TOP 100 Suppliers 2019
TOP 100 Suppliers 2019
TOP 100 Suppliers 2019
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> INSIDE: Top 100 global suppliers I PAGES 4-8 I Top 50 Europe suppliers I PAGES 9-10 I Top 100 North American suppliers I PAGES 11-15 I
he supplier world is rushing into new Ostermann admits to being astonished at jority ownership of Ficosa, the fast-growing
technologies to deliver the grand vi- the amount of money that technology vendors Where are the results? Spanish supplier of cables, mirrors and other
sion of the auto industry — widespread are suppliers add to their portfolios. According Companies are questioning their past busi- parts.
electrified powertrains and advanced to PwC, the combined value of supplier merg- ness segments and repositioning themselves
safety and convenience technologies that will ers and acquisitions has nearly tripled from a for new roles through mergers, investments, When is the payback?
allow vehicles to steer, accelerate and brake decade ago. It averaged around $20 billion a divestitures and corporate restructurings — The question hanging over the heads of sup-
themselves. year for 10 years, Ostermann said. From 2014- even if the technology revolution has not plier executives: When will the new order of
But that transformation isn’t having any no- 17, it averaged about $50 billion to $60 billion, kicked in yet. electrification, connectivity and autonomous
ticeable effect on the global pecking order of before jumping to a record $97.5 billion last The expected revenue of that big future is lit- driving begin delivering revenue and profit on
the industry’s biggest parts companies. year. tle more than a trickle, compared with the a par with the cost of restructurings, acquisi-
Not yet, at least. “Technology is the dominating factor in still-robust demand for good old-fashioned tions and development investment?
The annual Automotive News ranking of the supplier strategy,” he said. “A few years ago, brake pedals, pistons, fuel tanks, lead-acid Significant financial payback could be an-
top global suppliers reveals that as the indus- suppliers were on an M&A drive batteries, transmissions and other decade away, according to several fore-
try’s main players build revenue, transform because automakers were mov- pickup bed liners. casts. Although automakers ranging from
and change direction, they remain in much ing to global platforms with But change is occurring none- Volkswagen to Toyota are rapidly developing
the same order of size as they were a year global architectures, and sup- theless, and familiar names are electrified vehicle portfolios, most forecasts
ago. pliers needed to quickly merge disappearing from the list of gi- conclude that it will take until late in the next
Bosch, Denso, Magna, Continental and ZF and create more global capabil- ants as suppliers carve out new decade before electrified vehicles equal those
Friedrichshafen remain the world’s five big- ities to supply in all regions. visions for their futures. powered by internal combustion engines in
gest suppliers, in the same order on the Auto- “The real need now is to be Delphi Automotive, a compa- terms of global unit sales.
motive News list as a year ago. Only two of the able to support electric vehicles, ny that once towered as the in- And while lower-level autonomous driving
top 10 — Valeo and Faurecia — changed connected cars and autono- dustry’s biggest supplier under technologies are spilling into the marketplace
rankings last year. They swapped positions mous driving.” various corporate names, mak- — visible in Nissan, Cadillac, Tesla, Honda,
on the list, with Faurecia No. 9 and Valeo No. The desire to beef up with con- ing parts as disparate as air con- Volvo and Mercedes-Benz vehicles — the new
10. nectivity and autonomous capa- ditioners, brakes and radios, science remains a distant source of dominant
The main reason suppliers, for the most part, bilities has triggered acquisi- now appears on the list of giants supplier wealth. Automakers are still vague
are keeping their spots as the biggest of the tions for software companies as Aptiv at No. 20. Aptiv plans to about when and where fully autonomous ve-
big? Wealth. and electronics innovators, focus on electronic architec- hicles will appear in the market.
The cost of playing in the game has gone up small and large, in and out of the traditional tures and advanced safety. The spun-off part Until then, said Daron Gifford, strategy and au-
in the past few years, and only the biggest and car business. of the old Delphi — now named Delphi Tech- tomotive consulting leader at Plante Moran in
richest can afford the rising costs of acquiring Last year, there were 20 deals each worth nologies — will compete in the powertrain Detroit, large suppliers will have to sort out the
the technologies that will make the industry’s more than $1 billion — twice the level of activ- corner of the industry. It ranks No. 62. daily challenges of the auto business the same as
vision become a reality. ity of the past three years. The sector recorded Johnson Controls, once a star supplier of small suppliers. Those include delivering flawless
903 merger-acquisitions during the year. seating, interiors and batteries, has divided in- parts to customers on time, running their facto-
‘Dominating factor’ Among those that reported a deal value, the to separate companies — No. 13 Adient, with ries efficiently and meeting the cost reduction
“You can’t buy anything related to autono- average size was $286.8 million. an eye on seats for the autonomous age; and demands of automakers’ purchasing managers.
mous vehicle software technology now that’s The quest for more technology is also fo- Clarios, focused exclusively on the future of Automakers make little distinction between
not in the billions of dollars,” said Dietmar Os- cused on older auto parts. Even as EVs rise batteries. Clarios did not submit a completed large suppliers and small, Gifford said.
termann, U.S. automotive advisory leader at on the horizon, automakers are asking sup- survey for this year’s list. “Being a big guy can be helpful, maybe in be-
PwC, which tracks global automotive merger pliers to help make internal combustion en- Axle and transmission maker ZF, No. 5 on ing able to drive down your own costs, or in
and acquisition activity globally. “So if you gines more competitive, smaller and lighter, the list, grew mightier last year as a result of its being able to drive innovation at your busi-
want to be in the autonomous game, the size requiring turbocharging and direct injec- 2015 acquisition of American safety systems ness,” he said.
of your company matters massively.” tion. supplier TRW. “But whether you’re big or small, you face
Mergers and acquisitions have roiled the The same lightweighting effort is driving And Japan’s Panasonic Corp., ranked No. 12, the same issues.” m 3
Top 100 global OEM parts suppliers – Ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total global Total global
OEM automotive OEM automotive Percent Percent
parts sales parts sales North Percent Percent rest of
2018 (dollars in (dollars in America Europe Asia world 2017
rank Company Address Top executive millions) 2018 millions) 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 Products rank
1 Robert Bosch Postfach 106050 Volkmar Denner $49,525 f $47,500 f 17 45 36 2 Powertrain solutions; chassis systems controls; electrical drives, 1
(49) 711-811-0; Stuttgart, D-70049, Germany chairman car multimedia, electronics, steering systems & battery technology
2 Denso Corp. 1-1 Showo-cho Koji Arima 42,793 fe 40,782 fe 23 12 64 1 Thermal, powertrain control, electronic & electric systems; 2
(81) 566-25-5511; Kariya-Aichi, 448-8661, Japan president & CEO small motors, telecommunications
3 Magna International Inc. 337 Magna Drive Donald Walker 40,827 36,588 50 42 6 2 Body exteriors & structures; power & vision technologies; 3
(905) 726-2462; Aurora, Ontario, L4G 7K1, Canada CEO seating systems & complete vehicle solutions
4 Continental Vahrenwalder Strasse 9 Elmar Degenhart 37,803 f 35,910 f 28 50 22 – Advanced driver assistance systems, electronic brakes; stability 4
(49) 511-938-01; Hanover, 30165, Germany CEO management, tires, foundation brakes, chassis systems, safety electronics,
telematics, powertrain electronics, injection systems & turbochargers
5 ZF Friedrichshafen Graf-von-Soden-Platz 1, Friedrichshafen, Wolf-Henning Scheider 36,929 f 34,481 28 47 21 4 Transmissions, chassis components & systems, steering systems, 5
(49) 7541-77-0; Baden-Wuerttemberg, 88046, Germany CEO braking systems, clutches, dampers, active & passive safety systems,
driver assist systems including camera, radar & lidar
6 Aisin Seiki Co. 2-1 Asahi-Machi Kanshiro Toyoda 34,999 f 33,837 f 17 9 72 2 Body, brake & chassis systems, electronics, drivetrain 6
(81) 566-24-8441; Kariya, Aichi, 448-8650, Japan chairman & engine components
7 Hyundai Mobis 203 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu Chung Kook Park 25,624 24,984 12 9 76 3 Automotive electronics, infotainment, ADAS, EV systems, 7
(82) 2-2018-5114; Seoul, 06141, Korea CEO module systems, lighting, airbags & brakes
8 Lear Corp. 21557 Telegraph Road Raymond Scott 21,149 20,467 36 41 19 4 Seating & electrical systems (E-Systems) 8
(248) 447-1500; Southfield, MI 48033, USA president & CEO
9 Faurecia 2 Rue Hennape Patrick Koller 20,667 19,170 25 51 19 5 Faurecia seating & interiors; Faurecia Clarion Electronics & 10
(33) 1-72-36-70-00; Nanterre, 92735, France CEO Faurecia clean mobility
10 Valeo 43 Rue Bayen Jacques Aschenbroich 19,683 f 19,360 f 20 46 32 2 Automated/connected driving, sensors, electric powertrain, 9
(33) 1-40-55-20-20; Paris, 75017, France chairman & CEO thermal systems, front-end modules, transmission automation,
lighting, wipers
11 Yazaki Corp. 1500 Mishuku, Susono City, Shinji Yazaki 17,500 fe 15,754 fe 31 17 52 – Wiring harnesses, connectors, junction boxes, power distribution 12
(81) 0559-65-3002; Shizuoka Prefecture, 410-1194, Japan president boxes, instrumentation & high voltage systems
12 Panasonic Automotive Systems Co. 1006, Oaza Kadoma Kazuhiro Tsuga 17,466 f 14,995 fe 34 16 50 – Premium audio systems, navigation systems, compressors, 13
(81) 6-6908-1121; Kadoma City, Osaka , 571-8501, Japan president batteries, motors, monitors, sensors; switches & HUDs
13 Adient 49200 Halyard Drive Doug Del Grosso 17,400 16,200 30 27 43 – Seating & seating systems & components 11
(734) 254-5000; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA president & CEO
14 Sumitomo Electric Industries 5-33 Kitahama, 4-chome, Chuo-ku Osamu Inoue 15,402 f 15,361 f 24 – – – Electrical distribution systems, electronics & connection systems 14
(81) 6-6220-4141; Osaka City, 541-0041, Japan president & COO
15 Yanfeng 399 Liuzhou Road Jianxu Jia 14,506 14,278 19 12 69 – Interiors, exteriors, electronics, seating & safety 16
(86) 21-333-81000; Shanghai, 200235, China general manager
16 Thyssenkrupp Thyssenkrupp Allee 1 Guido Kerkhoff 14,438 f 12,518 f 25 65 8 2 Steering, dampers, springs & stabilizers, camshafts, forged machined 19
(49) 201-8440; Essen, NRW, 45143, Germany CEO components, bearings, undercarriage components, axles, forged crankshafts
& drivetrain components, high-strength lightweight steels & electrical steel
17 Mahle Pragstrasse 26-46 Joerg Stratmann 14,405 f 14,441 f 27 48 20 5 Piston systems, cylinders, valvetrains, alternators, air & liquid 15
(49) 711-501-0; Stuttgart, 70376, Germany chairman & CEO management systems, vehicle climatization, engine & powertrain
cooling, battery cooling, actuators, electric drives & starters
18 JTEKT Corp. 15th Floor, Midland Square, 4-7-1 Meieki Tetsuo Agata 13,078 12,709 19 16 59 6 Bearings, steering systems, driveline systems & machine tools 18
(81) 52-527-1900; Nakamura-ku, Nagoya , 450-8515, Japan president
19 BASF Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38 Martin Brudermueller 12,931 f 12,157 f 26 42 23 9 Coatings, catalysts, engineering plastics, polyurethanes, coolants, 20
(49) 621-60-0; Ludwigshafen, 67056, Germany chairman brake fluids, lubricants, battery materials
20 Aptiv 5 Hanover, Grand Canal Dock Kevin Clark 12,869 11,776 38 31 29 2 Electrical & wiring products, body controls, infotainment, safety 21
(44) 163-423-4422; Dublin, Leinster, Ireland president & CEO & autonomous driving technologies
21 Samvardhana Motherson Group Plot No. 1, Sector 127, Vivek Chaand Sehgal 11,765 fe 10,550 fe 19 50 27 4 Rearview mirrors, plastic modules cockpits/IPs, door trims 23
(91) 120-6679551; Noida - Greater Noida Expwy., chairman & bumpers, wiring harnesses, plastic parts, rubber components, lighting,
Noida, U.P., 201301, India air intake manifolds, pedals, shock absorbers, HVAC systems & roof hatches
22 BorgWarner Inc. 3850 Hamlin Road Frederic Lissalde 10,530 9,800 34 38 28 – Turbochargers, electric motors, electronic control units, engine 25
(248) 754-9200; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president & CEO valve-timing, ignition systems, thermal systems, transmission-clutch
systems, transmission-control & torque management systems
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate
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Top 100 global OEM parts suppliers – Ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total global Total global
OEM automotive OEM automotive Percent Percent
parts sales parts sales North Percent Percent rest of
2018 (dollars in (dollars in America Europe Asia world 2017
rank Company Address Executive millions) 2018 millions) 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 Products rank
23 Toyota Boshoku Corp. 1-1 Toyoda-cho Shuhei Toyoda $10,153 fe $13,444 fe 17 6 74 3 Seats, door trim, carpet, headliners, oil & air filters, door 17
(81) 566-23-6611; Kariya-shi, Aichi, 448-8651, Japan chairman panels, fabrics & substrates
24 Gestamp Alfonso XII, 16 Francisco Riberas 10,096 9,263 19 62 12 7 Metal components & assemblies, body-in-white, chassis 27
(34) 91-379-19-99; Madrid, 28014, Spain executive chairman & mechanisms
25 Schaeffler Industriestrasse 1-3 Klaus Rosenfeld 10,052 e 10,798 e 20 50 29 2 Anti-friction bearings; engine, chassis & transmission components, 22
(49) 9132-82-0; Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, 91074, Germany CEO wheel & axle bearings, clutch & transmission systems, dampers
& e-mobility products
26 Tenneco Inc.* 500 N. Field Drive Brian Kesseler 10,001 8,023 47 37 16 – Emission control systems, manifolds, catalytic converters, diesel 32
(847) 482-5000; Lake Forest, IL 60045, USA co-CEO aftertreatment systems, catalytic reduction mufflers, shock absorbers,
struts, electronic suspension products & systems
27 Plastic Omnium Co. 1 allee Pierre Burelle Laurent Burelle 9,740 9,596 26 55 17 2 Fascias, front-end modules, rear-end modules, fenders, 26
(33)1 40-87-64-00; Levallois Cedex, 92533, France chairman & CEO body panels & fuel systems
28 Magneti Marelli Viale Aldo Borletti 61/63 Ermanno Ferrari 8,702 f 9,234 f 23 58 12 7 Lighting, powertrain, electronics, suspensions systems, shock 28
(39) 02-972-27-111; Corbetta, Milan, 20011, Italy CEO absorbers, exhaust systems & plastic parts
29 Autoliv Inc. Klarabergsviadukten 70, Section B, 7th Flr. Mikael Bratt 8,678 10,400 35 31 34 – Airbags, seat belts, steering wheels & safety electronics 24
(46) 8-587-20-600; Stockholm, SE-107 24, Sweden president & CEO
30 Hitachi Automotive Systems Shin-Otemachi bldg., 2-1, Otemachi 2-chome, Brice Koch 8,638 fe 9,030 f 27 – – – Engine management, electric powertrain & drive control 30
(81) 3-4232-5300; Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan president & CEO
31 Flex-N-Gate Corp. 1306 E. University Ave. Shahid Khan 8,343 7,551 80 18 1 1 Interior & exterior plastics, metal bumpers & hitches, structural 33
(217) 278-2600; Urbana, IL 61802, USA chairman & CEO metal assemblies, forward & signal lighting, mechanical
32 Calsonic Kansei Corp. 2-1917 Nisshin-cho, Kita-ku Beda Bolzenius 8,208 f 9,188 f 28 12 61 – Climate control, engine cooling & exhaust systems; instrument clusters, 29
(81) 3-5385-0111; Saitama City, Saitama, 331-8501, Japan president & CEO console boxes, cockpit modules, instrument panels & front-end modules
33 Dana Inc. 3939 Technology Drive James Kamsickas 8,143 f 7,209 f 50 31 12 7 Axles; driveshafts; transmissions; EV motors, inverters, electronic 36
(419) 887-3000; Maumee, OH 43537, USA president & CEO controls; sealing & thermal management products
34 Benteler Automotive An der Talle 27-31 Ralf Goettel 8,060 7,790 18 61 13 8 Components & modules for chassis, body-in-white & engine & exhaust –
(49) 5254-81-0; Paderborn, 33102, Germany CEO applications & modular e-mobility system solutions
35 Koito Manufacturing 4-8-3 Takanawa, Minato-ku Masahiro Ohtake 7,990 f 7,500 f 22 5 11 62 Exterior lighting 34
(81) 3-3443-7111; Tokyo, 108-8711, Japan chairman & CEO
36 Hyundai-WIA Corp. Jungdong-ro 153, Changwon, Kyung-Bae Kim 7,758 f 7,059 f 1 8 83 8 Halfshafts, sideshafts, engines, transfer cases, power transfer 38
(82) 55-280-9114; Gyeongnam, 51533, South Korea president & CEO units, chassis modules, axles, material parts & turbochargers
37 Toyoda Gosei Co. 1 Haruhinagahata Kiyosu Naoki Miyazaki 7,642 f 7,281 f 29 5 66 – Safety, sealing & interior systems; optoelectronics, exterior trim, 35
(81) 052-400-1055; Aichi, 452-8564, Japan president rubber/plastic functionals & fuel systems
38 Hyundai-Transys Inc. 703-2, Galhyun-ri, Seongyoun-myun Sudong Yeo 7,574 f 7,834 f 21 10 68 1 Automatic, manual & dual-clutch transmissions; axles & seating systems –
(82) 31-369-9914; Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea CEO
39 Brose Fahrzeugteile Max-Brose-Str. 1 Kurt Sauernheimer 7,340 7,089 27 50 21 2 Mechatronic systems for vehicle doors & seats as well as 37
(49) 9561-21-0; Coburg, 96450, Germany CEO electric & electronic products for steering, brakes, transmissions &
engine cooling
40 American Axle & Mfg. Holdings Inc. One Dauch Drive David Dauch 7,270 6,266 78 9 10 3 Driveline & drivetrain systems & related components 40
(313) 758-2000; Detroit, MI 48211, USA chairman & CEO
41 JATCO 700-1, Imaizumi Teruaki Nakatsuka 6,812 f 6,991 f 26 2 73 – Automatic transmissions & continuously variable transmissions 39
(81) 545-51-0047; Fuji City, Shizuoka, 417-8585, Japan president & CEO
42 HELLA Rixbecker Strasse 75 Rolf Breidenbach 6,801 f 6,280 f 17 66 17 – Electronic & lighting components & systems 45
(49) 2941-38-0; Lippstadt, 59552, Germany president & CEO
43 GKN Automotive† 50 Pall Mall, Liam Butterworth 6,450 8,751 36 36 28 – Driveline halfshafts, driveshafts, e-drive & awd systems 31
(44) 0-1207-463-2351; St. James’s, London SW1Y 5JH, UK CEO
44 Grupo Antolin Ctra. Madrid-Irun Km. 244’8 Ernesto Antolin 6,408 6,367 36 50 11 2 Overhead systems, door modules & panels, window regulators, 42
(34) 947-47-7700; Burgos, E09007, Spain chairman interior & exterior lighting & cockpits
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate *Tenneco acquired Federal-Mogul in Oct. 2018. Sales listed include Federal Mogul’s for Oct. - Dec. 2018. †GKN is now a unit of Melrose Partners. Accounting methods have changed from previous years.
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Top 100 global OEM parts suppliers – Ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total global Total global
OEM automotive OEM automotive Percent Percent
parts sales parts sales North Percent Percent rest of
2018 (dollars in (dollars in America Europe Asia world 2017
rank Company Address Executive millions) 2018 millions) 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 Products rank
45 Eberspaecher Gruppe Eberspaecherstrasse 24, Esslingen, Heinrich Baumann, COO & $5,445 f $4,948 f 23 66 11 – Silencers, catalytic converters, particulate filters, manifolds, 47
(49) 711-939-00; Baden-Wuerttemberg, 73730, Germany Martin Peters, CFO & managing partners vehicle heaters, electrical vehicle heaters & electronics
46 Hanon Systems 95, Sinilseo-ro, Daedeok-gu Jay Son 5,396 4,939 24 33 42 1 Thermal & energy management, heating ventilation & air 48
(82) 42-930-6114; Daejeon, Korea president & CEO conditioning, powertrain cooling, compressors, fluid transport,
thermal & emissions solutions
47 Mando Corp. 32, Hamanho-gil, Poseung-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, M. W. Chung 5,219 5,175 16 3 72 9 Brakes, steering, suspension, radar, camera, ultrasonic, chargers 46
(82) 31-680-6114; Gyeonggi-do, 451-821, South Korea chairman & components & advanced highly automated driving chassis systems
48 Draexlmaier Group Landshuter Strasse 100 Juergen Otto 5,060 e 4,633 e 21 – – – Electrical systems, electrical & electronic components, interiors, 51
(49) 8741-47-0; Vilsbiburg, Bavaria, 84137, Germany CEO system assembly & battery systems
49 NSK Nissei Bldg., 1-6-3 Ohsaki, Shinagawa-ku Toshihiro Uchiyama 5,010 fe 5,610 fe 15 13 71 1 Bearings, hub bearings, steering columns, electric power steering 44
(81) 3-3779-7111; Tokyo, 141-8560, Japan president & CEO & automatic transmission products
50 Freudenberg Group Hoehnerweg 2-4 Mohsen Sohi 4,906 4,782 26 48 21 5 Seals, precision molded components, vibration control, filtration, 50
(49) 6201-80-0; Weinheim, 69469, Germany CEO, speaker of the management board automotive interior, lubricants & release agents
51 NTN Corp. 3-17, 1-chome, Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku Hiroshi Ohkubo 4,725 fe 4,860 fe 28 22 49 1 Automotive constant velocity joints, axle bearings, needle roller bearings, 49
(81) 6-6443-5001; Osaka, 550-0003, Japan chairman & CEO tapered roller bearings & intelligent in-wheel parts for EVs
52 Nemak Libramiento Arco Vial Km. 6.8 Armando Tamez 4,704 f 4,481 56 35 6 4 Powertrain, structural & EV components 52
(52) 81-8748-5200; Garcia, NL, 66000, Mexico CEO
53 TS Tech Co. 3-7-27 Sakae-cho Michio Inoue 4,440 f 4,258 f 47 – – 53 Seats & door liners 55
(81) 48-462-1121; Asaka-shi, Saitama-ken, 351-0012, Japan chairman
54 Infineon Technologies Am Campeon 1-15 Reinhard Ploss 4,210 3,727 16 39 40 5 Microcontrollers, intelligent sensors; power semiconductors 64
(49) 89-234-0; Neubiberg, 85579, Germany CEO & power modules for powertrain (combustion, hybrid, electric);
safety; security & body & convenience applications
55 Tokai Rika Co. 3-260 Toyota, Oguchi-Cho Kenji Miura 4,187 fe 4,037 f 21 5 73 1 Switches, heater control panels, gear shifters, key cylinder & lock 54
(81) 587-95-5211; Niwa-gun, Aichi, 480-0195, Japan president sets, seat belts, outer door mirrors & immobilizer systems
56 IAC Group 4 rue Lou Hemmer Manfred Gingl 4,122 4,400 45 49 6 - Cockpits including instrument panels, consoles, doors, headliners 53
(35) 2-267504-0; Findel, L-1748, Luxembourg CEO & overhead systems
57 Linamar Corp. 287 Speedvale Ave. W. Linda Hasenfratz 4,068 3,812 55 33 9 3 Camshafts, connecting rods, cylinder heads & blocks, 62
(519) 836-7550; Guelph, Ontario, N1H 1C5, Canada CEO balance shafts, fuel rails, transmission gears, differentials, clutch
modules, all-wheel-drive systems & e-axles
58 Webasto Kraillinger Strasse 5 Holger Engelmann 4,049 fe 3,865 fe 17 41 42 – Sunroofs, panorama roof systems, convertible roof systems 61
(49) 89-857-940; Stockdorf, Bavaria, 82131, Germany chairman of the management board & parking heaters
59 TI Fluid Systems 4650 Kingsgate Bill Kozyra 3,983 e 4,193 e 28 40 30 2 Automotive fluid systems technology 56
(44) 1865 871820; Oxford, OX4 2SU, UK president & CEO
60 Nexteer Automotive 1272 Doris Road Guibin Zhao 3,912 3,878 67 13 20 – Electric power steering, hydraulic power steering, steering 60
(248) 340-8200; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA CEO columns & halfshafts
61 BHAP Beijing Motor Tower, No. 25, E. 3rd Ring Bao Chen 3,869 f 3,700 f 15 14 71 – Body systems, interior systems, exterior chassis systems, electronic 65
(86) 10 63173722; S. Road, Beijing, 100021, China president & CEO parts systems & seat systems
62 Delphi Technologies 1 Angel Court Rick Dauch 3,863 e 3,902 30 43 25 2 Powertrain & aftermarket parts 58
(44) 020-305-74300; London, EC2R 7HJ, UK CEO
63 Federal-Mogul* 27300 W. 11 Mile Road Roger Wood & Brian Kessler 3,786 5,650 43 37 11 9 Pistons, rings, cylinder liners, spark plugs, bearings, valvetrain products, 43
(248) 354-7700; Southfield, MI 48034, USA co-CEOs gaskets, seals, heat shields, brake materials, wipers, fuel pumps
64 Cooper-Standard Automotive 39550 Orchard Hill Place Drive Jeffrey Edwards 3,629 f 3,618 f 53 28 16 3 Systems & components, rubber & plastic sealing, fuel & brake lines, 66
(248) 596-5900; Novi, MI 48375, USA chairman & CEO fluid transfer hoses & anti-vibration systems
65 CITIC Dicastal Co. No.185 Longhai Road Zuo Xu 3,580 f 3,052 f 26 18 55 1 Aluminum alloy wheels & aluminum casting parts 71
(86) 335-5358548; Qinhuangdao, Hebei, 066011, China chairman
66 CIE Automotive Alameda Mazarredo 69- 8C Jesus Maria Herrera 3,578 3,256 25 46 18 11 Engine & powertrain components, chassis & steering components, 68
(34) 94-605-62-00; Bilbao, Vizcaya, 48009, Spain CEO exterior & interior trim & roof systems components
67 NHK Spring Co. 3-10 Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku Kazumi Tamamura 3,431 fe 3,479 fe 11 4 85 – Stabilizer bars, coil springs & seats & valve springs 67
(81) 45-786-7511; Yokohama, 236-0004, Japan chairman
68 Garrett Motion Inc. Z.A. La Piece 16 Olivier Rabiller 3,375 3,096 21 56 23 – Turbochargers, e-compressors, e-turbos & fuel cell compressors; software –
(41) 21 695 30 00; Rolle, VD, 1180, Switzerland president & CEO solutions covering controls & prognostic integrated vehicle health mgmt.
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate *Tenneco acquired Federal-Mogul in Oct. 2018. Sales listed are for Jan. - Sept. 2018.
Top 100 global OEM parts suppliers – Ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total global Total global
OEM automotive OEM automotive Percent Percent
parts sales parts sales North Percent Percent rest of
2018 (dollars in (dollars in America Europe Asia world 2017
rank Company Address Executive millions) 2018 millions) 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 Products rank
69 DuPont, Transporation & Industry 974 Centre Randy Stone $3,200 e $1,839 f 24 29 41 6 Engineered polymers, glass bonding adhesives, structural adhesives, 88
(302) 774-1000; Wilmington, DE 19805, USA business president lubricants, fluids & silicones
70 Mitsuba Corp. 2681, 1-Chome, Hirosawa-Cho, Yuichi Nagase 3,162 fe 3,033 fe 28 5 67 – Wiper systems, power window motors, starter motors, fan motors, 70
(81) 277-52-0111; Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture, 376-8555, Japan president seat motors, sunroof motors, power slide door assemblies, power
tailgate systems & electric power steering motor
71 Flex 6201 America Center Drive Revathi Advaithi 3,000 f 2,400 f 50 25 24 1 Autonomy, connectivity, electrification & smart tech 73
(408) 576-7000; San Jose, CA 95002, USA CEO
72 Visteon Corp. One Village Center Drive Sachin Lawande 2,984 3,146 24 33 41 2 Cockpit electronics: instrument clusters, head-up & information 69
(800) 847-8366; Van Buren Township, MI 48111, USA president & CEO displays, infotainment, connected audio & connectivity & telematics
73 Novelis Inc. 3560 Lenox Road N.E., Ste. 2000 Steve Fisher 2,947 fe 2,776 fe 56 36 8 – Flat-rolled aluminum sheet for vehicle structures, body panels, 76
(404) 760-4000; Atlanta, GA 30326, USA president & CEO heat exchangers, heat shields & other automotive applications
74 Leopold Kostal An der Bellmerei 10 Andreas Kostal 2,884 2,828 15 52 30 3 Steering column & center console modules, driver assistance, 75
(49) 2351-16-0; Luedenscheid, NRW, 58513, Germany chairman body network controls, interior controls, power application
control units, roof modules & switch panels
75 Asahi Glass Co. 1-5-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Takuya Shimamura 2,883 fe 2,775 fe 16 31 51 2 Glazing systems 77
(81) 3-3218-5555; Tokyo, 100-8405, Japan representative director, president & CEO
76 Piston Group 3000 Town Center #3250 Vinnie Johnson 2,844 f 1,665 f 100 – – – Electric batteries, cooling modules, brake corners, grille & shock 93
(313) 541-8674; Southfield, MI 48075, USA founder, chairman & CEO assemblies, instrument panels, seat trim, sun visors, armrests/bolsters,
shades, injection molding & brazed evaporator heater cores
77 Inteva Products 1401 Crooks Road Lon Offenbacher 2,800 f 2,500 f 30 30 40 – Closure systems, interior systems, roof systems, motors 78
(248) 655-8886; Troy, MI 48084, USA president & CEO & electronic systems
78 Martinrea International Inc. 3210 Langstaff Road Pat D’Eramo 2,724 2,936 77 19 – 4 Steel & aluminum body, chassis & engine components; fluid 72
(416) 749-0314; Vaughan, Ontario, L4K 5B2, Canada president & CEO handling components & assemblies & modules
79 Sumitomo Riko Co. 3-1 Higashi, Komaki Yoshiaki Nishimura 2,566 fe 3,750 fe 31 18 50 1 Anti-vibration molded rubber & fuel delivery systems 63
(81) 568-77-2121; Komaki City, Aichi, 485-8550, Japan chairman, CEO & representative director
80 Johnson Electric Group 6/F, 12 Science Park E. Ave., Hong Kong Patrick Wang 2,541 f 2,494 f 30 34 36 – Cooling fan modules, engine & transmission oil pumps, engine 79
(852) 2663-6688; Science Park, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, China CEO actuators & valves, power steering motors, HVAC & lighting
actuators, electric motors, switches, solenoids & flexible PCBs
81 Kautex Textron Kautexstr. 52 Joerg Rautenstrauch 2,285 e 2,230 e 44 44 12 – Fuel tank systems, clear vision systems, selective catalytic reduction 82
(49) 228-488-0; Bonn, D-53229, Germany president & CEO systems, camshafts & packaging
82 Autoneum Schlosstalstrasse 43 Martin Hirzel 2,236 f 2,183 f 41 43 11 5 Engine covers, dashes, carpets, floor insulators, floor mats, 81
(41) 52-244-82-82; 8406 Winterthur, Switzerland CEO underbody shields, floor pans, heat shields, wheelhouse liners,
dampers, stiffeners & acoustic parts
83 F-Tech Inc. 19 Showanuma Shobumachi Fukuda Yuichi 2,119 f 2,042 f 58 – 42 – Chassis, suspension systems, control arms, pedal assemblies 83
(81) 480-85-7236; Minami Saitama-gun, Saitama president & hydroforming
Prefecture, 346-0194, Japan
84 Arconic Inc. 201 Isabella St. John Plant 2,100 e 1,690 e 85 15 – – Aluminum sheet for closure panels, hoods & trunks, bumper systems & –
(412) 553-4545; Pittsburgh, PA 15212, USA chairman & CEO crash management systems; extrusions for drive shafts
85 Bridgewater Interiors 4617 W. Fort St. Ronald Hall 1,969 f 2,010 f 100 – – – Automotive seating systems 84
(313) 842-3300; Detroit, MI 48209, USA president & CEO
86 Minth Group No.1 Yazhong Road, Asia Pacific Jonghwa Chin 1,902 1,750 19 15 66 – Trims, body structural parts, decorative parts, roof racks, seating 92
(86) 573-83685960; Industrial Park, Nanhu District, chairman systems & battery housings
Jiaxing, Zhejiang, 314006, China
87 SEG Automotive Lotterbergstrasse 30, Stuttgart, Ulrich Kirschner 1,867 1,817 8 48 36 8 Alternators (generators), starters & boost recuperation machines –
(49) 711-4009 8000; Baden-Wuerttemberg, 70499, Germany CEO & CFO
88 Ryobi 762 Mesaki-cho, Fuchu-shi, Hiroshi Urakami 1,848 f 1,805 fe 24 8 68 – Aluminum high-pressure die castings powertrain 90
(81) 847-41-1341; Hiroshima-ken, 726-8628, Japan chairman & CEO & structural components
89 Wuling Industry No.18 Hexi Road Zhijun Yuan 1,812 f 2,324 f – – 100 – Chassis, interior & exterior trim parts & engines 80
(86) 0772-3755060; Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545007, China president
90 Gentex Corp. 600 N. Centennial St. Steve Downing 1,791 f 1,758 f 31 45 24 – Interior & exterior auto-dimming rearview mirrors, SmartBeam 91
(616) 772-1800; Zeeland, MI 49464, USA president & CEO advanced lighting-assist, rear camera displays, compasses, LED
turn signals, side blind-zone indicators & driver assist features
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate To be considered for the list, please contact the Automotive News Data Center at [email protected].
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Top 100 global OEM parts suppliers – Ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total global Total global
OEM automotive OEM automotive Percent Percent
parts sales parts sales North Percent Percent rest of
2018 (dollars in (dollars in America Europe Asia world 2017
rank Company Address Executive millions) 2018 millions) 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 Products rank
91 Hyundai Kefico Corp. 102 Gosan-ro, Gunpo-si ChangSeob Bang $1,754 $1,553 12 15 61 12 Automotive electronic management systems-control units, 96
(82) 31-450-9015; Gyeonggi-Do, Korea CEO sensors, actuators & modules
92 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co. Economic & Technical Development Zone Dinghu Xia 1,714 1,620 17 45 37 1 Sealing parts & rubber products –
(86) 563 4181887; Ningguo, Anhui, 242300, China chairman
93 Multimatic Inc. 8688 Woodbine Ave. Peter Czapka 1,650 e 1,390 e 88 9 2 1 Hinge systems, stamped welded assemblies & suspension systems99
(905) 470-9149; Markham, Ontario, L3R 8B9, Canada CEO
94 Constellium Tupolevlaan 41-61 Jean-Marc Germain 1,595 1,237 20 77 3 – Aluminum crash management systems; body structure components –
(31) 20 654 9780; Schiphol-Rijk, 1119 NW, Netherlands CEO battery enclosures; aluminum flat rolled coils & sheets for body panels; heat
exchangers & decorative solutions; aluminum profiles for ABS
95 Tower International 17672 N. Laurel Park Drive, Ste. 400E Jim Gouin 1,571 f 1,988 f 97 – – 3 Body structures & assemblies, lower vehicle frames & structures, 86
(248) 675-6000; Livonia, MI 48152, USA CEO chassis modules & systems & suspension components
96 Preh Schweinfurter Strasse 5-9, Bad Neustadt a.d., Christoph Hummel 1,556 1,460 14 74 12 – Climate controls, central controllers, ECUs, switches, sensors, HMI 97
(49) 9771 92-0; Saale, Bavaria, 97616, Germany president & CEO systems, navigation & telematics systems; battery management systems
97 Dura Automotive Systems 1780 Pond Run Lynn Tilton 1,400 fe 1,430 f 42 52 5 1 Mechatronic controls, shift-by-wire systems; electronics, 98
(248) 299-7500; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA CEO actuators & advanced driver assist systems; lightweight structural
body systems & exterior trim
98 Omron Corp. 6368 Nenjyo-zaka, Okusa Katsuhiro Wada 1,359 f 1,388 f 28 6 65 2 Electronic control units, keyless entry, switches, closure controls, 100
(81) 568-78-6181; Komaki-city, Aichi, 485-0802, Japan managing officer, president & CEO relays & electronic power steering
99 Auria 26999 Central Park Blvd., Ste 300 Brian Pour 1,100 1,100 52 45 – 3 Flooring, acoustical, thermal products & fiber-based components –
(248) 728-8000; Southfield, MI 48076, USA president & CEO
100 Henniges Automotive 2750 High Meadow Circle Larry Williams 1,076 994 68 17 15 – Weather seals & anti-vibration products –
(248) 340-4100; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president & CEO
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate To be considered for the list, please contact the Automotive News Data Center at [email protected].
Adient.......................................................................... 13 Draexlmaier Group ...................................................... 48 Inteva Products ........................................................... 77 Piston Group ............................................................... 76
Aisin Seiki Co. ............................................................... 6 DuPont, Transporation & Industry .............................. 69 JATCO ......................................................................... 41 Plastic Omnium Co. .................................................... 27
American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc. ............ 40 Dura Automotive Systems .......................................... 97 Johnson Electric Group ............................................... 80 Preh ............................................................................ 96
Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co. ............................. 92 Eberspaecher Gruppe.................................................. 45 JTEKT Corp. ................................................................ 18 Robert Bosch ................................................................ 1
I Aptiv............................................................................ 20
Arconic Inc. ................................................................. 84
Asahi Glass Co. ........................................................... 75
Faurecia......................................................................... 9
Federal-Mogul ............................................................. 63
Flex ............................................................................. 71
Kautex Textron ............................................................ 81
Koito Manufacturing ................................................... 35
Lear Corp. ..................................................................... 8
Ryobi........................................................................... 88
Samvardhana Motherson Group ................................ 21
Schaeffler .................................................................... 25
Auria ........................................................................... 99 Flex-N-Gate Corp......................................................... 31 Leopold Kostal ............................................................ 74 SEG Automotive .......................................................... 87
D Benteler Automotive.................................................... 34
BHAP .......................................................................... 61
BorgWarner Inc........................................................... 22
Bridgewater Interiors .................................................. 85
Gentex Corp. ............................................................... 90
Gestamp...................................................................... 24
GKN Automotive ......................................................... 43
Grupo Antolin .............................................................. 44
Mahle .......................................................................... 17
Mando Corp. ............................................................... 47
Martinrea International Inc. ......................................... 78
Minth Group ................................................................ 86
Thyssenkrupp ............................................................. 16
TI Fluid Systems.......................................................... 59
Tokai Rika Co............................................................... 55
Tower International ..................................................... 95
X Constellium ................................................................. 94
Continental .................................................................... 4
Cooper-Standard Automotive ..................................... 64
Hyundai Kefico Corp. .................................................. 91
Hyundai Mobis .............................................................. 7
Hyundai-Transys Inc. ................................................. 38
NHK Spring Co. ........................................................... 67
Novelis Inc. ................................................................. 73
NSK ............................................................................. 49
Visteon Corp. .............................................................. 72
Webasto ...................................................................... 58
Wuling Industry .......................................................... 89
Dana Inc. ..................................................................... 33 Hyundai-WIA Corp. ..................................................... 36 NTN Corp. ................................................................... 51 Yanfeng ....................................................................... 15
Delphi Technologies .................................................... 62 IAC Group ................................................................... 56 Omron Corp. ............................................................... 98 Yazaki Corp. ................................................................ 11
Denso Corp. .................................................................. 2 Infineon Technologies ................................................. 54 Panasonic Automotive Systems Co............................. 12 ZF Friedrichshafen......................................................... 5
Top 50 suppliers – The largest suppliers to Europe, ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total Total Total Total
Europe Europe global global
OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive
parts sales parts sales parts sales parts sales
(dollars in (dollars in (dollars in (dollars in
2018 millions) millions) millions) millions) 2017
rank Company Address Top executive 2018 2017 2018 2017 Products rank
1 Robert Bosch Postfach 106050 Volkmar Denner $22,286 f $21,375 f $49,525 f $47,500 f Powertrain solutions; chassis systems controls; electrical drives, 1
(49) 711-811-0; Stuttgart, D-70049, Germany chairman car multimedia, electronics, steering systems & battery technology
2 Continental Vahrenwalder Strasse 9 Elmar Degenhart 18,901 f 17,596 f 37,803 f 35,910 f Advanced driver assistance systems, electronic brakes; stability 2
(49) 511-938-01; Hanover, 30165, Germany CEO management, tires, foundation brakes, chassis systems, safety electronics,
telematics, powertrain electronics, injection systems & turbochargers
3 ZF Friedrichshafen Graf-von-Soden-Platz 1 Wolf-Henning Scheider 17,357 f 16,551 36,929 f 34,481 Transmissions, chassis components & systems, steering systems, 3
(49) 7541-77-0; Friedrichshafen, Baden- CEO braking systems, clutches, dampers, active & passive safety systems,
Wuerttemberg 88046, Germany driver assist systems including camera, radar & lidar
4 Magna International Inc. 337 Magna Drive Donald Walker 17,147 13,903 40,827 36,588 Body exteriors & structures; power & vision technologies; 4
(905) 726-2462; Aurora, Ontario L4G 7K1, Canada CEO seating systems & complete vehicle solutions
5 Faurecia 2 Rue Hennape Patrick Koller 10,540 9,585 20,667 19,170 Faurecia seating & interiors; Faurecia Clarion Electronics & 5
(33) 1-72-36-70-00; Nanterre, 92735, France CEO Faurecia clean mobility
6 Thyssenkrupp thyssenkrupp Allee 1 Guido Kerkhoff 9,374 f 8,083 f 14,438 f 12,518 f Steering, dampers, springs & stabilizers, camshafts, forged machined 8
(49) 201-8440; Essen, NRW 45143, Germany CEO components, bearings, undercarriage components, axles, forged crankshafts
& drivetrain components, high-strength lightweight steels & electrical steel
7 Valeo 43 Rue Bayen Jacques Aschenbroich 9,054 f 9,099 f 19,683 f 19,360 f Automated/connected driving, sensors, electric powertrain, 6
(33) 1-40-55-20-20; Paris, 75017, France chairman & CEO thermal systems, front-end modules, transmission automation,
lighting, wipers
8 Lear Corp. 21557 Telegraph Road Raymond Scott 8,671 8,187 21,149 20,467 Seating & electrical systems (e-systems) 7
(248) 447-1500; Southfield, MI 48033, USA president & CEO
9 Mahle Pragstrasse 26-46 Joerg Stratmann 6,914 f 6,932 f 14,405 f 14,441 f Piston systems, cylinders, valvetrains, alternators, air & liquid 9
(49) 711-501-0; Stuttgart, 70376, Germany chairman & CEO management systems, vehicle climatization, engine & powertrain
cooling, battery cooling, actuators, electric drives & starters
10 Gestamp Alfonso XII, 16 Francisco J. Riberas 6,260 5,743 10,096 9,263 Metal components & assemblies, body-in-white, chassis 10
(34) 91-379-19-99; Madrid 28014, Spain executive chairman & mechanisms
11 Samvardhana Motherson Group Plot No. 1, Sector 127, Vivek Chaand Sehgal 5,871 fe 5,296 fe 11,765 fe 10,550 fe Rearview mirrors, plastic modules cockpits/IPs, door trims 14
(91) 120-6679551; Noida - Greater Noida Expwy. chairman & bumpers, wiring harnesses, plastic parts, rubber components, lighting,
Noida, U.P. 201301, India air intake manifolds, pedals, shock absorbers, HVAC systems & roof hatches
12 BASF Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38 Martin Brudermueller 5,431 5,471 12,931 f 12,157 f Coatings, catalysts, engineering plastics, polyurethanes, coolants, 12
(49) 621-60-0; Ludwigshafen, 67056, Germany chairman of the board of executive directors brake fluids, lubricants, battery materials
13 Plastic Omnium Co. 1 allee Pierre Burelle Laurent Burelle 5,357 5,182 9,740 9,596 Fascias, front-end modules, rear-end modules, fenders, 15
(33) 1-40-87-64-00; Levallois Cedex, 92533, France chairman & CEO body panels & fuel systems
14 Denso Corp. 1-1 Showo-cho Koji Arima 5,052 fe 5,140 fe 42,793 fe 40,782 fe Thermal, powertrain control, electronic & electric systems; 16
(81) 566-25-5511; Kariya-Aichi, 448-8661, Japan president & CEO small motors, telecommunications
15 Magneti Marelli Viale Aldo Borletti 61/63 Ermanno Ferrari 5,030 f 5,642 f 8,702 f 9,234 f Lighting, powertrain, electronics, suspensions systems, shock 11
(39) 02-972-27-111; Corbetta, Milan 20011, Italy CEO absorbers, exhaust systems & plastic parts
16 Schaeffler Industriestrasse 1-3, Herzogenaurach, Klaus Rosenfeld 5,026 e 5,399 e 10,052 e 10,798 e Anti-friction bearings; engine, chassis & transmission components, 13
(49) 9132-82-0; Bavaria 91074, Germany CEO wheel & axle bearings, clutch & transmission systems, dampers
& e-mobility products
17 Benteler Automotive An der Talle 27-31 Ralf Goettel 4,917 4,596 8,060 7,790 Components & modules for chassis, body-in-white & engine & exhaust –
(49) 5254-81-0; Paderborn, 33102, Germany CEO applications & modular e-mobility system solutions
18 Adient 49200 Halyard Drive Doug Del Grosso 4,698 4,212 17,400 16,200 Seating & seating systems & components 17
(734) 254-5000; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA president & CEO
19 HELLA GmbH & Co. Rixbecker Str. 75 Rolf Breidenbach 4,489 fe 4,270 fe 6,801 f 6,280 f Electronic & lighting components & systems 27
(49) 2941-38-0; Lippstadt, 59552, Germany president & CEO
20 BorgWarner Inc. 3850 Hamlin Road Frederic Lissalde 4,001 f 3,724 f 10,530 9,800 Turbochargers, electric motors, electronic control units, engine 20
(248) 754-9200; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president & CEO valve-timing, ignition systems, thermal systems, transmission-clutch
systems, transmission-control & torque management systems
21 Aptiv 5 Hanover, Grand Canal Dock Kevin Clark 3,989 3,768 12,869 11,776 Electrical & wiring products, body controls, infotainment, safety 18
(44) 163-423-4422; Dublin, Leinster, Ireland president & CEO & autonomous driving technologies
22 Tenneco Inc.* 500 N. Field Drive Brian Kesseler 3,700 2,808 10,001 8,023 Emission control systems, manifolds, catalytic converters, diesel 28
(847) 482-5000; Lake Forest, IL 60045, USA co-CEO aftertreatment systems, catalytic reduction mufflers, shock absorbers,
struts, electronic suspension products & systems
23 Brose Fahrzeugteile Max-Brose-Str. 1, Kurt Sauernheimer 3,670 3,757 7,340 7,089 Mechatronic systems for vehicle doors & seats as well as electric & 19
(49) 9561-21-0; Coburg, 96450, Germany CEO electronic parts for steering, brakes, transmissions & engine cooling
24 Eberspaecher Gruppe Eberspaecherstrasse 24, Esslingen, Heinrich Baumann, COO 3,594 f 3,563 5,445 f 4,948 f Silencers, catalytic converters, particulate filters, manifolds, 21
(49) 711-939-00; Baden-Wuerttemberg 73730, Germany & Martin Peters, CFO & managing partners vehicle heaters, electrical vehicle heaters & electronics
25 Aisin Seiki Co. 2-1 Asahi-Machi Kanshiro Toyoda 3,290 f 3,282 34,999 f 33,837 f Body, brake & chassis systems, electronics , drivetrain 24
(81) 566-24-8441; Kariya, Aichi 448-8650, Japan chairman & engine components
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate *Tenneco acquired Federal-Mogul in Oct. 2018. Sales listed include Federal Mogul’s for Oct. - Dec. 2018.
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Top 50 suppliers – The largest suppliers to Europe, ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total Total Total Total
Europe Europe global global
OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive
parts sales parts sales parts sales parts sales
(dollars in (dollars in (dollars in (dollars in
2018 millions) millions) millions) millions) 2017
rank Company Address Top executive 2018 2017 2018 2017 Products rank
26 Grupo Antolin Ctra. Madrid-Irun Km. 244’8 Ernesto Antolin $3,230 $3,438 $6,408 $6,367 Overhead systems, door modules & panels, window regulators, 26
(34) 947-47-7700; Burgos, E09007, Spain chairman interior & exterior lighting & cockpits
27 Yazaki Corp. 1500 Mishuku, Susono City, Shinji Yazaki 3,010 fe 2,678 fe 17,500 fe 15,754 fe Wiring harnesses, connectors, junction boxes, power distribution 29
(81) 0559-65-3002; Shizuoka Prefecture 410-1194, Japan president boxes, instrumentation & high voltage systems
28 Panasonic Automotive Systems Co. 1006, Oaza Kadoma Kazuhiro Tsuga 2,795 f 2,099 fe 17,466 f 14,995 fe Premium audio systems, navigation systems, compressors, 32
(81) 6-6908-1121; Kadoma City, Osaka 571-8501, Japan president batteries, motors, monitors, sensors; switches & HUDs
29 Autoliv Inc. Klarabergsviadukten 70, Section B, 7th Flr. Mikael Bratt 2,690 3,120 8,678 10,400 Airbags, seat belts, steering wheels & safety electronics 25
(46) 8-587-20-600; Stockholm, SE-107 24, Sweden president & CEO
30 Dana Inc. 3939 Technology Drive James Kamsickas 2,524 f 2,163 f 8,143 f 7,209 f Axles; driveshafts; transmissions; EV motors, inverters, electronic 31
(419) 887-3000; Maumee, OH 43537, USA president & CEO controls; sealing & thermal management products
31 Hyundai Mobis 203 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu Chung Kook Park 2,383 3,540 25,624 24,984 Automotive electronics, infotainment, ADAS, EV systems, 22
(82) 2-2018-5114; Seoul, 06141, Korea CEO module systems, lighting, airbags & brakes
32 Freudenberg Group Hoehnerweg 2-4 Mohsen Sohi 2,355 2,056 e 4,906 4,782 Seals, precision molded components, vibration control, filtration, 33
(49) 6201-80-0; Weinheim, 69469, Germany CEO & speaker of the management board automotive interior, lubricants & release agents
33 GKN Automotive 50 Pall Mall, St. James’s, Liam Butterworth 2,322 3,413 6,450 8,751 Driveline halfshafts, driveshafts, e-drive & awd systems 23
(44) 1527-517-715; London SW1Y 5JH, UK CEO
34 JTEKT Corp. 15th Flr., Midland Square, 4-7-1 Meieki Tetsuo Agata 2,092 2,033 f 13,078 12,709 Bearings, steering systems, driveline systems & machine tools 34
(81) 52-527-1900; Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-8515, Japan president
35 IAC Group 4 rue Lou Hemmer Manfred Gingl 2,020 1,936 4,122 4,400 Cockpits including instrument panels, consoles, doors, headliners 35
(35) 2-267504-0; Findel, L-1748, Luxembourg CEO & overhead systems
36 Garrett Motion Inc. Z.A. La Piece 16 Olivier Rabiller 1,890 e 1,703 e 3,375 3,096 Turbochargers & high speed aerodynamic engine devices; electric boosting products –
(41) 21 695 30 00; Rolle, VD 1180, Switzerland president & CEO covering e-compressors, e-turbos & fuel cell solutions covering controls &
prognostic integrated vehicle health management & cybersecurity
37 Yanfeng 399 Liuzhou Road Jianxu Jia 1,791 1,658 14,506 14,278 Interiors, exteriors, electronics, seating & safety 39
(86) 21-333-81000; Shanghai, 200235, China general manager
38 Hanon Systems 95, Sinilseo-ro, Daedeok-gu Jay Son 1,781 1,334 5,396 4,939 Thermal & energy management, heating ventilation & air conditioning, 47
(82) 42-930-6114; Daejeon, Korea president & CEO powertrain cooling, compressors, fluid transport, thermal
& emissions solutions
39 Delphi Technologies 1 Angel Court Rick Dauch 1,673 e 1,639 3,863 e 3,902 Powertrain & aftermarket parts 40
(44) 020-305-74300; London, EC2R 7HJ, UK CEO
40 Webasto Kraillinger Strasse 5 Holger Engelmann 1,660 fe 1,585 fe 4,049 fe 3,865 fe Sunroofs, panorama roof systems, convertible roof systems 41
(49) 89-857-940; Stockdorf, Bavaria 82131, Germany chairman of the management board & parking heaters
41 CIE Automotive Alameda Mazarredo 69- 8C Jesus Maria Herrera 1,657 1,557 3,578 3,256 Engine & powertrain components, chassis & steering components, 43
(34) 94-605-62-00; Bilbao, Vizcaya 48009, Spain CEO exterior & interior trim & roof systems components
42 Infineon Technologies Am Campeon 1-15 Reinhard Ploss 1,642 1,416 4,210 3,727 Microcontrollers, intelligent sensors; power semiconductors 45
(49) 89-234-0; Neubiberg, 85579, Germany CEO & power modules for powertrain (combustion, hybrid, electric);
safety; security & body & convenience applications
42 Nemak Libramiento Arco Vial Km. 6.8 Armando Tamez 1,642 1,567 4,704 f 4,481 Powertrain, structural & EV components 42
(52) 81-8748-5200; Garcia, NL 66000, Mexico CEO
44 TI Fluid Systems 4650 Kingsgate Bill Kozyra 1,605 e 1,669 e 3,983 e 4,193 e Automotive fluid systems technology 38
(44) 1865-871820; Oxford, OX4 2SU, UK president & CEO
45 Flex-N-Gate Corp. 1306 E. University Ave. Shahid Khan 1,502 1,359 8,343 7,551 Interior & exterior plastics, metal bumpers & hitches, structural 46
(217) 278-2600; Urbana, IL 61802, USA chairman & CEO metal assemblies, forward & signal lighting, mechanical
46 Leopold Kostal An der Bellmerei 10 Andreas Kostal 1,500 1,471 fe 2,884 2,828 Steering column & center console modules, driver assistance, 44
(49) 2351-16-0; Luedenscheid, NRW 58513, Germany chairman body network controls, interior controls, power application
control units, roof modules & switch panels
47 Federal-Mogul* 27300 W. 11 Mile Road Roger Wood & Brian Kessler 1,401 fe 2,486 3,786 5,650 Pistons, rings, cylinder liners, spark plugs, bearings, valvetrain products, 30
(248) 354-7700; Southfield, MI 48034, USA co-CEOs gaskets, seals, heat shields, brake materials, wipers, fuel pumps
48 Linamar Corp. 287 Speedvale Ave. W. Linda Hasenfratz 1,334 1,193 4,068 3,812 Camshafts, connecting rods, cylinder heads & blocks, 48
(519) 836-7550; Guelph, Ontario N1H 1C5, Canada CEO balance shafts, fuel rails, transmission gears, differentials, clutch
modules, all-wheel-drive systems & e-Axles
49 Constellium Tupolevlaan 41-61 Jean-Marc Germain 1,228 990 1,595 1,237 Aluminum crash management systems; body structure components & battery –
(31) 20-654-9780; Schiphol-Rijk, 1119 NW, CEO enclosures; aluminum flat rolled coils & sheets for body panels; heat
Netherlands exchangers & decorative solutions; aluminum profiles for ABS
50 Preh Schweinfurter Strasse 5-9, Bad Neustadt a.d. Christoph Hummel 1,152 1,022 1,556 1,460 Climate controls, central controllers, ECUs, switches, sensors, HMI –
(49) 9771 92-0; Saale, Bavaria 97616, Germany president & CEO systems, navigation & telematics systems; battery management systems
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate *Tenneco acquired Federal-Mogul in Oct. 2018. Sales listed are for Jan. - Sept. 2018.
Top 100 suppliers – The largest suppliers to North America, ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total Total Total Total
North America North America global global
OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive
parts sales parts sales parts sales parts sales
(dollars in (dollars in (dollars in (dollars in
2018 millions) millions) millions) millions) 2017
rank Company Address Top executive 2018 2017 2018 2017 Products rank
1 Magna International Inc. 337 Magna Drive Donald Walker $20,414 $19,758 $40,827 $36,588 Body exteriors & structures; power & vision technologies; 1
(905) 726-2462; Aurora, Ontario L4G 7K1, Canada CEO seating systems & complete vehicle solutions
2 Continental Automotive Systems U.S. Inc. One Continental Drive Samir Salman 10,585 f 8,978 f 37,803 f 35,910 f Advanced driver assistance systems, electronic brakes; stability 4
(248) 393-5300; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA CEO management, tires, foundation brakes, chassis systems, safety electronics,
telematics, powertrain electronics, injection systems & turbochargers
3 ZF North America Inc. 12001 Tech Center Drive Franz Kleiner 10,340 f 9,310 36,929 f 34,481 Transmissions, chassis components & systems, steering systems, 2
(734) 855-2600; Livonia, MI 48150, USA member, board of management braking systems, clutches, dampers, active & passive safety systems,
driver assist systems including camera, radar & lidar
4 Denso International America Inc. 24777 Denso Drive, P.O. Box 5133 Kenichiro Ito 9,800 fe 9,307 fe 42,793 fe 40,782 fe Thermal, powertrain control, electronic & electric systems; 3
(248) 350-7500; Southfield, MI 48086, USA chairman & CEO small motors, telecommunications
5 Robert Bosch 38000 Hills Tech Drive Mike Mansuetti 8,419 f 7,600 f 49,525 f 47,500 f Powertrain solutions; chassis systems controls; electrical drives, 6
(248) 876-1000; Farmington Hills, MI 48331, USA president car multimedia, electronics, steering systems & battery technology
6 Lear Corp. 21557 Telegraph Road Raymond Scott 7,613 7,777 21,149 20,467 Seating & electrical systems (e-systems) 5
(248) 447-1500; Southfield, MI 48033, USA president & CEO
7 Flex-N-Gate Corp. 1306 E. University Ave. Shahid Khan 6,674 6,041 8,343 7,551 Interior & exterior plastics, metal bumpers & hitches, structural 7
(217) 278-2600; Urbana, IL 61802, USA chairman & CEO metal assemblies, forward & signal lighting, mechanical
8 Panasonic Automotive Systems Co. of America 776 Hwy. 74 S. Scott Kirchner 5,938 f 4,499 fe 17,466 f 14,995 fe Premium audio systems, navigation systems, compressors, 13
(770) 487-3356; Peachtree City, GA 30269, USA president batteries, motors, monitors, sensors; switches & HUDs
9 Aisin World Corp. of America 15300 Centennial Drive Scott Turpin 5,845 f 5,651 34,999 f 33,837 f Body, brake & chassis systems, electronics , drivetrain 8
(734) 453-5551; Northville, MI 48168, USA president & engine components
10 American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc. One Dauch Drive David C. Dauch 5,671 5,013 7,270 6,266 Driveline & drivetrain systems & related components 10
(313) 758-2000; Detroit, MI 48211, USA chairman & CEO
11 Yazaki North America Inc. 6801 Haggerty Road Bo Andersson 5,338 fe 4,096 fe 17,500 fe 15,754 fe Wiring harnesses, connectors, junction boxes, power distribution 15
(734) 983-1000; Canton, MI 48187, USA president & CEO boxes, instrumentation & high voltage systems
12 Adient 49200 Halyard Drive Doug Del Grosso 5,220 5,022 17,400 16,200 Seating & seating systems & components 9
(734) 254-5000 ; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA president & CEO
13 Faurecia 2800 High Meadow Circle Kevin Lammers 5,167 4,984 20,667 19,170 Faurecia seating & interiors; Faurecia Clarion Electronics & 12
(248) 724-5100; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president Faurecia clean mobility
14 Aptiv 5725 Innovation Drive David Sherbin 4,890 4,357 12,869 11,776 Electrical & wiring products, body controls, infotainment, safety 14
(248) 813-2000; Troy, MI 48098, USA senior vp, general counsel, secretary & chief compliance officer, legal & autonomous driving technologies
15 Tenneco Inc.* 1 International Drive Brian Kesseler 4,700 3,771 10,001 8,023 Emission control systems, manifolds, catalytic converters, diesel 17
(734) 243-8000; Monroe, MI 48161, USA co-CEO aftertreatment systems, catalytic reduction mufflers, shock absorbers,
struts, electronic suspension products & systems
16 Dana Inc. 3939 Technology Drive James Kamsickas 4,072 f 3,677 f 8,143 f 7,209 f Axles; driveshafts; transmissions; EV motors, inverters, electronic 19
(419) 887-3000; Maumee, OH 43537, USA president & CEO controls; sealing & thermal management products
17 Valeo North America Inc. 150 Stephenson Hwy. Francoise Colpron 3,937 f 4,066 f 19,683 f 19,360 f Automated/connected driving, sensors, electric powertrain, 16
(248) 619-8300; Troy, MI 48083, USA president thermal systems, front-end modules, transmission automation,
lighting, wipers
18 Mahle Industries Inc. 23030 Mahle Drive Markus Kapaun 3,889 f 3,755 f 14,405 f 14,441 f Piston systems, cylinders, valvetrains, alternators, air & liquid 18
(248) 305-8200; Farmington Hills, MI 48335, USA finance executive management systems, vehicle climatization, engine & powertrain
cooling, battery cooling, actuators, electric drives & starters
19 Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems Inc 1018 Ashley St. Hiroshi Kiyokawa 3,712 f 3,456 f 15,402 f 15,361 f Electrical distribution systems, electronics & connection systems 21
(270) 782-7397; Bowling Green, KY 42103, USA president & CEO
20 Thyssenkrupp North America Inc. 111 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 2400 Patrick Bass 3,628 f 3,182 f 14,438 f 12,518 f Steering, dampers, springs & stabilizers, camshafts, forged machined 23
(312) 525-2800; Chicago, IL 60604, USA CEO components, bearings, undercarriage components, axles, forged crankshafts
& drivetrain components, high-strength lightweight steels & electrical steel
21 BorgWarner Inc. 3850 Hamlin Road Frederic Lissalde 3,580 f 3,332 f 10,530 9,800 Turbochargers, electric motors, electronic control units, engine 22
(248) 754-9200; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president & CEO valve-timing, ignition systems, thermal systems, transmission-clutch
systems, transmission-control & torque management systems
22 BASF Corp. 100 Park Ave. Wayne Smith 3,362 2,918 12,931 f 12,157 f Coatings, catalysts, engineering plastics, polyurethanes, coolants, 25
(973) 245-6000; Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA CEO brake fluids, lubricants, battery materials
23 Hyundai Mobis 46501 Commerce Center Drive Chung Kook Park 3,121 5,002 25,624 24,984 Automotive electronics, infotainment, ADAS, EV systems, 11
(248) 923-5114; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA CEO module systems, lighting, airbags & brakes
24 Autoliv North America 1320 Pacific Drive Dan Garceau 3,037 3,536 8,678 10,400 Airbags, seat belts, steering wheels & safety electronics 20
(248) 475-9000; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate *Tenneco acquired Federal-Mogul in Oct. 2018. Sales listed include Federal Mogul’s for Oct. - Dec. 2018.
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Top 100 suppliers – The largest suppliers to North America, ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total Total Total Total
North America North America global global
OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive
parts sales parts sales parts sales parts sales
(dollars in (dollars in (dollars in (dollars in
2018 millions) millions) millions) millions) 2017
rank Company Address Top executive 2018 2017 2018 2017 Products rank
25 Piston Group 3000 Town Center #3250 Vinnie Johnson $2,844 $1,665 $2,844 f $1,665 f Electric batteries, cooling modules, brake corners, grille & shock 49
(313) 541-8674; Southfield, MI 48075, USA founder, chairman & CEO assemblies, instrument panels, seat trim, sun visors, armrests/bolsters,
shades, injection molding & brazed evaporator heater cores
26 Yanfeng Automotive Interiors 41935 W. 12 Mile Road Daniel Linder 2,710 2,751 14,506 14,278 Interiors, exteriors, electronics, seating & safety 27
(248) 319-7333; Novi, MI 48377, USA general manager
27 Nemak North America Two Towne Square, Ste. 300 Luis Pena 2,631 2,477 4,704 f 4,481 Powertrain, structural & EV components 30
(248) 350-3999; Southfield, MI 48076, USA business unit director, U.S. & Canada
28 Nexteer Automotive 3900 E. Holland Road Michael Richardson 2,625 2,532 3,912 3,878 Electric power steering, hydraulic power steering, steering 28
(989) 757-5000; Saginaw, MI 48601, USA president columns & halfshafts
29 Plastic Omnium Co. 2710 Bellingham Road, Ste. 400 John Dunn 2,532 2,495 9,740 9,596 Fascias, front-end modules, rear-end modules, fenders, 29
(248) 458-0700; Troy, MI 48083, USA president & CEO body panels & fuel systems
30 JTEKT Automotive Group Cos. 7 Research Drive Koichi Yamanaka 2,485 2,415 f 13,078 12,709 Bearings, steering systems, driveline systems & machine tools 31
(864) 770-2241; Greenville, SC 29607, USA president
31 Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas Inc. 955 Warwick Road Paul Carroll 2,332 fe 2,375 f 8,638 fe 9,030 f Engine management, electric powertrain & drive control 32
(859) 734-9451; Harrodsburg, KY 40330, USA president & CEO
32 GKN Automotive* 2200 North Opdyke Road Greg MacLean 2,322 3,150 6,450 8,751 Driveline halfshafts, driveshafts, e-drive & awd systems 24
(248) 296-7000; Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2362, USA vp, commercial
33 Grupo Antolin North America Inc. 1700 Atlantic Blvd. Goemaere Russ 2,300 2,165 6,408 6,367 Overhead systems, door modules & panels, window regulators, 43
(248) 373-1749; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA regional manager interior & exterior lighting & cockpits
34 Calsonic Kansei North America Inc. One Calsonic Way Bharat Vennapusa 2,257 f 2,812 f 8,208 f 9,188 f Climate control, engine cooling & exhaust systems; instrument clusters, 26
(931) 680-6415; Shelbyville, TN 37162, USA executive vp & CEO console boxes, cockpit modules, instrument panels & front-end modules
35 Toyoda Gosei North America Corp. 1400 Stephenson Hwy. Yoshiyuki Fujita 2,231 f 2,177 f 7,642 f 7,281 f Safety, sealing & interior systems; optoelectronics, exterior trim, 35
(248) 280-2100; Troy, MI 48083, USA president rubber/plastic functionals & fuel systems
36 Linamar Corp. 287 Speedvale Ave. W. Linda Hasenfratz 2,225 2,146 4,068 3,812 Camshafts, connecting rods, cylinder heads & blocks, 36
(519) 836-7550; Guelph, Ontario, N1H 1C5, Canada CEO balance shafts, fuel rails, transmission gears, differentials, clutch
modules, all-wheel-drive systems & e-axles
37 Samvardhana Motherson Group Suite # 200, 1018 Preston St. Vivek Chaand Sehgal 2,177 fe 2,110 fe 11,765 fe 10,550 fe Rearview mirrors, plastic modules cockpits/IPs, door trims 37
(281) 520-3051; Houston, TX 77002, USA chairman & bumpers, wiring harnesses, plastic parts, rubber components, lighting,
air intake manifolds, pedals, shock absorbers, HVAC systems & roof hatches
38 Martinrea International Inc. 3210 Langstaff Road Pat D’Eramo 2,098 2,305 2,724 2,936 Steel & aluminum body, chassis & engine components; fluid 33
(416) 749-0314; Vaughan, Ontario, L4K 5B2, Canada president & CEO handling components & assemblies & modules
39 TS Tech Americas Inc. 8458 E. Broad St. Minoru Maeda 2,087 f 2,001 f 4,440 f 4,258 f Seats & door liners 42
(614) 575-4100; Reynoldsburg, OH 43068, USA president
40 Magneti Marelli Holding USA 3900 Automation Ave. Gene Spektor 1,984 f 1,597 f 8,702 f 9,234 f Lighting, powertrain, electronics, suspensions systems, shock 51
(248) 418-3000; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA country representative absorbers, exhaust systems & plastic parts
41 Brose North America Inc. 3933 Automation Ave. Kurt Sauernheimer 1,982 1,701 7,340 7,089 Mechatronic systems for vehicle doors & seats as well as 47
(248) 339-4000; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president electric & electronic products for steering, brakes, transmissions &
engine cooling
42 Bridgewater Interiors 4617 W. Fort St. Ronald Hall 1,969 f 2,010 f 1,969 f 2,010 f Automotive seating systems 41
(313) 842-3300; Detroit, MI 48209, USA president & CEO
43 Schaeffler Group USA Inc. 1750 E. Big Beaver Road Marc McGrath 1,960 e 2,106 e 10,052 e 10,798 e Anti-friction bearings; engine, chassis & transmission components, 38
(248) 528-9080; Troy, MI 48083, USA president wheel & axle bearings, clutch & transmission systems, dampers
& e-mobility products
44 Cooper-Standard Automotive 39550 Orchard Hill Place Drive Bill Pumphrey 1,924 f 1,881 f 3,629 f 3,618 f Systems & components, rubber & plastic sealing, fuel & brake lines, 46
(248) 596-5900; Novi, MI 48375, USA president fluid transfer hoses & anti-vibration systems
45 Gestamp North America 2701 Troy Center Drive, Ste. 150 Jon Barrenechea 1,918 1,667 10,096 9,263 Metal components & assemblies, body-in-white, chassis 48
(248) 743-3400; Troy, MI 48084, USA director & mechanisms
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate *GKN is now a unit of Melrose Partners. Accounting methods have changed from previous years. To be considered for the list, please contact the Automotive News Data Center at [email protected].
Top 100 suppliers – The largest suppliers to North America, ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total Total Total Total
North America North America global global
OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive
parts sales parts sales parts sales parts sales
(dollars in (dollars in (dollars in (dollars in
2018 millions) millions) millions) millions) 2017
rank Company Address Top executive 2018 2017 2018 2017 Products rank
46 IAC Group 28333 Telegraph Road Robert Steve Miller $1,855 $2,156 $4,122 $4,400 Cockpits including instrument panels, consoles, doors, headliners 34
(248) 455-7000; Southfield, MI 48034, USA president & CEO & overhead systems
47 Arconic Inc. 201 Isabella St. John Plant 1,785 e 1,386 e 2,100 e 1,690 e Aluminum sheet for closure panels, hoods & trunks, bumper systems & –
(412) 553-4545; Pittsburgh, PA 15212, USA chairman & CEO crash management systems; extrusions for drive shafts
48 North American Lighting 2277 S. Main St. Kirk Gadberry 1,758 f 1,665 f 7,990 f 7,500 f Exterior lighting 49
(217) 465-6600; Paris, IL 61944, USA president & COO
49 JATCO USA Inc. 38700 Country Club Drive Teizo Kuwabara 1,737 f 1,916 f 6,812 f 6,991 f Automatic transmissions & continuously variable transmissions 44
(248) 306-9200; Farmington Hills, MI 48331, USA president
50 Toyota Boshoku America Inc. 1360 Dolwick Drive, Ste. 125 Yoshihiro Ito 1,706 fe 1,909 fe 10,153 fe 13,444 fe Seats, door trim, carpet, headliners, oil & air filters, door 45
(859) 817-4000; Erlanger, KY 41018, USA chairman panels, fabrics & substrates
51 Novelis Corp. 3560 Lenox Road N.E., Ste. 2000 Marco Palmieri 1,650 fe 1,416 fe 2,947 fe 2,776 fe Flat-rolled aluminum sheet for vehicle structures, body panels, 53
(404) 760-4000; Atlanta, GA 30326, USA senior vp, Novelis Inc., & president, Novelis North America heat exchangers, heat shields & other automotive applications
52 Federal-Mogul* 27300 W. 11 Mile Road Roger Wood & Brian Kessler 1,628 fe 2,091 3,786 5,650 Emission control systems, manifolds, catalytic converters, diesel 40
(248) 354-7700; Southfield, MI 48034, USA Co-CEOs aftertreatment systems, catalytic reduction mufflers, shock absorbers,
struts, electronic suspension products & systems
53 Hyundai Transys Georgia 715 3rd Ave. Hui-Chul Jang 1,591 f 1,410 f 7,574 f 7,834 f Automatic, manual & dual-clutch transmissions; axles & seating systems –
(706) 645-4460; West Point, GA 31833, USA vp
54 Tower Automotive Inc. 17672 N. Laurel Park Drive, Ste. 400 Paer Malmhagen 1,524 f 1,332 f 1,571 f 1,988 f Body structures & assemblies, lower vehicle frames & structures, 55
(248) 675-6000; Livonia, MI 48152, USA president chassis modules & systems & suspension components
55 Flex 27755 Stansbury Blvd., Ste. 300 Chris Obey 1,500 fe 1,200 fe 3,000 f 2,400 f Autonomy, connectivity, electrification & smart tech 52
(248) 853-5724; Farmington Hills, MI 48334, USA president, automotive
56 Multimatic Inc. 8688 Woodbine Ave. Peter Czapka 1,452 e 1,251 e 1,650 e 1,390 e Hinge systems, stamped welded assemblies & suspension systems 57
(905) 470-9149; Markham, Ontario, L3R 8B9, Canada CEO
57 Benteler Automotive Corp. 2650 N. Opdyke Road, Bldg. B Petr Marijczuk 1,451 1,558 8,060 7,790 Components & modules for chassis, body-in-white & engine & exhaust –
(248) 377-9999; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA executive vp applications & modular e-mobility system solutions
58 NTN Bearing Corporation of America 1600 E. Bishop Court, P.O. Box 7604 Katsuaki Miyake 1,332 fe 1,341 fe 4,725 fe 4,860 fe Automotive constant velocity joints, axle bearings, needle roller bearings, 54
(847) 298-7500; Mount Prospect, IL 60056, USA president tapered roller bearings & intelligent in-wheel parts for EVs
59 Hanon Systems USA 39600 Lewis Drive Jay Son 1,295 1,037 5,396 4,939 Thermal & energy management, heating ventilation & air conditioning, 63
(248) 907-8000; Novi, MI 48377, USA president & CEO powertrain cooling, compressors, fluid transport, thermal
& emissions solutions
60 Freudenberg North America 47774 W. Anchor Court Bob Evans 1,276 1,291 e 4,906 4,782 Seals, precision molded components, vibration control, filtration, 56
(734) 354 5505; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA president & regional representative automotive interior, lubricants & release agents
61 Eberspaecher North America Inc. 29101 Haggerty Road Johan Swart 1,252 f 940 f 5,445 f 4,948 f Silencers, catalytic converters, particulate filters, manifolds, 66
(248) 994-7015; Novi, MI 48377, USA president vehicle heaters, electrical vehicle heaters & electronics
62 F & P America Mfg. Inc. 2101 Corporate Drive Makoto Hasegawa 1,229 1,173 f 2,119 f 2,042 f Chassis, suspension systems, control arms, pedal assemblies 60
(937) 339-0212; Troy, OH 45373, USA president & hydroforming
63 HELLA Corporate Center USA Inc. 43811 Plymouth Oaks Blvd. Steve Lietaert 1,156 fe 1,005 fe 6,801 f 6,280 f Electronic & lighting components & systems 59
(734) 414-0900; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA president
64 Delphi Technologies 5725 Delphi Drive Mary Gustanski 1,147 e 1,093 3,863 e 3,902 Powertrain & aftermarket parts 62
(248) 813-2000; Troy, MI 48098, USA chief technology officer
65 TI Fluid Systems 2020 Taylor Road Bill Kozyra 1,115 e 1,195 e 3,983 e 4,193 e Automotive fluid systems technology 58
(248) 296-8000; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president & CEO
66 DAA Draexlmaier Automotive of America 1751 E. Main St. Josef Mittermeier 1,063 e 927 e 5,060 e 4,633 e Electrical systems, electrical & electronic components, interiors, 67
(864) 485-1000; Duncan, SC 29334, USA CEO system assembly & battery systems
67 Kautex Textron North America 750 Stephenson Hwy. Eric Cardinali 1,005 e 870 e 2,285 e 2,230 e Fuel tank systems, clear vision systems, selective catalytic reduction 69
(248) 616-5100; Troy, MI 48083, USA executive vp systems, camshafts & packaging
68 CITIC Dicastal Co. 1 Dicastal Drive Zuo Xu 931 f 763 f 3,580 f 3,052 f Aluminum alloy wheels & aluminum casting parts 76
(616) 619-7500; Greenville, MI 48838, USA chairman
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate *Tenneco acquired Federal-Mogul in Oct. 2018. Sales listed are for Jan. - Sept. 2018.
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Top 100 suppliers – The largest suppliers to North America, ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total Total Total Total
North America North America global global
OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive
parts sales parts sales parts sales parts sales
(dollars in (dollars in (dollars in (dollars in
2018 millions) millions) millions) millions) 2017
rank Company Address Top executive 2018 2017 2018 2017 Products rank
69 Autoneum North America 29293 Haggerty Road Fausto Bigi $917 f $961 $2,236 f $2,183 f Engine covers, dashes, carpets, floor insulators, floor mats, 64
(248) 848-0100; Novi, MI 48377, USA head of business group underbody shields, floor pans, heat shields, wheelhouse liners,
dampers, stiffeners & acoustic parts
70 CIE Automotive USA Inc. 15030 23 Mile Road Mikel Orbegozo 902 811 3,578 3,256 Engine & powertrain components, chassis & steering components, 75
(586) 566-3900; Shelby Township, MI 48315, USA commercial director, America exterior & interior trim & roof systems components
71 American Mitsuba Corp. 2945 Three Leaves Drive Masayoshi Shirato 888 fe 807 fe 3,162 fe 3,033 fe Wiper systems, power window motors, starter motors, fan motors, 72
(989) 773-0377; Mount Pleasant, MI 48858, USA president & CEO seat motors, sunroof motors, power slide door assemblies, power
tailgate systems & electric power steering motors
72 TRAM Inc. 47200 Port St. Kazuhiro Ikai 879 fe 888 f 4,187 f 4,037 fe Switches, heater control panels, gear shifters, key cylinder & lock 65
(734) 254-8500; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA president sets, seat belts, outer door mirrors & immobilizer systems
73 Inteva Products 1401 Crooks Road Lon Offenbacher 840 f 750 f 2,800 f 2,500 f Closure systems, interior systems, roof systems, motors 77
(248) 655-8886; Troy, MI 48084, USA president & CEO & electronic systems
74 Mando America Corp. 29930 Hudson Drive DoSoon Park 835 828 5,219 5,175 Brakes, steering, suspension, radar, camera, ultrasonic, chargers 71
(248) 668-4300; Novi, MI 48377, USA vp & components & advanced highly automated driving chassis systems
75 Sumitomo Riko America 41441 11 Mile Road N.A. 800 fe 818 fe 2,566 fe 3,750 fe Anti-vibration molded rubber & fuel delivery systems 73
(248) 946-4915 Novi, MI 48375, USA
76 DuPont Transportation and Industry 974 Centre Road Randy Stone 768 e 681 f 3,200 e 1,839 f engineered polymers, glass bonding adhesives, structural adhesives, 81
(302) 114-1000; Wilmington, DE 19805, USA business president lubricants, fluids & silicones
77 Johnson Electric North America 47660 Halyard Drive Douglas Eberle 757 f 771 fe 2,541 f 2,494 f Cooling fan modules, engine & transmission oil pumps, engine 78
(734) 392-5302; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA vp, sales actuators & valves, power steering motors, HVAC & lighting
actuators, electric motors, switches, solenoids & flexible PCBs
78 NSK Americas Inc. 4200 Goss Road, P.O. Box 134007 Colan Rogers 756 fe 813 fe 5,010 fe 5,610 fe Bearings, hub bearings, steering columns, electric power steering 74
(734) 913-7500; Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA president & general manager & automatic transmissions products
79 Henniges Automotive 2750 High Meadow Circle Larry Williams 731 626 1,076 994 Weather seals & anti-vibration products 85
(248) 340-4100; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA president & CEO
80 Visteon Corp. One Village Center Drive Sachin Lawande 716 849 2,984 3,146 Cockpit electronics: instrument clusters, head-up & information 70
(800) 847-8366; Van Buren Township, MI 48111, USA president & CEO displays, infotainment, connected audio & connectivity & telematics
81 Garrett Motion 47548 Halyard Drive Anthony Lodato 709 e 619 e 3,375 3,096 Turbochargers, e-compressors, e-turbos & fuel cell compressors; software –
(734) 392-5500; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA vp & general manager solutions covering controls & prognostic integrated vehicle health mgmt.
82 Webasto Roof Systems Inc. 1757 Northfield Drive Andre Schoenekaes 688 fe 657 fe 4,049 fe 3,865 fe Sunroofs, panorama roof systems, convertible roof systems 83
(248) 997-5100; Rochester Hills, MI 48309, USA president & CEO & parking heaters
83 Infineon Technologies North America Corp. 640 N. McCarthy Blvd. Robert LeFort 674 634 4,210 3,727 Microcontrollers, intelligent sensors; power semiconductors 84
(866) 951-9519; Milpitas, CA 95035, USA president & power modules for powertrain (combustion, hybrid, electric);
safety; security & body & convenience applications
84 Dura Automotive Systems 1780 Pond Run Lynn Tilton 588 fe 572 f 1,400 fe 1,430 f Mechatronic controls, shift-by-wire systems; electronics, 87
(248) 299-7500; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA CEO actuators & advanced driver assist systems; lightweight structural
body systems & exterior trim
85 Inalfa Roof Systems USA 1370 Pacific Drive Angel Legarda 583 f 468 f 3,869 f 3,700 f Body systems, interior systems, exterior chassis systems, electronic 90
(248) 371-3060; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA CEO parts systems & seat systems
86 Auria 26999 Central Park Blvd., Ste 300 Brian Pour 572 616 1,100 1,100 Flooring, acoustical, thermal products & fiber-based components 86
(248) 728-8000; Southfield, MI 48076, USA president & CEO
87 Gentex Corp. 600 N. Centennial St. Steve Downing 555 f 545 f 1,791 f 1,758 f Interior & exterior auto-dimming rearview mirrors, SmartBeam 88
(616) 772-1800; Zeeland, MI 49464, USA president & CEO advanced lighting-assist, rear camera displays, compasses, LED
turn signals, side blind-zone indicators & driver assist features
88 Continental Structural Plastics 255 Rex Blvd. Steve Rooney 517 f 448 fe 518 f 449 fe Lightweight composite Class A body panels, battery carriers, 92
(248) 237-7800; Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA CEO pickup boxes & underbody/under hood components
89 Gentherm Inc. 21680 Haggerty Road, Ste. 101 Phil Eyler 484 449 949 880 Climate control seats, seat heaters, steering wheel heaters, –
(248) 504-0500; Northville, MI 48167, USA president & CEO automotive cables & battery thermal management
90 Shiloh Industries Inc. 880 Steel Drive Ramzi Hermiz 483 f 531 f 645 f 656 f Lightweight, noise, vibration & harshness solutions, for body & interiors, 82
(330) 558-2600; Valley City, OH 44280, USA president & CEO chassis & propulsion systems
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate N.A. = Not available To be considered for the list, please contact the Automotive News Data Center at [email protected].
Top 100 suppliers – The largest suppliers to North America, ranked by sales of original equipment parts in 2018
Total Total Total Total
North America North America global global
OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive OEM automotive
parts sales parts sales parts sales parts sales
(dollars in (dollars in (dollars in (dollars in
2018 millions) millions) millions) millions) 2017
rank Company Address Top executive 2018 2017 2018 2017 Products rank
91 AGC Automotive Americas 34505 W. Twelve Mile Road, Ste. 300 Tatsuo Sugiyama $473 fe $477 fe $2,883 fe $2,775 fe Glazing systems 89
(248) 522-9300; Farmington Hills, MI 48331, USA regional president
92 MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions 1000 Allanson Road Duncan MacLean 453 430 453 430 Fastener components, engineered components 93
(847) 566-0010; Mundelein, IL 60060, USA president & CEO & engineered plastics
93 Ryobi Die Casting USA 800 W. Mausoleum Road Ryan Willhelm 444 fe 415 fe 1,848 f 1,805 fe Aluminum high pressure die castings, powertrain 96
(317) 398-3398; Shelbyville, IN 46176, USA president & COO & structural components
94 Kostal of America Inc. 350 Stephenson Hwy. Wolff Carsten 433 424 fe 2,884 2,828 Steering column & center console modules, driver assistance, 94
(248) 284-6500; Troy, MI 48083, USA president & CEO body network controls, interior controls, power application
control units, roof modules & switch panels
95 NHK International Corp. 46855 Magellan Drive Hideto Enomoto 377 fe 383 fe 3,431 fe 3,479 fe Stabilizer bars, coil springs & seats & valve springs 99
(248) 926-0111; Novi, MI 48377, USA president
96 Omron Automotive Electronics Inc. 29185 Cabot Drive Randy Wara 375 f 414 f 1,359 f 1,388 f Electronic control units, keyless entry, switches, closure controls, 97
(248) 893-0200; Novi, MI 48377, USA president relays & electronic power steering
97 Minth North America Inc. 51331 Pontiac Trail Natalie Chin 359 343 1,902 1,750 Trims, body structural parts, decorative parts, roof racks, seating –
(248) 848-3580; Wixom, MI 48393, USA president systems & battery housings
98 Stoneridge Inc. 39675 MacKenzie Drive, Ste 400 Jonathan DeGaynor 344 e 371 e 615 e 619 e Electronic component systems & modules; switches, 100
(248) 489-9300; Novi, MI 48377, USA president & CEO sensors & power actuators
99 Varroc Lighting Systems 47828 Halyard Drive Stephane Vedie 327 f 379 f 937 f 936 f headlamps, signal lamps, auxiliary lamps, projector systems & –
(734) 446-4400; Plymouth, MI 48170, USA president & CEO electronic control modules
100 Constellium 300 East Lombard St. Jean-Marc Germain 319 210 1,595 1,237 Aluminum crash management systems; body structure components & battery –
(443) 420-7881; Baltimore, MD 21202, USA CEO enclosures; aluminum flat rolled coils & sheets for body panels; heat
exchangers & decorative solutions; Aluminum profiles for ABS
e = estimate f = fiscal year fe = fiscal year estimate To be considered for the list, please contact the Automotive News Data Center at (313) 446-6000.
Adient.......................................................................... 12 Denso International America Inc. .................................. 4 Inteva Products ........................................................... 73 Piston Group ............................................................... 25
AGC Automotive Americas .......................................... 91 DuPont Transportation and Industry ........................... 76 JATCO USA Inc. .......................................................... 49 Plastic Omnium Co. .................................................... 29
Aisin World Corp. of America ........................................ 9 Dura Automotive Systems .......................................... 84 Johnson Electric North America .................................. 77 Robert Bosch ................................................................ 5
American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc. ............ 10 Eberspaecher North America Inc................................. 61 JTEKT Automotive Group Cos. ................................... 30 Ryobi Die Casting USA ................................................ 93
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