Amazonian Brazilian Medicinal Plants Described by C F 2013 Journal of Ethno
Amazonian Brazilian Medicinal Plants Described by C F 2013 Journal of Ethno
Amazonian Brazilian Medicinal Plants Described by C F 2013 Journal of Ethno
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
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Article history: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Information regarding the use of beneficial, native Brazilian plants was
Received 9 December 2012 compiled by European naturalists during the 19th century. The German botanist C.F.P. von Martius was
Received in revised form one of the most prominent naturalists and described the use of several Brazilian plants.
24 February 2013
Aim of the study: To present data on Amazonian medicinal plants documented by von Martius in
Accepted 27 February 2013
Available online 7 March 2013
his books.
Materials and methods: Data on Amazonian medicinal plants were obtained from three books published
Keywords: by von Martius. Traditional information about these plants was translated from Latin and the cited
C.F.P. von Martius plant species reorganised according to current taxonomic criteria. Correlated pharmacological studies
Medicinal plants
were obtained from different scientific databases.
Results: A total of 92 native medicinal species from the Amazon were recorded in von Martius’ books.
Historical records
Brazil These accounts described 117 different medical uses for these plants. Several parts of the plants were
used, including many exudates. The principal use of the species recorded was the treatment of
dermatological problems, followed by gastro-intestinal, urinary and respiratory disorders. Few species
were recorded as purgatives and febrifuges, a result that differs from the observations of other
naturalists. The efficacy of the recorded traditional uses has been confirmed for the few species that
have been subjected to laboratory studies.
Conclusion: The data recorded by the German naturalist von Martius represent a rich, unexplored
source of information about the traditional uses of Brazilian plants.
& 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.
0378-8741 & 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.
U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189 181
southwards in the direction of Sa~ o Paulo, proceeded through but are not considered in this study. Additional data were
Minas Gerais over Goiás to Bahia, and then travelled farther north obtained from the travel diaries, published from 1823 to 1831
to the Amazon. In Fortaleza da Barra do Rio Negro, today’s and first translated into Portuguese soon afterwards, in 1838.
Manaus, von Martius and Spix separated to make independent
journeys to the frontiers of Colombia and Venezuela. In December 2.2. Recent pharmacological studies correlated with traditional uses
1820, they returned to Rio de Janeiro and Munich. The collections
made by this important expedition included thousands of natural Information on these recent studies was obtained from
history specimens. In all, these collections included 86 specimens searches of scientific databases (Pubmed, Scopus, ISI Web of
of mammals, 350 of birds, 130 of amphibians, 116 of fish, 2700 of Knowledge).
insects, 6500 types of plants, minerals and a great number of
cultural objects from the native tribes (Tiefenbacher, 1994).
A substantial number of important publications in the fields of 3. Results
botany and other sciences were also produced. These publications
still possess extraordinary scientific value. Von Martius0 compre- A total of 92 different species were described as medicinal
hensive work ‘‘Flora brasiliensis’’ ( by von Martius in the Amazon (Table 1). The species belong to 38
br/) remains the most extensive complete publication about the families. The Leguminosae and Euphorbiaceae are best repre-
plants of Brazil. The work of more than 60 years and several sented, with 11 and 8 species, respectively. The Lauraceae,
specialists was required to produce this substantial project, which Asteraceae, Apocynaceae and Araceae are represented by six, five,
comprises 15 volumes divided into 40 parts and containing four and four species, respectively. The Cucurbitaceae and Sola-
information on 22,267 plant species, primarily Brazilian angios- naceae are each represented by three species. The other families
perms (Wuschek, 1989; Riederer, 2007). The interests of von are represented by two or one species each.
Martius extended beyond taxonomy to the traditional uses of Traditional uses of the plants were observed in different parts
Brazilian plants (Wuschek, 1989). In this area of study, he of the Amazon, primarily in villages located near the banks of the
published the ‘‘Systema de Materia Medica Vegetabilis Brasilien- ~
Negro, Solimoes, Japurá, Uaupés, Tocantins and Amazon Rivers as
sis’’ (Systema) as well as ‘‘Das Naturell, die Krankheiten, das well as near larger cities such as Manaus, Belém and Santarém.
Arztthum und die Heilmittel der Urbewohner Brasiliens’’. The The remedies were prepared from different parts of the plants. As
Systema includes detailed descriptions of the origin of popular shown in Table 1, the plant parts most frequently used were the
plant names, scientific names and the traditional/ medicinal use roots (18), leaves (16), herbs (16), bark (12), fruits (11) and seeds
of 730 species (Martius, 1843). (9). Different types of exudates from Amazonian trees were also
This study aims to retrieve, organise and update information used, including six latex/milk exudates, four juices and four
on medicinal plants from the Amazon described in the Systema balsam/resin exudates. Von Martius conducted many compari-
and to complement these results with data from other studies sons involving several of these exudates. The balsam obtained
published by von Martius. The medicinal use of plants was from Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand (Burseraceae) was
compared and/or confirmed by referring to relevant correlated compared with elemi and animes (Hymenaea spp.), and Humiria
pharmacological studies if available. balsamifera Aubl. was compared with Copaifera L.
A total of 117 traditional uses were recorded by von Martius
for the plants listed in Table 1. The most common use was the
2. Materials and methods treatment of dermatological problems: 39 plants (42.3% of the
total number of species) were used for this purpose. Of these
2.1. Ethnopharmacological historical literature survey plants, 23 species were found to serve in treating ulcers and in
healing wounds and four in treating warts, four were used against
The selection of data on Amazonian medicinal plants was condyloma, three were used as emollients, two were used for
based on the Systema de Materia Medicae Vegetabilis Brasiliensis exanthema disease and two were used for impingments or insect
(Martius, 1843). To access information in the Systema is a difficult bites. One plant each was mentioned for the treatment of dry skin,
undertaking because the data are not always logically organised, dermatophytoses, erysipelas, herpes, psoriasis, burn and sun-
often appear incomplete, are taxonomically antiquated and are stroke. Other plants were recorded as useful for treating digestive
generally presented in Latin, Portuguese or German. In this report, disorders. Of these plants, 17 species were found to serve in
we restrict our investigations to the plants of the Amazon because treating intestinal constipation (for example, as ‘‘counteracting
the naturalists covered a wide geographical area and because data obstructions of the abdominal viscera’’) and as laxatives, purga-
on the medicinal plants of this region are scarce. tives, cathartics or drastic remedies; 11 species were used as
Native species for which data on traditional medicinal use antihelminthics; 7 were used as inducers of vomiting/emetics and
were included and the vernacular names of the plants specified in to treat dyspepsia/stomachic and other digestive disorders; five
the Systema were selected for further analysis. The actual bota- were used as antidiarrheal agents; four were used as carmina-
nical names were checked in the Flora Brasiliensis http://florabra tives/anti-flatulence agents; and one was used against blood and the websites and dysentery. Other well-documented uses involved water retention The status of each species as a plant native to and urinary problems. A total of 14 plants were used as diuretics
Brazil was verified in an official Brazilian species list, ‘‘Lista de (including treatments for dysuria and stranguria), seven to treat
Espécies da Flora do Brasil’’ (Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro; hydrops, seven to treat oedema of the foot, three to treat the pain of nephritis, two to treat gout and one to treat blood in the urine.
The traditional uses described by von Martius (in Latin or Traditional uses for treating respiratory diseases were also fre-
German) in the bibliography were summarised from the original quently mentioned. the use of three plants was mentioned for
books, translated into English and included in Table 1. Particular each of the following catarrhal diseases: chronic cough, lung
uses such as ‘‘chlorosis’’ (hypochromic anaemia) or ‘‘alexiphar- debility and tuberculosis. Ten plants were used to treat venereal
maca’’, are described in their original format. The uses of certain disease, six of which were used against gonorrhoea and four as
exotic species, such as Zingiber officinale Roscoe or Sesamum antisyphilitics. Nine species were used as diaphoretics, seven
indicum L., were also recorded by von Martius from the Amazon as febrifuges/antipyretics (two of which were used against
182 U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189
Table 1
Medicinal species from the Brazilian Amazon recorded by von Martius in the 19th century.
Family and botanical Vernacular names Part Occurrence Traditional usea,b,c Correlated studies
Couma utilis (Mart.) Sorveira Latex Rio Negro, near Antihelminthic with ricinus oil None
Müll.Arg. (Collophora Barra
utilis Mart.)a
Himatanthus Sebuü-üva, Sucu-ûba Latex Rio Negro Externally: infected ulcers; internally: None
phagedaenicus (Mart.) against wormsa,c, psoriasis and warts
Woodson (Plumeria
phagedaenica Mart.)a
Odontadenia Sipó cururu Wood Amazonas, Infusion in water to treat dyspepsia and None
macrantha (Roem. & Guyana other digestive disordersa, diaphoretic,
Schult.) Markgr. purgativec
(Echites grandiflorus
G. Mey.)a
Odontadenia Cipó-cururu Wood after Near Panuré; Infusion is used as drastic, to treat None
puncticulosa (Rich.) flowering near Rio Urupe s dyspepsia and digestive disordersa; to
Pulle (Echites cururu treat gastric feverb Diaphoretic and
Mart.)a,b,c purgativec
Caladium bicolour Pé de bezerro, Papagaio, Tagurá, Juice Pará, Amazonas Cathartic, antihelminthic, against None
(Aiton) Vent.a Tinhora~ o, Tanhora~ o ascaridsa
Dracontium Jiraraca, Herva de Santa Maria Tubers ‘‘Brasilia Externally: woundsa; Internally: asthma, None
polyphyllum L.a amazonica‘‘ chlorosis, amenorrhoea, viper bitesa
Montrichardia Aninga, Aninga-üva Leaves,thallus, Amazonas near Healing wounds and ulcers, with fresh None
arborescens (L.) roots Japurá, Pará juice. Decoction of fresh leaves or dried
Schott (Philodendron roots as bath to treat rheumatic pain,
arborescens (L.) testicular and articulation tumours;
Kunth, Arum hydrothoraxa
arborescens L.)a
Pistia stratiotes L. Flor d’água Lentilha d‘água n.d. Amazonas, Ega, Mucilaginous herb, used to clean Antidiabetic,
(Pistia occidentalis ~
Rio Solimoes, wounds,infusion internally to treat blood antidermatophytic,
Blume)a,b Pará in urine, diabetes, tumours from antifungal, antimicrobial,
erysipelas, herpes and hemoptysisa; old diuretic (Tripathi et al.,
wounds can be healed by application of 2010)
fresh flowersb
Ayapana triplinervis Ayapana Herb Amazonas, near Squeezed herb juice or infusion Antimicrobial (Gupta et al.,
(Vahl) R.M. King & H. Sa~ o Joa~ o do (internally) and pressed herb 2002)
Rob. (Eupatorium Principe (Rio (externally) against snake bites and as
ayapana Vent.)a,c Negro) alexipharmacona
Acanthospermum Poejo-da-praia Herb Amazonas near Diuretic, diaphoretic; infusion against Antiviral (Rocha Martins
australe (Loefl.) Manaus, Pará diarrhoea (originating from colds)a et al., 2011); antifungal
Kuntze (Portillo et al., 2001)
xanthioides DC.)a
Bidens pilosa L. n.d. Herb, branches Near Pará Mucilaginous herb used together with Antiviral (Nakama et al.,
(Bidens leucantha (L.) indigo, Senna uniflora (Mill.) H.S. Irwin & 2012); antitumour (Nakama
Willd.)a Barneby (Cassia sericea Sw.), to treat skin et al., 2011); antibacterial
ulcers and lymphoedema. Roots are (Tobinaga et al., 2009)
more mucilaginous than the stems
Eclipta paludicola Tangaraca Herb Amazonas, Pará Decoction is used to treat diarrhoea None
Steud. (Eclipta
prostrata (L.) L.,
Eclipta erecta L.)a
Elephantopus mollis Suc- uaya Roots Amazonas Decoction is used in asthenic feversa None
Kunth (Elephantopus.
martii Graham)a
Cybistax Caroba de flor verde Young Amazonas, near Antisyphilitic, decoction and infusion to None
antisyphilitica (Mart.) branches; Manaus treat dysuria, hydrops, water retention;
Mart.a roots, leaves poultice and lotions against syphilitic
ulcers a
Jacaranda copaia Caroba Leaves Rio Japurá Used against venereal diseases, mainly None
(Aubl.) D.Don inflammations of inguinal lymph, in
(Jacaranda procera baths of infusion or decoction for
(Willd.) Spreng.)a impingement. High doses of decoction
cause vomiting and diarrhoea
Heliotropium indicum Aguara ciunha-ac- u Jacua- n.d. Near Óbitos, Desobstruents, to clean wounds and Wound healing (Dash and
L. (Tiaridium indicum acanga Pará ulcers, against cutaneous affection; used Murthy, 2011); antibacterial
(L.) Lehm.)a on anal inflammations (Nethaji and Manokaran,
U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189 183
Table 1 (continued )
Family and botanical Vernacular names Part Occurrence Traditional usea,b,c Correlated studies
Protium heptaphyllum n.d. n.d. Amazonas, near Tree with dried balsam similar to elemi Antiinflammatory (Melo
(Aubl.) Marchand Manaus and animesa et al., 2011)
(Icica heptaphylla
Calophyllum Lantim, Landy, Jacaré-üva Bark, balsam Amazonas, near Decoction is used to relax sinewsa Antinociceptive (Isaias et al.,
brasiliense Manaus, 2004)
Cambess.a,c Barcellos
Mammea americana Abrico Seeds, inner Pará Seeds are anthelminthic. The inner bark Antibacterial (Yasunaka
L.a root has a balsam that is used to treat wounds et al., 2005)
from biting insects, mainly Culex
penetrans, and malignant ulcersa
Canna glauca L.a,b,c Albara, herva dos feridos Roots, fresh Pará Increases diuresis, diaphoresis, wound None
herb, half-ripe healing a,b; Rheumatic pain, limb torpor,
fruit ulcers, earache
Jacaratia digitata n.d. n.d. Amazonas, Poultice to treat wound and ulcer None
(Poepp. & Endl.) healinga
Solms (Carica digitata
Poepp.& Endl.)a
Jacaratia spinosa Jacaratiá n.d. Guyana, near Poultice to treat wound and ulcer None
(Aubl.) A.DC (Carica Acarouany healinga
dodecaphylla Vell.)a
Moronobea coccinea Oanani n.d. Pará, Rio Negro The tree has a gum-resin used to treat None
Aubl.a wound
Ipomoea pes-caprae Salsa da praia Leaves, roots, Pará Mucilaginous leaves (acres) are used to Antinociceptive (de Souza
(L.) R.Br. (Convolvulus thallus treat, the effects of colds and chronic et al., 2000), antispasmodic
brasiliensis L., gonorrhoea, externally or by moutha. (Pongprayoon et al., 1992)
Convolvulus Roots are drastic, thallus and leaves are Antagonistic to histamine
maritimus Desr.)a emollientsa (Wasuwat 1970)
Costus cylindricus n.d. Pará, Rio Negro Mucilaginous juice, refreshing, febrifuge, None
Jacq.a; Costus scaber nephritic pain and gonorrhoea
Ruiz &Pav. (Costus
anachiri Jacq.)a
Luffa sepium (G. Mey.) Buchinha Fruit Amazonas ‘‘Coloquintidas’’, hydropisia and chronic None
C. Jeffrey (Luffa ophthalmia, emetica
purgans (Mart.)
Luffa operculata (L.) Bucha de Paulista, Purga de Joa~ o Fruit Amazonas Against amenorrhoea, anasarcha, None
Cogn. (Momordica Paes chlorose, herpetic diseases, emetic,
operculata L.) diuretica; hydrops and chronic
Melothria pendula Cereja de purga Fruit Para, Santarem, Purgativea None
L.a,c* (Melothria near S. Gabriel
fluminensis Gardner)d
Davilla kunthii A.St.- None Leaves Amazonas, Against testicular swelling from venereal None
Hil. (Hieronia scabra Santarem (Para) abuse or effects of horseback riding
Vell.)a effects and fumigationsa
Euphorbia cotinifolia n.d. Milk, juice Amazonas, Treatment of warts and condyloma Antiviral (Betancur-Galvis
L.a,b et al., 2002)
(Euphorbia cotinoides Rio Negro with poultices
Miq.) d
Hevea guianensis Pao seringa, seringueira, Milk Pará, Rio Negro Latex with Ricinus L. oil against wormsa None
(Siphonia elastica Xeringueira
Hura crepitans L. Oassacú, Assacú Milk Pará, Rio Negro, Latex is anthelmintica Leishmanicidal (Garcı́a et al.,
2012), antibacterial
(Bussmann et al., 2010)
184 U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189
Table 1 (continued )
Family and botanical Vernacular names Part Occurrence Traditional usea,b,c Correlated studies
Potalia resinifera Anabi Leaves Amazonas, near Decoction for ophthalmia, palpebral None
Mart.a Manaus, Pará, diseases a
Tachia guianensis Raiz de jacaré-arú Caferana Root Rio Negroa Extremely bitter roots, tonic, incisive, Antimalarial (Carvalho et al.
Aubl. a,c Amazonas, near intermittent fevers c 1991)
S. Gabriela
Humiria balsamifera Umiri Bark Pará, Amazonas, Balsam yellow, limpid, similar to copaiba None
var. floribunda (Mart.) near Rio Uaupés and Peru a
Cuatrec. (Humirium
floribundum Mart.) a
Leonotis nepetifolia Corda~ o de frade Herb Pará Used as baths against rheumatic Anti-inflammatory (Parra-
(L.) R.Br.a affections and dysuriaa Delgado et al., 2004)
Hyptis mutabilis n.d. Herb Para, Santarem Diaphoretic, several catharral disease, Anti-inflammatory (Grassi
(Rich.) Briq. (Hyptis carminative, wound healing et al., 2006)
spicata Poit.)a; Hyptis
suaveolens (L.) Poita
Licaria puchury-major Puchury Fruits, seeds Rio Negroa. Indigestion, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, Antitumour (Uchiyama et al.,
(Mart.) Kosterm. Amazonas, near dysenterya 2009)
(Nectandra puchury- Tabatinga
major (Mart.) Nees. &
C. Martius ex Nees)a
Aniba cujumary Cujumary Seeds Rio Negro Digestive, stomachica None
(Mart.) A.Lyons
(Aydendron cujumary
(Mart.) Nees) a
Ocotea longifolia Canella de cheiro Fruit oil Rio Negro Arthralgy, rheumatic diseasesa None
Kunth (Oreodaphne
opifera (Mart.) Nees)a
Ocotea cymbarum Páo sassafraz bark Rio Negro, Tonic, carminative, stomachica None
Kunth (Nectandra Amazonas
cymbarum (Kunth)
Ocotea odorifera Pereiorá, pa~ o ou casca preciosa bark Orinoco Used as decoction in baths for diseases of None
(Vell.) Rohwer nervous system, memory, oedema of
(Mespilodaphne feet, catarrhal disease, hydrops, gout,
pretiosa var. latifolia syphilis and vaginal discharge
Nees & Mart.)a
Gustavia hexapetala Janiparandiba, Japoarandiba, roots, leaves, Near Rio Negro, Infusion of the roots used to treat liver Antitumour (Pettit et al.,
(Aubl.) Sm. (Gustavia Jandiparana fruits Gurupâ, Pará, and spleen disorders, mesenteric glands; 2004)
brasiliana DC.)a Amazonas
U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189 185
Table 1 (continued )
Family and botanical Vernacular names Part Occurrence Traditional usea,b,c Correlated studies
Bowdichia virgilioides Sebipıra, Sebupıra, Sicopira, Bark Near Santarem Diaphoretic, incisive, corroborant. To None
f. major (Mart.) Sucupira (Pará) treat rheumatic pain, arthritic tumours,
Yakovlev (Sebipira weakened by syphilitic virus, hydrops,
major Mart.)a impingementsa
Caesalpinia n.d. n.d. Near Rio Leaves are cathartic None
pulcherrima (L.) Sw Tocantins, Pará,
(Poinciana Santarem, Rio
pulcherrima L.)a Tapajoz
Copaifera guyanensis n.d. Resin Near Rio Negro, Gonorrhoeaa None
Desf.a Manaus,
Copaifera martii n.d. Resin Pará, near Gonorrhoea Antimicrobial (Santos et al.,
Haynea Maraca and 2008)
Cynometra spruceana n.d. Resin Rio Negro To treat weakness of the lungs, None
Benth. var. spruceana tuberculosis, chronic cougha
martianum Hayne)a
Dipteryx odorata Cumaru, fava de Tonka Seeds Pará and Rio Nervine, analeptic (restorative), cardiac, None
(Aubl.) Willd.a Negro diaphoretic and emmenagoguea
Hymenaea courbaril n.d. Maranha~ o Used for lung debility, inhalation to treat Antiviral (Cecı́lio et al., 2000)
L.a tuberculosis and chronic cough
Senna multijuga None Leaves Pará, Amazonas Laxative, cathartica None
subsp. lindleyana
(Gardner) H.S. Irwin
& Barneby (Cassia
magnifica Mart.)a
Senna occidentalis (L.) Pajomarioba Herb Pará Used as is Senna from Egypt, as laxative Several activities (see
Link (Cassia and cathartic. Effects are similar but Review from Yadav et al.,
occidentalis L.)a weaker. Some produce colic. Senna 2010)
uniflora (Mill.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby
(Cassia sericera Sw.) is better.
Taralea oppositifolia Coumarourana Seeds Same region as Similar to Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd. None
Aubl. (Dipterix Dipteryx odorata but weakera
oppositifolia (Aubl.)
Willd.) a
Cynometra spruceana n.d. n.d. Near Manaus, Used for lung debility, inhalation to treat None
Benth var. spruceana Pará, near Rio tuberculosis and chronic cough.
(Trachylobium Caipurú,
martianum Hayne)a Santarem, Rio
Negro, S. Carlos
Lindernia diffusa (L.) Caa-ataya, Mata canna, Purga de Herb Pará, Santarem, Bitter, mucilaginous, purgative, diuretica None
Wettst. (Vandellia Joa~ o Paez, Orelha de rato Amazonas
diffusa L.)a
Sida cordifolia L. (Sida n.d. Herb Amazonas near Emollient herb, same use as Malva, Anti-inflammatory (Swathy
altheifolia Sw.)a (Sida Manaus infusion to treat throat inflammation et al., 2010; Bonjardim et al.,
altheifolia Sw.)a 2011)
Carapa guianensis Andiroba, Angiroba, Nandiroba Seed oil, bark, Rio Negro, Exanthema, especially that originating Antihelmintic (Carvalho
Aubl.a leaves Amazonas from bites of insects of the family et al., 2012), wound healing
Simullidae. Decoctions against Ascaris (Nayak et al., 2010), anti-
(internally), dermatophytosisa inflammatory (Penido et al.,
Abuta rufescens Aubl.a Abúta Root, bark Pará, Japurá Stomach debility, digestive, intermittent Antimalarial (Ruiz et al.,
fever, obstruction of abdominal visceraa 2011)
Abuta imene (Mart.) n.d. Root Amazonas, near Emetic None
Eichler (Cocculus S.G. Cachoeira,
imene Mart.)a Manaus, Rio
Coajinguba Juice Ascarisa None
186 U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189
Table 1 (continued )
Family and botanical Vernacular names Part Occurrence Traditional usea,b,c Correlated studies
Virola sebifera Aubl. Ucuúba Aromatic fat, Guyana, Pará, Colic, dyspepsiaa; rheumatic pain, Antioxidant (Rezende et al.,
(Myristica sebifera oil of cooked near Santarem arthritic tumoursa 2005)
(Aubl.) Sw.)a seeds
Phyllanthus niruri L.a Herva pombinha Herb, seeds Pará Diabetes mellitus a
Antidiabetic (Okoli et al.,
Phyllanthus Conabi, Conavi, Cunabi Herb Pará, Rio Diuretica None
brasiliensis (Aubl.) Negro,Amazonas
Poir. (Phyllanthus
conami Sw.)a
Seguiera alliacea Ybirarema, Guararema, Páo ou Wood, leaves, Pará, S. Joa~ o and Externally: exanthemic illnesses, None
Mart.a sipó d’alho, Ubirarema bark S. Anna rheumatism, haemorrhoid pain, and
water retention. In combination with
Bidens pilosa L. herb, Acmella oleracea (L.)
R.K.Jansen, Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC. a
(Kalanchoe brasiliensis Cambess.) and
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri Haym.-
Hamet & H. Perrier against prostate
Petiveria alliacea var. Herva de pipi, Raiz de guiné Roots, leaves Pará Decoction: limb debilitation. Against the None
tetrandra (Ortega) weaker members of the body to treat
Hauman (Petiveria cold, and against paralysisa
Piper peltatum L.a None Roots, juice of Pará Internally: lymphatic system Antimicrobial (Mongelli
pressed herb, stimulation, diuretica. Externally to clean et al., 1995)
leaves ulcers, burnsa
Persicaria punctata Herva do bicho Juice; herb Banks of Rio Against strangury, blood dysenteriaea; None
(Elliott) Small Amazonas (Pará) Arthritis and haemorrhoid paina
(Polygonum acre
Polygonum stypticum None juice Rio Negro Astringent and refreshing; diarrhoea and None
Cham. & Schltdl.a gonorrhoeaa
Microgramma Samambaia, Feto, feto macho n.d. Amazonas Against worms in a way similar to None
percussa (Cav.) de la Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott (Aspidium
Sota (Polypodium filix-mas (L.) Sw.)
percussum Cav.)a
Rhizophora mangle L.a Guaparaiba, Mangue vermelho, Bark Pará Considered one of the most potent Antiinflammatory (Marrero
verdadeiro ou amarello. astringents for medical or technical usea et al., 2006), wound healing
(Fernandez et al., 2002)
Genipa americana L. Jenipapeiro, Jenipaba, v Fruit Amazonas, Pará, In baths to heal syphilitic ulcersa Antitumour (Ueda et al.,
(Genipa brasiliensis near Santarem 1991)
(Spreng.) Baill.)a
Palicourea marcgravii Erva do rato n.d. Pará, S. Joa~ o, S. Strong effects in kidneys and skin; used None
A.St.-Hil.a Anna in veterinary medicine against dysuria of
horses and mules
Ertela trifolia (L.) Alfavaca de cobra, Jaborandi Roots Maranha~ o, Diaphoretic, diuretic, sialagogue, None
Kuntze (Monnieria Alcantara, Pará, expectorant, antidote (preservative)a
trifoliata L.)a Santarém
Casearia decandra None Bark Pará Adstringent, use in baths for wounda None
Jacq. (Casearia
adstringens Mart.)a
Paullinia cupana Guarana-üva, guaraná Seeds Amazonas, Pará Stomachic, antipyretic, digestive, cardiac, Anxiolytic (Roncon et al.,
Kunth (Paullinia diaphoretic. Good for the treatment of 2011), antidepressant
sorbilis Mart.)a colds, sunstroke, cramps, flatulence, (Campos et al., 2005),
U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189 187
Table 1 (continued )
Family and botanical Vernacular names Part Occurrence Traditional usea,b,c Correlated studies
Smilax longifolia Rich. Legac- a~ o, Salsaparrilha, Japi- Roots Rio Amazonasa Roots are rich in a bitter substance that None
(Smilax papyracea canga, Sipó-em Rio Negro, Ega, adheres to the throat. The cooked roots
Poir.)a Japurá near are used to treat diseases of the kidneysa
Porto Dos
Smilax syphilitica Legac- a~ o, Salsaparrilha, Japi- Roots Pará, Amazonas Same use as the true salsaparrilha None
Humb. & Bonpl. ex canga, Sipó-em (Smilax longifolia Rich.). Fresh plants are
Willd. better than dried or old plantsa
Capsicum annuum L.a Quiyaqui, Quiya-cumari, Quiya- Fruits Pará Used against constipation, anorexia, Several (see literature)
cumari, Quiya-apuá, Pimenta~ o indigestion, atony of the tongue and
comprido, Pimenta~ o, Quiya-acú, throat,gangrenous angina and gout.
Pimenta de cheiro; Pimenta da Externally as caustica
Physalis pubescens L.a n.d. Pará Resolvent, anodyne, diuretic. Infusion None
used in catharrhal fever. Against
Solanum americanum Aguara-quiya, Pimenta dos ca~ es, Herb, fruits, Japurensibus Herb emollient, diuretic, used against None
Mill. (Solanum Erva do bicho, Pimenta de leaves (Rio Negro) inflammation of the anus and urinary
pterocaulon Dunal, gallinha, Erva moura retention. Dried berries are used against
Solanum oleraceum toothache and prosopalgia. Leaves are
Dunal, Solanum applied to treat skin wounds on the legs a
nigrum L.)a
Renealmia alpinia Pacoseroca Tuberous roots Amazonas, near Carminatives, stomachic, resolutive and Leishmanicidal (Valadeau
(Rottb.) Maas (Alpinia Japura alexipharmacas (antidote). Wound et al., 2009), antifungal
pacoseroca Jacq., disinfection and healingb (Melo e Silva et al., 2009)
Renealmia exaltata
intermittent fevers), seven to treat rheumatic diseases, five to diverse biota and still harbours a variety of unknown and
treat amenorrhoea/as emmenagogues and five to treat arthritis/ unstudied plant species (Hopkins, 2007; Schulman et al., 2007).
arthralgia. Other uses were as astringents, as anti-haemorrhoi- The Germans Spix and von Martius travelled in a vast area of the
dals, to treat lymphedema and leucorrhoea and as neurological, Amazon (from the frontiers of Colombia and Venezuela to the
cardiac and ophthalmic remedies. A total of three or four plants Brazilian State of Maranha~ o), and they recorded important data
were recorded for each of these uses. The other 40 traditional uses about the use of plants by native Brazilians during that period
were identified with one or two species. Of the species listed Table 1 shows traditional uses for 92 Amazonian plant species.
in Table 1, only 33 (35%) have been studied pharmacologically to This high number most likely reflects not only the extensive
verify the efficacy of the traditional remedies, but all of the biodiversity of the area but also von Martius0 knowledge of
species studied in these investigations showed activity. medicine. The remedies were prepared with different parts of
the plants roots, herbs and leaves. It is interesting to note the use
of several exudates of the plants, including juice, latex, resin and
4. Discussion and conclusions balsam. Many of these exudates were used to treat different
dermatological diseases. The high frequency of exudate use is due
Brazil offers an immense amount of biodiversity, including to the type of vegetation found in the area of these explorations.
plants with great pharmacological interest, as recorded by several The Brazilian Amazon is the largest continuous forest on Earth,
European naturalists who travelled throughout the country representing more than 40% of the world’s existing tropical
during the 19th century. Data on the medicinal uses of plants rainforest and including a great abundance of trees (Rangel,
of southwestern Brazil recorded in the travel diaries of European 2012).
naturalists have previously been presented (Branda~ o et al., 2008, Dermatological problems, including leprosy and wounds, were
2011). In a recent study, we have additionally presented the first the most frequent diseases in the Amazon region in the 19th
data on records of Brazilian medicinal plants in the field notebook century because of the region’s climate (Galva~ o, 2003). In accor-
of the French naturalist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire (Branda~ o et al., dance with this situation, almost one-half of the recorded plant
2012). The Amazon Basin, in northern Brazil, also has a highly species (39, 42.3% of the total) were recorded by von Martius as
188 U.B. Breitbach et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147 (2013) 180–189
useful for treating skin infections. Very few of these species have refreshing and stimulating drink. The stimulant effect of this
been subjected to any pharmacological evaluation. The species drink is due to its high caffeine content. This scarce product
Pistia stratiotes, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Sida cordifolia, Heliotropium obtained from American plants has gained an international
indicum, Couroupita guianensis and Rhizophora mangle have been market and is now known worldwide (Desmachelier, 2010). The
confirmed as effective wound-healing agents. Two species (Hura Maués Indians were the first inhabitants of the Amazon to
crepitans and Renealmia alpinia) have also shown activity against develop the preparation of guaraná, and von Martius was respon-
leishmaniasis in experimental studies. Note that ethnobotanical sible for the first detailed description of this preparation. This
studies performed recently in other and different areas of the description appears in his travel diaries (Spix and Martius, 1823–
Amazon have also shown that most of the plants investigated are 1831).
used to treat skin diseases (Bourdy et al., 2000; Herndon et al., This study shows that many of the medicinal plants described
2009; Valadeau et al., 2009; Luziatelli et al., 2010). As observed by by von Martius from the Amazon have not been studied in greater
von Martius, these studies also show that plants are frequently detail until recently or have not been studied at all. Unlike other
used to treat digestive disorders in the Amazon region. Skin areas of Brazil (e.g., the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado), where the
infections and digestive disorders are still severe public health native vegetation has been severely degraded, the Amazon region
problems in several areas of the world, and promising laboratory still preserves its biodiversity. The collections, bibliographic and
results indicate that these species can be useful for developing botanical samples collected by von Martius in the Amazon repre-
new medicines. Parasitic disease remains a health problem in the sent highly valuable and critical materials for the development and
Amazon region, as it was in the 19th century, and many plant conservation of the Amazon region. We also hope that this work
species used by the population to treat parasitic diseases were will provide an additional incentive for the valuation of the
recorded by von Martius. Other diseases affecting the population of traditional knowledge of the people of the Amazon region and will
the Amazon region in the area investigated by von Martius include be useful in the protection of collective intellectual property rights.
rheumatism, influenza, dysentery, diseases and symptoms asso-
ciated with insect and snake bites, diseases of the respiratory
system (e.g., pneumonia) and digestive disorders (Galva~ o, 2003). Acknowledgements
Von Martius recorded the use of plants for all these disorders.
However, few of these plants have been evaluated to date, and
The authors thank CNPq, FAPEMIG, PRPq-UFMG and FAPESP
their potential remains to be explored.
for financial support and TGLB Chaves for reviewing and helping
In contrast to the observations of other European naturalists,
to translate the von Martius books.
only two species (Tachia guianensis and Abuta rufescens) were
recorded by von Martius as useful for treating intermittent fevers,
the principal symptom of malaria. Both of these species have References
shown antimalarial activity in in vitro studies (Ruiz et al., 2011;
Carvalho et al., 1991). Malaria is currently widespread in the Abreu, P., Matthew, S., González, T., Costa, D., Segundo, M.A., Fernandes, E., 2006.
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