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Energy Reports
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Article history: The decarbonization of buildings and communities has become a requirement for sustainability. In
Received 17 November 2022 this regard, South Korea has set a target of net-zero-energy buildings, wherein all public buildings
Received in revised form 7 February 2023 with a floor area exceeding 500 m2 must cover 80% of the primary energy consumption using
Accepted 23 February 2023
renewable energy systems by 2030. This study investigated the improvement and maximization of
Available online xxxx
energy from renewable energy systems through energy sharing between buildings by retrofitting
Keywords: an existing community. The feasibility of achieving a positive energy balance was investigated via
Positive energy community simulations. The existing community is comprised of two residential houses and two office buildings.
Building integrated renewable energy Through the retrofit design planning of the existing community, the total capacity of renewable energy
system could be applied at 75.4 kW after renovation. Through simulation, power generation rates of the
Annual energy balance
building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) and photovoltaic and thermal (PVT) systems were analyzed.
Retrofit of renewable energy
The renewable energy generation rates were 2.48 times higher when using BIPV and PVT systems.
Therefore, the analysis of the annual energy balance of the community indicated that 46.2% of the
surplus energy can be generated via renewable energy systems, compared with that of conventional
community. Thus, the retrofit community can be renovated into a positive energy community.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
2352-4847/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
installation of renewable energy systems because the proportion with vertical wall areas in increasing the share of renewable
of renewable energy in domestic buildings is much lower in South energy. Evola and Margani (2016) analyzed the economic fea-
Korea than in other countries. To achieve a zero-energy building, sibility of remodeling an old 8-story apartment in Italy. They
particularly in South Korea, where the proportion of existing found that the investment payback period was approximately
high-rise buildings is significant, it is important to develop tech- 9 years, with the PV power generation being 50% of the building’s
nology to install as many renewable energy systems as possible self-consumption rate with an 8-story East–West orientation.
in the space through retrofit planning and building renovation. Experimental analyses of plus-energy houses have also been con-
The planning and construction of a positive energy community ducted. Lee et al. (2022) analyzed data measured for 2 years of a
(PEC) through retrofit planning and building renovation can raise plus energy house using the BIPV system and demonstrated that
the proportion of renewable energy penetration rate in buildings the annual surplus power was 35.58%. Therefore, BIPV systems
and communities. should be considered when remodeling the building and com-
A PEC can create surplus electrical and thermal energy (above munity to improve the economic feasibility. However, real-scale
the zero-energy level) by establishing as many renewable energy experimental studies that realize PEC are limited.
systems as feasible and using them effectively inside the com- A feasibility study for achieving PEC via the retrofit of an
munity unit. Through the PEC, surplus energy can be shared with existing community through the real-scale design and construc-
adjacent buildings and communities, resulting in a community tion process was investigated to improve and maximize energy
with bidirectional energy sharing and trading facilities. In addi- conservation from renewable energy systems through energy
tion, by minimizing the volatility of renewable energy within a sharing. For the case study, an existing community composed
community and maximizing its self-consumption (through dis- of two residential houses and two office buildings located in
tributed energy production), it is possible to reduce the burden the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), South Korea, was
on the grid, increase the acceptance of renewable energy, and remodeled and retrofitted by integrating BIPV and PVT systems.
decrease the loss of energy. Most European nations are con- The major contribution of this paper is to provide the capability
ducting positive energy district (PED) related studies, such as of renewable energy sharing and feasibility to achieve positive
Norway (nine projects), Italy (eight projects), Finland, Sweden, energy sharing community.
the Netherlands, Spain, and Germany.
To date, studies have been conducted to increase the share 2. Methodology
of renewable energy. Recently, Civiero et al. (2021) investigated
the design of urban zero-energy buildings with a decision-making This study investigated whether there are synergies for an
program tool for implementing PEDs. This study has been con- engineering assessment of the existing buildings to enhance re-
ducted under the policy issues for PED (Magrini et al.). Hamburg newable energy by supporting the retrofit of building facades
et al. (2020) proposed a plan to apply NZEB by renovating an with BIPV. A building was selected for the study, and a design pro-
existing apartment building and assessed the empirical results. cess was conducted. Then, using the detailed simulation program,
De Luca et al. (2020) assessed the economic viability of utilizing the energy balance was analyzed before and after the building
new and renewable energy sources, among the methods adopted renovation process.
for converting existing buildings to NZEB using renewable energy.
Aparicio-Gonzalez et al. (2020) examined the design for extend- 2.1. Simulation methods
ing the roof of a residential building in a community unit and the
decrease in its primary energy consumption as a result of ZEB The energy consumption, power production, and self-
installation. Kim and Nam (2021) investigated the impact of a sufficiency rates of the PEC were analyzed using ECO2, a simu-
full energy efficiency retrofit on energy consumption reduction, lation tool based on ISO 13790 and DIN V 18599. ECO2 is being
indoor environment, and air quality. They determined that with a extensively utilized as software in building energy efficiency
full energy efficiency retrofit, it was possible to realize an energy analysis and certification in South Korea. This application can
cost reduction of 12%, along with a 30% increase in indoor air estimate a building’s monthly energy demand based on typical
quality. monthly weather data and may also predict a building’s monthly
Studies on the energy renovation of building facades with BIPV energy consumption based on its system performance. Energy
have also been recently conducted (Shukla et al., 2017; Saretta consumption is divided into heating, cooling, hot-water supply,
et al., 2019). BIPV systems installed on the exterior of buildings lighting, and ventilation energy. Each computed energy can be
account for 80% of the roof and 20% of the exterior walls, and the used to estimate a building’s primary energy consumption and
usage of BIPV systems as curtain walls is growing rapidly (Shukla carbon emissions.
et al., 2017). For building energy renovation, statistical and en- Performance details by type for the walls, floors, roofs, win-
gineering analyses have been mostly investigated (Saretta et al., dows, and doors of the building were implemented. The area of
2019). From the literature, remodeling existing buildings using each part was determined using the building envelope diagram,
BIPV systems could provide an opportunity to reduce energy and the data was also utilized for the ECO2 program analysis. The
consumption and carbon emissions. Further, it was necessary to Solar Pro version 4.7 program (Solar Pro, 2020) that was used to
conduct studies on increasing the energy and carbon emission analyze the performance of the photovoltaic system is a simula-
benefits by remodeling using experimental data (Ma et al., 2012). tion program that includes all types of PV systems such as PV,
Martín-Chivelet et al. (2018) undertook a building retrofit case building-attached PV, and BIPV. This software can analyze power
study with BIPV integrated with a new ventilated façade; How- generation based on the inverter characteristics and reduction
ever, only a single building was studied, which showed a limited ratio. In particular, 32,000 solar modules are registered, up to 400
share of renewable energy. Sorgato et al. (2018) simulated the solar inverters can be connected, and up to 160,000 modules can
renewable energy share and economic feasibility of BIPV applied be implemented.
to an office building by renovation, and it was found that there
is an economic advantage owing to the low price of the solar 2.2. Overview of the K-PEC
cell compared with the existing building facade material. Aguacil
et al. (2019) suggested an efficient application method for BIPV The Zero Energy Town in Daejeon, South Korea was selected
and demonstrated the importance of BIPV in high-rise buildings for the case study of the PEC remodeling. The PEC consists of
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
Fig. 1. Overview of the existing zero energy town (ZET) before remodeling.
Table 1
Physical details of buildings before remodeling.
Location Unit ZeSH-1 ZeSH-2 ZET PTB
Exterior wall W/m2 K 0.120 0.120 0.452 0.120
(Direct contact with outdoor air)
Exterior wall W/m2 K 0.280 0.280 0.423 0.379
(Indirect contact with outdoor air)
Floor W/m2 K 0.269 0.265 0.570 1.406
Roof W/m2 K 0.150/0.076/0.290 0.150/0.290 0.545 4.264
Window W/m2 K 1.330 1.2000 1.330 4.000
four buildings: two residential houses, such as Zero energy Solar excluding the renovation of the insulation performance of all
House (ZeSH)-1 and ZeSH-2, and two office buildings the Zero buildings (Fig. 2).
Energy Town (ZET) building and Performance Test Building (PTB) To ensure the availability of the maximum roof area for ZeSH-
(Fig. 1). These buildings were constructed in phases between 1, the roof material and structure were partly removed, and BIPV
2000 and 2008 and were remodeled from 2020 to 2021. The and building integrated photovoltaic and solar thermal (BIPVT)
ZeSH-1 and ZeSH-2 houses have been utilized as pilot houses systems were installed. After removing the external wall material,
for experiments in terms of low-energy passive technologies, me- a new public relations hall was constructed to display the oper-
chanical systems, and renewable energy technologies. The ZeSH-1 ational status of the PEC. The roof material was removed, and a
and ZeSH-2 houses had a total floor space of 263.4 and 276.2 m2 , BIPV system was placed on ZeSH-2. After the exterior material of
respectively, with one basement and two above-ground levels. the south-facing wall was removed, the BIPVT system was placed
The ZET and PTB have 513.62 and 25 m2 of total floor area for vertically. Additionally, after removing the exterior material from
heating and cooling, respectively. The passive performance of the south-facing wall of the ZET building, a color BIPV system was
each building type before remodeling is presented in Table 1. installed, along with a white BIPV system on the south wall of
the PTB. The remodeling did not modify the total heat exchange
ventilation system installed in the building.
3. Renovation of a positive energy community (PEC)
The roof structure of ZeSH-1 was complex, and the PV and
PVT installation area on the roof was limited. Moreover, when
3.1. PEC remodeling process the PV system was installed in ZeSH-1, the power production
efficiency decreased owing to the shadow of a nearby building.
The target buildings were renovated to achieve a PEC by To overcome this limitation, the first-floor roof structure was
sharing the four buildings as a community cover and sharing over removed to secure the installation area for BIPV and BIPVT on
100% renewable energy for each community’s unit energy con- the southern roof surface. PV and PVT systems were installed on
sumption. Renewable energy sharing rate is the annual renewable the demolished roof to exploit the surplus power generation. The
energy generation power rate over the annual community energy integration of renewable energy technologies, including PV and
consumption rate. This study analyzed the renovation of the PVT systems, was envisaged as a BI system that complemented
building for the application of BIPV and BIPVT systems while the building’s exterior design.
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
Fig. 2. Remodeling plan for the pilot buildings considered in this study.
Owing to the lack of roof space for ZeSH-1 and ZeSH-2, during BIPV and BIPVT systems (relevant to the building envelope) was
the design process of the renovation, structural reinforcement 75.41 kW. This indicates a 48.01 kW increase in capacity after
was employed to secure the roof area, and the BIPVT system BIPV and BIPVT were added to the existing buildings (Figs. 3–
was also placed on the south-facing wall and roof to generate 6). The installation area can be enhanced by renovating the roof
additional energy. design of the building. In addition, the installation capacity can
The ZET building, which was a non-residential building, de- be increased by securing the installation area via wall renovation
teriorated the performance of the town and lost the finishing and additional integration into new structures. The amount of
material function owing to aging and damage to the existing PV power generated per unit area increased with an improvement
system. Therefore, the existing south-facing wall and PV system in the efficiency of the BIPV.
were replaced with color BIPV systems. For the PTB, which was
a non-residential building, the BIPV system was installed on the
unused south-facing wall. 3.2. Measurement facilities for PEC
Table 2 lists the PV and PVT installation capacities of each
building considered in this study. In terms of building remodeling, The networks within the PEC were unified through a router
the precise design capacity of renewable energy systems for the and a hub for each building through one Internet network, as
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
Fig. 2. (continued).
shown in Fig. 7, to measure, collect, and monitor the energy pro- hot water supply, and energy production/consumption for each
duction and consumption data for each building in the commu- element in the building.
nity. First, a smart multi-channel meter (model name: gems3500) The configuration of the database (DB) systems for the real-
was installed on each building’s distribution panel to monitor the time storage and exchange of data acquired from each building
amount of power generated by the BIPVT, BIPV systems, fuel cells, is shown in Fig. 7. First, the data for each building was organized
and other devices in real-time. As shown in Table 3, the cur- and saved in real-time using the Maria DB management system in
rent transformer (CT) sensors were fitted in circuit breakers that Windows- and Linux-based DBs (backup), which were separated
were divided into production and consumption. Programmable by hardware. We also used a system that could supplement each
logic controller (PLC) servers and modules capable of automated other if the data in one database was lost or omitted owing to
control were installed in each building, except for KPEB-2, to communication and power outages, hardware failure, etc.
ensure the efficient functioning of installed heat pumps, heat Solar irradiance meters, thermometers, flow meters, CT sen-
storage tanks, PVTs, fuel cells, and ESSs. PLC servers were used to sors, and other instruments were installed in each building for
monitor the temperature, flow rate, pump operation status, valve the operation, data collection, and analysis of each device in the
opening/closing status, and operating logic for cooling/heating, community (Table 3). In the case of PVT, a solar irradiance meter
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
Fig. 3. Overview of the installation of new and renewable energy facilities, portraying the placement of the newly installed systems (a) before and (b) after remodeling.
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
Fig. 5. Photographs portraying the installation of new and renewable energy facilities.
was installed at the same angle as the installed PVT to analyze of the pumps and valves installed in the PVT were also measured,
the amount of collected heat and the efficiency of the meter, along with the heat storage tank, cooling/heating piping line,
along with a resistance temperature detector (RTD) temperature power production and consumption by each element through the
sensor and flow meter for inlet/outlet temperature measure- CT sensor, and the temperatures of the front and rear surfaces and
ments. Furthermore, temperature sensors and flow meters were air layer of the PVT and BIPV.
installed in the heat pump and the inlet/outlet piping line for the
cooling/heating side of the building to analyze the heat produced 4. Results
by the heat pump and heating/cooling losses of heat. Temperature
sensors and flow meters were installed inside (placed above the 4.1. Community energy demand of PEC
heat storage tank) to analyze the stratified and stored heat capac-
ities, the temperature of the city water supplied as makeup water, The weather conditions in Daejeon that were used for sim-
and amount of hot water used. In addition, the operation statuses ulation are shown in Fig. 8. The monthly average outdoor air
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
temperature ranges from −1.9 to 25.9 ◦ C. The monthly solar annual heating and cooling demands of the buildings ranged from
radiation ranges from 103.4 to 143.1 kWh/m2 . 58.3 to 170.2 kWh/m2 and from 9.1 to 31.4 kWh/m2 , respectively.
The thermal and electric energy demands of each building The cooling and heating demand differences between KePSH-
were evaluated based on the ECO2 simulation analysis. The com- 1 or −2 and KPEB-1 or −2 are caused by the difference in
munity’s energy demand was identical before and after the ren- building usage and envelope thermal resistance. The annual DHW
ovation process. This is mainly because the passive renovation demand of buildings ranged from 7.5 to 30.7 kWh/m2 . This is
of the building is excluded from this study. Table 4 lists the because the DHW demand depends on the building usage, such
thermal energy demand for cooling, heating, and domestic hot as a residential or non-residential building. The annual lighting
water (DHW), and the electric energy demand for lighting. The demand ranged from 8.4 to 16 kWh/m2 .
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
Fig. 10. Primary energy production and consumption comparison of the PEC before and after renovation.
Table 2
Details of the installation of new and renewable energy facilities through remodeling.
Buildings Before remodeling After remodeling
Renewable Installed Installed Renewable Installed Installed
energy location capacity energy location capacity
facilities [kW] facilities [kW]
ZeSH-1 to BIPV Roof 3.3 BIPVT Roof 4.29
BIPV Roof 15.12
ZeSH-2 to BIPV South-facing 2.92 BIPVT South-facing 3.3
KePSH-2 wall wall
BIPV roof 4.98 BIPV roof 8.3
ZET to BIPV South wall 16.2 BIPV South wall 39.6
PTB to – – – BIPV South wall 4.8
Total 27.4 75.41
Table 3
Specifications data of measuring equipment.
Item Instrument Specification of instrument
DASS 3.5i Maximum Power Point Tracking 200∼400 V
PV inverter
Efficiency Maximum >97%
DASS 20i, DASS 30i Maximum Power Point Tracking 480∼800 V
Efficiency Maximum >99%
Solar radiation CMP21 Measuring range: 4,000 W/m3
Accuracy: < 0.2%(@100∼10,00 W/m3 )
Module temperature K-type Thermocouple Measuring range: 0∼+120 ◦ C
Accuracy: ±0.3 ◦ C
Power meter Gems3500 45∼65 Hz
Accuracy: ±0.02 Hz
the building sector can achieve carbon neutrality by designing For future studies, an experimental analysis will be conducted
and maximizing the installation of renewable energy resources. to prove the concept of this community. Additionally, the self-
Further, the renovation process can reduce up to 53.6 tCO2 of consumption of renewable energy sources and energy demand
annual carbon emissions. within an hour will be studied to enhance the stability of the
Y.-S. An, J. Kim, H.-J. Joo et al. Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3733–3744
Table 4
Annual thermal and electric energy demands of the community.
Buildings Heating [kWh/m2 ] Cooling [kWh/m2 ] Domestic Hot Lighting [kWh/m2 ]
Water (DHW)
[kWh/m2 ]
ZeSH-1 to KePSH-1 58.3 27.2 30.7 8.4
ZeSH-2 to KePSH-2 59.1 31.4 30.7 8.4
ZET to KPEB-1 40.5 27.1 7.5 15.5
PTB to KPEB-2 170.2 9.1 7.5 16
Table 5
Impact of building renovation on primary energy balance, carbon emission, and renewable energy sharing rate.
Buildings Before remodeling After remodeling
Primary Primary CO2 Renewable Primary Primary CO2 Renewable
energy energy con- emissions energy energy energy con- emissions energy
production sumption [tCO2 ] sharing production sumption [tCO2 ] sharing
[kWh] [kWh] rate [%] [kWh] [kWh] rate [%]
ZeSH-1 to KePSH-1 12,085.3 34,141.0 10.5 35.4% 50,055.0 34,141.0 −7.6 146.6%
ZeSH-2 to KePSH-2 25,734.2 32,682.4 3.3 78.7% 37,159.6 32,682.4 −2.1 113.7%
ZET to KPEB-1 38,459.6 57,251.5 8.9 67.2% 90,921.5 57,251.5 −16.0 158.8%
PTB to KPEB-2 – 5,380.8 2.6 0.0% 11,069.6 5,380.8 −2.7 205.7%
PEC 76,279.1 129,455.7 25.2 58.9% 189,205.7 129,455.7 −28.4 146.2%
Fig. 11. Primary energy balance and carbon emission via renovation stages of the PEC.
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