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Durlon Gasket Manual

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Our Sealing Products
Durlon® Sealing Products have the
widest possible range of service
Additional features Durlon® products are used in virtually
every industrialized corner of the world.
applications in comparison to major t Close-range compressibility for Our gasket materials are manufactured
competitors, therefore, the number of consistency and accurate spacing to ISO 9001 quality standards and are
different types of gaskets required to be subjected to continuous testing and
inventoried can be greatly reduced. This t Reliability backed by many years of rigid quality control, ensuring unvarying
impacts process safety, because limiting experience performance on the job.
the number of gasket styles reduces the
chance of installing the wrong gasket t Local distribution for quick and Our state-of-the-art research and
in the wrong service. For these reasons, easy delivery development facility is geared to meet
more and more original equipment the ever changing demands required
t Branding for easy identification
manufacturers and industrial consumers in today’s variety of service conditions.
and assurance of genuine Durlon®
are specifying Durlon® gasket materials gasket material helps prevent Since their inception, Durlon® gasket
for their needs. misapplication materials have undergone many
enhancements, each incorporating
Durlon® compressed gasket materials are t All full-sized sheets are date coded the latest technology to better meet
high-density products featuring the most and quality assurance traceable the wide variety of industry’s changing
homogenous combination of minerals, needs.
synthetic fibres, and elastomers. They are t A release agent on both sides of
used in a wide variety of industries on the sheet ensures good anti-stick Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.
a broad range of chemical applications properties recognizes that today more emphasis
at varying temperatures and pressures. is being placed on fugitive emissions
t Durlon® filled PTFE and flexible
Their excellent flexibility prevents large, via the Clean Air Act in Canada and the
graphite gasket materials
narrow flange gaskets from breaking complement our compressed sheet United States, as well as various
during cutting and installation, and their family, by giving you the right regulations in other countries. One of our
superior recovery ensures tight sealing gasket for all of your gasket needs. prime design objectives is to maximize
during thermal cycling. the sealability of our gasket materials
to meet and exceed fugitive emission
TFC’s Quality Policy requirements.

We will strive to provide our customers

and industry with quality products and
superior service.
We will accomplish this by:
t Our commitment to
understanding and meeting or
exceeding our customer’s
expectations and requirements

t Continual improvements of our

products, services and processes

t Remembering that we are here

because of our customers
Table of Contents
Gasket Fundamentals........................... 3 - 5 Durlon® Spiral Wound Gaskets.......................... 29 - 30
Finishes.................................................................. 3 Durlon® Kammprofile............................................ 31 - 32
Flange Types........................................................ 3 Durlon® ETG Series................................................. 33
Fasteners............................................................... 4 Ring Type Joint (RTJs)........................................... 34
The Seal................................................................. 4 iGuard™ Isolation & Sealing Kits....................... 35 - 37
Torque.................................................................... 5 Custom Fabricated Gaskets............................... 38 - 40
Gasket Cutting........................................................ 38
Products.................................................. 6 - 40
Compressed Non-Asbestos.......................... 7 - 16 Welding..................................................................... 38

Durlon® 5300....................................................... 7 Lathe Cutting.......................................................... 39

Durlon® DuraSwell 7760.................................. 8 Custom Fabricated Metallic Gaskets.............. 39

Durlon® 7900/7925/7950................................ 9 Reduced Contact Area (RCA) Gaskets............ 39

Durlon® 7910....................................................... 10 Cut Gaskets.............................................................. 39

Durlon® 8300....................................................... 11 Step Gaskets for Acid Piping Systems............ 40

Durlon® 8400....................................................... 12 Gasket Factors......................................... 41- 43

Durlon® 8500....................................................... 13 EN13555.................................................................... 41

Durlon® 8600....................................................... 14 Tightness Class....................................................... 41

Durlon® 8700....................................................... 15 Gasket Parameters................................................ 41

Durlon® 8900....................................................... 16 M & Y........................................................................... 42

PTFE.................................................................. 17 - 23 ASME.......................................................................... 42

Durlon® 9000/9000N........................................ 17 ROTT........................................................................... 42

Durlon® 9002....................................................... 18 Pressure x Temperature................................ 43

Durlon® 9200....................................................... 19 Conventional Approach...................................... 43

Durlon® 9400....................................................... 20 Durlon® Approach................................................. 43

Durlon® 9600....................................................... 21 Pressure x Temperature Charts............. 44 - 45

Durlon® Virgin PTFE........................................... 22 Gasket Failures....................................... 46
Durlon® Joint Sealant....................................... 23 Causes of Gasket Failure..................................... 46

Metallics.......................................................... Reducing Gasket Failures................................... 46

24 - 37
Metallic Gasketing................................ 24 Bolt Tightening Worksheet.................... 47
Temperature........................................................ 24 Gasket Application Data Form.............. 48
Chemical Compatibility................................... 24 Torque Values......................................... 49 - 53
Flange Compatibility........................................ 24 Chemical Resistance............................... 54 - 60
Gasket Seating Stress....................................... 24 Non-Metallic Gaskets............................................ 54 - 57

Durlon® Flexible Graphite............................... 25 Metallic Gaskets..................................................... 58 - 60

Durlon® HT1000®................................................ 26 ASTM Testing........................................... 60

Durlon® CFG......................................................... 27 Gasket Dimensions................................. 61 - 75
Durlon® Durtec®.................................................. 28 Conversions............................................. 76

- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -
Gasket Fundamentals
It is common for pipe flange finishes to
vary depending on the age and Flange Flange
condition of the piping and the gasket
Gasket Surface Surface
material considered in the initial Gasket
design. Concentric-serrated finishes are Cross Finish Finish
most commonly used in industry, with Section Microinch Micrometre
spiral-serrated (phonographic) finishes Ra. Ra.
being less prevalent. The recommended
flange finish depends on the type of
gasket being used. The following table Metallic
illustrates Durlon®’s recommended Serrated 63 Max. 1.6 Max.
flange surface finishes by gasket type.
The finish or the condition of the gasket
seating surface has a definite effect on
the ability of the gasket to create a seal. Spiral
Soft gaskets made from sheet material Wound 125 - 250 3.2 - 6.3
are designed to have a seating stress that Gaskets
allows the gasket material to “flow” into
the serrations and irregularities of the
flange face. The serration’s “bite” aids the
gasket in resisting the effects of internal
pressure, creep, and cold flow. Gaskets 125 - 250 3.2 - 6.3

“Smooth” finishes are usually found

on machinery or flanged joints other
than pipe flanges. When working with a
smooth finish, it is important to
CFG / Durtec 125 - 250 3.2 - 6.3
consider using a thinner gasket to lessen
the effects of creep and cold flow. It
should be noted, however, that both a
thinner gasket and the smooth finish,
in and of themselves, require a higher Flange Types It is always recommended to contact a
compressive force (i.e. bolt torque) to
The majority of flange materials used Durlon® Applications Engineer for precise
achieve the seal. Therefore, due to the
in industry are metallic and come in a installation information regarding any
flange design, one may have to resort to
variety of metallurgies, depending on the flange type, however, there are two
a thicker gasket, which requires a lower
nature of the application’s pressure, conditions which must be addressed
compressive force to seat the gasket.
temperature and media requirements. with the Applications Engineer: Full Face
Another way to seat the gasket, when
Some applications require non-metallic Flanges and Raised Face to Full Face
there is insufficient compressive force
available, is to lessen the area of the
flange materials, such as reinforced Flanges. (see next page)
plastic, glass-lined steel, and glass.
gasket. This can sometimes be
However, these materials are less robust
accomplished by using a Durlon® RCA
and “softer” gasketing materials must be
(Reduced Contact Area) style gasket, or
by simply modifying the seating
dimensions of the gasket.
The most common industrial use flange
types are: Raised Face (RF); Flat Face or
Full Face (FF); Tongue and Groove (T&G);
Male and Female (MF) or Spigot; Flat Face
and Groove (FF&G); and Ring Type Joint
(RTJ) or API Ring.

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Fundamentals
FULL FACE FLANGES Bolts, studs, and nuts should be of Bolt Tightening Worksheet (p. 47) for
In a bolted joint using ANSI full face (or sufficient strength to achieve proper more information on installation
flat face) flanges, it must be remembered compression of the gasket, not only to procedures.
that the same bolts used in the seal the joint, but to maintain the seal
corresponding raised face joint are now without exceeding the yield strength of
being asked to seal three to four times the bolts being used. The torque values The Seal
the gasket area with full face flanges. It is in our torque tables (p. 49 - 53) are based
almost impossible to create an on ASTM A193 Grade B7 studs and 2H The purpose of a gasket is to create a
effective seal and high strength bolts heavy hex nuts lubricated with anti-seize static seal between two stationary
should be considered. ANSI Class 150 paste (K=0.17). flanges. The seal itself is effected by
full face bolted joints are poor design achieving the proper compression on the
and should only be used for non-critical The application and distribution of gasket, thus causing it to flow into the
fluids. torque can be improved through the imperfections on the surface of the
use of washers under the head of the flange. This results in a tight, unbroken
RAISED FACE to FULL FACE bolt and between the flange and nut. barrier, impervious to the fluid being
We do not recommend mating a full face Washers effectively reduce the friction contained.
flange to a raised face flange between the turning surfaces of the
especially when the full face flange is nut and bolt head to the flange, thus In many instances, a good seal is
cast or ductile iron. So as not to warp the translating into a more accurate load obtained through the limited “swell”
flange, or worst case, crack it, the utmost being applied to the gasket. For standard caused by the reaction of the inside edge
care should be taken. Even if a spacer applications it is recommended to use of the gasket material with the fluid
that fits on the raised face flange outside through-hardened washers, in order to being contained. A certain amount of
the raised face area is used, damage to prevent washer galling. swell is desirable, as long as it reaches an
the flanges can still occur. equilibrium and does not reach a
Since sheet gasket materials have condition of degradation where the
micropores, they must be sufficiently gasket begins to breakdown. In many
Fasteners compressed to reduce porosity. instances, the fluid being contained may
Without adequate compression, the “cauterize” the inside edge of the gasket
Bolted flange connections are only as system pressure can force the contained and “seal off” the gasket from further
good as the fastener system being used fluid into the gasket and degrade it. fluid penetration.
and unfortunately the fastener system is Therefore, when installing the gasket, it is
often overlooked within the system. The important that good technique be
majority of fastener systems being used followed. This includes cleaning the
in the industrial world are threaded. The flanges, inspecting the flange face and
fastener system consists of at least the the bolts, and bringing the flanges
bolt/stud and the nut but it is together parallel as well as in stages.
recommended to also include washers. Many field problems arise from
improperly installed gaskets. Refer to the

Bolt Load
Tries to keeps everything together

Hydrostatic End Force

Tries to push flanges apart & stretches bolts
Blow Out or Internal Pressure
Tries to force gasket out of flange

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Fundamentals
Proper gasket selection and installation (3) Use of a conical washer: The elastic effect
should be based on minimizing torque of a conical washer helps to compensate
loss. Torque loss can be caused by the for some of the loss in gasket resilience. The
washer also lengthens the bolt to a slight
tendency of the gasket to relax or remold
degree, lessening the effect of bolt
after it has been compressed and/or by elongation.
elongation of the bolts. This loss can be
minimized several ways:

(1) Use of a thinner gasket: The surface of the (4) Greater bolt load: The use of stronger bolts Washers and Placement
gasket is actually the sealing surface. The or more bolts can also help in the reduction
internal portion of the gasket is used of torque loss. Care should be taken to insure
primarily to ensure that the imperfections in that the maximum loads on the bolts are not
the sealing surface are filled. Since it is this exceeded.
internal portion that is primarily effected
by creep relaxation, the thinner the gasket,
the more effective the seal. However, if the
surface to be sealed is pitted, marred or
somewhat distorted, it may not be feasible to
switch to a thinner gasket.

Typical ASTM Bolts/Nut Materials used in Bolted Flange Connections

Bolt Grade Nut Grade Bolt Yield Applications

Designation Designation Strength (1)

vs. A 193 B7/L7 A 194 2H 517 to 724 MPa

(75 to 105 ksi)
General Use

A 193 B16 A 194 7 586 to 724 MPa High

(85 to 105 ksi) Temperatures
A 193 B8 cl. 2 (2) A 194 8 345 to 689 MPa Higher Temperatures &
(50 to 100 ksi) Stainless Steel Flanges
(2) Use of a denser gasket: In general, the
denser the gasket material, the less creep A 193 B8M cl. A 194 8M 345 to 655 MPa Higher Temperatures &
relaxation will occur. With materials of similar 2 (2) (50 to 95 ksi) Stainless Steel Flanges
composition, greater density will require
greater seating stresses to seal. Therefore,
some lighter flanges may not be strong A 320 L7 A 194 4 or 7 517 to 724 MPa Cryogenic & Low
enough to use with a denser material. (75 to 105 ksi) Temperature

1 – Yield strength at room temperature varies with bolt/stud nominal diameter.

2 – Bolt/stud A 193 B8 cl. 1 and A 193 B8M cl.1 have yield strength less than the cl. 2 listed in the table.
The difference frequently is not recognized and has been the cause of failures.


- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -



ASTM F104: F713110-A9B4E12K5L051M5

Mineral/NBR Typical Properties Applications

Colour Rust Durlon® 5300 has been developed
Durlon® 5300 is a good quality Fibre System Mineral to meet the demanding
commercial grade compressed Binder NBR
applications found on ships and
non-asbestos sheet for Temperature
mobile offshore platforms, while
moderate service conditions, Min -730C (-1000F)
Max 2880C (5500F) taking into account the economic
where an ABS certified gasket Max, continuous 2320C (4500F) value that these customers require.
material is required. Durlon® Pressure, max, bar (psi) 69 (1,000) With many years of performance
5300 is suitable for steam, oil, Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.7 (106)
material experience, Durlon® has
water, mild alkalis, mild acids, Compressibility, % 7 - 17
established style 5300 as an easy-
hydrocarbons, and solvents. ASTM F36
Recovery, % 40
to-cut, reliable, and quality
ASTM F36 gasket material for applications
Creep Relaxation, % 25 where fire safety has not been
specified. Durlon® 5300 is design
Tensile Strength across grain
ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
10.3 (1,500)
assessed by the American Bureau
Fluid Resistance, ASTM F146
of Shipping (ABS) for use in pipe
IRM 903 Oil 5 hrs at 3000F and vessel flanges, and is ideally
Thickness Increase, % 5
suited for water, oil, gasoline, and
Weight Increase, % 15
ASTM Fuel B 5 hrs at 700F aliphatic hydrocarbon
Thickness Increase, % 5 applications. When performance
Weight Increase, % 15
at sea is required, Durlon® 5300 is a
Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min 0.1
ASTM F2378 trusted and certified ABS solution.
Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”
m 1.5 2.5
Y, psi (MPa) 1,855 (12.8) 2,619 (18.1)
Gb, psi (MPa) 474 (3.3) 902 (6.2)
a 0.256 0.253
Gs, psi (MPa) 48 (0.3) 4 (0.03)
Flexibility 10x
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

ABS-PDA Certificate American Bureau of
Durlon® 5300
RoHS Compliant

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
%63" WELL 7760
ASTM F104: F729990-B5E09L100M9

Aramid-Inorganic/SBR Typical Properties Benefits

Durlon® DuraSwell 7760 is gasket t Superior sealing of uneven
Colour Off-White
material for demanding flange surfaces
Fibre System Synthetic
applications that require Binder Proprietary Blend SBR
t Excellent bolt torque
excellent sealability, conformity Temperature retention
to flange surfaces, and recovery. Min -73°C (-100°F)
Max 344°C (650°F)
The material is designed to swell Max, continuous 205°C (400°F) t Tight seal for low bolt load
when in contact with oils and Pressure applications
fuels, helping to increase the Max, bar (psi) 69 (1000)

gasket stress for applications that

Continuous, bar (psi) 34.5 (500)
t Ideal for compressors, gear
require increased gasket loading
Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.65 (103)
boxes, and transformers
ASTM F1315
and may be previously limited Compressibility, % 7-17
t Better and longer
because of insufficient bolting or ASTM F36
performance life than
flange constraints. Applications Recovery, % 50
elastomeric gaskets
include water, fuel, oils, coolants, Creep Relaxation, % 30
and heavy duty equipment ASTM F38 t Will not weep – controlled
applications such as oil pan Tensile Strength 14.8 (2,100) cure process finished the
covers, gear case, and flywheel ASTM F152
cure cycle after fluid
housings. Fluid Resistance, ASTM F146
absorption and swell on the
IRM 903 Oil 5hrs at 300°F
Thickness Increase, % <75
ID exposed area
Weight Increase, % <50
ASTM Oil #1 5hrs at 70°F t Seals tighter and accepts
Thickness Increase, % 15-30
Weight Increase, % <30
higher system pressure than
Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min 0.01
vegetable fibre gaskets
ASTM F2378

Gasket Factors 1/16” t Controlled swell

m 6.9 engineering ensures flange
Y, psi (MPa) 2,412
bolts are not overstressed
Gb, psi (MPa) 95 (0.655)
a 0.609
Gs, psi (MPa) 4 (0.027) t Swell characteristics
Flexibility 4x significantly reduce creep
ASTM F147 relaxation, as compared to
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59. vegetable fibre and
elastomeric gaskets

Durlon® 7760

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712120-A9B3E22K5L151M5

Aramid/NBR Typical Properties Benefits

Colour 7900 - Off-White
t Unsurpassed sealability
Durlon® 7900/7925/7950 7925 -Lgt. Green drastically lowers emission
are economy grade general 7950 - Blue levels
Fibre System Aramid-Inorganic
service sheets with NBR
rubber binder for mild Binder NBR t General purpose sheet
Temperature outperforms traditional
service in piping and Min -73°C (-100°F) economy sheets
equipment with Max 371°C (700°F)

applications in steam, Max, continuous 260°C (500°F)

t Anti-stick coating reduces
Pressure, max, bar (psi) 83 (1,200)
hydrocarbons and time spent removing gaskets
Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.7 (106)
refrigerants. An economical
alternative when service
Compressibility, %
7 - 17
t Good compressibility and
ranges and applications are Recovery, % 40
recovery maintains a tight seal
not severe. ASTM F36

Creep Relaxation, % 20 t Cuts easily and cleanly


Tensile Strength across grain 11 (1,600) t Consistency of ingredients

ASTM F152, MPa (psi) provides improved handling
Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146
IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F)
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 15
t Minimal wear on tooling
Weight Increase, % 15
ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 10
Weight Increase, % 12

Sealability, cc/min 0.05

ASTM 2378 (Nitrogen)
Sealability, ml/hr
ASTM F37 (Fuel A) 0.03
ASTM F37 (Nitrogen) 0.5

Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”

m 3.0 3.2
Y, psi (MPa) 3,347 (23.1) 3,385 (23.3)
Gb, psi (MPa) 497 (3.4) 486 (3.4)
a 0.226 0.276
Gs, psi (MPa) 3 (0.02) 0.4 (0.003)

Flexibility, 10x
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

Durlon® 7950
California Proposition 65 Compliant

RoHS Compliant

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712120-A9B3E22K5L151M5

Aramid-Inorganic/ Typical Properties NSF/ANSI 61 Gaskets

Colour White The importance of safe, clean
Fibre System Aramid/Inorganic drinking water is extremely
Durlon® 7910 is a good
Binder NBR important to Triangle Fluid Controls.
quality commercial grade
Temperature With the world’s increasing focus
compressed sheet gasket Min -73°C (-100°F)
on potable water safety, NSF 61 has
material for moderate service Max 371°C (700°F)
Max, continuous 260°C (500°F) taken the lead on setting standards
conditions. It was specifically
Pressure, max, bar (psi) 83 (1,200) for all materials that come into
developed to meet the
Density, g/cc (lbs/ft ) 3
1.7 (106) contact with drinking water. We
requirement of NSF/ANSI 61
Compressibility, % 9 - 20 have developed and obtained NSF
for potable water application ASTM F36
61 certification for Durlon® 7910
23ºC (73ºF) to commercial hot Recovery, % 40
gasket material to enable all
to 82ºC (180ºF). ASTM F36

Creep Relaxation, % 25
customers affected by new
ASTM F38 regulations to remain compliant.
Tensile Strength across grain 11 (1,600) With our history of developing
ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
premium performance sealing
Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146
IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F)
products, you can trust that Durlon®
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 15 7910 is your material of choice for
Weight Increase, % 15
ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
safety and long-term reliability.
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 10 Durlon® 7910 is easy to cut and
Weight Increase, % 12
available in sheet sizes up to 3048
Dielectric Breakdown, kV/mm (V/mil)
11.0 (279)
mm x 3200 mm (120” x 126”) which
Sealability, cc/min 0.05
allows for very large diameter
ASTM 2378 (Nitrogen) single-piece gaskets to be cut and
Sealability, ml/hr
ASTM F37 (Nitrogen)
eliminates leak paths created from
Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”
segmented cuts from smaller sheet
m 1.5 1.5 materials.
Y, psi (MPa) 2,416 (16.7) 3,576 (24.7)
Gb, psi (MPa) 502 (3.5) 736 (5.1)
a 0.289 0.237
Gs, psi (MPa) 0.001 (0) 9.1 (0.06)
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

NSF/ANSI 61 Certified to meet the
requirement of NSF/ANSI
61 for potable water
application at 23ºC (73ºF)
to commercial hot to
82ºC (180ºF)

Durlon® 7910 Durlon® 7910 manufactured by Durabla Canada Ltd.

MIL-G-24696B Navy Adhesion Test 186°C (366°F)/48 hrs.

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712120-A9B3E22K5L311M5

Carbon/NBR Typical Properties Benefits

t Chemical and thermal
Durlon® 8300 is our Colour Black
premium grade, multi- Fibre System Carbon

service, high strength Binder NBR

t Broad range of chemical
carbon fibre and NBR Temperature and thermal services
gasket sheet. It is designed Min
-73°C (-100°F)
482°C (900°F)
to handle the extremes of Max, continuous 343°C (650°F) t Emissions control
pressure and temperature. Pressure, max, bar (psi) 139 (2,000)

As with all of our premium Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.6 (100) t Maintains tight seal during
products, the versatility Compressibility, % 8 - 16
thermal cycling in
of this sheet enables the ASTM F36 saturated steam and hot
Recovery, % 50 oils
end user to standardize on ASTM F36
one sheet for a multitude Creep Relaxation, % 18 t Very good chemical
of applications and avoid ASTM F38
the confusion of having to Tensile Strength across grain 12.4 (1,800)
ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
choose fromseveral different t Easy to install and remove
Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146
sheets. IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F)
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 10 t Much easier to handle,
Specifically designed for
Weight Increase, % 10 install, and remove than
ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
applications commonly Thickness Increase, % 0 - 10
traditional graphite high
Weight Increase, % 12 temperature gaskets
found in the power
generation and ASTM F37 (Fuel A), ml/hr 0.03 t Anti-stick coating for ease
chemical processing ASTM F37 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.5
of removal
ASTM F2378 (Nitrogen), cc/min 0.05
industries, Durlon® 8300
Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 5.0 x 109
maintains excellent ASTM D257

sealability during thermal Dielectric Breakdown 0.04 (1)

ASTM D149, kV/mm (V/mil)
cycling, even in steam, hot
Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”
oil, aliphatic hydrocarbons, m 3.7 3.0
natural gas, gasoline, Y, psi (MPa) 3,515 (24.2) 4,014 (27.7)
Gb, psi (MPa) 512 (2.5) 1,716 (11.8)
solvents, inert gases, mild a 0.355 0.209
alkalis and acids. Gs, psi (MPa) 13 (0.09) 70 (0.5)

Flexibility, 10x
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

Durlon® 8300
California Proposition 65 Compliant

RoHS Compliant

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712120-A9B4E22K5L911M5

Phenolic/NBR Typical Properties Benefits

Colour Gold t Temperature and chemical
Durlon® 8400 is our Fibre System Phenolic resistant
outstanding next generation Binder NBR
material that provides the t Our ingredients and
widest range of chemical Min -73°C (-100°F)
resistance of any compressed Max 427°C (800°F) methodology results in
Max, continuous 290°C (554°F) superior sealing in a wide
asbestos-free material Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500) range of difficult chemical
available today. It’s designed Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.7 (106) services
for high pH applications Compressibility, % 8 - 16
in the demanding services ASTM F36 t Perfect for OEM
found in the pulp & paper, Recovery, % 50 applications such as pump
chemical processing, and ASTM F36
casings, valves, and filters
Creep Relaxation, % 25
power generation industries ASTM F38
where traditional compressed Tensile Strength across grain 12.4 (1,800)
t Perfect for flange
gasket materials have fallen ASTM F152, MPa (psi) insulation kits
short. Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146
IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F) t Unsurpassed dielectric
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 15 break-down and volume
Weight Increase, % 15
ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 10
Weight Increase, % 15 t Excellent torque retention
Sealability to maintain Cathodic
ASTM F37 (Fuel A), ml/hr
ASTM F37 (Nitrogen), ml/hr
Protection (CP)
ASTM F2378 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.03

Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 3.1 x 1013 t MIL-G-24696B


Dielectric Breakdown, 14.6 (371)

ASTM D149, kV/mm (V/mil)

Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”

m 2.9 4.5
Y, psi (MPa) 2,410 (16.6) 3,967 (27.4)
Gb, psi (MPa) 2,000 (13.8) 1,076 (7.4)
a 0.194 0.289
Gs, psi (MPa) 340 (2.3) 9.4 (0.7)

Flexibility, ASTM F147 8x

* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

California Proposition 65 Compliant
Durlon® 8400
RoHS Compliant

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712120-A9B3E12K5L151M6

Aramid-Inorganic/ Typical Properties Benefits

NBR Colour Green
t Versatile
Durlon® 8500, our Fibre System Aramid-Inorganic
t Our very best general
general-purpose “workhorse” Binder NBR
purpose premium gasket
material, contains our Temperature
Min -73°C (-100°F)
unique blend of high Max 371°C (700°F)

strength aramid and Max, continuous 287°C (548°F) t Thermal strength

inorganic fibres, providing Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500)

excellent results in steam, Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.7 (106) t Our unique fibre matrix
provides superior sealing in
hydrocarbons, and new Compressibility, % 8 - 16
ASTM F36 cyclical applications
generation refrigerants. Recovery, % 50 including steam and hot oils
Durlon® 8500 passed the API ASTM F36

6FB fire test at an Creep Relaxation, % 20

t Passed the API 6FB fire test
independent laboratory and at an independent
Tensile Strength across grain 13.8 (2,000)
has proven to be reliable in ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
situations where Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146
temperature and pressure IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F) t HVAC OEM service proven
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 15
cycling causes failures of Weight Increase, % 15
t Durlon® 8500 has passed
lesser quality materials. ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 10 HVAC service fitness and
Weight Increase, % 12 compatibility test for most
Sealability of the next generation
ASTM F37 (Fuel A), ml/hr 0.01
refrigerants and lubricants
ASTM F37 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.4
ASTM F2378 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.03

Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 4.2 x 1013


Dielectric Breakdown 11.7 (297)

ASTM D149, , kV/mm (V/mil)

Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”

m 2.7 4.2
Y, psi (MPa) 2,359 (16.3) 2,931 (20.2)
Gb, psi (MPa) 650 (4.5) 400 (2.8)
a 0.330 0.350
Gs, psi (MPa) 200 (1.4) 20 (0.1)

Flexibility, ASTM F147 10x

* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

California Proposition 65 Compliant

RoHS Compliant

API 6FB Fire Test

Durlon® 8500 Burn Period: 30 min.
Avg. Temperature: >6500C (12020F)
Test Pressure: 40 bar (580 psi)
Test Medium: Water
Leask Rate: 0.05 ml/(inch-min)

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712440-A9B3E24K5L152M5

Aramid-Inorganic/ Typical Properties Benefits

SBR t Thermal strength
Colour White

Durlon® 8600 is an Fibre System Aramid/Inorganic

t Our unique fibre matrix
outstanding gasket material Binder SBR
provides superior sealing
containing our unique blend Temperature in cyclical applications
Min -73°C (-100°F)
of high strength aramid and Max 371°C (700°F)
inorganic fibres, providing Max, continuous 287°C (548°F) t Passed MIL-G-24696B
excellent sealability in steam, Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500) Navy Adhesion Test
condensate and dilute Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.7 (106) (366°F/48 hrs)
acids where a “white” gasket Compressibility, % 8 - 16
ASTM F36 t Excellent hand and die
material or an SBR binder is cutting characteristics
Recovery, % 45
required. ASTM F36

Creep Relaxation, % 20

Tensile Strength across grain 12.4 (1,800)

ASTM F152, MPa (psi)

Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146

IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F)
Thickness Increase, % 15 - 30
Weight Increase, % 30
ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
Thickness Increase, % 5 - 20
Weight Increase, % 30

ASTM F37 (Fuel A), ml/hr 0.03
ASTM F37 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.5
ASTM F2378 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.05

Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 4.2 x 1013


Dielectric Breakdown 11.7 (297)

ASTM D149, kV/mm (V/mil)

Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”

m 2.9 n/a
Y, psi (MPa) 2,540 (17.5) n/a
Gb, psi (MPa) n/a n/a
a n/a n/a
Gs, psi (MPa) n/a n/a

Flexibility, ASTM F147 8x

* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

Durlon® 8600
California Proposition 65 Compliant

RoHS Compliant

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712330-A9B5E45K5L153M5

Aramid-Inorganic/ Typical Properties Benefits

CR Colour Blue
t Our top performer for
Fibre System Aramid/Inorganic
original style HVAC OEM
Durlon 8700® is our Binder CR
premium neoprene (CR) Temperature
Min -73°C (-100°F)
gasket sheet, combined with Max 371°C (700°F) t Proven to provide a tight
our unique blend of high Max, continuous 287°C (548°F) seal in refrigerants, oils and
strength aramid and Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500) fuels
inorganic fibres. It provides Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.7 (106)

excellent sealability in Compressibility, % 8 - 16 t Passed MIL-G-24696B Navy

ASTM F36 Adhesion Test (366° F/48
services such as ammonia Recovery, % 45 hrs)
containing refrigerant ASTM F36
systems. Creep Relaxation, % 20 t Excellent hand and die
cutting characteristics
Tensile Strength across grain 10.3 (1,500)
ASTM F152, MPa (psi)

Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146

IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F)
Thickness Increase, % 0 - 15
Weight Increase, % 20
ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
Thickness Increase, % 5 - 20
Weight Increase, % 20

ASTM F37 (Fuel A), ml/hr 0.03
ASTM F37 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.7
ASTM F2378 (Nitrogen), ml/hr 0.05

Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 4.2 x 1013


Dielectric Breakdown 11.7 (297)

ASTM D149, kV/mm (V/mil)

Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”

m 3.1 n/a
Y, psi (MPa) 3,127 (21.6) n/a
Gb, psi (MPa) n/a n/a
a n/a n/a
Gs, psi (MPa) n/a n/a

Flexibility, ASTM F147 8x

* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

Durlon® 8700
California Proposition 65 Compliant

RoHS Compliant

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F712120-A9B2E21L101M6

Aramid-Inorganic/ Typical Properties Benefits

NBR Colour Black
t Thermal strength
DURLON® 8900 is a premium Fibre System Aramid/Inorganic
t Our unique fibre matrix
grade compressed non- Binder NBR
provides superior sealing
asbestos sheet gasket material Temperature
Min -73°C (-100°F)
in cyclical applications
for service conditions to 496°C Max 496°C (925°F)

(925°F) and continuous Max, continuous 400°C (752°F) t Passed MIL-G-24696B

operating temperatures of Pressure, max, bar (psi) 138 (2,000) Navy Adhesion Test
-73°C to 400°C (-100°F to 752°F), Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.6 (100) (366°F/48 hours)
or 13.8 MPa (2000 psi). It is Compressibility, % 7 - 17
ASTM F36 t Excellent hand and die
suitable for saturated and Recovery, % 50 cutting characteristics
superheated steam, oil, dilute ASTM F36

acids and alkalis, hydrocarbons, Creep Relaxation, % 15

and solvents. DURLON® 8900
Tensile Strength across grain 13.8 (2,000)
has achieved the requirements ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
of the Fire Test Certification Fluid Resistance, ASTM F 146
ANSI/API 607, 6th Edition with IRM 903 Oil 5 hours at 149°C (300°F)
Thickness Increase, % 3
zero leakage. Weight Increase, % 15
ASTM Fuel B 5 hours at 21°C (70°F)
Thickness Increase, % 4
Weight Increase, % 12

Sealability, cc/min 0.2

ASTM 2378 (Nitrogen)

Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 4.01 x 100


Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”

m 4.8 7.3
Y, psi (MPa) 4,851 (33.4) 3,730 (25.70)
Gb, psi (MPa) 915 (6.3) 567 (3.9)
a 0.428 0.556
Gs, psi (MPa) 0.02 (0.0001) 0.26 (0.02)

Flexibility, ASTM F147 12x

Stress Relaxation, DIN 52913

@ 7,252 psi (50 MPa)
16 hr @ 347F (175C) 6,500 (44.8) Minimum
16 hr @ 572F (300C) 6,000 (41.4) Minimum
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

Durlon® 8900
ANSI/API 607 Fire Test 6th Ed., Zero leakage

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F452111-A9B5E11K6M6

Inorganic/PTFE Typical Properties Benefits

Colour 9000 - Blue
Durlon® 9000 (blue) and 9000N 9000N - White t Versatile and reliable seal
(white) are designed for use in Filler System Inorganic

process piping and Temperature t Recommended for a wide

Min -2120C (-3500F) range of severe chemical
equipment in chemical, pulp Max 2710C (5200F)
services vs. competitive filled
and paper, pharmaceutical, Max, continuous 2600C (5000F)
PTFE blends
oxygen and industrial gases, Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500)

food and beverage, and other Density, g/cc (lbs/ft ) 3

2.2 (138)
t Maintains a tighter seal than
general industrial applications, Compressibility, % 8 - 16
conventional PTFE gasketing
where physical properties such Recovery, % 40
as non-contamination and ASTM F36 t Has a higher bolt torque
resistance to highly aggressive Creep Relaxation, % 30
retention vs. other filled PTFE
chemicals are required. ASTM F38 and conventional PTFE
Tensile Strength across grain 13.8 (2,000) gasketing materials
ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
Durlon® 9000/9000N is Sealability, cc/min 0.01 t Exceptional performance in
available in a continuous ASTM F2378
emissions control
length sheet (varies depending Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 1.0 x 105

on sheet thickness) providing ASTM D257

t Does not exhibit cold flow
Dielectric Breakdown 16 (406)
gasket cutters with significantly ASTM D149, kV/mm (V/mil) problems associated with
improved material yields versus Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8” virgin or generic skived PTFE,
traditional sheet dimensions. m 2.2 4.6
or the hardness problems of
Y, psi (MPa) 1,937 (13.4) 1,639 (11.3)
Gb, psi (MPa) 639 (4.4) 495 (3.4) some other filled PTFE
Gs, psi (MPa)
55 (0.4)
65 (0.4)
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.
t USP Class VI Certified
TA-Luft (VDI Guidline 2440) t ABS–PDA Certificate
Approved (American Bureau of
Temperature Exposure: 180°C (356°F)
Period of Exposure: 48 h
Test Pressure (helium): 1 bar (14.5 psig)
Leak rate: 7.55E-6 mbar*l(m*s) t Complies with (EC)
Period of leak rate measured: 24h 1935/2004 & (EU) 10/2011
BAM- Oxygen Testing:
a) Gaseous oxygen: Up to 52 bar (754 psig)
t DNV-GL (Det Norske Veritas -
Pamphlet 95,
The Chlorine Institute
Listed Table 3-1, for dry
chlorine service and
Germanischen Lloyd)
Table 3-3, for wet Certificate No. 13 560 - 14HH
chlorine service

FDA Conforms to the

Durlon® 9000 requirements of 21 CFR
177.1550 for food and
drug contact Durlon® 9000 is made with Teflon™
fluoropolymer. Teflon™ is a trademark of
Reach Statement Compliant The Chemours Company FC, LLC used
under license by Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.
USP Class VI 121°C (250°F)
for 30 min.

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F452111-A9B5E11K6M6

Inorganic/PTFE Typical Properties Benefits

Modern gaseous and liquid oxygen Colour Blue t Versatile and reliable seal
services require extreme gasket Filler System Inorganic

performance flexibility in order to Temperature t Recommended for a wider

withstand the extremes that these
Min -2120C (-3500F) range of severe chemical
services demand. Typically PTFE is
Max, continuous
2710C (5200F)
2600C (5000F)
services than competitive
filled PTFE blends
not recommended for cryogenic Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500)

applications, however, we have Density, g/cc (lbs/ft ) 3

2.2 (138)
t Maintains a tighter seal
developed Durlon® 9002 as an Compressibility, % 8 - 16
than conventional PTFE
adaptation of our original glass- gasketing
Recovery, % 40
filled formula to better meet these ASTM F36
extreme system demands. Durlon® Creep Relaxation, % 30 t Has a higher bolt torque
9002 has passed both gaseous, up ASTM F38 retention than other filled
to 260°C (500°F) and 52 bar (754 Tensile Strength across grain 13.8 (2,000) PTFE and conventional
psi), and liquid oxygen tests
ASTM F152, MPa (psi) PTFE gasketing materials
Sealability, cc/min 0.01
performed by BAM Federal Institute ASTM F2378
t Exceptional performance in
for Materials Research and Testing. Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 1.0 x 105
emissions control
Durlon® 9002 has also been tested ASTM D257

Dielectric Breakdown 16 (406)

for LOX Mechanical Impact ASTM D149, kV/mm (V/mil) t Does not exhibit cold flow
Sensitivity, passing with zero Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8” problems associated with
reactions out of twenty tests (0/20) m
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.
2.2 4.6
virgin or generic skived
Y, psi (MPa) 1,937 (13.4) 1,639 (11.3)
at a test reaction frequency of 0%. Gb, psi (MPa) 639 (4.4) 495 (3.4) PTFE, or the hardness
a 0.220 0.262 problems of some other
Durlon® 9002 has the benefit of Gs, psi (MPa) 55 (0.4) 65 (0.4)
filled PTFE products
being readily available through our * See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

standard manufacturing process Certifications

and requires no secondary heat or BAM- Oxygen Testing:
cleansing treatments prior to a) Gaseous oxygen: Up to 52 bar (754 psig)

gasket cutting. Once gaskets are b) Liquid Oxygen 260°C (500°F)

FDA Conforms to the

cut, traditional oxygen cleaning requirements of 21 CFR
standards must be applied for 177.1550 for food and

safety. Triangle Fluid Controls also drug contact

LOX Mechanical Impact Sensitivity Zero reactions out of 20

offers oxygen cleaned gaskets, ASTM G86-98a 0/20
bagged, labelled, and sealed
according to the European
Industrial Gases Association
standard for Cleaning of Equipment Durlon® 9002

for Oxygen Service.

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F452111-A9B5E11K6M6

Barium Sulfate/PTFE Typical Properties Composition

Durlon® 9200 is a filled PTFE Colour Granite White (standard)
Barium sulfate fillers are
gasket material designed for Filler System Barium Sulfate
homogeneously blended with
use in process piping and Temperature
pure PTFE resins to give Durlon®
equipment for use in the Min -2120C (-3500F) 9200 its physical and
Max 2710C (5200F)
chemical, pulp and paper, food Max, continuous 2600C (5000F)
mechanical properties. Testing
and beverage, and other Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500)
shows the fillers to be more
general industrial applications. Density, g/cc (lbs/ft ) 3
2.5 (156)
evenly dispersed than filled
It can be used where resistance Compressibility, % 8 - 16
PTFE with layered construction.
to highly aggressive chemicals ASTM F36 The result is more consistent
is required. Recovery, % 35 physical and mechanical
properties without the voids,
Creep Relaxation, % 30
The physical properties of ASTM F38 separation, and chemical
Durlon® 9200 make it an Tensile Strength across grain 13.2 (1,920) compatibility problems found
excellent material option for ASTM F152, MPa (psi) in layered filled PTFE. It is
low seating stress applications
Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min
ASTM 2378
suitable for use in steel flanges
when traditional filled PTFE Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”
and will not exhibit the cold
materials require more gasket m 1.5 4.2 flow problems associated with
load than is available. When
Y, psi (MPa) 952 (6.5) 827 (5.7)
virgin or generic skived PTFE, or
Gb, psi (MPa) 153 (1.1) 96 (0.66)
combined with the Durlon® a 0.360 0.437 the hardness problems of some
Reduced Contact Area (RCA) Gs, psi (MPa) 15 (0.1) 14 (0.1) other filled PTFE products.
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.
design, Durlon® 9200 can often
outperform common ePTFE

FDA Conforms to the
requirements of 21 CFR
177.1550 for food and
drug contact

Reach Statement Compliant

ABS-PDA Certificate American Bureau of


BAM- Oxygen Testing:

a) Gaseous oxygen: Up to 52 bar (754 psig)
b) Liquid Oxygen 260°C (500°F)

Durlon® 9200

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.

ASTM F104: F452111-A9B5E11K6M6

Carbon/PTFE Typical Properties 6OJRVF

Durlon® 9400 is made from Colour Black
pure PTFE resins and carbon Filler System Carbon t The unique formulation
fillers designed for use in Temperature of PTFE and carbon
piping and equipment for Min -2120C (-3500F)
provides an extremely
Max 2880C (5500F)
chemical, pharmaceutical, Max, continuous 2600C (5000F) tight matrix for
food, and other severe service Pressure, max, bar (psi) 103 (1,500) enhanced sealability in
industrial applications where Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 2.1 (103)
flanged applications
chemical resistance and Compressibility, % 5 - 12

sealability are paramount. ASTM F36 t Durlon® 9400 exhibits

good electrical
Durlon® 9400 does not Recovery, % 40
ASTM F36 conducting properties
exhibit cold flow problems Creep Relaxation, % 30 for applications where
associated with conventional ASTM F38
flange electrical
PTFE. It has been developed Tensile Strength 14.5 (2,100) continuity is required
ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
to be used in hydrofluoric
Volume Resitivity, ohm-cc 0 - 14
acid, anhydrous hydrogen ASTM D257
t Low compressibility
fluoride (AHF) in railroad tank Dielectric Breakdown, kV/mm 1 (33)
reduces deformation
cars, and chemical plant ASTM D149, kV/mm (V/mil) under load
applications where barium Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min 0.01
ASTM 2378
sulfate PTFE may not prove
Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”
suitable. m 6.8 6.8
Y, psi (MPa) 2,765 (19.1) 3,105 (21.4)
Gb, psi (MPa) 1,701 (11.7) 1,412 (9.7)
a 0.173 0.164
Gs, psi (MPa) 99 (0.7) 248 (1.7)
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

Reach Statement Compliant

Durlon® 9400

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ASTM F104: F428111-A9B5

Expanded PTFE Typical Properties 6OJRVF

Durlon® 9600 is a bi-axially Colour White
expanded PTFE gasket Resin System Pure PTFE t Premium grade PTFE
material designed to seal Temperature offers compressibility up
at low loads and resist Min -2120C (-3500F) to 60%
Max 3160C (6000F)
creep and cold flow while Max, continuous 2600C (5000F)
being able to withstand Pressure, max, bar (psi) 124 (1,800)
t Generates tight seals in
high flange load, and high cast iron valves, filters,
Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 0.8 (49.9)
and strainers
pressure. Durlon® 9600 will Compressibility, % 40 - 60
easily conform to ASTM F36
t Handles higher
irregular surfaces that may Recovery, % 12
temperatures than filled
be warped, etched, pitted, Creep Relaxation, % 30 PTFE
or tool marked. These ASTM F38

characteristics make Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min 0.01 t Excellent performance in

Durlon® 9600 your best ASTM 2378 high pressures
Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”
choice for a broad range Gb, psi 1,200 (8.3) 1,400 (9.6)
of aggressive chemicals a 0.2 0.2
t Conforms to irregular
where plastic flanges and Gs, psi 3.5 (0.024) 1.5 (0.01) flange surfaces
low bolt loads are
* See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

t Conforms to FDA
required. standards

t Superior containment of
FDA Conforms to the
t Exceptional service life
requirements of 21 CFR
177.1550 for food and t The unique process of
drug contact
expanding Durlon® 9600
Reach Statement Compliant
PTFE creates a high
ABS-PDA Certificate American Bureau of degree of fibrillation with
nearly uniform strength
in all directions

t Durlon® 9600’s structure

minimizes cold flow and
creep while maximizing
performance stability
Durlon® 9600
and reliability

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Virgin PTFE

Virgin PTFE Typical Properties Benefits

Durlon® Virgin PTFE gasket Material Skived Reprocessed t Durlon® Virgin PTFE is a
material is a high Colour White White
higher grade, purer
performance PTFE product Temperature
material with better
designed for use in piping Min -2120C (-3500F) -2120C (-3500F) physical properties than
Max 2600C (5000F) 2600C (5000F) Durlon® mechanical grade
and equipment in chemical Pressure, max, bar (psi) 86 (1,250) 86 (1,250)
and other general industrial Density, g/cc (lbs/ft ) 3
2.1 (135) 2.1 (135) t Virgin PTFE retains good
applications where resistance Compressibility, % 12 - 20 18 - 25 flexibility in low
to highly aggressive ASTM F36 temperature applications
chemicals (including Recovery, % 35 - 40 30 - 35 and exhibits good
hydrofluoric acid) is required. ASTM F36
electrical insulation and
Durlon® Virgin PTFE is suitable Creep Relaxation, % 40 50
high dielectric properties
for service to a maximum Tensile Strength 2,800 (19.3) 1,500 (10.3)
temperature of 260°C (500°F) ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
t Durlon® Virgin PTFE is
suitable for food contact
or with pressures up to 1,250 Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min 0.01 0.015
ASTM F2378 where most mechanical
psi (8.6 MPa). grade PTFE’s are not
Gasket Factors 1/16” 1/8”
m - 3.0 3.0
Virgin PTFE sheet material Y, psi (MPa) - 1,500 (10.3) 1,700 (11.7)
t All Virgin PTFE is well
is available in two grades: * See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.
suited for envelope
Skived and Mechanical gaskets which can be
(Reprocessed). Durlon® Virgin machined from small
skived PTFE has better billets
physical properties, is a good
electrical insulator, and FDA Certifications
approved. Durlon® Virgin
FDA Conforms to the
Mechanical PTFE is recycled requirements of 21 CFR
PTFE processed into skived or 177.1550 for food and
drug contact
molded sheet. Both are 100% (Applies to Skived grade
PTFE. only)

Durlon® Virgin PTFE

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Joint Sealant

Durlon® Joint Sealant Typical Properties Composition

Durlon® Joint Sealant is a Colour White
Durlon® Joint Sealant is made
highly fibrillated expanded Resin System PTFE
with only 100% pure PTFE
PTFE form-in-place sealant for Temperature
resins and exhibits the same
gasketed joints. Supplied on Min -240°C (-400°F) chemical resistance of virgin
spools, it is not dependent on
Max 316°C (600°F)
PTFE. Durlon® Joint Sealant is
Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 0.85 (53)
flange dimensions. Durlon® easily cut with scissors to the
Compressibility, % 72
Joint Sealant comes in various ASTM F36
correct length. The FDA
thicknesses with a high quality Creep Relaxation, % 25
compliant adhesive backing
adhesive backing to ease in ASTM F38 holds the sealant in place while
installation, and is ideal for Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min 0.05 positioning around the flange
ASTM F2378
worn flanges of all sizes. It * See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.
inside the bolt circle to
exhibits flexibility, isolate the flow media. The
compressibility, stability under ends should overlap 3/4” to
high temperature, and high 3FDPNNFOEFE6TFT 1” on either side of a bolt to
tensile strength. Durlon® Joint NPS Class 150/300 DN Joint Sealant (W x T x L)
ensure leak-tight performance.
Sealant is chemically inert 2” - 4” 50 - 100 1/4” x 1/8” x 25 ft It is recommended to use a size
and resists creep relaxation to 5” - 8” 125 - 200 3/8” x 1/8” x 25 ft about 40-50% of the sealing
maintain a tight seal. Durlon® 10” - 16” 250 - 400 1/2” x 3/16” x 15 ft surface.
Joint Sealant conforms to 18” - 24” 450 - 600 5/8” x 3/16” x 15 ft

the requirement of 21 CFR 26” - 48” 650 - 1,200 3/4” x 3/16” x 15 ft

177.1550 for food and drug 48” and up 1,200 1” x 3/16” x 15 ft

(FDA) contact.

FDA Conforms to the
requirements of 21 CFR
177.1550 for food and
drug contact

Reach Statement Compliant

Durlon® Joint Sealant

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Metallic Gasketing
To be able to achieve an effective seal, Chemical Compatability than the flange, it will damage the
proper gasket selection must occur with flange; hence the material hardness is
metallic gaskets. The following elements The gasket must be resistant to chemical critical when dealing with RTJ flanges
must be considered when determining corrosion or chemical attack. The rate of and gaskets.
the correct gasket for the application. corrosion is dependent on the time,
temperature, and concentration of the
Temperature media and must be considered when
Gasket Seating Stress
selecting both the gasket metallurgy
Most gaskets consist of two or more and filler/facing material. For chemical
components or ingredients. The compatibility of metals and semi-metallic The gasket seating stress is the minimum
overall temperature resistance of a gaskets, see pages 58 - 60. force required to compress the gasket so
gasket is determined through analysis that it forms an effective seal while
of the upper and lower limits for each resisting the blow out or internal
component. There are two parts that Flange Compatability pressure of the system. Seating stress
need to be considered and verified when must also be taken in consideration with
The flange itself must be designed so
selecting the correct gasket material. The both the gasket type and flange surface
that it can apply a sufficient amount of
first part is to verify the metal finish. The minimum and maximum
clamping force to ensure the flange
component used to ensure the seating stresses are product specific and
serrations are biting into, or seating the
maximum temperature for the material recommended by the manufacturer, the
gasket. Flange materials also need to be
is not exceeded. Secondly, the maximum table below shows the recommended
verified against the specified metallurgy
temperature rating for the filler or facing minimum and maximum stresses for
in semi-metallic gaskets. If left unverified,
material must be verified to ensure it is Durlon® metallic gasketing products.
it is possible for galvanic type corrosion
not exceeded. In most cases the filler/
to occur due to dissimilar metals. In the
facing material will be the sacrificial
use of RTJ gaskets, the gasket must
element and will be the governing factor
deform enough to create an effective
when selecting a semi-metallic gasket.
seal. If the material of the gasket is harder

Gasket Type/Style Minimum Gasket Stress (1,3) Maximum Gasket Stress (3)
1. Minimum gasket stresses shown
psi bar psi bar do not necessarily ensure any
specific level of leak tightness. They
generally reflect minimum seating
Graphite Sheet 1,000 - 2,000 68.95 - 137.9 10,000 - 24,000 689.5 - 1,655 stresses found in published
documents. Specific manufacturer’s
data may fall outside of this range.
Premium Corrugated Gasket 2,500 - 4,000 172.4 - 275.8 15,000 - 35,000 1,034 - 2,413
(Durtec) 2. Maximum gasket stress shown
may be dependant upon gasket
Kammprofile (Grooved Metal 2,500 - 4,000 172.4 - 275.8 35,000 - 40,000 2,413 - 2,758 materials used.
Gaskets with Covering Layers)
3. The gasket stresses shown above
are not specific to any given leak
Corrugated Gaskets (CFG) 4,000 - 5,000 275.8 - 344.7 15,000 1,034 tightness class (ie. T1, T2, T3, etc.)

4. Maximum gasket stress based on

Low Stress Spiral Wound 5,500 379.2 30,000 - 35,000 2,068 - 2,413 gasket diameter.
with application specific details.
Spiral Wound Gasket 7,500 -10,000 517.1 - 689.5 30,000 - 35,000 (2) 2,068 - 2,413 6. Minimum seating stress based on
ring material selected.

HT1000® (5)
- 30,000 2,068

Ring Type Joint (RTJ) (6)

- 35,000 - 40,000 (2) 2,413 - 2,758

- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -
Flexible Graphite

Durlon® Flexible Graphite is unaffected by FGT316

heat over a wide range of temperatures.
Standard industrial grade sheet
It exhibits low electrical resistivity, high
mechanically bonded on both sides of a
thermal conductivity, and is suitable for
0.10 mm (0.004”) thick 316 stainless steel
cryogenic temperatures. Durlon® Flexible
tang core. This product is used where
Graphite is suitable for applications in
stresses and pressures are high and Durlon® Flexible Graphite - FGS95
automotive, refining, and petrochemical
improved handleability is important.
plant processes.
Durlon® Flexible Graphite is available in
several styles. These include homogeneous Multiple layers of premium industrial grade
sheet and laminated styles with various graphite and 0.05 mm (0.002”) thick 316
types of core materials. Durlon® Flexible stainless steel foil with high mechanical
Graphite can also be special ordered with strength and rigidity for a wide range of
various inhibitors, grades of graphite and temperature and pressure fluctuations. Durlon® Flexible Graphite - FGL316

core materials to suit specific critical Layers are bonded together with premium
applications. grade adhesive to ensure stable material for
cutting and installation. This fire safe gasket
is suitable for refining, rail tank cars, and
Sheet Sizes petrochemical plant processes.
Thickness in. mm
1/32” 0.8mm 39.4 x 39.4 1,000 x 1,000
Durlon® Flexible Graphite - FGT316
59.1 x 59.1 1,500 x 1,500

1/16” 1.5mm 39.4 x 39.4 1,000 x 1,000

59.1 x 59.1 1,500 x 1,500

1/8” 3.0mm 39.4 x 39.4 1,000 x 1,000

59.1 x 59.1 1,500 x 1,500

Physical Properties Durlon® Flexible Graphite - FGM316

Sizes & Types Physical Properties

Material FGS95 FGL316 FGT316 FGM316
FGS95 Temperature
Min -2600C (-4500F) -2600C (-4500F) -2600C (-4500F) -2600C (-4500F)
Standard industrial grade sheet containing Max, in air 4540C (8500F) 4540C (8500F) 4540C (8500F) 5500C (1,0220F)
no binders or resins. This product is used in Max, in steam 6500C (1,2000F) 6500C (1,2000F) 6500C (1,2000F) 6500C (1,2000F)

industrial applications such as oil refineries, Pressure, max 207 (3,000) 207 (3,000) 207 (3,000) 250 (3,625)
bar (psi)
power plants, and chemical process plants. Compressibility, % 35 - 40 35 - 40 35 - 40 35 - 40
FGL316 Recovery, % 20 18 20 10 - 15
Standard industrial grade sheet laminated Creep Relaxation, % 5 5 5 5
with an adhesive bond on both sides of a ASTM F38

0.05 mm (0.002”) thick 316 stainless steel Ignition Loss, %

@ 4540C (8500F) 1 1 1 <1
foil core. This product is used where high
@6500C (12000F) 8 6 6 <3
performance and handleability are Sealability, cc/min 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4
important. ASTM F2378
ASTM F104 & F868 F104 - F517000B1M3 F868 - 9FMF2 F868 - 9FMF1 F868 - 9FMF2
Line Call Outs

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.

6MUJNBUF.JDB Typical Properties

Colour Metallic Gold

Fibre System Phlogopite Mica,

90% min.
Durlon® HT1000® consists of Binder Silicone
phlogopite mica paper Durlon® HT1000® - S90
impregnated with an inorganic Temperature
binder at less than half the binder Min -55°C (-67°F)
amount found in typical Max 1,000°C (1,800°F)
vermiculite-phyllosilicate filled Density, g/cc (lbs/ft3) 1.7 (106)
products. This lower binder content Compressibility, % 18 - 22
allows for superior weight retention, ASTM F36
less than 4% weight loss at 800oC Recovery, % 39 - 43 Durlon® HT1000® - L316
(1,472oF), and results in ultimate ASTM F36J
extreme temperature sealing Creep Relaxation, % 55
performance up to 1,000oC ASTM F38
(1,800oF). Tensile Strength across grain 29.6 (4,300)
ASTM F152, MPa (psi)
Phlogopite mica is a non-toxic Ignition Loss @ 8000C <4%
naturally occurring hydrated silicate DIN 52911
Durlon® HT1000® - T316
of potassium and magnesium with a Nitrogen Sealability, cc/min 8
lamellar and non-fibrous structure. It ASTM F2378

is flexible, elastic, has a high tensile

strength, can withstand substantial Dielectric Breakdown, kV/mm (V/mil) 20 (508)

mechanical pressure perpendicular ASTM D149

to the lamellar plane, is chemically
resistant, fireproof, infusible, non- * See note on ASTM testing properties on page 59.

combustible, non-flammable, and

is a known alternative to asbestos. Certifications ®
Durlon® HT1000® ensures efficient ANSI/API 607 Fire Test Passed
sealing and performance
characteristics in extreme
temperature applications. Sheet and Cut Gaskets A high-temperature form-in-place
HT1000® - S90 sealing compound designed to be
Phlogopite mica paper impregnated with an used with our HT1000® sheet material
inorganic binder and no carrier. on dovetail gaskets. It is available as a
Size: 1,000 x 1,200 mm (39.4” x 47.24”) standard adder to your gasket order or
can be purchased separately. The paste
HT1000® - L316 allows end users to cut large diameter
Phlogopite mica paper impregnated with an gaskets using cost effective dovetail
inorganic binder laminated with a 0.05 mm gasket segments. The HT1000® Paste
(0.002”) thick 316 stainless steel carrier. eliminates possible leak paths through
Size: 1,000 x 1,000 mm (39.4” x 39.4”) traditional dovetail designs and
provides one-piece gasket construction
HT1000® - T316 and lower leakage rates at an affordable
Phlogopite mica paper impregnated with an price point. Please see
inorganic binder laminated with a 0.10 mm www.trianglefluid.com for techinical
(0.004”) thick 316 stainless steel perforated documentation.
Size: 1,000 x 1,000 mm (39.4” x 39.4”)
26 25
Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.

Corrugated Flexible Physical Properties Advantages

t Fire Tested/Fire Resistant
Min -200°C (-328°F) - Passed the modified
Durlon® CFG is designed for Max, in air 454°C (850°F) API 607 fire test
severe service conditions. The Max, in steam 650°C (1,200°F)

proprietary design of the Pressure, max, bar (psi) 207 (3,000)

t Recovery/Spring Back
corrugations gives Durlon® pH range, room temp 0 - 14
characteristics for
CFG its superior sealing and Gasket Factors
Gb, psi 557 (3.84) excellent sealing and
recovery characteristics for a 0.325 thermal cycling
Gs, psi 2.21(0.015)
tough conditions in the
refining, chemical, t Blow Out Resistant -
petrochemical, and pulp and Metal core counteracts
paper industries. CFG is internal pressure spikes
suitable for service in steam,
t Superior Emission
oil, water, mild alkalis,
Control - DIN 3535 Part 4
hydrocarbons, mild acids, and gas permeability/
solvents. leakage <0.01cc/min

Durlon® CFG’s maintain a t Easy to handle and

tight seal in various seating install
stresses making it the
universal replacement for t Seals tightly with
spiral wound, double lower bolt loads vs. spiral
wound gaskets
Durlon® CFG

jacketed, and traditional

flexible graphite gaskets.
t One thickness - 3/32” for
all applications. (1/16”
Sizes & Types and 1/8” thicknesses are
also available)
t Standard ANSI Class 150 and
300 Ring and full face: 1/2 to 24” t Core material comes
standard as 316 stainless
t Non-Standard MSS SP-44 & API steel. Other metals are
605: 26” to 96” available upon request.
t Non-Standard Ovals: Handhole
and Manway Gaskets

Durlon® CFG

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.

Premium Corrugated Typical Properties The design of the Durtec® gasket also
Metal Core Temperature
Min -200°C (-328°F)
makes it an excellent choice for
tough-to-seal cyclical pressure and
Max, in air 1,000°C (1,832°F)
temperature applications. Durlon®
Durlon® Durtec® gaskets are made Max, in steam 650°C (1,200°F)
Durtec® gaskets will meet all of your
with a specially engineered Pressure, Max, bar (psi) 320 (4,600)
sealing requirements.
corrugated metal core, that is pH range, room temp 0 - 14

bonded on both sides with soft

covering layers, typically flexible
Gasket Factors
Gb, psi 187 (1.29) Sizes, Types and
a 0.467
graphite. The core is produced by Gs, psi 0.5 (0.003)
proprietary technology that allows m 1.5
the finished gasket to have the best Y, psi 833 (5.74) t Standard ASME, DIN, JIS and BS EN
possible mechanical support sizes
function. Corrugations in the Durtec® Certifications
core (DurCore™) are virtually ANSI/API 607 Fire Test 4th Ed., Exxon t Non-Standard MSS SP-44, API 605,
uncrushable unlike conventional Modifications and other sizes up to 4 m 157” in
corrugated metal core gaskets. The TA-Luft (VDI Guideline 2440) diameter
precision construction Approved (PTFE)
Temperature Exposure: 180°C (356°F)
guarantees that Durlon® Durtec® Period of Exposure: 48 hours
t Circular heat exchangers with and
gaskets will have excellent sealing Test Pressure (helium): 1 bar (14.5 psig) without ribs
characteristics, even under low bolt Leak rate: 7.55E-6 mbar*l(m*s)
Period of leak rate measured: 24 hours
loads. t Standard core material is 316L
tainless steel. Other core materials
Applications such as SS304, SS321, SS316Ti,
Advantages Durlon® Durtec® gaskets can be used
Monel®, Titanium, Hastelloy®, and
Alloy 20 can be manufactured to
t Reusable - On larger sizes and in any industry where excellent sealing your specifications on request
for special configurations, the characteristics are required. We
core may be refaced with new manufacture gaskets for virtually any t Standard facing in super inhibited
material, and reused, providing connection configuration, such as flexible graphite
lower cost of ownership pipeline flanges, valves, small and large
pressure vessels, heat exchangers, towers, t Alternate facing material is available
t Superior DurCore™ Technology - tanks, etc. The Durtec® gasket is designed upon request. Popular materials
Durtec® design can allow for to withstand high temperatures and include Durlon® 9600 expanded
complete replacement of spiral pressures, to be blowout resistant, to be PTFE (ePTFE), ETG, HT1000®, mica,
wound and kammprofile gaskets fire safe, and to resist toxic and or and ceramic
with improved performance and corrosive chemicals.
Gasket Stress at T3 Tightness Class
lower life cycle cost

t Easy and safe to handle, easy to 9,047 psi

install 7,874 psi

5,954 psi
t Seals tightly with lower bolt
loads versus spiral wound and
3,115 psi
kammprofile gaskets
Spiral Wound (Graphite Filled) Low Stress Spiral Wound (Graphite Filled)

Graphite with Foil Insert Durlon® Durtec®

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.

Spiral Wound Gaskets

Durlon® Spiral Wound Gaskets Styles Markings

(SWG) are made with an
alternating combination of a Durlon® Style DR and DRI gasket centering
Style D
rings (in carbon steel) are epoxy coated to
preformed engineered metal
provide protection against corrosion.
strip and a more compressible
filler material which creates an Durlon® SWGs are packaged with the
excellent seal when compressed. t Sealing element only consisting of utmost care to prevent damage during
The engineered shape of the preformed engineered metal and more shipping to the job site.
compressible filler material
metal strip acts as a spring under
t Commonly used in tongue and groove Size, Class
load, resulting in a very resilient
or male and female flanges
seal under varying conditions. t Can also be supplied with an inner ring Brand Name Trademark Filler
The strip metallurgy and filler as Style DI
material can be selected to seal Winding Filler ® 4” 150 316L
a wide range of applications. All /F.
Style DR G.
Durlon® SWG styles have been
engineered to precise
manufacturing tolerances that

allow for lower stress (bolt load) t Sealing element (D) combined with a
sealing compared to centering ring (R) which reinforces the

B 16.20
gasket and acts as a compression stop
conventional spiral wound
t Commonly used with standard raised
gaskets. All Durlon® SWGs are Inner Ring Material
face and full face type flanges
manufactured according to ASME t Centering ring is epoxied which
B16.20 standards. Quality provides superior corrosion resistance
Assurance complies with API compared to powder or liquid coating 316 L
Specifications Q1 and ISO 9001 316 L
standards. Custom size Style DRI Standard
Winding Filler
capabilities are available up to
Outer Ring Material
4m (157”). (when not carbon steel)

Trusted Durlon t Sealing element (D) combined with a

centering ring (R) and an inner ring (I)
Performance which improves radial strength and m & Y Factors m Y, psi

Durlon® SWGs obtain their initial seal protects the sealing element from Type D, DR & DRI, Graphite, Graphite/
2.8 5,800
with very low seating stresses and erosion and inward bucking Mica & PTFE

provide a tighter seal than typical t Commonly used with standard raised
low stress spiral wound gaskets or face and full face type flanges
t In accordance with ASME B16.20 Gs,
other high temperature gaskets. Our ROTT Factors Gb, psi a
advanced manufacturing process (current version), inner rings for all
allows all Durlon® SWGs to perform gaskets are recommended for all sizes, Type D, DR & DRI, Graphite,
80 0.594 0.1
Graphite/Mica & PTFE
better under low bolt stress materials, and classes.
applications while maintaining t Recommended for all PTFE filled gaskets Type D, DR,

seal integrity under normal spiral and the following: DRI-Graphite/Mica 90 0.590 0.1

wound gasket conditions. - Class 900-NPS 24” and larger

- Class 1500-NPS 12” and larger Type D, DR, DRI-PTFE 173 0.405 1.0
- Class 2500-NPS 4” and larger
- All flexible graphite gaskets unless
otherwise requested by customer
Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Spiral Wound Gaskets

SWG Gasket Density Variable Gasket Density

During the manufacturing process
of alternately winding the metal
strip with the soft filler material
under pressure and tension, the
density of the resulting sealing
element can be changed in order
to suit specific gasket loading and
sealability requirements. By
combining different pressures,
tension, and filler thicknesses, the
loading requirements or
compressive force needed to seat Guide Ring Material Min. Max. Code
the gasket can vary significantly. Colour * (0F)

Generally speaking, higher density Yellow 304 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1,400 760 304

sealing elements are used with Green 316L Stainless Steel -150 -100 1,400 760 316L

higher pressure classes as they Maroon 317L Stainless Steel -150 -100 1,400 760 317L

require higher compressive forces Turquoise 321 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1,400 760 321
to establish a seal at optimum bolt Blue 347 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1,700 925 347
loads. Silver Carbon Steel -40 -40 1,000 540 CRS

Black 20Cb-3 (Alloy 20) -300 -185 1,400 760 A-20

Brown HASTELLOY® B 2 -300 -185 2,000 1,090 HAST B

Durlon® SWG Adapted from Fluid Sealing Association® gasket training presentation material.




2,000 1,090

1,600 870

IN 800

Low-Stress Spirals White INCOLOY® 825 -150 -100 1,600 870 IN 825

Gold INCONEL® 600 -150 -100 2,000 1,090 INC 600

For applications in Class 150 and Colour Coding Guidelines Gold INCONEL® 625 -150 -100 2,000 1,090 INC625

300 where low seating stresses are WINDING FILLER
required, it is common practice
Guide Ring Material Min. Max. Code Stripe Materials Min. Max. Code
to require a specially made spiral Colour * (0F) (0C) (0F) (0C) Colour (0F) (0C) (0F) (0C)
(0F) (0C) (0F) (0C)
wound gasket with appropriate Yellow 304 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1,400 760 304 White PTFE -400 -240 500 260 PTFE
gasket factors to suit the Green 316L Stainless Steel -150 -100 1,400 760 316L Flexible Graphite
-350 -212 950 510 F.G.
Grey incl. Inhibited
requirement. Durlon®’s solution is to Maroon 317L Stainless Steel -150 -100 1,400 760 317L
Mica Graphite -350 -212 1,400 760 MICA-GRA
manufacture all our Class 150 and Turquoise 321 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1,400 760 321

300 gaskets using a process that Blue 347 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1,700 925 347
Light Blue Phyllosilicate -67 -55 1,800 1,000 ETG

allows these gaskets to be seated at Silver Carbon Steel -40 -40 1,000 540 CRS
Light Green Ceramic -350 -212 2,000 1,090 CER

lower stresses while still performing Black 20Cb-3 (Alloy 20) -300 -185 1,400 760 A-20
as expected at traditional seating Brown HASTELLOY® B 2 -300 -185 2,000 1,090 HAST B *ASME B 16.20 Standard

loads. This approach has several Beige HASTELLOY® C 276 -300 -185 2,000 1,090 HAST C
advantages including reduced costs White INCOLOY® 800 -150 -100 1,600 870 IN 800
and better product availability. White INCOLOY® 825 -150 -100 1,600 870 IN 825
For demanding low seating stress Gold INCONEL® 600 -150 -100 2,000 1,090 INC 600
requirements, we can manufacture Gold INCONEL® 625 -150 -100 2,000 1,090 INC625
tailored sealing element density NO COLOUR INCONEL® X750 -150 -100 2,000 1,090 INX
profiles to suit the application based Orange MONEL® 400 -200 -130 1,500 820 MON
on recommendations by our Red Nickel 200 -320 -195 1,400 760 NI
Applications Engineers. Purple Titanium -320 -195 2,000 1,090 TI

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.

Applications Shapes
Durlon® Kammprofile
gaskets have a solid metal
Durlon® Kammprofile gaskets are t Round, with ribs etc.
core with concentrically
serrated grooves machined the preferred choice for applications
into the top and bottom requiring improved performance at
faces. The metal core is low seating stresses. The serrated Facing Materials
typically stainless steel peaks provide reduced contact
(304SS/316SS) but it can be area and when combined with the
Standard facing material is super
supplied in various soft conformable sealing layers, the
inhibited flexible graphite with
metallurgies as per the Durlon® Kammprofile gasket
a nominal thickness of 0.5mm
customer’s request. The provides a virtual metal-to-metal
(0.02”). Other facing materials and
serrated core is covered with connection. They feature excellent
thicknesses are available to suit
soft sealing material and is resistance to blowout and provide
specific applications
dependent on the service superior stability for ease of handling
conditions of the system. and installation.
Flexible graphite and
expanded PTFE sealing layers Core Materials
are most common, however,
other soft materials can be t Standard core material is 316
used as well. While providing stainless steel with a nominal
the Durlon® Kammprofile thickness of 3mm (0.125”)
gasket with excellent sealing
properties, the soft sealing t Other core materials and
layers also fill in minor flange thicknesses are available to suit
specific applications
imperfections and protect
the flange surfaces from t Core material is generally
Durlon® PK40P

damage. selected in an identical

material to the piping system in
order to reduce corrosion
Physical Properties
Flange Surface Finish
Min -200°C (-328°F)
Max 1,000°C (1,832°F)

Pressure, max, bar (psi) 414 (6,000)

t The ideal flange surface finish for
pH range, room temp 0 - 14 use with Kammprofile
gaskets is 125-250 RMS
Gasket Factors
m 4.00
(3.2-6.3 µm Ra.)
Y, psi 1,000
Durlon® K40CI

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.

Durlon® Kammprofile gaskets are offered in 4 styles in each of the 2 core designs. Selection of the best configuration of your Durlon®
Kammprofile gasket can be achieved by following this guide.

Core Designs

K40P K40C
Parallel Root Core Convex Root Core

This core design is where the main sealing faces of the

This core design is where the main sealing faces of the serrated
serrated metal core are slightly convex in profile. The convex
metal core are parallel to each other. This is the standard design
core helps compensate when flange rotation is experienced
of Kammprofile gaskets.
during bolt up of weaker flanges.

K40PEF & K40CEF K40PF & K40CF K40P & K40C K40PI & K40CI
Extended Core Floating Centering No Centering Ring Integral Centering
Floating Ring Ring
Centering Ring
Similar to the floating A loose fitting centering This basic configuration is The centering ring is used
centering ring, this style ring is recommended on most often used in tongue/ to position the gasket
has an extended core applications where groove and male/female between flat face and
providing additional thermal or pressure flanges. raised face type flanges.
strength and stability to cycling can affect the
the overall floating design. integrity of the serrated
metal core. It allows for
expansion and contraction
of the core through these
cycling conditions.

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®#&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
ETG Series

Extreme Durtec® - ETG

The Durtec® gasket concept just got
Temperature Gaskets better. By using the ETG engineered
This lower binder content allows for design concept, the Durtec® gasket’s
Durlon® Extreme Temperature superior weight retention resulting in facing layers get an extreme temperature
Gaskets (ETG) have been engineered ultimate extreme temperature sealing upgrade, providing both temperature
to provide the preeminent solution performance. resistance and enhanced sealability. On
to sealing gasketed joints exposed to both faces of the unique DurCore® design
The Durlon® ETG’s design is the sealing
high temperatures, typically lays a central oxidation super inhibited
industry’s current best available technology
greater than 650oC (1,200oF) and flexible graphite ring, surrounded on its ID
for effectively sealing extreme temperature
up to 1,000oC (1,800oF). At extreme and OD with a ring of HT1000® which acts
temperatures, flange assembly torque as the oxidation barrier.
retention is the key component to
maintaining a tight seal. Durlon® ETG The entire combination of materials and
has combined an oxidation boundary Styles core design provides unsurpassed bolt
torque retention, fire safety, sealability,
material with the excellent stability
and sealing characteristics of flexible DRI-ETG Spiral Wound Gaskets and extreme temperature resistance to
graphite in order to preserve seal Durlon® takes our standard mica-graphite 1,000oC (1,800oF). There is no other single
integrity and to retain the initial manufacturing technology two steps further gasket on the market which exhibits
assembly torque. by: the performance characteristics of the
The Durlon® ETG’s engineered design (1) incorporating 3 full layers of HT1000® on
principle is focused around providing the I.D. and O.D. of the sealing element and
oxidation protection zones around (2) using oxidation super inhibited flexible
the central oxidation super inhibited graphite layers as the central sealing
flexible graphite sealing component. component. This oxidation boundary Durlon® Durtec® ETG

Standard industrial grade flexible created by the HT1000® material, allows

graphite typically begins to rapidly for temperature stability up to 1,000oC
oxidize at around 650oC (1,200oF). (1,800oF). K40-ETG Kammprofile Gaskets
By adding oxidation inhibitors to Kammprofile gaskets are a common
the graphite, the rate and amount of As both mica and graphite offer outstanding gasket used to improve sealability in
oxidation can be significantly reduced natural chemical resistance, the Durlon® DRI- tough thermal cycling applications, such
which can extend the seal life of the ETG is also capable of withstanding many as heat exchangers and large vessel seals.
material, however, oxidation still aggressive chemicals and environments Durlon® K40 Kammprofile Gaskets
occurs and at extreme temperatures subject to elevated temperatures. The DRI- naturally provide a tight seal with
can be fatal to the integrity of the ETG can be manufactured in virtually any enhanced load bearing and distribution
joint. metal alloy combination required by the abilities. However, with the addition of the
application. ETG engineered design concept similar
Durlon® ETG adds an inner and outer to that used on the Durtec®-ETG, Durlon®
protection boundary in the form of a K40-ETG gaskets can now offer those
mica-phyllosilicate based sealing abilities at extreme temperatures up to
material called Durlon® HT1000®. 1,000oC (1,800oF).
Durlon® HT1000® consists of
phlogopite mica paper impregnated Durlon® ETG Spiral Wound Gaskets

with an inorganic binder at less than

half the binder amount found in
typical vermiculite-phyllosilicate filled
Durlon® K40-ETG Kammprofile Gaskets

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
RTJ Gaskets

Ring Type Joint t RTJ gaskets can withstand

aggressive chemicals and
t Design features of the Style RX gasket
make it more resistant to shock load,
Gaskets temperatures up to 1,093°C (2,000°F) test pressure shock, and drilling
with properly selected metal vibration
Durlon® RTJ gaskets are precision
machined from solid metal and are t All gaskets have a thin protective t Style RX ring joints are completely
designed for high pressure and high coating to eliminate oxidation effects interchangeable with standard Style R
temperature services. They seal by due to atmospheric contact groove designs. Care should be taken
creating very high unit load, when interchanging these styles
as RX gaskets are taller and will add
metal-to-metal line contact with
special mating flanges. Metals are
Styles length to the finished assembly
typically chosen as the ring joint
gasket is softer than the flange Style R
material in order to prevent damage t Available in oval and octagonal
to the flanges, thereby causing plastic cross-sections
RTJ - Style RX
flow of the gasket into the flange
faces. The design of the gasket or cross t Durlon® Style R gaskets are
section is chosen based on the interchangeable on modern octagonal
flat bottom grooved flanges
existing flange configuration and Style BX
designed maximum system pressure. t Durlon® Style BX gaskets have a pitch
Gasket and flange surface finishes t Standard sizes of Style R gaskets are
diameter slightly larger than the
and dimensional accuracy along with manufactured in accordance with
groove pitch diameter. This allows
gasket hardness must be carefully ASME B16.20 and API 6A specifications
for initial contact to be made on the
controlled in order to obtain and outside of the ring, pre-loading the
maintain an effective seal. gasket which creates a pressure
energized seal

Characteristics t All Durlon® Style BX gaskets

RTJ - Octagonal incorporate a pressure passage to
t All gaskets are completely enable trapped pressure to balance
identified with low-stress itself in the joint
permanent markings
indicating style, ring number, t Style BX ring joint gaskets can only be
material, and applicable used with API BX flanges and are not
standard RTJ - Oval interchangeable with style RX

t All gaskets fully comply with the

ASME B16.20 standard and the
API spec 6A (where applicable) Style RX
t The Durlon® Style RX ring joint has a
t All materials are fully traceable unique self-sealing action. The
and documentation can be outside bevels of the ring make the RTJ - Style BX

supplied upon request initial contact providing a seal against

the groove’s outer surfaces. As the
t Material hardness is carefully internal pressure increases, so does the
controlled which ensures a good gasket loading stress against the groove
seal without damaging the improving the gasket’s sealing
surfaces of the flanges characteristics

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
iGuard™ Isolation &
Sealing Kits

Flange Isolation Kits Applications Industries

t Gas t Oil & Gas
iGuard™ flange isolation and sealing
systems consist of all the necessary t Waste Water t Pulp & Paper
components to seal, electrically
t Potable Water t Petro Chemical
isolate, and for cathodic protection
(corrosion control) between flanges,
t Steam t Refining
from general to severe service
t Water / Wastewater
applications such as water, t Oil
wastewater, natural gas, t Food & Beverage
hydrocarbons, caustics, acids, and t Chemicals (caustic, acid)
t Marine
other aggressive media to 232oC t Pipelines
(450oF). Gaskets are available for full t Aerospace
face (Type E), raised face (Type F), and t LNG
ring type joint (RTJ) flanges (Type D)
t Chemical
from NPS ½” (DN 15) to NPS 144” (DN t LNG
3600) or equivalent, to meet all
international piping sizes. iGuard™
gaskets meet AWWA, ANSI, API, DN,
JIS, and all other dimensional
standards. The standard iGuard™
flange isolation kit consists of a gasket,
isolating washers, backing washers,
and isolating bolt/stud sleeves. Gasket
selection can be made from a wide
variety of materials to best suit the
sealing and performance
characteristics of the application. In
gaskets with phenolic or glass carrier
rings, the double-ogee sealing
element provides a reliably Carrier Sealing Element
concentrated unit load on the flanges Nitrile EPDM Viton PTFE
using the lowest torqueing conditions
possible. Plain Phenolic √ √ √ √
Neo-Faced Phenolic √ √ √ √
General Features Hi-Temp Phenolic √ √ √ √
t Auto-Energizing Silicone Glass G-7 √ √ √ √
double-ogee seal Epoxy Glass G-10 √ √ √ √
t Low torque requirements Epoxy Glass G-11 √ √ √ √
Durlon® 8400 n/a n/a n/a n/a
t Tri-directional seal
movement for a tighter seal Durlon® 8500 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Durlon® 9000 n/a n/a n/a n/a
t Pressure ratings to API Class
3000 and ANSI Class 2500
Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
iGuard™ Isolation &
Sealing Kits

Typical Physical Properties

Test Method Plain Neo-Faced Hi-Temp Silicone Expoxy Epoxy Glass
Phenolic Phenolic Phenolic G-3 Glass G-7 Glass G-10 G-11

Dielectric Strength,
D149 500 500 550 350-400 550 550

D696 172 (25,000) 172 (25,000) 345 (50,000) 276 (40,000) 345 (50,000) 345+ (50,000+)
Strength, MPa (psi)

D229 Absorption, 1.60 1.60 0.70 0.07 0.10 0.10

D257 Resistance, 40,000 40,000 46,000 2,500 200,000 200,000

Flexural Strength,
D790 155 (22,500) 155 (22,500) 414 (60,000) 186 (27,000) 414 (60,000) 517+ (75,000+)
MPa (psi)

D785 Rockwell, 85 85 115 105 115 115

IZOD Impact
D265 Strength, 0.64 (1.2) 0.64 (1.2) 6.41 (12) 4.27 (8) 2.47 (14) 6.41 (12)
J/cm (ft-lbs/In.)

Shear Strength,
D732 69 (10,000) 69 (10,000) 124 (18,000) 138 (20,000) 152 (22,000) 152 (22,000)
MPa (psi)

Cryogenic to Cryogenic to Cryogenic to

-54oC TO 104oC -54oC TO 79oC -54oC TO 200oC
232oC 138oC 177oC
Cryogenic to Cryogenic to Cryogenic to
-65oF TO 220oF -65oF TO 175oF -65oF TO 392oF
450oF 280oF 177oF

Before Tightening After Tightening

The flange faces make contact The sealing element is compressed and
with the sealing elements moves bi-laterally through the gasket
which sit slightly higher than radius, thus filling the small gaps on either
the isolating carrier ring. side of the sealing element. This radial
movement provides a tighter seal with
less stress on the carrier ring, compared to
rectangular sealing elements used in other
gasket styles on the market. The tri-
directional movement of the sealing
element provides better elastic recovery
over time as bolt loads relax and pressure/
temperature cycles occur.

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
iGuard™ Isolation &
Sealing Kits

iGuard™ EN iGuard™ HT
Guard™ 8500
The iGuard™ EN style isolation gasket is The iGuard™ HT style isolation gasket
manufactured from Nema grade G-10 / is manufactured from 6mm (¼”) thick The iGuard™ 8500 style isolation gasket
FR-4 glass epoxy material incorporating Nema grade G-10 glass epoxy material. is manufactured from 3mm (1/8”) thick
a Viton double-ogee sealing element. It incorporates a spring energized PTFE genuine Durlon® 8500 aramid fibre
These kits come standard with one sealing element to prevent cold flow gasket material to improve sealability in
iGuard™ EN gasket, two isolating Nema in critical service applications at higher steam environments to 232oC (450oF).
grade G-10 washers, two SAE zinc plated temperatures, under continuous This design makes the iGuard™ 8500 ideal
steel backup washers, and one Nema reciprocating movement, with internal for ANSI Class 150 and 300 and comes in
grade G-10 sleeve tube for every bolt/ pressure surges, and requiring frequent sizes from NPS ½” (DN 25) to NPS 96” (DN
stud. removal and installation such as those 2400) or international equivalents in Type
found in offshore drilling platforms, E (full face) or Type F (raised face)
natural gas compressors, and pumping configurations. These kits come
iGuard™ HC
stations. This design makes the iGuard™ standard with one iGuard™ 8500 gasket,
HT ideal for ANSI Class 150 to 2,500 and two isolating Nema grade G-10 washers,
The iGuard™ HC style isolation gasket is
API Class 3,000 to 10,000 and comes in two SAE zinc plated steel backup
manufactured from special high-
sizes from NPS ½” (DN 25) to NPS 24” (DN washers, and one Nema grade G-10
compression 6mm (¼”) thick Nema grade
600) or international equivalents in Type sleeve tube for every bolt/stud.
G-10 glass epoxy material incorporating
a spring energized PTFE sealing element E (full face) or Type F (raised face)
to prevent cold flow under high pres- configurations. These kits come standard iGuard™ 9000
sures. These kits come standard with one with one iGuard™ HT gasket, two
iGuard™ HC gasket, two isolating Nema isolating Nema grade G-10 washers, two The iGuard™ 9000 style isolation gasket
grade G-10 washers, two SAE zinc plated SAE zinc plated steel backup washers, is manufactured from 3mm (1/8”) thick
steel backup washers, and one Nema and one Nema grade G-10 sleeve tube for genuine Durlon® 9000 glass filled PTFE
grade G-10 sleeve tube for every bolt/ every bolt/stud. gasket material to improve sealability in
stud. critical service chemical environments
iGuard™ 8400 from pH 0 - 14 and other aggressive
media, and from temperatures ranging
iGuard™ CS
The iGuard™ 8400 style isolation gasket between -73oC (-100oF) to 232oC (450oF).
The iGuard™ CS style isolation gasket is manufactured from 3mm (1/8”) thick This design makes the iGuard™ 9000 ideal
is manufactured from 3mm (1/8”) thick genuine Durlon® 8400 phenolic fibre for cryogenic, petrochemical,
Nema grade G-10 glass epoxy material gasket material to improve sealability in pharmaceutical, semiconductor
bonded to a 316 stainless steel internal critical service chemical environments manufacturing, and food and beverage
core with a spring energized PTFE sealing from pH 2-13 and other aggressive media manufacturing applications in ANSI Class
element to prevent cold flow in critical to 232oC (450oF). This design makes the 150 and 300, or international equivalents.
service applications, under continuous iGuard™ 8400 ideal for ANSI Class 150 It is available in sizes from NPS ½” (DN 25)
reciprocating movement or internal and 300 and is available in sizes from NPS to NPS 144” (DN 3600) in Type E (full face)
pressure surges at elevated temperatures. ½” (DN 25) to NPS 96” (DN 2400), or or Type F (raised face) configurations.
This design makes the iGuard™ CS ideal international equivalents in Type E (full These kits come standard with one
for API Class 15,000 and ANSI Class 600, face) or Type F (raised face) iGuard™ 9000 gasket, two isolating PTFE
900, and 2,500 flange applications. These configurations. These kits come washers, two SAE zinc plated steel
kits come standard with one iGuard™ CS standard with one iGuard™ 8400 gasket, backup washers, and one PTFE sleeve
gasket, two isolating Nema grade G-10 two isolating Nema grade G-10 washers, tube for every bolt/stud.
washers, two SAE zinc plated steel two SAE zinc plated steel backup
backup washers, and one Nema grade washers, and one Nema grade G-10
G-10 sleeve tube for every bolt/stud. sleeve tube for every bolt/stud.

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
iGuard™ Isolation &
Sealing Kits

Recommended Application Guide


Acetone Phenolic EPDM Mylar Phenolic 0 32 27 80

Air G10 Nitrile Mylar Phenolic ‐40 ‐40 107 225
Ammonia G10 PTFE Mylar G10 ‐54 ‐65 104 220
Bleach G10 PTFE Mylar G10 0 32 27 100
Carbon Dioxide G10 Nitrile Mylar G10 0 32 38 150
Caustic Soda ePTFE ePTFE ePTFE - - - -
Cryogenic G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Ethanol G10 EPDM Mylar G10 0 32 38 100
Ethylene G10 PTFE G10 G10 0 32 27 80
Fuel Oil G10 Viton Mylar G10 ‐29 ‐20 138 280
Jet Fuel G10 Viton Mylar G10 ‐29 ‐20 107 225
Natural Gas Phenolic Nitrile Mylar Phenolic ‐40 ‐40 104 220
Sour gas G10 Viton Mylar Phenolic ‐29 ‐20 104 220
Gasoline G10 PTFE Mylar G10 ‐54 ‐65 107 225
Unleaded Gasoline Phenolic Viton Mylar Phenolic ‐40 ‐40 104 220
Unleaded Gasoline G10 Viton Mylar Phenolic ‐29 ‐20 138 280
Hydrogen G10 Nitrile Mylar G10 0 32 38 150
Black Liquor ePTFE - G10 G10 - - - -
White Liquor ePTFE - G10 G10 - - - -
Spent Liquor ePTFE - G10 G10 - - - -
LNG G11 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 38 100
Mercaptan G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Methanol G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Nitrogen Phenolic Nitrile Mylar Phenolic ‐40 ‐40 104 220
Crude Oil G10 Viton Mylar G10 ‐29 ‐20 138 280
Oxygen ePTFE - G10 G10 -54 -65 121 250
Pentane G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Propane G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Propylene G10 Viton G10 G10 0 32 27 80
Sewage G10 Viton Mylar G10 ‐29 ‐20 138 280
Steam - - - - - - - -
Styrene G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Sulphur (Molten) G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Tolulene G10 Viton G10 G10 0 32 66 150
Tolulene Phenolic Viton Mylar Phenolic ‐40 ‐40 104 220
Water, HOT G10 EPDM Mylar G10 79 175 138 280
Water, Potable G10 EPDM Mylar Phenolic 0 32 138 280
Water, Sea G10 EPDM Mylar Phenolic 0 32 138 280
Sulfuric Acid ePTFE - ePTFE ePTFE - - - -
Sulfuric Acid < 10% G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Nitric ePTFE - ePTFE ePTFE - - - -
Nitric Acid < 5% G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Citric Acid ePTFE - ePTFE ePTFE - - -
Hydrochloric Acid < 10% G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Hydrochloric Acid ePTFE - ePTFE ePTFE - - - -
Acetic Acid < 10% G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Phosphoric Acid < 25% G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Potassium Hydroxide G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Ammonium Hydroxide G10 PTFE G10 G10 ‐184 ‐300 138 280
Trichloroethylene Phenolic Viton Mylar Phenolic ‐40 ‐40 104 220
Auto Transmission Fluid G10 Viton G10 G10 0 32 66 150
Auto Transmission Fluid Phenolic Viton Mylar Phenolic ‐40 ‐40 104 220

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Custom Fabricated
Nearly every facility requires some
custom fabricated gaskets that fall
outside of industry-standard dimensions.
Triangle Fluid Controls prides itself in
offering high-quality fabricated sealing
components with high-precision and fast
turnaround capabilities. Our facility in
Belleville, Ontario, Canada, manufactures
and fabricates sealing products from
sheet materials using 3 primary
methods: gasket cutting, welding, and
lathe cutting. Through our extensive
network of global fabricators, TFC can
also offer custom sealing solutions using
materials and equipment not available
internally. We have solutions for your
custom fabrication requirements.

Cutting in general is considered to be the

most common type of gasket fabrication
method. Many fabricators use stamping
machines of various speeds and
accuracies to cut gaskets. This method
our skilled craftspeople can replicate By using segments cut from our digital
requires tool and die builds which can
intricate gasket patterns, and produce flatbed cutting machine, we can bond
add to the unit cost and delivery time
finished cut quality similar to digital segments together creating a
of the finished parts. This method is not
cutting machines. superior performing gasket compared to
ideal when true custom-shaped gaskets
dovetail gaskets. Finished gaskets can be
are required.
Welding nearly any shape, ring type or full-face,
and can be made with cross sections up
Gasket Cutting Some applications used in designs for to 229mm (9”) wide giving our
chemical reactors, food and beverage customers reassurance that their large
Triangle Fluid Controls uses modern vessels, and heat exchangers, require diameter sealing requirements will
digital flatbed cutting machines that can PTFE gaskets larger than 1,524mm (60”) perform as expected.
cut gaskets with more precision and in diameter. Many fabricators simply use a
accuracy with less start-up time, traditional dovetail design joining several
resulting in improved quality of the segments together to form the finished
finished parts. Gaskets cut from this large gasket. Sometimes these dovetails
method come out perfectly every time are wrapped in additional material and
and require very little secondary finishing. are covered in wraps or special form-
Our machines work with various styles of in-place liquid sealants in order to seal
sheet gasket materials – single and the leak paths created from this dovetail
multilayer – in thicknesses up to 8mm design. This approach often leads to leaks
(5/16”). and makes the gasket very hard to install.

TFC also offers single-piece construction Triangle Fluid Controls solves this
hand-cut gaskets from compressed sheet dovetail design problem using a
material in sizes greater than 1,524mm proprietary welding procedure and one-
(60”) and up to 3,048mm (120”). Using of-a-kind equipment designed by our
carefully crafted digitally cut templates, in-house mechanical engineering experts.

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Custom Fabricated

Lathe Cutting assembly precision are met on every

gasket produced. Combined with full
Available Materials
internal traceability on raw materials, t 1/16” and 1/8” Durlon® PTFE styles
Triangle Fluid Controls provides custom and 1/16” compressed asbestos-free
fabricated metallic gaskets that can be styles
depended upon for the entire lifespan of
the installation. t For FRP, PVE, Glass Lined or steel
flanges where a low stress gasket is

t Reduced Contact Area means a

lower seating stress

t Lower sealing stress versus standard

full face gaskets

The only PTFE gasket material approved t Available sizes: 1” to 24” Class 150 Full
for use with a number of important Face RCA
industrial chlor-alkali chemicals — wet
t Significant cost savings - cut from
chlorine, dry chlorine, oxygen and sulfuric
standard Durlon® sheet
acid, ethylene dichloride, vinyl chrloride,
and sodium hydroxide — is Durlon® 9000. RCA Gaskets t RCA full face replaces standard full
The best way to create ring gaskets with face gaskets
Durlon® 9000 is with lathe cutting. The Durlon® RCA (Reduced Contact Area)
sealing system combined with Durlon® t Alignment guides for easy
The manufacturing process for these PTFE styles can replace standard full face positioning during installation
smaller PTFE billets follows the same gaskets in FRP, PVC, and other non-
stringent quality control parameters as metallic and metallic pipe flanges where t Identification tabs extend beyond the
does our large sheet billet process which a low stress gasket is required. The RCA flange OD so even when bolted up,
ensures that the lathe cutting process configuration reduces the total gasket you know the size and gasket
material being used
produces an extremely precise and contact area resulting in a lower seating
accurately cut, finished gasket. Triangle stress at a given torque level, while
Fluid Controls makes lathe cut PTFE
gaskets using only the best quality billets
preventing flange rotation. The RCA
configuration can be cut from standard
Cut Gaskets
of Durlon® 9000, 9000N, 9200, and 9400. sheets resulting in a cost savings versus Triangle Fluid Controls provides a variety
other low stress gaskets. of gasket cutting services utilizing all
Custom Fabricated Durlon® sheet gasketing materials in
addition to some customer supplied
Metallic Gaskets materials. Our primary gasket cutting
equipment is a CNC controlled flatbed
Triangle Fluid Controls also manufactures cutting table which allows for virtually
custom spiral wound and kammprofile any custom shape to be cut quickly and
gaskets to customer dimensional and precisely with no minimum order
material requirements. Both gasket styles requirements. Our equipment eliminates
can be manufactured with common pass the need to have dies made, which are
bar styles typically used in heat costly and come with long lead times. TFC
exchangers up to 2,642mm (104”) in packages all cut gaskets with lot
diameter. Using sophisticated semi- traceability identification tags for
automatic digital equipment, TFC can compliance to customer specifications.
ensure that dimensional stability and

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Custom Fabricated

Step Gaskets for Acid

Piping Systems
Acid piping systems are designed for
Bolt Load Loss
many years of continuous operation
and are subject to thermal cycling and
aggressive chemical corrosion. It is
important to use the proper gasket. 65%

The Durlon® single-piece construction

Step Ring Gasket is custom machined
from solid Durlon® 9000. Durlon®
9000 filled PTFE gasket material is
compatible with sulfuric acid in all 60%
concentrations and has excellent
physical properties such as sealability
and recovery, that maintain the seal
even with extreme thermal cycling
and vibration. 55%
With recommended installation and
torqueing procedures, Durlon® Step
Ring Gaskets normally do not need to
be retorqued and will not cold flow
into the pipe ID or outside the flange 50%
OD like other materials. Tests have Fawn PTFE Durlon® 9000
shown that Durlon® 9000 Step Ring
Gaskets can retain up to 7% more load
than traditional fawn PTFE Step Ring
Gaskets which translates into a tighter machining gaskets from a solid piece of have been used in MONDI™ Ductile
seal over a longer period of time. genuine Durlon® 9000 PTFE gasket material, Iron Sulfuric Acid Piping with excellent
thus eliminating the adhesive component performance and safety results since 1985
Traditional fawn PTFE Step Ring and any possibility of gasket separation and/ and are also commonly used in Class 150
Gasket design requires two or leakage. Durlon® 9000 Step Ring Gaskets raised face (floating) lap joint flanges.
different sized 1.5mm (1/16”) thick
ring gaskets to be bonded together
with some form of industrial strength
adhesive. Over time the adhesive
breaks down due to thermal and
chemical exposure. In severe
applications the adhesive is attacked
immediately and is dissolved within
hours of installation. This then requires
disassembly of the bolted connection,
new gaskets, and more downtime.
Durlon® has significantly improved
upon the traditional design by

Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® #&--&7*--& 0/t1t5't88853*"/(-&'-6*%$0.t*/'0!53*"/(-&'-6*%$0.
Gasket Factors
Gasket factors are very When the final torque values are
important to understand but calculated using the previous gasket
unfortunately can be difficult to parameters, leakage can be classified
understand or are easily into three tightness classes:
misinterpreted. This section
contains some of the more
Specific Leak Rates
popular versions of Gasket Tightness Class
Factors used in determining the
recommended torque for
gasket installation. L1.0 1.0

EN 13555 L0.1 0.1

EN 13555 is a working standard, L0.01 0.01

much like ASME PVRC gasket
factors, in the EU. It provides
the testing procedures to allow
persons to derive the gasket
Gasket Parameters
parameters: Qsmax, Q(minL), Qsmin(L),
PQR, and EG so they can be used Qsmax Maximum seating stress required on the gasket at a given
in design equations found in EN temperature without crushing the material.
1591-1 (Flanges and Their Joints
- Design Rules for Gasketed Q(minL) Minimum seating stress that is required in assembly at
Circular Flange Connections - ambient temperature to seat gasket into the flange
Part 1: Calculation). For a further serrations and seal internal leakage, based on tightness
definition of the gasket class, L, and specified test pressure.
parameters see chart.
Qsmin(L) Minimum gasket seating stress required in service
conditions after unloading gasket (at service
temperature) so that the specified tightness class, L, is
maintained based on internal test pressure.
PQR This factor allows for the gasket’s effect on the load
applied and the relaxation of the gasket from start (final
bolt-up) and after the extended life term of the material`s
intended service temperature.
EG This is the unloading moduli, which is derived from the
recovery of the gasket thickness between the initial
compression seating stress and unloading the gasket to
1/3 of its initial seating stress.

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Factors
m&Y Table for m & Y, MPa (psi)
m and Y values are for flange Tightness Type Economy Standard High Exceptional
design only and are not meant to Tightness Class T1 T1.5 T2 T2.5 T3 T3.5 T4 T4.5
be used as gasket seating stress Leak Rate (mg/s/mm) 2.0E-01 2.0E-02 2.0E-03 2.0E-04 2.0E-05 2.0E-06 2.0E-07 2.0E-08
values in actual service. “m” is 14.2;20 32.3;60
(2,900) (8,700)
known as the maintenance factor 7.9;40 14.3;100
or the multiplier. The “Y” factor is Compressed (5,800) (11,600)
2.5;20 (2,900) 11.5;160 98.9;160
the minimum stress required (psi) Non-Asbestos &
(23,200) (23,200)
PTFE Materials 2.7;60 2.4;100
over the sealing area of the gasket (8,700) (14,500)
to provide a seal at an internal 1.7;160 3.4;160
pressure of 2 psig. “Y” is not (23,200) (23,200)
considered to be the minimum 8;20 (2,900)
Graphite Filled Spiral 8;120
seating stress for the gasket in Wound Gasket 4;40 (5,800) 4;160 (17,400)
service. These values are used in 2.5;60 (8,700) (23,200)
formulas in the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Division 1, Recommended Value Not Recommended Value
Section VIII, Appendix 2 to give a Possible Value No Available Data
WM1 (minimum required bolt load
for operating conditions, psi) or
Proposed ASME PVRC Gasket Gb and “a” provide the gasket seating
WM2 (minimum required bolt load 'BDUPST(b, a and Gs load; similar to Y in the present Code.
for gasket seating, psi) value based Gs is associated with the operating
New gasket factors to replace the stress and is similar to the m value in
on either gasket seating or the ASME Code m and Y are currently
internal pressure. The flange is the present Code. The proposed ASME
being developed by the Pressure constants Gb, a, and Gs give a design
designed based on the greater of Vessel Research Council (PVRC) and
these two values (WM1 or WM2). bolt load, obtained by interpretation
ASME. The current m and Y are difficult of leakage test data as plots of gasket
This will ensure that the flange is to replicate for non-asbestos gaskets
robust enough to maintain stress, Sg, versus a tightness parameter,
and do not take joint leakage into Tp. Tp is the pressure (in atmospheres)
adequate gasket seating stress account. The new approach to
which can decline due to flange normalized to the atmospheric
bolted joint design makes the pressure required to cause a helium
rotation with weaker flanges when tightness of the joint a design
bolted up and internal pressure is leak rate of 1 mg/sec for a 150 mm OD
parameter. In a manner similar to that gasket in a joint. Since this is about the
introduced. These values do not of the traditional ASME Code
take fugitive emissions into same as the OD of an NPS 4 joint, the
method, the design bolt load for a pressure to cause a leak of 1 mg/sec of
account and therefore, based on joint is calculated for operating and
leakage, newer gasket constants, helium for that joint is its tightness.
seating requirements from the new A standard test procedure, the PVRC
Gb, a, and Gs are being developed, constants Gb, a, and Gs, and the
based on leakage, to take this into Room Temperature Tightness Test
required tightness class associated (ROTT), has been designed to produce
account. with the minimum tightness. the constants Gb, a, and Gs. Low values
ROTT - Helium
for Gb, a, and Gs are desirable while
a higher value of Tp means a tighter
Tightness .BTT-FBL3BUF6OJU
Gasket Stress, Sg (psi)

Loading Curve,
Part A Class Diameter (Lrm) mg/sec-min
(lb/hr per “ of OD)
a Loading Curve,
Part B T1 2 x 10 -1 (0.04)

T2 2 x 10 -2 (0.0004)
Tp min Tpn
T3 2 x 10 -3 (0.000004)

10 100 1000 10000 100000
2 x 10 -4 (0.00000004)

Tightness Parameter, Tp T5 2 x 10 -5 (0.0000000004)

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Pressure x Temperature
Conventional Approach This is called the PxT factor or the Pressure-temperature charts for
gasket pressure times individual products are provided
In all piping systems the flanges,
temperature. For example, if the on pages 44-45. The line on these
valves, and the piping itself, have a
pressure is 48.3 bar (700 psi) and charts indicates the highest
pressure – temperature
the temperature is 260°C (500°F), operating pressure for a given
relationship. This PxT factor is the
we would need a material with a temperature. All relationships
result of multiplying the operating
PxT factor of 350,000. Again, this under this line in the green zone
pressure times the operating
value is not constant and is are considered to be “safe.” For
temperature to arrive at a
different for each pressure and relationships outside this zone
numerical value. This value is not
temperature combination. Some or above the line, please contact
constant and is different at each
manufacturers feel this is the TFC’s technical department for
temperature and pressure
maximum level for safety. further assistance and guidance.
combination. The table below
Multiplications of any pressure
shows the PxT factors for carbon
Compressed non-asbestos PxT value with a temperature value
steel piping per ANSI B16.34 and
factors are not as easy to predict will give you a conventional PxT
saturated steam. The fact that
as some older gasketing factor.
PxT values exist for piping should
indicate that such values also exist
It is always assumed that the
for gasketing and just like piping,
Generally, we find that all flange is correct and in good
those values change with
asbestos-free gasket material is condition, the fluid is not
differences in the pressure and
temperature sensitive, requiring aggressive and that the gasket
the pressure to drop more quickly thickness is 1/16”. The limits will
Durlon® Approach as temperature rises, to ensure the increase for 1/32” but will
seal is maintained. We have decrease 20-30% for 1/8”.
With gasketing there is a
reviewed performance by
relationship of pressure to
in-house tests, controlled Consult our technical department
temperature. Generally, the higher
operating performance, and in the for applications above Class 300.
the temperature, the lower the
field – there is no one PxT factor to
allowable gasket working

Pressure-Temperature Relationships
Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Class 150 Class 300

oC oF psi bar (P x T) psi bar (P x T)

38 100 285 19.65 (28,500) 740 51.02 (74,000)

93 200 260 17.93 (52,000) 675 46.54 (135,000)

149 300 230 14 (69,000) 655 45.16 (196,500)

204 400 200 13.79 (80,000) 635 43.78 (254,000)

260 500 170 11.72 (85,000) 600 41.37 (300,000)

316 600 140 9.65 (84,000) 550 37.92 (330,000)

42 371 700 110 7.58 (77,000) 535 36.89 (374,500)

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Pressure x Temperature Charts
Compressed Non-Asbestos

Pressure - Temperature Guidelines

1/16" Durlon® 5000/5300
1/16" Durlon® 79XX
1/16" Durlon® 8300
1/16" Durlon® 8400
2000 1/16" Durlon® 8500, 8600, 8700
1/16" Durlon® 8900


Pressure, psig






-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Temperature, oF

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Pressure x Temperature Charts
Pressure - Temperature Guidelines
1/16" Durlon 9000/9000N, 9002, 9200
1/16" Durlon 9400
1/16" Durlon 9600



Pressure, bar





-100 0 100 200 300 400

Temperature, ºC

Pressure - Temperature Guidelines

1/16" Durlon 9000/9000N, 9002, 9200
1/16" Durlon 9400
1/16" Durlon 9600



Pressure, psig






-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Temperature, oF

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasketing Failures
Torque loss is inherent in any Inherently with time, loosening will Reducing Gasket Failures
bolted joint. The combined occur due to gasket factors already
effects of bolt relaxation, gasket mentioned. If other factors such as
t Use proper gasket installation
creep, vibration in the system, cycling, thermal upsets or vibration
thermal expansion, and elastic are present, periodic retorquing
interaction during bolt might be necessary. t Lubricate bolts and nut facings
tightening, contribute to torque
loss. When torque loss reaches Causes of Gasket Failure t Bring the flanges together
an extreme, the internal slowly and parallel (multiple
pressure exceeds the t Uneven loading of flanges passes with increasing torque,
compressive force, holding the holding gasket in place each pass following proper
gasket in place and a leak or tightening sequence).
blowout occurs. t Gasket load too low
t Use a 1/16” thick gasket up to
8” flanges and 1/8” for 10” and
A key to reducing these effects t Bolt strength too low
above. (1/16” has less gasket
is proper gasket installation. creep)
Reduced maintenance costs t Torque loss
and increased safety can be t Be sure there is adequate
obtained by bringing the t Bolt relaxation/strength gasket stress
flanges together slowly and (approximately 10% torque lost
parallel when installing a new in first 24 hours) t Periodic retorquing
gasket, taking a minimum of
t Gasket creep t Use the correct tightening
four bolt tightening passes, and pattern/method for the job.
following the correct bolt Order of efficiency (least to
t Vibration in the system
tightening sequence/pattern. greatest):
t Thermal cycling
Even when installation is ideal 1) Wrench and cheater bar
where the bolt stress is or sledge hammer
t Water hammer 2) Air impact gun
uniformly applied to each bolt,
and the gasket is properly 3) Torque wrench
t Elastic interaction during bolt 4) Hydraulic torque wrench
compressed, problems can still tightening 5) Hydraulic stud tensioners
t Improper gasket installation t Use the installation procedures
practice that follow on the
bolt tightening worksheet
(p. 47)

t Refer to torque information

from your gasket manufacturer
(TFC torque data tables can be
found on p. 49-53)

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Location/Identification: __________________________________ Nominal Bolt Size: ______________
Gasket Contact Surface Finish on Flange: ___________________ Lubricant Used: ________________

(Instructions: Initial each step when completed in space provided below)

___ 1. Visually examine and clean flanges, bolts, nuts, and washers. Replace defective components if
___ 2. Lubricate bolts, nuts, and flange surface around bolt holes and use hardened steel washers.
___ 3. Install new gasket. Do not reuse old gasket or use multiple gaskets.
___ 4. Number bolts in cross-pattern sequence according to the sketch below.
___ 5. Important! Hand tighten then pre-tighten bolts to 10/20 ft-lbs torque but do not exceed 20% of target
___ 6. Check gap uniformity.
___ 7. Use the appropriate cross-pattern tightening sequence in the sketch below for Rounds 1, 2, 3, and
Round 4 (each sequence constitutes a Round).
___ 8. Target Torque: _ ft-lbs

4-bolt & 8-bolt flanges: 12-bolt flanges & above:

Round 1: Tighten to _______ ft-lbs (30% target) Round 1: Tighten to _______ ft-lbs (20% target)
Round 2: Tighten to _______ ft-lbs (60% target) Round 2: Tighten to _______ ft-lbs (40% target)
Round 3: Tighten to _______ ft-lbs (100% target) Round 3: Tighten to _______ ft-lbs (80% target)
Round 4: Tighten to _______ ft-lbs (100% target)
Check gap around the circumference between each of these rounds, measured at every other bolt. If the gap
is not reasonably uniform around the circumference, make the appropriate adjustments by selective bolt
tightening before proceeding.
__ 9. Rotational Round: 100% of the Target Torque. Use rotational, clockwise tightening sequence starting
with Bolt #1 for one complete round and continue until no further nut rotation occurs at 100% of the
Target Torque value for any nut.
__ 10. Final Round: Retorque after 24 hours. Repeat Round 4 above followed by a Rotational Round. A
large percentage of short-term preload loss occurs within 24 hours after initial tightening. This Round
covers this loss. This is especially important for PTFE gaskets.
Tightening Method Used:
Hand Wrench Manual Torque Wrench Hydraulic Torque Wrench
Impact Wrench Other

Contact Triangle Fluid Controls for tightening pattern for large diameter flanges.

Worksheet Information By: ____________________________________ Date: _________________

Joint Assembled By: _________________________________________ Date: _________________
- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
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- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Torque Values - Cut Gaskets/CFG, Class 150, 300

*Torque: ft-lbs (N-m)


Recommended Recommended
# Bolts &
NPS DN Torque Torque # Bolts &
ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m)
1/2” 15 16 (22) 4 @ 1/2” 16 (22) 4 @ 1/2”

3/4” 20 23 (31) 4 @ 1/2” 38 (52) 4 @ 5/8”

1” 25 30 (41) 4 @ 1/2” 38 (52) 4 @ 5/8”

1-1/4” 32 46 (63) 4 @ 1/2” 55 (75) 4 @ 5/8”

1-1/2” 40 56 (76) 4 @ 1/2” 92 (125) 4 @ 3/4”

2” 50 113 (153) 4 @ 5/8” 62 (84) 8 @ 5/8”

2-1/2” 65 113 (153) 4 @ 5/8” 87 (118) 8 @ 3/4”

3” 80 130 (177) 4 @ 5/8” 126 (171) 8 @ 3/4”

3-1/2” 90 113 (153) 8 @ 5/8” 141 (192) 8 @ 3/4”

4” 100 113 (153) 8 @ 5/8” 179 (243) 8 @ 3/4”

5” 125 202 (275) 8 @ 3/4” 202 (275) 8 @ 3/4”

6” 150 202 (275) 8 @ 3/4” 187 (245) 12 @ 3/4”

8” 200 236 (321) 8 @ 3/4” 297 (404) 12 @ 7/8”

10” 250 327 (445) 12 @ 7/8” 310 (422) 16 @ 1”

12” 300 327 (445) 12 @ 7/8” 464 (631) 16 @ 1-1/8”

14” 350 492 (669) 12 @ 1” 405 (551) 20 @ 1-1/8”

16” 400 492 (669) 16 @ 1” 570 (775) 20 @ 1-1/4”

18” 450 731 (994) 16 @ 1-1/8” 644 (876) 24 @ 1-1/4”

20” 500 731 (994) 20 @ 1-1/8” 710 (965) 24 @ 1-1/4”

24” 600 1,036 (1,408) 20 @ 1-1/4” 1,100 (1,496) 24 @ 1-1/2”

*Based on 1/16” Durlon® 8500. Minimum values for Durlon® 8300, 9400 and 9600 may require higher loads. Minimum sealing requirements for other Durlon® materials may be

Note: It is assumed that new ASTM A193 Gr. B7 studs with 2H heavy hex nuts and hardened steel washers are used and studs, nuts, and nut facings are lubricated with a anti-seize
paste (K=0.17) using the installation and bolt tightening practices outlined above. Torque is based the higher of 40% of bolt yield, T3 or 4,800 psi gasket stress up to either the
maximum allowable material stress or a maximum bolt yield of 60%. The above was calculated using the proposed ASME Gasket Constants (ROTT Testing, École Polytechnique) for
each material.

Flat face flanges using full face gaskets, the recommended torque value is generally the maximum allowable torque based on the allowable bolt area. Flat face flanges have the
same bolting as raised face flanges but roughly 3 to 4 times the surface area being compressed. This makes flat face flanges very difficult to seal unless a gasket with low
compression characteristics is used.

Bolt stresses may exceed those allowed by ASME.

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Torque Values - Spiral Wound Gaskets, Class 150, 300, 400, 600
Flange Size CLASS 150 - DR CLASS 150 - DRI CLASS 300 - DR CLASS 300 - DRI
# of Bolts &
Min Torque Recommended Min Torque Recommended # of Bolts & Min Torque Recommended Min Torque Recommended Diameter
ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) Diameter ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m)
1/2” 15 30 (41) 40 (54) 30 (41) 50(67) 4 @ 0.500" 30 (41) 40 (54) 30 (41) 40 (54) 4 @ 0.500"

3/4” 20 30 (41) 40 (54) 30 (41) 60 (81) 4 @ 0.500" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625"

1” 25 30 (41) 40 (54) 30 (41) 60 (81) 4 @ 0.500" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625"

1-1/4” 32 35 (47) 40 (54) 35 (47) 60 (81) 4 @ 0.500" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625"

1-1/2” 40 50 (67) 60 (81) 50 (67) 60 (81) 4 @ 0.500" 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 140 (190) 4 @ 0.750"

2” 50 75 (102) 90 (122) 75 (102) 120 (163) 4 @ 0.625" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 8 @ 0.625"

2-1/2” 65 90 (122) 110 (149) 90 (122) 120 (163) 4 @ 0.625" 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 140 (190) 8 @ 0.750"

3” 80 120 (163) 120 (163) 120 (163) 120 (163) 4 @ 0.625" 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 150 (203) 8 @ 0.750"

4” 100 95 (129) 120 (163) 95 (129) 120 (163) 8 @ 0.625" 100 (136) 140 (190) 100 (136) 200 (271) 8 @ 0.750"

5” 125 100 (136) 160 (217) 100 (136) 200 (271) 8 @ 0.625" 110 (149) 160 (217) 110 (149) 200 (271) 8 @ 0.750"

6” 150 180 (244) 200 (271) 180 (244) 200 (271) 8 @ 0.750" 110 (149) 160 (217) 110 (149) 200 (271) 12 @ 0.750"

8” 200 236 (320) 236 (320) 236 (320) 236 (320) 8 @ 0.750" 180 (244) 260 (352) 180 (244) 320 (434) 8 @ 0.875"

10” 250 240 (325) 320 (434) 240 (325) 327 (443) 12 @ 0.875" 250 (339) 290 (393) 250 (339) 460 (624) 16 @ 1.000"

12” 300 327 (443) 327 (444) 327 (443) 327 (443) 12 @ 0.875" 360 (488) 420 (569) 360 (488) 700 (949) 16 @ 1.125"

14” 350 410 (556) 490 (664) 410 (556) 492 (667) 12 @ 1.000" 360 (488) 420 (569) 360 (488) 610 (827) 20 @ 1.125"

16” 400 410 (556) 490 (664) 410 (556) 492 (667) 16 @ 1.000" 500 (678) 590 (799) 500 (678) 920 (1,247) 20 @ 1.250"

18” 450 500 (678) 710 (962) 650 (881) 710 (962) 16 @ 1.125" 500 (678) 680 (921) 500 (678) 1,000 (1,356) 24 @ 1.250"

20” 500 430 (583) 710 (962) 570 (773) 710 (962) 20 @ 1.125" 500 (678) 740 (1,003) 500 (678) 1,000 (1,356) 24 @ 1.250"

24” 600 620 (840) 1,036 (1405) 820 (1,112) 1,036 (1,405) 20 @ 1.250" 800 (1,084) 1,030 (1,396) 800 (1084) 1,600 (2,169) 20 @ 1.500"

Flange Size CLASS 400 - DR CLASS 400 - DRI CLASS 600 - DR CLASS 600 - DRI
Min Torque Recommended Min Torque Recommended # of Bolts & # of Bolts &
Min Torque Recommended Min Torque Recommended
NPS DN ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) Diameter ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) Diameter
1/2" 15 30 (41) 40 (54) 30 (41) 40 (54) 4 @ 0.500" 30 (41) 40 (54) 30 (41) 40 (54) 4 @ 0.500"

3/4" 20 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625"

1" 25 60 (41) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625"

1-1/4" 32 60 (41) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 4 @ 0.625"

1-1/2" 40 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 140 (190) 4 @ 0.750" 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 140 (190) 4 @ 0.750"

2" 50 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 8 @ 0.625" 60 (81) 70 (95) 60 (81) 80 (108) 8 @ 0.625"

2-1/2" 65 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 140 (190) 8 @ 0.750" 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 140 (190) 8 @ 0.750"

3" 80 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 150 (203) 8 @ 0.750" 100 (136) 120 (163) 100 (136) 150 (203) 8 @ 0.750"

4" 100 160 (217) 200 (271) 160 (217) 320 (434) 8 @ 0.875" 190 (257) 240 (325) 190 (257) 320 (434) 8 @ 0.875"

5" 125 210 (285) 260 (352) 210 (285) 320 (434) 8 @ 0.875" 280 (379) 360 (488) 280 (379) 490 (664) 8 @ 1.000"

6" 150 150 (203) 240 (325) 190 (257) 320 (434) 12 @ 0.875" 260 (352) 330 (447) 260 (352) 460 (623) 12 @ 1.000"

8" 200 310 (420) 400 (542) 310 (420) 490 (664) 12 @ 1.000" 400 (542) 500 (678) 400 (542) 710 (963) 12 @ 1.125"

10" 250 340 (461) 440 (596) 360 (488) 710 (962) 16 @ 1.125" 500 (678) 590 (799) 500 (678) 850 (1,152) 16 @ 1.250"

12" 300 510 (691) 640 (867) 510 (691) 1,000 (1,355) 16 @ 1.250" 500 (678) 610 (827) 500 (678) 900 (1,220) 20 @ 1.250"

14" 350 500 (678) 890 (1206) 500 (678) 870 (1,179) 20 @ 1.250" 680 (921) 800 (1,084) 680 (921) 1,020 (1,383) 20 @ 1.375"

16" 400 680 (921) 800 (1084) 680 (921) 1,250 (1,694) 20 @ 1.375" 800 (1,084) 940 (1,274) 800 (1,084) 1,290 (1,749) 20 @ 1.500"

18" 450 680 (921) 810 (1,098) 680 (921) 1,340 (1,816) 24 @ 1.375" 1,100 (1,491) 1,290 (1,748) 1,100 (1,491) 1,790 (2,427) 20 @ 1.625"

20" 500 800 (1,084) 940 (1,274) 800 (1,084) 1,430 (1,938) 24 @ 1.500" 1,100 (1,491) 1,290 (1,748) 1,100 (1,491) 1,735 (2,352) 24 @1.625"
24" 600 1,500 (2,033) 1,750 (2,371) 1,500 (2,033) 2,270 (3,076) 24 @ 1.750" 2,000 (2,710) 2,340 (3,171) 2,000 (2,710) 2,755 (3,735) 24 @ 1.875"

- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -

Torque Values - Spiral Wound Gaskets, Class 900, 1500, 2500
Flange Size CLASS 900 - DR CLASS 900 - DRI CLASS 1500 - DR CLASS 1500 - DRI
# of Bolts &
Min Torque Recommended Min Torque Recommended
Diameter Min Torque Recommended Min Torque Recommended
Torque ft-lbs
# of Bolts &
NPS DN ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m)Diameter
Torque ft-lbs (N-m) ft-lbs (N-m) (N-m)

1/2" 15 70 (95) 120 (163) 70 (95) 100 (136) 4 @ 0.750" 70 (95) 100 (136) 70 (95) 100 (136) 4 @ 0.750"

3/4" 20 70 (95) 120 (163) 70 (95) 100 (136) 4 @ 0.750" 70 (95) 100 (136) 70 (95) 100 (136) 4 @ 0.750"

1" 25 110 (149) 190 (257) 110 (149) 160 (217) 4 @ 0.875" 110 (149) 160 (217) 110 (149) 160 (217) 4 @ 0.875"

1-1/4" 32 110 (149) 190 (257) 110 (149) 160 (217) 4 @ 0.875" 140 (190) 170 (230) 140 (190) 164 (222) 4 @ 0.875"

1-1/2" 40 170 (230) 290 (393) 170 (230) 275 (373) 4 @ 1.000" 200 (271) 250 (339) 200 (271) 250 (339) 4 @ 1.000"

2" 50 110 (149) 190 (257) 110 (149) 170 (230) 8 @ 0.875" 130 (176) 170 (230) 130 (176) 170 (230) 8 @ 0.875"

2-1/2" 65 170 (230) 290 (393) 170 (230) 240 (325) 8 @ 1.000" 190 (257) 250 (339) 190 (257) 250 (339) 8 @ 1.000"

3" 80 140 (190) 230 (312) 140 (190) 235 (319) 8 @ 0.875" 270 (366) 360 (488) 270 (366) 360 (488) 8 @ 1.125"

4" 100 260 (353) 420 (569) 260 (353) 420 (569) 8 @ 1.125" 420 (569) 520 (705) 420 (569) 520 (705) 8 @ 1.250"

5" 125 360 (488) 600 (813) 360 (488) 590 (800) 8 @ 1.250" 590 (800) 800 (1,084) 590 (800) 800 (1,084) 8 @ 1.500"

6" 150 300 (407) 500 (678) 300 (407) 550 (746) 12 @ 1.125" 530 (718) 680 (921) 530 (718) 720 (976) 12 @ 1.375"

8" 200 485 (657) 800 (1,084) 485 (657) 835 (1,132) 12 @ 1.375" 850 (1,152) 1,100 (1,491) 850 (1,152) 1,100 (1,491) 12 @ 1.625"

10" 250 505 (684) 760 (1,030) 505 (684) 760 (1,030) 16 @ 1.375" 1,570 (2,129) 2,000 (2,710) 1,570 (2,129) 2,000 (2,710) 12 @ 1.875"

12" 300 560 (759) 850 (1,152) 560 (759) 920 (1,247) 20 @ 1.375" 1,500 (2,034) 2,200 (2,983) 16 @ 2.000"

14" 350 630 (854) 940 (1,274) 630 (854) 970 (1,315) 20 @ 1.500" 2,120 (2,873) 3,180 (4,312) 16 @ 2.125"

16" 400 910 (1,233) 1,290 (1,748) 910 (1,233) 1,285 (1,742) 20 @ 1.625" 2,940 (3,984) 4,400 (5,966) 16 @ 2.500"
Not Applicable, Use DRI
18" 450 1,570 (2,127) 2,340 (3,171) 1,570 (2,127) 2,475 (3,356) 20 @ 1.875" 3,950 (5,352) 5,920 (8,026) 16 @ 2.750"

20" 500 1,745 (2,364) 2,570 (3,482) 1,745 (2,364) 2,335 (3,166) 20 @ 2.000" 5,150 (6,978) 7,720 (10,467) 16 @ 3.000"
24" 600 Not Applicable, Use DRI 2,845 (3,857) 3,800 (5,152) 20 @ 2.500" 8,340 (11,301) 12,500 (16,938) 16 @ 3.500"

Note: Torque values are in ft-lbs and assume Alloy Steel Bolts
Flange Size CLASS 2500 - DR CLASS 2500 - DRI (A193 B7 with 2H nuts) with oil/graphite lubrication. Nut
# of Bolts & factors used on these charts are within .15 to .19. Triangle
Fluid Controls does not generally recommend a bolt stress
Min Torque Recommended Min Torque ft-lbs Recommended Diameter above 60% of bolt yield. Torque values limit minimum and
NPS DN ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) maximum gasket seating stresses based upon pressure class
and certain operating conditions (i.e.: maximum pressure
1/2" 15 50 (68) 100 (136) 50 (68) 100 (136) 4 @ 0.750" ratings for given pressure class, not hydrotest pressure).
Extreme operating conditions such as high temperature may
3/4" 20 70 (95) 100 (136) 63 (85) 100 (136) 4 @ 0.750" reduce bolt yield strength. Caution should be used in these
applications. The above torque values are for general use
1" 25 110 (149) 160 (217) 110 (149) 160 (217) 4 @ 0.875" only. For critical or extreme applications (high temperature)
consult with Triangle Fluid Controls technical department.
1-1/4" 32 210 (285) 250 (339) 210 (285) 250 (339) 4 @ 1.000" Triangle Fluid Controls does not accept responsibility for the
misuse of this information.
1-1/2" 40 310 (420) 360 (488) 310 (420) 360 (488) 4 @ 1.125"

2" 50 220 (298) 250 (339) 220 (298) 250 (339) 8 @ 1.000"

2-1/2" 65 300 (407) 360 (488) 300 (407) 360 (488) 8 @ 1.125"

3" 80 460 (623) 500 (678) 460 (623) 500 (678) 8 @ 1.250"

4" 100 710 (962) 800 (1,085) 8 @ 1.500"

5" 125 1,280 (1,734) 1,500 (2,034) 8 @ 1.750"

6" 150 1,870 (2,534) 2,200 (2,983) 8 @ 2.000"

Not Applicable, Use DRI
8" 200 1,780 (2,412) 2,200 (2,983) 12 @ 2.000"

10" 250 3,040 (4,122) 4,400 (5,966) 12 @ 2.500"

12" 300 4,610 (6,247) 5,920 (8,026) 12 @ 2.750"

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Torque Values - Durtec®, Class 150, 300, 400, 600
FLANGE SIZE Class 150 Class 300 Class 400
Recommended Recommended # Bolts & Recommended
NPS DN # Bolts & Diameter # Bolts & Diameter
Torque ft-lbs (N-m) Torque ft-lbs (N-m) Diameter Torque ft-lb (N-m)
1/2” 15 25 (34) 4 @ 1/2” 25 (34) 4 @ 1/2” 25 (34) 4 @ 1/2”
3/4” 20 36 (49) 4 @ 1/2” 45 (61) 4 @ 5/8” 45 (61) 4 @ 5/8”
1” 25 48 (65) 4 @ 1/2” 59 (80) 4 @ 5/8” 59 (80) 4 @ 5/8”
1-1/4” 32 56 (76) 4 @ 1/2” 91 (123) 4 @ 5/8” 91 (123) 4 @ 5/8”
1-1/2” 40 56 (76) 4 @ 1/2” 145 (196) 4 @ 3/4” 145 (196) 4 @ 3/4”
2” 50 113 (153) 4 @ 5/8” 98 (133) 8 @ 5/8” 98 (133) 8 @ 5/8”
2-1/2” 65 113 (153) 4 @ 5/8” 137 (186) 8 @ 3/4” 137 (186) 8 @ 3/4”
3” 80 113 (153) 4 @ 5/8” 199 (270) 8 @ 3/4” 199 (270) 8 @ 3/4”
3-1/2” 90 113 (153) 8 @ 5/8” 202 (274) 8 @ 3/4” 202 (274) 8 @ 7/8”
4” 100 113 (153) 8 @ 5/8” 202 (274) 8 @ 3/4” 202 (274) 8 @ 7/8”
5” 125 202 (274) 8 @ 3/4” 202 (274) 8 @ 3/4” 202 (274) 8 @ 7/8”
6” 150 202 (274) 8 @ 3/4” 202 (274) 12 @ 3/4” 327 (443) 12 @ 7/8”
8” 200 202 (274) 8 @ 3/4” 327 (443) 12 @ 7/8” 394 (534) 12 @ 1”
10” 250 327 (443) 12 @ 7/8” 490 (664) 16 @ 1” 731 (991) 16 @ 1-1/8”
12” 300 327 (443) 12 @ 7/8” 731 (991) 16 @ 1-1/8” 613 (831) 16 @ 1-1/4”
14” 350 492 (667) 12 @ 1” 639 (866) 20 @ 1-1/8” 651 (882) 20 @ 1-1/4”
16” 400 492 (667) 16 @ 1” 900 (1,220) 20 @ 1-1/4” 781 (1,058) 20 @ 1-3/8”
18” 450 731 (991) 16 @ 1-1/8” 1,017 (1,378) 24 @ 1-1/4” 781 (1,058) 24 @ 1-3/8”
20” 500 731 (991) 20 @ 1-1/8” 1,036 (1,404) 24 @ 1-1/4”” 1,080 (1,463) 24 @ 1-1/2”
24” 600 1,036 (1,404) 20 @ 1-1/4” 1,737 (2,354) 24 @ 1-1/2” 2,025 (2,744) 24 @ 1-3/4”

Note: It is assumed that new ASTM A193 Gr. B7 studs

FLANGE SIZE Class 600 Class 900 with 2H heavy hex nuts and hardened steel washers
are used and studs, nuts and nut facings are lubricated
Recommended Recommended
NPS DN # Bolts & Diameter # Bolts & Diameter with a anti-seize paste (K=0.17) using the installation
Torque Torque and bolt tightening practices outlined above. Torque
is based the higher of 40% of bolt yield, T3 or 4,800 psi
1/2” 15 25 (34) 4 @ 1/2” 37 (50) 4 @ 3/4” gasket stress up to either the maximum allowable
material stress or a maximum bolt yield of 60%. The
3/4” 20 45 (61) 4 @ 5/8” 54 (73) 4 @ 3/4” above was calculated using the proposed ASME Gasket
Constants (ROTT Testing, École Polytechnique) for each
1” 25 59 (80) 4 @ 5/8” 83 (112) 4 @ 7/8” material.

1-1/4” 32 91 (123) 4 @ 5/8” 128 (173) 4 @ 7/8” Flat face flanges using full face gaskets, the
recommended torque value is generally the maximum
1-1/2” 40 145 (196) 4 @ 3/4” 193 (262) 4 @ 1” allowable torque based on the allowable bolt area.
Flat face flanges have the same bolting as raised face
2” 50 98 (133) 8 @ 5/8” 137 (186) 8 @ 7/8” flanges but roughly 3 to 4 times the surface area being
compressed. This makes flat face flanges very difficult
2-1/2” 65 137 (186) 8 @ 3/4” 183 (248) 8 @ 1” to seal unless a gasket with low compression
characteristics is used.
3” 80 199 (270) 8 @ 3/4” 233 (316) 8 @ 7/8”
Bolt stresses may exceed those allowed by ASME.
3-1/2” 90 202 (274) 8 @ 7/8” - 8 @ 1-1/8”
4” 100 327 (443) 8 @ 7/8” 423 (573) 8 @ 1-1/8”
5” 125 470 (637) 8 @ 1” 588 (797) 8 @ 1-1/4”
6” 150 394 (534) 12 @ 1” 444 (602) 12 @ 1-1/8”
8” 200 602 (816) 12 @ 1-1/8” 736 (997) 12 @ 1-3/8”
10” 250 613 (831) 16 @ 1-1/4” 674 (913) 16 @ 1-3/8”
12” 300 651 (882) 20 @ 1-1/4” 716 (970) 20 @ 1-3/8”
14” 350 781 (1,058) 20 @ 1-3/8” 852 (1,154) 20 @ 1-1/2”
16” 400 1,080 (1,463) 20 @ 1-1/2” 1,170 (1,585) 20 @ 1-5/8”
18” 450 1,587 (2,150) 20 @ 1-5/8” 1,831 (2,481) 20 @ 1-7/8”
20” 500 1,458 (1,976) 24 @ 1-5/8” 2,153 (2,917) 20 @ 2” 51
24” 600 2,172 (2,943) 24 @ 1-7/8” 3,475 (4,709) 20 @ 2-1/2”
- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Torque Values - iGuard™ EN, HC, CS and HT Gaskets

Flange Size 150 300 400

NPS DN Bolt Recommended Bolt Recommended Bolt Recommended

# Bolts # Bolts # Bolts
Diameter Torque ft-lbs (N-m) Diameter Torque ft-lbs (N-m) Diameter Torque ft-lbs (N-m)

½” 15 4 0.50” 40 4 0.625” 80 4 0.625” 80

¾” 20 4 0.50” 40 4 0.625” 80 4 0.625” 80

1” 25 4 0.50” 40 4 0.625” 80 4 0.625” 80

1¼” 32 4 0.50” 40 4 0.625” 80 4 0.625” 110

1½” 40 4 0.50” 40 4 0.75” 110 4 0.75” 110

2” 50 4 0.625” 80 8 0.75” 110 8 0.625” 110

2½” 65 4 0.625” 80 8 0.625” 150 8 0.75” 150

3” 80 4 0.625” 110 8 0.75” 150 8 0.75” 150

3½” 90 8 0.625” 80 8 0.75” 150 8 0.875” 180

4” 100 8 0.625” 100 8 0.75” 180 8 0.875” 180

5” 125 8 0.75” 120 8 0.75” 180 8 0.875” 215

6” 150 8 0.75” 130 12 0.75” 170 12 0.875” 215

8” 200 8 0.75” 130 12 0.875” 265 12 1.00” 320

10” 250 12 0.875” 215 16 1.00” 320 16 1.125” 450

12” 300 12 0.875” 220 16 1.125” 450 16 1.25” 650

14” 350 12 1.00” 320 20 1.125” 450 20 1.25” 625

16” 400 16 1.00” 320 20 1.25” 650 20 1.375” 820

18” 450 16 1.125” 450 24 1.25” 650 24 1.375” 820

20” 500 20 1.125” 450 24 1.25” 650 24 1.50” 1,100

22” 600 20 1.125” 460 24 1.50” 1,125 24 1.625” 1,425

24” 600 20 1.25” 650 24 1.50” 1,200 24 1.75” 1,775

Note: Triangle Fluid Controls does not take any responsibility for any of these torque values; they are theoretical values and should be utilized for reference only. These torque values are
intended for use as guidelines only and are based on perfect conditions using weldneck flanges and lubricated stud bolts with a 0.15 friction factor.

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Chemical Resistance - Non-Metallic Gaskets
The following information is a general guide only for the A = Acceptable
selection of a suitable gasket material as there are unlimited C = Caution-Dependent on Conditions
combinations of fluid, pressure and temperature conditions. NS = Not Suitable
- = No Data Available
̓%63-0/® COMPRESSED SHEET %63-0/® PTFE       %63-0/® FLEXIBLE GRAPHITE %63-0/® HT1000®

7900 9000 CFG
8300 Joint
'-6*% 7910 8400 8500 8600 8700 9000N 9200W 9400 FGS95 FGL316 FGT316 S90 L316 T316
8900 Sealant
7925 9002 FGM316
Acetaldehyde C NS C C C C A A A A A A A C C C
Acetic Acid, Glacial C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A
Acetic Acid, 37% C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Acetic Anhydride C A C C C C A A A A A A A - - -
Acetone C C C C C C A A A A A A A C C C
Acetonitrile NS NS NS NS NS C A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Acetylene A A A A C A A A A A A A A C C C
Acrolein C C C C NS C A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Acrylic Acid NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A NS NS - - -
Acrylonitrile NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Air A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Alum A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Aluminum Acetate A A A A A A A A A A C C C A A A
Aluminum Hydroxide A A A A A A A A A A A NS NS A - -
Aluminum Nitrate C C C C C C A A NS A C C C - - -
Aluminum Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A NS NS - - -
Amines C C C C A C A A A A A A A - - -
Ammonia, Gas<150°F C A A A A A A A A A A C C A - -
Ammonia, Gas>150°F NS NS NS NS NS C A A A A A NS NS A - -
Ammonia, Liquid, Anhydrous C A A A C A A A A A A A A A A A
Ammonium Bisulfite A A A A C A A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Ammonium Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Ammonium Hydroxide A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Ammonium Nitrate C C C C C C A A NS A A A A - - -
Amyl Chloride NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Aniline, Aniline Oil NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Aqua Regia NS NS NS NS NS NS A A NS A NS NS NS - - -
Arsenic Acid A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -
Asphalt A A A A NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Aviation Fuels A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Baking Soda A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Barium Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Beer A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Benzaldehyde NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Benzene (Benzol) NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Benzoic Acid NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Benzoyl Chloride NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A C NS NS - - -
Benzyl Alcohol NS NS NS NS NS C A A A A A C C - - -
Benzyl Chloride NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Black Sulfate Liquor <350°F A NS A A C C A A A A C C C C C C
Black Sulfate Liquor >350°F NS NS C NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS NS NS NS
Bleach Solutions C C A C C C A A A A C NS NS A - -
Boiler Feed Water A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Borax A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Boric Acid A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Brine A A A A A A A A A A A C C - - -
Butadiene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Butane A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
2-Butanone NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Butyl Acetate NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Butyl Alcohol (Butanol) A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C
n-Butyl Amine C C C C NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
tert-Butyl Amine C C C C NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Butyl Methacrylate NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A C NS NS - - -
Butylene (butene) A A A A NS C A A A A A A A - - -
Butyric Acid A A A A C C A A A A A A A C C C
Calcium Bisulfite A A A A NS C A A A A A A A - - -
Calcium Carbonate A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -
Calcium Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Hydroxide A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Hypochlorite C C A C C C A A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Nitrate C C C C C C A A NS A A A A - - -
Caprolactam NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Carbon Dioxide, dry A A A A C C A A A A A A A A A A
Carbon Dioxide, wet A A A A C C A A A A A A A A A A
Carbon Disulfide NS NS C NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C

Carbon Monoxide A A A A NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Carbon Tetrachloride C NS C C NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Caustic Soda (NaOH) C NS A C C NS A A A A A A C A A A

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Chemical Resistance - Non-Metallic Gaskets
̓%63-0/® COMPRESSED SHEET %63-0/® PTFE       %63-0/® FLEXIBLE GRAPHITE %63-0/® HT1000®

7900 9000 CFG
8300 Joint
'-6*% 7910 8400 8500 8600 8700 9000N 9200W 9400 FGS95 FGL316 FGT316 S90 L316 T316
8900 Sealant
7925 9002 FGM316
Chlorine, liquid (dry) * NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A C C - - -
Chlorine (wet) * NS NS C NS NS NS A A A A A NS NS - - -
Chlorine Dioxide NS NS NS NS NS NS A A NS A C NS NS - - -
Chlorobenzene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Chloroethane NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Chloroethylene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A C C - - -
Chloroform C C A C NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Chromic Acid NS NS NS NS NS NS A A NS A A A A C C C
Citric Acid A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Coal Gas A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Copper Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Corn Oil C A C C NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Cotton Seed Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Creosote (Coal Tar) A A A A NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Cresol C C A C NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Crude Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Cumene NS NS NS NS NS C A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Cyclohexane C A A C NS C A A A A A A A - - -
Cyclohexanone NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Detergent Solutions A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Diacetone Alcohol C A A A C C A A A A A A A - - -
Diazomethane NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Dibenzyl Ether C NS C C NS NS A A A A A NS NS C NS NS
Dibutylamine C C C C NS C A A A A C C C - - -
1,4-Dichlorobenzene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
3,3-Dichlorobenzidene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Dichlorobenzidene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
1,1-Dichloroethylene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Dichloroethyl Ether NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A C NS NS - - -
Dichloromethane NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A NS NS - - -
Diesel Fuel A A A A C C A A A A A A A A A A
Diethyl Carbonate NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A NS NS - - -
Dimethyl Acetamide NS NS C NS NS NS A A A A C C C - - -
Dimethylformamide (DMF) NS NS C NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Dioxane NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A C C - - -
Dowtherm A, E C NS C C NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Epichlorohydrin NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A C C - - -
Ethane A A A A C C A A A A A A A A A A
Ethyl Acetate C C C C C NS A A A A A A A C C C
Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C
Ethylbenzene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Ethylchloride NS NS A NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Ethylene A A A A NS C A A A A A A A C C C
Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Ethylene Glycol A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Ethyl Ether C C C C NS C A A A A A A A C C C
Ethylene Oxide NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Fatty Acids A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Ferric Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A NS NS - - -
Ferrous Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A NS NS - - -
Fluorine (Gas, Liquid) NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS C NS NS - - -
Formaldehyde A A C A C C A A A A A A A C C C
Formic Acid NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A A
Freon (See Refrigerants) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fuel Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Gas – Natural A A A A NS A A A A A A A A A A A
Gasoline A A A A NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Glucose A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Glycerin (Glycerol) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Green Sulfate Liquor C C A C NS C A A A A C C C - - -
Glycol A A A A A A A A A A A C C A C C
Heptane A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Hexane A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Hydraulic Oil (mineral) A A A A C C A A A A A A A A A A
Hydraulic Oil (phosp. ester) C C C C NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Hydrazine C C A C C C A A A A A A A A A A
Hydrochloric Acid, 30% NS NS C NS NS NS A NS A A A NS NS A NS NS
Hydrochloric Acid, Conc NS NS C NS NS NS A NS A A A NS NS A A A
Hydrofluoric Acid<150°F NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A NS NS - - -
Hydrofluoric Acid>150°F NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A NS NS - - -
Hydrogen A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

54 Hydrogen Chloride, (dry)

Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
- -
Hydrogen Peroxide, 10% C C C C C C A A A A C C C A A A

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Chemical Resistance - Non-Metallic Gaskets
̓%63-0/® COMPRESSED SHEET %63-0/® PTFE       %63-0/® FLEXIBLE GRAPHITE %63-0/® HT1000®

7900 9000 CFG
8300 Joint
'-6*% 7910 8400 8500 8600 8700 9000N 9200W 9400 FGS95 FGL316 FGT316 S90 L316 T316
8900 Sealant
7925 9002 FGM316
Hydrogen Sulfide (dry) C A A C C A A A A A A A A - - -
Hydrogen Sulfide, (wet) C C C C NS C A A A A A A A - - -
Hydroquinone NS NS NS NS C NS A A A A A A A - - -
Iodine A A A A A NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Isobutane A A A A NS C A A A A A C C - - -
Isooctane A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Isopropyl Alcohol A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C
Jet Fuel A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Kerosene A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Lacquer Solvents NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Lactic Acid A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Linseed Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Lubricating Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Magnesium Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A NS NS - - -
Magnesium Hydroxide A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -
Magnesium Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Maleic Acid A A A A C NS A A A A A A A A A A
Maleic Anhydride NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Mercuric Chloride A A A A A C A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Mercury A A A A A A A A A A C C C - - -
Methane A A A A NS C A A A A A A A C C C
Methylacrylic Acid C C C C C C A A A A C NS NS - - -
Methyl Alcohol A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C
Methylene Chloride NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A NS NS C NS NS
Methyl Ethyl Ketone, MEK C C C C NS C A A A A A A A C C C
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone C C C C NS C A A A A A A A - - -
Methyl Isocyanate NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Methyl Methacrylate NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A NS NS NS - - -
Milk A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Mineral Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Muriatic Acid NS NS C NS NS NS A A A A A NS NS - - -
Naphtha A A A A C NS A A A A A A A A A A
Naphthalene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Natural Gas A A A A NS A A A A A A A A A A A
Nickel Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -
Nitric Acid, < 20% NS NS NS NS NS NS A A NS A A A A A A A
Nitric Acid, 50% NS NS NS NS NS NS A A NS A NS NS NS A A A
Nitrogen A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Nitrogen Dioxide NS NS NS NS NS NS A A NS A NS NS NS - - -
Nitrogen Tetroxide NS NS NS NS NS NS A A NS A NS NS NS - - -
Octane A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Oil, Crude A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Oil, Mineral A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Oleic Acid C C C C NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Oleum, fuming H2SO4 NS NS NS NS NS NS A NS NS A NS NS NS A - -
Oxalic Acid C A A C NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Oxygen, gas NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A NS A A A A
Oxygen, liquid* NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A NS A A A A
Ozone NS NS NS NS NS NS A A C A NS NS NS - - -
Paraffin A A A A C C A A A A A A A - - -
Pentane A A A A NS C A A A A A C C - - -
Perchloroethylene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Petroleum A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Phosphoric Acid, <40% C C C C NS C A A A A A C C A C C
Phthalic Acid NS NS NS NS NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Phthalic Anhydride NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Polyacrylonitrile A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -
Potash A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Potassium Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Potassium Dichromate A A A A C C A A A A A A A A A A
Potassium Hydroxide C C A C C C A A A A C C C A A A
Potassium Nitrate C C C C C C A A C A A A A A A A
Potassium Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -
Propane A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Propylene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Pydrauls, Skydrols C C C C NS NS A A A A C C C - - -
Pyridine NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Red Sulfite Liquor NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A C C C - - -
Red Sulfite Liquor>380°F NS NS NS NS NS NS C C C C A NS NS - - -
Refrigerant R-11 ** A A A A NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Refrigerant R-12 ** A A A A C A A A A A A C C - - -
Refrigerant R-22 **
Refrigerant R-113 **
- 55
Refrigerant HCFC 123 ** C NS C C NS C A A A A - - - - - -

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Chemical Resistance - Non-Metallic Gaskets

̓%63-0/® COMPRESSED SHEET %63-0/® PTFE       %63-0/® FLEXIBLE GRAPHITE %63-0/® HT1000®

7900 9000 CFG
8300 Joint
'-6*% 7910 8400 8500 8600 8700 9000N 9200W 9400 FGS95 FGL316 FGT316 S90 L316 T316
8900 Sealant
7925 9002 FGM316
Refrigerant HCFC 124 * C NS C C NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant HFC 125 * C C C C NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant HFC 134a * A A A A C A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant HCFC 141b A A A A NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant HFC 236fa A A A A NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant Blend HP 62* A A A A NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant Blend HP 80 C C C C NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant Blend HP 81 C C C C NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Refrigerant Blend 404a* A A A A NS A A A A A - - - - - -
Sea Water A A A A A A A A A A A NS NS A NS N
Silver Nitrate C C A C C C A A A A A A A - - -
Soap Solutions A A A A A A A A C A A A A A A A
Soda Ash A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Bicarbonate A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Bisulfite A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Carbonate A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Hydroxide C C A C C NS A A A A C C C A A A
Sodium Hypochlorite NS NS NS NS C C A A C A C NS NS - - -
Sodium Nitrate A A A A C C A A A A C C C - - -
Sodium Silicate A A A A A A A A A A A C C A C C
Sodium Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Sour Crude Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Soybean Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Steam (to 450°F) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Steam (over 450°F) A A A A C C NS NS NS NS A A A A A A
Stearic Acid A A A A C A A A A A A A A A A A
Stoddard Solvent A A A A NS C A A A A A A A - - -
Styrene NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Sulfite Liquors C C A C C C A A A A A C C - - -
Sulfur (molten) C C C C NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Sulfur Dioxide NS NS C NS NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Sulfuric Acid, 20% NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A NS NS NS NS NS
Sulfuric Acid, Conc NS NS NS NS NS NS A C A A NS NS NS NS NS NS
Sulfuric Acid,Conc>200°F NS NS NS NS NS NS A NS NS A NS NS NS NS NS NS
Fuming Sulfuric Acid, Oleum NS NS NS NS NS NS A NS NS A NS NS NS - - -
Tar A A A A C C A A A A A A A A A A
Tetrachloroethane C C C C NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Toluene NS NS NS NS NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Transformer Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Transmission Fluid A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
1,1,2-Trichloroethane NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Trichloroethylene C C C C NS NS A A A A A A A C C C
Triethanolamine C C C C C A A A A A C C C A C C
Turpentine A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Urea A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Varsol A A A A NS NS A A A A A A A A A A
Vegetable Oil A A A A NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Vinegar A A A A C A A A A A A A A A A A
Vinyl Acetate C C C C NS C A A A A A A A A A A
Vinyl Chloride NS NS NS NS NS NS A A A A A A A - - -
Water A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Whiskey and Wines A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
White Sulfate Liquor A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
White Spirit A A A A C C A A A A A A A - - -
Zinc Chloride A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -
Zinc Nitrate C C C C C C A A C A C C C - - -
Zinc Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A A A - - -

* with mineral oil

** with polyol ester oil

This information is a general guide for the selection of a suitable gasket material. The substances listed above are evaluated for their effect on the gasket materials at ambient temperature
-40°F/C to 38°C (100°F) unless stated otherwise. For unusual conditions of fluid concentrates, internal pressures or temperature consult your representative. This evalation is based on
laboratory or field tests, or experience; however, no guarantee can be given as to the actual performance experienced by the end user.

There are several fluids used in food which can be sealed by SBR, however due to flavour pickup, we have marked these products “Caution.”

56 These chemical resistance charts supersede and obsolete all previously issued charts.

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Chemical Resistance - Metallic Gaskets

The following information is a general guide only for the selection of a suit- A = Acceptable
able gasket material as there are unlimited combinations of fluid, pressure B = Caution-Dependent on Conditions
and temperature conditions. Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.® does not warrant C = Not Suitable
(neither expressed, nor implied) that the informationin this chart is accurate - = No Data Available
or complete or that any material is suitable for any purpose. For more specific
compatibility information, please complete an application data form and
submit it to your representative for analysis.








304 SS
304 SS



'-6*% '-6*%
Acetaldehyde A A A A A A A A A - B Calcium Chlorate B B A A A B - - - A -
Acetic Acid C C A A A A A A A A A Calcium Chloride C B A A A A A A A A A
Acetic Anhydride C B B B B A A A A A - Calcium Hydroxide C A A A A A A A A A A
Acetone A A A A A A A A A A B Calcium Hypochlorite C B B B C B A A A A A
Acetonitrile A A A A - A - C A A - Calcium Nitrate B B A A A B A A A A -
Acetylene A A A A A A - A A A B Calcium Sulfate B A A A A A A - - A A
Acrylonitrile A A A A - B A A A A - Carbon Dioxide, dry A A A A A A A A A - A
Aluminum Acetate A A A A B A A B A A A Carbon Dioxide, wet B A A A A A A A A A A
Aluminum Chloride C B A A A A A - - A A Carbon Disulfide A A A A A A A A A - B
Aluminum Fluoride C C B B A B A - - - - Carbon Monoxide B A A A A A - A A - -
Aluminum Hydroxide C A A A B B A A A - - Carbon Tetrachloride A A A A A A A A A A B
Aluminum Nitrate C A A A C A A B A - - Castor Oil A A A A A A A - - A A
Aluminum Sulfate C A A B B A A A A A - Caustic Potash B A A A - C - C - -
Ammonia, Gas A A A A A A B A A A A Caustic Soda (NaOH) B B A A A - B B A A A
Ammonia, Liquid A A A A A A B A A A A Chloric Acid, 10% C C B A C A - C A A -
Ammonium Chloride C B B B B B A A A A A Chloric Acid, 20% C C C A C A - C A A -
Ammonium Hydroxide, 10% C A A A B A A A A A A Chlorine Gas (dry) A A A A A A C A A - B
Ammonium Hydroxide, Chlorine Gas (wet) C C C C A A C A A - -
Sat’d C A A A B B A A A - A Chlorine Liquid C C C C C A B A A - -
Ammonium Nitrate A A A A A A A A A A - Chlorinated Water,
<3500ppm C A A A A A A A A A -
Ammonium Phosphate C A A A B A A - - - - Chlorinated Water,
Ammonium Sulfate C B B A B A A - - A - >3500ppm C B A A B A A A A A -
Ammonium Sulfide C B B B B A - C A A - Chlorobenzene B A A A A A A A A A -
Amyl Chloride A A A A A A B A A A - Chloroform C A A A A A A A A A B
Aniline C A C A A A B A A A B Chlorosulfonic Acid C C C B A A A - - A -
Aqua Regia C C B B - B A C A - - Chromic Acid, 10% C B A1 A2 B A A A A A B
Arsenic Acid C A A A A A A A A - - Chromic Acid, 30% C B B1 A2 C A A A A A B
Asphalt A A A A B A - A A - A Chromic Acid, 40% C B B1 - C A A A A A B
Barium Chloride C A A A A B A A A A A Chromic Acid, 50% C C B1 B3 C B A A A A B
Barium Hydroxide C A A A A A A - - A - Citric Acid C A A A A A A A A A A
Barium Sulfate A A A A A A A - - A - Coconut Oil B A A A B A A - A - -
Barium Sulfide C A A A A - A - - A Coke Oven Gas A A A - B A - A - - A
Beer C A A A A A A A A - - Copper Acetate C - A A B A - - - - A
Benzaldehyde B A A A B A A A A A -
Copper Chloride C C A A B A C - - A -
Benzene (Benzol) A A A A A A A A A A B
Copper Sulfate C A A A C A A A A A A
Benzoic Acid C A A A A A A A A A A
Corn Oil B A A A B A - A A - -
Black Sulfate Liquor B A A A B - A B A - -
Cottonseed Oil A A A A A A A A A A -
Bleach Solutions C C C C C A A B A - A
Creosote (Coal Tar) A A A A A A A A A - A
Borax B A A A A A A A A - A
Crude Oil B A A A B A A A A - A
Boric Acid B A A A A A A A A A A
Cumene B - B B B A - C A - -
Brine C A A A A A A A A - -
Cyclohexane A A A A A A A A A - -
Bromine, Liquid C C C C C A C - - A -
Cyclohexanone B A A A B A - A A A -
Bromine, Gas C C C A A A C - - - -
Detergent Solutions A A A A A B A A A - -
Butadiene A A A A A A - A A - -
Diacetone Alcohol A A A A A A - A A - -
Butane A A A A A A A A A - -
Diesel Fuel A A A A A B A A A -
Butyl Acetate B A A A A A A A A - B
Dimethylamine C A A A B A A A C - -
Butyl Alcohol B A A A A B A A A A B
Dimethylformamide (DMF) B A A A A - - C A - -
Butylene (butene) A A A A A A - A A - -
Dowtherm A, E A A A A A A - A A - B
Butyric Acid C A A A A A A A A - B
Calcium Bisulfite
Calcium Carbonate
- A
- -
Ethyl Acetate
- A
- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Chemical Resistance - Metallic Gaskets







304 SS
304 SS




'-6*% '-6*%
Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) A A A A A A A A A A B Methyl Acetone A A A A A - - - A - -
Ethylbenzene B - A A A A - A A - - Methyl Alcohol A A A A A A A A A A B
Ethylchloride C A A A A A A A A A B Methyl Amine B A A A C - - - A - -
Ethylene Bromide A A A A A A - - - - - Methylene Chloride A A A A A A A A A - B
Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) A A A A A B A A A A - Methyl Ethyl Ketone, MEK A A A A A A A A A A B
Ethylene Glycol A A A A A A A A A A A Methyl Isobutyl Ketone A A A A A A A A A - -
Ethylene Oxide A A A A B A - A A - - Methyl Chloride B A A A A A A A A - B
Fatty Acids C A A A A A A A A A A Milk C A A A A A A A A A -
Ferric Chloride C C C C C A4 A A A - - Mineral Oil A A A A A A A A A A A
Ferric Hydroxide A A A A A A A A - A - Muriatic Acid C B B B C - - A A - -
Ferric Nitrate C A A A C A A A A A Naphtha A A A A A A A A A - -
Ferrous Chloride C C C C - B A A A A - Naphthalene A A A A A A A A A A -
Ferrous Sulfate C A A A A A A - - A - Natural Gas A A A A A A - A A - B
Fish Oil A A A A A A - - A - - Nickel Ammonium Sulfate C A A A C B A A A - -
Flue Gas A A A A A A - A A - A Nickel Nitrate C A A A C B - - - A -
Fluorine Gas (dry) A A A A A A C B C - - Nitric Acid C A A A C B A C A A A
Fluorine Gas (wet) C B A A A B C B C - - Nitrobenzene A A A A A A A - A - A
Formaldehyde B B A A A A A A A - B Nitrogen A A A A A A A A A - A
Formic Acid C A A A A A B A A - A Nitroglycerine B A A A B A - - A - -
Freon (11, 12, 21, 22, 113,
114) B A A A A A A A A A C Nitrous Acid, 10% C B B B C A A A A A -
Gasoline A A A A A A A A A A B Nitrous Oxide B A A A C A - C A A -
Gasoline Sour A A A A C A - - A - - Octane A A A A A A - A A - A
Gelatin C B C A A A A - A - - Oleic Acid C A A A A A A A A A A
Glucose A A A A A A A A A A - Oleum, fuming H2SO4 C B B B C A C C A - A
Glycerin (Glycerol) A A A A A A A A A A A Olive Oil A A A A A A A - A A -
Glycol A A A A A A - A A - - Oxalic Acid, 50% C A A A A A A A A A A
Green Sulfate Liquor - A A A A - - B A - - Oxygen Gas A A A A A A - A A - A
Heptane A A A A A A A A A - - Ozone A A A A A A - C A - -
Hexane A A A A A A A A A - - Paraffin A A A A A A A A A A -
Hydraulic Oil (mineral) A A A A A A - A A - A Pentane A A A A A A - A A - -
Hydrochloric Acid C C A A A A C A A B A Perchloroethylene B A A A A A A A A A B
Hydrofluoric Acid, 30% C C C B A A C A A B - Phenol C A A A A A A A A A A
Hydrofluoric Acid, 40% C C C B B A C A A B - Phosphoric Acid C C A A C A B A A A A
Hydrogen A A A A A A A A A A A Phthalic Acid C A A A B A A A A - A
Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) - A A A - A - A A - B Polyvinyl Acetate C - B B B - - - - - A
Hydrogen Peroxide, 50% B A A A A B A - A A B Potash A A A A A B A A A C -
Hydrogen Peroxide, 90% B A A A B B - - A A - Potassium Chloride B B B A A A A A A - A
Hydrogen Sulfide (dry) B B A A A A A A A A - Potassium Dichromate C A A A A B A A A A A
Hydrogen Sulfide (wet) C B A A B B A A A A - Potassium Hydroxide B A A A A A C B A C A
Iodine C C C B A A A C A - - Potassium Nitrate B A A A A A A A A A A
Isobutane A A A A A A - A A - - Potassium Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A -
Isooctane A A A A A A - A A - A Potassium Sulfide C B B B C A A - - A -
Isopropyl Alcohol A A A A A A - A A - B Potassium Sulfite C A A A B - - - A - -
Isopropyl Ether A A A A A A A A B A - Propane A A A A A A - A A - A
Jet Fuel A A A A A A A A A - - Propyl Alcohol A A A A A A - - A A -
Kerosene A A A A A A A A A A A Propylene Glycol A A A A A A A - A A -
Lactic Acid C A A A A A A A A A A Salicylic Acid C A A A B - A - A - A
Lead Sulfate C - B B B - - A A - - Silicone Oil A A A A A A - - A - A
Linoleic Acid C B B A A A - - A - - Silver Chloride C C C A A - - - A - -
Linseed Oil A A A A A A A A A A A Silver Nitrate C A A A C A A A A - -
Lubricating Oil A A A A A A A A A - - Soap Solutions B A A A B A A A A A A
Magnesium Carbonate B A A A A B A - - A - Sodium Bicarbonate C A A A A A A A A A A
Magnesium Chloride C C C B A A A A A A - Sodium Bisulfate C C A A A B A A A A -
Magnesium Sulfate A A A A A A A A A - A Sodium Bisulfite C A A A C B A A A A A
Maleic Acid C A A A B A A A A - A Sodium Carbonate A A A A A A A A A A A
Mercuric Chloride C C C B C A A C A A - Sodium Chloride B B B B B A A B A A A
Mercury A A A A B A A B A A - Sodium Hydroxide, <10% A A A A A A A B A A A

Methane A A A A A A - A A - B Sodium Hydroxide, >10% B B A A A A B B A A A
Methanol A A A A A A A A A A - Sodium Hypochlorite C C C C C A B B A A -

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Chemical Resistance - Metallic Gaskets



Variations in chemical behavior due to factors such as

temperature, pressure, and concentration can cause


equipment to fail, even though it passed an initial test.
304 SS


'-6*% Ratings of chemical behavior listed in this chart apply
to a 48 hour exposure period; Triangle Fluid Controls
Sodium Nitrate A A A A A A A B A A -
Ltd. does not make any claims of possible effects
Sodium Phosphate B A A A B A - - A - -
Sodium Silicate A A A A A A A A A A -
beyond this period.
Sodium Sulfite B A A A C A A - A - -
Sour Crude Oil A A A A A A - A A - - Use suitable guards and/or personal protective
Soybean Oil B A A A A A A A A - - equipment when handling any chemical.
Steam (low-med
pressure) A A A A A A - A A - A WARNING
Steam (high pressure) A A A A C A - A C - A
Stearic Acid C A A A A A A A A - A This information is intended to be used as a general
Stoddard Solvent A A A A A A A A A - - guide only for the selection of a suitable material. The
Styrene B A A A A A - A A - - substances listed are evaluated for their effect on the
Sulfate Liquors A A A A A A - A A - - various materials at ambient temperature (-40°C to 39°C
Sulfur C A A A A A - A A - A or -40°F to 100°F) unless otherwise stated. For unusual
Sulfur Dioxide A C A A A A A A A - A conditions of fluid concentrates, internal pressures or
Sulfuric Acid, <50% C C A A A A C B A A C temperatures, consult your representative. The
Sulfuric Acid, 60% C C B A B A C C A A C information in this chart has been compiled from
Sulfuric Acid, 70% C C B A C A C C A A C various independent sources. Triangle Fluid Controls
Sulfuric Acid, >80% C C C A C A C C A A C Ltd. will not guarantee any performance of any
Sulfuric Acid, Fuming C C B B C A C C A A - materials selected based on the information contained
Tar A A A A A A - A A - A
in this chart.
Tartaric Acid C B A A A A A - A A A
Toluene A A A A A A A A A A A
Transformer Oil A A A A A A - A A - A
Trichloroethylene B A A A A A A A A A B The information contained within this Chemical
Turpentine A A A A A A A A A A A Resistance Chart supersedes and obsoletes all
Urea C A A A B - A A A A A
Vegetable Oil A A A A A A - A A - -
previously issued charts.
Vinegar C A A A A A A A A A -
Water, Mine Acid C A A A B B A A A A A
Water, Deionized C A A A A A A A A A -
Water, Sea C A B A A A A A A A A
Whiskey and Wines C A A A A A A A A A -
White Sulfate Liquor C A A A A A - A A - -
Xylene A A A A A A A A A A A
Zinc Chloride C A B A A A A A A C -
Zinc Nitrate - A A A - A - A A - -
Zinc Sulfate C A A A A A A A A C -

ASTM Testing
Satifactory to 21oC (70oF)
*ASTM properties are based on 1/16” sheet
Satifactory to 125oC (52oF) thickness, except ASTM F38 which is based on
Satifactory to 212oC (100oF) 1/32” sheet thickness. This is a general guide only
and should not be the sole means of accepting or
Satifactory to 175oC (79oF) rejecting this material. The data listed here falls
within the normal range of product properties,
but should not be used to establish specifications
limits nor used alone as the basis of design. For
applications above Class 300, contact our
technical department.

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - Cut Gaskets (Imperial, Metric)

Nominal Class 125/150 Ring Type Class 125/150 Full Face Class 250/300 Ring Type Class 250/300 Full Face
Pipe Size
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in.
1/2” 21 x 48 27/32 x 1-7/8 21 x 89 27/32 x 3-1/2 21 x 54 27/32 x 2-1/8 21 x 95 27/32 x 3-3/4
3/4” 27 x 57 1-1/16 x 2-1/4 27 x 98 1-1/16 x 3-7/8 27 x 67 1-1/16 x 2-5/8 27 x 117 1-1/16 x 4-5/8
1” 33 x 67 1-5/6 x 2-5/8 33 x 108 1-5/16 x 4-1/4 33 x 73 1-5/16 x 2-7/8 33 x 124 1-5/16 x 4-7/8
1-1/4” 42 x 76 1-21/32 x 3 42 x 117 1-21/32 x 4-5/8 42 x 83 1/21/32 x 3-1/4 42 X 133 1-21/32 x 5-1/4
1-1/2” 48 x 86 1-29/32 x 3-3/8 48 x 127 2-29/32 x 5 49 x 95 1-29/32 x 3-3/4 49 X 155 1-29/32 x 6-1/8
2” 60 x 105 2-3/8 x 4-1/8 60 x 152 2-3/8 x 6 60 x 111 2-3/8 x 4-3/8 60 x 165 2-3/8 x 6-1/2
2-1/2” 73 x 124 2-7/8 x 4-7/8 73 x 178 2-7/8 x 7 73 x 130 2-7/8 x 5-1/8 73 X 191 2-7/8 x 7-1/2
3” 89 x 137 3-1/2 x 5-3/8 89 x 191 3-1/2 x 7-1/2 89 x 149 3-1/2 x 5-7/8 89 X 210 3-1/2 x 8-1/4
3-1/2” 102 x 162 4 x 6-3/8 102 x 216 4 x 8-1/2 102 x 165 4 x 6-1/2 102 X 229 4x9
4” 114 x 175 4-1/2 x 6-7/8 114 x 229 4-1/2 x 9 114 x 181 4-1/2 x 7-1/8 114 x 254 4-1/2 x 10
5” 141 x 197 5-9/16 x 7-3/4 141 x 254 5-9/16 x 10 141 x 216 5-9/16 x 8-1/2 141 x 279 5-9/16 x 11
6” 168 x 222 6-5/8 x 8-3/4 168 x 279 6-5/8 x 11 168 x 251 6-5/8 x 9-7/8 168 x 318 6-5/8 x 12-1/2
8” 219 x 279 8-5/8 x 11 219 x 343 8-5/8 x 13-1/2 219 x 308 8-5/8 x 12-1/8 219 x 381 8-5/8 x 15
10” 273 x 340 10-3/4 x 13-3/8 273 x 406 10-3/4 x 16 273 x 362 10-3/4 x 14-1/4 273 x 445 10-3/4 x 17-1/2
12” 324 x 410 12-3/4 x 16-1/8 324 x 483 12-3/4 x 19 324 x 422 12-3-4 x 16-5/8 324 x 521 12-3/4 x 20-1/2
14” 356 x 451 14 x 17-3/4 356 x 533 14 x 21 356 x 486 14 x 19-1/8 356 x 584 14 x 23
16” 406 x 514 16 x 20-1/4 406 x 597 16 x 23-1/2 406 x 540 16 x 21-1/4 406 x 648 16 x 25-1/2
18” 457 x 549 18 x 21-5/8 457 x 635 18 x 25 457 x 597 18 x 23-1/2 457 x 711 18 x 28
20” 508 x 606 20 x 23-7/8 508 x 699 20 x 27-1/2 508 x 654 20 x 25-3/4 508 x 775 20 x 30-1/2
22” 610 x 718 22 x 26 610 x 749 22 x 29-1/2 610 x 775 22 x 27-5/8 610 x 838 22 x 33
24” 609 x 718 24 x 28-1/4 610 x 813 24 x 32 610 x 775 24 x 30-1/2 610 X 914 24 x 36
26” 660 x 775 26 x 30-1/2 660 x 870 26 x 34-1/4 660 x 835 26 x 32-7/8 660 x 972 26 x 38-1/4
28” 711 x 832 28 x 32-3/4 711 x 927 28 x 36-1/2 711 x 899 28 x 35-19/50 711 x 1035 28 x 40-3/4
30” 762 x 883 30 x 34-3/4 762 x 984 30 x 38-3/4 762 x 953 30 x 37-1/2 762 x 1,092 30 x 43
32” 813 x 940 32 x 37 813 x 1,060 32 x 41-3/4 813 x 1,006 32 x 39-5/8 813 x 1,149 32 x 45 1/4
34” 864 x 991 34 x 39 864 x 1,111 34 x 43-3/4 864 x 1,057 34 x 41-5/8 864 x 1,207 34 x 49-1/2
36” 914 x 1,048 36 x 41-1/4 914 x 1,168 36 x 46 914 x 1,118 36 x 44 914 x 1,270 36 x 50
38” 965 x 1,111 38 x 43-3/4 965 x 1,238 38 x 48-3/4 965 x 1,054 38 x 41-1/2 965 x 1,168 38 x 46
40” 1,016 x 1,162 40 x 45-3/4 1,016 x 1,289 40 x 50-3/4 1,016 x 1,115 40 x 43-7/8 1,016 x 1,238 40 x 48 3/4
42” 1,067 x 1,219 42 x 48 1,067 x 1,346 42 x 53 1,067 x 1,165 42 x 45-7/8 1,067 x 1,289 42 x 50-3/4
44” 1,118 x 1,276 44 x 50-1/4 1,118 x 1,403 44 x 55-1/4 1,118 x 1,219 44 x 48 1,118 x 1,353 44 x 53-1/4
46” 1,168 x 1,327 46 x 52-1/4 1,168 x 1,454 46 x 57-1/4 1,168 x 1,273 46 x 50-1/8 1,168 x 1,416 46 x 55-3/4
48” 1,219 x 1,384 48 x 54-1/2 1,219 x 1,511 48 x 59-1/2 1,219 x 1,324 48 x 52-1/8 1,219 x 1,467 48 x 57-3/4
50” 1,270 x 1,435 50 x 56-1/2 1,270 x 1,568 50 x 61-3/4 1,270 x 1,378 50 x 54-1/4 1,270 x 1,530 50 x 60-1/4
52” 1,321 x 1,492 52 x 58-3/4 1,321 x 1,626 52 x 64 1,321 x 1,429 52 x 56-1/4 1,321 x 1,581 52 x 62-1/4
54” 1,372 x 1,549 54 x 61 1,372 x 1,683 54 x 66-1/4 1,372 x 1,492 54 x 58-3/4 1,372 x 1,657 54 x 65-1/4
56” 1,422 x 1,607 56 x 63-1/4 1,422 x 1,746 56 x 68-3/4 1,422 x 1,543 56 x 60-3/4 1,422 x 1,780 56 x 67-1/4
58” 1,473 x 1,664 58 x 65-1/2 1,473 x 1,803 58 x 71 1,473 x 1,594 58 x 62-3/4 1,473 x 1,759 58 x 69-1/4
60” 1,524 x 1,715 60 x 67-1/2 1,524 x 1,854 60 x 73 1,524 x 1,645 60 x 64-3/4 1,524 x 1,810 60 x 71-1/4
60 Note: Dimensions for pipe sizes 26”- 48” are per ANSI B16.47 Class 150 Series A Flanges. Dimensions given above are for reference only and should be
checked prior to establishing any specifications.
- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - Durtec®/CFG (Metric)
Gasket Gasket O.D.
Nominal Pipe Size
I.D. Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900
1/2” 21 48 54 54 54 64
3/4” 27 57 67 67 67 70
1” 33 67 73 73 73 79
1-1/4” 42 76 83 83 83 89
1-1/2” 48 86 95 95 95 98
2” 60 105 111 111 111 143
2-1/2” 73 124 130 130 130 165
3” 89 137 149 149 149 168
3-1/2” 102 162 165 162 162 -
4” 114 175 181 178 194 206
5” 141 197 216 213 241 248
6” 168 222 251 248 267 289
8” 219 279 308 305 321 359
10” 273 340 362 359 400 435
12” 324 410 422 419 457 498
14” 356 451 486 483 492 521
16” 406 514 540 537 565 575
18” 457 549 597 594 613 638
20” 508 606 654 648 683 699
24” 610 718 775 768 791 838

Gasket Gasket O.D.

Nominal Pipe Size
I.D. Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600
26” 660.40 725.42 769.11 746.25 765.05
28” 711.20 776.22 825.50 800.10 819.15
30” 762.00 827.02 885.95 857.25 879.35
32” 812.80 881.13 939.80 911.35 933.45
34” 863.60 934.97 993.65 962.15 996.95
36” 914.40 985.52 1,047.75 1,022.35 1,047.75
38” 965.20 1,044.45 1,098.55 - -
40” 1,016.00 1,095.25 1,149.35 - -
42” 1,066.80 1,146.05 1,200.15 - -
44” 1,117.60 1,196.85 1,250.95 - -
46” 1,168.40 1,255.78 1,317.75 - -
48” 1,219.20 1,306.58 1,368.55 - -
50” 1,270.00 1,357.38 1,419.35 - -
52” 1,320.80 1,408.18 1,470.15 - -
54” 1,371.60 1,463.55 1,555.75 - -
56” 1,422.40 1,514.35 1,593.85 - -
58” 1,473.20 1,579.63 1,655.83 - -
60” 1,524.00 1,630.43 1,704.85 - -
- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - Durtec®/CFG (Imperial)

Gasket Gasket O.D.

Nominal Pipe Size
I.D. Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900
1/2” 0.84 1.88 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.50
3/4” 1.06 2.25 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.75
1” 1.31 2.62 2.88 2.88 2.88 3.12
1-1/4” 1.66 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.50
1-1/2” 1.91 3.38 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.88
2” 2.38 4.12 4.38 4.38 4.38 5.62
2-1/2” 2.88 4.88 5.12 5.12 5.12 6.50
3” 3.50 5.38 5.88 5.88 5.88 6.62
3-1/2” 4.00 6.38 6.50 6.38 6.38 -
4” 4.50 6.88 7.12 7.00 7.62 8.12
5” 5.56 7.75 8.50 8.38 9.50 9.75
6” 6.62 8.75 9.88 9.75 10.50 11.38
8” 8.62 11.00 12.12 12.00 12.62 14.12
10” 10.75 13.38 14.25 14.12 15.75 17.12
12” 12.75 16.13 16.62 16.50 18.00 19.62
14” 14.00 17.75 19.12 19.00 19.38 20.50
16” 16.00 20.25 21.25 21.12 22.25 22.62
18” 18.00 21.62 23.50 23.38 24.12 25.12
20” 20.00 23.88 25.75 25.50 26.88 27.50
24” 24.00 28.25 30.50 30.25 31.12 33.00

Gasket Gasket O.D.

Nominal Pipe Size
I.D. Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600
26” 26.00 28.56 30.38 29.38 30.12
28” 28.00 30.56 32.50 31.50 32.25
30” 30.00 32.56 34.88 33.75 34.62
32” 32.00 34.69 37.00 35.88 36.75
34” 34.00 36.81 39.12 37.88 39.25
36” 36.00 38.88 41.25 40.25 41.25
38” 38.00 41.12 43.25 - -
40” 40.00 43.12 45.25 - -
42” 42.00 45.12 47.25 - -
44” 44.00 47.12 49.25 - -
46” 46.00 49.44 51.88 - -
48” 48.00 51.44 53.88 - -
50” 50.00 53.44 55.88 - -
52” 52.00 55.44 57.88 - -
54” 54.00 57.62 61.25 - -
56” 56.00 59.62 62.75 - -
58” 58.00 62.19 65.19 - -
60” 60.00 64.19 67.12 - -
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Gasket Dimensions - Spiral Wound Gaskets (Metric)

Windings OD” Durlon® SWG Style By Pressure Class Durlon® SWG Style DRI By Pressure Class

Flange Class Class 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
Size 150,
(NPS) 300, 1500,

1/2” 31.80 31.80 19.10 47.80 19.10 54.10 - - 19.10 54.10 - - 19.10 63.50 19.10 69.90 14.20 14.20 - 14.20 - 14.20 14.20

3/4” 39.60 39.60 25.40 57.20 25.40 66.80 - - 25.40 66.80 - - 25.40 69.90 25.40 76.20 20.60 20.60 - 20.60 - 20.60 20.60

1” 47.80 47.80 31.80 66.80 31.80 73.20 - - 31.80 73.20 - - 31.80 79.50 31.80 85.90 26.90 26.90 - 26.90 - 26.90 26.90

1-1/4” 60.50 60.50 47.80 76.20 47.80 82.60 - - 47.80 82.60 - - 39.60 88.90 39.60 104.90 38.10 38.10 - 38.10 - 33.30 33.30

1-1/2” 69.90 69.90 54.10 85.90 54.10 95.30 - - 54.10 95.30 - - 47.80 98.60 47.80 117.60 44.50 44.50 - 44.50 - 41.40 41.40

2” 85.90 85.90 69.90 104.90 69.90 111.30 - - 69.90 111.30 - - 58.70 143.00 58.70 146.10 55.60 55.60 - 55.60 - 52.30 52.30

2-1/2” 98.60 98.60 82.60 124.00 82.60 130.30 - - 82.60 130.30 - - 69.90 165.10 69.90 168.40 66.50 66.50 - 66.50 - 63.50 63.50

3” 120.70 120.70 101.60 136.70 101.60 149.40 - - 101.60 149.40 95.30 168.40 92.20 174.80 92.20 196.90 81.00 81.00 - 81.00 78.70 78.70 78.70

4” 149.40 149.40 127.00 174.80 127.00 181.10 120.70 177.80 120.70 193.80 120.75 206.50 117.60 209.60 117.60 235.00 106.40 106.40 102.60 102.60 102.60 97.80 97.80

5” 177.80 177.80 155.70 196.90 155.70 215.90 147.60 212.90 147.60 241.30 147.60 247.70 143.00 254.00 143.00 279.40 131.80 131.80 128.30 128.30 128.30 124.50 124.50

6” 209.60 209.60 182.60 222.30 182.60 251.00 174.80 247.70 174.80 266.70 174.80 289.10 171.50 282.70 171.50 317.50 157.20 157.20 154.90 154.90 154.90 147.30 147.30

8” 263.70 257.30 233.40 279.40 233.40 308.10 225.60 304.80 225.60 320.80 222.30 358.90 215.90 352.60 215.90 387.40 215.90 215.90 205.70 205.70 196.90 196.90 196.90

10” 317.50 311.20 287.30 339.90 287.30 362.00 274.60 358.90 274.60 400.10 276.40 435.10 266.70 435.10 270.00 476.30 268.20 268.20 255.30 255.30 246.10 246.10 246.10

12” 374.70 368.30 339.90 409.70 339.90 422.40 327.20 419.10 327.20 457.20 323.90 498.60 323.90 520.70 317.50 549.40 317.50 317.50 307.30 307.30 292.10 292.10 292.10

14” 406.40 400.10 371.60 450.90 371.60 485.90 362.00 482.60 362.00 492.30 355.60 520.70 362.00 577.90 - - 349.30 349.30 342.90 342.90 320.80 320.80 -

16” 463.60 457.20 422.40 514.40 422.40 539.80 412.80 536.70 412.80 565.20 412.80 574.80 406.40 641.40 - - 400.10 400.10 389.90 389.90 374.70 368.30 -

18” 527.10 520.70 474.70 549.40 474.70 596.90 469.90 593.90 469.90 612.90 463.60 638.30 463.60 704.90 - - 449.30 449.30 438.20 438.20 425.50 425.50 -

20” 577.90 571.60 525.50 606.60 525.50 654.10 520.70 647.70 520.70 682.80 520.70 698.50 514.40 755.70 - - 500.10 500.10 489.00 489.00 482.60 476.30 -

24” 685.80 679.50 628.70 717.60 628.70 774.70 628.70 768.40 628.70 790.70 628.70 838.20 616.00 901.70 - - 603.30 603.30 590.60 590.60 590.60 577.90 -

1. The gasket inside diameter tolerance for NPS 1/2” through NPS 8” is ±0.4mm; for NPS 10” through 24”, ±0.8mm
2. The gasket outside diameter tolerance for NPS 1/2” through NPS 8” is ±0.8mm for NPS 10” through 24” +1.5mm, -0.8mm
3. There are no Class 400 flanges in NPS 1/2” through NPS 3” (use Class 600), Class 900 Flanges in NPS 1/2” through NPS 2-1/2” (uses Class 1500),
or Class 2500 flanges NPS 14” and larger
4. Inner rings are required for all PTFE filled gaskets and for Class 900 gaskets, NPS 24”; Class 1500 gaskets, NPS 12” through 24”; and Class 2500
gaskets, NPS 4” through NPS 12”
5. The centering ring outside diameter tolerance is ±0.8mm
6. For sizes NPS 1-1/4” through NPS 3”, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.8mm
7. Adapted from ASME B16.20 (current version), Table 9 and Table 12
- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - Spiral Wound Gaskets (Imperial)

Windings OD” Durlon® SWG Style By Pressure Class Durlon® SWG Style DRI By Pressure Class

Flange Class Class 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
Size 150,
(NPS) 300, 1500,

1/2” 1.25 1.25 0.75 1.88 0.75 2.13 - - 0.75 2.13 - - 0.75 2.50 0.75 2.75 0.56 0.56 - 0.56 - 0.56 0.56

3/4” 1.56 1.56 1.00 2.25 1.00 2.63 - - 1.00 2.63 - - 1.00 2.75 1.00 3.00 0.81 0.81 - 0.81 - 0.81 0.81

1” 1.88 1.88 1.25 2.63 1.25 2.88 - - 1.25 2.88 - - 1.25 3.13 1.25 3.38 1.06 1.06 - 1.06 - 1.06 1.06

1-1/4” 2.38 2.38 1.88 3.00 1.88 3.25 - - 1.88 3.25 - - 1.88 3.50 1.56 4.13 1.50 1.50 - 1.50 - 1.31 1.31

1-1/2” 2.75 2.75 2.13 3.38 2.13 3.75 - - 2.13 3.75 - - 2.13 3.88 1.88 4.63 1.75 1.75 - 1.75 - 1.63 1.63

2” 3.38 3.38 2.75 4.13 2.75 4.38 - - 2.75 4.38 - - 2.75 5.63 2.31 5.75 2.19 2.19 - 2.19 - 2.06 2.06

2-1/2” 3.88 3.88 3.25 4.88 3.25 5.13 - - 3.25 5.13 - - 3.25 6.50 2.75 6.63 2.62 2.62 - 2.62 - 2.50 2.50

3” 4.75 4.75 4.00 5.38 4.00 5.88 - - 4.00 5.88 3.75 6.63 4.00 6.88 3.63 7.75 3.19 3.19 - 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10

4” 5.88 5.88 5.00 6.88 5.00 7.13 4.75 7.00 5.00 7.13 4.75 8.13 5.00 8.25 4.63 9.25 4.19 4.19 4.04 4.04 4.04 3.85 3.85

5” 7.00 7.00 6.13 7.75 6.13 8.50 5.81 8.38 6.13 8.50 5.81 9.75 6.13 10.00 5.63 11.00 5.19 5.19 5.05 6.05 6.05 4.90 4.90

6” 8.25 8.25 7.19 8.75 7.19 9.88 6.88 9.75 7.19 9.88 6.88 11.38 7.19 11.13 6.75 12.50 6.19 6.19 6.10 6.10 6.10 5.80 5.80

8” 10.38 10.13 9.19 11.00 9.19 12.13 8.88 12.00 9.19 12.13 8.75 14.13 9.19 13.88 8.50 15.25 8.50 8.50 8.10 8.10 7.75 7.75 7.75

10” 12.50 12.25 11.31 13.38 11.31 14.25 10.81 14.13 11.31 14.25 10.88 17.13 11.31 17.13 10.63 18.75 10.56 10.56 10.05 10.05 9.69 9.69 9.69

12” 14.75 14.50 13.38 16.13 13.38 16.63 12.88 16.50 13.38 16.63 12.75 19.63 13.38 20.50 12.50 21.63 12.50 12.50 12.10 12.10 11.50 11.50 11.50

14” 16.00 15.75 14.63 17.75 14.63 19.13 14.25 19.00 14.63 19.13 14.00 20.50 14.63 22.75 - - 13.75 13.75 13.50 13.50 12.63 12.63 -

16” 18.25 18.00 16.63 20.25 16.63 21.25 16.25 21.13 16.63 21.25 16.25 22.63 16.63 25.25 - - 15.75 15.75 15.35 15.35 14.75 14.75 -

18” 20.75 20.50 18.69 21.63 18.69 23.50 18.50 23.38 18.69 23.50 18.25 25.13 18.69 27.27 - - 17.69 17.69 17.25 17.25 16.75 16.75 -

20” 22.75 22.50 20.69 23.88 20.69 25.75 20.50 25.50 20.69 25.75 20.50 27.50 20.69 29.75 - - 19.69 19.69 19.25 19.25 19.00 19.00 -

24” 27.00 26.75 24.75 28.25 24.75 30.50 24.75 30.25 24.75 30.50 24.75 33.00 24.75 35.50 - - 23.75 23.75 23.25 23.25 23.25 23.25 -

1. The gasket inside diameter tolerance for NPS 1/2” through NPS 8” is ±0.4mm; for NPS 10” through 24”, ±0.8mm
2. The gasket outside diameter tolerance for NPS 1/2” through NPS 8” is ±0.8mm for NPS 10” through 24” +1.5mm, -0.8mm
3. There are no Class 400 flanges in NPS 1/2” through NPS 3” (use Class 600), Class 900 Flanges in NPS 1/2” through NPS 2-1/2” (uses Class 1500), or
Class 2500 flanges NPS 14” and larger
4. Inner rings are required for all PTFE filled gaskets and for Class 900 gaskets, NPS 24”; Class 1500 gaskets, NPS 12” through 24”; and Class 2500
gaskets, NPS 4” through NPS 12”
5. The centering ring outside diameter tolerance is ±0.8mm
6. For sizes NPS 1-1/4” through NPS 3”, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.8mm
7. Adapted from ASME B16.20 (current version), Table 9 and Table 12
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Gasket Dimensions - Kammprofiles (Metric)
Serrated Metal Ring (mm) Centering Ring Outside Diameter
NPS DN ANSI, BS & MSS   Pressure Class
ID OD 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
1/2” 15 23.1 33.3 47.8 54.1 54.1 54.1 63.5 63.5 69.9
3/4” 20 28.7 39.6 57.2 66.8 66.8 66.8 69.9 69.9 76.2
1” 25 36.6 47.5 66.8 73.2 73.2 73.2 79.5 79.5 85.9
1-1/4” 32 44.5 60.2 76.2 82.6 82.6 82.6 88.9 88.9 104.9
1-1/2” 40 52.3 69.9 85.9 95.3 95.3 95.3 98.6 98.6 117.6
2” 50 69.9 88.9 104.9 111.1 111.3 111.3 143.0 143.0 146.1
2-1/2” 65 82.6 101.6 124.0 130.3 130.3 130.3 165.1 165.1 168.4
3” 80 98.3 123.7 136.7 149.4 149.4 149.4 168.4 174.8 196.9
3-1/2” 90 111.0 136.5 161.9 165.1 161.9 161.9 190.5 187.5 -
4” 100 123.7 153.9 174.8 181.0 177.8 193.8 206.5 209.6 235.0
5” 125 150.9 182.6 196.9 215.9 212.9 241.3 247.7 254.0 279.4
6” 150 177.8 212.6 222.3 251.0 247.7 266.7 289.1 282.7 317.5
8” 200 228.6 266.7 279.4 308.1 304.8 320.8 358.9 352.6 387.4
10” 250 282.7 320.8 339.9 362.0 358.9 400.1 435.1 435.1 476.3
12” 300 339.6 377.7 409.7 422.4 419.1 457.2 498.6 520.7 549.4
14” 350 371.6 409.7 450.9 485.9 482.6 492.3 520.7 577.9 -
16” 400 422.4 466.6 514.4 539.8 536.7 565.2 574.8 641.4 -
18” 450 479.3 530.1 549.4 596.9 593.9 612.9 638.3 704.9 -
20” 500 530.1 580.9 606.6 654.1 647.7 682.8 698.5 755.7 -
24” 600 631.7 682.5 717.6 774.7 768.4 790.7 838.2 901.7 -

Grooved Core (mm) Class 150 Grooved Core (mm) Class 300 Grooved Core (mm) Class 400
NPS DN ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering
26” 650 673.1 704.9 774.7 685.8 736.6 835.2 685.8 736.6 831.9
28” 700 723.9 755.7 831.9 736.6 787.4 898.7 736.6 787.4 892.3
30” 750 774.7 806.5 882.7 793.8 844.6 952.5 793.8 844.6 946.2
32” 800 825.5 860.6 939.8 850.9 901.7 1,006.6 850.9 901.7 1,003.3
34” 850 876.3 811.4 990.6 901.7 952.5 1,057.4 901.7 952.5 1,054.1
36” 900 927.1 968.5 1,047.8 955.8 1,006.6 1,117.6 955.8 1,006.6 1,117.6
38” 950 977.9 1,019.3 1,111.3 977.9 1,016.0 1,054.1 971.6 1,022.4 1,073.2
40” 1,000 1,028.7 1,070.1 1,162.1 1,022.4 1,070.1 1,114.6 1,025.7 1,076.5 1,127.3
42” 1,050 1,079.5 1,124.0 1,219.2 1,073.2 1,120.9 1,165.4 1,076.5 1,127.3 1,178.1
44” 1,100 1,130.3 1,178.1 1,276.4 1,130.3 1,181.1 1,219.2 1,130.3 1,181.1 1,231.9
46” 1,150 1,181.1 1,228.9 1,327.2 1,178.1 1,228.9 1,273.3 1,193.8 1,244.6 1,289.1
48” 1,200 1,231.9 1,279.7 1,384.3 1,235.2 1,286.0 1,324.1 1,244.6 1,295.4 1,346.2
50” 1,250 1,282.7 1,333.5 1,435.1 1,295.4 1,346.2 1,378.0 1,295.4 1,346.2 1,403.4
52” 1,300 1,333.5 1,384.3 1,492.3 1,346.2 1,397.0 1,428.8 1,346.2 1,397.0 1,454.2
54” 1,350 1,384.3 1,435.1 1,549.4 1,403.4 1,454.2 1,492.3 1403.4 1,454.2 1,517.7
56” 1,400 1,435.1 1,485.9 1,606.6 1,454.2 1,505.0 1,543.1 1,454.2 1,505.0 1,568.5
58” 1,450 1,485.9 1,536.7 1,663.7 1,511.3 1,562.1 1,593.9 1,505.0 1,555.8 1,619.3
60” 1,500 1,536.7 1,587.5 1,714.5 1,562.1 1,612.9 1,664.7 1,568.5 1,619.3 1,682.8
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Gasket Dimensions - Kammprofiles (Metric, Imperial)
Grooved Core (mm) Class 600 Grooved Core (mm) Class 900
NPS DN ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering
26” 650 685.8 736.6 866.9 685.8 736.6 882.7
28” 700 736.6 787.4 914.4 736.6 787.4 946.2
30” 750 793.8 844.6 971.6 793.8 844.6 1,009.7
32” 800 850.9 901.7 1,022.4 850.9 901.7 1,073.2
34” 850 901.7 952.5 1,073.2 901.7 952.5 1,136.7
36” 900 955.8 1,006.6 1,130.3 958.9 1,009.7 1,200.2
38” 950 990.6 1,041.4 1,104.9 1,035.1 1,085.9 1,200.2
40” 1,000 1,047.8 1,098.6 1,155.7 1,098.6 1,149.4 1,251.0
42” 1,050 1,104.9 1,155.7 1,219.2 1,149.4 1,202.2 1,301.8
44” 1,100 1,162.1 1,212.9 1,270.0 1,206.5 1,257.3 1,368.6
46” 1,150 1,212.9 1,263.7 1,327.2 1,270.0 1,320.8 1,435.1
48” 1,200 1,270.0 1,320.8 1,390.7 1,320.8 1,371.6 1,485.9
50” 1,250 1,320.8 1,371.6 1,447.8 - - -
52” 1,300 1,371.6 1,422.4 1,498.6 - - -
54” 1,350 1,428.8 1,479.6 1,555.8 - - -
56” 1,400 1,479.6 1,530.4 1,612.9 - - -
58” 1,450 1,536.7 1,587.5 1,663.7 - - -
60” 1,500 1,593.9 1,644.7 1,733.6 - - -

Serrated Metal Ring (mm) Centering Ring Outside Diameter

NPS ANSI, BS & MSS   Pressure Class
ID OD 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
1/2” 0.91 1.31 1.88 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.50 2.50 2.75
3/4” 1.13 1.56 2.25 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.75 2.75 3.00
1” 1.44 1.87 2.63 2.88 2.88 2.88 3.13 3.13 3.38
1-1/4” 1.75 2.37 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.50 4.13
1-1/2” 2.06 2.75 3.38 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.88 3.88 4.63
2” 2.75 3.50 4.13 4.38 4.38 4.38 5.63 5.63 5.75
2-1/2” 3.25 4.00 4.88 5.13 5.13 5.13 6.50 6.50 6.63
3” 3.87 4.87 5.38 5.88 5.88 5.88 6.63 6.88 7.75
3-1/2” 4.37 5.37 6.37 6.50 6.37 6.37 7.50 7.38 -
4” 4.87 6.06 6.88 7.13 7.00 7.63 8.13 8.25 9.25
5” 5.94 7.19 7.75 8.50 8.38 9.50 9.75 10.00 11.00
6” 7.00 8.37 8.75 9.88 9.75 10.50 11.38 11.13 12.50
8” 9.00 10.50 11.00 12.13 12.00 12.63 14.13 13.88 15.25
10” 11.13 12.63 13.38 14.25 14.13 15.75 17.13 17.13 18.75
12” 13.37 14.87 16.13 16.63 16.5 18.00 19.63 20.50 21.63
14” 14.63 16.13 17.75 19.13 19.00 19.38 20.50 22.75 -
16” 16.63 18.37 20.25 21.25 21.13 22.25 22.63 25.25 -
18” 18.87 20.87 21.63 23.50 23.38 24.13 25.13 27.75 -
20” 20.87 22.87 23.88 25.75 25.50 26.88 27.50 29.75 -
66 24” 24.87 26.87 28.25 30.50 30.25 31.13 33.00 35.50 -

- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -

Gasket Dimensions - Kammprofiles (Imperial)
Grooved Core (in.) Class 150 Grooved Core (in.) Class 300 Grooved Core (in.) Class 400
NPS DN ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering
26” 650 26.50 27.75 30.50 27.00 29.00 32.88 27.00 29.00 32.75
28” 700 28.50 29.75 32.75 29.00 31.00 35.38 29.00 31.00 35.13
30” 750 30.50 31.75 34.75 31.25 33.25 37.50 31.25 33.25 37.25
32” 800 32.50 33.88 37.00 33.50 35.50 39.63 33.50 35.50 39.50
34” 850 34.50 31.94 39.00 35.50 37.50 41.63 35.50 37.50 41.50
36” 900 36.50 38.13 41.25 37.63 39.63 44.00 37.63 39.63 44.00
38” 950 38.50 40.13 43.75 38.50 40.00 41.50 38.25 40.25 42.25
40” 1,000 40.50 42.13 45.75 40.25 42.13 43.88 40.38 42.38 44.38
42” 1,050 42.50 44.25 48.00 42.25 44.13 45.88 42.38 44.38 46.38
44” 1,100 44.50 46.38 50.25 44.50 46.50 48.00 44.50 46.50 48.50
46” 1,150 46.50 48.38 52.25 46.38 48.38 50.13 47.00 49.00 50.75
48” 1,200 48.50 50.38 54.50 48.63 50.63 52.13 49.00 51.00 53.00
50” 1,250 50.50 52.50 56.50 51.00 53.00 54.25 51.00 53.00 55.25
52” 1,300 52.50 54.50 58.75 53.00 55.00 56.25 53.00 55.00 57.25
54” 1,350 54.50 56.50 61.00 55.25 57.25 58.75 55.25 57.25 59.75
56” 1,400 56.50 58.50 63.25 57.25 59.25 60.75 57.25 59.25 61.75
58” 1,450 58.50 60.50 65.50 59.50 61.50 62.75 59.25 61.25 63.75
60” 1,500 60.50 62.50 67.50 61.50 63.50 65.54 61.75 63.75 66.25

Adapted from ASME B16.20 (current

Grooved Core (in.) Class 600 Grooved Core (in.) Class 900 version), Table 26
NPS DN ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering ANSI, BS & MSS   Centering
ID OD Ring OD ID OD Ring OD Notes:

26” 650 27.00 29.00 34.13 27.00 29.00 34.75 1) The gasket inside diameter tolerance is ±
28” 700 29.00 31.00 36.00 29.00 31.00 37.25 0.08 mm

30” 750 31.25 33.25 38.25 31.25 33.25 39.75 2) The gasket outside diameter tolerance is
32” 800 33.50 35.50 40.25 33.50 35.50 42.25 ± 0.08 mm
34” 850 35.50 37.50 42.25 35.50 37.50 44.75 3) The centering ring outside diameter (d3)
36” 900 37.63 39.63 44.50 37.75 39.75 47.25 tolerance is ± 0.08 mm
38” 950 39.00 41.00 43.50 40.75 42.75 47.25 4) There are no Class 400 flanges in NPS 1/2”
40” 1,000 41.25 43.25 45.50 43.25 45.25 49.25 through NPS 3”. (Use Class 600)
42” 1,050 43.50 45.50 48.00 45.25 47.33 51.25 5) There are no Class 900 flanges in NPS 1/2”
44” 1,100 45.75 47.75 50.00 47.50 49.50 53.88 through NPS 2 1/2” (Use Class 1500)
46” 1,150 47.75 49.75 52.25 50.00 52.00 56.50
6) There are no Class 2500 flanges NPS 14”
48” 1,200 50.00 52.00 54.75 52.00 54.00 58.50 and larger
50” 1,250 52.00 54.00 57.00 - - -
52” 1,300 54.00 56.00 59.00 - - -
54” 1,350 56.25 58.25 61.25 - - -
56” 1,400 58.25 60.25 63.50 - - -
58” 1,450 60.50 62.50 65.50 - - -
60” 1,500 62.75 64.75 68.25 - - -

68 67
- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - RTJ, Type R (Metric)
13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ


150 300/600 900 1500 2500 2000/3000 5000 OVAL OCTAGONAL


R11 - 1/2 - - - - - 34.13 6.35 11.10 9.50 0.11 0.10

R12 - - 1/2 1/2 - - - 39.69 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.21 0.20

R13 - 3/4 - - 1/2 - - 42.86 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.23 0.21

R14 - - 3/4 3/4 - - - 44.45 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.24 0.22

R15 1 - - - - - - 47.63 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.26 0.24

R16 - 1 1 1 3/4 - - 50.80 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.28 0.26

R17 1-1/4 - - - - - 57.15 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.31 0.33

R18 - 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1 - - 60.33 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.33 0.30

R19 1-1/2 - - - - - - 65.09 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.35 0.33

R20* - 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 - - - 68.28 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.37 0.34

R21 - - - - 1-1/4 - - 72.23 11.11 17.50 15.90 0.66 0.64

R22 2 - - - - - - 82.55 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.45 0.42

R23* - 2 - - 1-1/2 2.06 - 82.55 11.11 17.50 15.90 0.76 0.73

R24* - - 2 2 - 2.06 2 95.25 11.11 17.50 15.90 0.87 0.85

R25 2-1/2 - - - - - - 101.60 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.55 0.51

R26* - 2-1/2 - - 2 2.56 - 101.60 11.11 17.50 15.90 0.93 0.90

R27* - - 2-1/2 2-1/2 - (2.56) 2.56 107.95 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.05 0.96

R28 - - - - - 2-1/2 - 111.13 12.70 19.10 17.50 1.26 1.23

R29 3 - - - - - - 114.30 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.62 0.58

R30† - 3 - - - - - 117.48 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.08 1.05

R31* - 3 3 - - 3.13 - 123.83 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.13 1.10

R32 - - - - 3 - - 127.00 12.70 19.10 17.50 1.43 1.41

R33 3-1/2 - - - - - - 131.76 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.71 0.66

R34 - 3-1/2 - - - - - 131.76 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.20 1.17

R35* - - - 3 - - 3.13 136.53 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.25 1.21

R36 4 - - - - - - 149.23 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.81 0.74

R37* - 4 4 - - 4.06 - 149.23 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.36 1.33

R38 - - - - 4 - - 157.16 15.88 22.40 20.60 2.56 2.52

R39* - - - 4 - - 4.06 161.93 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.48 1.44

R40 5 - - - - - - 171.45 7.95 14.30 12.70 0.94 0.87

R41* - 5 5 - - - - 180.98 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.66 1.61

R42 - - - - 5 - - 190.50 19.05 25.40 23.90 4.21 4.16

R43 6 - - - - - - 193.68 7.95 14.30 12.70 1.06 0.98

R44* - - - 5 - - - 193.68 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.77 1.73

R45* - 6 6 - - 7.06 - 211.14 11.11 17.50 15.90 1.93 1.88

R46* - - - 6 - - 7.06 211.14 12.70 19.10 17.50 2.39 2.33

R47* - - - - 6 - - 228.60 19.05 25.40 23.90 5.06 4.99

R48 8 - - - - - - 247.65 7.95 14.30 12.70 1.35 1.24

R49* - 8 8 - - 9 - 269.88 11.11 17.50 15.90 2.47 2.40

R50* - - - 8 - - 9 269.88 15.88 22.40 20.60 4.40 4.32

R51 - - - - 8 - - 279.40 22.23 28.60 27.00 8.05 8.17

R52 10 - - - - - - 304.80 7.95 14.30 12.70 1.66 1.53

R53* - 10 10 - - 11 - 323.85 11.11 17.50 15.90 3.00 2.88

R54* - - - 10 - - 11 323.85 15.88 22.40 20.60 5.29 5.18

R55 - - - - 10 - - 342.90 28.58 36.50 34.90 16.23 17.04

R56 12 - - - - - - 381.00 7.95 14.30 12.70 2.07 1.92

R57* - 12 12 - - 13.63 - 381.00 11.11 17.50 15.90 3.48 3.38

68 R58 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Gasket Dimensions - RTJ, Type R (Metric)
13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ

150 300/600 900 1500 2500 2000/3000 5000 OVAL OCTAGONAL


R59 14 - - - - - - 396.88 7.95 14.30 12.70 2.16 2.00

R60 - - - - 12 - - 406.40 31.75 39.70 38.10 23.10 23.50

R61 - 14 - - - - - 419.10 11.11 17.50 15.90 3.83 3.70

R62 - - 14 - - - - 419.10 15.88 22.20 20.60 6.84 6.70

R63* - - - 14 - - - 419.10 25.4 33.30 31.80 16.20 16.70

R64 16 - - - - - - 454.03 7.95 14.30 12.70 2.47 2.30

R65* - 16 - - - 16.8 - 469.90 11.11 17.50 15.90 4.30 4.20

R66* - - 16 - - (16.0) - 469.90 15.88 22.20 20.60 7.67 7.50

R67 - - - 16 - - - 469.90 28.58 36.50 34.90 22.30 23.40

R68 18 - - - - - - 517.53 7.95 14.30 12.70 2.82 2.60

R69* - 18 - - - - - 533.40 11.11 17.50 15.90 4.87 4.70

R70* - - 18 - - (18) - 533.40 19.05 25.40 23.90 11.80 11.60

R71 - - - 18 - - - 533.40 28.58 36.50 34.90 25.20 26.50

R72 20 - - - - - - 558.80 7.95 14.30 12.70 3.04 2.80

R73* - 20 - - - 21.25** - 584.20 12.70 19.10 17.50 6.60 6.50

R74* - - 20 - - (20.8) - 584.20 19.05 25.40 23.90 12.95 12.80

R75 - - - 20 - - - 584.20 31.75 39.70 38.10 33.30 35.30

R76 24 - - - - - - 673.10 7.95 14.30 12.70 3.66 3.40

R77 - 24 - - - - - 692.15 15.88 22.40 20.60 11.30 11.10

R78 - - 24 - - - - 692.15 25.40 33.30 31.80 27.10 27.60

R79 - - - 24 - - - 692.15 34.93 44.50 41.30 48.70 49.80

R80 22 - - - - - - 615.95 7.95 - 12.70 - 1.41

R81 - 22 - - - - - 635.00 14.29 - 19.10 - 3.88

R83* - - - - - - - 57.14 11.11 - 15.90 - 0.23

R84* - - - - - - - 63.50 11.11 - 15.90 - 0.25

R85* - - - - - - - 79.38 12.70 - 17.50 - 0.44

R86* - - - - - - - 90.50 15.88 - 20.60 - 0.66

R87* - - - - - - - 100.03 15.88 - 20.60 - 0.72

R88* - - - - - - - 122.83 19.05 - 23.90 - 1.24

R89* - - - - - - - 114.30 19.05 - 23.90 - 1.15

R90* - - - - - - - 155.58 22.23 - 26.90 - 2.06

R91* - - - - - - - 260.25 31.75 - 38.10 - 6.83

R92 - - - - - - - 228.60 11.11 17.50 15.90 0.94 0.91

R93 - 26 - - - - - 749.30 19.05 - 23.90 - 7.41

R94 - 28 - - - - - 800.10 19.05 - 23.90 - 7.91

R95 - 30 - - - - - 857.25 19.05 - 23.90 - 8.48

R96 - 32 - - - - - 914.40 22.23 - 27.00 - 12.09

R97 - 34 - - - - - 965.20 22.23 - 27.00 - 12.76

R98 - 36 - - - - - 1022.35 22.23 - 27.00 - 13.51

R99* - - - - - - - 234.95 11.11 - 15.90 - 0.94

R100 - - 26 - - - - 749.30 28.58 - 34.90 - -

R101 - - 28 - - - - 800.10 31.75 - 38.10 - -

R102 - - 30 - - - - 857.25 31.75 - 38.10 - -

R103 - - 32 - - - - 914.40 31.75 - 38.10 - -

R104 - - 34 - - - - 965.20 34.93 - 41.30 - -
R105 - - 36 - - - - 1022.35 34.93 - 41.30 - -

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Gasket Dimensions - RTJ, Type R (Imperial)
13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ
150 300/600 900 1500 2500 2000/3000 5000 OVAL OCTAGONAL
R11 - 1/2 - - - - - 1.34 0.25 0.44 0.37 0.25 0.23

R12 - - 1/2 1/2 - - - 1.56 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.48 0.44

R13 - 3/4 - - 1/2 - - 1.69 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.52 0.48

R14 - - 3/4 3/4 - - - 1.75 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.53 0.49

R15 1 - - - - - - 1.88 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.57 0.53

R16 - 1 1 1 3/4 - - 2.00 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.61 0.56

R17 1-1/4 - - - - - 2.25 0.31 0.56 0.50 .69 0.72

R18 - 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1 - - 2.38 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.72 0.67

R19 1-1/2 - - - - - - 2.56 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.78 0.72

R20* - 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 - - - 2.69 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.82 0.76

R21 - - - - 1-1/4 - - 2.84 0.44 0.69 0.63 1.45 1.42

R22 2 - - - - - - 3.25 0.31 0.56 0.50 0.99 0.91

R23* - 2 - - 1-1/2 2.06 - 3.25 0.44 0.69 0.63 1.66 1.62

R24* - - 2 2 - 2.06 2 3.75 0.44 0.69 0.63 1.92 1.86

R25 2-1/2 - - - - - - 4.00 0.31 0.56 0.50 1.22 1.12

R26* - 2-1/2 - - 2 2.56 - 4.00 0.44 0.69 0.63 2.05 1.99

R27* - - 2-1/2 2-1/2 - (2.56) 2.56 4.25 0.44 0.69 0.63 2.31 2.12

R28 - - - - 2-1/2 - - 4.38 0.50 0.75 0.69 2.77 2.71

R29 3 - - - - - - 4.50 0.31 0.56 0.50 1.37 1.27

R30† - 3 - - - - - 4.63 0.44 0.69 0.63 2.37 2.31

R31* - 3 3 - - 3.13 - 4.89 0.44 0.69 0.63 2.49 2.43

R32 - - - - 3 - - 5.00 0.50 0.75 0.69 3.16 3.10

R33 3-1/2 - - - - - - 5.19 0.31 0.56 0.50 1.58 1.46

R34 - 3-1/2 - - - - - 5.19 0.44 0.69 0.63 2.65 2.58

R35* - - - 3 - - 3.13 5.38 0.44 0.69 0.63 2.76 2.67

R36 4 - - - - - - 5.88 0.31 0.56 0.50 1.79 1.63

R37* - 4 4 - - 4.06 - 5.88 0.44 0.69 0.63 3.00 2.93

R38 - - - - 4 - - 6.19 0.63 0.88 0.81 5.64 3.56

R39* - - - 4 - - 4.06 6.38 0.44 0.69 0.63 3.26 3.17

R40 5 - - - - - - 6.75 0.31 0.56 0.50 2.07 1.91

R41* - 5 5 - - - - 7.13 0.44 0.69 0.63 .66 3.55

R42 - - - - 5 - - 7.50 0.75 1.0 0.94 9.28 9.17

R43 6 - - - - - - 7.63 0.31 0.56 0.50 2.33 2.15

R44* - - - 5 - - - 7.63 0.44 0.69 0.63 3.90 3.81

R45* - 6 6 - - 7.06 - 8.31 0.44 0.69 0.96 4.25 4.15

R46* - - - 6 - - 7.06 8.31 0.50 0.75 0.69 5.27 5.14

R47* - - - - 6 - - 9.0 0.75 1.0 0.94 11.16 11.00

R48 8 - - - - - - 9.65 0.31 0.56 0.50 2.98 2.73

R49* - 8 8 - - 9 - 10.63 0.44 0.69 0.63 5.45 5.29

R50* - - - 8 - - 9 10.63 0.63 0.88 0.81 9.70 9.52

R51 - - - - 8 - - 11.0 0.88 1.13 1.06 17.75 18.01

R52 10 - - - - - - 12.0 0.31 0.56 0.50 3.66 3.37

R53* - 10 10 - - 11 - 12.75 0.44 0.69 0.63 6.61 6.35

R54* - - - 10 - - 11 12.75 0.63 0.88 0.81 11.66 11.42

R55 - - - - 10 - - 13.5 1.13 1.44 1.37 35.78 15.52

R56 12 - - - - - - 15.0 0.31 0.56 0.50 4.56 4.23

R57* - 12 12 - - 13.63 - 15.0 0.44 0.69 0.63 7.67 7.45

R58 - - - 12 - - - - - - - - -

70 R59 14 - - - - - - 15.63 0.31 0.56 0.50 4.76 4.41

R60 - - - - 12 - - 16.00 1.25 1.56 1.50 50.93 51.81

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -

Gasket Dimensions - RTJ, Type R (Imperial)
13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ
150 300/600 900 1500 2500 2000/3000 5000
R61 - 14 - - - - - 16.50 0.44 0.69 0.63 8.44 8.16

R62 - - 14 - - - - 16.50 0.63 0.87 0.81 15.08 14.77

R63* - - - 14 - - - 16.50 1.00 1.31 1.25 35.71 36.82

R64 16 - - - - - - 17.88 0.31 0.56 0.50 5.45 5.07

R65* - 16 - - - 16.8 - 18.50 0.44 0.69 0.63 9.48 9.26

R66* - - 16 - - (16.0) - 18.50 0.63 0.87 0.81 16.91 16.53

R67 - - - 16 - - - 18.50 1.13 1.44 1.37 49.16 51.59

R68 18 - - - - - - 20.38 0.31 0.56 0.50 6.22 5.73

R69* - 18 - - - - - 21.00 0.44 0.69 0.63 10.74 10.36

R70* - - 18 - - (18) - 21.00 0.75 1.00 0.94 26.01 25.37

R71 - - - 18 - - - 21.00 1.13 1.44 1.37 55.56 58.42

R72 20 - - - - - - 22.00 0.31 0.56 0.50 6.70 6.17

R73* - 20 - - - 21.25** - 23.00 0.50 0.75 0.69 14.55 14.33

R74* - - 20 - - (20.8) - 23.00 0.75 1.00 0.94 28.55 28.22

R75 - - - 20 - - - 23.00 1.25 1.56 1.50 73.41 77.82

R76 24 - - - - - - 26.50 0.31 0.56 0.50 8.08 7.50

R77 - 24 - - - - - 27.25 0.63 0.88 0.81 24.91 24.47

R78 - - 24 - - - - 27.25 1.00 1.31 1.50 59.75 60.85

R79 - - - 24 - - - 27.25 1.38 1.75 1.63 107.37 109.79

R80 22 - - - - - - 24.25 0.31 - 0.50 - 3.11

R81 - 22 - - - - - 25.00 0.56 - 0.75 - 8.55

R83* - - - - - - - 2.25 0.44 - 0.63 - 0.51

R84* - - - - - - - 2.50 0.44 - 0.63 - 0.55

R85* - - - - - - - 3.13 0.50 - 0.69 - 0.97

R86* - - - - - - - 3.56 0.63 - 0.81 - 1.46

R87* - - - - - - - 3.93 0.63 - 0.81 - 1.59

R88* - - - - - - - 4.84 0.75 - 0.94 - 2.73

R89* - - - - - - - 4.50 0.75 - 0.94 - 2.54

R90* - - - - - - - 6.13 0.88 - 1.06 - 4.54

R91* - - - - - - - 10.25 1.25 - 1.50 - 15.06

R92 - - - - - - - 9.00 0.44 0.69 0.63 2.07 2.01

R93 - 26 - - - - - 29.50 0.75 - 0.94 - 16.34

R94 - 28 - - - - - 31.50 0.75 - 0.94 - 17.44

R95 - 30 - - - - - 33.75 0.75 - 0.94 - 18.70

R96 - 32 - - - - - 36.00 0.88 - 1.06 - 26.65

R97 - 34 - - - - - 38.00 0.88 - 1.06 - 28.13

R98 - 36 - - - - - 40.25 0.88 - 1.06 - 29.78

R99* - - - - - - - 9.25 0.44 - 0.63 - 2.07

R100 - - 26 - - - - 29.50 1.13 - 1.37 - -

R101 - - 28 - - - - 31.50 1.25 - 1.50 - -

R102 - - 30 - - - - 33.75 1.25 - 1.50 - -

R103 - - 32 - - - - 36.00 1.25 - 1.50 - -

R104 - - 34 - - - - 38.00 1.38 - 1.63 - -

R105 - - 36 - - - - 40.25 1.38 - 1.63 - -

* Denotes ring number specified in API 6A

Nominal Pipe Sized marked ** applies to class rating 2000 only
Nominal Pipe Sizes in brackets apply to class rating 3000 only 71
± Ring no. R30 is suitable for lapping flanges only
Adapted from ASME B16.20-2012 Tables 3 and 4
- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - RTJ, Type RX (Metric)
13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ
PITCH 0654*%&
2000 3000 5000


RX20 - - - 68.26 76.20 8.73 19.05 0.24

RX20† - - 2-1/16 68.26 76.20 8.73 19.05 0.24

RX23 2-1/6 - - 82.55 93.27 11.91 25.40 0.52

RX24 - 2 -1/16 2-1/16 95.25 105.97 11.91 25.40 0.60

RX25† - - 3-1/8 101.6 109.54 8.73 19.05 0.64

RX26 2- 9/16 - - 101.6 111.92 11.91 25.40 0.68

RX27 - 2-4/7 2-4/7 107.95 118.27 11.91 25.40 0.78

RX31 3-1/8 3-1/8 - 123.83 134.54 11.91 25.40 0.87

RX35 - - 3-1/8 136.53 147.24 11.91 25.40 0.95

RX37 4-1/16 4 -1/ 16 - 149.23 159.94 11.91 25.40 1.03

RX39 - - 4-1/16 161.93 172.64 11.91 25.40 1.15

RX41 - - - 180.98 191.69 11.91 25.40 1.23

RX44 - - - 193.68 204.39 11.91 25.40 1.34

RX45 7-1/16 7-1/16 - 211.14 211.93 11.94 25.40 1.66

RX46 - - 7-1/16 211.14 222.25 13.49 28.58 3.88

RX47 - - - 228.6 245.27 19.84 41.28 1.72

RX49 9 9 - 269.88 280.59 11.91 25.40 2.43

RX50 - - 9 269.88 283.37 16.67 31.75 2.07

RX 51 - - - - - - - -

RX 52 - - - - - - - -

RX53 11 11 - 323.85 334.57 11.91 25.40 6.45

RX54 - - 11 323.85 337.34 16.67 31.75 5.36

RX57 13-5/8 13-5/8 - 381.00 391.72 11.91 25.40 26.4

RX63 - - - 419.10 441.72 26.99 50.80 6.63

RX65 16 -3/4 - - 469.90 480.62 11.91 25.40 9.39

RX66 - 16-3/4 - 469.90 483.39 16.67 31.75 7.52

RX69 - - - 533.40 544.12 11.91 25.40 20.14

RX70 - - - 533.40 550.07 19.84 41.28 11.63

RX73 21-1/4 - - 584.20 596.11 13.49 31.75 22.10

RX74 - 20-3/4 - 584.20 600.87 19.84 41.28 0.79

RX82 - - - 57.15 67.87 11.91 25.40 0.88

RX84 - - - 63.50 74.22 11.91 25.40 0.88

RX85 - - - 79.38 90.09 13.49 25.40 1.79

RX86 - - - 90.49 103.58 15.08 28.58 1.98

RX87 - - - 100.01 113.11 15.08 28.58 3.22

RX88 - - - 123.83 139.3 17.46 31.75 2.98

RX89 - - - 114.30 129.78 18.26 31.75 6.82

RX90 - - - 155.58 174.63 19.84 44.45 17.10

RX91 - - - 260.35 286.94 30.16 45.24 3.31

*RX99 - - - 234.95 245.67 11.91 25.40 -

RX201† - - 1 -3/8 46.04 46.04 5.74 11.30 -

*RX205† - - 1-13/16 57.15 62.31 5.56 11.10 -

*RX210† - - 2-4/7 88.90 97.63 9.53 19.05 -

*RX215 - - 4 130.18 140.89 11.91 25.40 -

*RX215† - - 4-1/16 x 4-1/4 130.18 140.89 11.91 25.40 -

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - RTJ, Type RX (Imperial)

13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ
  PITCH 0654*%&
2000 3000 5000


RX20 - - - 2.69 3.00 0.34 0.75 0.53

RX20† - - 2-1/16 2.69 3.00 0.34 0.75 0.53

RX23 2 -1/6 - - 3.25 3.67 0.47 1.00 1.15

RX24 - 2 -1/16 2-1/16 3.75 4.17 0.47 1.00 1.32

RX25† - - 3 -1/8 4.00 4.31 0.34 0.75 1.41

RX26 2-9/16 - - 4.00 4.40 0.47 1.00 1.5

RX27 - 2-4/7 2-4/7 4.25 4.66 0.47 1.00 1.72

RX31 3-1/8 3-1/8 - 4.88 5.30 0.47 1.00 1.92

RX35 - - 3-1/8 5.38 5.80 0.47 1.00 2.09

RX37 4 -1/16 4 -1/ 16 - 5.88 6.30 0.47 1.00 2.27

RX39 - - 4-1/16 6.38 6.80 0.47 1.00 2.54

RX41 - - - 7.13 7.55 0.47 1.00 2.71

RX44 - - - 7.63 8.05 0.47 1.00 2.95

RX45 7-1/16 7-1/16 - 8.31 8.34 0.47 1.00 3.66

RX46 - - 7-1/16 8.31 8.75 0.53 1.13 8.55

RX47 - - - 9.00 9.66 0.78 1.63 3.79

RX49 9 9 - 10.63 11.05 0.47 1.00 5.36

RX50 - - 9 10.63 11.16 0.66 1.25 4.56

RX 51 - - - - - - - -

RX 52 - - - - - - - -

RX53 11 11 - 12.75 13.17 0.47 1.00 14.22

RX54 - - 11 12.75 13.28 0.66 1.25 11.82

RX57 13-5/8 13 -5/8 - 15.00 15.42 0.47 1.00 58.2

RX63 - - - 16.50 17.40 1.06 2.00 14.62

RX65 16-3/4 - - 18.50 18.92 0.47 1.00 20.7

RX66 - 16 -3/4 - 18.50 19.03 0.66 1.25 16.58

RX69 - - - 21.00 21.42 0.47 1.00 44.4

RX70 - - - 21.00 21.66 0.78 1.63 25.64

RX73 21-1/4 - - 23.00 23.47 0.53 1.25 48.72

RX74 - 20-3/4 - 23.00 23.66 0.78 1.63 1.74

RX82 - - - 2.25 2.67 0.47 1.00 1.94

RX84 - - - 2.50 2.92 0.47 1.00 1.94

RX85 - - - 3.13 3.55 0.53 1.00 3.95

RX86 - - - 3.56 4.08 0.59 1.13 4.37

RX87 - - - 3.94 4.45 0.59 1.13 7.1

RX88 - - - 4.88 5.48 0.69 1.25 6.57

RX89 - - - 4.50 5.11 0.72 1.25 15.04

RX90 - - - 6.13 6.88 0.78 1.75 37.7

RX91 - - - 10.25 11.30 1.19 1.78 7.3

*RX99 - - - 9.25 9.67 0.47 1.00 -

RX201† - - 1 -3/8 1.81 1.81 0.23 0.44 -

*RX205† - - 1-13/16 2.25 2.45 0.22 0.44 -

*RX210† - - 2-4/7 3.50 3.84 0.38 0.75 -

*RX215 - - 4 5.13 5.55 0.47 1.00 -

*RX215† - - 4 - 1/16 x 4 -1/4 5.13 5.55 0.47 1.00 -

* API allows more liberal tolerances on RX 201-215

± Denotes API RTJ gaskets for segmented flanges for dual completions to API Standard 6A
Adapted from ASME B16.20-2012 Tables 3 and 4
- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
Gasket Dimensions - RTJ, Type BX (Metric, Imperial)
13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ
5000 10000 15000 20000
BX150 - - - - 72.19 9.30 9.30 1.59 0.30

BX151 - 1.81 1.81 1.81 76.40 9.63 9.63 1.59 0.34

BX152 - 2.06 2.06 2.06 84.68 10.24 10.24 1.59 0.43

BX153 - 2.56 2.56 2.56 100.94 11.38 11.38 1.59 0.63

BX154 - 3.06 3.06 3.06 116.84 12.40 12.40 1.59 0.88

BX155 - 4.06 4.06 4.06 147.96 14.22 14.22 1.59 1.22

BX156 - 7.06 7.06 7.06 237.92 18.62 18.62 3.18 4.14

BX157 - 9 9 9 294.46 20.98 20.98 3.18 6.55

BX158 - 11 11 11 352.04 23.14 23.14 3.18 9.60

BX159 - 13.63 13.63 13.63 426.72 25.70 25.70 3.18 14.41

BX160 13.63 - - - 402.59 23.83 13.74 3.18 6.75

BX161 16-3/4 - - - 491.41 28.07 16.21 3.18 -

BX162 16-3/4 16-3/4 16-3/4 - 475.49 14.22 14.22 1.59 -

BX163 18-3/4 - - - 556.16 30.10 17.37 3.18 -

BX164 - 18-3/4 18-3/4 - 570.56 30.10 24.59 3.18 -

BX165 21-1/4 - - - 624.71 32.03 18.49 3.18 -

BX166 - 21-1/4 - - 640.03 32.03 26.14 3.18 -

BX167* - - - - 759.36 35.87 13.11 1.59 -

BX168† - - - - 765.25 35.87 16.05 1.59 -

BX169** - - - - 173.51 15.85 12.93 1.59 -

BX170 - - - - 218.03 14.22 14.22 1.59 -

BX171 - - - - 267.44 14.22 14.22 1.59 -

BX172 - - - - 33.07 14.22 14.22 1.59 -

BX303†† - - - - 852.75 37.95 16.97 1.59 -

13&4463&$-"443"5*/( QTJ
5000 10000 15000 20000
BX150 - - - - 2.84 0.37 0.37 0.06 0.66

BX151 - 1.81 1.81 1.81 3.01 0.38 0.38 0.06 0.75

BX152 - 2.06 2.06 2.06 3.33 0.40 0.40 0.06 0.95

BX153 - 2.56 2.56 2.56 3.97 0.45 0.45 0.06 1.39

BX154 - 3.06 3.06 3.06 4.60 0.49 0.49 0.06 1.94

BX155 - 4.06 4.06 4.06 5.83 0.56 0.56 0.06 2.69

BX156 - 7.06 7.06 7.06 9.37 0.73 0.73 0.13 9.13

BX157 - 9 9 9 11.60 0.83 0.83 0.13 14.44

BX158 - 11 11 11 13.86 0.91 0.91 0.13 21.16

BX159 - 13.63 13.63 13.63 16.80 1.01 1.01 0.13 31.77

BX160 13.63 - - - 15.85 0.94 0.54 0.13 14.88

BX161 16-3/4 - - - 19.35 1.11 0.64 0.13 -

BX162 16-3/4 16-3/4 16-3/4 - 18.72 0.56 0.56 0.06 -

BX163 18-3/4 - - - 21.90 1.19 0.68 0.13 -

BX164 - 18-3/4 18-3/4 - 22.46 1.19 0.97 0.13 -

BX165 21 -1/4 - - - 24.59 1.26 0.73 0.13 -

BX166 - 21-1/4 - - 25.20 1.26 1.03 0.13 -

BX167* - - - - 29.90 1.41 0.52 0.06 -

BX168† - - - - 30.13 1.41 0.63 0.06 -

BX169** - - - - 6.83 0.62 0.51 0.06 -

BX170 - - - - 8.58 0.56 0.56 0.06 -

BX171 - - - - 10.53 1.56 0.56 0.06 -

BX172 - - - - 1.30 0.56 0.56 0.06 -

BX303†† - - - - 33.57 1.49 0.67 0.06 -

*BX167 is suitable for 23-3/4” Nominal Pipe Size 2,000 psi rating

** BX169 is suitable for 5-3/4” Nominal Pipe Size 10,000 psi rating
±BX168 is suitable for 26-3/4” Nominal Pipe Size 3,000 psi rating
±±BX303 is suitable for 30” Nominal Pipe Size 2,000 and 3,000 psi rating

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -


Length Pressure Area

1cm = 0.3937 in. 1MPa = 145.035 psi 1cm2 = 0.155 in.2
1mm = 0.0394 in. 1N/mm2 = 1 MPa 1m2 = 1,550 in.2
1m = 3.2802 ft 1bar = 14.504 psi 1m2 = 10.76 ft2
1in. = 1,000 mil 1std atm = 14.696 psi 1ft2 = 144 in.2
1in. Hg = 0.4912 psi 1ft2 = 0.111 yd2
1in. H2O = 0.036 psi
Volume Flow Temperature
1L = 1,000 cm3 1US gpm = 34.28 BPD 1°F = 1.8*(°C) + 32
1cm3 = 0.061 in.3 1US gpm = 3.785 L/min 1°C = (°F - 32)/1.8
1ft3 = 1,728 in.3 1lb/hr = 0.4536 kg/hr
1ft3 = 28.32 L 1ft3/s = 448.8 US gpm
1g-cm = 1,150 in.-lb
1US gal = 231 in.3 1L/s = 127.13 ft3/hr
1N-m = 0.738 ft-lb
1US gal = 0.8327 lmp gal
Weight Density Force
1kg = 2.2046 lb 1gm/cm3 = 62.428 lbs/ft3 1N = 0.2248 lbf
1g = 0.0352 oz 1kg/L = 1gm/cm3 1N = 0.102 kgf
1 metric ton = 2,204.6 lb


Materials should never be recommended when both temperature and pressure are at the maximum listed. Properties
and applications in this handbook are typical. No application should be undertaken by anyone without independent
study and evaluation for suitability. Never use more than one gasket in one flange joint and never reuse a gasket.
Improper use or gasket selection could cause property damage and/or serious personal injury. Data reported in this
handbook is a compilation of field testing, field service reports and/or in-house testing. While the utmost care has
gone into publishing the information contained herein, we assume no responsibility for errors. Specifications and
information contained in this book are subject to change without notice. This edition cancels and obsoletes all
previous editions.

- w w w.triang leflu id.co m -
- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -
- w w w.trian g leflu id.co m -
Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®
399 College St E., Belleville, ON K8N 5S7
Phone: 613.968.1100
Toll-Free: 866.537.1133
Fax: 613.968.1099

The following are registered trademarks or service marks of Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.:
Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd.®, Durlon® Durtec®, water drop logo design, iGasket® and HT1000®.
All other trademarks or service marks are property of their respective holders.
| Service | Quality | Performance |

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Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd. is the manufacturer of Durlon® Sealing Solutions.

Printed in Canada Copyright 2016, Triangle Fluid Controls Ltd., All Rights Reserved Rev 3, 02/17


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