Excel Tutorial 2022 RMS
Excel Tutorial 2022 RMS
Excel Tutorial 2022 RMS
When you open an excel document, you will see a page with
The rectangles are called cells. They are organized in columns
and the rows have a number.
You can then click + hold and extend the selected cells horizo
selected contains numbers or formulas, excel will apply the sa
you will add to your selection
A couple of useful shortkeys are (these will make your life mu
Tab + shift
shift + arrow
ctrl + arrow
ctrl + shift + arrow
you can also refer to multiple cells using ":" for example =B21
That's easier than typing =B21; B22; B23; B24; B25
At the bottom of the screen you see what are called sheets. Y
plus sign as seen in the picture.
+ add numbers together
- subtract numbers
* multiply numbers
/ divide numbers
^ power function
=sum() gives the sum of a set of numbers
=median() gives the median of a set of numbers
=average() gives the average of a set of numbers
=count() gives the amount of numerical values
=sqrt() gives the square root of a number
=stdev.s() gives the standard deviation of a set of numbe
=max() gives the heighest value in a set of numbers
=min() gives the lowest value in a set of numbers
> larger than
< smaller than
<= smaller or equal to
>= larger or equal to
<> unequal to
= equal to
=and() checks if multiple statements are true
=or() checks if one of multiple statement is true
=norm.dist() gives the probability for any value for a mean a
=norm.inv() gives the value associated with a probability fo
=norm.s.dist() gives the probability for any z-value
=norm.s.inv() gives the z-value based on a certain probability
=t.dist() gives the left tail probability
=t.dist.rt() gives the right tail t probability = 1-t.dist()
=t.dist.2t() gives the two tailed t probability
=t.inv() gives the probability for a left tail t value
=t.inv.2t() gives the probability for a two tailed t value
=confidence.t() gives the margin of error using a T distribution
=confidence.norm() gives the margin of error using a normal distrib
=correl() gives the correlation coeficient of two sets of n
=rsq() gives the R-squared of two sets of numbers
=if() does one of two things based on whether or n
=ifs() checks multiple statements and follows the fir
=sumif() takes the sum of the numbers that meet a crit
=sumifs() takes the sum of the numbers that meet multi
=averageif() gives the mean of the numbers that meet a cri
=averageifs() gives the mean of the numbers that meet multi
=countif() counts the number of observations that meet
=countifs() counts the number of observations that meet
=round() rounds a number to a specified number of dec
=roundup() rounds a number up to a certain number of de
=rounddown() rounds a number down to a certain number of
=mround() rounds a number to a specified value or it's ne
ell. A function might contain 1 or more arguments. You'll learn to work with that in the follow
An argument can be a number, a reference (i.e. a cell that contains a information),
(which is called a string).
one statement. If you do this, only put the = sign at the very beginning, not in front of every
ill appear, you can press the tab buttion to select the suggested formula.
. When you have typed the opening parenthesis (e.g. "=SUM("), click on the name of the form
2 numbers
2 numbers
2 numbers
2 numbers
2 numbers
2 numbers
ents are true 2 or more numbers or logical state
statement is true 2 or more numbers or logical state
ny value for a mean and standard deviation value, mean, standard deviation, c
d with a probability for a mean and standard deviation probability between 0 and 1, mean
ny z-value z-value, cumulative = TRUE (alway
n a certain probability probability between 0 and 1
t-value, degrees of freedom, cumu
bility = 1-t.dist() t-value, degrees of freedom, cumu
t-value, degrees of freedom, cumu
left tail t value probability between 0 and 1, degr
two tailed t value probability between 0 and 1, degr
using a T distribution significance level, standard deviati
using a normal distribution significance level, standard deviati
ficient of two sets of numbers two sets of data
o sets of numbers two sets of data
ased on whether or not a logical statement is true logical statement, what to do if tru
ts and follows the first one that is true logical statement 1, what to do if t
bers that meet a criterion list of numbers, criterion for which
bers that meet multiple criteria sum range, range for criterion 1, c
mbers that meet a criterion list of numbers, criterion for which
mbers that meet multiple criteria averaging range, range for criterio
ervations that meet a criterion list of numbers, criterion when to
ervations that meet multiple criteria counting range, range for criterion
=A1+B2 | =1+2
=A1-B2 | =1-2
=A1*B2 | =1*2
=A1/B2 | =1/2
=A1^2 | =2^5 | =A1^B2
rs or logical statements =AND(2<>3;2<3)
rs or logical statements =OR(2>5;2>3)
dard deviation, cumulative = TRUE (always in our cases) =NORM.DIST(5; 3.2; 0.1;TRUE)
en 0 and 1, mean, standard deviation =NORM.INV(0.01; A1; A2)
ve = TRUE (always in our cases) =NORM.S.DIST(-2; TRUE) | =NOR
en 0 and 1 =NORM.S.INV(0.025) | =NORM.S
of freedom, cumulative = TRUE (always in our cases) =T.DIST(2;20;TRUE)
of freedom, cumulative = TRUE (always in our cases) =T.DIST.RT(2;20)
of freedom, cumulative = TRUE (always in our cases) =T.DIST.2T(2;20)
en 0 and 1, degrees of freedom =T.INV(0.025;20)
en 0 and 1, degrees of freedom =T.INV.2T(0.05;20)
standard deviation, sample size =CONFIDENCE.T(0.05;5;20)
standard deviation, sample size =CONFIDENCE.NORM(0.05;5;20)
=CORREL(A1:A5; B1:B5)
of decimals =ROUND(3.14159265358979; 2)
of decimals =ROUNDUP(3.14159265358979;
of decimals =ROUNDDOWN(3.141592653589
round towards (or it's multiple) =MROUND(7.74;0.5)
| =A1^B2
5; 3.2; 0.1;TRUE)
.01; A1; A2)
(0.025) | =NORM.S.INV(0.05/2)
A5; B1:B5)
A5;B1:B5;"Jerry";C1:C5;"income tax")
(A1:A5;B1:B5;"Jerry";C1:C5;"income tax")
:A5;"<4")| =COUNTIF(A1:A5; 4) | =COUNTIF(A1:A5; "<" & B1)
1:A5;B1:B5;"Jerry";C1:C5;"income tax")
159265358979; 2)
.14159265358979; 2)
N(3.14159265358979; 3)
if comparing to another cell value you need to format like this; this goes for all ope
In the following exercises you will go through the functions gradually increasing
in difficulty. Use excel functions rather than doing these by heart or external
Basic calculations
456 times 3121
4 divided by 73
78 by the power of 3
75 + 42 - 65, then divided by 4
if C22 is smaller than G24, then print "yes", else print "no"
what is the absolute value of E21?
round E18 up to 1 decimal
round 9.249 up to a multiple of 0.5
9 0.51 3.999 14 5.021
Compound computations
What is the sum of C8 to G8 divided by the average of C8 to G8?
What is the squareroot of the average of C9 to C17?
Give the st. deviation of C8 to C17 divided by the square root of the total number of ob
Give s/√n for all values in C8 to G17?
Give the sum of the averages of each row for 8 to 12
Give the average of all the smallest values of each column for D to F
Is E13 smaller than C8 and F12?
Is the average of C8 to C17 larger than either the average of D8 to D17 or the average o
Is C16 lower than both F9 and F15 or is C8 lower than both D9 and E8?
if C17 is larger than 200, then take the sum of D8 to D17, else take the average of D8 to
count only the values in C8 to G17 larger than 200
take the average of the values in C8 to G17 that are both smaller than 300 and larger th
316 116 324 335 81
350 63 77 11 85
384 59 46 367 185
288 294 366 172 397
292 354 282 236 34
131 215 183 162 333
255 272 194 269 134
226 172 294 294 159
8 191 94 232 94
168 214 149 59 276
Fill in answers below
lengths of men and women
participant number Men Women
1 193 173
2 173 165
3 198 140
4 189 163
5 184 174
6 175 177
7 185 157
8 183 168
9 194 158
10 187 171
11 167 157
12 185 168
13 197 180
14 187 160
15 166 170
16 180 169
17 179 180
18 188 162
19 182 165
20 169 156
21 195 176
22 185 158
23 179 167
24 189 183
25 177 165
26 186 173
27 169 154
28 183 167
29 184 158
30 191 148
31 167 157
32 185 168
33 197 180
34 187 160
35 166 170
36 180 169
calculate mean
calculate sum
calculate N
calculate standard deviation