Foundations of Economics 8th Edition Bade Solutions Manual
Foundations of Economics 8th Edition Bade Solutions Manual
Foundations of Economics 8th Edition Bade Solutions Manual
The U.S.
change if some groups of consumers prefer the goods and services pro-
duced by the new and young firms while other groups do not.
8. In the circular flow model, explain the real flow and/or the money flow
in which each item below belongs. Illustrate your answers on a circular
flow diagram.
You buy a coffee at Starbucks.
In Figure 2.1 the
dark arrows repre-
sent money flows
and the grey arrows
represent flows of
goods and services
and factors of pro-
duction. If you buy a
coffee at Starbucks,
your expenditure is
a money flow from
households to the
goods market, la-
beled a in the figure.
The government buys
some Dell computers.
The purchase of
computers by the
government repre-
sents a flow of com-
puters from the
goods market to the
government, labeled
b in the figure.
A student works at a FedEx office.
The student working at FedEx is a factor of production, so the flow is
a flow of the services of factor of production from households to the
factor markets, labeled c in the figure.
Donald Trump rents a Manhattan building to Marriott hotel.
Donald Trump’s building in Manhattan is a factor of production, so
the flow is the services from this factor of production from house-
holds to the factor markets, labeled d in the figure.
You pay your income tax.
Your income tax payment is a money flow from households to the
government and is labeled e in the figure.
9. Why you can get a free college education in Germany but not in California
Even American students can get a free college degree in Germany, where
high taxes pay for colleges. Despite college being free, fewer students in
Germany earn college degrees than in the United States and more enter
vocational apprenticeships.
Source: Los Angeles Times, October 29, 2015
If California adopted the German model of higher education, how
would that change for whom goods and services are produced?
The students in California who otherwise would not have gone to col-
lege but who take advantage of the “free” college education will have
higher incomes than otherwise. Consequently, more goods and ser-
vices will be produced for them. The taxpayers who must pay the
taxes necessary to fund these college educations will have less income
to spend on goods and services, so fewer goods and services will be
produced for them.
10. Read Eye on the Dreamliner on p. 43 and then answer the following ques-
How many firms are involved in the production of the Dreamliner
and how many are identified in the figure on p. 43?
Over 400 firms are involved in the production of the Dreamliner. On-
ly 15 of them are identified in the figure.
Is the Dreamliner a capital good or a consumption good? Explain
The Dreamliner is a capital good because it will be used to produce
services (airline travel) throughout many future years.
State the factors of production that make the Dreamliner and provide
an example of each.
All the factors of production—land, labor, capital, and entrepreneur-
ship—are used to make the Dreamliner. The copper used for wiring is
an example of the land used; the engineer who helped design the
landing gear is an example of labor; the huge cranes that lift the vari-
ous pieces of the Dreamliner to assemble them is an example of capi-
tal; and the creative and imaginative input of Boeing’s top managers
who organize the resources used to produce the Dreamliner exempli-
fy entrepreneurship.
Explain how the production of the Dreamliner influences what, how,
and for whom, goods and services are produced.
Dreamliner influences “what” goods and services are produced by
creating a demand for components manufactured around the world.
It influences “how: goods are produced because Boeing and the other
400 firms all determine the best way to produce each particular part
required Birth Certificate, fewer children will enroll in school, thereby de-
creasing Senegal’s human capital growth.
7. China’s income gap widens
The income gap has widened in China. In 2014, the pay of workers in the
coastal regions increased by 9.7 percent while that of workers in the in-
land regions grew by 9 percent.
Source: South China Morning Post, May 28, 2015
Explain how the distribution of personal income in China can be getting
more unequal even though the poorest are getting richer.
The distribution of income in China can be getting more unequal even
when the poorest are getting richer if the richest are getting richer even
faster. If the rich are getting richer faster, the fraction of the nation’s total
income received by the poorest 20 percent falls, which makes the personal
distribution of income more unequal.
8. Compare the scale of agricultural production in the advanced and devel-
oping economies. In which is the percentage higher? In which is the total
amount produced greater?
Agricultural is a small part of total production in advanced economies. It
is a much larger part in developing economies. Even though advanced
economies devote only a small part of their total production to agricul-
ture, they still produce about one third of the world’s total production of
food. The remaining two thirds is produced in the developing nations.
7. In the circular flow model, which of the following items is a real flow?
A. The flow of government expenditures to firms for the goods bought
B. The flow of income from firms to households for the services of the
factors of production hired
C. The flow of U.S. borrowing from the rest of the world
D. The flow of labor services from households to firms
Answer: D Answer D is a real flow because it is a labor service.