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Document 1
Keywords: The global increasing trend in total greenhouse gas emissions in recent decades has triggered the need for
Climate change climate-related development financing. This study analyzes the effects of climate-related development mitigation
Climate change mitigation finance and renewable energy consumption on greenhouse gas emissions in the Congo Basin. Using panel data
Climate change policy
from 2002 to 2020, panel regression estimates empirically reveal (1) a minimal significant increase in green
Energy consumption
Greenhouse gas emissions
house gas emissions with respect to an increase in climate-related development mitigation finance (2) An in
crease in climate-related mitigation finance significantly promotes the consumption of renewable energy (3) An
increase in renewable energy consumption reduces greenhouse gas emissions (4) An increase in renewable en
ergy consumption reduces the effect of climate-related mitigation finance on greenhouse emissions. This study
suggest the continuous flow of climate-related development mitigation finance from donor countries and bodies
to developing countries on a more regular basis and the putting in place of a mechanism that tracks climate funds
to ensure that they are effectively used in generating renewable energies such as solar, hydroelectric, biomass,
wind and geothermal energies.
1. Introduction (continuous fall in emissions). However, reducing CO2 emissions and the
global impacts of climate change on man and the environment is a
The recent increasing trend in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in matter of global concern [7,10,14].
developing countries, due to the reliance on non-renewable energy to Climate change mitigation especially reducing GHG emissions has
fuel industrialization and economic growth is re-echoing the need to become the cornerstone of climate policy initiatives, most recent of
focus on climate change mitigation [1–4]. For instance, economic which are the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and the Paris Agreement of 2015.
transformation in China, India and Pakistan is powered by Aimed at maintaining global average temperatures below 2 ◦ C, pre
non-renewable energy, which is highly increasing total greenhouse gas venting temperatures from increasing beyond 1.5 ◦ C and reaching zero
emissions [5–7]. Being the largest world producer of greenhouse gases emissions by 2050 [15], these agreements have earmarked official
(GHGs), China’s objective of peaking carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by development assistance (ODA) as one of the main strategies to tackle
2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2060 shows that there is no climate change [14]. This strategy calls for funds and investments from
indication of slowing down GHG emissions [8]. The increasing CO2 more developed countries (heavy GHG emitters) to support developing
emissions of most of Africa is due to anthropogenic activities and rapid countries with lower but rising levels of GHG emissions and higher
economic growth, which also heavily depends on non-renewable energy vulnerability to climate change risks and its impacts [16,17]. The 2009
consumption [9–11]. The increase in GHG emissions in South Asia, East Copenhagen Accord saw developed countries collectively pledging to
Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) between 1990 and 2018 has been mobilize funds in climate action worth 100 billion US dollars every year
steady, with SSA recording the lowest levels [12]. Caglar and Mert [13] by 2020 to support developing countries in producing low-carbon
posits that the behaviour in total GHGs is explained by the carbon technology and engaging in climate-resilient development actions.
hysteresis hypothesis, noting that China and India are experiencing Within this context, developed countries pledged 30 billion US dollars
positive hysteresis (continuous increase in emissions) while the United between 2010 and 2012 (according to the United Nations Framework
States, Japan and Russia are experiencing negative hysteresis Convention on Climate Change in 2014 as cited in Refs. [18,19].
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N.A. Aquilas), [email protected] (J.T. Atemnkeng).
Received 21 April 2022; Received in revised form 7 September 2022; Accepted 19 September 2022
Available online 28 September 2022
2211-467X/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
However by 2019, 79.6 billion US dollars in total climate finance had to guarantee the effectiveness of climate finance and instill trust in
been provided by developed to developing countries, about 20 billion climate policy, since the direct effect of climate-related development
US dollars short of the 2020 target [20]. mitigation finance on GHG emissions offers little explanation on the
More recently, the Glasgow climate pack of 2021, dubbed COP26 place of renewable energy in offsetting the growth of greenhouse gases.
provided a chance for the Parties to evaluate the progress already made, In this respect, two main causal relationships in the climate-related
renew and update their commitments towards limiting global average development finance-GHG emissions channel are analyzed; the rela
temperatures to 1.5 ◦ C. With the primordial objective of transforming tionship between climate mitigation finance and renewable energy
the 2020’s in to a decade of climate support and action, the Parties were consumption and that between renewable energy consumption and GHG
urged to increase their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in emissions.
2022 in view of achieving the 2030 targets. It also called on accelerating The first relationship relates to the change in the energy structure as
development, deploying and distributing technologies as well as a result of induced climate financial flows. Increased climate aid is ex
adopting low-carbon emissions policies by governments and acceler pected to shift priority from non-renewable energy to renewable energy.
ating the transition from nonrenewable to renewable energy sources This requires that while climate-related development finance is
[21]. This underscores the necessity to understand to what extent increasing renewable energy utilization, it should at the same time be
climate finance and renewable energy affects emission of GHGs so as to reducing nonrenewable energy use. Moreover, increased use of renew
properly guide climate policy. This is especially even more important able energy should reduce nonrenewable energy use. Li et al. [45]
within the context of African countries, which are still at an early stage analyzed these links and showed that climate-related development
of industrialization and growth but are expected to significantly finance significantly increased production of renewable energy while
contribute in curbing GHG emissions. In this direction, most studies increasing nonrenewable energy generation also. However, renewable
have however concentrated on general official development finance, energies production led to a reduction in nonrenewable energy pro
some of which are [1,14,22–26]. duction over time. Unlike [45], the current study approaches the change
The link between climate-related development finance and GHG in energy structure from the demand side, recognizing that it is the
emissions has received little attention in empirical literature, but this energy consumption behaviour that stimulates production of energy. In
body of knowledge is growing and findings are mixed. Some scholars this regard, the effects of (a) climate finance on renewable consumption
[16,27–29] contend that climate-related development assistance does (b) climate finance on nonrenewable energy consumption (c) renewable
not significantly reduce GHG emissions. Altaghlibi & Wagener [14] energy consumption on nonrenewable energy consumption are consid
added that conditional climate mitigation finance is ineffective in ered. In this study, the effect of climate related development finance on
reducing GHG emissions, emphasizing the relative importance of gen consumption of nonrenewable energies is explained by the effect of
eral or unconditional development finance. Other studies [11,18,30–32] climate-related development finance on GHG emissions. This is because
posit that climate finance significantly reduce CO2 emissions. However, GHG emissions do originate from non-renewable energies consumption
the conclusions from these studies are premature because of insufficient such as fossil fuels, so they constitute a proxy for non-renewable energy
empirical evidence, to which this study contributes and also due to the (fossil fossils). An increase in GHG emissions in response to an increase
inconclusiveness of previous findings. Again, while it is true according to in climate finance would therefore mean that climate finance increases
the Paris Agreement that GHG emissions will take longer to peak for the fossil fuels consumption. We employed GHG emissions to proxy fossil
less developed than developed countries before eventually start fuels due to the non-availability of fossil fuels consumption data for
declining (signaling a non-linear relationship between GHG emissions some countries in the study. Again, the effect of renewable energy
and climate mitigation finance), literature to the best of the researchers’ consumption on nonrenewable energy consumption can be explained by
knowledge has actually not taken this in to consideration. This study the second relationship in the climate finance-GHG emissions channel,
accounts for this shortcoming by incorporating a quadratic term of which investigates the effect of renewable energy consumption on GHG
climate related development finance as an independent variable to allow emissions.
for the possibility of a maximum turning point level of emissions after a The literature investigating the effect of climate-related development
certain level of climate finance. Typically, GHG emissions are expected assistance on renewable energy consumption appears to be missing.
to initially increase with climate mitigation finance, reach their highest Many works have investigated the determinants of renewable energy
level and start falling as climate finance continues to increase. This idea consumption, amongst which include [46–51], but none considered
reflects an Environmental Kuznets Curve proposition [33–37] and also climate finance as a factor. Some have however dwelled on the role of
sheds light on the possibility of diverting climate aid to other economic green bonds in consumption of renewable energy. For instance Ref. [50],
activities. found that green finance significantly reduced instead of increasing the
In order to reduce climate change, countries are increasingly tran consumption of renewable energy, arguing that investment in renewable
sitioning to renewable energy technologies [1,3,10,38–40] which is the energies is crowded-out by green investments in housing and trans
main path for reducing CO2 emissions [41], in line with Sustainable portation. Rasoulinezhad & Taghizadeh-Hesary [51] however held that
Development Goal (SDG) 7 and the Paris agreement. Caglar & Ulug [42], green bonds encourage projects in green energy, thereby reducing CO2
Caglar & Mert [13] reiterated that SDGs ease the transition to a low emissions. We contribute by adding to previous studies on renewable
carbon economy, adding that environmental awareness is increasing to energy consumption, focusing particularly on direct climate financial
set countries on the path to achieving the 2030 and 2050 targets. Caglar assistance.
et al. [43] add that the sustainability of the environment is a global Many studies have analyzed the effect of renewable energy con
problem, which requires keeping global average temperatures below sumption on GHG emissions (the second relationship in the climate-
manageable limits. Only a just transition to renewable energy technol related development finance-GHG emissions channel), with most
ogies can guarantee this. Particularly, the SDG 7 emphasizes access to concluding that the adoption of renewable energies reduces GHG
affordable, reliable and modern energy by all; increase in the proportion emissions. For instance Refs. [2,3,38,40,52–57] are amongst recent
of renewable energy in the total energy mix and significant improve studies resolving that the use of renewable energy technologies can
ments in energy efficiency to reduce GHG emissions. According to reduce GHG emissions and climate change. Renewable energy is more
Caglar & Ulug [42] and Caglar [44], this process is however complicated energy secure than non-renewable energy which only worsens the
by the fact that research and development expenditures to accelerate environment. While this study adds to this literature, it significantly
energy efficient technologies are not enough to ensure environmental contributes by analyzing the interactive effect of climate-related
sustainability. From the forgoing, it is obvious that understanding the development finance and renewable energy consumption on the emis
channels through which climate aid affects GHG emissions is necessary, sion of GHGs, an aspect which to the best of the researchers’
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
understanding is completely missing in the literature. This interaction is tons (Mt) of CO2 yearly, making it a stable carbon sink. The forest is
particularly important as it helps in understanding whether renewable relatively well preserved and plays a key role in climate change miti
energy consumption enhances or worsens the relationship between gation. Congo Basin forests are regarded as a common world asset due to
climate-related development finance and GHG emissions reduction. their importance, reason for which its conservation and management is
Based on the forgoing, this study sets out to pursue three operational the subject of many multilateral treaties [60]. However, anthropogenic
objectives which are to (1) analyze the effect of climate-related devel activities are threatening the continued existence due to forest loss while
opment finance on GHG emissions, which is the direct channel (2) assess tree growth is stifled by heat and droughts. Hubau et al. (2020) cited by
the effect of renewable energy consumption on GHG emissions (3) Ref. [59] contend that until the mid-22nd century, the sequestration
analyze the interaction effect of climate-related development finance power of Congo Basin forests might fall by 10%. The net deforestation
and renewable energy consumption on GHG emissions. Objectives (2) rate of this forest which stood at 0.09% from 1990 to 2000 increased to
and (3) seek to measure the effect of climate finance on GHG emissions 0.17% in 2005 [61]. The World Wide Fund (WWW) notes that about
through renewable energy consumption which shows the change in the 90% of CO2 emissions in the Congo Basin are from deforestation and
energy structure. degradation of the forest. In terms of climate change mitigation, the
The contributions of the current study to previous literature are three main policy measures adopted by Central Africa are; sustainable
worth highlighting. First, the body of knowledge focusing on the com management of forest resources; strengthening of forest governance
bined effect of climate-related development finance and renewable en and; engagement with the REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Defores
ergy consumption on GHG emissions reduction is very limited. After tation and forest Degradation, plus sustainable forest resources man
close to two decades of serious advocacy for climate protection, more agement and conservation and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks)
empirical studies are needed to ensure that climate policies undertaken [62]. The foregoing shows how important forests of the Congo Basin are
at whether at national or global level are informed by empirical evi to the World and underscores the need to continue preserving it both for
dence. Second, this study is the first to consider the non-linear effects of the present and future generalizations. Ironically, empirical research
climate-related development finance on GHG emissions. Since the GHG that focuses on the Congo basin is scanty, further necessitating this
emission levels of the Parties under the climate agreements are expected study.
first to peak before falling, the idea of introducing a quadratic term of
climate finance is to determine at what level of climate financial support 2.2. Variables and data sources
this peak should occur. This would guide climate policy by matching
climate aid to the evolution of GHG emissions. This is particularly Data used in this study was obtained from four recognized secondary
relevant in the context of developing countries since their GHG emission sources. Climate-related development finance data was extracted from
levels should take longer to peak relative to developed countries. Third, the [20] Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Creditor Reporting
while it is generally accepted that renewable energy consumption is the System (CRS). This dataset provides climate-related development
main path through which GHG emissions can be reduced, the mediating finance statistics from DAC member countries and multilateral devel
role of renewable energy consumption on the effect of climate mitiga opment bank and other multilateral sources. Data for institutions
tion finance on GHG emissions reduction is missing in the literature. (measured by the rule of law) was obtained from the [63]. The estimate
This study accounts for this limitation by interacting climate finance and of governance ranges from about − 2.5 for weak governance perfor
renewable energy consumption. This interaction is important because it mance to 2.5 for strong governance performance. The World Develop
highlights the place of renewable energy in the energy structure. Fourth ment Indicators of the [12] database provided data for the remaining
and above all, we have not come across similar studies focusing on the variables. Table 1 describes the variables, their units of measurement
Congo Basin, a region that possesses high ability to regulate the world’s and the source (s) from which the data was obtained.
carbon emissions, after the Amazon.
After the introductory section, the remainder of this paper is ar
ranged as follows; Section two presents the materials and methods while
the empirical findings are presented and discussed in section three. Table 1
Section four wraps up with the conclusions and policy implications. Variables, units of measurement and data source.
Short Description of variable Unit of measurement Data
2. Materials and methods name source
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
pairwise correlation matrix table, then later present the empirical results climate finance was not provided or received for some periods, we
based on panel regression estimates. observe an unstable pattern in the flows, characterized with both very
high and low amounts. The voluntary nature of financial commitments
and contributions under the climate pack can certainly account for this.
3.1. Descriptive statistics of variables
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of variables. 3.2. Cross-section dependence and unit root test
The overall sample of this study is 114 constituting 6 cross section
units over the 19 year period, 2002–2020. Except for climate finance, it Results of cross-section dependence test (Table 4) show that the null
can be observed that there are more variations across than within Congo hypothesis of no cross section dependence for CO2 emissions per capita,
Basin countries, signifying a heterogeneous pattern in the data, which energy intensity, openness, institutions and foreign direct investment
points to individual country patterns. The overall variation in climate cannot be rejected since p-values of the cross section dependence test
mitigation finance (about 130,479,700 USD) is however explained more (CD) for these variables are greater than 0.1. As earlier mentioned, the
by the within country variations (about 115,521,300 USD) than between [67,68], and the [69] Fisher-type unit root tests are applied on these
country variation (about 65,161,709 USD). This is due to high irregu variables.
larity and inconsistency in the flows of climate-related development The hypothesis of cross section independence is however rejected for
finance to different Congo Basin countries (OECD, 2022) (Table 3). The the remaining variables; GHG emissions per capita, climate mitigation
wide disparity between the minimum value (12,660 USD) and finance, renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions per capita, ur
maximum value (87,121,100 USD) of climate finance also attest to this banization and GDP per capita, since the p-values of the CD test for these
irregularity. The average amount of climate aid received is 66,560,440 variables are all less than 0.1. The [70] panel unit root test is thus
USD, way beyond the least amount. This inconsistency in climate relevant for testing unit root. Based on cross sectional dependence tests,
financial flows clearly indicates that countries that ratified these the panel unit root test results on the variables are presented on Table 5
agreements, especially developed countries are not keeping their com for the first generation tests and Table 6 for second generation tests.
mitments of supporting developing countries in the manner implied by From Table 5, the null hypothesis that CO2 emissions per capita,
the Paris climate agreement. energy intensity, openness, institutions and foreign direct investment
Table 3 shows the flows of climate-related development finance from contain unit roots at level is rejected since their p-values across the LLC,
all the provider countries to the different Congo Basin recipient coun IPS and Fisher-type tests are all significant. They are integrated to the
tries. The total amount of climate mitigation finance received for this order zero, I (0). It can also be concluded from Pesaran’s CADF test
region was about 6.7 billion US dollars between 2002 and 2020, which is (Table 6) that renewable energy consumption, climate mitigation
only about 6.7% of the total climate finance that is supposed to be finance, urbanization and GDP per capita are all I (0) variables, implying
provided by developed to developing countries by 2020. This amount is stationarity at level or no unit roots, since the computed values of the Z
judged inadequate for a region that is expected to play a major global [t-bar] statistic are all significant.
regulatory role in curbing GHG emissions. In addition to the fact that Per capita GHG emissions are however integrated to the order one, I
Table 2
Summary statistics of variables.
Variable Mean Std.Dev. Min Max Observations
GHG emissions per capita Overall 7709.12 8434.81 689.10 34048.14 N = 114
Between 8722.85 787.81 23961.36 n=6
Within 2679.19 − 1530.70 17795.9 T = 19
Climate mitigation finance Overall 66560.44 130479.7 12.66 871,211 N = 101a
Between 65161.79 5853.93 148795.9 n=6
Within 115521.3 − 82145.02 795841.9 T-bar = 16.83
Renewable energy consumption Overall 69.65 29.62 2.87 98.27 N = 114
Between 31.96 8.07 96.38 n=6
Within 4.44 60.70 92.88 T = 19
CO2 emissions per capita Overall 2073.26 3039.23 17.65 11676.32 N = 114
Between 3143.51 32.78 8106.42 n=6
Within 964.01 − 1572.02 5643.15 T = 19
Energy intensity Overall 7.84 6.77 2.14 24.80 N = 114
Between 7.30 2.49 22.33 n=6
Within 1.03 4.70 10.31 T = 19
Urbanization Overall 7,623,148 10,200,000 346,134 40,900,000 N = 114
Between 10,700,000 669770.3 27,900,000 n=6
Within 3,033,726 − 2340,816 20,600,000 T = 19
GDP per capita Overall 4240.96 5400.05 173.80 22942.61 N = 114
Between 5130.54 375.83 13055.35 n=6
Within 2651.60 − 6070.20 14128.22 T = 19
Openness Overall 0.79 0.34 0.29 1.60 N = 114
Between 0.34 0.42 1.24 n=6
Within 0.12 0.43 1.12 T = 19
Institutions Overall − 1.23 0.38 − 1.81 − 0.22 N = 114
Between 0.39 − 1.64 − 0.56 n=6
Within 0.12 − 1.52 − 0.74 T = 19
Foreign direct investment Overall 827.72 987.50 − 793.87 4416.95 N = 114
Between 593.72 29.59 1631.17 T = 19
Within 823.89 − 1086.28 3613.51 n=6
There were 13 missing observations for the variable, climate-finance (CAR, 2; Congo, 3; DRC, 1; Equatorial Guinea, 4; and Gabon; 3) giving a total of 101 ob
servations. The missingness of this variable did not prevent the application of standard panel data techniques, as the hypothesis that the data was missing completely at
random (MCAR) could not be rejected based on Little’s MCAR test (with Prob > chi-square = 0.1348). Forecasting or mean imputation could not be employed to
estimate the missing values due to the high irregularity in the flows of climate-related development finance, as doing this will grossly result in misleading estimates.
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
Table 3
Climate-related development mitigation finance for Congo Basin countries (current thousand US dollars).
Year Cameroon Central Africa Republic Congo Democratic Republic of Congo Equatorial Guinea Gabon
Source: OECD, 2022. NA = Not available, there were no climate finance flows for these years.
Table 4 Table 6
Cross-section dependence test. Second generation panel unit root tests on variables.
Variable CD test p- Cross-section Variables Pesaran’s CADF test
value dependence
Z[t-bar] Stationarity level
Log of GHG emissions per capita 1388.008 0.001 Yes Log of renewable energy consumption − 2.448** I (0)
Log of climate mitigation finance 1388.008 0.000 Yes (0.044)
Log of renewable energy 1388.008 0.052 Yes Log of GHG gas emissions per capita − 4.660*** I (1)
consumption (0.000) I (0)
Log of CO2 emissions per capita 1388.008 0.554 No Log of climate mitigation finance − 4.773***
Log of energy intensity 1388.008 0.105 No (0.000)
Log of urbanization 1388.008 0.000 Yes Log of urbanization − 3.431*** I (0)
Log of GDP per capita 1388.008 0.000 Yes (0.000)
Openness 1388.008 0.899 No Log of GDP per capita − 2.022** I (0)
Institutions 1388.008 0.512 No (0.022)
Log of foreign direct investment 1388.008 0.109 No
Note: P-values in parenthesis, ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
Note: P-values in parenthesis, ***p < 0.01, *p < 0.1.
(1) meaning that they are stationary only after taking the first difference.
Hence they are a difference stationary process.
Table 5
First generation panel unit root tests on variables.
3.3. Pairwise correlations on variables
Levin, Lin Im-Pesaran- Fisher-type test
and Chu Shin (based on
Augmented Table 7 reports the pairwise correlation matrix of the variables used
Dickey-Fuller in the regression. Because of the multicollinearity that is most likely
tests expected between climate mitigation finance and its quadratic term;
Variables Adjusted t W-t-bar/t- Inverse chi- Stationary climate mitigation finance and the interaction term; and between the
bar squared (12) at level quadratic of climate mitigation finance and the interaction term, climate
Log of CO2 − 2.8875*** − 2.4100** 82.2297*** Yes mitigation finance was centered to reduce this correlation.
emissions (0.0019) (0.0142) (0.0000)
The correlations between climate mitigation finance and its squared
per capita
Log of energy − 3.0402*** − 2.1164** 35.2118 *** Yes term (− 0.35) and between the interaction variable and squared term of
intensity (0.0012) (0.0172) (0.0004) climate mitigation finance (− 0.38) are sufficiently low, signifying the
Openness − 1.8378** − 2.4453*** 23.2256** Yes absence of multicollinearity. However, the interaction variable and
(0.0330) climate mitigation finance are strongly correlated (0.97). To resolve this
− 4.1945*** (0.0081) (0.0259) Yes
Log of (0.0000) − 2.2269** 36.5677***
problem, the interaction term was differenced, and this significantly
institutions (0.0315) (0.0000) reduced its correlation with climate mitigation finance to 0.44 as re
Log of foreign − 1.6620** − 2.5841*** 29.8819*** Yes ported on Table 8.
direct (0.0483) (0.0064) (0.0029) Apart from the strong relationship between per capita GDP and per
capita CO2 emissions with a coefficient of 0.97, all other correlations are
Note: P-values in parenthesis, ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1. low confirming that there is no multicollinearity among the explanatory
variables in our model. The strong correlation between GDP per capita
and CO2 emissions per capita is understandable, given that both vari
ables are measured in per capita terms. Furthermore, these are only
control variables in the model. For these reasons, the relationship be
tween them is ignored.
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
Table 7
Pairwise correlation matrix.
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Table 8
Pairwise correlation matrix on variables after differencing the interaction term.
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Table 9
Pooled, fixed effects and random effects estimates with GHG emissions as dependent variable.
Variables Dependent Variable: D.Log of GHG emissions per capita
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
3.4. Panel regression estimates incentive to commit to climate-resilient development. The Paris climate
agreement recognizes that peaking of GHG emissions will take longer for
3.4.1. Analysis of the effect of climate finance, renewable energy developing countries compared to developed countries. With less than a
consumption and the climate finance-renewable energy consumption decade to the implementation of the Paris climate agreement, it is
interaction on GHG emissions therefore not a surprise that GHG emissions for most Congo Basin
Table 9 presents the pooled regression, fixed effects and random countries continue to increase (Fig. 1). One can therefore posit that the
effects estimates with GHG emissions per capita as dependent variable. desired impact of climate aid on GHG emissions in the Congo Basin is not
Columns 1 and 2 are pooled regression estimates; columns 3 and 4 are yet being realized.
the fixed effects estimates while columns 5 and 6 are random effects Looking at Fig. 1, it can be seen that the general trend in GHG
estimates. In columns 2, 4 and 6, climate finance and its quadratic term emissions is upward, though has little fluctuations within the period and
and the interaction term are lagged by one period to account for time not expected to peak yet. Total GHG emissions are higher for Cameroon
lags on GHG emissions resulting from climate finance flows. The pooled and lower for Gabon relative to other countries in the Basin. Equatorial
regression results are better fitted and preferred to the fixed effect es Guinea had a steady decline in emissions from 2009 to 2018. According
timates since the p-values of the F-statistic for pooled Ordinary Least to Levin & Rich [74], the projected time when GHG emissions will peak
Squares (OLS) from the fixed effects estimates are insignificant (0.9025 for African countries is not determined. In per capita terms however, the
and 0.1156). Again, random effect estimates reduce to pooled OLS es trend is different as shown on Fig. 2.
timates because the estimate of the variance of the unobserved effect Fig. 2 reveals that per capita GHG emissions are higher for Equatorial
from the random effect regression is zero (sigma_u = 0), following [72]. Guinea compared to any other Congo Basin country throughout the
This means that either the pooled OLS model (columns 1 and 2) or the study period. However, emissions rose steadily from about 23,952 kt in
random effects model (columns 5 and 6) are relevant for further dis 2002–33,601 kt of CO2 equivalent per million in 2006 before falling
cussion. Fixed effects regression estimates are not further considered. continuously thereafter till 2017. This can be because of a gradual fall in
From column (1), the coefficients of climate finance and its squared total GHG emissions from 2006 (see Fig. 1), coupled with the country
term (representing higher levels of climate finance) are both positive, being the least populated in the region. Per capita GHG emissions for
implying that the GHG emissions of recipient countries continued to rise Central African Republic are rising on the average, notwithstanding the
with increased climate aid, indicating the absence of an EKC type rela fast increase in the country’s population. For the rest of the countries,
tionship between climate mitigation finance and GHG emissions. Higher per capita emissions have almost remained constant throughout the
levels of climate aid significantly resulted to increased GHG emissions period.
by the recipients, with no turning point level of emissions at which the Renewable energy consumption is observed to produce the desired
GHG emissions were expected to start falling. In column (2), climate negative impact on the reduction of GHG emissions, since its coefficient
mitigation finance and its squared term still increase GHG emissions with respect to per capita GHG emissions is negative. Thus, development
even after being lagged by one year to accommodate the view that and utilization of renewable energy technologies in production activities
climate aid flows to recipients don’t spontaneously mitigate emission of has the potential of slowing down emissions of total greenhouse gases in
greenhouse gases. Thus, the impact of climate finance on GHG emissions the Congo Basin. This finding is consistent with those of [38,52–57]
reduction does not really depend on time. This aligns with [11] who which have found a reducing effect of renewable energy technologies on
concluded that lagging climate aid by one period had no significant GHG emissions reductions. Quantitative results reveal that per capita
impact on carbon emission and [15] who found that after four years of GHG emissions will fall by 0.005% (a very small magnitude) in response
international climate cooperation, total climate technology grants and to a 1% increase in renewable energy, all things being equal. This result
loans failed to reduce total CO2 emissions. The finding of this study (that is however insignificant. Thus, this study concludes that renewable en
climate finance worsens rather than reduce GHG emissions) corrobo ergy consumption does not significantly reduce per capita GHG emis
rates findings by Refs. [14,16,27,28] that climate-related development sions in the Congo Basin. In model 2, which is not our main concern for
assistance does not reduce GHG emissions significantly. Mahalik et al. this variable, the effect even changes to positive after allowing a time lag
[29] also found that foreign aid intended for renewable energy increases in climate mitigation finance, but is also insignificant. Despite the
CO2 emissions. Though this result is inconsistent with the main objective negative insignificant effect of renewable energy consumption on GHG
of climate-related development financing, which is the lowering of GHG emissions, it is worthy to note that consumption of renewable energies
emissions as much as possible, it however reflects the fact that emission cannot be neglected, as this remains the primary channel through which
levels for Congo Basin countries have not yet peaked, reducing their GHG emissions are curtailed. Increased renewable energy use is still
Fig. 1. Total GHG emissions for Congo Basin countries, 2002 to 2020.
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
Fig. 2. GHG emissions per capita for Congo Basin countries, 2002 to 2020.
therefore strongly recommended under these circumstances, in order to measured. Strengthening this policy represents a step in the right di
create a more significant impact on GHG emissions per capita. The rection towards reducing forest-sector related carbon emissions.
interaction term in the current period is negative, consistent with eco An increase in energy intensity directly affects GHG emissions as
nomic expectation. This signifies that the joint effect of climate-related should be a priori expected. Put differently, consumption of more energy
development mitigation finance and renewable energy consumption in economic activities increases GHG emissions, and this outcome is
actually negated GHG emissions in the Congo Basin within the study significant. This result implies that economic activities depended more
period, again reiterating the need to boost renewable energy technolo on nonrenewable energy sources such as fossil fuels. Gross domestic
gies adoption. Increase in the interaction effect by 1% resulted to a fall in product also negatively but significantly resulted to GHG emissions
GHG emissions by 0.001% but this effect is insignificant. The magnitude reduction, an outcome that sounds unlikely, but not impossible at least
of this effect is even smaller than in the case of the direct effect of climate within the context of less developed countries. This finding signifies that
finance and renewable energy consumption. In the lagged one year growing the economy will be an effective way of reducing GHG emis
period however, the interaction variable is positive and also insignifi sions so economic growth should be accelerated. Apart from the
cant, implying that global warming is still being felt even with increased increasing proportion of renewable energy in total final energy con
energy consumption financed by climate-related aid. sumption for Congo Basin countries, averagely 70% [12], which reduces
Turning to the other variables, per capita CO2 emissions increase air pollution, economic transformation has made services (less polluting
GHG emissions per capita as is expected and this effect is highly sig activities compared to agriculture and industry) the dominant economic
nificant at 1%. This is not a surprising finding, as CO2 emissions are the sector of the economy. Thus, increased economic growth is associated
main amongst all greenhouse gases (GHGs). Quantitatively, GHG with declining levels of GHG emissions, since [56] held that services
emissions per capita rose by 0.051% resulting from a 1% increase in per reduce GHG emissions. Some empirical works have however upheld the
capita CO2 emissions. Carbon dioxide emissions constitute a greater position that economic growth contributes positively to CO2 emissions
proportion of total greenhouse gases, so it is logical for its effect to be not [1,7,28,75] whereas others (which include a quadratic term of gross
only positive but also highly significant. The coefficient of urbanization domestic product as an independent variable) conclude that gross do
is negative, implying that GHG emissions are not yet responding posi mestic product significantly increases CO2 emissions but that gross do
tively to increase in urban population as expected. Urbanization is mestic product squared (higher levels of gross domestic product)
therefore yet to create any real environmental threat in Congo Basin significantly negates CO2 emissions [11,15,31,56].
countries which are less populated relative to most industrialized
countries. The effect of trade openness on GHG emissions is positive. 3.4.2. Analyzing the effect of climate finance on renewable energy
Thus, the more climate aid recipient countries are opened to the inter consumption
national community and conditions created for the movement of foreign The results relating to the effect of climate-related development
firms in to these countries, the more GHG emissions increase, thereby finance on renewable energy consumption (first link in the climate-
confirming the pollution-haven hypothesis for Congo Basin countries. related development finance-GHG emissions channel) based on the
Similar effects of openness on CO2 emissions in developing countries pooled OLS, fixed effects and random effect estimates are reported on
were also uncovered by Refs. [11,16,31,75]. Table 10. Similar to Table 9, columns 1 and 2 are the pooled regression
Furthermore, GHG emissions respond positively to institutions, estimates; columns 3 and 4 are the fixed effects estimates while 5 and 6
which is consistent with the expectation in this study because over the are random effects estimates. Climate finance and its quadratic term in
time scope of this study, the institutional variable—rule of law for Congo columns 2, 4 and 6 are again lagged by one period to account for the
Basin countries was negative, indicating poor institutions which affects time it takes for renewable energy consumption to respond to climate
GHG emissions adversely. As part of the implementation of international aid.
climate agreements, national governments are expected to enforce their Based on the Hausman test, fixed effects estimates shown by models
voluntary commitments towards mitigating climate change, which can 3 and 4 are appropriate for further analysis. The results reveal that
only be achieved with strong and vibrant institutions. This happens not renewable energy consumption respond positively and significantly to
to be the case for countries of the Congo Basin, which recorded weak increased climate finance, as expected even with lag period and there is
institutions within the study period. Li et al. [28] find inconclusive ev no turning point where increased climate-related development finance
idence of the rule of law on CO2 emissions. Forest governance is a main induces a fall in renewable energy consumption. This implies that
institutional policy initiative by Congo Basin countries to combat climate funds are actually invested in the development of renewable
climate change, though its contributions cannot yet be quantitatively energy and renewable energy consumption behaviour is aligned with
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
Table 10
Pooled OLS, fixed effects and random effects estimates with renewable energy consumption as dependent variable.
Variables Dependent Variable: Log of renewable energy consumption
Note: Models 1 and 2 are rejected since the p-values of the F-statistic for pooled OLS are significant at 1% level. The fixed effects model is therefore preferred to the
pooled OLS model. The p-value of the Hausman statistic for models 3 and 5 is 0.0000 which is also significant at 1% level, implying model 3 is preferred. Again, the p-
value of the Hausman statistic for models 4 and 6 is 0.0000, meaning model 4 is appropriate. Standard errors in parentheses. ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
production. Average renewable energy consumption in the energy dependence on CO2 emissions reduces renewable energy. The results
consumption mix is more than 81% for Cameroon, Central Africa Re also show that energy intensity significantly increases the consumption
public, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon put together of renewable energy. This result suggests that the volume of renewable
and just about 8% for Equatorial Guinea [12]. Lie et al. [45] found that energy exceeds that of nonrenewable energy in the total energy mix.
the assistance behaviour of developed-country climate finance donors This is highly desired for a change in energy structure to less polluting
significantly promotes renewable energy creation in the recipient energies. The results further reveal that unconditional official foreign
developing countries thereby optimizing the energy structure. Green assistance in the form of foreign direct investment inflows to the Congo
bonds utilization as a financial instrument to fight climate change en Basin is beneficial for renewable consumption and should be encour
courages green energy projects [51] but also proved ineffective in pro aged. This signifies that foreign direct investment inflows are partly used
moting renewable energy consumption [50]. Climate change mitigation in developing energy efficient development projects, which in turn
financing through green bonds is still in the process in Congo Basin promote renewable energy consumption. This is in line with [51] who
countries. finds a positive effect of foreign direct investment but is not consistent
The implications of an increase in GHG emissions resulting from with [49,50] who find a negative effect of foreign direct investment on
increased climate finance as reported on Table 9 is that increased renewable energy consumption. The role of institutions in promoting the
climate-related development finance would increase non-renewable consumption of renewable energy is negative but insignificant following
energies consumption instead of reducing it. This is because fossil fuel our empirical results. Chen et al. [48] argue that institutions play a
energy in developing countries is cheaper and more price competitive mediating role in renewable energy consumption meanwhile [49] posits
than any forms of renewable energy, and thus present a more attractive that institutions are detrimental to clean energy consumption. It is
business opportunity to the operators in this sector in terms of market therefore required to strengthen institutional frameworks in Congo
share dominance. Consequently, developing countries receiving climate Basin countries, since currently they are weak. Urbanization also ne
finance tend to still rely heavily on fossil fuels for economic develop gates renewable energy consumption. This can be explained by the less
ment. The shift in energy structure from nonrenewable to renewable expensive or competitive nature of nonrenewable over renewable en
energy will therefore take long [45]. This means the preference for ergy, which attracts urban residents seeking to minimize high living
nonrenewable energy consumption remains high even in an era where costs in cities. The findings relating to the effect of climate-related
the renewable energies adoption is highly encouraged. Though both development mitigation finance on the energy structure trans
renewable and nonrenewable energy response positively to increased formation can be summarized as shown on Fig. 3.
climate finance in this study, this increase is greater with renewable From Fig. 3 and following the empirical results presented on Tables 9
compared to nonrenewable energy. This confirms that climate finance and 10 it can be summarized that; (1) Climate-related development
actually transforms the energy structure in favour of renewable energy mitigation finance significantly increases both renewable and non-
consumption, which in turn reduces the emission of GHGs as earlier renewable energy consumption, but its effect on renewable energy
established in Table 9. consumption is greater (2) Renewable energy consumption significantly
Turning to the controls in Table 10, CO2 emissions decrease renew reduces GHG emissions, suggesting that non-renewable energy con
able energy consumption. Though less developed economies recognize sumption is gradually being replaced by renewable and clean energy. In
the adverse environmental consequences of non-renewable energies, this sense, the energy structure is transformed to the benefit of modern
many still depend heavily on it, as it is more affordable, thereby and clean energy. Climate-related development mitigation finance
reducing the consumption of renewable energy which is more expen significantly drive up GHG emissions, while the effect of non-renewable
sive. This is supported by Ref. [50] who contends that increased energy consumption (fossil fuels) on GHG emissions, though not tested
N.A. Aquilas and J.T. Atemnkeng Energy Strategy Reviews 44 (2022) 100971
As climate change and its impacts appear to remain visible around
the globe, it is obvious that policy makers, national governments and
international organizations will continue striving to target the problem
by committing financial and engaging in other policy options. Directly,
this study found that climate-related mitigation finance increases GHG
emissions but indirectly, it reduces GHG emissions via increased con
sumption of renewable energy. As GHG emissions in general and
particularly in the Congo Basin continue to surge, the following policy
options could be adopted; (1) developed countries and climate finance
providers should make regular the financial contributions to developing
countries and step up the amount (2) an international mechanism is
needed to track climate funds to the recipients to ensure that they are
effectively utilized in the development of renewable energies such as
solar, hydroelectric, biomass, wind and geothermal energies which have
the ability of reducing GHG emissions. Reinforcement of the local
institutional frameworks, which is currently weak is strongly needed to
bring this to fruition (3) the Congo Basin should continue ensuring that
Fig. 3. Climate-related development mitigation finance and energy struc foreign direct investment inflows are channeled to the production of
ture change.
renewable energy technologies (4) countries of the Congo Basin should
accelerate economic growth as an objective, as this reduces rather than
in this study is expected to be positive and significant. increase GHG emissions, in so doing making sure that this growth is
driven more by renewable energy. Moreover, economic growth of this
4. Conclusion and policy implications region is more recently accounted for by services-which cause less
pollution than agriculture and industry, so it is not surprising that GHG
Recent efforts to mitigate climate change by reducing GHG emissions emissions respond negatively to economic growth.
within the framework of climate change agreements involve the flow of The empirical findings of this research are by no means exhaustive or
climate-related development finance from donor countries to the re conclusive, as the issue under investigation is fairly recent. More
cipients (mostly developing countries). In this perspective, renewable research is needed to expound on the implications of climate-related
energies have been identified as the primary path through which the development finance on the attainment of climate goals. In this
impact of climate-related development finance on GHG emissions respect, further research could focus on climate-related development
reduction can be realized. This study investigated the effect of climate- financing for mitigation and adaptation, in order to provide policy
related development finance and renewable energy consumption on makers with a holistic picture of the effect of climate aid on climate
GHG emission reduction in the Congo Basin. Particularly, it set out to action. Due to data availability problems, this study used data on
analyze the effects of climate finance and renewable energy consump climate-related development mitigation financial commitments which
tion and their interaction effect on GHG emission in Congo Basin may differ from actual financial flows because of the possibility that
countries. Data was collected from 2002 to 2020 from the World Bank, many climate aid donors failed to honour their commitments with re
OECD’s Development Assistance Committee Creditor Reporting System, cipients. A study that utilizes data (if available) on actual climate miti
and World Governance Index. Based on the pooled OLS, the fixed and gation financial flows will therefore shed more light on the issue.
random effects regression estimates, this study concludes that there is an
increasing effect of climate-related development mitigation finance on Credit author statement
GHG emissions, even after allowing a time lag of one year to account for
the time in which climate aid is devolved in the production and con Nkwetta Ajong Aquilas: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal
sumption of emissions-reduction technology. This suggests that increase analysis, Writing – original draft preparation, Writing – review & edit
in climate finance is promoting non-renewable energy consumption. ing, Visualization, Investigation. Johannes Tabi Atemnkeng: Supervi
Furthermore, renewable energy consumption negatively influences sion, Review & Editing, Validation
GHG emissions. The interaction between climate finance and renewable
energy consumption in relation to per capita GHG emissions is negative, Declaration of competing interest
implying renewable energy consumption improves the effect of climate
finance on per capita GHG emissions in the Congo Basin within the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
period of study, even after a one period time lag. What this suggests is interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
that renewable energy consumption has the potential to offset rising the work reported in this paper.
GHG emissions resulting from increased climate finance inflows to re
cipients. Increase in the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the Data availability
Congo Basin is being exacerbated by factors such as CO2 emissions per
capita, trade openness and institutions which promote the emission of Data will be made available on request.
GHGs. Per capita GHG emissions responded negatively to per capita GDP
and urbanization. References
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