This document contains a test with 59 multiple choice questions. The questions cover a range of topics including vocabulary, grammar, idioms and phrases. The questions require test takers to choose the most appropriate answer to complete sentences based on the context of the question.
This document contains a test with 59 multiple choice questions. The questions cover a range of topics including vocabulary, grammar, idioms and phrases. The questions require test takers to choose the most appropriate answer to complete sentences based on the context of the question.
This document contains a test with 59 multiple choice questions. The questions cover a range of topics including vocabulary, grammar, idioms and phrases. The questions require test takers to choose the most appropriate answer to complete sentences based on the context of the question.
This document contains a test with 59 multiple choice questions. The questions cover a range of topics including vocabulary, grammar, idioms and phrases. The questions require test takers to choose the most appropriate answer to complete sentences based on the context of the question.
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1. I failed to go to her wedding because it ___________ with my examination.
A. Crashed B. battled C. clashed D. encountered 2. Rawlings was ___________ after new evidence was produced. A. Cleared B. cleaned C. sweeped D. washed 3. The original estimate of $500 million has now _________ to a staggering $1300 million. A. Plummeted B. climbed C. descended D. dipped 4. I will now _____________ the meeting by asking you to join me in a final toast. A. Fold B. culminate C. desist D. close 5. The kids took off their ____________ and threw them on the floor. A. Skins B. hairs C. coats D. leathers 6. She leads a happy and _______________ life, never lacking for money or friends. A. Poor B. destitute C. isolated D. comfortable 7. The banks have _____________ themselves to boosting profits by slashing costs. A. Executed B. committed C. affiliated D. promised 8. It's very ___________ for older children to feel jealous after the birth of a baby. A. Common B. simple C. stubborn D. popular 9. Bessie was glad to have the dog as ______________. A. Body B. group C. firm D. company 10. Is it really necessary to ____________ experiments on animals? A. Manipulate B. handle C. conduct D. reveal 11. The train was late and I missed my ___________. A. Connection B. association C. relation D. contact 12. Three students were chosen to ______________ the experiment. A. Take into B. carry out C. break in D. turn out 13. The final phase of retreat was _______________ with much skill and precision. A. Carried over B. caught on C. carried through D. caught out 14. Being a foreigner, he did not ______________ the joke. A. Build up B. catch on C. bring on D. bump into 15. Most of exams in Vietnam are designed to _____________ the students out. A. Bring B. break C. brush D. catch 16. I used Saturday to _____________ on my sleep after a week without enough sleep. A. Catch up B. call back C. catch out D. call out 17. We have to _______________ on him before we consider his application. A. Carry down B. check up C. call off D. bring out 18. My brothers ___________ a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide. A. Call in B. catch out C. clam up D. chip in 19. You'll have to work harder to _____________ with the top students in your class. A. Claw back B. catch up C. clear out D. climb down 20. The plant ______________ more than half a million cheap watches a month. A. Produces up B. bears out C. churns out D. carries up 21. The group agreed to ____________ their discussion on the topic to the next meeting. A. Take up B. carry through C. carry over D. catch out 22. Normally chatty Mckinsey partners ____________ when asked about the race. A. Clam up B. claw back C. clear out D. climb down 23. The airline is beginning to ____________ some of the business it lost after the bomb explosion. A. Climb up B. turn out C. claw back D. burst into 24. We decided to _______________ all the old clothes that we never wear. A. Brush up B. clear out C. bring on D. call at 25. The White House hopes these problems can be ______________ soon. A. Brought in B. broken out C. come apart D. cleared up 26. The president was forced to _____________ and issue an apology. A. Mark down B. take away C. climb down D. talk over 27. After five quarters in the __________, the business will soon be profitable. A. Red B. blue C. black D. white 28. He's extremely irritable - he ______________________ at the slightest thing. A. Kicks the bucket C. flies off the handle B. Sees eye to eye D. draws a blank 29. I am a ____________ fiend, and I practise and sleep with the windows open. A. White-collar B. two-faced C. do-naught D. fresh-air 30. Diane has her ________ full with housekeeping chores and a new baby. A. Arms B. hands C. feet D. heads 31. Why are people so crazy about opera? It leaves me completely_______. A. Hot B. cool C. cold D. warm 32. The welldressed businessman ________________________ at the homeless man sitting on the corner. A. Looked down his nose C. rub his nose B. Have axe to grind D. land on his feet 33. Kate doesn't like to make plans. She prefers play it by __________. A. Eye B. ear C. mouth D. tongue 34. Don't try and _______________________ over my eyes - I can tell you've been smoking. A. Stick to the guns C. corner the market B. Pull the wool D. call the shots 35. Since childhood, I put my own parents on a _______________. I felt they could do no wrong. A. Podium B. statue C. lectern D. pedestal 36. Mary knows she shouldn't have broken off her engagement. Don't ________________ in it. A. Turn a hair C. get a word B. Drive a wedge D. rub her nose 37. Make yourself at home ; there's no reason to stand on _______________ in our home. A. Festival B. ceremony D. party D. parade 38. I _______________ for them, and they can't even help keep our house clean. A. Bend over backwards C. bandy words B. Fall into line D. carry the can 39. I need objective advice from someone with no _________ to grind. A. Hammer B. drill C. axe D. screw 40. Keep your eyes ____________ for details, which will be posted in your local market. A. Peeled B. naked C. stripped D. skinned 41. This vacation spot is ___________________ because it is a new one opened. A. Out of its shell C. off the beaten track B. On the right track D. on the spot 42. After some ups and downs, young Mr Davison has ____________ on his feet. A. Landed B. stood C. sat D. jumped 43. He had to _________________ to solve that complicated problem. A. Leave him cold C. rack his brains B. Drop a brick D. make ends meet 44. He _____________________ even when all around him are opposed. A. Turns over a new leaf C. comes out of his shell B. Gets a word in edgeways D. sticks to his guns 45. These discoveries may ______________________ on the origins of the universe. A. Shed new light C. come to light B. Make good time D. hit the roof 46. When Edward VIII _____________ the British throne, he surprised the entire world. A. Vacated B. accused C. abdicated D. prosecuted 47. Advertisers were ___________ of exploiting consumers' credulity. A. Accused B. protested C. renounced D. charged 48. The police could have ___________ them with threatening behaviour. A. Repealed B. charged C. convicted D. warned 49. Any increase in students meant a _______________ increase in funding. A. Previous B. chronical C. concomitant D. consecutive 50. ______________ with her acting career, Bron has managed to write two books of her own. A. Concurrent B. Circumstantial C. Consequent D. contrary 51. This is the fifth ________________ weekend that I've spent working, and I'm a bit fed up with it. A. Consequent B. transcendent C. transitive D. consecutive 52. Our use of harmful chemicals and the _____________ damage to the environment is a very serious matter. A. Consistent B. consequent C. occasional D. coincidental 53. Why wasn't Stephen at the meeting, then? He was _______________ by his absence. A. Invisible B. understandable C. conspicuous D. obscure 54. In 1977 James was _____________ of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. A. Convicted B. charged C. prosecuted D. deserted 55. The three soldiers had tried to ________, but were brought back to camp and shot. A. Repeal B. desert C. secede D. abdicate 56. He had made it clear to his wife that he would never ___________ her. A. Foresee B. forecast C. foresake D. forewarn 57. The president will have to ______________ for being involved in a political scandal. A. Resign B. accuse C. impose D. convict 58. The police have ______________ the city's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river. A. Sued B. warned C. threatened D. arrested 59. They grinned with delight when they ___________ our news. A. Listened B. watched C. heard D. smelt 60. The Federal Reserve Bank __________ that the economy will grow by 2% this year. A. Forecasts B. overlooks C. disputes D. admits 61. You should always _________ to achieve more, however well you have done before. A. Seek B. tackle C. strive D. postpone 62. The retail group ________ all three competitors for space in the shopping centre. A. Outbid B. outworked C. outsourced D. outweighed 63. There's no __________ in dreaming dreams, because one day they may have to come true. A. Damage B. harm C. loss D. use 64. In the areas it controls, any ___________ from the public morality it tolerates is ruthlessly punished. A. Alteration B. anomaly C. deviation D. diversion 65. She maintained rigid ____________ over her emotional and sexual life. A. Authority B. control C. power D. strength 66. Despite his _____________ to publicity, Arnold was persuaded to talk to the press. A. Hatred B. dislike C. aversion D. loathing 67. It's unfair to dismiss somebody for a single _________ of discipline. A. Break B. poaching C. enmity D. breach 68. Three of the men were killed in the ___________ encounter with the police. A. Subsequent B. transitory C. rational D. temporary 69. This word means so many things to so many people that there is vast _____________ about it. A. Distraction B. confusion C. disturbance D. majority 70. In spite of his injuries, he bears no ______________ towards his attackers. A. Sympathy B. grudge C. animosity D. affinity 71. There is simply no justification _________ making law so complicated for the public. A. Of B. towards C. with D. for 72. He bears a ___________ against me because I took his place in the office. A. Agreement B. grudge C. affection D. discord 73. The boys get home and eat everything _______ sight. A. On B. at C. in D. off 74. Often she was on the verge of tears ____________________, like a baby. A. at any rate C. by no means B. in a good mood D. for no reason 75. Labor and trade union officials were arrested by the ___________. A. Number B. score C. point D. amount 76. Digital is the buzzword _______________ in communications technology. A. Of the moment C. by the time B. At all costs D. for a moment 77. The noise of that machinery is driving me ____________________. A. For a while C. by a whisker B. At full tilt D. round the bend 78. We haven't found the solution yet, but I'm sure we're ________________________. A. On the contrary C. on the right track B. On the board D. on the dole 79. Why must I struggle constantly against the __________ when others find it so easy? A. Odds B. streams C. laws D. powers 80. _______________, it's a useful program, despite the problems. A. Harmony B. balance C. equity D. fairness 81. They still expected to get cheap baked beans, but would pay _________ the odds for high-quality fresh food. A. Over B. above C. before D. up 82. We bought that antique chair in a little shop that is far _____________________. A. Off the record C. off the beaten track B. Out of the blue D. on cloud nine 83. The path was so narrow that we had to walk ____________________. A. Off the peg C. in single file B. Here and there D. on the spot 84. __________________ I'm only a mister, but I'll be a professor. A. All at once C. in black and white B. At the moment D. on all fours 85. They had many bad experiences to relate __________________. A. On the wagon C. in the balance B. On this score D. on a bend 86. The guards were ordered to shoot ______________anyone trying to escape. A. In vain C. for granted B. At heart D. on sight 87. Though her life was in the __________, she thought only of the safety of her fellows. A. Balance B. bridge C. roof D. peak 88. John was _____________ for attempting to murder his wife. A. Stroven B. struggled C. tried D. endeavoured 89. I'd like to ___________ 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account. A. prevent B. withdraw C. extract D. divert 90. When you _____________ the room, you should hand over the door key to me. A. Evacuate B. abandon C. secede D. vacate 91. Unfortunately, the homeless people can only stay in the ____________ shelter for a short period of time. A. Transitory B. permanent C. stable D. durable 92. Sally believes that death penalty will be _____________ sooner or later. A. deleted B. dismissed C. repealed D. removed 93. The doctor _________ to his breathing and checked his pulse. A. Heard B. listened C. watched D. read 94. I didn't enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be _________ of them. A. Clean B. rid C. junk D. clear 95. The road was too narrow for me to _____________ the car in front. A. oversleep B. oversell C. overtake D. overturn 96. Sometimes my husband snores so loudly, it keeps me ____________ at night. A. Awake B. asleep C. alive D. arouse 97. If it's a legal matter you need to _________ professional advice. A. inspect B. seek C. explore D. research 98. The university is working to _________ the number of students from state schools. A. Rise B. fall C. raise D. plunge 99. Within reason, the city does what it can to ____________ traffic accidents. A. Forbid B. cancel C. undergo D. prevent 100. It's dangerous to overtake other vehicles on a(n) _________. A. Angle B. bend C. corner D. arc