Nonlinear Dynamics of A Duffing-Like Negative Stif
Nonlinear Dynamics of A Duffing-Like Negative Stif
Nonlinear Dynamics of A Duffing-Like Negative Stif
Research Article
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Duffing-Like Negative Stiffness
Oscillator: Modeling and Experimental Characterization
Copyright © 2020 D. Anastasio et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this paper, a negative stiffness oscillator is modelled and tested to exploit its nonlinear dynamical characteristics. The oscillator
is part of a device designed to improve the current collection quality in railway overhead contact lines, and it acts like an
asymmetric double-well Duffing system. Thus, it exhibits two stable equilibrium positions plus an unstable one, and the os-
cillations can either be bounded around one stable point (small oscillations) or include all the three positions (large oscillations).
Depending on the input amplitude, the oscillator can exhibit linear and nonlinear dynamics and chaotic motion as well.
Furthermore, its design is asymmetrical, and this plays a key role in its dynamic response, as the two natural frequencies associated
with the two stable positions differ from each other. The first purpose of this study is to understand the dynamical behavior of the
system in the case of linear and nonlinear oscillations around the two stable points and in the case of large oscillations associated
with a chaotic motion. To accomplish this task, the device is mounted on a shaking table and it is driven with several levels of
excitations and with both harmonic and random inputs. Finally, the nonlinear coefficients associated with the nonlinearities of the
system are identified from the measured data.
1. Introduction one, and the oscillations can either be bounded around one
stable point (in-well or intrawell, small oscillations) or in-
Devices and materials exhibiting a negative stiffness phase clude all the three positions (cross-well or infrawell, large
are often used as vibration isolators due to their amplified oscillations). In both cases, periodic oscillations can evolve
damping properties [1, 2]. In particular, in the case of en- to steady in-well or cross-well chaotic motions under ex-
gineering structures, such devices are usually designed ternal excitation [8, 9]. The occurrence of irregular motion,
adopting discrete macroscopic elements, such as post- consisting of random-like crossings from oscillations
buckled beams, plates, shells, and precompressed springs, around the two stable equilibrium positions, was first ob-
arranged in appropriate geometrical configurations. Ex- served experimentally in 1971 [10] and the motion was called
amples can be found in automotive suspensions [3, 4] or “snap-through”. This behavior is associated with an unstable
seismic isolation [5, 6]. phase generated by the negative stiffness effect; thus, the
While the practical applications of negative stiffness stability analysis plays a crucial role in the design process of
systems are relatively recent, the theoretical studies about these kinds of systems [11]. Many studies have been con-
their dynamical behavior have a much longer story. This is ducted starting from the 1970s to analyze the dynamics of
because of the wide kind of motions they can exhibit, this oscillator and the effects of the unstable paths, including
ranging from linear to highly nonlinear and chaotic [7]. In phenomena such as bifurcations, subharmonics, period
particular, when the negative stiffness effect is coupled to a doublings, and chaos. A comprehensive literature review can
nonlinear polynomial stiffness contribution, the so-called be found in [9].
double-well Duffing oscillator is retrieved. This oscillator In this work, a negative stiffness oscillator is studied and
exhibits two stable equilibrium positions plus an unstable tested. The oscillator is part of a device designed to improve
2 Shock and Vibration
Potential U (z)
p (θ 1 z∗0
z–∗ z+∗
Figure 5: Potential U(z). Orange dots: equilibrium positions.
Equation (4) has the form of a negative stiffness Duffing The advantage of using this formulation instead of
equation, whose coefficients k3 , k2 , and k1 have to be esti- equation (4) is that it allows the definition of a stable un-
mated. In particular, the final objective of this work is to derlying linear system. This is a crucial requirement for the
identify them directly from the experimental measurements, nonlinear subspace identification method, adopted in Sec-
in order to assure a good correspondence between the nu- tion 4 to perform the nonlinear system identification of the
merical model and the real measured behavior. Also, the structure under test.
restoring force K(z) and the potential U(z) can be defined as
K(z) � k3 z3 + k2 z2 − k1 z + mg, (5) 3. Experimental Characterization
1 1 1 Two photos of the experimental setup corresponding to the
U(z) � k3 z4 + k2 z3 − k1 z2 + mgz. (6) two stable equilibrium positions are reported in Figure 6.
4 3 2
The moving mass is instrumented with an accelerometer to
A qualitative representation of the potential is shown in € and a laser vibrometer
measure its absolute acceleration y(t)
Figure 5, where its double-well nature can be clearly to measure its absolute displacement y(t). The zero position
identified. The potential is not symmetric because of the of y(t) corresponds to the horizontal configuration of the
gravitational contribution and the asymmetry of the frame. rods (θ � 0). The acceleration of the base b(t) € is also
Also, the three equilibrium positions are depicted, obtained recorded through a second accelerometer, and the dis-
by setting K(z∗ ) � 0. Two out of three positions represent a placement z(t) is computed as the difference between the
stable equilibrium, namely, z∗− and z∗+ , while the central laser measure y(t) and the displacement of the base b(t),
position z∗0 is an unstable equilibrium point. obtained by integrating twice its measured acceleration.
4 Shock and Vibration
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Photos of the experimental setup: (a) negative equilibrium position z∗− ; (b) positive equilibrium position z∗+ .
z (m)
3.1. Random Tests. A first set of measurements is performed
with a random input over the frequency range 7–50 Hz. The –0.04
sampling frequency is fs � 512 Hz, and the duration of the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
acquisition is t � 300 s. Several forcing levels are applied,
expressed as RMS values of the acceleration of the base b, € and (a)
the starting position is z− . The results are depicted in Figure 7 –50
in terms of time series and transmissibility T, defined as the
T (dB)
z (m)
0 200
–0.02 100
–0.04 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 –0.04 –0.02 0 0.02 0.04
Time (s) z (m)
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Random test at the highest amplitude, b€ � 38 m/s2 RMS: (a) time history of the displacement (first 60 seconds); (b) statistical
distribution of the displacement.
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0 0
z (m)
z (m)
–0.02 –0.02
–0.04 –0.04
10 15 20 20 15 10
Instantaneous frequency (Hz) Instantaneous frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Sine-sweep tests. Black line: b0 � 4.5 mm; orange line: b0 � 5 mm. (a) Sweep up; (b) sweep down.
100 –40
80 –60
Frequency (Hz)
Power (dB)
20 –140
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Time (min)
Figure 10: Spectrogram of the highest level sine-sweep test and corresponding time-domain response.
refer to the sweep up, while the second two minutes refer to performed to analyze these effects. The excitation frequency
the sweep down. is ] � 9 Hz, and three different amplitudes b0 are considered.
Both even and odd harmonics of the instantaneous The results are presented in the phase diagrams in Figure 11.
frequency are present along the whole acquisition, con- The different excitation amplitudes result in different
firming the asymmetrical behavior of the nonlinear system. kinds of motion of the moving mass, ranging from harmonic
Subharmonics are also visible in some regions, in particular oscillations to cross-well motion. In particular, when the
around 2 minutes. Generally, they are symptomatic of the amplitude is b0 � 2 mm (Figure 11(a)), the phase plane
possibility of bifurcations and chaotic motion [18, 19], and shows one closed orbit centered around the equilibrium
thus, a series of harmonic tests with constant frequency is position, i.e., one periodic solution [20]. When the
6 Shock and Vibration
0.1 1
z˙ (m /s)
z˙ (m /s)
0 0
–0.04 –0.02 0 0.02 0.04 –0.04 –0.02 0 0.02 0.04
z (m) z (m)
(a) (b)
z˙ (m /s) 0
–0.04 –0.02 0 0.02 0.04
z (m)
Figure 11: Phase diagrams of the response under harmonic excitation: (a) b0 � 2 mm; (b) b0 � 4.7 mm; (c) b0 � 5 mm.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Figure 14: Estimation of the Lyapunov exponent. Red line: convergence mean value.
ż z ż z ż
Figure 15: Experimental Poincaré sections, b0 � 5 mm: (a) polar representation of the attractor surface; (b) Poincaré section, ϕ � 0° ; (c)
Poincaré section, ϕ � 170° ; (d) Poincaré section, ϕ � 320° .
contrary, its capabilities are very limited when trying to where f(t) is the forcing term and R(z, z) _ is the nonlinear
identify a nonlinear model structure, as it is essentially based restoring surface, generally a function of the displacement z
on raw data processing and simple fitting. For this reason, _ If the inertial term is shifted to the right-
and the velocity z.
the final model is identified using the nonlinear subspace hand side of the equation, the restoring surface can then
identification method (NSI) [13–15]. NSI gives as outcomes easily be computed and its features extracted. In particular, if
the fully nonlinear state-space representation of the system, small velocities are taken into account, such that |z| _ < εs , the
together with the FRF of the so-called underlying linear obtained slice of the restoring surface approximates the
system and the estimation of the coefficients defining the restoring force K(z). On the contrary, when small dis-
nonlinearities. It requires the input-output data and the placements around the equilibrium positions are considered,
knowledge of the nonlinear basis functions, whose selection such that |z − z∗ | < εd , an approximation of the damping
can take advantage from the preliminary RFS analysis. force, called D(z),
_ is retrieved.
For the case considered here, the cross-well measure-
ments are used to build R(z, z). _ The velocity z_ is obtained
4.1. First Step: RFS Method. The equation of motion de- by integrating the accelerations y€ and b€ and subtracting
scribing the dynamical system considered here can be them. The obtained restoring surface is reported in Fig-
written in the following form: ure 16, together its sections K(z) and D(z), _ computed
mz€ + R(z, z)
_ � f(t), (12) setting εs � εd � 0.1%.
8 Shock and Vibration
R (N)
0 z+∗
˙z (m –1 0
/s) z–∗
z (m)
D (N)
K (N)
–20 –5
z∗– 0 z+∗
–1 0 1
z (m)
z˙ (m/s)
Figure 16: Experimental restoring surface. Blue dots: restoring force, εs � 0.1%; orange dots: damping force, εd � 0.1%.
Inertance, G (dB)
Coherence, γ2
should be noted that the two stable equilibrium positions of 0.6
the system correspond to two underlying linear systems 15
mutually exclusive, each one existing only when the moving 0.4
mass oscillates around that equilibrium position. Thus, the 10
two underlying linear systems can be identified with NSI 0.2
from a single cross-well measurement by selecting the 0
corresponding equilibrium position as the reference value. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Whatever reference position is used, a new displacement Frequency (Hz)
variable x(t) � z(t) − z∗ can be defined, as in equation (11). Figure 18: Inertance of the system, random input with amplitude
The coefficients of the two nonlinear functions become k3 38 m/s2 RMS. Blue dotted line: coherence.
and k2 , and nonlinear damping is also considered in the
form x|_ x|.
_ Equation (11) can then be rewritten according to
the feedback formulation: 14
mx€ + cx_ + k1 x � −Rnl (x, x) €
_ − mb, (14)
where a linear viscous damping contribution is also con-
Model order
sidered and Rnl (x, x)_ is the assumed nonlinear restoring 8
surface, equal to
_ � k x3 + k x2 + cnl x|
Rnl (x, x) 3 2 _ x|.
_ (15)
Referring to Section 3.1, the random test with excitation
amplitude 38 m/s2 RMS (Figure 8) is considered for the
nonlinear system identification with NSI. In particular, the 0
last 60 seconds are used as a validation set for the evaluation 5 10 15 20 25 30
Frequency (Hz)
of the residuals with the measured output, while the iden-
tification is performed on the remaining part of the ac- Figure 19: Stabilization diagram for NSI with reference position
quisition. The inertance of the system G is depicted in z∗ � z∗− . Stabilization thresholds for natural frequency, damping
Figure 18, together with the coherence estimation. As ex- ratio, MAC, and modal mass are 1%, 20%, 99.5%, and 20%, re-
pected, the FRF is very distorted due to the strong nonlinear spectively. Gray dot: new (not stable) pole; blue plus: pole stable in
contributions, and the coherence drops to very low values in frequency; red square: pole stable in frequency and MAC (modal
assurance criterion); orange circle: pole stable in frequency, MAC,
the frequency region up to the resonance peak.
and damping; green cross: pole stable in frequency, MAC,
NSI is performed considering first the negative equi- damping, and modal mass.
librium position as a reference value, meaning z∗ � z∗− .
Stability is checked varying the model order for frequencies,
damping ratios, MACs, and modal masses [15], and the
stabilization diagram is reported in Figure 19. Since the Table 1: Modal parameters of the two underlying linear systems
modal parameters show stability from a model of order 2, identified with NSI.
this is the selected value. Reference position Natural frequency (Hz) Damping ratio (%)
Once the model order has been selected, the fully z∗− 11.41 11.2
nonlinear state-space model is retrieved, together with the z∗+ 9.19 20.3
underlying linear system and the coefficients of the non-
linear basis functions. This is repeated also when the ref-
erence value is equal to the positive equilibrium position, and complex-valued quantities [13]. Assuming that the true
meaning z∗ � z∗+ . The stabilization diagram for this case is coefficients are real numbers, the imaginary part of the
not reported since it is similar to the one in Figure 19, and a identified counterparts should then be zero and the real part
model order equal to 2 is accomplished also in this case. The should not depend on the frequency. Since this happens only
identified modal parameters of the two underlying linear in complete absence of noise and nonlinear modeling errors,
systems related to the two reference values are reported in the ratio between real and imaginary parts can be taken as an
Table 1 in terms of natural frequencies and damping ratios. indicator of the goodness of the nonlinear basis functions
The FRFs of the two underlying linear systems are choice.
depicted in Figure 20 together with the measured (non- Running NSI for the two different reference values
linear) one, already shown in Figure 18. means that not only two independent underlying linear
The coefficients of the nonlinear basis functions can also systems are retrieved but also two nonlinear state-space
be computed from the nonlinear state-space model, recalling models. This result in a double estimation of the coefficients
that they are treated by the method as frequency-dependent of each nonlinearity. In particular, the estimation of the
10 Shock and Vibration
Inertance, G (dB)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 20: Inertances of the two underlying linear systems. Gray dots: measured inertance of the nonlinear test; blue line: NSI estimation of
the linear inertance associated with the negative equilibrium z∗− ; orange line: NSI estimation of the linear inertance associated with the
positive equilibrium z∗+ .
0 5 10 15
Frequency (Hz)
k2 0
0 5 10 15
Frequency (Hz)
0 5 10 15
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 21: Real parts of the identified coefficients as frequency-dependent quantities. Blue line: NSI with reference position z∗ � z∗− ; orange
line: NSI with reference position z∗ � z∗+ . (a) Coefficient k3 (N/m3 ); (b) coefficient k2 (N/m2 ); (c) coefficient cnl (Ns2 /m2 ).
coefficients k3 and cnl should be the same when NSI is It is worth highlighting that the imaginary part is always
applied to the two reference positions, as they are both much lower than the absolute value of the real part in the
invariant in the equation of motion (equations (14) and selected frequency range, which assesses the goodness of the
(15)). On the contrary, k2 depends on the choice of z∗ . The identification. Also, the real parts of k3 and cnl computed
identified coefficients are depicted in Figure 21 in their real with respect to the two reference values are very close to each
parts for the two reference positions. other, as expected. Since the system has a “favorite” equi-
A summary of the identified coefficients is also reported librium position, which is the negative one, the number of
in Table 2 for the two reference values. The final value of each samples associated with oscillations around this position are
coefficient is computed as the spectral mean of its real part higher than the other. For this reason, the estimation of the
over the selected frequency range, and the average ratio “negative” underlying linear system is considered more
between real and imaginary parts E[R/I] is also shown. reliable and so is the identification of the nonlinearity. The
Shock and Vibration 11
Table 2: Identified coefficients with NSI for the two reference positions.
Coefficient k3 Coefficient k2 Coefficient cnl
Reference position
Value (N/m3 ) E[R/I] Value (N/m2 ) E[R/I] Value (Ns2 /m2 ) E[R/I]
z∗− 7.35 · 105 32 −6.45 · 104 34 −4.76 49
z∗+ 7.86 · 105 29 5.81 · 104 29 −4.39 37
D (N)
K (N)
–20 –5
–30 –1 0 1 2
–0.04 –0.02 0 0.02 0.04
z (m) ˙z (m/s)
(a) (b)
Figure 22: Estimation of the restoring force K(z) (a) and the damping force D(z)
_ (b). Gray dots: sliced restoring surface; orange line: RFS
estimation (only in a); blue line: NSI estimation.
x (m)
0 30 60 24 25 26
Time (s) Time (s)
X (dB)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 23: Validation of the nonlinear identification in the time domain (a) and frequency domain (b). Black line: measured output; blue
line: simulated output; red dots: residual with the measured output spectrum in dB scales (ref. 1 m2/Hz).
chosen final values of the coefficients are then the ones The agreement between RFS and NSI estimation of
related to the negative reference position. K(z) is very high so that the two curves in Figure 22(a)
These coefficients can then be compared with the ones appear to be almost overlapped, and the percentage devi-
estimated by the RFS method, by looking at the identified ation is around 1%. As for the damping force D(z), _ it is
restoring force. The comparison is reported in Figure 22, difficult to evaluate the goodness of the estimation due to the
where the damping force estimation is also shown. high dispersion of the points. However, at least for the linear
12 Shock and Vibration