Blight (1962)
Blight (1962)
Blight (1962)
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/28/23
The field vane test is usually used to Le seissom6tre de ckantier sert kabituellement
measure the strength of clays, but it may A mesurer la r6sistance au cisaillement des
also be applied to measurements in silty argiles, mais il peut kgalernent &re utilisb pour
soils. Because of the relatively high effectuer des mesures sur les sols silteux. DQ
permeability of silts, drainage of the soil A la pennkabilitk relativernent grande des silts,
For personal use only.
surrounding the vane can take place even le sol entourant les palettes peut se drainer
during a fairly rapid test. m&medurant un essai passablernent rapide.
A method is proposed that enables the Une rnkthode est suggerke pour permettre un
preselection of a test duration such that choix de la durQede l'essai de telle sorte que
the strength measured is that of the fully la rbsistance au cisaillernent nlesurbe est celle
drained soil. The procedure has been correspondant aux conditions de drainage
developed by both empirical and complet du sol. La prockdure a ktk Qtabliepar
theoretical means. des moyens elnpiriqucs et tll60riques.
The in situ vane shear test was originally deve1oped for measuring the shear
strength of clays.' Clays are too impermeable to allow of any significant drain-
age within the duration (2 to 15 minutes) of a normal vane test. The in situ
vane test therefore measures the unchained shear strength of a clay. As the
permeability of silts is so much greater than that of clays, drainage can take
place during a vane test and it becomes possible to measure the fully drained
in situ shear strength. If tests are carried out too quickly, however, the
measurements may correspond to a partially drained condition and be difficult
to interpret.
The object of the present investigation was to develop a method for pre-
selecting a suitable duration for the vane test in silts to ensure the measurement
of a fully drained shear strength.
The materials used in the investigation were as follows:
1. Gold mine tailings or slimes consisting of a finely milled quartzite rock flour,
a typical particle size analysis being as follows:
50 to 95 per cent finer than O.OBmm,
20 to 50 per cent finer than O.Olmm,
5 to 15 per cent finer than 0.002mm.
1. A short history of the development of the vane is given by Bsterberg ( 1958).
- - - -. -,
rod will set up pore pressure. ( 2 ) Additional pore pressure will arise as the
vane is rotated. The volume of soil within which the pore pressure will change
is unknown but is certainly larger than the cylinder swept out by the vane
In choosing a testing time sufficiently long to ensure full drainage of the soil
affected by the vane, dissipation of pore pressures set up both during insertion,
and during shear must therefore be allowed to occur.
An investigation was made into the time required for the dissipation of pore
pressure set up during insertion of the vanes. The tests, using a 30 mm x 60 rnm
vane, were carried out at a depth of 10 ft below the top surface of a slimes dam.
A series of increasing delays were allowed between insertion and the start of
shear. An arbitrary time to failure of one minute was used for the shear stage
of all tests, the results of which are shown in Figure 1. Delay t i m a of between
2. The ansthod of constructing slimes dams has been described by Donaldsan ( 1965).
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FIGURE 2. Effect of test rate on measured shear strength in field vane tests
These tests established that delay between insertion and the start of shear
has little influence on vane measurements in silts. A set of similar tests on
Norwegian marine clays was reported by Flaate ( 1966). H e noted continuous,
though irregular; small increases in average vane strength with increasing delay
time. The rate of increase of strength appeared to decline for delays of over
four hours. Norwegian marine clays are many times3 less pervious than slimes
and it is probable that pore pressures, due to the insertion of a vane in silts,
largely dissipate within a delay period of one minute.
The shortest time to failure shown in Figure 2 was 0.1 minute ( 6 sec.). A
number of tests were carried out with a test duration of one second. I t was
found that at this rate the torque increased almost to that at the slowest rate.
This increase is thought to have been caused by the effects of viscous resistance
at high rates of strain and the results are not thought to be relevant to the
present investigation.
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where c, - the coefficient of consolidation of the soil under tests, tf = the test
duration or time to failure, and D = the width sf the vane blades. The time
For personal use only.
factor takes into account the drainage characteristics of the soil (c,) and the
volume sf soil affected by the vane ( D ) .
The results shown in Fiy r e 2 have been re-plotted as diinensionless equaliza-
tion data ( U versus T ) in Figure 3. The data for slimes appear to cluster about
a single equalization curve. The results for gypsum are less satisfactory, but
show-a sGi'lar trend to those for slimes. ~ h use & of a time factor in d a c e of
natural time appears to have eliminated the time displacement shown by the
sets of data in Figure 2.
FIC:URE 4.( a ) Proportions of vane and sphere of influence. ( b ) Idealized pore pressure
changes in vane test
For personal use only.
A theoretical approach to the problem of drainage during the vane test can
only be attempted after making several simplifying assumptions. Drainage
conditions are indefinite as drainage takes place by redistribution of moisture
within a more or less uniform medium of large extent. The boundaries within
which pore pressure changes occur are also ill-defined.
The assumptions that have been made to enable the analysis to be carried
out are as follows:
1. All cxcess pore pressures set up by insertion have dissipated before the start
of shear. This appears to be justified by Figure 1, but may not be justified for
more impervious soils.
2. As the vane is rotated, an excess pore pressure is set up within a sphere of
influence of radius a (see Figure 4a). The excess pore pressure is proportional
to the torque developed at the vane blades and hence to the shear stress on the
surface of potential failure. The pore pressure is assumed to be uniform within
the sphere of influence.
3. Figure 4b shows the idealized relations assumed between toque, pore
and time in the vane test. The torque increases uniformly with time
until failure is reached. If completely undrained conditions could be maintained
within the sphere of influence, the excess pore pressure would rise uniformly to
attain a value uo at failure (time tf). When drainage is possible, the pressure
rises to a value ( <uo) at failure and thereafter declines as further drainage
4. The pore pressure on the surface of the sphere of influence remains equal
to the hydrostatic pore pressure at all times. This surface is thus assumed to
represent a drainage surface.
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/28/23
.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 .2 4 6 8 1 0
where k = the permeability of the soil, e = its void ratio, and y, = the density
of water. The left side of equation ( 3 ) represents the rate of change of pore
water volume due to drainage of excess pore pressure u and has units of T-I.
In addition the rotation of the vane causes a constant displacement of volume
equal to A volume units per unit time per unit volume of soil. ( A has units
T -I. ) Equation ( 3 ) theref ore becomes :
(5) de = a, du
where a, = coefficient of compressibility of the soil, and writing
(6 1
it follows that
when t = 0, u = 0, and
when t > 0, u = 0, at r = a.
Carslaw and Jaeger (1947) give the solution to equation ( 7 ) with boundary
and initial conditions ( 8) as :
surface, i.e., for the \vorst case, at T = D/2. Also, only conditions at f '1ure are UG
A =
Ae - -a-
- , c .-Auo
(l+e)At 1 + e At'
Since uoincreases lineally with t,
Term a, the radius of the sphere of influence has not yet been defined, but
probably lies between D and 3D/2. N7ith the above modifications and with
a = D, equation (9) becomes:
or, writing
6, tf
[' -
7 ~
(- 1)"
~ 1
. nrr -,2,2
sin 7 - - E
3 ---I
U will vary from zero in a rapid vane test in which no drainage is possible to
100 per cent in a slow test in which full drainage occurs. The variation of U
with T is shown graphically in Figure 5 for n = D and a = 3D/2.
30 MM x 60 MM VANE @
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/28/23
test. The results of the fitting procedure are shown in Figure 6. Here, also, a
satisfactory fit is evident.
As the purely empirical drainage curve agrees so closely with that derived
For personal use only.
by simplified theory, there appear to be good grounds for assuming that the
empirical curve would he perfectly general and would apply to any size of
vane (with proportions D x 2 0 ) operating in soil with any consolidation
It is of interest to consider the application of Figure 3 to vane tests in a
clay having c, = 10 sq. ft per year. If a time to failure of 10 minutes is used in
conjunction with a 30 rnm x 60 rnm vane, then T = 0.02 and U = 6 per cent
( U = 0 according to curve 1of Figure 5). The test duration has to be extended
to close on seven hours in order to raise the degree of drainage to 90 per cent.
CARSLAW, H. S., and JAEGER, J. C., 1947. Conduction of Heat in Sol%'&(Oxford University
Press ) : 207.
DONALDSON, C . W.,1965. The effects s f capillary action on the consolidation and shear
strength s f silt in a hydraulic fill dam. Proc. 6th I I E ~Conf-
. Sod Me&. and Found.
Eng. ( Montreal ) , 11: 459-63.
FLAATE,K., 1966. Factors influencing the results of vane tests. This JOURNAL 3: 1831.
OSTERBERG, J. O., 1956. Introduction to Symposium on Vune Shear Testing of Soib.
ASTkl STP 193: 1-7.
S I M O N S , N. E., 1963. The influence of stress path on triaxial test results. Laboratory Shear
Testing of Soib, ASTAI STP 361: 270-9.