Acquisition, Visibility, Accessibility and Use of Periodicals Among Library and Information Science Postgraduate Students in Federal University Libraries in Nigeria
Acquisition, Visibility, Accessibility and Use of Periodicals Among Library and Information Science Postgraduate Students in Federal University Libraries in Nigeria
Acquisition, Visibility, Accessibility and Use of Periodicals Among Library and Information Science Postgraduate Students in Federal University Libraries in Nigeria
August, 2021
___________________________ _______________
Ishioma Nwanapayi Azonobi Date
We certify that this research work was carried out by Ishioma N. Azonobi under
_________________ __________________
Prof. S.O. Uwaifo Date
(First Supervisor)
_________________ __________________
Dr. M.O. Ogbomo Date
(Second Supervisor)
_________________ __________________
Dr. M.O. Ogbomo Date
Head of Department
This research work is dedicated to God Almighty for His invaluable love for me
assisted me, without whom I would not have undertaken this research.
The completion of this work could have been difficult and rather impossible
without the tireless effort of my supervisors, Professor S.O. Uwaifo and Dr. M.O.
Information Science – Prof. E.E. Adomi, Dr. B. E. Iwhiwhu, Dr. E. F. Ogbomo, Dr.
E.I. Achugbue, Dr. I. Odede, Dr. O.N. Ekoko, Dr. D.O. Toyo, Mr. E. F. Ejedafiru,
Mr. W.C. Ochonogor, Mr. L. Arumuru, Mrs. M. A. Igere, and Mrs. J.O. Patrick for
Prof. C.N. Ikeoji and all lecturers in the Faculty of Education, for their guidance all
Scott Alice, Mr. Nwadiji Lucky and Mrs. Afighor Christiana who in one way or the
toiled all around to assist me morally and financially throughout the duration of my
presence during the crucial time. I thank God for my parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
1.5 Hypotheses 15
2.5 Accessibility of Periodicals in Libraries. 52
Periodicals in Libraries 64
5.1 Summary of the Study 93
5.2 Conclusion 94
5.3 Recommendations 95
5.4 Contributions to Knowledge 96
5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies 96
Table 1: Examples of Institutional Repositories in Nigeria 42
Figure 2.1. Structure of Utilisation Research 20
Figure. 2.3 – Screen image of the webpage of the digital repository with
DSpace software 43
The study investigated acquisition, visibility, accessibility and use of periodicals among Library
and Information Science postgraduate students in federal university libraries in Nigeria. The
descriptive survey design was adopted. The population of the study was 411 respondents drawn
from seven Federal University libraries in Nigeria. The sample for the study was 411 and total
enumeration sampling technique was used because no sampling was done due to the number of
postgraduate students involved. Research questions were raised and answered with three
hypotheses formulated which were also tested. The instrument used for data collection was the
questionnaire and copies of them were collected and analysed using frequency, mean and
standard deviation to answer the research questions. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient (PPMC) and multiple regression were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. The study found that serials librarians adopted purchase, subscription and patron-
driven as methods of periodicals acquisition in federal university libraries in Nigeria. It was
discovered that the tools viable for the visibility of periodicals are: institutional repository, self-
archiving, catalogue and periodical stand and postgraduate students’ access periodicals by using
subject, title and keywords. The study also revealed that postgraduate students use periodicals by
searching, downloading and locating them from multiple sources and retrieve them to meet their
information needs. There was a significant relationship between visibility and use of periodicals,
there was a significant relationship between accessibility and use of periodicals and a significant
relationship among visibility, accessibility and use of periodicals among Library and Information
Science postgraduate students. The study concluded that visibility and accessibility influenced
the use of periodicals among Library and Information Science postgraduate students in federal
university libraries in Nigeria. The study’s contribution to knowledge is that acquisition,
visibility and accessibility were significant for the use of periodicals in federal university libraries
in Nigeria. The study recommended that: Serials librarians should maintain and sustain the
methods of acquisition adopted to enhance usage of periodicals, more attention should be paid
in the areas of visibility and accessibility tools; and efforts should be made to augment print and
electronic periodicals for use by postgraduate students.
1.1 Background to the Study
restructured students' tactics in using periodicals in the university library. This has put a
resources that involve several kinds of periodicals. This is because, a university library
is the resource bank of any institution and its goal is to provide effective services for
users to enhance their knowledge with up-to-date information which is important for
distinctive title, which appears at stated or regular intervals, without a prior decision as
to when the last issue shall appear. According to Sivadas (2012), periodicals are serials
characterised by the regularity of publication and frequency of issues that are generally
paid for in advance. Periodicals are the conveyance of current trends in all walks of life.
This has made access to their contents more direct, convenient and timely which made
postgraduate students cling to them to unravel their greatest source of anxiety and
information, periodicals have gained great importance in university libraries. They are
published scholarly and theoretical research articles that have high impact and are among
the most vital sources of information in the library as they carry the latest information in
all fields of knowledge. This implies that, collections of periodicals are very important
for any academic and research libraries as they are primary sources of information and
awareness and are invariably more up-to-date and usually intended for a wider audience.
collection occupy a predominant role and have an ever-lasting value. Hence, it is not easy
to lend out documents from these collections. Therefore, almost all periodical literature
must be acquired for the betterment of the university community. The importance of
periodicals has forced postgraduate students to learn how to access and use a wide variety
of resources in the library. Periodicals are vital sources of information and as such are
meant to be used, read and studied. This requires that periodicals must be acquired,
organised and made visible and accessible in various formats to users especially
postgraduate students.
professional knowledge and experience, dedication and adaptability but also a deep
insight and acumen to understand the sequence of periodicals and courage to deal with
their distinctiveness. Librarians have a professional duty to ensure that periodicals within
their collections are maintained in a condition appropriate for their use and their intrinsic
value (Shameenda, 2011). This does not mean that all items must be, or should be
displayed indefinitely.
in Nigeria. Their usefulness is found in the current information they carry. The
information these vital sources carry, educate and entertain the readers and keep them
abreast or informed about what happens in the society around them. The creamy or vital
information, which is on a regular basis, makes them one of the most important and
crucial sources of information (Abalaka, Yahaya & Okikiri, 2014). Periodicals and
serials can be used interchangeably and they consist of print and electronic formats
(Njeze, 2012).
students. Librarians must determine policy for the visibility and accessibility of their
collections as appropriate to the aims and objectives of their institutions, the needs of
users and the value of the individual items (Shameenda, 2011). Therefore, knowledge of
the use of periodicals is essential for all librarians who are concerned with the acquisition
of periodicals.
by a user. Someone who uses something to achieve his/her aim is a user. In the same
vein, those who make use of periodicals for scholarly research are periodical users
(postgraduate students). Also those who enter the library or surf the library website and
find periodicals useful are library users. Barman (2020) defined user “as a person who is
actively seeking access to the information available in the library” (p 1). Use of
periodicals is not a new ideology in university libraries, but efforts are being made by
librarians to acquire periodicals that will translate to qualitative research by users in their
various institution. Kanwar Library (2019) avowed that, periodicals acquired should be
effectively and ethically obtained at a reasonable and available cost, when needed, to
reflect the needs of the university curriculum. It is also in this regard that the usefulness
large. Periodicals are used by postgraduate students to conduct research, to pursue
individual interests as well as support their claims on concerned issues. The use of
Omeluzor and Amadi (2013) believed that information resources (periodicals) accessed
Thus, Zhang (2013) highlighted some of the reasons students select and use
periodical sources to include: the quality and characteristics of the content of a source: is
The characteristics of the source itself; is the source available or easy to access? The
The usability of the source; is the source easy to use? The similarity of the source; is a
source similar to the user in terms of interest? The scope of the source; is source
information specific or includes many other topics? The user’s emotional reaction to the
source; the selection of the source is dependent on the emotional reactions of the user
and social norms: whether the use of a source conforms to generally accepted norms.
According to Khan (2014), students cannot conduct research only through books;
they consult periodicals for up-to-date knowledge. However, it is convenient for students
to consult required periodicals from the library or online because it does not only save
their time, but increases the necessity for knowledge sharing. Alade, Iyoro and Amusa
(2014) studied library use characteristics of students in Nigeria University of Science and
Technology and observed that the respondents never used information resources in the
library. In other words, they visited the libraries for other purposes. This may be as a
result of the inaccessibility of library resources. Ntui and Udah (2015) conducted a study
on the accessibility and utilisation of library resources and observed that the respondents
cannot use quality information resources due to their inability to access them in the
library. There are quite a number of factors that could influence postgraduate students’
use of periodicals in the library, some of which are acquisition, visibility and
legal and ethical access to information resources. He further noted that, the acquisition
development statements and the adoption of selection procedures". (p. 23) Therefore,
should be carefully evaluated in terms of their intrinsic values, intellectual level and
Hence, Akinbode and Nwalo (2017) posited that, acquisition entails selection,
information resources on racks for users; and maintenance which includes updating,
filling the gap, preservation, binding of back issues and repair of damaged information
resources. It is also referred to as the process of identifying and verifying the existence
system that can ensure proper visibility and accessibility to users. This means that in
ensuring that the information needs of users are met, there is the need to acquire
prominent periodicals undermining the cost involved since acquisition is besiege with
the years, and the average subscription rate a library pays for such a journal has accrued
depends on the university policy. In line with the University of Bathe (2018), a proportion
of the library budget is allocated for the acquisition of periodicals. It involves activities
such as the selection of titles, pre-order checking, preparation of final list for order and
other activities such as verification of receipt, checking on the materials, claiming and
As averred by Ward (2015), there is an urgent need to establish more holistic and
iterative approaches to manage budgetary constraints while ensuring that collections are
"responsive" and committed to the university's research and curricular requirements and
Okpokwasili and Blakes (2014) noted that, librarians should take cognisance of users'
active participation in the acquisition process to balance periodicals acquired with the
university curriculum. To explain this point, it is believed that policies, plans, and
strategies are fundamental to progress and collection development of a library, yet, from
budgetary allocation, the problem with acquisition of periodicals lies with the
inconsistency in their titles and several methods of acquisition adopted by the university
ripe for libraries to adopt a patron-driven acquisition method to make periodicals visible
how to keep periodical records and display them for visibility and accessibility to users.
Visibility, as a variable in this research, simply means the degree to which something is
seen by a wider audience. Also, it is the manner at which periodicals can draw the
attention of users to the library without extra effort. Ma and Romer (2014) defined
visibility as the creation of visible traces to periodicals that are either acquired by
process that allows libraries to bring their resources to the open to enable access and
spread depending on the university library's financial position. The role of librarians
The successful use of periodicals depends on their visibility level. The visibility
to increasing the possibilities of getting more funds for periodicals acquisition thereby,
leading to proper usage (Singh, Shah & Gul, 2014). Visibility seeks to attract the
attention of the university user community who are already aware of their existence and
can access, read and use them. However, Ebrahim (2016) affirmed that, visibility broadly
facilitates and enables librarians to identify, collect, organise, analyse, visualise and
publicise the intellectual output of the university. This is because, knowledge is power
asserted by Cabonero and Dolendo (2013), are useless when they cannot be visible and
accessed by users. This infers that good visibility portrays good librarianship.
periodicals. Robust visibility means not only just up-to-the-minute access but, should be
available to the appropriate users, no matter where they are or how they are trying to
access them (Serenic Software, 2019). Users of university libraries need access to
(2010) noted that, bibliographic instability could hinder visibility and accessibility which
would, therefore, improve their accessibility which is the bedrock for usage motivation
disseminating current information on all citation analysis tools and metrics, as well as
offering approaches to increase the visibility of periodicals contained in the library. The
manage these periodicals and make them visible and accessible to the universal scholarly
community. This statement implies that, university libraries mostly in Nigeria, have
failed in the adoption of some critical tools viable for the visibility of periodicals such as
functional institutional repositories, social networking tools or collaborative initiatives
Another variable that could influence the use of periodicals in a university library
Ntui and Udah (2015) regards accessibility to mean the ease of locating and retrieving a
piece of information from the storage medium. It involves the extent to which a
periodical eliminates barriers and permits the user to demonstrate his/her knowledge of
the content (Lisney, Bowen, Hearn & Zedda, 2013). Therefore, Ugbagir (2016) noted
regulations that libraries should follow to decentralise university resources and sitting
and benefit from periodicals acquired by universities through the library. It is created to
achieve specific goals with efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction in a specific context
of use. Bathe (2018) defined efficiency as “a level of performance that describes using
the least amount of input to achieve the highest amount of output” (p. 1). It is a
measurable idea that may be determined using the quantitative relation of useful output
to total input. This means that efficiency has to deal with organising, managing and
providing basic access to periodicals in the library collection. It minimises the waste of
resources like physical materials, energy, and time whereas accomplishing the required
(2011), is "the capability of producing the desired result or the ability to produce the
desired output” (p. 2). It is also often understood as an intended or expected outcome, or
a vivid impression and a veritable manual for stock-building, relating theory to practice,
built on how people choose and access periodicals for desired result (IPA report, 2018).
This statement infers that, access to periodicals is made possible and easier for users
through the use of various search and download tools because they serve as indexes and
guides to periodicals collection. “The more accessible periodicals are, the more likely
According to Bello (2011), “users access information resources through the use
of the library catalogue and Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)” (p. 18). This infers
that, access to periodicals could be in the form of search, locate, download, retrieval, and
reading periodicals within and outside the library. Therefore, the use of tools such as the
Sci-Hub, search engine, catalogue, union catalogues and library Genesis enhances access
and helps users to quickly obtain particular periodicals for use. Accessibility and use of
periodicals are key factors in the provision of quality services in any type of library. Rao
and Reddy (2018) stated that university libraries are always committed to providing
Nevertheless, studies have revealed that there seems to be a need to improve visibility
and accessibility of periodicals in libraries as they have great influence on the use of
periodicals because users are unable to find out what has been acquired by their libraries.
Okorie and Akanwa (2018) reported that, despite the emphasis placed on the use
students. This view correlates with the one by Abubakar and Adetimirin (2017) that
postgraduate students' use of periodicals in Nigeria is on the downside. Nutsupkui and
Owusu-Ansah (2017) studied how frequent faculty and students used serials in an
African university library and observed that both faculty and graduate students were,
relatively, aware of the serials (periodical) collection in the library. However, despite this
awareness, they used serials, relatively, less frequently. Similarly, Adeleke and Nwalo
(2017) in a study, found that students make low use of periodicals in spite of their
availability because they (students) are not aware of the various channels through which
information can be accessed; they also do not know the sources of this information and
therefore cannot locate and retrieve them from their libraries. Chimah, Nwokocha and
Also, records from some of the serials sections visited, showed a continuous
decline in usage from a higher 40(29.5%) in 2015 to a lower 5(6.3%) in 2018. This could
result of inadequate tools put in place and the financial status of the library to acquire
scholarly publications that will enable usage. This brings to focus, the acquisition,
students have become of paramount important for qualitative research and up-to-date
knowledge in university libraries. Periodicals are widely recognised information paths to
students, academia and researchers. Hence, they are acquired by libraries in satisfying
the insatiable needs of their users, especially postgraduate students. In spite of the
numerous benefits associated with the use of periodicals, most students restrain
themselves from using them due to their inadequate knowledge to navigate the library,
use the catalogues (both online public access catalogue) and search the available
information cannot be utilised with ease and convenience. It is pathetic to note that,
despite the huge efforts and resources spent in the acquisition of these periodicals, there
are no viable tools put in place for proper visibility and accessibility of these periodicals.
The researcher’s preliminary observation and personal experience showed that subject-
based periodicals are obscured and inaccessible to students to conduct quality research.
are faced with the problem of poor visibility and inaccessibility of intellectual content
due to lack of access to subject-based periodicals and numbering problems (Islam, 2015;
Christian, 2012; Suja & Zakaria, 2011). This implies that, the use of periodicals among
study to find out the actual factors responsible for the non-usage of periodicals and the
extent to which each factor contributes to the problem. Consequently, this study is out to
investigate acquisition, visibility, accessibility, and use of periodicals among Library and
The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of acquisition,
visibility, accessibility and use of periodicals among Library and Information Science
are to:
ii. determine the tools used for the visibility of periodicals in the university
iii. find out how postgraduate students access periodicals in the university
university libraries;
university libraries;
vi. identify the relationship between accessibility and use of periodicals in the
vii. find out the relationship among acquisition, visibility, accessibility, and use
libraries in Nigeria?
ii. What are the tools used for the visibility of periodicals in the university libraries?
1.5 Hypotheses
provided information on the methods of acquisition, how to create visibility and make
the periodicals accessible which will, in turn, bring an improvement on the use of
use of periodicals (searching, downloading, locating, etc) and their shortfalls, which will
lead to the design of policy on the minimum and maximum usage of the library in general
Thirdly, researchers and students will find it useful because it will serve as
background information to the researchers that are interested in the field of periodicals
acquisition while students will benefit from the study because it provided information on
the tools for accessing and downloading periodicals, thus, increasing the extent of
usage. Lastly, the study will add to the body of literature on acquisition, visibility,
accessibility and use of periodicals among library and information science postgraduate
university libraries in Nigeria. The study was interested in ascertaining the methods
determining the tools used for the visibility of periodicals in the university libraries;
finding out how postgraduate students access periodicals in the university libraries;
identifying the relationship between visibility, accessibility and the use of periodicals in
the university libraries. The study covered Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan,
Oyo State; Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State; Festus
University of Calabar Library, Calabar, Cross River State; University of Uyo Library,
Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State; University of Ilorin Library, Ilorin, Kwara State and Kashim
Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State. The selection of these
universities was because they were some of the federal universities in the region offering
universities in Nigeria. This comprises five federal university libraries in the Southern
part and two federal university libraries in the Northern part in Nigeria.
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms
periodicals collection.
Acquisition: This is the process of acquiring materials after the final selection decision
had been made and concerns all the processes involved in building up the collection of
the library.
Periodicals: These are serials publications with distinctive titles, containing a mix of
articles by more than one contributor, issued at regular or stated intervals of less than a
year, without a prior decision as to when the final issue will appear.
has been obtained. It is connected with further studies that someone does at a university
University Library: This refers to the type of academic library that is found in the
university, solely for the support of the teaching-learning process and academic
periodicals with the full extent of getting the required information to actualise academic
Visibility: It means the geographical spread of periodicals of a library within and outside
The theoretical framework for this study is Trice and Treacy (1986) utilisation as
for this theory is because the variables are relevant to the intention of this study as it
This theory was developed by Trice and Treacy (1986) to address the amount of
variable when studying or predicting the impacts that an information system has had on
process, structure, and performance. The degree and type of impacts would quite
naturally be expected to vary with the amount of use that is made of the system. The
utilisation of a system has also been used as a dependent variable. It has been modelled
implementation and by characteristics of the information system, the task, the individual
social sciences and arts and humanities. has continued to be significant especially in
issues relating to acquisition and visibility in libraries or organisations that could enable
students to access and use information resources (periodicals). Trice and Treacy (1986)
opined that “utilisation is either the amount of effort expended interacting with an
information system or, less frequently, as the number of reports or other information
products generated by the information system per unit of time” (p. 2). Examples include
frequency and number of computer sessions, connect time, and time spent using different
system functions, the number of records updated, and keystrokes or carriage returns.
Therefore, its application to this study which sets out to investigate acquisition, visibility,
The critical aspect of the theory is the users’ interaction with an information
system which is constructed through the task characteristics and the individual user
differences which will invariably amount to an effective use of periodicals. The research
framework provides the impetus for a large stream of empirical research that has studied
the relationship between individual utilisation of an information system and the four
Design and
Implementation Process
Information Systems
The structure is relevant to the study due to the inclusion of task characteristics
that are basic requirement in accessing and using periodicals. The process encompassed
the nature of the tasks users must execute to use periodicals through the various stages
of information seeking such as accessibility and the measure of the suitability of the
acquired periodicals to the needs of different users. The utilisation structure consists of
Design and implementation process: At this stage, different information technologies
periodicals in the library. This involves the support of the parent organisation, user
acquired, then they are made visible for users’ interaction in form of accessing them
Individual differences: Each student has his/her different search terms and purposes
Task characteristics: This involves the interaction of users with the periodicals. After
students have determined their search terms, they must define the tasks, search the
databases and perform other activities such as reading, copying and pasting, printing,
visibility and accessibility) and dependent variable (use of periodicals) and acquisition,
visibility and accessibility could influence their use of periodicals. In other words,
Independent Variables
Acquisition of periodicals
- Patron-driven acquisition
- Purchase
Figure 2.2 provides the conceptual framework for the study. The objectives are
federal university libraries. Therefore, the factors proposed as influencing the use of
periodicals were selected from the literature. These factors were then associated with the
actual use of periodicals among individual postgraduate students to form the framework.
The framework has three independent variables that were derived from previous
research. These key variables may serve as an influence on the use of periodicals among
postgraduate students in university libraries. In this study, the focus is placed on the
interaction of these variables. This theory was used by O'Reilly in 1982 in his study of
observed the number of accesses per month, connect time, and the number of light,
stipulated that the amount of use an individual or group makes of an information system
is a key variable in research. They noted that the level of use of a system has been
implementation and by the characteristics of the task of an individual user and their
interaction with the system. Some other variables that can influence the use of periodicals
are acquisition, visibility, and accessibility. Justification for each of the variables is
provided as thus:
periodicals. It posited that the use of periodicals among postgraduate students
Use of Periodicals: This has to do with an interaction with the various types of
(O’Reilly, 1982).
The framework shows that for periodicals to be properly used, variables such as
that are visible and accessible to effectively use periodicals for quality research. Adapting
this theory in research, this study considers acquisition, visibility, and accessibility as the
factors that could influence the use of periodicals among library and information science
Acquisition of periodicals is the business side of the library which involves the
interaction with publishers, management of library budgets and steps carried out to add
periodicals to the collection (Texas Health Science Center, 2016). The inclusion or
exclusion of materials in the library collection is mainly based on the information content
and financial position of the university, notwithstanding the nature of the materials
whether books or periodicals. A periodicals section handles all activities related to the
functions are generally located in the technical service divisions whose operations
provide access to information in all its forms and formats” (p. 2). Acquisition process
may include identifying and selecting materials for the library’s collection; pre-order
searching to identify duplicate orders and to verify correct author and title as well as
licensing agreements and contracts for electronic resources; claiming materials not
delivered within the expected time frame; receiving materials; approving invoices for
payments; physical processing such as ownership identification, security taping, and call
number marking; binding; and preserving materials as needed. In technical service, there
cataloguing functions are performed. Periodicals require open orders because their
acquisition methods and procedures are different from those of books. This means that,
for periodicals to be acquired and successfully added to the collections of the library,
library and revealed that the library used major methods (purchase, exchange,
gift/donation, and institutional membership) for periodicals acquisition due to the nature
of fund allocated to the library. Generally, Okpokwasili and Blakes (2014) noted that
there should be a need for periodic evaluation of the university libraries to determine
how well they are meeting the needs of the users. Users are in the best position to evaluate
the effectiveness of any library. Such evaluation should determine how well periodicals
are acquired to meet their needs. This statement infers that, users must be consulted in
the acquisition process for a perfect match with their curriculum which could be through
informal discussion, a user opinion survey, suggestion slips, library blog, etc.
alternatives are found and to obtain periodicals through appropriate channels is the
responsibility devoted not only to the librarian but also on those engaged in the library
organisation of serials and other continuing resources in two selected university libraries
in Nigeria and the result showed purchase, consortia, and publishing as the methods of
acquisition and revealed that the respondents adopted all mentioned methods. However,
subscription to publishers, dealing with the vendors, purchasing from local newsagents,
programme. Also, Abdulsalami and Arowolo (2019) described several avenues through
iii. Exchange of some periodicals which are rare and difficult to come across.
iv. Legal deposit/field collection within the university community which must be
scrutinised before adding them to the stock of the library to avoid the entire stock being
they are found to offer a little discount on the price of certain periodicals on the condition
that a certain amount of lucrative business is given. Purchase refers to the possession of
a given item or right by paying a predetermined amount of money for the transaction to
Plockey, Appiah and Ofori (2019), direct purchase comes in two modes. The first entails
ordering periodicals through jobbers, vendors or agents. Their findings revealed that
ordering from vendors was better than publishers. The second involves purchasing
Baburao (2011) and Projectsolutionz (2018), this method is used because it is reliable,
effective, time-saving and dependable, provided the payment is done in due time. In the
access is granted (Emeghara, 2018). The findings of Ani, Ngulube and Onyancha (2014)
revealed that, their respondents used direct purchase 68(60%) as the method of acquiring
resources in the library; 33(29%) stated that resources are acquired through donor while
13(11%) accepted resources are acquired through exchange means. This implies that, in
adopting this method of acquisition, librarians are involved in various processes such as
negotiating with periodical vendors, book stores and aggregators for an effective
purchase to take place. These are used for urgent items that are likely to be on the shelves
and to reduce the problem caused by the complexity of periodicals (Arthur & Brafi,
2013). Wu, Sabol, Sexena and Tao (2016) in a study, reported that the budget used to
purchase periodicals kept decreasing as universities struggled with user retention as such,
business that processes periodical orders for all types of libraries and provides a variety
acquire periodicals directly from publishers who accept subscription and mail copies at
the subscription price which is usually paid in advance. The work relating to the payment
and the examination of register card to ensure that subscription has not been made.
Ravat and Kumar's study (2002, as cited in Rao & Reddy, 2018) revealed that
university libraries usually spend more than 75% of their total budgets on the
University (ASUU) pressure in 1992. This implies that university libraries are spending
more than their yearly allocations. Anderson (2017) noted that, the persistence of
periodicals subscription budget by libraries has got tighter and tighter and academic
libraries have begun shifting money out of that of book budgets into periodical budgets.
According to American Research Libraries (2012), libraries have been steadily losing
ground as the percentage of university funds spent on libraries has declined over the years
Hameed and Osunrinade's (2010) study revealed that university libraries devote
a lot of funds to the acquisition of periodicals. This is in agreement with Oyewumi and
considered as a basic necessity for the effect of periodicals acquisition and utilisation in
university libraries. This does not mean that acquisition happens in isolation; as soon as
periodicals are acquired through the various methods, they should be properly registered
and sent for display both on the display inclined rack by subject-wise and on the
Bajracharya (2015), should be placed into compartments provided for in the rack itself
collection building and resource sharing over the short or long term. This implies that
libraries should be proactive in their acquisition through consortia as it offers the ability
to give users the access they are coming for Most African university librarians revolve
professional support in acquiring periodicals to satisfy their user community (Musoke,
As noted by Rajan and Baral (2015), modern universities are making significant
libraries. Despite their avowed benefits, their usage declined. Thus, Mohamed and
Hassan (2008) asserted that, universities need to understand their adoption of acquisition
methods from users' perspectives to ensure that their students (postgraduate students) are
prepared to face the challenges that come with it and are instructed on how to make good
use of periodicals within their disposal to reap tangible benefits. Hence, it is pertinent to
services of many libraries around the world. Switching from subscriptions to PDA-driven
per-article purchasing could curtail what gets published. The theory behind this method
of acquisition is that library users are specialists in their fields of study. The patron-driven
Barton & Shreeves, 2012). It builds from a pre-existing base file of bibliographic records
from which users make their choices. It also allows periodicals to be purchased at the
point of need rather than acquisition by librarians in the hope that it will be used. This
assertion means that libraries are creating a collection that will reflect what their users
seek for without wasting time searching the catalogue or going through other processes
to use periodicals. This method of acquisition is all about just-in-time, not just-in-case.
Other methods of acquisition of periodicals in the library, according to Plockey,
internationalisation of artifacts:
knowledge. According to them, libraries create knowledge when they interact with
others and this can be in the form of library seminars, workshops and conferences
(b) Externalisation: This refers to the transfer of knowledge from the minds of its
holders into the external repository. This is based on the conversion of knowledge
form of research output, policies, television reports, library annual reports, etc.
librarians and emphasised the tension between what can be done in an ideal situation and
what can be done in realistic terms. As expectations have changed, librarians are faced
with growing demands from postgraduate students for better access to periodicals to
actualise their academic pursuits (Isa, Abu, Bala & Abdulhamid, 2017). Visibility
according to Mauvais (2018) referred to “as the degree to which something is seen by
users” (p. 48). This statement indicates that visibility is assured when libraries have
widely distributed and well established channels of periodicals that can be used by their
them visible to the information seekers. Lawton (2015, p.215) used five questions to
ii. Is it clear for users to get to the serials section of the library?
This literally means that, for a librarian or university library to make boast of being
visible, the above questions must be answered in order to ensure a better access to the
and electronic formats must be made visible to students for an informed decision and
by researchers and scholars in a field who report the results of original research
publication, and a very local character, since they accept very few contributions
from non-members. An example of this is the Journal of Library and Information
Science. Apart from the print journals, university libraries subscribe to some
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Highwire Press, EBSCO Host and
improve online visibility and access to publications within the African domain
[postgraduate students] to have access to the entire article and other information
c. Highwire Press Inc: It is a company that provides digital content and services to
research databases, electronic journals, and magazines that can be accessed from
advertisements. They can be popular magazines that deal with sports, travel,
fashions, etc. They are good for reading and entertainment. They also provide
viii. Newsletters: These are found in the university libraries as they provide
Most university libraries in Nigeria subscribe to some of these databases with the
visible, thereby, meeting the information needs of their university community. Visibility
In line with Crumpton's (2010) study, success stories clearly define management
service to users as well as serving as motivational tools for maintaining morale and
of periodicals which requires communication to explore the internal state of the library
to the user community as it requires more financial resources. This is because students
cannot explore the library without seeing what they intend to access and use to actualise
However, Ma and Romer (2014) asserted that, since resources are scarce in
tolerable access to information needs to be found for users to define which state should
be visible and the information needs to solve. Also, for a periodical to be visible, it means
that it has some measure of impact in the global community and must have secured a
reasonable impact in the growth of knowledge and this can be obtained when it is neither
read nor cited by others (Zainab & Anwar, 2008). Therefore, it implies that for
quality and good research, periodicals have to be seen not obscured and obstructive. It is
not enough to have a wide range of periodicals without a proper tool for visibility to
encourage access which breeds utilisation. If periodicals are visible, if users can see
periodicals, there will be high usage of periodicals. This relationship between visibility
and usage is interdependent (Claartje, Hoeven, Stohl, Leonard and Stohl, 2019).
select periodicals that have high information impact and indeed communicate novelties.
They further averred that the availability of periodicals in a library system makes ample
to production and an intellectual output within the library for users to interact. This
becoming a member of networking libraries has been a principal trend noticed among
higher education libraries and visibility is reached when a library has a well-articulated
The finding of Nwachuku, Abdulsalami and Salami (2014) showed that, increase
in visibility of materials (online resources, Online Public Access Catalogue, research gate
categorically stated that, indeed, much research productions generated in Africa are
visibility, thus need proper organisation to increase their visibility and impact. University
libraries should look at various preservation methods in making these rare publications
visible and accessible to their immediate community (Ezema, 2011). The consequent
lesser visibility presents some challenges not only to those undertaking research, but also
those who publish periodicals. Lack of well-established and complete indexing systems
for periodicals limits users' ability to identify relevant materials from their university
Punchihewa (2012) affirmed that libraries should provide a clear idea to users
agility in publishing and communication with authors coupled with the adoption of
and avowed that, in terms of visibility, out of the ten periodicals sampled, only four were
being indexed and abstracted by the library and information science abstract while others
were not covered. According to him, the library and information science periodicals are
not too attractive as they do not bring in many economic returns. The obvious advantage
of having a serials division in any library is to manage periodicals to speed up the
visibility and accessibility of up-to-date periodicals. Great and vibrant libraries are
be given to titles that are directly relevant to the needs curriculum of the university
community. The titles selected should be appropriate to the level of study based on the
perspective audience and use and should be evaluated within the context of existing
library resources and projected library support for the purchase of other subject related
materials. Overlapping titles should also be reviewed. Various systems could be adopted
Lee, Burnett, Vandegrift, and Baeg (2015) argued that institutions can increase
their visibility and prestige by centralising the intellectual work of their members, thus
enabling researchers to find relevant materials more easily. The greater visibility of
information provided to the user community via a shared database not only empowers
users to consult periodicals more efficiently and effectively but also make them more
visible to others within the institution (Rajan & Baral, 2015), since an increasing
percentage of library budgets are spent on periodicals for effective global access and
readership. Some of the approaches to enhance the visibility of periodicals may include
Institutional repositories are digital collections of the intellectual output of the
institutional vitality. Repositories are developed to manage, preserve and provide access
to the growing body of digital materials generated through research, teaching and
to recognition and prestige while recognition leads to usages (Orsu, 2019). It is the home
to scholarly, administrative and cultural heritage that support, engage and inspire the
Most institutions have repositories to store and make available their institutional assets
such as periodicals, in most cases libraries run the repositories on behalf of their
repositories, also known as Green OA, are a part of a larger open access movement,
etc) deposited in the university library for a wider readership. Institutional repositories
convenient place to direct others to find the entire mass of an author's work. The
that "a university-based institutional repository could be a set of services that a university
offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital
materials created by the university and its community members…” (p. 4).
common platform so that everyone in the institution can contribute scholarly articles and
repository depends on the focus of the institution. He noted that the concept of
over the full cycle of scholarly communication on campus, from research through
publication, collection, and preservation. This correlates with Kaladhar and Rao’s (2018)
finding which affirmed that the repository approach of organising and consolidating
periodicals makes it possible for all library users to access them easily and also enable
university's research output and increase the visibility and accessibility of scholar's
questions, research reports and images. Repository represents a concise and coordinated
volumes, and manuscripts. For instance, the University of Nigeria repository provides a
condensed tip of the educational contributions of past and present academia, broadening
to include scholarly articles and an array of intellectual gifts to anyone whose search for
answers and solutions brings them to their doorstep. Thus, Wells (2009) averred that
"institutional repositories are exclusively a web-based technology and as such have seen
(p. 9). This implies that the success of institutional repositories will depend on the
the visibility of periodicals through the use of the institutional repository. The techniques
i. Profiling Strategy: This policy aims to enhance the profile and create an affirmative
brand for the repository. The policy, for instance, includes the utilisation of articles,
publications, newsletters, and web sites that analyse the overall advantages of
institutional repositories.
ii. Pull Strategy: The purpose of this strategy is to reward and encourage authors to
deposit their work in the repository. The strategy offers specific incentives for
iii. Push Strategy: This strategy demonstrates the positive effects of the repository
once the material has been deposited. One of the best examples of this is to highlight
usage statistics for authors since downloads of content in repositories tend to be very
high. Other aspects of a push strategy can include removing existing barriers by, for
example, assisting authors with their deposits and providing rights checking
iv. Consultation Strategy: This involves direct communication and consultation with
repository depends on the focus of the institution. Institutional repositories are hosted by
use Dspace and E-print software which complies with open archive, thus, allowing
periodicals to be easily discovered and accessed by web search engines as shown in Table
Table 1: Examples of Institutional Repositories in Nigeria
It could be seen vividly from the example in Table 1 that some universities in
wider audience, thereby, attracting users to their services which will in turn result to
King's College London King's ePrints institutional repository, Southampton e-Prints
Soton institutional repository and Leeds White Rose Partnership institutional repository.
The majority of UK repositories are linked to higher education institutions which are in
the form of web-based services usually delivered through the university library. An
Fig. 2.3 – Screen image of the webpage of the digital repository with DSpace
Based on the example in Fig. 2.3, different types of periodicals in the same
database will be made visible and accessible by using the same criterion of search by
authors, addressing a specific target group: research reports and scholarly published
articles. Similarly, the search can be conducted by periodical titles (Repanovici, 2011).
research activities, increase the visibility of the libraries, and reinforce the value of the
group of full-text documents obtainable in on-line databases on the net that may be
accessed freely and instantly (Princh, 2019). Open access has significantly contributed
Suber (2019) affirmed that, open access is making scholarly published research
articles visible to the public and noted that there are two primary vehicles for enhancing
the visibility of periodicals: open access journals commonly referred to as gold access
and open access repositories also known as green open access. Though they both enhance
the visibility and accessibility of content, but of green open access belong to an institution
that permits their authors to archive their articles for global access and use. Open access
students) anywhere to access and use them. This implies that greater visibility of
periodicals can result in higher ranking, thus, enhancing the profile of the university.
and revealed that, of the 50 articles studied, only 58% had greater visibility and
accessibility to users while the remaining 42% had not yet experienced similar growth.
university and offers greater visibility for the research conducted by the university
community. However, Priem, Piwowar, and Hemminger (2011) hinted that open access
makes periodicals accessible across academia and society as a whole. It gives the library
increases the visibility and impact of authors' work in the institutional repository;
Despite the increasing interest in the institutional repository by educational
establishments and recognition that publisher policies build widespread green open
remains low (Grundmann, 2009). And, in spite of the effort made by the tertiary
education trust fund (Tetfund) in support of researchers (lecturers and faculty members)
research output within and outside the university and the perception of researchers, self-
archiving and depository remain steadily dwindled. This could be attributed to the fact
of an electronic document online to maximise its accessibility, usage and citation impact.
Research journals and conference articles, as well as theses and book chapters, can be
to transform the scholarly journal articles for many disciplines. This mechanism of
enhancing visibility is outside the traditional publishing system, and only requires
authors to retain rights, and to deposit their work in their institutional repository. Mullen
(2008) stated that, librarians should encourage faculties and departments to participate
in the population of the institutional repository to enable access and wider usage.
Koelen, Shafack and Ngum (2009) undertook a study on “think big, start small”
practices and revealed that most universities in Africa face challenges in developing
institutional repositories due to fundraising and lack of up-to-date information and the
difficulty to increase visibility and access to research output. They further affirmed, that
are to fully realise their potentials, then it should be visible to their user community
(Wells, 2009).
citation and content analysis for scholarly publications. It facilitates the visibility of
periodicals for easy accessibility and use by postgraduate students since scholarly
which makes it a dominant tool for measuring the value of research activity, tracing
Historically, the data used for bibliometric studies mainly stem from information
communications. This infers that librarians, in their service delivery process, must be
(c) Consortia Search Engine/Collaborative Initiatives and Visibility of Periodicals
(project) to enhance the visibility and accessibility of their periodicals and other
information resources to a wider audience. This has been developed to enable users to
Olatunji (2017), has proved to be effective in the service delivery process. Partnerships
with state or private organisations represent a fantastic way for libraries to extend its
services and collaborating with different libraries from the region and provide a
combined library service and additionally avail the chance to form partnerships with
different libraries and provide additional captivating services to users. Sharing databases
of library with another library (consortia search engine) is an amazing way to meeting
and attracting different user segments. It is usually easier to partner with a public
establishment that shares a similar set of values; however, an institution does even more
survival in the educational and cultural sphere which makes librarians comfortable in
developing the ability to not only work in the in-between spaces on behalf of their users
but to understand them. When a university library joins an academic library sharing site
they become part of a scholarly ecosystem that combines discovery to pilot innovative
access. Examples of such initiatives that can enhance visibility include:,
AGORA, HINARI, OARE, EBSCO, Research4life, etc and most universities in Nigeria
Social networks are online platform that enables librarians to build a social
relationship and access with users of the library. The platform allows users to share ideas,
posts and inform others about real-world activities. Cognizant (2013) referred to social
communication and engagement in an increased insight into the nature of the activities
technological advancement to reap more from the scholarly world to acquire more free
online contents. They should create footprints through profiles in social networks to
Tella and Kwanya (2018) noted that social networking tools such as Youtube,
Facebook, Twitter, Research gate, etc, increase the visibility of documents for access and
usage in libraries as they offer a plethora of creative and interesting events, but require a
lot of time. Focusing on some on-line tools is the best way to improve your library's
presence within the community and create individuals tuned in to its existence. Social
network tools are marketing techniques that make invisible things visible. It helps the
libraries to make their services and resources more visible to the global users to utilise
their valuable periodicals and current awareness services. Librarians should take a lead
in technology use, among others. However, they need to gain more time for the most
Priem, Piwowar and Hemminger (2011) carried out a study in Altmetrics in the
world: using social media to explore the scholarly impact and observed that social media
tools are beginning to affect the research workflow and a growing number of users
discuss and share their research interest online. They further noted that the incorporation
of social networking tools into service delivery may improve the overall responsiveness
visibility. Social networking tools are great for high visibility of periodicals for a wider
networking allows librarians to connect with their users (postgraduate students) and other
librarians to share publications and get immediate feedback as it makes periodicals more
Social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc, according to Bhoi
(2017), have become the central focus for up-to-date and timely information
dissemination and most librarians in Nigeria like the University of Ibadan, University of
Benin and University of Uyo are using these social media for the promotion and visibility
of their periodicals. Priem, Castello and Dzuba's (2011) findings showed that libraries
use Twitter as a professional medium for sharing and discussing articles more suitable
for users. This correlates with the study of Esyenbach (2011) which revealed that highly-
tweeted articles were 11 times more likely to be highly accessed and used. Thus, Riza-
Ayu and Abrizah (2011) observed that, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn were among
the popular social media tools used by librarians for the visibility of periodicals.
Although, many universities in Nigeria use social networking tools to market
their services thereby making their resources visible, but are struggling to gain
libraries in Nigeria is premised on how to leverage the availability of the social network
to enhance visibility. This aligns with Jukic and Merlak’s (2017) finding which showed
that only a few institutions have established their Facebook presence and for the most of
the considerable room for improvement has been identified in terms of usage of
Facebook as a social network with the highest potential of reach in the number of their
Some suggested tools viable for the visibility of periodicals, according to the
an Institutional Repository
ii. Publish in an Open Access journal or self-archive it (if the publisher allows).
iv. Sharing Detailed Research Data is Associated with Increased Citation Rates
v. Publish in an online journal with search features allowing users to find articles
that cite it. For example, see "cited by" features in Highwire Press journal articles.
vii. Create an online presence utilising tools such as ORCID ID, Researcher
ID, Google Scholar Citations profile, or LinkedIn and link to your profile on
crawled by Google Scholar - specifically not behind a login screen such as that
ix. List as recommended reading on a course website (but not buried behind a login).
and tweets are the top ways to increase page visibility in search engine result
xi. Keywords and abstracts play a vital role in researchers retrieving an article -
especially for indexes or search engines that do not have the full-text of the article
available. Be sure to identify numerous synonyms and use terms that you used in
traditionally have higher citation rates as do those dealing with hot topics.
Other in-house systems include, display rack, catalogues, union catalogue, periodical
stands, etc.
The goal of any university library, according to Harold and Wilma (2018), is to
build and maintain information resources including periodicals in diverse formats to meet
the information needs of users. This, therefore, means that due attention should be drawn
to the accessibility of periodicals since libraries are established with the aim that
everyone within the library deserves access to knowledge. Their usage as non-usage will
primary aim of information provision. Ram (2015) posited that information cannot be
separated from their use. Hence, the choice of information depends on its perceived
accessibility. For postgraduate students to use periodicals in the library for scholarly
periodicals. It is about making periodicals obtainable to users at the quickest possible and
access to the periodicals collection because the aim of any university library has changed
from ownership to accessibility (Fange & Iwarsson, 2018). Aina (2014) stated that
obtained. Similarly, Cetina, Munthin and Radulescu (2012) opined that, access to
relevant information is needed for the academic community to take an efficient decision
support of senior managers across higher education sectors as well as publishers and
other information providers in addressing the challenges as well as the opportunities they
face. This statement connotes that users need access to periodicals that require the least
effort to access.
Haliso and Aina (2012) advocated for quality service in the area of collection of
current, relevant and adequate print and electronic information resources to achieve a
standard that suits the needs of users. According to Nisha (2011), before adopting any of
the standards, the following criteria must be relied on: the scope of the periodicals, the
demand of users, whether the titles are easily available elsewhere and the financial status
of the library. For libraries to assist in the promotion of access to knowledge, they must
help to identify and deliver information sought by the researcher by creating some
catalogues, bibliographies, guides, indexes, and abstracts. Ola and Osagie (2011) put it
that “nothing frustrates a researcher more than trying to retrieve an article, which seems
right on target only to find out that the library does not own the journal” (p. 3).
According to Ram (2015), users take on the role of librarians and gain access to
a vast amount of information and it is provided with a set of tools and aids that will help
in extracting the data needed in the manner that suits best. Ani, et al (2014) noted that
With contemporary tools, libraries can manage their budgets and activities by continuing
updating reports to have insight into revenue, purchase orders, invoices, and payments-
processed as well as display periodicals for easy access. Libraries work toward providing
formats accessible to individuals who have diverse needs and abilities and in developing
accessibility standards that must be followed both in online environment and in the
traditional library, such standards may include Open web platforms (OWP), Web content
Applications (WAI-ARIA).
located. As noted by Ugbagir (2016), university libraries are a potential entity in the
process of teaching and learning anywhere but for users to find the library resources
(periodicals) useful. It must be visible and accessible for utilisation. Accessibility is the
physical or virtual contact with the periodicals. Access is a general term used to describe
the degree to which resources: services are accessible by users (Aminu, 2016). The more
accessible periodicals are, the more likely the periodicals can be obtained for use.
Stoianov and Tselkov (2010) maintained that the objective of any acquisition is to ensure
users’ access to the right information resources at any moment in any location. Libraries
should endeavour to provide access to comprehensive and balanced collections that meet
Anasi and Ali (2011) studied resource sharing for effective access and
their respondents 63(66%) preferred the use of union catalogue for effective access to
periodicals, 62(88.6%) advocated for a need for a library to develop an in-house tool to
Keywords: Keywords are ideas and topics that define what content is about. They are
words or phrases that students enter into a search engine to obtain information.
Author: This is the name of the researcher (originator) or the corporate body
Subject matter: It refers to the students' areas of the information material. It has to do
The title of the periodicals can also be used to access them from the catalogue or
ISSN: an acronym for ‘international standards serial number, given to every published
number used to identify publications which are published at regular intervals (print and
electronic journals)
Building on the idea of the creation of tools of value that could better reflect the
university's concerns and making the most of the potential periodicals for the creation of
access to users, they could achieve their values that arise from the usage of the periodicals
acquired. Such tools could reduce the barriers that limit access to periodicals collection
(Gray, 2010). Thus, Mourad, Hussein, Kamoun and Watta (2019) posited that there are
many tools available to evaluate accessibility of periodicals such as; Achecker tool,
Ulrich’s international periodical directory, guide to current British periodical, Sears list,
new periodical title display, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Abstracts and
results other than other tools which can test all the conformance levels. It is a holistic
tool (Fig. 2.4) used to access and evaluate the information content of a single periodical.
It provides a personalised assessment methodology, allowing users to select between
common and educational magazines, scientific journals, newspapers and other serial
Fig 2.5 - Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
The directory in Fig 2.5 shows the basic steps required to gain access to the library
database. Users of this directory are required to provide their usernames and passwords
after they must have registered to access the institution library of their choice. It helps in
the provision of titles and previous titles, starting date, place of publication, and
magazines with equivalent editorial control of quality. This tool is mostly used by
or restricted by subject or type of material organised by subject, or author or in a
Other in-house tools may include but not limited to the following:
Ameen (2016) stated that periodicals are becoming very difficult to manage and
this is causing a great concern to periodicals librarians and affirmed that periodicals can
also be accessible to users using display rack, Current Awareness Services (CAS). He
opined that an inquiry from staff and various strategies that can help in creating
periodicals accessibility may include support from institutions to cover additional cost,
guidance from professional bodies dealing with accessibility, guidance from accessibility
learning technologies and case studies of issues can help in making resources accessible.
Access to the right periodicals is difficult because information contained in them are
abundant, but users do not know whether it is available and where to locate it (Kumar,
tools that can help them get the information they need to conduct their seminars as well
different formats are kept for research activities (Okiki & Oyeniyi, 2019). According to
Okiki and Oyeniyi (2019), the university library sources acquire, process, make visible
information delivery. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the university library to ensure
that appropriate periodicals are selected based on the acquisition policy of the institution.
Therefore, the librarians should make these periodicals visible and accessible to users
Ashikuzzaman (2018) stated that periodicals are resources which require frequent
access and delivers a collection of data, be it text referring to full-text bases or electronic
journals (e-journals) and are basically divided into two major categories viz; online
resources which include e-journals, online databases, and websites. Other may include
in different universities of Karnataka State and found that the information contained in
electronic journals is better than that of print versions; most of the users access electronic
obtain them. This is because information is critical for effective academic functioning.
Adetoro (2011) noted that, useful, relevant and timely information is crucial for
purposeful living and survival. Postgraduate students need information for their daily
functioning as students, thus the extent to which relevant information is visible and
accessible to students help determine their academic success. Furthermore, the extent to
which people can utilise information from various sources will determine the usefulness
of information as a developmental resource. Students seek for periodicals collection for
Apart from the use of traditional periodicals such as journals, magazines and so
which have enabled academic librarians to provide users with an ever-increasing scope
and breadth of quality information (Colon-Aguirre & Fleming-May, 2012). With the use
of both traditional and electronic information resources, students will be able to attain
academic excellence but their ability to use the periodicals as well as the access gained
from such use will determine their level of visibility of periodicals. This is because poor
visibility and inaccessibility of these periodicals are responsible for non-usage among
postgraduate students. Hence, librarians have an urgent role to play in providing access
to periodicals.
Periodicals are valuable resources for study, learning, research and they offer
advanced search capabilities to students in various formats and force them to learn how
to find, select and use a variety of sources without the restriction of time and location.
Asom, Suleiman and Kudus (2018) revealed in their study that most of the periodicals
used by postgraduate students as identified, are online databases, electronic journal, CD-
ROMs, electronic newspapers and magazines, and multimedia products were the kind of
periodicals accessible to the postgraduate students except for Online Public Access
Catalogue (OPAC) that was not accessible to the 88.9% of them. This indicates that
students depend on periodicals for current and up-to-date knowledge to enrich
motivated to use periodicals collection in their libraries because they were found to be
informative, easy to access and use, saved time, more useful and less expensive.
Abubakar and Adetimirin (2017) carried out a study on the influence of user education
The result revealed that postgraduate students use electronic resources - electronic
journals (38.2%), magazines (23.5%), databases (14.8%) and believe that it has a great
influence on the quality of their research. Periodicals collection are becoming the
dominant resources that contain the most recent information that takes place in the
context of higher education (Al-Muomen, 2009). This high level of use is also as a result
of their perception of ease and usefulness of electronic sources such as the web.
students of the universities under study were highly aware of all the listed periodicals in
their study. These include electronic journals, CD-ROMs and electronic newspapers.
Ahmed and Vinayagamoorthy's (2014) findings also indicated that the electronic format
of almost all major periodicals were preferred for academic purposes to the printed
investigate the critical success factors and identified technology as the most critical factor
affecting the use of periodicals. According to Radboud University Library (2019),
etc, could be seen as an indication that collections of the library are being put to use. This
idea is also in line with Olutoki and Osoba (2017) and Odede (2018) which opined that
when students search, locate and browse information at the serials section and library
websites, there is an indication that they are using information resources. The following
This is one of the important indicators of using periodicals. Reading refers to the
scanning, intensive and extensive. This means that the process of skimming, scanning,
etc, is an indication that students are utilising periodicals to actualise their academic
Search is the ability for a user to locate the right information. This can be based
numbers of the information sources held by the library (Great Guide to University Study,
any information resource, users need to adopt certain strategies to use such a resource”.
communicating with such a periodical source invariably being put to use. This is because
when users are dissatisfied with the results got from a particular search, it will be very
Periodicals can be retrieved or obtained after searching and locating them from
the library shelves or websites. This is the process of obtaining the periodicals that are
relevant to an information need from the collection of the library. Retrieval can be in the
form of printing or downloading or borrowing. Okike and Oyeniyi (2019), observed that
the “expectations of people are high when sourcing and retrieving information, hence
frustration too is high when expectations are not met”. (p. 21). They suggested that for
users to retrieve periodicals from the library, various access and retrieval tools must be
receiving a file from the website. Libraries are increasingly being redefined as places to
get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources. They are
navigating and analysing very large amounts of information with a variety of digital
resources (Wikipedia, 2019). This means that periodicals with unrestricted access can be
obtained using the Sci-hub, Lib-Gen, etc, in as much as the article has digital object
identifier (DOI) or uniform resource locator (URL) is provided as shown in fig. 2.6. Sci-
to circulation and record control. Thus, Priya and Majeed (2015) asserted that, university
libraries need to understand their periodicals adoption from users’ perspective to ensure
that they are visible and accessible to their user community. The acquisition of
in terms of managing the fund allocated to the library for the acquisition of library
resources and awareness of periodicals acquisition – this is because some staff in the
library may not be aware of the need to manage periodicals in the area of visibility i.e.
arranging them according to their distinctive nature, lack of benefit and which may
decline the kind of services offered to users and the skill to communicate with the
university scholars in the form of library users. This may either be favourable or
Fortes and Rita’s (2016) study evidenced that, the attitude of librarians toward
the acquisition of periodicals suffers the impact of diverse beliefs, which is positive in
the case of trust, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Technology plays a
large role in many aspects of day-to-day life, and periodicals acquisition is not different.
Technology is rapidly changing the way libraries acquire and display resources for use.
Computers have replaced the stress of cataloguing as the online public access catalogue
today. And it is not just happening in university libraries. The influence of technology
librarians have to be very careful in analysing the periodicals of different titles due to
From the online questionnaire developed by Ahmed (2013) to assess the extent
of use of library resources subscribed by universities and the level of satisfaction of the
users in Bangladesh, he concluded that users are not generally satisfied with the current
required information, inability to access from home due to slow developmental speed
and online access problems which in turn affect optimum use. Priya and Majeed (2015)
conducted a study on serials management in libraries and noted that Librarians should
also participate in the transition process by achieving skills and embracing the
Areas such as structure (the foundation of how the library is conducted i.e. the daily
operation of the library), organisational leadership which has to do with the support of
the institution and culture (people within the library can go several directions to assess
the organisation for perceived culture). Typically, factors from the inside and outside of
the organisation (culture, motivation) can directly or indirectly influence the choice of
In terms of financial support, Akinbode and Nwalo (2017) hinted that, the
acquisition of periodicals has not enjoyed corresponding attention from library managers
as well as writers in the field of librarianship. This corroborates with the findings of
Anunobi, Nwakwuo and Ezejiofor (2010) which revealed that periodicals are hinged on
continual financial commitment and the problem facing the library is lack of financial
support. University libraries have not been able to subscribe to overseas journals due to
poor budgetary allocation, lack of qualified staff, and lack of incentives for workers and
shortage of facilities which, according to Akinbode and Nwalo's (2017) finding, showed
that facilities and services are provided in periodicals sections of the libraries, but are
university library. It is, therefore, pertinent, to note at this point that periodicals cannot
be made visible and accessible for users without the acquisition work of university
The literature reviewed has extensively dealt with a wide range of issues like
Treacy (1986) but adapted the theoretical framework by Trice and Treacy (1986) on the
utilisation of information system as a dependent variable in research for the study. The
theory explained the influence of independent variables in any research with use of
periodicals as a dependent variable. The framework was used in this study and applied
help to facilitate quality research and scholarly communication among users within and
outside the university community. Although, several studies have explored the
acquisition, visibility, accessibility and use of periodicals especially with reference to the
Western World and other developed world, unfortunately, not much has been researched
on in Nigeria and very little qualitative investigation has been done on acquisition,
This present research which explores the acquisition, visibility, accessibility and use of
This chapter discussed the materials and methods employed in this study. It is
The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The choice of this design was
based on the nature of the research problem (Creswell, 2014). As a result, the descriptive
survey design was more appropriate. The purpose of descriptive survey design is to
describe the current condition of an area of study. This design was adopted as it provides
variables. Egbule (2003) stated that, “descriptive design provides the basis for the
existing situation and present conditions through the systematic collection of facts and
accurate information” (p. 8). It is, therefore, adopted for this study since it is concerned
with gathering data from the respondents using questionnaire. Hence, it was suitable for
this study.
The population for this study is 411 respondents which comprised of 404
postgraduate students and 7 serials librarians. The population was made up of Library
which include the Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Oyo State; University of
Nigeria Library, Nsukka, Enugu State; Festus Aghagbo Nwako Library, Nnamdi
Cross River State; University of Uyo Library, Akwa-Ibom State; University of Ilorin
Library, Ilorin, Kwara State and Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University,
Table 2: Population of the Study
The sample size of this study is 411 and this was done using total enumeration
3.4 Research Instrument
The instrument employed for the study was the questionnaire titled "Acquisition
for serials librarians and postgraduate students respectively. The instrument for serials
question consist of one section which dwelt on items on the acquisition of periodicals in
libraries which was aimed at ascertaining the methods adopted for the acquisition of
The instrument for postgraduate students also consists of three (3) sections.
expected to tick the right option with respect to the tools used for the visibility of
periodicals in their libraries and Section “C” was concerned with the use of periodicals,
purposes and frequency of using periodicals. The items were rated on a nominal scale
periodicals and frequency of using periodicals. The items were weighed on Likert-
format: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD) and
Always Often, Sometimes and Rarely, respectively. This was used based on the range
of 4,3,2,1. The instrument also contained an open ended section to enable the respondents
3.5 Validity of the Research Instrument
The validity of the instrument was done with the assistance of the researcher’s
supervisors and other lecturers in the Department of Library and Information Science in
the Faculty of Education, Delta State University, Abraka. This was to help structure the
instrument such that the variable (independent and dependent) were reflected in the final
version of the questionnaire. This was scrutinised so as to ensure its face and content
validity. The reason for this was to adequately cover the research questions raised and
fully cover the content area that it should measure in terms of accuracy and truthfulness
Niger State, in order to estimate the reliability of the instrument. The data obtained were
analysed with the use of Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient, which gives a measure of
Arising from the above reliability coefficients obtained, which are above .60, the
researcher concluded that the instrument is reliable and therefore suitable for the study.
This conclusion was based on the recommendation of Pallant (2005). According to the
Copies of the questionnaire were administered by the researcher with the help of
six research assistants, to the Library and Information Science postgraduate students and
respondents in their departments and in the libraries under study, between the hours of
9:00 am and 4:00 pm daily for 3 weeks. The researcher instructed the six research
questionnaire. The respondents were given 15-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire
after which they were retrieved on the spot. This was to ensure a maximum response rate.
The data obtained from the respondents were analysed using both descriptive and
inferential statistics. Frequencies were used to answer research questions 1 and 2; while
the mean and standard deviation was employed to answer research questions 3 and 4.
The criterion mean was placed at 2.50. Hypotheses 1 – 3 were tested using Pearson's
Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient because it sought to know the influence of one
independent variable on the dependent variable while multiple regression was used to
test hypothesis 4 at 0.05 level of significance. This is because it required knowing the
accessibility and use of periodicals). All statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS
The chapter presents the results and discussion of the findings in line with the
research questions and hypotheses. This chapter is discussed under four sections. They
This section showed the number of items distributed as well as the number
Table 3: Serials Librarians' Questionnaire Response Rate
Number of Number of Percentage of
University Libraries Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire
Administered Returned Returned
Kenneth Dike Library, University of 1 1 100
Ibadan, Oyo State
Total 7 7 100
and 7 copies (100%) were returned. The response rate of 100% was considered adequate
for the study because the standard and acceptable response rate for most studies is 60%
Table 4: Postgraduate Students' Questionnaire Response Rate
Number of Number of Percentage of
University Libraries Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Returned
Administered Returned
Kenneth Dike Library, 137 136 99
University of Ibadan,
Oyo State
Nnamdi Azikiwe
52 45 87
Library, University of
Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu
University of Calabar
Library, University of 36 36 100
Calabar, Cross River
University of Uyo
Library, University of 42 38 90
Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State
University of Ilorin 53
Library, University of
Ilorin, Kwara State
52 98
Kashim Ibrahim Library,
Ahmadu Bello 34 31 91
University, Zaria,
Kaduna State
A total of 404 copies of the questionnaire for students were distributed and 388
copies (96%) were returned. The response rates of 96% was considered adequate for the
study because the standard and acceptable response rate for most studies is 60% (Dulle,
This section provides answers to the research questions earlier raised in chapter
Purchase :
Vendor 7 100 0 0.0 7 100.0
Book store 7 100 0 0.0 7 100.0
Aggregator for electronic
periodicals 7 100 0 0.0 7 100.0
Publishers 6 85.7 1 14.3 7 100.0
Journal databases
Gift/Donation: 7 100 0 0.0 7 100.0
Tertiary Education Trust Fund
(TETFUND) 7 100 0 0.0 7 100.0
Patron-driven acquisition 7 100 0 0.0 7 100.0
librarians in federal university libraries in Nigeria are through purchase: vendor, book
vendor, book store, aggregator for electronic periodicals, newsagents, subscription from
publisher, consortia, journal databases, gift/donation from Tertiary Education Trust Fund
Research Question Two: What are the tools used for the visibility of periodicals in the
university libraries?
Electronic format:
307 79.1 81 20.9 388 100.0
Institutional repository 388 100.0
Self-archiving 283 72.9 105 27.1 388 100.0
Bibliometrics 388 100.0
Consortia search engine 258 66.5 130 33.5
388 100.0
Social networking tools like blog, etc 229 59.0 159 41.0
Print format: 278 71.6 110 28.4
388 100.0
Display rack 388 100.0
Catalogue 314 80.9 74 19.1
388 100.0
Periodical stand 340 87.6 48 12.4
338 87.1 50 12.9
Table 5 showed that the tools used for the visibility of periodicals in the university
283(72.9), social networking tools like blog, etc. 278(71.6%), bibliometrics 258(66.5%)
and consortia search engine 228(59.0%). For the print format, they include catalogue
340(87.6%), periodical stand 338(87.1%) and display rack 314(80.9%). This result
showed that the systems viable for the visibility of periodicals in the university libraries
Research Question Three: How do postgraduate students access periodicals in the
university libraries?
Items SA A D SD Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Print formats:
Accessibility by
using :
284 73.2 99 25.5 4 1.0 1 0.3 388 100.0
Author 260 67.0 114 29.4 11 2.8 3 0.8 388 100.0
International 234 60.3 115 29.6 35 9.0 4 1.0 388 100.0
standards serial
number (ISSN)
Date of Publication 115 29.6 149 38.4 104 26.8 20 5.2 388 100.0
Publisher 187 48.2 141 36.3 48 12.4 12 3.1 388 100.0
Class Marks 175 45.1 123 31.7 67 17.3 23 5.9 388 100.0
Accessibility by
Keywords 160 41.2 118 30.4 84 21.6 26 6.7 388 100.0
Title 270 69.9 93 24.0 19 4.9 6 1.5 388 100.0
Author’s name 262 67.5 108 27.8 14 3.6 4 1.0 388 100.0
Username/password 202 52.1 141 36.3 42 10.8 3 0.8 388 100.0
Uniform resource 127 69.9 130 33.5 103 26.5 28 7.2 388 100.0
locator(url)/digital 127 32.7 138 35.6 79 20.4 44 11.3 388 100.0
object identifier
From Table 6, the postgraduate students strongly agreed that they have access to
160(41.2%), while 149(%) of them agreed to have access to International standards serial
number (ISSN). Under electronic format, 270(69.69%) of them strongly agreed to have
access to keywords, title 262(52.1), author’s name 202(52.1%), while 127(32.7%)
uniform resource locator (url)/digital object identifier (doi). Therefore, the postgraduate
students have access to both print and electronic periodicals in the university libraries
university libraries?
From Table 7, with an aggregate mean of 3.26(Std. = 0.51) which is greater than
the criterion mean of 2.50, this implies that the postgraduate students’ usage of
periodicals is high. Specifically, their usage include searching for information (mean=
3.56), downloading from one access/databases (mean= 3.37), locating multiple sources
in the library/on-screen reading (mean= 3.26), retrieving periodicals from other websites
(mean= 3.24) and creating an optional account on the library homepage (mean= 2.76).
Table 7.1 shows an aggregate mean of 3.08(Std. = 0.74) which is greater than the
criterion mean of 2.50, this finding suggests that the postgraduate students’ frequency of
using periodicals is high. Majority of them indicated that they always and often use both
Table 7.2: Purpose for Using Periodicals
Table 7.2 shows the purpose of using periodicals. Some of the reasons as
331(85.3%) and information on local issues-300(77.3%). Therefore, the reasons for the
This section is concerned with the hypotheses that were formulated earlier in
chapter one of the study. The results are presented in Tables 8 to 12.
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between visibility and use of periodicals
N 388
Since the significant value (Sig.2-tailed) is 0.000 (which is less than 0.05), this implies
that there is a significant relationship between visibility and postgraduate students’ use
of periodicals. The null hypothesis is therefore rejected, implying that visibility may lead
Table 9: Relationship between accessibility and use of periodicals
Accessibili Use of
ty of Periodicals
in Libraries
Accessibility of Pearson 1 .256
Periodicals in Correlation
Libraries Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Use of Periodicals N 388 388
Pearson .256 1
.000 388
Sig. (2-tailed)
the significant value (Sig.2-tailed) is 0.000 (which is less than 0.05), it can be concluded
use of periodicals. The null hypothesis is therefore rejected, implying that an increase in
access to the periodicals, may lead increase in the use of periodicals by the postgraduate
Table 10: Model Summary Table of Relationship among visibility, accessibility and use
of periodicals among postgraduate students
Table 11: ANOVA Summary Table of Relationship among visibility, accessibility and
use of periodicals among postgraduate students
Table 12: Coefficient Summary Table of Relationship among visibility, accessibility and
use of periodicals among postgraduate students
From Table 10, 11 and 12, the result of the regression indicated the two predictors
variance was caused by the independent variables. Therefore the remaining 91% may be
as a result of chance or other variables not accounted for in this study. The null hypothesis
is therefore rejected, implying that both visibility and accessibility of periodicals may
This section discussed the various findings from the study, relating them to the
aim of the study and research questions which the study sought to answer, as well as
The findings revealed that the methods adopted for the acquisition of periodicals
in federal university libraries in Nigeria are mostly through purchase: vendor, book store,
Therefore, if periodicals are acquired through these methods, it should get more financial
The respondents, during the administration, revealed that periodicals are mostly
acquired through purchase, subscription and gift/donation from Tertiary Education Trust
Fund (TETFUND). Okpokwasili and Blakes (2014) also acknowledged that periodicals
are acquired through these methods. They postulated that the methods adopted for the
acquisition of periodicals are through direct purchase, subscription, consortia and patron-
driven. This idea is further supported by Aghadiuno, Agbo and Onyekwediri’s (2015)
finding that “purchase, consortia and subscription are the methods of acquiring
periodicals” (p. 8). The researcher is of the view that librarians should be critical in
acquiring periodicals especially in this era where postgraduate students are more
proactive in getting information at their fingertip without going to the four-walls of the
The finding revealed that the tools used for the visibility of periodicals in federal
networking tools like blog, etc., bibliometrics and consortia search engine. For the print
format, they include catalogue, periodical stand and display rack. This finding is at
variance with the one of Islam (2013) which found that university libraries in developing
countries are faced with the problem of poor visibility of intellectual contents. This is the
situation in some developing countries and that of Nigeria are not the same. These studies
were carried out in two different environments, and also, the visibility of periodicals in
these places may vary according to the various tools put in place.
voiced the need for more visibility tools to use periodicals; a need is also stressed by
majority of postgraduate students of other disciplines. This implies that more visibility
tools which may be related to other disciplines should be created to enable usage across
disciplines. It would not be a surprise due to the ease of use of periodicals. The findings
about the visibility of periodicals are in consonance with that of Lor (2016) which found
that, when periodicals are obscured and obtrusive, not much attention will be paid to their
The finding strongly implied that postgraduate students in federal university
libraries in Nigeria can access periodicals by using subjects, and title for the print format
while they access periodicals by using keywords and title for the electronic format. This
finding supported that of Ram (2015) which found that “student can gain access to vast
amount of information provided the accessibility aids are put in place” (p .2). It is also
in line with Gruszczynka’s (2012) finding, which affirmed that accessibility should be
access which could be with the use of keywords, subject, title, etc.
In the researcher’s view, the most compelling explanation for this present set of
finding is that the postgraduate students have difficulty in accessing periodicals with the
locator respectively. This might be due to their inadequate knowledge to navigate the
However, at home, students have limited access to periodicals, most of which are
Internet-based (database) which may require rigorous steps to carry out before access is
granted. This finding has implication on serials librarians, suggesting that they should
consider providing more accessibility aids for students to enable them make qualitative
use of periodicals which are painstakingly acquired with the meagre allocated funds.
One interesting and important finding was the use of periodicals by postgraduate
students which was determined using some indicators, frequency and purpose of using
periodicals. The result revealed that the Use of periodicals by postgraduate students is
high. This study identified that during their interaction with periodicals such as searching
for information, downloading from open access/databases and locating multiple sources
responded that when they search, browse and locate needed periodicals at the serials
section, they are using periodicals particularly during their interaction. This is a vital
discovery, placing students at the focal point of information provision. This finding is in
support of Odede’s (2018) which found that “an indication that postgraduate students use
information resources greatly determined their ability to browse library online databases”
(p.155). Also, retrieving 3.24(0.78), reading 3.26(0.78), printing and creating optional
account on the library homepage are other indicators of using periodicals as noted by the
The result also showed the frequency at which postgraduate students use
periodicals in the library. The finding revealed that their frequency of using various
periodicals (journals, electronic journal and electronic magazine) is high as the majority
of the students indicated that they use both print and electronic periodicals and the
purpose of using them are for scholarly communication, for reading a wealth of
knowledge and for information in local issues. This result concurred with an earlier study
conducted by Rao and Reddy (2018) which revealed that students use periodicals
The result of hypothesis one showed that there is a relationship between visibility
and use of periodicals because postgraduate students are inclined to make use of
periodicals that are visible to them to actualise their aims. This finding is in support of
Claartje, Hoeven, Stohl, Leonard and Stohl’s (2019) which found that periodical
visibility will translate into high level of use of periodicals. This implies that visibility
raises the hope that periodicals will be used among postgraduate students.
accessibility and use of periodicals because when periodicals are accessible using the
various aids, they are invariably put to use to conduct research and other purposes. This
finding conforms to Eiriemiokhale and Ibeun (2017) which noted that “the more
accessible periodicals are, the more likely they will be used” (p. 2). It also corroborates
Agatha’s (2018) suggestion that institutions benefit from open access through high usage
The result of hypothesis three showed that there is a strong relationship among
visibility, accessibility and use of periodicals which implies that both visibility and
accessibility may lead to postgraduate students’ use of periodicals. This finding is in
contrast with Christian (2012) and Gillum and Williams’ (2019) which found that
postgraduate students are faced with the problem of poor visibility and accessibility to
subject based periodicals which may affect their usage. This may be because federal
university libraries in Nigeria have improved on the various tools viable for the visibility
and accessibility of periodicals coupled with the intervention of Tertiary Education Trust
Fund in meeting the information needs of students generally. Since the relationship is
significant, there is need to check the co-efficient of determination (r2). The co-efficient
of determination (r2) is 0.9. This means that 9% of change in the dependent variable (Use
accessibility). Therefore, 91% of change in use of periodicals was accounted for by other
libraries in Nigeria. The population of the study consist of 411 respondents drawn from seven
federal university libraries in Nigeria which comprised of five federal university libraries
in the Southern part and two federal university libraries in the Northern part of Nigeria.
In the study, four research questions were raised and answered, while three research
The literature was reviewed in line with the research questions. The 411 copies
of the questionnaires administered to the respondents and 388 copies were retrieved
which were found usable. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics,
frequency counts, mean and standard deviation while the Pearson Product Moment
Correlation Coefficient was used to test hypotheses 1 and 2 while multiple regression
ii. The tools used for the visibility of periodicals are institutional repository, self-
archiving for the electronic format while for the print formats are catalogue and
periodical stand.
postgraduate students.
5.2 Conclusion
libraries. The study is of paramount importance due to students’ yearn for current and
up-to-date knowledge to actualise their academic and personal aims. The study
concluded that periodicals are acquired using various methods which made them more
visible and accessible to postgraduate students to use for a qualitative research and other
purposes. Though it is not possible to acquire all types of periodicals, proper and
adequate visibility and accessibility tools will help students to use them. It also
highlighted various methods of periodicals acquisition such as purchase, subscription
and patron-driven. This study has shown that periodicals in some university libraries are
acquired using various methods, made visible and accessible to users but are not fully
implemented due to some militating factors such epileptic power supply, lack of storage
space and facilities but then can be enhanced if the recommendations in this study are
5.3 Recommendations
In the light of the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made:
i. Serials librarians should maintain and sustain the methods of acquisition adopted
to the urgent need of visibility and accessibility tools to improve on the use of
iii. Efforts should be made by serials librarians to augment print and electronic
i. It established that purchase, subscription and patron-driven were the methods
ii. The study has shown that institutional repository, self-archiving, catalogue and
periodical stand were the various tools used for the visibility of periodicals and
periodicals are accessed with the use of subject, title and keywords in federal
university libraries.
iii. The study has exposed the various indicators to the use of periodicals such as
iv. It has proven that visibility and accessibility had an influence on the use of
Based on the outcome of this study, the researcher suggested that further studies
i. This study should be replicated using other categories of students in Federal University
libraries in Nigeria.
ii. A comparative study of the use of periodicals among postgraduate students of other
iii. Other factors that account for the use of periodicals among students.
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Dear Respondent,
The research study is undertaken as part of the requirements for a PhD in Library
Thank you.
Yours Faithfully,
Ishioma N. Azonobi
Section A: Acquisition of Periodicals
Methods A D
Book store
Aggregator for electronic periodicals
Journal Databases
Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND)
Patron-driven acquisition
Questionnaire for Postgraduate Students
Dear Respondent,
The research study is undertaken as part of the requirements for a PhD in Library
Thank you.
Yours Faithfully,
Ishioma N. Azonobi
SECTION A: Visibility of Periodicals in University Libraries
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement by a tick (√) on the
Electronic format:
Institutional repository
Print format:
Display rack
Periodical stand
Section B: Accessibility of Periodicals in Libraries
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement by a tick (√) on how you
access periodicals.
Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A) Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD
Items SA A D SD
Print formats:
Accessibility by using :
Date of Publication
Class Marks
Electronic formats:
Accessibility by using:
Author’s name
Others, please specify
Section C: Postgraduate students’ usage pattern of periodicals in libraries
usage of periodicals
Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD)
Items SA A D SD
Printing/photocopying periodicals
Creating an optional account on the library
Electronic formats:
Electronic journals
Electronic magazines
Electronic newspapers
Electronic newsletters
Purpose for using periodicals
Purposes A D
For scholarly communication
For evidence of claims
For current awareness
For information on local issues
For reading a wealth of knowledge
For political ideology stance
For entertainment
For a job advertisement
For bibliographic details
For in-depth knowledge
As a presentation solution
For research options
Others, please specify
Scale: Acquisition of Periodicals
Case Processing Summary
N %
Cases Valid 5 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 5 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables
in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardised
Alpha Items N of Items
.762 .768 12
Scale: Visibility of Periodicals
Case Processing Summary
N %
Cases Valid 5 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 5 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables
in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardised
Alpha Items N of Items
.835 .811 18
Scale: Accessibility of Periodicals
Case Processing Summary
N %
Cases Valid 5 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 5 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables
in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardised
Alpha Items N of Items
.799 .762 6
Detailed Computation of Coefficient of Reliability (Using Cronbach’s Alpha
Scale: Visibility in of Periodicals in University Libraries
Case Processing Summary
N %
Cases Valid 30 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 30 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables
in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardised
Alpha Items N of Items
.867 .868 10
Scale: Accessibility of Periodicals in Libraries
Case Processing Summary
N %
Cases Valid 30 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 30 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables
in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardised
Alpha Items N of Items
.796 .794 12
Scale: Postgraduate Students’ Usage Pattern of Periodicals in Libraries
Case Processing Summary
N %
Cases Valid 30 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 30 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables
in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardised
Alpha Items N of Items
.916 .918 29
Map of Nigeria showing the Geopolitical Zones under Study
FILE='C:\Users\DR MRS OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo docs\Documents\SPSS
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav'.
Output Created 17-APR-2021 01:03:57
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with
valid data.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.02
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.02
Name of University Libraries
N Valid 388
Missing 0
Percentiles 25 1.00
50 3.00
75 5.00
Frequency Table
Institutional repository
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Disagree 81 20.9 20.9 20.9
Agree 307 79.1 79.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Disagree 105 27.1 27.1 27.1
Agree 283 72.9 72.9 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Disagree 130 33.5 33.5 33.5
Agree 258 66.5 66.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Disagree 48 12.4 12.4 12.4
Agree 340 87.6 87.6 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Periodical stand
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Disagree 50 12.9 12.9 12.9
Agree 338 87.1 87.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
FILE='C:\Users\DR MRS OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo docs\Documents\SPSS
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav'.
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Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing
User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with
valid data.
VAR00013 VAR00014 VAR00015
VAR00016 VAR00017 VAR00018
VAR00019 VAR00020 VAR00021
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.02
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.02
[DataSet1] C:\Users\DR MRS OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo docs\Documents\SPSS
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Date of
Subj Auth ISS publicat Publi
ects Title or N ion sher
N Vali
388 388 388 388 388 388
0 0 0 0 0 0
Perce 25 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00
ntiles 50 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Class marks Keywords Title Authors name name/password
N Valid 388 388 388 388 388
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Percentiles 25 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00
50 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
N Valid 388
Missing 0
Percentiles 25 2.00
50 3.00
75 4.00
Frequency Table
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 1 .3 .3 .3
D 4 1.0 1.0 1.3
A 99 25.5 25.5 26.8
SA 284 73.2 73.2 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 3 .8 .8 .8
D 11 2.8 2.8 3.6
A 114 29.4 29.4 33.0
SA 260 67.0 67.0 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 4 1.0 1.0 1.0
D 35 9.0 9.0 10.1
A 115 29.6 29.6 39.7
SA 234 60.3 60.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 20 5.2 5.2 5.2
D 104 26.8 26.8 32.0
A 149 38.4 38.4 70.4
SA 115 29.6 29.6 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Date of publication
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 12 3.1 3.1 3.1
D 48 12.4 12.4 15.5
A 141 36.3 36.3 51.8
SA 187 48.2 48.2 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 23 5.9 5.9 5.9
D 67 17.3 17.3 23.2
A 123 31.7 31.7 54.9
SA 175 45.1 45.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Class marks
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 26 6.7 6.7 6.7
D 84 21.6 21.6 28.4
A 118 30.4 30.4 58.8
SA 160 41.2 41.2 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 6 1.5 1.5 1.5
D 19 4.9 4.9 6.4
A 93 24.0 24.0 30.4
SA 270 69.6 69.6 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 4 1.0 1.0 1.0
D 14 3.6 3.6 4.6
A 108 27.8 27.8 32.5
SA 262 67.5 67.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Authors name
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 3 .8 .8 .8
D 42 10.8 10.8 11.6
A 141 36.3 36.3 47.9
SA 202 52.1 52.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
User name/password
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 28 7.2 7.2 7.2
D 103 26.5 26.5 33.8
A 130 33.5 33.5 67.3
SA 127 32.7 32.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 44 11.3 11.3 11.3
D 79 20.4 20.4 31.7
A 138 35.6 35.6 67.3
SA 127 32.7 32.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Output Created 17-APR-2021 16:21:29
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with
valid data.
VAR00026 VAR00027 VAR00028
VAR00029 VAR00030
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.02
Searching Locating Downloadin Retrieving Reading
... ... g ... ... ...
N Valid 388 388 388 388 388
0 0 0 0 0
Percentile 25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
s 50 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Printing ... Creating ...
N Valid 388 388
Missing 0 0
Percentiles 25 3.00 2.00
50 3.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00
Frequency Table
Searching ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 3 .8 .8 .8
D 9 2.3 2.3 3.1
A 144 37.1 37.1 40.2
SA 232 59.8 59.8 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Locating ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 9 2.3 2.3 2.3
D 30 7.7 7.7 10.1
A 165 42.5 42.5 52.6
SA 184 47.4 47.4 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Downloading ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 13 3.4 3.4 3.4
D 32 8.2 8.2 11.6
A 143 36.9 36.9 48.5
SA 200 51.5 51.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Retrieving ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 12 3.1 3.1 3.1
D 45 11.6 11.6 14.7
A 167 43.0 43.0 57.7
SA 164 42.3 42.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Reading ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 10 2.6 2.6 2.6
D 49 12.6 12.6 15.2
A 160 41.2 41.2 56.4
SA 169 43.6 43.6 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Printing ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 12 3.1 3.1 3.1
D 35 9.0 9.0 12.1
A 175 45.1 45.1 57.2
SA 166 42.8 42.8 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Creating ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SD 57 14.7 14.7 14.7
D 100 25.8 25.8 40.5
A 112 28.9 28.9 69.3
SA 119 30.7 30.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
VAR00038 VAR00039
VAR00040 VAR00041
Output Created 17-APR-2021 16:21:57
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with
valid data.
VAR00034 VAR00035 VAR00036
VAR00037 VAR00038 VAR00039
VAR00040 VAR00041
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.02
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.02
Journ Magazi Newspa Newslet Proceedi Bullet
als nes pers ters ngs ins
N Valid 388 388 388 388 388 388
0 0 0 0 0 0
Percent 25 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
iles 50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
E-Journals E-Magazines E-News papers E- Newsletters
N Valid 388 388 388 388
Missing 0 0 0 0
Percentiles 25 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00
50 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Frequency Table
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 14 3.6 3.6 3.6
Sometimes 46 11.9 11.9 15.5
Often 109 28.1 28.1 43.6
Always 219 56.4 56.4 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 15 3.9 3.9 3.9
Sometimes 61 15.7 15.7 19.6
Often 162 41.8 41.8 61.3
Always 150 38.7 38.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 21 5.4 5.4 5.4
Sometimes 65 16.8 16.8 22.2
Often 135 34.8 34.8 57.0
Always 167 43.0 43.0 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 50 12.9 12.9 12.9
Sometimes 73 18.8 18.8 31.7
Often 115 29.6 29.6 61.3
Always 150 38.7 38.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 49 12.6 12.6 12.6
Sometimes 87 22.4 22.4 35.1
Often 129 33.2 33.2 68.3
Always 123 31.7 31.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 51 13.1 13.1 13.1
Sometimes 74 19.1 19.1 32.2
Often 137 35.3 35.3 67.5
Always 126 32.5 32.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 38 9.8 9.8 9.8
Sometimes 45 11.6 11.6 21.4
Often 78 20.1 20.1 41.5
Always 227 58.5 58.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 45 11.6 11.6 11.6
Sometimes 50 12.9 12.9 24.5
Often 93 24.0 24.0 48.5
Always 200 51.5 51.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
E-News papers
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 43 11.1 11.1 11.1
Sometimes 61 15.7 15.7 26.8
Often 89 22.9 22.9 49.7
Always 195 50.3 50.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
E- Newsletters
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 72 18.6 18.6 18.6
Sometimes 65 16.8 16.8 35.3
Often 82 21.1 21.1 56.4
Always 169 43.6 43.6 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
VAR00049 VAR00050
VAR00051 VAR00052 VAR00053 VAR00054
Output Created 17-APR-2021 16:22:27
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with
valid data.
VAR00045 VAR00046 VAR00047
VAR00048 VAR00049 VAR00050
VAR00051 VAR00052 VAR00053
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.02
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.02
Schol Evide Curre Inform Readi Politi
arly ... nce ... nt ... ation... ng ... cal ...
N Vali
388 388 388 388 388 388
0 0 0 0 0 0
Perce 25 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00
ntiles 50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Bibliographic A presentation
Entertainment Job ... ... In-depth ... ...
N Valid 388 388 388 388 388
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Percentiles 25 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00
50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
research ...
N Valid 388
Missing 0
Percentiles 25 2.00
50 2.00
75 2.00
Frequency Table
Scholarly ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 27 7.0 7.0 7.0
A 361 93.0 93.0 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Evidence ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 92 23.7 23.7 23.7
A 296 76.3 76.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Current ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 58 14.9 14.9 14.9
A 330 85.1 85.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 88 22.7 22.7 22.7
A 300 77.3 77.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Reading ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 51 13.1 13.1 13.1
A 337 86.9 86.9 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Political ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 155 39.9 39.9 39.9
A 233 60.1 60.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 140 36.1 36.1 36.1
A 248 63.9 63.9 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Job ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 132 34.0 34.0 34.0
A 256 66.0 66.0 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Bibliographic ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 104 26.8 26.8 26.8
A 284 73.2 73.2 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
In-depth ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 54 13.9 13.9 13.9
A 334 86.1 86.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
A presentation ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 57 14.7 14.7 14.7
A 331 85.3 85.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Research ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 51 13.1 13.1 13.1
A 337 86.9 86.9 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Output Created 19-APR-2021 13:35:02
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used All non-missing data are used.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00
Output Created 19-APR-2021 13:35:48
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used All non-missing data are used.
VAR00026 VAR00027 VAR00028
VAR00029 VAR00030 VAR00031
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
Searching ... 388 3.56 .583
Locating ... 388 3.35 .723
Downloading ... 388 3.37 .774
Retrieving ... 388 3.24 .777
Reading ... 388 3.26 .775
Printing ... 388 3.28 .753
Creating ... 388 2.76 1.046
Usage Pattern of Periodicals
388 3.2584 .50501
in Libraries
Valid N (listwise) 388
Output Created 19-APR-2021 13:56:57
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of MissingUser-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with
valid data.
VAR00034 VAR00035 VAR00036
VAR00037 VAR00038 VAR00039
VAR00040 VAR00041
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.02
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.02
Journ Magazi Newspa Newslet Proceedi Bullet
als nes pers ters ngs ins
N Valid 388 388 388 388 388 388
0 0 0 0 0 0
Percent 25 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
iles 50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
E-Journals E-Magazines E-News papers E- Newsletters
N Valid 388 388 388 388
Missing 0 0 0 0
Percentiles 25 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00
50 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Frequency Table
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 14 3.6 3.6 3.6
Sometimes 46 11.9 11.9 15.5
Often 109 28.1 28.1 43.6
Always 219 56.4 56.4 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 15 3.9 3.9 3.9
Sometimes 61 15.7 15.7 19.6
Often 162 41.8 41.8 61.3
Always 150 38.7 38.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 21 5.4 5.4 5.4
Sometimes 65 16.8 16.8 22.2
Often 135 34.8 34.8 57.0
Always 167 43.0 43.0 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 50 12.9 12.9 12.9
Sometimes 73 18.8 18.8 31.7
Often 115 29.6 29.6 61.3
Always 150 38.7 38.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 49 12.6 12.6 12.6
Sometimes 87 22.4 22.4 35.1
Often 129 33.2 33.2 68.3
Always 123 31.7 31.7 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 51 13.1 13.1 13.1
Sometimes 74 19.1 19.1 32.2
Often 137 35.3 35.3 67.5
Always 126 32.5 32.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 38 9.8 9.8 9.8
Sometimes 45 11.6 11.6 21.4
Often 78 20.1 20.1 41.5
Always 227 58.5 58.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 45 11.6 11.6 11.6
Sometimes 50 12.9 12.9 24.5
Often 93 24.0 24.0 48.5
Always 200 51.5 51.5 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
E-News papers
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 43 11.1 11.1 11.1
Sometimes 61 15.7 15.7 26.8
Often 89 22.9 22.9 49.7
Always 195 50.3 50.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
E- Newsletters
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 72 18.6 18.6 18.6
Sometimes 65 16.8 16.8 35.3
Often 82 21.1 21.1 56.4
Always 169 43.6 43.6 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Output Created 19-APR-2021 14:18:55
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with
valid data.
VAR00045 VAR00046 VAR00047
VAR00048 VAR00049 VAR00050
VAR00051 VAR00052 VAR00053
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00
Schol Evide Curre Inform Readi Politi
arly ... nce ... nt ... ation... ng ... cal ...
N Vali
388 388 388 388 388 388
0 0 0 0 0 0
Perce 25 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00
ntiles 50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Bibliographic A presentation
Entertainment Job ... ... In-depth ... ...
N Valid 388 388 388 388 388
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Percentiles 25 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00
50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
research ...
N Valid 388
Missing 0
Percentiles 25 2.00
50 2.00
75 2.00
Frequency Table
Scholarly ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 27 7.0 7.0 7.0
A 361 93.0 93.0 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Evidence ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 92 23.7 23.7 23.7
A 296 76.3 76.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Current ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 58 14.9 14.9 14.9
A 330 85.1 85.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 88 22.7 22.7 22.7
A 300 77.3 77.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Reading ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 51 13.1 13.1 13.1
A 337 86.9 86.9 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Political ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 155 39.9 39.9 39.9
A 233 60.1 60.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 140 36.1 36.1 36.1
A 248 63.9 63.9 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Job ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 132 34.0 34.0 34.0
A 256 66.0 66.0 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Bibliographic ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 104 26.8 26.8 26.8
A 284 73.2 73.2 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
In-depth ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 54 13.9 13.9 13.9
A 334 86.1 86.1 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
A presentation ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 57 14.7 14.7 14.7
A 331 85.3 85.3 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Research ...
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid D 51 13.1 13.1 13.1
A 337 86.9 86.9 100.0
Total 388 100.0 100.0
Output Created 19-APR-2021 14:40:40
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics for each pair of variables are
based on all the cases with valid data
for that pair.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.08
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.09
Visibility of
Periodicals in Frequency of
University Using
Libraries Periodicals
Visibility of Periodicals in Pearson Correlation 1 .210**
University Libraries Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 388 388
Frequency of Using Pearson Correlation .210** 1
Periodicals Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 388 388
Output Created 19-APR-2021 14:48:57
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics for each pair of variables are
based on all the cases with valid data
for that pair.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00
Accessibility of Frequency of
Periodicals in Using
Libraries Periodicals
Accessibility of Periodicals Pearson Correlation 1 .256
in Libraries Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 388 388
Frequency of Using Pearson Correlation .256 1
Periodicals Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 388 388
Output Created 19-APR-2021 14:55:34
Input Data C:\Users\DR MRS
OGBOMO\Documents\dr mrs ogbomo
RESULTS\Azonobi Ph.D Data.sav
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no
missing values for any variable used.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.06
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.08
Memory Required 4928 bytes
Additional Memory
0 bytes
Required for Residual Plots
Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 Accessibility of
Periodicals in
Libraries ,
Visibility of . Enter
Periodicals in
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .300a .090 .085 .70534
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 18.965 2 9.483 19.060 .000b
Residual 191.539 385 .498
Total 210.504 387
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .897 .360 2.494 .013
Visibility of Periodicals in
.542 .168 .161 3.234 .001
University Libraries
Accessibility of Periodicals
.371 .084 .220 4.419 .000
in Libraries