Sci-2 Paper 4

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Q. 1. (A) 
(i) (D)

(ii) (C)

(iii) (A)

(iv) (A)

(v) (B)

Q. 1. (B) 

(i) Wing of cockroach

(ii) Cytokinesis

(iii) Estrogen, progesterone

(iv) True

(v) Salaam Mumbai Foundation  _ Freedom from tobacco

Q. 2. (A) 

(i) (1) There are many sacred groves in the region of Western Ghats of India.
(2) These forests are not conserved by Government Forest Departments
but are cared for by the local people, in the name of God.

(3) Due to such faith in the people, the forests are conserved like sanctuaries.

(4) Such many clusters are in Western Ghats of Maharashtra.

(ii) (1) Microbial enzymes are active at low temperature, pH and pressure.

(2) Due to this property, the energy is saved. The costlier erosion-proof

instruments need not be used.

(3) In enzymatic reactions, the unnecessary by products are not formed as

the reactions are highly specific.

(4) The expenses on purification of the product are minimized as no

unnecessary products are formed.

(5) The elimination and decomposition of waste material is avoided and

enzymes can be reused again. Hence, microbial enzymes which are eco-
friendly are used in chemical industry.

(iii) (1) The body can be in best health if all the vital organs of the body are
also in the best condition.


(2) Brain, kidney, heart, liver, etc. are some such vital organs which
are most essential for proper metabolism and functioning of the
body. The sense organs of the body are also of utmost importance,
especially eyes.

(3) One cannot survive if any of these vital organs are not functioning
properly. Some of the organs like brain will never regenerate too.

(4) Some of the organs can be brought back to functionality by

performing surgeries.

   However, any problem with these vital organs make life miserable,

therefore, they are said to be valuable.

Q. 2. (B) 

Prophase Metaphase

Phases of
Anaphase Telophase

(ii) This animal is Sycon sponge and its phylum in Porifera.

Characteristics of phylum Porifera :

(a)  Asymmetrical body.

(b)  Many pores on body.

(c)  Large osculum and smaller ostia.

(iii) (a)  Geobacter _  Conversion of salts of uranium into insoluble salts

(b)  HCB bacteria _ Treatment of oil spills and conversion of

hydrocarbons into CO2 and water

(c)  Thiobacilli _  Conversion of metals into compounds

(d)  Actinomycetes _  Decomposition of rubber from garbage

(iv) (a)  Explosive : Some materials are explosive. While handling such

materials care should be taken. We should not take anything that
would cause fire leading to explosion. If explosion occurs, there would
be a major disaster causing great loss of life and property. Thus if this

sign is seen, great care has to be taken.

(b)  Corrosive : The corrosive substances are very reactive. The mere
touch of corrosive substances can cause destruction of skin, eyes,
respiratory passages, digestive organs, etc. rapidly. Just touching or
smelling of such substances can cause major injury and thus warning
sign of corrosive substance should never be ignored.


(v) (a)  Diseases endangering the social health –

(1) Tuberculosis

(2) Corona

(b)  Hobbies to reduce stress –

(1) Laughter club and yoga

(2) Good hobbies and exercise.

Q. 3.

(i) ( 1) Fossils offer palaeontological evidence for the evolutionary process.

(2) Due to some natural calamities the organisms get buried during ancient
(3) The impressions and remnants of such organisms remain preserved
underground. The hot lava also traps some organisms or their impressions.
All such formations form fossils.
(4) Study of fossils help the researcher to understand the characteristics of the
organisms that existed in the past.
(5) Carbon dating method also helps in finding out exact age of the fossil.
According to the structure of earth’s crust the fossils are obtained at specific
(6) The oldest ones are obtained at the depth while the relatively recent ones
occupy the upper surface. Thus fossils of invertebrates were seen in very
old Palaeozoic era. Later were seen fossils of Pisces, Amphibia and Reptilia.
The Mesozoic era was dominated by reptiles while Coenozoic era showed
presence of mammals.
(7) In this way, study of fossils unfold the evolutionary secrets.

(ii) Meiosis-II
 is just like mitosis. In this stage, the two haploid daughter cells

formed in Meiosis-I undergo division by separation of recombined sister

chromatids and four haploid daughter cells are formed. Process of gamete

production and spore formation occurs by meiosis. In this type of cell division,

four haploid (n) daughter cells are formed from one diploid cell. During this

cell division, crossing over occurs between the homologous chromosomes and

thereby genetic recombination occurs. Due to this, all the four daughter cells

are genetically different from parent cell and from each other too.

(iii) (a) The diagram shows electricity generated from natural gas.

(b) The energy is generated from natural gas.
(c) Power generation from natural gas is more eco-friendly. Natural gas does
not contain sulphur and hence its burning does not cause major pollution
by forming sulphur dioxide. The efficiency of power generation by natural
gas is also high.


Types of
Source of energy Power plant
(1)  Coal Thermal energy Thermal plant
(2)  Uranium Nuclear energy Nuclear power plant
(3) Water reservoir Potential energy Hydroelectric plant
(4)  Wind Kinetic energy Wind electricity plant

(v) S
 ome insects are very useful for us. We get many products from them. e.g.
Honey bee, Lac insect, Silk worm, are the insects that provide us with honey
and wax, lac and silk respectively. The culture experiments are done on these
insects for large scale production of these substances. Butterflies help in the
pollination of crops and are thus helpful for the farmers and gardeners. Lady
bug beetle is an insect which acts as a natural pest control as it attacks the
other harmful insect pests. In biological pest control methods it is widely
used. Some insects, on the contrary are very harmful. Mosquito, bed bugs,
lice are blood sucking parasites which can spread the diseases. Mosquito is a
vector for dengue, filariasis and malaria. Some are biting insects that can
cause wounds, some cause allergies of various kinds. The grains and crops
are destroyed to great extent by the insects. In this way the insects belonging
to the phylum Arthropoda are harmful to health, wealth and peace of mind
(vi) ( 1) As the fingerprints are unique for every individual, similarly the
nucleotide sequence in the DNA molecule is also unique.

(2) By knowing this sequence, one can find out the identity of any person.
Such technique to establish the identity of a person by taking into
consideration the nucleotide sequence is called DNA fingerprinting.

(3) Its main use is in forensic sciences to confirm the identity of the criminal.

(4) Similarly, identity of parents in case of disputed parentage for any child

can be understood by taking DNA fingerprints of both the parents and the
(vii) (a)   Given picture indicates that person is suffering from mental problem. He
is under severe depression and frustration. Person may be using the
(b) Causes of this problems are as under :
(i)  Nuclear families and working parents.
(ii) Poverty, divided family and unemployment. Addiction is major cause
of this problem.


(c)  Measures to eradicate this problem :

(i)  By good communication with parents or family members harmonious

relation can be re-established.

(ii) Help from counsellors can be helpful to minimize the problem.

(viii) (a) (1) Effects of forest fire : Everything is destroyed and turns into ashes.

Plants are destoyed and animals are killed.
 (2) Remedy for forest fire : The fire-fighting units should be called to
extinguish the fires if they are spreading in nearby areas. We should
also help in putting off the fire. If anyone is injured, he/she should be
given medical help.
(b) (1) Effects of Epidemics : Many people contract the communicable
disease and thus are infected. Some of them die due to further
complications. There is great demand for medicines in the pharmacy

 (2) Remedy for Epidemics : Mass immunization programmes to be

undertaken. Safety of food and potable water to be enhanced.
(c) (1) Effects of Locust attack : Crops are damaged to a great extent.

 (2) Remedy for Locust attack : Proper spraying of organic pesicides.

Q. 4.
(i) (a) Through the process of reproduction, living species continue their
(b) Fission, budding and parthenogenesis are the asexual methods of repro-
duction in Kingdom Animalia.
(c) Regeneration is the repair process than a reproductive process. It is not
done with the intention of producing offspring, but is for healing or
repairing the lost part.
(d) Plants reproduce by asexual as well as sexual methods. Asexual
reproduction is by fragmentation, vegetative propagation, budding, spore
formation, while by formation of gametes, sexual reproduction is done.
(e) Cloning is the modern method of reproduction by which production of
young one can be aimed at.

(ii) (1) The first symbol is for giving the message, “Reduce, reuse and recycle”.

This is important mantra for the utilization of natural resources.

The second symbol gives the message about ‘Save water’.

The third symbol advocates the use of solar energy.


(2) These symbols inculcate the importance of being eco-friendly. The first

symbol is essential to maintain the natural resources by reusing and

recycling them. As far as possible, one should reduce the excessive use of

resources by preventing consumerism.

(3) Water problems persist in many major cities and villages. In villages it

results in drought like conditions. It also reflects in loss of agricultural

produce. Therefore, the message about saving water or to make judicious

use of water should be spread far and wide.

(4) The solar energy is the renewable energy option which is very easily

available in country like India. By using solar energy, we can replace the

polluting and exhaustible fuels. Thereby, pollution will also be reduced.

Due to such symbols, important messages about environment conservation

reach us and we can change ourselves into more ecofriendly persons.


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