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Molecules 2013, 18, 11003-11021; doi:10.


ISSN 1420-3049

Antioxidant and Anti-Fatigue Activities of Phenolic Extract

from the Seed Coat of Euryale ferox Salisb. and Identification of
Three Phenolic Compounds by LC-ESI-MS/MS
ChengYing Wu 1,†, Rong Chen 1,2,†, Xin Sheng Wang 1, Bei Shen 1, Wei Yue 1 and Qinan Wu 1,3,*
The School of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, No. 138, Xianlin Avenue,
Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China; E-Mails: [email protected] (C.Y.W.);
[email protected] (R.C.); [email protected] (X.S.W.); [email protected] (B.S.);
[email protected] (W.Y.)
Suzhou Institute for Drug Control, Suzhou 215104, Jiangsu, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for TCM Formulae Research, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,
No. 138, Xianlin Avenue, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China

These authors contributed equally to this work.

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: [email protected];

Tel.: +86-25-8581-1507; Fax: +86-25-8581-1524.

Received: 5 August 2013; in revised form: 1 September 2013 / Accepted: 2 September 2013 /
Published: 9 September 2013

Abstract: This study investigated the antioxidant potential and anti-fatigue effects of
phenolics extracted from the seed coat of Euryale ferox Salisb. The in vitro antioxidant
potentials, including scavenging DPPH, hydroxyl radical activities and reducing power were
evaluated. Antioxidant status in vivo was analyzed by SOD, CAT, GSH-Px activities and the
MDA content in liver and kidneys of D-galactose-induced aging mice. The anti-fatigue effect
was evaluated using an exhaustive swimming test, along with the determination of LDH,
BUN and HG content. The phenolic extract possessed notable antioxidant effects on
DPPH, hydroxyl radical scavenging and reducing power. The mice which received the
phenolic extract showed significant increases of SOD, CAT (except for in the kidney),
GSH-Px activities, and a decrease of MDA content. The average exhaustive swimming
time was obviously prolonged. Meanwhile, increase of LDH content and decrease of BUN
content were observed after mice had been swimming for 15 min. The HG storage of mice
was improved in the high and middle dose extract groups compared with the normal group.
The contents of total phenols and gallic acid of the extract were determined. Three compounds
Molecules 2013, 18 11004

in the extract were identified as 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-chroman-4-one,

5,7,4-trihydroxyflavanone and buddlenol E. These results suggest that the extract of
E. ferox is a promising source of natural antioxidants and anti-fatigue material for use in
functional foods and medicines.

Keywords: Euryale ferox Salisb.; phenolic extract; antioxidant activity; anti-fatigue activity

1. Introduction

Euryale ferox Salisb., a large floating-leaf aquatic plant, is the only species in the genera Euryale of
the family Nymphaeaceae and it is distributed in India, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and China, where
it is mainly cultivated in Jiangsu, Shandong, Hunan, Hubei, and Anhui provinces [1]. It has been used as an
important cash crop and as a valuable nourishing tonic in traditional medicine for centuries [2].
The seed of E. ferox has been applied in the treatment of diarrhea, spermatorrhea, and the petioles
and pedicels in polydipsia, mouth dryness and dry throat [3]. The seed coat, which accounts for about
half of the fruit weight, was usually discarded in large quantities after the seeds had been harvested. It
represents one of the major waste products from the E. ferox production that nowadays has a scarce
use or value. Previous studies reveal that the components of the seed coat mainly include tannins and
polyphenols [4,5]. In preliminary experiments of our laboratory, optimal extraction conditions for the
polyphenols in E. ferox seed coat has been investigated and the results show that the seed coat is
comparatively abundant in polyphenols [5]. Polyphenols are widely distributed in the plant kingdom
and have notable bioactivities, especially antioxidant activity [6–8]. In the human and animal diet,
polyphenols from plant sources can protect against vascular lesions, cancers, diabetes [6,9–11] and
have therapeutic effects in chronic fatigue [12]. These beneficial effects of polyphenols are mainly
related to their antioxidant activity.
Recently, the search for natural antioxidants originated from plants instead of synthetic antioxidants
has been a hot topic [6,10,11,13]. Natural antioxidants not only can be used for medicinal purposes,
but also for food preservation, as dietary supplements or functional foods, and in cosmetics [14]. In
this context, a variety of cheap waste products from the food or agricultural industries have been
studied as potential sources of natural antioxidants for the environmental and economical benefits.
Therefore, the E. ferox seed coat represents a potentially cheap source of natural antioxidants with a
vast range of applications.
The literature data has demonstrated that the aqueous and alcoholic extract of E. ferox shells possess
in vitro antioxidant activity [15], but the antioxidant potential of the seed coat has not been evaluated
in vivo. Therefore, experiments for determining the possible use of E. ferox seed coat as natural
antioxidant sources in an in vivo model are required. D-Galactose treatment causing oxidative stress
has been used to induce aging model in mice for oxidative stress research [16]. Oxidative stress is a
result of the imbalance between the antioxidant defense and the free radical production in the body,
which can cause damage to cell membranes, protein, lipids and DNA and is involved in the
development of aging, coronary heart disease and diabetes [17,18]. Researchers have also found that
an important reason for physical or emotional fatigue is the increase in free radical formation thus
Molecules 2013, 18 11005

causing oxidative damage to bodies [19,20]. The exhaustive swimming test has been used as an
experimental exercise model to evaluate anti-fatigue compounds [21]. However, there is no report on
the effects of the seed coat of E. ferox on physical fatigue. Some researchers have reported that the
hydrolysis products of polyphenols extract in the seed coat was composed of gallic acid, chlorogenic
acid, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate and rutin as analysed by HPLC-UV [22]. However, there are few
studies on the identification of the phenolic compounds from the seed coat extract.
The main aims of this work were to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity and in vivo
anti-fatigue effect of the phenolic extracted from the seed coat of E. ferox with a view to its potential
use in functional foods and medicines. In our study, the total phenolic content of the extract was
determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, the content of gallic acid was determined by
HPLC-UV/PDA, and the phenolic compounds in the extract were identified by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. To
the best of our knowledge, all this is reported for the first time.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. In Vitro Antioxidant Activity Analysis

2.1.1. DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity

The DPPH radical is a stable free radical at room temperature, which has been extensively used to
evaluate the free radical-scavenging activity of antioxidants [23]. A lower absorbance of the reaction
mixture indicates a higher DPPH radical-scavenging activity. The result of DPPH free radical-scavenging
activity of the phenolic extract was shown in Figure 1A and compared with ascorbic acid and
tert-butylhydroquinone as references. As shown in Figure 1A, the DPPH radical scavenging activity
increased dramatically with the concentration from 0.01 to 0.5 mg/mL of the phenolic extract and was
slightly lower than that of ascorbic acid and tert-butylhydroquinone at a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL.
When the concentration of phenolic extract was >0.5 mg/mL, the DPPH radical scavenging activity
increased slightly. The results indicated that the phenolic extract of E. ferox Salisb. seed coats had
significant DPPH radical scavenging activity.

2.1.2. Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Activity

Hydroxyl radicals are strongly reactive oxygen species formed in biological systems that have been
found to damage cellular components of DNA, proteins and lipids, resulting in many health problems
such as cancer, aging, and cardiovascular disease [24]. In this study, hydroxyl radicals generated by the
Fenton reagent were used to evaluate the scavenging activity of the phenolic extract. The results in
Figure 1B show that the extract displayed antioxidant activity in a concentration-dependent manner,
which suggested that the extract may contribute to prevent oxidative damage in the human body.
The scavenging effect on hydroxyl radical, however, was weaker than that of ascorbic acid and
Molecules 2013, 18 11006

2.1.3. Reducing Power

Reducing power is one of the mechanisms of antioxidant actions and may serve as a significant
indicator of potential antioxidant activity [25]. The presence of the antioxidant results in the reduction
of the Fe3+/ferricyanide complex to the Fe2+ form [26] and a chance of absorbance of the reaction
mixtures. A higher absorbance indicates a stronger reducing power. As seen in Figure 1C, the phenolic
extract displayed concentration-dependent reducing power, which was weaker than that of ascorbic
acid and tert-butylhydroquinone.

Figure 1. (A) DPPH radical scavenging activities, (B) hydroxyl radical scavenging
activities and (C) reducing power of the phenolic extract and control standards. Results are
expressed as a mean ± SD (n = 3).
Molecules 2013, 18 11007

2.2. In Vivo Antioxidant Activities Analysis

In this study, a D-galactose induced aging mice model was used for the evaluation of the in vivo
antioxidant activity of the phenolic extract. The D-galactose induced aging animal model, which is
established by consecutive subcutaneous D-galactose injections for approximately 6 weeks, has been
frequently used in oxidative damage research [16]. Chronic injection of D-galactose can cause gradual
deterioration in learning and memory capacity and activates oxidative stress in the brain of mice [27].
The primary endogenous antioxidant enzymes including SOD, CAT and GSH-Px, as well as a metabolic
product of LPO (MDA) have been measured as the oxidative biomarkers for D-galactose-induced aging
models [28]. These experiments showed that D-galactose significantly decreased the activities of
antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT and GSH-Px, and increased the MDA content in the liver and kidneys
of mice compared with the normal animals. However, the phenolic extract exhibited the increase on
the SOD, CAT, GSH-Px activities and decreasing content of MDA in the liver and kidneys, which
indicated that this extract had efficient antioxidant property.

2.2.1. Effect on the Activities of SOD

SOD is a superoxide radical scavenging factor converted superoxide radicals to H2O2 [29].
Figure 2A shows the SOD activities in liver and kidney of mice after the experiment. Compared with
normal group (NG), a decrease was observed for SOD activities of model group (MG). As shown in
Figure 2A, SOD activities level of liver was significantly decreased on MG (p < 0.05) and that of
kidney was not significant (p > 0.05) when compared with NG.
At the same time, the SOD activities in positive control group (PG) and three extract groups
(respectively high-dose, middle-dose and low-dose extract groups) were significantly increased as
compared with MG (p < 0.01 or p < 0.05). Moreover, the SOD activities of liver in three extract
groups were lower than that of the PG and that of kidney were higher than that of the PG. However,
Figure 2A indicates that the SOD activities were enhanced in three extract groups after treating with
the phenolic extract.

2.2.2. Effect on the Activities of CAT

CAT catalyses the decomposition of H2O2 into H2O and O2 [30]. Figure 2B shows the CAT
activities in liver and kidney of mice after the experiment. The CAT activities in liver of MG were
significantly lower than NG (p < 0.01). In PG group, high-dose group and middle-dose group, CAT
activities of liver were higher than MG (p < 0.01 or p < 0.05). In addition, a marked difference could
not be found between low-dose and MG groups. Compared with NG, the CAT activities in kidney of
MG were decreased without obvious variance. CAT activities of kidney in PG group and three extract
groups were higher than MG group without obvious variance. Although, in D-galactose induced aging
mice, administration of phenolic extract showed some efficacy in enhancement of CAT level but failed
to show statistical significance.
Molecules 2013, 18 11008

Figure 2. Effect of the phenolic extract on the SOD, CAT, GSH-Px activities and MDA
content in the liver and kidney of aging mice induced by D-galactose. (A) SOD; (B) CAT;
(C) GSH-Px; and (D) MDA. Results are expressed as a mean ± SD (n = 10). # p < 0.05,
## p < 0.01 compared with the normal group (NG).* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 compared with
the model group (MG). PG: Positive control group; HD: High-dose extract treated group;
MD: Middle-dose extract treated group; LD: Low-dose extract treated group.

A **
** ** **
SOD (U/mg protein)

CAT (U/mg protein)

** *
** **








2.2.3. Effect on the Activities of GSH-Px

GSH-Px reduces H2O2 or hydroperoxides to H2O and alcohol [30]. Figure 2C represents the effect
of phenolic extract on the GSH-Px activities in liver and kidney of aging mice. The GSH-Px activities
of MG were decreased significantly compared with NG (p < 0.01). The treatment of aging mice with
the phenolic extract and vitamin C led to increases in the GSH-Px activities. The PG and three extract
groups showed significant increases in GSH-Px level compared with MG (p < 0.01).

2.2.4. Effect on the Content of MDA

MDA is one product of LPO, which content reflects the damage to the cell membrane [31]. Figure 2D
shows the levels of MDA in liver and kidney of aging mice. The MDA content of MG was increased
very significantly more than NG (p < 0.01), both in liver and kidney. In MG, the MDA content of liver
was very significantly higher than PG and the three extract groups (p < 0.01). Also, a significantly
decreased level of MDA content in kidney was observed in PG and the three extract groups compared
with MG (p < 0.01 or p < 0.05).

2.3. Anti-Fatigue Effect Analysis

Fatigue can be classified into mental and physical fatigue, which is involved in many physiological
and biochemical factors [21]. One important reason for physical fatigue is the increase of free radicals.
Molecules 2013, 18 11009

During physical fatigue status, the antioxidant defense system becomes weaker and is insufficient for
completely preventing oxidative damage caused by excessive free radicals [19,20]. The exercise
tolerance test is the most direct and objective indicator for reflecting physical fatigue [21]. In this
study, an exhaustive swimming test was used to evaluate the exercise tolerance of mice, which was a
direct measurement of an anti-fatigue effect [32,33]. Additionally, biochemical indicators related to
fatigue including lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and hepatic glycogen (HG)
were determined after the mice had been swimming for 15 min. The results demonstrated that the
phenolic extract prolonged the time to exhaustion during swimming, decreased the content of BUN
and increased the content of HG, suggesting that the extract could alleviate fatigue in mice. This
anti-fatigue effect might be related to the antioxidant properties of the sample. A possible explanation
was that the sample was rich in phenolics, resulting in increased scavenging of free radicals, which
prolonged the swimming time.

2.3.1. Effect on Swimming Time to Exhaustion

Anti-fatigue effects were correlated with longer swimming times. The results in Figure 3 show that
the swimming time to exhaustion of the high and middle-dose extract groups were very significantly
longer (p < 0.01) than for NG; the swimming time of the low-dose extract group was significantly
prolonged (p < 0.05) compared with NG. These results indicated that the phenolic extract had
significant effect on the endurance capacity of mice in this experiment.

Figure 3. Effect of the phenolic extract on the swimming time in mice. Results are
expressed as a mean ± SD (n = 10). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 compared with the normal
group (NG). HD: High-dose extract treated group; MD: Middle-dose extract treated group;
LD: Low-dose extract treated group.

2.3.2. Effect on LDH and BUN Content

LDH and BUN are biochemical parameters related to fatigue. In relatively anaerobic exercise,
lactic acid is accumulated more in the body, which results a decrease of the muscle strength and
exercise-induced fatigue. LDH acts as a catalyst in the process of lactic acid clearance and it can
effectively clear the lactic acid [34,35]. The results of the effect of phenolic extract on serum LDH
shown in Table 1 indicated that no significant changes in the high and low-dose groups. However, the
LDH content of middle-dose group increased but this was insignificant compared with NG (p < 0.05).
There was a dose-independent effect in the three extract groups.
Molecules 2013, 18 11010

BUN is a product of energy metabolism, which is another indicator of fatigue status. Between BUN
and exercise tolerance, there is a negative correlation. The less an animal is adapted to exercise,
the more BUN increases [36]. As shown in Table 1, the BUN content in three extract groups
was significantly lower than NG (p < 0.01). However, the effect was dose-independent in the three
extract groups.

Table 1. Effects of E. ferox seed coat extract on LDH, BUN and HG levels in mice.
Dose Serum Liver
Group N
(mg/kg) LDH (U/L) BUN (mmol/L) HG (mg/g)
NG 10 − 3,583.01 ± 401.78 67.02 ± 4.66 3.39 ± 1.47
HD 10 400 3,397.33 ± 238.35 22.98 ± 3.30 ** 6.61 ± 0.09 **
MD 10 200 3,638.64 ± 340.89 21.14 ± 5.69 ** 7.51 ± 2.55 **
LD 10 100 3,257.25 ± 407.07 25.92 ± 5.79 ** 2.67 ± 0.07 **
** p < 0.01, compared with normal group (NG).

2.3.3. Effect on the Content of Hepatic Glycogen

Glycogen is an important source of energy during exercise. The stores of glycogen in the liver are
related to the capacity for high intensive exercise. The increasing of glycogen stored in the liver can
enhance the exercise endurance. Fatigue will happen when consuming hepatic glycogen. Therefore,
liver glycogen is another index of fatigue [35,37]. As seen from Table 1, the hepatic glycogen content
in the high and middle-dose extract groups was significantly higher compared with NG (p < 0.01). But
in the low-dose extract group, it was lower than NG (p < 0.01). There is no obvious dose-dependence
between the three extract groups. The result indicated that increased level of HG may be one of the
pathways behind the phenolic extract’s anti-fatigue effect.

2.4. The Content of Total Phenolic and Gallic Acid

A larger number of experimental works have indicated that many polyphenols have in vitro and
in vivo antioxidant activities and anti-fatigue effects. They can scavenge free radicals and increase the
activities of antioxidant enzymes [6–8]. In this study, the total phenolic content of the phenolic extract
was estimated using the Folin-Ciocalateu method. Under the extraction conditions described in
Section 3.4, the yield of the crude extract was determined to be 113.30 mg GAE/g of dry weight. After
purification by D101 macroporous resin adsorption, the phenolic extract was estimated to be
379.53 mg GAE/g of dry weight. The total phenolic content of the phenolic extract was increased by
234.87% more than in the crude extract.
Gallic acid is a plant polyphenolic compound widely found in many different plants. Studies have
documented that gallic acid possess antioxidant properties [38–41]. In the present study, the content of
gallic acid was detected using HPLC. By comparing the retention time and UV/PDA spectra of gallic
acid with that in the phenolic extract, it can be concluded that gallic acid is a major component in the
phenolic extract (Figure 4). The content of gallic acid was 138.15 mg per gram dry weight. This
investigation demonstrated that the phenolic extract of E. ferox Salisb. seed coat was enriched in total
Molecules 2013, 18 11011

phenolics and gallic acid content, which supports the efficient antioxidant and anti-fatigue properties
of this extract.

2.5. Identification of Phenolic Compounds by LC-ESI-MS/MS

We carried out an analysis of the molecular ions (MS) and the main fragments of the different
compounds obtained from the extract by LC-ESI-MS/MS. Three compounds were identified in the
phenolic extract of E. ferox seed coat, which was in accordance with compounds already identified in
the literature [42–44]. The compounds identified in the phenolic extract are listed in Table 2, which
includes the retention times, molecular formulas and main fragments of each compound.

Figure 4. HPLC-UV/PDA chromatogram of the phenolic extract from seed coat of

Euryale ferox Salisb.: (A) HPLC-UV/PDA chromatogram of the phenolic extract;
(B) HPLC-UV/PDA chromatogram of Gallic acid.

A 0.070
0.060 0.10 1

0.06 1



0.030 0.00
220.00 240.00 260.00 280.00 300.00 320.00 340.00 360.00 380.00 400.00



0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00


Gallic acid
B 0.60 0.80 1

0.50 Gallic acid



0.30 0.00
220.00 240.00 260.00 280.00 300.00 320.00 340.00 360.00 380.00 400.00



0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00
Molecules 2013, 18 11012

Table 2. Identification of the compounds in the extract by LC-ESI-MS/MS.

Compound Retention time Molecular [M−H]− Main fragments Identification
Number (min) formula m/z m/z
1 11.813 C15H12O7 303.0510 151.0382 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)
2 14.386 C15H12O5 271.0584 151.0019 5,7,4-trihydroxyflavanone
3 14.467 C31H36O11 583.2207 387.1420 buddlenol E

In the negative mode, compound 1 showed the molecular ion [M-H]− at m/z 303.0510
(C15H11O7) (Figure 5A). This compound fragmented according to retro-Diels Alder (RDA)
reaction and the ion at m/z 151.0382 was the RDA fragment. Based on the fragmentation pattern and
by comparison with known data in the seed of E. ferox, this compound was identified as

Figure 5. LC-ESI-MS/MS spectra of compounds in the phenolic extract. (A) 5,7-dihydroxy-2-

(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)chroman-4-one; (B) 5,7,4-trihydroxyflavanone; (C) buddlenol E.
151 .0382

A 250 0

200 0 HO O

150 0

100 0

107 .0138

150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950


300 0
119 .0495

B 250 0

200 0

150 0

151 .0019
100 0

271 .0584
177 .0159 187 .0366

150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950


C 1 60
1 65. 052 9
477 . 191 3 489 .19 17
1 40 5 35. 196 3

1 20

1 00 1 95. 063 6 47 4. 170 8

2 23. 094 3

80 459 .14 99 535 .22 6 7

1 65. 07 04 4 62. 187 5
38 7. 142 0
357 .1 28 3 4 62. 16 45 5 83. 21 51

40 151 .0 37 2 2 82. 09 79 3 87. 183 4 447 . 151 1 5 83. 247 9

265 . 064 3
1 49. 029 1 2 23. 110 2 2 82. 08 35315 .0 81 9 4 43. 170 2 537 .2 09 0 583 .18 7 4
20 2 67 .06 51 537 .1 71 5

150 200 2 50 300 3 50 400 4 50 5 00 5 50 60 0 650 700 750 8 00 8 50 9 00 950

Molecules 2013, 18 11013

Compound 2 had a similar fragmentation pattern as compound 1. It showed a molecular ion [M-H]−
at m/z 271.0584 (C15H10O7) in the negative mode (Figure 5B). The fragments at m/z 151.0019 and
m/z 119.0495 corresponding to an RDA reaction were found. This compound was identified as
The [M-H]− ion at m/z 583.2207 (C31H35O11) was assigned to buddlenol E (compound 3, Figure 5C).
According to the literature [34], the characteristic fragmentation of this compound produces ions at
m/z 387.1420, 357.1283, 195.0636 and 165.0529.

3. Experimental Section

3.1. Plant Materials

Fresh fruit of E. ferox was collected from Suzhou City (Jiangsu Province, China) in September
2011, identified by the corresponding author, and deposited at the School of Pharmacy, Nanjing
University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China. The separated seed coat was shade dried and ground
into powder for future use.

3.2. Chemicals and Reagents

Gallic acid was purchased from National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (Beijing, China);
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). D-Galactose was purchased from the
Beijing Chemical-Regent Company (Beijing, China). DPPH, ascorbic acid, tertiary-butylhydroquinone
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Assay kits (including Coomassie Brilliant
Blue G-250, SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, MDA, LDH, BUN, and hepatic glycogen) were purchased from the
Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute (Nanjing, China). All other chemicals and reagents used in
this study were of analytical grade and made in China. Experimental water was double distilled water.

3.3. Animals

Male Kunming mice (8 weeks old and weight of 18 to 22 g) were purchased from Shanghai Slac
Laboratory Animals, Shanghai, China (animal license No. SCXK(HU) 2007-0005). All animals were
housed at 25 ± 2 °C and 30%–60% relative humidity and were maintained on a 12-h light/12-h dark
cycle. During the acclimatization period, mice were fed ad libitum with standard laboratory diet and
water. All animal experiments conducted during this study had been approved by the ethics committee
of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and in strict accordance with the Guiding Principles for the
Care and Use of Laboratory Animals approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of China.

3.4. Extraction

Dried powder (50 g) of E. ferox seed coat was placed in a conical flask with 60% acetone solvent
(1:50 w/v), and extracted two times using an ultrasonic bath working at a frequency of 40 kHz and the
specified temperature of 25 °C for 30 min each time. Then the crude extract was filtered and purified
using a column packed with D101 macroporous adsorption resin. Water and 10% (v/v) ethanol were
used as desorption solvents. The eluate was collected and concentrated by rotary evaporation at 40 °C.
Molecules 2013, 18 11014

Then, it was freeze-dried and kept at 4 °C for the analysis of total phenolic, antioxidant potential,
anti-fatigue effect, and phenolic compounds identification by HPLC and LC-ESI-MS/MS.

3.5. In Vitro Antioxidant Activities

3.5.1. DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity

The free radical scavenging activity of the phenolic extract was measured by DPPH test according
to the method described by Zhang et al. [45] with some modifications. The sample was dissolved
in water. Two milliliters of sample solution at various concentrations were mixed with DPPH
(0.2 mM in 95% ethanol, 2 mL). The mixture was then shaken vigorously and kept at room
temperature for 30 min in the dark. The absorbance was measured at 517 nm against a blank. Ascorbic
acid and tert-butylhydroquinone at various concentrations were used as references. The experiment
was performed in triplicate and averaged. The DPPH radical scavenging activity was calculated using
the following equation:
1 − ( Ai − A j )
Scavenging rate (%) = × 100% (1)

where Ai is the absorbance of the sample with the DPPH; Aj is the absorbance of the sample without
DPPH; and A0 is the absorbance of pure DPPH.

3.5.2. Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Activity

The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of the phenolic extract was measured according to a
literature method [35] with some modifications. A mixture of 1,10-phenanthroline (7.5 mM, 0.5 mL)
and FeSO4 (7.5 mM, 0.5 mL) was mixed with sodium phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.4, 0.5 mL). Then,
1 mL of the sample at various concentrations and H2O2 (0.1%, 0.5 mL) were added. The mixture was
incubated at 37 °C for 60 min, and the absorbance was measured at 510 nm. Ascorbic acid and
tertiary-butylhydroquinone at various concentrations were used as references. The experiment was
carried out in triplicate and averaged. The following equation was used:
As − Ao
Scavenging activity (%) = ×100% (2)
Ac − Ao

where As is the absorbance of the sample; A0 is the absorbance of the blank solution using distilled
water; and Ac is the absorbance of a control solution in the absence of H2O2.

3.5.3. Reducing Power

The determination of reducing power was carried out as described by Wang et al. [46] with some
modifications. Two milliliters of sample at various concentrations was mixed with phosphate buffer
(0.2 M, pH 6.6, 2.5 mL) and potassium ferricyanide (1%, w/v, 2.5 mL). After the mixture was
incubated at 50 °C for 20 min, trichloroacetic acid (10%, w/v, 2.5 mL) was added, and the mixture was
centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant solution (5 mL) was mixed with ferric chloride
Molecules 2013, 18 11015

(0.1%, w/v, 0.5 mL) for 10 min, and then the absorbance was measured at 700 nm against a blank.
Ascorbic acid and tert-butylhydroquinone at various concentrations were used as references.

3.6. In Vivo Antioxidant Activities

3.6.1. Experimental Design

After one week accommodation, the animals were randomly divided into six groups of 10 mice
each. Aging mice model animals were induced by giving 0.2 mL of 400 mg/kg bw D-galactose
dissolved in saline s.c. once daily for 42 consecutive days and the normal animals were injected
equivalent saline only [47].
Group 1: Normal animals (normal mice treated with 0.5 mL of saline p.o. once daily from the
11th day to 42nd day);
Group 2: Model control animals (aging mice treated with 0.5 mL of saline p.o. once daily from the
11th day to 42nd day);
Group 3: Positive control animals (aging mice treated with 0.5 mL of 50 mg/kg vitamin C p.o. once
daily from the 11th day to 42nd day);
Group 4: Low-dose extract treated animals (aging mice treated with 0.5 mL of 100 mg/kg bw
phenolic extract dissolved in saline p.o. once daily from the 11th day to 42nd day);
Group 5: Middle-dose extract treated animals (aging mice treated with 0.5 mL of 200 mg/kg bw
phenolic extract dissolved in saline p.o. once daily from the 11th day to 42nd day);
Group 6: High-dose extract treated animals (aging mice treated with 0.5 mL of 400 mg/kg bw
phenolic extract dissolved in saline p.o. once daily from the 11th day to 42nd day).

3.6.2. Biochemical Assay

At the end of the experiment, mice were sacrificed after an overnight fast. Liver and kidney of mice
were collected and then floating blood was washed out with ice-cold saline, water was blotted with
filter paper and finally the organs were weighed. Homogenates (10.0%, w/v) of liver and kidney were
centrifuged at 5 °C, 3,000 r/min for 10 min in order to collect supernatant for further analysis. The
protein level was determined by Coomassie Brilliant Blue method. The activities of SOD, CAT,
GSH-Px and MDA content were assayed according to the recommended procedures provided by
commercial reagent kits.

3.7. In Vivo Anti-Fatigue Effect

3.7.1. Experimental Design

The animals were randomly divided into four groups based on body weight after one week
accommodation, with 20 mice in each group. The normal group was given with 0.5 mL of saline p.o.
once daily for 5 days. The extract groups included the high, the middle and the low dose group, which
received 0.5 mL of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg bw phenolic extract dissolved in saline p.o. once daily for
5 days, respectively.
Molecules 2013, 18 11016

Each group was further divided into two subgroups. One was used for the exhaustive swimming
test; the other was used for collecting the blood and liver to determine biochemical parameters
after swimming.

3.7.2. Exhaustive Swimming Test

The exhaustive swimming test was carried out as described by Huang et al. [48] with some
modifications. After the last treatment with extract or saline, forty mice were allowed to rest for
30 min. Then, they were placed in the swimming tank (30 cm × 30 cm × 50 cm) with 30 cm deep
water at 25 ± 1 °C. A lead block (5% of body weight) was loaded on the tail root of the mice. The
exhaustive swimming time was used as an index of the increase in exercise tolerance. The mice were
determined to be exhausted when they failed to rise to the surface to breathe after 10 s.

3.7.3. Biochemical Assay

After 24 h of the last treatment with extract or saline, forty mice were placed in the swimming tank
(30 cm × 30 cm × 50 cm) with 30 cm deep of water at 25 ± 1 °C. After swimming for 15 min, they
were taken out. Blood was collected from mice orbit to determine LDH and BUN content. The livers
of the mice were taken to determine HG levels. All of the biochemical parameters were assayed
according to the recommended procedures provided by commercial reagent kits.

3.8. Determination of Total Phenolic Content and Gallic Acid

The total phenolic content of the extract was determined according to the literature [49] using gallic
acid solution as a reference to produce the calibration curve. The experiments were carried out in
triplicate. The results were determined using the standard gallic acid calibration curve and expressed as
mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per gram of dry plant material.
A Waters 2695 chromatograph with a photodiode array detector and a C18 reversed-phase column
(4.6 × 200 mm, 5 μm, Dalian Elite) was used for determination gallic acid of the extract [50]. The
mobile phase consisted of methanol (solvent A) and 1% aqueous acetic acid solution (solvent B).
Gradient condition was as follows: 0–6 min, 7% A; 6–8 min, 7%–14% A; 8–30 min, 14% A. Flow rate
was 1.0 mL/min and injection volume was 10 μL. The temperature was fixed at 30 °C. Gallic acid was
identified by comparing relative retention time and UV/PDA spectra with standard at 270 nm. Peak
areas of the extract and standards were integrated from HPLC chromatograms by use of Waters
Empowers software.

3.9. Identification of Phenolic Compounds by LC-ESI-MS/MS

The LC-ESI-MS/MS instrument consisted of a SIL-20A XR HPLC (a binary pump, a degasser and
an autosampler) (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) and a Triple TOF 5600 mass spectrometer (AB Sciex,
Framingham, MA, USA), which was equipped with an electro spray ionization (ESI) source operating
in the negative ion mode with spectra acquired over a mass range from m/z 10 to 1,000. ACQUITY
UPLC HSS T3 column (2.1 × 100 mm, 1.8 μm, Waters, Milford, MA, USA) was used at flow rate of
0.3 mL/min. The injection volume was 5 μL. The column oven temperature was set at 40 °C. The
Molecules 2013, 18 11017

mobile phase used was A: acetonitrile and B: 0.1% aqueous formic acid solution. Gradient program
used was: 0–3 min, 5% A; 3–5 min, 5%–10% A; 5–10 min, 10%–20% A; 10–15 min, 20%–50% A;
15–20 min, 50%–90% A; 20–22 min, 90%–90% A; 22–23 min, 90%–5% A; 23–25 min, 5%–5% A.
The ion spray source was 550 °C. The ion spray voltage was set at 5,000 V. The declustering potential
was 80 V. Nitrogen was used as nebulizing and collision gas. The mass spectrometer was controlled by
Analyst® TF 1.6 software (AB Sciex) and the accurate mass data for the molecular ions were processed
by PeakView® software (AB Sciex).

3.10. Statistical Analysis

Experimental results were processed using SPSS 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The data
were presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and analyzed using one-way ANOVA with
Student’s t-test. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05 or p < 0.01.

4. Conclusions

In our research, we used different in vitro and in vivo antioxidant assays to examine the antioxidant
activity and anti-fatigue effect of phenolic extract of E. ferox seed coat. According to the in vitro
antioxidant assays, the phenolic extract exhibited scavenging effects on DPPH and hydroxyl radicals,
and had notable reducing power. The antioxidant activities of the extract were further confirmed by
carrying out in vivo assays. The reduction of SOD, CAT, GSH-Px activities and high level of MDA in
liver and kidney of aging mice were observed compared with normal mice. Oral administration of the
phenolic extract of E. ferox seed coat increased the activities of SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, and decreased
the level of MDA in liver and kidney in aging mice compared with model control group. The
anti-fatigue effect of phenolic extract from E. ferox seed coat was investigated. The phenolic extract
prolonged the swimming time to exhaustion in mice. The phenolic extract treatment decreased the
BUN content and increased the HG content of mice after swimming for 15 min compared with the model
group. The LDH level was not affected by E. ferox seed coat extract in the experimental groups possibly
because the experimental period was too short to promote such a modification. The extract of E. ferox seed
coat was enriched in phenolic and gallic acid. 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-chroman-4-one,
5,7,4-trihydroxyflavanone and buddlenol E. were identified in this extract. The antioxidant and
anti-fatigue activities of this extract had a certain relationship with these compounds.
In conclusion, this study suggests that seed coat of E. ferox could be a potential and readily
available source of natural antioxidants and might become a new functional food or medicine for
fatigue resistance. In the future, we will continue the study on the chemical compounds and safety
evaluation of the phenolic extract, in order to obtain valuable information for developing this product
as an antioxidant and functional food.


This work was funded by National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the
Ministry of Science and Technology of China during the “12th Five-Year Plan” (2011BAI04B06), the
Funds of Innovative Research Team in Research on Resource Chemistry of Traditional Chinese
Molecules 2013, 18 11018

Medicine of Jiangsu High Education Institution of China (2011), “Six Talent Peaks Program” of
Jiangsu Province of China (2009).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Sample Availability: Samples of the extract from the seed coat of Euryale ferox Salisb. are available
from the authors.

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