Notification 1 Ms Change Scheduled

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Telephone :- 234153 30

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ScrT CfC'f", d1~-l a:raGf, Cfti1IG ~"1c6~"1, ~ RC'i"ft 1 10 0 0 1
5 th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Circus, New Delhi - 110001

F. No. DE/Notification/ITO/ITI / MS/2023/ ADG} 193 Dated: 2 4 .08 .2 0 2 3

1. All Pro Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA)
2. All CCsIT/ Pro CsIT/CsIT (In-charge of Examination)

Sub:- Notificatio n - I for Departmental Examination - 2023 for

Ministerial Staff Examination - reg.

Respected Madam/ Sir,

In partial modification of the earlier Notification- l F . No.

DE/Notification/ITO/ITI/MS/2023/ ADG/ 123 dated 18.07.2023. Schedule
of Examination for the above category stand revised as per the Annex 'I' to
this notification in view of G20 Summit in New Delhi.

All other provisions ~s mentioned in the main body and annexure of

the earlier Notifications i.e. F . No. DE / Notification/ITO/ITI/MS/2023/
ADG/123 dated 18.07.2023 will continue to remain valid without any

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Enc1s : As above

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Add!. Dlrec10r Ger.eral of Income Tu-2
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Huma n R esource De v e lopment
~ m;lIe-T <m ~. ""'~ ~ .
Central Board of Direct Taxes, New DeIhl

Time Table for Departmental Examination 2023 for Ministerial Staff

S.No Day/ Date Subject & Time

1 st session 2 nd Session
l. Monday Paper -1 Paper-2
04.09.2023 (Without Books) Office Procedure
10:30 am to 12:30 pm (FRs,SRs,GFRs etc)
(With Books)
02:30 pm to 04:30pm

2. Tuesday Paper- 3 Paper- 5

05.09. 2 023 Office Procedure Hindi Test(Written)
(Income Tax) 2 :00 pm to 3:00 pm
(Without Books) &
10:30 am to 01:00 pm Reading &
3 :00 pm to 3 :30 pm
3. Wednes day Paper- 4
06.09.2023 Practical Test (With
10:30 am to 01:30 pm
l\ , ~I
3l'Cf{ '1 , · ~2
**7. ** Addl Director Gonera l 01 Income
· ~~A~
Human Rasourca1?lV~!;P~~
~ ~a{ <fR .. ,. , ... DeIhl ·
Central Board rJ Direct Taxes. New
No. 12n12023-JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Establishment JCA Section

North Block, New Delhi

Dated: 24th August, 2023
Office Memorandum

Subject: Closing of Central Government Offices located in Delhi from 08-09-2023 to

10-09-2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit in Delhi.

The undersigned is directed to say that the G-20 Summit will be held in Delhi
on 9-10 September, 2023. The Summit will be attended by a number of Heads of
States, Heads of Government including EU , invitee guest countries and Heads of
International Organizations.

2. Recognizing the magnitude of this event and the substantial logistical

arrangements involved, it has been decided to keep the Central Government Offices
located in Delhi closed from 08-09-2023 to 10-09-2023 on the occasion of G-20
Summit to be held in Delhi

3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned .

(Parveen Jargar)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
1.· All Ministriesl Departments of the Government of India.
2. UPSC/CVC/C&AG/Lok Sabha SecretariatlRajya Sabha Secretariat!
President's ,Secretariat I Vice President's Secretariat I PM's Officel Cabinet
3. All attached and subordinate offices of Ministry of Personnel, P.G. &
Pensions I MHA in Delhi
4. The Chief Secretary of the Delhi Government
5. The Election Commission of India, New Delhi
6. Reserve Bank of India, Parliament Street, New Delhi.
7. US (UTS.I), MHA, North Block, Delhi w.r.t. OM No. 14020102/2020-UTS.1
dated 22.8.2023.
8. Secretary, Staff Side , National Council (JCM) , 13-C, Ferozeshah Road,
New Delhi
9. PIO , PIB, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi , with the request that necessary
publicity may be given in this regard . .
10. NIC (DOP& T) with the request to place this O.M . on the Website of DOPT
11 . Hindi Section , DoPT with the request to provide the Hindi Translation.

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