PP - Power Suits
PP - Power Suits
PP - Power Suits
anyong secuRity
Anyong Security power suits are famous for their
mobility. Anyong core frames are equipped with
thruster pods which unfold from the back and are
designed to protect the pilot from crashes.
The Anyong logo is the silhouette of a Chinese
Goshawk streaking downward out of the sky.
• Flight: Gains the Jet Pack Enhancement for
free. Reduces Collision damage by –4.
Manufacturer Tech Armor Max Notes
Bonus Dex
Anyong Security 24 +3 10 Jetpack, Full Body, Fatigue, Reduced collision damage.
Baihu Arms 24 +4 10 Electroclaws see text , Full Body, Fatigue.
Gekko 24 +2 11 Full Body, gains one Enhancement for free.
Kanawa Corp. 24 +4 10 Full Body, Fatigue, and see text.
Lorde Military 24 +4 8 Full Body, Fatigue.
Patriot Arms 24 +4 9 gnores Bulky trait on rearms and energy weapons,
Full Body, Fatigue.
• Electric Halberd: . The suit comes equipped • Chameleon Plates (Gekko, Kanawa): The
with an electric halberd (see page 62) as entire outer layer of the armor is covered
standard equipment. with sensors and LEDs which shift color and
brightness to mimic the surrounding area
PatRiot aRms when stationary. So long as the pilot remains
Patriot Arms is all about bringing the big guns completely still (no actions or movement)
and the ammo to re them with. Their power suits she is effectively invisible and gains Full
usually bear a patriotic color scheme to match the Concealment (–6 penalty to find tests or ranged
nation from which they’re deployed. “You are attacks .
the gun! brags the Patriot Arms slogan, usually • Dynamic Armor Plating (Kanawa): The suit’s
printed under their ri e cartridge logo. armor plating pivots and moves, allowing
A Patriot Arms power suit is designed to mount its user to better utilize their natural agility.
a Patriot Arms minigun (not included), and still Increase the suit’s Max Dex by one.
re on the move. • Electric Lance (Lorde Military): The electric
• SteadyGun: The power suit ignores the Bulky halbard is connected directly to the power
trait. supply of the suit. This allows the melee
weapon to re a single bolt of electricity each
ENHANCEMENTS turn, which causes Damage 14 (AP 4), Range
The Power Suit perk may be taken more than once, 20/ 0/ 00, and use energy weapons to re.
enabling the character to add an Enhancement to • Electric Shield (Lorde Military): The armor
their power suit. is equipped with a tower shield defense
The power suit manufacturer must be one of the bonus to dodge and melee defenses) which
ones listed in order to select that Enhancement. may extend and retract with a simple action.
The shield grants the pilot’s electric halberd
• Aquatic Package (Anyong, Baihu, Gekko): the Painful quality, and a shield bash does
The suit includes a built-in re-breather and Strength +1, Dazing, AP 2 damage.
ns which automatically deploy and retract
when the suit is wet or dry. The suit acts as • Enhanced Mobility (Baihu, Gekko): Arti cial
a high-tech SCUBA suit when in the water, muscles in the legs of the suit, combined with
and can submerge to a depth of 30 meters for A -controlled servos and sometimes wheels
up to one hour. When immersed in water, the in the boots, allow for near-superhuman
suit can swim with speed equal to the pilot s running speeds. Allows the pilot to rush on
walking speed but can rush as normal. The the ground up to 160 meters in a round (Value
re-breathers do not release bubbles, so this is 11) and also allows the pilot to leap up to 10
perfect for stealth operations underwater. meters horizontally (20 meters with a running
start and meters vertically without requiring
• Armor Upgrade (Any): The power suit’s armor a test.
is increased by +1, but reduces maximum
Dexterity by 1. If the Gekko suit is upgraded • Enhanced Servos (Lorde Military): . Strength
in this fashion, it becomes a hardsuit, now tests are Favored and 2 damage bonus to
causes Fatigue, and can mount an ntegrated Strength-based attacks.
Weapons Package. • Flash Burst (Any): Once per scene the armor
• Chaingun Upgrade (Patriot Arms): The may unleash a blinding ash of light as a
power suit minigun is upgraded to an Impala free action. The light momentarily dazzles
Chaingun and is mounted to the back. This individuals within a Medium Blast around
weapon cannot be disarmed except under the character, rendering each Very Stymied.
very unusual circumstances. Requires the
Integrated Minigun upgrade.
• Glider Wings (Anyong, Gekko): The pilot Anything grabbing the pilot automatically
can deploy a set of wings, allowing them to releases its hold.
glide. There is no propulsion, so the wings • Prosthetic Extension Servos (Anyong, Lorde
allow for stealthy approaches, but need Military, Patriot Arms): This upgrade is
altitude or a Jetpack upgrade to take initial designed to enable soldiers who had lost limbs
ight. The power suit falls 0 meters for to continue using power suits. After any Soak
every 100 meters distance they glide, but can Damage attempts, for each Wound taken, roll
descend faster if desired. Gliding is up to 100 a die. f the die is -20 the Wound is ignored.
meters in a round, but any distance further
than 10 meters is considered rushing, and • Sonic Emitter (Baihu): When the pilot makes
the suit drops 20 meters for each 100 meters an intimidation attack, this device emits an
horizontal. Uses air vehicles skill. infrasonic sound which induces feelings of
nausea in the target. As long as the target
• Integrated Minigun (Patriot Arms): Power can hear, the pilot’s intimidation attacks are
suit now includes a shoulder-mounted Patriot Favored. Alternatively, the emitter can be used
Arms minigun (see page 63). in high frequency mode, allowing the pilot to
• Integrated Weapons Package (Anyong, Baihu, use echolocation to see, and ignoring up to 4
Gekko, Patriot Arms): Three hardpoints are points of Darkness penalties.
installed on the power suit, one under each • Speed-Loading Mechanism (Anyong, Baihu,
forearm, and one located on the shoulder. This Gekko, Patriot Arms): This enhancement
option is available to Gekko suits only if the allows the user to con gure their suit to quickly
Armor Upgrade Enhancement is also selected. reload weapons. Reload time is reduced a step
Three rearms or energy weapons, each up to as follows: round > action > simple action >
$1000, may be installed, with 5 reloads each. free action (once per round). Reloading as a
If the same weapon is installed in both arms, free action does allow additional Multi-Targets
it res using the Two Weapons combat option to be selected if the magazine runs out of
(see Torg Eternity). ammunition.
• Jetpack (Anyong, Gekko, Patriot Arms): This • Ultra-Light Alloys (Anyong, Baihu, Gekko,
bulky ight pack is mounted onto the back Kanawa): The armor’s low weight and perfect
and consists of omni-directional thrusters. t combine to eliminate one level of Fatigue
These thrusters are not quiet, and impose penalty e.g. from Fatigue to ust Fatigue .
to stealth attempts, but allow a pilot to y at 20 f the armor only in icts Fatigue, this upgrade
meters per round, or can rush 160 meters per eliminates that property. This Enhancement
round (Value 11). The jetpack can also hover. may be selected multiple times.
Comes standard on Anyong Security suits.
Uses air vehicles skill. • Vehicle Operating Extension (Gekko,
Kanawa): This software extension allows a
• Kabuto HUD (Any): The armor’s helmet power suit’s onboard computer to network
features an integrated display that removes the with a Tech 24 or higher land vehicle. This
rst two points of penalties from the samurai s enhancement cancels the rst two points of
ranged attacks. Multi-Action penalties when at least one
• Lightning Sheath (Kanawa): Electric Samurai action uses land vehicles. Stunts during Chases
among others quickly learned the dangers of are Favored.
being overwhelmed by hordes of infected or • Wall-Walker (Baihu, Gekko): Gloves and
the iangshi s deadly grappling attack. Once boots allow movement along any surface that
per scene, the armor may discharge an electric can support the user’s weight, even moving
blast as a free action, causing Damage 12+1BD upside down, at normal walking speed. The
to anything touching the exterior of the armor. pilot cannot rush upside down.