Total development of a God-loving, well disciplined, skillful, morally upright, and Trece Martires City College Adheres itself to the upliftment of every poor but
globally competitive individuals who are proud of their Filipino identity and cultural deserving individuals in the city via educational opportunities, committed to the pursuit
heritage. of excellence, creative and appreciative of nature, arts and technology.
1. Apply knowledge of business processes, computing, mathematics and social sciences appropriate to Information System.
2. Analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements with respect to organizational factors appropriate to its
solution and plan strategies for their solution.
3. Evaluate information systems in terms of general quality attributes and possible trade-offs presented within the given
Course Intended Learning Outcome
4. Design, implement and evaluate information systems, processes, components or programs, and to source cost-benefit
efficient alternatives to meet desired needs, goals and constraints.
5. Recognize the legal, social, ethical and professional issues involved in the exploitation of computer technology and be
guided by the adaptation of appropriate professional, ethical and legal practices both in local and global community.
6. Recognize the need for and engage in an independent and life-long learning, planning self-learning and improving
performance as the foundation for on-going professional development
Intended Learning Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities Assessment Tasks
Week Content Standards Declarative Functional
Outcomes (ILO) (TLAs) (ATs)
Knowledge Knowledge
To determine students
Understanding the Understand the
expectations of the relevant content and relevant content and Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular Activity pertaining to
1 course Course Orientation
policies relative to policies relative to Attitude
the Course the Course
Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular Quiz (20points)
1. Identify the Search and Read about
underlying Power Point Presentation/ the news/opinion
Differentiate the philosophies of the (Local or
To determine students Reading Materials
Introduction to the competing varying definitions International)
conceptions of
2 Study of conceptions of of globalization - Chapter 2 of textbook: “Approaches to the discussing
globalization Globalization 2. Agree on a globalizations then
globalization Study of Globalization” by Manfred B. Steger
working definition state the definition of
of globalization for -Steger, Manfred B. “Ideologies of Globalization
the course Globalization.” 2005. Journal of Political according to the
Ideologies 10(1): 11–30 author.
1. Define economic
Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular
2. Identify the
Power Point Presentation/
actors that facilitate
Handouts Group Sharing
To determine the Understanding the globalization Chapter 9 of textbook: “The Globalization of Debate about the
students nature of The Global importance of 3. Define the Economic Relations” by István Benczes
3 Economic
understanding about the Economy Economic modern world -Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2004. “The Modern Globalization: Good?
modern world Globalization system World-System as a Capitalist World Economy: or Bad?
4. Articulate a Production, SurplusValue, and Polarization.” In
stance on global World Systems Analysis: An Introduction.
economic Durham & London: Duke University Press, pp.
integration 23-41.
4-5 To determine students Contemporary Distinguish the roles Identify the Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular Essay: (20 points)
idea about the relevance Global Governance and function of challenges of global Discuss your
of the United State United Nations governance in the Power Point Presentation/ understanding about
amidst Globalization twenty-first century
the Role of United
Chapter 29 of the textbook: “The United
a. death penalty
Nations Meets the Twenty-first
b. territorial dispute
Century: Confronting the Challenges of Global
Long Quiz (50
Governance” ni Thomas G. Weiss at Ramesh
points) coverage will
Thakur Hobsbawn, Eric J. 1996. “The Future
be from Introduction
of the State.” Nása Development and Change
to the Study of
27(2): 267—278.
Globalization to
Contemporary Global
Graded Group
11 To determine students’ Global Media Understanding about 1. Analyze how Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular Graded Group
perception about Cultures the Global media various media drive Report: Students will
various forms of global cultures various forms of Power Point Presentation/ form groups of 3-5.
integration. global integration. Handouts Each group will be
2. Explain the asked to pick an Asian
dynamic between musical act that
local and global became internationally
cultural production famous. In their group
report, they must
answer the following
students should Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular
be able to:
Power Point Presentation/ Group Report:
1. Explain how Handouts
globalization affects Students will form
religious practices Reporting groups of 3-5. Each
and beliefs group will be assigned
-“Religion and Globalization” by Victor
2. Analyze the a global city to discuss
Roudometof Chapter 43 of textbook: “Religion
The Globalization relationship and research on. Their
Students able to classify Understanding the and Global Conflict” by Mark Juergensmeyer
of Religion between religion reports should answer
13-14 how cities serve as attributes of a global
and global conflict the following
engines of globalization city -Film: PBS Frontline: “The Rise of ISIS”
The Global City and, conversely, questions:
global peace 1. 1. How would you
Identify the describe your city?
attributes of a “Mobility, Diversity and Community in the 2. What is your city
global city Global City” by Val Colic-Peisker known for? 3. What
3. Analyze how makes your city a
cities serve as -Sassen, Saskia. 2005. “The Global City: global city?
engines of Introducing a Concept.” Brown Journal of
globalization World Affairs XI(2): 27-43.
15-16 Students able to explain Mandated topic: Identify the issues 1. Explain the Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular Short research paper
theory of
demographic Power Point Presentation/
transition as it Handouts
affects global
population Reporting
2.Analyze the to discuss the topic:
Demography Castles, Stephen. 2000. “International
how theory of and problems that political, economic, Has the Philippines
demographic transition can arise because of cultural, and social Migration at the Beginning of the TwentyFirst undergone the
Global Migration Century: Global Trends and Issues.”
as it affects global demographic factors underlying demographic
population transition the global International Social Science Journal 52 (165): transition? Why or
movements of 269–281. why not?
3. Display first- -Aguilar, Filomeno V. 2012. “Differentiating
hand knowledge of Sedimented from Modular Transnationalism:
the experiences of The View from East Asia.” Asian and Pacific
OFWs Migration Journal 21(2): 149–171
Lecture/Discussion thru Online and Modular
References Jeffrey Ancheta, Maria Filipinas C. Loquellano, Gil D. Ramos and Renato Agdalpen. 2019. Globalisasyon sa Kasalukuyang
Daigdig. Mutya Publishing House Inc.
Steger, Manfred B., Paul Battersby, and Joseph M. Siracusa, mga ed. 2014. The SAGE Handbook of Globalization. Dalawang
tomo. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Lisandro E. Claudio and Patricio N. Abinales .The Contemporary World. C&E Publishing, Inc.
The Contemporary World. REX Book Store
Medium of Instruction English
Attendance As prescribed by Article V of the TMCC Student Handbook
Term Examinations: 30%
Outputs: 50%
Grading System Attitude: 10%
Attendance Class Participation 10%
Total: 100%
1. Attendance
2. Assignments
Course Requirements 3. Class Participation/Group Sharing Activities
4. Class Reporting/Reflection paper/Quizzes
5. Major Examinations (Prelim, Mid-Term, Finals)
1. Attendance for this course is highly encouraged
2. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of “0” for the first offense. For the
Classroom Policies second offense, the student will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.
3. Prompt Submission of all Requirements is a must
4. Observe proper netiquette during on-line activities
Faculty Member: Fraulein G. Carniyan
Contact Number: 0975-031-4691
Consultation Schedule
Email Address: [email protected]
Consultation Hours: Monday to Friday (8:00am-5:00pm)