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forwed the peneplane before the sedimentation of Triassic System, and that the. inclination duc to the fdult-block movements was started after the sedimentation. Oa the other hand, the southera margine of the Triassic System 19 severed by. Tarat-n-Yaqoud Kauit and Tguidi Kautt which trending NE-SW_or E-H. i : Bp ats Worthern and southern boundaries of the Cretaceous :System in this atea, are Fault-contact with the Paleozoic Groups by the Ighir Fault and the Agadim Fault which showing the direction east to west. These facts Gndieate that block movements vere made in this area after the end of Mesozoic age. . According to survey. results of the first phase, it is assum- able that these movements were made during the period of the Alpine Orogenic Movement at the end of Tertiary. age. 1-3 _Results of Geochemical Survey Ta the southern Area, geochenical survey was carried out, in parallel with the geological survey by collecting stream sedimente, for the analysis of miner metal elements contained in thems ‘The purpose of this survey is to clarify the distribution of indicat— ing of mineralization in this area, especially to elucide the presence of undiscovered favoreble ore deposit through the examination of the results of analysis. : : The localities of the sampling points, total anounts of 698 points, ave shown in the PL. 1-3-1, and the results of analysis are Listed in Table A-B. Values of the chemical analysis were treated statistically and the consideration was given on the characters of the population, the anomalies ‘and the correlative relation anong the elenents. ‘The anomalous values detected are. shown in the Pla 1-3-2 to the Pl. 1-3-5. Statistic Treatment For the statistic treatuent, logaritha of the analysis value, which show almost normal distribution, was employed for?the consideration, as the distribution of the analysis value of each elements had an extrene partiality for low grade side. However, no, statistic treatment was carried out on H, because the W values of 692 samples out of 698 were obtained at lower than 50 ppm. Statistical values of every element and thresholds for anomalous valués are shown in Tabie £-1, The histograms of the logarithmic value of the Cu, Pb, Zn and Mo elements, are shown in Fig. I-41 ~ Fig. I-4-4 and culnulative frequency distribution of above elenent are show in Fig. 1-5. Fér establishing anomalous values, statistic values of G, Gro and G#20 were employed as the standards of the classification. Indicated zone, weak anomalous zone, and strong anonalous zone are deterained as follows and the results are shown in the above Plates, Strong Anomalous Zone >G+2 ; Weak’ Ancmalous Zone G+ 20>%>G40 Indicated Zone G+o >%>6 the characters of population of each element and the relation to the anomalous value, and correlative, relation among the elements are discribed as. follows: 1) Cu: Points of inflections are observed on. the cummulative frequency distribution graph néar Cu.23 ppm and near Cu 100 ppm. The former posi~ -i-tion approximately corresponds ‘to G value, and the latter position’ approxi- mately corresponds té G+20 Value. ' Eepecially, since values below 23 ppm and above ‘23 ppin bélong to different populations respectively, it is con sidétéd tliat valucs’ below 23 ppin indicate the background values of Cu in this area. It is, therefore, considered that establishments of anomalous values arid thresholds ‘as above are allowable réquired conditions. 2) Pb: Point of inflection is observed on ‘the cumulative frequency tribution graph near Pb 17 ppm. This point approximately corresponds to the level of G value. It ts considered that Values below 17 ppm indicate the background values of Pb in this area. It is, therefore, considered that establishnents of anomalous values and thresholds as above are allowable requires conditions. 3) Zn: Points of inflections ate observed on’ the cumaulative frequency disteibucion. graph near Zn50 ppm and near 2n 90 ppm. ‘These positions corresponds to G value and Gt0 value respectively. Especially, groups of valves below 50 pin and values above 50 ppm are belonging to different populations respectively, and it is considered that those below 50 ppm indicate the background values of Zn in this aveay It is, therefore, considered that establishments of anonalous values and thresholds as above are allowable required conditions. 4) Moi The chemical analysis values of Mo has a detectable limits of 1 ppm. Therefore, the half of those values were represented on’ making statistic Creatments on them, Since 67% of logarittmic values of anialysis results biassed toward low grade side (Mo less than t ppm) ‘on the histogram, such distribution can not’ be regarded’ to be of uorgal. On the other hand, point of inflection is observed: on the cunmulative frequency distribution graph at near Mo 3 ppm. ‘This point approximately corresponds to the level of Gov Lt is, therefore, considered that groups of values below 3 ppm on the group of above 3 ppm are belonging to different populations res peetively. “In this connection, analysis results obtained on Mo were classified into two, which were strong’ anomalous and Weak anomalous, 5) Wr The detectable Limits of 99.1% of the analysis results of W were below 50 ppm. Therefore, these are unsvitablé for statistic treatments, ‘The strong anomalous value of moré than 54 ppm’ which was obtained during the first phase survey was adopted on this consideration. 6) Mutual relation among thé analyzed ‘elevicnté: Correlation coefficients of elements, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mo, and W, were shown in Table 1-2. Based on this table, the slight velationship between Gu and other elements were found, but no relationship were found between Pb and other elements, except the slight relationship between Pb’ and Zn. Although it seesis that there are the relationship between Ho and W, it fe difficult to discuss on the corre= lations of these, since the most of analysis results of both elenents having the values below detectable limits. 4 iderations on Anomalous Values’ Majority of the southern ‘area is mainly composed of the basins of the N'fis River. Wowever, a branch of the Al Mal River, a branch of the Mdad River, and @ branch of. the Targa River are forming small scaled basins at the northwesterd part, southeastern part, and southwestern part of this avea = 18 -9091 te0- wed Teor wed ¥16, med ots 2sc0 ont dd exe709 6-900°005 wed 00's 869 wed 1g ex
703 ocses onn6 001 os ootsss | 003887 osm | 03002 oa os ooisss sn 8 0.03887 03092 Note CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS == PROB> IRE UNDER HO: RHO!O NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONSrespectively. It is ednsidered that the geochenieal survey by the strean sedinente would bring the results reflecting the mineralization at the upper parte of respective rivers, Therefore; the exaninatisa on the anoma- lous values was made to Corrilate abdve-nentioned basins! 1) Cu (Refer to PL, 1-3-2) Strong antonalous values were observed at 23 points. |S Points ‘of them are concentrated in the basin of the Ougandis River, which is the bratch of ‘the Nitis River ‘in the vortheastera aréa. ~ Weak anosalous vahies were’ observed at 12 points in this basin, It is considered that thesé anosalous values indicate existeaces of the Gundaha Mine and the cuppeé-quarte veins in the Pre-Canbrian Group, ‘In thé nogtheastern are, ‘aiiother strong anomalous value associated with seven weak anonalous values Were recognized which was Considered to be correspond to the Iguidi Disseminated Copper Ore Deposit. Six strong anomlous values are detected in the southeastern area. Four points of them avé in the lonér atea of the 1"Ounein Copper Deposit and the Achdirt Copper Deposit associated with weak anariolous values. Many weak ‘anamolous values are detected at the upper part of this basin. These anomalous values indicate that the existence of copper ore deposits in the Pre-Cambrian Group. Five strong anomalous valués. and S weak andinalouis’ valucs’ ave recognized in the southern part of the central area. It is considered to be corres~ ponds to the ancient mine. Four strong ananolous values were detected in the upper part’ of the N'Eis River in the southwestern atea. Three points of them are corres~ pond to strong mineralizations of the Agadir Copper Skarn Deposit and the Tkisean Nolybdenum Vein Deposit, and eight weak anomalous values are also observed in this area. ‘The yest of strong anomalous values are observed in the southern slope of Mt, Tdga accompanying 14 weak anomalous values in its circumferential area. These should be due to the existence of the small copper ore deposits in this area. One strong anonalous value was recogdized in the upper part of the Ougdamt River and other was recognized in the upper part of the Al Hal River. However, in this area, many weak anomalous values aré concentrated. Tt seéns td be the influence of the existences of the Taddart Ore Deposit and many other small copper veins. 2) Pb (Refer to PL.1-3-3) Strong anomalies were detected at 23 points. Pive points of thea are concentrated in the northeastern area afd seven points are concentrated in the southern part of the central area, ‘the former in the northeastern’ area are in the basin of the. Ougandis River, and 8 weak ‘anomalous values ave recognized in'the sane basin. It is in'correspondence with the Gundaha Mine (Cu,'Pb, Zi). The Later in the southera part of the centeal area are in correspondence with the ancient mine in the basin of the branch of the dad River, and 9 weak anomalous values are detected in. the area. ; Six strong anomalies were scattered at 6 points in the southeastern area,’ It is considered that 2 points of them are related to the existence of the 1unein Mine and -2 other points accompanied with weak, anomalous values are related to the mineral indications described in the previous report. Sone weak anomalies in thie area suggests the existence of vein-type copper, lead and zine ore deposits. Four strong anomalies are detected at 4 points in the basin of the N'Eis River in the souttwestern area, Furthermore, 9 weak anowalous values ~19-are-detected in the circumferential areas of, the Agadir Mine and the Tkissan Mine. These are in correspondence with the mineralization of copper, Lead, and Zine.of above ore deposits. three strong anomalous values axé detected in the basin of the branch of the Targa River. Although no remarkable mineralization is confirmed in this area, further detailed survey work should be necessary in this area, . Iq the northwestern avea, 3 strong anomalous values are detected at the middle part, and 2 strong anomalous values are detected at the upper part of the Qugdant River. Furthermore, 2 strong anomalous’ values avo recognized in, the upper part of the Al Mal River. Coreesponding mineralization to these points have not been clarified yet. As for the former two strong anomalies, further investigational work should be done to clarify the cause of these weak anomalous values. 3) Zn (Refer to PL,.1-3-4) ; Strong anomalies were detected at 13 points, Five points of them are concentrated in the southern part of. thé central area, and the other 4 poinits are in the southwestern area. Strong anottalies in the southern part of the central area are in the lower area of the ancient mine and at the branch of the Mdad River accoin~ panied with weak anomalous values, Corresponding mineralization to strong anomalies, along the branch of the Targa River has not been confirmed yet. Beside one strong anomalous valup in the northeastern area near the Gundaha Mine, 8 weak anomalous values ave detected in the basin of the downstream of the Gugandis River, This, corresponds to the Cundaha Mine. 5 Points indicating weak anomalous values are detected in the lower parts of the Iguidi Ore Deposit, ‘Thirteen weak anomalous valués were recognized in, the southeastern area Which corresponded to the oxistence of mineral ore deposits and mineral Indications in the area. One strong anomalous value was recognized. in the southwestern area which corresponded to mineralization in the area, However, weak anomalous values detected in this area were not correspond to the mineralization, In the northwestern area, one strong anomalous valué is detected at the middle branch dale of the Qugdamt River’ and 2 strong anomalous values are detected at the upper branch dale of the Al.Mal River. However, their correspondence to the mineralization has not been clarified, Further investigational work in this aréa should be done in future to confirm the positive evidence of the weak anomalous values which concentrated at the middle, part and upper part of the Ougdaat River. 4) Mo (Refer to Phe 1-3-5), : i Thirty five points indicating strong andmalous values vere detected, Fifteen points of then are concentrated in the southern part of the central area and six points are detected at the upper part of the N‘Eis River in the Southwesters ‘area, Th Southern part of the central area, these strong anomalies are distributed in the area correspond to the ancien wine, which including the Tizi-ai-Test Ridge. Weak anomalous values ave also concentrated in this area, Although no existence of Mo mineralization has been known, it shovld be necessary to: pay, attention, in this area. : Tn the southwestern area, several strong anomalous values are con- centtated in ‘the upper part of the NtEis River accompanied with many. weak anowalous values, It is considered to caused by the, Ikissan Molybdenum = 20-Ore Deposit, and Agadir Skarn Ore Deposit in this area. In thé northeastern area, 3 strong anomalous values and 17 weak’ anoma- lous values are detected in the ciicunferentlal ‘area of the Gundaha Mine and in the’ basin of the Ougandis River respectively. Although this area is not characterized by the mineralization of Mo, the existence of, minor aount of Mo dosociated with the mineralization of copper, lead, and zine in the Gundaha Mine is ‘presumable, Tn addition, 5 strong anomalous valves in the’ southeastern area, and many weak anowalols values were detected along the branches in the eastern part. There is no report discussing for,Mo mineralization in this area, However, since the minevalizations in this area are made up relatively high grade metals tontents, Thése show large possibilities that minor amount of Mo is accompanied with the those’ mineralization, Tr the northwesterA aréa, a’ strong, anomalous value is detected fn the upper part of the Al Mal River'and 2 strong anomalous values are seen at the upper part of the Ougtant River respectively. However, it is considered that thesé ‘are isolated each without accompanying weak’ anomalies, and the mineratization in this area seems’ to covparatively, weak. 5) W (Refer: to Pl. 1-3-5) W Anomalies were obsetved only at 6 points being concentrated. in, the area near the Agadir’ Village at the upper part of the N'fis River in the southestern area. Since many mineralizations such as the Agadir Skarn Ore Deposit, the Ikissane Molybdenum Ore Deposits, are found in this area, and since the scheelite has been confirmed in the skarn ore deposit, it is considered that these anomalies correspond to such mineral izations. 1-4 Minéralization, "DS thirty nine localities of mineralization of ore deposits or mineral indications in the outhern avea’have beén clarified by this survey. The locations of these mincralization ave shown in Pig. I-6, PL 1-4-1, and the outline of the ore deposits and the mineral indication are shown in Table 1-3, As to the types of mineralization, although vein-type ore deposits ace found most frequently, skara-type’ ore deposits and a stockwork ore deposit are observed as well. The vein-type ore deposits contain copper, lead, zinc, silver, molybdenum, and barite, the skarn-type ore deposits contain copper, tungsten, and iron, and che stockwork ore deposit contains copper, The country rock of all of these ore deposits are exclusively rocks of the Pre-Canbrian Group, the Palerozoic Groups, ‘and the intrusive rock of Hereynian Period, and none of mineralization exists in the rocks after Paleozole age. This facts suggests that the mineralizations in this area have the close relationship with the intrusive rocks in the Wereynian period of the end of Palerozoic Era. ‘The outlines of the ore deposits of each type of mineralization is disoribed in the followings. 1). Vein-Type Ore Deposits The country, rocks emplacing vein type’ ore deposits are the andesites of’ the Pre-Cambrian Group, the sedimentary rocks and the metamorphic yocks of Paleozoic Groups and the granites, As the veinétype ore depdsits in the andesites of the Pré—Canbrian Group, the barite and copper oré deposit in’ the area near the Ighir village in the eastern area (32). the copper ore deposits near the Anaamer village (34; 35,'36, 37, 38), and’the copper ore deposit near the Tandilt village in the southeastern area (39), ~ 2The Ighix Barite Ore Deposit ccngist of several high-angled veins, about 30'cin width, ‘trending from east ‘to west, and some of the veins is dissemi- nated by minor amount ‘of copper. Other copper ore deposits are also high- angled quartz vein of which thé strikes are running toward various direc~ tions such as NE-SW, NNW-SSE, WNW-ESE, etc, The Cu grades of ore deposit vary from 0.06% to 3.75%, | ‘there ate several other working barite ore deposits in Pre-Canbrian Group, Vein-type ofe deposits in the Paleozoic geovps axe copper, lead, and zinc ore deposits emplaced in the Cf Formation in the eastern area, and copper ore deposit emplaced in the’ CLIT Formation in the western area, The ‘former is represented by working or under exploration ore deposits such as the Gundaha Mine (22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27), E'Qunein Mine (20, 21), ete. ‘The, Gundaha Mine is the copper, lead and zine ore depdsits of which the vein are more than 1,000 m length, and varying from 20 cm to 2.00 m in Width. ‘The direction of the vein, trends from WNW to SES and dips 75° southward and‘it is composed of 4 veins, The productions of this imine in the past were 320,000 tons of crude ore, 3,600 tons of copper concentrate (Cu 6%), 11,000 tons of lead concentrate (Pb 19%), and 45,000 tons of zinc concentrate (Zn 75%). Although this mine is not being worked at present, the small scaled explorations are being made by B.R.P.M. The L'Qunein Mine is the copper and quartz vein depésits at about 1 km south of the Tavrirt village. This deposit is conposed of 3 veins of which the veins more than 1,000 m length and vary from 20 cm to 2.00 'm in width. The direction of the veins tietids from WNW to SES, and dip steeply north- ward or southward. Main ore minerals are ¢haleopyrite, boraite, and chal- cocite accompanied with minot amounts of azurkte, covelline, malachite, and pyrite. The Cu grade of stock pile indicates from 11.75% to 17.00% (Table A~3-1, Table A-7). Another vein-type ore deposit in the southeastern area is in the area near the Achidir village (29, .30, 31), of which strikes are running either NNW-SSE or NNE-SSH. Widths of veins varies from 50 em to 150 em, arid the length of some of them reaches more than 50m. Ore minerals of the deposit are chalocopyrite accompanied with gallena, and the Cu grade is\relatively good, about 22, The vein-type mineral deposit in westera area emplaced in the © it Formation is the copper-quartz vein deposit represented by the Taddart Deposit (7), This deposit is located at about 1 km southeast of the Taddart village which is in Che northwestern part of the area. This deposit is emplaced in the conglomerate of the € i. Formation. . The ore minerals are chaleopyrite, malachite and pyrite. The strikes of the veins’ shows 3 directions of S-N, NE-SW, and WNW-ESE. Although the mineralized area (60 m x, 60 0), was confirmed during tho survey of this phase, the extension of mineralization northward i¢ presumable, The maximum width of veins is 150 cm and minimum width is 10 cm, but it indicated about 30 cm in general. ‘The Cu grades of samples of ‘the vein vary. fron 0.152 to 3.202 (PL. I-522), Many Cu minerali zations accompanied by the small quartz veias are ob= served from northwestern part to southwestern part of the survey area, ALL of them are emplaced in the Ci Formation predominated: by. limestone. The ection of veins shows various trends, such as S-N, NE-SH, WNW-ESE, ENE~WSW, and they dip steeply, The veins’ form-from $ em to 10 en'and their Cu grades hardly reached 1%, Vein-type mineral deposits emplaced. in Granite is Fepresented by Ikissan ore deposit (1) in nofthwestera part-of the axea. -This' ore deposit is at the aorth of the Ikissan village. . Thig is the molybdenun-quartz vein enplaced in Granite contacting with CM Fordation, ‘the deposit 1s com posed of 5 to 7 parailel veins of which strikes are vonaing WNH-SES, The =22-Fig. 1-6 Ore Deposits and Mineral Indications Map in Southern Areaig. 1-6 Ore Deposits and Mineral Indications Map in Southern Area LEGEND WAS eee bop iF tenes (36 1~39 Mineral IndicationsWo, Mase gf Mise Location Kind of} ayp0 rfunissene | esesone ou, Hos ¥ Kein ahsourss —_|asaste $ tha + [sare alresaie —_|asaate " t)risi-n-ounseo| tiei-n-ovrero cu |reta sfrasovte — |ransoute se éines asa 8 2.080) . oma Aredtare A |raddare » [ow | cue sficnere a [iahern S 1.680 : | ca afrebera a aghere SSE tee spe doe tofrsrors | tedere st 1.0 we fede ttfteatoss — |Anstooh & 1.78 ow | | cue Lafraazere 8 [radtare xe 2.380 “]os | cm aaftiveoves A | rieeoees AW Lethe * foe | ems aftiroours & friesoues WO. sie » |e asftemors © frirmves 0 10k s fede refrimovss 9 [rivwoves 9 1.28 ~ |e “ sufrteouss e [riveoses BE 0. sha so] e veface ace W 1. 5ke sof 19] zayvac Astac | zaywat Askar | ofurometa a |raerice 5 06x wt Dew aifuromeia 8 |raveise ssw 2.ch0 s pede al . . - af > * sod. . al = ao]. . Fy . «foe a} . a oe 1 retat resist co [ee ca aelaceaive — facnatve we 0.5m | vein} # se}ageatcane — | aaadivane M¥ 2.600 " . afracn-riente [toin-aiatie, se ota" | fm aif ante Teste 2 |e 33) re at-a-tgutdl tet-a-tevtai " en aA aaenne a | aeittrsrovetta x stnacenee 5 |PseHit-g-Qifetle a fa] ae rnamer c | anaaee 5 16k . . diassaaer © [Anmer 5 1.Cen wpe foo aif aossner B | Ansnoor § 0.5 aol Toe agfracatte | tanaite sf |e Table 1-3 List of Oro Deposits and Mineral Indications in Southern Area ore epaalee eae wow ew |» eo] » @ fw @ ore etl Remarks 1o-00 | 2640 a ee or 5 Pls govees voles 10 }r09- - = | 0.00 [250 ry. tens Ne vos | 20-40 = |= | o.or foresee, nt, xe |suate aonacd0n 2 | cor} coor} - | = forty > | 1 oo ool - | - fae : woeex | - | om | - - fo - foe} - |e low see, | so-roo sons] 12 | 2.22 |
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