Nature Approaching The Quantum Limit in Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Contacts
Nature Approaching The Quantum Limit in Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Contacts
Nature Approaching The Quantum Limit in Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Contacts
Metal–semiconductor (M–S) contacts have essential roles in modern requirement of energy-level alignment (that is, a zero or negative
electronics owing to the continuous scaling of device dimensions14. Schottky barrier) and coherence of wavefunctions across the inter-
In an ideal M–S junction, there is a fundamental quantum limit in the face without backscattering15. The situation is more complicated for
junction contact resistance by assuming ballistic transport of the con- van der Waals (vdW) materials such as transition-metal dichalcoge-
ducting modes: nides (TMDs) owing to their dangling-bond-free surface. The existence
of a vdW gap introduces an additional tunnel barrier and reduces the
h π charge injection, making typical Rc values several orders of magni-
Rc,min = , (1)
2q 2 2n2D tude higher than the quantum limit15. Attempts to overcome such a
‘contact gap’ include edge contacts16,17, low-work-function metals18,
where h is Planck’s constant, q is the unit charge and n2D is the carrier ultrahigh vacuum evaporation8, low-energy metal integration4,6,19,
concentration in the semiconductor. Such ideal M–S contacts have, doping20,21, tunnelling contacts22,23 and, more recently, semi-metal
however, been rarely obtained experimentally owing to the stringent contacts7,9,10,24. These efforts have reduced the Rc to several hundred
National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, School of Electronic Science and Engineering and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University,
Nanjing, China. 2School of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. 3National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Artificial Functional Materials, College
of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. 4College of Materials Science and Engineering,
Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, China. 5Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 6SEU-FEI Nano-Pico Center, Key Laboratory of MEMS of Ministry of
Education, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. 7Hunan Key Laboratory of Two-Dimensional Materials and State Key Laboratory for Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, College of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, China. 8Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 9Precourt Institute for
Energy, Stanford University, CA, USA. 10 School of Integrated Circuits, Nanjing University, Suzhou, China. 11Suzhou Laboratory, Suzhou, China. 12These authors contributed equally: Weisheng Li,
Xiaoshu Gong, Zhihao Yu, Liang Ma. ✉e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
0 EF 6
Energy (eV)
b d
MoS2 Sb (0001)
0 EF 3
Energy (eV)
0 0 2
Mo dxy,x2–y2
Mo dz2
Sb pz
Mo dyz,xz
Sb px,y
Fig. 1 | Electronic properties of Sb (0112)–MoS2 and Sb (0001)–MoS2 contacts Sb, Mo and S atoms, respectively. The differential charge density iscalculated
from DFT calculations. a,b, Atomic-projected electronic band structure of Sb by subtracting pre-contact three-layer Sb and MoS2 charge density from the
(0112)–MoS2 (a) and Sb (0001)–MoS2 (b) contacts. The red and blue symbols post-contact charge density. The isosurface level is 9 × 10 −5 e Bohr−3 and
represent orbitals from MoS2 and Sb, respectively. The size of the symbols 7 × 10 −4 e Bohr−3 for the left and right panels, respectively. e, Projected PLDOS of
represents the relative contribution. c,d, The charge density near EF (left) and different orbitals of Sb (0112)–MoS2 and Sb (0001)–MoS2 contacts near EF. f, The
the differential charge density (right) of Sb (0112) (c) and Sb (0001) (d) contacts integrated DOS of TMDs at EF. g, The charge transfer from Sb to TMDs by Bader
(red, positive; blue, negative). The blue, green and yellow spheres represent charge analysis. h, The interfacial vdW interaction between TMDs and Sb.
ohm micrometres, which is comparable to but still higher than M–S hybridization of M–S energy bands needs to be realized at the Fermi
junctions composed of intimate chemical bonds (for example, doped energy (EF) and across the vdW gap. We note that such hybridized
and undoped silicon (Si) and titanium nitride (TiN)/gallium nitride states are within the conduction and valance bands and are spatially
(GaN)). Besides Schottky barrier height (SBH) and tunnel barrier width, delocalized, and are distinct from the localized metal-induced gap
M–S orbital hybridization also has a critical role in the charge injec- states26,27. The metal-induced gap states originate from defects and
tion efficiency25. A major limitation of previous studies is that, even can cause undesirable Fermi level pinning.
for the best semi-metal contacts, the electronic states of M–S remain Here we realize band hybridization between monolayer molybdenum
weakly coupled across the vdW gap7. To further reduce Rc, coherent disulfide (MoS2) and semi-metallic antimony (Sb) (0112). We first use
a b
Si Si (0002) Si (0004)
Sb (0112) 100 ºC
XRD indensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)
Eg 1 100 ºC Sb/SiO2
E2g A1g
Sb ~0.285 nm
MoS2 area
Fig. 2 | Characterization of the Sb (0112)–MoS2 contact. a, Raman spectrum 0.315 nm for Sb (0112) planes is marked. Scale bar, 2 nm. d, Zoom-in
of Sb film deposited on MoS2/Si substrate shows Sb Eg and A 1g peaks at 111 cm−1 atomic-resolution image from the red box in c. The Mo, S and Sb atoms are
and 149 cm−1, respectively. b, XRD θ–2θ diffractogram of Sb film with different overlayed on the image. The vdW gap of 0.285 nm is marked. Scale bar, 1 nm.
deposition conditions and substrate. RT, room temperature. c, Cross-section e, Optical microscope image of Sb films deposited on MoS2 and SiO2 substrate,
HAADF-STEM image of the Sb (0112)–MoS2 contact. The interplane distance of showing clear colour contrast. Scale bar, 20 μm.
Rc (Ω μm)
Ids (μA μm–1)
. 13 c
60 –0.05 0 0.05 =1
Lc (μm) 10 –2
1.5 n 2D 2.1 × 13 cm
= 10 100
1.0 10 n 2D 3.0 ×
0.8 n 2D
= 100
30 0.6
0.4 50
0 0 0
–3 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 50 100 200 400
Vgs (V) Lc (μm) T (K)
d e f –
30 – –
Sb (0112) 30 Sb (0112) Sb (0112)
40 Sb (0001)
25 Sb (0001) Sb (0001)
20 30
15 15 20
10 10
5 5
0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 50 60 70 80 90
Rc (Ω μm) LT (nm) Pint (cm2 V−1 s−1)
Fig. 3 | Electrical properties and stability of the Sb (0112)–MoS2 contact. It is noted that the LT derived by the TLM method assumes the same MoS2 sheet
a, Transfer curves of a typical TLM structure with Lc ranging from 0.1 μm to resistivity underneath and outside the contact, which is probably violated
1.5 μm and Vds = 0.1 V. Inset: false-colour scanning electron microscope image considering the charge transfer between Sb (0112) and MoS2. This could lead to
of a TLM structure. Scale bar, 2 μm. b, Rc extraction using the TLM method from uncertainties in the obtained LT. c. Rc (red squares) and intrinsic mobility (black
the device in a. From top to bottom, n2D = 1.2 × 1013 cm−2, 1.6 × 1013 cm−2, rhombuses) as a function of temperature for another device. d–f, Rc (d), LT (e)
2.1 × 1013 cm−2 and 3 × 1013 cm−2, respectively. Inset: the magnified data plot near and μint (f) distribution of the Sb (0112) and Sb (0001) contacts, respectively.
Lc = 0, where the y intercept and x intercept represent 2Rc and 2LT, respectively. The solid lines are Gaussian fittings.
density-functional theory (DFT) calculations to validate our approach We further calculated the interfacial vdW interaction (Evdw) in the
(see Methods for calculation details). Figure 1a,b show the atomically heterobilayer. Previous studies have established that the degree of
projected band structure of Sb (0112 )–MoS2 and Sb (0001)–MoS2, band hybridization in TMD heterostructures can be increased by vdW
respectively. For Sb (0112)–MoS2, multiple hybridized bands composed interaction28. Our calculation indeed revealed a strong Evdw = 3.33 eV nm−2
of a molybdenum (Mo) d orbital and Sb p and s orbitals intersect EF. For for Sb (0112)–MoS2, which was much greater than that for Sb (0001)–
Sb (0001)–MoS2, however, the bands intersecting EF are mainly com- MoS2 (2.62 eV nm−2; Fig. 1h). This was attributed to the planar instead
posed of Sb p and s orbitals, and the MoS2 conduction band minimum of protruding distribution of Sb atoms in the (0112) plane. We further
is located above EF (Fig. 1b). To find the origin of band hybridization, extended our calculations to several other TMDs (Fig. 1f–h and Extended
we analysed the population of orbitals in the projected local density Data Fig. 2), as well as bismuth (Bi) (0112)–MoS2 (Extended Data Fig. 1e–h).
of states (PLDOS) near EF (Fig. 1e). It can be seen that, although the Sb In all the cases, the Sb (0112) and Bi (0112) contacts showed enhanced
px,y orbitals are comparable, the Sb pz orbital of Sb (0112) is 190% larger band hybridization and Bader charge transfer compared with their
than that of Sb (0001) owing to the closely packed atomic surface of (0001) counterparts, showing that our approach is general and robust.
Sb (0112) (surface Sb atom density, 10.43 nm−2 versus 5.34 nm−2). Fur- Besides band hybridization, another important aspect to realize
thermore, the population of Mo d orbitals in the Sb (0112)–MoS2 contact ohmic contact is the tunnel barrier width. To this end, we calculated
is also markedly enhanced (Fig. 1e). It is noted that the distribution of the electrostatic potential profile of the contacts (Extended Data
Sb pz and Mo d z 2 orbitals is mainly along the vertical direction. As a Fig. 1c,d). The tunnel barrier width of Sb (0112)–MoS2 was 1.35 Å, which
result, a considerable real-space overlap between the Sb pz orbital and was smaller than that of Sb (0001)–MoS2 (1.39 Å) as well as Bi (0001)–
the Mo d orbital emerges (Fig. 1c), which leads to strong band hybrid- MoS2 (1.66 Å) (ref. 7). This further ensures the low tunnelling resistivity
ization in the Sb (0112)–MoS2 contact. The hybridization is visualized of Sb (0112) compared with other semi-metallic contacts.
by plotting the spatial charge distribution at EF in Fig. 1c,d (left). We The evaporation of semi-metals on MoS2 under ambient temperature
can see that the charge is distributed in both Sb (0112) and MoS2 layers favoured (0001)-orientated films7,9,10. Owing to the enhanced thermo-
despite the vdW gap, in clear contrast to Sb (0001)–MoS2. We further dynamic stability (Fig. 1h), we used a mild substrate heating of about
investigated the charge transfer by calculating the differential charge 100 °C during evaporation to obtain (0112)-oriented Sb films (see Meth-
density as shown in Fig. 1c,d (right). The degree of hybridization and ods for details). Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 2a) revealed that the Sb was
charge transfer was quantified by the integrated DOS of MoS2 at EF semi-metallic β-phase29. Figure 2b compares the X-ray diffraction (XRD)
(Fig. 1f) and Bader charge transfer (Fig. 1g). In both cases, the Sb (0112)– θ–2θ (where θ is the X-ray incident angle) diffractograms of Sb depos-
MoS2 contact shows significant enhancement, which is favourable for ited on MoS2 under different temperatures. The Sb deposited under
M–S contacts. The charge transfer effectively pulls the MoS2 conduc- ambient temperature showed pronounced (0003) diffraction peak.
tion band minimum about 0.4 eV below EF (Fig. 1a). Therefore, the MoS2 Under high temperature, however, the (0003) peak almost disappeared
under Sb (0112) is degenerated doped and forms ohmic contact with and the (0112) peak became dominant. Such temperature-dependent
the channel, which is similar to the situation in Si14. In fact, the simulated orientation was consistent with molecular-beam epitaxy results30. The
local device density of states (LDDOS) suggest that the band bending Sb (0112) was further confirmed by cross-section high-angle annular
across the highly doped contact and the channel region is very steep dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM)
in real space (about 0.6 nm) and allows considerable carrier tunnelling (Fig. 2c,d). The Sb atomic planes parallel to MoS2 had an interplane
through this space-charge region in the on state (Extended Data distance of 0.315 nm, corresponding to the (0112) planes. In contrast,
Fig. 1a,b). the interplane distance of Sb (0001) was measured to be 0.379 nm
Delay (ps)
101 (ref. )
Ion (mA μm–1)
Ag/Au (ref. 42) Ni/Au
Rc (kΩ μm)
In/Au (ref. 4) 43
Au (ref. 44) (ref. )
100 Sn/Au (ref. 24)
Au (ref. 21) 0.1
Sn/Au (ref. 44) In/Au (ref. 44)
InGaAs Bi (ref. 7)
10–1 Si Sb–MoS2
(this work)
Quantum limit Si GAAFET 0.01
0 Si planar LP
Fig. 4 | Short-channel MoS2 FET performance and benchmark. a, Cartoon respectively. It is noted that the data (red pentagram symbols) for Sb (0112)-
illustration of the FET structure. b, Transfer characteristics of a typical MoS2 contacted MoS2 FETs come from 587 devices with different Lc, including 1.5 μm
FET with Lc = 20 nm under Vds = 100 mV (green line), 550 mV (blue line) and (83 devices), 1 μm (83), 800 nm (83), 600 nm (82), 400 nm (82), 200 nm (80),
1 V (red line). Inset: false-colour SEM image of the device. Scale bar, 500 nm. 100 nm (80), 60 nm (5), 40 nm (5) and 20 nm (4). For better clarity, the average
c, The output characteristics of the same device in b. From bottom to top, Ion (red pentagrams) and standard deviation (error bars) for each Lc are plotted
Vgs = −4 V to Vgs = 10 V with 2-V steps. The solid and dotted lines are the results of to avoid too many data points. f, Benchmark of the delay time of Sb (0112)–MoS2
the d.c. and pulse current–voltage measurements, respectively. d, Rc as a function FETs with Si planar FET, FinFET and GAAFET. All data for MoS2 FETs are evaluated
of n2D for monolayer MoS2 and other semiconductors in the literature (Methods). at Vds = 1 V. The blue and red solid lines represent the fitting of the experimental
The black solid line represents the quantum limit for Rc. e, Benchmark of data points for Si planar HP FET and Sb (0112)–MoS2 FETs, respectively.
monolayer MoS2 FETs Ion at Vds = 1 V in the literature (Methods). The yellow, blue Gra, graphene; h-BN, hexagonal boron nitride; Vdd, operating voltage; Lg, gate
and pink ellipses represent the performance of high-performance (HP, solid length; UHF, ultra-high vacuum. The pink dotted line is the projected result
symbols) and low-power (LP, open symbols) Si planar FET, FinFET and GAAFET, assuming Rc = 42 Ω μm.
(Extended Data Fig. 3c,d). The STEM revealed a pristine and intimate 5.1 nm at n2D = 3 × 1013 cm−2, as shown in Fig. 3b. To our knowledge,
contact between the crystalline Sb and MoS2 without metal-induced both values are the lowest reported for TMD materials, and the Rc is
defects. Low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy also about three-times lower than the previous record using Bi (0001)7.
revealed no defect-related emission after Sb deposition (Extended It is noteworthy that the small LT ensures an ultra-compact device foot-
Data Fig. 3a). The vdW distance between the Sb and the sulfur (S) atoms print, which is critical for very-large-scale integration32. Moreover, the
was measured to be about 0.285 nm (Fig. 2d), which was smaller than small LT was further corroborated by the negligible on-state current
that in MoS2–indium4 and MoS2–Bi (0001)7 contacts. The high-resolution (Ion) drop for contact lengths down to about 60 nm (Extended Data
STEM image clearly resolved the atomic positions, in good agreement Fig. 4g–i). Furthermore, the variable-temperature measurements in
with the theoretical model in Fig. 1. The absence of Sb–S chemical bond Fig. 3c show the temperature-dependent Rc and intrinsic mobility μint
formation was confirmed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (after eliminating Rc) from 50 K to 400 K. The mobility showed a typical
(Extended Data Fig. 3b). We note that the Sb (0112) was formed only on phonon-limited behaviour (μ ≈ T−γ, where γ is the characteristic expo-
top of MoS2. Figure 2e presents an optical micrograph of patterned nent of phonon-limited transport and T is the temperature) at high
MoS2 on silicon dioxide (SiO2) substrate, covered by 20-nm Sb. The Sb temperature with γ = 1.8, and defect-limited saturation behaviour at
film showed a clear colour contrast on MoS2 and SiO2 owing to the low temperature33. Remarkably, the Rc was temperature independent
amorphous nature of SiO2 (Fig. 2b). in the entire range, suggesting that the cross-junction transport was
Next, we evaluated the electrical properties of the contact by measur- through tunnelling instead of thermionic emission14. This was strong
ing field-effect transistors (FETs) using MoS2 single crystals as the chan- evidence for ohmic contact. The ohmic nature was supported by two
nel31 (see Methods for fabrication and measurement details). Figure 3a additional evidences: (1) the extracted SBH was about −10 meV using
shows the transfer (drain-to-source current, Ids, versus gate-to-source the flat-band model7,18 (Extended Data Fig. 4a–c) and (2) the output
voltage, Vgs) characteristics of a transfer-length-method (TLM) device. (Ids versus drain-to-source voltage, Vds) curves maintained excellent
Using TLM, Rc and transfer length (LT) were derived to be 42 Ω μm and linearity at 50 K (Extended Data Fig. 4c).
Vth (V)
10–6 –2
Ids (A μm–1)
10–8 –4
SS (mV dec–1)
Lc = 0.1 μm Lc = 0.2 μm
10–4 d e 100
10–6 10
Ids (A μm–1)
10–8 8
10–10 6
Lc = 0.4 μm Lc = 0.6 μm
10–4 f g h
Ids (A μm–1)
Gm (μS μm–1)
10–8 100
Lc = 0.8 μm Lc = 1.0 μm Lc = 1.5 μm
–5 0 5 10 –5 0 5 10 –5 0 5 10 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.5
Vgs (V) Vgs (V) Vgs (V) Lc (μm)
Fig. 5 | Variability of Sb (0112)–MoS2 FETs. a, Top: optical microscope image of ratio, Gm and Ion. The colour of the symbols corresponds to the channel length
TLM arrays fabricated on HfO2/Si substrate. Scale bar, 400 μm. Bottom: in b–h. For each group of data, the boxplot statistics and Gaussian fitting were
magnified view of a TLM structure. Scale bar, 70 μm. b–h, Transfer performed and meaningful statistical data were obtained, including mean
characteristics of MoS2 FETs with channel lengths of 0.1 μm (b), 0.2 μm (c), (square symbols), standard deviation, lower quartile (25%), median (50%),
0.4 μm (d), 0.6 μm (e), 0.8 μm (f), 1.0 μm (g) and 1.5 μm (h) under Vds = 1 V. upper quartile (75%), interquartile range (25–75%), and maximum and minimum
i, Boxplots with Gaussian fitting of key device metrics, including Vth, SS, on/off (cross symbols).
To demonstrate the advantage of the Sb (0112) contact, we fabricated barrier lowering. More importantly, the device readily reached current
control TLM devices using an Sb (0001) contact (Fig. 2b). Figure 3d,e saturation at Vds = 1 V as evident from both transfer and output char-
shows the statistics of Rc and LT derived from 156 TLM devices (115 high acteristics. The Ion (1.23 mA μm−1) was 44.7% and 104% higher than
temperature and 41 ambient temperature). The average Rc of the Sb short-channel devices with Bi (0001) and Sb (0001) contacts, respec-
(0112) contact was 209 ± 100 Ω μm, which was 3.47-times lower than tively, under the same drain bias7,9. Both the saturation voltage and Ion
the Sb (0001) counterpart. A similar trend was observed for LT. The were unprecedented in TMDs owing to the improved contacts.
high confidence of Rc was supported by the standard deviation σ and TMD FETs are difficult to remove heat from, because the thin TMD
correlation coefficient R2 from the fitting process as well as the TLM and the vdW gaps around it are highly thermally resistive. As such,
structure extending to sub-100-nm channel length, Lc (Extended Data self-heating can lead to very high temperatures in the channel, degrad-
Fig. 5). We note that the improvement using the Sb (0112) contact was ing mobility and current, or leading to device failure. The high input
not due to the MoS2 quality, as supported by nearly the same average power (>1 mW μm−1) in direct-current (d.c.) measurements cause sig-
mobility for the two cases (Fig. 3f). In addition, variable-temperature nificant self-heating, as indicated by the negative differential resistance
measurements revealed a small but positive SBH of about 20 meV for at Vds > 1 V (Fig. 4c). To estimate the steady-state temperature distribu-
the Sb (0001) contact (Extended Data Fig. 4d–f), consistent with the tion of this device at its maximum power, we used finite-element-method
recent results from the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Com- simulations35. The temperature distribution along the drain–source
pany (TSMC)9. Owing to the improved contacts of Sb (0112), the FETs direction is shown in Extended Data Fig. 9. For plausible ranges of mate-
delivered an average 38%-higher Ion at 100-nm Lc (Extended Data Fig. 6). rial and interface thermal properties, we found peak temperature ris-
Besides electrical performance, the stability of the contact is also ing above ambient of 630 ± 150 K and 38 ± 20 K in the MoS2 channel
critical to applications. The stability of Bi is poor owing to its low melt- and the contacts, respectively. It is noted that the contacts remain
ing point below 300 °C, which posts severe limits in back-end processes. significantly cooler than MoS2, as they are relatively thick and thermally
In contrast, the melting point of Sb is above 600 °C. To this end, we conductive. The large uncertainties in the temperature are mainly
studied the device stability at 125 °C (which is the highest standard for owing to the unknown thermal boundary resistance between MoS2 and
electronic products34) in a nitrogen environment as shown in Extended Sb (0112), which is a subject of future research. To probe the intrinsic
Data Fig. 7. No obvious degradation of Ion, threshold voltage limits of device Ion, we used pulse measurements with 160-ns pulses
(Vth) and subthreshold swing (SS) was observed during 24 h for the Sb (Methods). At Vds = 1 V (1.5 V), the pulsed Ion was increased to 1.44 mA μm−1
contact. In contrast, the Ion of Bi-contact devices decreased by 41% (1.54 mA μm−1), accompanied by higher saturation voltage. The boost
under the same conditions. The excellent stability of the Sb (0112) con- of Ion under pulse measurements was attributed to the combined effects
tact also ensures that the devices can work reliably in the high-current of reduced self-heating and hot-electron charge trapping36.
regime, as shown in the following. We next benchmarked our device performance with existing TMDs
To fully determine the potential of the Sb (0112) contact, we fabri- and Si complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) tech-
cated scaled MoS2 FETs with sub-50-nm Lc (Fig. 4a). Figure 4b,c shows nologies. We first summarized the Rc of various materials in Fig. 4d.
the Ids–Vgs and Ids–Vds characteristics of a representative device with It was apparent that our Rc was not only one of the lowest among TMDs,
Lc ≈ 20 nm (more device data are shown in Extended Data Fig. 8). The but also lower than covalently bonded contacts in Si and compound
device showed excellent short-channel immunity, with an on/off ratio semiconductors3. At high n2D, the Rc was within a factor of two from the
over 108, an SS of about 180 mV dec−1 and negligible drain-induced quantum limit3. The reduced Rc led to a significant boost of Ion under
Extended Data Fig. 1 | Electronic properties of Sb/Bi-MoS2 contacts. (0112)-MoS2 (c) and Sb (0001)-MoS2 (d) contacts along the vertical direction,
a, b, The simulated band diagram and local device density of states (LDDOS) of respectively. e, f, Atomic-projected electronic band structures of Bi (0112)-
the monolayer MoS2 with double-end Sb (0112) electrodes: without electron MoS2 (e) and Bi (0001)-MoS2 (f) contacts. g, The interfacial vdW interaction
doping (zero gate bias) (a) and with 1.5 electron doping (similar to high gate between MoS2 and Bi (0112)/Bi (0001). h, The charge transfer from Bi (0112)/Bi
bias) (b). The Fermi level is set to zero.c, d, Electrostatic potential profiles of Sb (0001) to MoS2 by Bader charge analysis.
Extended Data Fig. 2 | The atomic-projected electronic band structures (0112) (a), WS2-Sb (0112) (c), WSe2- Sb (0112) (e), MoSe2-Sb (0001) (b), WS2-Sb
and the charge density near EF of TMDs-Sb contact. a–f, Left panels, (0001) (d) and WSe2-Sb (0001) (f) contacts. The corresponding isosurface level
atomic-projected electronic band structures (left panel) of MoSe2-Sb (0112) (a), of the charge density near EF (right panel) are 1.3×10 −4 e/Bohr3 for MoSe2-Sb
WS2-Sb (0112) (c), WSe2- Sb (0112) (e), MoSe2-Sb (0001) (b), WS2-Sb (0001) (d) and contact (a, b), 8×10 −5 e/Bohr3 for WS2-Sb (c, d) and WSe2-Sb (e, f) contact,
WSe2-Sb (0001) (f) contacts. Right panels, charge density near EF of MoSe2-Sb respectively.
Extended Data Fig. 3 | Optical, chemical and structural characterization of substrate. b, High-resolution XPS spectra of 2 nm Sb deposited on monolayer
Sb-MoS2 interface. a, The Low-temperature (6 k) PL spectra of. After MoS2/sapphire, where the absence of Sb–S bond signal from Sb2S3 indicates no
depositing Sb film, the main exciton peak did not show widening, and no chemical bond formation between Sb and MoS2. c, Cross-section HAADF-STEM
obvious defect-related emissions were observed. This proved that the image of Sb (0001)-MoS2 contact. Scale bar, 1 nm. d, Zoom-in atomic-resolution
deposition of Sb was friendly to 2D materials without creating defects. image from c. The interplane distance was 0.379 nm. Scale bar, 1 nm.
The sharp peak at 1.79 eV was the photoluminescence signal from the sapphire
Extended Data Fig. 4 | Schottky barrier extraction and small footprint MoS2 various gate bias of the same device in d. f, Gate voltage dependence of the
FETs. a, The temperature-dependent Ids-Vgs transfer curves of Sb (0112)-MoS2 barrier height. The deviation from the linear trend (red solid line) defines the
FET. Vds = 0.1V. b, The Arrhenius plot at various gate bias of the same device in a. flat band voltage and shows positive Schottky barrier height. g, Transfer curves
c, Gate voltage dependence of the barrier height. The deviation from the linear of two MoS2 FETs with the same Lc = 60 nm but with contact length (Lcontact) of
trend (red solid line) defines the flat band voltage and shows negative Schottky 60 nm and 1 μm. Vds = 0.1 V. Inset is the false-colour SEM image of the device.
barrier height. Inset shows the linear output curves of the same FET at a low Scale bar, 200 nm. h–i, Output curves of the MoS2 FET with contact length of
temperature of 50 K with excellent linearity. d, The temperature-dependent 1 μm (h) and 60 nm (i), respectively.
Ids-Vgs transfer curves of Sb (0001)-MoS2 FET. Vds = 0.1V. e, The Arrhenius plot at
Extended Data Fig. 5 | Extraction of low Rc from TLM devices with Sb (0112) Lc equal to 60 nm, 80 nm, 200 nm, 400 nm, 600 nm, 800 nm, 1 μm and 1.5 μm.
-MoS2 . a–e, The left is the transfer curves of TLM devices. Vds = 0.1V, and the Ultralow Rc extraction from the TLM devices with sub-100-nm Lc devices
right is the plot of Rtot versus Lc from the left devices, from which the 2Rc can be further enhances confidence in ohmic contact of Sb (0112) -MoS2 contact.
extracted from the y-axis intercepts. Symbols are experimental data and lines f, g, Histogram of σ (a) and R 2 (b) from the linear fitting process of TLM method
are linear fits at the right figure. It is noted that TLM in e contain 9 devices with corresponding to the results of Sb (0112)-MoS2 contact (115 TLMs) in Fig. 3d and e.
Extended Data Fig. 6 | Comparison of MoS2 FETs with Sb (0001) and Sb (0112) The mean (square symbols), lower quartile (Q1, 25%), median (Q2, 50%), upper
contacts. a, Transfer characteristics of 145 MoS2 FETs (65 with Sb (0001) quartile (Q3, 75%), interquartile range (25%-75%) and maximum/minimum
contact (black lines) and 80 with Sb (0112) contact (red lines)). Lc = 100 nm, (cross symbols) are presented. The Ion of Sb (0112) contact is significantly
Vds = 1V. b, The boxplot with Gaussian fitting of Ion at the same carrier density. improved compared with Sb (0001) contact due to the improvement of Rc.
Extended Data Fig. 7 | Stability of Sb (0112)-MoS2 contact. a, Thermal stability 10 V with 2 V step. e, Transfer characteristics of a typical Bi-contact MoS2 FET
of Ion for Sb and Bi contact measured at different time in 125 °C nitrogen measured at different time in 125 °C nitrogen environments. Lc = 100 nm,
environment. b, Transfer characteristics of a typical Sb-contact MoS2 FET Vds = 1V. f, g, The output characteristics of the same device at 125 °C in the
measured Lc = 100 nm, Vds = 1V. c, d, The output characteristics of the same initial state (f) and after 24 h (g). From bottom to up, Vgs = −2 V to 10 V with
device in the initial state (c) and after 24 h (d). From bottom to up, Vgs = −2 V to 2 V step.
Extended Data Fig. 8 | Short-channel MoS2 FETs with Sb (0112)-contact. measurements, respectively. c, Transfer characteristics of a MoS2 FET with
a, Transfer characteristics of a MoS2 FET with Lc = 40 nm under Vds = 0.2 V and 1 V. Lc = 20 nm under Vds = 0.2 V and 1 V. Inset shows the corresponding SEM image.
Inset shows the corresponding SEM image. Scale bar, 500 nm. b, The output Scale bar, 500 nm. d, The output characteristics of the same devices in c. From
characteristics of the same devices in a. From bottom to up, Vgs = −2 V to 10 V bottom to up, Vgs = −2 V to 10 V with 2 V step. The solid and dotted lines are the
with 2 V step. The solid and dotted lines are the results of the DC and pulse I-V results of the DC and pulse I-V measurements, respectively.
Extended Data Fig. 9 | The steady-state temperature distribution of the contacts) serving as the symmetry plane. A contact resistance of 100 Ω·μm is
short-channel MoS2 FET in Fig. 4b, c by finite-element method simulation. assumed in order to determine the fraction of the power dissipated at the
a, Steady-state distribution of temperature rises across the centre cross- contacts. b, The temperature rise above ambient in MoS2 (black) and the
section of the device along the current direction, for Vds = 1 V and Ids = 1.23 mA/μm. contact just above MoS2 (red) plotted as a function of position along the
Only half of the geometry is shown, x = 0 (halfway between the drain and source direction of current flow.
Extended Data Fig. 10 | Ambipolar monolayer WSe2 FETs with Sb (0112) with 4 V step with the same devices at c. e, Transfer curves of p-type TLM
contact. a, Transfer curves of n-type TLM devices with Sb (0112) contact. devices with Sb (0112) contact. Vds = −0.1 V. f, Plot of Rtot versus Lc from p-type
Vds = 0.1 V. b, Plot of Rtot versus Lc from n-type TLM devices with Sb (0112) contact TLM devices with Sb (0112) contact (red symbols) and Ti contact (blue symbols),
(red symbols) and Ti contact (blue symbols), from which the 2Rc can be from which the 2Rc can be extracted from the y-axis intercepts. Symbols are
extracted from the y-axis intercepts. Symbols are experimental data and lines experimental data and lines are linear fits at f. g, h, Performance comparison of
are linear fits at b. c, d, Performance comparison of n-type monolayer WSe2 p-type monolayer WSe2 FETs with Sb (0112) contact (red) and Ti contact (blue).
FETs with Sb (0112) contact (red) and Ti contact (blue). Lc = 100 nm. c shows the Lc = 100 nm. g shows the transfer curves. Vds = −0.1 V. h shows the output curves
transfer curves at Vds = 0.1 V. d shows the output curves at Vgs from 0 V to 40 V at Vgs from 0 V to −50 V with −5 V step with the same devices at g.
Extended Data Table 1 | Variability data analysis and benchmark42,53
Vth is the threshold voltage of the device, which is extracted by using the linear extrapolation method. SS is the subthreshold swing extracted from the device in the subthreshold region. Ion
is the drain current when the device is in the ‘on’ state. log(Ion/Ioff) is the logarithm value of the ratio of the drain currents when the device is in the ‘on’ and ‘off’ states, respectively. Gm is the
transconductance value of the device at Vds = 1 V. Missing values are represented by spaces. The results for Vth, SS, log(Ion/Ioff), Ion, Gm and Rc are all obtained by statistical analysis of many devices
(#devices is the statistical number of the devices) and presented as “mean ± standard deviation”.