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1-2-3 Sampl¢ Measurements. S —FNenty-aik rock samples were collected from Erdouz. sector and their resistivities were measured in laboratory. The results are as follows (see Table TI-1-1 and 11-1-2). Resistivitycof rock samples were ieasured under two conditions, one after samples being dried for one day in oven of 110 degrees called as diy measurement and one after-danples immersed in water for three days called as wet measurenent. (1) Resistivity variation of rock samples for the same rock type are’ rela~ tively: large. Especially rock: types with'many ‘samples, pelitic schist and psannitic schist, show larger variation: Dry: measurements shows larger vatiation than wet sample measurements. “For wet measurements, ratio of the highest resistivity value and the lowest resistivity value of the same rock type samples is from one to four to one to nineteen. (2) Dey measurements show about 6 to 350 times larger resistivity value than those of wet measurements. (3) From sample resistivity measurements, rocks are classified as follows. ; average resistivity rock (oha-m) Resistive rocks pelitic schist, porphyrite 2,891, 3,017 Interwediate rocks psannitic schist, granit 1,170, 1,780 Conductive rocks _gréen schist, Limestone 317,745. 1-3 Discussion 7 ‘The results of the CSAMT survey are ‘shown as "Apparent Resistivity vs Frequency Curves" (Fig. [-1-5(1)' to (27)) at each station. The curves axe classified into three groups, The three groups are as follows: 1). type 1 ‘The curve of the station 5 represents the type 1. At the higher frequency range, apparent resistivity is high, and the lover frequency, the apparent resistivity becomes lower (on log-log plot the curve decrease by 45 degrees). The stations belong to this type are the stations 5, 6, 7, 21, 22, 23, 2%, 26, 27, and 30, @) ype 2 The ¢urve of the station 12 represents the type 2, At frequency over 15000 liz} apparent resistivity. is over 10 k ohn-m, and at frequency from 1000 fiz to 50 Hz, apparent resistivity is Mnear to frequency, At Erequ- ency below 50'Hz, apparent resistivity is almost unchange. .However apparent resistivity value at 4 He ie lover than that at 8 Hz. Stations belong to this type are the stations 8, 9, 20, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 28, and 31. (3) Type 3 The curve of the station 19 represent the type 3. Apparent resistivity at higher frequency is high, and it becomes lower along with frequency decrease, “However the slope of curves are gentle and not so steep as that of type 1 (45 degrees). Apparent resistivity value changes very gently at -39- frequency between 100 and 200 Hz and again decreases along with frequency below.20 liz. Stations belongs to this type are the stations 4, 17, 18, and 19, ‘The classification of apparent resistivity ve frequency curvé is not absolute and, there are some intermediate. stations of two’ types. Relation between classified type and. geology :is discussed: in following paragraphs. Most stations of type.1 are in the east of Erdouz fault. Station 7 is the only exception of this and is in the west of the fault. lowever the curve of the station 7 is not typical of type 1 but internediate of type Land type 2. Type 2 is seen in the west of Brdouz faule except the station 25. Type 3 is seen only around Bréouz Northern ore ‘deposit. : The distribution of each types suggests that classification of apparent resistivity vs frequency curves can be related to geology of the area, No apparent resistivity vs frequency curve of the survey area show so called near-field effect. 1-3-1 Layered Earth Model Analysis AIL apparent resistivity vs frequency curves are interpreted into horizontally layered earth models by computer. For calculating horizontal- ly layered earth model, initi ial values of layer thicknesses and resistivities of each layer are infered from apparent resistivity vs frequency curve, The infered initial values are inputted to a computer and a computer calcu- lated best £it layered earth model for each curve. Because thus calculated models are independently obtained, models of adjacent stations tay disagree each other, In such occasion, after changing the initial values and Putting some limitations on layer thickness or resistivity, layered earth model are recalculated, On some curves, layer thickness and resistivity cannot be deterained from curves but only ratio of thickness and resistivity, nainely conductance. For this suivey, soivé stations can be interpreted as only conductance. Yor such occasion, either layer thickness or resistivity is assuned from nodel of adjacent station and is assumed to be continuous to the concerned station. The result of layered model interpretation is discussed by the classified types in the following paragraphs: GQ) type 1 : The most stations of this type ate interpreted as three layered earth: Resistivity structure is that the top layer is resistive with resistivity between 1k and 10 k olm-m and thickness between 300 to 1,500 m and is followed by conductive layer with resistivity below 20 ohm-m (except at the stations 23 and 24). ‘Those stations of type 1 with apparent resistivity vs frequency curve having 45 degrees declination below 1,000 Hz are inter- preted'as'two layer earth. The stations of this type with more. gentle decrease éurvé are intetpreted with intermediate second layer with inter mediate resistivity. At the stations 5 and 6, the intermediate layer ie with resistivity of 20 ohn-m and’ thickness of 100m, The intermediate layer at the stations 23, 24, 26, and 27 are with resistivity between 800 and 3,000 otm-m and thickness about 500 a, (2) “Type 2 Most stations of type 2 a¥e interpreted as fou Layered earth. = 40 = ‘Table 1-1-1 Rock Sample Measurements, Erdouz Sector Location Resistivity (ohn-m) Rock Type Station Nov pry Wet 13,282 377 tuffacious green schist 27,063 922 pelitic schist @ 280,193 3,912 pelitic balek schist 310,531 10,037 pelitic black échist 16,342 533 pelitic schist 41,070 6,993 pelitic schist 475,666 43550 pelitic black schist 162,797 2,75) pelitic black schist 102,927 2,891 348,867 1,315 psanmitic schist 86, 764 1,097 ic schist 426,429 3,505 schist 529,397 4,321 psamnitic schist 88,982 599 psanmitic schist 43,761 1,850 psanmitic schist 60, 784 669 psanmmitic schist 60,503 2,232 peanmitic schist 3,371 "495, psamaitic schist 223,887 629 psamitic schist @ 381 499 psanmitic schist spls| 61,166 1,170 91,019 1,329 Limestone 27,881 325, Limestone 27,051 957 calearious schist ‘Av of 3 spls 40,946 us 7 74,437 14 micro granite 23 280,500 4,258 micro granite Av of 2 spls 144,498 1, 760 16 226 , 486 9,279 porphyrite 18, 40,302 981 porphyrite @ Av of 2 spls 95,540 3,017 The general resistivity structure is as follows: Resistivity (ohm) Thickness .(m) lst Layer approx, 10,000 1,000 to. 2,000 2nd layer 20 approx. 100 3id layer 800 approx. 2,000' 4th layer. below 10 Resistivity values and, thickness of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th layers are not thick enough to be determined independently. from apparent resistivity ve frequency, curves and are interpreted only-ad ratio of thickatss and resistivity, namely conductance, ‘therefore before interpreting curves of type 2, either thickeess or resistivity of 2nd, 3rd and 4th layers are needed to be determined, Yor interpreting curves of type 2} the second layer re~ sistivity is fixed as 20 obm-m, the thire layer resistivity to be 800 obm-m, and the fourth layer to be 10 ohm-m, (3) ‘type 3. 4 ‘The curves of type 3 except the station 19 are interpreted as “tow layered earth. , the firet layer is 200 to 500 m thick and 40 6 400' ohu-a, The bottom layer resistivity is infered to be as 1 to 15 oha-m 1=3-2_ Discussion About Sections . ‘Ae stated on the section 1-3-1, apparent resistivity vs frequency curves are interpreted into horizontally layered earth at each stations. Four xesistivity sections axe drawa along Lines shown on Fig. 11-2 (see Pig. [1-1-}.to Pig. [1-1-4). Details of each sections are as follows: Q) AAT Secticn Stations along this section, except the stations 7 and 14, have siviler tosistivicy structure and continuity of resistivity layers along this section is relatively well. ‘Thicknesses of layers at the station 14 are about double of those at neighboring stations, the stations 13 and 15. The apparent resistivity vs frequency curves at the stations 13 and 15 are almost identical, however the curve at the station 14 €it to those at stations 13 and 15, if the former is shifted down in verticat direction, apparent resistivity axis. This may have caused by a typical effect in HT survey, called static shift. Static shift is that where resistivity structure is similar in the depths but have large change at only near surface on limited area around the station, apparent resistivity vs frequency curve shifts along vertical, resistivity axis, up,or down depends on the limited area being resistive or conductive. In order, to decide whother static shift has occurred and how mich of shift has occurred, surface resistivity around the considered station decd to’ be studied in détails, Because station interval of this survey is 300 m, it cannot be concluded that static shift has occurred at the station 14 and resistivity is shifted by the factor of four and layer thickness by two. However the shape of the apparent resistivity vs frequency curve at station 14 ie very similar to those at-tho stations 13, 15 and-28 so that it is reasonable to assune that static shift occurred at the station 14, On the, section A-A' (Fig, I1-1-1), the depths of all layers at the station 14 are two to three times deeper than those at neighboring stations, - 4b but because af the reason stated above it is fair to assume that the true depths of all layer's are about the sane as those at the adjacent stations. The resistivity structures along A-A' axe relatively horogeneous laterally. @) Section B-Bt , The section B-B' runs from Brdouz Northern ore deposit to Brdouz Peak and is drawn for studying the N-S extension of Erdouz Northern ore deposit. ‘The resistivity structures along the line can bé devided into three zones, the one north of the station 18, around Eydovz Northern ore deposit, the, one, between the station 20 and 24, and the one’south of the station 25, In, the: area around: and the nokth of Brdowe Northern ove deposit, resistivity of the first layer: is between 250.ohm-m afd 450 olmi-m and ite thickness. Ls between 220 mand 325m, Resistivity'of the second Layér, the bottom, layer, is around 10 ohn-m, Because resistivity around Northern ore deposit. is low, depth of. survey must be Less than'1,000 m. ‘Therefore thick= ness'of thé second layer must be over 100 m but not deterained. The area between the stations 20 and 24 shows apparent resistivity vs frequency curves as the type 1. The curves here show relatively gentle slope at higher frequency and at lover frequency slope of the curves become 45 degrees, Resistivity and thickness of the first layer in thé area is definitely interpreted as about 10 k ohn-m and about 1 km, but resistivity of the bottom layer is interpreted as tess that 100 dim-m andits thickness cannot be determined. In some stations, intermediate layer with resistivity of around 100 obin-m is interpreted between resistive top layer and condue~ tive bottom layer. The interoediate layer appeares because of slope of curves. being less than 45 degrees if curves are interpreted as layered earth, The apparent resistivity vs frequency curve of the station 25 belongs to type 2 and its resistivity structure is similar to that of the section A-A'. However the curve of the station 25 appears to be shifted to higher resistivity than those of typical station of type 2, This shift way have caused by static shift as the station 14 but because wo station neighboring to the station 25 show the same type curve, it is hard to decide whether static shift occurred at the station. If static shift has caused resis~ tivity shite on the CSANT data at the station 25, resistivity structure at the station 25 would bea few times less than what is stated on the inter- pretation. G) Section ¢-c' The. section C-Ct is NE-SH direction, parallel to the section’ A-A', and the east of Erdous fault,. ‘The direction of the section A-A' is exten- sion of the Line connecting thé stations belong to’ type 3 around Erdouz Northern ore deposit, : The area north of: the station 19 has: type 3 apparent resistivity Vs frequency curve andthe south of the station shows type L. No indication of type 3 has found in the south of the station 19.’ G) Section Dept, : The ;section D-D' is. E-W directidn and cits Exdoud fault, ‘Type f apparent résistivity ve frequency curve changes ‘at between the statiéng 27 and,28, > Those at east of the station 27 are type-l and those at west of the station 28 are type 2, Itseems that resistivity atructute has” changed between the stations 14 and28, but as stated at the (1) Section A-A', it is likely due to static shift’at the station 14, The différenee 42 of resistivity structures at the stations 14 and 28 way not be so large. At the stations east of the station 27, there are no indication of type 3 and all stations show type 1. The sections and the type classification of apparent resistivity vs Frequency ourve show that Erdouz fault affect largely on resistivity structures in the area. Around Erdouz Northern ore deposit, low resistivity zone extending NE-SW direction is found and may correspond to Limestone with complex fault system. However from this survey result, it is not found that the low resistivity zone around Northern ore deposit may extend under Erdouz Peak. = 43 - CHAPEER 2 AZECOUR SECTOR 2-1 Outline of the SIP Survey 2-1-1 Outline of Sib Method : : : Spectral Induced Polarization Methéd (called as SIP, also known as complex resistivity wethod) is introduced by Zongé ct, al (1975), and Pelton et al, (1978) as a new phase of IP method. ‘The conventional IP mathed measures PFB or chargeability and apparent resistivity, while SIP neasures phase differences of transmitting signal and received signal in the wide range of frequencies from 0.1 Wz to several tens of Hz and phase spectrum is anglized, a ‘The adyantage of SIP over conventional 1P is as follows: 1) “Blectromagnetic coupling, which is the largest noise source in IP measurements, can be eliminated. 2) Source of IP effect may be identified as mineral nave or mineralization type from the shape of spectrum. : The difficiency of SIP is that SIP equipment is more complicated and heavier than conventional IP equipment, so that they are wore delicate to handle and more difficult to transport. Tn order to measure phase spectrum in wide range of frequency, SIP measurenents are nore tine consuning. On this. report the spectrum type is presented by Zonge's notation which is as follows: fe band tan® > 20% 202> tand > 10% 102> tand > 0% 02> tand 3-107 -10%> tanO 35-20% 6.24. +20%> tan 7. Phase Notation : 5 5 eo ree > 21-2 Outline of the Survey Azegour sector is at the middle betwéen Erdouz sector and Amezmiz, The elevation of the area is from 1,400 m to 1,700 m. There is deserted old Azegour mine about 2 km south of the survey area, In the survey atea there are several old exploration tunnets (see, Fig. 11-214). SIP survey was carried out along four lines in E-W direction totaling 4.6 km and 144 points. Separation between the survey Lines is about 200 a, SIP measurements were carried out from the survey tent being set at the 45 center of cach lines. For confirming varidity of the survey, repeat measurement was made by interchanging positions of current electrodes and potential electrodes at several points for each survey line. ‘two tin coated iron plates (50 cm by 50 cn) are burried as each current electrode. In otder to lower resistance between tin plate and ‘earth, mixture of bentiite, salt, and water wore’ inserted near tin’ plates: The frequencies of transmitting current signal were 0.125 He, 1.0 He and 8.0 itz and thé first to eleventh order odd harmdnies of transmitting curveat ‘sigial weré recorded. Apparent reaistivity and phase difference between source signal and recéived signal were calewlated at each station. Transmitting signal curreit was over 2°A. Electrode configuration used is dipole-dipole, electrode separation (a) is 100 m, and electrode separation’ constaat (N) is from 1 to 5. Current electrods aré burried only between stations 2 and 8. Your exploratory drill holes, ATR-1, ATE+2, ATE=3, and ATB-4, were drilled a€ near the station 5's of line A and Line B. Equipment used for SIP survey is as follow Q) Transmitter YMT-12 Transmitter Controler! product of ZERO, i 7 frequency range: 1/1024 to 4096 He GGT-3 Transmitter: product of ZERO, Frequency rangé: DC to 10 kHz max. output power: 1,000 ¥; 27 A 2MG-5 Engine Generator: product. of ZERO, 5 ki, 400 Hz, AG generator Voltage Regulator: product of ZENO, regulating output voltage of ZMG-5 (2) Receiver GDP-12 Data Processor: product of ZERO, amplifier, filter, and processor Cassett Recorder /Printer! product of ZERO, record data on cassett tape and print hard copy EPROM Loader: product of ZERO, load programs on GDP-12 Communication Wire: transmit signal to GDP-12 Field Pre-Amplifier: Product of ZERO, at potential electrode site, amplify signal Isolation Anplifier: product of ZERO, isolate receiving unit from transnitter Electrode Pot: product of ZERO, copper- copper~ sulphate electrode The amount of SIP survey is as follows: Survey Line Length of Line Survey Points A 1 ken 34 pts B 1.1 km 34 pts c 1.2 kin 38 pts 1D 1.2 km 38 pts total 446 ko 144 pts sof SEP Meastivenants ° , The result of the survey is presented as pseudo sections along cach survey Lines about apparent resistivity, phase difference, percentage frequency effect (between 0.125 Hz.and.1.Wz, hereafter called as. PFE), 3 point decoupled phase, cole-cole diagram, phase spectrum and amplitude = 46 =. Fig. I- 2-14 Index Map of Azegour Sector spectrum, “Also plan view df apparent eéeletivity and. PFE of each eléctrode sepatation constant’ (N#1'to 5) (see Fig, [1-2-1 to Fig. 11-2-8 and PLili-2-2 to PL.11-2-15), Because topography Of the survey area is very rugged, topography must! have affected én apparent resistivity values, In order to reduce topo+ graphic effect: on apparent resistivity values, al! apparent resistivity raw data was put through topographic~effect reduction process of finite elesent method by conipucer. Tn the following séctions, apparent resistivity, phase, “PER ‘and eole~ cole diagrams along each line are described. Bet A Line (1) ‘Apparent: Resietivity Apparent resistivity values along this Line are relatively high. ‘The cast of the station 7 is over 1k olan, Low resistivity zone under 500 ohn-m extends from near surface between the stations 2 and 3 to depths ia the ground with eastward dip. (2) IP befect Pseudo sections of 0.125 Nz phase difference and 3pt decoupled phase atong this Line is almost ideitical and there must be only negtigibie electromagnetic coupling effect on low frequency data, Distribution pattera of PFE is very similar to that of 0,125 He. PRE value of nonmineralized area along this Jine is under 3%, and it is distributed Nel to 3 at east of the station 3, High PFE, éver 4% is between the stations 4 and 5 at N=3 with eastward dip, PFE values of the former high PFE zone is higher than the latter. Most decoupled cole-cole diagrams show horizontal flat line at all frequency (from .125 Hz to 88 Wz) and de not vary by stations. At the stations between 6 and 9 for N being 1 to 2, decoupled cole-cole diagrans increases with frequency, and all‘othér station show either horizontal or decreasing with frequency. Their inclination is very gentle. 2 B Line (1) Apparent Resistivity Wigh resistivity zone over 1 k olm-m is seen at depths, N over 3, at the stations between 3 and 5 and east of the station 7. Conductive zéne with resistivity below 500 obn-ia is between the sta~ tions 1 and 3 and between the stations 5 and 6, (2) IP Effect Phase of 0.125 He and 3 point decoupled phase dre very similar in value and their distribution pattern is similar to that of PFE, High PRE values, over 4%, are at the stations 1 and 2 of N= 1 and ‘atthe ‘stations 6 and 7 wich eastward dip. Cole-cole diagrams are ‘also similar to those along the line A and increases gently with frequency or is horizontal. 2-2-3. ¢ Line (1) Apparent Resistivity " High resistivity zone over 1 k ohm-m is distributed at depths of the stations 2 to 5 (M over 2), at depths of the stations 5 to 7 (N= 1 to 5), 47 and east of thé station 7. Conductive zone with resistivity under 500 ohn- m is at the stations 1 to 3, and at depths of the station 4, Q) LP Effect Distribution patterns of 0,125 liz phase, 3pt decoupled phase and PFE are similar. Low PEE values, undét 32, are seen at ‘depths of the stations 2 and 4, and east of the station 6. PFE values along this line are generally ‘smaller than along other lines. High PPE,,over 4%, are at the stations 1 and 2, and at depths of the station 3 (N=.4 to.5). Cole-cole diagrams along the Line show either horizontal or increasing with frequency. Phase apecteun at depths of the station 8 (N = 5) show negative values at higher frequencies. The other phase spectra show positive values and at higher frequencies phase values being larger and very honogeneous. Wow- ever PFE value at that point is low 2.5%. D Line G) Apparent Resistivity Apparent. resistivity values atong the Line D,are generally high (over 1k obm-a). Low resistivity, under 500 ohn-m, is at the stations 2 to 5, and at depths of the stations 7 to 8 (N= 4 and 5). (2) TP Effect Distribution patterns of 0.125 Hz phase, 3pt decoupled. phase and PFE are similar, Low PFE value of below 9% is at east of the station 3, High PRE values, over 4%, are seen only at depths of the stations 1 to. 3. Cole-cole diagrams generally show horizontal to increasing-with- frequency flat Lines at the east of the station 5, .and at the west of the station 5, they are horizontal to decreasing-with-frequency Lines. Phase spectrum at depths of the station 8 (N=4,5) show negative values at higher frequencies. However PEF values at these points are low, 1.0 and 1.1%. The phase spectra at other points show positive values and, at higher frequencies, phase values being larger and very homogeneous. 2-2-5 Plan Distribution of Apparent Resistivity parent resistivity plans of five electrode separation constants QW = 1 to 5) are made (see PL.11-2-2.to Fl,.I[-2-6), Their details are described in the following section. (1) - Electrode Separation Constant N= 1 Condictive zone with apparent resistivity under 500 oha-m continues from the stations, 3 to 4 of the tine A to the stations 2 to 3.of the lines B,C and D. This conductive zone rung a few tens meters west of and parallel to the host rock, limestone layer. Conductive, zone below 500 olw-m is at the stations 4 and 5 of the line C. This small conductive zone is 50 m to 100 m east of granit dyke which is about 300 m east of the above mentioned Lime- - stone layer. Resistive zone with apparent resistivity over 1 k ohm-m extends from east of the station 7 of the line A to east of the station 3 of the line D. = 48 = (2) Blectrode Separation Constant N =.2.t0,5, : The conductive zone at N= 1, parallel to the host rock Mmestone can be traced to the plan of N= 4. : However its: location moves westward with depth, At N.= $, this conductive zone is outside of the survey area and is not seen, A conductive zone which is thought to be a supplenent of the abdve iventioned conductive zone is from the station 5 of the line B to the stations 2 to 4 of the line D at N= 2, This supplenentary conductive zone noves eastward with depth, and at N= 5, it runs from the stations 5 to 6 of the line A to thé staticns 4 to 5 of the line D. Plan Distribution of PFE, Plan distribueton of PFE of five electrode separation constants (W to 5) ave ade (see PL.1I-2-7 to PLsIt-2-11). ‘The general distributions of PFE in those maps are following section. scribed in the (1) ‘Electrode Separation Constant N= 1 High PPE zone with 4% continues from thé stations 2 to 3 of the Line A to the stations 2 to 3 of the line D.. the other high PFE zone is at the stations 6 and 7 of the line B. Most of the other area shows PFE below 3% and the east ends, east of the stations 8, of all lines shows PFE values below 2%. (2) Blectrode Separation Constant N =. 2 to 5 ‘The high PFE zone continuing at the west end of each lines continues to N= 5. The cowplimentary high PFR zone to the above mentioned high PFE zone runs from the stations 4 to 6 of the Line’A to the stations 4 to 5 of the line € at N= 2, and can be traced to N= 5. 2 7_Sample Measurements “Fuenty-seven rock samples from Azegour sector survey. area were taken and their resistivities and phase spectra were measured under wet condition. The results are as follows: ()_ Resistivity values vary largely even for the same rock type. The difference of resistivity values of the same rock type is very large. The PFE values of spotted schist and gneissose schist show variation of two to three times, and variation of pelitic schist and garset skarn is over ten times. (2) Most-spectrum types of “samples ave CCC or CCe. The only exception is three garnet skara samples which show BaA, AAA and Cha. (3) General features of resistivity, phase and spectrum of each rock type are as follows: i) dlack pelitie schist: Nigh resistivity (average 17k ohm-m). Phase of this rock is devided into tvo types, one over 10 m rad, the other under 7 m rad, Spectra are cece, ) spotted (black) schist: ‘Low resistivity (average 1.3 k oa-m). Phase is low (average 7 m rad), Spectrum is CCC, CCe and CoC, = 49 - iii) (silicified) gneissose schist: Moderate resistivity middle between i) and ii). PEE is low (average 7 m rad). Spectrum is CCC. vi) green skarn: low resistivity (average 835 ohn-u). REE is large (average 33.2 m rad). Spectrum shows high degree of mineralization, AAA or Bal. 2-3 Results of Dianond Drillings Four dicwond drillings were carried out in Azegour sector by B.R.P.M. crew during this phase. ‘These drilling operations were performed at the east and northeast of the Tizgui village. ‘The purpose of these diamond drillings is to clarify geological cond: tion of skarnization and molibdenun-mineralization in the lower part of this area, and to examine the results of SIP survey which was carried ‘out during the sare phase. Coordinates, directions, inclinations aad depth of each drilled hole are as follows. 1) ATE-1 Hole: Coordinates x = 1,643 a, y = 3,443 @ Directions 285 degrees Inclination; -60 degrees Lengths 203.30 m 2) KIB-2 Hole: Coordinates x = 1,643.m, y = 3,443 m Direction; - Inclination; ,~90 degrees Lengths 300.00 m 3) ATE-3 Hote: Coordinates x = 1,895'm, y = 3,480 m Directions 285 degrees Inclination; -55 degrees Lengths 170.00 mm 4) ATE-4 Hole: Coordinate; x = 1,895 m, y = 3,480 0 Direction; Inclination; -90 degrees Lengths 236.50 m The drilling locations are shown in PL.II-2-1, and the geology of core and the results of chemical analysis are shown in PL.I1-2-17 (1) to (4), and geological sections are shown in PlyII-2-12. ‘the geology of each drill hole is as follows: 1). AtR-1 Hole? 0,00 m- 31.50 m Black spotted schist 31.50 - 33,00 Fractured zone 33.00. ~ 43.50 Black spotted schist 43,50 - 96.50 Black spotted schist (intercalated thin skara layer) 56.50 ~ 73.30 Black spotted schist 73.30'- 80.80 Hornblende-quarte porphyry 80.80 - 90,50 Black spotted schist = 50 = Table U-2-1 Rock Sample Measurements, Azegour Sector Location [Resistivity|Phase shite] spectral] Rock Type AB 2,355 Ad eco black peritic schist BS west 1,721 20 Geb black peritic schist 3 20,241 1,6 acé [black peritic schist 4 69,988 14h ce |biack peritic schist C10 19,758 18.0 ccc |black peritie schist DO-pI 527,816 18.2 GCG black peritic schist 3 6,903 11.3 ccc |black peritic schist Av of 7 spls | 17,018 10.8 AS 535 6.2 cce | spotted black schist a6 4,438 aL GeG {spotted black schist AT 989 8.5 cb |spotted black schist as 1,201 a1 eb | spotted black schist A9-ALO 246 2g ccc . |spotted schist BS east 9,537 9.6 ccc |spotted black schist 5 625 85 Gee [spotted black schist 66 1,126 6.9 cece. |spotted schist c7 1,494 8.6 cc |spotted schist cw 1,011 6.6 cce [spotted black schist 9 m7 72 ce | spotted black schist Do 11,969 10.0 6G {spotted balck schist D6 397 5.3 cece |spotted schist lav of 13 sple| 1,285 ns co 2,251 5.0 ce |sciticified gieissose schist el 3,234 9.9 ecG |scilicified gneissose schist 2 30,395 78 ccc |scilficified gneissose schist} lav of 3 spls 6,048 14 BS 226 37 ce garnet skacn BS 2,154 62.9 Bad garnet skarn with Yo BS 858 47.0 AAA |garnet skarn BS 1,163 19.0 tba [garnet skarn with Ho Av of 4 spls 835 33.2 90.50 ~ 113.60 113.60 123,50 125.60, 145,00 161.70 167.20 172.10 173.60 174.20, 123.50 125,60 145.00 161.70 167.20 171.10. 173,60 174,20 203.30 cereraere (Dissemination of Mo at 88.25 m) Garnet, skarnized hornblende, intereatated schist (issenination of Mo) Gneissose schist Garaet ekarn (Dissemination of Mo) Gneissose gchist : Garnet, skarn (Dissemination of Mo) Siltciticd hornblende-biotite schist aplite dyke Gneissose schist Garnet skarn Gnéissose schist Mineralizations of molibdenum were observed at 93.0 m - 95.50 m (2,50 m) with Mo grade of 0.24%, at 123.50 m ~ 124.50 m (2,00 u) with Mo grade of 0.15%, and at 154,00 m - 157,00 m (3,00 m) with Mo grade of 0.15%. 2) ATR-2 Hole! 0,00 m= 47.00 47,00 ~ 48,00 48.00 - 63.00 63,00 - 67.20 67.20 - 93.50 93,50 - 95.50 95.50 - 109,60 109.60 119,40 120,50 135.70 136,80 142.80 143.50 146.60 149.20 167,50 171,50 203.10 209.80 212,40 218.00 221.50 232.50 255.80 262.50 ~ 119.40 = 120.50 ~ 135.70 ~ 136.80 ~ 142.80 ~ 143.50 ~ 146.60 = 149.20 = 167,50 = 171,50 ~ 203.70 ~ 209.80 = 212.40 ~ 218.00 Black spotted schist Fractured Zone Black schist Fractured zone Black spotted schist Fractured zone of quartz Black spotted’ schist Black spotted schist silleified zone Black spotted schist Fraetired zone of quartz Black spotted schist Banded silicified-skarnized zone Garnet skarn Silicified schist Garnet skarn (intercalated skataized schist) Silicified rock intercalated skarn Garnet. skarn Skarnized schist Garnet skarn Skarnized schist Garnet skarn Gneissose schist Gneissose schist (weakly skarnized) Porphyrite dykes Gneissose schist Mineralizations of wolibdenum were observed at 143,50 m - 144.10 m (0,60 m) with Mo. grade of 0.46%, ac 144.10 m - 144.85 m (0.75. m) with Ho grade of 0.12%, and at 144.85 m- 167.60 m (22.75,m) with Mo grade of 0.01%. Furtherwore, mineralizations of copper were observed at 217.00 m ~- 217.60 m (0.60 m) with Cu grade of 3.50%, and at 219.85 m- 223,35 m (3.50 a) with Cu grade of 0,132. 3) ATE-3 Hole 0,00 m - 22,200 Black spotted schist -5L- 22,20 ~ 22,25 22,25 ~ 34.30 34.30 - 34.38 34,38 - 46,70 46.70 - 48.70 48,70 ~ 53.25 53,25 - 55,00 55.00 ~ 69,90 69.90 ~ 74,25 74.25 ~ 83:00 83,00 - 91.50 91.50 = 116.75 116,75 - 117.90 117,90 ~ 120,10 120.10 - 125,70 125,30 ~ 134.40 134.40 = 135.20 135,20 ~ 154,00 154.00 -. 154.50 154,50 - 169.00 169.00 ~ 170.00 Black spotted schist (decolorized zone of dissemi- tated pyrite) Black spotted schist Quartz dyke containing pyrite Black spotted schist Fractured zone of quartz Black schist,'-intercalated thin layer of skarn, disseminated by pyrrhotite. HWornblende-gatnet skarn (disseminstions of Cu, Py, Mo) white crystalline limestone Sane as above (disseminated with pyrite and chaleopyrite) White crystalline Limestone Sane as above (disseminated with pyrite and chalcopyrite) White crystalline garnet skarn) Quartz porphyry White Limestone Diopside garnet skarn Silicified gneissose schist Dark green dolerite dyke Greissose schist Aplite dyke Gneissose dyke Carnet skarn stone (contain spots of No renarkable mineralization of molibdenum was observed in this hole except slight dissemination of pyrite. 4) ATE-4 Hole 0,00 m ~ 11.70 m 11,70 - 24.80 24.80 - 25.90 25,90 ~ 44,60 44.60 - 45,80 45.80 ~ 53.00 53.00 - 54,00 54.00 ~ 68.00 68.00 ~ 80.10 80.10 - 84,00 84.00 ~ 85,20 85.20 ~ 93.50 93.50 ~ 94.20 94520 ~ 101.70 101.70 '= 102.30 102.30 ~ 109.20 109,20 ~ 125.50 125.50 = 130,30 sein black schist (many fractured zones are observed, Black spocted sehist Fractured zone Black’ spotted schist. Fractured zone Black spotted schist Fractured zone Black spotted schist’ (intruded with veins of quarez and calcite.) Black spotted schist Silicified black spotted schist (partially fractured zone) Green skarn Silicified limestone (disseminated with pyrite.) Same as above. (disseminated with Mo.) Silicified Liniestone Vein of calcite (disseminated with chalcopyrite.) Silicified Limestone Grayish white limestone Same as above (fine veins of calcite, dissemi~ nated with pyrite) = ste 130,30 = 154.90 Grayish white Limestone 154,90 ~ 157.20 Same as above (degsiminated with pyrite.) 157,20 ~ 176,20 Grayigh white Limestone (slightly dessiminated with pyerhotite.) 176.20 =. 177,30 Silictfied horableade 177.30 ~ 182,00 Grayish vhite 1imestone 182,00 - 182,60 Hornblende 182.60 - 191.00 Grayish white 1imestone 191,00 - 191.50 Hedenbergite skara 191.50 ~ 193,50 Silicified ‘and chloritized schist 193.50 - 194.60, Garnet .skarn 194,60, ~ 196.20 Silicified and chloritized schist 196.20 - 197,60 Garnet skarn 197,60 - 198,70 Silicified and chloritized schist 198.70 ~ 204.50 Garnet skarn (disseminated with hematite.) 204.50 - 236.60 Gneissose schist : No remarkable mineralization of mobibdenum was observed in this hole except slight dissemination of pyrite. As the results of the above four diamond drillings, it has revealed that the stronger skarnizations as replacing all of the Limestone were made downward aud the ainevalization of molitdenun tended to be predowi~ nated downward at the hanging walls of skarnized zones in ATE-1 hole and ATE-2 hole. On the other hand, no such remarkable tendency of skaraization and mineralization of molibdenun were observed in ATE~3 hole and ATE-4 hole, Later two holes were characterized by the dissemination of pyrite in Limestone layers, These facts might indicate the possibility of strong mineralization of molybdenite at the southerd side of the ENE-WSH fault, but it still remains in question. ‘Therefore, it needs the further exploration to eluctde this unsolved problem. 2-4 Discussion. ALL apparent resistivity values measured in Azégour sector are over 200 ohn-m, Phase pseudo sections of frequency below 1 Hz show very similar values. Therefore pseudo sections of low frequency phase, 3 pt- decoupled phase show almost identical pattern, PFE pseudo sections also have the same pattern as phase pseudo sections. Values obtained by multiplying 7.7 to PPE values in percent aré approximately sane as phase values of 0,125 Ha in m rad, ‘The reason why the difference of phase distributions in lower frequencies and PFE is negligible is because resistivity of the ground: is very high, over 200 obn-m, and no electro magnetic coupling between trans- mitting circuit and receiving circuit occurred. - _Arithnatic average of PFE values in this area is 3.21% atd rather high. ‘The high PFE is probably caused by the fact that fine-grained pyrite is distributed in most layers in this area, From. IP measurenents, two demensional structure models were made for each survey line and studied with computor, The model shows that a high PEE layer (4 to, 5%) with resistivity of 200 to 300, otm-m ts along -Line- stone layer, host rock of the area. ‘The wentfoned high PFE layer dips toward east. At the east of granite dykes, there is low PFB layer (1 to 2%) with resistivity of over 1,000 ohm-m, The small limestone layers attached to this granite dykes show also high PFE and conductive, © PRE values at the west of the granite dyke is 1 to 2% higher than that at east of the dyke, This PFE change-is thought to be caused by change of pyrite contents in. respective layers. If mineralization of the area has close -53-

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