Two Phase Flow

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Chapter XX

1 Two-Phase Flow

2 M.M. Awad

3 Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


5 1. Introduction
6 A phase is defined as one of the states of the matter. It can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas.
7 Multiphase flow is the simultaneous flow of several phases. The study of multiphase flow is
8 very important in energy-related industries and applications. The simplest case of
9 multiphase flow is two-phase flow. Two-phase flow can be solid-liquid flow, liquid-liquid
10 flow, gas-solid flow, and gas-liquid flow. Examples of solid-liquid flow include flow of
11 corpuscles in the plasma, flow of mud, flow of liquid with suspended solids such as slurries,
12 motion of liquid in aquifers. The flow of two immiscible liquids like oil and water, which is
13 very important in oil recovery processes, is an example of liquid-liquid flow. The injection of
14 water into the oil flowing in the pipeline reduces the resistance to flow and the pressure
15 gradient. Thus, there is no need for large pumping units. Immiscible liquid-liquid flow has
16 other industrial applications such as dispersive flows, liquid extraction processes, and co-
17 extrusion flows. In dispersive flows, liquids can be dispersed into droplets by injecting a
18 liquid through an orifice or a nozzle into another continuous liquid. The injected liquid may
19 drip or may form a long jet at the nozzle depending upon the flow rate ratio of the injected
20 liquid and the continuous liquid. If the flow rate ratio is small, the injected liquid may drip
21 continuously at the nozzle outlet. For higher flow rate ratio, the injected liquid forms a
22 continuous jet at the end of the nozzle. In other applications, the injected liquid could be
23 dispersed as tiny droplets into another liquid to form an emulsion. In liquid extraction
24 processes, solutes dissolved in a liquid solution are separated by contact with another
25 immiscible liquid. Polymer processing industry is an instance of co-extrusion flow where
26 the products are required to manifest a steady interface to obtain superior mechanical
27 properties. Examples of gas-solid flow include fluidized bed, and transport of powdered
28 cement, grains, metal powders, ores, coal, and so on using pneumatic conveying. The main
29 advantages in pneumatic conveying over other systems like conveyor belt are the
30 continuous operation, the relative flexibility of the pipeline location to avoid obstructions or
31 to save space, and the capability to tap the pipeline at any location to remove some or all
32 powder.

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2 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 Sometimes, the term two-component is used to describe flows in which the phases do not
2 consist of the same chemical substance. Steam-water flow found in nuclear power plants
3 and other power systems is an example of two-phase single-component flow. Argon-water
4 is an instance of two-phase two-component flow. Air-water is an example of two-phase
5 multi component flow. Actually, the terms two-component flow and two-phase flow are
6 often used rather loosely in the literature to mean liquid-gas flow and liquid-vapor flow
7 respectively. The engineers developed the terminology rather than the chemists. However,
8 there is little danger of ambiguity.

9 2. Basic definitions and terminology

10 The total mass flow rate ( m  ) (in kg per second) is the sum of the mass flow rate of liquid
11  l ) and the mass flow rate of gas phase ( m
phase ( m  g ).

12  m
m l m
g (1)

13 The total volumetric flow rate ( Q ) (in cubic meter per second) is the sum of the volumetric
14 flow rate of liquid phase ( Q l ) and the volumetric flow rate of gas phase ( Q g ).

15 Q  Q l  Q g (2)

16 The volumetric flow rate of liquid phase ( Q l ) is related to the mass flow rate of liquid phase
17  l ) as follows:

18 Q l  l (3)

19 The volumetric flow rate of gas phase ( Q g ) is related to the mass flow rate of gas phase ( m
g )
20 as follows:

21 Q g  (4)

22  ) divided by the
The total mass flux of the flow (G) is defined the total mass flow rate ( m
23 pipe cross-sectional area (A).

24 G (5)

25 The quality (dryness fraction) (x) is defined as the ratio of the mass flow rate of gas phase (
26 m  ).
 g ) to the total mass flow rate ( m

m g
27 x  (6)

m l m
m g
Two-Phase Flow 3

1 The volumetric quality () is defined as the ratio of the volumetric flow rate of gas phase (
2 Q g ) to the total volumetric flow rate ( Q ).

Q g Q g
3     (7)
Q Ql  Q g

4 The volumetric quality () can be related to the mass quality (x) as follows:

xvg 1
5   (8)
xv g  (1  x)vl 1 x   g 
1    
 x   
 l
6 The void fraction () is defined as the ratio of the pipe cross-sectional area (or volume)
7 occupied by the gas phase to the pipe cross-sectional area (or volume).

A 
8    
g g

A Al  A g

9 The superficial velocity of liquid phase flow (Ul) is the velocity if the liquid is flowing alone
10 in the pipe. It is defined as the volumetric flow rate of liquid phase ( Q l ) divided by the pipe
11 cross-sectional area (A).

Q l
12 Ul  (10)
13 The superficial velocity of gas phase flow (Ug) is the velocity if the gas is flowing alone in the
14 pipe. It is defined as the volumetric flow rate of gas phase ( Q g ) divided by the pipe cross-
15 sectional area (A).

Q g
16 Ug  (11)
17 The mixture velocity of flow (Um) is defined as the total volumetric flow rate ( Q ) divided by
18 the pipe cross-sectional area (A).

Q (12)
19 Um 
20 The mixture velocity of flow (Um) (in meter per second) can also be expressed in terms of the
21 superficial velocity of liquid phase flow (Ul) and the superficial velocity of gas phase flow
22 (Ug) as follows:

23 Um  Ul  U g (13)

24 The average velocity of liquid phase flow (ul) is defined as the volumetric flow rate of liquid
25 phase ( Q l ) divided by the pipe cross-sectional area occupied by the liquid phase flow (Al).
4 Heat Transfer Book 1

Q l Q l Ul
1 ul    (14)
Al (1   ) A (1   )

2 The average velocity of gas phase flow (ug) is defined as the volumetric flow rate of gas
3 phase ( Q ) divided by the pipe cross-sectional area occupied by the gas phase flow (Ag).

Q g Q g Ug
4 ug    (15)
Ag A 

5 In order to characterize a two-phase flow, the slip ratio (S) is frequently used instead of void
6 fraction. The slip ratio is defined as the ratio of the average velocity of gas phase flow (ug) to
7 the average velocity of liquid phase flow (ul). The void fraction () can be related to the slip
8 ratio (S) as follows:

. .
ug Qg / A  Q g (1   )
9 S  .
 .
Ql / A (1   ) Ql 

ug G x / A  g l x (1   )
10 S   (17)
ul G (1  x) / A (1   ) l  g (1  x) 

11 Equations (16) and (17) can be rewritten in the form:

12  . .
S Ql  Qg

13  (19)
 1 x   g 
1S    
 x   l 
 

14 It is obvious from Eqs. (7), and (18) or from Eqs. (8), and (19) that the volumetric quality ()
15 is equivalent to the void fraction () when the slip ratio (S) is 1. The void fraction () is
16 called the homogeneous void fraction (m) when the slip ratio (S) is 1. This means that  =
17 m. When (l/g) is large, the void fraction based on the homogeneous model (m) increases
18 very rapidly once the mass quality (x) increases even slightly above zero. The prediction of
19 the void fraction using the homogeneous model is reasonably accurate only for bubble and
20 mist flows since the entrained phase travels at nearly the same velocity as the continuous
21 phase. Also, when (l/g) approaches 1 (i.e. near the critical state), the void fraction based on
22 the homogeneous model (m) approaches the mass quality (x) and the homogeneous model
23 is applicable at this case.
Two-Phase Flow 5

1 2.1. Dimensionless parameters

2 Dimensionless groups are useful in arriving at key basic relations among system variables
3 that are valid for various fluids under various operating conditions. Dimensionless groups
4 can be divided into two types: (a) Dimensionless groups based on empirical considerations,
5 and (b) Dimensionless groups based on fundamental considerations. The first type has been
6 derived empirically, often on the basis of experimental data. This type has been proposed in
7 literature on the basis of extensive data analysis. The extension to other systems requires
8 rigorous validation, often requiring modifications of constants or exponents. The convection
9 number (Co), and the boiling number (Kf) are examples of this type. Although the Lockhart-
10 Martinelli parameter (X) is derived from fundamental considerations of the gas and the
11 liquid phase friction pressure gradients, it is used extensively as an empirical dimensionless
12 group in correlating experimental results on pressure drop, void fraction, as well as heat
13 transfer coefficients.
14 On the other hand, fundamental considerations of the governing forces and their mutual
15 interactions lead to the second type that provides important insight into the physical
16 phenomena. The Capillary number (Ca), and the Weber number (We) are examples of this type.
17 It should be noted that using of dimensionless groups is important in obtaining some
18 correlations for different parameters in two-phase flow. For example, Kutateladze (1948)
19 combined the critical heat flux (CHF) with other parameters through dimensional analysis
20 to obtain a dimensionless group. Also, Stephan and Abdelsalam (1980) utilized eight
21 dimensionless groups in developing a comprehensive correlation for saturated pool boiling
22 heat transfer.
23 Also, the dimensionless groups are used in obtaining some correlations for two-phase
24 frictional pressure drop such as Friedel (1979), Lombardi and Ceresa (1978), Bonfanti et al.
25 (1979), and Lombardi and Carsana (1992).
26 Moreover, a dimensional analysis can be used to resolve the equations of
27 electrohydrodynamics (EHD), in spite of their complexity, in two-phase flow. The two
28 dimensionless EHD numbers that will result from the analysis of the electric body force are
29 the EHD number or conductive Rayleigh number and the Masuda number or dielectric
30 Rayleigh number (Cotton et al., 2000, Chang and Watson, 1994, and Cotton et al., 2005).
31 The use of traditional dimensionless numbers in two-phase flow is very limited in
32 correlating data sets (Kleinstreuer, 2003). However, a large number of dimensionless groups
33 found in literature to represent two phase-flow data into more convenient forms. Examples
34 of these dimensionless groups are discussed below.

35 Archimedes Number (Ar)

36 The Archimedes number (Ar) is defined as

l (  l   g ) gd 3
37 Ar  (20)
6 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 And represents the ratio of gravitational force to viscous force. It is used to determine the
2 motion of fluids due to density differences (l-g).

3 Quan (2011) related the Archimedes number (Ar) to the inverse viscosity number (Nf) as
4 follows:

l ( l   g ) gd 3
5 N f  Ar 1/2
 (21)

6 Recently, Hayashi et al. (2010 and 2011) used the inverse viscosity number (Nf) in the study
7 of terminal velocity of a Taylor drop in a vertical pipe.

8 Atwood Ratio (At)

9 The Atwood ratio (At) is defined as

l   g
10 At  (22)
l   g

11 The important consideration that one must remember is the Atwood ratio (At) and the
12 effect of the gravitational potential field, Froude number (Fr) on causing a drift or
13 allowing a relative velocity to exist between the phases. If these differences are large, then
14 one should use a separated flow model. For instance, for air-water flows at ambient
15 pressure, the density ratio (l/g) is 1000 while the Atwood ratio (At) is 1. As a result, a
16 separated flow model may be dictated. On the other hand, when the density ratio (l/g)
17 approaches 1, a homogenous model becomes more appropriate for wide range of
18 applications.

19 Bond Number (Bo)

20 The Bond number (Bo) is defined as:

gd 2 ( l   g )
21 Bo  (23)

22 And represents the ratio of gravitational (buoyancy) and capillary force scales. The length
23 scale used in its definition is the pipe radius. The Bond number (Bo) is used in droplet
24 atomization and spray applications. The gravitational force can be neglected in most cases
25 of liquid-gas two-phase flow in microchannels because Bo << 1. As a result, the other
26 forces like surface tension force, the gas inertia and the viscous shear force exerted by the
27 liquid phase are found to be the most critical forces in the formation of two-phase flow
28 patterns.

29 In addition, Li and Wu (2010) analyzed the experimental results of adiabatic two-phase

30 pressure drop in micro/mini channels for both multi and single-channel configurations from
Two-Phase Flow 7

1 collected database of 769 data points, covering 12 fluids, for a wide range of operational
2 conditions and channel dimensions. The researchers observed a particular trend with the
3 Bond number (Bo) that distinguished the data in three ranges, indicating the relative
4 importance of surface tension. When 1.5  Bo, in the region dominated by surface tension,
5 inertia and viscous forces could be ignored. When 1.5 < Bo  11, surface tension, inertia force,
6 and viscous force were all important in the micro/mini-channels. However, when 11 < Bo,
7 the surface tension effect could be neglected.

8 Recently, Li and Wu (2010) obtained generalized adiabatic pressure drop correlations in

9 evaporative micro/mini-channels. The researchers observed a particular trend with the Bond
10 number (Bo) that distinguished the entire database into three ranges: Bo < 0.1, 0.1  Bo and
11 BoRel0.5  200, and BoRel0.5 > 200. Using the Bond number, they established improved
12 correlations of adiabatic two-phase pressure drop for small Bond number regions. The
13 newly proposed correlations could predict the database well for the region where
14 BoRel0.5  200.

15 Bodenstein Number (Bod)

16 The Bodenstein number (Bod) is defined as follows:

U bd
17 Bod  (24)

18 And represents the ratio of the product of the bubble velocity and the microchannel
19 diameter to the mass diffusivity. For example, Salman et al. (2004) developed numerical
20 model for the study of axial mass transfer in gas–liquid Taylor flow at low values of this
21 dimensionless group. The researchers found that their model was suitable for Bod
22 < 500. Also, for Bod > 10, their model could be approximated by a simple analytical
23 expression.

24 Capillary Number (Ca)

25 The Capillary number (Ca) is defined as:

26 Ca  (25)

27 And is a measure of the relative importance of viscous forces and capillary forces.
28 Frequently, it arises in the analysis of flows containing liquid drops or plugs. In the case of
29 liquid plugs in a capillary tube, the Capillary number (Ca) can be viewed as a measure of the
30 scaled axial viscous drag force and the capillary or wetting force. The Capillary number (Ca)
31 is useful in analyzing the bubble removal process. For two-phase flow in microchannels, Ca
32 is expected to play a critical role because both the surface tension and the viscous forces are
33 important in microchannel flows.
8 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 This dimensionless group is used in flow pattern maps. For example, Suo and Griffith (1964)
2 used the Capillary number (Ca) as a vertical axis in their flow pattern maps. The researchers
3 gave a transition from slug flow to churn flow by CaRe2 = 2.8×105 that agreed more or less
4 with aeration of the slugs at the development of turbulence.
5 In addition, Taha and Cui (2006a) showed that in CFD modeling of slug flow inside square
6 capillaries at low Ca, both the front and rear ends of the bubbles were nearly spherical. With
7 increasing Ca, the convex bubble end inverted gradually to concave. As the Ca increased, the
8 bubble became longer and more cylindrical. At higher Ca numbers, they had cylindrical
9 bubbles.

10 The Capillary number (Ca) controls principally the liquid film thickness () surrounds the
11 gas phase in gas-liquid two-phase plug flows or the immiscible liquid phase in liquid-liquid
12 two-phase plug flows. In the literature, the is a number of well known models for the film
13 thickness in a gas-liquid Taylor flow such as Fairbrother and Stubbs (1935), Marchessault
14 and Mason (1960), Bretherton (1961), Taylor (1961), Irandoust and Andersson (1989), Bico
15 and Quere (2000), and Aussillous and Quere (2000). Kreutzer et al. (2005a, 2005b) reviewed a
16 number of correlations for liquid film thickness available in the literature. Moreover, Angeli
17 and Gavriilidis (2008) reviewed additional relationships for the liquid film thickness.
18 Recently, Howard et al. (2011) studied Prandtl and capillary effects on heat transfer
19 performance within laminar liquid–gas slug flows. The researchers focused on
20 understanding the mechanisms leading to enhanced heat transfer and the effect of using
21 various Prandtl number fluids, leading to variations in Capillary number. They found that
22 varying Prandtl and Capillary numbers caused notable effects in the transition region
23 between entrance and fully developed flows.

24 For liquid-liquid immiscible flows, Grimes et al. (2007) investigated the validity of the
25 Bretherton (1961) and Taylor (1961) laws through an extensive experimental program in
26 which a number of potential carrier fluids were used to segment aqueous droplets over a
27 range of flow rates. The researchers observed that there were significant discrepancies
28 between measured film thicknesses and those predicted by the Bretherton (1961) and Taylor
29 (1961) laws, and that when plotted against capillary number, film thickness data for the
30 fluids collapsed onto separate curves. By multiplying the capillary number (Ca) by the ratio
31 of the liquid plug viscosity (p) to the liquid film viscosity (l), the data for the different
32 fluids collapsed onto a single curve with very little scatter.

33 Table 1 shows different equations for dimensionless film thickness (δ/R).

34 It should be noted that most of the expressions available in the literature are correlating the
35 dimensionless liquid film thickness (δ/R) against the Capillary number (Ca). Recently, Han
36 and Shikazono (2009a, 2009b) measured the local liquid film thickness in microchannels by
37 laser confocal method. For larger Capillary numbers (Ca > 0.02), inertial effects must be
38 considered and hence the researchers suggested an empirical correlation of the
39 dimensionless bubble diameter by considering capillary number (Ca) and Weber number
40 (We). The Han and Shikazono (2009a) correlation was
Two-Phase Flow 9

 1.34 Ca 2/3
 Re <2000
 13.1 3 Ca 2/3
 0.504Ca 0.672 Re 0.5890 -0.352We 0.629
 2/3
 2 
.    212 
  d 
1 (26)
R    Re >2000
 2/3 0.672 0.629
 149  2   2   2 
  
 7773   0-500 0
   d 
   d    d   
Researcher δ/R Notes

Fairbrother and Stubbs (1935)  0.5Ca1/2 5 × 10-5  Ca  3 × 10-1

Marchessault and Mason   0.05  7 × 10−6  Ca  2 × 10−4

  0.89 - 1/2  Ca1/2
(1960) R  Ug  Ug in cm/s
 

Bretherton (1961)  1.34Ca 2/3 10-3  Ca  10-2
Irandoust and Andersson 
 0.36[1 - exp(-3.08(Ca 0.54) )] 9.5 × 10-4  Ca  1.9
(1989) R
 Bretherton (1961) is corrected
Bico and Quere (2000)  1.34(2Ca)2/3
R by a factor of 22/3 for c > d
10-3  Ca  1.4
 1.34Ca 2/3
Aussillous and Quere (2000)  approaches Bretherton (1961)
R 1  2.5(1.34Ca 2/3 )
for Ca0
 10-5  Ca  10-1
Grimes et al. (2007)  5Ca 2/3
R Ca = p U/
3 Table 1. Different Equations for Dimensionless Film Thickness (δ/R).

4 In fact, the Weber number includes the capillary number (Ca) and Reynolds number (Re)
5 (Sobieszuk et al., 2010). Therefore, the term (2/  d) in the second equation of Eq. (26) for Re >
6 2000 is equal to (Ca2/We) or (Ca/Re). As the capillary number approached zero (Ca0), the first
7 equation of Eq. (26) for Re < 2000 should follow Bretherton’s theory (1961), so the coefficient in
8 the numerator was taken as 1.34. The other coefficients were obtained by least linear square
9 method from their experimental data. If Reynolds number became larger than 2000, liquid film
10 thickness remained constant due to the flow transition from laminar to turbulent. As a result,
11 liquid film thickness was fixed to the value at Re = 2000. The second equation of Eq. (26) for Re
12 > 2000 could be obtained from the first equation by substituting Re = 2000. Capillary number
13 (Ca) and Weber number (We) should be also replaced with the values when Reynolds number
14 = 2000. The first equations of Eq. (26) were replaced as follows:

 2   2 
Ca  Re ×   2000 (Re  2000)
  d 
  d 
15 (27)
   
10 Heat Transfer Book 1

 2 
We  Re . Ca  2000 2 ×  (Re  2000)
  d 
1 (28)
 

2 In Eqs. (27) and (28), (2/  d) was a constant value if pipe diameter and fluid properties
3 were fixed. The researchers mentioned that their correlation, Eq. (26), could predict δ within
4 the range of ±15% accuracy.

5 In addition, Yun et al. (2010) used the Weber number (We) to correlate the maximum and
6 minimum film thickness (max and min) because the maximum and the minimum film
7 thickness could be evaluated approximately and calculated statistically from the shade
8 boundaries of Taylor bubbles observed in the images. On the other hand, it was difficult to
9 determine the mean film thickness from the 2-D optical images of slug flow due to the
10 irregular shapes of liquid film around Taylor bubbles in rectangular microchannels. Their
11 maximum and minimum film thickness (max and min) correlations were

 max
12  0.78 We 0.09 (29)

 min
14  0.04 We 0.62 (30)

15 Cahn number (Cn)

16 The Cahn number (Cn) is defined as:

17 Cn  (31)

18 And represents the ratio of the interface thickness () and the tube diameter (d). For
19 example, He et al. (2010) used this dimensionless group in their dimensionless governing
20 equations for heat transfer modeling of gas–liquid slug flow without phase change in a
21 micro tube.

22 Convection Number (Co)

23 The Convection number (Co) is a modified Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X). It is defined
24 as:

 1 x 
 g 
25 Co      (32)
 x   l 
 

26 This dimensionless number was introduced by Shah (1982) in correlating flow boiling data.
27 It was not based on any fundamental considerations. For example, based on more than 10
Two-Phase Flow 11

1 000 experimental data points for various fluids, including water, refrigerants, and cryogents,
2 Kandlikar (1990) proposed a generalized heat transfer correlation for convective boiling in
3 both vertical and horizontal tubes. One of the dimensionless numbers used in his correlation
4 was the convection number (Co).

5 Courant Number (Cou)

6 A very important step in numerical simulation is transient time step sizing. The Courant
7 number (Cou) is a dimensionless group that can be used to adjust the time step. It is defined
8 as follows:

U t
9 Cou  (33)

10 And represents a comparison between the particle moving distance during the assumed
11 time step and control volume dimension. A low Cou value means a small time step size (t)
12 and consequently a large simulation time. On the other hand, a high Cou value leads to an
13 unstable numeric approach. As a result, there is a need to optimize Cou using appropriate
14 time step size (t). Furthermore, as the mesh becomes finer (x), the time step (t) should be
15 decreased as well in order to hold Cou in its safe range. A typical time step (t) order of
16 magnitude of 1 × 10−5 (s) or 1 × 10−6 (s) has been used by the researchers. For example, Cherlo
17 et al. (2010) performed the three-dimensional simulation in their numerical investigations of
18 two-phase (liquid–liquid) flow behavior in rectangular microchannels.

19 A wiser time step adjustment is using a variable time step by implementing a fixed Courant
20 number (Cou) that is available in ANSYS Fluent. For example, Gupta et al. (2009) applied
21 this technique in the CFD modeling of Taylor flow in microchannels. In this method, the
22 time step (t) is being modified based on the critical cells size and local velocity components
23 to hold the maximum Courant number (Coumax) to a fixed value.

24 EHD Number (Ehd)

25 The EHD number (Ehd) or conductive Rayleigh number is defined as:

I o L3
26 E hd = (34)
o 2 c A

27 EM Number
28 The EM is defined as:

h lg
29 EM  (35)
 d2
l d 3
12 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 And represents the ratio of two energies. The numerator of the term represents the latent heat
2 of vaporization that can further be referred as latent energy per unit mass. The denominator of
3 the term represents the surface tension energy per unit mass. Sabharwall et al. (2009)
4 expressed this dimensionless number as the ratio of latent heat of vaporization to the capillary
5 pressure and used it in phase-change thermosyphon and heat-pipe heat exchangers.

6 Er Number
7 The Er is defined as:

h lg
8 Er  (36)
U s2

9 And relates the ratio of thermal to kinetic energies. Thermal energy is the energy that is
10 required by the fluid for phase change from the liquid to vapor state, and the square of the
11 velocity represents the kinetic energy head. Sabharwall et al. (2009) expressed this
12 dimensionless number as the ratio of latent heat of vaporization to the pressure drop across
13 the heat pipes and thermosyphons and used it in phase-change thermosyphon and heat-
14 pipe heat exchangers.

15 Eötvös Number (Eo)

16 The Eötvös number (Eo) is defined as:

gd 2 ( l   g )
17 Eo  (37)

18 And represents the ratio of gravitational (buoyancy) and capillary force scales. The length
19 scale used in its definition is the pipe diameter.

20 Brauner and Moalem-Maron (1992) identified the range of ‘small diameters’ conduits,
21 regarding two-phase flow pattern transitions. The researchers used the Eötvös number (Eo)
22 to characterize the surface tension dominance in the two-phase flow in microchannels. They
23 took Eo < (2)2 as the criterion for the surface tension dominance.

24 Recently, Ullmann and Brauner (2007) reexamined the channel diameter effect on the flow
25 regime transitions in mini channels and suggested that new mechanistic models be
26 expressed in terms of the non-dimensional Eötvös number. In their definition of Eötvös
27 number, they multiplied the surface tension () in the denominator in Eq. (37) by the factor
28 8. The researchers suggested that in small Eötvös number systems (of the order of 0.04), the
29 negligibly small bubble velocity, even in vertical systems, led to flow regimes resembling
30 those obtained in conventional channels under microgravity conditions. They used the
31 experimental flow regime data presented by Triplett et al. (1999) for air-water in 1.097 mm
32 Pyrex pipe, corresponding to an Eötvös number of 0.021, to calibrate and determine the
33 efficacy of their approach for small Eötvös number configurations.
Two-Phase Flow 13

1 Euler Number (Eu)

2 The Euler number (Eu) is often written in terms of pressure differences (p) and is defined
3 as:

4 Eu  (38)
U 2

5 And represents the ratio of pressure forces to inertial forces. It expresses the relationship
6 between the pressure drop and the kinetic energy per volume, and is used to characterize
7 losses in the flow, where a perfect frictionless flow corresponds to Eu = 1.

8 Fourier Number (Fo)

9 The Fourier number (Fo) is defined as:

10 Fo  (39)

11 And represents the ratio of the heat conduction rate to the rate of thermal energy storage.

12 When used in connection with mass transfer, the thermal diffusivity () is replaced by the
13 mass diffusivity (D).

14 Fo  (40)

15 Using the above definition of the Fourier number (Fo) with the liquid film thickness () as
16 the characteristic length, Pigford (1941) analyzed in his Ph. D. thesis the transient mass
17 transfer to a falling film in laminar flow. His analysis is most conveniently found on the
18 book of Sherwood et al. (1975). In addition, van Baten and Krishna (2004) formulated a mass
19 transfer model of penetration theory for the film for shorter unit cells (or higher velocities)
20 using Eq. (40) with d =.

21 Froude Number (Fr)

22 The Froude number (Fr) is defined as:

U 2 U 2
23 Fr   (41)
 gd gd

24 And represents a measure of inertial forces and gravitational forces. When Fr < 1, small
25 surface waves can move upstream; when Fr > 1, they will be carried downstream; and when
26 Fr = 1 (said to be the critical Froude number), the velocity of flow is equal to the velocity of
27 surface waves.

28 Also, there is (Fr*), which is defined as:

14 Heat Transfer Book 1

Fr  l   g  U 2
1 Fr *    (42)
At  l   g  gd
 

2 In addition, the Froude number (Fr) is frequently defined as Fr = U/ (gd)0.5.

3 Electric Froude Number (Fre)

4 The electric Froude number (Fre) is defined as:

5 Fre = (43)
(  g [( l   g )do g  fe'' ])1/2

6 This dimensionless group was given by Chang (1989) and Chang (1998).

7 Froude Rate (Ft)

8 The Froude rate (Ft) is defined as:

 x 3G 2 
9 Ft   2  (44)
  g gd(1  x) 
 

10 And represents the ratio of the vapor kinetic energy to the energy required to lift the liquid
11 phase around the tube. This parameter was derived by Hulburt and Newell (1997). Graham
12 et al. (1999) obtained an expression for the void fraction in terms of the Lockhart-Martinelli
13 parameter for turbulent-turbulent flow (Xtt) and the Froude rate (Ft). Also, Thome (2003)
14 deduced the transition from annular flow (viscous forces predominate) to intermittent flow
15 (gravitational forces predominate) with the aid of his maps using the combination of two
16 parameters: the Froude rate (Ft), and the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter for turbulent-
17 turbulent flow (Xtt). In addition, Wilson et al. (2003) obtained an expression for the void
18 fraction in terms of the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter for turbulent-turbulent flow (Xtt) and
19 the Froude rate (Ft) for smooth tube, 18° Helix, and 0° Helix, respectively.

20 Galileo Number (Ga)

21 The Galileo number (Ga) is defined as:

gd 3
22 Ga  (45)
23 And represents the ratio of gravitational and viscous force scales. The Galileo number (Ga) is
24 an important number in two-phase gas-liquid flow in determining the motion of a
25 bubble/droplet under the action of gravity in the gravity-driven viscous flow. For instance,
26 Haraguchi et al. (1994) expressed the condensation heat transfer coefficient in terms of
27 Nusselt number as a combination of forced convection condensation and gravity controlled
Two-Phase Flow 15

1 convection condensation terms. They expressed the gravity controlled convection

2 condensation term as a function of the Galileo number (Gal).

3 The modified Galileo number (Ga*) is defined as:

 3
4 Ga*  (46)

5 And accounts for the influences of surface tension and viscosity. The modified Galileo
6 number (Ga*) is sometimes referred to as the "film number". For example, Hu and Jacobi
7 (1996) reported experiments that explored viscous, surface tension, inertial, and
8 gravitational effects on the falling-film mode transitions. Their study covered a variety of
9 fluids including water, ethylene glycol, hydraulic oil, water/ethylene glycol mixture, and
10 alcohol, tube diameters, tube pitches, flow rates and with/without concurrent gas flow.
11 Based on their 1000 experimental observations, the researchers provided new flow
12 classifications, a novel flow regime map, and unambiguous transition criteria for every of
13 the mode transitions. Over the range of their experiments, they found that the mode
14 transitions were relatively independent of geometric effect (tube diameter and spacing). In a
15 simplified map neglecting hysteresis (transition with an increasing flow rate compared with
16 that with a decreasing flow rate), the coordinates of their flow mode map were the film
17 Reynolds number (Ref) versus the modified Galileo number (Ga*). The mixed mode zones of
18 jet-sheet and droplet-jet were transition zones between the three dominant modes of sheet,
19 jet, and droplet in which both modes were present. Their four flow transition expressions
20 between these five zones were given by the film Reynolds number (Ref) as a function of the
21 modified Galileo number (Ga*) (valid for passing through the transition in either direction).
22 Their map was applicable to plain tubes for air velocities less than 15 m/s.

23 Graetz Number (Gz)

24 The Graetz number (Gz) is defined as:

25 Gr  Re Pr (47)

26 When used in connection with mass transfer the Prandtl number (Pr) is replaced by the
27 Schmidt number (Sc) that expresses the ratio of the momentum diffusivity to the mass
28 diffusivity (Kreutzer, 2003).

29 Gr  Re Sc (48)

30 Dimensionless Vapor Mass Flux (Jg)

31 The dimensionless vapor mass flux (Jg) is defined as follows:
16 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 Jg  (49)
dg  g ( l   g )

2 In two-phase flow, transition criteria for flow regimes are determined using the
3 dimensionless vapor mass flux (Jg) and the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter for the turbulent-
4 turbulent flow (Xtt). For example, Breber et al. (1980) used the dimensionless vapor mass
5 flux (Jg) in the prediction of horizontal tube-side condensation of pure components using
6 flow regime criteria. Also, Sardesai et al. (1981) used the dimensionless vapor mass flux (Jg)
7 in the determination of flow regimes for condensation of a vapor inside a horizontal tube. In
8 addition, Tandon et al. (1982, 1985) used the dimensionless vapor mass flux (Jg) in the
9 prediction of flow patterns during condensation in a horizontal tube. Moreover, Cavallini et
10 al. (2002) allowed an assessment of the limits of the two-phase flow structures of the
11 condensation of refrigerants in channels with the aid of the dimensionless vapor mass flux
12 (Jg), and the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter for the turbulent-turbulent flow (Xtt).

13 Jacob Number (Ja)

14 The Jacob number (Ja) is defined as:

c p T
15 Ja  (50)

16 And represents the ratio of the sensible heat for a given volume of liquid to heat or cool
17 through the temperature difference (T) in arriving to its saturation temperature, to the
18 latent heat required in evaporating the same volume of vapor. It is used in film
19 condensation and boiling. For instance, Ja may be used in studying the influences of liquid
20 superheat prior to initiation of nucleation in microchannels. Also, it may be useful in
21 studying the subcooled boiling conditions. The Jacob number (Ja) can be modified to
22 produce the modified Jacob number (Ja*) by multiplying it by the density ratio (l/g) (Yang
23 et al., 2000).

l l c p T
24 Ja*  Ja  (51)
g  g hlg

25 Yang et al. (2000) used both the Jacob number (Ja) and the modified Jacob number (Ja*) in
26 their study on bubble dynamics for pool nucleate boiling.

27 Recently, Charoensawan and Terdtoon (2007) modified the Jacob number (Ja) by adding the
28 influence of filling ratio (FR) in their study on the thermal performance of horizontal closed-
29 loop oscillating heat pipes.

FR FRc p T
30 Ja*  Ja  (52)
1  FR (1  FR)hlg
Two-Phase Flow 17

1 Boiling Number (Kf)

2 The Boiling number (Kf) is defined as:

3 Kf  (53)

4 In this dimensionless number, heat flux (q) is non-dimensionalized with mass flux (G) and
5 latent heat (hlg). It is based on empirical considerations. It can be used in empirical treatment
6 of flow boiling because it combines two important flow parameters, q and G. It is used as
7 one of the parameters for correlating the flow boiling heat transfer in both macro-scale and
8 micro-scale. For example, Lazarek and Black (1982) proposed the nondimensional
9 correlation for the flow boiling Nusselt number for their heat transfer experiments on R-113
10 as a function of the all-liquid Reynolds number (Relo), and the Boiling number (Kf). Also,
11 Tran et al. (1996) obtained a correlation for the heat transfer coefficient in their experiments
12 on R-12 and R-113 as a function of the all-liquid Weber number (Welo), the Boiling number
13 (Kf), and the liquid to vapor density ratio (l/g) to account for variations in fluid properties

14 New Non-Dimensional Constants of Kandlikar (K1, K2, and K3)

15 These three new nondimensional groups, K1, K2, and K3 are relevant to flow boiling
16 phenomenon in microchannels. K1 and K2 were derived by Kandlikar (2004). The new non-
17 dimensional constant (K1) is defined as:

 q  d
  2
 hlg   g  q   
18 K1      l  K f2 l (54)
G d  Gh   
 lg  g g

19 And represents the ratio of the evaporation momentum force, and the inertia force. This
20 dimensionless group includes the Boiling number (Kf) and the liquid to vapor density ratio
21 (l/g). The Boiling number (Kf) alone does not represent the true influence of the
22 evaporation momentum, and its coupling with the density ratio (l/g) is important in
23 representing the evaporation momentum force. A higher value of K1 means that the
24 numerator (i.e. the evaporation momentum forces) is dominant and is likely to alter the
25 interface movement.
26 The new non-dimensional constant (K2) is defined as:

 q  d
  2
 hlg  g  q  d
27 K2      (55)
  hlg   g
 
28 And represents the ratio of the evaporation momentum force, and the surface tension force.
29 Kandlikar (2004) mentioned that the contact angle was not included in K2 although the
18 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 actual force balance in a given situation might involve more complex dependence on contact
2 angles and surface orientation. It should be recognized that the contact angles play an
3 important role in bubble dynamics and contact line movement and need to be taken into
4 account in a comprehensive analysis.
5 A higher value of K2 means that the numerator (i.e. the evaporation momentum forces) is
6 dominant and causes the interface to overcome the retaining surface tension force.
7 Kandlikar (2001) used effectively the group K2 in developing a model for the critical heat
8 flux (CHF) in pool boiling. He replaced the characteristic dimension (d) with the departure
9 bubble diameter.

10 Kandlikar (2004) mentioned that these two groups were able to represent some of the key
11 flow boiling characteristics, including the critical heat flux (CHF). In his closing remarks, he
12 mentioned that the usage of the new non-dimensional groups K1 and K2 in conjunction with
13 the Weber number (We) and the Capillary number (Ca) was expected to provide a better tool
14 for analyzing the experimental data and developing more representative models.

15 Awad (2012a) mentioned that similar to the combination of the nondimensional groups,
16 K2K10.75 (Kandlikar, 2004) that used in representing the flow boiling CHF data by Vandervort
17 et al. (1994), these two new nondimensional groups, K1 and K2, can be combined using Eqs.
18 (54) and (55) as:

 q  d
 
K 2  hlg   g dG 2
19    Welo (56)
K1  
2 l
q 
  l
 Ghlg   g
 
20 i.e. the ratio of K2 and K1 is equal to the all liquid Weber number (Welo). As a result, it is
21 enough to use the new non-dimensional groups K1 and K2 in conjunction with the Capillary
22 number (Ca) only to provide a better tool for analyzing the experimental data and
23 developing more representative models for heat transfer mechanisms during flow boiling in
24 microchannels because K2/K1 = Welo.
25 Moreover, it should be noted that the ratio of K2 and K1 (K2/K1) and the Capillary number
26 (Ca) can be combined as (Awad, 2012a):

K 2 / K1 Welo
27   Re lo (57)
Ca Ca
28 i.e. the ratio of (K2/K1) and Ca is equal to the all liquid Reynolds number (Relo).
29 Recently, K3 was derived by Kandlikar (2012). The new non-dimensional constant (K3) is
30 defined as:

Evaporation Momentum Force

31 K3  (58)
Viscous Force
Two-Phase Flow 19

1 And represents the ratio of the evaporation momentum force, and the viscous force.
2 Kandlikar (2012) mentioned that this nondimensional group K3 had not been independently
3 used yet, but it was relevant if the evaporation momentum and viscous forces were
4 considered in a process. K3 could also be represented as:

5 K 3  K 1 Re  (59)
6 In his summary, Kandlikar (2012) mentioned that recognizing the evaporation momentum
7 force as an important force during the boiling process opened up the possibilities of three
8 new relevant nondimensional groups, K1, K2, and K3. Any two of these groups could be
9 represented by combining the third one with one of the other relevant nondimensional
10 groups Re, We, and Ca.

11 Kapitza Number (Ka)

12 The Kapitza number (Ka) is defined as:

13 Ka  (60)
 3
14 And accounts for the influences of viscosity and surface tension. Using Eqs. (46) and (60), it
15 should be noted that the Kapitza number (Ka) is equal to the inverse of the modified Galileo
16 number (Ga*).

17 Ka  Ga* 1 (61)

18 The Kapitza number (Ka) is used in wave on liquid film. For example, Mudawwar and El-
19 Masri (1986) found that it was impossible to obtain universal correlations of the heat transfer
20 coefficients for different fluids in terms of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers alone because the
21 heat transfer data across freely-falling turbulent liquid films had a strong dependence on the
22 Kapitza number (Ka) below Re = 10 000. On the other hand, the researchers recommended
23 turbulent-film correlations based on Re and Pr similar to those used in conventional internal
24 or external flows for higher Reynolds numbers (Re > 15 000).

25 Knudsen Number (Kn)

26 At microscales, the no-slip boundary condition can be applied in many situations specially
27 when there is a liquid flow inside microchannels. Deciding on slip or no-slip boundary
28 condition is dependent on a dimensionless group that is called Knudsen number (Kn). It is
29 defined as:

30 Kn  (62)
31 And represents the ratio of the molecular mean free path length () to a representative
32 physical length scale such as the hydraulic diameter. However, a slip condition, Navier slip
20 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 condition can be applied to avoid numerical clutches where there is a moving contact line.
2 For example, Chen et al. (2009) applied this technique in their numerical study on the
3 formation of Taylor bubbles in capillary tubes. More fundamental details can be found in
4 Renardy et al. (2001) and Spelt (2005). The Knudsen number (Kn) is an important number in
5 two-phase gas-liquid flow in determining the continuum approximation.

6 von Karman Number (Kr)

7 The von Karman number (Kr) is defined as:

8 Kr  Re f 1/2 (63)

9 i.e. it is the product of the Reynolds number (Re) and the square root of the friction factor
10 (f1/2). It is does not contain the velocity (U), but it is determined from the pipe dimensions (d
11 and L), fluid properties ( and), and pressure drop (p). Computation of the von Karman
12 number (Kr) in problem in which the flow is the only variable to be determined saves a
13 solution by trial and error. However, this trial and error is relatively simple and takes only a
14 few steps. A plot in which f, f-1/2 or f1/2 is plotted versus Kr with relative roughness () as a
15 third parameter can be used in order to avoid the trial and error solution.
16 On the other hand, Charoensawan and Terdtoon (2007) defined the von Karman number
17 (Kr) as:

18 Kr  Re 2 f (64)

19 i.e. it is the product of the Reynolds number square (Re2) and the friction factor (f).
20 Charoensawan and Terdtoon (2007) found that one of the influence dimensionless groups
21 on the thermal performance of horizontal closed-loop oscillating heat pipes was the von
22 Karman number (Kr).

23 Kutateladze Number (Ku)

24 The Kutateladze number (Ku) is defined as:

25 Ku  U  1/2 [ g ( l   g )]1/4 (65)

26 And represents a balance between the dynamic head, surface tension, and gravitational
27 force. For example, Kutateladze (1972) used the Kutateladze number (Ku) in the Kutateladze
28 two-phase flow stability criterion, in which the inertia, buoyancy, and surface tension forces
29 were balanced for the prediction of flooding limit of open two-phase systems.
30 Recently, Charoensawan and Terdtoon (2007) defined the Kutateladze number (Ku) as:

31 Ku  1/4
 g (    ) 
hlg  g 
l g 
 2 
 g 
Two-Phase Flow 21

1 The researchers developed successfully the thermal performance correlation of a horizontal

2 closed-loop oscillating heat pipe (HCLOHP) in the non-dimensional form of power function
3 using the curve fitting. In their correlation, they presented the Kutateladze number (Ku) as a
4 function of liquid Prandtl number (Prl), modified Jacob number (Ja*) with adding the
5 influence of filling ratio, Bond number (Bo), von Karman number (Kr), and kc/ka (the ratio of
6 the thermal conductivities of the cooling fluid at the required temperature and the ambient
7 air at 25oC). From their non-dimensional correlation, they concluded that Ku or
8 dimensionless group representing the thermal performance of HCLOHP improved with
9 increasing Prl, Ka and kc/ka and with decreasing Ja* and Bo.

10 Laplace Number (La)

11 The Laplace number (La) is also known as the Suratman number (Su). It is defined as:

12 La  Su  (67)
gd ( l   g )

13 And represents the ratio of capillary and gravitational (buoyancy) force scales. The length
14 scale used in its definition is the pipe diameter.

15 In addition, the Laplace number (La) is known as the confinement number (Co). The
16 threshold to confined bubble flow is one of the most widely-used criterions to distinguish
17 between macro and microscale flow boiling. Following the classification by Kew and
18 Cornwell (1997), channels are classified as micro-channels if Co  0.5.

19 The confinement number (Co) can represent the ratio of capillary length (Lc) and the pipe
20 diameter (Phan et al., 2011).

21 Co  (68)

22 Lc  (69)
g( l   g )

23 In Eq. (69), the capillary length (Lc) scales all the phenomena involving liquid-vapor
24 interfaces, such as bubble growth and detachment, interface instabilities and oscillation
25 wavelengths. Also, it is used as a characteristic boiling length to scale the heater size. As Lc
26 increases with decreasing gravity, it is clear that bubbles will become “larger” and heaters
27 will become “smaller” in low gravity, and vice versa. This should be accounted for in
28 evaluating experimental results, as it is well known that boiling on “small” heaters has
29 various features.

30 From Eqs. (23), (37), and (67), it is clear that three dimensionless numbers, Bo, Eo, and La are
31 related as follows:
22 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 Eo  4 Bo  La 2 (70)

2 When the pipe size is large, the Laplace constant (La) is a useful property length scale for
3 multiphase flow calculations compared to the bubble diameter.

4 Also, it is defined as:

 d
5 La  Su  (71)
6 The above definition is used in flow pattern maps. For example, Jayawardena et al. (1997)
7 proposed a flow pattern map to obtain flow transition boundaries for microgravity two-
8 phase flows. The researchers used bubble-slug and slug-annular flow pattern transitions on
9 the Suratman number (Su) of the system. The bubble-slug transition occurred at a
10 transitional value of the gas to liquid Reynolds number ratio (Reg/Rel) that decreased with
11 increasing Suratman number (Su) and increased with increasing Suratman number (Su) at
12 slug-annular transitions for low Suratman number systems. For high Suratman number
13 systems, the slug-annular transition occurred at a transitional value of the gas Reynolds
14 number (Reg) that increased with increasing Suratman number (Su).
15 In two-phase flow, presenting the Chisholm constant (C) as a function of the Laplace
16 number (La) in order to represent the hydraulic diameter (dh) in a dimensionless form
17 overcame the main disadvantage in some correlations available in the open literature, which
18 is the dimensional specification of dh, as it is easy to miscalculate C if the proper dimensions
19 are not used for dh.

20 Lewis Number (Le)

21 The Lewis number (Le) is defined as:

 Sc
22 Le   (72)
D Pr
23 And represents the ratio of the thermal diffusivity to the mass diffusivity.

24 The Lewis number (Le) controls the relative thickness of the thermal and concentration
25 boundary layers. When Le is small, this corresponds to the thickness of the concentration
26 boundary layer is much bigger than the thermal boundary layer. On the other hand, when
27 Le is high, this corresponds to the thickness of the concentration boundary layer is much
28 smaller than the thermal boundary layer.

29 Lo Number
30 The Lo number is defined as:

G2d   g 
31 Lo    (73)
 m  l 
Two-Phase Flow 23

1 This dimensionless number is used first in CISE-DIF-2 correlation (Lombardi and Ceresa,
2 1978). In CISE-DIF-2 correlation, a remarkable analogy with single-phase correlations was
3 evident if the Reynolds number (Re) was substituted by the Lo number. Also, this
4 dimensionless number is used in CISE-DIF-3 correlation (Bonfanti et al., 1979). Later, this
5 dimensionless number is used in CESNEF-2 correlation (Lombardi and Ceresa, 1992).

6 Masuda Number (Ma)

7 The Masuda number (Ma) or dielectric Rayleigh number is defined as:

 oEo2 To ( s / T )  L2
8 Ma = (74)
2  o 2

9 Using the analogy to free convective flows, Cotton et al. (2005) mentioned that the combined
10 effects of electric and forced convection must be considered when (Ehd/Re2)  1 and/or
11 (Md/Re2)  1. If the inequalities (Ehd/Re2) << 1 or (Md/Re2) << 1 are satisfied, electric convection
12 influences may be neglected, and conversely, if (Ehd/Re2) >> 1 or (Md/Re2) >> 1, forced
13 convection influences may be neglected. This is exactly analogous to buoyancy driven flow
14 and a similar argument may be made by comparing the EHD numbers to the Grashof
15 number in the absence of forced convection. This order of magnitude analysis helps
16 determine the range and extent to which EHD may affect the flow and must be identified to
17 determine the voltage levels required to induce the migration of the liquid in order to
18 influence heat transfer. Based on dimensionless analysis (Chang and Watson, 1994) it is
19 expected that Ehd/Rel2 ~ ≥ 0.1 is sufficient to define the minimum condition above which
20 electric fields significantly affect the liquid flow.

21 HEM Mach Number (Ma)

22 The Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) Mach number (Ma) is defined as:

 (1  x)2 x2 
23 Ma  G 2  2 2  2 2  (75)
  l cl  g c g 

24 Morton Number (Mo)

25 The Morton number (Mo) is defined as:

gc4 ( c   p )
26 Mo  (76)
 2 3

27 And uses together with the Eötvös number (Eo) to characterize the shape of bubbles or
28 drops moving in a surrounding fluid or continuous phase. For example, Taha and Cui
29 (2006b) found that in their CFD modeling of slug flow in vertical tubes by decreasing the
24 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 Morton number (Mo) under a constant value of Eötvös number (Eo), the curvature of the
2 bubble nose increases and the bubble tail flattens that results in an increment of the liquid
3 film thickness around the bubble. In addition, the curvature of bubble nose increases as Eo
4 goes up.

5 For the case of p << c, the Morton number (Mo) can be simplified to

6 Mo  (77)
c 3

7 Nusselt Number (Nu)

8 The Nusselt number (Nu) is defined as:

(Q / A)d hd
9 Nu   (78)
k(Tw  Tm ) k

10 And can be viewed as either the dimensionless heat transfer rate or dimensionless heat
11 transfer coefficient. It represents the ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer across
12 (normal to) the boundary. Nu  1, namely convection and conduction of similar magnitude,
13 is characteristic of "slug flow" or laminar flow. A larger Nusselt number corresponds to
14 more active convection, with turbulent flow typically in the range of 100–1000.

15 Ohnesorge Number (Oh)

16 The Ohnesorge number (Oh) is defined as:

l We viscous forces
17 Oh    (79)
 d l Re inertia . surface tension

18 And relates the viscous forces to inertial and surface tension forces. The combination of
19 these three forces into one masks the individual effects of every force. Often, it is used to
20 relate to free surface fluid dynamics like dispersion of liquids in gases and in spray
21 technology (Ohnesorge, 1936, Lefebvre, 1989). Also, it is used in analyzing liquid droplets
22 and droplet atomization processes. Larger Ohnesorge numbers indicate a greater effect of
23 the viscosity.

24 Using Eqs. (67) and (79), it is clear that there is an inverse relationship, between the Laplace
25 number (La) and the Ohnesorge number (Oh) as follows:

26 Oh  (80)

27 Historically, it is more correct to use the Ohnesorge number (Oh), but often mathematically
28 neater to use the Laplace number (La).
Two-Phase Flow 25

1 Peclet Number (Pe)

2 For diffusion of heat (thermal diffusion), the Peclet number is defined as:

3 Pe  Re Pr  (81)

4 For diffusion of particles (mass diffusion), it is defined as:

5 Pe  Re Sc  (82)

6 For example, Muradoglu et al. (2007) studied the influences of the Peclet number (Pe) on the
7 axial mass transfer (dispersion) in the liquid slugs. The researchers found that ‘‘convection’’
8 and ‘‘molecular diffusion’’ control the axial dispersion for various Peclet numbers (Pe). They
9 introduced three various regimes of Pe:

10 1. Convection-controlled regime when Pe > 103.

11 2. Diffusion-controlled regime when Pe < 102.
12 3. Transition regime when 102  Pe  103.

13 Phase Change Number (Ph)

14 The phase change number (Ph) is defined as follows:

c p (Ts  Tw ,i )
15 Ph  (83)

16 And represents the ratio of the enthalpy change due to the temperature difference between
17 the saturation temperature and inner wall temperature to the latent heat of vaporization. For
18 example, Haraguchi et al. (1994) expressed the condensation heat transfer coefficient in
19 terms of Nusselt number as a combination of forced convection condensation and gravity
20 controlled convection condensation terms. They expressed the gravity controlled convection
21 condensation term as a function of the phase change number (Phl).

22 Prandtl Number (Pr)

23 The Prandtl number (Pr) is defined as:

 cp
24 Pr   (84)
 k
25 And represents a measure of the rate of momentum diffusion versus the rate of thermal
26 diffusion. It should be noted that Prandtl number contains no such length scale in its
27 definition and is dependent only on the fluid and the fluid state. As a result, Prandtl number
28 is often found in property tables alongside other properties like viscosity and thermal
29 conductivity. It is used to characterize heat transfer in fluids. Typical values for Pr are:
26 Heat Transfer Book 1

Pr << 1 Liquid Metals

1 Pr  1 Gases (85)
Pr >> 1 Viscous Liquids

2 Low Pr means that conductive transfer is strong while high Pr means that convective
3 transfer is strong. For example, heat conduction is very effective compared to convection for
4 mercury (i.e. thermal diffusivity is dominant). On the other hand, convection is very
5 effective in transferring energy from an area, compared to pure conduction for engine oil
6 (i.e. momentum diffusivity is dominant).

7 In heat transfer problems, the Prandtl number controls the relative thickness of the
8 momentum and thermal boundary layers. When Pr is small, it means that the heat diffuses
9 very quickly compared to the velocity (momentum). This means that for liquid metals the
10 thickness of the thermal boundary layer is much bigger than the velocity boundary layer.
11 On the other hand, when Pr is high, it means that the heat diffuses very slowly compared to
12 the velocity (momentum). This means that for viscous liquids the thickness of the thermal
13 boundary layer is much smaller than the velocity boundary layer.

14 As seen, for example, in the two definitions of Graetz number (Gz) and Peclet number (Pe),
15 the mass transfer analog of the Prandtl number (Pr) is the Schmidt number (Sc).

16 Reynolds Number (Re)

17 The Reynolds number (Re) is defined as:

18 Re  (86)

19 And is traditionally defined as the ratio of inertial to viscous force scales. Often, it is most
20 used to determine whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.

21 Recently, Shannak (2009) analyzed the historical definition of dimensionless number as a

22 ratio of the most important forces that acts in single-phase flow to be applicable for the
23 multiphase flow. He presented new expressions for the multiphase flow like Reynolds
24 number (Re) and the Froude number (Fr) as a function of the primary influencing
25 parameters. Therefore, the presented extension for Reynolds number and Froude number in
26 his study could be simply extrapolated and used as well as more extensive applied for all
27 other dimensions numbers. Pressure drop, friction factors and flow maps of two- and
28 multiphase flow could be simply presented and graphically showed as a function of such
29 new defined numbers.

30 Ca/Re Number
31 The ratio of the Capillary number (Ca) and Reynolds number (Re) appears as a group in
32 plug flows. It results in a group that is independent of flow velocity:
Two-Phase Flow 27

Ca 2
1   La1  Su1 (87)
Re  d

2 This dimensionless group in Eq. (87) is used in flow pattern maps. For example,
3 Jayawardena et al. (1997) plotted (Reg/Rel) or Reg versus (Rel/Ca) (i.e. (Ca/Rel)-1 = Su) in their
4 flow pattern maps. Using this plot, the boundaries for a large set of experimental data,
5 obtained using various fluids and geometries, could be accurately predicted.
6 Also, the Ca/Re number is associated with Taylor plug flows. When combined with
7 dimensionless liquid slug length (L*) = Ls/d, it provides a measure of the effect that plug
8 characteristics have on pressure drop or fluid friction. Walsh et al. (2009) showed that when:

 Ca 
L*   >>1 Taylor Flow
 Re 
9 (88)
*  Ca

L  <<1 Poiseuille Flow
 Re 

10 Equivalent All Liquid Reynolds Number (Reeq)

11 The equivalent all liquid Reynolds number (Reeq) is defined as:

12 Re eq  (89)

  
0.5 

13 Geq  G (1  x)  x  l  (90)

  g  
   

14 This dimensionless number was proposed by Akers et al. (1959) and used, for example, in
15 the empirical correlations of Yan and Lin (1998) and Ma et al. (2004) for the two-phase
16 frictional pressure gradient.

17 Film Reynolds Number (Ref)

18 The film Reynolds number (Ref) is defined as:

19 Re f  (91)

20 This dimensionless group is used as a vertical coordinates in the flow mode map of Hu and
21 Jacobi (1996).

22 Particle Reynolds Number (Rep)

23 The particle or relative Reynolds number (Rep) is defined as:
28 Heat Transfer Book 1

 c U c  U p dp
1 Re p  (92)

2 The particle Reynolds number (Rep) is an important parameter in many industrial

3 applications with small droplets/bubbles in two-phase, two component flow because it
4 determines whether the flow falls into the category of the Stokes flow or not. Also, this
5 number is a benchmark to determine the appropriate drag coefficient (CD).

6 If Rep << 1, the two-phase flow would be termed Stokes flow. In the Stokes flow regime,
7 viscous bubbles or drops remain spherical; regardless of the Eötvös number (Eo) value. Even
8 at low particle Reynolds numbers, a wake is formed behind the sphere. This is a steady-state
9 wake, which becomes stronger as the Reynolds number increases and the inertia of the flow
10 around the bubbles/droplets overcomes the viscosity effects on the surface of the
11 bubbles/droplets (Crowe, 2006).

12 Richardson Number (Ri)

13 The Richardson number (Ri) is defined as:

 gd
14 Ri  (93)
U 2

15 And represents the ratio of buoyancy forces to inertial forces. It is clear that the Richardson
16 number (Ri) can be obtained from combining the density ratio (/) with the Froude
17 number (Fr).

18 Schmidt Number (Sc)

19 The Schmidt number (Sc) is defined as:

20 Sc  (94)

21 And represents the ratio of the momentum diffusivity to the mass diffusivity.

22 In mass transfer problems, the Schmidt number (Sc) controls the relative thickness of the
23 momentum and concentration boundary layers. When Sc is small, it means that the mass
24 diffuses very quickly compared to the velocity (momentum). This corresponds to the
25 thickness of the concentration boundary layer is much bigger than the velocity boundary
26 layer. On the other hand, when Sc is high, it means that the mass diffuses very slowly
27 compared to the velocity (momentum). This corresponds to the thickness of the
28 concentration boundary layer is much smaller than the velocity boundary layer.

29 As seen, for example, in the two definitions of Graetz number (Gz) and Peclet number (Pe),
30 the heat transfer analog of the Schmidt number (Sc) is the Prandtl number (Pr).
Two-Phase Flow 29

1 Sherwood Number (Sh)

2 The Sherwood number (Sh) is also called the mass transfer Nusselt number) and is defined as:

3 Sh  (95)
4 And represents the ratio of convective to diffusive mass transport. It is used in mass-transfer
5 operation.

6 For example, Kreutzer (2003) calculated the liquid–solid mass transfer with a finite-element
7 method, arriving at different values than reported by Duda and Vrentas (1971). These
8 results gave an expression for the length-averaged mass transfer from a circulating vortex to
9 the wall, without a lubricating film in between:

  Lslug 
-4/3    Lslug 
-4/3 
10 Sh  40 2 1 + 0.28     90 + 104     dRe Sc  (96)
  d     d    L 
       
11 Equation (96) is defined per unit slug volume and should be multiplied with the liquid
12 holdup to obtain a mass transfer coefficient based on channel volume. In addition, Eq. (96) is
13 only valid for the region in which the circulating vortex has at least circulated once.

14 Stanton Number (St)

15 In heat transfer problem, the Stanton number (St) is also called modified Nusselt number
16 and is defined as:

h Nu Nu
17 St    (97)
Uc p Re Pr Pe

18 And represents the ratio of the Nusselt number (Nu) to the Peclet number (Pe).

19 In mass transfer problem, the Stanton number (St) is also called modified Sherwood number
20 and is defined as:

K Sh Sh
21 St    (98)
U Re Sc Pe

22 And represents the ratio of the Sherwood number (Nu) to the Peclet number (Pe).

23 Stefan Number (Ste)

24 The Stefan number (Ste) is defined as:

c p T
25 Ste  (99)
30 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 And represents the ratio of sensible heat to latent heat. It is used in melting and
2 solidification.

3 Stokes Number (Stk)

4 The Stokes number (Stk) is defined as:

p  pdp2 / 18 c
5 Stk   (100)
c d / Uc

6 And represents the ratio of the particle momentum response time over a flow system time.
7 The Stokes number (Stk) is a very important parameter in liquid-particle motion and particle
8 dynamics, where particles are suspended in a fluid flow. Also, the Stokes number (Stk) can
9 be further related to the slip ratio (S) as follows:

10 S (101)
1  Stk

11 From Eq. (101), it is clear that if the Stokes number (Stk) tends to be zero, there would be no-
12 slip between the two phases (i.e. S = 1).

13 There are three kinds of situations can be observed for particles (bubbles/droplets)
14 suspended in fluid, namely: Case i) If Stk << 1 , the response time of the particles (p) is much
15 less than the characteristic time associated with the flow field (c). In this case, the particles
16 will have ample time to respond to changes in flow velocity. Case ii) Stk  0, where the two
17 phases are in thermodynamic or velocity equilibrium. Case c) if Stk >>1, the response time of
18 the particles (p) is much higher than the characteristic time associated with the flow field
19 (c). In this case, the particle will have essentially no time to respond to the fluid velocity
20 changes and the particle velocity will be little affected by fluid velocity change (Crowe,
21 2006).

22 Strouhal Number (Str)

23 The Strouhal number (Str) is defined as:

24 Str  (102)

25 In their study of the inclination effects on wave characteristics in annular gas–liquid flows,
26 Al-Sarkhi et al. (2012) correlated reasonably the Strouhal number (Str) for all inclination
27 angles as a function of the modified Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X*).

28 Weber Number (We)

29 The Weber number (We) is defined as:
Two-Phase Flow 31

U 2d
1 We  (103)

2 And represents a measure of inertial forces to interfacial forces. The Weber number (We) is
3 useful in analyzing the formation of droplets and bubbles. If the surface tension of the fluid
4 decreases, bubbles/droplets will have the tendency to decrease because of higher
5 momentum transfer between the phases.

6 This dimensionless group is used in flow pattern maps. Thus, the influence of pipe diameter
7 on the flow regimes is well accounted for through the use of the Weber number
8 dimensionless groups. For example, Zhao and Rezkallah (1993) and updated later with new
9 literature data by Rezkallah (1995, 1996) showed that three different regimes at a
10 microgravity environment (g = 0.0981 m/s2; on average) might be identified: (1) a surface
11 tension dominated regime with bubbly and slug flow, (2) an inertia dominated regime with
12 annular flow and (3) a transitional regime in between with frothy slug-annular flow. Then,
13 the boundary between the regimes was determined by the Weber number (Weg) that was
14 based on gas properties and gas superficial velocity. Roughly, the surface tension
15 dominated regime (regime 1) was delimited by Weg < 1 and the inertial regime (regime 2)
16 was delimited by Weg > 20. Rezkallah (1996) mentioned that the experimental data could be
17 better predicted using the mapping coordinates; Weg, and Wel that were based on the actual
18 gas and liquid velocities rather than the superficial ones. The transition from bubble/slug
19 type flows to transitional flow was shown to occur at a constant value of Weg (based on the
20 actual gas velocity) of about 2, while the transition from frothy slug-annular type flows to
21 fully-developed annular flow was shown to take place at Weg = 20.

22 In addition, Akbar et al. (2003) found an important resemblance between two-phase flow in
23 microchannels and in common large channels at microgravity. In both system types the
24 surface tension, inertia, and the viscosity are important factors, while buoyancy is
25 suppressed. As a result, the researchers used for microchannels two-phase flow regime
26 maps that had previously been developed for microgravity with the mapping coordinates;
27 Weg, and Wel that were based on the superficial gas and liquid velocities.

28 The Weber number (We) can be related to the Reynolds number (Re), Eötvös number (Eo),
29 and Morton Number (Mo) as:

 Mo 
30 We  Re 2   (104)
 Eo 

31 Also, the Weber number (We) can be expressed by using a combination of the Froude
32 number (Fr), Morton number (Mo), and Reynolds number (Re) as:

33 We  ( FrMo Re 4 )1/3 (105)

34 In addition, the Weber number (We) can be expressed by using a combination of the
35 Capillary number (Ca), and Reynolds number (Re) as (Sobieszuk et al., 2010):
32 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 We  Ca Re (106)

2 From Eq. (106), it is clear that the Ca/Re number can be expressed as:

Ca We / Re We
3  La1  Su1   2 (107)
Re Re Re

4 It should be noted that the length scale of the dispersed phase (bubble diameter) can be used
5 as the characteristic length instead of the pipe diameter (d) in these dimensionless groups
6 depending on the specific application.

7 Two-Phase Flow Frictional Multiplier

8 The two-phase flow frictional multiplier is defined as the ratio of the two-phase flow
9 frictional pressure gradient to some reference single-phase flow frictional pressure gradient,
10 usually based on one of the components flowing by itself. The reference phase can be either
11 the liquid phase pressure gradient that results in l2 or the gas phase pressure gradient that
12 results in g2.
13 In some models, the reference pressure gradient is based on the total mass flow as either a
14 liquid or gas. If the reference phase pressure gradient is based on the liquid phase properties
15 and the total mass flow, this results in lo2 or if the reference phase pressure gradient is based
16 on the gas phase properties and the total mass flow, this results in go2. The definitions of
17 different two-phase frictional multipliers will be presented later in Table 4.
18 Finally, the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X) is defined as:

19 X (108)

20 From Eq. (108), it should be noted that g = l when X = 1 although some correlations
21 available in the literature such as Goto et al. correlation (2001) of their obtained data for all
22 kinds of the refrigerant and the tube during the evaporation and the condensation do not
23 satisfy this condition (Awad, 2007b).
24 For the definition of two-phase frictional multipliers and Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X)
25 in liquid-liquid flow, the liquid with higher density is used similar to the liquid phase in
26 gas-liquid two-phase flow while the liquid with lower density is used similar to the gas
27 phase in gas-liquid two-phase flow (Awad and Butt (2009a)).
28 Muzychka and Awad (2010) mentioned that the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X) can be
29 viewed as a reference scale that defines the extent to which the two-phase flow frictional
30 pressure drop is characterized, i.e. dominated by liquid phase or dominated by gas phase:

X << 1 Gas Flow

31 X 1 Two-Phase Flow (109)
X >> 1 Liquid Flow
Two-Phase Flow 33

1 The Lockhart-Martinelli parameter for turbulent-turbulent flow (Xtt) can be related to the
2 Convection number (Co) as:

 
3 Xtt  Co  l  (110)
 g 
 

4 From Eq. (110), it should be noted that the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter for turbulent-
5 turbulent flow (Xtt) is equal to the Convection number (Co) at the critical state.

6 The modified Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X*) is defined as:

 g ml l Ul Frl
7 X*    (111)
l .  g U g Frg

lU 2
8 Frl  l
(  l   g ) gd cos

 gU 2
Frg  (113)
(  l   g ) gd cos

10 For example, Al-Sarkhi et al. (2012) studied inclination effects on wave characteristics in
11 annular gas–liquid flows. The researchers proposed correlations for wave celerity,
12 frequency, and liquid film Reynolds number as a function of the modified Lockhart-
13 Martinelli parameter (X*).

14 Two-Phase Heat Transfer Multiplier (E)

15 The two-phase heat transfer multiplier (E) is defined as follows:

h tp,r,o
16 E (114)
h l,r,o

17 And represents the ratio of two-phase heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant–oil mixture to
18 liquid-phase heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant–oil mixture. It is defined to quantify and
19 analyze the oil influence on two-phase heat transfer performance.

20 Besides the two-phase heat transfer multiplier (E), there is also the enhanced factor (EF). It is
21 defined as:

h tp,r,o
22 EF  (115)
h tp,r
34 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 And represents the ratio of heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant–oil mixture to that of pure
2 refrigerant. It is generally used to address oil effect on heat transfer.

3 Wei et al. (2007) mentioned that the measured data of heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant–
4 oil mixtures can be normalized by using (a) the two-phase heat transfer coefficient of pure
5 refrigerant, and (b) the liquid-phase heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant–oil mixture.

6 For more dimensionless groups, the reader can see (Catchpole and Fulford, 1966) and
7 (Fulford and Catchpole, 1968). In the first paper, Catchpole and Fulford (1966) compiled 210
8 dimensionless groups. Their constituent variables provided guide for solution of design and
9 development problems where dimensional analysis was utilized as practical tool. In the
10 second paper, Fulford and Catchpole (1968) compiled and tabulated 75 dimensionless
11 groups, published in literature since authors' extensive compilation in March 1966, for
12 interpolation into previous listing. The researchers gave table of alphabetical list of new
13 groups with serial No., name, symbol, definition, significance, field of use, and reference.
14 Also, they gave tables for identifying dimensionless groups with parameter, symbol,
15 dimensions, exponent and groups.

16 2.2. Scale analysis

17 Scale analysis is the art of examining the magnitude order of terms appearing in the
18 governing equations. The objective of scale analysis is to use the basic principles in order to
19 produce the magnitude order. For example, in two-phase flow, Kandlikar (2010a) presented
20 a scaling analysis to identify the relative effects of various forces on the boiling process at
21 microscale. There were five major forces that come into play. There were inertia, surface
22 tension, shear, gravity, and evaporation momentum forces. Also, Kandlikar (2010b) applied
23 scale analysis to identify the relevant forces leading to the critical heat flux (CHF) condition
24 during saturated flow boiling in microchannels and minichannels. Using these forces (the
25 evaporation momentum, surface tension, shear, inertia, and gravity forces), the researcher
26 developed a local parameter model to predict the flow boiling CHF.

27 3 Flow patterns in two-phase flow

28 Flow patterns in two-phase flow depend on different flow parameters, including the
29 physical properties of fluids (the density of the gas and liquid phases (g and l), the
30 viscosity of the gas and liquid phases (g and l), and the surface tension ()), the flow rate
31 of the gas and liquid phases ( Q g and Q l ), as well as the geometrical dimensions of the flow
32 system. For example, Weisman et al. (1979) obtained extensive new data on the transitions
33 between two-phase flow patterns during co-current gas liquid flow in horizontal lines. The
34 researchers varied fluid properties in a systematic manner to determine the effects of liquid
35 viscosity, liquid density, interfacial tension and gas density. Line sizes varied from 1.2 to 5
36 cm for most of the tests. They supplemented visual observations by an analysis of pressure
37 drop fluctuations and hence their present data were believed to be less subjective than most
38 past observations. They compared the transition data from their present tests, as well as
Two-Phase Flow 35

1 available literature data, to the most frequently used transition line correlations. In almost
2 all cases serious deficiencies were observed. Revised dimensionless correlations that fit their
3 present data, and those previously available, were presented.
4 Physically, the formation of specific flow patterns is governed by the competition of
5 different forces in the system such as inertia, viscous, gravitational, and surface tension
6 forces. Flow patterns in two-phase flow at both horizontal and vertical orientations are
7 discussed below.

8 4 Flow pattern maps

9 Flow pattern maps are an attempt, on a two-dimensional graph, to separate the space into
10 areas corresponding to the different flow patterns. Simple flow pattern maps use the same
11 axes for all flow patterns and transitions while complex flow pattern maps use different axes
12 for different transitions. Flow pattern maps exist for both horizontal and vertical flow.

13 4.1. Flow pattern map in a horizontal two-phase flow

14 Flow Patterns maps are constructed of liquid superficial velocity (Ul) versus gas superficial
15 velocity (Ug). In these maps, experimentally determined flow patterns are plotted with
16 different markers, and the boundaries, i.e., the transitions of one flow pattern to the other,
17 are plotted by lines. Which flow pattern actually occurs in a system depends on many
18 factors such as the gas and liquid properties (g, g, l, l,), pipe geometry (at least d) and
19 gas and liquid superficial velocities (Ug, Ul). The number of relevant dimensionless groups is
20 large, and most experimental flow maps in the literature are applicable only to the specific
21 systems in which they were obtained. Most of the transitions depend on a disturbance to
22 grow, and the amplitude of the disturbances introduced has a profound influence on the
23 flow map.
24 The Baker map is an example of flow pattern map for horizontal flow in a pipe. Figure 1
25 shows Baker flow pattern map for horizontal flow in a pipe. This map was first suggested
26 by Baker (1954), and was subsequently modified by Scott (1964). The axes are defined in
27 terms of Gg/ and Gl, where

28 Gg  (116)

29 Gl  (117)

   2
l 
 
31 (118)
   
 air water 
36 Heat Transfer Book 1

   water 
2 3
1    water     (119)
   water   l  
 

2 The dimensionless parameters  and, were introduced to account for variations in the
3 density, surface tension, and dynamic viscosity of the flowing media. These parameters are
4 functions of the fluid properties normalized with respect to the properties of water and air
5 at standard conditions. Both  and  reduce to 1 for water/air mixtures at standard
6 conditions. The Baker map is reasonably well for water/air and oil/gas mixtures in small
7 diameter (< 0.05 m) pipes.

9 Figure 1. Baker Flow Pattern Map for Horizontal Flow in a Pipe (Whalley, 1987).

10 The Taitel and Dukler (1976) map is the most widely used flow pattern map for horizontal
11 two-phase flow. This map is based on a semi-theoretical method, and it is computationally
12 more difficult to use than other flow maps. The horizontal coordinate of the Taitel and
13 Dukler (1976) map is the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X), Eq. (108). The vertical
14 coordinates of the Taitel and Dukler (1976) map are K on the left hand side and T or F on the
15 right hand side. They are defined as follows:

g Ug
16 F (120)
l   g dg cos

  gU 2 
dUl 
17 (121)
 ( l   g )dg cos  l 
 

 (dp / dz) f ,l 
18 T  (122)
(    g ) g cos 
 l 
Two-Phase Flow 37

1 It should be noted that determination of the flow regime using Taitel and Dukler’s (1976)
2 map requires (dp/dz)f,l and (dp/dz)f,g that should be determined using appropriate flow
3 models. Taitel and Dukler (1976) concluded that the different transitions were controlled by
4 the grouping tabulated below:

5 i. Stratified to annular – X, F.
6 ii. Stratified to intermittent – X, F.
7 iii. Intermittent to bubble – X, T.
8 iv. Stratified smooth to Stratified wavy – X, K.
9 It should be noted that the Taitel and Dukler (1976) map was obtained for adiabatic two-
10 phase flow; however, the transition boundaries between various flow regimes depend on
11 the heat flux. Nevertheless, this flow map is often used to determine the flow patterns for
12 evaporation and condensation inside pipes, for which external heating or cooling is
13 required. As with any extrapolation, application of this flow map to forced convective
14 boiling or condensation inside a pipe may not yield reliable results. Taitel (1990) presented a
15 good review about flow pattern transition in two-phase flow.

16 4.2. Flow pattern map in a vertical two-phase flow

17 The Hewitt and Roberts (1969) map is an example of flow pattern map for vertical flow in a
18 pipe. Figure 2 shows Hewitt and Roberts flow pattern map for vertical upflow in a pipe.
19 Since the axes are defined in terms of Gg/g and Gl/l (phase momentum flux). So all the
20 transitions are assumed to depend on the phase momentum fluxes. Wispy annular flow is a
21 sub-category of annular flow that occurs at high mass flux when the entrained drops are
22 said to appear as wisps or elongated droplets. The Hewitt and Roberts map is reasonably
23 well for all water/air and water/steam systems over a range of pressures in small diameter
24 pipes. For both horizontal and vertical maps, it should be noted also that the transitions
25 between adjacent flow patterns do not occur suddenly but over a range of flow rates. So, the
26 lines should really be replaced by rather broad transition bands.

28 Figure 2. Hewitt and Roberts Flow Pattern Map for Vertical Upflow in a Pipe (Whalley, 1987).
38 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 5 Pressure drop in two-phase flow

2 The pressure drop, which is the change of fluid pressure occurring as a two-phase flow
3 passes through the system. The pressure drop is very important parameter in the design of
4 both adiabatic systems and systems with phase change, like boilers and condensers. In
5 natural circulation systems, the pressure drop dictates the circulation rate, and hence the
6 other system parameters. In forced circulation systems, the pressure drop governs the
7 pumping requirement.
8 In addition, the pressure drop is very important in pipelines because co-current flow of
9 liquid and vapor (gas) create design and operational problems due to formation of different
10 types of two-phase flow patterns. Estimation of pressure drop in these cases helps the
11 piping designer in reaching an optimum line size and a better piping system design.
12 Not only accurate prediction of pressure drop is extremely important when designing both
13 horizontal and vertical two-phase flow systems, but also it is extremely important when
14 designing inclined two-phase flow systems like directional wells or hilly terrain pipelines.
15 Pipe inclination has an appreciable effect on flow patterns, slippage between phases and
16 energy transfer between phases. There is no method for performing these calculations,
17 which is accurate for all flow conditions. Historically, pressure drop in inclined flow has
18 often been calculated using horizontal or vertical two-phase flow correlations. This is often
19 satisfactory if the pipe inclination is very near to the horizontal case or the vertical case.
20 However, this may not be the case in many applications.
21 The total measured pressure drop in two-phase flow (p) consists of three contributions.
22 The first contribution is the frictional pressure drop (pf). The second contribution is the
23 acceleration pressure drop (pa). The third contribution is the gravitational pressure drop
24 (pgrav).

25 p  p f  pa  pgrav (123)

26 The acceleration pressure drop (pa) can be neglected in the adiabatic flow. For flow in a
27 horizontal pipe, the gravitational pressure drop (pgrav) is zero. Thus, the total measured
28 pressure drop (p) in the adiabatic experiments in horizontal pipes comes from the frictional
29 pressure drop (pf) only. Two-phase pressure drop can be measured for gas–liquid adiabatic
30 flow or it can also be measured for vapor–liquid nonadiabatic, boiling or condensing flow.
31 Laboratory measurements tend to be made with adiabatic gas–liquid flow, for instance, air–
32 water flow, rather than vapor–liquid flow with phase change because of ease and low cost
33 of operation.
34 The frictional pressure drop results from the shear stress between the flowing fluid and the
35 pipe wall and also from the shear stress between the liquid and gas phases. To compute the
36 frictional component of pressure drop, either the two-phase friction factor or the two-phase
37 frictional multiplier must be known. It is necessary to know the void fraction (the ratio of
38 gas flow rate to total flow rate) to compute the acceleration, and gravitational components of
39 pressure drop (ASHRAE, 1993).
Two-Phase Flow 39

1 The acceleration component of pressure drop (pa) reflects the change in kinetic energy of
2 the flow. Assuming the vapor and liquid velocities to be uniform in each phase, the
3 acceleration component of pressure drop can be obtained by the application of a simplified
4 momentum equation in the form:

  (1  x )2 x 2   (1  xi )2 x 2  
5 pa  G 2   o
 o   i  (124)
 (1   o )  g o    l (1   i )  g i  
  l 

6 The gravitational component of pressure gradient can be expressed in terms of the void
7 fraction as follows:

 dp 
8    g[ g  (1   ) l ]sin  (125)
 dz  grav

9 Using Eq. (125) and knowing that m = , the gravitational component of pressure gradient
10 based on the homogeneous model can be expressed as follows:

 dp  g sin 
11    (126)
  grav ,m
dz x 1 x

g l

12 5.1. Two-phase frictional multiplier

13 The two-phase frictional pressure drop (pf) can be expressed in terms of two-phase
14 frictional multiplier. This representation method is often useful for calculation and
15 comparison needs. For example, the two-phase frictional pressure drop (pf) can be
16 expressed in terms of the single-phase frictional pressure drop for the total flow considered
17 as liquid (pf,lo) using two-phase frictional multiplier for total flow assumed liquid in the
18 pipe (lo2). The single-phase frictional pressure drop for the total flow considered as liquid is
19 computed from the total mass flux (G) and the physical properties of the liquid. The concept
20 of all-liquid frictional pressure drop is useful because it allows the correlation to be tied into
21 single-phase results at one end and eliminates any ambiguity about the physical properties
22 to use, especially viscosity. Moreover, the all-liquid frictional pressure drop is chosen over
23 the all-gas frictional pressure drop, because the liquid density generally does not vary in a
24 problem, while the gas density changes with pressure. Also, the correlation of frictional
25 pressure drop in terms of the parameter (lo2) is more convenient for boiling and
26 condensation problems than (l2). The parameter (lo2) was first introduced by Martinelli and
27 Nelson (1948). Table 2 shows definitions of different two-phase frictional multipliers.

28 The relationship between two-phase frictional multiplier for all flow as liquid (lo2) and two-
29 phase frictional multiplier for liquid fraction only (l2) is:

30 lo2  l2 (1  x)2n (127)

40 Heat Transfer Book 1

Two-Phase Frictional Reynolds

Mass Flux Density Symbol
Multiplier Number
All flow as liquid Gl+ Gg l (Gl+ Gg)d/l lo2
Liquid fraction only Gl l Gld/l l2
Gas fraction only Gg g Ggd/g g2
All flow as gas Gl+ Gg g (Gl+ Gg)d/g go2
1 Table 2. Definitions of Different Two-Phase Frictional Multipliers.

2 Also, the relationship between two-phase frictional multiplier for all flow as gas (go2) and
3 two-phase frictional multiplier for gas fraction only (g2) is:

4 go
 g2 x 2 n (128)

5 In addition, the relationship between two-phase frictional multiplier for all flow as gas (go2)
6 and two-phase frictional multiplier for all flow as liquid (lo2) can be obtained using Eqs.
7 (108), (127), and (128) as follows:

2 n
 x 
8 go
 lo2 X 2   (129)
 1 x 

9 In Eqs. (127-129), n = 1 for laminar-laminar flow while n = 0.25 for turbulent-turbulent flow.
10 Moreover, the relationship between two-phase frictional multiplier for all flow as liquid
11 (lo2) and two-phase frictional multiplier for all flow as gas (go2) can be related to physical
12 property coefficient () introduced by Chisholm (1973) as follows:

lo2 p f ,go
13   2 (130)
2 p f ,lo

14 5.2. Some forms of dimensionless two-phase frictional pressure drop (pf*)

15 Keilin et al. (1969) expressed two-phase frictional pressure drop (pf) in a dimensionless
16 form as follows:

p f
18 p *f  (131)
xp f ,go  (1  x)p f ,lo

19 The above expression satisfies the following limiting conditions:

20 at x  0, Dp f  Dp f ,lo and Dp f *  0; at x  1, Dp f  Dp f ,go and Dp f *  1; (132)

21 The dimensionless two-phase frictional pressure drop (pf*) can be expressed as a function
22 of two-phase frictional multipliers as follows:
Two-Phase Flow 41

1 p *f  (133)

1  x  x lo2 / go

2 For turbulent-turbulent flow, and using the Blasius equation (1913) to define the friction
3 factor, Eq. (133) can be expressed as follows:

       
1  x  x  l   1  x  x  l  
   g    g 
     
4 p *f  (134)
   g 
1 x  x  l   
 g   l 
   

5 Borishansky et al. (1973) expressed two-phase frictional pressure drop (pf) in a

6 dimensionless form as follows:

p f  p f ,lo
7 p *f  (135)
p f ,go  p f ,lo

8 The above expression satisfies the following limiting conditions:

9 at x  0, Dp f  Dp f ,lo and Dp f *  0; at x  1, Dp f  Dp f ,go and Dp f *  1; (136)

10 The dimensionless two-phase frictional pressure drop (pf*) can be expressed as a function
11 of two-phase frictional multipliers as follows:

lo2  1
12 p *f  (137)
 2
lo / go
13 For turbulent-turbulent flow, and using the Blasius equation (1913) to define the friction
14 factor, Eq. (137) can be expressed as follows:
       
1  x  x  l   1  x  x  l   1
   g    g 
     
15 p*f  (138)
   g 
 l   1
 g   
   l

16 6. Methods of analysis
17 Two-phase flows obey all of the basic equations of fluid mechanics (continuity equation,
18 momentum equation, and energy equation). However, the equations for two-phase flows
19 are more complicated than those of single-phase flows. The techniques for analyzing one-
20 dimensional two-phase flows include correlations, the phenomenological models, simple
42 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 analytical model, and other methods such as integral analysis, differential analysis,
2 computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and artificial neural network (ANN).

3 6.1. Correlations
4 The basic procedure used in predicting the frictional pressure drop in two-phase flow is
5 developing a general correlation based on statistical evaluation of the data. The main
6 disadvantage of this procedure is the difficulty in deciding on a method of properly
7 weighing the fit in each flow pattern. For example, it is difficult to decide whether a
8 correlation giving a poor fit with stratified flow and a good fit with annular flow is a better
9 correlation than one giving a fair fit for both kinds of flow. Although the researchers that
10 deal with two-phase flow problems still continue to use general correlations, alternate
11 procedures must be developed to improve the ability to predict the pressure drop. In
12 addition, correlations fitted to data banks that contain measurements with a number of
13 liquid-gas combinations for different flow conditions and pipe diameters often have the
14 disadvantage of containing a large number of constants and of being inconvenient in use.
15 The correlation developed by Bandel (1973), is an example of this type of correlations.

16 The prediction of frictional pressure drop in two-phase flow can also be achieved by
17 empirical correlations. Correlating the experimental data in terms of chosen variables is a
18 convenient way of obtaining design equations with a minimum of analytical work. There
19 are a considerable number of empirical correlations for the prediction of frictional pressure
20 drop in two-phase flow. Although the empirical correlations require a minimum of
21 knowledge of the system characteristics, they are limited by the range of data available for
22 correlation construction. Most of these empirical correlations can be used beyond the range
23 of the data from that they were constructed but with poor reliability (Dukler et al., 1964).
24 Also, deviations of several hundred percent between predicted and measured values may
25 be found for conditions outside the range of the original data from that these correlations
26 were derived (Dukler et al., 1964).

27 The prediction of void fraction in two-phase flow can also be achieved by empirical
28 correlations. There are a considerable number of empirical correlations for the prediction of
29 void fraction. The empirical correlations are usually presented in terms of the slip ratio (S).

30 6.2. Phenomenological models

31 The phenomenological models can be developed based on the interfacial structure.
32 Including phenomenon specific information like interfacial shear stress and slug frequency
33 is used to obtain a complete picture of the flow. To reduce the dependence on empirical
34 data, modeling on a theoretical basis is used. However, some empiricism is still required.
35 The prediction of pressure gradient, void fraction, and the heat transfer coefficient
36 simultaneously means that the phenomenological model is now preferred. For design
37 purposes, the phenomenological models are often brought together within a framework
38 provided by a flow pattern map such as Taitel, and Dukler (1976) flow pattern map. These
39 flow pattern-based phenomenological models take into consideration the interfacial
Two-Phase Flow 43

1 structure and the phase velocity distribution for every individual two-phase flow pattern.
2 Quiben and Thome (2007) mentioned that the flow pattern-based phenomenological models
3 are able to provide a more accurate prediction of the frictional pressure drop than the
4 homogeneous and separated flow models. For example, the researchers developed an
5 empirical correlation for the interfacial friction factor (fi) in annular flow by considering the
6 effects of the liquid film thickness, interfacial wave, viscosity ratio of the gas and liquid
7 phases and the liquid inertia. Their correlation was

1.4 0.034
 
1.2  (    ) g 2   g 
  U 2d 
8 fi  0.67    l g
    l l  (139)
d        
   l  

9 In Eq. (139), the expression ((l-g)g2/) came from manipulation of the Helmholtz
10 instability equation using  as the scaling factor for the most dangerous wavelength for the
11 formation of interfacial waves. The Quiben and Thome (2007) model predicted a maximum
12 in the frictional pressure drop but no explicit value of xmaz was proposed. According to their
13 theory, the maximum occurred either in the annular flow regime or at the annular-to-dryout
14 transition or at the annular-to-mist flow transition depending on the conditions.
15 Recently, Revellin and Haberschill (2009) presented an alternative approach for the
16 prediction of frictional pressure drop during flow boiling of refrigerants in horizontal tubes
17 over the entire range of vapor quality. The researchers developed an explicit expression
18 (never proposed before) for the vapor quality corresponding to the maximum pressure drop
19 (xmaz). This maximum was obtained by a flow regime analysis. Based on this maximum and
20 on the pressure drop for liquid and vapor, they developed a simple linear function for
21 predicting the frictional pressure drop. They mentioned that their method presented the
22 best accuracy and predicts almost 86% of the data within a  30% error band. Their method
23 did not include any new empirical parameters and could be used for a wide range of
24 experimental conditions. Furthermore, the experimental data were also segregated into flow
25 regimes and compared to every individual prediction method. The linear approach
26 presented the best statistics for every flow regime.
27 For two-phase flow in microchannels, phenomenological models were developed primarily
28 for the slug and annular flow patterns due to their dominance on the two-phase flow maps
29 as well as their direct engineering relevance (Kreutzer et al., 2005a, Gunther and Jensen,
30 2006, Angeli, and Gavriilidis, 2008). For example, Kreutzer et al. (2005b) developed a
31 phenomenological model for pressure drop in gas-liquid plug flow that includes the effects
32 of plug length (Ls), Reynolds number (Re) and Capillary number (Ca). Later, Walsh et al.
33 (2009) improved this model by considering additional data and the data of Kreutzer et al.
34 (2005b). The proposed model of Walsh et al. (2009) is the asymptotic superposition of single-
35 phase Poiseuille flow and an empirically derived result for Taylor flow. Their model takes
36 the form:

1.92  Re 
37 f Re  16    (140)
L*  Ca 
44 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 Where L* = Ls/d is the dimensionless liquid plug length and the Reynolds number (Re) is
2 computed based on the velocity and properties of the liquid slug. The transition from Taylor
3 flow to Poiseuille flow occurs when:

 Ca 
4 L*   >1 (141)
 Re 

5 Below this critical value, significant contribution to the total pressure drop occurs due to the
6 Laplace pressure contributions from the bubble train.

7 Walsh et al. (2009) mentioned that their plug flow model was found to have accuracy of
8 4.4% rms when compared with the data.

9 As shown in Fig. 3, the author suggests that the plug flow model of Walsh et al. (2009), Eq.
10 (140), can be extended in order to calculate total pressure drop in two phase slug/bubble
11 flows in mini scale capillaries for non-circular shapes as follows:

  0.33 
 16 1  0.12  Re   circular
  L*  Ca  
 
  0.12  Re 0.33 

12 f Re   24 1  *    parallel plates (142)
  L  Ca  
 

  0.12  Re 0.33 
14.23 1  *    square
 L  Ca  
 

Parallel Plates


0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
14 L (Ca/Re)0.33

15 Figure 3. The Extension of the Plug Flow Model of Walsh et al. (2009), Eq. (140), for Total Pressure Drop
16 in Two Phase Slug/Bubble Flows in Mini Scale Capillaries for Different Shapes (Circular, Parallel Plates,
17 Square).
Two-Phase Flow 45

1 Moreover, instead of 16, 24, and 14.23 for circular, parallel plates, and square, respectively,
2 the Shah and London (1978) relation for (fRe) for laminar flow forced convection in
3 rectangular ducts as a function of the aspect ratio (AR):

4 fRe  24(1  1.3553AR  1.9467AR 2  1.7012AR 3  0.9564AR 4  0.2537AR 5 ) (143)

5 Equation (142) still needs verifications using experimental/numerical data to check if the
6 constant multiplied by term (Re/Ca)0.33/L* is 0.12 or not for non-circular shapes. Dividing both
7 sides of Eq. (142) by the Poiseuille flow limit, which is 16, 24, and 14.23 for circular, parallel
8 plates, and square, respectively, we obtain

 0.12  Re 0.33
1    circular
 L*  Ca 
 0.33
f Re  0.12  Re 
9  1  *   parallel plates (144)
f Re Poise  L  Ca 
 0.33
1  0.12  Re 
 *   square
 L  Ca 

10 It is clear from Eq. (144) that the normalized variable (fRe/fRePoise) has the same value for
11 different shapes such as circular, parallel plates, and square.
12 Recently, Talimi et al. (2012) reviewed numerical studies on the hydrodynamic and heat
13 transfer characteristics of two-phase flows in small tubes and channels. These flows were
14 non-boiling gas–liquid and liquid–liquid slug flows. Their review began with some general
15 notes and important details of numerical simulation setups. Then, they categorized the
16 review into two groups of studies: circular and non-circular channels. Various aspects like
17 slug formation, slug shape, flow pattern, pressure drop and heat transfer were of interest.
18 The prediction of void fraction in two-phase flow can also be achieved by using models for
19 specific flow regimes. The Taitel and Dukler (1976) model is an example for this type of model.
20 It should be noted that the precision and accuracy of phenomenological models are equal to
21 those of empirical methods, while the probability density function is less sensitive to
22 changes in fluid system (Tribbe and Müller-Steinhagen, 2000).

23 6.3. Simple analytical models

24 Simple analytical models are quite successful method for organizing the experimental
25 results and for predicting the design parameters. Simple analytical models take no account
26 of the details of the flow. Examples of simple analytical models include the homogeneous
27 flow model, the separated flow model, and the drift flux model.

28 6.3.1. The homogeneous flow model

29 The homogeneous flow model provides the simplest technique for analyzing two-phase (or
30 multiphase) flows. In the homogeneous model, both liquid and vapor phases move at the
46 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 same velocity (slip ratio = 1). Consequently, the homogeneous model has also been called
2 the zero slip model. The homogeneous model considers the two-phase flow as a single-
3 phase flow having average fluid properties depending on quality. Thus, the frictional
4 pressure drop is calculated by assuming a constant friction coefficient between the inlet and
5 outlet sections of the pipe.

6 Using the homogeneous modeling approach, the frictional pressure gradient can be
7 calculated using formulas from single-phase flow theory using mixture properties (m and
8 m). For flow in pipes and channels, it can be obtained using the familiar equations:

 d   dp 
9 f   2 
   (145)
 2 U   dz  f

10 Simple friction models

11 Since the homogeneous flow model is founded on using single-phase flow models with
12 appropriate mixture models for m and m, some useful results for laminar, turbulent, and
13 transition flows in circular and non-circular shapes are provided. The models given below
14 are for the Fanning friction factor that is related to the Darcy friction factor by means of
15 f = fD/4.

16 Hagen-Poiseuille model

17 For Redh < 2300, the Hagen-Poiseuille flow (White, 2005) gives:

 16 circular

18 f Red   24 parallel plates (146)

19 Moreover, instead of 16, 24, and 14.23 for circular, parallel plates, and square, respectively,
20 Eq. (146) that represents the Shah and London (1978) relation for (fRe) for laminar flow
21 forced convection in rectangular ducts as a function of the aspect ratio (AR) can be used.

22 For two-phase flow, Awad and Muzychka (2007, 2010b) used the Hagen-Poiseuille flow to
23 represent the Fanning friction factor based on laminar-laminar flow assumption.

24 Blasius model

25 For turbulent flow, the value of the Fanning friction factor cannot be predicted from the
26 theory alone, but it must be determined experimentally. Dimensional analysis shows that
27 the Fanning friction factor is a function of the Reynolds number (Redh) and relative
28 roughness (/dh). For turbulent flow in smooth pipes, Blasius (1913) obtained the
29 relationship between the Fanning friction factor (f) and the Reynolds number (Redh) as

30 f 3 000 < Red < 100 000 (147)
Two-Phase Flow 47

1 For two-phase flow, Awad and Muzychka (2005a) used the Blasius equation to represent the
2 Fanning friction factor for obtaining the lower bound of two-phase frictional pressure
3 gradient based on turbulent-turbulent flow assumption.

4 Drew et al. model

5 Drew et al. (1932) obtained a relationship between the Fanning friction factor (f) and the
6 Reynolds number (Redh) with a deviation of 5% using their own experimental data and
7 those of other investigators on smooth pipes. Their relationship was

8 f  0.0014  3 000 <Red < 3 000 000 (148)
Re d0.32 h

9 Petukhov model

10 Petukhov (1970) developed a single correlation that encompassed the large Reynolds
11 number range for friction factor in turbulent pipe flow with variable physical properties. His
12 correlation was

13 f  0.25(0.790ln Re d  2.0)2 3 000  Red  5000 000 (149)

h h

14 Glielinski model

15 Glielinski (1976) derived an equation for the calculation of heat and mass transfer
16 coefficients in the case of pipe and channel flow, taking into account the experimental data
17 for high Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. His equation was valid for the transition region
18 and for the range of fully developed turbulent flows. His equation for the friction factor was:

19 f (150)
(1.82 lnRe - 1.64)2

20 Also, Glielinski (1976) used his friction factor equation to calculate the Nusselt number (Nu)
21 as follows:

(f/2) (Re - 1000) Pr

22 Nu  (151)
1 + 12.7 (f/2)1/2 (Pr 2/3 - 1)

23 This heat transfer correlation was valid for 0.5< Pr <106 and Re > 3 000. Later, Gnielinski
24 (1999) provided an alternative approach to the Nusselt numbers prediction in the transition
25 region based on a complex linear interpolation between Re = 2 300 and 10 000.

26 Swamee and Jain model

27 Swamee and Jain (1976) proposed an alternate form of the turbulent friction model
28 developed by Colebrook (1939). It allows the influence of pipe or channel wall roughness to
29 be considered. Swamee and Jain (1976) reported that it provided accuracy within 1.5%
30 when compared with the Colebrook model. The Swamee and Jain model is:
48 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 f 2
  /d 
5.74 
16 log  h
 0.9  
  3.7 Re d  
  h 

2 Churchill model

3 Since the definitive picture of the transition process and the transition mechanism are still
4 unclear, the laminar to turbulent transition region should be considered a metastable and
5 complicated region. The transition region is a varying mixture of various transport
6 mechanisms and the mixed degree relies on the Reynolds number value and other
7 conditions. In this study, Churchill (1977) developed a model to define the Fanning friction
8 factor. In his model, he developed a correlation of the Moody chart (1944). His correlation
9 spanned the entire range of laminar, transition, and turbulent flow in pipes. The Churchill
10 model equations that define the Fanning friction factor were

 
12 
f  2  
8 1
11   (153)
 Re  ( a  b ) 3/2 
 dh  

 1 
12 a   2.457 ln  (154)
 (7 / Re d )0.9  (0.27 / dh ) 
 h 

 37530 
13 b  (155)
 Red 
 h 

14 The Churchill model can be used due to its simplicity and accuracy of prediction. It is
15 preferable since it encompasses all Reynolds numbers and includes roughness effects in the
16 turbulent regime. Also, when a computer is used, the Churchill model equations are more
17 recommended than the Blasius equations to define the Fanning friction factor (Chisholm,
18 1983). The Churchill model may be extended to non-circular shapes, by introducing the
19 more general Poiseuille constant (Po). The factor of eight appearing above in Eq. (153) can be
20 replaced by fRedh/2.

21 For two-phase flow, Awad and Muzychka (2004a) presented a simple two-phase frictional
22 multiplier calculation method using the Churchill model to define the Fanning friction
23 factor to take into account the effect of the mass flux on lo2. Also, Awad and Muzychka
24 (2004b) used the Churchill model to calculate the single-phase friction factors (fl and fg).
25 These friction factors were used to calculate single-phase frictional pressure gradients for
26 liquid and gas flowing alone. Two-phase frictional pressure gradient was then expressed
27 using a nonlinear superposition of the asymptotic single-phase frictional pressure gradients
28 for liquid and gas flowing alone. Moreover, Awad and Muzychka (2008, 2010b) calculated
Two-Phase Flow 49

1 the friction factor for the case of minichannels and microchannels using the Churchill model
2 to allow for prediction over the full range of laminar-transition-turbulent regions.

3 Phillips model

4 Phillips (1987) was not aware of published results of the developing turbulent flow average
5 friction factor for x/dh > 20. Therefore, he decided to re-integrate the curves of the local
6 friction factor. He obtained the following equation for the average turbulent friction factor:

7 f  A Re B (156)

8 A  0.09290  (157)
x / dh

9 B  0.26800  (158)
x / dh

10 Equation (156) applies for circular pipes. In order to obtain the friction factor for rectangular
11 ducts, Re is replaced by Re*as follows:

12 Re *  (159)

 2   11   1 
13 del       2   d (160)
 3   24 AR   AR   h
 

14 Recently, Ong and Thome (2011) found that the single-phase friction factor for turbulent
15 flow in small horizontal circular channels compared well with the correlation by Philips
16 (1987).

17 García et al. model

18 García et al. (2003) took data from 2 435 gas-liquid flow experiments in horizontal pipelines,
19 including new data for heavy oil. The definition of the Fanning friction factor for gas–liquid
20 flow used in their study is based on the mixture velocity and density. Their universal
21 (independent of flow type) composite (for all Reynolds number) correlation for gas-liquid
22 Fanning friction factor (FFUC) was

13.98 Re m0.9501  0.0925Re m

23 fm  0.0925Re m0.2534  0.1972
  Re 4.864 
1   m  
  293  
 

U md
24 Re m  (162)
50 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 Um  Ul  U g (163)

2 The standard deviation of the correlated friction factor from the measured value was
3 estimated to be 29.05% of the measured value. They claimed that the above correlation was a
4 best guess for the pressure gradient when the flow type was unknown or different flow
5 types were encountered in one line.
6 It should be noted that García et al. (2003) definition of the mixture Reynolds number is not
7 suitable at high values of the dryness fraction. For example, for single-phase gas flow of air-
8 water mixture at atmospheric conditions, García et al. (2003) definition gives Rem = 14.9Reg
9 instead of Rem = Reg.
10 Fang et al. model
11 Fang et al. (2011) evaluated the existing single-phase friction factor correlations. Also, the
12 researchers obtained new correlations of single-phase friction factor for turbulent pipe flow.
13 For turbulent flow in smooth pipes, they proposed the following correlation:
  150.39 152.66  
14 f = 0.0625  log  0.98865   (164)
  Re Re  

15 In the range of Re = 3000–108, their new correlation had the mean absolute relative error
16 (MARE) of 0.022%. For turbulent flow in both smooth and rough pipes, they proposed the
17 following correlation:
  60.525 56.291  
18 f = 0.4325 ln  0.234 1.1007  1.1105  1.0712   (165)
  Re Re 

19 In the range of Re = 3000–108 and ε = 0.0–0.05, the new correlation had the MARE of 0.16%.

20 Effective density models

21 For the homogeneous model, the density of two-phase gas-liquid flow (m) can be expressed
22 as follows:
 x 1 x 
23 m     (166)
 g  
 l 
24 Equation (166) can be derived knowing that the density is equal to the reciprocal of the
25 specific volume and using thermodynamics relationship for the specific volume

26 vm  (1  x)vl  xvg (167)

27 Equation (166) can also be obtained based on the volume averaged value as follows:
 x 1 x 
28  m   m  g  (1   m )  l     (168)
 g  
 l 
Two-Phase Flow 51

1 Equation (166) satisfies the following limiting conditions between (m) and mass quality (x):

x  0,  m   l 
x  1,  m   g 
2 (169)

3 There are other definitions of two-phase density (m). For example, Dukler et al. (1964)
4 defined two-phase density (m) as follows:

(1   m )2  2
5 m  l m   g m (170)
Hl 1  Hl

6 Also, Oliemans (1976) defined two-phase density (m) as follows:

 l(1   m )   g(1  H l )
7 m  (171)
(1   m )  (1  H l )

8 In addition, Ouyang (1998) defined two-phase density (m) as follows:

9  m   lHl   g(1  Hl ) (172)

10 Effective viscosity models

11 In the homogeneous model, the mixture viscosity for two-phase flows (m) has received
12 much attention in literature. There are some common expressions for the viscosity of two-
13 phase gas-liquid flow (m). The expressions available for the two-phase gas-liquid viscosity
14 are mostly of an empirical nature as a function of mass quality (x). The liquid and gas are
15 presumed to be uniformly mixed due to the homogeneous flow. The possible definitions for
16 the viscosity of two-phase gas-liquid flow (m) can be divided into two groups. In the first
17 group, the form of the expression between (m) and mass quality (x) satisfies the following
18 important limiting conditions:

x  0, m  l 
19  (173)
x  1, m   g 

20 In the second group, the form of the expression between (m) and mass quality (x) does not
21 satisfy the limiting conditions of Eq. (173). In gas-liquid two-phase flows the most
22 commonly used formulas are summarized below in Table 3.
23 In Table 3, it should be noted the following:

24 i. Awad and Muzychka (2008) Definition 4 is based on the Arithmetic Mean (AM) for
25 Awad and Muzychka (2008) Definition 1 and Awad and Muzychka (2008) Definition 2.
26 ii. Muzychka et al. (2011) Definition 1 is based on the Geometric Mean (GM) for Awad and
27 Muzychka (2008) Definition 1 and Awad and Muzychka (2008) Definition 2.
28 iii. Muzychka et al. (2011) Definition 2 is based on the Harmonic Mean (HM) for Awad and
29 Muzychka (2008) Definition 1 and Awad and Muzychka (2008) Definition 2.
52 Heat Transfer Book 1

Researcher Model
1 
Arrhenius (1887) m  l m g m
 1   
Bingham (1906) m   m
 m
 l  g 

MacAdams et al.  x 1 x 
m    
(1942)  g  l 

  
Davidson et al.
 m  l 1  x  l
 1
(1943)   g 
  

Vermeulen et al. l   1.5 g (1   m )  

m  1   
(1955)  m   l   g 

 
  
0.5 

Akers et al. (1959)  m  l (1  x)  x  l 

 g 
   
Hoogendoorn H 1 H l
m  l l g
Cicchitti et al.
 m  x g  (1  x)l
Bankoff (1960)  m  H l l  (1  Hl ) g
Owen (1961) m  l
 g l 
Dukler et al. (1964)  m  m  x  (1  x) 
  g l 
 l(1   m )  g(1  Hl )
Oliemans (1976) m 
(1   m )  (1  Hl )
m  l (1   m )(1  2.5 m )   g m
Beattie and 2
 xl   xl (1.5l   g ) 
Whalley (1982)  l  2.5 l    
 xl  (1  x)  g   xl  (1  x)  g 
   
l  g
Lin et al. (1991) m 
 g  x1.4 ( l   g )
Fourar and Bories  g  
 m  m  x  (1  x) l 
(1995)  m l 
 
García et al. (2003,  m  l  g
 m   l   
2007)   l  x l  (1  x)  g
Two-Phase Flow 53

Researcher Model
Awad and 2 l   g  2( l   g )x
Muzychka (2008)  m  l
2 l   g  ( l   g ) x
Definition 1
Awad and 2  g  l  2(  g  l )(1  x)
Muzychka (2008)  m  g
2  g  l  (  g  l )(1  x)
Definition 2
Awad and g  m
l  m
Muzychka (2008) (1  x) x 0
 l  2 m  g  2 m
Definition 3
Awad and   2 l   g  2( l   g )x  g 2  g  l  2(  g  l )(1  x) 
Muzychka (2008) m   l
 
 2 2 l   g  ( l   g )x 2 2  g  l  (  g  l )(1  x) 

Definition 4
Muzychka et al. 0.5
 2 l   g  2( l   g )x 2  g  l  2(  g  l )(1  x) 
(2011)  m   l * g 
Definition 1  2 l   g  ( l   g )x 2  g  l  (  g  l )(1  x) 

 2 l   g  2( l   g )x 2  g  l  2(  g  l )(1  x) 
 m   2 l * g /
Muzychka et al.  2 l   g  ( l   g ) x 2  g  l  (  g  l )(1  x) 

 2 l   g  2( l   g )x 2  g  l  2(  g  l )(1  x) 
Definition 2  l  g 
 2 l   g  ( l   g )x 2  g  l  (  g  l )(1  x) 

1 Table 3. The Most Commonly Used Formulas of the Mixture Viscosity in Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow.

2 The relationships between the Arithmetic Mean (AM), the Geometric Mean (GM), and the
3 Harmonic Mean (HM) are as:

4 GM 2  2. AM.HM (174)

5 HM  GM  AM 0  x  1 (175)

6 Agrawal et al. (2011) investigated recently new definitions of two-phase viscosity, based on
7 its analogy with thermal conductivity of porous media, for transcritical capillary tube flow,
8 with CO2 as the refrigerant. The researchers computed friction factor and pressure gradient
9 quantities based on the proposed two-phase viscosity model using homogeneous modeling
10 approach. They assessed the proposed new models based on test results in the form of
11 temperature profile and mass flow rate in a chosen capillary tube. They showed that all the
12 proposed models of two-phase viscosity models showed a good agreement with the existing
13 models like McAdams et al. (1942), Cicchitti et al. (1960), etc. They found that the effect of
14 the viscosity model to be insignificant unlike to other conventional refrigerants in capillary
15 tube flow.
16 Banasiak and Hafner (2011) presented a one-dimensional mathematical model of the R744
17 two-phase ejector for expansion work recovery. The researchers computed friction factor
18 and pressure gradient quantities based on the proposed two-phase viscosity model using
54 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 homogeneous modeling approach. They approximated the two-phase viscosity according to

2 the Effective Medium Theory. This formulation was originally derived for the averaged
3 thermal conductivity and successfully tested by Awad and Muzychka (2008) for the average
4 viscosity of vapor-liquid mixtures for different refrigerants. They predicted the friction
5 factor (f) using the Churchill model (1977).
6 In liquid-liquid two-phase flows, Taylor (1932) presented the effective viscosity for a dilute
7 emulsion of two immiscible incompressible Newtonian fluids by

 d  0.4 c   1  2.5( d / c ) 
8 m  c  1  2.5   c  1    (176)
 d  c   1  ( d / c ) 

9 If the viscosity of the dispersed phase (d) is much lower than the continuous liquid (c), like
10 when water is mixed with silicone oil, the value of (d/c) would be much smaller than 1.
11 Hence, Eq. (176) can be simplified as

12 m  c (1   ) (177)

13 If the viscosity of the dispersed phase (d) is much higher than the continuous liquid (c), the
14 value of (d/c) would be much greater than 1. Hence, Eq. (176) can be simplified as

15 m  c (1  2.5 ) (178)

16 Equation (178) is the well known Einstein model (1906, 1911). It is frequently used in
17 prediction of nano fluid viscosity.

18 Instead of Eq. (178) being a first order equation in, can be written as a virial series,

19  m  c (1  K1  K2 2  K3 3  ...) (179)

21 Where K1, K2, K3, ….. are constants. For example, K1 = 2.5, K2 = -11.01 and K3 = 52.62 in the
22 Cengel (1967) definition for viscosity of liquid-liquid dispersions in laminar and turbulent
23 flow. For more different definitions of the viscosity of emulsion, the reader can see Chapter
24 3: Physical Properties of Emulsions in the book by Becher (2001).
25 For different definitions of the viscosity of solid-liquid two-phase flow that are commonly
26 used in the nanofluid applications, the reader can see, for example, Table 2: Models for
27 effective viscosity in Wang and Mujumdar (2008a). Also, Wang and Mujumdar (2008b)
28 reported that there were limited rheological studies in the literature in comparison with the
29 experimental studies on thermal conductivity of nanofluids.
30 Similar to the idea of bounds on two-phase flow developed by Awad and Muzychka (2005a,
31 2005b, and 2007), these different definitions of two-phase viscosity can be used for bounding
32 the data in an envelope using the homogeneous model. For example, Cicchitti et al. (1960),
33 represents the upper bound while Dukler et al. (1964), represents the lower bound in gas-
34 liquid two-phase flow. Using the different definitions of a certain property such as thermal
Two-Phase Flow 55

1 conductivity in bounding the data is available in the open literature. For instance, Carson et
2 al. (2005) supported the use of different definitions as thermal conductivity bounds by
3 experimental data from the literature.
4 The homogeneous flow modeling approach can be used for the case of bubbly flows with
5 appropriate mixture models for density and viscosity in order to obtain good predictive
6 results. For example, this approach has been examined by Awad and Muzychka (2008),
7 Cioncolini et al. (2009), and Li and Wu (2010) for both microscale and macroscale flows.
8 The homogenous flow modeling approach using the different mixture models reported
9 earlier, typically provides an accuracy within 15% rms, (Awad and Muzychka (2008),
10 Cioncolini et al. (2009), and Li and Wu (2010)).
11 In the two-phase homogeneous model, the selection of a suitable definition of two-phase
12 viscosity is inevitable as the Reynolds number would require this as an input to calculate the
13 friction factor. It is possible, as argued by Collier and Thome (1994), that the failure of
14 establishing an accepted definition is that the dependence of the friction factor on two-phase
15 viscosity is small.
16 The opinion of the author is that which definition of two-phase viscosity to use depends
17 much on the two-phase flow regime and less on the physical structure of the two-phase
18 viscosity itself. As a matter of fact, till today some water-tube boiler design methods still use
19 single-phase water viscosity in the homogeneous model with good accuracy. This could be
20 explained by the high mass flux and mass quality always below 0.1.

21 6.3.2. The separated flow model

22 In the separated model, two-phase flow is considered to be divided into liquid and vapor
23 streams. Hence, the separated model has been referred to as the slip flow model. The
24 separated model was originated from the classical work of Lockhart and Martinelli (1949)
25 that was followed by Martinelli and Nelson (1948). The Lockhart-Martinelli method is one of
26 the best and simplest procedures for calculating two-phase flow pressure drop and hold up.
27 One of the biggest advantages of the Lockhart-Martinelli method is that it can be used for all
28 flow patterns. However, relatively low accuracy must be accepted for this flexibility. The
29 separated model is popular in the power plant industry. Also, the separated model is
30 relevant for the prediction of pressure drop in heat pump systems and evaporators in
31 refrigeration. The success of the separated model is due to the basic assumptions in the
32 model are closely met by the flow patterns observed in the major portion of the evaporators.
33 The separated flow model may be developed with different degrees of complexity. In the
34 simplest situation, only one parameter, like velocity, is allowed to differ for the two phases
35 while conservation equations are only written for the combined flow. In the most
36 sophisticated situation, separate equations of continuity, momentum, and energy are
37 written for each phase and these six equations are solved simultaneously, together with rate
38 equations which describe how the phases interact with each other and with the walls of the
39 pipe. Correlations or simplifying assumptions are introduced when the number of variables
40 to be determined is greater than the available number of equations.
56 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 For void fraction, the separated model is used by both analytical and semi-empirical methods.
2 In the analytical theories, some quantities like the momentum or the kinetic energy is
3 minimized to obtain the slip ratio (S). The momentum flux model and the Zivi model (1964)
4 are two examples of this technique, where the slip ratio (S) equals (l/g)1/2 and (l/g)1/3.

5 For two-phase flow modeling in microchannels and minichannels, it should be noted that
6 the literature review on this topic can be found in tabular form in a number of textbooks
7 such as Celata (2004), Kandlikar et al. (2006), Crowe (2006), Ghiaasiaan (2008), and Yarin et
8 al. (2009).

9 For two-phase frictional pressure gradient, a number of models have been developed with
10 varying the sophistication degrees. These models are all reviewed in this section in a
11 chorological order starting from the oldest to the newest.

12 Lockhart-Martinelli model

13 Lockhart and Martinelli (1949) presented data for the simultaneous flow of air and liquids
14 including benzene, kerosene, water, and different types of oils in pipes varying in diameter
15 from 0.0586 in. to 1.017 in. There were four types of isothermal two-phase, two-component
16 flow. In the first type, flow of both the liquid and the gas were turbulent. In the second type,
17 flow of the liquid was viscous and flow of the gas was turbulent. In the third type, flow of
18 the liquid was turbulent and flow of the gas was viscous. In the fourth type, flow of both the
19 liquid and the gas were viscous. The data used by Lockhart and Martinelli consisted of
20 experimental results obtained from a number of sources as detailed in their original paper
21 and covered 810 data sets including 191 data sets that are for inclined and vertical pipes and
22 619 data sets for horizontal flow (Cui and Chen (2010)).

23 Lockhart and Martinelli (1949) correlated the pressure drop resulting from these different
24 flow mechanisms by means of the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X). The Lockhart-
25 Martinelli parameter (X) was defined as:

(dp / dz)
X2 
f ,l
26 (180)
(dp / dz)
f ,g

27 In addition, they expressed the two-phase frictional pressure drop in terms of factors, which
28 multiplied single-phase drops. These multipliers were given by:

(dp / dz) f
29 l  (181)
(dp / dz) f ,l

( dp / dz) f
30 g  (182)
(dp / dz) f , g

31 Using the generalized Blasius form of the Fanning friction factor, the frictional component
32 single-phase pressure gradient could be expressed as
Two-Phase Flow 57

 dp  2Cl lnU l2 n  l1n

1    (183)
 dz  f ,l d1 n

 dp  2C g  gnU g2n  g1n

2    (184)
 dz  f ,g d1 n

3 Values of the exponent (n) and the constants Cl and Cg for different flow conditions are
4 given in Table 4.
turbulent- laminar- turbulent- laminar-
turbulent turbulent laminar laminar
n 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0
Cl 0.046 16 0.046 16
Cg 0.046 0.046 16 16
Rel > 2000 < 1000 > 2000 < 1000
Reg > 2000 > 2000 < 1000 < 1000
6 Table 4. Values of the Exponent (n) and the Constants Cl and Cg for Different Flow Conditions.

7 Also, they presented the relationship of l and g to X in graphical forms. They proposed
8 tentative criteria for the transition of the flow from one type to another. Equations to
9 calculate the parameter (X) under different flow conditions are given in Table 5.
Flow Condition X
turbulent-turbulent 0.2
 1 x 
 g   
Xtt2       l
 x     g 
 l  
 C   1 x   g   
Xlt2  Re g0.8  l      l
 C g   x     g 
   l  
turbulent- laminar
 C   1 x   g   
Xtl2  Re 0.8  l     l
 C g   x     g 
   l  
 1 x   g   
Xll2       l
 x     g 
 l  
11 Table 5. Equations to Calculate the Parameter (X) under Different Flow Conditions.

12 It should be noted that Lockhart and Martinelli (1949) only presented the graphs for g
13 versus X for the t-t, l-t and l-l flow mechanisms of liquid-gas, and the graph of t-l flow
14 mechanisms of liquid-gas (the third type) was not given.

15 Recently, Cui and Chen (2010) used 619 data sets for horizontal flow to recalculate the
16 original data of Lockhart-Martinelli following the procedures of Lockhart-Martinelli. Once
58 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 the researchers separated the data into the four flow mechanisms based on the superficial
2 Reynolds number of the gas phase (Reg) and liquid phase (Rel) respectively, the
3 corresponding values of X, g and l were calculated, and the data points were plotted on
4 the g-X diagram. They compared these data points with the four Lockhart-Martinelli
5 correlation curves respectively. They commented that there was no mention of how the
6 correlation curves were developed from the data points and there was also no evidence of
7 any statistical analysis in the original Lockhart-Martinelli paper. It appeared that the curves
8 were drawn by following the general trend of the data points. Furthermore, from the
9 original graph of the correlation curves given in the original Lockhart-Martinelli paper, it
10 was noted that the middle and some of the right-hand portions of the curves were shown as
11 “solid lines” while the left-hand portion of the curves were drawn as “dashed lines”. It was
12 obvious that the “dashed lines” were not supported by data points and were extrapolations.
13 They mentioned that computers and numerical analysis were not so readily accessible when
14 the Lockhart-Martinelli paper was published in 1949. With the help of modern computers,
15 the goodness of fit of data to empirical correlations could be analyzed and new empirical
16 curves that better fit the existing data points might be obtained using the non-linear least
17 squares method. The t-l curve had a percentage error significantly lower than for the other
18 curves. However, this did not necessarily mean that the t-l curve was the best-fitted
19 correlation because there were only nine data points associated with this curve. Also, these
20 data points were in a very narrow range of 10 < X < 100 while the empirical correlation given
21 was for the range 0.01 < X < 100. The t-t, l-t and l-l curves had similar but larger values of
22 percentage error compared with the t-l curve.
23 Moreover, Cui and Chen (2010) re-categorized the Lockhart-Martinelli data according to
24 flow pattern. In order to re-categorize the Lockhart-Martinelli data according to flow
25 pattern, the researchers needed to make use of the Mandhane-Gregory-Aziz (1974) flow
26 pattern map because the original Lockhart-Martinelli data had no information on flow
27 patterns. Having calculated the superficial velocities of the gas phase (Ug) and liquid phase
28 (Ul) respectively, the Lockhart-Martinelli data were plotted as scatter points on the
29 Mandhane-Gregory-Aziz (1974) flow pattern map with the X-axis “Ug” was the superficial
30 velocity of the gas phase, while the Y-axis “Ul” was the superficial velocity of the liquid
31 phase. It was clear that the data used by Lockhart-Martinelli fell into five categories in terms
32 of flow patterns: A, Annular flow; B, Bubbly flow; W, Wave flow; S, Slug flow and Str,
33 Stratified flow. There were no data in the D, Dispersed flow region. They observed that the
34 majority of the data fell within the annular, slug and wavy flow patterns. A few points fell
35 within the stratified flow and the bubbly flow patterns. Also, in every flow pattern, the
36 distribution of data points based on the four flow mechanisms of t-t, t-l, l-t and l-l flow was
37 presented. After all the data had been re-categorized according to flow pattern, Cui and
38 Chen (2010) compared the new data groups with the Lockhart-Martinelli curves. Again, the
39 “Mean Absolute Percentage Error” , which referred to the vertical distance between the data
40 point and the curve expressed as a percentage deviation from the curve, was used for
41 making the comparison. The t-t curve was the best correlation for the annular (13.4% error),
42 bubbly (9.0% error) and slug (15.8% error) data used by Lockhart-Martinelli. The wavy data
43 showed an error greater than about 20% when compared with any one of the Lockhart-
Two-Phase Flow 59

1 Martinelli curves, while the stratified data was best represented by the l-l curve with an
2 average error of 14.3%. As a result, when the data were categorized according to flow
3 patterns, none of the four curves (t-t, t-l, l-t, and l-l) provided improved correlation, but with
4 the exception of the bubbly flow data that showed an averaged error of 9.7%. It should be
5 noted that the bubbly data points were located at large X values where the four g-X curves
6 tended to merge.
7 Although the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation related to the adiabatic flow of low pressure
8 air-liquid mixtures, they purposely presented the information in a generalized form to
9 enable the application of the model to single component systems, and, in particular, to
10 steam-water mixtures. Their empirical correlations were shown to be as reliable as any
11 annular flow pressure drop correlation (Collier and Thome, 1994). The Lockhart-Martinelli
12 model (1949) is probably the most well known method, commonly used in refrigeration and
13 wet steam calculations. The disadvantage of this method was its limit to small-diameter
14 pipes and low pressures because many applications of two-phase flow fell beyond these
15 limits.

16 Since Lockhart and Martinelli published their paper on two-phase or two-component flows
17 in 1949 to define the methodology for presenting two-phase flow data in non-boiling and
18 boiling flows, their paper has received nearly 1000 citations in journal papers alone is a
19 testament to its contribution to the field of two-phase flow.

20 Turner model

21 In his Ph. D. thesis, Turner (1966) developed the separate-cylinder model by assuming that
22 the two-phase flow, without interaction, in two horizontal separate cylinders and that that
23 the areas of the cross sections of these cylinders added up to the cross-sectional area of the
24 actual pipe. The liquid and gas phases flow at the same flow rate through separate
25 cylinders. The pressure gradient in each of the imagined cylinders was assumed to be equal,
26 and its value was taken to be equal to the two-phase frictional pressure gradient in the
27 actual flow. For this reason, the separate-cylinder model was not valid for gas-liquid slug
28 flow, which gave rise to large pressure fluctuations. The pressure gradient was due to
29 frictional effects only, and was calculated from single-phase flow theory. The separate-
30 cylinder model resembled Lockhart and Martinelli correlation (1949) but had the advantage
31 that it could be pursued to an analytical conclusion. The results of his analysis were

1/ n
 1 
1/ n
 1 
32  2  2  1 (185)
   g 
 l   

33 The values of n were dependent on whether the liquid and gas phases were laminar or
34 turbulent flow. The different values of n are given in Table 6.

35 In Table 6, it should be noted the following for turbulent flow (analyzed on a basis of
36 friction factor):

37 i. n = 2.375 for fl = 0.079/Rel0.25 and fg = 0.079/Reg0.25.

60 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 ii. n = 2.4 for fl = 0.046/Rel0.2 and fg = 0.046/Reg0.2.

2 iii. n = 2.5 for fl = constant (i.e. not function of Rel) and fg = constant (i.e. not function of Reg).
Flow Type n
Laminar Flow 2
Turbulent Flow (analyzed on a basis of friction factor) 2.375-2.5
Turbulent Flows (calculated on a mixing-length basis) 2.5-3.5
Turbulent-Turbulent Regime 4
All Flow Regimes 3.5
4 Table 6. Values of Exponent (n) for Different Flow Types.

5 In the case of the two mixed flow regimes, Awad (2007a) mentioned in his Ph. D. thesis that
6 the generalization of the Turner method could lead to the following implicit expressions:

  1 
1/2.375 
7 2
l  1  ( l2)(3/38)  2   (186)
  X  
 

8 for the laminar liquid-turbulent gas case (fl = 16/Rel and fg = 0.079/Reg0.25), and

  1  
9 2
l  1  ( l2 )( 3/38)  2   (187)
  X  

10 for the turbulent liquid-laminar gas case (fl = 0.079/Rel0.25 and fg = 16/Reg). Equations (186) and
11 (187) can be solved numerically.

12 Also, Muzychka and Awad (2010) mentioned that the values of n in Eq. (185) for the case of
13 the two mixed flow regimes were n = 2.05 for the turbulent liquid-laminar gas case and n =
14 2.10 for the laminar liquid-turbulent gas case.

15 Wallis (1969) mentioned in his book that there is no rationale for the good agreement
16 between the analytical results the separate-cylinder model and the empirical results of
17 Lockhart and Martinelli (1949). In spite of this statement, the method is still widely accepted
18 because of its simplicity.

19 Chisholm model

20 In the following year after Turner (1966) proposed the separate cylinders model in his Ph. D.
21 thesis, Chisholm (1967) proposed a more rigorous analysis that was an extension of the
22 Lockhart-Martinelli model, except that a semi-empirical closure was adopted. Chisholm's
23 rationale for his study was the fact that the Lockhart-Martinelli model failed to produce
24 suitable equations for predicting the two-phase frictional pressure gradient, given that the
25 empirical curves were only presented in graphical and tabular form. In spite of Chisholm's
26 claims, he developed his approach in much the same manner as the Lockhart-Martinelli
27 model. The researcher developed equations in terms of the Lockhart-Martinelli correlating
Two-Phase Flow 61

1 groups for the friction pressure drop during the flow of gas-liquid or vapor-liquid mixtures
2 in pipes. His theoretical development was different from previous treatments in the method
3 of allowing for the interfacial shear force between the phases. Also, he avoided some of the
4 anomalies occurring in previous “lumped flow”. He gave simplified equations for use in
5 engineering design. His equations were

2 C 1
6 l  1  (188)
X X2

7  g  1  CX  X 2 (189)

8 The values of C were dependent on whether the liquid and gas phases were laminar or
9 turbulent flow. The values of C were restricted to mixtures with gas-liquid density ratios
10 corresponding to air-water mixtures at atmospheric pressure. The different values of C are
11 given in Table 7.
Liquid Gas C
Turbulent Turbulent 20
Laminar Turbulent 12
Turbulent Laminar 10
Laminar Laminar 5
13 Table 7. Values of Chisholm Constant (C) for Different Flow Types.

14 He compared his predicted values using these values of C and his equation with the
15 Lockhart-Martinelli values. He obtained good agreement with the Lockhart-Martinelli
16 empirical curves.

17 The meaning of the Chisholm constant (C) can be easily seen if we multiply both sides of Eq.
18 (188) by (dp/dz)f,l or both sides of Eq. (189) by (dp/dz)f,g to obtain:

 dp   dp   dp   dp    dp 
19       C         (190)
  f ,tp   f ,l
dz dz 
 
dz f ,l 
dz 
 f ,g   dz  f ,g
  
int erfacial

20 The physical meaning of Eq. (190) is that the two-phase frictional pressure gradient is the
21 sum of three components: the frictional pressure of liquid-phase alone, the interfacial
22 contribution to the total two-phase frictional pressure gradient, and the frictional pressure of
23 gas-phase alone. As a result, we may now write

 dp   dp   dp  
24    C      (191)
 dz  f ,i  dz  f ,l  dz  f ,g 
  
int erfacial
62 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 The means that the constant C in Chisholm's model can be viewed as a weighting factor for
2 the geometric mean (GM) of the single-phase liquid and gas only pressure gradients.

3 The Chisholm parameter (C) is a measure of two-phase interactions. The larger the value,
4 the greater the interaction, hence the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X) can involve ll, tl, lt,
5 and tt regimes. It just causes the data to shift outwards on the Lockhart-Martinelli plot.

6 The Chisholm constant (C) can be derived analytically for a number of special cases. For
7 instance, Whalley (1996) obtained for a homogeneous flow having constant friction factor:

 0.5   0.5 

C   l     
8 (192)
     
 
g  l  

9 that for an air-water combination gives C  28.6 that is in good agreement with Chisholm's
10 value for turbulent-turbulent flows. Also, Whalley (1996) shows that for laminar and
11 turbulent flows with no interaction between phases the values of C  2 and C  3.66 are
12 obtained, respectively.

13 In addition, Awad and Muzychka (2007, 2010b) mentioned that a value of C = 0 can be used
14 as a lower bound for two-phase frictional pressure gradient in minichannels and
15 microchannels. The physical meaning of the lower bound (C = 0) is that the two-phase
16 frictional pressure gradient is merely the sum of the frictional pressure of liquid phase alone
17 and the frictional pressure of gas phase alone:

 dp   dp   dp 
18       (193)
  f ,tp   f ,l  dz  f ,g
dz dz

19 This means there is no contribution to the pressure gradient through phase interaction. The
20 above result can also be obtained using the asymptotic model for two-phase frictional
21 pressure gradient (Awad and Muzychka (2004b)) with linear superposition. Further, using
22 the homogeneous model with the Dukler et al. (1964) definition of two-phase viscosity for
23 laminar-laminar flow leads to the same result as Eq. (193).The value of C = 0 is also in
24 agreement with recent models in microchannel flows such as (Mishima and Hibiki
25 correlation (1996) and English and Kandlikar correlation (2006)) that implies that as dh → 0,
26 C → 0. The only disadvantage in these mentioned correlations is the dimensional
27 specification of dh, as it is easy to miscalculate C if the proper dimensions are not used for dh.
28 Other researchers such as Zhang et al. (2010) overcame this disadvantage by representing
29 the hydraulic diameter (dh) in a dimensionless form using the Laplace number (La).

30 Moreover, if a laminar plug flow is assumed, a value of C = 0 can be easily derived that
31 implies that the total pressure gradient is just the sum of the component pressure gradients
32 based on plug length and component flow rate. This is a reasonable approximation
33 provided that plug lengths are longer than fifteen diameters (Walsh et al., 2009).

34 In his Ph. D. thesis, Awad (2007a) reviewed additional extended Chisholm type models.
Two-Phase Flow 63

1 Hemeida-Sumait model

2 The Lockhart-Martinelli (1949) correlation in its present form cannot be used to study a
3 large set of data because it requires the use of charts and hence cannot be simulated
4 numerically. As a result, Hemeida and Sumait (1988) developed a correlation between
5 Lockhart and Martinelli parameters  and X for a two-phase pressure drop in pipelines
6 using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). To calculate the parameter  as a function of X
7 using SAS software, their equation was

 c 
8   exp  2.303a  bLn( X )  ( LnX )2  (194)
 2.30 

9 Where a, b, and c were constants. They selected the values of the constants a, b, and c
10 according to the type of fluid and flow mechanisms (Table 8).
Parameter a b c
g,ll 0.4625 0.5058 0.1551
g,lt 0.5673 0.4874 0.1312
g,tl 0.5694 0.4982 0.1255
g,tt 0.6354 0.4810 0.1135
l,ll 0.4048 0.4269 0.1841
l,lt 0.5532 -0.4754 0.1481
l,tl 0.5665 -0.4586 0.1413
l,tt 0.6162 -0.5063 0.124
12 Table 8. Values of a, b, and c for Different Flow Mechanisms.

13 In Table 8, the first subscript refers to whether the liquid is laminar or turbulent while the
14 second subscript refers to whether the gas is laminar or turbulent. Equation (194) enabled
15 the development of a computer program for the analysis of data using the Lockhart-
16 Martinelli (1949) correlation. Using this program, they analyzed field data from Saudi flow
17 lines. The results showed that the improved Lockhart-Martinelli correlation predicted
18 accurately the downstream pressure in flow lines with an average percent difference of 5.1
19 and standard deviation of 9.6%.

20 It should be noted that the Hemeida-Sumait (1988) model is not famous in the literature like
21 other models such as the Chisholm (1967) model although it gave an accurate prediction of
22 two-phase frictional pressure gradient.

23 Modified Turner model

24 Awad and Muzychka (2004b) arrived at the same simple form as the empirical Turner (1966)
25 model, but with a different physical approach. Rather than model the fluid as two distinct
26 fluid streams flowing in separate pipes, the researchers proposed that the two- phase
27 frictional pressure gradient could be predicted using a nonlinear superposition of the
28 component pressure gradient that would arise from every stream flowing alone in the same
64 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 pipe, through application of the Churchill-Usagi (1972) asymptotic correlation method. This
2 form was asymptotically correct for either phase as the mass quality varied from 0  x 1.
3 Moreover, rather than approach the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X) from the point of
4 view of the four flow regimes using simple friction models, they proposed using the
5 Churchill (1977) model for the friction factor in smooth and rough pipes for all values of the
6 Reynolds number. In this way, the proposed model was more general and contained only
7 one empirical coefficient, the Churchill-Usagi blending parameter. The resulting model
8 takes the form:

1/ p
 dp   dp  p  dp  p 
9          (195)
 dz  f  dz  f ,l  dz  f , g 

10 or when written as a two-phase frictional liquid multiplier:

1/ p
  1 p 
11 l2  1   2   (196)
 X  
 

12 or when written as a two-phase frictional gas multiplier:

13 g2  [1  ( X 2 ) p ]1/ p (197)

14 which are the same equations from the Turner approach, when p =1/ n. The main exception
15 is that the values of p were developed for different flow regimes using the Churchill friction
16 model to calculate X.

17 The principal advantages of the above approach over the Turner (1966) method are twofold.
18 First, all four Lockhart-Martinelli flow regimes can be handled with ease because the Turner
19 (1966) method leads to implicit relationships for the two mixed regimes. Second, since the
20 friction model used is only a function of Reynolds number and roughness, broader
21 applications involving rough pipes can be easily modeled. Using Eqs. (196) and (197), Awad
22 (2007b) found that p  0.307 for large tubes and p  0.5 for microchannels, minichannels, and
23 capillaries. The modified Turner model is also a one parameter correlating scheme. Recently,
24 Awad and Butt (2009a, 2009b, and 2009c) have shown that the asymptotic method works
25 well for petroleum industry applications for liquid-liquid flows, flows through fractured
26 media, and flows through porous media. Moreover, Awad and Muzychka (2010a) have
27 shown that the asymptotic method works well for two-phase gas-liquid flow at
28 microgravity conditions.

29 Approximate equivalence between Eq. (188) and Eq. (196) (or Eq. (189) and Eq. (197)) can be
30 found when p = 0.36, 0.3, 0.285, and 0.245 when C = 5, 10, 12, and 20, respectively. This yields
31 differences of 3-9% rms. The special case of p = 1 leads to a linear superposition of the
32 component pressure gradients that corresponds to C = 0. This limiting case is only valid for
33 plug flows when plug length to diameter ratios exceed 15 (Walsh et al., 2009).
Two-Phase Flow 65

1 Modified Chisholm models

2 Finally, in a recent series of studies by Saisorn and Wongwises (2008, 2009, and 2010),
3 correlation was proposed having the form:

2 6.627
4 l  1 (198)
X 0.761

5 for experimental data for slug flow, throat-annular flow, churn flow, and annular-rivulet
6 flow, Saisorn and Wongwises (2008), and

2 2.844
7 l  1 (199)
X 1.666

8 for experimental data for annular flow, liquid unstable annular alternating flow (LUAAF),
9 and liquid/annular alternating flow (LAAF), Saisorn and Wongwises (2009). These
10 correlations neglect the 1/X2 term that represents the limit of primarily gas flow in the
11 Lockhart-Martinelli (1949) formulation. Neglecting this term ignores this important limiting
12 case, which is an essential contribution in the Lockhart-Matrinelli modeling approach. As a
13 result, at low values of X, the proposed correlations undershoot the trend of the data,
14 limiting their use in the low X range. Thus, a more appropriate and generalized form of the
15 above correlations should be:

2 A 1
16 l  1  (200)
Xm X2

17 or

18  g  1  AX m  X 2 (201)

19 These formulations, Eqs. (200) and (201), can be considered extended Chisholm type models.
20 They will be utilized in the next section as a means of modeling the two-phase flow
21 interfacial pressure gradient.

22 6.3.3. Interfacial pressure gradient

23 Gas-liquid two-phase flow will be examined from the point of view of interfacial pressure
24 gradient. Recognizing that in a Lockhart-Martinelli reduction scheme, single-phase flow
25 characteristics must be exhibited in a limiting sense, they will be subtracted from the
26 experimental data being considered to illustrate some benefits of using the one and two
27 parameter models.

28 The two-phase frictional pressure gradient can be defined as a linear combination of three
29 pressure gradients. These are the single-phase liquid, single-phase gas, and interfacial
30 pressure gradient. The rationale for such a choice lies in the definition of the Lockhart-
31 Martinelli approach, whereby, one obtains single-phase gas flow for small values of the
66 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X) and single-phase liquid flow for large values of the
2 Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (X). While in the transitional region between 0.01 < X < 100,
3 interfacial effects result in a large spread of data depending upon flow regime.

4 Beginning with

 dp   dp   dp   dp 
5         (202)
  f ,tp   f ,l   f ,i  dz  f ,g
dz dz dz

6 Rearranging Eq. (202), we obtain

 dp   dp   dp   dp 
7         (203)
 dz  f ,i  dz  f ,tp  dz  f ,l  dz  f , g

8 Dividing both sides of Eq. (203) by the single-phase liquid frictional pressure gradient, we
9 obtain

 dp   dp  1
10 1,2 i    /    12  1  2 (204)
 dz  f ,i  dz  f ,l X

11 On the other hand, dividing both sides of Eq. (203) by the single-phase gas frictional
12 pressure gradient, we obtain

 dp   dp 
13 g2,i    /     g2  X 2  1 (205)
  f ,i  dz  f , g

14 Where l,i2 and g,i2 are two-phase frictional multiplier for the interfacial pressure gradient.
15 This can be viewed as an extended form of the Chisholm model, where the interfacial
16 contribution is what is to be modeled. The data defined using Eqs. (204) and (205) may then
17 be modeled using one, two, or multi-parameter forms. We discuss these approaches below.

18 It should be noted that this analysis is useful to show that g,i does not exist at high values of
19 Xtt for some correlations available in the literature such as the g correlation of Ding et al.
20 (2009) to predict the pressure drop of R410A–oil mixtures in microfin tubes, the g
21 correlation of Hu et al. (2008) to predict the pressure drop of R410A/POE oil mixture in
22 micro-fin tubes, and the g correlation of Hu et al. (2009) to predict the pressure drop of
23 R410A/oil mixture in smooth tubes because 2g,i has negative values at high values of Xtt
24 (Awad, 2010a, Awad, 2010b, and Awad, 2011). Also, it this analysis is useful to show that l,i
25 does not exist at certain values of Xtt for some correlations available in the literature like the
26 l correlation of Changhong et al. (2005) to predict the pressure drop in two vertical narrow
27 annuli (Awad, 2012b).

28 One parameter models

29 Comparison with the Chisholm (1967) formulation gives:

Two-Phase Flow 67

 l ,i 
1 (206)

2 for the liquid multiplier formulation, or

3  g ,i  CX (207)

4 for the gas multiplier formulation.

5 This represents a simple one parameter model, whereby closure can be found with
6 comparison with experimental data. Also, the simple asymptotic form of Eqs. (196) or (197)
7 represents a one parameter model. If the interfacial effects can be modeled by Chisholm's
8 proposed model or Eqs. (196) or (197), then all of the reduced data should show trends
9 indicated by Eqs. (206) or (207). However, if data do not scale according to Eqs. (206) or
10 (207), i.e. a slope of negative one for the liquid multiplier formulation or positive one for the
11 gas multiplier formulation, then a two parameter model is likely required.

12 Two parameter models

13 Muzychka and Awad (2010) extended Eqs. (206) and (207) to develop a simple two
14 parameter power law model such that:

2 A
15  l ,i  (208)

16 or

17  g ,i  AX m (209)

18 leading to Eqs. (200) or (201).

19 These forms have the advantage that experimental data for a particular flow regime can be
20 fit to the simple power law after removal of the single-phase pressure contributions
21 (Muzychka and Awad (2010)). Also, the advantage of the A and m model over the Chisholm
22 model (1967) is the Chisholm model (1967) is destined to fail as they do not scale with X
23 properly when data deviate from the -1 and +1 slope. For example, this two parameter
24 power law model can be use for the analysis of stratified flow data separated into different
25 categories (t–t, l–t and l–l) in Cui and Chen (2010) for their study on a re-examination of the
26 data of Lockhart-Martinelli. The researchers used the 619 data sets for horizontal flow. Their
27 619 data sets were classified based on the flow patterns as follows: 191 data sets for Annular
28 flow, 277 data sets for Slug flow, 94 data sets for Wavy flow, 32 data sets for Bubbly flow,
29 and 25 data sets for Stratified flow.

30 The analysis is presented here for the stratified flow data because it has only 25 data points
31 (the lowest number of data points for the different flow patterns: annular (191), slug (277),
32 wavy (94), bubbly (32), and stratified (25)). The interfacial component (g,i) for stratified flow
33 data of Lockhart-Martinelli is calculated as follows:
68 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 g ,i  ( 2g  X 2  1)0.5 (210)

2 Using this analysis, the interfacial component for the high pink triangle at the right hand
3 side of stratified flow data separated into different categories (t–t, v–t and v–v) (Cui and
4 Chen (2010)) does not exist. This is because (g2-X2-1) < 0 for this point so that the square root
5 of a negative value does not exist. This means that there is an error in the measurement in
6 one data point for the stratified flow at lt flow mechanisms of liquid-gas. In this analysis, the
7 data points of tt, lt, and ll flow mechanisms of liquid-gas were fit with only one line instead
8 of three different lines for each flow mechanism of liquid-gas (tt, lt, and ll) because tt has
9 only one data point. As shown in Fig. 4, the fit equation was:

10 g ,i  2.1X 0.678 (211)

11 However, drawing a different line of the interfacial component for the stratified flow for
12 each flow mechanism of liquid-gas (tt, lt, and ll) will be more accurate. This analysis can be
13 also done for other flow patterns: annular (191), slug (277), wavy (94), and bubbly (32).

14 It should be noted that the nonexistence of the interfacial component for some data sets for
15 any flow patterns: annular (191), slug (277), wavy (94), bubbly (32), and stratified (25))
16 means that there is an error in the measurement of some data sets of Lockhart-Martinelli
17 although their paper has received nearly 1000 citations in journal papers.


Stratified flow

1 C = 20
C = 12
C = 10
g,i = 2.1X
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
18 X
19 Figure 4. Analysis of Stratified Flow Data Separated into Different Categories (t–t, v–t and v–v) Using
20 Two Parameter Power Law Model (Muzychka and Awad (2010)).

21 Multi-parameter models

22 Multi-parameter models may be developed using both the Chisholm model and the
23 modified Chisholm models, by correlating the constants C, A, and m with other
24 dimensionless parameters. For example, Sun and Mishima (2009) adopted an approach that
25 led to the development of C in the laminar flow region as a function of the following
Two-Phase Flow 69

1 dimensionless parameters: the Laplace constant (La), and the liquid Reynolds number (Rel).
2 Also, Venkatesan et al. (2011) adopted an approach that led to the development of C in
3 circular tubes with d = 0.6, 1.2, 1.7, 2.6 and 3.4 mm using air and water as a function of the
4 following dimensionless parameters: Weber number(We), superficial liquid Reynolds
5 number (Rel), and superficial gas Reynolds number (Reg). In addition, Kawahara et al. (2011)
6 used their two-phase frictional pressure drop data in a rectangular microchannel with a T-
7 junction type gas-liquid mixer to correlate the Chisholm constant (C) as a function of the
8 following dimensionless parameters: Bond number(Bo), superficial liquid Reynolds number
9 (Rel), and superficial gas Weber number (Weg). But care must be taken because even with the
10 introduction of additional variables, increased accuracy will not necessarily be obtained.

11 6.3.4. The drift flux model

12 The drift flux model is a type of separated flow model. In the drift flux model, attention is
13 focused on the relative motion rather than on the motion of the individual phases. The drift
14 flux model was developed by Wallis (1969). The drift flux model has widespread application
15 to bubble flow and plug flow. The drift flux model is not particularly suitable to a flow such
16 as annular flow that has two characteristic velocities in one phase: the liquid film velocity
17 and the liquid drop velocity. However, the drift flux model has been used for annular flows,
18 but with no particular success.
19 The drift flux model is the fifth example of the existing void fraction models. The Rouhani
20 and Axelsson (1970) model is an instance for this type of model. In the drift-flux model, the
21 void fraction () is a function of the gas superficial velocity (Ug), the total superficial velocity
22 (U), the phase distribution parameter (Co), and the mean drift velocity (ugj) that includes the
23 effect of the relative velocity between the phases. The form of the drift-flux model is

24  (212)
C oU  ugj

25 The drift-flux correlations often present procedures to compute Co and ugj. Since the
26 expressions of Co and ugj are usually functions of the void fraction (), the predictions of the
27 void fraction () are calculated using method of solving of non-linear equation.

28 6.3.5. Two-fluid model

29 This model is known as the two-fluid model designating two phases or components. This
30 model is an advanced predictive tool for liquid-gas two-phase flow in engineering
31 applications. It is based on the mass, momentum and energy balance equations for every
32 phase (Ishii, 1987). In this model, every phase or component is treated as a separate fluid
33 with its own set of governing balance equations. In general, every phase has its own
34 velocity, temperature and pressure. This approach enables the prediction of important non-
35 equilibrium phenomena of two-phase flow like the velocity difference between liquid and
36 gas phase. This prediction is important for two-phase flows in large shell sides of steam
37 generators and kettle reboilers, where even different gas and liquid velocity directions exist.
70 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 6.4. Other methods

2 There are other methods of analysis like integral analysis, differential analysis,
3 computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and artificial neural network (ANN).

4 6.4.1. Integral analysis

5 In a one-dimensional integral analysis, the form of certain functions which describe, for
6 instance, the velocity or concentration distribution in a pipe is assumed first. Then, these
7 functions are made to satisfy appropriate boundary conditions and the basic equations of
8 fluid mechanics (continuity equation, momentum equation, and energy equation) in integral
9 form. Single-phase boundary layers are analyzed using similar techniques.

10 6.4.2. Differential analysis

11 The velocity and concentration fields are deduced from suitable differential equations.
12 Usually, the equations are written for time-average quantities, like in single-phase theories
13 of turbulence.

14 6.4.3. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

15 Two-phase flows are encountered in a wide range of industrial and natural situations. Due
16 to their complexity such flows have been investigated only analytically and experimentally.
17 New computing facilities provide the flexibility to construct computational models that are
18 easily adapted to a wide variety of physical conditions without constructing a large-scale
19 prototype or expensive test rigs. But there is an inherent uncertainty in the numerical
20 predictions due to stability, convergence and accuracy. The importance of a well-placed
21 mesh is highlighted in the modeling of two-phase flows in horizontal pipelines (Lun et al.,
22 1996).
23 Also, with the increasing interest in multiphase flow in microchannels and advancement in
24 interface capturing techniques, there have recently been a number of attempts to apply
25 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to model Taylor flow such as van Baten and Krishna
26 (2004), Taha and Cui (2006a, 2006b) and Gupta et al. (2009). The CFD package, Fluent was
27 used in these numerical studies of CFD modeling of Taylor flow.
28 In addition, Liu et al. (2011) developed recently a new two-fluid two-component
29 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to simulate vertical upward two-phase annular
30 flow. The researchers utilized the two-phase VOF scheme to model the roll wave flow, and
31 described the gas core by a two-component phase consisting of liquid droplets and gas
32 phase. They took into account the entrainment and deposition processes by source terms of
33 the governing equations. Unlike the previous models, their newly developed model
34 included the influence of liquid roll waves directly determined from the CFD code that was
35 able to provide more detailed and, the most important, more self-standing information for
36 both the gas core flow and the film flow as well as their interactions. They compared
37 predicted results with experimental data, and achieved a good agreement.
Two-Phase Flow 71

1 6.4.4. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

2 In recent years, artificial neural network (ANN) has been universally used in many
3 applications related to engineering and science. ANN has the advantage of self-learning and
4 self-organization. ANN can employ the prior acquired knowledge to respond to the new
5 information rapidly and automatically. When the traditional methods are difficult to be
6 carried out or sometimes the specific models of mathematical physics will not be thoroughly
7 existing, the neural network will be considered as a very good tool to tackle these time-
8 consuming and complex nonlinear relations because neural network has the excellent
9 characteristics of parallel processing, calculating for complex computation and self-learning.
10 The development of any ANN model involves three basic steps. First, the generation of data
11 required for training. Second, the training and testing of the ANN model using the
12 information about the inputs to predict the values of the output. Third, the evaluation of the
13 ANN configuration that leads to the selection of an optimal configuration that produces the
14 best results based on some preset measures. The optimum ANN model is also validated
15 using a larger dataset. In the area of two-phase flow, the applications of the ANN include
16 the prediction of pressure drop (Osman and Aggour, 2002), identifying flow regimes (Selli
17 and Seleghim, 2007), predicting liquid holdup (Osman, 2004) and (Shippen and Scott, 2004),
18 and the determination of condensation heat transfer characteristics during downward
19 annular flow of R134a inside a vertical smooth tube (Balcilar et. al., 2011).

20 7. Summary and conclusions

21 This chapter aims to introduce the reader to the modeling of two-phase flow in general,
22 liquid-gas flow in particular, and the prediction of frictional pressure gradient specifically.
23 Different modeling techniques were presented for two-phase flow. Recent developments in
24 theory and practice are discussed. The reader of this chapter is encouraged to pursue the
25 associated journal and text references for additional theory not covered, especially the state
26 of the art and review articles because they contain much useful information pertaining to
27 the topics of interest. Given the rapid growth in the research topic of two-phase flow, new
28 models and further understanding in areas like nano fluids will likely be achieved in the
29 near future. Although, for most design and research applications, the topics covered in this
30 chapter represent the state of the art.

31 Author details
32 M.M. Awad
33 Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt

34 Acknowledgement
35 The author acknowledges his Ph. D. supervisor, Prof. Yuri S. Muzychka, who introduced
36 him to the possibilities of analytical modeling during his Ph. D. thesis. Also, the author
37 gratefully acknowledges ASME International Petroleum Technology Institute (IPTI)
72 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 scholarship awarded to him in 2005 and 2006. In addition, the author wants to thank the
2 Editor, Prof. M. Salim Newaz Kazi, for inviting him to prepare this chapter.

3 Nomenclature
4 A area, m2
5 A constant in the modified Chisholm model
6 A Phillips parameter
7 a Churchill parameter
8 a constant in Hemeida and Sumait (1988) correlation
9 AM Arithmetic mean
10 AR Aspect ratio
11 Ar Archimedes number
12 At Atwood ratio
13 B Phillips parameter
14 b Churchill parameter
15 b constant in Hemeida and Sumait (1988) correlation
16 Bo Bond number
17 Bod Bodenstein number
18 C Chisholm constant
19 C constant
20 c constant in Hemeida and Sumait (1988) correlation
21 c sound speed, m/s
22 CD drag coefficient
23 Co the phase distribution parameter
24 cp constant-pressure specific heat, J/kg.K
25 Ca Capillary number
26 Cn Cahn number
27 Co Confinement number
28 Co Convection number
29 Cou Courant number
30 D mass diffusivity, m2/s
31 d pipe diameter, m
32 E electric field strength, V/m
33 E two-phase heat transfer multiplier
34 Ehd EHD number or conductive Rayleigh number
35 EM dimensionless number
36 Er dimensionless number
37 EF Enhanced factor
38 Eo Eötvös number
39 Eu Euler number
40 F parameter in the Taitel and Dukler (1976) map
41 f Fanning friction factor
42 f wave frequency, Hz
Two-Phase Flow 73

1 f ''e electric force density, N/m2

2 Fo Fourier number
3 FR filling ratio
4 Fr Froude number
5 Fre Electric Froude number
6 Fr* ratio of Froude number to Atwood ratio
7 G mass flux, kg/m2.s
8 g gravitational acceleration, m/s2
9 Ga Galileo number
10 Ga* modified Galileo number
11 GM Geometric mean
12 Gz Graetz number
13 h heat transfer coefficient, W/m2.K
14 Hl liquid holdup fraction
15 hlg latent heat of voporization, J/kg
16 hsl latent heat of melting, J/kg
17 HM Harmonic mean
18 I current, A
19 Jg dimensionless vapor mass flux
20 Ja Jacob number
21 Ja* modified Jacob number
22 K mass transfer coefficient, m/s
23 K parameter in the Taitel and Dukler (1976) map
24 k thermal conductivity, W/m.K
25 K1, K2, K3 constants in the Cengel (1967) definition for viscosity
26 K1, K2, K3 new non-dimensional constant of Kandlikar
27 Kf Boiling number
28 Ka Kapitza number
29 Kn Knudsen number
30 Kr von Karman number
31 Ku Kutateladze number
32 L characteristic length, m
33 L length, m
34 Lc capillary length, m
35 Ls liquid plug length, m
36 L* dimensionless liquid plug length = Ls/d
37 La Laplace number
38 Le Lewis number
39 Lo dimensionless number
40 m exponent in the modified Chisholm model
41 m mass flow rate, kg/s
42 Ma Masuda number or dielectric Rayleigh number
43 Ma Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) Mach number
44 Mo Morton number
74 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 n Blasius index
2 n exponent
3 Nf inverse viscosity number
4 Nu Nusselt number
5 Oh Ohnesorge number
6 p fitting parameter
7 dp/dz pressure gradient, Pa/m
8 p pressure drop, Pa
9 pf* dimensionless frictional pressure drop, Pa
10 Pe Peclet number
11 Ph phase change number
12 Po Poiseuille constant
13 Pr Prandtl number
14 Q heat transfer rate, W
15 Q volumetric flow rate, m3/s
16 q heat flux, W/m2
17 R pipe radius, m
18 Re Reynolds number
19 Ref film Reynolds number
20 Rep particle Reynolds number
21 Re* laminar equivalent Reynolds number
22 Ri Richardson number
23 S slip ratio
24 Sc Schmidt number
25 Sh Sherwood number
26 St Stanton number
27 Stk Stokes number
28 Str Strouhal number
29 Su Suratman number
30 T parameter in the Taitel and Dukler (1976) map
31 T temperature, K
32 T temperature difference, K
33 U superficial velocity, m/s
34 ugj mean drift velocity, m/s
35 v specific volume, m3/kg
36 X Lockhart-Martinelli parameter
37 x distance in x-direction, m
38 x mass quality
39 X* modified Lockhart-Martinelli parameter

40 Greek

41  concentration
42  thermal diffusivity, ms/s
Two-Phase Flow 75

1  void fraction
2  volumetric quality
3 t time step size, s
4 x mesh becomes finer, m
5  liquid film thickness, m
6 s dielectric constant (s = /0)
7  permittivity, N/V2
8  permittivity of free space (0 = 8.854 x 10-12 N/V2)
9  pipe roughness, m
10  density, kg/m3
11  dynamic viscosity, kg/m.s
12 c ion mobility, m2/Vs
13 g2 two-phase frictional multiplier for gas alone flow
14 go2 two-phase frictional multiplier for total flow assumed gas
15 l2 two-phase frictional multiplier for liquid alone flow
16 lo2 two-phase frictional multiplier for total flow assumed liquid
17  dimensionless parameter used in Baker flow pattern map
18  molecular mean free path length, m
19  kinematic viscosity, m2/s
20  dimensionless parameter used in Baker flow pattern map
21  surface tension, N/m
22 c characteristic flow system time, s
23 p particle momentum response time, s
24 θ inclination angle to the horizontal
25  physical property coefficient
26  total liquid mass flow rate on both sides of the tube per unit length of tube

27 Subscripts

28 0 vacuum or reference
29 a acceleration
30 air air
31 b bubble
32 c continuous phase
33 D Darcy
34 d dispersed phase
35 dh hydraulic diameter
36 eq equivalent
37 f frictional
38 g gas
39 go gas only (all flow as gas)
40 h hydraulic
41 i inner or inlet
42 i interfacial
76 Heat Transfer Book 1

1 l liquid
2 le laminar equivalent
3 ll laminar liquid-laminar gas flow type
4 lo liquid only (all flow as liquid)
5 lt laminar liquid- turbulent gas flow type
6 m homogeneous mixture
7 m mean
8 max maximum
9 min minimum
10 o outer or outlet
11 o oil
12 p particle
13 p plug
14 Poise Poiseuille flow
15 r refrigerant
16 s saturation
17 s sound
18 slug slug
19 tl turbulent liquid-laminar gas flow type
20 tp two-phase
21 tt turbulent liquid-turbulent gas flow type
22 w wall
23 water water

24 8. References
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1 Awad, M. M., and Muzychka, Y. S., 2004b, A Simple Asymptotic Compact Model for Two-
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5 Awad, M. M., and Muzychka, Y. S., 2005a, Bounds on Two-Phase Flow. Part I. Frictional
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9 Awad, M. M., and Muzychka, Y. S., 2005b, Bounds on Two-Phase Flow. Part II. Void
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