mazt)
The majority of references are cited in the Notes section. An Krishnamurthy (2)
effort has been made to provide as complete a bibliography as [humphreyi]
possible, that is, of sources treating algae in the study area. subsimplex (Montagne) Schmitz
Those references that have not been specifically cited in the CHROODACTYLON Hansgirg, 1885 (3)
Notes section are included in Table 1 (p. 2266) under the ornatum (C. Agardh) Basson (4)
appropriate country or geographic region. [Asterocytis omata ; A. ramosa]
STYLONEMA Reinsch, 1875 (5)
Format alsidii (Zanardini) Drew (5)
The amngement of families and orders follows that [Goniotrichum alsidii]
accepted in most current taxonomic treatments, such as Wynne
and Kraft (1981), Bold and Wynne (1985), and Yoshida et al.
(1985a, 1985b). Genera are listed alphabetically under each Compsopogonaceae
family, and species are listed alphabetically under each genus. COMPSOPOGON Montagne in Durieu de Maisonneuve,
Where name changes have been introduced subsequent to 1846
Taylor (1960), the name or names used by Taylor are placed in coeruleus (C. Agardh) Montagne
square brackets. Any other post-1960 taxonomic synonyms
from the study area have also been included in brackets. The Erythropeltidaceae
modus operandi has been to follow the most recent taxonomic ERYTHROCLADIA Rosenvinge, 1909
treatment, such that, as in the case of van den Hoek's (1982) endophloea Howe (7)
monograph of Cladophora, there may be significant differ- [recondita; vagabunda]
Printed in Canada 1 ImprimC au Canada
2240 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

irregularis Rosenvinge botryocarpa (Harvey) Woelkerling (34)

pinnata W. Taylor (8) codicola (BGrgesen) Garbary (35, 36)
ERYTHROPELTIS Schmitz, 1896 (9) [Acrochaetium codicola]
subintegra (Rosenvinge) Kornmann & Sahling compta (BGrgesen) Garbary (33, 36)
ERYTHROTRICHIA Areschoug, 1850, nom. cons. [Acrochaetium comptum]
camea (Dillwyn) J. Agardh corymbijiera (Thuret in Le Jolis) Dixon in Parke & Dixon
vexillaris (Montagne) Hamel (10) (31, 37)
[Porphyropsis vexillaris] [Acrochaetium bometii]
PORPHYROSTROMIUM Trevisan, 1848 (1 1) dasyae (Collins) Woelkerling (31, 38)
ciliaris (Carmichael ex Harvey in Hooker) Wynne (12) dzviesii (Dillwyn) Woelkerling (39)
[Erythrotrichia ciliaris; Erythrotrichopeltis ciliaris] [Acrochaetium daviesii ; A. sagraeana auct., non (Mont .)
PORPHYROPSIS Rosenvinge, 1909 Bornet]
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coccinea (J. Agardh ex Areschoug) Rosenvinge (13) densa (Drew) Garbary (29, 3 1, 33, 40)
[Acrochaetium densum]
emothrix (BGrgesen) Garbary (33)
Bangiaceae [Acrochaetium emothrix]
BANGIA Lyngbye, 1819 globosa (BGrgesen) Garbary (33)
atropurpurea (Roth) C . Agardh (14, 15) [Acrochaetium globosum]
[fuscopurpurea; lutea auct .] gracilis (BGrgesen) Garbary (33, 41)
PORPHYRA C. Agardh, 1824, nom. cons. [Acrochaetium gracile]
acanthophora Oliveira & Coll (16) hallandica (Kylin) Woelkerling (28, 29, 31, 42, 43)
var. acanthophora [Acrochaetium dufourii ; A. sargassi ; Audouinella
[atropurpurea auct. p. p.] sargassi]
var. brasiliensis Oliveira & Coll (16) hormorhiza (BGrgesen) Garbary (33)
carolinensis Coll & Cox (17, 18) [Acrochaetium hormorhizum]
[linearis auct. ; umbilicalis auct.] hoytii (Collins) Schneider (3 1)
leucosticta Thuret in Le Jolis (19, 20) [Acrochaetium hoytii]
For personal use only.

roseana Howe hypneae (BGrgesen) Lawson & John (28, 31, 44, 45)
rosengurtii Coll & Cox (17, 21) [Acrochaetium hypneae; A. seriatum]
[linearis auct. ; umbilicalis auct .] infestans (Howe & Hoyt) Dixon in Parke & Dixon (46, 47)
spiralis Oliveira & Coll (16) [membranacea auct., non (Magnus) Papenfuss; Acro-
var. spiralis chaetium infestans ; Colaconema infestans ; Kylinia
[laciniata auct. p. p.] infestans]
var. amplifolia Oliviera & Coll (16) laxa (Abbott) Garbary (33, 48)
[Acrochaetium laxum]
leptonema (Rosenvinge) Garbary (33)
Rhodochaetaceae [Acrochaetium leptonema]
RHODOCHAETE Thuret ex Bornet, 1892 liagorae (BGrgesen) Woelkerling (32)
parvula Thuret (22) [Acrochaetium liagorae BGrgesen, non (Weber van Bosse)
Hamel; A. collinsianum; Kylinia liagorae]
FLORIDEOPHY CIDAE microscopica (Nageli in Kiitzing) Woelkerling (28, 31,
NEMALIALES (23, 24) 49, 50)
[Acrochaetium compactum ; A. parvulum ; A. tri3lum ;
Acrochaetiaceae (25, 26) Audouinella crassipes; Kylinia crassipes
ACROCHAETIUM Nageli in Nageli & Cramer, 1858 nemalionis (DeNotaris ex Dufour) Dixon in Parke & Dixon
agardhiellae Joly & Cordeiro (27) (46)
antillarum W. Taylor [Acrochaetium nemalionis]
avrainvilleae BGrgesen netrocarpa (BGrgesen) Garbary (33)
cuespitiforme BGrgesen (28) [Acrochaetium netrocarpum]
elegans (Drew) Papenfuss (29) opetigena (BGrgesen) Garbary (28, 33)
epispiculum Joly & Cordeiro (27) [Acrochaetium opetigenum]
Jlexuosum Vickers ophioglossa Schneider (31)
radians Hamel phacelorhiza (BBrgesen) Garbary (33, 49, 51)
AUDOUJNELLA Bory, 1823, nom. cons. prop. (30) [Acrochaetium phacelorhizum; Colaconema phacelo-
afinis (Howe & Hoyt) Schneider (31) rhizum]
[Acrochaetium afine] pulchella (BGrgesen) Garbary (33)
barbadensis (Vickers) Woelkerling (32) [Kylinia pulchella]
[occidentalis; Acrochaetium barbadense; A. liagorae repens (BGrgesen) Woelkerling (49)
(Weber van Bosse) Hamel; A. occidentale; A. van- [Acrochaetium repens]
bosseae; Chantransia liagorae Weber van Bosse, non robusta (BGrgesen) Garbary (33)
BGrgesen] [Acrochaetium robustum]
bispora (BGrgesen) Garbary (31, 33) ryukyuensis (Nakarnura) Garbary (28, 33)
[Acrochaetium bisporum] [Acrochaetium ryukyuense]
WYNNE 224 1
sancti-thomae (Bqrgesen) Garbary (33) oblongata Ellis & Solander) Larnouroux (65)
[Acrochaetium sancti-thomae] [constipata; cylindrica ;fastigiata ; fragilis ; stellifera]
saviana (Meneghini) Woelkerling (52) obtusata (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux
[thuretii; Acrochaetium thuretii ; A. bometii ; A. sagraea- [decaisnei; moniliformis; umbellata]
num auct., non (Mont.) Bornet] var. major W. Taylor
secundata (Lyngbye) Dixon in Parke & Dixon (53) rugosa (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux
[virgatula; Colaconema secundata ; Kylinia secundata ; [intricata; lichenoides ; squalida ; probably plicata]
Acrochaetium sagraeanum auct., non (Mont.) Bornet] subverticillata Kjellman (66)
tenuissima (Collins) Garbary (28, 33, 49) SCINAIA Bivona-Bernardi, 1822 (67)
[Chromastrum tenuissimum ; Colaconema tenuissimum] brasiliensis (Joly & Cordeiro-Marino) Huisman (67, 68)
unipes (Bqrgesen) Garbary (33, 45) [Pseudogloiophloea brasiliensis]
[Acrochaetium unipes] caribaea (Taylor) Huisman (67, 68)
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RHODOCHORTON Nageli, 1862 [Gloiophloea caribaea ; Pseudogloiophloea caribaea]

corynosporoides Bornet ex Hamel complanata (Collins) Cotton
galaxauriae Vickers var. intermedia Bqrgesen
halliae (Setchell) Huisman (67, 68, 69)
Nemaliaceae (26, 54)
[Gloiophloea halliae ; Pseudogloiophloea halliae]
NEMALION Duby , 1830 incrassata Eiseman (70)
cari-cariense Schnetter (55)
helminthoides (Velley in Withering) Batters
TRICHOGLOEA Kutzing, 1847 Gelidiaceae
herveyi W. Taylor GELIDIOCOLAX Gardner, 1927 (72)
requienii (Montagne) Kutzing desikachariae Ganesan (73)
TRICHOGLOEOPSIS Abbott & Doty, 1960 pustulata Yoneshigue & Oliveira (74)
pedicellata (Howe) Abbott & Doty (56) GELIDIUM Lamouroux, 1813, nom. cons.
[Liagora pedicellata] americanum (W. Taylor) Santelices (75)
[Pterocladia americana]
For personal use only.

Helminthocladiaceae (54, 57)

floridanum W. Taylor
HELMINTHOCLADIA J. Agardh, 1851, nom. cons. latifolium (Greville) Bornet & Thuret (76)
andersonii Searles & Lewis (58) [comeum]
calvadosii (Lamouroux ex Duby) Setchell microdonticum W. Taylor (77)
HELMINTHORA J. Agardh, 1851 mult$dum Greville in St.-Hilaire (61)
guadelupensis P. & H. Crouan in Schrarnrn & MazC (59) nova-granatensis W. Taylor (78)
LIAGORA Lamouroux, 1812 parvulum Greville in St. -Hilaire (6 1)
ceranoides Lamouroux pusillum (Stackhouse) Le Jolis (76, 79)
decussata Montagne [crinale;pulchellum]
farinosa Lamouroux (60) var. conchicola Piccone & Gmnow
[Ganonemafarinosa] serrulatum J. Agardh
megagyna Bqrgesen torulosum Kutzing (6 1)
mucosa Howe PTEROCLADIA J. Agardh, 1852
opposita J. Agardh (6 1) bartlettii W. Taylor
pectinata Collins & Harvey var. muscifonnis W. Taylor (78)
pilgeriana Zeh (61) capillacea (S. G. Gmelin) Bornet & Thuret (80)
pinnata Harvey [pinnata; supradecompositum]
rosacea Zeh (6 1)
valida Harvey Gelidiellaceae (8 1)
Dermonemataceae (54, 57) GELIDIELLA J. Feldmann & Hamel, 1934
LIAGOROPSIS Doty & Abbott, 1964 acerosa ( ~ o r s s k a J.
) Feldmann & Hamel
schrammii (P. & H. Crouan ex Bqrgesen) Doty & Abbott hancockii Dawson (36)
lubrica (Kutzing) J. Feldmann & Hamel (82)
[Nemalion schrammii; Nemalion longicolle] pannosa (J. Feldmann) J. Feldmann & Hamel (83)
Galaxauraceae (63) sanctarum J. Feldmann & Hamel
GALAXAURA Lamouroux, 1812 (64) setacea (J. Feldmann) J. Feldmann & Hamel
lapidescens (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux taylorii Joly
[comans; liebmannii ; delabida ;flagelliformis ; ramulosa ; trinitatensis W. Taylor
marginata (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux
[stupocaulon; veprecula; probably apiculata and frutes- Bonnemaisoniaceae
cens] ASPARAGOPSIS Montagne, 1841
var. linearis (Kutzing) J. Agardh taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan (85)
var. dilatata (Kutzing) J. Agardh [Falkenbergia hillebrandii]
2242 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

Naccariaceae (24) platyphyllum (Foslie) Foslie

NACCARIA Endlicher, 1836 polyclonum Foslie (61)
antillana W. Taylor (86) LITHOPORELLA (Foslie) Foslie, 1909
corymbosa J. Agardh (87) atlantica (Foslie) Foslie (100, 105)
[Fosliella atlantica]
bermudensis (Foslie) Adey (101)
[Fosliella bermudensis; Melobesia bermudensis; Tenarea
Corallinaceae bermudensis]
AMPHIROA Lamouroux, 1812 LITHOTHAMNION Heydrich, 1897, nom. cons. prop. (106)
anastomosans Weber-van Bosse (89) [LITHOTHAMNIUM]
beauvoisii Lamouroux brasiliense Foslie
breviarticulata Areschoug in J. Agardh (61) heteromophum (Foslie) Foslie
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brasiliana Decaisne (90) occidentale (Foslie) Foslie (107)

currae Ganesan (91) var. efisa (Foslie) Foslie
fragilissima (Linnaeus) Lamouroux ruptile (Foslie) Foslie
hancockii W. Taylor scabiosum (Harvey) Foslie (6 1)
nodulosa Kiitzing (61) sejunctum Foslie
rigida Lamouroux MELOBESIA Lamouroux, 1812
var. antillana Borgesen membranacea (Esper) Lamouroux
tribulus (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux MESOPHYLLUM Lemoine, 1928
variabilis Harvey (61) aemulans (Foslie & Howe) Adey (101)
ARTHROCARDIA Areschoug , 1852 [Lithothamnium aemulans]
gardneri Manza (92) erubescens (Foslie) Lemoine (79)
stephensonii Manza [Lithothamnion erubescens]
CHEILOSPORUM (Decaisne) Zanardini, 1844 floridanum (Foslie) Adey ex Wynne, comb. nov. (108)
sagittatum (Lamouroux) Areschoug [Lithothamnion floridanum]
f. minor De Toni incertum (Foslie) Lemoine (101)
For personal use only.

CORALLINA Linnaeus, 1759 [Lithothamnion incertum]

oficinalis Linnaeus (93, 94) mesomorphum (Foslie) Adey (79, 101)
paniuoi Schnetter & Richter (94) [Lithothamnion mesomophum]
FOSLIELLA Howe in Britton & Millspaugh, 1920 syntrophicum (Foslie) Adey (101)
afinis (Foslie) W. Taylor [Lithothamnion syntrophicum]
chamaedoris (Foslie & Howe) Howe (95) NEOGONIOLITHON Setchell & Mason, 1943
[Heteroderma chamaedoris; Lithophyllum chamaedoris] accretum (Foslie & Howe) Setchell & Mason (101, 109)
farinosa (Lamouroux) Howe (96) [Goniolithon accretum]
f. farinosa acropetum (Foslie & Howe) Adey (101)
f. callithamnioides (Foslie) Y. Chamberlain (96) [Goniolithon acropetum]
[var. solmsiana] afine (Foslie & Howe) Setchell & Mason (1 10)
var. chalicodictya W. Taylor [Goniolithon afine]
GONIOLITHON Foslie, 1898 caribaeum (Foslie) Adey (10 1)
decutescens (Heydrich) Foslie (97) [Lithophyllum caribaeum]
HALIPTILON (Decaisne) Lindley , 1846 dispalatum (Foslie & Howe) Adey (79, 101)
cubense (Montagne ex Kiitzing) Garbary & Johansen (98) [Goniolithon dispalatum]
[Corallina cubensis] erosum (Foslie) Adey (101)
subulatum (Ellis & Solander) Johansen (99) [Lithophyllum erosum]
[Corallina subulata] mamillare (Harvey) Setchell & Mason (101, 110)
HYDROLITHON (Foslie) Foslie, 1909 [Goniolithon mamillare]
boergesenii (Foslie) Foslie (100) munitum (Foslie & Howe) Adey (101)
[Goniolithon boergesenii] [Lithophyllum munitum]
improcerum (Foslie) Foslie (10 1) rhizophorae (Foslie & Howe) Setchell & Mason (101, 110)
[Porolithon improcerum] [Goniolithon rhizophorae]
JANIA Lamouroux, 1812 spectabile (Foslie) Setchell & Mason (79, 101, 110)
adhaerens Lamouroux (102) [Goniolithon spectabile]
[capillacea] strictum (Foslie) Setchell & Mason (79, 101, 110)
prolifera Joly (103) [Goniolithon strictum]
pumila Lamouroux trichotomum (Heydrich) Setchell & Gardner (111)
rubens (Linnaeus) Lamouroux [Lithophyllum trichotomum]
sanctae-marthae Schnetter (55) PARAGONIOLITHON Adey, Townsend, & Boykins, 1982
LITHOPHYLLUM Philippi, 1837 (104) solubile (Foslie & Howe) Adey, Townsend, & Boykins
congestum (Foslie) Foslie (1 12)
daedaleum Foslie & Howe [Goniolithon solubile; Neogoniolithon solubile]
var. pseudodentatum Foslie & Howe PHYMATOLITHON Foslie, 1898
intermedium (Foslie) Foslie calcareum (Pallas) Adey & McKibbin (1 13)

[Lithothamnion calcareum] HYPNEOCOLAX BGrgesen, 1920

polymorphum (Linnaeus) Foslie (36) stellaris BGrgesen
[Lithothamnion polymorphum]
PNEOPHYLLUM Kutzing, 1843 Plocamiaceae
confervicola (Kutzing) Y. Chamberlain (96, 114, 115) PLOCAMIUM Lamouroux, 1813, nom. cons.
[Fosliella minutula ; Heteroderma minutula] brasiliense (Greville in St.-Hilaire) Howe & W. Taylor (130)
lejolisii (Rosanoff) Y. Chamberlain (96)
[Fosliella lejolisii; Heteroderma legolisii] Sebdeniaceae
POROLITHON (Foslie) Foslie, 1909 SEBDENIA (J. Agardh) Berthold, 1884
antillarum (Foslie & Howe) Foslie polydactyla (BGrgesen) Balakrishnan (13 1)
pachydermum (Foslie) Foslie (1 16) [Halymenia polydactyla ]
f. nexilis Foslie & Howe
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PSEUDOLITHOPHYLLUM Lemoine, 1914 sensu Adey,

1970 TREMATOCARPUS Kutzing, 1843
absimile (Foslie & Howe in Foslie) Adey (101) papenfusii Searles (132)
[Lithophyllum absimile] Rhizophyllidaceae
SPOROLITHON Heydrich, 1897 (1 17)
africanum (Foslie) Tomita (1 18) OCHTODES J. Agardh, 1872
australasicum (Foslie) Tomita (1 18) secundiramea (Montagne) Howe (133)
dimotum (Foslie & Howe) Tomita (1 18) Caulacanthaceae (134)
[Archaeolithothamnium dimotum Foslie & Howe]
episporum (Howe) Dawson (1 19) CATENELLA Greville, 1830, nom. cons.
[Archaeolithothamnion episporum] caespitosa (Withering) L. Irvine in Parke & Dixon (46)
erythraeum (Rothpletz) Kylin (36) [repens]
[Archaeolithothamnion erythraeum] impudica (Montagne) J. Agardh
howei (Lemoine) Tomita (1 18) Cystocloniaceae (135)
mediterraneum Heydrich (1 18)
CALLIBLEPHARIS Kutzing , 1843, nom. cons.
For personal use only.

pacificum Dawson (1 19)

TITANODERMA Nageli, 1858 (120) occidentalis Joly & Yamaguishi-Tomita in Joly et al. (136)
corallinae (P. & H. Crouan) Woelkerling, Chamberlain, & jolyi Oliveira (137)
[Lithophyllum corallinae, Dermatolithon corallinae] dificile (C. Agardh) J. Agardh (61)
RHODOPHYLLIS Kutzing, 1847, nom. cons.
prototypum (Foslie) Woelkerling, Chamberlain, & Silva
[Lithophyllum prototypum, Tenarea prototypum] gracilarioides Howe & W. Taylor
pustulatum (Lamouroux) Woelkerling, Chamberlain, & Wurdemanniaceae (138)
Silva WURDEMANNIA Harvey, 1853
[Lithophyllum pustulatum ; Dermatolithon pustulatum] miniata (Duby) J. Feldmann & Hamel (139)
Solieriaceae (26)
Nemastomataceae (26) AGARDHIELLA Schmitz, 1896 (140)
NEMASTOMA J. Agardh, 1842 subulata (C. Agardh) Kraft & Wynne (140, 141)
gelatinosum Howe [tenera; Neoagardhiella baileyi]
PLATOMA Schousboe ex Schmitz, 1894 ramosissima (Harvey) Kylin (142)
cyclocolpa (Montagne) Schmitz var. dilatata J. Agardh
PREDAEA G. De Toni 1936 (122) var. harveyana J. Agardh
feldmannii BGrgesen (123, 124) EUCHEUMA J. Agardh, 1847
masonii (Setchell & Gardner) G. De Toni (125) echinocarpum Areschoug (143)
[Platoma tenuis] gelidium (J. Agardh) J. Agardh (143)
weldii Kraft & Abbott (126) [acanthocladum]
SCHIZYMENIA J. Agardh, 1851 isiforme (C. Agardh) J. Agardh (144)
ecuadoreana (W. Taylor) Abbott (127) [nudum]
TITANOPHORA (J. Agardh) Feldmann, 1942) schrammii (P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC) J. Agardh
incrustans (J. Agardh) BGrgesen (143)
FLAHAULTIA Bornet , 1892
Hypneaceae tegetiformis W. Taylor (145)
HYPNEA Lamouroux, 1813 MERISTOTHECA J. Agardh, 1872
cervicomis J. Agardh (128) floridana Kylin
krugiana Hauck (61) gigartinoides Joly & Ugadim in Joly et al. (68)
musciformis (Wulfen in Jacquin) Lamouroux tobagensis Taylor (146)
spinella (C. Agardh) Kutzing (128) SARCODIOTHECA Kylin, 1932
valentiae (Turner) Montagne (129) caribaea W. Taylor (146)
[comuta] divaricata W. Taylor (147)
volubilis Searles (107) SOLIERIA J. Agardh, 1842
2244 CAN. I. BOT. VOL. 64. 1986

filiformis (Kutzing) Gabrielson (140, 142) Phyllophoraceae

[Agardhiella tenera p. p. auct. ; Solieria tenera auct.] GYMNOGONGRUS Martius, 1833
Sphaerococcaceae crenulatus (Turner) J. Agardh (191)
grifithsiae (Turner) Martius
SPHAEROCOCCUS Stackhouse, 1797
minutus W. Taylor (22)
aculeatus Kutzing (61)
tenuis (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
dumosus Martius (61)
PETROGLOSSUM Hollenberg, 1943
Gracilariaceae undulatum Schneider in Schneider & Searles (107)
GELIDIOPSIS Schmitz, 1895 (148) Gigartinaceae
gracilis (Kutzing) Vickers GIGARTINA Stackhouse, 1809
intricata (C. Agardh) Vickers (149) acicularis (Roth) Lamouroux
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planicaulis (W. Taylor) W. Taylor elegans Greville in St. -Hilaire (164)

scoparia (Montagne & Millardet) Schmitz (150) teedii (Roth) Lamouroux
GRACILARIA Greville, 1830, nom. cons. (151, 152)
armata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh Petrocelidaceae (168)
blodgettii Harvey MASTOCARPUS Kutzing , 1843 (169)
bursa-pastoris (S. G. Gmelin) Silva (153) stellatus (Stackhouse in Withering) Guiry in Guiry et al.
[compressa] (170)
caudata J. Agardh (61) [ ~ i ~ a r t i stellata]
cearensis (Joly & Pinheiro in Joly et al.) Joly & Pinheiro
in Pinheiro & Joly (154)
[Tylotus cearensis] Hildenbrandiaceae
cervicomis (Turner) J. Agardh (155, 156)
[ferox] HILDENBRANDIA Nardo, 1834 (172)
chondroides (Kutzing) P. & H. Crouan in MazC & Schrarnm rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini (46)
For personal use only.

crassissima (P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC) P. & H.

Crouan in Schramm & Maze (156, 157, 158)
Peyssonneliaceae (173)
[Polycavemosa crassissima]
cuneata Areschoug (159) CONTARINIA Zanardini, 1843
curtissiae J. Agardh magdae Weber-van Bosse in Borgesen (174)
cylindrica Borgesen (160) CRUORIELLA P. Crouan & H. Crouan, 1859
damaecomis J. Agardh armorica P. & H. Crouan (175)
divaricata Harvey (6 1) [Peyssonnelia armorica ; P. rosenvingii]
domingensis Sonoder ex Kutzing, pro. syn. (155) PEYSSONNELIA Decaisne, 1841
foliifera (Forsskal) Borgesen atlantica Schneider & Reading (176)
gigartinoides (P. & H. Crouan in MazC & Schramm) P. & H. boergesenii Weber-van Bosse in Borgesen (177)
Crouan in Maze & Schramm (59) boudouresquii Yoneshigue (178)
latifrons P. & H. Crouan in MazC & Schramm (59) capensis Montagne (179)
lemaneifonnis (Bory) Weber-van Bosse (161) conchicola Piccone & Grunow in Piccone
[sjoestedtii ; Gracilariopsis sjoestedtii] inamoena Pilger (175)
mammillaris (Montagne) Howe (162) nordstedtii Weber-van Bosse in Borgesen
mexicana (Kutzing) P. & H. Crouan in MazC & Schramm polymorpha (Zanardini) Schmitz in Falkenberg
(61) rubra (Greville) J. Agardh (180)
microdendron J. Agardh (61) simulans Weber-van Bosse in Borgesen
occidentalis (Borgesen) Bodard (163) stoechas Bouderesque & Denizot (176, 181)
[Rhodymenia occidentalis] POLYSTRATA Heydrich, 1905
omata Areschoug (159) fosliei (Weber-van Bosse) Denizot (175, 182)
palmettoides P. & H. Crouan in MazC & Schramm (59)
prol$ca (Kutzing) P. & H. Crouan in Maze & Schramm (61) Dumontiaceae (183)
tepocensis (Dawson) Dawson (164) ACROSYMPHYTON Sjostedt, 1926 (184)
tikvahiae McLachlan (165) caribaeum (J. Agardh) Sjostedt (185)
Vbliifera var. angustissima] [Calosiphonia verticillifera]
salzmannii Bornet in Mobius (61) DUDRESNAYA P. Crouan & H. Crouan, 1835, nom. cons.
usneoides (Mertens) J. Agardh bermudensis Setchell (186)
venezuelensis W. Taylor canescens J. Agardh (187)
verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss crassa Howe (170, 188)
wrightii (Turner) J. Agardh (166) georgiana Searles (189)
[cornea; debilis auct.] patula Eiseman & J. Norris (190)
Sedis incertae Gloiosiphoniaceae
Cordylecladia peasiae Collins (167) SCHIMMELMANNIA Schousboe ex Kutzing, 1849

? elegans Baardseth (191) RHODYMENIALES

plumosa (Setchell) Abbott (191) Champiaceae
Endocladiaceae CHAMPIA Desvaux, 1809
feldmnnii Diaz-Piferrer (203)
ENDOCLADIA J. Agardh, 1841
minuscula Joly & Ugadim (194)
vernicata J. Agardh
parvula (C. Agardh) Harvey
Corynomorphaceae (192) var. prostraia L. ~ i l l i a m s
CORYNOMORPHA J. Agardh, 1872 (192) salicornioides Harvey
clavata (Harvey) J. Agardh vieillardii Kutzing (204)
[compressa auct., non Harvey]
Choreocolacaceae CHAMPIOCOLAX Bula-Meyer, 1985 (205)
DAWSONIOCOLAX Joly & Yamaguishi-Tomita, 1970 sarae Bula-Meyer
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bostrychiae (Joly & Yamaguishi-Tomita) Joly & Yamaguishi- COELOTHRIX Bgrgesen, 1920
Tomita (193) irregularis (Harvey) Bgrgesen
[Dawsoniella bostrychiae] GASTROCLONIUM Kutzing, 1843, nom. cons. (206)
ovatum (Hudson) Papenfuss
Pterocladiophilaceae parvum (Hollenberg) Chang & Xia (206, 207)
PTEROCLADIOPHILA Fan & Papenfuss, 1959 [Coeloseira parva]
hemisphaerica Fan & Papenfuss (556) LOMENTARIA Lyngbye, 1819 (208)
baileyana (Harvey) Farlow
Halymeniaceae (26) orcadensis (Harvey) Collins ex W. Taylor (209)
CRYPTONEMLA J. Agardh, 1842 ra witscheri Joly
bengryi W. Taylor tenera (Liebman) Kutzing (61)
crenulata (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
Rhodymeniaceae (26)
delicatula Joly & Cordeiro in Joly et al. (194)
ssp. venezuelensis Ganesan (195) AGARDHINULA De Toni, 1897
browneae (J. Agardh) De Toni (170)
For personal use only.

luxurians (C. Agardh) J. Agardh (170)

GRATELOUPIA C. Agardh, 1822, nom. cons. prop. (196) BOTRYOCLADIA (J. Agardh) Kylin, 1831, nom. cons.
dichotom J. Agardh (210)
doryphora (Montagne) Howe (197) monoica Schnetter (2 11)
[cuneifolia ; gibbesii] occidentalis (Bgrgesen) Kylin
jlicina (Lamouroux) C . Agardh papenfussiana Ganesan & Lemus (212)
guajirae Schnetter (55) pyriformis (Bgrgesen) Kylin
undulata P. & H. Crouan in Schramrn & MazC (59) shanksii Dawson (213, 214)
GRATELOUPIOCOLAX Schnetter, Richter, Schesmer, & spinulifera W. Taylor & Abbott (215, 216)
Bula, 1983 wynnei Ballantine (2 16)
colombiana Schnetter, Richter, Schesmer, & Bula (198) CHRYSYMENIA J. Agardh, 1842
HALYMENIA C. Agardh, 1817, nom. cons. prop. (196) agardhii Harvey (217)
agardhii De Toni [Cryptarachne agardhii]
angusta (J. Agardh) De Toni (61) dickieana J. Agardh (217)
bermudensis Collins & Hervey (160) [Cryptarachne dickieana]
duchassaingii (J. Agardh) Kylin enteromorpha Harvey
echinophysa Collins & Howe halymenioides Harvey
jloresia (Clemente) C . Agardh cf. okamurai Yamada & Segawa (100)
jloridana J. Agardh planifions (Melvill) J. Agardh (217)
gelinuria Collins & Howe [Cryptarachne planifions]
hancockii W. Taylor (160) ventricosa (Lamouroux) J. Agardh
integra Howe & W. Taylor COELARTHRUM Bgrgesen, 1910
pennuta P. & H. Crouan in Schramrn & MazC (59) albertisii (Piccone) Bgrgesen (199)
pseudojloresia Collins & Howe FAUCHEA Montagne & Bory in Durieu de Maisonneuve,
rosacea Howe & W. Taylor 1846
vinucea Howe & W. Taylor (199) hassleri Howe & W. Taylor
GLOIODERMA J. Agardh, 1851
Kallymeniaceae (26) atlanticum Searles (19, 21 8)
CALLOPHYLLIS Kutzing, 1843 blomquistii Searles in Schneider & Searles (123)
divaricata (Greville) Howe & W. Taylor rubrisporum Searles (2 19)
microdonta (Greville) Falkenberg HALICHRYSIS (J. Agardh) Schmitz, 1889
CIRRULICARPUS Tokida & Masaki, 1956 (200) peltata (W. Taylor) P. HuvC & H. HuvC (160, 220)
carolinensis Hansen (201) [Fauchea peltata ; Weberella peltata]
KALLYMENIA J. Agardh, 1842 LEPTOFAUCHEA Kylin, 1931
limminghii Montagne brasiliensis Joly (107)
westii Ganesan (202) rhodymenioides W. Taylor
[pe$orata sensu auct.] MARIPELTA Dawson, 1963
2246 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

atlantica Eiseman & Moe (221) ubarubensis Joly (244)

RHODYMENIA Greville 1830, nom. cons. CERAMIELLA Bqrgesen, 1953 (245)
divaricata Dawson (107) atlantica Joly & Ugadim (246)
pseudopalmata (Lamouroux) Silva (19, 20, 164) CERAMIUM Roth, 1797, nom. cons.
var. caroliniana W. Taylor (222) brasiliense Joly
brevizonatum H . Petersen
var. caraibicum H. Petersen & Bqrgesen
Ceramiaceae codii (Richards) Mazoyer
ACROTHAMNION J. Agardh, 1892 comptum Bqrgesen
butleriae (Collins) Kylin (223) corniculatum (Kutzing) Harvey
[Antithamnion butleriae] cruciatum Collins & Hervey
ANOTRICHIUM Nageli, 1862 (224) dawsonii Joly (247)
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barbatum (J. E. Smith) Nageli diaphanum (Lightfoot) Roth (248)

[Grifirhsia barbara] f. strictoides H. Petersen
tenue (C. Agardh) Nageli (225) dorsiventrale Hommersand (249)
[Grifithsia tenuis] [Calpoblepharis repens; Reinboldiella repens]
ANTITHAMNION Nageli, 1847 fastigiatum Harvey in Hooker
antillanum (Bqrgesen (226) f. flaccidum H. Petersen
cristatum (Kutzing) W. Taylor flaccidum (Kutzing) Ardissone (250)
cruciarum (C. Agardh) Nageli [byssoideum; fransversale]
var. profundum G. Feldmann (227) floridanum J. Agardh
var. radicans (J. Agardh) Collins & Hervey jolyi (Diaz-Piferrer) Ballantine & Wynne (251)
lhenninieri Nasr (226, 228) [Ceramiellajolyi]
ogdeniae Abbott (228) leptozonum Howe
ANTITHAMNIONELLA Lyle, 1922 (229) leutzelburgii Schmidt
atlantica (Oliveira) Schneider (230) nitens (C. Agardh) J. Agardh
[Antithamnion atlanticum] rubrum (Hudson) C. Agardh
For personal use only.

breviramosa (Dawson) Wollaston in Womersley & Bailey strictum Harvey (248)

(231) subtile J. Agardh
[Antithamnion tristicum ; A. ternatum] tenerrimum (Martens) Okamura (164)
flagellata (Bqrgesen) Abbott (228) tenuissimum (Roth) Areschoug (252)
[Antithamnionflagellatum] uruguayense W. Taylor (214)
latiaxis Abbott (228) vagabunda Dawson
ARISTOTHAMNION J. Agardh, 1892 verongiae Ballatine & Wynne (253)
callithamnioides Joly & Ugadim in Joly et al. (232) COMPSOTHAMNION (Nageli) Schmitz, 1889
BALLIELLA Itono & Tanaka, 1972 thuyoides (J. E. Smith) Schmitz (160)
pseudocorticata (Dawson) D. Young (233) CROUANIA J. Agardh, 1842
[Antithamnion pseudocorticatum; Bakothamnion curas- attenuata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh
savicum] pleonospora W. Taylor
CALLITHAMNIELLA Feldmann-Mazoyer, 1938 DIPLOTHAMNION Joly & Yamaguishi ex Joly et al., 1966
tingitana (Schousboe ex Bornet) Feldmann-Mazoyer (234) jolyi van den Hoek (254)
CALLITHAMNION Lyngbye, 1819 rerrasrichum Joly & Yamaguishi (232)
byssoides Arnott ex Harvey in Hooker (235) DOHRNIELLA Funk, 1922
var. jamaicensis Collins antillara (W. Taylor) Feldmann-Mazoyer
cordatum Bqrgesen (236) var. brasiliensis Joly & Ugadim in Joly et al. (255)
[Aglaothamnion cordatum] GRALLATORIA Howe, 1920 (256)
corymbosum (J. E. Smith) Lyngbye reptans Howe
felipponei Howe GRIFFITHSIA C. Agardh, 1817
halliae Collins (237) caribaea G. Feldmann
herveyi Howe globulifera Harvey ex Kutzing
neglectum (Feldmann-Mazoyer) Wynne, comb. nov. (236, [globifera]
238, 239, 240) heteromorpha Kutzing (253)
[Aglaothamnion neglectum] opuntioides J. Agardh (257)
roseum (Roth) Lyngbye (241) radicans Kutzing
uruguayense W. Taylor schousboei Montagne (258)
CARPOBLEPHARIS Kiitzing, 1843 var. anastomosans Oliveira (259)
curtissiae (J. Agardh) Wynne (242) GYMNOTHAMNION J. Agardh, 1892
[Cyclospora curtissiae] elegans (Schousboe in C. Agardh) J. Agardh
CENTROCERAS Kiitzing, 1841 HALOPLEGMA Montagne, 1842
clavulatum (C. Agardh in Kunth) Montagne in Durieu de duperreyi Montagne
Maisonneuve ssp. spinulosum Howe
internitens Gallagher & Humm (243) LEJOLISIA Bornet, 1859
CENTROCEROCOLAX Joly, 1966 mediterranea Bornet (259)
MONOSPORUS Solier in Castagne, 1851 (260) pseudoprostratum Ballantine & Wynne (280)
belangeri (Montagne) De Toni (61) CALLOSEFUS J. Agardh, 1898
herpesticus Vickers (26 1) halliae J. Agardh (281)
PLEONOSPORIUM Nageli, 1862 CALOGLOSSA J. Agardh, 1876
boergesenii (Joly) R. Norris (262) beccarii (Zanardini) De Toni (282)
[Mesothamnion boergesenii] leprieurii (Montagne) J. Agardh
borreri (J. E. Smith) Nageli ex Hauck (19, 263) var. hookeri (Harvey) Post
caribaeum (BOrgesen) R. Norris (262) ogazawaraensis Okamura (283)
[Mesothamnion caribaeum] stipitata Post (284)
flexuosum (C. Agardh) Bornet ex De Toni (123) CALONITOPHYLLUM Aregood, 1975
mexicanum Dawson (264) medium (Hoyt) Aregood (285)
polystichum Oliveira (259) [Hymenena media]
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PTEROTHAMNION Nageli in Nageli & Cramer, 1855 COTTONIELLA BOrgesen, 1919

plumula (Ellis) Nageli (265) arcuata BOrgesen
[Antithamnionplumula] j7lamentosa (Howe) BOrgesen
RHODODICTYON W. Taylor, 1961 (266) sanguinea Howe
bermudensis W. Taylor (267) CRYPTOPLEURA Kutzing , 1843, nom. cons.
SEIROSPORA Harvey, 1846 crispa Kylin (259)
occidentalis BOrgesen (268) ? hayamensis Yamada (259)
purpurea Howe ramosa (Hudson) Kylin ex Newton (36, 259)
SPERMOTHAMNION Areschoug, 1847 [lacerata ; j7mbriatal
gymnocarpurn Howe GRINNELLIA Harvey, 1853
investiens (P. & H. Crouan in Schrarnrn & MazC) Vickers americana (C. Agardh) Harvey
var. cidaricola BOrgesen var. caribaea W. Taylor
macromeres Collins & Harvey HARALDIA Feldmann, 1939
nonatoi Joly tenuis Oliveira (259)
repens (Dillwyn) Rosenvinge HYPOGLOSSUM Kutzing, 1843
For personal use only.

[tumeri] anomalum Wynne & Ballantine (286)

var. variabile (C. Agardh) Wynne, comb. nov. (269) hypoglossoides (Stackhouse) Collins & Hervey (287)
speluncarum (Collins & Hervey) Howe [woodwardii]
SPYFUDIA Harvey in Hooker, 1833 involvens (Harvey) J. Agardh
ceramioides J. Agardh (61) tenuifolium (Harvey) J. Agardh (288)
clavata Kutzing MARTENSIA Hering, 1841, nom. cons.
complanata J . Agardh pavonia (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
j7lamentosa (Wulfen) Harvey in Hooker (249) NITOPHYLLUM Greville, 1830, nom. cons.
hypnoides (Bory in Belanger) Papenfuss (270) punctatum (Stackhouse) Greville
[aculeata] [ocellatum]
var. disticha (BOrgesen) Lawson & John (271) wilkinsoniae Collins & Hervey
f. inermis (BOrgesen) Lawson & John (271) PLATYSIPHONIA BOrgesen, 1931
SPYFUDIOCOLAX Joly & Oliveira, 1966 caribaea Ballantine & Wynne (276)
capixaba Joly & Oliveira (272) miniata (C. Agardh) BOrgesen (259, 276)
TIFFANIELLA Doty & Meiiez, 1960 SEARLESIA Schneider & Eiseman, 1979
codicola (Yamada & Tanaka) Doty & Meiiez (273, 274) subtropica (Schneider) Schneider & Eiseman (289)
gorgonea (Montagne) Doty & Meiiez (259, 273, 274) [Membranoptera subtropica]
[Spermothamnion gorgoneum] TAENIOMA J. Agardh, 1863
saccorhiza (Setchell & Gardner) Doty & Meiiez (274, 275) nanum (Kutzing) Papenfuss (290)
WRANGELIA C. Agardh, 1828 [macrourum]
argus (Montagne) Montagne perpusillum (J. Agardh) J. Agardh
bicuspidata BOrgesen
penicillata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh
DASYA, C. Agardh, 1824
Delesseriaceae baillouviana (S. G. Gmelin) Montagne (291)
ACROSORIUM Zanardini ex Kutzing , 1869 Ipedicellata]
corallinarum (Nott) Kylin (259) brasiliensis Oliveira & Braga (292)
[Cryptopleura corallinara] caraibica BOrgesen
odontophorum Howe & W. Taylor collinsiana Howe
uncinatum (Turner) Kylin corymbifera J. Agardh
APOGLOSSUM J. Agardh, 1898 crouaniana J. Agardh
gregarium (Dawson) Wynne (276) haitiana Fredericq & J. Noms (557)
ruscifolium (Turner) J. Agardh (277) harveyi Ashmead
BRANCHIOGLOSSUM Kylin, 1924 mollis Harvey
minutum Schneider in Schneider & Searles (278) ocellata (Grateloup) Harvey in Hooker (293)
prostratum Schneider (279) punicea Meneghini in Zanardini
CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64. 1986

ramosissima Harvey DIPTEROSIPHONIA Schmitz & Falkenberg, 1897

rigidula (Kutzing) Ardissone (294) dendritica (C. Agardh) Schmitz in Engler & Prantl (298)
DASYOPSIS Zanardini, 1843 reversa Schneider (293)
antillamm Howe rigens (Schousboe) Falkenberg (299)
spinuligera (Collins & Hervey) Howe (293) [ringens]
DICTYURUS B o y in Belanger, 1834 ENANTIOCLADIA Falkenberg, 1889
occidentalis J. Agardh duperreyi (C. Agardh) Falkenberg
HALODICTYON Zanardini, 1843 HERPOSIPHONIA Nageli, 1846
mirabile Zanardini bipinnata Howe
HETEROSIPHONIA Montagne, 1842 delicatula Hollenberg (300)
crispella (C. Agardh) Wynne (295) jilifera Hollenberg (301)
[wurdemannii] parca Setchell (302)
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var. laxa (Bgrgesen) Wynne (295) pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg

gibbesii (Harvey) Falkenberg var. laxa W. Taylor
hummii Aregood (296) secunda (C. Agardh) Falkenberg
THURETIA Decaisne, 1844 f. secunda
bometii Vickers f. tenella (C. Agardh) Wynne (303)
[H. tenella]
Rhodomelaceae JANCZEWSKIA Solms-Laubach, 1877
ACANTHOPHORA Lamouroux, 1813 moriformis Setchell (259)
muscoides (Linnaeus) B o y LAURENCIA Lamouroux, 1813
spicifera (Vahl) Bgrgesen alsidioides P. & H. Crouan in Schramrn & Mazt (59)
ALSIDIUM C. Agardh, 1827 arbuscula Sonder (304)
dasyphyllum P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & Mazt (59) bolivari Rodriguez (308)
AMANSIA Lamouroux, 1809 brongniartii J. Agardh (305)
multijida Lamouroux [concinna]
BOSTRYCHIA Montagne, 1842 caraibica Silva (306)
For personal use only.

binderi Harvey [nana]

calliptera (Montagne) Montagne chondrioides Bgrgesen
montagnei Harvey (297) corallopsis (Montagne) Howe (309)
moritziana (Sonder) J. Agardh jiliformis (C. Agardh) Montagne (558)
pilulifera Montagne [scoparia]
radicans (Montagne) Montagne in Kutzing jlagellifera J. Agardh (164)
[rivularis] foldatsii Rodriguez (308)
f. moniliformis Post gemmifera Harvey
scorpioides (Hudson) Montagne (297) intermedia Yamada (309)
tenella (Vahl) J. Agardh intricata Lamouroux
BRYOCLADIA Schmitz, 1897 lata Howe & W. Taylor
cuspidata (J. Agardh) De Toni microcladia Kutzing
thyrsigera (J. Agardh) Schmitz in Falkenberg minuscula Schnetter (3 10)
BRYOTHAMNION Kutzing, 1843 obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux
seaforthii (Turner) Kutzing (170) var. dendroidea (J. Agardh) Yamada (31 1)
f. imbricatum J. Agardh papillosa (C. Agardh) Greville
triquetmm (S. G. Gmelin) Howe pe$orata (Boy) Montagne (259)
CHONDRIA C. Agardh, 1817 pinnat$da (Hudson) Lamouroux (3 12)
atropurpurea Harvey poitei (Lamouroux) Howe
baileyana (Montagne) Harvey pygmaea Weber-van Bosse (45, 307)
cnicophylla (Melvill) De Toni LOPHOCLADIA Schmitz, 1893
collinsiana Howe trichoclados (C . Agardh) Schmitz
curvilineata Collins & Hervey (160) LOPHOSIPHONIA Falkenberg in Engler & Prantl, 1897
dasyphylla (Woodward) C. Agardh cristata Falkenberg
jloridana (Collins) Howe obscura (J. Agardh) Falkenberg in Engler & Prantl (313)
leptacremon (Melvill) De Toni [subadunca]
littoralis Harvey reptabunda (Suhr in Kutzing) Kylin (314)
plafyramea Joly & Ugadim in Joly et al. (232) MERIDIOCOLAX Morrill, 1976
polyrhiza Collins & Hervey narcissus Morrill (3 15)
pumila Vickers (61) polysiphoniae (Oliveira & Ugadim) Mom11 (315, 3 16)
sedifolia Harvey [Levringiella polysiphoniae]
tenuissima (Goodenough & Woodward) C. Agardh MICROPEUCE J. Agardh, 1899 (317)
CLADHYMENIA Hooker & Harvey, 1845 mucronata (Harvey) Kylin (3 18)
? lanceifolia W. Taylor [Brongniartella mucronata ; Dasya sertularioides ;
DIGENEA C. Agardh, 1823 Heterodasya sertularioides]
simplex (Wulfen) C. Agardh MURRAYELLA Schmitz, 1893

periclados (C. Agardh) Schmitz antillana W. Taylor (146)

OPHIDOCLADUS Falkenberg in Engler & Prantl, 1897 WRIGHTIELLA Schmitz, 1893
simpliciusculus (P. & H. Crouan) Falkenberg blodgettii (Harvey) Schmitz
[herposiphonioides] (3 19) tumanowiczii (Gatty) Schmitz (160)
PERIPHYKON Weber-van Bosse, 1929
delesserioides Joly, Ugadim, & Oliveira (320) Phaeophyta
atlantica Kapraun & J. Nonis (32 1)
[macrocarpa Harvey in Mackay, non (C. Agardh) Ectocarpaceae (338)
Sprengel] ACINETOSPORA Bornet, 1892 (339)
binneyi Harvey crinita (Carmichael ex Harvey in Hooker) Kornmann (340)
boldii Wynne & Edwards (322) [pusilla]
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[hemisphaerica var. boldii] vidovichii (Meneghini) Sauvageau (34 1)

callithamnioides P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (59) [Haplospora vidovichii]
capucina P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & Mazt (59) BACHELOTIA (Bornet) Kuckuck ex Hamel, 1939
dasyoeformis P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (59) antillarum ( G N ~ o w )Gerloff (342)
denudata (Dillwyn) Greville ex Harvey in Hooker [jklvescens ; Pylaiella antillarum]
eastwoodae Setchell & Gardner (323) BOTRYTELLA Bory, 1822 (343, 344)
echinata Harvey micromora Bory
exilis Harvey [Sorocarpus micromorus ; S. uvaeformis]
ferulacea Suhr ex J. Agardh (324) ECTOCARPUS Lyngbye, 1819, nom. cons.
foetidissima Cocks barbadensis Kuckuck (345)
fracta Harvey breviarticulatus J. Agardh (346)
gorgoniae Harvey [Giffordia breviarticulata]
hapalacantha Harvey denudatus P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & Mazt (59)
harveyi Bailey (325) fasciculatus (Griffiths) Harvey
var. arietina Harvey guadelupensis P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (59)
For personal use only.

var. olneyi (Harvey in Olney) Collins obtusocarpus P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (59)
havanensis Montagne rhodochortonoides Borgesen (347)
var. mucosa J. Agardh siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye (348)
howei Hollenberg in W. Taylor [arctus ; confervoides ; dasycarpus]
lanosa (Linnaeus) Tandy (326) variablilis Vickers
nigrescens (Hudson) Greville zonariae Taylor
opaca (C. Agardh) Moris & De Notaris FELDMANNIA Hamel, 1939
poko Hollenberg (327) caespitula (J. Agardh) K. Peguy (349, 350)
pseudovillum Hollenberg (328) elachistaeformis (Heydrich) Pham-Hoang (35 1)
ramentacea Harvey [Ectocarpus elachistaeformis]
saccorhiza (Collins & Hervey) Hollenberg (329) irregularis (Kiitzing) Hamel (352)
[Lophosiphonia saccorhiza] [Giffordia conifera]
scopulorum Harvey (330) paradoxa (Montagne) Hamel (350)
var. villum (J. Agardh) Hollenberg (33 1) [Ectocarpus paradoxus]
sertularioides (Grateloup) J. Agardh GIFFORDIA Batters, 1893
~accidissima](332) indica (Sonder) Papenfuss & Chihara in Papenfuss (353,354)
setacea Hollenberg (333) [Feldmannia indica ; Giffordia duchassaingiana]
sphaerocarpa Borgesen mitchelliae (Harvey) Hamel (354)
subtilissima Montagne onslowensis Amsler & Kapraun (355)
tepida Hollenberg ovata (Kjellman) Kylin (356)
urceolata (Lightfoot ex Dillwyn) Greville rallsiae (Vickers) W. Taylor (357)
virgata (C. Agardh) Sprengel (36, 334) sandriana (Zanardini) Hamel (358)
[Carradoria virgata] HERPONEMA J. Agardh, 1882
POLYZONIA Suhr, 1834 luteolum (Sauvageau) Hamel
divaricata P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (59) solitarium (Sauvageau) Hamel
PROTOKUETZINGIA Falkenberg in Engler & Prantl, 1897 tortugense (W. Taylor) W. Taylor (359)
schottii W. Taylor KUETZINGIELLA Kornmann in Kuckuck, 1956
PTEROSIPHONIA Falkenberg in Engler & Prantl, 1897 battersii (Bornet) Kornmann in Kuckuck (359)
parasitica (Hudson) Falkenberg PHAEOSTROMA Kuckuck, 1895 (360)
var. australis Joly & Cordeiro-Marino in Joly et al. (335) pusillum Howe & Hoyt
pennata (C. Agardh) Falkenberg (19) PILAYELLA Bory, 1823 (361)
STICHOTHAMNION Borgesen, 1930 littoralis (Linnaeus) Kjellman (326)
antillarum Vroman (336) [Pylaiella littoralis]
VIDALIA Lamouroux ex J. Agardh, 1863, nom. cons. PROTECTOCARPUS Kuckuck, 1955
obtusiloba (Mertens ex C. Agardh) J. Agardh speciosus (Borgesen) Kuckuck (362)
WALDOIA W. Taylor, 1962 [Ectocarpus speciosus]
2250 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

STREBLONEMA Derbks & Solier in Castagne, 1851 tropica (W. Taylor) W . Taylor
invisibile Hoyt (364) SPOROCHNUS C. Agardh, 1817
oligosporum Strijmfelt (363) bolleanus Montagne (38 1)
[Entonema oligosporum] pedunculatus (Hudson) C . Agardh
parasiticum (Sauvageau) Levring
[Entonema parasiticum]
XANTHOSIPHONIA J. Agardh, 1894 Arthrocladiaceae
halliae J. Agardh (365) ARTHROCLADIA Duby, 1830
Ralfsiaceae (366) villosa (Hudson) Duby (107)
PSEUDOLITHODERMA Svedelius, 1910 (367) Desmarestiaceae
extensum (P. & H. Crouan) Lund (368)
DESMARESTIA Lamouroux, 1813, nom. cons.
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[Lithoderma fatiscens]
RALFSIA Berkeley in Smith & Sowerby, 1843 aculeata (Linnaeus) Lamouroux (382)
ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux (382)
expansa (J. Agardh) J. Agardh

Myrionemataceae Striariaceae
ASCOCYCLUS Magnus, 1874 (369) HUMMIA Fiore, 1975
hypneae Borgesen (370) onusta (Kutzing) Fiore (383)
HECATONEMA Sauvageau, 1898 (37 1) [Ectocarpus subcorymbosus, Myriotrichia subcorymbosa,
floridana (W. Taylor) W . Taylor M. scutata, Stictyosipon subsimplex, S. onustus]
foecundum (Strijmfelt) Loiseaux (372) ISTHMOPLEA Kjellman, 1877
maculans (Collins) Sauvageau (373) sphaerophora (Carmichael ex Harvey in Hooker) Kjellman
terminale (Kutzing) Kylin (373) (326)
MYRIONEMA Greville, 1827 STICTYOSIPHON Kutzing, 1843
orbiculare J. Agardh (374) lutarius W . Taylor (384)
STRIARIA Greville, 1828
For personal use only.

[Ascocyclus orbicularis]
strangulans Greville attenuata (Greville) Greville

Elachistaceae Myriotrichiaceae
ELACHISTA Duby, 1830, nom. cons. MY RIOTRICHIA Harvey, 1834
grevillei Arnot clavaeformis Harvey (385)
lubrica Ruprecht (375) [repens]
minutissima W. Taylor occidentalis Borgesen
Leathesiaceae (376) Punctariaceae
LEATHESIA S. F. Gray, 1821 ASPEROCOCCUS Lamouroux, 1813
dzfformi (Linnaeus) Areschoug ? fistulosus (Hudson) Hooker (378)
MYRIACTULA Kuntze, 1898 [echinatus]
minor (Farlow) W . Taylor (377) PUNCTARIA Greville, 1830
latifolia Greville
Chordariaceae plantaginea (Roth) Greville (326)
CHORDARIA C. Agardh, 1817, nom. cons.
flagelliformis ( 0 . F. Muller) C. Agardh (326)
CLADOSIPHON Kutzing, 1843 Chnoosporaceae
occidentalis Kylin CHNOOSPORA J. Agardh, 1847 (387)
zosterae (J. Agardh) Kylin (378) minima (Hering) Papenfuss
[Eudesme zosterae]
LEVRINGIA Kylin, 1940 (379)
brasiliensis (Montagne) Joly (380) COLPOMENIA (Endlicher) Derbks & Solier in Castagne, 1851
sinuosa (Roth) Derbks & Solier
Spermatochnaceae HY DROCLATHRUS Bory , 1825
NEMACYSTUS Derbks & Solier, 1850 clathratus (C. Agardh) Howe
howei (Taylor) Kylin (123) JOLYNA, Guimariies in Guimariies et al., 1986 (388)
laminarioides Guimariies in Guimariies et al.
Stilophoraceae PETALONIA Derbbs & Solier, 1850, nom. cons.
STILOPHORA J. Agardh, 1841, nom. cons. fascia ( 0 . F. Miiller) Kuntze (389)
antillarum P. & H. Crouan in Schramrn & Mazt (59) [var. caespitosa]
rhizodes (Turner) J. Agardh ROSENVINGEA Borgesen, 1914
floridana (W. Taylor) W . Taylor
intricata (J. Agardh) Borgesen
Sporochnaceae orientalis (J. Agardh) Borgesen (390)
NEREIA Zanardini, 1846 sanctae-crucis Borgesen (390)

SCYTOSIPHON C. Agardh, 1820, nom. cons. [vickersiae]

lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link hitiensis Thivy in W. Taylor (403)
var. complanatus Rosenvinge (13) jamaicensis (Collins) Papenfuss (403, 404)
pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy in W. Taylor (405)
Syringodermataceae perindusata Thivy in W. Taylor
SYRINGODERMA Levring, 1940 profunda Earle (170, 406)
floridana Henry (392) SPATOGLOSSUM Kutzing, 1843
schroeden (C. Agardh) Kutzing (379)
Sphacelariaceae STOECHOSPERMUM Kutzing, 1843
polypodioides (Lamouroux) J. Agardh (404)
ONSLOWIA Searles & Leister, 1980
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STYPOPODIUM Kutzing, 1843

endophytica Searles & Leister (87)
zonale (Lamouroux) Papenfuss
SPHACELARIA Lyngbye, 1819
ZONARIA C. Agardh, 1817, nom. cons.
brachygonia Montagne
toumefortii (Lamouroux) Montagne
fusca (Hudson) S. F. Gray
novae-hollandiae Sonder
rigidula Kutzing (392)
[furcigera] Larninariaceae
tribuloides Meneghini LAMINARIA Lamouroux, 1813, nom. cons.
abyssalis Joly & Oliveira (407)
brasiliensis Joly & Oliveira (407)
DICTYOPTERIS Lamouroux, 1809, nom. cons.
delicatula Lamouroux (160) Fucaceae
hoytii W. Taylor ASCOPHYLLUM Stackhouse, 1809, nom. cons.
For personal use only.

jamaicensis W. Taylor nodosum (Linnaeus) Le Jolis (408)

jolyana Oliveira & Furtado (393) f. scorpioides (Hornemann) Hauck (409)
justii Lamouroux FUCUS Linnaeus, 1753
membranacea (Stackhouse) Batters vesiculosus Linnaeus (13)
plagiogramma (Montagne) Vickers
DICTYOTA Lamouroux, 1809, nom. cons. Sargassaceae
bartayresii Lamouroux (394) CLADOPHYLLUM Bula Meyer, 1980
cervicomis Kutzing (395) schnetteri Bula Meyer (410)
f. curvula W. Taylor (396) SARGASSUM C. Agardh, 1820, nom. cons.
ciliolata Kutzing (170, 394) acinarum (Linnaeus) C. Agardh
var. bermudensis W. Taylor bermudense Gmnow
dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux (394, 397) var. contractum Gmnow
var. menstrualis Hoyt var. hellebrandtii Gmnow
divaricata Lamouroux (398) var. pinnati$dum Gmnow
indica Sonder in Kutzing (394) var. stagnale W. Taylor
jamaicensis W. Taylor cymosum C. Agardh (4 11)
linearis (C. Agardh) Greville (394) var. nanum Paula & Oliveira (559)
mertensii (Martius) Kutzing (395) desfontainesii (Turner) C. Agardh (4 12)
[dentata] $lipendula C. Agardh
pfafii Schnetter (55) var. laxum J. Agardh
volubilis Kutzing sensu Vickers (394) var. montagnei (Bailey) Gmnow
DILOPHUS J. Agardh, 1882 var. pinnatum Gmnow
altemans J. Agardh fluitans BOrgesen
f. acutissima W. Taylor (396) furcatum Kiitzing
guineensis (Kutzing) J. Agardh hystrix J. Agardh
LOBOPHORA J. Agardh, 1894 (399) var. buxifolium Chauvin in J. Agardh
variegata (Lamouroux) Womersley (400) var. spinulosum (Kiitzing) Gmnow
[Pocockiella variegata] natans (Linnaeus) Gaillon
PADINA Adansson, 1763, nom. cons. platycarpum Montagne
boergesenii Allender & Kraft (401) polyceratium Montagne
[gymnospora sensu W. Taylor, 1960; non Zonaria gymno- var. ovatum (Collins) W. Taylor
spora Kiitz.] pteropleuron Gmnow
boryana Thivy in W. Taylor (402) pusillum W. Taylor (413)
caulescens Thivy in W. Taylor ramifolium Kiitzing
crispata Thivy in W. Taylor rigidulum Kiitzing
gymnospora (Kiitzing) Sonder (401) stenophyllum Martius (4 14)
2252 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

vulgare C. Agardh vagans (Bcirgesen) R. Nielsen (425, 431)

var. foliosissimum (Lamouroux) C. Agardh [Entocladia vagans]
wo&i Earle (406) PRINGSHEIMIELLA von Hohnel, 1920
Cystoseiraceae sanctae-luciae Nielsen & McLachlan (432)
scutata (Reinke) von Hohnel ex Marchewianka (433)
CYSTOSEIRA C. Agardh, 1820, nom. cons. PROTODERMA Kutzing, 1843
compressa (Esper) Gerloff & Nizamuddin (415) polyrhizum Howe (434)
Cfimbriata] PSEUDENDOCLONIUM Wille, 1901
myrica (Gmelin) C. Agardh marinum (Reinke) Aleem & Schulz (435)
var. occidentalis J. Agardh (416) [Protodenna marinum]
TURBINARIA Lamouroux, 1825 submarinum Wille (436)
tncostata Barton ULVELLA P. Crouan & H. Crouan, 1859
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turbinata (Linnaeus) Kuntze lens P. & H. Crouan

Chlorophyta heterotricha (Yarish) Wynne, comb. nov. (425, 437)
[Pseudulvella heterotricha]
prostrata Gardner (425, 438)
Palmellopsidaceae [Pseudulvella prostrata]
PALMOPHYLLUM Kutzing, 1845 (4 17)
crassum (Naccari) Rabenhorst
PSEUDOTETRASPORA Wille, 1906 Stichococcaceae (440)
marina Wille (418) STICHOCOCCUS Nageli, 1849
[antillarum] marinus (Wille) Hazen (441)

Chlorocystidaceae Acrosiphoniaceae
For personal use only.

moorei (Gardner) Kornmann & Sahling (419) arcta (Dillwyn) Kutzing (326)
[Chlorochytrium moorei] UROSPORA Areschoug, 1866, nom. cons.
penicilliformis (Roth) Areschoug (5 1)

Percursariaceae (443)
ULOTHRIX Kutzing, 1833
jlacca (Dillwyn) Thuret in Le Jolis PERCURSARIA Bory , 1823
percursa (C. Agardh) Bory
Ulvellaceae (420, 429)
Monostromataceae (443)
ACROCHAETE N. Pringsheim, 1863 (42 1)
endozoica (Goldberg, Makemson, & Colley) Wynne, comb. BLIDINGIA Kylin, 1947
nov. (422) marginata (J. Agardh) P. Dangeard (444)
[Entocladia endozoica] [Enteromorpha marginata; E. micrococca] (445)
viridis (Reinke) R. Nielsen (421) minima (Nageli ex Kutzing) Kylin (444)
[Entocladia viridis] [Enteromorpha minima]
wittrockii (Wille) R. Nielsen (42 1, 423) GOMONTIA Bornet & Flahault, 1888 (446)
[Entocladia wittrockii] polyrhiza (Lagerheim) Bornet & Flahault
BOLBOCOLEON N. Pringsheim, 1863 PROTOMONOSTROMA Vinogradova, 1969 (447)
jolyi Yamaguishi-Tomita (424) undulatum (Wittrock) Vinogradova
piliferum N. Pringsheim (425) f. pulchrum (Farlow) Wynne, comb. nov. (448, 449)
EPICLADIA Reinke, 1889 (426) [Monostroma pulchrum; Protomonostroma undulatum f.
jlustrae Reinke (427) farlowii]
[Entocladia jlustrae] Ulvaceae
testarum (Kylin) R. Nielsen (425, 426) ENTEROMORPHA Link in Nees, 1820, nom. cons. (450)
[Entocladia testarum] bulbosa (Suhr) Kutzing
ventnculosa (Bcirgesen) Wynne, comb. nov. (428) chaetomorphoides Bcirgesen
[Entocladia ventriculosum] clathrata (Roth) Greville
OCHLOCHAETE Thwaites ex Harvey, 1849 compressa (Linnaeus) Greville
hystrix Thwaites ex Harvey (425, 430) jlexuosa (Wulfen ex Roth) J. Agardh
PHAEOPHILA Hauck, 1876 ssp. jlexuosa
dendroides (P. & H. Crouan) Batters f. submarina Collins & Hervey
jliformis (Collins & Hervey) W. Taylor ssp. paradoxa (Dillwyn) Bliding (451)
ramulosa (L. Moewus) R. Nielsen (425, 431) [E. erecta ; E. plumosa]
[Ectochaete ramulosa] intestinalis (Linnaeus) Link
taylori (Thivy) R. Nielsen (425, 431) f. cylindracea J. Agardh
[Ectochaete taylori] f. tenuis Collins

lingulata J. Agardh ventricosa J . Agardh

linza (Linnaeus) J. Agardh Chaetosiphonaceae
multiramosa Bliding (5 1, 452)
prolifera ( 0 . F. Muller) J. Agardh (45 1) BLASTOPHYSA Reinke, 1888
[salina] rhizopus Reinke (464)
ramulosa (J. E. Smith) Hooker (451)
[salina var. polyclados]
ULVA Linnaeus, 1753 Anadyomenaceae
cuwata (Kutzing) DeToni (453) ANADYOMENE Lamouroux, 1812
fasciata Delile menziesii Harvey (465)
lactuca Linnaeus (454, 455) rhizoidifera Joly & Pereira (466)
var. lacinulata (Kutzing) W. Taylor saldanhae Joly & Oliveira (467)
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profunda W. Taylor stellata (Wulfen) C. Agardh

reticulata Forsskil (2 14) f. prototypa Howe
rigida C. Agardh (454) CYSTODICTYON Gray, 1866
[lactuca var. rigida] pavonicum J. Agardh
rotundata Bliding (453) MICRODICTYON Decaisne, 1841
ULVARIA Ruprecht, 1851 (456) boergesenii Setchell
oxysperma (Kutzing) Bliding (457) curtissiae W. Taylor
[Monostroma oxyspermum] japonicum Setchell (468)
marinum (Boy) Silva
pseudohapteron A. Gepp & E. S. Gepp
Prasiolaceae f. luciparense Setchell (468)
PRASIOLA (C. Agardh) Meneghini, 1838 VALONIOPSIS Bgrgesen, 1934
stipitata Suhr in Jessen pachynema (Martens) Bgrgesen
For personal use only.

CHAETOMORPHA Kutzing , 1845, nom. cons.

Siphonocladaceae aerea (Dillwyn) Kutzing (469)
BOODLEA Murray & DeToni, 1889 antennina (Boy) Kutzing
composita (Harvey) Brand [media]
struveoides Howe var. stolonifera (W. Taylor) Wynne, comb. nov. (470)
CHAMAEDORIS Montagne, 1842 brachygona Harvey
peniculum (Solander) Lamouroux capillaris (Kutzing) Bgrgesen (471)
CLADOPHOROPSIS Bgrgesen, 1905, nom. cons. clavata (C . Agardh) Kutzing
macromeres W. Taylor crassa (C. Agardh) Kutzing (472)
membranacea (C . Agardh) Bgrgesen geniculata Montagne
SIPHONOCLADUS Schmitz, 1879 gracilis (Kutzing) Kutzing
rigidus Howe linoides (C. Agardh) Kutzing (61)
tropicus (P. & H. Crouan in Schramrn & Mazt) J. Agardh linum ( 0 . F. Muller) Kutzing (469)
STRUVEA Sonder, 1845, nom. cons. minima Collins & Hervey
anastomosans (Harvey) Piccone & Grunow in Piccone nodosa Kutzing
[anastomosans var. caracasana] (460) picquotiana Montagne ex Kutzing (473)
elegans Bgrgesen [atrovirens]
pulcherrima (J. E. Gray) Murray & Boodle (461) saccata (Kutzing) Kutzing (61)
ramosa Dickie (170) CLADOPHORA Kutzing, 1843, nom. cons. (474)
albida (Hudson) Kutzing (475, 476)
Valoniaceae [glaucescens p. p.]
DICTYOSPHAERIA Decaisne ex Endlicher, 1843 bicolor (C. Agardh) J. Agardh in Mazt & Schramm (477)
cavernosa (Forsska) Bgrgesen blomquistii van den Hoek (478)
versluysii Weber-van Bosse (462) brasiliana Martens
[vanbosseae] catenata (Linnaeus) Kutzing (478, 479, 480)
ERNODESMIS Bgrgesen, 1912 [fuliginosa ; montagnei Kutzing 1849, non montagneae
verticillata (Kutzing) Bgrgesen Kutzing 18471
PETROSIPHON Howe, 1905 chlorocontracta van den Hoek (478)
adhaerens Howe coelothrix Kutzing (478)
VALONIA C. Agardh, 1823 [repens]
aegagropila C. Agardh conferta P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & Mazt (478)
barbadensis W. Taylor (463) [uncinata]
caespitosa P. & H. Crouan in Schramrn & Mazt (59) corallicola Bgrgesen
macrophysa Kutzing crispula Vickers
ocellata Howe dalmatica Kutzing (478)
utricularis (Roth) C . Agardh [crassicaulis ; gracillima ; luteola ; zostericola]
2254 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

dichotomo-divaricata P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC turbinata Howe & Hoyte (498)
(477) vaucheriaeformis (Harvey) J. Agardh
globulins (Kutzing) Kutzing OSTREOBIUM Bornet & Flahault, 1889 (499)
intertexta Collins brabantium Weber-van Bosse (500)
jongiorum van den Hoek (478, 48 1) constrictum Lukas (50 1)
laetevirens (Dillwyn) Kutzing (478, 482) quekettii Bornet & Flahault (502)
[mexicana; catenatoides] PEDOBESIA MacRaild & Womersley, 1974 (503)
liebetruthii Grunow (478, 483) lamourouxii (J. Agardh) J. Feldmann, Loreau, Codomier, &
wascatti ; piscinae] CoutC (504)
liniformis Kutzing [Derbesia lamourouxii]
longicellulata van den Hoek (478, 481) TRICHOSOLEN Montagne, 1861 (505)
[catenifera auct. non Kutzing] blomquistii (Diaz-Piferrer) John (506)
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montagneaena Kutzing (478, 484) [Pseudobryopsis blomquistii] (507)

[delicatula; brachyclados ; polycantha ; stricta] duchassaingii (J. Agardh) W. Taylor (508)
ordinata (Bgrgesen) van den Hoek (485) [antillarum; longipedicellata; Bryopsis antillarum;
(Willella ordinata] Pseudobryopsis longipedicellata]
pellucidoidea van den Hoek (486) venezoleana W. Taylor (509)
prolifera (Roth) Kutzing (487)
pseudorupestris van den Hoek (488) Codiaceae
ruchingeri (C. Agardh) Kutzing CODIUM Stackhouse, 1797
[gracilis f. elongata] carolinianum Searles (5 10)
sericea (Hudson) Kutzing (478, 487, 489) decorticatum (Woodward) Howe
[gracilis; nitida ; glaucescens p. p.] fragile (Suhr) Hariot
socialis Kutzing (478) var. tomentosoides (Goor) Silva (51 1)
[constricta auct .] intertextum Collins & Hervey
submarina P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (478) isthmocladum Vickers
[howei; luteola ; crouanii] var. clavatum (Collins & Hervey) Silva (512)
For personal use only.

tropica P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (477) repens P. & H. Crouan ex Vickers (512)
vadorum (Areschoug) Kutzing spongiosum Harvey (36, 5 12)
vagabunda (Linnaeus) van den Hoek (490) taylorii Silva (5 11, 5 12)
[expansa; fascicularis ; sertularia ; mauritiana ; brachy- JOHNSON-SEA-LINKIA Eiseman & Earle, 1983
clonal profinda Eiseman & Earle (513)
RHIZOCLONIUM Kiitzing, 1843
africanum Kutzing (49 1) Caulerpaceae
[hookeri auct.] CAULERPA Lamouroux, 1809
bolbogoneum Montagne (6 1) ambigua Okamura (5 14)
crassipellitum W. & G. S. West [vickersiae; var. fircifolia; var. luxurians]
var. robustum G. S. West ashmeadii Harvey
riparium (Roth) Kutzing ex Harvey (492) biloba Kemperman & Stegenga (515)
[implexum; kerneri] brachypus Harvey
var. nordestina Joly & Semir (516)
charoides (Harvey ex Weber-van Bosse) Thivy &
Bryopsidaceae (494) Visalakshmi (517)
BRYOBESIA Weber-van Bosse, 1911 [verticillata f. charoides]
cylindrocalpa Howe cupressoides (West in Vahl) C. Agardh (518)
BRYOPSIS Lamouroux, 1809 fastigiata Montagne
corymbosa J. Agardh (362) var. conferviodes P. & H. Crouan ex Weber-van Bosse
halliae W. Taylor (495) jloridana W. Taylor
[duchassaingii auct., non. J. Agardh] hummii Diaz-Piferrer (5 19)
var. $licina (Collins & Hervey) W. Taylor (495) kemp$i Joly & Pereira (520)
hypnoides Lamouroux lanuginosa J. Agardh
f. prolongata J. Agardh mexicana Sonder ex Kutzing (521, 522)
pennata Lamouroux (496) [crassifolia]
var. leprieurii (Kutzing) Collins & Hervey microphysa (Weber-van Bosse) Feldmann
var. secunda (Harvey) Collins & Hervey murrayi Weber-van Bosse
plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh ollivieri Dostal (523)
ramulosa Montagne paspaloides (Bory) Greville (5 18)
spinescens Zeller (6 1) prolifera (Forsska) Lamouroux
DERBESIA Solier, 1846 f. obovata J. Agardh
fastigiata W. Taylor f. zosterifolia Bgrgesen
marina (Lyngbye) Kjellman pusilla (Kutzing) J . Agardh
osterhoutii (L. Blinks & A. H. Blinks) Page (497) racemosa (Forsska) J. Agardh (5 18)
[Halicystis osterhoutii] var. racemosa

[var. uvifera] PENICILLUS Lamarck, 1813

var. peltata (Lamouroux) Eubank capitatus Lamarck
[Caulelpa peltata] f. elongatus (Decaisne) A. & E. S. Gepp
var. turbinata (J. Agardh) Eubank (524) f. larus Bgrgesen
[racemosa var. chemnitzia] comosus P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & Mazt (59)
scapelliformis ( R . Brown ex Turner) C. Agardh (525) dumetosus (Lamouroux) Blainville
serrulata (Forsska) J. Agardh (518, 521) f. expansus Bgrgesen
sertularioides (S. G. Gmelin) Howe lamourouxii Decaisne
f. brevipes (J. Agardh) Svedelius var. gracilis A. & E. S. Gepp
f. corymbosa W. Taylor pyriformis A. & E. S. Gepp
f. farlowii (Weber-van Bosse) Bgrgesen f. explanatus Bgrgesen
f. longiseta (Boy) Svedelius PSEUDOCODIUM Weber-van Bosse, 1896 (536)
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tarifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh (522) jloridanum Dawes & Mathieson (537)

verticillata J . Agardh RHIPILIA Kutzing, 1858
webbiana Montagne diaphana Taylor (538)
f. disticha Weber-van Bosse j%ngiformis Joly & Ugadim in Joly et al. (539)
f. tomentella (Harvey ex J. Agardh) Weber-van Bosse orientalis A. & E. S. Gepp (538)
tenaculosa A. & E. S. Gepp (540)
Udoteaceae (526) tomentosa Kutzing
AVRAINVILLEA Decaisne, 1842 f. zonata A. & E. S. Gepp
asarifolia Bgrgesen (527) RHIPILIOPSIS A. & E. S. Gepp, 1911
elliotii A. & E. S. Gepp (232, 527) stri (Earle & Young) Farghaly & Denizot (541)
[atlantica ; geppii] [Siphonoclathrus stri; Udotea reticulata]
longicaulis (Kutzing) Murray & Boodle (527) RHIPOCEPHALUS Kutzing, 1843
[Levis] oblongus (Decaisne) Kutzing
mazei Murray & Boodle (527) phoenix (Ellis & Solander) Kutzing
nigricans Decaisne (527) f. brevifolius A. & E. S. Gepp
For personal use only.

rawsoni (Dickie) Howe (527) f. longifolius A. & E. S. Gepp

BOODLEOPSIS A. & E. S. Gepp, 1911 UDOTEA Lamouroux, 1812
pusilla (Collins) W. Taylor, Joly, & Bernatowicz conglutinata (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux
CLADOCEPHALUS Howe, 1905 cyathiformis Decaisne
luteoj%scus (Howe) Bgrgesen (528) jlabellum (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux
scoparius Howe occidentalis A. & E. S. Gepp
HALIMEDA Lamouroux, 1812, nom. cons. (529) plumula P. & H. Crouan in Schramm & MazC (59)
copiosa Goreau & Graham (530, 531) spinulosa Howe
[hederacea] sublittoralis Taylor
cryptica Colinvaux & Graham (532) verticillosa A. & E. S. Gepp
var. acerifolia Ballantine (533) wilsoni Gepp & Howe
discoidea Decaisne Sedis incertae
var. platyloba Bgrgesen
favulosa Howe SMITHSONIELLA Sears & Brawley, 1982 (542)
goreauii W. Taylor (534) earleae (Gallagher & Humm) Sears & Brawley (543)
[opuntia f. minor] [Pilinia earleae]
f. compacta W. Taylor (534) DASYCLADALES (544)
gracilis Harvey ex J. Agardh
var. opuntioides Bgrgesen Dasycladaceae
hummii Ballantine (533) BATOPHORA J. Agardh, 1854
incrassata (Ellis) Lamouroux largoensis Prince & Baker (545)
[tridens] oerstedii J. Agardh
f. gracilis Bgrgesen var. occidentalis (Harvey) Howe
f. tripartita Barton CYMOPOLIA Lamouroux, 1816
lacrimosa Howe ,barbata (Linnaeus) Lamouroux (555)
var. globosa Dawes & Humm (535) DASYCLADUS C. Agardh, 1828
monile (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser
f. cylindrica (Bgrgesen) Collins & Hervey NEOMERIS Lamouroux, 1816
f. robusta (Bgrgesen) Collins & Hervey annulata Dickie
opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux cokeri Howe
f. cordata (J. Agardh) Barton dumetosa Lamouroux
f. triloba (Decaisne) Barton mucosa Howe
scabra Howe
Polyphysaceae (546)
simulans Howe
tuna (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux ACETABULARIA Lamouroux, 1812, nom. cons.
f. platydisca (Decaisne) Barton calyculus Quoy & Gaimard
2256 CAN. J. BOT. \

crenulata Lamouroux (547) (21) See Kapraun and Luster (1980).

mrlowii] (22) See Taylor (1971~).
pusilla (Howe) Collins (23) The ordinal name has been corrected to Nemaliales by
schenckii Mobius (548) Nicolson and Noms (1983).
[Acicularia schenckii] (24) Although Taylor (1960) included the Bonnemai-
POLYPHYSA Lamarck, 1816 (549) soniaceae and Naccariaceae within the Nemaliales,
antillana (Solms-Laubach) Wynne, comb. nov. (550, 551) those families have been separated as the order Bonne-
[Acetabularia antillana ; Chalmasia antillana] maisoniales. See West and Hommersand (198 I),
myriospora (Joly & Cordeiro-Marino) Bula-Meyer (552) Pueschel and Cole (1982), and Bold and Wynne (1985).
[Acetabularia myriospora] (25) The taxonomy of the Acrochaetiaceae at the generic
polyphysoides (P. & H. Crouan in Maze & Schramm) level remains in a state of flux and controversy
Schnetter (553) (Woelkerling 1983~).At one extreme is the recognition
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[Acetabularia polyphysoides] of a single genus (Audouinella) as by Parke and Dixon

f. deltoideum (Howe) Wynne, comb. nov. (554) (1976), Dixon and Irvine (1977), and Garbary (1979).
At the other extreme is the recognition of five to seven
Notes on Rhodophyta genera as by Stegenga (1979), based on life-history
(1) Although Taylor (1960) included the single order Ban- differences, chloroplast shape, presence or absence of
giales in his Bangioideae, four orders (Porphyridiales, pyrenoids, and pattern of spore germination. Other
Compsopogonales, Bangiales, and Rhodochaetales) are workers, such as Abbott and Hollenberg (1976), Kom-
included in the present account, following Bold and mann and Sahling (1977), and Bold and Wynne (1985)
Wynne (1985). have recognized two or three genera. The present
(2) .See Krishnamurthy (1957). account gives the most recent placement of the taxa
(3) See Drew and Ross (1952), who indicated that being treated and includes pertinent synonyms. It does
Chroodactylon has priority over Asterocytis. not attempt to make any new combinations in this
(4) See Basson (1979) and John et al. (1979). family.
(5) See Wynne (1985d) for reasons for the replacement of (26) This family name has been proposed for conservation
Goniotrichum with Stylonema. (Silva 1 9 8 0 ~ ) .
For personal use only.

(6) This order was described by Skuja (1939) and has (27) See Joly and Cordeiro (1963).
priority over the Erythropeltidales of Garbary et al. (28) See Stegenga and Kemperman (1983).
(1980). (29) See Ugadim (1974).
(7) See Heerebout (1968) concerning this taxonomic (30) The orthographic variant spelling Audouinella has been
judgment. proposed for conservation by Silva (1980b) against the
(8) Heerebout (1968) regarded this as a "doubtful original spelling Auduinella Bory , 1823.
species." (31) See Schneider (1983).
(9) Kornmann and Sahling (1985) distinguished Erythro- (32) See Abbott (1962b, 1968) and Woelkerling (1971).
peltis as a bangiophycean alga with an isomorphic life (33) See Garbary (1979).
cycle and with discoid thalli having a smooth contour (34) See Woelkerling (1970).
and marginal growth. But a problem exists concerning (35) Woelkerling (1970) regarded A. codicola as a probable
this generic name in that the type, E. discigera synonym of A. botryocarpum. See also Joly et al.
(Berthold) Schmitz, was demonstrated to be a phase in (1969), Oliveira (1977), and Garbary (1979).
the life history of Porphyrostromium ciliaris (36) See Oliveira (1977).
(Kornmann 1984). (37) See Dixon and Irvine (1977).
(10) Although Heerebout (1968) transferred this species to (38) Stegenga and Borsje (1976) observed that A. dasyae
Porphyropsis, South and Adams (1976) restored it to alternates with a slightly hetermorphic tetrasporophyte
Erythrotrichia because its ontogeny is unlike that of that was provisionally identified as A. saviana.
Porphyropsis. (39) See Woelkerling (197 I), 1973b).
(11) Wynne (1986b) reinstated this generic name for (40) See Stegenga and Vroman (1976).
Erythrotrichopeltis of Kornmann (1984). (41) See Abbott (1962b).
(12) According to Kornmann (1984) this alga, recorded from (42) Stegenga and Borsje (1977) demonstrated that A. hal-
North Carolina by Kapraun (1980a), does not landica and A. polyblasta were gametophyte and sporo-
correspond to the European type. phyte, respectively, in the same life history. See also
(13) See Searles and Schneider (1978). Woelkerling (1973~).
(14) Geesink (1973) presented experimental evidence that (43) See Joly (1965).
B. atropurpurea and B. fuscopurpurea were conspeci- (44) See Lawson and John (1982).
fic, the former having priority. (45) See Oliveira and Ugadim (1974).
(15) See Sheath and Cole (1984) for evidence that the (46) See Parke and Dixon (1976).
Atlantic North American populations of Bangia repre- (47) See Woelkerling (1973~).
sent a single species. (48) See Abbott (1962b, 1968).
(16) See Oliveira and Coll (1975). (49) See Woelkerling (197 1).
(17) See Coll and Cox (1977). (50) See Woelkerling (1972b) and Stegenga and Mulder
(18) See Kapraun (1980~). (1979).
(19) See Wiseman and Schneider (1976). (51) See Oliveira and Ugadim (1976).
(20) See Edwards (1970). (52) Schneider (1983) supported Woelkerling's (1973b)

contention that A. thuretii was a synonym of A. saviana. (79) See Taylor (1960) for intraspecific taxa that have yet to
See also Stegenga and Borsje (1976) and Joly (1965). be transferred to this species.
(53) See Woelkerling (l973a, 1973b) and Schneider (1983) (80) Dixon (1960) made a case for rejecting the epithet
regarding the conspecificity of A. secundata and pinnata. See also Stewart (1968) in regard to mor-
A. virgatula. phological variability in this species.
(54) The Helminthocladiaceae in Taylor (1960) has been (81) See Fan (1961), who established this monotypic family.
divided into three families by Abbott (1981). (82) See Schnetter (1980) for this record for Colombia. See
(55) See Schnetter (1972). also Cribb (1983).
(56) See Abbott and Doty (1960). (83) See Fan (1961) concerning the validity of this binomial.
(57) See Abbott (1976a). See also Blomquist and Almod6var (1961) and Joly,
(58) See Searles and Lewis (1983). Cordeiro, Mendoza et al. (1963) for new records.
(59) This species was validly described from Guadeloupe (84) Abundant evidence supports the transfer of the Bonne-
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(Schrarnm and MazC 1865), and although treated by maisoniaceae and the Naccariaceae from the order
Taylor (1960) as an "uncertain record," it must be Nemaliales into the order Bonnemaisoniales. See
retained in the flora until its status has been resolved. Chihara and Yoshizaki (1972) and Pueschel and Cole
(60) See Abbott (1984) for arguments restoring this species (1982).
to Liagora following Fan and Wang's (1974) establish- (85) Falkenbergia hillebrandii has been demonstrated to be
ment of Ganoneya. the tetrasporophytic stage of A. taxiformis (Chihara
(61) This species is of uncertain status, but since the type 1961).
locality is located within the region treated by this (86) See Taylor (1971b).
checklist, i.e., North Carolina to southern Brazil, it is (87) See Searles and Leister (1980).
included. (88) This family, formerly classified in the Cryptonemiales,
(62) See Doty and Abbott (1964). The present account treats has been recognized as a separate order. See Bold and
the name Nernalion schrammii P. & H. Crouan in MazC Wynne (1985).
and Schrarnm (1878) as a nomen nudum, which was (89) See Ugadim (1975).
validated by BQrgesen (1909). (90) Joly (1965) maintained this species as distinct from
(63) See Parkinson (1983) for the reasons for abandoning A. beauvoisii.
For personal use only.

the name Chaetangiaceae and replacing it with Galax- (91) See Ganesan (197 la).
auraceae. (92) See Joly (1965) and Ganesan (1967).
(64) See Papenfuss et al. (1982) for a monographic treatment (93) See Wiseman and Schneider (1976).
of this genus. The taxonomic opinions expressed in that (94) See Schnetter and Richter (1979).
paper have been followed here. (95) Chamberlain (1983) indicated that this species should
(65) See Magruder (1984a) on the life history, which con- be in Pneophyllum but did not effect the transfer.
sists of a dominant dioecious gametophyte alternating (96) See Chamberlain (1983).
with a small, filamentous tetrasporophyte. (97) The generic assignment of this species is uncertain.
(66) This species is suspected by Taylor (1960) and Papen- (98) See Garbary and Johansen (1982).
fuss et al. (1982) to represent the sporophytic stage of (99) See Johansen (1970).
G. rugosa. (100) See Nonis and Bucher (1982).
(67) Huisman (1985) demonstrated that the features formerly (101) See Adey (1970).
used to distinguish Pseudogloiophloea from Scinaia do (102) Cribb (1983) placed J. capillacea in the synonymy of
not justify independent generic status. J. adhaerens.
(68) See Joly, Cordeiro-Marino, Ugadim et al. (1965). (103) See Joly, Cordeiro, Yamaguishi, and Ugadim (1965b).
(69) Aguilera and Ganesan (198 1) demonstrated that the life (104) See Woelkerling (1983b).
history consists of a dominant gametophyte and a micro- (105) See Lemoine (1974).
scopic filamentous tetrasporophyte. See also Ganesan (106) Lithothamnion Heydrich, 1897, has been proposed for
(1974). conservation against Lithothamnium Philippi, 1837. See
(70) See Eiseman (1979). Woelkerling (1983a, 1984).
(71) Although this group is sometimes placed within a broad (107) See Schneider and Searles (1976).
definition of the Nemaliales (e.g., Dixon and Irvine (108) Adey (1970) did not include the basionym when he pro-
1977), strong arguments for maintaining it as a distinct posed this transfer. It is Lithothamnion jloridanum
order have been made (Pueschel and Cole 1982). Foslie (1906a, p. 11).
(72) Yoneshigue and Oliveira (1984) offered evidence to (109) See Masaki (1968).
assign this genus to the Gelidiaceae rather than to the (110) See Setchell and Mason (1943).
Choreocolaceae, in which family it had been placed by (111) Tseng (1983) followed Setchell and Mason (1943) in
Fan and Papenfuss (1959). placing this species in Neogoniolithon. See also Plate 46
(73) See Ganesan (1970a). in Dawson (1960a).
(74) See Yoneshigue and Oliveira (1984), who described this (112) See Adey et al. (1982).
species from Brazil. (113) See Adey and McKibbin (1970).
(75) See Santelices (1976). (114) See Vinogradova and Sosa (1977).
(76) This account follows the taxonomy of Dixon and Irvine (115) Chamberlain (1983) recognized f. confervicola and f.
(1977). minutula of this species, but it is not clear to which
(77) See Taylor (1969) and Ganesan (1976a). forma the western Atlantic material belongs.
(78) See Taylor (1971a). (1 16) Van den Hoek et al. (1981) stated that this species may
2258 CAN. I. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

be only a variety of P. onkodes (Heydrich) Foslie, the Wynne and Kraft (1981). See also Papenfuss (1961).
major Pacific ridge former. (139) See Papenfuss (1967).
(117) Papenfuss (19686) has pointed out that Sporolithon (140) There have been numerous nomenclatural and taxo-
Heydrich, 1897 has priority over Archaeolithothamnion nomic opinions expressed in regard to the alga identified
Rothpletz ex Foslie, 1898. The latter name was initially in Taylor (1960) as Agardhiella tenera. The basic idea
proposed as a provisional name by Rothpletz. is that two different entities, fitting in two different
(118) The following transfers, proposed by Tomita in a thesis genera, had previously passed under the name Agar-
(1976), are hereby validated: Sporolithon africanum dhiella tenera (Taylor and Rhyne 1970; Wynne and
(Foslie) Tomita, comb. nov. BASIONYM: Archaeolitho- Taylor 1973). The most recent move was by Gabrielson
thamnion africanum Foslie, 19066, (p. 19). Sporo- (1985), who designated a lectotype of Rhabdonia tenera
lithon australasicum (Foslie) Tomita, comb. nov. J. Agardh taxonomically different from that earlier
BASIONYM: Archaeolithothamnionaustralasicum Foslie, designated by Taylor (in Taylor and Rhyne 1970). Such
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1907 (p. 12). Sporolithon dimotum (Foslie & Howe) an argument restores Agardhiella rather than Neoagard-
Tomita, comb. nov. BASIONYM: Archaeolithothamnion hiella of Wynne and Taylor (1973). The one entity,
dimotum Foslie and Howe, 1906 (p. 128, Plate 80, Fig. with a more northerly distribution, is now called Agard-
1; Plate 87). Sporolithon howei (Lemoine) Tomita, hiella subulata (see Kraft and Wynne 1979). The other
comb. nov. BASIONYM: Archaeolithothamnion howei entity, with a more southerly distribution, is now called
Lemoine, 1930 (p. 40, Plate I, Fig. 4). Solieria filiformis by Gabrielson (1985). It is important
(1 19) See Dawson (19606). to note that these two species coexist in a large area
(120) See Woelkerling et al. (1985). (North Carolina, Florida, Texas, and the Caribbean).
(121) See Kraft and Robins (1985) for their concept of a single See also Gabrielson and Hommersand (1982a, 19826).
order, Gigartinales, which would contain the many The circumscription of this family has been altered from
families usually assigned to the Cryptonemiales. containing only multiaxially constructed members (see
(122) This genus was moved from the Solieriaceae (Kylin Papenfuss and Edelstein 1974; Min-Thein and
1956) to this family by Kraft and Abbott (1971). Womersley 1976) to also containing uniaxially con-
(123) See Schneider and Searles (1975). structed members and procarpic members (Melanemu)
(124) See Ganesan (1976a). (Gabrielson and Hommersand 1982a). Additional
For personal use only.

(125) See Schneider and Searles (1973). Dawson (1961) alterations have been introduced by the inclusion by
treated P. tenuis as a taxonomic synonym of P. musonii. Kraft and Gabrielson (1983) of a genus (Tikvahiella)
(126) See Kraft and Abbott (1971). Kraft (1984) asserted that with multiple gonimoblast initials. See also Gabrielson
the Venezuelan record of P. pusilla, a Mediterrean and Kraft (1984).
species, by Lemus and Ganesan (1977) conforms to (141) See Schnetter (1972) in regard to his ssp. recurvata of
P. weldii. A. tenera.
(127) This species, originally known from the Pacific, has (142) See Gabrielson (1985).
been reported to also occur in the Gulf of Mexico (143) According to Cheney and Dawes (1980, 1981, 1986)
(Garza et al. 1984). E. echinocalpum, E. schrammii, and E. gelidium
(128) Some authors, e.g., Tanaka and Pham-Hoang (1962) should be removed from Eucheumu because of differ-
and Cordero (1977), place H. spinella in the synonymy ences in cystocarp structure (lack of a central large
of H. cervicornis. If these two taxa are conspecific, fusion cell), and they indicate that E. acanthocladum
however, H. spinella has priority. Lawson and John appears to be conspecific with E. gelidium. These
(1982) and Cribb (1983) discussed the problems in the species excluded from Eucheuma are to be placed in a
separation of H. cervicornis and H. spinella. new genus Meristiella (P. W. Gabrielson and D. P.
(129) Borgesen (1943) treated H. cornuta as a synonym of Cheney , manuscript in preparation).
H. valentiae, but also see Papenfuss (19686). (144) See Gabrielson (1983). Cribb (1983) included E. isi-
(130) This species has been reported northward to North forme in the synonymy of E. denticulatum (Burman f.)
Carolina (Schneider and Searles 1973). Coll. & Hervey .
(131) This species was reported from North Carolina by (145) See Taylor (1974).
Schneider and Searles (1975). See also Balakrishnan (146) See Taylor (1962a).
(1961), Noms and Bucher (1976), and Nonis and Aken (147) The first report of this species occumng in the Atlantic
(1985) for further data concerning its vegetative and was made by Schneider and Searles (1976).
reproductive organization. (148) Although placed in the Gelidiaceae by Taylor (1960),
(132) See Searles (1972). this genus had been transferred to the Gracilariaceae by
(133) Ochtodes filiformis (Vroman 1968) is generally Kylin (1956).
regarded as a synonym of 0. secundiramea. See Joly (149) Steentoft (1967) expressed doubt that this species is dis-
and Ugadim (1966) and Wiseman (1976, 1977). tinct from G. variabilis (Greville) Schmitz.
(134) This family name has replaced Rhabdoniaceae used in (150) See Dawson (1962a).
Taylor (1960). See Guiry (19786) and Silva (1980a). (151) See Oliveira (19846) for distributional ranges of some
(135) This family name has replaced Rhodophyllidaceae used of these species.
in Taylor (1960). See Guiry (19786) and Silva (1980a). (152) Gracilaria andersonii (Grunow) Kylin has been
(136) See Joly, Cordeiro-Marino, Ugadim et al. (1965). reported from Brazil (Oliveira 1977), but Abbon (1983)
(137) See Oliveira (1969a). showed that type material (Cordylecladia andersonii) is
(138) Although assigned to the Gelidiales by Taylor (1960), similar to G. lemaneiformis and that G. andersonii sen-
this family was later transferred to the Gigartinales by su auct. is G. papenfussii Abbott. The Brazilian records
WYNNE 2259

of G. andersonii were not discussed. rence of P. rubra in the western Atlantic with a single
(153) See Silva (1952), who stated that G. compressa was a collection from Bermuda. Most other reports under that
later taxonomic synonym of G. bursa-pastoris. name for western Atlantic plants approach the P. ina-
(154) See Joly, Cordeiro-Marino, Ugadim et al. (1965) and moena - P. conchicola group according to these
Pinheiro and Joly (1966). authors.
(155) See Oliveira et al. (1983). (18 1) See Boudouresque and Denizot (1975).
(156) See Oliveira and Plastino (1984) for observations on this (182) See Segonzac (1969).
species in culture. (183) See Kraft (1981) and Kraft and Robins (1985).
(157) This taxon had a different author entry in Taylor (1960). (184) See Papenfuss (1967) for retention of Acrosymphyton
It was first described (as Plocaria crassissima) by P. & over Helminthiopsis.
H. Crouan in Schramrn and MazC (1865, p. 20) and was (185) See Abbott (1962~)and Hawkes (1982).
subsequently transferred to Gracilaria by P. & H. (186) See Robins and Kraft (1985).
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Crouan in Schramm and MazC (1866, p. 46). (187) Howe (1905) stated that this species does not belong to
(158) Fredericq and Noms (1985) transferred this species to Dudresnaya; its status is uncertain.
Polycavemosa of Chang and Xia (1963), but Bird and (188) Taylor (1961) showed the tetrasporangia to be zonately
McLachlan (1982, 1984) have not recognized this divided, not tetrapartite (Taylor 1960).
genus. (189) See Searles (1983).
(159) See Taylor (1969) for photograph of lectotype (190) See Eiseman and Noms (1981).
specimen. (191) See Taylor (1976).
(160) See Schneider (1975~). (192) See Balakrishnan (1960). At this time Corynomopha is
(161) See Abbott (1983) for reasons for placing G. sjoestedtii an illegitimate name, being a later nomenclatural
in the synonymy of G. lemaneiformis; see Papenfuss synonym (Silva 1980a, 1980b). The conservation of
(1967) for the suppression of Gracilariopsis within Corynomopha, the proposal for which is pending,
Gracilaria. would make Corynomorphaceae available.
(162) See Schneider (1975b). (193) See Joly and Yamaguishi-Tomita (1967, 1969).
(163) See Bodard (1965). (194) See Joly, Cordeiro, Yamaguishi, and Ugadim (1965b).
(164) See Cordeiro-Marino (1978). (195) See Ganesan (1975).
For personal use only.

(165) See McLachlan (1979). Based on records of G. foliifera (196) See Silva (1980b).
var. angustissima, it appears that this species, which (197) ArdrC and Gayral (1961) concluded that most foliose
was described on the basis of Nova Scotian material, species of Grateloupia occumng in the Atlantic and
occurs in the Caribbean. Pacific are assignable to a single species. Dawson et al.
(166) Newton (1953) chose to restrict the concept of Turner's (1964) confirmed their conclusion and indicated that the
Fucus wrightii to West Indian specimens, with correct name for this species complex is G. doryphora
G. comea J. Ag. as a synonym. She restricted (Montagne) Howe.
G. debilis to the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. (198) See Schnetter et al. (1983).
(167) The type of the genus, namely, C. erecta (Grev.) J. (199) See Cheney and Dyer (1974) for a new record in the
Ag., was moved to the Rhodymeniaceae by G. Gulf of Mexico.
Feldmann (1967). Feldmann remarked that the structure (200) See Hansen (1977b).
of C. peasiae differs from that of both Cordylecladia (201) See Hansen (1977~).
and Gracilaria. Thus the taxonomic status of (202) See Ganesan (1976b), who suggested that material
C. peasiae is uncertain at this time. known as K. pe$orata in the western Atlantic is
(168) See Denizot (1968) and Guiry et al. (1984). probably this species.
(169) Mastocapus has been separated from Gigartina on the (203) See Diaz-Piferrer (1977).
basis of morphological, life-history, and biochemical (204) It appears that records of C. compressa Harv. in tropical
differences (Guiry et al. 1984). areas (Diaz-Piferrer 1970b; Almod6var and Ballantine
(170) See Schneider and Searles (1973). 1983) are referable to C. vieillardii. Champia com-
(171) See Pueschel and Cole (1982). pressa was described from South Africa and is regarded
(172) A proposal to conserve the orthographic variant Hilden- as a temperate species. See Dawson (1954), Womersley
brandia (rather than Hildenbrandtia) has been made and Bailey (1970), and Cribb (1983). Reedman and
(Silva 1 9 8 0 ~ ) . Womersley (1976) provide additional information on
(173) The Peyssonneliaceae of Denizot (1968) has replaced the distinction between these two species.
the Squamariaceae of Kylin (1956) and Taylor (1960). (205) See Bula-Meyer (1985).
See also Kraft (1981). (206) Guiry (1978~)called attention to the fact that the
(174) According to Denizot (1968), this alga is not in Con- grounds for maintaining Coeloseira Hollenberg (1940)
tarinia, but approaches Ethelia. as a genus distinct from Gastroclonium are not justified,
(175) See Denizot (1968). and Irvine (1983) also regarded Coeloseira as a taxo-
(176) See Schneider and Reading (1987). nomic synonym. Both tetrasporangia and polysporangia
(177) Although Denizot (1968) made this combination, it had are produced in Gastroclonium, and some species (e.g.,
already been effected by Weber-van Bosse (Borgesen G. reflexum) display a reflexed, spreading habit. Chang
1916). and Xia (1978) effected the transfers of Hollenberg's
(178) See Yoneshigue (1984). two species of Coeloseira to Gastroclonium.
(179) See Joly et al. (1968). (207) See Joly, Cordeiro, Yarnaguishi, and Ugadim (1965~).
(180) Boudouresque and Denizot (1975) verified the occur- (208) Some authors place this genus in a separate family,
2260 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

Lomentariaceae; that family name has been proposed combination did not satisfy Article 33.2 of the Sydney
for conservation against Chondrosiphonaceae (Silva Code (Voss et al. 1983) and thus is invalid.
1980~). (239) See Magruder (1984b).
(209) The existence of this species in this region (namely, (240) Reported from Brazil by Joly, Cordeiro, Yamaguishi,
North Carolina) has been verified by Schneider and Ugadim (1965~).
(1975~).It appeared earlier as an "uncertain record." (241) See Dixon and Price (1981).
(210) This generic name has already been conserved against (242) See Wynne (1985~).
Myriophylla Holmes, 1894. It has also been proposed to (243) See Gallagher and Humm (1983).
conserve it against Gloiosaccion Harvey, 1859 (Silva (244) See Joly (1966).
1980b). (245) Some authors (e.g., Hommersand 1963) include this
(21 1) See Schnetter (1978~). genus within the definition of Ceramium.
(212) See Ganesan and Lemus (1972). (246) See Joly and Ugadim (1963).
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(213) See Dawson (1962b). (247) Although Taylor (1960) included this species as a
(214) See Ganesan et al. (1986) for Venezuelan record. synonym of C. byssoideum (= C. flaccidum), Oliveira
(215) See Taylor and Abbott (1973). (1969b) presented reasons for maintaining it as a dis-
(216) See Ballantine (1985). tinct species.
(217) See Abbott and Littler (1969) in regard to the inclusion (248) See Womersley (1978), who regards C. strictum as a
of Cryptarachne within Chrysymenia. synonym of C. diaphanum. See also Lucas (1953).
(218) See Searles (1972). (249) See Hornrnersand (1963).
(219) See Searles (1984~). (250) See Womersley (1978).
(220) See HuvC and HuvC (1977). (25 1) See Diaz-Piferrer (1969c, 1969d, 1969e) and Ballantine
(221) See Eiseman and Moe (1981). and Wynne (1986b).
(222) Contrary to Papenfuss' (1961) view, this variety was (252) According to Silva (1982b), this name is a later
validated with Taylor's (1960, p. 634) reference to homonym.
figures. (253) See Ballantine and Wynne (1986b).
(223) See Wollaston (1977), who maintains this species as (254) See van den Hoek (1978).
distinct from the type, A. preissii. (255) See Joly, Cordeiro, Mendoza et al. (1963).
For personal use only.

(224) Baldock (1976) reinstated this genus as distinct from (256) The proposal by Abbott (19766) to regard Grallatoria
Grifithsia. and Callithamniella as congeneric has not been accepted
(225) Although Boudouresque and Coppejans (1982) sug- by subsequent authors (Schneider 1984; Wynne and
gested that this species should be restricted to a Mediter- Ballantine 1985).
ranean distribution, Norris and Aken (1985) offered (257) See Ganesan (1970b).
evidence that it is more widespread. (258) Additional records of this species include Taylor
(226) Although Womersley and Bailey (1970) placed A. lher- (1972), Oliveira and Ugadim (1976), and Ballantine and
minieri in the synonymy of A. antillanum, other authors Wynne (1986b).
(Abbott 1979; Cribb 1983) have presented reasons for (259) See Oliveira (1969b).
maintaining them as distinct species. (260) See Baldock (1976).
(227) See Cordeiro-Marino and Guimariies (198 1). (261) Huisman and Kraft (1982) refer to this species.
(228) See Abbott (1979). (262) See Noms (1985) and Schneider (1975~).
(229) Wollaston (1968, 1971) has reinstated this genus as dis- (263) See Joly et al. (1966).
tinct from Antithamnion. (264) See Dawson (1962b) and Oliveira (1969b).
(230) See Oliveira (1969b) and Schneider (1984). (265) It is uncertain whether this species occurs in the western
(23 1) See Dawson (1949), Joly , Cordeiro, and Yamaguishi tropical Atlantic. According to Schneider (1984), the
(1963), Womersley and Bailey (1970), and Schneider report of this species for South Carolina (Blair and Hall
(1984). This species has also been misidentified as 1981) is based on a misidentification of Antitham-
Pterothamnion plumula in this region. nionella breviramosa. See also Moe and Silva (1980).
(232) See Joly, Cordeiro, Yamaguishi and Ugadim (1965b). (266) Schneider (1975~) removed the genus from the
(233) See Dawson (1962b), van den Hoek (1978), Young Dasyaceae to the Ceramiaceae.
(1981), Huisman and Kraft (1984), and Ballantine and (267) See Taylor (1961, 1969) and van den Hoek (1978).
Wynne (1986~). (268) See Dixon (1971), who suggested that this species
(234) See Joly (1965) and Schneider (1984). belongs in Callithamnion.
(235) According to Dixon & Price (1981), this name may be (269) Spermothamnion repens (Dillw.) Rosenv. var.
predated by C. arachnoideum C. Agardh, 1828. variabile (C. Agardh) Wynne, comb. nov., stat. nov.
(236) Dixon and Price (1981) have included Aglaothamnion BASIONYM: Callithamnion variable C. Agardh, 1828 (p.
Feldmann-Mazoyer (1941) within Callithamnion. See 163).
also Schneider (1980). (270) See Papenfuss (1968~). Additional varieties were
(237) See Searles (1981). recognized by Taylor (1960).
(238) Callithamnion neglectum (Feldmann-Mazoyer) (271) See Lawson and John (1982).
Wynne, comb. nov. BASIONYM: Aglaothamnion neglec- (272) See Joly and Oliveira (1966).
tum Feldmann-Mazoyer, 1941 (pp. 459, 463, Figs. (273) See Gordon (1972).
181- 183). After the submission of this manuscript, it (274) See Doty and Mefiez (1960).
has come to my attention that this transfer was proposed (275) See Ganesan (19706) and Almod6var and Ballantine
by Ballesteros and Romero (1982). However, their (1983).
'NNE 226 1

(276) See Ballantine and Wynne (1985). central cells per segment, and the rhizoids are not cut off
(277) See Wiseman and Schneider (1976), Eiseman and Blair by a septum from the pericentral cells (Coppejans
(1982), Wynne (1984b), and Ballantine and Wynne 1983).
(1985). (314) Ardri (1970) stated that this species occurs in the West
(278) See Schneider and Searles (1975), Searles (1981), and Indies. Most authors report a relatively high number of
Eiseman (1979). pericentral cells (10 - 18) for this species.
(279) See Schneider (1974) and Eiseman (1979). (3 15) See Monill (1976).
(280) See Ballantine and Wynne (1987). (316) See Oliveira and Ugadim (1973).
(281) See Schneider (1984). (317) Heterodasya Joly & Oliveira (1966) was moved from
(282) See Post (1965). the Dasyaceae to the Lophothalia group of the Rhodo-
(283) See Ugadim (1976). melaceae by Parsons (1975, p. 691), and Oliveira
(284) See Post (1966). (1977) subsequently placed Heterodasya in the
Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by NC STATE UNIVERSITY on 10/04/12

(285) See Aregood (1975). synonymy of Micropeuce.

(286) See Wynne and Ballantine (1986). (318) Although Kylin (1956), pp. 511, 660) did not indicate
(287) See Wynne (1984~). the basionym (Dasya mucronata Harv.) for this com-
(288) See Schneider (1975~) and Cordeiro-Marino and bination, Art. 33.2, Ex. 5, of the code (Voss et al.
Guimarges (1981). 1983) states that such bibliographic errors do not invali-
(289) See Schneider (1974) and Schneider and Eiseman date the new combination.
(1979). (319) This species (see Joly, Cordeiro, and Yamaguishi 1963)
(290) See Papenfuss (1952). was treated as a later synonym by Seagrief (1984).
(291) See Dixon and Irvine (1970). (320) See Joly, Ugadim, and Oliveira (1967).
(292) See Oliveira and Braga (197 1). (321) See Kapraun and Nonis (1982).
(293) See Schneider (197%). (322) See Wynne and Edwards (1970). Rueness (1973)
(294) See Baca et al. (1977). demonstrated a partial interfertility with P. hemi-
(295) See Wynne (19856). sphaerica of northern Europe. Kapraun (1979) stated
(296) See Aregood (1977). that this species occurs in Texas, the Florida Keys, and
(297) Prud'homme van Reine and Sluiman (1980) support Bermuda.
For personal use only.

maintaining B. montagnei and B. scolpioides as separ- (323) See Kapraun et al. (1983).
ate species. (324) It is appropriate to cite the authorship as "Suhr ex J.
(298) See Joly, Cordeiro, Mendoza, and Yamaguishi (1965) Agardh," since the description was published by J.
for Brazilian record. Agardh in 1863 and Suhr had died in 1847.
(299) See Oliveira and Cordeiro-Marino (1970a, 1970b). (325) See Kapraun (1977b, 1978).
(300) See Hollenberg (1968b). Cribb (1983), however, has (326) This is a cold-water s~eciesthat can be a casual invader
expressed doubt that this species can be distinguished as an epiphyte on hrift algae (Woelkerling 1972a,

from H. secunda f. tenella. 1975).

(301) See Hollenberg (1968b, p. 547), who stated that some (327) See Hollenberg (1968~)and Woelkerling (1975).
Florida and Bermuda collections identified as (328) See Kapraun (1980~).
H. secunda f. tenella are referable to this species. (329) See Hollenberg (1968~).Womersley (1979), however,
(302) Hollenberg (1968b) stated that some Florida material suggested that this taxon is merely the small, immature
"seems readily referable" to this species. form of P. sertularioides with the rhizoids adapted to
(303) See Wynne (1985~). growth between the utricles of Codium.
(304) See Cordeiro-Marino et al. (1983). (330) See Cordeiro-Marino and Oliveira (1970) and Tsuda
(305) This species was an "uncertain record" in Taylor and Dawes (1974) for records from Brazil and Belize,
(1960) but was confirmed as in the flora by Saito and respectively. Some authors continue to place this spe-
Womersley (1974). cies in Lophosiphonia.
(306) See Silva (1972). (331) See Hollenberg ( 1 9 6 8 ~ and
) Womersley (1979).
(307) See Rodriguez de Rios and Lobo (1984). (332) This synonymy was suggested as "probable" by
(308) See Rodriguez de Rios (1981). Womersley (1979), but see Brauner (1975), Kapraun
(309) See Rodriguez de Rios and Saito (1982). (1979), Kapraun and Nonis (1982), and Kapraun et al.
(310) See Schnetter (1975). (1983).
(311) See Saito (1969) for this Brazilian record. (333) Hollenberg ( 1 9 6 8 ~ )reported two Dawson collections
(312) This was an "uncertain record" in Taylor (1960) but from Atlantic Central America to belong to this species.
was reinstated into the flora by Schneider and Searles See also Oliveira and Cordeiro-Marino (1970~).
(1975) and Oliveira (1977). (334) See Wynne (1986~).
(313) Some confusion exists in regard to the correct name of (335) See Joly, Ugadim, Oliveira, and Cordeiro-Marino
the type of the genus Lophosiphonia. The oldest name, (1967).
Hutchinsia obscura C . Agardh (1828), was illegitimate (336) Vroman (1967) added this second species to a genus
(Art. 73.1; Voss et al. 1983). J. Agardh (1842) intro- described by BGrgesen (1930) from the Canary Islands.
duced the legitimate name Polysiphonia obscura (Art.
72, Note l), which has priority over Polysiphonia sub- Notes on Phaeophyta
adunca Kiitzing (1843), a taxonomic synonym. Culli- (337) The ordinal level of classification in the brown algae has
nane (1970) stated that this species (as L. subadunca) is been subjected to several different approaches in recent
widely distributed in the West Indies. There are six peri- years. Some authors (e.g., Russell and Fletcher 1975;
CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

South 1984) define Ectocarpales as being broadly cir- ing Pilayella, Bachelotia, and several other genera,
cumscribed, including the Chordariales, Dictyosi- from the Ectocarpaceae on the basis of the occasional
phonales, and Scytosiphonales. Other authors (e.g ., formation of longitudinal divisions and of the relatively
Wynne and Kraft 1981) prefer to maintain these as simple transformation of vegetative cells into pluri-
separate orders. A different separation of the Ectocar- locular and unilocular sporangia. The Pilayellaceae was
pales and Tilopteridales has also been proposed (Chris- assigned to the Tilopteridales, an order comprising
tensen 1980; Pedersen 1984). members with a parenchymatous organization. It is
(338) Although Russell (1978) and Russell and Garbary debatable how much taxonomic significance is to be
(1978) claimed that, on the basis of a numerical taxo- attached to the rare occurrence of longitudinal divisions,
nomic study, all taxa of British Ectocarpaceae can be and so the present scheme retains Pilayella within the
considered to fit into a single genus (Ectocarpus), there Ectocarpaceae. See Dixon and Russell (1964) for the
seems to be at present no justification for abandoning orthography of this genus.
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the traditional system of classification for this family. (362) See Kuckuck (1955), Joly et al. (1969), and Yoneshigue
(339) Although some evidence exists that Acinetospora is and Figueiredo (1983).
merely a growth expression of Feldmannia or Giffordia (363) This species has been linked to the life history of Lito-
(see Cardinal 1964; Knoepffler-Peguy 1972, 1974, siphon pusillus in Europe (Pedersen 1981).
1977), Amsler and Kapraun (1985) supported the recog- (364) Although this North Carolina species, described by
nition of Acinetospora. Hoyt (1920), was not included in Taylor (1960), Searles
(340) Amsler (1984) verified A. crinita for North Carolina. (19846) has referred to it.
Amsler and Kapraun (1985) asserted that the report by (365) This species was not recorded in Taylor (1960).
Schneider (1976) of A. crinita for North Carolina is Womersley (1967) lectotypified the genus with
based on Giffordia onslowensis. X. halliae but also expressed the idea that Agardh's two
(341) See Knoepffler-Peguy (1974) for a list of synonyms of species of Xanthosiphonia belong to Ectocarpus.
this species and its separation from A. crinita. (366) This family has been placed in its own order (Nakamura
(342) See Gerloff (1959). 1972), but the order is invalid in that the requisite Latin
(343) Kornmann and Sahling (1984) returned this genus (as diagnosis is lacking.
Sorocalpus) to the Ectocarpaceae, stating that its mor- (367) See Lund (1959).
For personal use only.

phological properties did not justify a distinct family as (368) See Searles and Schneider (1978) for North Carolina
had been proposed by Pedersen (1977). record (as Lithoderma fatiscens).
(344) Botrytella has priority over Sorocarpus Pringsheim, (369) Species of Ascocyclus have been assigned to Heca-
1862. tonema and Myrionema (see Loiseaux 1967a, 19676).
(345) See Kuckuck (1963). (370) The status of A. hypneae is uncertain.
(346) Womersley and Bailey (1970) and Lawson and John (371) See Pedersen (1984) for a discussion of the systematic
(1982) discussed the problems with the generic assign- position of Hecatonema and the fact that some of the
ment of this species. species have been shown to represent microthalli of
(347) See Jaasund (1969). Punctariaceae.
(348) See Dixon and Russell (1964) and Russell (1966, p. (372) See Loiseaux (19676).
275) for an explanation of the nomenclature of this (373) Hecatonema maculans is the type of the genus, but
s~ecies. H. terminale may be an earlier taxonomic synonym (see
(349) ske Knoepffler-Peguy (1970) and Oliveira and Ugadim Pedersen 1984). Loiseaux (1969) showed a connection
(1974). between this species and Myriotrichia clavaeformis, but
(350) See Clayton (1974), who would include F. caespitula Fletcher (1984) observed that there was a connection
within F. paradoxa. with either Asperococcus or Desmotrichum.
(35 1) See Pham-Hoang (1969). (374) See Loiseaux (19676) for a discussion of the confusion
(352) Earle (1969) maintained Giffordia conifera and Feld- between M. orbicularis, which was described as an epi-
mannia irregularis as distinct. phyte on Posidonia in the Mediterranean, and M. mag-
(353) See Taylor (1973) for a detailed discussion of this nusii, which was described as an epiphyte on Zostera in
species. the North Sea.
(354) Amsler (1985) stated that North Carolina records of (375) This species has been reported as an "invader" from
G. indica and G. mitchelliae and other warm-temperate the North (Woelkerling 1 9 7 2 ~ )It. is also treated as a
records of G. indica are to be reexamined. form of E. ficicola (Lund 1959).
(355) See Amsler and Kapraun (1985). (376) This is the correct name rather than Corynophlaeaceae
(356) See Kapraun (1984) for North Carolina occurrence. (Silva 1 9 8 0 ~ ) .
(357) Although Chapman (1963) placed this species in the (377) This species, not listed by Taylor (1960), does occur in
synonymy of Feldmannia irregularis, Earle (1969) Bermuda.
maintained them as distinct species. (378) See Earle (1969) concerning the status of this species.
(358) See Brauner (1975) for North Carolina occurrence. (379) See Price et al. (1978).
(359) See Cordeiro-Marino and Guimariies (1981). (380) See Joly (1952a) and Ganesan (1968).
(360) This genus has been traditionally assigned to the Ecto- (381) See Diaz-Piferrer (19706) and Mathieson and Dawes
carpaceae. Pedersen (1984) has moved it to the Chorda- (1975).
riaceae because of similarities to Halonema in that (382) See Diaz-Piferrer (1969~)for reports of this species
family. from deep water off Peurto Rico.
(361) Pedersen (1984) distinguished the Pilayellaceae, includ- (383) See Fiore (1975, 1977).
WYNNE 2263

(384) See Taylor (1974). Notes on Chlorophyta

(385) See Pedersen (1978). (417) Silva (1982a) placed Palmophyllum in this family but
(386) This order is recognized on the basis of life history and indicated that this genus and Palmoclathrus, both
cytological characteristics (Wynne 1969, 1982). The macroscopic marine algae, probably belong to a distinct
included genera had been assigned to the Punctariaceae family.
in the treatment of Taylor (1960). (418) Woelkerling (1975) provided evidence that Howe's Ps.
(387) Fotos (1981) demonstrated a single chloroplast with antillarum is conspecific with Ps. marina.
pyrenoid per cell, which is in agreement with placement (419) See Kornmann and Sahling (1983).
in the Scytosiphonales. (420) The family name Ulvellaceae Schmidle, 1899 was
(388) See Guimariies et al. (1986). resurrected by O'Kelly and Floyd (1983) for marine
(389) See Wynne (1972). members that had been placed in Chaetophoraceae.
(390) Earle (1969) stated that the form of the son appears to They referred the Ulvellaceae to the Ulvales.
Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by NC STATE UNIVERSITY on 10/04/12

be the only distinction between R. orientalis and (42 1) Acrochaete includes Entocladia Reinke, 1879. See
R. sanctae-crucis. Nielsen (1979).
(391) See Henry (1984). (422) The production of setae in this alga indicates that it
(392) See Prud'homme van Reine (1982). belongs to Acrochaete (see Nielsen 1979), and the
(393) See Oliveira and Furtado (1978). following transfer is proposed: Acrochaete endozoica
(394) See Earle (1969) and Price et al. (1978) for a discussion (Goldberg, Makemson & Colley), comb. nov.
of the separation of D. dichotoma, D. bartayresii, BASIONYM: Entocladia endozoica Goldberg, Makemson
D. indica, D. linearis, D. ciliolata, and D. volubilis. & Colley, 1984 (p. 379, Figs. 2, 3, 6-8).
(395) See Richardson (1975) and Price et al. (1978) for a dis- (423) See Nielsen (1983) and Diaz-Piferrer (1969a).
cussion of the nomenclature of this species. (424) See Yamaguishi-Tomita (1970).
(396) See Taylor (1969). (425) See Yarish (1975, 1976).
(397) See Richardson (1979). (426) With the abandonment of Entocladia (merged within
(398) See Allender and Kraft (1983). Acrochaete) by Nielsen (1979), Epicladia is the oldest
(399) Lobophora has priority over Pocockiella Papenfuss available name for species of Entocladia that do not
(1943), but a proposal to conserve the latter genus is form hairs (Nielsen 1980).
For personal use only.

pending (Papenfuss 1980). (427) See Diaz-Piferrer (1969a, as Entocladia pustrae) and
(400) See Womersley (1967). Nielsen (1984).
(401) See Allender and Kraft (1983), who recognized that the (428) The following transfer is made: Epicladia ventnculosa
"Padina gymnospora" of various authors had been (Bgrgesen) Wynne, comb. nov. BASIONY M:Endoderma
misinterpreted to be usually three cells in thickness, but ventriculosum Bgrgesen, 1920 (p. 420, Fig. 40 1).
the type (Zonaria gymnospora Kutzing) has 8 or 9 (429) Diplochaete Collins (1901), which is a later homonym
layers. of that of Nees von Esenbeck (1834), had been placed in
(402) See Papenfuss (1977) for retention of this name rather the Chaetopeltidaceae by Taylor (1960). Sosa (1981)
than P. tenuis of Womersley and Bailey (1970) and presented evidence that D. solitaria Collins is a diatom
Allender and Kraft (1983). rather than a green alga. On the basis of observations
(403) See Gaillard (1975). made on Puerto Rican specimens identifiable as Diplo-
(404) See Papenfuss (1977). chaete, I concur with Sosa's opinion that these setae-
(405) Papenfuss (1977) accepted this authorship, whereas bearing unicells are diatoms and assignable to
Price et al. (1979) credited Lamouroux with this com- Mastogloia. See also Stephens and Gibson (1979).
bination. (430) See Nielsen (1978).
(406) See Earle (1969). (431) See Nielsen (1972).
(407) See Joly and Oliveira (1967a). (432) See Nielsen and McLachlan (1985).
(408) Reported as drift specimen from the north (Woelkerling (433) See Nielsen and Pedersen (1977) and Kornmann and
1972a, 1975). Sahling (1983).
(409) This form occurs in North Carolina (C. Schneider, per- (434) In that the type of Protoderma (P. viridis Kutzing) is a
sonal communication); it has been referred to as an freshwater species, the generic assignment of this
' 'ecad. " species is uncertain.
(410) See Bula Meyer (1980). (435) See Yoneshigue-Braga (1977).
(411) See Diaz-Piferrer (1967) and Ganesan (1978) for (436) See Diaz-Piferrer (1969a). Aleem and Schulz (1952)
Venezuelan occurrence. regarded this species as a later synonym of Ps.
(412) This species was in the "uncertain category" in Taylor marinum. But see Lund (1959).
(1960) but was later reinstated (Richardson 1975; (437) Nielsen (1977) showed that Pseudulvella could not be
Taylor 1976). distinguished from Ulvella on the flagellar number of
(413) See Taylor (1975). zoospores. Therefore, the following transfer is made:
(414) Taylor (1976) reported this species from Venezuela. Ulvella heterotricha (Yarish) comb. nov. BASIONYM:
(415) See Taylor (1961, as C. jmbriata). The oldest legiti- Pseudulvella heterotricha Yarish, 1975 (p. 389, Figs.
mate name for this species is Fucus compressus Esper. 2, 16-20).
See Gerloff and Nizamuddin (1975) and Price et al. (438) See Nielsen (1977).
(1978). (439) See Silva (1982a).
(416) See Papenfuss and Jensen (1967), who stated that this (440) See Silva (1980a).
variety occurs in the Caribbean. (441) See Hurnrn and Taylor (1961).
2264 CAN. J . BOT. \

(442) See J6nsson (1962), Kornmann (1965a), and Bold and (473) See Blair (1983), who reports this species from
Wynne (1985) for the basis of the separation of this Bermuda and Florida; its type locality is Labrador. Blair
order from the Cladophorales. regarded C. atrovirens Taylor as a synonym.
(443) See Bliding (1969) for recognition of several families of (474) The monographic treatments by van den Hoek (1963,
Ulvales. 1982) have been followed in the present account. Some
(444) See Dangeard (1961), Bliding (1963), and Kornmann differences in taxonomic judgments have been pointed
and Sahling (1978). out by Soderstrom (1963, 1965).
(445) See Diaz-Piferrer (1969a). (475) According to van den Hoek (1963, p. 77) the type of
(446) Gomontia is placed in the Monostromataceae on the C. glaucescens (Griff. ex Harv.) Harv. is a hetero-
basis of developmental and life-history similarities to geneous gathering, some belonging to C. albia'a and
Monostroma (Kornmann 1963, 1965b). some belonging to C. sericea.
(447) This genus has been placed in its own family, the Proto- (476) Type material of C. scitula (Suhr) Kutz. appears iden-
Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by NC STATE UNIVERSITY on 10/04/12

monostromataceae, by Vinogradova (1974, 1979). tical with C. albida, but the stated site of collection of
(448) In agreement with Article 57.3 of the Sydney Code C. scitula ("India Occidentalis") is outside of the dis-
(Voss et al. 1983) the following transfer is made: tribution range of C. albida (van den Hoek 1982).
Protomonostroma undulatum (Wittr.) Vinograd. f. (477) Van den Hoek (1982) was unable to retrace the type.
pulchrum (Farlow) Wynne, comb. nov. BASIONYM: (478) See van den Hoek (1982).
Monostroma pulchrum Farlow, 1882 (p. 41). (479) See Norris and Bucher (1982).
(449) See Woelkerling (1975, as Monostroma pulchrum). (480) See van den Hoek (1969b).
(450) See Bliding (1963), and Koeman and van den Hoek (481) See van den Hoek (1969a).
(1982a, 19828, 1984) for recent treatments of this (482) Cladophora hutchinsiae auct., C. brachyclona auct.,
genus. and C. utriculosa auct. were included in the synonymy
(451) See Bliding (1963). of C. laetevirens by van den Hoek (1982).
(452) See Bliding (1960). (483) According to van den Hoek (1982) C. rigidula Coll. &
(453) See Kapraun (1984) and Rhyne (1973). Hem. (non C. rigidula Kutz.) is a possible synonym of
(454) See Bliding (1969). C. liebetnrthii.
(455) Papenfuss (1960) demonstrated that the Linnaean type (484) Cladophora virgatula Grunow is a probable synonym
For personal use only.

of Ulva lactuca var. latissima is a Luminaria. Bliding (van den Hoek 1982).
(1969) treated the European "Ulva lactuca var. (485) See van den Hoek (1979) and van den Hoek and de Rios
latissima" as Ulva gigantea (Kutzing) Bliding. (1972).
(456) See Gayral (1965) and Bliding (1969). (486) Searles' (1981) identification of C. pseudopellucida
(457) See Kapraun and Flynn (1973) and Hadlich (1984). should be regarded as belonging to C. pellucidoidea.
(458) See Kornmann and Sahling (1974) for life-history Van den Hoek (1982) merged his C. pseudopellucida
characteristics of this order. with C. pellucida (known from Europe and South
(459) Although some authors (e.g., J6nsson 1962) would Africa).
include the Cladophorales and the Siphonocladales in a (487) For the nomenclature of this species see van den Hoek
single order, the traditional separation into two orders is (1963).
followed here. (488) See van den Hoek (1982). This species is known only
(460) See Egerod (1975). from the type collection from Barbados.
(461) See Humm and Cerame-Vivas (1964). (489) According to van de Hoek (1963) the type of Conferva
(462) See Valet (1966). gracilis Griff. ex Mackay (= Cladophora gracilis
(463) See Taylor (1969). (Griff. ex Mackay) Kutzing), non Confera gracilis
(464) See Searles and Leister (1980) and Ballantine and Wulfen, is a later taxonomic synonym of Confera seri-
Wynne (1986a) for recent records for North Carolina cea Hudson.
and Peurto Rico, respectively. (490) Van den Hoek (1982) also includes in the synonymy of
(465) See Humm (1956). C. vagabunda the following: C. heteronema auct.; C.
(466) See Joly and Periera (1973) and Bula Meyer (1982). jlexuosa auct.; and C. utriculosa auct. He also stated
(467) See Joly and Oliveira (1968) and Bula Meyer (1982). that the type of C. crystallina (Roth) Kutz. is con-
(468) See Joly and Sazima (1971a). specific with either C. vagabunda or C. glomerata.
(469) Blair (1983) summarized the evidence for maintaining Although type material was not examined, van den
C. aerea and C. linum as distinct species. See also Pate1 Hoek (1982) indicated that the type description of
(1971), Kornmann (1972), and Blair et al. (1982). C. cnrcigera Grunow suggests a robust plant of C.
(470) Since Chaetomorpha media is regarded as conspecific vagabunda.
with C. antennina (see Egerod 1974), Taylor's (1974) (491) This treatment follows that of Womersley and Bailey
variety is transferred: Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory) (1970) and Egerod (1974) in using R. africanum to
Kutzing var. stolonifera (Taylor) Wynne, comb. nov. replace records of R. hookeri for tropical and sub-
BASIONYM: Chaetomorpha media (C. Agardh) Kutzing tropical collections. Rhizoclonium hookeri was
var. stolonifera Taylor, 1974 (p. 60, Figs. 1-5). described from the Subantarctic.
(471) There has been some confusion of this warm-water (492) See Koster (1955), Nienhuis (1975), and Blair (1983)
species with C. tortuosa (Dillwyn) Kutzing (= Rhizo- concerning the taxonomy of this species.
clonium tortuosum (Dillwyn) Kutzing), which occurs in (493) This order is equivalent to the Siphonales in Taylor
colder waters. See Kornmann (1972). (1960).
(472) See Ballantine and Wynne (1986a). (494) The Bryopsidaceae Bory, 1829 includes the Derbe-

siaceae Hauck, 1884. See Silva (1980a) and Bold and monographic treatments of this genus.
Wynne (1985). (530) See Goreau and Graham (1967).
(495) See Taylor (1962b). (531) See Colinvaux (1968, 1969).
(496) See Medlin (1984). (532) See Colinvaux and Graham (1964).
(497) See Page (1970) and Bula Meyer and Schnetter (1978). (533) See Ballantine (1982).
(498) This species, described by Howe and Hoyt (1916) from (534) See Taylor (1962d).
North Carolina, was not listed by Taylor (1960) but was (535) See Dawes and Humm (1969).
included in the checklist of Searles and Schneider (536) The characteristics of Pseudocodium place it in an inter-
(1978). mediate position between the Codiaceae and the Udo-
(499) Although formerly placed in the Phyllosiphonaceae, teaceae, and the establishment of a separate family may
this genus appears to be related to the Bryopsidaceae. be necessary (Silva 1982a).
Mayhoub (1974) has shown that the zygote of Tricho- (537) See Dawes and Mathieson (1972).
Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by NC STATE UNIVERSITY on 10/04/12

solen (= Pseudobryopsis) develops directly into a (538) See Joly and Sazima (1971b).
creeping filament resembling Ostreobium. Silva (539) See Joly, Cordeiro-Marino, Ugadim et al. (1965).
(1982a) used Ostreobiaceae, but that family does not (540) See Gepp and Gepp (191 1) and Oliveira (1977).
appear to have been validly described (Silva 1980a). (541) See Earle and Young (1972), Farghaly and Denizot
(500) See May et al. (1982) for occurrence in Belize. (1979), van den Hoek (1978), Bula Meyer (1982), and
(501) See Lukas (1974). Ballantine and Wynne (1986a).
(502) Kornmann and Sahling (1980) demonstrated that (542) See Sears and Brawley (1982).
material obtained from Helgoland represents a distinct (543) See Sears and Brawley (1983) and Gallagher and Humm
species not involved as a stage in the life history of other (1980).
species. (544) This treatment follows Valet (1969) and Womersley
(503) See MacRaild and Womersley (1974) for the reasons for (1984) in accepting two families of living representa-
separating this genus from Derbesia. tives of this order.
(504) See Feldmann et al. (1975). (545) See Prince and Baker (1984).
(505) Trichosolen has priority over Pseudobryopsis Berthold (546) Polyphysaceae Kiitzing, 1843 predates Aceta-
in Oltmanns, 1904. A proposal for the conservation of bulariaceae Nageli, 1847, according to Womersley
For personal use only.

the latter genus is pending (Chihara et al. 1980). (1984).

(506) See John (1977). (547) Bailey, Cox, and Rezak (1976) regarded A. crenulata
(507) See Diaz-Piferrer (1965b). and A. farlowii as forms of one polymorphic species.
(508) See Taylor (1962b, 1962c), Blomquist and Diaz- (548) Bailey, Rezak, and Cox (1976) restored Acicularia
Piferrer (1961), and John (1977). schenckii to Acetabularia.
(509) See Taylor (1962~). (549) Bailey, Rezak, and Cox (1976) reestablished the genus
(5 10) See Searles (1972). Polyphysa to include those forms lacking an inferior
(51 1) See Searles et al. (1984) for North Carolina occurrence. corona. Womersley (1984) also recognized them as dis-
(512) See Silva (1960). tinct, while expressing concern that this criterion may
(513) See Eiseman and Earle (1983). not be satisfactory at the generic level.
(514) Taylor (1967a) accepted the synonymy of C. vickersiae (550) Chulmasia antillana has not been validly transferred to
within C. ambigua. Eubank (1946) had earlier Polyphysa; that transfer is herein effected: Polyphysa
expressed this opinion, and she had also deemed it antillana (Solms-Laubach) Wynne, comb. nov.
desirable to withdraw recognition of the varieties BASIONYM: Chalmasia antillana Solsm-Laubach, 1895
(Egerod 1952). (p. 32, Plate 111, Figs. 2, 3, 5).
(5 15) See Kernperman and Stegenga (1983). (551) Eiseman (1970) presented evidence that Acetabularia
(516) See Joly and Semir (1973). farlowii Solms-Laubach is conspecific with A. antillana
(517) See Thivy and Visalakshmi (1963). (here treated as Polyphysa antillana). See also Sosa
(5 18) Several varieties and formae are listed in Taylor (1960). (1979).
(5 19) See Diaz-Piferrer (1969b). (552) See Joly, Cordeiro-Marino, Ugadim et al. (1965) and
(520) See Joly and Pereira (1975). Bula Meyer (1982).
(521) See Papenfuss (1961) regarding var. pectinata. (553) See Schnetter (1978b).
(522) Price and John (1979) placed C. mexicana in the (554) The following transfer is made: Polyphysa polyphy-
synonymy of C. taxifolia. soides f. deltoideum (Howe) Wynne, comb. nov.
(523) See Hine and Humm (1971). BASIONYM: Acetabulum polyphysioides [var.] del-
(524) See Papenfuss and Egerod (1957). toideum Howe, 1909 (p. 92, Plate VI, Fig. 21 ; Plate
(525) See Taylor (1967b). VII, Fig. 10).
(526) This name has been proposed for conservation (Silva (555) See Liddle (1979).
1980a). (556) See Stegegena and Vroman (1986).
(527) See Olsen-Stojkovich (1985). (557) See Fredericq and Noms (1986).
(528) Howe (1907) was the first to describe this species; it (558) See Rodriguez de Rios and Saito (1985).
was a nomen nudum in Maze & Schrarnm (1878). (559) See Paula and Oliveira (1982).
(529) See Hillis (1959) and Hillis-Colinvaux (1980) for
2266 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 64, 1986

TABLE1 . Additional references that have not been cited in the Notes section

North Carolina Aziz and Humm 1962; Kapraun 1977a, 19806; Kapraun and Zechman 1982
South Carolina Wiseman 1978; Blair and Hall 1981
Georgia Blair and Hall 1981
Florida Benz et al. 1979; Croley and Dawes 1970; Dawes 1967, 1974; Dawes and Van Breedveld 1969; Dawes et al. 1967;
Hall and Eiseman 1981; H a m and Humm 1976; Humm 19636, 1 9 6 4 ~Madsen
; and Nielsen 1950; Phillips 1959,
1960a, 19606, 1961; Phillips and Springer 1960; Winston and Eiseman 1980; Woelkerling 1976
Louisiana Humm and Bert 1979; Humm and Darnel1 1959; Kapraun 1974; Mullahy 1959
Mississippi Humm and Caylor 1957
Texas Baca et al. 1979; Conover 1958, 1964; Edwards and Kapraun 1973; Kapraun 1971, 1980c
Gulf of Mexico Earle 1972c; Humm 1963a, 19646; H u m and Hildebrand 1962; Rezak et al. 1985
Mexico Boyd et al. 1963; Campa de Guzmin 1965; Huerta 1958, 1960, 1961, 1964; Huerta and Garza Bamentos 1966;
Humm 1952; Kornicker et al. 1959; Sanchez Rodriguez 1967
Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by NC STATE UNIVERSITY on 10/04/12

Caribbean Ganesan 19716; Gessner 1970; Humm 1969; Littler et al. 1985
Dominican Republic Williams et al. 1983
Cuba Diaz-Piferrer 1961, 1964a; Diaz-Piferrer and Lopez 1959; Diaz-Piferrer et al. 1961; Humm and Jackson 1955;
Kusel 1972
Puerto Rico Almod6var 1962, 1964a, 19646, 1965, 1970; Almod6var and Blomquist 1961, 1965; Almod6var and Pagan 1971;
Almod6var et al. 1972; Dahl 1973; Diaz-Pifemr 1963, 1965a, 1970a
Virgin Islands Earle 1972a
Netherlands Antilles Diaz-Piferrer 19646; van den Hoek et al. 1972, 1975, 1978
Barbados Almodovar and Pagan 1967
Bermuda Bach and Josselyn 1978; Butler et al. 1983; Sterrer 1985
Jamaica Chapman 1961
Guatemala Bird and McIntosh 1979
Panama Earle 19726
Colombia Kapraun 1972; Schnetter 1966, 1976; Schnetter and Bula Meyer 1977, 1978
Venezuela Albornoz and Rios 1965; Bertossi and Ganesan 1973; Ganesan 1981; Ganesan and Lemus 1975; Gessner and Hammer
1967; Gonzales 1977a, 19776; Hambrook 1979; Hammer and Gessner 1967; Lemus 1970; Rios 1972; Rodriguez
For personal use only.

1959; Rodriguez de Rios 1985

Brazil Baptista 1973; Citadini-Zanette et al. 1979; Joly 19526; Joly and Oliveira 19676; Joly, Cordeiro-Marino,
Yamaguishi-Tornita et al. 1965; Oliveira 1984a; Pereira and Ugadim 1979; Ugadim 1973a, 19736, 1973c, 1973d;
Ugadim and Pereira 1978

Acknowledgements California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.

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H. W. Johansen, S. C . Lindstrom, R. Nielsen, C. W. barium. K. Nor. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. No. 1.
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ADEY,W. H., R. A. TOWNSEND, and W. T. BOYKINS.1982. The
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Index to genera
Acanthophora, 2248 Acrochaetium, 2240, 2241 Agardhinula, 2245
Acetabularia, 2255, 2256, 2265 Acrosorium, 2247 Aglaothamnion, 2246, 2260
Acicularia, 2256 Acrosymphyton, 2244, 2259 Alsidium, 2248
Acinetospora, 2249, 2262 Acrothamnion, 2246, 2260 Amansia, 2248
Acrochaete, 2252, 2263 Agardhiella, 2243, 2244, 2258 Amphiroa, 2242, 2257
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9. M. Verlaque, E. Ballesteros, A. Antonius. 2000. Metapeyssonnelia corallepida sp. nov. (Peyssonneliaceae, Rhodophyta), an
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10. M. J. Wynne, B. P. Jupp. 1998. The Benthic Marine Algal Flora of the Sultanate of Oman: New Records. Botanica Marina
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11. W. F. Prud'Homme Van Reine, E. Verheij, E. Coppejans. 1996. Species and ecads of Caulerpa (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta)
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12. Hilda Le#n-Tejera, Elisa Serviere-Zaragoza, Jorge Gonz#lez-Gonz#lez. 1996. Affinities of the marine flora of the
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13. M DEGUIMARAENS, R COUTINHO. 1996. Spatial and temporal variation of benthic marine algae at the Cabo Frio
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14. D. L. Ballantine, N. E. Aponte. 1995. Laurencia coelenterata (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta), a New Diminutive Species
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15. F. F. Pedroche, J. A. West, G. C. Zuccarello, A. G. Sentíes, U. Karsten. 1995. Marine Red Algae of the Mangroves in Southern
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16. M. Sansón. 1994. Notes on Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) from the Canary Islands: New Records and Observations on
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17. A. T. Critchley, E. G. Farrell, M. E. Aken, R. N. Pienaar. 1994. A Multivariate Approach to the Phycogeographical Aspects
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18. B. Rojas-González, J. Afonso-Carrillo, C. Ibeas. 1994. New Records of Rhodomelaceae (Rhodophyta) from the Canary
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19. Donald Kapraun. 1993. Karyology and cytophotometric estimation of nuclear DNA content variation in Gracilaria,
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20. R. J. Haroun, W. F. Prud'homme van Reine, D. G. Müller, E. Serrao, R. Herrera. 1993. Deep-water macroalgae from
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21. B. Bischoff, C. Wiencke. 1993. Temperature requirements for growth and survival of macroalgae from Disko Island
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22. Robert G. Sheath, Morgan L. Vis, Kathleen M. Cole. 1993. DISTRIBUTION AND SYSTEMATICS OF FRESHWATER
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23. M. J. Wynne. 1993. Prionitis pterocladina sp. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta), a Newly Recognized Alga in the Western
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24. E. Zablackis, J. A. West, M.-L. Liao, A. Bacic. 1993. Reproductive Biology and Polysaccharide Chemistry of the Red Alga
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25. Jan Rueness. 1992. Ceramium cimbrium (Rhodophyceae, Ceramiales) from Scandinavia; structure, reproduction and
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27. Todd K. Hinson, Donald F. Kapraun. 1991. Karyology and nuclear DNA quantification of four species ofChaetomorpha
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29. Suzanne Fredericq, Max H. Hommersand. 1989. COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY AND TAXONOMIC STATUS OF
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30. A. G. Pedrini, J. E. A. Gonçalves, M. C. S. Fonseca, A. S. Zaú, C. C. Lacorte. 1989. A Survey of the Marine Algae of Trindade
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31. A. M. Breeman. 1988. Relative importance of temperature and other factors in determining geographic boundaries of
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32. W. F. Frud'homme van Reine. 1988. Phytogeography of seaweeds of the Azores. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 42:2,
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33. M. Dennis Hanisak, Stephen M. Blair. 1988. The deep-water macroalgal community of the East Florida continental shelf
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34. Stephen M. Blair, James N. Norris. 1988. The deep-water species of Halimeda Lamouroux (Halimedaceae, Chlorophyta) from
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35. D. F. Kapraun, P. C. Breden. 1988. Karyological Studies of Cladophoropsis (Siphonocladales, Chlorophyta) from Bermuda.
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36. Mario Cormaci, Giovanni Furnari. 1988. Sulla presenza nell'Italia meridionale di alcune alghe marine bentoniche rare per il
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