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Grammar-The Simple Past Tense RESUELTO

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The Simple Past Tense


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The Wright Brothers—Men with a Vision
You Read 1. Do you like to travel by airplane? Why or why not?
2. What are the names of some famous inventors?

Read the following textbook article. Pay special attention to simple-

CD 2, TR 01 past-tense verbs.

Over 100 years ago, people only dreamed

Did You about flying. The Wright brothers, Wilbur and
Know? Orville, were dreamers who changed the world.
The Wright Wilbur Wright was born in 1867 and
brothers never Orville was born in 1871. In 1878, they
married. Their received a paper flying toy from their father.
only love was
They played with kites and started to think
Wilbur Wright, 1867–1912; about the possibility of flight.
Orville Wright, 1871–1948 When they were older, they started a bicycle
business. They used the bicycle shop to design their airplanes. They studied
three aspects of flying: lift, control, and power. In 1899, they constructed
their first flying machine—a kite made of wood, wire, and cloth. It had no
pilot. Because of wind, it was difficult to control. They continued to study
aerodynamics.1 Finally Wilbur designed a small machine with a gasoline
engine. Wilbur tried to fly the machine, but it crashed. They fixed it and
flew it for the first time on December 17, 1903, with Orville as the pilot. The
airplane remained in the air for twelve seconds. It traveled a distance of 120
feet. This historic flight changed the world. However, only four newspapers
in the U.S. reported this historic moment.
The Wright brothers offered their invention to the U.S. government,
but the government rejected2 their offer at first. The government didn’t
believe that these men invented a flying machine. Finally, President
Theodore Roosevelt investigated their claims and offered the inventors a
contract to build airplanes for the U.S. Army.
December 17, 2003, marked 100 years of flight. There was a six-day
celebration at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the location of the first flight.
A crowd of 35,000 people gathered to see a replica3 of the first plane fly.
The cost to re-create the plane was $1.2 million. However, it rained hard
that day and the plane failed to get off the ground.
You can now see the Wright brothers’ original airplane in the Air and
Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

Aerodynamics is the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and its effect on things.
Reject means not accept.
A replica is a copy of an original.

224 Lesson 8

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8.1 The Simple Past Tense of Regular Verbs
The Wright brothers started a bicycle business. To form the simple past tense of regular
They dreamed about flying. verbs, we add -ed to the base form.
They designed an airplane. Base Form Past Form
The president offered them a contract. start started
dream dreamed
design designed
offer offered
The past form is the same for all persons.
The Wright brothers wanted to fly. The verb after to does not use the past
They continued to study aerodynamics. form.
The Wright brothers invented the airplane We often use ago in sentences about the
over 100 years ago. past. Ago means before now.
We celebrated the 100th anniversary of flight
a few years ago.

EXERCISE Read more about the Wright brothers. Underline the past tense
verbs in the following sentences.
EXAMPLE The Wright brothers lived in Dayton, Ohio.

1. Their father worked as a Christian minister.

2. The boys learned mechanical things quickly.
3. They loved bicycles.
4. They opened the Wright Cycle Company repair shop, where they
repaired bicycles.
5. They started to produce their own bicycle models.
6. The first airplane weighed over 600 pounds.
7. They succeeded in flying the first airplane in 1903.
8. Wilbur died nine years later, of typhoid.4
9. Orville lived to be 76 years old.

Typhoid is a serious infection causing a fever and often death.

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8.2 Spelling of the Past Tense of Regular Verbs
Add -ed to most regular verbs. start started
rain rained
When the base form ends in e, add -d only. die died
live lived
When the base form ends in a consonant + y, change y carry carried
to i and add -ed. study studied
When the base form ends in a vowel + y, add -ed. stay stayed
Do not change the y. enjoy enjoyed
When a one-syllable verb ends in a consonant-vowel- stop stopped
consonant, double the final consonant and add -ed. hug hugged
Do not double a final w or x. show showed
fix fixed
When a two-syllable verb ends in a consonant-vowel- occúr occurred
consonant, double the final consonant and add -ed permi´t permitted
only if the last syllable is stressed.
When the last syllable of a two-syllable verb is not ópen opened
stressed, do not double the final consonant. óffer offered

EXERCISE Write the past tense of these regular verbs. (Accent marks show you
where a word is stressed.)
EXAMPLES learn learned clap clapped
love loved lísten listened

1. play Played 11. enjoy Enjoyed

2. study Studied 12. drag Dragged
3. decide Decided 13. drop Dropped

4. want Wanted 14. start Started

5. like Liked 15. follow Followed

6. show Showed 16. prefér Prefered

7. look Looked 17. like Liked

8. stop Stopped 18. mix Mixed

9. háppen Happened 19. admít Admited

10. carry Carried 20. propél Propeled

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8.3 Pronunciation of -ed Past Forms
/t/ Pronounce /t/ after voiceless jump—jumped kiss—kissed
sounds: /p, k, f, s, š, č/ cook—cooked wash—washed
cough—coughed watch—watched
/d/ Pronounce /d/ after voiced rub—rubbed name—named
sounds: /b, g, v, d¯, z, ž, ǰ, m, drag—dragged learn—learned
n, ŋ, l, r/ and all vowel love—loved bang—banged
sounds. bathe—bathed call—called
use—used care—cared
massage—massaged free—freed
/ d/
e Pronounce / d/ after /d/ or
e wait—waited add—added
/t/ sounds. hate—hated decide—decided

EXERCISE 3 Go back to Exercise 2 and pronounce the base form and past form of
each verb.

EXERCISE 4 Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verb in parentheses ( ).
Use the correct spelling.
EXAMPLE The Wright brothers received a flying toy from their father.

1. They played with kites.


2. They dreamed about flying.


3. They studied everything they could about flying.

4. They a bicycle business.

5. They used the bicycle shop to design airplanes.


6. They tried to fly their first plane in 1899.


7. Their first plane crashed .


8. They fixed it.

9. In 1903, their plane in the air for 12 seconds.

10. They offered their invention to the U.S. government.


11. The government decided to offer them a contract.

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12. Wilbur Wright died in 1912.

13. Orville Wright lived for many more years.


14. Their invention changed the world.


Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart

You Read 1. When was the first time you traveled by airplane?
RTA/ The first time I traveled by plane was twelve years ago.
2. Do you recognize the people in the photos below?
RTA/ I'm not recognized.

Read the following textbook article. Pay special attention to the

CD 2, TR 02 past-tense forms of be.

At the beginning of the twentieth century,

flight was new. It was not for everyone. It was only
for the brave and adventurous. Two adventurers
were Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart.
Charles Lindbergh loved to fly. He was born
in 1902, one year before the Wright brothers’
historic flight. In 1927, a man offered a $25,000
reward for the first person to fly from New York
to Paris nonstop. Lindbergh was a pilot for the
Charles Lindbergh, United States Mail Service at that time. He
1902–1974 wanted to win the prize.
He became famous because he was the first person
to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean. His plane
was in the air for 33 hours. The distance of the
flight was 3,600 miles. There were thousands of
people in New York to welcome him home. He
was an American hero. He was only 25 years old.
Another famous American aviator5 was Amelia
Earhart. She was the first woman to fly across
the Atlantic Ocean alone. She was 34 years old.
Amelia Earhart,
Americans were in love with Earhart. In 1937, 1897–1937
however, she was on a flight around the world
when her plane disappeared somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.
No one really knows what happened to Earhart.

Aviator means pilot.

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8.4 Past Tense of Be
The verb be has two forms in the past: was and were.
Subject Was Complement I
I interested in the story. He
Charles a pilot. She ∂ was
He brave. It
Amelia was a pilot too. singular subject
She popular.
The airplane new in 1903.
It in the air for 12 seconds.
Subject Were Complement We
We interested in the story. You
∂ were
You in class yesterday. They
were plural subject
Amelia and Charles brave.
They adventurous.
There Was Singular Subject There + was + singular noun
There was a celebration in 2003.
There Were Plural Subject There + were + plural noun
There were thousands of people.
Charles Lindbergh was not the first person to fly. To make a negative statement, put
We were not at the 2003 celebration. not after was or were.
I wasn’t here yesterday. The contraction for was not is wasn’t.
You weren’t in class yesterday. The contraction for were not is weren’t.

EXERCISE 5 Fill in the blanks with was or were.

EXAMPLE Lindbergh and Earhart were very famous.
1. The Wright brothers were the inventors of the airplane.
2. The first airplane was in the air for 12 seconds.
3. Lindbergh and Earhart were aviators.
4. There were thousands of people in New York to welcome
Lindbergh home.
5. Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
6. I was interested in the story about Earhart and Lindbergh.
7. Was you surprised that a woman was a famous aviator?
8. Lindbergh was in Paris.
9. We was happy to read about flight.
10. There was a celebration of 100 years of flight in 2003.
11. There were thousands of people at the celebration.
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8.5 Uses of Be
Lindbergh was an aviator. Classification of the subject
Lindbergh was brave. Description of the subject
Lindbergh was in Paris. Location of the subject
Earhart was from Kansas. Place of origin of the subject
She was born in 1897. With born
There were thousands of people in New York With there
to welcome Lindbergh.
Lindbergh was 25 years old in 1927. With age

EXERCISE 6 Read each statement. Then write a negative statement with the
words in parentheses ( ).
EXAMPLE The Wright brothers were inventors. (Earhart and Lindbergh)
Earhart and Lindbergh weren’t inventors.

1. The train was common transportation in the early 1900s. (the airplane)
The airplane wasn´t common transportation in the early 1900s.

2. Earhart was from Kansas. (Lindbergh)

Lindbergh wasn´t from Kansas.

3. Lindbergh’s last flight was successful. (Earhart’s last flight)

Earhart´s last flight wasn´t successful.

4. Lindbergh’s plane was in the air for many hours. (the Wright brothers’
first plane)
The Wright brothers´s frist plane wasn´t in the air for many hours.

5. The Wright brothers were inventors. (Earhart)

Earhart wasn´t inventors.

6. There were a lot of trains 100 years ago. (planes)

There weren´t a lot of planes 100 years ago.

7. Lindbergh was born in the twentieth century. (the Wright brothers)

The Wright brothers weren´t born in the twentieth century.

8. The 1903 flight at Kitty Hawk was successful. (the 2003 flight)
The 2003 flight at Kitty Hawk wasn´t successful.

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8.6 Questions with Was/Were
Was the first flight long? Yes/No Questions
No, it wasn’t. Was/were + subject . . . ?
Was the first flight successful? Short answers
Yes, it was.
Yes, + subject + was/were.
Were the Wright brothers inventors?
No, + subject + wasn’t/weren’t.
Yes, they were.
Were there a lot of people at the 100-year celebration? There Questions
Yes, there were. Was/were + there . . . ?
Was there a lot of rain that day? Short Answers
Yes, there was.
Yes, there was/were.
No, there wasn’t/weren’t.
How long was the first flight? Wh- Questions
Where was the first flight? Wh- word + was/were + subject . . . ?
Why wasn’t Amelia successful? Negative Questions
Why weren’t you there? Why + wasn’t/weren’t + subject . . . ?
Who was with Earhart when she disappeared? Subject Questions
How many people were in the airplane? Who + was . . . ?
How many . . . + were . . . ?

Compare affirmative statements and questions.

Wh- Word Was/Were Subject Was/Were Complement Short Answer
Amelia was born before 1903.
Was she born in the U.S.? Yes, she was.
When was she born? In 1897.
Charles and Amelia were famous.
Were they inventors? No, they weren’t.
Someone was with Amelia.
Who was with Amelia? A copilot.
Many people were at the celebration.
How many people were at the celebration? Thousands.

Compare negative statements and questions.

Wh- Word Wasn’t/Weren’t Subject Wasn’t/Weren’t Complement
Air travel wasn’t safe 100 years ago.
Why wasn’t it safe?
The Wright brothers weren’t afraid of flying.
Why weren’t they afraid?

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EXERCISE 7 Read each statement. Then write a yes/no question with the words
in parentheses ( ). Give a short answer.
EXAMPLE The Wright brothers were inventors. (Lindbergh)
Was Lindbergh an inventor? No, he wasn’t.

1. The airplane was an important invention. (the telephone)

Was the telephone an important invention? No, it wasn´t.

2. Thomas Edison was an inventor. (the Wright brothers)

Were the Wright brothers an inventors? Yes, they were.

3. Amelia Earhart was American. (Lindbergh)

Was Lindbergh is American? Yes, he was.

4. Travel by plane is common now. (100 years ago)

Was common travel by plane 100 years ago? No, it was.

5. There were telephones 100 years ago. (airplanes)

Were there airplanes 100 years ago? Yes, there were.

6. You are in class today. (yesterday)

Was you yesterday in class? Yes, i was.

7. I was interested in the story about the aviators. (you)

Was you interested in the story about the aviators? Yes, i was

8. I wasn’t born in the U.S. (you)

Wasn´t you born in the U.S? No, i wasn´t. I was born in Colombia.

EXERCISE 8 ABOUT YOU Interview a classmate who is from another country.

1. Where were you born? I was born in Lorica- Cordoba.

2. Were you happy or sad when you left your country? I was happy when i left my country.
3. Who was with you on your trip? My mom was with me
4. Were you happy or sad when you arrived? I was happy when i arrive.
5. What was your first impression of your new home? My first impression was good, very
6. Were you tired when you arrived? Yes. i was.
7. Who was at the airport to meet you? My cousin.
8. How was the weather on the day you arrived? The wearher was sunny.

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