Self Hypnosis
Self Hypnosis
Self Hypnosis
It Is & How to Do It
Have you ever found yourself deeply engrossed in a
book? Or so caught up in a film that time seemed to
pass effortlessly? If so, you may have experienced a
routine form of hypnosis, what many practitioners
refer to as the “everyday trance.”
Hypnosis is a normal state that we enter many times
during the day, each time we get really focused on
something that we’re concentrating on. The ability to
focus yourself at will is an invaluable skill to have and
is the foundation for a practice of self-hypnosis. This
article explains how to perform ‘self-hypnosis’ and
describes some of the benefits of this technique.
Developed by world-experts
3. Introduce a suggestion
In the focused and relaxed state of hypnosis, you can
pay deeper and fuller attention to the suggestions you
want to give yourself for self-improvement. These can
be simple but clear statements you offer yourself about
what you might do differently, or how you might react
differently in some challenging situation, or how you
might come to think differently about yourself or some
circumstance. These ‘post-hypnotic suggestions’
(meaning suggestions that can take effect after your
self-hypnosis session is finished) can help you achieve
your goals. Some common examples of goals
addressed in self-hypnosis include:
Developed by world-experts
What is self hypnosis?
What can a person accomplish with self
Self-guided hypnosis
Developed by world-experts
Our Sources
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