Flor Report
Flor Report
Flor Report
I FURALE PETRO MATWANGA declare that this training report is my original work and it
is not scam, all written in here its truth. Moreover, it will be submitted before at the end of
my field training and leads to acquire my Certificate.
6.3 CLARITY/NEATNESS/LANGUAGES:…………………………………………………
6.4 REFERENCE......................................................................................................................................
CC - Committee Clerk
DMDP - Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project
MD - Municipal Director
MT - Municipal Treasurer
Lastly but not least, I would like to appreciate the cooperation provided by my all-other
Tanzania Public Service Collage staff members, my friends, and all others during the whole
period of my field training. I real appreciate their support they offered field study.
This report brings the end of the four (4) weeks of Field Attachment Training module that has
taken place from 31 July to 30 August 2022 at the TEMEKE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL
The report describes in detail the organization background, objectives, mission statement,
vision statement, core values and its importance to the society. It also tells all that happened
during the training like the tasks implemented, challenges faced, skills learned and experience
acquired. As introduced above, practical training is of due importance.
Generally, the advantages of practical training are harvested by the students themselves, the
University and the organization where it takes place.
It also gives an opportunity to the student to create positive relationships with experienced
personnel and experts in his industry of specialization and expand his potential network
where all these helps to increase odds and possibility of his carrier success after graduating
from college.
To the University, practical training increase closer links with potential employers where it
generates, I have received the email and really more knowledge from visits and student`s
reports and initiates opportunities of research and consultancy with employers.
To the organization, ideas may be received, better analytical and problem-solving skills,
enjoying up to date information, skills and having personnel who are flexible and adaptable
to change and who are eager to be well in teams and learn new things desperately.
This field report attachment prepared by FURALE PETRO MATWANGA and it was started
on 31/07/2023 up to 30/08/2023. Where by the major aim of this field attachment report is to
measure and to improve the performance of the states from their class setting (theories) as the
value principle and in the radical work related to the field of study with the knowledge
acquire during the classroom time concentration. This helps the students to gain experiences
and to have the capacity to require on the censure matter concerning to the faulty of study
with practical experiences related to the field study.
This field was conducted in DAR ES SALAAM at TMC whereby the main purpose is on
how the organization is format its resources and development problems faced by them
whereby such as an organizations success problem with the possible solutions to mitigate for
the existing problems. And the field training practical is proving the opportunity for students
to apply their required equipment which have learned in the class for the purpose of
improving them from what their done and what their learnt plus all things and this is especial
particle of specific were transparent, accountability and the effective which efficiency in their
duties for future.
Whereby at the end of this field practical training the students are expected to become as the
independent in thinking and capable of coming up with the solutions or the new alternatives
for solving the different problems hence become as qualified
public servant or the good staffs for the coming generate
Temeke was first established as a district in 1972 following the introduction of the
Decentralization Policy in Tanzania. Prior that time Dar es Salaam City and Coast Region
constituted a single region known as Coast Region which constituted Mizzima, Kilwa, Rufiji,
Kisarawe, Bagamoyo and Coastal districts. Later on, the region was further subdivided into
two Regions namely Coast (Pwani) and Dar es Salaam. While the former included Kisarawe,
Bagamoyo, Rufiji, Mafia, Mkuranga and Kibaha districts, the later encompassed Ilala,
Kinondoni and Temeke districts.
In 2000 year, Temeke was established as a Municipal council under the Urban Local
Government Authority Act. No. 8. Northwest, Indian Ocean in the East. Mkuranga and
Kisarawe district to the south and west. It covers an area of 656 km square, with a coastal line
of 70 km {length}.
Avoid corruption
Avoid favoritism in service delivery
Be true, honest, fair and consistent in all dealing.
Providing service to people with honesty
Spending time and energy to ensure that citizens/people get the right service.
The community should be allowed to monitor and evaluate the result of the council at all
ward and local levels.
Be true, honest, fair and consistent in all dealing.
Providing service to people with honesty
The function of the municipal as stipulated under section 54(1) of the said act are:
Handling incoming and outgoing mail; all incoming and outgoing mail have a book of mail
record so if I have got incoming must be open then writing to the incoming mail registry
book also outgoing mail must be writing in the incoming mail registry book before filing all
prepare for store in storage example shelves, cabinets or trays.
Learning on how to open files; In the training at Temeke Municipal Council I learnt on how
to open files and this is through practices that helped me to become competent to know the
procedures, the way and the process that should be considered once opening new files for a
person within the office of registry of construction permits, for example in our department
registry of construction building permits we are been responsible for the creating those file
that are supposed to be used during construction and that file consider a lot of information
such map of building area and permits of construction, and shows structures that indicate the
building is residential house or single or two story.
Receiving mails; various mails from within and outside the department and organization
were received. This was well done by the supervisor to inform and instruct me on good ways
that enables good reception of mails. The mails were recorded in incoming mail book and this
enables to keep the information once needed and those incoming and outgoing mails deals
with construction.
Putting files numbers; in the registry of construction permits, many duties such as putting
folio numbers to files were conducted. This was carried out day to day as long as the
process to open new files was carried out. Therefore, the supervisor instructed on how proper
to putt folio numbers to every file. This helped me to become aware on the procedures that
have to be followed once putting the folio numbers.
Filling documents; is a system used to capture arrange and classify record and archive in a
logical order, convention method and procedures rules so as to simplify retrieval of record
when are needed, all letter and file in our office I arranged in a manner system so as to
simplify the retrieval when are needed for example, business document also employment
document all letter I filled in a appropriate file so as to ensured we got fast when are needed.
Arranging files; During the field practices, I learned to arranged file according to the
organization system, such as numerical system and all file in our organization are being
arranged in a numerical system so as to avoid unauthorized people to get document and also
to ensured that all authorized staff, we took it easily.
Closing files;
are file that is prohibited or restricted from adding a new document in it as because of being
too thick or has 99 folios, therefore all the file that a supposed to be closed due to some
reasons I closed it and then after to closed the file I kept in a storage facility such as shelves
and cabinet so as to ensured file and other records remained safe.
Office procedural, practices and management skills: The field practical training has
equipped with experiences and skills in office procedure, practices and management of
records and information. These are closely related with office procedures from the first day to
the last day I was performing activities that are similar with my professions.
Language skills: During this field practices at Temeke Municipal Council enriched
proficiency in language development such as fluent in speaking English language. This is due
to the fact that some of the customers who visited the office were capable to use both Swahili
and English languages, as a result the officers were in some incidences used English language
in giving and instructing me it was an opportunity to increase knowledge and skills in
speaking English fluently.
Organization behavior: The field training is important and will keep being important as it
provides and enriches students or the field trainee experiences to work in both dynamic and
challenging environment. Therefore, throughout the training it was an opportunity to behave
the way the values and ethics that guide the organization requires, hence this imparted
individually good organization copying behavior.
Honest and Trustworthy experiences/skills: The field practices respective to the fact that
the time for the field is limited, was very important as it provided honest and trustworthy
from officers within TMC to trust and aspires me more according to the work and duty that
were effectively performed without extreme supervision hence this provided me with
confidence and competency.
How to dispatch letter and file to the dispatch book and to direct letter or files to
assigned of officer
Moving file in different department in an organization.in my field attachment I get a
learning on how file moves from one department to another through proper
arrangement in a file transit ladder.
Classify of document to the dispatch book, scanning and to send through email. In my
field period I learn more about scanning document by using of scanning machine,
sending e-mail within the organization and outside of organization and also to use
dispatch book.
How to file a minute sheet of a new created file.
How to gathering information and banding document of the quarter of committees
also information of quarter of wards.
How to handle visitors by using polite language and give them good service.
Shortage of storage facilities; Also, there are shortage of storage facilities shelves,
cabinet, for storing documents.so the documents are stored on the floor and cause the
damage of the files.
o Inadequate budget and delays of funds allocated for development projects from the
central government and Donors.
o Community; depends on government support on waste management and cleanliness of
environment, lack of committed franchisee to transport garbage, and long distances to
dumping site as a problem.
o Lack of funds to build petty traders business premises.
o Awareness; creation on prevention and curative health measures.
Provision of storage facilities; the organization should provide facilities like cabinet,
shelves, and other so as to avoid damage of info and files.
To store records in the computer, when we store files in computer it's avoid to get
dust and waste also misplacement of file also to keep documents in computer
facilitate work to be easy like sending files to action officer by using computer also
to creating a new file in the computer also its avoid files to loose it's color and
autography due to
The staff member of TEMEKE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL should provide enough cooperation
to the students so that the students can e able to achieve that he or she expect to get field
attachment. Giving a student full support in learning new things in the organization. This
does mean that he or she will come to take your position but helping or sheer develop his or
her carrier.
Also, the organization should provide enough chances to the employees in offer the job
training which will be better way of increasing skills and knowledge of employees within the
organization. This will also enhance the organization at large to improve the performance of
their daily duties within and outside the organization.
To the Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC) I observed that there is no system of helping
the student to get an agency for field practice easily, the students have to go through a lot of
disappointed leading to other students not to do their field practices on time. Since a lot of
time is wasted due to students going from one agency to another to avoid all of these
complications the Institute of Social Work should get into contract with the agencies to make
it easy for the students to do their field practice on time. There also, a need for the
management of the Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC) to make sure that it establishes
relationship with public and private organizations that will be taking its students in need of
field training practical
Temeke Municipal Council is using the Swahili language and English language on their
daily activity on the organization’