Smart Zebra Crossing
Smart Zebra Crossing
Smart Zebra Crossing
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The smart zebra crossing is an essential occurrence. To improve pedestrian safety, several smart
technology for enhancing pedestrian safety on busy zebra crossing systems have been proposed in the past. In
roads. This project proposes a smart zebra crossing recent years, several studies have proposed the use of
system that utilizes DC and Servo motors, an Arduino sensors to detect the pedestrian's presence and control the
Uno microcontroller, and ICs without the use of sensors. traffic lights. However, these systems are costly and require
The system is designed to control the traffic lights and frequent maintenance. In this project, we propose a smart
provide a safe and efficient crossing experience for zebra crossing system that does not use sensors and is cost-
pedestrians. The system uses a DC motor to control the effective. The proposed system uses a combination of DC
traffic light for vehicles and a servo motor to control the motor, servo motor, Arduino Uno, and IC to detect the
traffic light for pedestrians. The Arduino Uno pedestrian's presence and control the traffic lights. The
microcontroller and ICs are used to control the motors' Arduino Uno and IC are used to control Dc motor and
movements and timings. The traffic lights' timing is servo motor. Dc motors have been widely used in different
programmed to ensure that pedestrians have enough application, including transportation and robotics. In this
time to cross safely, while vehicles are stopped at the proposed system, the Dc motor is used to walkway,
crossing. This project presents a smart zebra crossing providing a safe and easy way for pedestrians to cross the
system that utilizes DC and Servo motors, an Arduino street. The use of a Moving walkway has several
Uno microcontroller, and ICs to control the traffic lights advantages, including reducing the waiting time for
without the use of sensors. The system provides a safe pedestrians, improving pedestrian experience, and reducing
and efficient crossing experience for pedestrians, congestion. Servo Motor is widely used in different
reducing the risk of accidents on busy roads. applications, including robotics, automation, and control
systems. In this proposed system, the Servo Motor is used
Keywords:- Arduino Uno, Dc Motor, Servo Motor, to rotate the barriers and traffic lights to indicate to drivers
Pedestrian Crossing. when to stop and when to proceed. The entire system is
Maintain. The proposed system has several advantages over
I. INTRODUCTION the existing systems. Firstly, it is cost-effective and easy to
implement. Secondly, it does not require frequent
Zebra crossings are essential in providing safe passage maintenance. Finally, it provides an efficient solution for
for pedestrians across busy roads. However, conventional pedestrian safety. Smart zebra crossing system is an
zebra crossings have some limitations, including a lack of efficient and cost-effective solution for improving pedestrian
control over vehicle movement and pedestrian safety. To safety. The system can be easily implemented and provides
overcome these limitations, a smart zebra crossing system a safe passage for pedestrian’s by controlling the traffic
is proposed in this project. The proposed system aims to lights based on their presence.
enhance pedestrian safety by controlling the movement of
vehicles on the road and providing a safe crossing for III. METHODOLOGY
pedestrians. The system uses a DC motor and servo motor,
controlled by an Arduino Uno microcontroller, to create a Concepts like “Smart Zebra crossings” might aim to
barrier-free crossing for pedestrians. The system relies on optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and minimize
the microcontroller to control the motors based on the traffic environmental impact. The project is used to design a
conditions. The DC motor is used to moving walkway. system that enhances the safety of pedestrians and assists
While the servo motor is used to rotate the barriers them in crossing the road. In this project we used many
warnings alert the drivers. The proposed system is designed components like as –Arduino Uno, DC Motor, Servo
to be cost-effective, simple to implement, and efficient in Motor, and IC etc.
ensuring pedestrian safety. The system can be easily
integrated into existing zebra crossing infrastructure, making Set up the Arduino Uno on a breadboard and connect
it an attractive solution for improving pedestrian safety in the power and ground pins accordingly. Connect the servo
high traffic areas. motor to the breadboard and Arduino. The servo motor will
control the barrier arm to stop vehicles during pedestrian
II. LITRATURE SURVEY crossing. Connect the DC motor to the breadboard and
Arduino. This motor will be used to provide a moving
Zebra crossing is an essential part of road walkway for pedestrians.
infrastructure that provides a safe passage for pedestrians.
However, due to the increasing number of vehicles on roads,
accidents at zebra crossings have become a common
Fig.3 Servomotor
Improved Safety:
The system will provide a clear and automated way for
drivers and pedestrians to cross the road, reducing the risk of
accidents and improving overall safety.
Increased efficiency:
The system will reduce the time taken for pedestrians
to cross the road by automating the process of opening and
closing the barrier, and by providing a clear indication of
when it is safe to cross.
Easy to maintain:
The components used in the system are easy to
maintain and replace, reducing the downtime and
maintenancecosts associated with the system.