BASIC Research Proposal Template
BASIC Research Proposal Template
BASIC Research Proposal Template
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
School Affiliation
Date of Submission
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
1st – Provide the general description, global, national or local trend related to
the research topic. This should be interesting and specific.
2nd – Cite school or division data and information, its gaps and issues pertaining to the
research topic.
3rd – Provide the purpose of the study using the school or division data and the
identified gaps and issues as the primary reason why you are conducting the research.
4th – Provide the significance of your study or its contribution to the teaching
and learning and/or to the body of knowledge.
Points of Discussion:
Discuss parameters that your study will be operating in or that may restrict the conduct of
the study, which may cover:
● A brief statement of the general purpose of the study.
● The subject matter and topics to be studied and discussed.
● The locale of the study, where the data will be gathered or the entity to which the
data belong.
● The population from which the respondents were selected.
● The period of the study. This is the time, either months or years, during which the
data will be gathered.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
● Discuss who the respondents/participants and how are they chosen (sampling
method) for the study.
● Provide the total number of participants/respondents and their profile or conditions
if there is any.
● Discuss the research design to be employed and why it is the most appropriate.
● Discuss the research tool/instruments to be used
- Definition (purpose of the instrument – information it collects)
- Inclusions (number of items, coverage, type (survey questionnaire, Likert
scale, etc.)
- Validity and reliability
● Discuss the statistical method/treatment to be used to analyze the data and why it
is the most appropriate.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City
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