5 TH
5 TH
5 TH
English curriculum for the 5th grade students of the general education school
1st term 2nd term 3rd term
Starter+ Back to Great Weather&
3c, 3d, 3e
2a, 2b
5a, 5b
6a, 6b
3a, 3b
4a, 4b
7a, 7b
8a, 8b
1c, 1d
2c, 2d
5c, 5d
1b, 1c
4c, 4d
6c, 6d
7c, 7d
8c, 8d
1e, 1f
2e, 2f
5e, 5f
8e, 8f
4e, 4f
6e, 6f
7e, 7f
5 6 4 5 4 6 4 5 5 5 4 6 6 4 4 6 6 5 4 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 4 5 6 4 4 6
Starte Starter Articles A, AN, THE The English alphabet Classroom language Asking about names
r pp. 4-8 Numbers Textbook language Asking about telephone
School objects numbers and address
Colors Asking about age
Day of the week Greetings
1 Back to The verb: to be School subjects and Students around the Asking for and giving A short paragraph US education
school Subject / object / classroom objects world personal information presenting yourself system
pronouns Nationalities Glusgow school of sport Greetings Short text about your Countries of the
pp. 9-20 Question words (who, Sports A school club card note Introductions partner world (geography)
what, where, how old) Countries and capital taking Pronunciation /rhythm A/ An email to pen friend
2 Cool stuff Have got Personal things Amazing ironman Describing appearance A short paragraph Souvenirs around
Possessive adjectives Appearance Extraordinary abilities Talking about about a cartoon the world
pp 21-32 Plurals Parts of the body Abitlites (matching) possessions and abilities character Same or different
This, that, those, these Abilities Buying things A description about (science)
Can: ability Pronunciation (word your possessions
stress) An email about your
3 Homes There is / there are Rooms Unusual buildings Describing rooms A short description of Landmarks (the
A, an, some, any Furniture Are you home alone Describing locations your item, bedroom mountain I /art and
Pp 33-44 Prepositions of place Appliances Malebome museum (gap Talking about your room Facts about insects the sign)
The imperative lets Ordinal numbers (first fill) and your things An email about your
to twenty third) Pronunciation intonation new house
and questions
4 Families Possessive/s (whose) Family members Family and friends Describing collector A short paragraph Family celebrations
Present simple Character adjective A professional look a like Talking about daily about your family A family (literature)
pp 45-56 Prepositions of time Daily routines Jobs (matching) routines A short text about
Like, loce, hate +ing Jobs Asking about your family your typical weekday
form Talking about peoples An email about your
jobs family
Telling the time A blog entry about
Making arrangements your favorite singer
5 Great Adverbs of frequency Animals, parts of Fantastic fish Describing animals A fact file about an National animals
animals Prepositions of time animals Festive time Talking about habits animal from around the
Comparative / Fact files about the bald Expressing fear A short text about an world
pp 57-68 superlative adjectives eagle and animal festival Talking about pets animal festival It’s a bird’s life
Adverbs of degree (gap fill) An article describing (science)
Questions with HOW your pet
6 Weather and Present continuous Seasons and months In old weathers Making suggestions A paragraph about Uniforms across the
clothes Present simple or cont The weather The balloon fashion show Responding (let’s, shall) your favorite season world
Present continuous Activities A dialogue Talking about the A short description of Four seasons
pp 69-80 (future meaning) Clothes comprehension activities people’s clothes / (literature)
Expressing likes, dislikes activities
Buying clothes, A paragraph of people
accessories who wear a uniform
Pronunciation stressed A post card to your
syllabus pen friend
7 Food Countable / Food, drinks, meals Weird food Ordering food drinks A short paragraph Festive days
pp. 81-92 uncountable nouns (a, Containers and Robot kitchen Talking about quantity about food and drink Germs (PSHE)
an, some, any) partitives Blue Lagoon (gap fill) Talking about eating you like and don’t like
How much, how many, habits An email about your
a few, a little Pronunciation stressed eating habit
Be going to / will syllabus and intonation An article describing a
Must, mustn’t, have to, celebration
can can’t
8 Masters of Was, were Mythical creatures Mythical creatures Agreeing / disagreeing A short presentation Famous people
heart Had, could couldn’t Types of films Hua Mulan Talking about the past of mythical creatures Musical instrument
pp. 93-1010 So, neither Adjectives describing Queen Elizabeth I (gap Reading news A paragraph about (music)
Past simple (regular / films fill) Narrating queen Elizabeth I
irregular verbs) Describing location The lost island of Atlantic Pronunciation A diary entry
There was, there were Musical instruments People and the Week forms A email about an
instruments they play event you attend