Grammar-The Simple Past Tense RESUELTO
Grammar-The Simple Past Tense RESUELTO
Grammar-The Simple Past Tense RESUELTO
The Simple Past Tense
Aerodynamics is the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and its effect on things.
Reject means not accept.
A replica is a copy of an original.
224 Lesson 8
EXERCISE Read more about the Wright brothers. Underline the past tense
verbs in the following sentences.
EXAMPLE The Wright brothers lived in Dayton, Ohio.
Typhoid is a serious infection causing a fever and often death.
EXERCISE Write the past tense of these regular verbs. (Accent marks show you
where a word is stressed.)
EXAMPLES learn learned clap clapped
love loved lísten listened
226 Lesson 8
EXERCISE 3 Go back to Exercise 2 and pronounce the base form and past form of
each verb.
EXERCISE 4 Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verb in parentheses ( ).
Use the correct spelling.
EXAMPLE The Wright brothers received a flying toy from their father.
Aviator means pilot.
228 Lesson 8
EXERCISE 6 Read each statement. Then write a negative statement with the
words in parentheses ( ).
EXAMPLE The Wright brothers were inventors. (Earhart and Lindbergh)
Earhart and Lindbergh weren’t inventors.
1. The train was common transportation in the early 1900s. (the airplane)
The airplane wasn´t common transportation in the early 1900s.
4. Lindbergh’s plane was in the air for many hours. (the Wright brothers’
first plane)
The Wright brothers´s frist plane wasn´t in the air for many hours.
8. The 1903 flight at Kitty Hawk was successful. (the 2003 flight)
The 2003 flight at Kitty Hawk wasn´t successful.
230 Lesson 8
232 Lesson 8