ELSEVIER - Erodium Varias SPP
ELSEVIER - Erodium Varias SPP
ELSEVIER - Erodium Varias SPP
Keywords: Erodium spp. is a genus that can be found in all continents that has been traditionally used in folk medicine to
Traditional use treat many diseases such as hemorrhage, dermatological disorders, indigestion, and inflammatory diseases.
Phenolic compounds Moreover, Erodium leaves have been used for the preparation of salads, omelets, sandwiches, sauces and soups,
Antimicrobial among other food products. The objective of this review was to show the recent and relevant studies about
extraction of bioactive compounds, the phytochemical characterization, the potential biological activities and
toxicological evidence reported in both in vitro and in vivo studies from Erodium spp. In addition, the use of
Erodium spp. as natural compounds against the development of diseases were also showed. This review high-
lights the traditional use of Erodium species in several countries as a therapeutic agent to treat several diseases
(such as constipation, dermatological disorders, diabetes, indigestion, urinary inflammations, and as carminative
agent), the factors influencing the extraction of bioactive compounds (mainly species and solvent composition on
phenolic compounds) and phytochemical profile (presence of essential oils and alkaloids), the scientific evidence
about its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial (against both spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms), antiviral and
other health-related activities (anti-protozoal and anti-viral activity) as well as the toxicological evidence.
Erodium spp. is a relevant source of compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and biological activity, which
support its potential exploration in pharmacological and food area. Major efforts are necessary to advance the
knowledge about Erodium genus regarding the relation between traditional use and scientific evidence, opti-
mization of extraction conditions, the influence on biological mechanisms at animal and clinical levels, and
bioaccessibility and bioavailability of bioactive compounds.
1. Introduction perpendicular position of the pit on the mericarp and the absence of
staminodes and rims on mericarp bristles (Aldasoro, Aedo, & Navarro,
Erodium genus belongs to the Geraniaceae family and is composed of 2000; Anonymous, 1998). Erodium spp. are present on all continents,
a group of > 70 species (Fiz, Vargas, Alarcón, & Aldasoro, 2006), with wherein the Mediterranean region is the location where most of the
some of them being represented in Fig. 1, “E. cicutarium, E. glauco- species (> 60 species) can be found (Fiz et al., 2006). The most likely
phyllum and E. malacoides” are among the common species of this genus. origin of Erodium genus in Asia (Fiz-Palacios, Vargas, Vila,
These flowering plants are composed by a five-parted long with bill-like Papadopulos, & Aldasoro, 2010).
capsules (containing the seeds) and usually are characterized by a The use of Erodium spp. in natural medicine is a common practice in
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Lorenzo).
Received 6 May 2019; Received in revised form 5 September 2019; Accepted 9 September 2019
Available online 09 September 2019
0963-9969/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
many cultures (Akaydin, Şimşek, Arituluk, & Yeşilada, 2013; Dutt, constipation, eczemas, as carminative agent (Bulut & Tuzlaci, 2013;
Bhagat, & Pandita, 2015). This cultural heritage has been passed Cakilcioglu & Turkoglu, 2010; Dalar, Mukemre, Unal, & Ozgokce, 2018;
through generations long before the modern practices of medicine took Sargin, 2015; Sargin, Selvi, & Büyükcengiz, 2015). In addition, the
place and the current strategies to develop drugs were established. population of Aydıncık district in Turkey used E. cedrorum to treat
Preserving this knowledge is the first step to understand the preventive gastro-intestinal diseases (Sargin et al., 2015) and the population of
and therapeutic potential of using medicinal plants against diseases. In Malatya province ingest E. cicutarium as tonic (Tetik, Civelek, &
addition, the conservation of such valuable knowledge and species, not Cakilcioglu, 2013).
only for medicinal purposes but also for the environment as a whole, is In Iraq (Al-douri, 2003) and Jordan (Al-Qura'n, 2008), local popu-
a major issue nowadays (Chen et al., 2016; Gairola, Shariff, Bhatt, & lations reported the use of E. cicutarium to treat hemorrhage and ana-
Kala, 2010). Moreover, the exploration of bioactive components from sarca (generalized edema). While E. gruinum was reported to treat in-
Erodium genus as a potential new source of bioactive compounds has fections on urinary system and prostate in Iran (Mosaddegh, Naghibi,
been receiving attention over the last decades (Bremner et al., 2009; Moazzeni, Pirani, & Esmaeili, 2012), the aerial parts of E. tibetanum was
Esmaeili et al., 2009; Penkov et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2016). reported to treat indigestion, wounds, and burns and as hair tonic in
On the other hand, the most common species is E. cicutarium, with India (Angmo, Adhikari, & Rawat, 2012; Kala, 2010).
edible leaves, can be consumed raw or cooked. It can be also used with Treating circulatory system diseases, skin problems, hair loss, and
butter to prepare potherb, mainly if boiled in herbed and salted water burns were reported as therapeutic uses for E. malacoides among
and topped with lemon juice. Moreover, the leaves can be also added to members of the Khattak tribe of Chonthra Karak in Pakistan (Rehman,
omelets, sandwiches, sauces, and soups (Duke, 2001). Mashwani, Khan, Ullah, & Chaudhary, 2015). Differently, the popula-
This review presents recent and relevant studies about extraction of tion of Baotou (inner Mongolia) used E. stephanianum to treat enteritis
bioactive compounds (mainly, phenolic compounds), the phytochem- and diarrhea (Li et al., 2012).
ical characterization, the potential biological activities (anti-in- In the case of South American countries, the use of E. cicutarium was
flammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral activities, among others) and associated to treatment of dermatological diseases among the Mapuche
toxicological evidence reported in both in vitro and in vivo studies from indigenous population, located in South American countries as
Erodium spp. Future perspectives about the use as natural compounds Argentine and Chile (Estomba, Ladio, & Lozada, 2006; Molares & Ladio,
against the development of diseases are also presented. 2009). In Ecuador, the consumption of E. cicutarium and E. moschatum
was used to treat respiratory illness (Tene et al., 2007). Moreover, the
infusion of E. cicutarium was used in cases of influenza, heart problems,
2. Traditional use of Erodium species to treat diseases
and stomach pain, E. moschatum was reported to treat cough, pneu-
monia, and menstruation pain, whereas in Northern Peru, E. cicutarium
The traditional use of Erodium species for health purposes was re-
was related to treatment of low and high blood pressure (Bussmann &
ported on 18 articles (Table 1). The data obtained from these studies
Sharon, 2006). Finally, the use of E. cicutarium in the Canary Islands
revealed that species, part of plant, preparation prior to use/ingestion,
(Spain) was applied to treat wounds and hemorrhages (Darias, Bravo,
and therapeutic use are different among and within countries. The
Barquin, Herrera, & Fraile, 1986).
surveys carried out in Turkey revealed that several Erodium species are
The diversity of species, locations, therapeutic uses and preparing
commonly used to treat indigestion, urinary inflammations, diabetes,
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
(Al-douri, 2003)
(Sargin, 2015)
(Sargin, 2015)
(Sargin, 2015)
last decade) are necessary to preserve and improve the current
(Kala, 2010)
Wounds and hemorrhage mass/solvent ratio used to extract phenolic compounds from Erodium
Dermatological diseases
Dermatological diseases
spp. ranged from 1:5 to 1:40. The time required for extraction was
Enteritis and diarrhea
compounds from plant tissues (Azmir et al., 2013). However, the in-
depth evaluation of both factors was not reported in the scientific lit-
erature. Furthermore, the differences on experimental conditions
Chewing, boiling, and in meal
Infusion, boiling, and in meal
pure solvents are the most common ones, such as benzene, chloroform,
ethanol, ethyl acetate, ethyl ether, methanol, petroleum ether, and
water. In fact, the solvent selection seems to influence the phenolic
Not indicated
Not indicated
Not indicated
Not indicated
Not indicated
Not indicated
Not indicated
2019). For instance, Alali et al. (2007) observed that total phenolic
content and diphenyl picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenge activity
of aqueous and methanolic E. bryoniifolium extracts were influenced by
solvent composition. The authors obtained 15.1 mg gallic acid equiva-
Root and aerial parts
lents (GAE)/g dry weight (DW) for total phenolic content and 45.3 μmol
Flowers and leaves
Not indicated
Not indicated
Not indicated
Part of plant
Whole Plant
Whole plant
Whole plant
Whole plant
Aerial parts
Aerial parts
Aerial parts
Aerial parts
Aerial parts
Aerial parts
Aerial parts
water as solvent. Using methanol, the total phenolic content and DPPH
radical scavenge activity assays revealed averaged values of 10.8 mg
using water than with methanol as solvent (45.4 vs. 25.4 mg GAE/
served that DPPH radical scavenge activity was improved from 11.9 to
higher phenolic content with more affinity with water than with me-
Pakistan (Khattak tribe of Chonthra Karak)
authors (Agregan et al., 2019; Alali et al., 2007; Lorenzo et al., 2018;
Turkey (Turgutlu province)
Turkey (Malatya province)
Lorenzo et al., 2018; Pateiro et al., 2018; Sarikurkcu, Targan, Ozer, &
Turkey (Sivrice province)
Tepe, 2017).
Other studies also revealed that petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and
chloroform may be interesting solvents to extract antioxidant com-
pounds (Bouaziz, Dhouib, Loukil, Boukhris, & Sayadi, 2009; Sroka,
Rzadkowska-Bodalska, & Mazol, 1994). However, the authors stated
Table 1
P.E.S. Munekata, et al.
Table 2
Extraction conditions, total phenolic content and antioxidant potential of Erodium spp.
Species Part of Extraction protocola Antioxidant assay Total phenolic contentb Antioxidant activity Reference
E. bryoniifolium Aerial 1:40 w/v (distilled water and pure ABTS assay 15.1 (water) and 10.8 45.3 (water) and 25.4 (methanol) μmol TE/g DW (Alali et al., 2007)
part methanol), 10 min, 25 °C (methanol) mg GAE/g DW
Aerial N.I. (distilled water and pure DPPH assay 45.4 (water) and 25.4 20.1 (water) and 11.9% (methanol) of BHT scavenge activity (El-Hela et al., 2013)
part methanol), 24 h, N.I. (methanol) mg GAE/100 g (0.4 mg/mL)
E. cicutarium Aerial N.I. DPPH assay N.D. 25 μg/mL (DPPHc) (Nikolova, Tsvetkova, &
parts Ivancheva, 2010)
Aerial N.I. (pure petroleum ether, benzene, Inhibition of Oenothera paradoxa oil N.D. Inhibition: 35–95% (petroleum ether); 29–68% (benzene); (Sroka et al., 1994)
part chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethyl oxidation assay 9–100% (chloroform); 0–100% (water); 18–100% (ethyl acetate);
ether), N.I., N.I. and 0–11% (ethyl ether)
Aerial 1:20 w/v (pure ethanol), 24 h, room β-carotene bleaching, MC, PM, DPPH, N.D. 2.0 mmol TE/g extract (PM); 74% (β-carotene); 22.2 mg EDTAEs/ (Sarikurkcu et al., 2017)
parts temperature ABTS, CUPRAC, FRAP and NO radical g extract (MC); 129.1 (ABTS), 90.6 (DPPH), 130.4 (CUPRAC),
scavenging assay 89.6 (FRAP), and 6.7 (NO) mg TE/g extract
E. glaucophyllum Aerial 1:10 w/v (pure ethyl acetate and DPPH and ABTS assays 422 mg PyE/100 g extract 1.76 μg/mL (DPPHc); 0.60 mM TE (ABTS) (Bouaziz et al., 2009)
parts methanol), 24 h, room temperature (ethyl acetate)
2225 mg PyE/100 g 0.44 μg/mL (DPPHc); 3.14 mM TE (ABTS)
extract (methanol)
Leaves 1.25:1 w/v (50% methanol), 24 h, N.I. RP, DPPH, and inhibition of linoleic acid 248 mg GAE/g DW 20.3 μg/mL (DPPHc); 15.0 μg/mL (RPc); 37.2 μg/mL (oil (Hamza et al., 2018)
peroxidation assay peroxidation assayc)
E. guttatum Leaves 1.25:1 w/v (50% methanol), 24 h, N.I. RP, DPPH, and inhibition of linoleic acid 124 mg GAE/g DW 56.9 μg/mL (DPPHc); 28.1 μg/mL (RPc); 71.0 μg/mL (oil (Hamza et al., 2018)
peroxidation assay peroxidation assayc)
E. hirtum Leaves 1.25:1 w/v (50% methanol), 24 h, N.I. RP, DPPH, and inhibition of linoleic acid 180 mg GAE/g DW 49.5 μg/mL (DPPHc); 16.3 μg/mL (RPc); 42.5 μg/mL (oil (Hamza et al., 2018)
peroxidation assay peroxidation assayc)
E. laciniatum Leaves 1:5 w/v (50% ethanol), 72 h, room DPPH assay 10.3 mg GAE/g extract 30.5 μg/mL (DPPHc) (Jaradat et al., 2018)
ABTS: 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid); DPPH: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; CUPRAC: Cupric Reducing Antioxidant Capacity; FRAP: Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power; MC: metal chelating;
NO: Nitric Oxide; PM: Phospho-Molybdenum; RP: reducing power.
w/v: weight/volume (g/mL); N.I.: not indicated; N.D.: not determined; GAE: Gallic acid equivalents; DW: dry weight; TE: Trolox equivalent, PyE: pyrogallol equivalent.
Mass/volume ratio, solvent composition, time of extraction, temperature of extraction.
Total phenolic content or the sum of individually quantified phenolic compounds.
Values calculated as IC50.
Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
interaction, which can explain the antioxidant potential obtained with glaucophyllum, E. guttatum, and E. hirtum. The results indicated that the
these solvents. Overall, some studies reported that phenolic content of highest polyphenolic content was obtained from E. glaucophyllum me-
Erodium spp. varied from 15.1 mg GAE/g DW to 248 mg GAE/g DW thanolic extract (50,50, methanol,water, v/v) in comparison to E.
(Table 2). In addition, the evaluation of antioxidant activity revealed hirtum and E. guttatum methanolic extracts (248.1, 180.0, and 124.0 mg
that Erodium spp. extracts can scavenge free radicals (both lipophilic GAE/g dry residue, respectively). However, the results for antioxidant
and hydrophilic) and inhibit lipid oxidation in emulsion systems activity by reducing power (RP), DPPH, and inhibition of linoleic acid
(Sarikurkcu et al., 2017; Sroka et al., 1994). In addition, Sarikurkcu peroxidation assays indicated that E. guttatum extract contained the
et al. (2017) evaluated the antioxidant potential of E. cicutarium aqu- most potent antioxidant compounds in comparison to E. glaucophyllum
eous methanolic extract. The authors observed that extracted com- and E. hirtum (Table 2). This scenario suggests that phenolic compounds
pounds could prevent β-carotene bleaching up to 74% and also dis- were implicated in the antioxidant activity of Erodium spp. but the
played antioxidant potential of 129.1, 90.6, 130.4, 89.6, and 6.7 mg phenolic composition and antioxidant activity are influenced by spe-
Trolox equivalents/g extract for ABTS, DPPH, cupric ion reducing an- cies.
tioxidant capacity (CUPRAC), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) It is also relevant mentioning that Erodium spp. also contains es-
and nitric oxide assays, respectively. sential oils. To this date, most of the studies used conventional methods
The time required to carry out the extraction is also an important of essential oil extraction. However, future research may explore the
factor to be considered in the recovery of antioxidant compounds effects of emerging extraction technologies, including microwave-as-
(Giacometti et al., 2018; Li et al., 2018). This is a factor that has shown sisted hydrodistillation (Gavahian, Farahnaky, Farhoosh, Javidnia, &
conflicting results among studies. After 10 min, antioxidant compounds Shahidi, 2015), by supercritical CO2 (Roselló-Soto et al., 2019), ohmic-
can be successfully extracted from Erodium spp. matrix (Alali et al., assisted hydrodistillation (Gavahian, Lee, & Chu, 2018), and ohmic
2007) but extracts obtained after 24 (Hamza, Emna, & Yeddes, 2018; accelerated steam distillation (OASD) (Gavahian & Chu, 2018), on the
Sarikurkcu et al., 2017) and even 72 h (Jaradat et al., 2018) also display chemical composition and biological effects of the Erodium spp. extract.
high antioxidant activity. The optimization of extraction time should Lis-Balchin and Hart (1994) extracted methyl eugenol, geraniol, ci-
receive more attention in order to stablish time-efficient protocols and tronellol, isomenthone, and linalool (10.6, 16.7, 15.4, 11.2, and 3.1% of
characterize the influence of this variable on the recovery of anti- total oil, respectively) from leaves of E. cicutarium. In addition, Rodrigo,
oxidant compounds. Almanza, Akesson, and Duan (2010) indicated the presence of tannins
Similarly, the temperature is another factor poorly explored in the and flavonoids in the leaves of E. cicutarium.
extraction of bioactive compounds from Erodium genus. Several studies The presence of alkaloids in Erodium spp. has not been fully con-
extracted bioactive compounds at room temperature (Table 2). To the firmed. On the one hand, the presence of alkaloids was indicated for E.
best of our knowledge, the optimization of extraction protocol aiming cicutarium, E. acaule, E. pelargonijlorum (Lis-Balchin & Guittonneau,
for extracts rich on polyphenols and elevated antioxidant activity, was 1995) and E. laciniatum (Al-Shamma & Mitscher, 1979). On the other
not carried out on the studies with Erodium genus. It is worth men- hand, negative results were reported for E. cicutarium (Rodrigo et al.,
tioning that temperature can influence the extraction of bioactive 2010), E. ciconium, E. glaucophyllum (Al-Shamma & Mitscher, 1979),
compounds from vegetable tissues by facilitating their release from the and E. rupestre (Viladomat, Codina, Llabres, & Bastida, 1986), which
plant matrix (Lorenzo, Pateiro, et al., 2018; Lorenzo, Vargas, et al., suggests that alkaloid synthesis could be influenced by Erodium species
2018) but can also induce their degradation, which can reduce the and environmental factors.
antioxidant activity of the extracts (Tan, Tan, & Ho, 2013). However, Over the last years, encapsulation has attracted a significant interest
the direct comparison among studies cannot be done due to different from food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmetic industries, due
experimental conditions. More effort is necessary to optimize these to its wide application in the design of functional products such as foods
factors in order to stablish more efficient extraction conditions for and/or food ingredients (Gómez et al., 2018). Encapsulation is a tech-
further experiments with Erodium spp. nology to stabilize and control the release, of high-added value com-
Although phenolic compounds are the main compounds associated pounds extracted from fruits, vegetables or waste materials (i.e. anti-
with antioxidant activity among natural plant extracts, the identifica- oxidant bioactive compounds, vitamins, acidulants, flavors, aromas,
tion and quantification of Erodium spp. phenolic compounds were in- enzymes, microbial cells and others) into products (Munekata et al.,
vestigated by a limited number of studies. Fecka and Cisowski (2002) 2017). However, In the science literature, there are not information
indicated the presence of geraniin, dehydrogeraniin, corilagin, and about the encapsulation of Erodium spp.
isoquercitrin in Erodium spp. by planar chromatography, but the con- Overall, Erodium spp. is a rich source of natural antioxidants, phe-
tents of the individual phenolic compounds of E. ciconium, E. cicutarium, nolic compounds, and other secondary plant metabolites. Particularly
E. manescavi, and E. pelargoniiflorum were not determined. In a further for phenolic composition and antioxidant potential, the information in
study, Fecka and Cisowski (2005) elucidated the structure of the main scientific literature indicated that Erodium species and solvent compo-
phenolic compounds of E. cicutarium: gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, 3- sition are relevant factors to be considered. It is important to highlight
O-galloylshikimic acid, 3-O-(6”-O-galloyl)-β-D-galactopyranoside, cor- that the phytochemical composition of Erodium spp. demands more
ilagin, didehydrogeraniin (dehydrogeraniin), geraniin, hyperin, iso- attention in order to explore polyphenols, antioxidant compounds, es-
quercitrin, methyl gallate 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, and rutin by the sential oils, and other compounds.
combination of two analytical methods, mass spectrometry and nuclear
magnetic resonance. 4. Anti-inflammatory activity
In another study, Fecka, Kowalczyk, and Cisowski (2001) indicated
the presence of gallic and ellagic acids among all nine Erodium species. The inflammatory response is a complex protective and organized
However, the predominant phenolic compounds varied among species. actions that activate the vascular tissues in order to prevent undesirable
For instance, ellagic acid was the main phenolic compound present in E. immune activation and the consequent response. This response can be
petraeum, E. botrvs, and E. gruinum (80.3, 17.49, and 6.81 mg/g, re- stimulated by damaged cells, toxic compounds, and pathogens.
spectively), while brevifolin was the predominant compound in E. ci- Phenolic compounds can prevent this inflammatory response due to the
cutarium and E. manescavi (50.74 and 25.95 mg/g, respectively). Ad- modulation of enzymes responsible for the generation of prostanoids
ditionally, gallic acid methyl ester was absent in E. ciconium, E. gruinum, and leukotrienes (phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenases and lipox-
E. pelargoniiflorum and protocatechuic acid was not detected in E. botrvs. ygenases) (Azab, Nassar, & Azab, 2016; Rathee et al., 2009).
An interesting outcome was reported by Hamza et al. (2018) who The preventive activity of phenolic compounds against inflamma-
evaluated the phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of E. tion also reduces the release of histamine (by the catalyzed generation
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
of leukotrienes by lipoxygenase), which may reduce the allergy re- compounds stand out as a promising alternative (Lee, Cho, Jeong, &
sponse in late stages. Likewise, the inhibition of phosphodiesterase by Lee, 2013).
flavonoids has been suggested to reduce the production of cytokines Over the last decades, several studies have been dedicated to clar-
and inhibit the inflammatory process of cardiovascular diseases. ifying the mechanisms involved in the inhibitory activity of phenolic
Another mechanism where flavonoids can inhibit inflammatory re- compounds against bacteria. Two mechanisms have been proposed to
sponse is the preventive activity over IkB kinase, which inactivates explain it: i) cell aggregation, and ii) direct antimicrobial activity
nuclear factor-Kappa B (NF-κB) and its translocation to the nucleus and (Cushnie & Lamb, 2011). In the case of cell aggregation, the access to
eventually prevents inflammatory response (Azab et al., 2016; Rathee oxygen (particularly for aerobic bacteria) and nutrients are limited,
et al., 2009). Phenolic compounds can also influence other mediators of while the direct antimicrobial effect can involve the aggregation of
inflammatory response such as inhibiting the biosynthesis of eicosa- enzymes that consequently inhibit some vital processes, such as mem-
noids, degranulation of neutrophils, reduce the formation of free radical brane synthesis. Some promising work demonstrated the antibacterial
species and consequent lower attraction of inflammatory mediators, potential of Erodium spp. and established a relationship with flavonoids,
reducing the activity of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase; and pre- particularly with Geraniin (Bouaziz et al., 2009; Gohar et al., 2003).
venting the activation of immune cells (Ambriz-Pérez, Leyva-López, Rempe, Burris, Lenaghan, and Stewart (2017) reviewed the effects
Gutierrez-Grijalva, & Heredia, 2016; Nijveldt et al., 2001). of phenolic compounds on essential bacterial functions, including the
Some compounds involved in the inhibition of the inflammatory inhibitory activity over DNA gyrase and helicase (some of the enzymes
response have been identified in extracts of Erodium spp. For instance, responsible for DNA replication), type III secretion (a structure that
Gohar, Lahloub, and Niwa (2003) identified geraniin in E. glauco- facilitates invasion and also protects bacteria), multi-drug efflux pump
phyllum extracts, a compound that has been associated in the prevention (a protective mechanism that expels antibiotics and other harmful
of inflammation and asthma, due to its ability to inhibit the formation compounds), and endogenous enzymes (dehydratase and protein ki-
of 5-lipoxygenase, which is responsible to transform fatty acids into nase, for instance).
leukotrienes that in turn promote the inflammatory signal (Kimura, Erodium spp. has also been reported to induce microbial death. In
Okuda, Okuda, & Arichi, 1986). However, the evaluation of anti-in- fact, several studies have evaluated the antimicrobial potential of
flammatory activity displayed contrasting results for both in vitro and in Erodium spp. extracts, with the results varying among Erodium species
vivo experiments in addition to the currently limited number of studies and extracting solvents, as represented in Table 3. For instance,
carried out up to now. Stojanović-Radić et al. (2010) explored the impact of the essential oil
Bremner et al. (2009) evaluated the anti-inflammatory activity of E. obtained from three Erodium species (E. absinthoide, E. ciconium, and E.
malacoides (using pure ethyl acetate as solvent) and other medicinal cicutarium) against the development of Gram-negative bacteria Escher-
plants extracts (using either pure ethyl acetate, methanol, petroleum ichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Gram-
ether, or 80% aqueous ethanol solution as solvent) from South-Eastern positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium perfringens, and Staphylo-
Spain by means of NF-κB and cytokine pathway. The anti-inflammatory coccus aureus. Interestingly, the authors tested the essential oil extracted
assay indicated that E. malacoides extract had lower activity (data not from E. absinthoide, E. ciconium, and E. cicutarium against two strains of
shown by the authors) than other extracts (inhibitory activity < 60%). Escherichia coli and obtained different MIC values. While the MIC values
Due to the relatively low inflammatory potential in comparison to other for E. ciconium essential oil was in the range 2.5–5 mg/mL, the essential
herbs and plants, no further characterization was carried out for E. oils of E. absinthoide and E. cicutarium achieved MIC values of 0.156–5
malacoides extract by the authors. and 0.625–2.5 mg/mL, respectively. Particularly for Klebsiella pneumo-
In a similar way, the study carried out by Penkov et al. (2014) niae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa the lowest MIC values were observed
evaluated the effect of Geranium sanguineum, Astragalus glycyphyllos, in the E. cicutarium and E. absinthoides oil, respectively (1.25 mg/mL).
Erodium cicutarium, and Vincetoxicum officinalis (as a single combined Differently, for Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus the lowest MIC
extract with equal amount of each plant) to inhibit inflammatory re- values were achieved by E. ciconium oil (0.156 and 2.5–5 mg/mL, re-
sponse and promote analgesic effect in male “Wistar” rats with paw spectively). However, the evaluation of Nystatin (a known antifungal
edema induced by carrageenan. The combined extract displayed a compound) antifungal activity indicated MIC values in the range
limited analgesic effect that was observed after repeated intake, parti- 0.039–2.5 μg/mL, which indicated a lower antimicrobial activity in
cularly for 2 g/kg body weight dose, against thermal irritation (55 °C for comparison to Erodium spp. extracts.
up to 30 s), which were comparable to the results obtained for rats Particularly for E. glaucophyllum, the hydromethanolic extract
treated with sodium metamizole. However, it is not possible to indicate (80:20, methanol:water, v/v) obtained by Bakari et al. (2018) from
which component induced the inflammatory effect or the occurrence of flowers and leaves (75 μg extract/well) inhibited the growth of Fu-
synergism. sarium oxysporum, Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp. (19–24, 9.7–10.7,
Therefore, the anti-inflammatory potential of the Erodium spp. ex- and 11.2–13 mm, respectively). Moreover, the results were lower than
tracts demand more research due to the lack of definitive results ob- those obtained for chloramphenicol (15 μg/well) in the same experi-
tained from the current limited number of in vitro and in vivo studies. It mental conditions (20, 18, and 18 mm for Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium
is also of great importance to determine which specific compounds and spp. and Penicillium spp., respectively).
mechanisms are influenced by Erodium spp. active components. Interestingly, Bouaziz et al. (2009) obtained contrasting results for
Particularly for studies dedicated to exploring phenolic composition the antifungal activity obtained from E. glaucophyllum using different
and antioxidant activity, it is recommended to declare the entire ex- solvents. While the ethyl acetate extract induced between 10 and
traction protocol. 12 mm inhibition zone, the methanolic extract did not produce the
inhibition zone. Moreover, no inhibitory effect for both ethyl acetate
5. Antimicrobial activity and methanolic extract were reported by the authors against Candida
albicans. The authors also indicated that the E. glaucophyllum metha-
The search for natural and safe alternatives to prevent microbial nolic extract had the highest flavonol concentration and antioxidant
growth is a hot research topic among food researchers, processors and activity in comparison to ethyl acetate extract. Comparatively, the
healthy regulatory agencies. Part of the concern has been attributed to standard antibiotic polymyxine B (dissolved in ethyl acetate, con-
the cumulative antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria, particularly centration not indicated) achieved inhibition zones between 10 and
due to medicinal reasons and the prevailing outbreaks worldwide 15 mm against the same microorganisms. Differently than reported for
(Davies & Davies, 2010). In addition to public strategies to reduce the E. glaucophyllum, polymyxine B dissolved in hexane, methanol and
excessive, and sometimes unnecessary, use of antibiotics, phenolic water also inhibited the growth of Staphylococus aureus, Pseudomonas
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
Table 3
Antimicrobial activity of Erodium species.
Species Part of plant Solvent Microorganism Inhibitory effect (MIC, IZ, NC and GR) Reference
E. absinthoides, E. ciconium and E. Entire plant Pure diethyl ether Acremonium 0.078 (E. absinthoides),0.078 (E. ciconium), and (Stojanović-Radić
cicutarium chrysogenum 0.156 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL et al., 2010)
Aspergillus fumigatus 0.078 (E. absinthoides), 0.156 (E. ciconium), and
0.156 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Aspergillus restrictus 0.039 (E. absinthoides), 0.078 (E. ciconium), and
0.078 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Candida albicans 0.156 (E. absinthoides), 0.156 (E. ciconium), and
0.325 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Penicillium chrysogenum 0.156 (E. absinthoides), 0.156 (E. ciconium), and
0.156 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Escherichia coli 0.156–5 (E. absinthoides), 2.5–5 (E. ciconium),
and 0.625–2.5 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Klebsiella pneumoniae N.I. (E. absinthoides), 0.156 (E. ciconium), and
0.156 (E. cicutarium)
Pseudomonas 1.25 (E. absinthoides), 2.5 (E. ciconium), and
aeruginosa 0.312 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Bacillus subtilis 0.312 (E. absinthoides), 0.156 (E. ciconium), and
0.625 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Clostridium perfringens 0.312 (E. absinthoides), 0.312 (E. ciconium), and
0.312 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
Staphylococcus aureus N.I.-5 (E. absinthoides), 2.5–5 (E. ciconium), and
0.312–2.5 (E. cicutarium) mg/mL
E. ciconium Entire plant 95% Ethanol Staphylococcus aureus N.I. (Quave et al., 2008)
E. cicutarium Leaves 96% Ethanol and Escherichia coli N.I. (96% ethanol) and 16 (water) mg/mL (Bussmann et al.,
water Staphylococcus aureus 64 (96% ethanol) and 4 (water) mg/mL 2010)
Leaves, stems, 70% Ethanol Azotobacter sp. 4 strains out of 5 (70% ethanol and water) (Nikitina et al.', 2007)
and flowers Pseudomonas sp. 7 strains out of 7 (70% ethanol and water)
Bacillus polymyxa 6 (70% ethanol) and 8 (water) strains out of 9
Bacillus subtilis 1 (70% ethanol) and 4 (water) strain out of 11
E. glaucophyllum Aerial parts Pure ethyl acetate Aspergillus niger 12 (ethyl acetate) and N.I. (methanol) mm (Bouaziz et al., 2009)
and metahnol Candida albicans N.I. (ethyl acetate and methanol)
Escherichia coli 10 (ethyl acetate) and N.I. (methanol) mm
Pseudomonas 11 (ethyl acetate) and N.I. (methanol) mm
Salmonella enterica 10 (ethyl acetate) and N.I. (methanol) mm
Bacillus subtilis 10 (ethyl acetate) and N.I. (methanol) mm
Staphylococcus aureus 10 (ethyl acetate) and N.I. (methanol) mm
Entire plant 95% Ethanol Candida albicans 1.99 mg/mL (Gohar et al., 2003)
Escherichia coli 2.5 mg/mL
Staphylococcus aureus 3.16 mg/mL
Flowers and 80% Methanol Fusarium oxysporum 19–24 mm (Bakari et al., 2018)
leaves Fusarium sp. 9.7–10.7 mm
Penicillium sp. 11.2–13 mm
Escherichia coli 20–20.5 mm
Klebsiella pneumoniae 25–25.5 mm
Salmonella enteritidis 28.2–32.2 mm
Enterococcus faecalis 19.5–20.5 mm
Bacillus cereus 17.5–20.2 mm
Bacillus subtilis 15.2–17 mm
Micrococcus luteus 15.2–16 mm
Staphylococcus aureus 17–21 mm
E. glaucophyllum, E. guttatum, and Leaves 50% Methanol Escherichia coli 14.4–16.4 (E. glaucophyllum), 5.7–8.2 (E. (Hamza et al., 2018)
E. hirtum guttatum), and 2.7–5.3 (E. hirtum) mm
Pseudomonas 2.4 (E. glaucophyllum), N.I. (E. guttatum), and
aeruginosa N.E. (E. hirtum) mm
Serratia marcescens 5.2 (E. glaucophyllum), 3.9 (E. guttatum), and
2.1 (E. hirtum) mm
Enterococcus aerogenes 11.6 (E. glaucophyllum), 6.7 (E. guttatum), and
3.6 (E. hirtum) mm
Enterococcus faecalis 10.9 (E. glaucophyllum), 8.1 (E. guttatum), and
7.4 (E. hirtum) mm
Staphylococcus aureus 9.1 (E. glaucophyllum), 6.4 (E. guttatum), and
8.2 (E. hirtum) mm
E. glaucophyllum Aerial parts Distilled water and Salmonella enterica 0.367–0.586 (Abdelkebir et al.,
pure ethanol Listeria innocua 0.156–0.252 2019)
Staphylococcus aureus 0.327–0.608
E. laciniatum Leaves 50% Ethanol Enterobacter cloacae N.I. (Jaradat et al., 2018)
Escherichia coli 25 mg/ mL
Klebsiella pneumonia N.I.
Pseudomonas 25 mg/mL
Shigella sonnei 12.5 mg/mL
Enterococcus faecium 12.5 mg/mL
Staphylococcus aureus 6.25–12.5 mg/mL
(continued on next page)
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
Table 3 (continued)
Species Part of plant Solvent Microorganism Inhibitory effect (MIC, IZ, NC and GR) Reference
E. malacoides Leaves, stems, 50% Ethanol Staphylococcus aureus 128 μg/mL (Quave et al., 2008)
and flowers
aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, and Bacillus subtilis, faecium, and 25 mg/mL for Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
which indicated a lower antimicrobial activity. (Jaradat et al., 2018). In contrast, this study also indicated that E. la-
Likewise, the extraction with hydromethanolic (80:20, methanol:- ciniatum extract did not inhibited the growth of Enterobacter cloacae and
water, v/v) solvent from E. glaucophyllum, E. guttatum, and E. hirtum Klebsiella pneumonia (disc-variant method), whereas standards anti-
leaves induced different levels of inhibition on E. coli, Enterococcus biotics (such as imipenem, levofloxacin, and cefotaxime) achieved va-
aerogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, Serratia marcescens, and Staphylococcus lues in the range of 13–40 and 12–32 mm, respectively.
aureus according to Hamza et al. (2018). The larger inhibition zones The study carried out by Gohar et al. (2003) indicated that Erodium
were obtained from the E. glaucophyllum extract in comparison to E. glaucophyllum could be explored as a source of natural antibacterial
guttatum and E. hirtum regardless of tested bacteria (concentrations not compounds. The authors identified geraniin, by means of NMR tech-
indicated). However, the values obtained from inhibition zone using the nique, as relevant antimicrobial compound against Staphylococcus
standard antibiotic streptomycin (concentration not indicated) were aureus due to similar MIC value in comparison to ampicillin (3.16 vs.
reported in the range of 18.1–30.2 mm. 3.3 mg/mL, respectively). Conversely, geraniin achieved lower MIC
The effect of solvent composition in the extraction and consequent value than gentamycin against Escherichia coli (2.5 vs. 0.125 mg/mL).
activity in bacteria seems to vary for each Erodium species. The study Finally, the experiment carried out by Quave, Plano, Pantuso, and
performed by Nikitina, Kuz'mina, Melent'ev, and Shendel’ (2007) Bennett (2008) with 95% ethanol in the extracting solvent indicated a
evaluated the effect of solvent and extract concentration on the bac- non-significant impact on Staphylococcus aureus growth from E. cico-
teriostatic activity of E. cicutarium. The authors indicated similar effect nium and MIC50 value of 128 μg/mL.
for hydroethanolic (70:30, methanol:water, v/v) and aqueous extracts In this sense, seems reasonable to consider that some Erodium spe-
at 1000 μg lyophilized extract/mL on the growth of Azotobacter spp., cies can be explored as potential sources of natural antifungal and an-
Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus polymyxa, and Bacillus subtilis (4 out of 5, 7 tibacterial compounds, in particular E. absinthoides, E. cicutarium, and E.
out of 7, 6–8 out of 9, and 1–4 out of 11 strains, respectively). However, glaucophyllum. The selection of solvent is a relevant factor to improve
non-significant differences were indicated by the authors for 500 μg the extraction of antimicrobial compounds from Erodium spp. matrix.
lyophilized extract/mL on the growth of these microorganisms. Ac- Diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and ethanol could be considered as relevant
cording to authors, the differences in the antimicrobial effect of aqu- options to achieve high extraction yields of antimicrobial compounds.
eous and ethanolic extract could be explained by the difference in po- Moreover, elucidating the main compounds associated with the anti-
larity of the extracted compounds (mainly phenolic compounds) and by bacterial potential of Erodium spp. deserves more attention since few
inhibiting the activity of microbial enzymes (phenolic compounds and studies stablish this direct connection (Bouaziz et al., 2009; Gohar et al.,
quinones), which consequently impair the microbial growth. Ad- 2003; Stojanović-Radić et al., 2010). It is also important mentioning
ditionally, the authors obtained similar inhibition of B. polymyxa (7 and that direct comparison cannot be extended across different studies due
3 out of 11 strains at 15.6 and 7.8 μg/mL, respectively) and Azotobacter to differences in the experimental designs and units used to express
spp. (3 and 1 out of 5 strains at 15.6 and 7.8 μg/mL, respectively) using antimicrobial activity. It is important that further antifungal studies
0.0066% of the standard antibiotic furacilin in comparison to E. cicu- with Erodium species use the same unit and carry out the same anti-
tarium extract at both concentrations (500 and 1000 μg lyophilized fungal assays in order to standardize the results.
extract/mL). Interestingly, the furacilin displayed higher inhibitory
activity against B. subtilis (10 and 8 out of 11 strains at 15.6 and 7.8 μg/ 6. Antiviral activity
mL, respectively) and lower antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas
spp. (not inhibited at 15.6 and 7.8 μg/mL) than E. cicutarium extract. Diseases caused by virus impair are on a global scale. For example,
Bussmann et al. (2010) compared the antimicrobial activity of E. an average of 2.6 million new cases of immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
cicutarium extracts with ethanol (95:5, ethanol:water, v/v) and water. infections has been annually registered between 2005 and 2015. Other
In this case, the extract obtained with water achieved lower MIC values alarming data are the number of carriers and associated deaths: 38.8
than ethanolic solvent for both Escherichia coli (16 mg/mL and lack of million cases and > 1 million deaths due to HIV virus (Wang et al.,
inhibitory effect, respectively) and Staphylococcus aureus (4 vs. 64 mg/ 2016). Given the persistence of viral infections, and the complexity of
mL, respectively). In another study, Erodium extracts obtained from the mechanisms of action, the development of new antiviral compounds
different extraction methods (conventional vs. ultrasound-assisted ex- is essential.
traction) and extraction solvents (aqueous and hydroethanolic) were Phenolic compounds, particularly flavonoids, have been related to
evaluated in microbiological media to determine their effects on Sal- antiviral activity since the 1940s (Tapas, Sakarkar, & Kakde, 2008;
monella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria innocua, Bifidobacterium Valcheva-Kuzmanova, Russev, Bojkova, & Belcheva, 2002). To date,
lactis and Lactobacillus casei (Abdelkebir et al., 2019). These authors several researchers proposed mechanisms to explain, at least in part,
noticed that hydroethanolic extracts (conventional extraction) ex- the protective activity of flavonoids against virus invasion and re-
hibited the highest level of inhibition on Listeria innocua growth rate. A plication (Ahmad, Kaleem, Ahmed, & Shafiq, 2015). Flavonoids have
similar outcome was observed for aqueous extract (conventional ex- shown in vitro the capacity to inhibit HIV invasion by inducing the
traction) to reduce the growth rate of Staphylococcus aureus. However, expression of CD4 and chemokine co-receptors, antagonist activity
non-significant inhibitory effect was observed against Salmonella en- against HIV reverse transcriptase, inhibition of DNA polymerases, and
terica for both extracts. setting back HIV-1 proteinase activity (Cushnie & Lamb, 2005). For this
The hydroethanolic E. laciniatum extract (50:50, methanol:water, v/ reason, the exploration of natural sources rich in flavonoids is an in-
v) was associated with MIC values of 6.25–12.5 mg/mL for teresting alternative to obtain compounds with antivirus activity.
Staphylococcus aureus, 12.5 mg/mL for Shigella sonnei and Enterococcus In this scenario, the antiviral potential of E. stephanianum extracts
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
against HIV Type 1 (HIV-1) was observed (Ma et al., 2002), with aqu- Erodium species and phytochemical composition are relevant factors to
eous and methanolic extracts inhibiting HIV-1 activity at concentra- consider in the study of antiprotozoal activity and may explain, to some
tions ≥62.5 μg/mL. In another study, the impact of E. cicutarium aqu- extent, the differences observed in these studies. The inhibitory effects
eous and methanolic extracts on myxoviruses, herpes virus type 1, against Leishmania major was also associated with E. gruinum and E.
vesicular stomatitis and vaccinia virus was studied (Zielinska-Jenczylik, malacoides extracts (El-On et al., 2009). Both Erodium species had anti-
Sypula, Budko, & Rzadkowska-Bodalska, 1987). The results indicated leishmanial activity against promastigotes (IC50 values of 180 and
that both aqueous and methanolic extracts had antiviral activity against 170 μg/mL for E. gruinum and E. malacoides, respectively) and amasti-
all tested virus. gotes (IC50 values of 227 and 150 μg/mL for E. gruinum and E. mala-
Zielinska-Jenczylik, Sypula, Budko, and Rzadkowska-Bodalska coides, respectively) forms of Leishmania major. Moreover, the study also
(1988) reported antiviral activity of E. cicutarium methanolic extract revealed that E. gruinum (lethal concentration LD50 of 190 μg/mL) and
against Newcastle disease virus and influenza A virus on mice. The E. malacoides (LD50 of 125 μg/mL) showed anti-leishmanial activity in
production of interferon (cellular signaling molecules associated with isolated C3H/HeJ mouse macrophages were infected with Leishmania
antiviral resistance) by the intravenous injection of E. cicutarium me- major. The isolation and posterior characterization of anti-plasmodium
thanolic extract was observed before and after the administration of compounds in the composition of Erodium species is a necessary step to
Newcastle virus. However, the authors observed that in the case of clarify these contradictory results and develop strategies for its pos-
influenza A virus, the inhibition of virus infection was observed when E. terior extraction and utilization.
cicutarium methanolic extract was administrated 24 and 48 h after virus Regarding the activity against cancer development, the anti-
infection. In a similar way, the protective effect against the invasion of proliferative potential of E. cicutarium was evaluated (Rodrigo et al.,
hepatitis A virus and murine norovirus was associated with E. glauco- 2010). The leaves of E. cicutarium were defatted and then subjected to
phyllum phytochemicals (Abdelkebir et al., 2019). The authors obtained the ethanolic extraction (96:4, ethanol:water, v/v). The results of the
extracts using ethanol or water as solvent and observed that both ex- antiproliferative analysis indicated that E. cicutarium extract (in the
tracts induced a strong inhibition against hepatitis A virus and murine range of 1–100 μg/mL) induced a slight inhibition (up to 10%) on the
norovirus. proliferation of Caco-2 cells.
It should be noted that polyphenols (e.g. flavan-3-ols, flavonols, In a recent study, E. cicutarium extract inhibited the activity of some
condensed tannins, caffeic acid, etc.) extracted from natural sources enzymes, including enzymes related to Alzheimer's disease (acetyl
were associated with the antiviral activity. The main effect revealed by cholinesterase and butyryl cholinesterase) and diabetes (α-amylase and
previous studies was the ability of phenolic compounds to aggregate to α-glucosidase) (Sarikurkcu et al., 2017). The authors observed a sig-
viral particles, which prevented their attachment to hold cells (Catel- nificant reduction of the activity of acetyl cholinesterase, butyryl cho-
Ferreira, Tnani, Hellio, Cosette, & Lebrun, 2015; Daglia, 2012; Sokmen linesterase, α-amylase, and α-glucosidase. In fact, E. cicutarium dis-
et al., 2005). However, more studies are necessary to support the evi- played the highest inhibitory activity against the α-glucosidase activity,
dence presented in these studies, particularly related to in vitro and comparing to other medicinal plants (such as Lepidium sativum and
animal studies. Strengthening the role of key molecules and pathways Urtica dioica) evaluated in that study. This evidence supports, at some
influenced by active molecules produced by Erodium species tissues are extent, the traditional use of E. cicutarium (Sargin, 2015).
of great importance to clarify and indicate the use against these dis-
eases. 8. Toxicological evidence
7. Other health-related potential effects The evaluation of toxicity of Erodium species was reported by some
authors (Table 4). The results obtained from in vitro study with E. ste-
The Erodium spp. phytocomponents have been also related to a phanianum extract with water and methanol was superior to125 μg
potential activity against Plasmodium spp., a parasite that infects red extract/mL in MT-4 cell line (Ma et al., 2002). Similarly, the tox-
blood cells and causes malaria. In the study carried out by Esmaeili icological evaluation of E. oxyrrhnchum methanolic extract indicated
et al. (2009), Erodium oxyrrhnchum methanolic extract was tested in LC50 value superior to 50 μg/mL for both human breast carcinoma and
vitro against two Plasmodium falciparum strain: K1 (chloroquine-re- Madin–Darby bovine kidney cells (Esmaeili et al., 2009). However, the
sistant) and 3D7 (chloroquine-sensitive). The results revealed that E. experiment carried out with E. malacoides extract (using ethyl acetate as
oxyrrhnchum extract achieved low IC50 values against K1 (chloroquine- solvent) indicated that > 80% of 5.1 cell line were killed (Bremner
resistant) and 3D7 (chloroquine-sensitive) plasmodium strains (40.3 et al., 2009).
and 13 μg/mL, respectively). In the same way, Kaiser et al. (2007) ob- A similar contrasting outcome can be also perceived from in vivo
served a potential pathway to explain the effects of Erodium gruinum experiments. The toxicological potential of E. cicutarium was associated
extract (50:50, methanol:water, v/v) on P. falciparum viability. The with specimen tested (Bussmann et al., 2011). While the specimens
authors evaluated the effects of Erodium gruinum extract on the activity AKT1171 and ACR142 of E. cicutarium displayed low level of toxicity
of 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate synthase (IspC), an enzyme as- (1027 and 127 μg/mL for aqueous and ethanolic extracts, respectively),
sociated with malaria infection. The results of the in vitro test indicated the specimen KMM578 displayed high level of toxicity (4.8 and
that E. gruinum extract displayed the high capacity to inhibit IspC ac- 0.06 μg/mL for aqueous and ethanolic extracts, respectively) on Brine
tivity in a concentration-dependent manner from 0.2 to 5 μL extract. shrimp larvae. Conversely, the E. cicutarium extract (using 70% ethanol
For instance, the activity of IspC was reduced by 16% when 5 μL of E. as solvent) in the range of 0.001–10 g extract/kg did not induce tox-
gruinum extract was used. icological effects on male “Wistar” rats (Penkov et al., 2014).
However, a contradictory result has also been reported by It is worth mentioning that a single study reported toxic effects (skin
Fokialakis et al. (2007). The authors obtained Erodium moschatum ex- lesions associated with photosensitivity) in two adult sheep raised in
tract with dichloromethane as the solvent and tested its potential to Western Cape Province of South Africa after large consumption of wild
inhibit the development of Leishmania promastigotes. The results in- E. moschatum (Stroebel, 2012). The examination of epidermal tissue of
dicated that E. moschatum extract was not active against both D6 affected animals revealed changes related to inflammatory response
(chloroquine-sensitive) and W2 (chloroquine-resistant) strains of P. and severe necrosis associated with serocellular crust. Moreover, a
falciparum. It is also relevant mentioning that the study also evaluated small trial was carried with two animals and harvested E. moschatum
the anti-leishmanial activity of E. moschatum extract. Against this pro- (total of 20.9 g dried E. moschatum/kg body weight during 5 days) from
tozoan disease, the extract achieved IC50 value of 40 μg/mL using di- that property followed by physiological examination of skin and liver
chloromethane as solvent. This scenario supports the hypothesis that tissues. The results indicated mild skin damaged associated with
P.E.S. Munekata, et al. Food Research International 126 (2019) 108659
Table 4
Toxicity of Erodium species (in vitro and in vivo experiments).
Species Part of plant Extracting solvent Testing model Toxicity response Reference
E. stephanianum Whole plant Distilled water MT-4 cells > 125 μg/mL (Ma et al., 2002)
E. stephanianum Whole plant Pure methanol MT-4 cells > 125 μg/mL (Ma et al., 2002)
E. oxyrrhnchum Aerial part Pure methanol MCF7 and Madin–Darby bovine LC50 > 50 μg extract/mL for both cells (Esmaeili et al., 2009)
kidney cells
E. malacoides Entire plant Pure ethyl acetate 5.1 cell line 50 μg extract/mL (> 80% of toxicity) (Bremner et al., 2009)
E. cicutarium Leaves Distilled water Brine shrimp larvae, 24 h LC50 = 4.8 (KMM578 specimen) and1075 (AKT1171 and (Bussmann et al.,
ACR142 specimens) μg extract/mL 2011)
E. cicutarium Leaves 96% Ethanol Brine shrimp larvae, 24 h LC50 = 0.06 (KMM578 specimen) and 127 (AKT1171 and (Bussmann et al.,
ACR142 specimens) μg extract/mL 2011)
E. cicutarium Aerial parts 70% Ethanol Male “Wistar” rats No toxicological effects (0.001–10 g extract/kg) (Penkov et al., 2014)
photosensitivity without damage to liver tissue in a similar fashion as throughout characterization and quantification of target compounds
observed in the animals of the grazing in the camp where E. moschatum (with antimicrobial or anti-plasmodial activity, for instance) as well as
grew abundantly. The authors also argued that E. moschatum growth toxic compounds in order to stablish an adequate quality standard and
stage could explain the toxic effects in sheep since the symptoms were also prevent toxic effects when applied in the elaboration of food pro-
more evident when the animals grazed on young E. moschatum. Con- ducts or as therapeutic agent.
versely, the farmers reported that animals grazing on adult E. mo-
schatum did not develop the skin lesions. Acknowledgements
This scenario indicates that toxic effects related to some Erodium
specimens and growth stage require more studies in order to identify Paulo E. S. Munekata acknowledges postdoctoral fellowship support
the toxic compounds, since the investigation for the phytochemicals from Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain) “Juan
associated with toxic effects in this Erodium species was not carried out de la Cierva” program (FJCI-2016-29486). Thanks to GAIN (Axencia
in these studies. The absence of specific focus on the evaluation of Galega de Innovación) for supporting this research (grant number
Erodium species in toxicologic evaluation is major obstacle to promote IN607A2019/01). A.S. Sant'Ana would like to acknowledge the support
advances in the field, due to simple characterization of several native of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
plant species from a single location in the studies (screening approach). (CNPq) (Grants: # 403865/2013-1, #302763/2014-7 and #305804/
Disclosing the compounds associated with toxicity in Erodium species is 2017-0). L.P.Silva thanks the support of Coordenação de
necessary to support the selection and further investigation in this Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) -
genus. Finance Code 001.
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In conclusion, the phenolic compounds are the main phytochem-
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icals that explain the therapeutic potential of Erodium spp. The suc- tures of ethanol and water on antibacterial and antiviral activities of Erodium glau-
cessful selective extraction of these compounds is a key factor to ex- cophyllum extracts. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 52, 189–196.
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compounds associated with toxicological effects reported in literature. bifurcaria bifurcata alga, obtained by diverse extraction conditions using three dif-
The extraction of bioactive compounds, particularly for polyphenols, ferent techniques (hydrothermal, ultrasounds and supercritical CO2). Environmental
deserves more attention, which could focus on time, temperature, and Engineering and Management Journal, 18, 1535–1542.
Ahmad, A., Kaleem, M., Ahmed, Z., & Shafiq, H. (2015). Therapeutic potential of flavo-
mass/solvent ratio. In the same line, increase the information about the noids and their mechanism of action against microbial and viral infections—A re-
isolation and characterization of essential oils could be explored in view. Food Research International, 77, 221–235.
further studies to support further commercial exploration. Akaydin, G., Şimşek, I., Arituluk, Z. C., & Yeşilada, E. (2013). An ethnobotanical survey in
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Promising results were reported on antimicrobial activity, particu- 37(2), 230–247.
larly against spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms (e.g. S. aureus, P. Alali, F. Q., Tawaha, K., El-Elimat, T., Syouf, M., El-Fayad, M., Abulaila, K., ... Oberlies, N.
aeruginosa, E. coli, S. enterica, B. subtilis, C. albicans, and A. niger). The H. (2007). Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of aqueous and methanolic
extracts of Jordanian plants: An ICBG project. Natural Product Research, 21(12),
potential to reduce the viability of Plasmodium spp. in vitro is also
promising. However, additional studies about the biological mechan- Aldasoro, J. J., Aedo, C., & Navarro, C. (2000). Insect attracting structures on Erodium
isms influenced by Erodium species phytocomponents and carry out petals (Geraniaceae). Plant Biology, 2(4), 471–481.
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more studies at animal and clinical levels are crucial to improve the
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exploration of this genus as natural source of bioactive compounds. 74–79.
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traction techniques and the potential use of these plant spices as a food Jordan. Journal of Natural Products, 1, 10–26.
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On the other hand, characterizing bioaccessibility and bioavail- and antimicrobial agents. Journal of Natural Products, 42(6), 633–642. Retrieved from
ability of Erodium spp. phytochemicals also deserve attention, since the http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/541687.
Ambriz-Pérez, D. L., Leyva-López, N., Gutierrez-Grijalva, E. P., & Heredia, J. B. (2016).
effect of digestion events and the impact of gut microbiota are unknown Phenolic compounds: Natural alternative in inflammation treatment. A review.
and necessary to develop strategies and products in food and pharmacy Cogent Food & Agriculture, 41(1), 1131412.
area. Finally, further commercial exploitation of Erodium genus require Angmo, K., Adhikari, B. S., & Rawat, G. S. (2012). Changing aspects of traditional
healthcare system in western Ladakh, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 143(2),
appropriate selection of the most promising species, which demands the
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