Descriptive Text A Pet
Descriptive Text A Pet
Descriptive Text A Pet
She is a small
mammal with a short tail but long ears. She has four legs. Like other rabbits, she
hops using her legs. Her hind legs are very powerful to hop. My rabbit has soft
brown fur. I love cuddling her. Everyday she eats carrot and enjoys fresh vegetables
too. She grows fatter and stronger now. My sister and I love playing with her
My pet is a cat. My cat’s name is Wloobie. He has soft brown and white fur. His
eyes are brown. He has a round head and whiskers. His four legs have some sharp
claws. He uses them to catch and kill rats in my house. But he doesn’t eat the rats.
He likes eating fish and special snacks for cats. He usually sleeps in his tiny house.
Wloobie is a friendly cat. When I call him by saying “Wluuuu”, he comes
immediately and meows at me. Sometimes, he is like having a conversation with
I have a pet dog. His name is Thomas. We usually call him Tom. His body is
covered with white long fur. My father and I bathe him twice a week. He looks very
handsome after bathing. Tom has brown round eyes and quite long ears. He also
has four legs with some strong claws. He uses them to catch rats, lizards, geckos or
any animals who come to my house. He barks loudly when somebody comes to my
house. He acts like a reliable guard for my family. When I come home, he waves his
tail enthusiastically. All of my family likes to play with him. We love him very much
Giraffes are the tallest mammals in the world. We can find them in central, eastern
and southern Africa. Some of them are also kept in the zoo. A giraffe has a long
neck and long legs. The long neck helps it to eat leaves from the tall trees. It pulls
the leaves by its long tounge. Around his body, it has spotted patterns. “Giraffa
camelopardalis” is its scientific name. On the top of its head, there are small
“horns” or knobs. They are used to protect the head when fighting.
Elephants are the largest land animal in the world. They are from Asia and Africa.
They are herbivores. They eat grass, leaves, branches and fruit. An elephant has a
big body with four legs. It has large but thin ears and small eyes. It also has one
long nose called trunk. It uses the trunk to lift the food. Its skin is grey and hairless.
It has a short tail. Their habitat is usually in the forest or in the zoo. The elephants
are strong animals. They can carry heavy loads.
Kangaroos are the planet’s largest marsupials, a variety of mammal in which offspring,
called joeys, undergo most of their development inside an exterior pouch on the
mother’s abdomen. Kangaroos reside exclusively in Australia and nearby islands,
including Tasmania. Highly social animals, kangaroos typically live and travel in groups.
Males of the largest kangaroo species, the red kangaroo, can be up to 1,8 meter tall
and weigh 90 kilograms. In all species, females are smaller than males. Male red
kangaroos have a maroon-colored coat; female red kangaroos are bluish-gray
All red kangaroos have a white stripe on each side of their faces. The western gray and
eastern gray kangaroo both have silver hair, but the latter’s coat is longer and lighter in
All kangaroos have strong hind legs and conspicuously large feet. They cannot move
one leg independently of the other and must therefore get around by hopping. A
sturdy tail that ranges from 0,7 to 1 meter in length depending on the species helps
them maintain their balance while they hop
Pejantan dari spesies kanguru terbesar, kanguru merah, bisa mencapai 1,8 meter dan
beratnya 90 kilogram. Pada semua spesies, betina lebih kecil dari pada jantan. Kanguru
merah jantan memiliki mantel berwarna merah marun; kanguru merah betina
berwarna abu-abu kebiru-biruan.
Semua kanguru merah memiliki garis putih di setiap sisi wajah mereka. Kanguru abu-
abu barat dan timur keduanya memiliki bulu perak, tapi bulu kanguru abu-abu timur
lebih panjang dan warnanya lebih terang.
Semua kanguru memiliki kaki belakang yang kuat dan kaki yang sangat besar. Mereka
tidak bisa memindahkan satu kaki secara independen dari yang lain dan karena itu
harus berkeliling dengan melompat. Ekor kokoh yang berkisar dari 0,7 sampai 1 meter
panjangnya tergantung pada spesies yang membantu mereka menjaga
keseimbangannya saat mereka melompat
Monkey is one primates who was known lived since geological ages.
This creature is often called as human evolution by several Researcher.
Those reason was assumed by Darwin because monkey has body
structures is same with human body.
Monkey has small body, grey fur, twice canine tooth and has long
tail. They are usually live in forest, downstream of beach and even
around of settlements.
Now, monkey is rare animal and the population are decreased. Many
people torture them and brutally assassination because are habitat was
destroyed by human.