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PENDIPA Journal of Science Education, 2022: 6 (1), 151-161 ISSN 2086-9363

The Development of Kinemaster Animation Video as

a Media to Improve Science Literacy in Elementary
Abdul Rochman Amrullah*, Suryanti, Nadi Suprapto
Postgraduate Program of Basic Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33369/pendipa.6.1.151-161

[The Development of Kinemaster Animation Video as a Media to Improve Science Literacy in
Elementary Schools]. This research was conducted to develop kinemaster animation video media using
the four D development model to improve students' scientific literacy on magnetism. The aim of this
study was the Kinemaster animated video media that tried out to 27 six-grade students of SDN
Bulusidokare Sidoarjo with Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data collection techniques were
validation, observation, tests, and questionnaire. The analysis of research result revealed that the
feasibility included: 1) valid, the media and instructional tools that were developed by the researchers
were feasible to be experimented; 2) practical, the feasibility of learning went very well with the
percentage of 88% to 100%, best practice that was found were students’ enthusiasm increased, the
media could be played many times and able to motivate students in doing experiments. The obstacles
that happened during the learning process were students’ readiness, insubstantial facilities and
infrastructure, and nonoptimal online learning supervision; 3) effective, the science-literacy-test result
of experimental-class students passed with N-gain 0,5 to 1.0. Whereas, on the control-class, some
students faced failure with N-gain from 0.17 to 0.57. Data from N-gain results (%) both classes got
normal and homogenous distribution, thus independent sample t-test was conducted with significance
result 0.00 < 0.05. It can be affirmed that there was effectivity difference in improving science literacy
on experimental-class and control-class. Good responses that students gave reached 89% to 100%. The
conclusion of this study is Kinemaster animated video media was feasible and effective to be used in
improving science literacy on primary school students.

Keywords: Learning Media, Kinemaster Animation Video, Science Literacy.

INTRODUCTION making some reading spaces at school and

expanding book or magazine collections that
The result of the PISA study in 2018 students can read. Besides School Literacy
revealed that science literacy in Indonesia scored Movement (SLM), the government also
396 and ranked 70th place out of 78 countries, develops Minimum Competency Assessment
so that it was still far from the PISA's average (MCA) to measure schools' potency; thus, they
standard (OECD, 2019). Due to PISA 2018 that can evolve based on the situation around them.
stated students' literacy level in Indonesia was The implementation of this MCA requires some
very low, the government tries to design students from one school who are randomly
programs that some of them are School Literacy selected to solve some questions that have
Movement (SLM) and Minimum Competency different literacy levels. The results of MCA
Assessment (MCA). Those two programs have a obtained are used by the government as
tight correlation between improving students' references to map the education in Indonesia
science literacy skills in Indonesia. Through the based on the students' situation and ability.
School Literacy Movement (SLM) activity, the Science literacy, according to PISA, is the
Ministry of Education and Culture have hopes ability that is owned by someone in using
for each school to develop literacy activities by knowledge of Science, identifying questions,

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and drawing a conclusion based on the empirical internet data required is too large. Teachers’
evidence to comprehend and come to a decision creativity in designing an online learning is
that is related to nature and the changes that definitely required. It is in accordance with what
were done to nature through the activities that (Martin, 2020) did in his research that was doing
humans conduct. Science literacy is expected to two-way communication with students’ parents
make students choose appropriate information to decide on convenient online learning for
scientifically, understand figures, tables, charts students in this COVID-19 pandemic period.
on scientific information, and evaluate the truth Teachers have to have the ability to develop
or a fact from a scientific finding. Science online-based learning media to be able to train
literacy becomes compulsory and crucial for students’ intelligence. Media comes from Latin
every level of society to support a nation's language ‘medium’ that means companion or
development through the quality of human mediator. Media is a message companion or
resources with literacy in Science and mediator from the sender to the receiver of the
Technology. However, the PISA's evaluation message. According to (Sadiman et al, 2014)
result states that students in Indonesia still have media is any kind of things that are used to send
low literacy skills, which tend to be decreased a message that is useful to stimulate mind,
every year. attention, interest, and emotion to support a
The period of the COVID-19 pandemic learning process. (Mustaji, 2013) said that media
makes teaching-learning activities in all is a tool – which is concrete, in the form of
education levels around the world become messages or information. From those several
hampered. This situation also happens in opinions, it can be concluded that media is a
Indonesia, where students study from home to physical instrument that is utilized to convey
maintain safety and protect the health of the messages or information to students in order to
nation's next generations. Learning with the achieve the expected learning objectives. The
online model (on the internet) has complained role of media in a learning process is essential to
about a lot by students' parents, but the accomplish the desirable learning objectives.
government policy has been regulated in the Bruner in (Heinich, 2002) revealed that learning
Circular Letter of Ministry of Education and begins directly or enactive, experiences in using
Culture Number 3 the Year 2020 about COVID- iconic representation by using video recordings
19 precautions education units on March 9th or pictures or representation experiences
2020. Ministry of Education and Culture urges symbolically by interpreting varieties of
all education units under the Ministry of symbols. Things that should be considered in
Education and Culture to defer conducting selecting a learning media are supports for
programs that invite many participants or change learning materials, accessible, operating skills,
it with video conferences or other online time allocation, and appropriateness for
communications. Particularly for regions that students’ thinking level. One of media that is
have been affected by COVID-19, online suitable to use for online learning is video
learning from home is applied and is viewed media. It is revealed by (Hajhashemi et al, 2018)
equally as school or university attendance. that the ustilization of online videos could
Based on observation result in the field influence students’ multiple intelligence. Video
about learning in SDN Bulusidokare Sidoarjo, is a learning media that is also active to improve
there are many teachers who only used student the standards in a learning process as mentioned
worksheet that was bought from a publisher to by (Kay et al, 2019) that video could increase
manage online learning. They gave assignments students’ learning experience since it directly
via Whatsapp group in the form of instruction to engages students in social learning. Through
do exercise(s) on student worksheet at certain flipped-classroom-based learning, students also
page. Moreover, the teachers also made gave responses in the form of videos hence
individual video call(s) through Whatsapp with learning could go actively. It was similar to a
the students alternately. When the researchers research conducted by (Beheshti et al, 2018) that
interviewed the teachers, so many teachers in showed that learning videos could facilitate
SDN Bulusidokare Sidoarjo complained. It was problem-solving and creative thinking by giving
because not all students had smartphone and the students pictures along with audio to

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communicate the topic correctly, and enabling EXPERIMENTAL METHODS

students to acquire skills in research, and The type of research used was Research and
organization, and knowledge for problem- Development (R & D), a research method used
solving and cooperative work. to examine products’ effectiveness and as a
The purpose of this study is to produce developer of certain products (Sugiyono, 2010).
appropriate video-based Science learning media This study developed Kinemaster animated
to improve science literacy skills in primary video learning media in which contains
schools. The specific purposes of this study are ‘magnets’ material and was designed based on
1) to describe the validity of Kinemaster instructional tools in the form of the lesson plan,
animated video-based Science learning media; ‘magnets’ teaching material, student worksheet,
2) to describe the practicality of Kinemaster and instruments of science literacy skill. The
animated video-based Science learning media in subject of this study was Kinemaster animated
improving sixth-grade primary school students’ video-based Science learning media in
science literacy skills that can be examined developing science literacy that was going to be
from: a) the feasibility of learning process using trialled on 20 sixth-grade students of SDN
Kinemaster animated video-based Science Bulusidokare Sidoarjo Academic Year
learning media on ‘magnets’ material; b) best 2020/2021. The procedure of this study was
practice of learning using Kinemaster animated conducted in two stages: the stage of learning
video-based Science learning media with media development and the stage of trialling the
‘magnets’ material; c) the obstacles of learning learning media in a virtual class. This study was
using Kinemaster animated video-based Science conducted in three meetings that contained
learning media on ‘magnets’ material; 3) the discussions of the properties of magnets, types
effectivity of Kinemaster animated video-based of magnets and their function, how to make
Science learning media in improving sixth-grade magnets, and things that can remove magnetism.
students’ science literacy skills that can be The stage of learning media development
identified from a) students’ science literacy referred to the 4-D (Four D) development
skills after being taught using Kinemaster model, which consists of four steps, such as to
animated video-based Science learning media, define (deciding), design (planning),
b) students’ response towards Kinemaster develop (creating), and disseminate
animated video-based Science learning media. (distributing). The scheme of the 4D model
This study developed a product in the form of (Thiagarajan et al., 1974) is shown in figure
Kinemaster animated video learning media with below:
‘magnets’ material. This Kinemaster animated
video is expected to be able to help students in
developing their science literacy skills. The
production of this Kinemaster animated video is
based on Curriculum 2013 for sixth-grade
students Theme 5.
This study developed learning video media
by utilizing the Kinemaster application. It is one
of the android-based application that can be
downloaded in the Google Play Store. This
application is used to edit videos that we are
going to produce; thus, it becomes more
attractive. According to (Handoko, 2021),
sophisticated features of this Kinemaster
application can help users edit videos with better
results. Hence, this application is quite liked by Figure 1. 4D Development Scheme
android users. It is the same with (Burum and
Quinn’s, 2015) opinion, mentioning In the define stage, the researcher decided
that Kinemaster Pro from Nextstreamingcorp is the conditions required in the video learning
a video editing application that is very favoured. media production plan by analyzing the

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PENDIPA Journal of Science Education, 2022: 6 (1), 151-161 ISSN 2086-9363

objectives and limitations of the learning achieve the learning objectives. It is in

material. This step involved preliminary accordance with Behaviorism learning theory
analysis, students, learning material, concept, that was proposed by Thorndike that stated
and planning learning objectives. In the learning is a process that is related to responses
design stage, the researchers formulated test and stimulus. The development of Kinemaster
questions and designed the Kinemaster animated animated video that is used in online learning
video media that would be used in the learning can give stimuli towards learning materials and
process. In the developing stage, the researchers make students become enthusiast in responding
produced Kinemaster animated video media in to all learning activities well.
improving students’ science literacy that had The validity of this Kinemaster animated
been revised according to critics and advice video-based Science learning media was
from experts (validators) and data validated by three validators. The validation
from Kinemaster video media trial result. In the result of Kinemaster-animated-video that was
last stage disseminate, the researchers did performed by the three validators showed that
scientific publication through the journal and the mode of learning media validation
distributed the production components was in the form of media format,
of Kinemaster animated video to their peers at media display, concept presentation, and the
school. In addition, this Kinemaster animated implementation of science literacy that was
video was also uploaded on Youtube to become contained in that media was 3,0 to 4,0 and was
different learning media for other teachers. The classified as very valid by the validators for 12
trials of this Kinemaster animated video used a indicators and 10 indicators got valid category.
One Group Pretest-Posttest research design. The The evaluation of learning media validation that
research instruments of this study consisted of a obtained mode between 3,0 to 4,0, when linked
media validation sheet, learning feasibility with media validation scoring criteria by
sheet, best practice observation sheet, obstacle (Ratumanan and Laurens, 2011), showed that
observation sheet, science literacy tests, and Kinemaster animated video that was developed
student response questionnaire. Data analysis by the researchers belonged to valid category
technique that was used to measure the validity with an annotation that it could be used with
was by using reliability test, learning feasibility some revisions. The reliability of Kinemaster
using the percentage of learning criteria that was animated video-based Science learning media
proposed by (Riduwan, 2012). Best practice and validation result was 86% to 100%. The revision
obstacles used descriptive qualitative analysis, that was done by the researchers was by adding
students’ science literacy improvement used N- clips about information of Science that could
gain score (Hake, 1999). Normality test, enrich students’ knowledge in learning magnets,
homogeneity test, t-test, and students’ response thus students could do science literacy by
used student-response-criteria that was proposed recognizing science issues in daily life, and
by (Riduwan, 2012). solve science-related problems in daily life. It is
also mentioned by Poedjiadi in (Toharudin et al,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2011) who said that a person can be said to have
The quality of this Kinemaster animated science-and-technology literacy skills if that
video development had passed three criteria, person has the ability to solve problem by
those were valid, practical, and effective. associating concepts of Science that are obtained
Development criteria, according to (Nieveen, from education, recognize a product of
2007), have three aspects in conducting technology and know about its influence for the
education product development that refer to the surroundings, and become creative in
quality that is viewed based on the validity, the developing products of technology thus students
practicality, and the effectivity. Science learning can make a decision by considering local’s
media that was developed was also equipped values and culture. Related to that matter,
with lesson plan, student worksheet, and science (Sadiman et al, 2014) also conveys that learning
literacy test instrument. The presence of media media selection should be based on learning
in learning can support students’ concept material, learning objectives, students’ character,
mastery and give stimulations to students to surrounding environment situation, and

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limitations of the media itself. (Suryanti et al, researchers was categorized as valid with an
2020) also reveled that local culture-based annotation that it could be used with some
learning materials are more effective in training revisions. Revisions related to science literacy
primary school students’ literacy skills up to test instrument was conducted according to the
level 5. three validators’ advices, such as adding
The validation result of the lesson plan that question categories besides remembering, which
was developed from the three validators got means that there should be some questions that
mode result 3,0 to 4,0 with validation categories belong to C3 or C4 level thus the level of
that were obtained were very valid for 11 students’ science literacy skills can be improved.
indicators, and valid for 6 indicators. The Questions that were formulated by the
reliability of validation result was 86% to 100%. researchers had figures and texts that could be
The validation result showed that the lesson plan analyzed by students to develop their science
was appropriate to be used in teaching learning literacy skills. from the instruments that had
process according to (Ratumanan and Laurens, been validated above, it can be concluded that
2011) that validation result scores 2,6 to 3,5 is the instructional tools that were developed by
considered valid, and score 3,6 to 4,0 is the researchers were appropriate to be trialed in
considered very valid. validation result of the the field.
lesson plan was developed based on Minister of The practicality of this Kinemaster animated
Education and Culture’s Policy number 22 Year video was viewed from learning feasibility, best
2016 about the components that are included in practice, and the obstacles in the learning
lesson plan, those are: school’s identity. process. Learning feasibility by using
Subject’s identity, class/semester, main material, Kinemaster-based video media got average score
time allocation that is used to accomplish basic 3,3 to 4,0 with feasibility percentage of 83% to
competences, learning objectives that are 100%. Based on lesson plan’s observation result,
suitable for the basic competences, basic (Riduwan, 2012) stated that feasibility
competences, indicators, learning material, percentage of lesson plan ranged between 75%
learning method, learning media, learning to 100% could be categorized as well executed.
resources, learning steps, and learning The learning process went very well because it
assessment. The validation result of student was conducted based on the steps that was
worksheet that had been developed by the written in the lesson plan that had been made. In
researchers got mode score 3,0 to 4,0 with the learning process, the teacher showed the
validation category very valid for 6 indicators, Kinemaster animated video through Youtube
and valid for 2 indicators. The reliability of platform. Students could access the video via
validation result was 86% to 100%. This online anytime and anywhere, students could
validation result can be associated with scoring also replay the video thus the material that was
criteria that was proposed by (Ratumanan and discussed could be comprehended better. It was
Laurens, 2011) that shows that student also supported by (Atika, et at al, 2018) who
worksheet that was developed by the researchers said that learning process with the help of video
was classified as valid with an annotation that it gives learning experience to be directly involved
could be used with some revisions. and connects the prior knowledge with the
The validation result of the content of information that is going to be learned thus it
science literacy test that had been developed got becomes meaningful and systematically
mode score 3,0 to 4,0 that was categorized as develops thinking skills. The presence of media
very valid for the 10 test items. It means that all in the form of learning video that plays a role in
the questions were very valid. while the validity demonstrating some concepts helps to stimulate
of science literacy res construction that had been students’ curiosity towards the material that is
developed got mode score 3,0 to 4,0 with going to be learned and grows students’ interest
validation category valid for 9 test items and to participate actively in the learning. Besides,
very valid for 1 test item. Based on the data, (Hajhashemi et al, 2018) also discovered a fact
when related to scoring criteria that was in their research that students had higher
proposed by (Ratumanan and Laurens, 2011), intrapersonal intelligence by utilizing online
science literacy test that was developed by the videos as learning resource. Concisely, the

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learning feasibility result can be read thoroughly video through Youtube showed that there were
through the bar chart below: 129 views since the video was released with 7,4
hours of view duration. Therefore, it can be
concluded that students’ enthusiasm in learning
Implementation of Learning
by using Kinemaster animated video was quite
101.0 high. It was also supported by (Kay, et al, 2019)
99.0 in their study that revealed that learning through
98.0 online video-based discussion was very
97.0 Implemen
96.0 tation 1 interesting since it involved students to give
95.0 feedback in the form of video that will later be
94.0 Implemen

93.0 commented but their peers, thus the teacher-

tation 2
Core Activities

Class Situation
End Activities

student-interaction and student-student-

Implemen interaction could happen. Secondly, students
tation 3
could easily replay the video to do the student
worksheet that was provided in the description
column, so that students could observe and
Figure 2. Bar Chart of Learning Feasibility analyze the material that was presented in the
video well. It was in accordance with the study
On the bar chart above, it can be seen that the that was conducted by (Imamah, 2012) who – in
main activity got lower score than the pre- her study, explained that the learning that was
activity or post-activity. It is because there was combined with animated video had been
difference in activities that was achieved on increasing, particularly regarding students’
every meeting. In addition, there were some involvement in the learning process and the time
obstacles that happened such as smartphones students used to find, investigate, and discuss the
that was being carried by working parents or problem that was delivered by the researcher.
inadequate internet connection at students’ Thirdly, students were also motivated and were
location, so that not all students followed the able to easily find clues to conduct an
activities as scheduled. Students’ enthusiasm experiment or observation towards the materials
was more visible in the pre-activity since they presented. Science-related information could
were motivated to participate in the quiz or also enrich students’ knowledge towards the
game conducted by the teacher at the beginning material development that was related to
of the class. Moreover, student also seemed ‘magnets’, thus students had better
excited in doing question-and-answer with the understandings about things related to magnets.
teacher in the apperception session. Best This supported the study that was conducted by
practice that found in the process of learning: (Zuraidah, et al, 2016) that showed that using
firstly, learning using Kinemaster animated videos of online lecture and doing tutorials could
video could attract students’ interest to watch the be used to accomplish higher learning
video and read every part of the video. Students’ achievement.
enthusiasm can be seen on the figure below: There were some obstacles that were found
during the learning process by using this
Kinemaster animated video media. Learning
process was conducted three times that
discussed the properties of magnets, types of
magnets and its function in daily life, how to
make magnets and demagnetization. The
obstacles that were found were: Firstly, students’
readiness in following the learning activities at
Figure 3. Kinemaster Animated Video Views different times since there were some students
who used their parents’ smartphone, so that they
It can be seen on the figure above, the first had to wait for their parents to be home to do the
meeting of learning using Kinemaster animated science literacy test and/or student worksheet.
Secondly, students who were out of town could

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not really attend the activities that were on the advantages of other applications, difficulties in
student worksheet well. It was because of getting internet connection since the gadgets
limited facilitation and infrastructure when the were frequently carried by the parents to work,
students were out of town. Therefore, the student and difficulties in getting signals since the
worksheet was filled out after the class ended. provider that was being used was insufficient.
Thirdly, the researchers could not directly The effectivity of Kinemaster animated
supervise the process of student worksheet video in improving science literacy was viewed
fulfillment and/or literacy test since the learning from two factors, those were the improvement of
process was conducted via online. This students’ literacy skills through pretest and
phenomenon supported the study that was posttest with N-gain score, normality test,
conducted by (Anugrahana, 2020) that showed homogeneity test, t-test, and students’ response
that there were obstacles that were found during towards Kinemaster animated video media. The
online learning , those were the situation of results of pretest, posttest, and N-gain on the
parents who frequently used WhatsApp field trial can be seen on the table below:
application so that they did not really know the

Table 1. The Science Literacy Test Results of Experimental class and Control-Class Students

Experiment Control
Pretest Posttest N-Gain Category Pretest Posttest N-Gain Category
1 40 90 0.83 High 40 60 0.33 Medium
2 50 80 0.60 Medium 40 60 0.33 Medium
3 40 90 0.83 High 30 60 0.43 Medium
4 80 100 1.00 High 50 70 0.40 Medium
5 30 90 0.86 High 50 60 0.20 Low
6 50 80 0.60 Medium 30 50 0.29 Low
7 60 90 0.75 High 50 60 0.20 Low
8 40 80 0.67 Medium 30 70 0.57 Medium
9 30 80 0.71 High 40 60 0.33 Medium
10 30 90 0.86 High 30 60 0.43 Medium
11 40 80 0.67 Medium 50 60 0.20 Low
12 50 90 0.80 High 40 70 0.50 Medium
13 60 80 0.50 Medium 70 80 0.33 Medium
14 80 100 1.00 High 60 80 0.50 Medium
15 40 80 0.67 Medium 40 60 0.33 Medium
16 40 90 0.83 High 50 70 0.40 Medium
17 50 90 0.80 High 40 60 0.33 Medium
18 60 90 0.75 High 60 80 0.50 Medium
19 70 90 0.67 Medium 80 90 0.50 Medium
20 50 80 0.60 Medium 40 60 0.33 Medium
21 40 90 0.83 High 50 60 0.20 Low
22 50 80 0.60 Medium 50 70 0.40 Medium
23 40 90 0.83 High 30 60 0.43 Medium
24 30 80 0.71 High 40 50 0.17 Low
25 30 90 0.86 High 50 80 0.60 Medium
26 40 80 0.67 Medium 40 60 0.33 Medium
27 40 80 0.67 Medium 20 50 0.38 Medium

Based on the table above, it was shown that as students who had high literacy skills or it can
Experimental class students scored between 30 be called as literate. Based on Cognitive theory
to 80 on the pretest. Three students who got proposed by (Piaget, 1964), the stage of
passed category on the pretest could be classified cognitive development on primary school

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students is classified into concrete operational On the stage of t-test, group statistics data
stage that is from 7 to 10 years old. In this stage, was obtained. The mean of N-gain (%) on
children are classified to be able to sort numbers, Experimental class was 74,6914, which means
identify, considering problem-solving, that Kinemaster animated video that was used in
understanding their surroundings, and able to the learning process was effective enough in
create a work. While on the posttest, growing students’ science literacy skills, while
Experimental class students scored between 80 on Control class, mean score that was obtained
to 100, with 27 students got passed category. it was 36,8563 < 40 which means that learning
means that the students got 100% of mastery process without using Kinemaster animated
after conducting learning process by using video media was not effective in growing
Kinemaster animated video media. It was students’ science literacy skills. Furthermore, on
different form Control class that did not use the two-tailed t-test, significance score of 0,000
Kinemaster animated video media, students’ < 0,05 was earned thus it can be concluded that
pretest scored between 20 to 80 with mastery there was significant difference in effectivity
criteria of 2 students. While on the posttest, between learning process that used Kinemaster
Control class scored between 50 50 90 with 10 animated video media and the learning process
students who passed the test and the other 17 that did not to improve the science literacy skills
students were classified as failed. The mastery of sixth-grade students of SDN Bulusidokare
percentage was only 37% since the learning Sidoarjo. It was also approved by (Anita et al,
process went like usual and did not use media 2019) who stated that the difference in learning
that could improve students’ literacy skills. The achievement of university students in
growth of students’ literacy skills by using N- Experimental class who were taught using
gain calculation on Experimental class resulted animated video was far higher than those who
0,5 to 1,0; with (Hake, 1999) N-gain were in Control class who were taught using
classification, there were 16 students who got conventional method. Moreover, (Norma et al,
high gain classification, while the other 11 2020) also mentioned that the utilization of
students got moderate gain classification. The multimedia in learning influenced the science
result of this literacy test supported study by literacy of middle school students in Mataram
(Niswatuzzahro et al, 2018) that conveyed that city because the growth of science literacy on the
the implementation of discovery learning model students in Experimental class was higher than
with the help of audio-visual media could the growth of science literacy on the students in
increase students’ science literacy. In addition, a Control class. Based on the matters above, it can
study conducted by (Norma et al, 2020) that be concluded that Kinemaster animated video
revealed that the use of learning multimedia had media was effective in improving students’
more influence on students’ first science literacy science literation.
competence, that was explaining a phenomenon Students’ response was collected from the
scientifically. Normality test of the pretest and questionnaire that was administered to 20
post test results on Experimental class got students by using Google Form after the students
significance score 0,215 > 0,05. Therefore, it can attended learning process using Kinemaster
be said that the data was distributed normally. animated video media on ‘magnets’ material.
Whereas significance score that was obtained on The result of students’ response from 12
Control class was 0,2,2 > 0,05; which means that statements that was written in the questionnaire
the data was also distributed normally. got “Yes” response between 89% to 100%, and
Homogeneity test on both classes that was got “No” response between 4% to 11%. From
obtained from mean-based N-gain (%) resulted the data, it can be concluded that students’
0,571 > 0,05. It can be concluded that the N-gain enthusiasm in attending online learning by using
data variants (%) for the data od Control and online-based Kinemaster animated video media
Experimental class were similar or was very high and was able to improve their
homogeneous. science literacy skills. this phenomenon

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supported a research that was conducted by Atika Deni, Murbangun Nuswowati dan Sri
(Adhiesta et al, 2016) which affirmed that Flash- Nurhayati. (2018). Pengaruh Metode
based Science learning multimedia was valid, Discovery Learning Berbantuan Video
practical, and effective to be used to train Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa SMA.
students’ science literacy skills. Furthermore, Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia, Vol 12,
(Atika et al, 2018) showed that the help of No. 2, 2018, halaman 2149 – 2158.
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