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Teacher Notes Garde 6 English

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1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th

Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Notes                        Unit# 01         My Life             

Read the blog again. Answer the Questions.

1.     How is New York different from Reykjavik?

Ans: New York is different in timing hours. New York is not as quiet
as Reykjavik. It is very wide in area.

2.     Which brother is Katrin more similar to? Explain your


Answer Katrin is more similar to Gunnar because of his friendly and

funny nature. They enjoy   playing handball.

3.     What do Katrin’s hobbies tell us about her?

Answer: Katrin’s hobbies tell us about her interest in playing different

games .Her quality of sportsmanship and high morale.

4.     Do you think Katrin likes summer? Why?

Answer: Yes, Katrin likes summer because there is only three hours
of darkness each day than winters.

5.     Why do many people come to see the Northern Lights?

Many people come to see the Northern Lights because the sky at
night is often full of amazing colours.

6.     Do you think Katrin is interested in other people? Why?

Answer: Yes Katrin is interested in other people because of her

social, friendly and extrovert nature. Actually, she enjoys and shares
every moment with her friends.

[email protected] Page 1
1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Read the poem again. Answer the Questions. Page 23

1.     What aspects of her family does Mishael describe?

Ans: Mishael describes the family aspects like protection, safety and
happiness provided by the family.

2.     What adjectives can you find in the poem?

Ans: special, secure, safe, hilarious, happy and laughter

3.      Why does Mishael use many adjectives?

Ans: Michael uses many adjectives because of arousing more

interest and importance of family life represented through creative
acrostic poems.

4.     What consonant sound is repeated four Times in line 3? In

addition, three times in line 4.

The consonant sound “s” is repeated four times in line 3 and three
times in line 4.

5.     Is this a positive poem? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Yes, this is a positive poem because   alliteration and powerful

adjectives are used in every line of the acrostic poem.


[email protected] Page 2
1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Read the blog again. Answer the Questions.  Page#26,27

1.     Why is there a connection between emojis and ancient


Ans: There is a connection between emojis and ancient history

because 40,000 years ago people drew different pictures on the walls
to communicate messages and today these special pictures are
called emojis.

2.     What two kinds of drawings gave the idea for emojis?

Ans: The weather map and faces in Japanese comics gave the idea
for emojis.

3.     Why do people often use emojis?

Answer: People often use emojis to tell other people how they are
feeling. For example, ___happy face and _______sad face.

4.     What can emojis describe?

Answer: Word e means picture and moji means character while

emojis describe the emotions.

5.     Why do some people have a negative opinion of emojis?

Ans. Some people have a negative opinion of emojis because emojis

can be used to fake an emotion and both sides can reciprocate this;
they can be used to 'hide behind' the real emotion that is genuinely
being felt.

6.     How is using emojis similar to speaking to other people?

Answer: Using emojis are similar to speaking to other people

because it's natural when we send messages we just not send words
but also emojis to make our message clearer to others.

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1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

7.     Do you think emojis stop us from learning to write well?


Ans: No, Emoji don't stop us from learning to write well

because in messages we use words and emoji’s both to
make just communicate our messages well. Even children
can learn the basic idea and meaning behind using any
Read the email again. Answer the questions. Page 33
1.     What is Yasir’s main reason for the email?

Ans: The main reason behind email was to suggest and tell the
facilities regarding classroom and internet access.

2.     What are the advantages of Yasir’s idea?

Ans: The advantages of Yasir’s idea are that by using smartphones

everyone can have a  know-how with the digital system of studying
school subjects differently. It can be useful in online classes when
students have internet access.

3.      What may be a problem with this idea?

Ans: If every student has an internet access at all times during

physical classes, they will be incapable of studying and listening to
lectures well because all time they will remain busy with mobile

4.     What does Yasir ask Mr. Patel to do?

Answer: Yasir asks to discuss this matter in the school council and
make it fruitful.

5.     Does Yasir use full or contracted verb forms in his email?


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1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Ans: Yasir uses full verbs like regarding, in addition, however etc.  To
show how he is feeling and suggesting regarding any problem.

Notes                        Unit# 03           Food glorious food!                      

Read the text again. Answer the Questions.

1.     Write the name of a typical dish in Pakistan? How is it


Ans: A typical dish in Pakistan is dal. It is made from cooked lentils

fried with tomatoes, chili peppers and different spices.

2.     When do you eat the Aftar meal?

Answer When I hear the After sirens at sunset, I know it’s time to eat
in the month of Ramadan.

3.     Whom do you eat it with?

Answer: I eat kebabs (pieces of grilled meat), samosas (vegetables

_usually boiled _covered in flour and fried), Haleem (stewed meat
with lentils).

4.     Where do you usually have the Aftar meal?

Answer: I usually have Aftar meal at home but sometimes at a



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1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Paragraph: School Library
A library is a place that can help a man to satisfy his unquenchable thirst for
knowledge. A school library is a part and parcel of an educational institution. Our
school has a rich library. It is housed in a separate building. Our school library is
well-decorated. There are three big rooms in it. Two rooms are used as reading
rooms. Boys and girls have separate rooms. In the other room, books are
arranged in almirahs. There are about 5,000 books in our library. Only the
students can read and borrow books from the library. For this, they have to issue
library cards. A student can borrow two or three books at a time and keep them
at home for a week. But in the reading room, he is allowed to read as many
books as he can. It remains open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on holidays. Our
school library is a great attraction for us. We are really proud of it.

Paragraph: Cleanliness
Generally, the state of being free from germs and dirt is termed Cleanliness. In
other words, keeping our surroundings and ourselves clean is called Cleanliness.
Cleanliness acts as a pillar for physical, mental, and social well-being.
Cleanliness refers to neat and clean surroundings. Cleanliness is directly related
to our health. Thus, not only should our surroundings be clean but being clean as
an individual is also counted as a state of cleanliness.

Individual Cleanliness is referred to as personal hygiene. Maintaining personal

hygiene is necessary. It is the main reason why we heard that, keep yourself
clean as well as your surroundings. In research, it is found that a clean
environment, sometimes gives a person mental peace and calm. “Cleanliness is
the half of faith.”


[email protected] Page 6
1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Letters: To your friend return your books,
Examination Hall,

City A.B.C.

April 04, 2022

Dear friend,

Last week I lent you some science books. However, I am extremely sorry to say
that my examinations are starting from next week instead of May. Please return
the books as soon as possible. I hope you will not mind it because it is necessary

Kindly return the books before Saturday so that I may study on Sunday. I hope
you will not mind returning the books. If you have prepared any short notes,
please bring them also for me.

Hoping to see you soon.

Your friend,


To your friend thanking for hospitality.

[email protected] Page 7
1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Examination Hall,

City A.B.C.

April 04, 2022

Dear friend,

Take my heartfelt love at first. I reached home safely last evening. I faced no trouble on
the way back.                                                                                                                       
Indeed, it is quite impossible for me to forget the happy fortnight I spent at your house.
Your parents and elder sister were very affectionate to me. Really, I became spellbound
at the cordiality of all of you. Even the servant of your-house was smart, good and
obedient. So to speak, he was always ready to attend to my needs and conveniences.
The sweet memory of those marvelous days will remain ever fresh in my life. Let me
express my deepest and heartfelt thanks to you all for your generous hospitality. No
more today. More when we meet. With love, to you all and regards to your parents. I
wish you a happy, long and ideal life.

Your friend,


Applications: For Remission of fine, 

The Principal,
Pak Shamaa School,

[email protected] Page 8
1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

Subject: “application for remission of fine”

Respected Madam,
It is stated that I am a student of class VI-A. Yesterday while on the way to
the school my bus broke down and I reached late. My class teacher got
angry and imposed a fine of Rs. 10/- on
 I am a very good student but my father is a poor man. He cannot pay the
fine. I, therefore, request you to remit my fine. I shall be thankful to you for
this kindness.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently,

Application for Character certificate

The Principal,
Pak Shamaa School,
Sub: “request for character certificate”
Respected Madam,

[email protected] Page 9
1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

It is stated that I have been a student of your school in class VI_A. I passed
my examination last year. My family is going back to Pakistan and settling
there. I also have to take admission there.
Therefore, I need a “character certificate” for my admission in any school.
Therefore, if you kindly issue me my character certificate, I will be thankful
to you.
Yours obediently,

Dialogue: 01

Dialogue between a Teacher and student on exam preparation

Teacher: Hello dear student, How are you?
Student: Good morning sir. I am fine. How are you?
Teacher: I am also f8ine. Your mother called me.
Student: My mother? However, why sir?
Teacher: She was worried about your upcoming exams. She was telling
me that you are not preparing well for them and are always trying to
Student: Sir I try my best.
Teacher: I hope so but I just want to tell pie that these exams are important
and I just hope you realize that.
Student: Yes sir I do. I am not able to do concrete for a long time, one-a-
days. However, I will try my best sir.
Teacher: Yes, and if you have any problem please contact me.

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1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1


Write a dialogue between two friends about the holiday.


A: Good morning, how are you?

B: Good morning, I am fine. What about you?

A: I am fine too. So how was your holiday?

B: It was amazing. Thanks for asking. How was your holiday?

A: That was great too. So what did you do on this holiday?

B: I went to visit my grandparents in my village and I have spent an entire

week there.

A: Oh, it was fun.

B: Yes, It was a lot of fun. I have many cousins in the village and I really
love to meet them. I went there for almost a year. Everyone came to meet
with me and my family. This is a very good feeling.

A: Wow, this is so cool. So how do your villages look alike?

B: It is a small but very beautiful village near a river and on the other side,
there are big hills.

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1st Term (2022-23) Class: 6th
Subject: English Course: Step Ahead 1

A: It seems so beautiful. What have you done there?

B: I visited the river, the hill with my cousins. We went on a journey by boat
and enjoyed ourselves a lot. My entire family came together for a picnic in
the jungle. Overall, that was so much fun.

A: I am feeling so excited hearing all these from you. I wish to visit a

beautiful village like this.

B: You are invited to my village with me on my next trip.

A: Thank you so much. Okay talk to you later, take care.

B: Ok, bye.

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