Text Book Question & Answer: Question 1. Fill in The Blanks: (A) Microorganisms Can Be Seen With The Help of A
Text Book Question & Answer: Question 1. Fill in The Blanks: (A) Microorganisms Can Be Seen With The Help of A
Text Book Question & Answer: Question 1. Fill in The Blanks: (A) Microorganisms Can Be Seen With The Help of A
Class- 8th
(a) microscope.
(b) nitrogen
(c) yeast.
(d) bacteria.
a) ii)
b) ii)
c) i)
d) ii)
e) iii)
f) iii)
Question 3
Match the organisms in Column I with their action in Column II.
Column I Column II
Column I Column II
Viruses are disease-causing microbes that reproduce only inside the host
Question 6. Name the microorganisms which can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil.
Answer 6. Bacteria such as Rhizobium and certain blue-green algae can fix atmospheric
nitrogen in the soil.
Microorganisms that grow on our food sometimes produce toxic substances which are
poisonous and cause illness and even death. Some micro-organisms such as fungus spoil our
food. For example, bread when left unused under moist conditions gets spoilt by fungus,
producing a white cotton-like growth on the bread.
Question 9. What are antibiotics? What precautions must be taken while taking antibiotics?
Answer 9.
What are Antibiotics
Medicines produced by certain micro-organisms to kill other disease-causing micro-
organisms. There are number of antibiotics that are being produced by bacteria and fungi.
Precautions to be taken while using antibiotics:
1) Antibiotics should be taken under the supervision of a well-qualified doctor.
2) Course of antibiotics should be completed as per the prescription given by the doctor.
3) Antibiotics should be taken in the right amount and at the right time. A wrong dose of
antibiotics makes the drug ineffective. Also, excessive consumption of drugs may kill the
useful bacteria