Opmanager Userguide
Opmanager Userguide
Opmanager Userguide
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Page 2
OpManager - System Requirements
The system requirements mentioned below are minimum requirements for the specified number of devices. The sizing
requirements may vary based on the load.
Hardware requirements
OpManager Standard/ Professional Edition
501 to 1000 Intel Xeon 2.5 Ghz 4 cores/ 8 threads or higher 16 GB 40 GB minimum
CPU recommendation for deployments use the �PassMark score. To learn more, click here.
We strongly recommend assigning a dedicated machine for OpManager.
For 1000 devices, 5000 monitors and 5000 interfaces with default monitoring interval and default database retention,
OpManager utilizes about 1 GB/day of disk space. The number may vary based on the entities monitored in your
environment & other factors like events generated, Syslogs, Traps etc.
Software Requirements
The following table lists the recommended software requirements for an OpManager installation.
Browsers Do not use OpManager Enterprise Edition in Chrome (preferred)/ Firefox/ Edge/ IE11
Internet Explorer. This will cause IE11 to work
as IE7 which is not supported.
Database Requirements
The following table lists the basic requirements for your OpManager database server.
Microsoft SQL
1. Supported versions:
SQL 2017 | SQL 2016 | SQL 2014 | SQL 2012 | SQL 2008
2. Important Notices:
3. Collation:
4. Authentication:
5. BCP:
The "bcp.exe" and "bcp.rll" must be available in the OpManager bin directory.
The BCP utility provided with Microsoft SQL Server is a command line utility that allows you to import and export large amounts
of data in and out of SQL server databases quickly. The bcp.exe and bcp.rll will be available in the MSSQL installation
directory. If MSSQL is in a remote machine, copy bcp.exe and bcp.rll files and paste them in the <\OpManager\bin> directory.
The SQL server version compliant with the SQL Native Client must be installed in the same Server.
Page 4
List of Ports to be opened in Firewall
For device discovery
If your device only supports WMI, you will need to keep the ports 135 and 445 open.
If TCP is supported by your device, open the ports 5000 - 6000.
Open the below ports in the firewall to ensure uninterrupted monitoring of your devices.
SNMP-161(UDP) - Bidirectional
SNMP Traps- 162(UDP)- Unidirectional (From monitored device to OpManager server)
Telnet- 23(TCP)- Bidirectional
SSH- 22(TCP)- Bidirectional
ICMP- Used to check the availability status and to add a device. - Bidirectional
Default syslog port 514(UDP)- Unidirectional (From monitored device to OpManager server)
Note: OpManager uses ICMP for its initial discovery of devices. If your device does not support ICMP, discovering it via 'Discovery
Profile' is not possible. You will only be able to discover the device through 'Add Device' or 'CSV file' options.
HTTP - 9090
HTTPS - 8443
General Information
The ManageEngine directory (By default: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\OpManager) and the database directory should
be excluded from the antivirus program.
Page 5
OpManager Enterprise Installation
OpManager Enterprise Edition can be deployed in the following cases:
Case 1: When geographically distributed networks need to be monitored from one location.
Case 2: When the number of devices that need to be monitored is more than 1K devices.
ManageEngine recommends the installation of a Central server and a Probe to effectively achieve a distributed network monitoring
Central Server: Central periodically collects health, performance and fault data across all Probes and consolidates the information in
one location.
Probe Server: The Probe periodically polls the devices in the local network and updates data to the central server. It has to be
installed at the Remote Location.
Note: If OpManager is run with MSSQL as the backend database, then the MSSQL database must be configured before proceeding
with the following installation. Page 6
Step 4: Choose the destination folder for OpManager installation and click 'Next' to proceed
Step 5: If you want to change the default web server port for OpManager installation enter the new port number (OpManager
Central uses 80 as the default web server port) and click 'Next' to proceed.
Step 6: Register your OpManager license with required details to get technical support and click 'Next' to proceed.
Step 7: Select 'Standalone' or 'Primary' server . If you are installing failover, select standby server. First configure standalone or
primary for failover installation. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Step 8: If you select PGSQL, please proceed with Step 12. (or) If you select 'MSSQL' database (recommended for production). Click
'Next' to proceed
Step 9: If you select SQL Authentication, provide MSSQL details like Host Name, Port, Database Name. Use the SQL Server
Authentication credentials (Username and Password) created earlier. Click 'Next' to proceed
Page 7
If you select WINDOWS Authentication, provide MSSQL details like Host Name, Port, Domain Name, Database Name, Username and
Password. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Page 8
Step 10: Search for 'bcp.exe' and 'bcp.rll' in the MSSQL installation directory and copy these files under \OpManagerCentral\bin
directory. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Page 9
Note: The SQL server version compliant with the SQL Native Client must be installed in the same Server.
Step 11: Click on browse and select \OpManager\bin\bcp.exe. Click 'Next' to proceed
Page 10
Step 4: Choose the destination folder for OpManager Probe installation and click 'Next' to proceed
Step 5: If you want to change the default web server, netflow ports for OpManager probe installation enter the new port numbers
(OpManager uses 80 as the default web server port and 9996 as the default Netflow port) and click 'Next' to proceed.
Step 6: Enter the details of the proxy server (if the probe is installed behind a proxy server) and click 'Next' to proceed
Step 7: Register your OpManager license with required details to get technical support and click 'Next' to proceed.
Step 8: Select 'Standalone' or 'Primary' server. If you are installing Failover, select standby server. First configure standalone or
primary for Failover installation. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Step 9: If you select PGSQL, please proceed with Step 14. (or) If you select 'MSSQL' database (recommended for production). Click
'Next' to proceed
Page 11
Step 10: Provide MSSQL details like host name, port, database name. Use the credentials (username and password) that was created
earlier while configuring SQL. Click 'Next' to proceed
Step 11: Search for bcp.exe and bcp.rll in the MSSQL installation directory. Copy these files under \OpManagerCentral\bin directory.
Click 'Next' to proceed
Page 12
Step 12: Click on browse and select \OpManager\bin\bcp.exe. Click 'Next' to proceed
Step 13: Provide OpManager Central server details like central server URL, Probe Name, Contact Name and Contact Mail ID.
Enter the Probe installation key. You can find the Probe Installation key in the Central Server page under Settings->Configuration-
>Probe Details.
1. Sometimes, you might encounter errors such as database connection not getting established or the server not starting up. To
workaround these issues, comment the IPv6 related entries in the /etc/hosts file.
2. Check if the DNS resolves properly to the IP Address on the system in which OpManager is installed. Add an entry to /etc/host file
with ipaddress and host name if there is trouble starting OpManager.
Central Server
Step 1: Download ManageEngine_OpManager_Central_64bit.bin for Linux.
Step 3: Assign the executable permission to the downloaded file using the following command: chmod a+x
Step 4: Execute ./ManageEngine_OpManager_Central_64bit.bin with administator privileges (sudo). This will display the installation
Step 5: Click 'Next' to begin the installation process. Go through the license agreement and proceed to the next step.
Step 6: In the subsequent steps of the wizard, select the OpManagerCentral language, the directory to install OpManagerCentral,
and the port number to run OpManagerCentral Web Server. Proceed to the next step.
Note: It is recommended to install OpManagerCentral in the opt folder. By default, OpManagerCentral is installed in the
/opt/ManageEngine/OpManagerCentral directory.
Probe Server
Step 1: Download ManageEngine_OpManager_Probe_64bit.bin for Linux.
Step 3: Assign the executable permission to the downloaded file using the following command: chmod a+x
Step 4; Execute ./ManageEngine_OpManager_Probe_64bit.bin with administator privileges (sudo). This will display the installation
Step 5: Click 'Next' to begin the installation process. Go through the license agreement and proceed to the next step.
Step 6: In the subsequent steps of the wizard, select the OpManagerProbe language, the directory to install OpManagerProbe, and
the port number to run the OpManagerProbe Web Server. Proceed to the next step.
Step 7: Please enter the Central URL, Probe Name, Probe Installation Key, Username, Email ID and proceed to register the Probe.
Installing OpManager Enterprise Edition on Linux using Console mode/ Silent mode
To begin with, make sure you have downloaded the binary for Central and Probe for Linux OS.
Click here to download the binary files for OpManager Central and Probe (Linux OS).
Central Server
Step 1: Execute ManageEngine_OpManager_Central_64bit.bin with administrator privileges (sudo) and -i console option.
Step 2: Go through the license agreement and enter 'Y' to proceed. You can register for technical support by providing the required
details. (Name, E-mail ID, Phone, Company Name)
Step 6: Verify the installation details and press 'Enter' to complete the installation
Probe Server
Step 1: Execute ManageEngine_OpManager_Probe_64bit.bin with security privileges (sudo) and -i console option.
Page 17
Step 2: Go through the license agreement and enter 'Y' to proceed. You can register for technical support by providing the required
details. (Name, E-mail ID, Phone, Company Name)
Step 4: Choose the installation directory and configure the Webserver Port.
Page 18
Step 6: Configure the Probe details and press 'Enter' to complete the installation.
Page 19
Supported Versions: SQL 2017 | SQL 2016 | SQL 2014 | SQL 2012 | SQL 2008
Note: It is highly recommended that you use MSSQL database for production. This also provides failover/high availability.
Step 1: To ensure proper communication between the MSSQL database server and OpManager, a new account has to be created
with the below mentioned steps.
Open SQL Management Studio and login using your Server Account (sa)/ Windows credentials.
Right click on Logins
Select New Login
Step 2: Select Authentication type. For Windows authentication, select and login using your Windows login credentials. For SQL
Server Authentication, enter the password. Then proceed with Step 3. Page 21
Page 22
Step 3: Click on Server Role. Select Server Roles "dbcreator", "public" and "sysadmin"
Step 4: Click on User Mapping. Map this login to "master" with database role ownership as "db_owner" and "public". ClickPage
OK. 23
Page 24
Scalability recommendations
Interface count
We recommend monitoring up to 10000 interfaces in a single installation. If the count exceeds 10000, it will be efficient to increase
the monitoring interval of those interfaces. Adding more interfaces will directly impact the overall performance of the product.
1. Interfaces that have no data collection for the last 30 days will be automatically unmanaged and marked as 'Idle Interfaces'
under the interfaces Inventory page.
2. You can avoid the addition of unnecessary interfaces by choosing appropriate criteria and conditions in the interface
Discovery page.
VLAN count
To avoid any hindrance in the performance of the product, OpManager limits the count of VLANs discovered to a maximum of 3000.
New VLANs will not be allowed to be discovered in OpManager post the specified limit.
Note: Adding more monitors than the numbers suggested above will directly impact the performance of OpManager. If it is required
to add more monitor than this, then the polling interval of that monitor must be increased accordingly in order to balance the load
on the OpManager server.
For more information on the same, please feel free to contact our support team at [email protected].
Page 25
OpManager Enterprise Edition - A guide to migration and backup
Learn how to migrate your database, about backup & restore, and the steps to enable HTTPS in OpManager version 12300 and above.
Enabling HTTPS
Changing Ports in Central & Probe
For PostgreSQL
Steps to migrate Central from one server to another:
1. Stop OpManagerCentral service. Execute 'OpManagerService.bat -r' under the OpManagerCentral/bin directory to remove the
OpManagerCentral service in the existing machine.
2. Take a compressed backup of the entire OpManagerCentral folder.
3. Extract the folder to the new system where Central is about to be installed.
4. Open command prompt with administrator privileges in the machine where the Central needs to be installed.
5. Go to the OpManagerCentral/bin directory in the new machine and execute 'initPgsql.bat' to give access permission for the
database from the new server.
6. In the same command prompt, execute ‘OpManagerService.bat -i’ to add OpManagerCentral as a service.
7. Start OpManagerCentral from Windows services in the new machine.
8. To update Central details for the new machine:
a. If the new system's IP address or host name differs from that of the existing machine, go to "OpManagerProbe/conf/OpManager"
directory, locate “NOCServerDetail.xml��? file and update the "NOCServerName" attribute value with the new server name.
2. If the IP address and host name of the new machine is the same as that of the existing machine, the 'NOCServerName' need not
be updated.
9. From version 12.4.042, update the Central Details in the Central Details page under Settings-->Configuration.
10. Restart all the probes.
11. To clean up the existing machine, uninstall OpManagerCentral.
Steps to migrate Probe from one server to another: Page 26
1. Stop OpManagerProbe service. Execute 'OpManagerService.bat -r' under the OpManagerProbe/bin directory to remove the
OpManagerProbe service in the existing machine.
2. Take a compressed backup of the entire OpManagerProbe folder.
3. Extract the folder to the new system where the probe is about to be installed.
4. Open command prompt with administrator privileges in the machine where Probe needs to be installed.
5. Go to the OpManagerProbe/bin directory in the new machine and execute 'initPgsql.bat' to give access permission for the
database from the new server.
6. In the same command prompt, execute 'OpManagerService.bat -i' to add OpManagerProbe as a service.
7. Start OpManagerProbe from Windows services in the new machine
8. To update probe details for the new machine:
1. If the new system's IP address or host name differs from that of the existing machine, go to Settings --> Configuration --> Probe
Details. Click on the probe name to modify the probe and update NAT Name detail for the probe which has been moved.
2. If the IP address and host name of the new machine is the same as that of the existing machine, the NAT name need not be
9. To clean up the existing machine, uninstall OpManagerProbe.
Case 1: To move only the installation without moving the database.
1. Stop OpManagerCentral Service. Execute 'OpManagerService.bat -r' under the OpManagerCentral/bin directory to remove the
OpManagerCentral service in the existing machine.
2. Take a compressed backup of the entire OpManagerCentral folder.
3. Extract the folder to the new system where the Central is about to be installed.
4. If you want to use the same database, continue without any changes. Please ensure that the database server is reachable in the
new machine.
5. To update Central details for the new machine:
1. If the new system's IP address or host name differs from that of the existing machine, go to "OpManagerProbe/conf/OpManager"
directory, locate "NOCServerDetail.xml" file and update the "NOCServerName" attribute value with the new server name.
2. If the IP address and host name of the new machine is the same as that of the existing machine, the 'NOCServerName' need not
be updated.
6. Restart all the probes.
7. To clean up the existing machine, uninstall OpManagerCentral.
In Probe:
1. Stop OpManagerProbe Service. Execute 'OpManagerService.bat -r' under the OpManagerProbe/bin directory to remove the
OpManagerProbe service in the existing machine.
2. Take a compressed backup of the entire OpManagerProbe folder.
3. Extract the folder to the new system where the Probe is about to be installed.
4. If you want to use the same database, continue without any changes. Please ensure that the database server is reachable in the
new machine.
5. To update probe details for the new machine:
1. If the new system's IP address or host name differs from that of the existing machine, go to Settings --> Configuration --> Probe
Page 27
Details. Click on the probe name to modify the probe and update NAT Name detail for the probe which has been moved.
2. If the IP address and host name of the new machine is the same as that of the existing machine, the NAT name need not be
6. Start OpManagerProbe from Windows services in the new machine.
7. To clean up the existing machine, uninstall OpManagerProbe.
Moving installation from one server to another using backup and restore
Steps to migrate Central : (from version 124042 and above)
1. Stop the OpManagerCentral service and take a backup using the steps given in this� page.
2. Stop all the probes to avoid loss of data.
3. Do a new, clean installation of Central in the required server.
4. Follow the steps given in this� page� to restore the data.
5. Start OpManagerCentral.
6. To update Central details for the new machine:
7. If the new system's IP address or host name differs from that of the existing machine, go to� Settings--> Configuration -->
Central� in each probe and update the new Central system's IP address or host name.
8. If the IP address and host name of the new machine is the same as that of the existing machine, the host name of the Central
server need not be updated in the Probes.
9. To clean up the existing machine, uninstall OpManagerCentral.
1. Stop the OpManagerCentral service and take a backup using the steps given in this� page.
2. Stop all the probes to avoid loss of data.
3. Do a new, clean installation of Central in the required server.
4. Follow the steps given in this� page� to restore the data.
5. Start OpManagerCentral.
6. To update Central details for the new machine:
7. If the new system's IP address or host name differs from that of the existing machine, go to OpManagerProbe/conf/OpManager
directory and locate "NOCServerDetail.xml" file and update NOCServerName� attribute value with new server name. in each
probe and update the new Central system's IP address or host name.
8. If the IP address and host name of the new machine is the same as that of the existing machine, the "NOCServerName"� need
not be updated.
9. Restart all the probes.
10. To clean up the existing machine, uninstall OpManagerCentral.
1. Stop the OpManagerProbe service and take a backup using the steps given in this� page.
2. Do a new, clean installation of the probe in the required server.
3. After the probe is installed successfully, start the service and check if the probe is communicating properly with the central.
4. Stop the newly installed probe.
5. Follow the steps given in this� page� to restore the data.
6. Start the OpManagerProbe.
7. In Central, go to 'Probe Details' page and verify that the status of the old probe is displayed as "Running" and the status of new
probe is displayed as "Server Down". Page 28
8. Delete the new probe (*Do not delete the old probe*).
9. To update probe details for the new machine:
1. If the new system's IP address or host name differs from that of the existing machine, go to� Settings� -->� Configuration� -
->� Probe Details. Click on the probe name to modify the probe and update NAT Name detail for the probe which has been
2. If the IP address and host name of the new machine is the same as that of the existing machine, the NAT name need not be
10. To clean up the existing machine, uninstall OpManagerProbe.
If you are upgrading to OpManager Enterprise Edition for reasons concerning scalability or remote network monitoring or both, you
can migrate from OpManager Standard/Professional without having to start afresh. This means all the configuration and historical
data in the existing OpManager installation can be safely ported to the enterprise edition during the migration.
Upon migration, the existing OpManager installation (Standard/Professional Edition) will function as a Probe server. The Central
server has to be installed in a new machine.
To migrate to OpManager Enterprise Edition, follow the steps given below:(For OpManager version 124181 and above)
Step 3: Migration
Migrating to OpManager Enterprise Edition can be done in two ways:
Historical data from probe servers can be sent to the Central server based on user preferences. However, the historical data will still
be available in probe server.
The migration process is complete. Now the OpManager installation functions as a probe server and synchronizes data with the
Central server. Page 30
* Points to note:
The OpManager Central version (to be downloaded) has to match with the existing OpManager version
(Standard/Professional Edition) for successful migration.
The OpManager version can be found by clicking on the User icon on the top right hand side of the existing OpManager
The Probe Installation Key can be found under OpManagerCentral > Settings > Configuration > Probe Details.
Historical data - The past performance data collected by OpManager. Historical data is used for populating graphs, charts
and generating reports.
Steps to enable HTTPS in OpManager : (for versions from 123181 till 124041)
1. In both, probe and Central, navigate to Settings --> General� Settings --> Security Settings --> SSL Configuration --> Enable
Secure Mode.
2. For more details on configuring HTTPS, refer this page.
3. Restart Central service.
4. For all Probes edit InitImpl� attribute in� OpManagerProbe/conf/CommunicationInfo.xml� from
com.me.opmanager.extranet.remote.communication.http.probe.HTTPProbeCommInit to
5. Restart all the Probes.
6. In Central, go to Settings --> COnfiguration --> Probe Details --> Edit Each Probe --> set NAT Protocol as HTTPS.
Page 31
1. In both, probe and Central, navigate to� Settings� --> General� Settings� -->� Security Settings� -->� SSL Configuration� --
>� Enable Secure Mode.
2. For more details on configuring HTTPS, refer this� page.
3. Restart Central service.
4. Then for each of the Probe, navigate to� Settings --> Configuration --> Central Details --> Protocol --> HTTPS.
Prev Next
Open Command prompt with administrator privileges and go to the� OpManagerCentral/bin� directory and
execute� ChangeWebServerPort.bat� (eg : ChangeWebServerPort.bat 443).
Restart OpManagerCental.
For all probes go to "OpManagerProbe/conf/OpManager"� directory and locate "NOCServerDetail.xml"� file and update the
"NOCServerPort" attribute value.
Restart OpManagerCentral and then all Probes.�
Open Command prompt with administrator privileges and go to the� OpManagerProbe/bin� directory and
execute� ChangeWebServerPort.bat� (eg :� ChangeWebServerPort.bat 443).
Restart the Probe
In Central, go to� Settings� -->� Configuration� -->� Probe Details� --> Edit each Probe� -->Update new port� in� NAT
Page 32
In Central : (from version 124042 and above)
Open Command prompt with administrator privileges and go to the OpManagerCentral/bin directory and execute
ChangeWebServerPort.bat (eg : ChangeWebServerPort.bat 443).
Restart OpManagerCental.
Then open each Probe and navigate to� Settings --> Configuration --> Central Details� and specify the updated port number
of the Central system.
Open Command prompt with administrator privileges and go to the OpManagerProbe/bin directory and execute
ChangeWebServerPort.bat (eg : ChangeWebServerPort.bat 443).
Restart the Probe
In Central, go to Settings --> Configuration --> Probe Details and edit each Probe for which the port is changed.�
Update it in NAT Port.
Page 33
Starting OpManager
After installation, all the OpManager-related files will be available under the directory that you choose to install OpManager. This is
referred to as OpManager Home directory.
On Windows Machines
If you have chosen to install OpManager as Windows service, you will be prompted to start the service after successful installation.
The Web Client is invoked automatically on installing as a Service. Enter the log-on details. The default user name and password is
'admin' and 'admin' respectively.
To stop the ManageEngine OpManager service, right-click the ManageEngine OpManager service in the Services window and click
Alternatively, you can choose to start OpManager as a Windows Service using Command Prompt:
1. Type "cmd" in the search bar and run Command Prompt. (Ensure that you are logged in as administrator)
2. Enter the path where OpManager is installed in your hard drive and access the bin directory.
3. Execute StartOpManagerServer.bat or run.bat files to start OpManager.
4. To stop OpManager, execute StopOpManagerServer.bat.
On Windows machines, an icon is displayed on the system tray to manage the application. You can start the client, start the server,
and shut down the server using this icon.
Page 34
On Linux Machines
To stop OpManager running on a linux machine, execute the ShutDownOpManager.sh file present in the <OpManager Home>/bin
4. Start OpManager by executing systemctl start OpManager.service or /etc/init.d/OpManager.service start files, depending on
your OS version.
Page 35
5. Check the status of OpManager by executing the systemctl status OpManager.service or /etc/init.d/OpManager.service status
6. Stop OpManager by executing the systemctl stop OpManager.service or the /etc/init.d/OpManager.service stop commands.
2. Type http://<host_name>:<port_number> in the address bar and press Enter. Here, <host_name> is the name of the machine in
which OpManager is running and <port_number> is the port that you have chosen to run OpManager Web Server during
[Note: If you have enabled SSL, connect as https://<host_name>:<port_number> in the address bar and press Enter.]
3. Type the User Name and Password and click Login. The default user name and password are 'admin' and 'admin' respectively.
Alternatively, if the OpManager server is running on Windows machines, you can start the Web client using
Start > Programs > ManageEngine OpManager > OpManager Web Client.
From OpManager build 7010 onwards we provide SSL support for the webclient. Click here to enable SSL.
Page 37
Registering OpManager
You can register OpManager by applying the license file that you receive from ManageEngine. To apply the license, follow the steps
given below:
1. Click on the profile icon (Next to the Settings icon on the top bar).
3. Click Browse and choose the license file from the location it is saved.
4. Click the Register button to apply the license file and close.
Should you encounter any errors when applying the license, contact Support with the license error code.
Page 38
Changing Web Server port in OpManager
You will be prompted to change Web Server port during installation. You can also change it after installation.
The script for changing the Web Server port number, ChangeWebServerPort (in Windows this will be a .bat file and in Linux, .sh file)
is available under the <OpManager Home>/bin directory.
1. Stop the OpManager server. If you are running OpManager as Windows service, stop the service.
2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator, and navigate to <OpManager Home>/bin directory. Then, execute the following
In Windows,
ChangeWebServerPort <new_port_number>
In Linux,
sh ChangeWebServerPort.sh <new_port_number>
Here, new_port_number is the one where you want to run the Web server now.
Select the required format for the date and time to be displayed in the OpManager web client. Report generated time will be based
on the selection of date and time format for exported reports.
Default Authentication:
Authentication mechanism to authorize access to OpManager. It can either be local or domain specific authentication.
Authentication type chosen here will be displayed in the login page and will set as the default authentication mode for OpManager.
Data collected from the OpManager community is presented to the user for bench marking their performance.
We collect benchmark and statistical data about quality, stability, and usability of the product from every installation with an intent
to enhance the product quality. The collected data will be used as a whole during the analysis and we will not share this data with
others. This feature is enabled by default. If you do not want your data to be collected, you can disable it any time.
Alert Notification:
When an alarm/alert is triggered, a notification pops up at the bottom right corner of the client. This option can be used to
show/hide the notification from popping up on your screen.
Printer Alarm:
This option allows you to view/hide the alarm notifications generated by printers.
To keep your interface bandwidth in check, enable this option. When the bandwidth of an interface exceeds its configured speed, an
alert will be raised.
You can view the in-product How-to and FAQs present by enabling this option.
DB Query:
Enabling the DB Query option allows you to execute all read-only queries in the Submit Query window (Eg: select * from ). To get to
the Submit query window, 'Enable' the DB Query option, click on the support icon and select DB query in the support window, or 40
alternatively press Alt+Q.
Product promotions:
Enable this option to receive in-product promotions and training announcements that includes helpful webinars and product
training sessions.
Click here to enable/disable the helpful information that appears in the product to guide you to operate the product better.
If Enabled, operator user will get access to create their own custom dashboard.
Displayed Modules:
You can choose to view modules forStorage Monitoring, Flow Analysis, Log Analysis, Config Management, IP Management by selecting
their respective checkboxes. This adds a more complete IT Operations Management experience.
Add-on Module for Applications Monitoring can be viewed by enabling this option.
Toggle between SVG and Image option to view the real-time charts.
Enable this option to allow OpManager to send anonymous data from the devices and the monitors associated with it. This
information will help in enhancing the Device Templates module.
Enable this option to sync new Device Templates automatically and update existing Device Templates by verifying with the
OpManager Shared Device Template repository. A device template is a set of predefined properties such as device type, vendor,
monitors and the monitoring interval for a device. It lets you automatically classify and associate monitors across multiple devices.
Remote Desktop/Terminal:
Enabling this option will allow users to connect to the device's terminal from the device snapshot page. Additionally, it will also
provide access to Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) port from OpManager.
Page 41
What should be monitored?
Active network monitoring is a must to gain accurate and real-time visibility of the health of your network. However frequent
monitoring can become a huge strain on your network resources as it generates a lot of traffic on the network, especially in large
We recommend monitoring only the critical devices on the network. This is a best practice adopted by the network administrators
Page 42
Monitoring Interval for a Device Category
OpManager allows you to set common monitoring settings for all the devices under a specific category.
1. Under Settings > Configuration > Quick Configuration Wizard > click Monitoring Intervals.
2. To enable monitoring for a category, select the check box under Enable column for the infrastructure you want to monitor and
enter the monitoring interval in minutes. To disable monitoring a specific category, uncheck the respective check box.
For instance, if you want to monitor servers every minute, ensure that the check box corresponding to Servers is selected and then
enter '1' in the adjacent box.
Page 43
Types of Credentials supported by OpManager
Monitoring Credentials (SNMPv1/v2,SNMPv3,Telnet,SSH, WMI, VMWare, Citrix, UCS, Nutanix)
OpManager accesses the remote devices using the protocols SNMP, CLI, or WMI. The credentials like the password/snmp
community, port etc., may differ for different device types. Pre-configuring a set of credentials in OpManager helps applying
them to multiple devices at a time, saving a lot of manual effort.
SNMP v1/SNMPv2: SNMPv1 /v2 are community based security models. They use access mechanisms known as 'Read community' (for
Read access) and 'Write community' ( for Write access ). The following are the parameters that are essential for a SNMP v1/v2
Provide a name for the Credential name and description. Configure the correct Read and Write community, SNMP Port, SNMP
Timeout (in seconds) and SNMP Retries.
Note: SNMP Write Community is optional and is used if you don't have read access. But it is mandatory for the OpManager
SNMP v3: SNMPv3 is a user based security model. It provides secure access to the devices by a combination authenticating and
encrypting packets over the network. The security features provided in SNMPv3 are Message integrity, Authentication and
Encryption. If you select SNMPv3 as the credential type, then configure the following parameters.
Ensure that the snmpEngineBoots and snmpEngineTime parameters specified in the device are in-sync with those specified in
the SNMP agent. If not, the device discovery in OpManager will fail.
Make sure that the context name given in OpManager is mapped properly to the agent credential
How to check if the snmpEngineBoots and snmpEngineTime values specified in the device are in-sync with those in the SNMP
Agent ?
You can use the Wireshark tool to check if the snmpEngineBoots and snmpEngineTime parameters specified in the device and the
SNMP Agent are in-sync with one another.
Download wireshark from here and query for the SNMP OID from the MIB browser. If the SNMP response message is a report with
OID, then it means that the boot time and boot count are not synchronized. Page 44
WMI: WMI is a windows based credential used for authentication of devices that run on Windows operating system. If you select
WMI as the protocol, configure the Domain Name, the User Name, and the Password. Example:- TestDomain\TestUser. Also enter the
credential name and description.
The amount of information that can be monitored using the WMI credential depends on the whether the credential supplied to
OpManager has full admin privilige or not.
If the credential does not have full admin privilige, certain operations like Folder monitoring ( for restricted folders ) cannot be
done. Hence it is recommended ( though not mandatory ) to use WMI credentials that has full admin priviliges for monitoring
using OpManager.
If your network has a threshold limit on the number of incorrect login attempts, supplying an incorrect WMI credential might
lock out the device in the Active Directory if the number of incorrect attempts cross the threshold limit.
Incorrect credentials will also affect the OpManager performance. Hence it is always advisable to schedule Test Credentials to
ensure that the credentials supplied are correct and up-to-date.
Telnet: Ensure you configure the correct login prompt, command prompt, and password prompt besides user name, password,
port number, timeout (in seconds) and click Save to access the device.
SSH: Configuring the SSH protocol is similar to Telnet. Follow the steps mentioned in Telnet to add a SSH credential.
SSH Key Authentication: This is a feature available for the SSH protocol. Choose SSH and select the SSH Key Authentication
option. Ensure you configure the user name and choose the SSH Key using the Browse button. Enter the correct command
prompt besides the port number and timeout (in seconds) to access the device. To know more, click here.
A Password prompt / Login prompt is the symbol in the CLI response which is used to decide the end of the response. The most
commonly used password / login prompts are #, $.
Ensure that the correct password prompt and Login prompt is provided while defining the Telnet / SSH credential in OpManager
since an incorrect Login / Password prompt will lead to failure of device discovery
VMware:Provide the VSphere client username and password. Enter the VMware web service port number and timeout interval for
the connection between the Host and OpManager server.
Also, ensure that the credentials provided are those of the VCenter under which the required hosts / VM's are present
Citrix: Provide the Username and Password of the Host. Enter the web service port number and timeout interval for the connection
between the Host and OpManager server.
UCS: Provide the UCS Manager Username and Password. Enter the Port, Protocol and Timeout interval for the connection between
the UCS and OpManager Server.
Nutanix: Provide the username and password of the Prism API element, the protocol being used (HTTP/HTTPS), the timeout value for
the connection and the port in which the Prism element is running.
Backup Credentials (Telnet, SSH, SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv3)
Page 45
These credentials are used for discovering devices into OpManager plugins like the Network Configuration Manager module.
The Network Configuration module uses these credentials for taking Router/Switch config backup, and to perform complaince
check and config change management periodically.
These credentials are used for discovering devices into the OpStore module.
This module enables storage monitoring of Disk, LUN, RAID etc. The Storage credentials helps you to monitor the storage devices
like Storage Arrays, Fabric Switches, Tape Libraries, Tape Drives, Host servers and Host Bus Adapters cards from all leading
vendors in the industry.
SNMPv1 / v2:
Credential Pre-requisites:
The following are the pre-requisites for the various types of credentials supported in OpManager
SNMPv1 / v2:
SNMP v3:
Make sure the SNMP v3 authentication details received from your vendor has been implemented properly in the device
Make sure the context name given in OpManager is mapped properly to the credential
EngineID should be unique for all the SNMP v3 devices in an environment
Ports: The default port used for SNMP v3 is 161. Make sure that this port is not blocked by your firewall
Make sure the engine boot time and engine boot count is updated properly in the SNMP agent
Page 46
For Telnet/SSH, ensure you configure the correct login prompt, command prompt, and password prompt besides the user name,
password, port number and timeout (in seconds) to access the device.
The default port used for Telnet is 23 and SSH is 22. Ensure that the port is not blocked by your firewall.
For SSH Key Authentication, ensure you configure the user name and choose the SSH Key using the Browse button, and correct
command prompt besides the port number and timeout (in seconds) to access the device.
The default port used for SSH Key Authentication is 22. Ensure that the port is not blocked by your firewall.
Make sure the UCS Manager Username and Password having remote authentication is configured.
Enter the Port, Protocol and Timeout interval for the connection between the UCS and OpManager Server
The default HTTPS port used for VMWare is 443. Ensure that this port is not blocked by your firewall
Provide the VSphere Username and Password of the VCenter under which the hosts and VMs which need to be discovered are
Auto VM discovery feature is used to automatically update any changes in the vCenter environment ( such as addition of new
VMs to a vCenter ) to OpManager.
For monitoring VMware related devices, it is enough if a credential has 'Read only' privilege.
Certain functions like VM On & VM Off require admin privilege. Hence ensure that the credentials supplied has admin
The default HTTPS port used for Nutanix is 9440, and the default timeout is 20 seconds. If necessary, please change these values
according to your requirement.
Provide the username and password of the Prism element of the cluster under which the hosts and VMs to be discovered are
Add Credentials
OpManager accesses the remote devices using the protocols SNMP, CLI, WMI or VMWare API. The credentials like the password/snmp
community, port etc., may differ for different device types. Pre-configuring a set of credentials in OpManager helps applying them to
multiple devices at a time, saving a lot of manual effort.
1. Go to Settings > Discovery > Credentials
Page 47
2. Click Add Credential
3. Select the required credential category & credential type.
4. Click here to know the prerequisites of each credential
5. Configure the following parameters and click Save to add the credentials:
Page 48
Discovering Networks Using OpManager
OpManager uses ICMP/Nmap to discover the devices in a network. You can either discover a specific range of devices or the entire
Discover interfaces
Interface discovery can be performed in different ways.
By default, automatic discovery of devices will be disabled in OpManager. To enable it, go to Settings -> Discovery -> Discovery
Settings and enable the Interface Discovery option. OpManager will now automatically discover the interfaces associated with the
discovered devices (when discovery is performed from 'Add Device' page). During bulk device discovery, the required interfaces can
be selected and discovered from the Discovery-Interface page.
From the Interface Discovery page (only for OpManager versions 125174 and above):
Schedule Discovery
You can schedule device discovery in OpManager at specific intervals by specifying the IP range. The created schedule can be saved
as a profile and reports can be generated. To schedule a profile,
1. Click on the 'clock' icon displayed under Actions column of the respective Discovery Profile.
2. In the Discovery Schedule page, define the frequency at which you would like to re-run the discovery schedule and save the
Page 51
Page 52
Discovery Filter in OpManager
You can choose to add or ignore any single device or a set of devices before configuring device discovery schedule in OpManager.
Open OpManager and click on Settings -> Discovery -> Discovery Profile.
Click on the Add Discovery Filter at the top right corner.
Choose either Ignore/Add Device(s).
Specify the criteria - IP Range/ IP Address/ Category/ Device Type/Device Name.
Enter the Value or IP address as per the 'Type' you selected.
Finally click on Add and proceed with scheduling discovery.
OpManager will add/ignore the devices as per the filter specifications.
Page 53
Add Device Failure Message
Is an error stopping you from adding new devices to OpManager? Here is a list of error messages and the corresponding reasons on
why a particular error is triggered and solutions on how to resolve them.
When the device you are trying to add is not pingable, this error is displayed. It is triggered when you are attempting to add a device
using its device name.
OpManager searches for the device using its device name and pings the device. If the device name is not found, this error is
displayed. This can be fixed by avoiding typos in the device name.
Note: When adding the device using its IP address, the device gets added even though it is not pingable. But its status is
classified as "Device not monitored". OpManager periodically pings this device and when it is available, it is added and
classified accordingly
When using the same display name for multiple devices with different IP address, make sure to disable Unique System Display Name
(Discovery > Discovery Settings > Unique System Display Name)
Make sure devices with the same IP does not exist in OpManager.
This error is displayed when the network IP and device IP are the same.
Network IP turns out invalid when the IP that is standard to a network (.0) is configured for a device. Check for typos and make sure
the correct value is entered.
Ensure the Device IP doesn't match the Network IP when it is fetched automatically.
Cannot add device. This edition of OpManager does not support adding more than {n} devices
Your device has run out of licenced devices that can be monitored. Here, {n} indicates the number of device that has exceeded the
licencing limit.
Page 54
Delete/Unmanage unwanted devices to make room for the new ones or purchase a licence that can accommodate a larger number of
Add Device Failed - Device Name : Problem in adding the device, please contact support with support
information file
This error is exclusive to SNMP devices. This error is triggered even though the device you are attempting to add is pingable. The
reason this is happening is because the Sysname turns up empty when trying to fetch the device details.
Sysname is a mandatory field, make sure this field is populated before attempting to add the device. To verify the status of the
Sysname, query the SNMP device to check if the SysName (. returns a value.
Page 55
Device Discovery Error: 'Unable to contact IP driver. General failure'
This alert message is generated when OpManager server fails to contact the monitored device during its periodic availability status
poll. This error generally appears in a VM environment where the Virtual devices are running any Windows OS and when they are
unable to reach outside the network due to any of the following causes.
This error occurs in your VM when there is a possibility of WinSock and WinSock2 setting being corrupted.
You could try to point to the following registry paths:
i. Backup the above registry.
ii. Go to another server (running the same OS configuration), go to the above registry paths, export the registry and copy them to
your current server.
iii. Double click on the reg files to register, reboot the system to see how it works.
This issue is caused by a duplicate Security Identifier (SID) in a Windows 2008 or Windows 2012 virtual machine, when the either of
them are deployed from a template or a cloned virtual machine. And the guest customization option is not selected while deploying
the virtual machine.
To resolve the issue, you need to run the sysprep tool to generate a new security identifier for the virtual machine. To do this,
TCP/IP issues
When you are unable to ping the loopback address/local setup, there are chances of your TCP/IP stack being corrupted.
Turn off User Account Control (UAC) and login with the domain admin account. Follow the below steps to reset TCP/IP to its original
i. On the Start screen, type CMD. In the search results, right-click Command Prompt, and then select Run as administrator.
ii. At the command prompt, enter the command given below and then press Enter.
When you run the reset command, it overwrites the following registry keys, both of which are used by TCP/IP:
Page 57
Adding devices using SSH Key based authentication in OpManager
A SSH key is an access credential used in SSH protocol. It provides the same functionality as the user name & password except that it
is much more reliable and cant be easily cracked.
OpManager supports SSH key based authentication. To use a SSH key, you must first generate it. Use the following steps to generate
a SSH key credential and discover devices using OpManager:
Paste the public key copied previously in the authorized_keys file.
Key Verification:
You can check if the SSH key has been generated and assigned correctly by opening the putty.exe, entering the machine name and
then� from the left side panel selecting SSH -> Auth -> Load the Private key and opening the connection. � This should log in with
the key file. A successful login is an indication that the device has been added correctly using the SSH key.
This step will generate two keys - a public key and a private key.
The public key can be shared with other devices while the private key must be kept confidential as it will be used for authorization
Key Verification
The Discovery Rule Engine is condition/criteria based. During discovery, devices that satisfy the condition/criteria are associated with
the actions specified in the Discovery Rule Engine.
1. Go to Settings -> Discovery -> Discovery Rule Engine and click on Add rule on the top right.
2. Enter a Name and Description for the Discovery Rule Engine.
3. Criteria refers to the parameter of the device which must be checked for applying the rule (Such as DNS Name / Category /
Type...). Define the Criteria and select the Condition.
Eg. Select Service Name as the Criteria and equals as the Condition, and enter the POP3Svc (POP3Svc is a MSExchange service.
This is to verify whether the discovered device is an exchange server or not.)
4. If required you can define multiple criteria, but have to select either AND or OR option.
AND: Executes the action when all the defined criteria are satisfied.
OR: Executes the actions when any one of the defined criteria is satisfied.
5. Define the Actions. An Action refers to the process to be performed on a device if it satisfies the specified criteria.
The following are the list of possible actions that can be performed by a Discovery rule Engine:
Copy As
7. Click on Save.
Page 61
OpManager allows you to discover Layer2 devices that are connected to your network and draws a visual representation of the
same. This includes a detailed map of all the nodes, interconnected layers and port-to-port connectivity in addition to the
To start discovering your layer2 devices, go to Settings > Discovery > Layer2 Discovery. This process can also be initiated from
Maps > Layer 2 Maps > Create New.
Enter a name in the Layer2 Map Name section and proceed to type the IPv4 of your seed device in the Router IPv4 Address
Configure a seed device : A seed device is the core router or L3 switch in your network. The device must have SNMP-
enabled so that OpManager is able to query the device and draw the links automatically. The seed device should
have "ipForwarding" set to 1 for the OID - . and must have two or more interfaces. (identified by querying
the OID -
The seed router will be connected to a vast number of devices. If you wish to restrict your Layer2 Map to a certain IP range,
enter their Start IP and End IP and press the �+� icon. You can specify multiple such entries.
Discovery Mechanism:
OpManager supports multiple discovery protocols. Choose one (or more) that is implemented in your seed router/L3 switch.
This will drastically reduce the time taken to discover the devices.
Schedule interval:
As changes happen to the networks frequently, OpManager allows you to configure an interval (in days) to re-draw the map. For
instance, if a change happens once in a week, you can configure OpManager to re-draw the map every seven days.
Note: Uplink Dependency happens only during Device Import and not during Layer2 Map discovery.
Choose the SNMP credentials required for the seed router to identify the devices. You can add new credentials from the Add
Credentials button.
Page 63
This stops the status polling and data collection for the device and changes the device status icon to grey.
This resumes the status polling and data collection for the device. The status icon shows the current status of the device.
Page 65
Go to Inventory.
Select the devices you wish to manage/unmanage.
Click on the menu at the top right and select manage/unmanage devices.
You can also use the Quick Configuration Wizard (Settings ? Configuration ? Quick Configuration Wizard ? Manage/Unmanage
devices) to manage or unmanage devices in bulk.
Page 66
Page 67
Configuring Custom Fields for Devices or Interfaces
Configure additional properties of a device/interface by adding Custom Fields. This makes device management easy.
You can also import custom field properties from a CSV file. To do this, go to Settings ? Configuration ? Custom Fields ? Import
Values button. Click Browse button and choose the CSV file containing the Custom Field properties for device or interface.
The properties added is applied to all the devices or interfaces. To view the Custom Fields, go to the respective Device or Interface
snapshot page and check the Custom Field section.
In Enterprise edition, the 'Add Field' action can only be performed from the Central server. You cannot add new custom
fields from the Probe servers.
Page 68
Configuring Device Dependencies
The status polling for a device can be controlled based on its dependency on some other device. This prevents the unnecessary
status checks made to the dependent nodes.
For instance, many devices will be connected to a switch. If the switch goes down, all the devices connected to it will not be
reachable. In this case, it is unnecessary to check the status of the dependent devices.
To configure the dependency for devices, follow the steps given below:
Select a category from Filter by category to list the devices managed under a specified category. Select a device from Select
parent device and click Next.
OpManager stops monitoring the devices if the dependent device is down. Configuring dependencies prevents false alarms.
Page 69
Page 70
Configuring Device Templates
During initial discovery, OpManager categorizes the network devices into servers, printers, switches, routers and firewalls. For proper
classification, install and start the SNMP agent on all the managed devices.
OpManager comes with over 9000 device templates which carry the initial configurations to classify the devices into the pre-defined
categories, and to associate monitors to them. The device templates enables you to effect a configuration once and is applied to
several devices at a time whenever there is a change.
The templates carry the information required to classify the devices and to associate relevant monitors. You can define your own
templates and modify the existing ones.
Device Identifier:
Device identifier is used to pin point an SNMP device by observing its sysOID. OpManager uses this feature to map the device to its
respective device template. If you do not have the sysOID, you can also obtain it by querying an SNMP device of your network using
Query Device. To further assist you with in \-depth device template classification, Additional SysOIDs can be employed. This is done
by editing the existing sysOID and adding special criteria. Click here to learn more.
Associating Monitors:
Choose and add Monitors to the Device Template. These Monitors will automatically be associated to the devices upon discovery. You
can choose from existing Monitors or create new ones.
Device Classification:
The classified devices are placed under different categories for easy management. For proper device classification, make sure you
have installed and started SNMP in all the network devices before starting OpManager service.
Load Balancer
WAN Accelerator
WAN RTT Monitors
VoIP Monitors
You can also add your own infrastructure views. For example, if you want to group a set of sensors, it will be absurd to classify them
under servers or desktops. In such cases, the custom infrastructure allows you to create more defined groups by adding additional
custom views.
This will fetch and sync all new device templates from the shared repository of OpManager. You can also enable auto sync option.
This enables you to discover new deivce templates at constant intervals.
You can enable auto sync by visiting Settings -> System Settings. But if the auto sync fails to for about three consecutive times due to
connection issues, it will get disabled internally. However, on the product UI it would still appear as 'enabled'. To actually re-enable it
you have to restart the service once again.
Page 74
Auto sync will also be available in the inventory page. And when you drill down to the device snapshot page, you can see the 'sync
and rediscover' option which allows you to rediscover the device which was perviously unavailable without the device template.
Page 75
Configuring Interface Templates
During initial discovery, OpManager categorizes the device interfaces into corresponding interface types with the help of predefined
templates that are bundled with the product. OpManager comes with 292 interface templates which carry the initial
configurations to classify these interfaces and associate monitors to them. Any changes made in the interface template will directly
reflect on all the corresponding interfaces of the same type across all the devices in one go.
OpManager also allows the users to define multiple severity thresholds for interface templates, thereby generating alerts when the
threshold values are violated.
Manage/UnManage: Specify whether the interfaces belonging to the template must be managed or unmanaged.
Monitoring interval: Select the interval at which this interface type must be polled to fetch monitoring data & availablity
Configure Thresholds: The threshold values for Utilization, Error Rate and Discard Rate can be specified under the
corresponding tabs. OpManager also allows you to configure multiple severity thresholds for the same. Enter the threshold
values for Attention, trouble, discard and rearm. If the threshold values are violated, corresponding alarms will be raised. You
can also configure thresholds for Interface groups.
Note: To stop monitoring the Utilization / Error Rate / Discard Rate, uncheck the checkbox in the corresponding tabs.
Status poll : Poll the interface for its availability using SNMP (ifAdminStatus & ifOperStatus).
Page 76
NOTE: Selecting Apply template to all interfaces, Select interfaces to apply template or Select Groups to apply template option will
completely override the existing interface configurations.
Page 77
Categorization into Default Maps
Devices are categorized into the following default maps in OpManager: The classification is done using SNMP and NMAP.
Load Balancer
WAN Accelerator
Virtual Device
WAN RTT Monitors
VoIP Monitors
The discovered devices are classified into the above categories based on response to SNMP requests sent by OpManager to the
devices. The devices that are not SNMP enabled, and the device types which are not included in the template are incorrectly
classified under desktops. You can also add your own infrastructure maps to group your devices according to categories, or create
business views to logically group devices, for instance, based on geography.
Page 78
Adding new Infrastructure Views
You can create more defined groups by adding more custom views. For instance, you might want to group all your Environment
Sensors or IP Phones into separate infrastructure views.
After you create new infrastructure views, you can create device templates for devices of this category. This allows you to define
monitors specific to the category and automatically applies the configurations defined in the template to the devices as soon as they
are discovered.
Page 79
Different Types of Views
Heat Map View
It helps you to visualize your entire network health in real-time from a single page. It uses color codes to communicate the severity of
the monitored devices. HeatMap view can be accessed from the Inventory > All Devices, Server, Router, Server, Desktop� etc.
Icon View
List View
Page 80
What is a group? Page 81
The Group feature in OpManager helps the admin group devices or interfaces together for organized network management and to
push bulk configurations easily throughout the product. Groups and subgroups can be used as a filter in Reports, Widget,
Notification Profile, URL Templates, Downtime schedule, Alarm suppression, Device template, Interface template, Test credentials and
Workflow. Groups are useful to view the average availability distribution of all the members in a group, automatically add members
to a group on discovery and to configure threshold for a group of interfaces irrespective of the interface type. Admin users will have
complete access to groups whereas, operator users will have only Read-Only access to groups.
What is Grouping?
What is a subgroup?
OpManager allows you to create subgroups within a group. Subgroups make bulk configuration and filtering of devices much more
easier. You can create multiple subgroups and associate it with a parent group.
For eg:
Consider two device groups - "Routers of model A" and "Routers of model B" in an organization. They can be collectively grouped
under a parent group called "Routers".
Similarly two device groups - "Central Servers" and "Production servers" can be created and placed under a parent group called
The two parent groups - "Routers" and "Servers" can be placed under a group "Network devices in India", which now becomes the
parent group.
In Reports/Widgets, when "Network devices in India" group is selected, OpManager provides a detailed report of all the devices
under the subgroups present under the parent group -� "Network devices in India".
Similarly the subgroup feature can be used in any module where grouping is supported.
Click on Settings → Configuration → Groups and click on the "Add" button or go to Inventory → Groups → Add Group.
Provide a suitable group name and description and click on Next.
Select the type of elements you want to add to this group.
Select the method to group the elements. You can group elements either 'Manually' or by 'Criteria'.
If you selected the 'Manually' option - Select the group members from the available list and click on 'Next'.
If you selected the 'By criteria' option - Select any one of the property available from the dropdown box, select a condition and
provide a suitable value resolving the property and condition and click on� '+' icon.
Add multiple criteria if needed, along with the logical operation� you need to perform based on the criteria. Click on Next.
From the available members listed, select the members you want the group's health to depend on. If no members are chosen,
then the health status of the group will depend on� all the available members by default.
Page 82
Click on Settings → Configuration → Interface Templates. Under the Interface groups tab, click on a group name and configure
the threshold settings.� Click on 'Save and Apply'.
The configured threshold values will be applied to all interfaces in a group irrespective of type.
Interface Types :
Click on Settings → Configuration → Interface Templates. Under interface types, click on a interface type name and configure
the threshold values. Click on 'Save and Apply'.
In the new tab displayed, click on "Select groups to apply" option and click on 'Save'.
The threshold will be applied only to interfaces of the selected type.
You can also view the availability data in the 'all groups' widget in the dashboard of OpManager.
Page 85
AD Authentication
Identity and Access Management is an important part of network and data security for any organization. It helps you ensure
compliance with policies, password management and acts as a means to administer access control to users.
The AD Authentication feature in OpManager helps you with just this. It allows you to authenticate users from within OpManager
without using an external third party identity management tool. It allows you to grant / revoke access & security restrictions to users
and also allows you to provide role based access control for accessing OpManager within your organization.
You can make Active Directory's password policy work for you if you have a Windows domain. Users login to OpManager using their
domain login name and password. This will greatly minimize the risk of making others using your password to access the OpManager
Web interface, thereby not just improving the security but also making it easier for users to login/create accounts. You can define a
scope for users (AD groups, remote offices or all users), thereby restricting their access based on their roles.
With the increase in software applications, each with their own authentication and password complexity levels, this feature also
saves you the trouble of having to remember way too many passwords.
Add an AD Domain
You can create Domains in OpManager and users manually in OpManager with the AD Authentication and User Management
To add a domain:
2. Enter the Domain Name and the Domain Controller name in the respective fields.
Page 86
3. If you are on builds 125111 and above, you can see that LDAPS authentication is mandatory when you add a new domain, to
ensure secure communication with the domain controllers. Simply click on the 'Import Certificate' button and select your domain
controller's certificate to add it to OpManager.
To know more on how to export a certificate from your domain controller, check out these articles:
Note: When you upgrade from a lower version of OpManager to 125111 or above, LDAPS is mandatory only for the domains that
you will be adding after the upgrade. For domains that are already present in OpManager, it is optional. You can just click on the
'Edit' button to import certificates for your existing domains.
6. Once the domain is added, you can manually add users in the Users tab.
Configure Auto-login
Page 87
The auto-login feature allows you to add all/individual users or selected AD groups to any domain, and assign user permissions to
1. Select Add/Edit under Actions for the domain you want to configure.
All users
To enable Auto-login for all users, select All Users under Users. The auto login will be enabled to all the users logging into
that domain.
Selected AD groups
To enable Auto-login for selected AD groups, select Selected groups under Users and type the names of the AD groups. The
auto login will be enabled to the AD groups you specify.
4. Once you enable Auto-login, select the Users and User Permissions for the domain, edit the Time zone if required, and click Next.
5. To configure Scope,
Monitor - You can provide this user access to either All Devices, or only Selected Business Views. If All Devices is selected, the user
will have access to all the devices in OpManager module. If Selected Business Views is selected, you can give the access to all
business views with "Select All" option and business views without title with Untitled option.
Page 88
To add AD groups:
Click on the 'Plus' icon next to the domain of your choice to add new AD groups to it.
To edit timezone:
Select Edit under Actions for the domain you want to edit, change the timezone as per your requirement, and click 'Save'.
Page 89
To Edit/Delete AD groups:
1. Click on the arrow mark next to the name of your domain to display all AD groups under it.
2. Click on the 'Edit' icon next to the group you wish to edit, select the Users and User Permissions for the domain, and click Next.
3. To edit a particular user/group in a domain, select Edit under Actions for the domain you want to edit.
4. User Permissions for the AD groups can be edited by selecting either Read Only (Operator User) or Full Control (Administrator
Page 90
5. To configure Scope,
Monitor - You can provide this user access to either All Devices, or only Selected Business Views. If All Devices is selected, the user
will have access to all the devices of NetFlow, NCM, and Firewall. If Selected Business Views is selected, you can give the access to all
business views with Select All option and business views without title with Untitled option.
For AD Authentication, we support on-premise AD with LDAP query access to the domain controller in the network.
Page 91
Create New Users
You can create users in OpManager and provide required privileges to them. The option to create users is available only for
the� admin� login account or those accounts which have 'Full Control' privilege.
Administrator User: Administrator Users have unrestricted access to perform read/ write operations in OpManager. They
add/remove devices, troubleshoot issues, change configurations and more without any limitations i.e they have complete access.
Operator User: Operator Users have read-only/ restricted access in OpManager. They can be granted further access by the
Administrator User.� �
Local Authentication
Radius Authentication
AD Authentication
Note: This Email ID will be used in password recovery when the user clicks the Forgot Password option in the login page.
2. Scope:
Monitor� - You can provide this user an access to either� All Devices,� or only Selected� Business Views. If All Devices is
selected, the user will have access to all the devices of NetFlow, NCM, and Firewall. If Selected Business Views is selected, you can
give the access to all business views with Select All option and business views without title with Untitled option
3. Click� Add User� to add the user according to the scope specified here
Logout and try logging in as the new user and check the privileges.
Page 92
2. Scope:
Monitor� - You can provide this user an access to either� All Devices,� or only� Selected� Business Views. If� All Devices� is
selected, the user will have access to all the devices of NetFlow, NCM, and Firewall. If� Selected Business Views� is selected, you
can give the access to all business views with Select All option and business views without title with Untitled option
3. Click� Add User� to add the user according to the scope specified here
Logout and try logging in as the new user and check the privileges.
Add an� AD user
1. User Details:
2. Scope:
Monitor� - You can provide this user an access to either� All Devices,� or only� Selected� Business Views. If All Devices is
selected, the user will have access to all the devices of NetFlow, NCM, and Firewall. If Selected Business Views is selected, you can
give the access to all business views with Select All option and business views without title with Untitled� option
3. Click� Add User� to add the user according to the scope specified here Page 93
Logout and try logging in as the new user and check the privileges.
Page 94
Changing User Passwords
You can change the password for the users. Either the admin user or an user with full control privilege only can change the
2. Click on the name of the user whose password you want changed. The Configure User Details tab will pop-up, where you can
change the following.
1. Password Details:
2. Contact Details:
3. Access Details:
For users with only partial permission, the business views assigned to that user is displayed. Remove selection for the view
if you want to remove the views from the user's purview. For users with full control, this option is not displayed.
Click on the 'Settings' icon in the top band and go to the 'Change Password' tab.
Page 95
In User Management, the administrator user can also assign new passwords by clicking "Assign New" under Change Password in
the Users section.
You can change the password on the login page itself by clicking 'forgot password' option.
Page 96
Remove Users
In OpManager, it is possible to add and remove users using an admin account or with an account having permission to do so. Follow
the steps given below to remove users from OpManager.
Note: Pass-through authentication will work only for the active directory users already been added to OpManager. If you do not
want to manually create user account for all the users in your domain, enable auto-login for the domain (Admin ? User Manager
? Windows Domains). Once auto-login is enabled, you have to manually enter username and password of your account only
during the first login and an user account in OpManager will be created automatically. From there on, you can simply work
without manually entering.
Note: After version 124085, new computer accounts can be created from the Passthrough configuration window itself, if the
OpManager service is running under a user who has administrative privileges. Also, if the OpManager server has been started
from Command Prompt, make sure it is being run as a administrator.
Open Control Panel ? Network and Internet ? Internet Options ? Security ? Local Intranet ? Sites ? Advanced. Enter
OpManager server URL, click Add.
For Firefox:
In URL box enter about:config. Click the button "I'll be careful. I promise", if warning page is displayed. In the resulting
page, search for ntlm. Double click the option network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris. Enter OpManager server URL in
the text box and click OK. (Multiple site entries can be entered separated by comma.)
Note: If there are any issues in fetching the necessary details, or if you're in a version of OpManager earlier than 124085, you
will have to configure these settings manually.
Also, enter the Computer account and password of the Domain Controller (computer account name must be less than or equal
to 15 characters). If you provide the wrong credentials, an error message will be displayed which indicates whether the account
name or the password is wrong, or if the account doesn't exist.
After version 124085, if the OpManager service runs under a user who has administrator privileges, an account will be created
with the provided account name even if it doesn't exist already.
Also, if you want to update your password, just select the 'Override existing computer account password' checkbox, and the
existing password for the computer account will be overridden with the value that you have provided in the 'Password' field.
To verify if the provided details are right, click on 'Save & Test'. If all the details are provided correctly, a success message will be
displayed on your screen. If not, a message displaying the possible errors in the parameters passed will be displayed. Rectify
those errors and then click 'Save'.
Else if you are confident with the credentials that you provided, you can directly click 'Save'.
1. Domain Name: NETBIOS name of your domain. Example: OPMANHV (How can I find it?)
2. Bind String: DNS Name of your domain. Example: opmanhv.com (How can I find it?)
3. DNS Server IP: Primary IP Address of the DNS Server. (Separated by commas if there are multiple DNS server IPs) (How can I find
it?) Page 99
4. DNS Site: Site under which the Domain Controller is listed. (How can I find it?)
5. Computer Account: Account name of the computer account created.
Example: [email protected]
(For versions of OpManager before 124085, it is mandatory to append $@domain_dns_name with the account name.)
Note that the computer account name must be less than or equal to 15 characters.
6. Password: Password of the computer account
To reset the password for an existing computer account, run the script SetComputerPass.vbs present under
OpManager_Home\conf\OpManager\application\scripts to create a new computer account.
Ensure that the password you give is compliant to the password policy for that domain. Do not use the New Computer Account
option present in AD native client which will not allow you to choose password. If you face problem running this script from
OpManager server, copy the script to the domain controller machine itself and try running it.
Note: The length of the computer account name must be less than or equal to 15 characters.
Design Limitation:
Pass-through authentication can be enabled for only one domain, preferably the domain in which OpManager server resides. If
pass-through has been configured for a domain other than the one in which OpManager server resides, ensure the other
domain will provide logged in user information to a website from different domain.
Log File:
If you face any issue with Pass-through Authentication, contact support with a ZIP file of the logs present under
OpManager_Home\logs folder.
Page 102
Monitoring Resources Using CLI
OpManager monitors the system resources using SNMP by default. But if needed, you can also add monitors based on CLI, and both
these types of monitors will work in tandem. All the Unix Servers templates have the resource monitors preconfigured. All you need
to do is to select the CLI monitors and associate them to the required devices.
For monitoring the Unix servers, make sure either Telnet or SSH is enabled on them.
Note: Changes in the global setting apply only for devices that will be discovered in the future. The polling method of devices
already discovered will not be affected in any way.
2. Device-specific configuration
You can also configure this setting individually for any device. To configure it:
Go to Inventory and click on the device you want to change this setting for.
Click on the three-line menu and click 'Edit device details'. You can also click on the Edit button in the device summary.
Under 'Poll using', select the mode that you wish to use to poll that device and click 'Save'.
Page 104
Note: The device-specific value always overrides the global value provided in Settings ? Monitoring ? Monitor settings.
Example: Consider you have 50 devices added into OpManager. If you have selected IP address as the global setting, but
you've chosen DNS name for only 5 devices by changing it from the respective device snapshot pages, only these 5 devices will
be polled using DNS and the rest of the devices will be polled using IP address.
Page 105
Adding More Monitors
Following are the monitors associated by default for the different device categories:
Similarly, other categories also have few resources monitoring triggered by default. Besides the ones automatically associated, you
can monitor more parameters. Here are the steps to configure more monitors:
To add a custom monitor for a resource of a particular device type, the device template must be modified. The new monitor should
be defined in the device template so that the monitor is associated for all devices of that type. Here are the steps.
i. OID Browser
i. Instances
i. Monitor Thresholds
Go to Settings ? Monitoring ? Performance Monitors ? Add (or) Inventory ? Device Snapshot Page ? Monitors ? Performance
Monitors ? Actions ? Add monitor.
You can either enter the OID for which you want to add a monitor/ select an OID from the OID browser.
OID Browser
In the drop-down menu provided on the top-left corner of the OID browser, you can select the MIB file from which you want to select
the SNMP OID. You can find a list of default/ supported MIBs included in this drop-down.
If you do not find a suitable MIB, you can also upload a MIB provided by your vendor using the UploadMIB option.
Note: Please upload MIBs with RFC2578 MIB Standard to avoid parsing errors.
Search OID/Name: The OID browser in OpManager allows you to search the MIB for OIDs using the object identifier/name
(. sysUpTime). You can also browse and select the required OID directly from the MIB tree.
Once you have selected an OID from the MIB tree, you will be able to view the OID, its Syntax and its Description. You can now test
the OID to check if the output is desirable by clicking TestOID. This option allows you to review an OID's output, even before adding it
to the expression. Page 109
Step 4: Now, click Choose OID. This will insert the selected OID into the Choose SNMP OID field.
The Choose SNMP OID field is not limited to just containing the OID. It also provides options for the user to construct OID
expressions that perform simple mathematical operations on the output values of the OID. You can also construct expressions by
combining OIDs.
Example: (.
1. If more than one Multiple Instance OID is present in the expression, then it should be of the same parent node.
2. Monitor involving both Scalar and Multiple OIDs are not supported.
3. Monitor involving both String and Numeric OIDs are not supported.
3. Functional Expression
Functional Expressions allow you to set a predefined format on the display parameters of an output value.
E.g. In the case of adding an SNMP monitor to fetch the CPU temperature value, you can use a functional expression to
convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
It also supports aggregate methods that allow you to perform operations which combine multiple values to give a single output. E.g.
AverageOfColumnValues, SumOfColumnValues, etc.
Page 110
4. Device Name
This option helps you test the OID against a device. The template will not get associated to the selected device.
5. Vendor Name
Use the drop-down menu to select a vendor to which you want to associate the template (or) Enter a new vendor name (Click New ->
Enter a new Vendor Name -> Click Add).
Graph Details
i) Scalar Objects:
1. Scalar objects with a numerical output will display a table containing the instance and the value along with a graph.
2. Scalar objects with a string output will only display the instance and the value.
Page 111
1. Tabular objects with a numerical output will display a table containing the instance and the value along with a graph.
2. Tabular objects with a string output will only display the instance and the value.
Page 112
Monitor Instances
OpManager provides the option of selecting specific instances that you want to monitor from a tabular object.
All Instances: A single SNMP monitor that monitors multiple instances will be created.
Selected Instances: You can select desired instances from the available list and add it as separate templates/ monitors. The Series
Index and Series Display OID columns are mandatory.
If you choose to select this option, it is mandatory that you provide inputs to the Series Index and the Series Display Name fields.
Page 113
Series Index: An index is used to refer to a particular instance of a tabular object. A tabular object can have one or more instances
and is identified by its index value. To identify a specific columnar variable, the index of the row has to be appended to its OID.
Series Display Name: This corresponds to the description/ name/ label that should be associated to an instance.
Page 114
Note: The Series Index and the Series Display Name drop-down menu will automatically list all the OIDs under the same parent. If
the index or description OIDs are not listed, you can type in the required OID.
Click Next.
2. Interval (Mins): This value specifies the time interval in which you want to re-run the monitor to fetch the corresponding values.
4. Data Type: Select between 'Integer' and 'Decimal' depending on the data type required.
You can check this option to set thresholds on the alerts that will be generated based on this monitor.
Select the condition [>,=, <, or !=] for attention, trouble & critical alert thresholds, and enter the value. An alert is raised if the
monitored value is greater than, equal to, not equal to, or lesser than (which ever is selected) the specified threshold value.Page 115
Rearm Value
Enter the Rearm Value. A rearm value helps determine if the condition of a monitor has returned to normal after a threshold
violation alert.
Example: Let us assume that the attention alert threshold for a memory monitor is configured as, "Raise Attention alert when the
monitored data is > 75" and the monitored memory value of that device exceeds this value, say 80. An alert will be raised.
In the next poll, if the monitored memory value is 72. Another alert will be generated, stating that the device is in a normal
Now, if in the next poll, the monitored value climbs to 80. A threshold violation alert will again be generated which becomes
troublesome to manage.
A rearm value helps avoid this hassle by confirming that a device has returned to normal, only if the monitored value matches the
rearm value.
Note: The rearm value must be lesser/ greater than the threshold value, based on monitor requirements and the configured
threshold condition.
In the Consecutive Times field, enter the value of how many consecutive times the thresholds (Attention, Trouble and Critical) can be
violated for an alert to be generated.
Note: If the custom SNMP monitor is created from the Settings page, it will be created as a template. Whereas, if the monitor is
created from the Device Snapshot page, it will automatically be associated to that device.
If you select Counter type OIDs, you can store data based on the delta value or the absolute value. By default, OpManager stores
data using the delta value. However, you can use the Store Data drop-down to select your preference.
Page 116
Deleting performance monitors
1. Deleting a monitor from Device Template page:
Deleting a monitor from this page is reflected instantly and the devices that will be associated with that template in the future, but it
still remains in all the devices that have been already associated with that template. To apply the changes to all these devices, click
on 'Save and Associate' button in the Edit device template page.
2. Deleting a monitor from Performance monitors page:
Page 117
Only custom monitors created by the users can be deleted from this page.
Go to Settings ? Monitoring ? Performance monitors and switch to 'Custom monitors' section from the dropdown menu.
Scroll to the custom monitor you wish to delete, & click on the bin icon next to it.
Deleting a custom monitor from here removes it permanently from OpManager, and from any device/device template that has this
monitor configured already.
Navigate to the device you want to delete the monitor for in the Inventory page, and click on it to view the snapshot page.
Click on the 'Monitors' tab.
Click the bin icon next to any monitor to delete it.
Removing it from the device snapshot page will only de-associate that monitor from the particular device and will not affect other
devices or the device template in any way. You can also bulk delete multiple monitors by selecting them and clicking the bin icon
(Delete selected row) below the monitors list.
Page 119
Page 120
OpManager Performance Monitors
A list of all the performance monitors used in OpManager along with the vendor details, description, protocol and category can be
found in this list:
Alcatel Device CPU Utilization Maximum one-minute device-level CPU SNMP Switch /
utilization over the last hour (percent) Router
Alcatel Device Memory Utilization Maximum one-minute device-level SNMP Switch /
memory utilization over the last hour Router
Alcatel Module CPU Utilization Maximum one-minute module-level SNMP Switch /
CPU utilization over the last hour Router
Alcatel Moduler Memory Utilization Maximum one-minute module-level SNMP Switch /
memory utilization over the last hour Router
Amaranten Amaranten-Connections Monitors the Connections of Amaranten SNMP Firewall
Amaranten CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Amaranten Firewall SNMP Firewall
Amaranten Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Amaranten SNMP Firewall
American Number of PDU Outlets Monitors the OID will return the SNMP UPS / PDU
Power number of outlets contained in the
Conversion device.
American PDU Bank Load Monitors the OID will return the SNMP UPS / PDU
Power phase/bank load measured in tenths of
Conversion Amps.
American PDU Phase Load Monitors the current draw, in tenths of SNMP UPS / PDU
Power Amps, of the load on the Rack PDU
Conversion phase being queried
American PDU Phase Load status Monitors the present load status of the SNMP UPS / PDU
Power Rack PDU phase being queried {
Conversion lowLoad ( 1 ) , normal ( 2 ) ,
Corp. nearOverload ( 3 ) , overload ( 4 ) }
American PDU Phases Monitors the OID will return the SNMP UPS / PDU
Power number of phases supported by the
Conversion device.
American PDU Power Load Monitors the load power, in hundredths SNMP UPS / PDU
Power of kiloWatts, consumed on the Rack PDU
Conversion phase being queried
American PDU Voltage Monitors the Voltage, in Volts, of the SNMP UPS / PDU
Power Rack PDU phase being queried
American UPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
Power Page 122
American UPS Input Line Voltage The current utility line voltage in VAC SNMP UPS
American UPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
American UPS Output Current The current in ampres drawn by the SNMP UPS
Power load on the UPS
American UPS Output Voltage The output voltage of the UPS system in SNMP UPS
Power VAC
APC CPU Utilization CPU Utilization SNMP UPS
APC Total Active Sessions Total Active Sessions SNMP UPS
Array Connection Monitors the Connections of Array-APV SNMP Load Balancer
Array CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Array-APV SNMP Load Balancer
Array Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Array-APV SNMP Load Balancer
Autelan CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Autelan-AS3200 SNMP Switch
Autelan Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Autelan- SNMP Switch
AS3200 Switch
Barracuda Bounced Mail Queues Monitors the Bounced mail queues SNMP Networking
Barracuda Buffer Memory Monitors the system Buffer Momory SNMP Networking
Utilization Device
Barracuda CPU Utilization Monitors the system 15 minutes cpu SNMP Networking
Load Device
Barracuda CPU Utilization (Last 1 min) Monitors the system last 1 minute cpu SNMP Networking
load Device
Barracuda CPU Utilization (Last 5 min) Monitors the system last 5 minutes cpu SNMP Networking
Load Device
Barracuda InBound Mail Queues Monitors the InBound mail queues SNMP Networking
Barracuda Mail Input Monitors the system Mail Input counts SNMP Networking
Page 123
Barracuda Mail Output Monitors the systems Mail output SNMP Networking
counts Device
Barracuda Memory Utilization Monitors the system MemoryUtilization SNMP Networking
Barracuda OutBound Mail Queues Monitors the OutBound Mail queues SNMP Networking
Barracuda Used Disk Space Monitors the systems used disk space SNMP Networking
Blue Coat Client HTTP Errors Monitors the number of HTTP errors SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. caused by client connections. Accelerator
Blue Coat Client HTTP Hit(s) Monitors the number of HTTP hits that SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. the proxy clients have produced. Accelerator
Blue Coat Client HTTP In Traffic Monitors the number of kilobits SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. recieved from the clients by the proxy. Accelerator
Blue Coat Client HTTP Out Traffic Monitors the number of kilobits SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. delivered to clients from the proxy. Accelerator
Blue Coat Client HTTP Request(s) Monitors the number of HTTP requests SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. recieved from clients. Accelerator
Blue Coat CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Bluecoat Switches SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. Accelerator
Blue Coat CPU Utilization Monitors the Percent of resource in SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. use. Accelerator
Blue Coat Disk Utilization Monitors the Percent of resource in SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. use. When the resource is disk, it is the Accelerator
amount of disk used by the cache
Blue Coat Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Bluecoat SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. Switches Accelerator
Blue Coat Memory Utilization Monitors the MemoryUtilization. SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. Accelerator
Blue Coat Objects In Cache Monitors the number of objects SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. currently held by the proxy. Accelerator
Blue Coat Server HTTP Errors Monitors the number of HTTP errors SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. while fetching objects. Accelerator
Blue Coat Server HTTP In Traffic Monitors the number of Kbs recieved SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. by the proxy from remote servers. Accelerator
Blue Coat Server HTTP Out Traffic Monitors the number of kbs SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. transmitted by the proxy to remote Accelerator
Blue Coat Server HTTP Requests Monitors the number of Http requests SNMP WAN
Systems, Inc. that the proxy has issued. Accelerator
Check Point FW Dropped Packets Monitors the number of dropped SNMP Firewall
Software packets Page 124
Check Point FW Logged Packets Monitors the number of logged packets SNMP Firewall
Check Point FW Rejected Packets Monitors the number of rejected SNMP Firewall
Software packets
Cisco Aborted Interface In Packets Monitors the aborted interfaces in SNMP Networking
packets Device
Cisco Active Session Count Active Session Count SNMP Firewall
Cisco Associated Mobile Stations Monitors the number of Mobile Stations SNMP Wireless
currently associated with the WLAN.
Cisco Associated Mobile User(s) Monitors associated Mobile User(s) for SNMP Wireless
Cisco devices
Cisco Backplane Utilization Monitors the Backplane Utilization SNMP Switch
Cisco BGP PEER STATE idle2, connect3, active4, opensent5, SNMP Router
openconfirm6, established
Cisco Big Buffer Hits Monitors the Total big buffer hits SNMP Router
Cisco Big Buffer Misses Monitors the Total big buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Buffer Create Failures Monitors the buffer create failures SNMP Router
Cisco Buffer Failures Monitors the Buffer Failures SNMP Router
Cisco CardOperstatus 1 : not-specified2 : up3 : down4 : SNMP Switch
Cisco Chassis Input Power Monitors the Chassis Input Power UCS UCS
Cisco Chassis Output Power Monitors the Chassis Output Power UCS UCS
Cisco Cisco Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization SNMP Networking
Cisco Cisco Temperature Monitors temperature at the testpoint SNMP Networking
maintained by the environmental Device
Cisco CPU Usage (1 min avg) Monitors the one-minute moving SNMP Networking
average of the CPU busy percentage Device
Cisco CPU Usage (5 mins avg) Monitors the five-minute moving SNMP Networking
average of the CPU busy percentage Device
Cisco CPU Usage (5 secs avg) Monitors the CPU busy percentage in SNMP Networking
the last 5 seconds Device
Cisco CPU Utilization Monitors the average utilization of CPU SNMP Switch
on the active supervisor.
Cisco CPU Utilization Monitors the device CPU Utilization. SNMP Networking
Page 125
Cisco CPU Utilization(WLC) Monitors the Current CPU Load of the SNMP Wireless
switch (Cisco WLC device) in
Cisco devCellularstatus Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devClientCount Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devContactedat Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devLanIP Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devMac Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devMeshstatus Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devName Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devNetworkname Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devProductcode Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devProductdescription Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devpublicIP Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devSerial Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devStatu Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco devSubnet Custom Monitor SNMP Wireless
Cisco Disk Utilization Monitors the disk I/O utilization. SNMP Firewall
Cisco Fabric Interconnect CPU Utilization Monitors the Fabric Interconnect CPU UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet1 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet2 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet3 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect FanCtrlrInlet4 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet1 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MainBoardOutlet2 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MemAvailable Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Memory Available
Cisco Fabric Interconnect MemCached Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet1 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
Cisco Fabric Interconnect PsuCtrlrInlet2 Monitors the Fabric Interconnect UCS UCS
PsuCtrlrInlet2 Page 126
Cisco Motherboard Consumed Power Monitors the Monitors the Motherboard UCS UCS
Consumed Power
Cisco Motherboard Input Current Monitors the Motherboard Input UCS UCS
Cisco Motherboard Input Voltage Monitors the Motherboard Input UCS UCS
Cisco OpenFilesOrSockets Monitors the number of open files or SNMP Firewall
Cisco OSPF IF State down2, loopback3, waiting4, SNMP Router
pointToPoint5, designatedRouter6,
Cisco Output Packet Drops Monitors the output packets drop SNMP Router
Cisco Outstanding DNS Requests Monitors the number of DNS requests SNMP Firewall
that have been sent but for which no
reply has been received.
Cisco Pending DNS Requests Monitors the number of DNS requests SNMP Firewall
waiting to be sent.
Cisco PSUs Input Voltage Monitors the PSUs Input Voltage UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Internal Temperature Monitors the PSUs Internal UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output Current Monitors the PSUs Output Current UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output Power Monitors the PSUs Output Power UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output12v Monitors the PSUs Output12v UCS UCS
Cisco PSUs Output3v3 Monitors the PSUs Output3v3 UCS UCS
Cisco Router Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory utilization of the SNMP Router
Cisco Small Buffer Hits Monitors the Total small buffer hits SNMP Networking
Page 128
Cisco Small Buffer Misses Monitors the Total small buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Switch CPU Utilization(5 mins avg) Monitors the five-minute moving SNMP Switch
average of the CPU busy percentage
Cisco Switch Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory utilization of the SNMP Networking
switch Device
Cisco sysUpTimeAtLastChassisChange "Time in seconds/100 from the last SNMP Switch
coldstart to the last change in the
chassis configuration. This value will be
updatedwhenever the chassis
experiences a changein the count, type,
or slot position ofa card in cardTable."
Cisco Temperature(WLC) Monitors the current Internal SNMP Wireless
Temperature of the unit in
Centigrade(Cisco WLC).
Cisco Total Huge Buffer Hits Monitors the huge buffer hits SNMP Router
Cisco Total Huge Buffer Misses Monitors the total huge buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Total Large Buffer Hits Monitors the Total large buffer hits SNMP Router
Cisco Total Large Buffer Misses Monitors the total large buffer misses SNMP Router
Cisco Tunnel In-Drop Packets VPN Tunnel In-Drop Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel In-Octet VPN Tunnel In-Octet SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel In-Packets VPN Tunnel In-Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel Out-Drop Packets VPN Tunnel Out-Drop Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel Out-Octet VPN Tunnel Out-Octet SNMP Firewall
Cisco Tunnel Out-Packets VPN Tunnel Out-Packets SNMP Firewall
Cisco Used Memory Monitors the number of bytes from the SNMP Networking
memory pool that are currently in use Device
Citrix Active Server Connection(s) Monitors the number of connections SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. currently serving requests.
Citrix Client Connection(s) in ClosingState Monitors the number of client SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections in NetScaler in closing
Citrix Client Connection(s) in OpeningState Monitors the number of client SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections in NetScaler in opening
Citrix CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. percentage.
Citrix CPU Utilization Average physical cpu usage XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix CPU Utilization Average of VM VCPUs Utilization XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix Current Client Connection(s) Monitors the number of client SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections in NetScaler. Page 129
Citrix Current Server Connection(s) Monitors the number of server SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections in NetScaler.
Citrix Disk I/O Usage Virtual Disk I/O Usage of VM XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix Disk Utilization Monitors the Percentage of the disk SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. space used.
Citrix Domain0 Average Load Load for Domain0 in XenServer XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix Established Client Connection(s) Monitors the number of client SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections in NetScaler in established
Citrix Established Server Connection(s) Monitors the number of server SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections in NetScaler in established
Citrix Http Total Gets Monitors the number of HTTP GET SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. requests received.
Citrix Http Total Others(non-GET/POST) Monitors the number of non-GET/POST SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. HTTP methods received.
Citrix Http Total Posts Monitors the number of HTTP POST SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. requests received.
Citrix Memory Allocation By XAPI Memory allocation done by the xapi XenService Server
Systems, Inc. daemon
Citrix Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory utilization SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. percentage.
Citrix Memory Utilization Memory Utilization of host XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix Memory Utilization Memory Utilization of VM XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix Network Received Rate Bytes per second received on all XenService Server
Systems, Inc. physical interfaces
Citrix Network Transmitted Rate Bytes per second sent on all physical XenService Server
Systems, Inc. interfaces
Citrix Network Usage Network Usage of host XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix Network Usage Network I/O Usage by XenServer VM XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Citrix scPolicy Url Hits This counter gives the number of times SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. netscaler matched an incoming request
with a Configured sureconnect policy.
Citrix scSession Requests This counter gives the number of SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. requests which came in a SureConnect
Citrix SSL CardsUP Monitors the number of ssl cards UP. If SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. number of cards UP is lower than a Page 130
threshold, a failover will be initiated.
Citrix SSL session(s) Monitors the number of SSL sessions. SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc.
Citrix TCP Total ClientConnection Opened Monitors the total number of opened SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. client connections.
Citrix TCP TotalSyn Monitors the number of SYN packets SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. received.
Citrix TCPSurgeQueueLength Monitors the number of connections in SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. surge queue.
Citrix Total Hit(s) Monitors the total hits for the policy. SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc.
Citrix Total Policy Hits Monitors the Total policy hits count. SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc.
Citrix TTFB between Netscaler to server Monitors the average TTFB between the SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. netscaler and the server.
Citrix VCPUs Concurrency Hazard Fraction of time that some VCPUs are XenService Server
Systems, Inc. running and some are runnable
Citrix VCPUs Full Contention Fraction of time that all VCPUs are XenService Server
Systems, Inc. runnable (i.e., waiting for CPU)
Citrix VCPUs Full Run Fraction of time that all VCPUs are XenService Server
Systems, Inc. running
Citrix VCPUs Idle Fraction of time that all VCPUs are XenService Server
Systems, Inc. blocked or offline
Citrix VCPUs Partial Contention Fraction of time that some VCPUs are XenService Server
Systems, Inc. runnable and some are blocked
Citrix VCPUs Partial Run Fraction of time that some VCPUs are XenService Server
Systems, Inc. running, and some are blocked
Citrix VServer Current ClientConnections Monitors the number of current client SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections.
Citrix VServer Current OutOfService(s) Monitors the current number of SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. services which are bound to this
vserver and are in the state
Citrix VServer Current ServerConnections Monitors the number of current SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. connections to the real servers behind
the vserver.
Citrix VServer Current ServicesDown Monitors the current number of SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. services which are bound to this
vserver and are in the state 'down'.
Citrix VServer Current ServicesUp Monitors the current number of SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. services which are bound to this
vserver and are in the state 'up'.
Citrix VServer Total Hits Monitors the Total vserver hits. SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. Page 131
Citrix VServer Total RequestBytes Monitors the total number of request SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. bytes received on this service/vserver.
Citrix VServer Total Requests Monitors the total number of requests SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. received on this service/vserver(This is
applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype).
Citrix VServer Total ResponseBytes Monitors the number of response bytes SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. received on this service/vserver.
MGE UPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
Citrix VServer TotalResponses Monitors the number of responses SNMP Load Balancer
Systems, Inc. received on this service/vserver(This is
applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype).
Citrix XAPI Memory Usage XenAPI Memory Utilization XenService Server
Systems, Inc.
Compaq CpqHe Server Temperature Monitors the server temprature SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization (30 Min Avg) Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization (5 Min Avg) Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq CPU Utilization (Hr. Avg) Monitors the CPU Utilization SNMP Server
Compaq Deferred Transmission Monitors the interfaces deffered SNMP Server
Compaq Excessive Collisions Monitors the interface excessive SNMP Server
Compaq File System Usage Percentage Monitors the percetage space used in SNMP Server
File System
Compaq File System Usage Size Monitors the space used by file system SNMP Server
Compaq Free Physical Memory Monitors the free physical memory SNMP Server
Compaq Free Virtual Memory Monitors the free virtual memory SNMP Server
Compaq Input Voltage Monitors the input voltage of power SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Rx Errors Monitors the interface receive errors SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Rx Traffic Monitors the interface received traffic SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Tx Errors Monitors the interface transmit error SNMP Server
Compaq Interface Tx Traffic Interface Transmit Traffic SNMP Server
Compaq Internal MAC Transmit Errors Monitors the internal MAC transmit SNMP Server
Compaq Late Collisions Monitors the interface Late Collisions SNMP Server
Compaq Multiple Collision Packets Multiple Collision Frames SNMP Server
Compaq Power Capacity Monitors the utilized power in Watts SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Corrected Read Errors Monitors the SCSI corrected read errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Drive Spin Up Time Monitors the SCSI drive spin up time SNMP Server
Page 132
Compaq SCSI Hard Read Errors Monitors the SCSI hard read errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Hard Write Errors Monitors the hard write errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI High Read Sectors Monitors the SCSI high speed sector SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI High Write Sectors Monitors the SCSI high write sectors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Low Read Sectors Monitors the SCSI low read sector SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Low Write Sectors Monitors the SCSI low write sectors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Recovered Read Errors Monitors the SCSI recovered read SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Recovered Write Errors Monitors the SCSI recovered write SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Seek Errors Monitors the SCSI seek errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Service Time Monitors the SCSI service time SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Timeout Errors Monitors the SCSI timeout errors SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Trap Packets Monitors the number of SCSI trap SNMP Server
Compaq SCSI Used Reallocation Sectors Monitors the SCSI used reallocation SNMP Server
Compaq Single Collision Packets Single Collision packets SNMP Server
Compaq SNMP Trap Log Size Monitors the SNMP trap log size SNMP Server
Compaq Traffic Trap Count Monitors the number of trap count in SNMP Server
Cyberoam CPU Utilization Monitors the cpu usage. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam Disk Utilization Monitors the used disk percentage. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam FTP Hits Monitors the count of Ftp Hits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam HTTP Hits Monitors the count of Http Hits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam IMAP Hits Monitors the count of imapHits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam Live Users Monitors the count of Live Users. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam Memory Utilization Monitors the Momory utilization. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam POP3 Hits Monitors the count of pop3Hits. SNMP Firewall
Cyberoam SMTP Hits Monitors the count of Smtp Hit. SNMP Firewall
DCN CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for DCN SNMP Switch
DCN Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for DCN SNMP Switch
Dell Inc. Alert Custom Monitor SNMP Networking
Dell Inc. CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for DELL Inc SNMP Switch
Dell Inc. CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of DELL_Force10_S25N SNMP Switch
Dell Inc. Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of SNMP Switch
DELL_Force10_S25N switch Page 133
Dell Inc. Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for Dell Inc SNMP Switch
DPtech Connections Monitors the Connections of DPtech SNMP Firewall
DPtech CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for DPtech SNMP Firewall
DPtech CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for DPtech SNMP Firewall /
devices Router
DPtech Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for DPtech SNMP Firewall
DPtech Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of DPTECH SNMP Firewall
DPtech Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for SNMP Firewall /
DPtech devices Router
Eaton Online Custom Monitor SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Battery Current Battery Current as reported by the UPS SNMP UPS
metering. Current is positive when
discharging, negative when recharging
the battery.
Eaton UPS Charge Battery percent charge. SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Input Line Voltage The measured input voltage from the SNMP UPS
UPS meters in volts.
Eaton UPS Input Source The present external source of input SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Load Powerware UPS Load SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Output Current The measured UPS output current in SNMP UPS
Eaton UPS Output Voltage The measured output voltage from the SNMP UPS
UPS metering in volts.
Eaton UPS Time Remaining Battery run time in seconds before UPS SNMP UPS
turns off due to low battery.
Emerson LiebertUPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
Emerson LiebertUPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
Extreme Extreme CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization for SNMP Switch
Extreme Devices
Extreme Extreme Temperature Monitors the Temperature for Extreme SNMP Switch
Extreme XOS CPU Utilization Monitors the XOS CPU Utilization for SNMP Switch
Extreme Devices
Extreme XOS Memory Utilization Monitors the XOS Memory Utilization SNMP Switch
for Extreme Devices
F5 Networks, Active Client Connection(s) Monitors F5 LoadBalancer Client Active SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. Connections.
F5 Networks, Active connections(server-PoolMember) Monitors the current connections from SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. server-side to the pool member. Page 134
F5 Networks, Active connections(ServerToSystem) Monitors the current connections from SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. server-side to the system.
F5 Networks, ActiveClientConnections Monitors the ActiveClientConnections of SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. F5-BIG-IP-1600 LoadBalancer
F5 Networks, ClusterMember State Monitors the state indicating whether SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. the specified member is enabled or not
{false(0), true(1)}.
F5 Networks, CPU FanSpeed Monitors the fan speed (in RPM) of the SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. indexed CPU on the system., This is only
supported for the platform where the
sensor data is available.
F5 Networks, CPU Temperature Monitors the temperature of the SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. indexed CPU on the system. This is only
supported for the platform where the
sensor data is available.
F5 Networks, CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of F5-BIG-IP-1600 SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. LoadBalancer
F5 Networks, CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of F5 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, CPU Utilization Monitors F5 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. CPUUtilization.
F5 Networks, Dropped Packet(s) Monitors the total dropped packets. SNMP Load Balancer
F5 Networks, Global TM PoolMember State Monitors the state indicating whether SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. the specified pool member is enabled
or not {disable(0), enable(1)}.
F5 Networks, Global TM VirtualServer Status Monitors the activity status of the SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. specified virtual server, as specified by
the user {none(0), enabled(1),
disabled(2), disabledbyparent(3)}.
F5 Networks, HTTP Request(s) Monitors the total number of HTTP SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. requests to the LoadBalancer system.
F5 Networks, Incoming Packet Error(s) Monitors the total incoming packet SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. errors for the system.
F5 Networks, Local TM PoolMember state Monitors the activity status of the SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. specified pool, as specified by the
user{none(0), enabled(1), disabled(2),
F5 Networks, Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of F5-BIG-IP-1600 SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. LoadBalancer
F5 Networks, Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of F5 SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. LoadBalancer
F5 Networks, Memory Utilization Monitors F5 LoadBalancer SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. MemoryUtilization.
F5 Networks, Outgoing Packet Error(s) Monitors the total outgoing packet SNMP Load Balancer
Inc. errors for the system. Page 135
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Networking
devices Device
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for H3C SNMP Router /
devices Firewall
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S10508 SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S3610- SNMP Switch
PWR-EI Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S5120- SNMP Switch
52SC-HI Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S5800-32C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S7506E-S SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-S9505E SNMP Switch
Switch Page 138
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Firewall
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C-WX3008 SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of H3C Devices SNMP Networking
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Router
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Networking
devices Device
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization of H3C SNMP Switch
H3C Memory Utilization Monitor the Memory Utilization for H3C SNMP Router /
devices Firewall
Hewlett- Associated Mobile User(s) Monitors associated Mobile User(s) for SNMP Wireless
Packard HP devices
Hewlett- CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization for HP SNMP Switch
Packard ProCurve Devices
Hewlett- Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization for HP SNMP Switch
Packard ProCurve Devices
Hillstone ActiveClientConnections Monitors the ActiveClientConnections of SNMP Firewall
Hillstone-SG-6000-G5150 Firewall
Hillstone CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Hillstone-SG-6000- SNMP Firewall
G5150 Firewall Page 139
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei USG9520 SNMP Switch
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei_AR3260 SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Huawei devices SNMP Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch /
devices Router
Huawei CPU Utilization Monitor the CPU Utilization for Huawei SNMP Switch /
devices Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of SNMP Firewall
Eudemon1000E Firewall
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei- SNMP Router
Symantec-USG9310 Router
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei- SNMP Router
AR1220 Routers
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei- SNMP Router
AR2240 Routers
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-epon- SNMP Switch
MA5600T Switch
Huawei Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Huawei-epon- SNMP Switch
olt Switch
Juniper Outbound Counters for non-ATM Number of transmitted bytes or packets SNMP Router
per interface per forwarding class
Juniper Output queue size Size, in packets, of each output queue SNMP Switch /
per forwarding class, per interface Router
Juniper Rate of tail dropped packets Rate of tail-dropped packets per output SNMP Router
queue, per forwarding class, per
Juniper Redundancy switchover Total number of redundancy SNMP Swich / Router
switchovers reported by this entity
Juniper Rss Session FailureCount Monitors the rss session failure count. SNMP Firewall
Juniper RSS SessionCount Monitor the allocate rss session SNMP Firewall
KYLAND CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for KYLAND SNMP Switch
KYLAND Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for KYLAND SNMP Switch
leadsec CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of leadsec Firewall SNMP Firewall
leadsec Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of leadsec SNMP Firewall
MAIPU CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for MAIPU SNMP Swich / Router
MAIPU CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of MAIPU S4126E SNMP Switch
MAIPU CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of MAIPU S4128E SNMP Switch
MAIPU Memory Utilization Memory Utilization for MAIPU SNMP Swich / Router
MAIPU Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of MAIPU S4126E SNMP Switch
MAIPU Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of MAIPU S4128E SNMP Switch
MAIPU Temperature Monitors the Temperature of MAIPU SNMP Router
MGE Battery Installed Battery Installed SNMP UPS
MGE Battery sys Shutdown Battery sys Shutdown Duration SNMP UPS
MGE UPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
Microsoft Bytes Received Number of bytes the server has WMI Server
received from the network. This
property indicates how busy the server
Microsoft Bytes Total Number of bytes the server has sent to WMI Server
and received from the network, an Page 144
overall indication of how busy the
server is
Microsoft Bytes Transmitted Number of bytes the server has WMI Server
received from the network. This
property indicates how busy the server
Microsoft Cache Hit Ratio Monitors the cache hit ratio SNMP Server
Microsoft ContextSwitches Rate of switches from one thread to WMI Server
another. Thread switches can occur
either inside of a single process or
across processes
Microsoft CPU Idle Time Monitors the CPU Idle ( MilliSecond ) of VIWMI Server
HyperV Host using WMI
Microsoft CPU Ready Monitors the CPU Ready ( MilliSecond ) VIWMI Server
of HyperV Guest using WMI
Microsoft CPU Usage MHz per core Monitors the CPU Usage MHz per core VIWMI Server
of HyperV Guest using WMI
Microsoft CPU Used Monitors the CPU Used ( MilliSecond ) VIWMI Server
of HyperV Guest using WMI
Microsoft CPU Used Time Monitors the CPU Used ( MilliSecond ) VIWMI Server
of HyperV Host using WMI
Microsoft CPU Utilization Monitors the Overall CPU Utilization of VIWMI Server
HyperV Host using WMI
Microsoft CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization of HyperV VIWMI Server
Guest using WMI
Microsoft CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU Utilization using WMI WMI Server /
Microsoft CPU Utilization Per Core Monitors the CPU Utilization per Core of VIWMI Server
HyperV Host using WMI
Microsoft CPU Wait Monitors the CPU Wait ( MilliSecond ) of VIWMI Server
HyperV Guest using WMI
Microsoft Data Space of DB Monitors the total data size in Database SNMP Server
Microsoft Data Transaction LogSpace Monitors the data transaction logspace SNMP Server
Microsoft Delivered Outbound Messages Monitors the delivered outbound SNMP Server
Microsoft Disk I/O Usage Monitors Disk I/O Usage of HyperV Host VIWMI Server
using WMI
Microsoft Disk Queue Length Number of requests outstanding on the WMI Server
Microsoft Disk Read Latency Monitors Disk Read Latency of HyperV VIWMI Server
Host using WMI
Microsoft Disk Read Requests Monitors Disk Read Requests of HyperV VIWMI Server
Host using WMI Page 145
Microsoft Disk Read Requests Monitors Disk Read Requests of HyperV VIWMI Server
Guest using WMI
Microsoft Disk Read Speed Monitors Disk Read Speed of HyperV VIWMI Server
Host using WMI
Microsoft Disk Read Speed Monitors Disk Read Speed of HyperV VIWMI Server
Guest using WMI
Microsoft Disk Reads Rate of read operations on the disk per WMI Server /
Second Desktop
Microsoft Disk Space Usage Monitors Disk Space Usage Latency of VIWMI Server
HyperV Host using WMI
Microsoft Disk Utilization Monitors the Disk Utilization using WMI WMI Server /
Microsoft Disk Write Latency Monitors Disk Write Latency of HyperV VIWMI Server
Host using WMI
Microsoft Disk Write Requests Monitors Disk Write Requests of HyperV VIWMI Server
Host using WMI
Microsoft Disk Write Requests Monitors Disk Write Requests of HyperV VIWMI Server
Guest using WMI
Microsoft Disk Write Speed Monitors Disk Write Speed of HyperV VIWMI Server
Host using WMI
Microsoft Disk Write Speed Monitors Disk Write Speed of HyperV VIWMI Server
Guest using WMI
Microsoft Disk Writes Rate of write operations on the disk WMI Server /
Microsoft File Read Bytes Overall rate at which bytes are read to WMI Server /
satisfy file system read requests to all Desktop
devices on the computer, including
read requests from the file system
Microsoft File Read Operations Combined rate of file system read WMI Server /
requests to all devices on the computer, Desktop
including requests to read from the file
system cache
Microsoft File Write Bytes Overall rate at which bytes are written WMI Server /
to satisfy file system write requests to Desktop
all devices on the computer, including
write requests to the file system cache
Microsoft File Write Operations Combined rate of the file system write WMI Server /
requests to all devices on the computer, Desktop
including requests to write to data in
the file system cache
Microsoft Free Disk Space in GB Monitors the Free disk space in GB WMI Server /
using WMI Desktop
Microsoft Free Disk Space in MB Monitors the Free disk space in MB WMI Server /
using WMI Page 146
Microsoft Free Physical Memory Physical memory currently unused and WMI Server /
available, in Mega Bytes Desktop
Microsoft Idle Time Percentage of time during the sample WMI Server /
interval that the processor was idle. Not Desktop
applicable for Windows XP and
Windows 2000 devices.
Microsoft Inbound Connection Rate Monitors the inbound connection rate SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Batch Writes Monitors the IO batch writes SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Outstanding Reads Monitors the IO outstanding reads SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Outstanding Writes Monitors the IO outstanding writes SNMP Server
Microsoft IO Page Reads Monitors the IO page reads SNMP Server
Microsoft Memory Active Monitors Memory Active in KB of VIWMI Server
HyperV Host using WMI
Microsoft Memory Consumed Monitors Memory Consumed in KB of VIWMI Server
HyperV Guest using WMI
NetApp, Inc. Global Status Monitors the overall status of the SNMP Storage
appliance.{ other ( 1 ) , unknown ( 2 ) ,
ok ( 3 ) , nonCritical ( 4 ) , critical ( 5 ) ,
nonRecoverable ( 6 ) }
NetApp, Inc. ISCSI Operations Monitors the total number of iSCSI ops SNMP Storage
handled since the last boot
NetApp, Inc. ISCSI Read Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes SNMP Storage
read via iscsi since the last boot.
NetApp, Inc. ISCSI Write Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes SNMP Storage
written via iscsi since the last boot.
NetApp, Inc. LUN State Monitors the current state of the lun's SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. NetApp Temperature Monitors the indication of whether the SNMP Storage
hardware is currently operating outside
of its recommended temperature
range. { no ( 1 ) , yes ( 2 ) }.
NetApp, Inc. Power Supply Status Monitors Count of the number of power SNMP Storage
supplies which are in degraded mode. {
no ( 1 ) , yes ( 2 ) }
NetApp, Inc. qrV Files Used Monitors the current number of files SNMP Storage
used for this qrVEntry.
NetApp, Inc. qrVEntry Used bytes Monitors the current number of KBytes SNMP Storage
used for this qrVEntry.
NetApp, Inc. Quota State Status Monitors whether quotas are ON, OFF SNMP Storage
or initializing. quotaStateOff {( 1 ) ,
quotaStateOn ( 2 ) , quotaStateInit ( 3 ) }
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Status Monitors the current transfer status of SNMP Storage
the snapvault relationship.
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Primary Failures Monitors the total number of failed SNMP Storage
snapvault transfers on the snapvault
primary. Persistent across reboot.
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Primary Successes Monitors the total number of successful SNMP Storage
snapvault transfers from the snapvault
primary. Persistent across reboot.
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Secondary Failures Monitors total number of failed SNMP Storage
snapvault transfers on the snapvault
secondary. Persistent across reboot.
NetApp, Inc. Snapvault Total Secondary Successes Monitors the total number of successful SNMP Storage
snapvault transfers from the snapvault
secondary. Persistent across reboot.
NetApp, Inc. Total DiskCount Monitors the total number of disks on SNMP Storage
the system.
NetApp, Inc. Volume Available Monitors the volume available in bytes SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. volume available bytes monitors the total disk space in kbytes SNMP Storage
that is free for use on the referenced Page 150
file system.
NetApp, Inc. Volume State Monitors the current state of the SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Volume Used Monitors the volume used in bytes SNMP Storage
NetApp, Inc. Volume Used Percentage Monitors the volume used percentage SNMP Storage
NetScreen Active Session Count Active Session Count Desc SNMP Firewall
NetScreen CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU utilization SNMP Firewall
NetScreen Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory Utilization SNMP Firewall
Novell Cache maximum size Cache maximum size in Kbytes, this is SNMP Server
hard limit parameter
Novell Contact failures The number of failures since the last SNMP Server
time an attempt to contact the peer
eDirectory Server was successful
Novell Cumulative failures Cumulative failures in contacting the SNMP Server
peer eDirectory Server since the
creation of this entry
Novell Cumulative successes Cumulative successes in contacting the SNMP Server
peer eDirectory Server since the
creation of this entry
Novell Database Size Current size of the eDirectory Database SNMP Server
Novell Dynamic Cache Memory Dynamic Cache Adjust percentage SNMP Server
Novell Entries in cache Number of Entries in cache SNMP Server
Novell Entry hits Number of Entry hits SNMP Server
Novell Entry misses Number of Entries examined to SNMP Server
determine misses
Novell Fetched replication updates Number of replication updates fetched SNMP Server
or received from eDirectory Servers
Novell Incoming traffic Incoming traffic on the interface SNMP Server
Novell Operations forwarded Number of operations forwarded by SNMP Server
this eDirectory Server to other
eDirectory Servers
Novell Outgoing traffic Outgoing traffic on the interface SNMP Server
Novell Received add Entry requests Number of addEntry requests received SNMP Server
Novell Received read requests Number of read requests received SNMP Server
Novell Rejected bind requests Number of bind requests that have SNMP Server
been rejected due to inappropriate Page 151
authentication or invalid credentials
Novell Sent replication updates Number of replication updates sent to SNMP Server
or taken by eDirectory Servers
Novell Unauthenticated requests received Number of SNMP Server
unauthenticated/anonymous bind
requests received
Nsfocus CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Nsfocus Firewall SNMP Firewall
Nsfocus Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Nsfocus SNMP Firewall
OpZoon CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
OpZoon CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of OpZoon PE-3810 SNMP Switch
OpZoon CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
OpZoon Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
OpZoon Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of OpZoon PE- SNMP Switch
3810 Router
OpZoon Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of OpZoon Switch SNMP Switch
Oracle DataFile DiskReads Monitors the number of disk reads in SNMP Server
data file
Oracle DataFile DiskWrites Monitors the number of disk writes in SNMP Server
data file
Oracle DataFileSize Allocated Monitors the allocated data file size SNMP Server
Oracle Library CacheGets Monitors the number of request for SNMP Server
Library CacheGets
Oracle Library CacheInvalidations Monitors the number of SNMP Server
Oracle Library CacheReloads Monitors the number of reloads SNMP Server
Oracle Number of UserCommits Monitors the number of commits SNMP Server
Oracle OraDbSysUserRollbacks Monitors the number of rollbacks SNMP Server
Oracle TableScan Blocks Monitors the number of blocks SNMP Server
Oracle Tablespace Allocated Monitors the total table space allocated SNMP Server
Oracle Tablespace Largest Available Monitors the largest available SNMP Server
Oracle Tablespace Used Monitors the total tablespace used SNMP Server
Radware CPU Utilization CPU Utilization for Radware SNMP Switch
Radware Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Radware AD- SNMP Switch
508 Switches
Radware Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of Radware DP- SNMP Switch
502 Switches
Research In Average Response Time Monitors the average response time (in SNMP Server
Motion milliseconds) for operations for users Page 152
on this mail server in the last 10
minutes. Applies to BlackBerry
Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino
Research In Failed Connections Monitors the number of failed SNMP Server
Motion connection attempts to this mail server
in the last 10 minutes. Applies to
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus
Domino only.
Research In MDS Connection Failure Monitors the number of failed SNMP Server
Motion connections initiated by MDS to
another address/service.
Research In MDS Connection Success Monitors the number of successful SNMP Server
Motion connections initiated by MDS to
another address/service.
Research In MDS Push Connections Monitors the number of push server SNMP Server
Motion connections.
Research In Messages received per min Monitors the total number of messages SNMP Server
Motion delivered to handhelds per min.
Research In Messages sent per min Monitors the total number of messages SNMP Server
Motion sent from handhelds per min.
Research In Total License Configured Monitors the total number of licenses SNMP Server
Motion installed on the server.
Research In Total License Used Monitors the total number of licenses SNMP Server
Motion in use currently.
Research In Total messages pending Monitors the total number of messages SNMP Server
Motion delivered to handhelds per min.
Research In Total messages received Monitors the total number of messages SNMP Server
Motion delivered to handhelds.
Research In Total messages sent Monitors the total number of messages SNMP Server
Motion sent from handhelds.
Research In Total Users Monitors the number of users who are SNMP Server
Motion homed on this mail server. Applies to
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus
Domino only.
Riverbed Active Connection(s) Monitors the current number of active SNMP WAN
Technology, (optimized) connections. Accelerator
Riverbed BW aggregate in LAN Monitors the total optimized bytes SNMP WAN
Technology, across all application ports, in the WAN Accelerator
Inc. to LAN direction since the last restart of
service, as measured on the LAN side.
Riverbed BW aggregate in WAN Monitors the total optimized bytes SNMP WAN
Technology, across all application ports, in the WAN Page 153
Inc. to LAN direction since the last restart of
service, as measured on the WAN side.
Riverbed BW aggregate out LAN Monitors the total optimized bytes SNMP WAN
Technology, across all application ports, in the LAN Accelerator
Inc. to WAN direction since the last restart
of service, as measured on the LAN
Riverbed BW aggregate out WAN Monitors the total optimized bytes SNMP WAN
Technology, across all application ports, in the LAN Accelerator
Inc. to WAN direction since the last restart
of service, as measured on the WAN
Riverbed BW Passthrough In Monitors the Passthrough bytes in WAN SNMP WAN
Technology, to LAN direction. Accelerator
Riverbed BW Passthrough Out Monitors the Passthrough bytes in LAN SNMP WAN
Technology, to WAN direction. Accelerator
Riverbed BW Passthrough total Monitors the total passthrough bytes. SNMP WAN
Technology, Accelerator
Riverbed CPU Usage(5 mins avg) Monitors the Five-minute CPU load in SNMP WAN
Technology, hundreths. Accelerator
SOCOMEC Output Load Phase 3 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 3 SNMP UPS
UPS expressed in percent
SOCOMEC Output Load Rate Phase 1 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 SNMP UPS
UPS expressed in percent
SOCOMEC Output Load Rate Phase 1 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 1 SNMP UPS
UPS expressed in percent
SOCOMEC Output Load Rate Phase 2 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 2 SNMP UPS
UPS expressed in percent
SOCOMEC Output Load Rate Phase 3 Monitor UPS Output Load Phase 3 SNMP UPS
UPS expressed in percent
SOCOMEC UPS Output Load Rate UPS Output Load Rate in %. SNMP UPS
Symbol UPS Battery current Custom Monitor SNMP UPS
Tainet CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of Tainet_Venus_2816 SNMP Switch
Tainet Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of SNMP Switch
Tainet_Venus_2816 Switch
Topsec CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of TopSec Firewall SNMP Firewall
Topsec Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of TopSec SNMP Firewall
Topsec VPN-Connections Monitors the VPN-Connections of SNMP Firewall
TopSec Firewall
Trango SU Count SU Count SNMP Wireless
TrippLite UPS Charge Monitors UPS Charge SNMP UPS
TrippLite UPS Load Monitors UPS Load SNMP UPS
VENUS Connections Monitors the Connections of VENUS- SNMP Firewall
VSOS-V2.6 Firewall
VENUS Connections Monitors the Connections of VENUS_FW SNMP Firewall
VENUS CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of VENUS-VSOS-V2.6 SNMP Firewall
VENUS CPU Utilization Monitors the CPU of VENUS_FW Firewall SNMP Firewall
VENUS Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of VENUS-VSOS- SNMP Firewall
V2.6 Firewall
VENUS Memory Utilization Monitors the Memory of VENUS_FW SNMP Firewall
Vmware Active Memory Amount of guest physical memory VIWebService Server
actively used.
Vmware Balloon Memory Amount of guest physical memory that VIWebService Server
is currently reclaimed from the VM
through ballooning.
Vmware Compressed Memory Amount of memory compressed by ESX VIWebService Server
for VM Page 156
Vmware Memory Overhead Total of all overhead metrics for VIWebService Server
powered-on virtual machines, the
overhead of running vSphere services
on the host.
Vmware Memory SwapIn Rate Rate at which memory is swapped from VIWebService Server
disk into active memory
Vmware Memory SwapOut Rate Rate at which memory is being VIWebService Server
swapped from active memory to disk
Vmware Memory Usage Percentage of available machine VIWebService Server
memory Used
Vmware Memory Usage Amount of machine memory used by VIWebService Server
the VMkernel to run the VM
Vmware Network Packets Received The number of packets received by VIWebService Server
each vNIC on the VM
Vmware Network Packets Transmitted Number of packets transmitted by each VIWebService Server
vNIC on the virtual machine
Vmware Network Received Packets Number of packets Received during the VIWebService Server
collection interval.
Vmware Network Received Rate The rate at which data is received VIWebService Server
across each physical NIC instance on
the host.
Vmware Network Received Rate The rate at which data is received VIWebService Server
across the VMs vNIC
Vmware Network Transmitted Packets Number of packets Transmitted during VIWebService Server
the collection interval.
Vmware Network Transmitted Rate The rate at which data is transmitted VIWebService Server
across each physical NIC instance on
the host.
Vmware Network Transmitted Rate The rate at which data is transmitted VIWebService Server
across the VMs vNIC
Vmware Network Usage Sum of data transmitted and received VIWebService Server
across all physical NIC instances
connected to the host.
Vmware Network Usage Sum of data transmitted and received VIWebService Server
across all vNIC instances connected to
the VM
Vmware Overhead Memory Amount of machine memory used by VIWebService Server
the VMkernel to run the VM
Vmware Shared Memory Sum of all shared metrics for all VIWebService Server
powered-on virtual machines, plus
amount for vSphere services on the
Vmware Shared Memory Amount of guest physical memory VIWebService Server
shared with other VMs Page 159
1. Go to Device Snapshot page on which you wish to add a custom WMI monitor.
2. Click Monitors ? Performance Monitors ? Actions ? Add monitor.
3. Select the required WMI class, and OpManager will list the performance counters available under that class.
4. Along with the counter, you can also select the instance of the counter that you wish to monitor.
5. Once you've selected the counters and the instances, click Add to add the monitor to the device.
Page 162
Device-specific Monitors
The monitoring configuration may need alteration for specific devices. Doing a bulk-configuration using the device templates, applies
the same set of configurations for the devices of the same type. In order to change the configuration for specific devices, here are
the steps:
The changes to the monitor are effected only for that device.
Page 163
Configuring thresholds for performance monitors
Configuring thresholds enable OpManager to proactively monitor the resources and the services running on the servers and network
devices, and raise alerts before they go down or reach the critical condition. OpManager offers multiple threshold levels namely:
You can configure multiple thresholds for the monitors that are associated to a single device, and even configure them from a device
template in order to apply across multiple devices.
Also, for = operator, you can provide multiple values using pipe '|' as the separator. Note that this is applicable only for thresholds
configured from Device Snapshot ? Monitors.
6. Enter the Rearm Value. Rearm is the value that determines when the monitor is reverted back to 'Normal' status.
Example: The Warning threshold condition for a memory monitor is selected as greater than [>] and the threshold value is
configured as 75. If the value of the monitor oscillates between 72, 80 and 73 for three successive polls, an alert is not raised
for the poll with value '80' but the admin might still wish to receive an alert for it.
To avoid this, you can set the Rearm value at a considerably wide interval (say 70 in this situation) to make sure the status
returns to 'Normal' only when the value goes below this threshold.
Note that if you set the thresholds' conditions using '>' criteria, then the rearm value can only be set using '<=' and vice versa.
7. In the Consecutive Times field enter the value of how many consecutive times the thresholds (Attention, Trouble and Critical) can
be violated to generate the alert.
8. Click on Save.
Configure threshold limits for multiple devices of same type using Device Template
1. Go to Settings ? Configuration ? Device Templates and select the template in which you want to configure the threshold.
2. Under Monitors column, all the monitors that are currently associated with the devices are listed. If you want add or remove
required monitors. Click on Edit Thresholds button. Edit Thresholds page opens.
3. Configure the Attention, Trouble, Critical Threshold and the Rearm Value and click on OK
4. Click on OK.
1. Go to Settings ? Performance monitors and click the 'Edit' icon next to the monitor of your choice.
2. Change the threshold values as required and click 'Save'.
3. Once it's done, click the 'Associate' button next to the monitor to associate it to the necessary devices. Page 164
Monitoring TCP Services Page 165
OpManager provides out-of-the-box support for the following services: Web, HTTPS, FTP, IMAP, LDAP, Telnet , MySQL, MS-Exchange, SMTP, POP3, WebLogic,
Finger, Echo, DNS, and NTTP. By default, during discovery, OpManager scans the devices for the services: DNS, MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SMTP, Web. You can also
select other services in the list. When they are found running on their default ports, OpManager starts monitoring the services.
By default, OpManager scans each device on the network for the services that are chosen during discovery.
Go to Settings > Monitoring > Service Monitors > Select the service and check "Scan during discovery"
OpManager allows you to change the settings for monitoring these services as per your network needs. You can configure new services that are not available
in the list. OpManager can manage services running on standard TCP ports.
The list contains the service names and the corresponding port numbers. To edit the settings of any of the available services, click on the service name.
If you do not find the service you want to manage in the list, you can add the service by clicking Add Service. (Adding a New Service).
Go to the Device Snapshot page > Monitors > Service Monitors > you will see the list of services managed in the device, if any, with their status and current
response time.
Click the service name to view the historical report on the response time and the availability chart of the service.
Configuring Alerts
By default OpManager raises an alarm if a service is down. If required you can configure OpManager to raise an alarm if the service is unavailable for an N
number of times consecutively.
Go to the Device Snapshot page > Monitors > Service Monitors > Click the edit icon against the service on which you wish to cofigure the threshold or to
modify the consecutive time.
Note: Threshold alert will be raised based on the response time of the service.
Page 166
Monitoring TCP Services on a Device
To select the services to be monitored in a device, follow the steps given below:
1. Go to Inventory > Click on the Device for which you wish to add a service.
2. Click Monitors > Service Monitors > Add Monitor at the top of the page
3. Select the services to be discovered from the list and click Add Monitor.
4. If you wish to associate the monitor to existing devices, click on Save & Associate. This option will prompt you to select the
required devices to which the monitor must be associated
Select the required devices and click on Save.
5. If you wish to only add the monitor ( and not associate it to any of the existing devices ), click on Save.
1. Go to Inventory > Click on the Device for which you wish to associate a service monitor.
2. Click Monitors > Service Monitors > Associate Monitor at the top of the page
3. Select the services to be discovered from the list and click Associate.
Page 167
Adding New TCP Service Monitors
You can add new TCP services for monitoring.
Dissociate Devices
You can also associate/dissociate service monitors to devices from the Quick Configuration Wizard. Go to Settings > Configuration >
Quick Configuration Wizard > Service Monitors and associate/dissociate services to devices as mentioned above.
Page 168
Monitoring Windows Services
Certain applications in Windows machine run in the background as services. OpManager discovers and monitors the status of such
services using WMI monitoring. OpManager generates alarms whenever they fail.
To monitor Windows services, OpManager should be installed in a Windows machine. OpManager uses WMI to monitor the Windows
services and hence you need to provide the log on details of a user with administrative privilege to connect to the device. So, make
sure you configure a WMI credential so that you can apply this to the windows devices.
To monitor a Windows service with OpManager's Windows service monitoring feature, follow the steps given below:
1. Go to the Inventory and click on the device to which you want to add a Windows Service monitor.
2. Confirm if the correct WMI credential is associated to the device. Else, configure the credential details in the device.
3. Click Monitors ? Windows Service Monitors. This option will be available only for devices being monitored using WMI.
4. Click Actions on the top-right corner and the click 'Add Monitor'.
5. Select the necessary Windows services and click on 'Add' to add those monitors to the device.
Note: The polling interval cannot be set at single monitor level. This value is same as the polling interval of the device.
Configuring Alerts
By default OpManager raises an alarm if a Windows service is down. If required you can configure OpManager to raise an alarm if
the service unavailable for a N number of times consecutively.
To add a new Windows service monitor, follow the steps given below:
Dissociate Devices
You can also associate/dissociate service monitors to devices from the Quick Configuration Wizard. Go to Settings ? Configuration ?
Quick Configuration Wizard ? Service Monitors and associate/dissociate services to devices as mentioned above.
Page 170
Monitoring Processes on Windows/Unix Servers & Desktops
OpManager provides out-of-the-box support for monitoring the availability of all the processes running on a Windows or Unix
system. Windows systems use WMI and Unix systems use CLI to monitor the processes that are running on a system. We also
support SNMP in the Server/ Desktop and Domain Controller categories.
Note: The polling interval cannot be set at single monitor level. This value is same as the polling interval of the device.
You can set resource thresholds for the Process Monitor. Once a resource (CPU/memory) utilization by a process exceeds the
configured threshold, an alert is triggered.
You can also view active processes on a device and process diagnostics against a system resource. We currently support active
processes for SNMP/WMI/CLI protocols.
Page 171
Viewing Active Processes
OpManager provides you the information on the processes that are currently running on the managed device. For this, OpManager
uses the protocol of the default credential of that device (SNMP / WMI / CLI).
To view the details, navigate to the Snapshot page of the device from the Inventory, and you can view all the processes that are
currently running on the device from the Active Processes tab.
When multiple types of credential profiles are associated, OpManager follows this priority to fetch the active processes: WMI
Example 1: If a device has both SNMP and WMI credentials associated to it, OpManager will first try to fetch the active
processes via WMI. If that fails, then the processes will be fetched via SNMP.
Example 2: If a device has bot SNMP and CLI credentials associated, OpManager will first try to fetch the processes via CLI
and then via SNMP.
Also, if you have enabled Custom Dials for your devices, you can view the top 10 processes of a device by clicking on the Process
Diagnostics icon on the top-right corner of the dial. From there, you can choose to end processes that are consuming a lot of
resources by simply clicking on the Kill Process (bin) icon. (Top 10 processes available only for CPU utilization and memory utilization
Adding New Process Template Page 172
Process templates helps you to select the processes that are running on a device, convert each of them into individual templates and apply all of them across
multiple devices. To add a new process template,
The selected processes are now added and available as templates under Settings ? Monitors ? Processes.
Associating Process Template to Multiple Devices Page 173
To associate a process template across multiple devices, follow the steps given below:
The log file monitoring agent installed in the end machine, monitors the log files continuously for the required string (It may even be
a regex). Once that string is printed, it immediately notifies the OpManager server, which in-turn raises an alarm based on the
polling interval specified for that file monitor.
Ensure that device in which you are about to install the agent has already been added in OpManager.
Download and install the log file monitoring agent in the device(s). You can do it in two ways:
From the OpManager UI: You can go to Settings ? Monitoring ? Agents and click on 'Download agent' to download the
file monitoring agent.
In case of multiple devices, you can remotely push the downloaded agent through your AD service, and OpManager
agent will get automatically installed on all selected devices.
You can also add a log file monitor from a particular device's snapshot page.
1. Go to the Device's Snapshot Page ? Monitors ? File Monitor ? Add New Monitor.
2. Follow the same steps as provided above to add the file monitor.
3. There is an additional option available here which allows you to test the file path to ensure that the file is available.
For example:
In the above case, the agent will ignore the search string which appeared at 10.02 AM. It starts monitoring the log file afresh from
10.03 AM based on the new monitoring interval (10 mins).
2. Once a log file monitor is added and the agent is mapped to a device, a pointer will be set at the very end of that log file.
OpManager will only monitor strings that are input after this point, and ignores all instances of the same string that were present
before the monitor was mapped to the device.
Adding File Monitoring Template Page 177
You can now track changes on critical system and user files and be notified if a specific change occurs.
E.g. If you want to get notified about an increase in a file's size, you can configure an appropriate file monitoring template with a file
size monitor and apply the same to devices in which you want the files monitored.
Using file monitoring, you can monitor the following parameters on Windows/ WMI based devices:
1. File Contains: To monitor if a word/string is being printed in a log file, you have to install OpManager's log file monitoring agent in
the end server/device where the application is running. Once you install the agent, it looks for the specified string in the said log
file. If the word/string is printed in the log file, OpManager raises an alert. If required, you can configure the agent to match the
case when searching for the word/string, and also to notify the admin if the alert is raised for a certain number of times.
Click here to know more on this type of monitor and the prerequisites to be satisfied for log file monitoring.
2. File Existence: OpManager looks for the file in the specified path and alerts based on the conditions specified. You can configure
to be notified if the file does not exist in the path specified, or be notified if the file exists, or you can choose not to monitor. Also,
you can choose the severity that you would like to assign to this alert. The notification can be triggered if the alert condition is met
for a predefined number of times. That is, OpManager alerts you if a particular file exists/ is unavailable in a path during two
consecutive polls.
3. File Size: Configure OpManager to alert you if the file size goes over, or comes below a specified size. Select the relevant threshold
for alerting. You can configure the size in terms of bytes, KB, MB, or GB, and you can also choose the severity that you would like to
assign to this alert. The alert can be triggered if the threshold is violated a specified number of times.
4. File Age: Similarly, you can configure OpManager to alert you based on the age of the file. For instance, you can be notified if a file
is over 20 days old.
5. File Modification: When a file is modified, the date on which the file is modified is updated. You can configure OpManager to
notify you whenever there is a change in the date modified. This option helps you keep track of any changes done in critical files.
Configuring alarms - available variables for alarm messages
Page 178
You can customise your alarm message generated when a provided criteria is violated, by using these alarm variables in the Alarm
Message Format field:
1. $MONITOR - Displays the name of the monitor. Can be used with all criteria types.
2. $CURRENTVALUE - Displays the latest polled value of the provided trigger criteria (File Contains/Age/Size). Can be used with all
criteria types EXCEPT File Existence and File Modification.
Note: The variable $CURRENTVALUE works differently for File Contains and File Age/Size. For File Contains criteria type the
provided search string is returned, whereas it returns the latest polled value for File Age/File Size criteria types.
3. $THRESHOLDVALUE - Displays the threshold value of the provided trigger criteria. Can be used with File Size and File Age criteria
4. $UNITS - Displays the units of the trigger criteria. Can be used for File size and File Age criteria types.
Criteria type Supported alarm variables Sample alarm message with variables Generated alarm message
File contains $MONITOR - Monitor name File monitor $MONITOR contains the File monitor FileMonitor1
string $CURRENTVALUE contains the string test
$CURRENTVALUE - Search string
File $MONITOR - Monitor name File monitor $MONITOR exists File monitor FileMonitor2
Existence exists
File monitor $MONITOR does not exist
any more File monitor FileMonitor2
does not exist any more
File Size $MONITOR - Monitor name File size of the monitor $MONITOR is File size of the monitor
$CURRENTVALUE, violating the threshold FileMonitor3 is 2, violating
$THRESHOLDVALUE - Minimum size of $THRESHOLDVALUE $UNITS the threshold of 1 GB
of file required to trigger the alarm
(in bytes/KB/MB/GB)
File $MONITOR - Monitor name File monitor $MONITOR got modified at File monitor FileMonitor5
Modification $MODIFIEDTIME got modified at 8/13/2017
$MODIFIEDTIME - Latest value for 1:12:35 AM
Modified Time of the value
The monitor is now added to the device and OpManager raises alerts based on the alert conditions provided by the user.
Page 180
Adding Folder Monitoring Template
Besides monitoring files on the systems, you can also monitor the folders.You can track changes in folders based on the folder size,
the number of files in a folder etc. Again, like file monitors, you can be notified if a specific change occurs. For instance, you might
want to be notified if the folder size increases beyond a defined limit, if some files in a folder are missing etc. Configure meaningful
templates in OpManager and apply them to devices on which you want the folders monitored. Monitor the following parameters on
1. Folder Existence: OpManager looks for the folder in the specified path and alerts based on the conditions specified. You can
configure to be notified if the folder does not exist in the path specified, or be notified if the folder exists , or you can choose not
to monitor.
2. Folder Size: Configure OpManager to alert you if the folder size goes over, or comes below a specified size. Select the relevant
threshold for alerting. You can configure the size in terms of bytes, KB, MB, or GB. Configure the rearm accordingly to reset the
3. Folder Modification: Select Alert if modified check box to receive alerts when files/sub-folders are added/deleted/renamed in the
specified folder.
4. File Filter: By default all the files in the specified folder are monitored. Deselect All files check box and enter the file name or
extension (*.pdf,*.txt) of the files alone you want to monitor. You can enter multiple values separated by comma, but no blank
space is allowed. You can enter the filename in the following formats:
1. Severity: Choose the severity that you would like to assign to this alert.
2. Consecutive Times: Specify how many time the threshold can be violated to generate the alert
3. Alarm Message Format: Configure the alarm message. You can include the alarm variables by appending $ to the variable name.
The monitor is added to the device and OpManager alerts based on the alert conditions configured.
Page 182
Active Directory Monitoring
Active directory monitoring feature takes OpManager a step further in proactive monitoring of Windows environment. The system
resources of the Domain Controllers where the Active Directory (AD) database resides, and few critical Active Directory Services are
monitored in OpManager.
To make AD monitoring more simple and easily accessible, The Domain Controllers are classified under a separate category under
Infrastructure Views. The categorization of the device as a Domain Controller is done automatically if SNMP is enabled. The system
resources of the device and the AD services are monitored using WMI.
The snapshot page of the Domain Controller shows the dial graphs for Availability, Packet Loss and Response Time. In addition to
this, there are also provisions to monitor CPU, Disc and Memory utilization.
The other utilization data displayed in the snapshot page for the Domain Controller are:
Windows Time service : The service synchronizes the time between domain controllers, which prevents time skews from
DNS Client Service : This service resolves and caches (Domain Name Server) DNS names.
File Replication Service : This service maintains file synchronization of file directory contents among multiple servers.
Intersite Messaging Service : This service is used for mail-based replication between sites. Active Directory includes support for
replication between sites by using SMTP over IP transport.
Kerberos Key Distribution Center Service : This service enables users to log on to the network using the Kerberos version 5
authentication protocol.
Security Accounts Manager Service : This service signals other services that the Security Accounts Manager subsystem 183
is ready
to accept requests.
Server Service : This service enables the computer to connect to other computers on the network based on the SMB protocol.
Workstation Service : This service provides network connections and communications.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service : This service provides the name services for RPC clients.
Net Logon Service : This service supports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain.
You can add more AD Monitors to be monitored by clicking the Add Monitor button.
Page 184
Exchange Server Monitoring
You can monitor critical MSExchange (2000/2003/2010/2013/2016/2019) Services and parameters using OpManager's exchange
monitoring feature. Monitoring is done using WMI. Thresholds are pre-configured for critical services. You can also modify or enable
thresholds for other services and parameters.
Information Store
Site Replication Store
MTA Stacks
Exchange Management
System Attendant
Routing Engine
Event Service
The Exchange parameters that are monitored can be classified under the following categories:
These monitors are associated to the device. Ensure to associate the correct WMI credential to the device. OpManager uses these
credentials to connect to the device using WMI.
Page 185
Monitoring MSSQL Parameters
MSSQL Services and Parameters can be monitored using WMI. OpManager detects the SQL servers by itself and MSSQL related
resource metrics are added automatically.
Here are the steps to manually associate the MSSQL monitors to a device :
4. From this list, select the required MSSQL Monitors and click Add to associate it to the Server.
These monitors are associated to the device. Ensure to associate the correct WMI credential to the device. OpManager uses these
credentials to connect to the device using WMI.
Monitoring Windows Event Logs Page 186
The Event Log is a Windows service that logs about program, security, and system events occurring in Windows devices. The events can be related to
some application, system or security. You can monitor these events using OpManager and configure to generate alarms when critical events are
logged. OpManager uses WMI to fetch the details of these logs and hence you need to provide the log on details of a user with administrative
privilege to connect to the Windows machine.
You can view the list of all events monitored by OpManager, Go to Settings > Monitoring > Event Log Rules
Note: The Monitoring Interval checkbox must be enabled. If disabled, all the event log monitors associated with the device will be disabled and
they will not work although they are associated to the device.
2. Click Add New Rule under any one of the categories to add a rule.
Entries to all the fields except Rule Name are optional. Event ID is a required field to identify the event but can be left empty in few exceptional
cases, such as you want to monitor all events that are of the Event Types, say, error or information. Here the filter will be based on the Event Type.
3. Enter the Event ID to be monitored. This is the unique identifier for the event logs.
4. Enter the event Source. This is the name of the software that logs the event.
5. Enter the event Category. Each event source defines its own categories such as data write error, date read error and so on and will fall under
one of these categories.
6. Type the User name to filter the event log based on the user who has logged on when the event occurred.
7. Choose the Event Types to filter the event logs based on its type. This will typically be one among Error, Warning, Information, Security audit
success and Security audit failure.
8. Description Match Text : Enter the string to be compared with the log message. This will filter the events that contains this string in the log
9. Generate Alarm if event is raised : By default OpManager raises an alarm if the event occurs. However, you can configure the no. of
consecutive times the event can occur within the specified no. of seconds, to raise an alarm.
10. Choose a severity for the alarm generated in OpManager for this event.
3. Click OK to save the event log rule.
You can now associate the rules (default or custom event logs) to the required devices.
Page 188
Associating URL Monitors to Desktop, Servers and Domain Controllers
You can add URL monitors to Desktop/Servers/Domain Controllers to check the availability of local URLs.
The configured URL is monitored for availability. You can configure to receive an e-mail or SMS when the URL monitored in a device
goes down. For this, you can create a notification profile for the 'URL is down' criteria and associate it to the devices.
Page 189
Adding Syslog Rules
Syslog is a client/server protocol that sends event notification messages to the syslog receiver. These event notification messages
(usually called as syslog messages) help in identifying the authorized and unauthorized activities like installing software, accessing
files, illegal logins etc. that take place in the network. In OpManager Syslog rules helps in notifying you if some particular syslog
messages such as kernel messages, system daemons, user level messages etc. are sent by the devices.
Apart from the pre-defined syslog rules you can also add any number of syslog rules. Here are the steps to add a syslog rule:
10. Click the Advanced button to configure advanced (threshold) rules. This is optional.
1. Number of Occurrences: Enter the count of the number of consecutive times OpManager can receive syslog message from a
device before raising an alert.
2. Time Interval (seconds): Enter the time interval that should be considered for calculating the number of occurrences.
The syslog packets sent by the devices to OpManager are listed. You can also filter the syslog packets by device and port.
To enable hardware monitoring, go to Settings ? Monitoring ? Monitor Settings ? Hardware. Select 'Enable' next to the
Hardware Monitoring field and click 'Save'.
You can also enable hardware monitoring for individual devices from their Device Snapshot page by clicking on the Enable
option for Hardware Monitoring under the Summary tab.
Before you start monitoring the hardware of your network device(s), ensure that it satisfies OpManager's prerequisites for hardware
If Hardware Sensor Monitors are not displayed, then please make sure that these tools are installed on that server:
If Hardware Sensor Monitors are not displayed, then please make sure that Dell OpenManage has been installed on that server.
For numericSensorInfo:
After logging into the MOB, navigate to the paths given below and check if values are being populated for both the methods:
For numericSensorInfo: content ? rootFolder ? childEntity ? hostFolder ? childEntity [select appropriate host] ? host ?
runtime ? healthSystemRuntime ? systemHealthInfo ? numericSensorInfo
For hardwareStatusInfo: content ? rootFolder ? childEntity ? hostFolder ? childEntity [select appropriate host] ? host ?
runtime ? healthSystemRuntime ? hardwareStatusInfo ? cpuStatusInfo (or) memoryStatusInfo (or) storageStatusInfo
Page 196
Note that OpManager raises alerts based on the colour value available (alerts are raised if the colour is anything other than
If the sensors are not available, install VMware tools on that host.
OID Parameter
. Operating System
. OS Version
. Model
. Service tag
. Serial number
OID Parameter
. Manufacturer
. Model
. Service Tag
. Operating System
. OS Version
OID Parameter
. Hardware Model
. Serial Number
OID Parameter
. Model
. Serial Number
3. Check whether Hardware monitoring is enabled under Settings ? Monitoring ? Monitor Settings ? Hardware.
4. Check if Hardware monitoring is enabled for the individual devices in the Device snapshot ? Hardware tab.
5. Suppress Hardware Alarms:
Page 197
a. Check if the hardware alarms for the respective devices have been suppressed in OpManager.
b. To suppress all the Hardware Alarms for all devices: Go to Settings ? Monitoring ? Monitor Settings ? Hardware tab and click on
Suppress Alarms under Hardware section.
c. You can also go to the Hardware tab in the Device Snapshot page and suppress the hardware alarm for a particular device.
. - HW Serial num
Metric type OID of corresponding metric OID of corresponding metric OID of corresponding metric
name status value
Temperature . . .
(TemperatureStatusDescr) (TemperatureStatusValue) (TemperatureState)
Voltage . . .
(VoltageStatusDescr) (VoltageStatusValue) (VoltageState)
Fan . . NA
(FanStatusDescr) (FanState)
Power . . NA
(SupplyStatusDescr) (SupplyState)
For Cisco Nexus devices:
For HP servers:
Metric type OID of corresponding metric OID of corresponding metric OID of corresponding metric
name status value
Temperature . . .
Fan . . .
(FanHwLocation) (FanCondition) (FanCurrentSpeed)
Processors . . .
(CpuName) CpuStatus) (CpuSpeed)
Power . . .
(PowerSupplySerialNumber) (PowerSupplyCondition) (PowerSupplyCapacityMaximum)
Partition details . . .
(FileSysDesc) (FileSysStatus) FileSysPercentSpaceUsed)
Memory . . .
(BoardCpuNum) (BoardCondition) (BoardOsMemSize)
Metric type OID of corresponding metric OID of corresponding metric OID of corresponding metric
name status value
Temperature . . .
(ProbeLocationName) (ProbeStatus) (ProbeReading)
Fan . . .
(DeviceLocationName) (DeviceStatus) (DeviceReading)
Processors . . .
23 5 1 Page 199
(DeviceBrandName) (DeviceStatus) (DeviceMaximumSpeed)
Power . . .
(EntityName) (Status) (PeakWatts)
Voltage . . .
(ProbeLocationName) (ProbeStatus) (ProbeReading)
Disk Array Data . . .
2 4 17
(arrayDiskName) (arrayDiskStatus) (arrayDiskUsedSpaceInMB)
Battery . . .
(LocationName) (Status) (StateSettings)
For Juniper devices, performing a walk on the OID gives us a list of all hardware components or
'Field-Replaceable Units' (FRUs) present in the Juniper device(s). OpManager primarily monitors Power, Temperature and
Fan speed, and these are the responses for the corresponding FRU types:
The instances that respond with these values are noted, and the suffix for the instance can be used to obtain data for that
For example, consider an SNMP walk being performed on a Juniper device, on the FruType OID (
and it returns the following response: ? 13 ? 6 ? 7 ? 2 ? 6
Note: The values of A, B, C, D, E can be anywhere from one to four octets, i.e, they can have the value of 'z', 'z.y', 'z.y.x'
or 'z.y.x.w'.
Now we take the instances that returned 6 (or) 7 (or) 13 as the response, and we note down their instance IDs. Here, A, B, C
and E are the instances that provided the required responses. Therefore, these are the instances that OpManager should
be able to query to perform hardware monitoring on that device.
Now that we know the instance IDs, we can use them to check if we can query the required parameters from that instance.
OpManager queries the name, status and value of each instance. So, if you want to perform hardware monitoring on the
gives Juniper device, the following OIDs must respond when queried:
Response Metric Type Instance ID OID of corresponding OID of corresponding OID of corresponding
for FruType metric identifier metric status Page
metric value200
(OperatingDescr) (OperatingState) (OperatingTemp)
6 Temperature B . . .
5.B 1.6.B 1.7.B
6 Temperature E . . .
5.E 1.6.E 1.7.E
7 Power C . . NA
5.C 1.6.C
13 Fan A . . NA
5.A 1.6.A
The following are the Hardware sensor status responses for devices from various supported vendors (N/A for VMware Hosts):
Cisco Nexus: 2 - Clear | 3 - Critical | 4 - Trouble (Any other response is considered as 'Unknown')
Monitoring CIS-enabled devices require special permissions to be provided to the network monitoring software. Please follow the
steps below to enable monitoring of CIS-hardened devices in OpManager:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="OPM_ICMP_RULE" dir=in action=allow enable=yes protocol=ICMPv4
3.1 To enable WMI traffic, DCOM, WMI, callback sink and outgoing connections in Firewall.
To monitor hardened devices using WMI, a few connections/protocols have to be enabled for OpManager to be able to reach the
device, the foremost of which would be to allow OpManager's traffic (both inward and outward) through your firewall. By default,
WMI settings in Windows Firewall settings are configured to enable only WMI connections, rather than allowing other DCOM
applications too. We must add an exception in the firewall for WMI, that allows the remote device to receive remote connection
requests and asynchronous callbacks to Unsecapp.exe. To enable the necessary connections in your firewall, execute the below
commands one by one in the monitored device, depending on your requirements.
1. To establish a firewall exception for DCOM port 135, use the following command:
3. To establish a firewall exception for the sink that receives callbacks from a remote computer, use the following command:
4. To establish a firewall exception for outgoing connections to a remote computer that the local computer is communicating
with asynchronously, use the following command:
Note: These configurations are required to be performed in the User profiles of the client devices that are to be monitored.
To begin with, we are adding the DCOM user group in our local user settings.
Configuring the DCOM Security Settings to allow the groups to access the system remotely:
Next, we're providing basic access permissions to the user groups (Distributed COM Users and Performance Monitor Users) to
be able to gain control of the device remotely.
Finally, access is provided for all classes under all namespaces for both the user groups, in order to enable OpManager to fetch
those data using WMI.
3.3 Set permissions to Service Control Manager Security for Windows Service Monitoring:
If you wish to monitor whether Windows Service monitors are up/down, you need to grant permission to SCManager. The access
to the Windows services is controlled by the Security Descriptor of Service Control Manager, which by default is restricted for
hardened OS. The below mentioned steps will grant remote access to Service Control Manager in user level, to get the list of
services on a server.
Run the below command which will save the current SDDL for the SC Manager to the CurrentSDDL.txt.
sc sdshow scmanager > CurrentSDDL.txt
Page 208
(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;<SID of User>)
Apart from monitoring the Hosts, VMs & DataStores, OpManager's VMware monitoring functionalities also encompass monitoring the
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of guest OSs. Similar to that of any Windows or Linux server, OpManager monitors the applications,
Windows & TCP services, processes running on the VMs using WMI/SNMP/CLI.
VCenter's vSphere / ESX client User Name and Password: As OpManager uses native APIs to monitor the VMware servers, it
requires the username and password of the VCenter / Host server to poll the performance data. Provide the correct username
and password when discovering the Host / VCenter.
VMware Tools (optional): We recommend that you install VMware tools on the VMs. In general, VMware tools improve the
performance of the Virtual Machine. Moreover, they offer IP address of the VMs, which helps OpManager to automatically
discover them. Click here to know the procedures for installing VMware tools.
If VMware Tools are not installed, OpManager discovers it using the VM's name. You can assign the IP address manually for such
VMs in the host's snapshot page and monitor the VMs.
Page 210
Discovering VMware ESX / ESXi servers in OpManager
To discover the host and the VMs, you just need to provide the IP Address/DNS Name and the vSphere credentials of the vCenter/
Note that the vSphere user must have access to all hosts and VMs (at least Read access) in order to monitor the devices without any
issues. In case a user wants to execute actions like powering on/off VMs, please make sure that user has sufficient privileges for
those actions (providing Administrator privileges works in most situations).
Discover vCenter: Use discover vCenter with the vCenter's VMware credentials, to discover all the hosts, VMs and datastores
managed by that particular vCenter.
Discover ESX: Use discover ESX with the ESX's VMware credentials, to discover the host along with its datastore and VMs.
1. Go to Settings ? Discovery ? Credentials ? Add Credentials (or) Settings ? Discovery ? Virtualization Discovery ? Add Credential.
2. Select VMware as the Credential type and enter the vCenter/ Host's vSphere login Username and Password.
3. Enter the HTTPS (VMware web service's) port number and timeout interval for the connection between the vCenter/ Host and the
OpManager server.
4. Select the Auto VM Discovery option to automatically discover any new VMs that are henceforth created in the vCenter.
5. Click Save to add the credential.
Similarly, add the vCenter's SNMP/WMI/CLI credentials to monitor additional performance metrics such as disk partition, process
count details, etc., in vCenter servers. Select the Credential Type as WMI for Windows, CLI for Linux and SNMP for other non-Windows
Discovering vCenter/Host
Page 211
6. By default, all hosts will be added to OpManager. However, you can select the VMs that you want to discover.
7. Click Next to select the VM's SNMP/WMI/CLI credentials for in-depth monitoring. You can also select multiple credentials.
Page 212
8. You can choose the time interval in which want any changes in the vCenter environment should be automatically updated in
OpManager by choosing a value for Scan vCenter/ ESX Interval (hrs). This will automatically rediscover any changes in the vCenter
9. Also, you can choose whether to sync the display name of the virtual device (the name that will be displayed in OpManager) with
the entity name by enabling the "Sync entity name with display name" button. Once you're done, click 'Discover' to start the
discovery process.
If any of the VMs are already discovered or added, OpManager automatically maps them as virtual devices.
Configuring VM IP Address
OpManager, with the help of the installed VMware Tools, identifies the IP address of the VM and maps it to the host. If VMware Tools
are not installed, OpManager discovers it using the VM's entity name. You can assign the IP address manually for such VMs in the
host's snapshot page.
If VM's are not discovered/ mapped to its vCenter/Host because of an unassigned IP address, you can assign an IP address in the
vSphere environment. OpManager will automatically map that VM to its vCenter/Host. (or) You can manually assign an IP address to a
VM by following the simple steps below.
Click the start monitoring button in the Monitoring column for devices that are not monitored.
This will open IP Mapping. Enter the VM's IP address/ DNS name and the corresponding credentials to rediscover and map the
VM to its vCenter/Host.
You can now choose to monitor only the required VMs on a Host. If you wish to stop monitoring a VM, you can do so by clicking on
the Stop monitor button of the corresponding VM under Virtual Details tab in the vCenter/Hosts snapshot page. Select the 213
icon to stop monitoring the required VMs on the host. OpManager maintains this configuration when a HA, VMotion, or rediscovery
OpManager's VMware monitoring feature shows the top hosts and VMs by resource utilization and the recent alarms raised. Click on
the host / VM / Datastore name to see its snapshot page. The Virtualization Dashboard page refreshes automatically every 5 minutes
to reflect the latest collected statistics.
Listed below are a few of the various types of top resource utilization widgets that can help you to quickly identify any over utilized
resource. These widgets give a quick glance on systems which are the top consumers of CPU, Memory, Network, Disk I/O and Disk
Space and much more.
Snapshot page of a host provides a summary of the current statistics, recent alarms, configuration details such as hardware status,
VMs inventory, resource allocation for each VM, Network Adapters, HBA list and Datastores.
In this section you can find the Host details like IP Address, Vendor of Host, CPU Cores etc. on the left side. The right side gives a quick
glance on performance data like CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization, Disk I/O Usage etc., collected during the last poll. These values
are collected periodically at a pre-defined interval ( in minutes ). These data help you determine the current performance of the Host.
Hardware details
You can view a host device's hardware stats such as sensor information, battery, memory , power, processor etc under the
hardware tab in the device snapshot page.
The hardware tab also shows the basic hardware and software information of the host such as manufacturer, OS version, model,
alarms etc.
Click on the VM name to see its snapshot page. The snapshot page of the VM is similar to that of any Windows or Linux Server's
snapshot page. It also displays the VMs virtual details.
Page 217
Configuring Thresholds for VMware ESX and VMs
OpManager out-of-the-box offers monitoring templates for ESX hosts and VMs. The templates help you configure thresholds for
multiple ESX hosts and VMs at one shot. For each performance metric you can configure Warning Threshold as well as Error
Threshold, and receive proactive alerts if they are violated.
3. Click on the monitor name to enable or disable the threshold, and to modify Warning Threshold, Error Threshold and Rearm
4. Click OK.
5. Click on Save to save the device template. Click on Save & Associate to save the device template and apply the changes to the
devices associated to the template. Page 218
6. Click Associate for the devices to inherit the configurations in the template. Or, click Associate & Overwrite for the devices to
remove the old and add the new configurations in the template.
Note: To edit the threshold values of a single ESX host, go its snapshot page and click the Monitors tab under Inventory Details. Click
on the Edit icon of a monitor to edit its threshold values.
Page 219
Managing VMware Alerts
OpManager fetches events from each VCenter / ESX Host, similar to SNMP traps. Currently we support important events, and this list
is updated every release. Apart from these events, OpManager also monitors threshold for critical performance indicators and raises
To change the pre-set threshold values for each performance monitor, go to the monitors section under the snapshot page of the
host / VM / Datastore.
Table 1: List of few Threshold Monitors for critical performance indicators related to host, datastore & VM's supported by
You can view the complete list of ESX host / VCenter Events that are supported by OpManager, under Settings -> Monitors ->
VMware Events.
Note: OpManager only triggers alarms based on VMware events, and they have to be manually cleared once the issue/notification
has been taken care of.
Page 221
Notifying VMware Alerts
Notification profiles help you to notify when any alert is raised for virtual devices. The notification can be a sound alert/ email alert/
running a script etc. You can associate any of the notification profiles that is already created for the VCenter / ESX host. To associate
a notification profile to a virtual device,
You can create a notification profile specifically for receiving alerts on events related to Virtual devices using the following steps :
Monitors effective utilization of critical resources like CPU, Memory, Network and Disk
Out-of-the-box offers 50 reports on Host and VMs
Automatically maps the migrated VMs to the corresponding Hosts
Apart from monitoring the Hosts and VMs, OpManager also monitors the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of guest OSs. Similar to
that of any Windows or Linux server, OpManager monitors the applications, Windows & TCP services, processes running on the VMs
using WMI/SNMP.
Page 223
Discovering Hyper-V Servers in OpManager
To discover the Hyper-V host and VMs, you just need to provide the IP address and WMI credentials of Hyper-V host. The VMs are
automatically discovered along with the host.
Before proceeding to discover the host and VMs, ensure that you have configured the credentials for both the host and VMs in the
credential library. To discover the host and VMs:
If any of the VMs are already discovered or added, OpManager automatically maps them as Virtual Device.
Note: If the device has been added successfully, but not displayed under the 'Virtualization' tab. Search for that device. Upon
finding the particular device, Go to its snapshot page and look for the device type. If it is mentioned as 'unknown', wrong
credentials might have been provided or it is not reachable during discovery. Provide the correct credentials and click on
'Rediscover Now' present under three-line menu at the top right corner in the snapshot page, to discover it as an Hyper-V host.
Note: To edit the threshold values of a single host, go its snapshot page and click the Monitors tab under Inventory Details. Click on
the Edit icon of a monitor to edit its threshold values.
Page 225
Managing Hyper-V Alerts
OpManager monitors Hyper-V host and VM similar to that of any Windows server. Upon clicking the monitors tab in the host
snapshot page, the monitors listed for a Windows server is listed here. You can add the required monitors and configure thresholds.
If the threshold is violated, OpManager raises an alarm.
Page 226
Notifying Hyper-V Alerts
Notification profiles help you to notify when any alert is raised for virtual devices. The notification can be a sound alert/ email alert/
running a script etc. You can associate any of the notification profiles that is already created for the Hyper-V host.
OpManager makes use of the Prism API framework to fetch performance metrics from the devices in the Nutanix environment.
3. In the credentials field, select the credentials of the cluster. If you haven't already added it, you can click on 'Add Credentials' and
create a credential profile right away. Click on 'Add Credentials', select 'Nutanix' and provide the following details:
1. Profile name (mandatory): A name for the credential profile
2. Description: A short description for the credential profile
3. Username (mandatory): The username of the Prism element used to manage the Nutanix environment.
4. Password (mandatory): Password of the Prism element.
5. Protocol (mandatory): Select http/https, based on your requirement.
6. Time out (mandatory): The time out threshold for the connection. The default value is 20 seconds.
7. Port number (mandatory): The port number on which the Prism element is running. The default value is 9440.
Page 228
4. Once you have provided all these details, click 'Save' to create the credential profile.
5. If you want to monitor your cluster OS more intensively for other performance metrics, just click on 'Advanced settings' and select
the necessary credential profiles (either of these - SNMP, WMI or CLI).
6. Once you've provided all these basic details, click on 'Discover' to start discovering the elements in your Nutanix network.
7. In the next window, all the Hosts and the VMs under that cluster are listed. You can simply choose which elements you want to be
monitored by checking them. Once done, click 'Next'.
8. If you want to perform in-depth monitoring of your Hosts/VMs based on other protocol (SNMP / WMI / CLI), you can select which
credentials you want to use for the same in the following 'Select Credentials' window.
9. You can also choose whether or not you want to auto-discover new VMs under this cluster by enabling or disabling the 'Discover
new VMs automatically' option. Once you're done, click 'Discover'.
10. The Nutanix discovery is now initiated, and OpManager adds all the selected elements using the chosen credentials. You can view
the progress of the discovery in the discovery progress bar in the bottom-right corner of the window.
11. Once discovered, click on Virtualization and go the Nutanix tab to view all the clusters, hosts and VMs that have been discovered
into OpManager.
Page 229
OpManager helps you to efficiently monitor and manage all your storage devices with the storage monitoring add-on. Now, monitor
your RAID and Tape Libraries, get forecasts on usage of storage space and manage your FC switches proactively with OpManager.
Get notified of issues in real-time with instant mobile and email notification.
Know the overall picture of your network storage through extensive reports.
Note: Before you proceed with the installation, make sure you check out the prerequisites of the installation.
Page 230
Supported devices for storage monitoring
Below is the list of supported vendors and the respective devices for storage monitoring in OpManager.
If you couldn't find a device, send us a request here so that we can extend support to your storage device.
Page 231
Models Supported
SilkWorm 4100
SilkWorm 4102
Features Supported
The following command can be used to know the snmp community & access list configurations in brocade silkworm
Run the command� agtcfgdefault via CLI� console of the switch.
Details: Refer the "Brocade Fabric OS Reference Manual"
Register OpManager server IP address as a trap destination for the Brocade Silkworm Switch.
Use agtcfgset command in the Brocade Fabric OS command line interface to specify the Trap Recipient.
Note: For more details refer the Brocade Fabric OS Reference Manual
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
Features Supported
Rx Traffic
Rx Throughput
Tx Traffic
Total Throughput
Ensure SNMP agent is running in the McData switch / director. McData Switch SNMP information can be checked in the McData
Switch's Web-based� interface -> Configure (option)� -> SNMP� (option).
By Default, OpManager uses SNMP port 161 and read community 'public' for discovery. If your settings are different , please
provide the same in the OpManager web-client while adding Switch.
Register OpManager server IP address as trap destination.
For details refer Configure SNMP section in the McData Switch Product Manager user manual.
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
Rx Traffic
Rx Throughput
Tx Traffic
Tx Throughput
Total Throughput
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
Features Supported
Bandwidth Utilization
Port Frame Error Rate
Port In Drop Rate
Port Out Drop Rate
Rx Utilization
Rx Throughput
Tx Utilization
Rx Throughput
Total Throughput
OpManager by default uses 'public' snmp community for discovery. This community should have read access right. In case your
read community is different , please provide the same in the OpManager web-client while adding Switch.. You can check the
community names (and their access rights) configured in your MDS switch by issuing the command "show snmp community"
via telnet to switch
To set the access rights for a community in your cisco switch , you need to do the following ,
config t
For example, to set read-only access right to "public" community you can type ,
Register OpManager server IP address as a trap destination for the Cisco Switch.
Check if the server running OpManager is registered as a trap destination in the switch by issuing the command "show
snmp host" via telnet to switch. This should have an entry with OpManager server IP and port 162
If entry is not available, use snmp-server host <host_address>traps command to specify Trap Recipient.
Note: For more details check Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference Guide.
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Monitoring QLogic switches Page 236
OpManager provides monitoring and management of QLogic SANbox switches.
Models Supported
SANbox 5600
SANbox 5200
SANbox 3050
SANbox Express 1400
Features Supported
Tx Traffic
Rx Traffic
Tx Throughput
Rx Throughput
Total Throughput
Ensure SNMP agent is running in the QLogic SANbox Switch. To view the SNMP settings, use the QLogic Switch telnet command
"show setup snmp". For any changes use "set setup snmp". (Refer "QLogic Switch Management User’s Guide" for details.)
OpManager by default, uses snmp port 161 and read community 'public' for discovery. If your settings are different , please
provide the same in the OpManager web-client while adding Switch.
Register OpManager server IP address as a snmp trap destination for the QLogic Switch.
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try readding the device.
HP storageworks switches
HP storageworks directors
Features Supported
Rx Traffic
Rx Throughput
Tx Traffic
Tx Throughput
Total Throughput
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
DS6000 Series
DS8000 Series
ESS 2105-800
ESS 2105-750
Page 238
ESS 2105-F20
Features Supported
Storage Pools
Storage Volumes
Intercocnnects Info
Availability reports for storage system, RAID controller & RAID controller ports
OpManager uses the IBM Common Information Model (CIM) Agent for ESS to monitor the IBM ESS Shark Array
The IBM ESS CIM agent can be installed on any server that is pingable from the server where OpManager is installed.
IBM CIM agent install requires esscli utility is already installed in the server
Install the necessary software from the OEM website.
Disable DigestAuthentication by setting DigestAuthentication flag to false in cimom.properties file
Note : Default directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\cimagent
Start the ESS Provider service CIM Object Manager - DS Open API from the Windows services menu
Ensure that, OpManager installed host and the Storage system has a Fibre Channel Connectivity.
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
HP MSA 1000
HP MSA 1500
Features Supported
Page 239
Inventory information of physical components ,
Storage Pools
Storage Volumes
Intercocnnects Info
Availability reports for storage system, RAID controller & RAID controller ports
OpManager uses the HP SMI-S MSA Provider based on SNIA standard to monitor the HP MSA
The MSA provider can be installed on any server running Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 Server.
This server must have a path through the SAN to the MSA devices that will be managed.
Also the server must be reachable from the server where OpManager is installed.
Install the necessary software from the OEM website.
Ensure that MSA firmware version is compatible with the installed SMI-S provider (latest download corresponds to SMI v1.0.3).
Start the MSA Provider service hp StorageWorks SMI-S CIMOM from the Windows services menu.
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
Features Supported
Raid Controllers
Raid Controller Ports
Page 240
Disk Drives
Storage Volume
Storage Pool
Interconnects Info
Array Statistics
CPU %, Data %
Virtual Disks
Read Hit MB/s, Read Hit Latency(ms), Read Hit Req/s, Read Miss Req/s, Read Miss MB/s, Read Miss Latency, Write
Req/s, Write MB/s, Write Latency(ms), Flush MB/s, Mirror MB/s,
Read Req/s, Read MB/s, Read Latency(ms), Write Req/s, Write MB/s, Write Latency (ms), Av. Queue Depth
Physical Disks
Disk Queue Depth, Drive Latency(ms), Read Req/s, Read MB/s, Read Latency (ms), Write Req/s, Write MB/s, Write
Total Read Req/s, Total Read MB/s, Average Read� Latency(ms), Total Write Req/s, Total Write MB/s, Average Write
of Latency(ms), Total Flush Bytes, Total Mirror Bytes, Total Prefetch Bytes
OpManager monitors HP EVA based on the Command View EVA(CV EVA) version installed in the your environment.
OpManager uses SSSU (Storage System Scripting Utility) available as part of HP StorageWorks Windows Kit for Enterprise Virtual
Array installation.
This needs to be installed in the server where OpManager is installed and running Page 241
Ensure that "SSSU.exe" is included in the� PATH environment variable in the server in which OpManager is installed. (You can
check this by executing SSSU.exe in a command prompt which will print the version) .
Note: In case your current SSSU version is higher (say 5.0) , you need to download SSSU.exe (Version 4.0) and include it in the
%PATH%. For this you may follow the steps below,
After including SSSU utility in the %PATH% environment variable, restart OpManager (shutdown & start). This is required for
the Environment PATH settings to take effect.
In the OpManager browser client go to� Admin tab -->� Manage Storage Devices option.
In the "IP Address" field enter the Management_Appliance_IP_address (The IP address of the HP Management Appliance
that is managing the HP EVA array)
Choose Vendor as HP
OpManager uses the HP SMI-S EVA Provider (SNIA standard) to monitor the HP EVA (Command View EVA version 6.0.2 and above)
The HP SMI-S EVA Provider is integrated with Command View EVA.
Install the necessary software from the OEM website.
Ensure that EVA firmware version is compatible with the installed SMI-S provider
Check the SMI service say like, HP StorageWorks SMI-S CIMOM or HP StorageWorks CIM Object Manager is listed in Windows
Services of the Command View EVA Host.
Now start the service
Ensure that SMI provider is properly started and is listed in Windows Services Panel
Restart OpManager (shutdown & start). This is required for the Environment PATH settings to take effect.
In the OpManager client go to Admin Tab -->Manage Storage Devices Page 242
Provide� IP Address of the host� in which SMI-S Provider is running
Choose Device Type, Vendor and Model as RAID, HP and EVA(Above 6.0) respectively
In Username field enter the EVA Provider username
In the Password field enter the EVA Provider password
Provide the� Port number at which the CIM Agent is running(5989 or 5988)
Choose whether the SSL should be Enabled(https) or Disabled(http)
Provied the name space (by default root/eva)
Change the Timeout if needed.
Click on Add Device
Note: If the Ping option is disabled for the device, then please uncheck 'Ping the given IP' field.
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.�
For Performance monitoring, evaperf utility needs to be installed in the server running OpManager.
Ensure that, the evaperf utility installed host and the CommandView EVA running host are connected via Fibre Channel.
If it prints "evapdcs is currently installed" , you may check its startup status in the Windows "Services" menu . This service is
registered with the name "HP EVA Performance Data Collector". (If the status is "disabled", it indicates that it is in an improper
state and you will need to restart the host server once and then check the above again)
In case the above command prints "evapdcs not installed" , install evapdcs via the following command evapdcs -i -m
4. The server running OpManager needs to be registered to the Command View EVA server via , "evaperf fnh [hostname]
[username] [password]"
hostname - CVE host name , username - CVE username , password - CVE password
5. OpManager uses EVA name (known as friendly name in EVA terminology ) to issue evaperf commands. For this the EVA name -
WWN mapping needs to be registered via "evaperf fn" command
6. If the EVA is password protected, the EVA password needs to be registered for the respective EVA WWN via "evaperf spw
array_WWN array_Password" command
7. You can check if evaperf is able to fetch valid data by entering the following command in the OpManager/ directory ,
evaperf all -sz <EVA Name> -csv -nots (This will automatically start evapdcs service, if it is not started already) . This should
print all the EVA performance statistics (for Array, VDisk , Disk etc).�
The sample output should look similar to the one given below : CPU %,Data %,Ctlr,Serial,Node
Note: Installation details for evaperf are available in the HP StorageWorks Command View EVA installation guide.
CX Series like CX3-20, CX3-40, CX3-80, CX300, CX500, CX700 & CX800
FC Series like FC4700
Features Supported
Host-Port mapping
InterConnects Info
SP status
SP Port status
Free space of Disk Drives / Raid Groups /LUNs
Storage Processors
Utilization, Total Bandwidth, Total throughput, Read Bandwidth, Read Size, Read throughput, Write Bandwidth,
Write Size, Write throughput, Dirty Pages, Flush Ratio, Mbs Flushed,� Idle Flush On, High Water Flush On, Low
water Flush Off, Write Cache Flushes
Disk Drives
Total Bandwidth, Total throughput, Read Bandwidth, Read Size, Read throughput, Write Bandwidth, Write Size,
Write throughput, Disk Service Time
Read Bandwidth, Read Size, Read throughput, Write Bandwidth, Write Size, Write throughput, Read Cache Hits,
Read Cache Hit Ratio, Write Cache Hits, Write Cache Hit Ratio, Forced Flushes.
For Performance monitoring, please ensure that setStats flag is enabled. You can enable the same using NaviCLI command
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non-discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
RAID Controllers
RAID Controller� Ports
Disk Drives
Raid Partitions
Logical Volumes
Logical Drives
Availability reports for storage system, RAID Controller & RAID Controller ports
Note :� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
Page 246
FAS 920
C Series like ,
Features Supported
Discovers and displays NetApp Raid information including status parameters such as Global Status, Fan / Power supply status
Monitors Volume� usage� including snapshots
Monitors cluster status information when deployed in cluster configuration
Receives SNMP Traps covering over 75 system and threshhold alerts
Performance graphs
NFS/CIFS Ops/sec
NetRx/Tx Throughput
Disk Read Writes / sec� , Tape Read Writes� / sec
Prerequisites for Monitoring Page 247
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
Hitachi HDS Lightning 9900V series storage systems such as HDS Lightning 9970V & HDS Lightning 9880V�
Features Supported
LUN Host Mapping
Availability reports
Capacity Summary
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Note :� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Page 248
Monitoring Hitachi HDS Thunder 9500V series storage systems
OpManager provides monitoring and management of HDS Thunder 9500V series storage system.
Models Supported
Hitachi HDS Thunder 9500V series storage systems such as HDS Thunder 9570V & HDS Thunder 9585V
Hitachi HDS TagmaStore
Features Supported
RAID Controller
RAID Controller Ports
LUN Host Mapping
Interconnects Info
ReadCommandNumber,ReadHitNumber, ReadHitRate
Availability reports for RAID, RAID Controller & RAID Controller ports
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Controller blockade
Drive blockade
Internal FCAL Loop failure
� NAS server / path failures.
Battery/Fan alarms.
Other alarms defined in MIB
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
Select 'Enable Performance Monitor' checkbox under Settings in the Huawei Storage UI to monitor the performance of Huawei
storage devices with OpManager
Models Supported
Features Supported
VolumeLUN Mappings
Host Groups
Interconnects Info
RAID status
RAID� Port status
Page 250
Status of Volume Groups, Volumes & Disk Drives
Includes reports for Controllers, Volumes and Array for the following stats (via SMcli utility),
Total IO Count
Read Percentage
Cache Hit Percentage
Current Data Transfer Rate
Maximum Data Transfer Rate
Current IO Count
Maximum IO Count
Availability reports for storage system, RAID controller & RAID controller ports
OpManager uses command line utility (SMcli.exe) available as part of IBM FastT / DS4000 Storage Manager installation
Ensure that SMcli is installed in the server in which OpManager is installed.
Ensure that OpManager is restarted (shutdown & started) after including SMcli in the path
Register OpManager server IP address as snmp trap destination.
Ensure that� the OpManager installed server and the Storage system are connected via Fibre Channel.
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
D Series
B Series
Flexline 200 series
Page 251
Flexline 300 series
Features Supported
VolumeLUN Mappings
Host Groups
Intercocnnects Info
RAID status
RAID� Port status
Status of Volume Groups, Volumes & Disk Drives
Includes reports for Controllers, Volumes and Array for the following stats (via SMcli utility),
Total IO Count
Read Percentage
Cache Hit Percentage
Current Data Transfer Rate
Maximum Data Transfer Rate
Current IO Count
Maximum IO Count
Availability reports for storage system, RAID controller & RAID controller ports
OpManager uses command line utility (SMcli.exe) available as part of SANtricity Storage Manager Client installation
Ensure that SMcli is installed in the server in which OpManager is installed.
Include the directory containing SMcli.exe in the PATHenvironment variable. Page 252
By default for Windows Servers this is C:\Program Files\SM8\client\
By default for UNIX Servers this is /opt/SM8/client/
Ensure that OpManager is restarted (shutdown & started) after including SMcli in the path
Register OpManager server IP address as SNMP trap destination.
Ensure that, OpManager installed host and the Storage system has a Fibre Channel Connectivity.
Models Supported
Features Supported
Disk Drives
Storage Volumes, Storage Pools
Ports info
DSP information
Disk Drives
SCSI info
Ports info
Drive status
Storage pool status, Storage volume status
Domain status
Port status
Includes reports for Controllers, Volumes and Array for the following stats (via SMcli utility),
Total IO Count
Read Percentage
Cache Hit Percentage
Page 253
Current Data Transfer Rate
Maximum Data Transfer Rate
Current IO Count
Maximum IO Count
Availability reports for storage system, RAID controller & RAID controller ports
OpManager uses command line utility (SMcli.exe) available as part of SANtricity Storage Manager Client installation
Ensure that SMcli is installed in the server in which OpManager is installed.
Ensure that OpManager is restarted (shutdown & started) after including SMcli in the path
Register OpManager server IP address as SNMP trap destination.
Ensure that, OpManager installed host and the Storage system has a Fibre Channel Connectivity.
Note :� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
Features Supported
RAID Controller
Disk Drives
Raid Set
Volume Set
Page 254
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.
Features Supported
Centera Clusters
Centera Nodes (Access & storage)
Centera Internal Switches
Centera HeartBeat
Cluster status
Node status
Free space of Clusters / Nodes
Availability reports for Cluster Page 255
SNMP trap based alarms
C:\Program Files\EMC\Centera\2_4\SystemOperator\lib\CenteraViewer.jar
C:\Program Files\EMC\Centera\2_4\SystemOperator\_jvm\lib\jsse.jar
Ensure that OpManager is restarted (shutdown & started) after copying these JAR files.
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
All IBM devices with IBM Spectrum Virtualize can be monitored by adding them in this template. For Eg: IBM SVC/ Storwise, IBM
FS9100, 9150, 9110.
Models Supported
HP EML E-Series
HP ESL E-Series
Features Supported
Inventory information
Tape library
Tape Drive status
Chassis Info
Fibre Channel ports
Storage Media details
Media Access Device
Tape library status
Page 256
Tape drive status
Drive port status
Changer device status
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models supported
Features Supported
Tape Drives
Availability reports for Tape library . Page 257
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Note :� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
IBM 3584
TS 3500
Features Supported
Chassis details
Changer Device details
Library Fibre Channel Port details
Library SCSI Controllerdetails
Storage Media details
Media Access Device
Tape Library status
Page 258
SCSI Controller status
Changer Device status
Media Access Device status
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Ensure that the SNMP agent is enabled in the tape library before adding the device via OpManager web-client .
The details are available in the "IBM 3584 Planning & Operator Guide" in "Chapter 4 Advanced Operating Proceedures -->
Selecting the Network Settings".
Register OpManager server IP address as trap destination.
Note :� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
Features Supported
Tape Drives
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Tape Library
Tape Drives
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Library partitions
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try re-adding the device.�
Features Supported
Tape library
Tape Drives
Get fails/Retries
Label fails/Retries
Num of cartidge moves
Num of door opens , IPLs , Mounts
Put fails/ retries
Target fails/retries
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
Features Supported
Tape Drive
Fibre Channel details
Library SCSI details
Cartidge details
No of door opens
No of cartidge moves
No of picks
No of times placed
No of grips
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Door Open
Unit Fault
Inventory Violation
Needs Maintenance
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try readding the device.
Models Supported
P series
PX series
M Series
DX Series
Features Supported
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Tape library state
Page 264
Tape library availability state
Note: In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go through
the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Models Supported
M Series
Features Supported
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Note:� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try re-adding the device.
Page 265
Monitoring SUN StorEdge tape libraries
OpManager provides monitoring and management of SUN StorEdge L-series tape libraries.
Models Supported
L Series
Features Supported
Monitoring and alarm generation for faulty conditions (via SNMP traps)
Note :� In case the device is not discovered, then the probable reasons for non discovery are displayed in the client. Please go
through the instructions and try readding the device.
Page 266
Discovering storage devices
The topics covered under this section are:
Adding a device�
After the initial discovery, you can use 'Add Storage Device' option under Settings → Discovery� to add a new device.
Note: If you want to add a new credential, click the 'Add Storage Credential' button on the top right corner and provide the
necessary details.
You can test the device right away from the same window by clicking the 'Test Connection' button.
Click 'Add Device' button to add it.
1. Go to the Inventory tab, click on ‘Storage’ and then click on the device whose details you want to edit.
2. In the device snapshot page that is opened, click on the three-line menu button on the top-right corner of the screen and
select ‘Edit Device Details’.
3. Here, you can change the details of the device namely IP Address, Display name and the monitoring interval.
Note: Only Admin users can add and edit device details.
Page 268
Fault Monitoring And Escalation
The traps and other notifications from the devices are received by the software and are converted into events and alarms.
Depending of the criticality of the fault condition, each event and alarm is assigned a severity ranging from critical to clear. Each
severity is given a specific color for easy visual identification.
OpManager actively monitors the faulty events and reports or escalates the faults to the user, administrator, or any other person via
email or SMS.
Alarms are widely classified into two types : Device status-based alarms and threshold-based alarms.
Viewing Alarms
Viewing Alarm Details
Alarm Operations
Escalate Unattended Alarms
Viewing alarms
You can view all the alarms in a single console under ‘Alarms’ tab. Here, the alarms related to storage can be found by clicking 'Filter
→ Storage Alarms' from the 'Sort by category' pane.
This tab displays all the alarms with their source, status, date & time, and message. It displays a maximum of 500 alarms in a page,
and you can use the navigation buttons on the bottom of the page to view the other alarms. Each column heading is a link, which
when clicked, sorts the alarms based on that column.
You can go to the alarm details page with a single click. To see the details of the device that caused an alarm, click on the source link
of the alarm. To see the details of the alarm, click the message of the alarm.
Just above the table on the top right corner there are options to acknowledge, clear, or delete alarms. To do any of these operations,
select the specific alarms, and clicking on the corresponding link.
You can even view the alarms depending on the criteria like Severity, Category or alarms generated between a specific time
period.� For this, you can just click on the relevant heading on the alarms pane, and the alarms will be sorted based on that criteria.
Page 269
If needed, you can export the same to HTML, PDF, Excel sheet and CSV formats.
Just above the table there are options to acknowledge, clear, delete, and annotate alarms.
To take ownership of the alarm, click 'Acknowledge'. You can also revert the acknowledgement by using the 'Unacknowledge'
To add comments to the alarm, click 'Add note' (The plus icon).
To ping and test the concerned device manually, click 'Ping' (The sync icon).
To perform a traceroute on the device, click 'Trace Route'.
To clear the alarm, click on 'Clear' (The tick icon).
To delete the icon, click on 'Delete' (The trashcan icon).
Alarm Operations
Acknowledging Alarms :
OpManager provides an option for the users to pick and own alarms that they work on. This helps in avoiding multiple users working
on a single alarm.
Alarms can be acknowledged in two ways.
Page 270
1. In the 'Alarms' tab, select the checkbox before the specific alarm and click ‘Acknowledge’. This option is available only for Admin
By doing one of the two actions above, the user becomes the owner of the particular alarm.
To unacknowledge an alarm, click ‘Unacknowledge’ in the specific alarm details page. The alarm ownership gets removed.
Annotating Alarms :
In case of a user wants to add more details on a particular alarm, he can annotate the same in the alarm. This will be useful for later
To annotate an alarm, click ‘Add note’ link in the specific alarm details page and add the content in the text-box. The annotation will
get added in the alarm notes table.
Clearing alarms :
After fixing the fault condition in the device, the particular alarm can be cleared by the user, so that its status becomes clear.
To clear an alarm, click ‘Clear’ link in the specific alarm details page. The severity of the alarm will change to clear.
Deleting alarms :
After fixing the fault condition in the device, the particular alarm can be deleted by the user, if he feels that the record need not be
To delete an alarm, click ‘Delete’ link in the specific alarm details page. The alarm and its related events will get deleted permanently.
The rule gets added in the table in the page. You can disable the rule by clicking on the green icon inside the modify rule window.
Click the trash-can icon against the particular rule, in the escalation rules table.
Page 272
Storage reports
OpManager helps you get crucial insights on the performance of your network storage using intuitive reports. Reports help you with
both real-time monitoring and historical stat analysis of your network.
Storage Summary reports: Know the overall status of yor network's storage devices with this report.
RAID Capacity Utilisation: Know how much your RAID disks have been utilised, with Max, Min and Avg values for each storage.
RAID IOPS: View the number of Input/Output Operations per second (IOPS) for your RAID disks.
RAID Latency: Know the latency in your network storage so that you can understand the overall accessibility of your disks. These
reports are very useful to find performance bottlenecks.
Disk IOPS: Know the IOPS stats for your storage disks.
RAID Forecast by utilisation: Know when your storage might reach 80%, 90% and 100% of its capacity with this report.
It predicts the storage space availability using the current usage rate and usage growth rate, helping you to avoid any kind of
data loss due to delay in disk addition.
RAID Reads/Sec: Rate of read operations on the RAID storage per second with Max, min and Avg values
RAID Writes/Sec: Rate of write operations on the RAID storage per second with Max, min and Avg values
RAID Controller IOPS: Number of input/output operations per second on your RAID controller
RAID Controller Reads/sec: Number of read operations per second on your RAID controller
RAID Controller Writes/sec: Number of write operations per second on your RAID controller
Disk Reads/sec: Number of read operations per second on individual disks in your storage
Disk Writes/sec: Number of write operations per second on individual disks in your storage
Growth trend: Detailed stats on growth trend in your storage including utilization, growth rate percentage, growth rate per day
and average future utilization
More reports for storage monitoring are available under Reports ? Storage Reports.
Create Custom Dashboards Page 273
The dashboard customization feature in OpManager helps you to create your own dashboard and view desired performance metrics and reports at a glance.
Now, a user can create and share dashboards with other users.
Note: For an operator to create custom dashboards, admin user has to first enable the 'Create dashboard for Operator' option.
To enable this feature go to Settings ? System settings. Under General, select Enable the Allow dashboard creation for operator.
1. Click on Dashboard. In the top right corner of the screen, click on the icon with + symbol. Create New Dashboard page opens [screen shots given below].
4. Click Next.
5. Select Widget(s) from the list of widget categories. You could use the search bar to find the widget.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the user(s) whom you wish to share the dashboard with (Refer to the table below for privilege-based actions on custom dashboards).
Page 274
Note: When you select all admins, all operators or both, the dashboard will be associated with existing users as well as future users in the selected group.
9. After selected users to be associated, click on create. A new dashboard is created and listed on the My Dashboard page.
Dashboard association Can associate with all users. Can associate with other
authority operators only
Delete widget / Delete Can delete self-created and Can delete self-created
Dashboard associated dashboards dashboards
Delete Dashboard
To delete a dashboard, follow the steps given below:
1. Click on� Dashboard. Click on the green colored icon at the top right of the menu bar. Select the dashboard you want to add widgets to from from� My
Dashboards. If you want to know the steps to create a new custom dashboard, click here
2. Click on� Add Widgets� seen at the bottom� of the page.
3. Select the Widget(s) that you want to add to the dashboard.
4. Click� Add� button to add the selected widget(s) to the dashboard.
Editing Widgets
To modify the existing widgets go through the steps given below:
1. Click on the� Edit� against the widget on which you wish to modify the fields.
2. Modify the required fields.
3. Click Save� to effect the changes.
Page 277
Embedding widgets
The embed widget feature lets you� embed a dashboard widget with its realtime data on� any webpage. To embed a widget into your webpage, simply copy
and paste the code snippet into the HTML of the website� where you want it to be displayed.�
The following are the steps to obtain the code snippet to embed a widget:
1. Click on the embed widget icon in the top right of the widget.
2. Copy the code snippet.
3. Paste the code snippet into the HTML of the webpage.
Page 278
Note: The regenerate private link option generates a new authentication key for a widget. If you click on this option,
the previously generated code snippet for the widget will no longer be valid.
Deleting widgets
To delete a widget go through the steps given below:
1. Click on Delete� icon available on the widget box.� A confirmation window pops up.
2. Click OK to confirm deleting the widget.
Page 279
Page 280
Adding New NOC View/CCTV
NOC View or CCTV helps you view only the required dashboards repeatedly at required intervals. To add a new NOC view follow the
steps given below:
Editing NOC
1. Go to Dashboard > NOC Views on the top right > Click on the edit icon against the NOC name that you want to edit.
2. Make the necessary changes.
3. Click Edit NOC View to effect the changes.
1. Go to the Dashboard page and click NOC Views on the top right.
2. Click the Embed icon present next to the NOC Name. The Embed link will be displayed.
3. Click the link to copy it to your clipboard. The NOC Embed link is ready to be shared.
4. Click the Regenerative Private link icon present towards the bottom of the Embed link box to generate a new embed link. This
will deactivate the embedded link generated previously.
The NOC embed URL allows a viewer to modify or customize it as per his/her requirements. However, the change will not be
saved on the server. If any new user accesses the same NOC view using the embed link, he/she will be loaded with the default
Page 283
Menu Tab Customization
By default, OpManager comes with features arranged into menus and submenus based on their functionality. You can now fully
customize the default menu layout using the Menu Tab customization option in a matter of minutes. Click on the three dots at the
top right corner to access the Menu Tab Customization options and start customizing your menu as per your preferences.
The menu and submenu buttons can be rearranged. To do this, click the Edit button on the right corner and dragging the menu /
submenu that you want to rearrange to its desired location. Click Yes to save the changes.
To create an additional menu / submenu, click the Edit option and select the Plus icon. You can now create a new menu/sub menu
from one of the two types.
URL - Enter an URL of your choice. Choosing this option will open the entered URL in a new browser tab.
Embed - Add an URL of your preference. Choosing this option will open the specified URL in an embedded view within the
Note: The page will not be displayed if the embedded page has an X-Frame-Options header that is set to restrict
embedding in the frame.
Page 284
The default menu / submenu that is present and cannot be deleted. However, they can be hidden.
To hide the default menu/sub menu, choose Edit and select the Visibility icon (eye shaped) that is present in the top left corner of all
the default menu/sub menu tabs. when you click on it, the tab becomes faded out. (which means this tab is hidden) Click Yes to
confirm the changes.
Click the eye icon on the faded out tab to make it visible again.
To delete a menu / submenu that was created by you, click the edit option and click on the red cross on the top right corner of the
tab. This will delete the respective tab. Press Yes to save progress.
The default menu / submenu cannot be deleted. However, they can be hidden by clicking on the eye icon present at the top left
corner of the tabs.
To rename the menu / submenu tabs, click on Edit and select the Pencil icon on the tab whose name has to be changed. Enter the
new name and click the save button.
Choose Reset Default to restore default settings of all the menu / submenu. This will erase all the custom tabs created by that
particular user.
The changes made in the menu/submenu are mapped to the particular user who has made them. The next time this particular user
logs in, all their saved preferences will be loaded.
Note: Admin user cannot set a defined menu / submenu for any user.
Page 285
Page 286
Client Settings
Change Password
To change the Login Password, click Client Settings icon > Change Password
Provide the Current Password
Provide the New Password
Provide the new password again in Re-type password
Click Save
Change Language
OpManager is available in English, Spanish, Chinese Simplified, Japanese, French, German, Korean and Italian languages. The
following are the steps to change OpManager from one language to other supported language.
To change the OpManager language, click Client Settings icon > Language Selector
Select your preferred language
To send a screenshot feedback to OpManager support, click Client Settings icon > Screenshot Feedback
Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + SHIFT + S
Screenshot of the selected portion of the screen will be taken and a text box will appear on top to add the feedback. Enter the
Click Submit
To sign out as current user from OpManager client, click Client Settings icon > Sign Out
Page 288
Workflow Execution Logs
Workflow Logs provide the ouput of the executed workflows. It provides the result as well the data of each task that had been
included in the workflow.
Click on Workflows from the left pane and select Workflow Logs. Workflow output for each of the associated device is listed
along with the executed date & time and numnber of tasks.
Each task once executed is logged with its severity for understanding its execution status. Following are the severities in Workflow:
Checks are if-else condition based. If the condition is passed/satisfied, the workflow executes the set of actions associated on the
success part, executes the other set of actions associated on the failure part. Example: Consider that you have created a workflow
with Test a Service, Send Mail, and Start a Service tasks. Send Mail is associated on the success part of Test a Service, and Start a
Service is associated on the part. If the service is running, workflow executes Send Mail task to notify the admin that the service is
running, else executes Start a Service task to start the service.
An action just performs the said activity. Tasks such as start a service, delete file, reboot system are action tasks. If an action task is
executed successfully, workflow executes the next successive task. If an action task fails, action task associated on the failure part is
executed. Example: Consider that you have created a workflow with 2 action tasks� - Start Process and List All Process. List All
Process is associated to the success part of the Start Process task. When the workflow is executed, in case if the Start Process task
fails, workflow looks for the task associated on the failure section. If no task is found, the workflow executes the task in the success
section i.e., List All Process.
Checks Description
DNS Lookup Executes a DNS lookup command on the end device.
Ping Device Sends ICMP packets to the end device.
Trace Route Executes a trace route command on the end device.
Actions �
Add a Time Delay Adds a delay to the execution of an action
Reboot System
Reboots the system
Shut Down System Shuts down the system
� �
Windows Service
Check �
Test a Service Tests whether a service is running or not.
Actions �
Get Active Services Provides a list of service that are currently running.
Pause a Service Pauses a service.
Restart Service Restarts a service.
Resume a Service Resumes a service.
Start a Service Starts a service.
Stop a Service Stops a service.
� �
Page 290
Check �
Test a Process Test whether a process is running or not.
Actions �
List All Processes Lists all the processes that currently running.
Processes by Disk Read Lists processes by Disk Read.
Processes by Disk Lists processes by Disk Write.
Processes by Memory Lists processes by Memory usage.
Processes by CPU Lists processes by CPU usage.
Start Process Starts a process.
Stop Process Stops a process.
� �
Check �
Check URL Test the availability of a URL.
Actions �
DNS Lookup:
DNS Lookup executes a DNS lookup command on the end device and provides its status.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
device. If no device is selected, it will be executed on the device selected in the Info tab.
Ping Device:
Sends ICMP packets to test whether the device is responding.
Page 293
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Number of requests Number of ping requests you want to send.
Packet Size Size of the ping packets.
Timeout Timeout interval for the ping requests.
Retries Number of retries for the ping operation.
Trace Route:
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Duration Time delay to carry out the subsequent task. You can configure time delay in hours,
minutes, and seconds. Select the required one from the dropdown menu.
Reboot System:
Reboots a remote Windows machine.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
Logs off, shuts down, reboots or powers off a remote Windows device forcefully.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Page 294
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
device. You can also log off by selecting the Log Off action from the dropdown.
Options Select the action (Log off, Shut down, Reboot or Power off) that you want to carryout on the
remote device.
Test a Service
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
Service Name Name of the service that you want to task whether it is running or not. Use the dropdown
menu to select the service. If the service is not listed, use the discover icon to discover the
services running the device.
Supported Variable:
${Alarm.ServiceName} - Select this option if you want to retrieve the service name from the
alarm entity. If the workflow is triggered from the service down alarm, then this variable is
replaced by the servicename from the alarm entity during runtime.
Note: If multiple services down alarm is triggered, this task will be executed for all those
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
Pause/Restart/Resume/Start/Stop a Service
Pauses/Restarts/Resumes/Starts/Stops a service.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
Service Name Name of the service that you want to pause/restart/resume/start/stop. Use the dropdown
Page 295
menu to select the service. If the service is not listed, use the discover icon to discover the
services running the device.
Supported Variable:
${Alarm.ServiceName} - Select this option if you want to retrieve the service name from the
alarm entity. If the workflow is triggered from the service down alarm, then this variable is
replaced by the servicename from the alarm entity during runtime.
Note: If multiple services down alarm is triggered, this task will be executed for all those
Test a Process
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
device.� �
Process Name Name of the process that you want to test. Either you can enter the process name right
away (Eg.:mysqld-nt.exe) or you can use the select icon to select the process from the
remote devices.
Path This field is optional. If you want to match the path also, then check the checkbox near path
field and specify the full executable path with process name. Otherwise leave this field
Eg.: C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.0binmysqld-nt.exe
Arguments This field is also optional. If you want to match the arguments, then check the checkbox
near arguments field and specify the arguments. Otherwise leave this field empty.
Eg.: --defaults-file="my.ini"
� List All Processes/Processes by Disk Read/Processes by Disk Write/Processes by Memory Usage/Processes by CPU Usage
Provides the list of active services, processes by disk read/disk write/Memory usage/CPU usage.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
Start Process
Starts a process.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
device. Page 296
Start Directory The directory from where you want to execute the process.
Process Command Command to start the process.
Stop Process
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select devices icon to select the
Process Name Name of the process that you want to test. Either you can enter the process name right
away (Eg.:mysqld-nt.exe) or you can use the select icon to select the process from the
remote devices.
Path This field is optional. If you want to match the path while terminating the process, then
check the checkbox near path field and specify the full executable path with process name.
Otherwise leave this field empty.
Ex: C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.0binmysqld-nt.exe
Note:� If the checkbox is unchecked and multiple instance of process is running with the
same name, all the processes will be terminated.
Arguments This field is also optional. If you want to match the arguments when terminating the
process, select the checkbox near arguments field and specify the arguments. Otherwise
leave this field empty.
Ex: --defaults-file="my.ini"
Note:� If the checkbox is unchecked and multiple instance of process is running with the
same name, all the processes will be terminated.
Check URL
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
URL Address Address of the HTTP URL that has to be queried.
Supported Variables :
${Alarm.URLAddress} -� will retrieve the URLAddress from the alarm entity, if� workflow
is triggered through alarm. Otherwise nothing will happen.
Form Method: Get or Post OpManager tests the URL via Get or Post method. Select the appropriate condition.
Search and Match Content The content specified here is verified for its presence in the web page.
Timeout Timeout interval for the URL. Default value is 25 seconds. Click on check now button to
verify the URL. Page 297
URL Authorization Details Provide the username and password for URLs that require authentication.
Check Now Checks whether the URL is accessible with the entered details.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
FTP Server Name of the FTP Server. You can enter the ftp server name directly or use '${DeviceName}'
variable. '${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name device selected in the Info tab,
during the workflow execution.
FTP Username Username of the FTP server.
FTP Password Password to connect to the FTP server.
File Name Name of the file to be deleted. Enter the file name with the path.
Move a file to another directory within the same system via FTP.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
FTP Server Name of the FTP Server. You can enter the ftp server name directly or use '${DeviceName}'
variable. '${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name device selected in the Info tab,
during the workflow execution.
FTP Username Username of the FTP server.
FTP Password Password to connect to the FTP server.
File Name Name of the file to be moved. Enter the file name with the path.
Destination Folder Destination folder where the file to has to be moved. Enter the path.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
FTP Server Name of the FTP Server. You can enter the ftp server name directly or use '${DeviceName}'
variable. '${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name device selected in the Info tab,
during the workflow execution.
FTP Username Username of the FTP server.
FTP Password Password to connect to the FTP server.
Source File Name of the file to be renamed. Enter the file name with the path.
Eg.:/root/OpManager/backup/Backup_DB.zip Page 298
Writes the given content in a file (.txt) and uploads it to the remote device via FTP.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
FTP Server Name of the FTP Server. You can enter the ftp server name directly or use '${DeviceName}'
variable. '${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name device selected in the Info tab,
during the workflow execution.
FTP Username Username of the FTP server.
FTP Password Password to connect to the FTP server.
Directory Directory where the file has to be uploaded.
Content Content/value that has to be uploaded
Posts the output received upon querying an URL, in the workflow logs.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
URL Address Address of the HTTP URL that has to be queried.
Supported Variables :
${Alarm.URLAddress} -� will retrieve the URLAddress from the alarm entity, if� workflow
is triggered through alarm. Otherwise nothing will happen.
Form Method: Get or Post OpManager tests the URL via Get or Post method. Select the appropriate condition.
Search and Match Content The content specified here is verified for its presence in the web page.
Timeout Timeout interval for the URL. Default value is 25 seconds. Click on check now button to
verify the URL.
URL Authorization Details Provide the username and password for URLs that require authentication.
Check Now Checks whether the URL is accessible with the entered details.
Post Data The content specified here will be displayed in the execution logs.
Supported Variables :
${URLAddress} - will replace the address specified in the URL Address field.
${Result} - will replace the response obtained from the URL Address.
Check File�
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
File Name Name of the file that has to checked for its size. Specify the file name with its path.
File Size The size of the file is compared with the value specified here. According to the condition
(greater or lesser than) selected the actions are executed.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
File Name Name of the file that has to be compressed/deleted. Specify the file name with its path.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Folder Name Folder that contains the old files. Specify the folder path. Note: Delete older files option,
deletes the older files in the sub folders also.
Files Older Than Files older than the specified number of months/days/hours are compressed/deleted.
Copy File/Move File
Page 300
Copies/moves a file from one folder to another within the same computer.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
File Name Name of the file that has to be copied/moved to another folder. Specify the file name with
its path.You can use the wild card character * (eg.: stderr*.txt) to do the action on all the
files. You can also enter multiple files separated by a comma.
Destination Folder Name of the folder where the file has to be pasted/moved. Specify the folder path.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Source Folder Folder that contains the old files. Specify the folder path.
Destination Folder Folder to which the old files have to be moved to.
Files Older Than Files older than the specified number of months/days/hours are moved.
Rename File
Renames a file.�
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Source File Name Specify the source file name to be renamed
Eg.: C:Program FilesOpManagerbackupBackup_DB.zip
New Name New name for the file.
Eg.: Backup_DB_Old.zip
Uncompress File
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Drive Name Name of the drive that has to checked for free space.
Drive Size The size of the drive is compared with the value (GB/MB/KB) specified here. According to
the condition (greater or lesser than) selected the actions are executed.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
File Name Name of the folder that has to be checked for its existence. Specify the folder path.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Folder Name Name of the folder that has to checked for its size.
Folder Size The size of the drive is compared with the value (GB/MB/KB) specified here. According to
the condition (greater or lesser than) selected the actions are executed. Page 302
Compresses/uncompresses/deletes a folder.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Folder Name Folder that has to be compressed/uncompressed/deleted. Specify the folder path.
Create Folder
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Folder Name Name of the folder that has to be created. Specify the folder name with its path.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Folder Name Name of the folder that has to be copied/moved to another folder. Specify the file name
with its path.
Destination Folder Name of the destination folder where the source folder has to be pasted/moved. Specify
the folder path.
List Files
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Page 303
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Folder Name Name of the folder whose files has to be listed. Specify the folder path.
Rename Folder
Renames a folder.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Source Folder Specify the source folder name to be renamed
Eg.: C:OpManagerlogs
New Name New name for the folder.
Eg.: logs_old
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Note Note that has to be added to the alarm.
Supported Variables :
${Result} - will be replaced with the previously executed task's result.
Generate Alarm
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Source Note that has to be added to the alarm.
Supported Variables :
${Result} - will be replaced with the previously executed task's result.
Severity Select the severity of the alarm.
Message Message that you want to display in the alarm.
Alarm Code Unique string used to trigger the event. Eg:-Threshold-DOWN
Entity Uniquely identifies the failure object within the source.Events will be correlated into alarms
according to the entity field. Multiple events with the same entity will be grouped as a304
single alarm.
Event Type Description of the event type
Execute script on remote Linux machines and retrieves the output. Depending on the input, this script will either execute from
OpManager server or from remote machine. Its success/failure is decided based on its exit code. If the script returns with the exit
code 0, then it is consider as success, any other value is consider as failure.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Command Line Specify the command used to execute the script.
Eg.: sh ${FileName} ${DeviceName} arg1
Here, ${FileName} variable is a must to execute the script. OpManager will replace this
variable during runtime.
Supported Variables :
${DeviceName} - will replace the executing devicename during runtime.
${UserName} -� � will replace the device username if already given for this device.
${Password} - will replace the device password if already given for this device.
Script Body The actual script that has to be executed.
Advanced Click on Advanced button to configure the following fields.
Execute from Remote Machine If this option is checked, the script is pushed to remote machine and will be executed.
Otherwise it will be executed from OpManager server.
Working Directory Specify the directory from where you want to execute the script.
Supported Variables :
${UserHomeDir}� - will replace the user's home directory during runtime.
${TempDir} - will replace device temp directory during runtime. Eg: /tmp
Response Timeout Time to wait for the script to complete its execution. The default value given here is 60
Script execution is done by the OpManager server on the destination Windows machines and retrieves the output. Its success/failure
is decided based on its exit code.
If the script returns with� the exit code 0, it is consider as success, any other value is consider as a failure.
Page 305
Eg.: for VBscript:
WScript.Quit(0) -- Success
WScript.Quit(1) -- Failure
WScript.Quit(-2) -- Failure
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Command Line Specify the command used to execute the script.
Eg. : cscript ${FileName}.vbs ${DeviceName} ${UserName} ${Password} arg1
Here, ${FileName} variable is must to execute the script.� OpManager will replace this
variable during runtime.
Supported Variables :
${DeviceName} - will replace the executing devicename druing runtime.
${UserName} -� � will replace the device username if already given for this device.
${Password} - will replace the device password if already given for this device.
Script Body The actual script that has to be executed.
Advanced Click on Advanced button to configure the following fields.
Working Directory Specify the directory from where you want to execute the script.
Supported Variables :
${UserHomeDir}� - will replace the user's home directory during runtime.
${TempDir} - will replace OpManager temporary directory during runtime. �
Response Timeout Timeout interval for the response from the device for the script execution status.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the ticket.
From Email ID Email ID of the sender.
Service Desk Mail ID Email ID of BMC Remedy service desk.
Impact Select the impact level of the ticket.
Urgency Select the severity of the ticket.
Summary Add summary for quick understanding of the issue reported.
Description Describe the issue.
Send Mail
Sends a mail to the email IDs specified. This is useful to notify the result/completion of a task in the workflow.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
From Email ID Email ID of the sender.
To Mail ID Email ID of of the recipients.
Mail Format Email can be sent in plain text or html or in both the formats. Select the required format.
Subject Subject of the email. You can use variables.
Message Content of the email. You can use variables.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with the name of
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Message Message that has to be displayed in the popup.
Send SMS
Sends SMS notifications to the mobile number specified. This is useful to notify the result/completion of a task in the workflow.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination Device Device on which the task has to be executed. Click on the select device icon to select the
device or use ${DeviceName} variable. ${DeviceName} will be replaced with thePage name 307
the device that is selected in the Info-> Devices, during the workflow execution.
Message Message that has to be sent as an SMS. Message should not exceed 160 characters.
Parameter Description
Name Display name for the task.
Destination The message can be sent to a single member or to a specific channel.
Channel Select the specific channel for which you want to share the message.
Message Title A suitable title for the message can be given.
Message Description Enter the entire message in the description box.
Variables are used to append dynamic values in a field of a task. Following are the variables:
${DeviceName} - Name of the device to which workflow has to be associated. Can be used in all fields
${WorkflowName} - Name of the Workflow that is to triggered. Can be used in all fields.
Using Variables
Variables can be better understood with an example. Following is the workflow that has to be triggered as an action whenever a
service down alarm is raised.
Page 308
Task 1: 'Test a service' task is created to test the service that is down. When the workflow is triggered, the variable
${Alarm.ServiceName`} is replaced with the name of the service that has gone down. ${DeviceName} is replaced with the name of
Task 2: The result of previous task (service up or down) is added as notes to the alarm using ${Result} variable.
Page 309
Page 310
Adding a Workflow
To add a workflow, follow the steps given below:
1. Click Trigger� at the top of the page.�
Page 311
2. Associate the workflow to the devices.
a. Click on the� Devices tab.
b. Select the devices in Available Devices column and move to Selected devices column. Use the search box to search the devices.
c. Click Next
3. Configure the alarm trigger to trigger a workflow when an alarm is raised or configure a schedule trigger� if you want to schedule
this workflow for periodical execution.
a. Click on the� Trigger tab.
b. Alarm Trigger: Click on the� Alarm Trigger� option.� Select the required criteria. Executes this workflow on the associated
devices, if any of the criteria is satisfied.
c. Schedule Trigger:� Click on the� Schedule Trigger option to schedule the workflow action.� Configure the date and time i.e.
you can choose to execute the workflow either once, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly at a specified day/time, based on your
d. Click Next
4. Configure the delayed and recurring triggerring of worflow
a. Enter a� Name,� Description, and� Tags� for the workflow.� �
b. Define Time: Select either� Apply this profile� all time or� Apply this profile during the below mentioned time window.
Selecting the latter keeps the Workflow active only during the specified days and hours.
c. Delayed Trigger: If you want the workflow to be triggered at a delay, enter the delay time (in minutes). If you don't want to
trigger the workflow if the alarm has been acknowledged in the mean time, you can select the 'Do not trigger if alarm is
acknowledged' check box.
d. Recurring Trigger: This option helps you trigger the workflow at regular intervals, till the alarm is cleared. Enter the trigger
interval and number of triggers. If you don't want to trigger the workflow repeatedly if the alarm has been acknowledged, you
can select the 'Do not trigger if alarm is acknowledged' check box.
e. Click Save�
The workflow has been successfully added. It will be executed on the associated devices at the scheduled time or when any of the
criteria selected is satisfied. You can check the output of the workflow in the Workflow Logs.
Sample Workflow
Following is a sample workflow which helps gets executed automatically when a device down alarm is raised. This workflow sends
ping request, if passed does DNS Lookup and adds the output as notes to the alarm.
Editing a Workflow:
1. Click on Workflows� from the left pane� and click on the respective workflow name to edit.� �
2. The workflow� panel opens. Click Trigger button on top to� perform the changes you want to do and click Next.
3. Modify the name, description, tags, associated devices, schedule, and alarm trigger options if required.
4. Click Save
To trigger an action in case of any/ selective network issues, all you have to do is to create a workflow action with alarm triggers. You
can refer the steps above to add a new workflow and select all/ specific triggers as per your requirements.
Page 314
Executing Workflows
Before executing a workflow, ensure that you have associated the workflow to the devices. To execute a worklow
1. Click on Workflows from the left pane. All the created workflows are listed.
2. Click against the Execute icon on the respective workflow.
3. There is also an option to execute the workflow from the device page. Go to Device page > Workflow > click against the execute
icon on the respective workflow.
How can I run a powershell script using Execute Windows Script task in Workflow?
1. Go to Workflow > New Workflow > External Actions > Execute Windows Script.
2. Drag and drop the Execute Windows Script action into the workspace. In the pop-up, configure the Name, Destination Device and
Command Line.
3. In Script Body, enter the powershell script shown below:
4. Click OK.
Page 315
Triggers in Workflow
A Trigger initiates an action in a workflow based on the pre-configured criteria. There are two types of triggers
1. Alarm Trigger
2. Scheduled Trigger
Alarm Trigger
An alarm trigger performs a workflow action when an alarm is generated based on the specified criteria. This alarm will trigger a
workflow action. Eg. Let us assume that a General Trigger has been configured to perform a workflow action when a device misses 3
polls. A workflow action will be triggered, when an alarm is generated because the selected remote device missed 3 polls.
Scheduled Trigger
A scheduled trigger will perform a workflow action at the specified time irrespective of any other criteria.
Apply this profile all the time- This activates a workflow action for the selected trigger at any time.
Apply the profile for the selected time window- You can specify a time-window during which period, the workflow will be
executed based on the configured trigger. For instance, if you set the values as From 09:30 To 18:30, and select the days
from Monday through Friday, the workflow will only be activated during the specified interval i.e. Within the mentioned
Delayed Trigger: If you want to perform a delayed workflow action, after an alarm is triggered, enter the delay time in Trigger after
(in minutes). If you don't want to trigger a workflow action if the alarm has been acknowledged in the meantime, you can select
the 'Do not trigger if alarm is acknowledged' checkbox.
Page 316
Recurring Trigger: This option helps you re-trigger the workflow action at regular intervals, till the alarm is cleared. Enter the Trigger
interval and Restrict the number of triggers, if you want to restrict the number of times the trigger recurs.
For instance, if you set the trigger interval as 10 mins and restrict the number of triggers to 5 times, the workflow action will be
triggered every 10 mins, for 5 times or till the alarm is cleared (whichever is the earliest).
If the number of times to trigger the workflow action is not specified, then the workflow action will be re-triggered indefinitely, till the
alarm is cleared. If you do not want to trigger a workflow action in case an alarm has been acknowledged, you can select the 'Do not
trigger if alarm is acknowledged' checkbox.
Page 317
Alert Actions
You can perform the following alert actions:
Acknowledge: This option is useful for the operators to pick up the problem and work on it. When you select an alarm and click on
Acknowledge button on top the alarms list, the administrator/operator's name is populated in the technician's field.
Note: Alarms that are acknowledged can be excluded from being escalated by configuring accordingly the alarm escalation rule.
Unacknowledge: The assigned technician is removed and the alarm is back in the unassigned list.
Clear: You can click this to clear an alarm manually.
Delete: You can delete an alarm.
View History: Click on the alarm message to view the alarm details and event history.
Add Notes:You can add notes to the alarms to explain the steps you have followed to correct the fault or to give tips to the
operator who is working on the fault. In the Alarm history page, click the Add Notes option.
Execute Workflow: You can execute a workflow to troubleshoot an alarm. Click on Execute Workflow in the Alarm Details page,
and select the workflow. The workflow will be executed and the output will be added in the notes.
Test Actions: You can notify this alarm via any of the notification profiles created by you. Click on Test Actions in the Alarm
Details page, and select the desired notification profile.
View Availability: You can view the availability history of the faulty device. Click on More link in Alarm Details page and select
Ping: You can ping the faulty device by clicking on the Ping icon from the top of the Alarm Details page.
Trace Route: You can trace route the faulty device by clicking on the Trace Route icon from the top of the Alarm Details page.
Unmanage: Alarms created for devices that are under maintenance can be can be avoided by moving the device to unmanaged
Click Actions> Select Unmanage from Alarm Details page.
Configure Notifications: You can configure a notification profile to the faulty devices. Click Actions> Configure Notifications
from Alarm Details page.
Edit thresholds: You can configure the threshold values for the criticality levels. If a device fails to meet the threshold conditions
then an alarm will be raised.
Test monitor: You can use the test monitor to check whether the monitor is fetching data.
Page 318
Page 319
Notification Profile
When a fault is detected in your network, an event occurs and multiple events correlate to trigger an alarm. You can configure
OpManager to notify the network administrator or perform automatic actions based on the alarm raised for a device using the
notification profiles.
Profile Types
The different types of notification profiles available are:
Email based SMS
Run a System Command
Run a Program
Log a Ticket
Web Alarm
SysLog Profile
Trap Profile
These notification profiles can be associated to different devices for different fault criteria.
Apply this profile all the time- This notifies alerts occurring for the selected criteria at any time.
Apply the profile for the selected time window- You can specify the required time- window here. For instance, if you set the
values as From 09:30 To 18:30, and select the days from Monday through Friday, alerts triggered during the specified interval
and selected days only will be notified.
Delayed Trigger: If you want the notification profile to be triggered by a delay, enter the delay time in Trigger after (in minutes). If you
don't want to trigger the notification profile if the alarm has been acknowledged in the meantime, you can select the 'Do not trigger if
alarm is acknowledged' checkbox.
Recurring Trigger: This option helps you re-trigger the notification profile at regular intervals, till the alarm is cleared. Enter the
Trigger interval and Restrict the number of triggers to. For instance, if you set trigger interval as 10 mins and restrict the number of
triggers as 5 times, an alert will be notified every 10 mins, for 5 times or till alarm is cleared(Whichever is earliest). If the number of
triggers is set as empty, then alert will be notified for given interval, till the alarm is cleared. If you don't want to trigger the
notification profile repeatedly if the alarm has been acknowledged, you can select the 'Do not trigger if alarm is acknowledged'
In case you want to temporarily disable a notification profile, you can follow the simple steps listed below.
1. Go to Settings -> Notifications -> Notification Profiles. Here, you will find a list of all the notification profiles available.
2. Find the profile that you wish to disable and click on under 'Status'. This will prompt a confirmation message.
3. If you still wish to proceed, click 'OK'.
Now, you have successfully disabled a notification profile. If you wish to re-enable a notification profile, you simply enable it by
clicking on the slider again.
Page 320
Page 321
Escalating Alarms
The alarms of critical devices should not be left unnoticed for a long time. For instance, the mail-servers, web-servers, backup-
servers, switches, and routers are so critical that if their faults are not solved within a specified time, the networking functionality will
be brought down. You can configure OpManager to escalate such unnoticed alarms by sending an e-mail to the person concerned.
However, you have an option to exclude the alarms that are acknowledged from being escalated.
To configure a new alarm escalation rule, follow the steps given below:
If you configure a new alarm escalation rule, by default it will be enabled. To disable an alarm escalation rule click on Edit icon,
deselect the Enable this rule option and click on Ok.
Alarm escalation rule can be deleted by clicking the Delete icon in the Actions column of the particular rule.
Page 322
Managing Faults in Network
There can various types of faults in a network. With the network health depending on various resources like the system resources,
services, network connectivity etc, getting to the root of the problem is simplified when the monitoring solution raises meaningful
alarms. OpManager helps you identify the fault quickly with its detailed alarms indicating the resource that is poorly performing in
the device . The different types of OpManager alarms include:
OpManager monitors the resources for availability and performance and triggers alarms for all the criteria mentioned above. These
alarms can also be sent as email or sms alerts from OpManager.
Page 323
Processing SNMP Traps into Alarms
What is SNMP Trap?
Processing Traps into Alarms
Adding/Modifying Trap Processor
Loading Trap Parsers from a MIB
Processing Unsolicited Traps
Configuring SNMP Traps in Agent
Combining multiple traps
Processing traps for unavailable devices
Ignoring traps in OpManager
Traps are cryptic messages of a fault that occurs in an SNMP device. SNMP traps are alerts generated by agents on a managed
device. These traps generate 5 types of data:
When a trap is received from a managed device, the match criteria in the parser determines whether a specific trap matches the
conditions specified in the Trap Processor. Once a matching trap is found, an alert is generated.
Configure OpManager to process the traps that are not processed out-of-the-box and convert them into alarms.
The traps that are not processed are listed under 'Unsolicited Traps'.
Page 324
SNMP V1 Properties:
Generic Type: Cold Start, Link Up, Enterprise, etc. Select the appropriate type for the OID
Specific Type: When Generic Type is set to Enterprise a specific trap ID s identified
Trap OID:� For devices with SNMP v2c version, select the trap oid from the MIB using the Select button.
Severity:� Select the Alarm severity.
Failure Component:� This option is useful when you deal with a single trap OID that has multiple failure
components. The Varbinds containing more details on the trap will have information on the failed components
(entities like CPU, Temperature etc). You can match the entity too by appending the VarBind number in this field to
generate separate alarms for the failed components. For instance, $Source_trapName_trap_$v5.
Source:� Append the Varbinds to be matched if required. This option is useful if the trap is forwarded from
another source.
Message:� Select the required message variables
Page 325
Match Criteria:� Select the appropriate radio button to either match any one or all the conditions that you specify.
Select the variable bindings, the condition, and the string to be matched.
Rearm Criteria:� Similarly, select the appropriate radio button to match the rearm conditions. Select the variable
bindings, the condition, and the string to be matched.
SNMP V3 Properties:
Trap OID: For devices with SNMP v3� version, select the trap oid from the MIB using the Select button.
Severity: Select the Alarm severity.
Failure Component:� This option is useful when you deal with a single trap OID that has multiple failure
components. The Varbinds containing more details on the trap will have information on the failed components
(entities like CPU, Temperature etc). You can match the entity too by appending the VarBind number in this field to
generate separate alarms for the failed components. For instance, $Source_trapName_trap_$v5.
Source: Append the Varbinds to be matched if required. This option is useful if the trap is forwarded from another
Message:� Select the required message variables.
Match Criteria: Select the appropriate radio button to either match any one or all the conditions that you specify.
Select the variable bindings, the condition, and the string to be matched.
Rearm Criteria: Similarly, select the appropriate radio button to match the rearm conditions. Select the variable
bindings, the condition, and the string to be matched.
Following are the steps to load the traps from various MIBs:
Go to Settings → Monitoring → SNMP Trap Processors.� All the configured processors are listed here.
Click on Load Traps From Mibs at the top of the page.
From the list of MIBs, select the MIB from which you would like to load the trap variable. The traps in that MIB are listed.
Select the required trap variable, and click Add.
A Processor for the selected trap is added, and is listed under the Traps tab.�
Despite configuring the SNMP Trap Processor in opmanager, you might still not see the alarms based on traps. You might need to
check the SNMP agent configuration on the monitored devices.
Can I process traps from a device which is not available in OpManager?�
Page 326
No, the device must be available in OpManager for you to be able to process those traps.
If the value for the Failure Component� field is the same for two or more trap processors, it'll be processed as a single entity. For
instance, let us assume CISCO_SHUTDOWN and CISCO_FANSTATUS as two different trapprocessors. Now, if the Failure Component
field for both these trap processors contain the value CISCO, then these trap processors will be processed as a single entity.�
To configure,
Alarms of this device will be suppressed for the selected period. You can also suppress alarms for devices in a bulk.
1. Go to the Inventory.
2. Select the devices for which you want to suppress the alarms.
3. Click options on the top right corner and choose� Suppress Alarms.
4. Select the period for which you want to suppress the alarm.
You can also configure alarm suppression in bulk by visiting� Settings -> Configuration -> Quick Configuration Wizard -> Alarm
Here you can select devices based on -� Category/ Businsess View/ Groups. Select the devices from the available devicies and
click� Save.
Page 330
Viewing Alerts
The Alarms tab in OpManager shows all the latest alerts.
From the list box on the top right corner, you can access the following:
To configure the SMTP server settings globally and to provide the secondary mail server settings, follow the steps given below:
Verifying Configuration
To test the settings, enter the Email ID and click Send Test Mail. This e-mail ID will be considered as the default To Email ID
while creating Email and Email based SMS notification profiles.
If you have a secondary mail server in your network, select Add a secondary mail server and provide the details. In case of a
failure in the primary mail server, OpManager uses the secondary mail server to send E-mails.
SMS Gateway
SMS Gateway:
Users can now select from the below list of SMS providers and set them as your default SMS getaway.
OpManager also supports SMS notification via SMPP. SMPP stands for Short Message Peer to Peer Protocol. Short Message Peer-to-
Peer (SMPP) in the telecommunications industry is an open, industry standard protocol designed to provide a flexible data
communication interface for the transfer of short message data between External Short Messaging Entities (ESMEs), Routing Entities
(REs) and Message Centres.
Using the SMPP protocol, an SMS application system called the �External Short Message Entity� (ESME) may initiate an application
layer connection with an SMSC over a TCP/IP connection and may then send short messages and receive short messages to and from
the SMSC respectively. It allows fast delivery of SMS messages.
5) Source Address: Address of Short Message Entity which originated this message.
6) Source Address's TON: Denotes Type of Number for the source address.
7) Source Address's NPI: Denotes Numbering Plan Indicator for the source address.
8) Destination Address's TON: Denotes Type of Number for the destination address.
9) Destination Address's NPI: Denotes Numbering Plan Indicator for Numbering Plan Indicator for the source address.
POSTMAN - Third party API tool - An App in chrome Page 334
This tool will help you to check whether the API is successful or not. Provide the details which should be used in the SMS server
settings and you can cross verify once here before configuring in OpManager.
You can download this from here and either sign in or click "Take me straight to the app".
1.Please provide the base URL of the SMS gateway provider and select the API method as POST or GET.
2.Please provide the body with the required "HTTP parameters" you provide in OpManager.
Page 335
3.Provide the headers under Headers tab which you will use it as "Request Headers" in OpManager.
Prev Next
The profile is associated to the selected devices. A notification is sent every time a threshold is violated for a server.
Note: Primary and secondary SMTP server settings can be provided in the Mail Server Settings page in OpManager. Whenever a new
email profile is created, the values of the primary SMTP server and the authentication details are retrieved from the Mail Server
settings. Refer to Configuring Mail Server Settings for steps to enter the details. If the SMTP server is not available while sending e-
mail, secondary mail server is used to send the mail automatically.
OpManager also supports Email based SMS alerts, click here to learn more.
Page 339
SMS Notification Profile
Configuring SMS Alerts
You can configure OpManager to send SMS to administrators when a fault is detected in the device. You can create separate profiles
for each administrator and assign them to devices so that whenever the device has a fault, an SMS will be sent to the technician
The profile is associated to the selected devices. A notification is sent every time a threshold is violated for a server. To configure
SMS server settings, click here.
OpManager also sends Email based SMS alerts, click here to know more.
Page 340
Web Alarm Notification Profile
Configuring Sound Alerts using Web Alarm profile
Web alarm lets you get updates on the alerts raised, as a Push Notification to the bell icon with a short notification sound in the
OpManager window.
This can prove essential in your real time network monitoring environment, where you can configure sound alerts only for critical
alarms (Device Down/ URL Down). This will allow you respond immediately to troubleshoot business critical issues.
The criteria and schedule based on which you want to be notified, can be configured in the profile.
1. Associate Users: In this section, you will find a list of all users mapped to OpManager classified as 'Administrators' and
'Operators'. You can either select all users or only specific users, to receive this sound alert.�
2. Associate Sound: Select a sound file to be played when the Web Alarm profile is triggered. You can also upload and select a
personalized soundtrack for the alert.
Criteria:� Select the criteria based on which the alert will be generated. You can also select the "Notify me when the alarm is
cleared" option to be notified once an alarm is cleared. To know more about the different criteria in OpManager, click here.
Device Selection:� Select the devices for which you want the web alarm to be generated. They can be selected based on Category,
Business View or Devices.�
Schedule:� This section allows you to configure the Time Window, Delayed Trigger and Recurring Trigger.�
Preview:� Provides a summary of the Web Alarm profile that you will be creating. You can name the profile and also test the action
by clicking the Test Action button.�
Page 341
Once the Web Alarm profile has been configured according to your preference, click� Save� to save the profile. Now, the profile will
automatically be applied to the selected devices and any alerts will be intimated with the help of a notification sound.�
Eg: Tim is a Network Manager who is also responsible for the health of an enterprise's network infrastructure. He spends his day
continuously monitoring the network using OpManager and receives multiple alerts per day. But, he wishes to only get notified of
critical events while focusing on his other demanding tasks. Therefore, he configures a Web Alarm profile in OpManager. He no
longer needs to keep a constant watch on the webclient. He can simply allow the webclient to run in the background while carrying
on with his day-to-day tasks and OpManager will automatically notify him with a sound alert in the case of a critical alarm as per the
configured criteria. He can now learn more about the alert from the push notification at the Bell icon and request his peers to
handle the issue.�
Page 342
Run Program Notification Profile
You can configure OpManager to automatically run a program whenever a fault is detected in the device. For instance, you can
configure OpManager to execute a program that corrects the fault or simply produces a sound or that whenever a specific type of an
alarm is raised for a device.
Note: These commands will be executed in the OpManager installed server. Please verify the source of the commands before
using it here, to prevent any unexpected behaviour or vulnerabilities.
5. If the program requires some arguments, specify the Program Arguments, Message Variables and click Next.
6. Select the fault criteria for which you need to be notified. For instance, if you want to be notified of threshold violation, select
'Threshold rule is violated'. Additionally notify only when any or all the severity: Critical, Trouble, Attention, Service
Down. Click Next
7. Select the devices either By Category or By Business View or By Devices and click Next.
8. Select the required Time Window, Delayed Trigger and Recurring Trigger and click Next.
9. Give a profile name and Click Test Action to test the program or Save to save the profile.
The profile is associated to the selected devices. The program is executed with the specified arguments whenever a fault matching
the selected criteria occurs.
Page 343
Run System Command Notification Profile
You can configure OpManager to automatically run a system command whenever a fault is detected in the device. For instance, you
can configure OpManager to execute a netsend command to send popup messages to users machines whenever a specific type of
an alarm is raised for a device.
Note: These commands will be executed in the OpManager installed server. Please verify the source of the commands before
using it here, to prevent any unexpected behaviour or vulnerabilities.
5. Select the Error and Output check-boxes to append the output and the error message on executing the command.
6. Select the fault criteria for which you need to be notified. For instance, if you want to be notified of threshold violation, select
'Threshold rule is violated'. Additionally notify only when any or all the severity: Critical, Trouble, Attention, Service
Down. Click Next
7. Select the devices either By Category or By Business View or By Devices and click Next.
8. Select the required Time Window, Delayed Trigger and Recurring Trigger and click Next.
9. Give a profile name and Click Test Action to test the system command(s) or Save to save the profile.
The system command is executed with the specified arguments whenever a fault matching the selected criteria occurs.
Page 344
Trap Notification Profile
Configure OpManager to notify users over a Trap when there is a specific fault.
Schedule Name
Schedule Description
Select the Status as Enabled, if you want the Scheduled task to take effect immediately. Else select Disabled, so that you can
enable it when required.
Select the frequency at which the Task has to be scheduled/executed. It can be Once, Every Day, Every Week, and Every
Specify the start and end time/day of the task in the corresponding fields.
If it is a schedule to be executed every day, then specify the date from which the task must be scheduled.
If it is a monthly schedule, select either the date or the day with the time window for the schedule.
You can assign the task to only one of the following options:
4. Click Save
Points to remember:
If a device is added under multiple device downtime schedules, chances are that one of the device downtime schedules
under which the device is specified may still be in running state. Hence, the specific device will continue to remain in
When the parent device is on maintenance, the child devices will not be monitored and their status will be shown as
dependent unavailable
On Maintenance devices are also considered in the OpManager license count.
Page 348
Modifying and Deleting Notification Profiles
You can modify or remove an existing notification profile. Here are the steps:
The changes made here are applied for all the devices to which the profile is associated.
Note: You can also delete the notification profiles in bulk by selecting the profiles and clicking Delete.
Page 349
Adding a new VoIP monitor
The source and the destination devices should always be a IP SLA responder enabled Cisco device.
OpManager performs the UDP jitter operation to proactively monitor the VoIP quality between Cisco devices. The UDP jitter operation
simulates continuous VoIP traffic to consistently monitor the voice quality scores between the source and the destination devices.
Using OpManager, you can now monitor the voice and video quality of a 'call path'. Call path is the WAN link between the router in
your main office and the one in the branch office that you want to monitor.
Step 1: Enable Add (/discover) the router in your LAN to OpManager. And make sure the SNMP read and write community are
configured properly, for that router.
Step 2: Enable SLA responder on the destination device you wish to monitor. The steps are detailed below.
1. Open a CLI session on the destination router and enable the EXEC mode as follows:
Router#configure terminal
4. Repeat the above steps for all the destination routers on which you want to monitor VoIP performance.
1. Go to Network ? IPSLA ? VoIP monitor ? Click on Add VoIP monitor at the top right corner
2. Enter a name for the monitor.
3. Select the source router from the list of routers discovered in OpManager, and select the relevant interface.
4. Specify the destination router either by using the 'Search' option to pick from the discovered routers, or use the 'Add' option to
specify the IP address of the destination router and submit the details.
5. You will see the summary of the monitor you are about to configure. Now click 'Save' to submit the details to the device. This will
take few seconds to configure.
Page 350
1. Click on Settings. Under the Monitoring section, click on IPSLA. Click on the VoIP Call Settings tab.
2. Configure the following parameters:
Source Port - Specify the VoIP UDP port to which VoIP Monitor sends simulated traffic to generate performance metrics. The default
port number is set as 16384. You can specify a port in the range of 16384 - 32766.
Simulated VoIP Codec - The VoIP jitter codec decides the type of traffic that VoIP Monitor simulates over your network.
Operation Frequency - The operation frequency is the frequency with which QoS metrics are collected by the IP SLA agent on your
network to determine performance.
Operation Timeout - The operation timeout is time to wait for the response from the responder / destination device in msecs.
Type of service - The Type of Service octet allows you to set precedence levels for VoIP traffic of the IP SLA operations.
MOS Advantage Factor - The advantage factor is a measure, on a scale of 0 to 20, of the willingness of your VoIP network users to
trade call quality for convenience
You can define a threshold template so that the VoIP performance parameters can be better suit your company SLA's (Service Level
Agreements). Alerts are triggered based on the thresholds configured so that you can take corrective actions in time. Here are the
steps to define a threshold template:
MOS Threshold : Configure the MOS threshold by specifying the upper and lower MOS range values in the range of 1 to 5.
Jitter Threshold : Configure the jitter threshold in msecs with upper and lower threshold limits. The range is from 0 to 6000 msecs.
Latency Threshold : Specify the delay allowed in msecs again in the range of 0 to 6000.
Packet Loss : Specify the number of packets that can be lost in transit.
Notification Profile : Select the required notification profile(s) in order to notify when the any threshold rule is violated.
Page 352
Viewing Top 10 Call Paths
With VoIP Monitor you can view the top 10 call paths by MOS, Packet Loss, Jitter and Latency. This provides you to have a quick view
and react proactively. To view the top 10 call paths, follow the steps given below:
1. Go to Inventory ? Select IPSLA from three line menu ? Select VoIP and click on VoIP Monitors.
2. Click on Top 10. The top 10 call paths by MOS, Packet Loss, Jitter and Latency are listed.
3. Click on the required call path view its snapshot page.
Page 353
Configuring WAN Monitor
OpManager primarily relies on Cisco's IP-SLA for monitoring the WAN and the prerequisite therefore is that the device should be a
Cisco router and must have IPSLA agent enabled on it. Almost all the routers from Cisco are enabled with IP SLA agent and
OpManager supports IOS version 12.3 and above. OpManager uses SNMP to query the Cisco routers for the links' performance data.
IPSLA familiarity is not a prerequisite. You just need to tell OpManager which links you want to monitor. OpManager provides an
intuitive configuration wizard to help you configure all the IPSLA parameters for monitoring the WAN health.
Using OpManager, you can now monitor the availability and latency of a WAN link / path. A WAN link mentioned here is the path
between the router in your main office and the one in the branch office that you wish to monitor.
Step 1 : Add (discover) the router in your LAN to OpManager. And make sure the snmp read and write community are configured
properly, for that router.
Configure the cisco router to send traps to OpManager. Alerts are shown based on the traps received in OpManager. To configure
OpManager server as the SNMP Server receiving traps for the routers, telnet the router and type the following command:
snmp-server host <opmanager server IP> traps <host community string> rtr
For instance, if the OpManager host IP Address is, and the community string is private, the command would be:
snmp-server host traps private rtr
a. Go to Network ? IPSLA ? VoIP Monitor and click on the Add new Device option on the top right corner.
b. Enter a name for the monitor.
c. Select the source router from the list of routers discovered in OpManager and then select the relevant interface of the source
d. Specify the destination IP Address either by using the 'Search' option to pick from the discovered routers, or directly enter the IP
Address and click 'Add' and submit the details.
e. You will see the summary of the monitor you are about to configure. Now click 'Apply to device' to submit the details to the device.
This will take few seconds to configure.
Refresh the page after few seconds to see the new monitor. The data is collected every hour, from the time you have configured.
Page 354
To edit any of the configuration details, go to the respective template, make the changes and save the details. When you create a new
monitor, the updated values take effect. When the configuration is complete, the router starts collecting the data at the specified
frequency i.e. 60 seconds (default value). OpManager updates this statistics (collected data) every hour and the reports are
generated after one hour of configuration.
Page 355
Configuring Test Parameters and Threshold Template for WAN Monitor
Define a template with the required WAN monitoring settings to be used for monitoring performance. The RTT template comes with
pre-populated default values. OpManager uses the configured values to simulate traffic. Incase you would like to effect some
changes to the values before initiating monitoring, make the changes as follows
Payload: The default value is 24 kb. Specify an echo payload value in the range of 0 to 16384.
Type of Service: Specify the Echo TOS in the range of 0 to 255, the default being 30.
Operation Frequency: Specify the interval in the range of 0 to 604800 msecs. The default interval is 60. The operation frequency
is the frequency with which QoS metrics are collected by the IP SLA agent on your network to determine performance.
Operation Timeout: Specify the timeout in the range of 0 to 604800000, the default being 60 msecs. Make sure that the timeout
interval is lesser than the configured operation frequency so that if the operation is not successful, that is, if there is no
response from the device, or in the event of a delay, the request is timed out and the subsequent operation is launched at the
configured frequency correctly.
You can define a threshold template so that you are alerted with the WAN monitor violates a specified value. Here are the steps to
define a threshold template:
1. Click on Settings. Click on to IPSLA under Monitoring section. Click on WAN Threshold Template tab.
2. Configure the upper and lower threshold limits for Round Trip time in msecs, the range being 0 to 60000 msecs. You can also
choose various notification profiles configured in OpManager to alert you.
Page 356
Viewing WAN Monitor Alerts
Go to Inventory ? Select IPSLA from three line menu ? Select VoIP (Select any monitor) ? Alarms (present at the end of the page) to view
the alerts raised by WAN Monitor.
All the alarms are listed with the Source name, Alarm Message, Status of the Device, Technician, Device category, date and time. Click
the alarm message to view the alarm history.
Page 357
About Reports
Intuitive dashboards and detailed reports helps you determine the performance of your network in very less time. OpManager
allows you to export the default reports to other file formats such as exporting to PDF or XLS. You can also schedule the reports to be
emailed or published. The default reports available in OpManager include:
System: Provides a complete report on all the system related activities of all the devices. This category of reports include All
Events, All Down Events, SNMP Trap Log, Windows Event Log, Performance Monitor Log, Notification Profiles Triggered, Downtime
Scheduler Log, Schedule Reports Log, All Alerts and All Down Alerts.
Health and Performance: Gives you a detailed report on the health and performance of all/top N devices.
Availability and Response: Gives you a detailed report on the availability and the response time of all/top N devices
Inventory: Inventory reports are available for servers, desktops, all devices, SNMP-enabled devices and non-SNMP devices.
WAN RTT Monitors: Gives you a detailed report on RTT & threshold of icmp packets and availability statistics of paths.
VoIP Monitors: Gives you a detailed report on various factors related to VoIP packets & traffic.
Virtual Servers report : Gives you detailed reports on your VM's which includes stats like list of all idle VM's, VM's with over-
allocated CPU etc.
Storage Reports: Gives you detailed reports on the performance of your storage devices.
Forecast reports: Get forecasts on usage of CPU, memory and disk of all devices in your network, calculated based on history of
Nutanix reports: Get Inventory and performance reports for Nutanix devices in your network, such as Cluster/Host summary,
usage stats about your storage container and disks, and Cluster/Disk Inventory reports.
My Favorites: OpManager provides the option to categorize all your important and frequently viewed reports under My
Schedule Reports: OpManager allows you to schedule a new report and also to schedule a generated report.
Page 358
Viewing Interface Reports
Interface reports help you to determine the health of the interface by generating detailed reports on In and Out Traffic, In and Out
Errors and Discards, Bandwidth & Outage Report, At-a-Glance Report etc. The reports can be exported to PDF format, taken printouts
or emailed by clicking the respective icons. To generate the interface reports, follow the steps given below:
1. Go to the snapshot page of the interface whose health report you want to generate.
2. Go to� Reports� >� available on the right pane� of the page. All the default reports that can be generated are listed.
3. Click on the preferred time window for which you want to view the report. The default Time Window available in OpManager are
Last 12 hours
Last 24 hours
This week�
Last 30 days
Note:� The reports can be exported in XLS or PDF format. It can also be scheduled for report generation.
Page 359
Business View-based Reports
OpManager provides an intuitive Availability Dashboard for your business view. You can track the fault to the root in no time.
1. Go to Reports, click on any tab in the page and click 'Create New Report'.
2. Enter a unique Name and brief Description.
3. Report Category- You can choose from one of the following categories of reports :
3. Monitor category: Select the category of monitors for which you want the report to be generated.
4. Select the specific monitor under the category of monitors for which the report is to be generated.
5. Report filter: You can filter the data that needs to appear in the report based on the following categories:
Category: The category of devices for which the report is to be generated. You can find more information about Categories in
OpManager here.
Business View: You can choose to display the data for devices under a specific Business View. To learn more about Business
Views, click here.
Period: The day(s) / the hours for which you wish to generate the report data
Time Window: Apart from choosing Time Period i.e, the days of the week, you can also select the hours for which the report
has to be generated. This includes: Page 361
24-hour report
8:00AM - 8:00PM report
Custom hours report - which can be configured with Business Hour Rules
Show: You can select the top N devices for which the data must be displayed in the report.
6. Click Save to create the new report.
7. After that, a success message will be displayed with an option to Preview the report. It will be displayed as a banner message on
the top of the OpManager UI.
The created report gets saved under the appropriate report category. Go to that category and click on the report to generate the
Page 362
Editing Reports
OpManager allows you to edit a generated report in order to refine for some specific parameters, devices or time periods. To edit a
generated report follow the steps given below:
1. Go to Reports > OpManager > Select the category > Click against the report name that you wish to edit.�
2. Click Filter� button available on the top right of the report page.
4. Change the required fields. The various fields that can be altered are Category, Business Views, Period, Time Window, Business
Hour, Exclude Days, View Records.� �
5. After modifying the required fields, click on Apply to generate the report effecting the changes made.
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Copying Reports
OpManager allows you to copy a generated report in order to retain the already configured parameters as template and do some
minor changes on them and save as a new report. To copy and save a report follow the steps given below:�
If you have chosen to schedule reports for Device availability reports and� configure the following,� Select either a
category of devices, or the required business view, or select specific devices manually for generating the availability
Select the Period and Time Window for which you want to generate the reports.
Select the days for which you want to exclude data in report using Exclude Days option.
If you have selected to schedule the Top N Reports, configure the following details:
Top N Reports: Select from Top 10/25/50/100/1000 reports.
Period and Time Window: Choose the Period and Time Window for which you want the report scheduled. In time period,
select the days for which you want to exclude data in the report using Exclude Days option.
Select Report(s): Select the required resource reports to be scheduled.
Generate Availability Report to all devices in this Business View: Select the relevant check-box and the business view to
generate reports specific to the devices in that business view.
4. Click Next
5. Configuring the Schedule for generating reports:
Daily: Select the time at which the reports must be generated every day
Weekly: Select the time and also the days on which the reports must be generated
Monthly: Select the time, day, and the months for which the reports must be generated
Report Format Type: Select either PDF or XLS to receive the report in the respective formats
Report Delivery: Select any one of the following options
Send report as attachment to: Configure the email ids to which the reports are to be sent as attachments [or]
Publish the report and send URL alone to:� Configure the url where the reports can be published
Add Mail Subject and Mail Message
6. Verify the details of the configured schedule and hit Add Schedule for the schedule to take effect
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1. In the report page that is generated, click Schedule Thisicon to schedule the report.
A message is displayed saying that "This report has been added to your favorite list".
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Report Settings
Under Report Settings in OpManager, users can configure the Business Hour Rule. Each organization will have different working
hours/ business hours and by defining this rule, users can filter out reports only for the specified business hours.
Also, users can specify a different time window each day as per their needs.
1. Go to Maps > Business Views > Create New. Or go to Inventory > Business Views > Add Business View.
2. Rename the Business view from 'New Business View' on the upper left corner to the desired one.
3. From the list of available devices, you can add devices onto the white board individually, using Drag and Drop or add devices in
bulk with Multi select option.
4. You can customize the view by changing font type, size and color.
5. Choose the required Background(Map) from the preloaded images or upload a new background image and select Apply.
6. Drag and drop devices on the Map based on your requirement.
7. Save the created view.
8. Select Exit to close the view. The created view would be displayed under the Business Views Tab.
1. Select the Add link button next to the Background tab. Drag a link from the source to the destination device and click that device.
A link properties dialog pops up.
2. Alternatively you can also drag the link button at the top right corner of the source device icon to create a link to the destination
3. Configure a display name for the link.
4. In the Get Status from field, select any interface from either the source device or the destination device. The link will inherit the
status of the interface that you choose here. For instance, if the source device goes down, and if you have selected an interface
from that device, the link also inherits the status of that device.
Note: You can also select to Get Status from either OpManager or NetFlow. If OpManager is selected, status is got through
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SNMP. If NetFlow is selected, detailed data like Top Source, Destination, QoS etc., can be obtained.
1. To make changes to the existing business views, Access the business view from the Maps tab.
2. Click the Edit icon to modify the view properties.
3. After modifying the properties like adding/removing links, adding more devices to the view, adding shortcuts on the view, changing
background etc, click the Save button on the left to save the changes.
Adding Shortcuts:
You can add shortcut icons to business views that helps to easily navigate to a view from another view when objects are grouped
based on their geographical location.
1. Go to the business view and click the Edit option on right-top corner of the view.
2. Click the Add Shortcut button on the left. A shortcut properties dialog pops up.
3. Configure a name for the shortcut in the Shortcut Name field.
4. From the Open Submap list-box, select the map which should be opened when you click the shortcut.
5. Select the icon to be used for the shortcut from the Default Icons or select from the Custom Icon combo-box.
6. Click Apply for the shortcut to be added.
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Note: You must have created at least two business views to be able to add a shortcut from one view to another.
The Traffic load legend colors can be edited. To do this, go to Settings > General Settings > System Settings > Map Settings. Hover
your cursor on the color that you wish to change and click the edit icon that appears. Choose a color of your preference and click
Note: For the Traffic load legend to be displayed, make sure the devices in the Business view are not in unmanaged state. In
addition to this, the devices in the Business view should have atleast one active link connection with the availability of traffic.
Google Maps: Page 375
OpManager allows you to integrate Google Maps and place the devices on the maps according to the geographic distribution. Please
refer to the google licensing terms and pricing plans before you proceed further.
1. You can zoom in/out the map and double-click on the location where you want to place a discovered device.
2. A device list box pops up allowing you to select a device to be placed in that location.
3. Select the device and click on Add.
4. You can also add the devices to the map from the device snapshot page.
5. Go to the device snapshot page and select a device. Click on the green colored menu button.
6. Choose Add to Maps option to add the device to the map.
7. Once done, you can switch between the different views such as Road map, Terrain, Satellite, Hybrid (Satellite view with label) and
save it accordingly in Maps and its corresponding widgets.
1. Click on the device marker on the Google Map to see the device information popup.
2. Click the device name/IP address on this popup to get into the device snapshot page.
3. The popup also shows the device status.
Import/Export devices
1. Import: You can import device to Google maps directly from a CSV file. OpManager will position them on the map as per the
latitude and longitude details in the CSV file. However, only the devices that are already discovered in OpManager can be
2. Export: You can download the information of the devices that are placed on the Map including their geographic location (latitude
and longitude) in XLS format using this option.
1. Now, zoom in/out the map and double-click on the location where you want to place a discovered device.
2. A device list box pops up allowing you to select a device to be placed in that location.
3. Select the device and click on Add.
4. Add the required devices on to the map by double-clicking the location.
5. You can also add the devices to the map from the device snapshot page.
6. Go to the device snapshot page.
7. Click on Add to Map link in the page to add the device to the map.
OpManager helps in creating a virtual replication of Datacenter floors and racks to enable 24x7 monitoring. Datacenter visualization
is one among the many features of OpManager's data center networking tool.
3D Rack View:
Virtual Racks can be created with OpManager. These racks display the status of the devices present in them.
1. Under Maps, select the Create New option under Rack Views Tab.
2. Drag and Drop the devices onto the Rack.
3. Click Save on the top right corner.
4. The status and availability of the devices can be seen in the rack created.
5. To observe the rear view of your rack in addition to the front view, click Edit and select Rear view.
3D Floor View:
Floor views can be created in OpManager. The racks are then loaded onto the floor views to create a virtual replica of the Data
1. Under Maps, select the Create New option under Floor Views Tab.
2. Select your floor size .
3. Drag and drop paths, aisles and walls as per your Data center.
4. Populate an existing rack view onto the floor map to create your Data center replica.
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Layer 2 Map Page 380
To create a Layer2 Map, go to Map > Layer 2 Maps > Create New. For detailed instructions click here.
Import Devices:
The devices that are discovered in Layer2 maps will not be added to OpManager for monitoring purposes unless they have been
Click on Settings and choose Import Devices. A screen containing all the devices that have been identified by the Layer2 Map
will be displayed. This list also includes the ones that have already been imported to OpManager.
From the list, select the devices that are yet to be imported to OpManager and click on Discover. Discovery process will
commence and a list of all the newly imported devices will be displayed in the device snapshot page.
ReDiscover Map:
This option is used when you want to rerun Layer2 discovery with-in the same device IP range specified in the discovery window.
You can also perform ReDiscovery by clicking on the refresh icon in the Layer2 section at the Map page
Export to Visio:
Visio is a Microsoft oowned graphic tool exclusively used for drawing network diagrams. The network map discovered in Layer2
Maps can be exported to Visio in an xml file. To know more, click here.
Click on the refresh icon to rediscover all the devices within the IP range specified during Layer2 device discovery. This is
especially useful when:
You can edit the discovery parameters (such as modifying the IP range, editing the seed router, changing the discovery
mechanism, set device dependency, change schedule discovery time) of the existing Layer2 Map and rerun the discovery