The learner comprehends how audio information and media is/are formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated.
The learner evaluates the reliability and validity of audio information and media and its/their sources using selection criteria.
The learner produces and evaluates a creative video and audio-based presentation using design principle and elements. (MIL11/12AIM-IVd-
IV. Learning Resources List the materials to be used on different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and learning.
Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes
concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning Resources
V. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous Review the previous lesson by Recap of yesterday’s lesson Recap of yesterday’s lesson 1. Have the learners watch a news
lesson or presenting asking the students to describe about audio media about audio media
the new lesson the different dimensions of 2. Review the design elements and
audio information and media. principles relative to creating a news
B. Establishing a purpose 1. Show the learners a video Ask students how they Ask students what is Briefly explain to the learners the
for the lesson clip of a Charlie Chaplin store their own audio the purpose of creating general procedure for creating a news
movie (silent movie) without media. audio media. broadcasting:
audio. What is the importance
2. Start a quick discussion What type of audio of listening and
about how they found the media do they like? creating audio media in a. Planning - choosing a topic and
experience of watching our day to day answering the guide questions
something without audio. Do the categorized the audio activities? b. Pre-recording - choosing your
3. Write down key words/ideas media they have on their Let them cite the characteristics equipment and software for video and
on the board. Use those words device according to its of audio media on their own audio recording
to highlight the value of audio understanding. c. Creating your news broadcast -
information and media to the audio recording and converting the
learners files
d. Uploading your news broadcast -
choosing where to upload through
RSS Feed
C. Presenting Types and Categories of Present examples of how can Have the student look at the Ask students if they have seen used or
examples/instances of Audio Information audio media be stored, created, picture and analyze what is the created a podcast.
new lesson 1. Play to the learner’s downloaded, and sources of role of Audio in Media Let each student cite their own
different samples of audio this type of media. Literacy example of podcast and what kind of
files. Let the learners identify medium/device did they use.
the type.
D. Discussing new Discuss the following medium 2. Discuss the different ways Sound Characteristics and Producing News Broadcast
concepts and of producing/creating an audio of storing audio media: Purposes
practicing new skills media. a. Tape - magnetic tape on * Explain the rubrics for assessment of
#1 which sound can be recorded. 1. Show to the learners a visual learner’s output
a. Radio broadcast - live or b. CD - a plastic-fabricated, of a stereo or sound mixer and
recorded audio sent through circular medium for recording, point out the different controls
radio waves to reach a wide storing, and playing back (knobs) and their uses.
audience. audio, video, and computer 2. Discuss the characteristics of
b. Music - vocal and/or data. sound: volume, tone, pitch,
instrumental sounds combined c. USB drive - an external loudness.
in such a way as to produce flash drive, small enough to 3. Discuss the purposes of
beauty of form, harmony, and carry on a key ring that can be using sound or audio media:
expression of emotion. It is used with any computer that a. Give instruction or
composed and performed for has a USB port. information
many purposes, d. Memory Card - (aka flash 1. Divide the learners into small
b. Provide feedback
ranging from aesthetic memory card or storage card) c. To personalize or customize
pleasure, religious or is a small storage medium 4. Discuss the elements and groups. Have the learners plan to
ceremonial purposes, or as an used to store data such as text, principles of sound design. design the flow of the news broadcast
entertainment product. pictures, audio, and video, for a. Elements of Sound Design – about the upcoming 3 day sportsfest
c. Sound recording - recording use on small, portable, or the objects or things that we
of an interview, meeting, or remote computing devices. have to work with: 2. As a guide for the news
any sound from the e. Computer hard drive - broadcasting planning, ask them to
environment. secondary storage devices for answer the questions below (Media
d. Sound clips/effects - any storing audio files. and Information Design Framework).
sound, other than music or f. Internet/Cloud - websites or Inform each group that they are to
speech, artificially reproduced file repositories for retrieving create a 10-minute news broadcast on
to create an effect in a audio files, and more precisely their topic using any recording device
dramatic presentation, as the the files are stored in some and computer software.
sound of a storm or a creaking
e. Audio Podcast - a digital
E. Discussing new Ask the students to form a 3. Discuss the different audio Produces a video broadcast comprises
concepts and group of 4: each group will be file formats: of the following
practicing new skills given a Medium of audio a. MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer
#2 media based from the 3) - a common format for 1. Informing people about the event
discussion and each will give consumer audio, as well as a 2. Covering thesportsfest event
examples how this areas standard of digital audio 3. Layouting the template to be used in
deliver or create audio media. compression for the transfer broadcasting
and playback of music on most 4. Video editing of the final output
digital audio players. 5. Data gathering through interview
b. M4A/AAC (MPEG-4 6. Studio and fiend reporting
Audio/Advanced Audio
Coding) - an audio coding
standard for lossy digital audio
compression. Designed to be
the successor of the MP3
format, AAC generally
achieves better sound quality
than MP3 at similar bit rates.
c. WAV - is a Microsoft audio
file format standard for storing
F. Developing mastery Individual work using their Seatwork: Have the students Have the learners write a short
(Leads to Formative Voice App recorder students draw at least 5 icons of an reflection on what they learned about
Assessment) will record their voice and act audio file format produsing news broadcast, as well as
as if they were a DJ at a Radio the importance of sound or audio in
Station [5Mins] media production (to be posted on to
their social media).
G. Finding practical Moral Values Moral Values Moral Values Moral Values
applications of
concepts and skills
H. Generalizing and 1. What are the resources of 2. What are Audio Media and 3. What are the uses and What are the element or principle
abstractions about the media and information? Information? limitations on understanding employed in creating visual media?
lesson text and visual information?
I. Evaluating Learning Written quiz – Written quiz – Written quiz – Group Listening
should be submitted at the MIL Portal
and licensed under CC.
J. Additional activities
for application or
VI. Remarks
VII. Reflection Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student's progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so that when
you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.