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Beautifully Hurt by Mic e Heard

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Copyright © 2017 by M.A. Heard.

Previously published as Redemption

Rebranded 2021 as Beautifully Hurt

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, including photocopying, recording, or
other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case
of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and
various other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law.
The resemblance to actual persons, things, living or
dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Original Title Published 2017: Redemption.

Cover Designer: Cormar Covers
Family Tree
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Published Books
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May you never stop dreaming.

May you look up at the stars and realize you’re part of a bigger
plan than the one you have for yourself.
May you know kindness, inner peace, love, and faith for all of
your life.

I love you.

Click here - Spotify

The Gambler – Kenny Rogers
Go Your Own Way – Lissie
Feels Like Home – Edwina Hayes
Say Anything – Tristan Prettyman
Dream – Priscilla Ahn
Violin – Amos Lee
Be Still – The Fray
We All Need Saving – Jon McLaughlin
Never Alone – Jim Brickman, Lady A
You’ve Got What I Need – Joshua Radin
Be My Only – Fm Radio

They Bring Me To You – Joshua Radin


Eli Jackson. Rugged and broody, he’s had my attention since

high school.

I’ve hardly spoken to him, too nervous to get a word out

whenever he’s near.

Until one night when he helps me out of a situation.

I manage to worm my way into his life, and slowly all my
dreams start to come true.

A horrific attack shatters my life. I wasn’t supposed to survive,

and now I depend on Eli for my survival because I’m the only
witness who can identify the killers.

Never in a million years did I think the man of my dreams

would be the one to glue my pieces back together.
But with the lingering threat, can Eli protect me when my
nightmares return to silence me?

Suspense Romance / Dark Romance

Previously published as ‘REDEMPTION.’

This book contains subject matter that may be sensitive for some readers. There is
dark and triggering content between these pages related to violence.

18+ only.

Please read responsibly.

Family Tree

Eli Jackson

24 years old

Father: Alex Jackson

Mother: Nina Jackson

Brother: Ethan Jackson

Bestfriend: Jason Sherwood

Quinn Drake

21 years old

Father: Josh Drake

Mother: Passed away

Bestfriend: Katie Conley
Cousin: Finlay Drake
Uncle: David Drake


The Past… 7 years old.

“I’m afraid.” My hands tremble under the heavy weight of the

gun. This is the first time Dad’s letting me hold one.
Dad lies down next to me and places his hand beneath
mine. Feeling his fingers wrap around mine makes me feel a
little braver.

“It’s good to be afraid,” Dad murmurs, his voice deep and

I glance up at him, my eyes wide. “But you’re not afraid of
anything.” My dad’s the strongest person I know. I want to be
just like him when I grow up.
“Everyone has at least one thing they’re afraid of, Eli.”

I wet my lips and taste the layer of sand sticking to them

from lying on the ground. We’re far enough from the house, in
a small clearing between the trees. Watching Dad hit one
target after the other is fun, but now it’s my turn, and I don’t
feel half as brave as I’d like to be in front of Dad.

Ethan didn’t come with us today. Mom gave Dad the same
look she gives me when I’ve been naughty and told him
Ethan’s too young.
“What’s the one thing you’re afraid of, Dad?”
Dad’s eyes leave the gun and find mine. I have the same
light blue eyes and dark brown hair as him.

“I’m afraid of not being there when you, Ethan, or your

mom might need me.”

I frown, thinking about what he just said.

“It’s my responsibility to keep you all safe,” he adds. “I’m
afraid the time will come when I can’t do that anymore.”
“I’ll be there, Dad. I’ll keep you all safe.”

A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth, and I know I said

the right thing.
“What are you afraid of?” Dad asks.

I tighten my grip on the gun again, and then I admit, “I’m

afraid of not making you proud.” He frowns, so I quickly
explain. “I want to be just like you when I grow up. What if
I’m not as strong as you? What if I can’t shoot as well as you?
I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Dad ruffles my hair. “There’s nothing you could do to
disappoint me, little man. You want to know a secret?”

I nod quickly, eager to hear what it is.

“It’s good to be afraid, Eli. It means you care. You might

not always do the right thing, and you might not always be
good at what you do, but the secret is to keep trying. You just
need to keep trying and never stop caring.”

“Like caring about you, Mom, and Ethan?”

“Not just us, Eli. One day you might meet someone
weaker than you. That person might have no one who cares
about them, and it will be up to you to help them.”

“One day, I’ll be as strong as you if I keep trying, right?”

“Yes, little man. One day you’ll be stronger, and you will
still be afraid of something. Never back away from your fears,
son. Facing a fear head-on is the only way to overcome it.”

I look ahead of me again, and my eyes jump from the big

gun to the target. My stomach nervously twists and turns as I
start to squeeze the trigger. The bang is loud, and the gun
jumps in my hand, but Dad catches the weapon before I drop
it. I dart up from the ground and run like the wind to the target,
excited to see if I hit it.

When I don’t see a hole, disappointment stabs at my heart.

I look around for the bullet, but there’s no sign of it.


With my shoulders slumping, I turn around and drag my

feet back to where Dad’s still lying down.

“Come on,” he says, nodding to the ground beside him.

“Practice makes perfect.”

Nodding, I lie back down and take the gun from him.
I have to keep trying because a Jackson never gives up.

I’m going to keep trying until I get it right so I can be

ready when I meet that person who might need me. One day
I’ll follow in Dad’s footsteps, and I’ll make him proud.
Chapter 1


Quinn 21. Eli 24.

Placing a fresh arrangement of flowers in the display window,
my eyes automatically find their way to the hardware store
across the road.
Eli Jackson.
I’ve been in love with him since my freshman year. He
was a senior and wasn’t aware of my existence. He still isn’t,
even though we’ve been working across the road from each
other the past three years.
I was lucky that my best friend Katie arranged a job for me
at The Green Leaf, which belongs to her mom.

Eli’s family bought the hardware store when Joshua

retired, and renamed it Jackson’s Hardware. So, I’m able to
continue my drooling over the oldest Jackson brother without
him knowing.
The Jackson’s live on the outskirts of Southport. Even
though they like to keep to themselves, there’s not a single
person in our coastal town who doesn’t know who they are.
Eli and his younger brother, Ethan, both take after their
father. Everyone knows not to look for trouble with them.
Their mother’s quiet, but whenever our paths cross, she’s
always friendly.
A smile curves my mouth as Eli steps out of the hardware
store. He leans back against the wall and glances up the road.
Again… sigh.

His over six-foot, muscled body has featured in many of

my fantasies. But his eyes… God, his baby blues render me

Eli’s head turns in my direction, and I almost knock a vase

from the display shelf as I pretend to make some adjustments
to an arrangement of red roses.

My breathing’s instantly out of control while my cheeks go

up in flames. My poor heart’s beating a mile a minute.
I let out a soft chuckle at how silly I’m being.

The doorbell jingles, and glancing up, pins and needles

rush over my skin while my eyes widen.

Baby Jesus in a manger.

“Hey,” Eli says, his voice low and deliciously deep.

I lift a hand and wave lamely at him, unable to open my


He’s here.
In front of me.

Holy crap.
My heart leaps to my throat, effectively disabling my vocal
cords. My eyes devour every solid inch of him, and damn if he
doesn’t look hot in his worn blue jeans and a black t-shirt.
Eli glances at the flowers. “Do you have any peonies?”

With my voice still missing in action, I nod before rushing

to the back room where we keep most of our stock. Picking up
a bundle of yellow peonies and a bouquet of pink ones, I will
my heart to slow down.
Calm down, Quinn. Be cool.

The smile strains nervously around my lips as I head back

to the front of the store. Eli’s eyes lock on mine, and they’re so
freaking intense there’s no way on God’s green earth I’m
going to get a word out.

Like an idiot, I just hold up the selection of peonies, and it

draws his gaze to the flowers. “The yellow ones, please,” he

I nod and quickly place the pink flowers in water before

wrapping the yellow one’s up in paper. I ring the amount up,
and then my eyes widen slightly.


Freaking talk, Quinn.

I clear my throat, and keeping my gaze on the flowers, I
say, “That’ll be thirty dollars.”

Eli hands me the cash, and taking hold of his purchase, he

tilts his head to catch my eyes. The moment mine lock with his
baby blues, my mouth grows dry, and my heart goes from
racing to thundering against my ribs.

“Thanks, Quinn,” he says, the corner of his mouth lifting

slightly in a way too hot grin.

That’s it. I can die happy now.

“You’re welcome,” I reply, my voice soft but strained.

You’re so freaking welcome. Please come again.

Eli’s eyes linger on me for a couple of seconds, enough

time to make the world stop spinning, and then he walks out of
the store.

I suck in a desperate breath of air, and placing my hand

over my heart, I stare dreamily at his retreating broad back.
Nina, Eli’s mom, pulls up to the Jackson’s Hardware, and I
watch as Eli wraps her in a hug before giving her the flowers.
Nina smiles happily at her eldest, and then they talk as they
head inside their store.

God, is there anything more perfect on this planet than Eli

Katie comes in, and when she places my vanilla latte down
in front of me, she teases, “Someone saw Eli.”

“Better,” I say, grinning widely. “Eli came in to buy

peonies for Nina.”

Katie’s eyebrows shoot up. “You actually spoke to him?”

Pulling a disgruntled face, I pick up my latte. “No, my

voice decided to stop working again.”

Katie comes around the counter and gives me a sideways

hug. “Don’t worry, you’ll get another chance.”

“Which won’t help if I can’t bring myself to talk to him.” I

roll my eyes. “He must think I’m a naïve little girl.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t,” Katie tries to comfort me.

I take a sip of my latte, then shrug. “I’ll just admire him
from a safe distance. Eli’s way too much man for me.”

A burst of laughter from Katie has me glaring at her.

“He’s too much man for any woman in this town,” she

I let out a sigh. “If only dreams came true.”

Katie heads to the back room, then calls out, “We should
grab a drink after work. You need to get out more.”
“I get out plenty.” I walk to the doorway between the front
and back so I can see Katie, where she’s taken a seat at her
desk. “But a drink sounds good.”
“It’s a date,” she grins at me. “And maybe I’ll get lucky
and catch Jason’s eye.”

“Yeah, one of us needs to land the man of her dreams,” I

say, and then my phone beeps, drawing my attention. Picking
up the device from where I left it on the counter, I open a
message from my cousin.
Finlay: I’m bored.

I let out a chuckle, then call out to Katie, “Finlay texted

me. She’d bored.”

“Tell her to move to Southport already,” Katie replies.

Quinn: Katie says you should just move here.

Finlay: I’m definitely thinking about it. With Dad in

Saudi Arabia, the house is quiet.

Quinn: Do it. You can move in with me.

Finlay: I’ll talk to Dad about selling the house.
Quinn: Let me know how it goes.
Finlay: Hugs.
“She’s going to talk to Uncle David about selling the
house,” I tell Katie.
She comes to sit next to me behind the counter. “I think
that’s a great idea. It’s stupid that you’re both living alone.
Finlay can move in with you.”
“That’s what I told her.”
Our fathers are brothers, and Finlay’s only two years
younger than me. It would be great to have her here with me.


Checking the plywood we just received, a smile tugs at the

corner of my mouth from how happy Mom was when she saw
the flowers.
It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to get her flowers,
and seeing how much she appreciated them made me wish I’d
done it more often.
Happy with the delivery, I sign for it then watch as the
driver leaves. I pull the shutter doors closed before walking to
the front of the store.
Mom started working for Joshua, the previous owner,
before I was born. When he retired, Dad bought the place, and
after I returned from my military service, I took over. I served
two years because Dad said it helped build character, and he
was right. I feel like I left a boy and came back a man.
The store keeps me busy, but I spend all my free time
building my own place. The piece of land I got is walking
distance from my parents’ house.
Stopping at the store’s entrance, I lean my shoulder against
the doorjamb and cross my arms over my chest. My eyes find
their way to The Green Leaf across the road, and I let out a
soft chuckle.

Quinn Drake. The shy girl with a smile that stole the sun
right from the sky.
Quinn’s pretty with warm, brown hair and eyes, and it’s
only a matter of time before one of the guys in town sweeps
her up. Her best friend, Katie, is pretty too. I know Jason, a
friend from school, has his eye on her.
Like everything else in this town, relationships happen at a
snail’s pace, and it’s always everyone’s business. There’s no
such thing as privacy in Southport.
Glancing over my shoulder, I check the time on the clock
above the counter. Another twenty minutes before I’ll close up
shop and head over to the bar to have a drink with Jason.
Turning my gaze back to the road, it’s in time to see Katie
and Quinn lock the door to The Green Leaf. Katie spots me
and waves, and then she slaps Quinn on her arm, saying
something to her. Quinn’s head whips my way, and after
giving me a quick wave, she darts down the road before I even
have a chance to return the greeting.

If I weren’t so busy building my house, I’d think about

asking Quinn out on a date. But she’s the kind of girl you wine
and dine. You don’t just fuck her and walk away.
No, not Quinn Drake. She’s the girl you take home to your
Checking the time again, I push away from the doorjamb
and walk to the counter.

Just then, Steward rushes into the store. “Caught you just
in time,” he chuckles, sounding relieved. “My drill bit the dust
halfway through putting up those shelves Jill’s been nagging
me for.”
I gesture to the aisle where I keep the power tools. “The
Craftsman’s seventy-nine, ninety-nine. It will get the job
“Cordless, right?” Steward asks.

I nod.
He inspects the other drills, then smiles. “I’ll take one.”
I help him with the purchase and hand him the box.
“Thanks for the support and good luck with the shelves.”
As soon as Steward leaves, I close up. I head to my truck,
and sliding behind the steering wheel, I drive to The Port, our
local bar, where Jason’s the bartender.
I park out front, and when I step inside, I greet neighbors
and acquaintances as I walk to the bar.
As I take a seat on a stool, Jason grins at me, then he tilts
his head toward the pool tables. “Look who’s here.”

I glance to the back of the bar and see Quinn and Katie
playing pool.
“Are you going to pluck up the courage and ask Katie on a
date?” I ask as I turn my attention back to my friend.
He hands me a beer. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
“You’re so full of shit,” I taunt him as I take a swig. My
eyes find their way back to the girls, and I watch as Quinn
bends over the table to take a shot. The tight jeans she’s
wearing give a perfect view of her ass, and I notice I’m not the
only guy staring.
“I’m just waiting for the right moment,” Jason says,
pulling my attention back to him. He grabs a beer for himself
and leans against the counter. “Did you get the toilet done?”
I nod and let out a sigh. “Around midnight. The
bathroom’s finished.”

“Which room are you tackling next?”

“The kitchen.”
His eyes find Katie with a look of longing as he asks, “So
you’re moving in this weekend?”
“Yeah, finally. With the main bedroom and bathroom done,
I can manage.”

“Gonna live off take-out?” he taunts me.

“I can grill a mean steak,” I chuckle.

“True that.”
Slowly, more folks trickle into the bar until the regular
crowd is well on their way to getting drunk.

Katie comes over to the counter, and leaning her forearms

on the worn wood, she grins at me. “Enjoying the beer?”
I answer her smile with one of my own. “Yeah.” I gesture
to the pool tables. “Kicking ass?”
Katie shakes her head. “Quinn’s too good.”

“Yeah?” I ask.
Katie nods to the back of the bar. “Ten dollars says you
can’t beat her.”

“Careful, they’re hustlers,” Jason jokes as he joins us, his

eyes locked on Katie with a playful smile on his face.
“Another round?”

“Please,” Katie answers, a blush creeping up her neck.

Christ, these two should just get together already.
“Sit and keep Jason company while I see if I can beat
Quinn,” I tell her, doing Jason a favor.
Rising to my feet, I head to the back where Quinn’s
looking at her phone. I come up next to her, and not taking her
eyes off the device, she says, “Finlay says Uncle David will
think about it. Also, I’m alone for another week. Dad’s not –
Oh my God!” She takes a startled step back, her eyes wide as
saucers on me.
“Didn’t mean to scare you.”
She quickly shakes her head. “I thought you were Katie.
“Never been mistaken for a girl before,” I joke, trying to
set her at ease.
Quinn looks downright uncomfortable as she says, “Crap,
no, that’s not what I meant.”

“I’m just pulling your leg.” I grab a cue from the rack.
“Katie says you’re good. How about a game?”
Quinn glances nervously at the table then nods. “Ah…
sure.” Shrugging, she adds, “I’m probably not as good as you,
“Only one way to find out.” I smile at Quinn while
gesturing at the table. “You can break.”
She steps closer to the table and then leans over the side.
The soft curls of her long hair fall forward, touching the green
felt. Just as she takes the shot, her eyes dart to me, and she
looks so fucking sexy, I instantly begin to harden.
Lawnmowers. Dad. Screws… fuck, no, ah… Mom.

That does the trick to keep me from going rock hard in

front of everyone.
Quinn sinks three stripes before it’s my turn.

“Katie wasn’t lying,” I say as I step closer to the table.

Her tongue darts out, wetting her bottom lip, and then she
smiles shyly.
Christ, this woman is trouble. Before you know it, she’ll
have you right in front of the altar saying your vows.
“Did your dad teach you?” I ask as I line up a shot.
“Yeah, but I’ve never been able to beat him.”
I let out a chuckle and sink a solid. Remembering what she
said about being alone for another week, I ask, “Your dad’s out
of town?”
I glance at her as she replies, “He’s hauling a shipment to
I sink another ball. “You okay on your own?”
Quinn nods quickly. “I’m used to it, but hopefully soon,
my cousin, Finlay, will move in with me.”
On purpose, I miss the shot and then smile at her. “Your
Chapter 2


Holy crap.
If it wouldn’t look stupid, I’d pinch myself to make sure
I’m not dreaming. This is the longest I’ve ever been in Eli’s
company and the most we’ve spoken to each other.
And he approached me. Gah, could this day get any

He smiles at me again, and just like all the times before,

my heart skips a beat.

I’m so conscious of him, it’s a freaking miracle I manage

to focus on the game. I sink another ball but wanting more
time with Eli, I miss the next one on purpose.
“Your turn,” I say, my eyes feasting on him as he steps
closer, and then I get a whiff of his cologne. The earthy spice
makes me inhale as deeply as I can. My stomach flutters, and
everything around us fades until there’s just him.

I’m so head over heels for this man, it feels as if every inch
of me is gravitating toward him.
Three guys take the other table, distracting me for a
moment before I drink in the sight of Eli’s arms, the veins
snaking beneath his tanned skin as he lines up the cue. Then
my eyes drift to his hair that’s cut short before I take in his
broad back. When he takes the shot, his muscles ripple
beneath the fabric of his shirt, and I let out a soft sigh.

When he doesn’t sink a ball, my eyebrows dart up. I’ve

seen him play before, and that was an easy shot. Then Eli grins
at me, and all I can do is drool.

“Your turn,” he has to remind me, and I quickly shake my

head as my cheeks flame up from blatantly staring at him.

Smooth, Quinn. Real freaking smooth.

“Do you like working at The Green Leaf?” Eli asks.

I nod as I sink a ball. “I get to spend time with Katie.”

While I check which shot to take next, Eli glances to the
bar. “Has Katie said anything about Jason?”
I turn my gaze to where my friend’s laughing at something
Jason said. Not wanting to spill her secrets, I shrug. “Why?
Has Jason said anything?”
Eli chuckles, and the sound is deep and rich. “Let’s leave
them to figure it out on their own.”

Nodding, there’s a sinking feeling in my stomach when I

realize the game’s almost over.

Again I miss the shot on purpose, and as Eli sinks the next
ball, I wave at Katie, who gives me a happy grin.
Turning my attention back to the game, I grimace when I
see I only have two balls left. But, at least, they’re not easy
Eli rubs his palm over the scruff on his jaw, then says,
“Let’s see how good you are, Quinn.”

Hearing my name from his mouth makes my stomach

flutter as if a kaleidoscope of butterflies has taken flight.

Not wanting Eli to catch onto my feelings for him, I force

myself to focus as I check which ball to sink. Just as I bend
over the table, someone bumps into me from behind. I dart up,
and swinging around, I say, “Sorry.”
One of the guys that’s playing at the other table smirks at
me. “It’s okay. If you want to touch my ass, all you have to do
is ask.”
Not liking the way he’s looking at me, I take another step
away from him. Eli’s hand settles on my lower back, and then
he asks the guy, “Mind moving? Kinda hard to play with you
standing here.”

He’s touching me. Eli’s freaking touching me.

My senses rush to absorb how amazing and protected it

makes me feel.

“My bad,” the other guy chuckles, moving a couple of

steps to the side.

Eli nudges me softly. “Take your shot, Quinn.” He moves

two steps back, which places him behind me as I bend over the
table again. This time I miss, because there’s no way I can
focus, and the white ball stops just shy of falling into a pocket.

“Dang,” I mutter. “I just lined up a perfect shot for you.”

I move out of the way so Eli can play, but then an arm falls
around my shoulders. Startled, my eyes dart to the guy I
bumped into.

“Are you from around these parts?” he asks, giving me

another once over that makes me feel like he just freaking
licked me from head to toe. “We’re passing through. What’s
there to do in this small town?”

I try to move out from under his arm, but then his fingers
wrap around the back of my neck, causing my stomach to
nervously tighten.

“I wouldn’t,” Eli says. Warning laces the words as he steps

up to us, and he looks hot as hell with the dark expression
making his eyes seem icy.

The guy smirks at Eli. “Wouldn’t what? I’m just talking to

the pretty lady.”

“Then use your words and let go of her.” Eli takes hold of
my arm and tugs me to his side.
The guy holds up his hands, laughing. “I wasn’t aware
she’s yours.”

My eyes dart between Eli and the guy. Luckily the guy
backs off, walking back to his friends, who start to laugh at

Then Eli’s hand settles on my shoulder, and he leans down

a little to catch my eyes. “You okay?”

I nod. “Yeah.” I let out a relieved breath. “Thank you for


“Of course.” He nudges me closer to our table. “Let’s

finish the game and join Katie and Jason.”
“Okay.” Wanting to get away from the handsy guy, I line
up my cue, and within seconds I sink my two balls and the
black one. “All done. Let’s go.”

Eli begins to laugh, the sound washing over me, then he

shakes his head as he pins me with a playful gaze. “I knew you
were holding back.”

I shrug as we set the cues back on the rack. “I wasn’t.”

“Right.” Eli glances at the three guys just as they’re joined
by two girls and another guy. He places his hand on my lower
back again, and my insides tremble from how good his touch
feels. “Come on.”

I walk with him to the bar and sit next to Katie, who grins
at me. “Having fun?”
Eli takes a seat on my left, and as I nod, he holds ten
dollars out to Katie. “Quinn kicked my ass.”

“I didn’t,” I mutter, then I give Katie a playful scowl. “Did

you make a bet?”

“Of course,” she chuckles.

I lean a little closer and whisper, “And? Any luck?”

Katie nods, her smile growing quickly. “And you?”

I shrug. “We’ll see.”

Truth be told, I’m just happy to spend some time with Eli.

Today’s already a dream come true for me.


“How’s your place coming along?” Katie asks me.

Jason hands me a beer and a cider for Quinn. Glancing at

Katie, I reply, “Good. I’m moving in this weekend.”

“Oh.” Katie glances from Quinn to me. “Need any help?”

“There’s not much to move,” I chuckle.
“But the man grills a mean steak,” Jason says. “How about
a BBQ to celebrate?”
“Sure.” I take a sip of the beer then turn my gaze to Quinn,
who’s been quiet next to me. “That’s if you don’t have other
Quinn shakes her head, but Katie answers for her, “No
plans. We can bring a salad.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jason says, happy that he’ll get to

spend time with Katie this weekend.
I glance at my watch, and noticing it’s already past seven, I
say, “Damn, I need to get home and start with the kitchen
I don’t think, and placing my hand on Quinn’s back, my
palm brushes up to beneath her hair until my fingers wrap
around her neck. I lean in and ask, “Will you be okay getting

She gives me a nervous smile, her cheeks turning a soft

pink. “Yeah, I’ll be with Katie.”
My thumb brushes over her soft skin, and resisting the
urge to hug her, I pull back and rise to my feet. Knowing Jason
will keep an eye on the girls, I say, “Later, guys.”

“Bye,” Quinn murmurs.

When I walk to the exit, I glance over my shoulder and
catch Quinn staring after me. I almost stop, but needing to get
the kitchen at least partially done before the weekend, I head
out of the bar.
On the drive to my place, my thoughts run circles around
Quinn. Taking a deep breath, I wonder if I shouldn’t ask her
out to dinner.
That’s if she even agrees to a date.

Letting out a chuckle, I shake my head at myself.

I park the truck in the usual spot beneath an oak tree, and
getting out, I walk to where the generator is. Turning it on, it
takes a second, then the floodlights flick on, spotlighting the
I stare at the place I’ve built from the ground up. The
outside still needs to be painted, but I’ll only get to that after
I’ve added the porch. I head inside, tucking my car keys in my
back pocket.

Getting to work on the cupboards, time begins to slip

away, and it’s well after eleven when my phone rings.
Seeing Jason’s name flashing on the screen, I answer,
“What’s up?”
“Need your help at the bar. There’s a group of rowdy guys,
and it looks like things are about to get ugly.”
“On my way.” I jog out of the house, asking, “Did you call
the sheriff?”

“Yeah, but he’s dealing with a fender bender. He said he’ll

send Cade over.”
“I’ll be there in five minutes.”

We end the call, and I quickly drive back to the bar.

Stopping right in front of the entrance, I jump out and walk
inside. I’m just in time to see the idiot from earlier forcefully
pulling Quinn against him.

Jason comes around the bar. “Hey now, let go of her.”

Katie slaps the guy’s shoulder, and it has one of his friends
grabbing her from behind.
I come up behind the idiot holding Quinn, who’s trying to
push away from him, and grabbing hold of his shoulder, I yank
him backward. He staggers, and Quinn pulls free, stumbling
into the counter.
The guy who had a hold of Katie takes a swing at Jason,
and then I have to lean backward to avoid a blow from the
idiot. Bringing my arm back, I deliver a right hook to his jaw,
and he instantly drops unconscious to the floor.

When I move in behind Jason, the friend of the idiot backs

“The deputy’s on his way. Leave, unless you want to spend
the night behind bars.” I gesture at the idiot, then pin the other
guy with a glare. “Take him with you.”
He rushes to pull the idiot up off the floor, and as he drags
him out, the idiot begins to regain consciousness. His eyes
lock on us, and then he yanks loose and storms me. Tired of
this shit, I deliver a kick to his chest, sending his ass sprawling
across the floor.
I stalk toward him, and grabbing hold of his neck, I yank
him up into the air before shoving him right out of the bar. He
stumbles into the front of my truck just as the lights from the
patrol car flash over the parking area.
I instantly step back, assuming a non-threatening pose.

“Eli,” Cade says as he glances at the two guys. “Wanna tell

me what’s going on here?”
“Just some outsiders messing with our girls,” I explain.

Cade nods as he steps closer to them, his hand resting on

his weapon. “Hey guys, having too much fun?”
“No, sir,” the one answers. “Just a misunderstanding.”

Jason comes out. “They’re over the limit.”

Cade’s eyebrows lift. “Where are you staying?”

“Riverside,” the one answers while the idiot glares my

“Best you start walking then,” Cade says. “Your vehicle
should be safe staying here overnight.”
Cade’s suggestion is met with grumbles, and then the guys
wisely walk away. Cade watches them for a moment, then he
turns to Jason and me. “Just give me a call if they come back.”
“Thanks, Cade,” Jason says, stepping forward to shake his
I give Cade a chin lift, and when he heads back to his
patrol car, I turn around, coming face to face with Quinn and
Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around Quinn’s slender
arm. “You okay?”

She nods quickly as her eyes dart over me. “And you?”
I flex my right hand, but it feels okay. “I’m fine.” Glancing
at my truck, then to the girls, I say, “Let me take you home.”

“We’ll just grab our bags,” Katie says, darting back into
the bar. Jason follows her while Quinn stays with me.

“Come on,” I murmur as I tug her toward the passenger

side of my truck. I open the door and help her climb inside. I
shut the door then walk around the front of the vehicle. Sliding
in behind the steering wheel, I glance at Quinn. “Did he hurt
She shakes her head, looking a little pale. Thinking she’s
probably shaken up by what happened, I wrap my arm around
her shoulders and give her a sideways hug.
“Thank you,” Quinn whispers.

Instinctively I press a kiss to the side of her head, and the

soft scent of flowers drifts up to me.
Katie comes out with Jason by her side. “Jason will drop
me off at home after he closes up,” she says as she hands
Quinn her bag through the open window.
I pull my arm back when Quinn shifts closer to the door as
she says, “Call me when you get home.”

“I will.” Katie gives her friend a grin.

Jason comes around to my side and reaches through the
open window to pat my shoulder. “Thanks for coming to
“Any time.” Smiling at him, I start the engine. “Call me if
they come back.”
Jason glances toward the road. “With a little luck, they’ll
look for trouble elsewhere.”

“Later,” I say as I put the truck in gear.

When I reverse out of the parking area, I murmur, “Seat
belt, Quinn.”

She nods quickly, pulling the belt over her and clipping it
in. Her eyes dart to mine, and then I realize this is our first
time alone together.
Chapter 3


The cab feels too big, and I wish I could scoot closer to Eli
without making it obvious I’m trying to get closer to him.

Remembering how badass he looked when he hit and

kicked the guy who wouldn’t leave me alone makes my body
hum with overwhelming desire, unlike anything I’ve felt
I don’t condone violence, but those guys deserved what
they got.
I sneak a glance at Eli as he turns the truck up my street.
He looks relaxed, and you wouldn’t think he was just in a
fight. My eyes dart to his right hand, and seeing the red
swelling on his knuckles, I ask, “Is your hand okay?”
Eli flexes his fingers, glancing down at his hand. “Yeah.”

“Still, we should put some ice on it,” I say as he comes to a

stop in front of my house. It’s only then I realize I didn’t tell
him where to go.

Eli knows where I live.

The thought makes a smile shoot to my face. I glance at
the dark house, then back to Eli. “Want to come in?” Realizing
how presumptuous it sounds, I quickly add, “For ice.” I
gesture to his hand.
Eli nods. “Sure.”
My heart skips a beat as I push the door open, and
climbing out of the truck, I dig my keys out of my bag. When
Eli follows me to the front door, I have a ridiculously happy
grin stuck to my mouth.
Pushing the key in the lock, I have to wiggle it to get it
unlocked because it’s been sticking.
“No porch light?” Eli asks.

I shake my head and finally get the door open. “It went out
last week. I’ve been meaning to get it fixed.”
We step inside the modest house I share with my dad, and I
switch on a light, then walk to the kitchen. Grabbing a towel, I
open the freezer and load some ice into it.
Turning around, the sight of Eli Jackson standing in the
middle of my kitchen robs me of my breath. For a moment, I
can only stare at him because it feels surreal.
Eli tilts his head slightly, the corner of his mouth lifting.
“What’s that look for?”

I shake my head and gesture at the table. “It’s nothing.”

I sit down, then watch as Eli pulls a chair closer to me

before taking a seat. He glances down at the redness on his
knuckles. “It’s really nothing. It will be gone by tomorrow.”

I reach out to him but then hesitate. It takes more courage

than I thought I had to wrap my fingers around his palm.
Instantly a spark shoots up my arm, making my body shudder
from how good it feels to touch him.
Gently, I press the towel to the back of his hand.
“Is that okay?” I ask.

“Hmm.” The sound comes from deep in his throat, sending

goosebumps rushing over my skin.
At this rate, I’m going to pass out from all the
overwhelming feelings.

Eli glances around the kitchen, then asks, “Your dad

travels a lot, right?”

“Yeah.” I shrug. “The life of a truck driver.”

His eyes lock on mine, and the intensity makes me squirm

in my chair.

“Are you okay alone?”

I lower my eyes to his hand, taking in how much bigger

than mine it is. “Yeah, sometimes I stay with Katie and her
family, but I’m okay alone.” I glance around the kitchen. “I
like it.”

Silence falls between us, and it begins to feel intimate. I

dare a glance up at Eli’s face, and I’m immediately lost in the
soft blue of his irises.

I don’t even realize we’re staring at each other until Eli

lifts his left hand, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. It
feels as if something is shifting between us, but before I can
try to figure out if it’s real or just my imagination, my phone
starts to ring.

I’m so caught up in Eli, I startle and almost drop the towel.

Setting it on the table, I reach for my bag and pull my phone

“It’s my dad. He’s checking in.”

“Take the call,” Eli says, his eyes not leaving me.

I get up from the chair as I press the device to my ear. “Hi,


“Hey, my girl,” he says, sounding tired. “How was your


“Good. I just got home.”

“Yeah? Did you go out with Katie?”

“Yes.” My eyes dart to Eli, and not able to keep things

from my dad, I add, “But… ah… Eli brought me home.”

“Eli Jackson? Why?”

“There was a fight at the bar, and he was kind enough to

make sure I got home safely,” I quickly explain.

Dad lets out a relieved breath. “Oh, good. Thank him for
“I will.” Needing to change the subject, I ask, “How’s

“I’m held up in Utah for two days.”

My shoulders slump, “Which means you’ll be gone


“Sorry, my girl.”

I shake my head. “It’s okay, Daddy.” I glance at Eli, then

say, “Uhm, Eli’s still here. I’ll call you tomorrow?”

“Don’t let him stay too long,” Dad warns me, being

I end the call then give Eli an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

He shakes his head as he stands up. “No worries.” He

gestures to the door. “I should head home.”

I nod and walk him to the front door. Eli stops to inspect
the lock, then he says, “I’ll stop by tomorrow with a new

“Oh no,” I exclaim. “It still works. My dad will take care
of it. I don’t want to put you out.”

“I offered.” Eli lifts his hand, and then his fingers wrap
around the side of my neck, and I’m pulled into a hug that
ends before my heart can even start to hammer in my chest.
“I’ll fix it tomorrow,” Eli says, his tone clearly stating it’s not
open for discussion.
I nod. “Thank you.”

“Lock behind me,” he murmurs, his eyes drifting over my


I nod again before saying, “Thank you for everything


“You’re welcome.” Eli steps out onto the porch, then he

gestures at the door. “I’ll wait until you lock the door.”
A shy smile tugs at my mouth as I begin to slowly push the
door shut. “Drive safely.”

“G’night, Quinn.”
“Bye,” I whisper. I lock the door then stare at it as I listen
to Eli’s footsteps walking away. I keep standing on the spot
until I hear his truck drive off, and then I turn around and lean
back, a wide smile blooming on my face.
Tomorrow I’ll see Eli again.


After I’ve closed the hardware store, I cross the road to The
Green Leaf.
The bell jingles as I step inside, and Quinn glances over
her shoulder from where she’s standing behind the counter.

“Hey,” I say. “I thought I’d give you a ride home so I can

fix that lock.”
“That’s so sweet of you,” Katie says as she appears in the
doorway that leads to the back room.
“Need a ride home?” I ask Katie.
“No, I have to stop at the supermarket.” She smiles at
Quinn. “Go, I’ll lock up.”
“Sure?” Quinn asks as she reaches for her handbag.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“I’ll call you later,” Quinn tells Katie as she gives her a
quick wave.

Smiling at Katie, I say, “Later.”

Quinn nervously glances at me before we walk out to
where my truck is parked. As I open the passenger door, she
says, “You really don’t have to fix the lock.”
I nod to the inside of the cab. “Get in, Quinn.”
When she does as I say, I shut the door, and walk around
the front of the truck.
I remember last night and how close I came to asking her
out. Part of me is glad I didn’t, because I don’t want to scare
Quinn off. She’s like a skittish deer you have to handle with
care. I’ve decided to just be her friend for a while so she can
get used to me before I push for more.

I slide behind the steering wheel, and shooting Quinn a

smile, I pull away from the curb.
During the drive to her house, Quinn’s teeth keep tugging
at her bottom lip. She’s wearing a pretty pale green summer
dress with sandals, her toned legs on display.
I try to think of something we can talk about and end up
asking, “Were you busy today?”
I know they weren’t busy, because I looked at the damn
flower shop every couple of minutes.

Quinn shakes her head. “But we got an order in for the

church, so at least tomorrow won’t be as quiet.”
“That’s good,” I murmur as I bring the truck to a stop
outside Quinn’s house. I don’t drive past here often, and
seeing it in the daylight, it’s clear there’s a lot of work that
needs to be done.

Climbing out of the vehicle, I grab a bag and my toolbox

from the back and walk toward the porch. “I’ll fix the light as
I eye the gutters that are overloaded with leaves, but not
wanting to make Quinn feel uncomfortable, I swallow the
offer to clear them out.

Quinn gives me a grateful smile. “I really appreciate it.”

I watch as she struggles to unlock the front door, and when
she finally has it open, her eyes dart to me. “Can I get you
something to drink? Coffee, water? There’s some soda?”
I shake my head. “I’m good.”

She nods then seems to hesitate before she gestures inside

the house. “I’ll get out of your way.”
She darts inside, disappearing into the kitchen, then I set
down the bag and toolbox and get to work removing the old
lock. It only takes me ten minutes to replace it with a new one.
I test the key to make sure it works perfectly.

Looking up at the porch light, I reach up and remove the

old bulb. As I’m putting in a new one, Quinn comes out of the
kitchen, but then she freezes, and her eyes drop to my abs,
where my shirt has pulled up.

I slowly screw in the new bulb while watching as she

stares at me, her lips parted and her green irises darkening.

Interesting. The attraction is definitely not one-sided.

When I’m done, and I lower my arms, her eyes drift up to
my face, and then she realizes I’ve been watching her, and her
cheeks turn a deep pink.

She takes a step back as if she wants to duck back into the
kitchen, but then she pauses and asks, “Are you sure you don’t
want something to drink?”
I tilt my head, trying to catch her eyes, but she keeps
glancing everywhere but at me.

“I’m done,” I say, and it finally makes her meet my gaze.

Surprise, and if I’m not mistaken, disappointment flickers
over her beautiful face. “Already?”

I gesture inside. “I’m just going to check all the other

As I step inside, Quinn presses her back to the wall so I
can pass by her. The urge to grab her so I can kiss the hell out
of her hits me square in the gut. My muscles tense from the
effort it takes to keep walking.

Cleaning and lubricating the locks, I keep moving deeper

into the house, and when I reach a bedroom that looks like it’s
Quinn’s, I ask, “This room yours?”

“Yeah,” she murmurs behind me.

I glance around her personal space, taking in how neat
everything is. The atmosphere feels quiet, just like Quinn. The
bedspread and pillowcases are cream in color, and a dressing
table stands against the wall. There are no bright colors, and
nothing’s out of place.

When I’m done with all the locks, I turn to Quinn. Her
eyes skip nervously over me, and I wonder if it’s because she
doesn’t want me to go.

“Coffee would be nice,” I say, and when her face lights up

with a glow of happiness, my mouth lifts into a smile.
Christ, she’s like a gentle, happy breeze that has the power
of a tornado to knock me on my ass.
Chapter 4


“It was so hot,” I say dreamily. “Watching his muscles

ripple… sigh.”

I turn my head to glance at Katie, where we’re lying on her

“You’ve got it so bad,” she chuckles at me.
“Just as bad as you have it for Jason,” I tease her as I turn
onto my side.
Katie grins at me, her dark brown eyes sparkling. “He’s
been texting me.”
My hand darts out, and I grab hold of her shoulder, giving
her a light shake. “Ooh… tell me everything.”

She lets out a happy shriek and then begins to ramble,

“Every morning, he tells me to have a good day, and before
bed, he’ll tell me to have sweet dreams.”

Just then, her phone begins to ring, and when she looks at
the screen, she darts up and starts to bounce on the bed. “It’s
him! Jason’s calling.”

“Answer,” I urge her as I sit up in a kneeling position.

She presses the device to her ear, and then she blushes hard
as she says, “Hey.” Her eyes are locked on me. “I’m just
hanging out with Quinn.” She listens to whatever he says, and
then she grabs hold of my arm, squeezing the life out of it as
she begins to nod. “Yes, ah… that would be great… okay…
uhm… can’t wait.”

Katie ends the call then lunges at me with an ecstatic

shriek, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. “He asked
me out to dinner! We’re finally going on a date on Sunday

We bounce together, giggling and basking in the moment

she’s waited such a long time for.

“Finally,” I chuckle as we let go of each other.

Katie stares at me, and then her eyes begin to shine. “I’m
so happy, Quinn.”

I pull her back into a hug. “Enjoy every second.”

She nods, then says, “Hopefully, Eli will ask you out soon,
then we can go on double dates.”
A burst of laughter escapes me as I let go of her. Shaking
my head, I lie down on my back and stare up at the ceiling.
“I’m not getting my hopes up. Besides, just being friends with
him will be enough.”
Katie frowns as she lies down beside me. “Really? You’ll
be okay with that?”
I shrug. “It’s better than nothing. At least he’ll care about
me in some way… right?”

“Oh, Quinn,” she sighs, giving my hand a squeeze. “I’m

sure Eli already cares about you.”
Turning my head, I give her a smile. “The BBQ is
tomorrow, and you have a date on Sunday. So you’ll
practically see Jason the whole weekend.”

“Right!” she shrieks again, her excitement bubbling over

and making the atmosphere feel magical.
Mrs. Conley nudges the door open and comes in with two
plates of food. “Time for dinner, girls.”

Katie shoots up. “Jason asked me on a date.”

Mrs. Conley smiles at her daughter. “Oh, when and


“Sunday night, we’re going out to dinner,” Katie tells her

mom as she takes the two plates with homemade burgers and
potato salad.

She hands me one, and I murmur, “Thank you, Mrs.

Conley. You make the best burgers.”
“I know,” she chuckles, giving me a wink. “And I also
know how much you like them. That’s why we’re having them
for dinner.”
“You’re the best.” Mrs. Conley is the closest thing I have
to a mother.

I sink my teeth into the goodness and almost groan from

how great it tastes.
Eli’s house is a good thirty-minute walk from town, but it’s
such a lovely day out, I don’t even notice.

Mrs. Conley let us take some of the potato salad, and when
Katie tries to relieve me of the Tupperware bowl, I say, “It’s
fine. Let me carry it.”

Just then, the wind catches my white cotton dress, and I let
out a startled chuckle as it whips up to my thighs. “Catch my
dress,” I laugh, and Katie darts down to keep the fabric from
flying up.
She begins to laugh as she straightens the dress, then she
takes the bowl from me. “You need your hands free, or you’ll
end up giving a passerby a peep show.”
I fist the fabric at the sides of my thighs to keep it in place
as Eli’s house comes into view. My eyes dance over the
beautiful two-story. “Gosh, to think Eli built that by himself.
He’s so talented.”

“Hmm… wonder what else he’s talented at?” Katie

murmurs mischievously.

I nudge her with my elbow as my cheeks tinge pink from

the suggestive meaning behind her words. “Hush, Katie!”

Reaching the open front door, I curiously peek inside.

Katie, being the brave one between us, just walks into the
house, calling out, “Hello, anybody home?”

I follow behind her, my gaze darting everywhere. There’s

an empty space, which I guess could be the living room, and
then we walk into a kitchen that has beautiful cherry wood
“Hey, you’re here,” Jason says as he comes in via the back

“With salad,” Katie grins as she sets it down on the table.

“Everyone’s out back,” Jason mentions, his eyes locked on


“Everyone?” I ask.

“Yeah, Ethan, Nina, and Alex are also here.”

I thought it would just be the four of us. My stomach

tightens with nerves as I follow Jason and Katie out the door.

Trees border on the edge of the backyard, and to the side,

Eli’s standing with his brother and father by the grill.

“Finally, some female company,” Nina says with a warm


Alex, Eli’s dad, glances our way, and I give him a wave as
I move closer to Nina. I smile nervously as I sit down on one
of the chairs. “Hi.”

Katie also sits down. “How are you, Nina?”

“Life’s been good,” Nina replies, then she looks at me. “Eli
says your dad’s still out of town?”

I nod. “Yeah, but he comes home every couple of months.”

She reaches over, giving my forearm a squeeze. “Just call

if you need help with anything.”

“Thank you,” I murmur. My eyes dart to the grill, and

seeing Eli walking toward us, my heart flutters like crazy.

When he reaches us, he welcomes Katie with a smile, then

holds his hand out to me. Feeling super self-conscious, I place
my hand in his and get up from the chair. Eli tugs me into a
hug right in front of his family, making my face go up in

Pulling back, he links our fingers. “Come, I want to show

you the house.”
We head back inside and feeling awkward, I ramble, “The
kitchen is beautiful. I can’t believe you built it all by yourself.
It’s really amazing.”
A heart-stopping smile curves his lips up. “I’m glad you
like it.” He glances at his hard work with pride, then leads me
up the stairs to the second floor. Gesturing at two empty
rooms, he says, “I haven’t finished the guest rooms yet.” He
pushes a door open, and then I find myself in the main
Eli’s bedroom.
Holy crap.

I swallow hard on the explosion of nerves, and feeling my

palms getting sweaty, I pull my hand free from his and try to
be subtle about it as I wipe them on my dress.

I take in the big bed, covered with a charcoal bedspread,

and then peek into the bathroom. There’s a huge shower, and
everything looks modern as if a professional had done it.

“It’s stunning,” I murmur as I turn back to Eli.

His eyes are locked on my face, and as he tilts his head a
little, he says, “Yeah, it is.”

It feels as if his words carry a double meaning, and my

stomach flutters while my heart sets off at a crazy pace.
Lowering my eyes, I glance around the room again while
tugging my bottom lip between my teeth.
Crap. I can’t come up with a single thing to say, and the
silence fills with so much intensity my heart might just burst
from my chest.


Having Quinn in my bedroom… yeah, not a clever move on

my part. She looks breathtaking in the white cotton dress that
exposes her shoulders and creamy skin.

I want to fucking kiss her until her lips are swollen and
she’s gasping in my arms.
Before I do something that might scare the shit out of her, I
gesture to the door. “Let’s grab something to drink.”
I can feel the nervous tension coming off her in waves, and
when she walks by to get to the door, I take hold of her arm.
She’s so petite, my fingers wrap right around her soft skin.
Quinn’s eyes dart up, fucking big and greener than any leaf
I’ve ever seen.

Wanting to set her at ease, I say, “You can be comfortable

around me. I’d like it if we could become friends.”
She lowers her eyes to my chest. “Ah… sure… I’d like
that too.”

Giving her arms a gentle squeeze, I smile. “Good.” Letting

go of her, we head down to the kitchen where I grab a cider for
her. I take out an extra one for Katie as well.
“Now that we’re friends,” I say, approaching the subject
with caution, “I was thinking of swinging by to clear out the
gutters at your house.”
Quinn grips the bottle with both her hands. “You really
don’t have to. My dad will take care of everything once he’s
“I want to.”

Her eyes lift to mine, then she nods. “Okay. I’d really
appreciate it.”

Placing my hand on her lower back, I nudge her toward the

back door. “Let’s get the steaks on the grill.”
After handing Katie the cider, I head back to the grill.
Ethan, Dad, and Jason all grin at me.
“And? What does she think of your place?” Dad asks.
I spoke to Dad about Quinn, and he agreed I should take
things slow. He said if it’s meant to be, the relationship will
happen naturally.
“She likes it,” I reply, pride shimmering through in my
“She better, seeing as it might be her future home,” Jason
I glance over my shoulder to make sure the women didn’t
hear what he said, then I give my friend a scowl. “Don’t say
shit like that. It’s way too soon.”
“You still going to take it slow?” Ethan asks.
Glancing at my brother, I nod. “Yeah, I don’t want to scare
her off.”
Dad places his hand on my shoulder, giving me a
supportive squeeze, then he nods at the grill. “Let’s get the
steaks on the coals.”
Picking up the tongs, I place the steaks on the grill. When
the sizzling sound fills the air, I glance over my shoulder
Katie’s taken over the conversation, with my mom and
Quinn listening. I take a moment to look at the girl who’s
quickly wormed her way into my heart.
Seeing as we live in a small town, I’ve always been aware
of Quinn, but lately, she’s taken over my thoughts more and
She would fit in perfectly with my family.
Quinn glances at me, but she quickly looks away, shifting
in her chair.
A hell of a strong protective feeling washes through my
chest, catching me off guard.

I want Quinn Drake. More than I’ve ever wanted anything

in my life.
My eyes drift to the house, and I try to picture Quinn living
here. Her in the kitchen… sitting out on the porch… in my

The image of her hair scattered over my pillow while she

stares up at me with those big eyes as I sink deep inside her
instantly makes me hard.

Clearing my throat, I shake my head and turn my attention

back to the steaks.

Dad throws his arm around my shoulders, letting out a

chuckle. “Why do I get the feeling it’s going to kill you to take
things slow with Quinn?”

A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. “I’ll be okay.”

“She’s a beautiful girl,” Dad says. “Always polite.”
“Yeah.” I glance at my father. “Is that your way of telling
me you approve?”
He chuckles as he nods. “Yeah, I approve.”
Patting me on the back, Dad walks to where the women
are sitting and presses a kiss to the top of Mom’s head.
Growing up, I’ve had the perfect example of what a
relationship should be like.

I want what my parents have.

Looking at Quinn again, it feels like she might be the right
girl – the kind that crosses your path once in a lifetime.
Chapter 5


Katie and Jason are celebrating their one-month anniversary of

being an official couple with drinks at the bar.

Katie always celebrates everything. It’s one of the things I

love about her. Sitting next to my friend, my gaze drifts over
her face. “You look so happy.”
She gives me a wide smile. “That’s because I am.”

Eli comes into the bar and takes a seat on the open stool
next to me. I’ve become more comfortable around him as
we’ve settled into a friendship.

Although I’m happy that we’re friends, I can’t keep my

feelings for him growing stronger. I thought friendship would
be enough, but I was wrong. I can’t help wanting more, and
it’s frustrating as hell.

He’s taken it upon himself to fix things around the house,

and when Dad was home, he was so thankful for the help. So
now I no longer try to stop Eli when he wants to fix
something. Also, I get to spend time with him whenever he
comes over.
“Hi,” I say, giving Eli a smile. “The store looked busy
He nods, his body facing me with his left arm resting on
the counter. “Everyone’s getting things ready for the Fourth of
July celebration.”

The blue shirt he’s wearing brings out the color of his eyes,
and the fabric pulls tight over his chest.

Taking a deep breath, I say, “We’ll have a float in the


“Yeah? Need help building it?”

I nod. “I was hoping you’d offer. I was thinking something
plain with styrofoam so we can cover it with flowers?”

“It should be easy enough,” Eli says.

I nudge Katie, who’s been staring at Jason. When she

glances at me, I tell her, “Eli said he’d help with the float.”
“Oh, great.” She shoots Eli a grin. “Thank you.”

Jason sets a beer down in front of Eli, then asks, “We’re

building a float?”

“We?” Eli chuckles. “You mean me. You usually just sit
and give orders.”
“I’m good at delegating work,” Jason jokes. “And I bring
the drinks.”
Eli raises his beer to Jason before taking a sip. I watch as
his throat works the liquid down, and then I swallow hard.

Gosh, I wish he liked me the way I like him.

The past month there have been moments where it felt like
Eli likes me more than as a friend. He’d stare at me or touch
me in some way… but nothing’s come of it, and I’m starting to
think it’s all just wishful thinking.

Feeling a little down, I get up from the stool and walk over
to the jukebox. I stare down at the selection of songs to choose
I put in a coin then press the button for Feels Like Home
by Edwina Hayes.

My fingers trail over the jukebox as the first notes of the

song fill the air.

I don’t have the courage to tell Eli I’m in love with him,
but I hope he’ll listen to the song’s words because it says
everything I can’t.

When I turn around, it’s to see Eli rise to his feet. He walks
toward me, and with the corner of his mouth lifting, he says,
“Seeing as you selected the song, we should dance.”

A smile breaks out over my face, and when he pulls me

into his arms, I could almost die from how good it feels.

I place one hand on his shoulder and rest the other in his
palm, the feel of his skin sending an electric shock up my arm.
We begin to sway, and glancing up, my lungs forget how to
function from Eli looking down at me.

Do you feel this between us, or is it just me?

Eli lets go of my hand, and then he pulls me right against

his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around me. His hand
settles on the back of my head, and I rest my cheek beneath his
He doesn’t say anything, but the way he’s holding me… it
can’t just be friendship… it feels like more… like home.

I wrap my arms around his waist, soaking in how amazing

it feels to be held by him.

When the song ends and another starts, Eli doesn’t let go
of me, and we continue to dance.

I’m wrapped in a bubble of bliss, the moment so perfect I

can almost convince myself we’re a couple, and Eli loves me.


Too soon, the song ends, and this time Eli lets go of me.
His hand slides to the side of my neck, and his thumb brushes
over my skin as he murmurs, “Thanks for the dance.”

I nod and clearing my throat, I say, “I should be the one

thanking you.”

We head back to the counter, and then Jason and Eli get
lost in a conversation about the porch Eli still has to build.
Katie nudges me with her elbow and leans in. “That looked
more than friendly.”

“I wish,” I mumble.

God, do I wish.

I’m busy hammering nails into the railing I’m putting up for
the porch when movement catches my eye. Glancing up, the
breath leaves me in a rush at the sight of Quinn walking across
the front yard.

She’s wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, her hair up in a

ponytail. Somehow this girl just keeps getting prettier every
time I lay eyes on her.

Her mouth curves up in a smile, and when she reaches me,

she holds up a basket. “I made cupcakes to say thank you for
all your help.”

“Yeah?” Grinning, I pull the cloth draped over the basket

to the side, exposing all the cupcakes.
“I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I made vanilla and
chocolate ones.”

“Both,” I reply. “I love both.”

Honestly, I’d eat anything she baked if it would make her


“I’ll make the coffee,” I say as I take the basket from her.

Quinn follows me inside. When I’m done with the porch,

the house will be finished. Then I’ll get started on the yard.

I set the basket down on the kitchen table, and as I take

two plates from the cupboard, I say, “I’m going to Tidewater
Plaza to get a couple of things for the house. Do you want to
come along?”

I set the plates down and glance at Quinn as she answers,

“Sure, that’ll be fun.”
“I could use a woman’s eye, or this place will end up
looking like a bachelor’s pad,” I joke.
Quinn lets out a burst of laughter, and I swear the sun
shines brighter. “There’s nothing wrong with it looking like a
bachelor’s pad. You’re a bachelor after all.”
Hopefully not for long.

I make two cups of coffee and set one down in front of

Quinn. After taking a seat, I pull the basket closer and ask, “So
which do you like more?”

I take out a vanilla cupcake and a chocolate one, holding

them up.
“Vanilla,” she grins at me.

I set the cupcake down on a plate for her, but Quinn’s eyes
are locked on me as I take a bite of the chocolate one. She tilts
her head, her eyes sparkling while she waits to hear what I
think of the sugary goodness.
I keep her waiting as I take another bite, laughter bubbling
up in my throat when she shifts in her chair. She tilts her head
the other way as if she’s going to burst from not knowing what
I think of her baking skills.
Letting out a chuckle, I say, “I love it. Not too sweet, and
the perfect amount of creamy.”
Her smile widens with relief fluttering over her face. “Oh,

Slowly, she starts to peel the paper from around her

cupcake, and then she takes a small bite.
“I have a sweet tooth,” I mention. “So whenever you feel
like baking, you know where to find me.”
Quinn looks happy as she replies, “Don’t complain if I fill
your kitchen with cupcakes.”
“I’ll never complain.”
Our eyes lock, and the moment quickly loads with
anticipation. I’ve been patient, letting Quinn get used to us
being friends. Feeling like now’s the right time, I ask, “Want to
stay for dinner tonight?”

Quinn’s breathing speeds up a little, then she nods. “I’d

like that very much.”
With my eyes keeping hers captive, I murmur, “Not as
friends, Quinn.”
A nervous expression tightens her features. “As what

“Our first date.” I gesture between us. “I’d like to date you,
Emotions I can’t quite place flutter over her face, but there
definitely seems to be some relief in the mix. Then the most
beautiful fucking smile I’ve ever seen blossoms on her face,
stealing my breath right from my lungs.

“Okay,” she whispers. She sets down the cupcake, then

admits, “I’m too excited to eat now.”
I nod toward the doorway. “Let me just get cleaned up,
then we’ll head out.”
Quinn nods, and when she moves to get up, I say, “Sit.
Drink your coffee. I’ll only be ten minutes.”
I head upstairs and quickly jump in the shower. I rush
through my routine, and when I’m dressed in clean jeans and a
t-shirt, I pull on my boots, then head back down.

Quinn’s rinsing the plates and cups and the sight of her in
my kitchen makes intense emotions surge through my heart. I
lean against the doorjamb, enjoying the perfect view.

She turns around, patting her hands dry on the back of her
shorts, drawing my eyes down to her ass before my gaze
lowers to her sexy legs.

“Ready?” she asks, pulling my attention up to her face.

“Yeah.” I push away from the doorjamb, and we head out
of the house. I lock behind us, and when we get to the truck, I
open the passenger door for Quinn. She climbs into the cab,
giving me a shy smile, and it only makes me fall harder for

There’s just something about Quinn’s quiet nature that I

find both alluring and addictive. It also makes me protective as
hell over her.

When I slide behind the steering wheel, I say, “Seat belt.”

“Right,” she murmurs, pulling the belt across her body and
clipping it in.

I start the engine, and happy with how things are

progressing between Quinn and me, I steer the truck onto the
Chapter 6


I already pinched myself, but it still feels like a dream.

Never in a million years did I think today would turn out
this way. One minute, I’m bringing Eli cupcakes, and the
next… he’s asking me on a date.
Does that mean we’re a couple?
He did make it clear he wants to date me.
Don’t jump the gun, Quinn.

I glance at Eli, the man I’ve woven all my dreams around.

He’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and now that I actually have
a chance, it’s almost impossible to remain calm. I want to burst
with excitement.

My heartbeat speeds up for what feels like the hundredth

time today, and my teeth tug nervously at my bottom lip.

“It feels like you want to ask something,” Eli says, his eyes
flicking to me before returning to the road.
I shake my head and swallow hard on the question.

Be brave, Quinn. Eli already took the first step. It’s not like
you’ll embarrass yourself.

“Uhm…” My eyes dart back to him. “Does this mean

we’re a couple?”
A wide smile spreads over his face, and he reaches for my
hand, placing it on his thigh and covering it with his own.
“Yes. But we’ll take things slow.”

It feels as if my heart leaps right out of the truck, running

happy circles around us, and with a stupid grin on my face, I
say, “Okay.”

Shooting me a glance, Eli asks, “It’s not too soon for you?”
I quickly shake my head. “No, it isn’t.”

Hell, I’ve loved him for a significant part of my life. It can

never be too soon.
I’ve dated before, but it feels totally different when the
man of your dreams is the person you’re dating. I feel light-
headed from all the excitement and take a couple of deep

Holy crap.
I’m dating Eli Jackson.

The elated emotion hits so hard, my eyes mist up, and I

have to focus hard to keep the happy tears from escaping.
Seven years of hoping, of dreaming, of praying.

I can’t believe it’s finally happening.

“You okay?” Eli asks, giving my hand a squeeze.

I nod quickly. “Yeah.”

My eyes lower to our hands, and seeing his strong fingers

brushing against my skin, sends another wave of dizzying
emotions rushing through me.
I wish I could tell Katie right now. She’s going to be so
happy for me.

I take another deep breath, trying my best to calm my

racing heart. It’s no use, though, because my emotions are all
over the place.
Eli brings us to a stop at Tidewater Plaza, and climbing out
of the truck, he takes my hand and weaves his fingers through
mine as we walk toward the Walmart.
I glance down, looking at our joined hands, and then my
eyes lift up to Eli’s face.

So surreal.

His thumb brushes over my skin as he looks down at me.

“Sure you’re okay?”

I nod quickly. “Just trying to process this. I didn’t expect

it… ah… you know.”
A slight frown forms on his forehead. “Me asking you to

“Yeah.” Feeling awkward and inexperienced, I begin to

ramble, “I was hoping for it to happen but never really
believed it would.”

God, Quinn. Shut up.

I pinch my eyes shut, shaking my head while hoping the
ground would just swallow me for admitting that to Eli.

Eli tugs me to a stop right in front of the entrance to the


I give him an apologetic look for my weird behavior. “I’m

He lifts his other hand to the back of my neck, and he pulls
me to his chest. Pressing a kiss to the top of my head, he says,
“Nothing to be sorry about. As long as I’m not moving too fast
for you.”

I pull back, my eyes darting to his face. “God, no.

Definitely not.”
His lips curve into a hot smile. “Then why are you

“I’m not. I’m just overwhelmed.”

“You want this, right? A relationship with me?” He asks.

Summoning all my courage, I whisper, “More than
anything. It’s all I’ve wanted for the past seven years.”

Eli’s intense gaze locks with mine. “Is that why you’re
always nervous around me?”

I nod, my mouth going bone dry.

He pulls me back to his chest, and then I feel his breath

skimming over my ear. “If only I’d known.” He presses
another kiss to the side of my head. “I like you a hell of a lot,
Quinn. Have for quite a while. Don’t be nervous around me
anymore. Okay?”

I nod against his chest, my relief and happiness so intense I

don’t think there are words to express how I feel.
“And I’m in this for the long haul.” Eli pulls back, looking
down at me. “Ready to do some shopping?”

“Yeah,” I say, grinning at him.

He lets go of my hand and grabs a cart, then we walk into

“What do you want to get for the house?” I ask as I glance
around us.

“Anything that will add warmth to the house. That’s why

you’re here.”
“I can’t just decorate your house,” I laugh.

“Yeah, you can.”

With my teeth tugging at my bottom lip, I glance up and

down the aisles until we reach the home section. I look at a
couple of rugs then ask, “How about this rug? It’s abstract, so
it won’t show dirt easily.”

“Okay.” Eli grabs the rug and shoves it into the cart.
“You’re really okay with it?” I ask.

“I’m trusting your taste.”

Crap, no pressure.

I keep walking, careful to point out an item to Eli, scared

he’ll keep loading things into the cart.

When we get to the lamps, I stare at a shelf lamp. “You can

put some plants or candles or a framed photo on the shelves. It
will look pretty.”

Without a word, Eli places one in the cart.

“You’re really trusting me to not make a mess of your



I give him a playful grin. “Hmm… you might end up

regretting this.”
“I’ll take my chances.”

By the time we’re done, Quinn’s much more relaxed.

I’m still processing the fact that she was just nervous
around me because she’s liked me for… fuck… seven years?
How did I not pick up on that?
I always just thought Quinn was skittish by nature.

Again, a smile tugs at the corner of my mouth because

knowing she’s had feelings for me for so long fills my heart
with warmth.

Damn, if I had known, I would’ve made a move much

sooner. Probably as soon as I returned from serving in the

I load our purchases onto the back of my truck and ask,

“What do you want for dinner?”
“Anything.” Quinn picks up the throw pillows we got for
the couches. “Can you cook? I don’t mind making dinner.”
“I’m no chef, but I won’t poison you either,” I joke.

“Surprise me,” she says before placing the pillows in the

When we’re done loading everything, we climb into the
truck. Taking hold of Quinn’s hand, I bring it to my mouth and
press a kiss to her skin. “Thank you for helping me.”

Quinn lifts her eyes to mine, and now that I know about
the past seven years, I see the hope and dreams in her big
green eyes.

Christ. I could slap myself upside the head.

The way she looks at me, as if I’m everything her heart
desires, makes a possessiveness overwhelm me.

And jealousy.
She better never look at another man that way.

“What’s wrong?” Quinn asks.

“Just kicking myself for never seeing how you felt about
me.” I shake my head. “I’ll make up for the lost time.”

Quinn gives me a tender smile. “It’s not lost time. Not to


Her cheeks growing pink tells me she feels vulnerable, as

she admits, “Because how I felt about you… developing my
first crush… falling in love… it matters to me. How I feel
about you is a big part of my life.”
Christ, my heart.
I pull her into a hug and take a deep breath of her soft
floral scent. “You matter to me. More than you seem to know.”
I’m going to make all her dreams come true if it’s the last
thing I do.
Pulling back, I clear my throat. “Seat belt.”
Quinn lets out a chuckle. “I’m getting the hang of this.”

“Just want my girl to be safe.”

The smile on her face grows, and I watch as my words sink
in, making happiness sparkle in her eyes.

God help me, this girl’s going to be the death of me.

I drive us home, and after we’ve unloaded everything, I
ask, “Would you mind putting everything…” I gesture around
the living room, “wherever you want it? I’ll get started with
“Okay.” Quinn glances around the room, and then she
grabs the rug.
With a grin stuck to my face, I head to the kitchen. I wash
my hands before grabbing all the ingredients I’ll need while
silently thanking my dad for teaching me how to cook.
My mom’s not good in the kitchen, but give her a garden,
and she’ll turn it into nothing short of paradise.

I take out a large pot and start to make jambalaya,

combining all the ingredients. I bring it to a boil, then let it
simmer. Soon the aroma fills the kitchen, and feeling today
needs to be celebrated, I open a bottle of wine so it can
I set the table and even add one of the scented candles
mom gave me, hoping it will lend a romantic mood to the
When the food’s almost ready, I walk to the living room
and peek inside. Quinn’s staring at the shelf lamp before
moving it a couple of inches. Taking a step back, she stares at
it again, then whispers, “Perfect.”

I glance over the area and have to admit, the new additions
make the living room look a hell of a lot better.
“See, I was right to trust you.”

Quinn’s eyes snap to me, then she looks at everything

again. “Do you like it?”
“I love it. Come, dinner’s almost ready.” Walking back
into the kitchen, I pull out a chair, saying, “Take a seat.”
“Wow,” Quinn exclaims. “This looks amazing.”

I plate our food then set it down on the table before

lighting the candle and switching off the lights. Taking a seat, I
reach for the wine and pour some into the glasses I set out
earlier. “I hope you enjoy it.”

“I’m sure I will.” Quinn’s eyes rest on me. “After all, you
made it.”
She picks up a fork, and scooping some up, she takes a
bite. I watch her the same way she watched me when I was
tasting her cupcakes.
A mischievous expression lights up her eyes as she takes
another bite, paying me back for making her wait earlier.
“I deserve that,” I chuckle.

She covers her mouth as she laughs and then swallows.

“It’s perfect, Eli. I love it.”
Taking hold of my wine glass, I lift it. Quinn does the
same, and then I say, “Here’s to the most beautiful woman in
Southport having dinner with me.”
Her smile widens. “To dreams coming true.”

After taking a sip of the wine, I tease her, “You have to tell
me about these dreams.”
Letting out a burst of awkward laughter, Quinn shakes her
head. “I’ve already told you a lot today.”

“Seven years?” I ask. “You were…” I frown, then widen

my eyes, “fourteen?”

Quinn nervously tucks some hair behind her ear. “You

were a senior.”
“First crush?” I ask, and for some reason, her answer is
important to me.
Quinn nods, and my chest fills with satisfaction. I have to
stop myself from asking about her other firsts, not sure how
I’ll feel if she’s shared them with someone else. Not that I’ve
been a saint, so I’d rather avoid the topic.
I shake my head as I let out a chuckle. “I never caught on.”
Giving her a pointed look, I say, “You’re good at hiding
We continue to eat, stealing glances at each other. The
atmosphere is intimate, anticipation tiptoeing around us.
When we’re done eating, I pour some more wine, making
sure to stay under the limit so I can drive Quinn home.

Relaxing back against the chair, I take a sip, and then my

eyes lock with Quinn’s. “What are you thinking?”
“How much I’m enjoying this. Dinner was amazing.
Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I reach for her hand and brush my
fingers over hers.
A ringtone sounds up from the living room, and Quinn
pulls her hand from mine. “It’s probably Katie or my dad.”
She rushes out of the kitchen, and then I hear her say, “Hi, I’m
having dinner with Eli. I’ll call you when I get home.” There’s
a moment’s silence, then she murmurs, “It’s… I can’t talk
now. I’ll call you later. Okay?”

“It was Katie,” Quinn says as she comes to sit down again.
“I bet she’s curious.”

Quinn chuckles as she picks up her wine glass. “You have

no idea. She’s expecting a detailed report.”

“And what?”
“What are you going to tell her?”
The cutest smile tugs at Quinn’s lips. “That today was
“I’m glad to hear that.” I twirl the glass in my fingers, then
ask, “Tell me something about you I don’t know.”
Quinn thinks for a moment, then says, “We live in a small
town. I’m sure you know everything about me.”
“What makes you smile?”
Her mouth instantly curves up. “You.”

I let out a chuckle. “What else.”

“The little things in life. Looking at the stars with Katie.
My dad’s truck pulling up to the house. Hearing someone
I fall deeper for this woman.
Quinn shrugs, then asks, “And you? What makes you
“You,” I tease her, then I add, “My family.”
Chapter 7


It’s real.
I’m dating Eli.
It’s been a week, and it still hits me every now and then
that we’re a couple.
Katie screamed my ear off when I told her the good news.
Every morning Eli stops at The Green Leaf to bring me a
vanilla latte before heading across the road to open the
hardware store.

I was in love with him before we started dating, but now

I’m just floating on cloud nine, my feet hardly touching the

There’s no stopping my emotions that are growing stronger

at the speed of light. It’s overwhelming, making it hard to
focus on my work or anything else for that matter.

I let out a dreamy sigh, and then Katie also sighs. We’re
both sitting at the counter, just staring at the flowers.

“Thinking about Eli?” she asks.

“Yeah.” A couple of seconds later, I ask, “Thinking about

“Yeah.” We both begin to laugh. “We’re so silly.”

I turn my gaze to my best friend. “We’re happy.”
Katie takes hold of my arm and rests her cheek against my
shoulder. “So very happy.”

“I think I’ll just spontaneously combust when Eli finally

kisses me.”

Katie begins to laugh again. “You’ll be fine.”

“Just thinking about it has my stomach fluttering up a
My comment has Katie admitting, “I wish I could get a do-
over with Jason. I was so focused on not being the worst kisser
ever that I didn’t take in how it felt.”

“That’s not what you told me,” I tease her. “I got a detailed
description of Jason’s tongue, which was a little traumatizing,
to be honest.”

Katie playfully shoves my arm. “So mean.” Then she grins

at me. “But damn, the man knows what to do with his tongue.”

“Come on,” I cry with laughter. “There’s such a thing as

“I bet Eli’s tongue is going to rock your world,” she teases
“Shh…” I laugh. “But yeah, you’re probably right.”

“The way you’ve built him up in your mind, I’m sure a

peck on the lips will be enough to blow your mind.”

“Who’s being mean now?”

My phone buzzes, and I glance at it.

Eli: Looks like you’re having fun.
My eyes dart to the window, and when I see Eli standing
across the road, I wave at Katie. “Be right back.”

I dart out of the store, and crossing the road, I can’t stop

“Hey,” Eli murmurs from where he’s leaning back against

the wall.

“Hi.” I stop in front of him, then he takes hold of my hip

and tugs me closer.

“What were you and Katie talking about?” He doesn’t let

go of my side, his touch hot through my clothes.

“Just girl stuff,” I sidestep telling him the truth. Changing

the subject, I say, “It’s Friday.”
“You’re still coming home with me, right?”

I nod, unable to stop smiling.

Eli pulls me closer until I’m leaning against his chest, then
his arms wrap around me, his hands locking at my lower back.
He stares into my eyes until my stomach is nothing more than
a fluttering mess.

“My girl looks happy,” he murmurs.

“That’s because she is.”

Tension builds between us, making everything around us

fade away.
“Don’t you just make the cutest couple,” Nina suddenly
says from behind me.

Startled, I yank away from Eli, and seeing his mom

looking at us, my face goes up in flames.
Eli lets out an amused chuckle, and taking hold of my
hand, he pulls me to his side. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, Nina,” I say, feeling like I could die from


“I’m just stopping by to remind you not to forget about


“What’s happening Sunday?” Eli asks, and it earns him a

scowl from his mom, then he chuckles, “Of course I won’t
forget Ethan’s birthday.”

“It’s all fun and games until you give me a heart attack,”
she playfully chastises him, then she looks at me. “Will we see
you on Sunday, Quinn?”

My eyes dart up to Eli, not wanting to just invite myself.

He gives my hand a squeeze, then answers, “Yeah, I’m

bringing Quinn.”

“Can I bring anything?” I ask. “My cobb salad isn’t too


Nina nods. “Can’t wait to taste it.” She walks back to her
car. “See you Sunday.”

We watch as Nina drives off, then Eli gives me a tight hug.

“I’ll let you get back to work. See you at five.”
“Okay.” I check the road and then quickly cross it.

The second I step into the store, Katie asks, “What did
Nina say? It looked like you were praying for the ground to
open up beneath your feet.”

“I was practically melting into her son,” I mutter. “So

much for continuing to make a good impression.” I sit down
behind the counter and lean my head on Katie’s shoulder.
“Comfort me.”

She lets out a chuckle, wrapping her arm around my

shoulders. “There, there. Just think, it could’ve been worse.”

“She could’ve seen the two of you lip-locked and playing

tonsil hockey.”

“Katie!” I laugh, pulling back.

“See, all better,” she grins at me, proud of a job well done.

“She invited me to Ethan’s birthday on Sunday,” I tell my


“You’ll have fun. Nina’s down to earth. I love her.”

“Yeah,” I agree. Eli’s mom is one of the nicest people I
know. Now, his dad is a whole different story. He’s
intimidating as hell. Not in a bad way. It just feels as if he can
see all your secrets with a mere glance.

“You should take flowers for Nina,” Katie says.

“Good idea. I’ll take a bunch of peonies.”

When we walk into my house, I set the pizza down in the
kitchen, then say, “You can pick the movie you want to watch
while I wash up.”
“Isn’t there something you want to watch?” Quinn asks as
she takes plates out of the cupboards.

“Whatever will make you smile.” I’ll sit through every

damn romance movie for her if it makes her happy.
Heading upstairs, I rush through the shower and put on a
pair of gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Not even ten
minutes later, I walk into the living room.
Quinn’s placed the pizza, two bottles of water, and the
plates on the coffee table. I glance at the TV, asking, “What
are we watching?”
“Ice Age.”

Chuckling, I ask, “Why Ice Age?”

“It’s funny, and I figured it’s a good movie for a couple to

“I’m okay with watching a romance,” I tell her as I sit

down next to her on the couch. “Especially if it will make you
cuddle with me.”

“You like cuddling?” Quinn asks as she reaches for a slice

of pizza.
I load a couple of slices onto a plate, then settle back
against the couch. “I love cuddling.”
“What else do you love?” Quinn asks between bites.
She licks her lips, and it has me saying, “Kissing.” The
slice of pizza pauses midway to her mouth, then I ask, “What
do you love?”

“All of the above.”

I let out a chuckle, and before I can stop myself, I ask,
“When’s the last time you kissed someone?”

Fuck, Eli.
I groan inwardly, then quickly say, “You don’t have to
answer that.”

It actually looks like Quinn’s thinking hard, then she

answers, “Remember Bradley Williams?”

I nod.
“He’s the last guy I kissed.”
“Didn’t he move away right after school?” I ask.

When Quinn nods, I do the math. “Five years?”

She shrugs as she admits, “You returned from the military,
and every other guy just paled in comparison.”

Holy fuck.
My heart begins to beat faster, and then the next question
spills over my lips, “You were sixteen… seventeen when
Bradley left? Is it safe to assume you didn’t go all the way
with him?”
Quinn’s cheeks turn the perfect shade of pink as she nods.

Christ, she’s a virgin.

The possessiveness I’ve felt up until now spirals out of
control, making my muscles tense.
“I wanted my first time to be with the right guy,” Quinn
says, an awkward expression fluttering over her face.

From everything she’s told me, I think it’s safe to assume

I’m that guy.
Quinn’s been waiting for me.

“Nothing wrong with that,” I murmur. “Thank you for

telling me.”
Quinn shrugs, then she reaches for the remote. “I’m
pressing play before you get me to spill more secrets.”
My right eyebrow darts up. “There’s more?”
Chuckling, she shakes her head at me. “You only get one
secret a week.” She picks up her pizza again but then says,
“Wait, you owe me two secrets.”
“Hmm… Which two of the million should I tell you?”

Her smile grows. “The biggest two.”

“You sure you can handle it?” I tease her.

Quinn nods, focusing all her attention on me.

“Remember when we danced to that song you chose on the

“I didn’t want to let go of you.”
Her eyes lower for a second before they meet mine again.
“I chose that song for you. It said everything I didn’t have the
courage to say.”
Setting the plate down on the coffee table, I take my phone
out and sync it to the TV. Going to Spotify, I ask Quinn,
“What’s the name of the song?”
“Feels like home by Edwina Hayes.”

Finding it, I stand up and hold my hand out to Quinn,

asking, “Will you dance with me?”
She sets her plate down and takes hold of my hand. Pulling
Quinn into my arms, I listen to the words she wanted to tell me
as we slowly begin to sway.
I move my hand to her face, and placing a finger beneath
her chin, I nudge her to look at me. Our eyes meet, and I brush
my fingers along her jaw.
Somewhere during the song, we stop moving. I lift both
my hands, and framing Quinn’s face, I take in her beautiful
Her lips part, and I can feel the nervousness coming off her
in waves, but she doesn’t break eye contact.
“I’m falling in love with you,” I admit.
Chapter 8


Hearing those words from Eli, my heart explodes like

fireworks, making every color around me a million times
He stares deep into my eyes while my heart pounds a mile
a minute in my chest.
Then slowly, he starts to lower his head, making my heart
leap to my throat. I swear it stops beating. I stop breathing.
Everything stills as the anticipation builds until it’s unbearable,
making my body start to tremble.
The longest seconds stretch between us, and the moment
feels so incredibly perfect, I could cry.
Eli’s mouth brushes against mine, and the emotions
soaring through me are so overwhelming they have me
gasping. Eli pauses, his breath mingling with mine.

It feels as if he’s giving me a second to catch up to what’s

happening so I won’t miss a thing.

With my heart melting into a puddle, I take a deep breath,

and then Eli kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before.

My hands slip down to his sides, and I grip the fabric of

his shirt tightly, needing something to hold onto when his
tongue brushes over my lips.
There’s a weird mixture of nerves and anticipation,
whirling up a storm in my chest as I part my lips. The instant
his tongue pushes into my mouth, my abdomen squeezes so
intensely, it rocks me on my feet.

Eli wraps one of his arms around my shoulders, pulling me

tightly against him while his other hand remains on my cheek.

It feels as if he’s tasting me, his lips kneading mine, his

tongue exploring mine.
It takes a moment for me to return to earth, and just as I
manage to return the kiss, Eli lets out a deep groan, and then I
have to hold on for dear life.
His fingers move into my hair as his teeth tug at my
bottom lip, sending streaks of lightning through my body. The
way his mouth takes mine numbs my knees and makes my
stomach flutter like a hummingbird’s wings.
I’m so caught up in Eli, the world could end, and I
wouldn’t notice. It’s more perfect than I’ve fantasized.
The music keeps playing, one song blending into the next,
while I suck in breaths filled with Eli’s scent.

At some point, life returns to my hands, and I manage to

let go of his t-shirt, moving them up along his back. My palms
tingle from how good he feels.

By the time Eli ends the kiss, I’m breathless and weak. He
only lifts his head an inch, and with my eyes still closed, I can
feel him watching me.

“Gonna open your eyes?” he murmurs.

“In a second,” I whisper.
“Now, baby,” he orders, making my lashes flutter open.
I’m slammed with the stunning blue of his irises, and then a
hot as hell smile curves his lips. “That’s what I wanted to see.
Never hide your desire from me.”

Feeling more vulnerable than I’ve ever felt, I stare at Eli

with my heart on my sleeve. The affection I see on his face
gives me the courage to say, “Thank you for making my
dreams come true.”

“Far from done, baby,” he grins, making my heart melt all

over again. He pulls me into a tight hug and presses a kiss to
the side of my neck, and then he just holds me.

I get to relive our first kiss while resting my cheek against

his chest, listing to his heart beating as fast as mine.

And it’s only then I realize Eli’s actually falling in love

with me.

This is happening between us.

This is real.

Eli’s my boyfriend.
Intense emotions crash over me, and I wrap my arms
tighter around him, pressing my face into the fabric of his
Eli brushes more kisses along the side of my neck and
cheek as if he can sense I just need him to hold me while the
emotions wash through me.

“My Quinn,” he whispers, and I press myself harder

against him, wishing I could really melt into him.
I don’t know how long Eli holds me, but he doesn’t let go
until I pull back. His hands frame my face, and he presses a
tender kiss to my mouth before he steps back.
“Let me warm up the pizza,” he says.

My eyes follow him as he gathers the box and walks out of

the living room, and then I place a hand over my stomach.

A wide smile plays around my mouth as I press the pads of

my fingers to my lips.

My heart swoons at how perfect the kiss was. I remember

every second, the feel of Eli’s hands, his breaths, his mouth.
No matter what happens, I’ll never forget our first kiss.


Since I kissed Quinn, she’s been looking at me with stars in

her eyes.

Not to be a dick, but I’m damn proud of how well I

handled it. It took every bit of self-control I had to not devour

Christ, she tasted sweet and innocent, feeding an addiction

I never knew I had. Like an asshole, I want to beat my chest,
roaring to the world this girl is mine.
I bring the truck to a stop outside my parents’ house. It
used to be a beaten-up cabin, but over the years, Dad
remodeled it into a beautiful family home.

“Ready?” I ask, glancing at Quinn, who’s clinging to the

cobb salad and a bunch of peonies for Mom.

“Yes,” she breathes, nervous as fuck even though she’s

known my parents all her life.
“They already love you,” I tell her to set her at ease.

Quinn nods. “It’s just… today I’m here as your girlfriend.”

A wide smile forms on my face. “Say that again. The part

about you being my girlfriend.”
Quinn’s face lights up with her smile that’s made of pure
sunshine. “I’m your girlfriend.”

The possessiveness in me stirs, and I lift a hand to her

cheek. Leaning across the seat, I press a kiss to her mouth, and
then I murmur, “Mine.”

I pull back, and as Quinn shoves her door open, climbing

out of the truck, she says, “I’ve always been yours.”

“Christ,” I mutter, throwing my own door open. Meeting

Quinn at the front of the truck, I wrap my fingers around the
back of her neck and tug her against my body. “You can’t say
things like that when I’m seconds away from seeing my

Her big green eyes dance with laughter. “Why?”

I lean down and let my breath fan over her ear, then I
whisper, “Because it makes me hard as fuck.” I pull back and
let out a chuckle at the pink glow on her cheeks.
Taking the cobb salad from Quinn, I wink at her before I
walk toward the porch. “Come on, baby.”
“Ah… yeah,” she mumbles, quickly catching up to me.

I walk inside the house and head toward the kitchen, where
I can hear laughter.
“Hey,” I say, setting the salad down on the table. I give
Mom a hug then pull Ethan into an embrace. “Happy
“Thanks,” he replies, and when we pull back, I quickly hug
Quinn inches closer to my mom and hands her the
flowers.”“Hi, Nina. Thank you for having me over.”

“My favorites.” Mom glances at me. “Did you tell Quinn?”

“I remembered Eli got you some a while back,” Quinn
answers. She glances at Dad, giving him an awkward wave.
“Hi, Mr. Jackson.”
“Call me Alex,” he chuckles at her.
Quinn steps closer to Ethan, and I watch as she hugs my
brother, who’s only a year older than her. “Happy Birthday,
“Thanks, Quinn,” he murmurs, and then he catches me
watching them, and the fucker wraps her up in a tight hug,
wagging his eyebrows at me.
“Don’t let this be your last birthday,” I say as I take hold of
Quinn’s arm, pulling her away from him.
Everyone bursts out laughing at my possessive comment.
Mom walks to the sink with a vase to put the flowers in
while Dad says, “You’re right, Nina. They make a cute

“I’m always right,” Mom sasses Dad, making us all laugh

The bantering has the nervous tension leaving Quinn as
she watches my family with a soft smile tugging at her lips.
Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I ask, “What’s for

“Dad’s famous shrimp casserole,” Ethan answers.

“You’re in for a treat,” I tell Quinn.

“Can’t wait.”
“So what… are you an official couple now?” Ethan asks as
his eyes jump between us.

“Yes, so hands-off,” I joke.

“Wow,” Ethan lets out a low whistle. “First girl you’ve
brought home. It’s about time.”

“Shut up,” I chuckle at him.

“Time for your gift,” Dad says, pinning Ethan with a look.
He picks up an envelope and holds it out to Ethan. “We gave
Eli shares in the hardware store, so we feel it’s only right you
get something similar.”
“The other half of the Jackson’s Hardware?” Ethan asks as
he pulls a document out of the envelope, then surprise tightens
his features. “No way. You didn’t.”
Mom comes to stand next to Dad, wrapping her arm
around his lower back as they both watch Ethan’s reaction
with unconditional love on their faces.

“Half of the gym?”

I’m not surprised. Ethan’s always loved that gym and
spends all his free time there.

He darts forward, wrapping Mom and Dad in a tight

embrace. “Thank you. This is the best gift ever.”

“The ball’s in your court now. Make a success of the

business,” Dad tells him the same thing he told me.
I glance down at Quinn, and seeing how happy she is for
my brother, I know in my gut she’ll fit perfectly in with us.
Then it hits – I brought a girl home to meet my family.
I let out a soft chuckle because it’s not like I didn’t know
Quinn’s the one.
The only one for me.
Chapter 9


With my dad on the road, I’m spending Saturday night at

Katie’s. It was her twenty-second birthday yesterday, but she
had dinner with Jason. Tonight, I’m getting to celebrate with
Katie and her parents.
We have a tradition of watching a movie of Katie’s choice
while filling up on snacks. Afterward, Katie and I always lie
beneath the stars, dreaming about what our futures will be like.

Eli dropped me off at Katie’s, and he’ll come to get me

again tomorrow morning, so I can spend the day with him. The
past two weeks of dating him have been nothing short of

Settling down on the couch, Mr. Conley rolls his eyes at

his daughter when he notices we’ll be watching Five Feet
Apart. “What I wouldn’t do for my baby girl.”

She grins at her father. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Mrs. Conley places a bowl of popcorn next to the candy
and cupcakes I made for Katie. “That should take care of the
“Yummy,” I say, reaching for a vanilla cupcake. As I peel
the paper off, Katie presses play.
She always cries her heart out, but Five Feet Apart is her
favorite, so I brace myself for the tearjerker.
Halfway through the movie, Mr. Conley gets up, and I
assume he’s done torturing himself watching the drama with
us as he heads to the double garage that’s attached to the
house. He loves to tinker around in there.

As he opens the door, I hear a manic-sounding chuckle,

and then someone slams a baseball bat over his head, making
Mr. Conley stagger backward.
A startled scream tears from me, but I sit frozen in horror
while Katie and Mrs. Conley dart to their feet.
Time freezes and nothing makes sense as Mr. Conley falls
to his back, blood seeping from his hairline. Two men enter
the house, and they begin to beat and kick Mr. Conley.
“Daddy!” Katie screams, drawing the men’s attention to

One points a gun at her, shouting, “Shut the fuck up.”

Pins and needles of fright spread over me, making my skin
tingle horribly.
Mrs. Conley grabs her phone off the coffee table, and then
a loud bang rips the air from my lungs.

In absolute shock and horror, I watch as Mrs. Conley falls

back onto the couch before slumping to the floor. A spine-
chilling red stain bleeds into the fabric of her sweater.

“Mom!” Katie screams.

My body just reacts, and within a second, I drop down

beside her. My hands tremble as I reach for her, whispering,
“Mrs. Conley?”

It takes a moment longer before everything registers, like

lightning bolts striking through me. Every nerve ending in my
body goes on high alert, and the shock sends adrenaline
rushing through my veins. Terror fills me, my eyes darting to
the two men.

I have to get help.

Not thinking, I dart up and run for the front door. Before I
can grab hold of the doorknob, the bat slams against the side
of my head, and it sends me stumbling into the kitchen. I fall
against the table and barely manage to keep myself standing as
my head spins, a dull ache slowing my thinking process.

I hear Katie scream, and through my blurring vision, I

watch as the guy with the gun throws her down on the carpet.
He straddles her before hitting her with the gun.

“Katie,” I cry out, and ignoring the throbbing pain in my

head, I start to stumble toward her.
I hear manic laughter, and then the bat slams hard into my
side, knocking all the breath from my lungs. I fall onto my
knees and hands, intense pain shuddering through me.
All I can see is Katie’s head sticking out from behind the
couch. She turns her face to me, fear tightening her features as
she tries to fight off her attacker.

The terror is crippling, distorting my reality as I’m roughly

shoved onto my back. My body just reacts, and I begin to
claw, slap, and kick at the guy as he straddles me, and then our
eyes lock, and recognition shudders through me like an
It’s the guy from the bar a couple of months back. The one
who wouldn’t leave me alone.

He sneers down at me, an insane light in his eyes. “Think

you’re too good for the likes of me, bitch?”

I quickly shake my head while trying to squirm out from

beneath his weight.

White-hot panic seizes me in a terrifying grip. Even

though the lights are on, it feels as if everything around me is
growing dark.

Katie lets out a devastating cry, and I have to tilt my head

back so I can see her. I can’t make out much of the guy, but
from the way her body’s jerking, it’s clear he’s forcing himself
on her.

“Katie,” I whimper as my heart shatters to pieces. “Katie.”

Her eyes find mine, and I hold her devastated gaze. “I’m

A hard slap to my face makes my eyes squeeze shut for a

second. Through the sharp sting, I force them open for Katie
only to see the guy pressing the gun to her forehead.

“No!” I scream, and then a shot rips a gaping hole through

my entire world. “Katie!” My cry is hoarse, not sounding
familiar at all.

Devastation suffocates me, so intense and raw, I can’t

process any of it.
The guy on top of me grabs hold of my jaw and forces me
to look at him. “Now it’s just us. You owe me for the broken
nose your boyfriend gave me.”
Bucking with all my strength born from the adrenaline and
anguish filling my veins, I manage to throw him off, and then I
shoot to my feet and race up the stairs to the second floor. I
dart into Katie’s room and lock the door behind me before
grabbing my phone off the bed.

My fingers shake so badly I struggle to bring up my call

list so I can dial 911.

My heart thunders in my ears, and it’s hard to focus, my

thoughts screaming in my head.

He shot Katie.

Mrs. Conley.

Mr. Conley.

The blood.

The cruelty.
A bang to the door makes it shudder open, and as I swing
around, I press dial on the last call I had, which I think was
One of the guys fills the doorway, and looking at me with a
crazed expression on his face, he lifts his arm, training the gun
on me. “It wouldn’t have killed you to put out.” He chuckles
darkly. “Unlike now.”

He pulls the trigger, but I don’t hear the shot. I don’t feel
as the bullet hits me. I stagger back and fall, hitting the side of
the bed before tumbling to the carpet.
“The bitch fucking called someone,” I hear one of them
growl. “Come on, we got to go!”
The one with the gun comes to stand over me, and
sneering, he spits at me before he pulls the trigger again.
I don’t feel anything as my body jerks, and my eyes drift
I’m sucked into a dark hole where I keep hearing Katie’s
devastated cry.

I see her body jerk and the naked horror in her eyes.
All I feel is unbearable anguish, and then I lose the fight,
and I let the darkness take me… hoping I’ll find Katie waiting
for me.


The song that’s playing on my phone cuts out as the device

starts to ring.
Setting down the drill, I swipe the phone off the bench and
glance at the screen. Seeing Quinn’s name flashing on the
screen, a smile spreads over my face.
“Hey,” I answer. “Miss me already?”
A muffled sound comes over the line, and for a moment, I
wonder if Quinn butt-dialed me, but then I hear a guy sneer,
“It wouldn’t have killed you to put out.” There’s an insane-
sounding chuckle. “Unlike now.”
What. The. Actual. Fuck?
“Quinn?” My voice is hoarse as anger starts to simmer in
my veins. “Who’s that?”

Wait. Quinn’s at Katie’s house? They were going to stay in.

The sound of a gunshot sends my body rocketing forward,
and I’m out of the gazebo I’m building in the backyard and
running as fast as I can to the front where my truck is. I climb
inside and start the engine hoping that Quinn’s at Katie’s place
and they didn’t go out.

Still holding the phone to my hear, I hear a guy say, “The

bitch fucking called someone. Come on, we got to go!”
Fear, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, shudders
through me, sending my heart racing like a wild beast.
My Quinn.

I throw the truck in gear, and as I floor the gas, another

shot explodes over the line, making the breath stall in my

Christ. No.
No. No. No.

The truck’s tail skids as I take a corner, and when I don’t

hear anything else from the call, I end it and dial Dad’s

“Hey,” his voice rumbles in my ear.

“The Conley house. Quinn called. I heard gunshots.”
“Wait for me,” Dad orders, and I hear him move, his
footsteps pounding on the wooden floor.

“Call the sheriff. I’m seconds away from the Conleys’

place,” I say while it feels like the very blood is draining from
my body, being replaced by dread.
“Eli!” Dad hollers. “You fucking wait for me!”

Knowing Dad won’t understand, I end the call, and then I

turn the steering wheel hard, sending the truck shooting over
the front yard before stopping right in front of the porch.

I grab the tires’ lug wrench from behind my seat and rush
to climb out of the truck. When I try the front door, and it
opens, I hold the wrench ready as I cautiously step inside.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for the gruesome sight as

my eyes scan over the kitchen and living room.

Christ Almighty.
Horror crashes through me like a tidal wave, and it takes
more strength than I have to remain on guard as I hurry to
where Katie’s lying. Her eyes are wide open, frozen and
empty, with blood seeping across the right side of her face.
God, no!

No. Fuck no.

Not able to handle her lifeless stare, I brush my fingers

over her eyes, closing them.
I’m so sorry, Katie.
I see Mr. Conley lying by the garage door, beaten so badly,
his face is nothing but a bloody mess. I find Mrs. Conley with
a gunshot wound to her chest, and when I check for a pulse, I
don’t find anything.
There’s no sign of Quinn.

Christ. Where are you, baby?

Blood by the stairs catches my eye, and as I head up to the
second floor, following the trail of drops, it feels as if my heart
stops, suspended in absolute terror.
I’m not ready for what I’ll find.
I won’t be able to deal with it.

Please, God.
Not Quinn.

Glancing into the first bedroom, my heart sinks into a

black hole when I see Quinn lying on her side next to bed.
She’s facing me, her skin deathly pale, her blood staining the

“Quinn!” It all takes a split second, and then I’m dropping

down next to her. “No. No. No. God, Quinn.”

I somehow think to check for a pulse, and when I feel a

faint thump, intense relief spurs me into action. I check if
Quinn’s breathing, and feeling the warm air fluttering in short
bursts from her, I scoop my arms beneath her and lift her to
my chest as I climb to my feet. The cream shirt she’s wearing
has so much blood stained into the fabric, the sight’s
unbearable. Drops are splattered over her neck and cheek, and
blood has already started to dry in her hair.
“Hold on, baby. I’ve got you.” My voice sounds distant as
I hurry out of the room, and when I come down the stairs, Dad
bursts into the house, a gun in his right hand.
“Motherfucking Christ,” he exclaims when he sees the
Conleys’ bodies.

“Hospital,” I manage to get the single word out as I hurry

toward him.
“Emergency services are coming. Put her down so I can
see how bad it is,” Dad orders.
I lay Quinn on the floor, then Dad says, “Place your hand
here. Push down hard.”

My hand covers a bloodstain on Quinn’s chest, and I press

down on it. Soon the luke-warmth of her blood seeps through
my fingers, and I press as hard as I can to slow the flow.”

Dad covers another gunshot wound to Quinn’s right collar

bone with his hand while pulling his phone out. He calls
someone, then says, “Harry, where the fuck are you? It’s a
fucking massacre.”
I can’t hear the sheriff’s reply.

“Is the ambulance coming?” A second later. “Good.”

Dad ends the call, then his eyes lock on mine.
I shake my head as anguish rips through me, unable to
process what’s happened in our sleepy town.
What’s happened to Quinn – the beautiful girl that’s stolen
all of my heart with her quiet nature.

This is wrong.
So, so very wrong.

How could something like this happen in Southport?

“Take a deep breath,” Dad instructs me. “You’ll have to be
stronger than ever for Quinn.”

I shake my head again. “I… I… can’t.”

I can’t fucking process this nightmare.

“Eli!” Dad snaps. My eyes flit back to his. “You’re a

Jackson. You have the strength. Dig deep.”
I start to nod as my gaze lowers to Quinn, and seeing how
absolutely fragile she looks, sends another surge of adrenaline
through my body.
Fight, baby. Fight for me. Just get through this, and then
I’ll carry you until you’re able to stand on your own again.

Just don’t give up.

Chapter 10


Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, I watch as Dad’s on

a call with Mr. Drake.

Quinn’s father is in Chicago, and by the sounds of things,

he’s leaving the truck there and taking the first flight to North
Dad ends the call, then comes to sit down next to me. He
places an arm around my shoulders.

We sit in silence for a moment, and then Mom rushes into

the waiting room with Ethan and Jason right behind her.

Standing up, my eyes lock on Jason’s. From the red rims

around his eyes and how pale my friend is, I can only guess
he’s already found out about Katie. I walk closer, and
wrapping my arms around him, I whisper, “I’m so fucking

Jason instantly breaks down, and I take his full weight as

his legs give out. I crouch down until he’s kneeling and just
continue to hold my friend, his grief palpable in the air.

Mom kneels behind Jason and rubs her hand up and down
his back. Her eyes meet mine, and it takes everything I have to
hold back the tears.
I clench my teeth and close my eyes at the raw pain
seeping from Jason, echoing through me.
I can’t fucking believe this happened.

In one night, we lost the Conley family and Quinn’s

fighting for her life in surgery.

Jason manages to take a couple of deep breaths and

somehow finds the strength to gather himself.

Just then, one of the deputies, Cade, walks into the waiting
room. He glances over us, then shakes his head, visibly shaken
by the horror that’s struck our town.
I help Jason to a chair, and Mom sits down next to him,
taking his hand.
Dad comes to stand at my side as I turn to face Cade.

He shakes his head again. “Sorry to do this now, Eli. I need

to get as much information as possible so we can catch the

“I understand.”
We move to the other side of the room, then Cade asks,
“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I dropped Quinn off at the Conleys. They were going to

celebrate Katie’s…” my voice disappears as the image of
Katie flits through my mind. I suck in a breath from the punch
it delivers to my gut and hold up my hand as I try to breathe
through it.
Dad places his hand on my back for support.

I gather myself, then continue, “I got a call from Quinn. I

don’t know how many there were. I heard a guy saying
something about Quinn. There was a gun–”

Cade interrupts me. “What did the guy say?”

I have to force the words from me, my voice strained.

“That it wouldn’t have killed her to put out.”

“Then what did you hear?” Cade asks.

“A gunshot.” I do my best to focus on the details, and

having experience with weapons, I add, “It sounded like a
point forty-five caliber.”

“We’ll be able to tell when we have the bullets,” Cade

says. “What happened then?”

“There was another guy. He said Quinn called someone,

and they had to get out. It was followed by another gunshot,
and then it was quiet.”

“What did you do?”

I gesture at Dad. “I called my father while driving to the

Conleys. When I got there, I entered through the front door. I
saw the Conleys… I found Quinn in one of the bedrooms.”

Cade holds his hand up to stop me. “Back up. Did you
touch anything?”
I nod, and swallowing hard, I admit, “Katie. I closed her

A strangled sound from Jason yanks my attention to him,

and I watch as Mom wraps her arms around him.

“Eli,” Cade says to draw my gaze back to him. “Did you

touch anything else?”
I shake my head. “Only Quinn.”
“Where did you find her?”

The questions keep coming, and at some point, I find

myself repeating everything.

And all the while, I can’t stop worrying if Quinn’s okay.

I wish I could rewind the night and just keep her safe with

“Do you have any idea who the attackers are?” Dad asks
Cade, yanking me out of my thoughts.

Cade shakes his head. “But we’re on it. We won’t rest until
the bastards are behind bars.”

Jason stands up, and walking out of the door, he mutters,

“A lot of good that’ll do. It won’t bring Katie back.”

Ethan goes after Jason, and I let out an exhausted sigh.

Then Cade says, “I’ll be in touch. We might have more


I watch as he leaves then Dad pushes me down in a chair.

Mom comes to sit next to me, wrapping me up in her arms. “I
know you’re in shock right now, but it will be okay.”

I pull back, locking eyes with Mom. “Will it? Really?

Quinn’s been shot twice. She’s… she’s… Katie’s death is
going to break her.”

Mom lifts her hands, framing my face, and then she looks
at me with so much strength it makes me feel stronger. “Quinn
will get through this. We’ll all be there to help her.”

I shake my head. “How do you get through something like

this, Mom?”
“You just do because there’s no other option.” Mom’s
features tighten. “I had to deal with something when I wasn’t
much older than Quinn. It takes time, but you heal, Eli. Quinn
will hurt a lot, but she’ll survive.”
Only then does my worst fear flit through my mind. “What
if she doesn’t make it?” My voice turns hoarse from the dread.
“What if I lose Quinn?”

Dad’s hand falls on my back. “Don’t go there. Until it

happens, you don’t go there. Focus on the now.”

Focus on the now. The fucking nightmare from hell that’s

better than the excruciating ache of trying to imagine a life
without Quinn.

The past fourteen hours feel like the longest of my life, and it’s
all a fucking blur.
Quinn suffered blood loss, a concussion, two broken ribs,
and the one bullet to her chest somehow ended up hitting her
liver. The other bullet stopped half an inch from her heart.
Half a fucking inch.

That’s the difference between Quinn still breathing and me

almost losing her.
She’s not out of the woods yet, looking frail on life
I bring her hand to my mouth, and closing my eyes, I send
up a silent prayer for what feels like the millionth time. And
just like every other time, it hangs heavy over my shoulders as
if there’s no one to hear it. No higher power to save Quinn.
But out of habit, I keep praying because there’s nothing
else I can do for her.
Helplessness. It’s a new beast for me to face.
Dr. Pickens comes to check Quinn’s vitals, then murmurs,
“We’re hoping she’ll wake up soon.”
His words offer me more comfort than any of the prayers
have, and hope starts to blossom in my chest.

My gaze shifts back to Quinn, and it’s incredibly hard to

see her like this.
When I close my eyes, Katie’s lifeless gaze flits through
my mind, once again stunning me with horror.
I shift in the chair, pressing my mouth harder to Quinn’s
Wake up, baby.

There’s still so much I want to do with you. So many
dreams I want to make come true.

Again, I see Katie’s face, causing a shuddering breath to

ripple from me.
I’ve known Katie all her life, and the way she was
murdered rocked a gaping hole through me. The Conleys’
gruesome deaths have shaken the whole town, leaving us all
reeling in the aftermath.
I can’t believe this happened.
Quinn’s fingers stir in my grip, and my eyes snap open.
“She moved,” I say, excitement bursting in my voice.
“I’ll get the doctor,” Dad says before rushing out of the

Quinn’s eyelashes flutter, and then I get a glimpse of her

beautiful green irises.

“Baby?” I lean closer. “Quinn? Can you hear me?”

Her eyes seem to focus on mine, and then raw terror bleeds
into them, making them look bruised before they drift shut
Dr. Pickens comes rushing into the hospital room with a
nurse and Dad right behind him.

“She opened her eyes,” I tell him as I let go of her hand,

moving back to get out of the way.
Dr. Pickens leans over Quinn, and taking her hand, he
squeezes her fingers. “Quinn, can you hear me?”
There’s no movement from her, and my heart sinks back
into the black hole again.

“She might drift in and out of consciousness before fully

waking,” Dr. Pickens says. “Can we clear the room?”
Dad takes hold of my arm, tugging me away from Quinn. I
glance back over my shoulder until I can’t see her anymore,
then follow Dad to the waiting room.
Waiting room? They should call it the torture room.
Chapter 11


“I want an extravagant wedding dress,” Katie says. “A

princess dress.”

I let out a chuckle. “You always wanted to be a princess.”

I turn my eyes away from the stars and glance at Katie.
We’re lying in the Conleys’ backyard just dreaming about
our futures.

“What kind of dress do you want?” Katie asks.

“Something soft and feminine,” I whisper dreamily as I
turn onto my side. Katie does the same, so we’re facing each
“I’m making your made of honor dress bright orange or
purple,” she jokes.

“Don’t you dare,” I gasp. “Can you imagine me in bright


We burst out laughing.

“Wouldn’t it be awesome to have envelopes like the ones in
Harry Potter delivering the invites?” Katie asks. She makes
her voice all regal as she says, “You’re herewith invited to the
betrothal of Katie Conley and Jason Shepard. You have one
minute to accept before this envelope self-destructs.” She lets
out a burst of laughter. “And then the envelope sticks out its
tongue and rips itself to shreds.”
I laugh with my friend, then turn onto my back again.

“Eli kissed me,” I blurt the words out.

Katie darts up with a shriek, and then she yanks at my arm

until I sit up. “Tell me everything. Don’t dare leave out a
single detail.”

“It was perfect,” I sigh, but then the smile drops from my
face as Katie begins to fade. “Katie?” She keeps fading, and
then everything else disappears, leaving me in the darkness.

I startle awake, my breaths exploding over my lips.

Dad’s face comes into focus. “Quinn?”

My lips part, but no sound comes out.

“Can you hear me?”

I manage to nod.

The bright lights register. Then the bed I’m lying on. Then,
that I’m in the hospital.
Like shards of broken glass, memories begin to cut
through my mind, soaking me in unbearable horror.

“Daddy?” I croak.
My breaths keep speeding up until I’m unable to take
another. It feels like my throat clamps shut, my heart
thundering and causing my chest to burn as if I’ve been set on

Everything spirals out of control. My thoughts. My body.
My emotions.

It all hurts too much, and then I’m sucked into the black
vacuum where I last saw Katie.

When I come to again, someone’s gripping my hand tightly. It

takes a lot to pry my eyes open, and then my vision focuses on

“Baby?” He gets up from the chair he was sitting on and

leans over me.

Just like before the nightmare returns, ripping through me

with merciless claws.
Mr. Conley, beaten to death.

Mrs. Conley, being shot.


I gasp for air, the gruesome memories too unbearable.

Eli lets go of my hand and frames my face with both of

his. “Look at me, Quinn. You’re safe.”
I try to shake my head.


The cruelty.

“Eli,” I whimper.

He presses a kiss on my cheek. “I’m here, baby.”

I shake my head. “I… can’t… Katie.” An aching sob tears
through my chest, robbing me of my breath. “Katie…”

“God, baby, I’m so sorry,” he says, his eyes flitting over

my face.

“I can’t,” I gasp, unable to handle the trauma and grief.

Eli presses his forehead to mine. “Try not to think about

what happened. Just breathe.”
I shake my head again, a strangled sound coming from me.

“Christ!” Eli darts away from me, and seconds later, I’m
taken back to the peaceful black meadow where Katie is.

“Tell me everything. Don’t dare leave out a single detail,”

Katie says, a happy smile curving her lips.

I stare at my friend, drinking in every inch of her pretty


A tear spirals down my cheek. “You’re not really here, are

“Don’t be silly,” Katie laughs, the sound filled with
bubbles the color of the rainbows. “I’m sitting right in front of

Lifting a hand, I reach out to her, but then she begins to

fade again.

Her laughter echoes around me until there’s only the



It’s been three days, and Quinn never wakes up for longer than
a couple of minutes.

Dr. Pickens says Quinn’s wounds are healing at a

satisfactory rate, but it’s her mental state they’re worried
about. The shock might’ve been too much for her to handle.

Harry, the sheriff, came by to talk to Quinn, but he left

again. He said the funerals can’t be held until the coroner is
done with his inquest. Things are taking longer because of the
nature of the Conleys’ deaths.

I’m not sure whether Quinn will be able to attend the

funerals and what it will do to her if she can’t say goodbye.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as my eyes drift

over her face.
Dr. Altman, a psychiatrist, has been assigned to Quinn, but
until she wakes up, there’s nothing else we can do but wait.
Just like before, Quinn stirs, and then her eyelashes flutter
“Hey,” I murmur.
Expecting another panic attack, I get up from the chair and
sit down on the side of the bed, careful not to jar her body.
Quinn just stares at me, and then tears begin to shine in her
eyes. Her chin quivers, and I hate that I can’t hold her to my
I let go of her hand and rest my forearms on either side of
her head as I lean over her. “I’m here, baby.”

“Eli,” she gasps, and it’s unbearable to watch as the

traumatic nightmare guts her.
I move my hand to her hair, and caressing the strands, I
press a kiss on her mouth. “I’m here.” I don’t know what else
to say.
Mom comes in with Mr. Drake, and I move back so he can
see Quinn.
Quinn lets out a sob, and then Mr. Drake leans over her as
she breaks.

It rips my heart clear out of my chest, and when Mom

takes hold of my hand, I grip hold of her for dear life. I turn
my face to Mom’s, whispering, “I don’t know how to help
“Just be there for her. There’s not much more you can do.
Only Quinn can get herself through this,” Mom whispers back.
Then she adds, “Just give her a safe place where she can heal.”
I nod, glancing back to Quinn, who’s still crying, the sound

“It’s okay, my sweet girl. Daddy’s here,” Mr. Drake coos.

“It’s… not… okay,” Quinn sputters. “Nothing’s… okay.”

Mr. Drake pulls back, and I’m able to see Quinn’s face
again. She lifts her left arm, using the back of her hand to wipe
the tears from her cheeks.

I dart forward, and grabbing a couple of tissues from the

box on the bedside stand, I hand them to her. Quinn’s eyes flit
to mine, and again I have to suppress the urge to just grab her
to my chest.

“Are you in any pain?” Mr. Drake asks.

Quinn shakes her head, and then all emotion drains from
her features until she just stares blankly at the ceiling.

“Quinn?” I take a step forward, but Mom grabs my arm.

“It’s normal. She’s processing.” A couple of seconds later,
Mom adds, “She’s taking her mind to a safe space.”
Frowning, I glance down at Mom. “How do you know

She pats my arm. “Experience.” Mom looks at Mr. Drake.

“Josh, can I get you some coffee?”
“That would be great, Nina.”

Mom glances up at me. “You want some?”

I shake my head and take a seat on the chair next to the
bed. Picking up Quinn’s hand, I bring it to my mouth, pressing
a kiss to the back of it. “You okay, baby?”
Quinn just stares as if she’s completely checked out from
“I’m getting the doctor,” Mr. Drake says, hurrying out of
the room.

A tear sneaks from Quinn’s right eye, and I quickly brush

it away. “I’m here, Quinn. I can’t imagine how you must feel,
but I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

A sob flutters over her lips, and then emotions crash

through her, ripping her breath from her. I’m up and leaning
over her within the next second. “Christ, Quinn. What can I

“Eli,” she whimpers brokenly. “I can’t…”

“I know, baby.” Unable to stop myself, I carefully push my
arms beneath her and pull her to my chest. Then, moving a
hand behind her head, I hold her as I press my mouth to her
temple. “It’s okay to break, Quinn. You don’t have to be
strong. I’ve got you.”

Her body begins to shudder, and her breaths hit my chest

in hot bursts as she breaks. Closing my eyes, I fucking take
every sob as she shatters in my arms.
Chapter 12


I stare at Katie, too scared to move because I don’t want her to

fade away.

“Why are you so quiet?” she asks, her voice sounding like
musical notes.
“I just want to look at you,” I whisper.
She lets out a chuckle. “Why?”
“Because I miss you.”

“But I’m right here,” she says, and then she reaches for
my hand. Her fingers curl around mine, and feeling warmth in
them makes tears rush to my eyes. I shoot forward, and
grabbing her to me, I cry, “Don’t leave me, Katie.”

Her arms wrap tightly around me. “I won’t. I’ll always be

by your side, Quinn.”

“Promise,” I beg, sobs shuddering from me.

“I promise,” she says.

A coldness begins to creep into me, and I tighten my hold

on her, letting out a broken cry. “Don’t go. Not yet.”

“I’m right here, silly. I’m not…”

My arms slump to my lap, and I keep my eyes pinched
shut, not wanting to open them.
“The Conleys will be missed,” Mayor Richardson says, from
where he’s standing by the podium in the front of the church.
“Southport mourns the loss of our own that’s been brutally
taken from us.”

I stare blankly at the tissue between my fingers while a

storm rages inside me, and then Eli’s hand covers both of
Dad’s sitting to my left, and Eli’s on my right. Dr. Pickens
and Dr. Altman allowed me to attend the funerals, and then I
have to return to the hospital.
I could’ve been discharged already, but I keep having
panic attacks.
I know what they think. I’m unstable and a suicide risk.

I’m not. I’m just traumatized and heartbroken.

“I grew up with Keith and Debbie, and I was there when
Katie was born.” Mayor Richardson shakes his head, sorrow
drawing deep lines on his face. “My life was blessed having
known them.”
One by one, people get up to say something nice about the
It’s been eight days.

It feels like it happened a second ago.

When I had to give my statement to Sheriff Miller, it felt
like I was talking about other people… strangers. My mind
couldn’t connect the horror to the Conleys.

I told him it was the same guys from the bar, but they don’t
know who the guys are, so the investigation is ongoing.
Eli’s thumb brushes over the skin on the back of my hand,
and he leans into me, whispering, “You still holding up,
I manage to nod, the storm spiraling out of control inside
me. Winds carrying Katie’s terror-filled cries rip through me.

Pastor Clayton takes the stand and says something about

the Lord giving and taking… and it obliterates the last of my

The Lord picked a flower for his own garden.

Another angel has earned their wings.

What a load of crap!

I grab hold of Eli’s hand, and grinding my teeth, I whisper,

“Take me outside.”

Eli darts to his feet and pulls me down the aisle and out
into sunlight that’s too bright.

I close my eyes, wanting the darkness where Katie is, then

I feel Eli standing in front of me.

“What can I do?”

“Nothing.” I open my eyes and stare up into his blue ones.

“Nothing will bring them back.”
And nothing will be the same again.
Eli sits down on the steps, pulling me onto his lap, and
then he cradles me against his chest. “I’ve got you,” he
murmurs, pressing a kiss to my hair.
Eli’s the only one who’s given me permission to break.
Everyone else keeps telling me it will get better. I must be
strong. Time heals all wounds. A blur of empty words.
Turning my face into Eli’s chest, I take a deep breath of his
earthy scent. “Don’t let go.”

“Never, baby.”

The nightmare overwhelms me, and my voice is hoarse as

I whisper, “I can’t deal with it.”

“I know, and you don’t have to. I’ve got you.”

My body shudders from the storm raging inside me, and it

has me admitting, “I hear Katie’s screams.”

Eli tightens his hold on me, pressing another kiss to my

hair. He doesn’t offer me empty words.
“I can’t stop seeing it.”

I feel a hand on my arm, and lifting my head, I see Nina

crouching in front of us. Eli’s mom doesn’t look at me with
pity, but instead, there’s understanding on her face.

“Let me take Quinn for a walk,” she tells Eli.

We get up, then Eli murmurs, “I’ll be right here.”

Nina takes hold of my hand, and we walk a short distance

from the church, stopping beneath a tree.

“I know what you’re going through. I know it too well.”

My eyes lock on hers, and I see my pain reflecting in them.
“How did you survive?”

“I didn’t. Not at first. When it became too much to bear,

I’d switch off. I’ve seen you do it, and that’s fine, Quinn.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to deal with it. You
don’t. Not now.”

I nod as my chin begins to quiver because I needed to hear


Nina gives my hand a squeeze. “The memories will

become bearable with time, but until then, if you need to cry,
you can come to me. If you need to scream, you can scream at
me. I’ll take all your anger.”

“It’s hard,” I whimper. I take a step forward, and wrapping

my arms around Nina’s neck, I cry, “They were so cruel. What
he did to Katie…”

Nina holds me tightly. “I know, sweetheart. Some people

are monsters. There’s no trying to understand why they did
such a horrible thing.” Her hand rubs up and down my back.
“Focus on today. Just today. Say goodbye to Katie and her
parents. Trust me, you need to say goodbye.”

I nod, and pulling back, I wipe the tears from my face.

Nina tilts her head, and locking eyes with me, she says,
“One day at a time, Quinn. Don’t think about tomorrow.”

I nod again, and then we hear people as they start to file

out of the church. Nina takes my hand, and we walk back to
where Eli’s waiting.
Standing by the three open graves, it feels like my heart is
I might’ve survived the attack, but how do I survive this?
Surrounded by loved ones, I’ve never felt more alone.
There’s a soft touch to my back, and glancing over my
shoulder, I see Nina where she’s holding Jason’s hand.
Unable to cope, I turn into Eli, looking for shelter in his
Pastor Clayton reads something from the scripture, and my
eyes drift over the coffins. Stopping on Katie’s, my chest
shudders, making my healing ribs ache. My eyes burn with
tears, but they don’t fall.
We were supposed to grow old together.

I was going to be your maid of honor, and you’d be mine.

We’d be there for each other when we had children.

We’d arrange play dates and cookouts.

We were going to work at The Green Leaf until we retired.
You weren’t supposed to leave, Katie.

The heartache flays me until I’m raw and struggling to

take my next breath.
When the coffins are lowered into the ground, my chest
grows tight, and my throat strains.
Hearing a strangled groan from Jason, my legs go numb,
and Eli quickly wraps an arm around me before I can sink to
the ground. My body leans heavily against his, the silent
strength pouring off him somehow keeping me standing.
I suck in a painful breath, and then my eyes focus on
Katie’s gravesite.

Bye, Katie.
A sob shudders from me, making Eli hold me tighter.
I’ll miss you every day of my life.

Eli helps me to the grave’s side, and I take one of the white
roses. Pressing a quivering kiss to it, I look down at Katie’s
coffin and drop the flower on top of the dark wood.

Sobs wrack through me, and this time there’s no keeping

myself standing.
Once again, Eli’s there, catching me as I crumble to dust.
He carries me to where the truck is parked, and opening the
passenger door, he sets me down on the seat. He frames my
face and begins to kiss the tears away.

“I’m so sorry, Quinn,” he murmurs. “I wish I could turn

back time.”
Me too.

I don’t know how I’d stop it, but I’d give my life if I could
save Katie.

My thoughts are inundated with nightmarish flashes. I hear

Katie’s screams. The way her body jerks. The terror in her
eyes. The gunshot.

Switch off, Quinn.

Mr. Conley being hit over the head with the baseball bat.
The blood trickling from his hairline.

Don’t think about it.

Switch off.
My body jerks as the shot rips through Mrs. Conley.

“Baby?” Eli tilts his head, catching my eyes. “Christ,

Quinn.” He turns me on the seat and then quickly straps the
seat belt over me. “I’m taking her to the hospital. She’s having
a panic attack,” I hear Eli shout.
Katie lets out a devastating…
‘Katie,’ I whimper…

Seeing the guy pressing the gun to her forehead.


Chapter 13


Holy. Fucking. Christ.

The past three weeks have been the worst of my life. Still,
it’s nothing compared to what Quinn’s been through.
Knocking on the front door, I wait a couple of seconds
before Mr. Drake opens for me. “Hey, son.”
“Morning,” I murmur as I step inside the house.
“I wish I could stay home with her,” he says, the guilt
weighing on him, evident on his face. He has to return to work
seeing as he’s the only one bringing in an income for them.
“Life goes on,” I say. “Quinn will be safe with me. I

“You’ll let me know if anything happens… if she gets


“I will,” I promise. I know it must be hard for him to

entrust Quinn to me. “My mom will come over often to check
on Quinn as well. We’ll take good care of her.”

Mr. Drake lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m just going to say
goodbye to her.”
As he heads to Quinn’s bedroom, I lean back against the
wall. Taking my phone from my pocket, I send Jason a
Eli: How are you holding up? Need anything?

It shows he reads the message, but he doesn’t respond

immediately. A couple of minutes later, it shows he’s typing.

Jason: I can’t stay here. I see Katie everywhere. It’s too

Eli: You’re thinking of leaving? Where would you go?

Jason: Up north. I have family in Toronto.

Eli: But you’ll come back?

Jason: I don’t know. I can’t think that far ahead.

Eli: I’d like to see you before you leave.

Jason: I’ll come by the house later.

I hear footsteps, and lifting my head, I see Mr. Drake

walking toward me. “Take care of my daughter. Please.”

He holds his hand out, and as I take it, I say, “I will. I

Mr. Drake walks out of the house, and without looking
back, he climbs into his truck. The engine roars to life, and I
watch as he drives away before I walk to Quinn’s room.
As I step inside, she’s zipping up a bag.

“Ready?” I ask.
Quinn turns around, the empty look in her eyes once again
hitting me right in the gut. It feels like every passing day, I’m
losing more and more of her.
“Yeah,” she murmurs, her tone carrying no warmth.
I pick up the bag, then ask, “Is there anything else you
want to bring?”

Quinn glances around the room, and then her eyes fall on a
photo of her and Katie laughing. She freezes, showing no
Grabbing the photo, I unzip the bag and tuck it inside
before closing the bag again. I take hold of Quinn’s hand and
pull her out of the bedroom.
Locking the house behind us, I take Quinn to my truck and
get her settled in the passenger seat.

I place the bag in the back of the truck and slide in behind
the steering wheel. It’s quiet between us as I drive to my place.

I’m hoping while Quinn stays with me, I’ll somehow get
through to her. Mom said it could take months before Quinn
will start to heal from the trauma.

When I asked Mom how she knew so much about trauma,

she said something terrible happened when she was younger.
She wouldn’t tell me more, saying it’s in the past and I didn’t
need to know.

I’ll give Quinn all the time she needs, even if it takes
years. I’m in it for the long haul.

I park the truck beneath the oak tree and glance at Quinn.
“We’re home.”
She nods and pushes the door open.

Getting out, I grab her bag, and this time she comes to my
side, taking hold of my hand.
We head inside, and taking the stairs to the second floor, I
say, “I prepared a guest room, but you can stay in my
bedroom.” I lower my eyes to her. “If you want to. Whatever
you’re comfortable with.”

The old Quinn would’ve blushed.

The traumatized Quinn just shrugs.

I walk to my bedroom and set her bag down on the bed.

Quinn slumps down next to it and stares down at her lap.

I crouch in front of her to catch her eyes, and when she

meets my gaze, I ask, “Do you need anything?”
She blinks a couple of times, then whispers, “You.”

Rising to my feet, I place the bag on the floor and kick off
my shoes. I sit down on the bed, and taking hold of Quinn, I
pull her up the mattress until we can lie down.

I wrap my arms around her and just hold her. She rests her
head on my chest, wrapping an arm around my waist. A heavy
sigh escapes her as she closes her eyes.

“You can talk to me about anything,” I murmur.

Quinn only nods.

At first, she spoke about what happened, but after the

funerals, she’s hasn’t brought it up again.

Dr. Altman gave Quinn medication for the panic attacks,

and after counseling her for two weeks, Quinn was cleared to
leave the hospital.

She hasn’t gone for her appointments with Dr. Altman, and
I know she’s not taking the medication.
Worried, I ask, “You don’t want to meet with Dr. Altman

Quinn shakes her head. “No.”

“The medication didn’t help?”

Feeling powerless, I tighten my hold on her.

God, Quinn, don’t give up. Please.


It feels like a tornado has swept through my life and wiped

away every trace of happiness. It’s left devastation behind.
Everything that added color to my life is gone, and I’m left
with this gray wasteland. Just gray. Nothing else.
I have nothing left in me. No fight, no will – just nothing.

I want to stay in bed and let the darkness take me to where

Katie is, praying the pain and insanity won’t follow.

I can’t.
My mind’s flooded with chaotic madness. I can’t focus on
anything because focusing will lead to feeling.

It’s been three weeks since my life was shattered to pieces.

The town has moved on while the devastation remains in me.
I want to scream to let it out. I want to claw at my aching
chest to free the pain. But I can’t bring myself to do anything
about it.

Tears burn behind my eyes, but they refuse to fall. It feels

like my body has shut down every possible way for me to
express how I feel. It’s keeping it all inside, and it’s ripping me

I can’t.
I try to focus on the sound of Eli’s beating heart beneath
my ear, and I start to count the beats.



The photo of us flashes through my mind, and it makes my

heart squeeze painfully. It was taken at Thanksgiving last year.
I told Katie I was most thankful for her.

A breath shudders from me.


For a rare moment, my thoughts turn to Eli and me. We’ve
only been dating five weeks. “We missed our one-month
anniversary,” I whisper.
“We’ll have plenty more to celebrate.”
“Katie never forgot a date. She cele –” My voice
disappears, and I cringe from the hard blow of loss.
Eli turns us onto our sides, and his body wraps around
mine. “I’ve got you.”
“I can’t cry anymore,” I admit to him. “It’s all stuck inside

“Maybe if we talked about what happened, it will help?”

My lips part, and for a moment, I can’t make a sound, and
then I finally manage to say, “When I fall asleep, I see Katie.”

“Nightmares?” Eli asks.

I shake my head. “No. We’re always sitting in their
backyard. It’s weird. Sometimes it’s a memory, and other
times, I’m aware she’s dead… and then she fades away.”
Eli presses a kiss to my hair.

“I want to sleep all the time, so I can see her.”

“That’s understandable.” Eli takes a deep breath. “Next
time you see her, tell her I say hi.”

The corner of my mouth tugs up, and it catches me off

guard. “You don’t think I’m insane?”
“No, everyone deals with trauma and loss in their own
“Thank you,” I whisper as I press closer to him. “For
everything. I wouldn’t have made it the past three weeks
without you.”
“Told you I’m in it this for the long haul,” he murmurs.
I lift my head, and meeting his eyes, I ask, “Why are you
so good to me?”

Eli stares at me for a long moment before he answers,

“Because you’re mine, and it’s natural for me to want to take
care of you.”
“I didn’t scare you off?”

He shakes his head. “Everything’s just made me a million

times more protective of you.”

I rest my cheek on his chest, then admit, “I don’t know if

I’ll ever be the same again.” I swallow hard. “Like I was
before it happened.”

“It’s understandable.”
God, he’s so patient with me.
Closing my eyes, I wrap my arm tighter around his waist
as I snuggle into his side.

“Sooo… how are things with you and Eli?” Katie asks, the
expression on her face telling me she expects to hear
something juicy.
“Eli says hi,” I murmur.

Katie smiles. “He’s so sweet.”

“He is.” Knowing I don’t have long, I lean forward and
wrap Katie up in a hug. “I miss you so much.”

“I’m right here,” she chuckles.

“You’re dead, Katie,” I force the words out. “Your funeral
was two weeks ago.”

“Oh, hush. We’re not going to talk about depressing

things. I’m here right now, and that’s all that matters.”
“I don’t want to wake up.”

“You have to, Quinn,” she says as she pushes me back.

Her eyes, always dancing with laughter, lock on mine. “You
have to go back for your dad, for Eli. You have to live for both
of us.”
“How? How do I live without you?”
“Easy. You wake up and just do it.”

I shake my head. “I can’t.”

“You can,” she insists. “Because if you give up, we both
die, and there won’t be anyone to remember me.”

Katie begins to fade, her voice echoing around me as she

says, “Live for both of us.”
Chapter 14


After work, I stop at the Sheriff’s department. When Harry

sees me, he shakes his head, already knowing why I’m here.

“There are no new leads, Eli. I said I’d call if we learned

something new.”
“No matches on the evidence?” I ask. They got a semen
sample from Katie, and horror set aside, I was hoping it would
tell us the identity of one of the guys, at least.

“Nothing yet,” Harry replies. “All we know is they’re from

out of town. The sketches we got from Jason, you, and Quinn
don’t match anything on the database.”

“So… that’s it?” It kills me knowing the bastards are still
out there.
“We’re doing everything we can, Eli. We all want to see
them behind bars.”

I let out a sigh, nodding. “Thanks, Harry.”

Leaving the sheriff’s station, I head to my truck feeling

frustrated as fuck.
During the drive home, my thoughts turn to Jason. He left
two weeks ago and only called to let me know he made it to
When I park the truck beneath the oak tree, I pull my
phone out and dial Jason’s number.

“Hey,” he answers, his voice sounding as empty as


“It’s been a while. How are you holding up?” I ask as I

push the door open.

“There are good and bad days. I started working with my

uncle at the butchery.”
“That’s good. Hopefully, the work will help,” I say, glad to
hear he’s settling in that side.

“Any news?” he asks, and I know what he’s referring to.

“Nothing yet,” I sigh. “I just stopped at the sheriff’s

Jason lets out a heavy sigh. “Let me know if you hear
“I will.” I take the steps to the porch. “I just wanted to let
you know I’m thinking about you. We miss you at the bar.”

“Thanks,” he murmurs.
“I’ll be in touch.”


We end the call as I open the front door, and then a sweet
aroma hits me as I step into the house. I follow the scent to the
kitchen, where I find my mother and Quinn.

Mom’s got a streak of flour across her cheek, and Quinn’s

wiping it off with a paper towel.
“Something smells good,” I say as I move closer to press a
kiss to the side of Quinn’s head.

Our love life has taken a back seat to everything that’s

happened, and it’s taking a lot out of me. But Quinn’s nowhere
near ready to resume dating. She’s struggling to keep it
together without the added pressure.

“Quinn’s teaching me how to make cupcakes.” Mom

gestures to a burned batch. “I tried to tell her I’m awful in the

I let out a chuckle as I look at the black cupcakes. “I can

use these for target practice.”
Quinn wraps her arm around Mom. “Don’t be mean, Eli.
The second batch was much better.”

I glance around the kitchen. “Where are they?”

“We ate them all,” Mom says, and then she gives me a
proud look. “Quinn loved my cupcakes.”

Smoke begins to trickle from the over, and Mom darts

forward. “Nooo! Just look what you did, Eli.”
“Me?” I slap a hand to my chest. “I just got home. How’s
this my fault?”

Quinn chuckles as Mom pulls the tray of burned cupcakes

from the oven. My head snaps to Quinn, and seeing the smile
on her face makes emotion crash through me.

Then her smile fades, and the sorrow creeps back, erasing
the sparkle from her eyes.

“Hey,” Dad says as he comes in via the backdoor. He

glances at the burned cupcakes. “Looks good, baby.”
Laughter bursts from me, and I glance at Quinn, saying,
“That’s my dad trying to stay out of the dog house.”

“Want to order pizza for dinner?” Mom asks. “My treat.”

“Sounds good.”
Dad gestures for me to follow him. “Let’s leave the women
to do their thing.”

I follow him to the living room, and seeing the serious

look in his eyes, I know he wants to talk about something

We sit down, then Dad asks, “How’s Quinn holding up?”

“As good as can be expected,” I mutter.

“Have you heard from Jason?”

I nod. “I called him earlier. He’s settled in.”

Dad leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. For a
long time, he just stares down at his hands before he looks at
me again.

“Remember when I first taught you how to shoot a gun?”

“Yeah,” I say, leaning back into the cushion. “Most of it.”

“You told me you were scared,” he says. “Do you recall
what I said to you on that day?’

I nod. “You said everybody has at least one fear.”

“I told you my fear was that I wouldn’t be able to protect

you,” he reminds me. “Next time I tell you to wait for me, you

I nod. “I just had to get to Quinn.”

“I understand, but when you’re facing armed men, wait for
your old man to have your back. You were lucky they left
before you got there.”

We haven’t spoken about that night until now.

“Where’s your gun?” Dad asks.

“Locked in the safe.”

“I want you to carry it on you at all times until those

bastards are found. Quinn’s a witness, and they might come
back to finish the job.”

“Christ, Dad,” I hiss as I lean forward.

“Eli, I’m not fucking around. Listen to me. You carry at all
times, and you don’t hesitate taking the shot if they come

I shake my head. “Never thought you’d give me

permission to kill.”

“It’s not killing if you’re protecting yourself and Quinn.”

My eyes lock with Dad’s, then he says, “I’ve also had to

deal with something similar to what you’re going through.”
“Who? When?” I ask.

“Your mother got shot.” The words shudder through me,

and my muscles tighten.
“Before you and Ethan came along, your mother and I had
our own demons to fight. We never told you any of this
because we were hoping you’d never be in a position where
you’d need to know.”
“Know what, Dad?”
“I wasn’t a handyman all my life. There was a time when
people used to hire me to rescue kidnapped victims. As a
hobby of sorts, I used to take down syndicates. I found your
mom while taking down a group.”

My mouth drops open with shock. “Christ, Dad.”

“I’ve taken a life before, and I won’t hesitate taking
another to keep my loved ones safe.”

I never knew this side of Dad existed.

“I won’t hesitate,” I promise him, and only then he seems
to relax a little.
“I’m proud of you, Eli. The way you stepped up to take
care of Quinn.”

I nod and force a smile to my lips. “I wish I could do more

for her.”
“Remind her of the beauty in life. That’s how I got through
to your mother.”
Dad reaches across and gives my shoulder a squeeze as
Mom comes into the living room with Quinn.

Thank God for my parents. I wouldn’t know how to deal

with all of this if it weren’t for them.
“Is there a specific pizza you guys want?” Mom asks.

I take hold of Quinn’s hand and pull her down on the

couch beside me while answering, “I’m good with anything.”
I wrap my arm around Quinn’s shoulders as my thoughts
return to what Dad said.
If those bastards come back for Quinn, I won’t hesitate to
kill them. There’s no way I’m letting them near her.
I press a kiss to her temple and take a deep breath of her
flowery scent.


“You okay?” Katie asks.

I nod, just staring at her.

“You’re lying.”

“It’s hard with you gone,” I admit.

“I’ll never be totally gone,” she says, giving me a warm
smile. She reaches across, pressing her hand over my heart.
“I’ll always be in here, safely tucked away from all the bad
things in the world.”
“I wish I could’ve saved you,” I admit.

“There’s nothing any of us could’ve done,” she murmurs.

“They were going to kill us no matter what.”
Her words shudder through me as some of the memories
When I shoot upright in the bed, I slam into Eli’s arm, and he
immediately pulls me into a protective hug.
“It’s okay, baby,” Eli murmurs. “I’ve got you.”
My breaths explode from me, my eyes wide with the
horror of what I remember.
‘Think you’re too good for the likes of me, bitch?’
‘It wouldn’t have killed you to put out. Unlike now.’

I gasp as the realization hits. They came to the Conleys

because of me.
“They came to the Conleys because of me,” I whimper as
my heart splits right down the middle. “Maybe if I had gone
home, it would’ve just been me.”
Eli quickly frames my face and forces me to look at him.
“No, Quinn. Don’t even go there. It’s not your fault.”
“But… but…” I sputter as a sob tears through me.

“No,” Eli says again, his voice tense. “You are not
responsible for what those bastards did. There’s nothing you
could’ve done to stop what happened.”

Pushing myself onto my knees, I throw my arms around

Eli’s neck. I hold onto him with all my strength as the
unforgiving wall that’s been keeping everything inside me

Eli holds me while the uncontrollable tears flow. I burrow

deeper against him, needing to surround myself with his
warmth and scent. When I’m close to him, the darkness isn’t
all that dark.
He presses a kiss in my hair and asks, “Don’t you think it
would be better if you saw Dr. Altman again?”

“No.” I snap, pushing away from him.

Scooting off the bed, I get up and walk away from him.
“I’m worried, Quinn,” he says as he comes after me. “You
don’t talk about what happened. Tonight’s the first time in
almost a month. You’re keeping it all bottled up inside you.”
I stop and spin around, just needing him to back off.

“You think it’s best for me? To keep dredging the

nightmare up and repeating it over and over?” When Eli gets
close to me, my arms dart up, and I shove him.

He grabs at my hands, and it’s only then I realize I just

lashed out at Eli, and he’s only trying to help.
Oh, my God.

“Eli,” I whisper. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take it out on


It feels like I’m going to explode on the inside, and no one

will know about the devastating chaos left inside of me.
“Baby,” Eli whispers. He sounds as broken as I feel as he
leans down to catch my eyes. “I just want what’s best for you.
If you don’t want to talk to Dr. Altman, then talk to me, or talk
to my mom. I don’t care who you talk to, as long as you get it
out. Tell me what you’re feeling right now. Just let it out.
Don’t keep it in and let it eat away at you.”
“It’s hard,” I whisper.

Eli lets go of my hands as he steps closer to me. “I know,

I close the last of the distance between us and press my
face into his chest, and then I admit, “When I’m with you, I
can almost pretend none of it happened. I almost feel normal,
and it makes me feel guilty. How can I move on while Katie’s
dead? How can I be happy when she lost everything.”

Eli pulls back and frames my face. “It’s normal to heal,

Quinn. It doesn’t mean you’re going to forget Katie.”
“It just feels wrong that I survived.”

He wraps me up in his arms again. “It’s normal to feel

survivor’s guilt.”
“I still see Katie in my dreams,” I admit.

Eli presses a kiss to my hair. “Do you talk to her?”

I nod.

“Good. Maybe that’s how you’re dealing with the trauma.

You’re talking to the one person you shared all your secrets

Eli’s words sink in, and it loosens something inside me that

felt like it was going to snap at any moment.
“Thank you for being patient with me,” I whisper.

“Always.” He tugs at my hand, and we walk back to bed.

“I’m sorry I woke you,” I say as I climb back beneath the

“Don’t worry about it. I want you to wake me whenever

you need me.” Eli lies down beside me then pulls me into his
Feeling too guilty, I haven’t been able to relish in moments
like these.
I’m really going to have to do something. I’m going to
have to talk to someone other than Katie.
Chapter 15


I don’t know if I’m just overly hopeful, but I think I got

through to Quinn.

Standing outside the hardware store, my eyes go to where

The Green Leaf used to be. The store has been standing empty
since everything was cleared out.
So fucking sad.

Sometimes I catch myself glancing at the store, thinking

I’m going to see Quinn and Katie laughing behind the counter.

Thinking of Quinn, I take my phone from my pocket, but

then I remember she’s spending the day with my mom, and I
tuck it away. Hopefully, the time with Mom will do her some

My phone begins to ring, and I pull the device out again.

Seeing Mr. Drake’s name flashing on my screen, I answer,
“Hey, how are things on the road?”

I’ve been giving Quinn’s dad updates about her so he

wouldn’t worry. He told me to call him Josh, and I’m still
trying to get used to it.

“I’m making good time and should be home next Tuesday.

How’s Quinn holding up?” Josh asks.
“Better. She talked to me last night, and she’s spending the
day with my mom,” I tell him. “I think she’s starting to open
up about what happened.”

“That’s good to hear.” He clears his throat. “What are we

going to do when I’m back home? I’ll only be in town for a

A fist tightens around my heart. “You want her to come

“I’m not sure if moving her up and down will be such a
good thing. I don’t want to disturb her routine, especially if
she’s starting to make some progress.”
I let out a relieved breath. “You’re welcome to stay at my

He lets out a chuckle. “I might be okay with my daughter

living under your roof, but I sure as hell don’t want to see her
sleeping in your bed.”

A burst of awkward laughter explodes from me. “I treat

Quinn with respect, Josh. It’s safe to visit with us.”

“I’ll crash at my own place. It’s been standing empty for

too long. I’ll spend the days with Quinn.”
“Okay, whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“I spoke with Harry,” Josh mutters. “He says there’s still

nothing new on the case.”

I feel Josh’s frustration as I say, “Yeah, it’s killing me as


“Protect, Quinn. Please.”

“With my life,” I promise.

We end the call, and tucking the phone back in my pocket,
I walk into the store.

Minutes later, Ethan comes in. “Hey.”

I lean against the counter as I smile at my brother. “You’ve
been quiet.”

“No.” He shakes his head as he comes to stand next to me,

also leaning back against the counter. “You’ve just been busy.”
Ethan’s eyes lock on mine, then he asks, “How are you
holding up?”

“I’m good.”

“Really?” he asks, his eyes sharpening on me. “You took

on one hell of a responsibility by agreeing to take care of

I shove Ethan with my elbow. “You make it sound like I

took in someone’s dog. Quinn’s my girlfriend.”
“You were only dating two weeks when shit went down,

Crossing my arms over my chest, I scowl at my brother.

“What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

Ethan shrugs. “I’m just saying, this relationship went from

zero to two hundred real fast.”
“Actually, it didn’t. If anything, it hit pause.” Ethan’s
eyebrow shoots up, and it has me explaining, “Quinn’s in no
state to deal with a relationship. I haven’t even kissed her since
the attack.”

“Fuck,” Ethan exhales. “That’s got to be rough.”

“Yeah, but what I want doesn’t matter right now. Once
Quinn’s better, I’ll pick up where we left off.”

“Mom says it can take months if not years. You gonna wait
that long?” he asks.

“I’ll wait as long as it takes. I’m not bailing on Quinn just

because things are hard.”

“Fuck,” he breathes, shaking his head. “I hope I’ll be able

to do the same if I ever find myself in the same position.”

“I’m sure you will,” I murmur. “When you meet the

woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, you’ll
move heaven and earth for her.”

“The Jackson men’s curse,” Ethan chuckles.

“It’s not a curse, little brother,” I say as I push away from

the counter. “If anything, it’s given my life purpose.”

Ethan’s eyes lock with mine again. “Sounds a lot like you
love Quinn.”
I stare at him as I sift through my feelings. I might not
have a normal relationship with Quinn, but the woman she
used to be is always in the back of my mind. Also, seeing her
battle her way through the trauma has made me admire her.

She’s just hurting right now. I’m sure with time, I’ll get
some of the old Quinn back.
Still… love?

It’s only then I realize, whether I get the old Quinn back or
a new version of her once she’s healed, I still want her.

I’ll always want Quinn, no matter if she’s hurting or happy.

“Yeah, I love her.”


Nina gets up from the chair, where we’re sitting in her kitchen.
“Let’s take a walk. I want to show you something.”

“Okay.” Rising to my feet, I follow her out of the house.

We walk in silence through the trees behind the property and
keep going until we reach the beach.

“Take off your shoes,” she says as she kicks her sandals

When I’m barefoot, Nina takes my hand and pulls me into

the water. It’s freezing, and I wiggle my toes as goosebumps
rush over my skin.

“Oh shit, it was much warmer the last time I did this,” she
I smile at her reaction to the cold water.

“Besides the freezing cold, what do you feel?” she asks.

I frown as I glance at her. “Water? It’s wet?”

She nods. “It still feels the same, right? The feel of the
water hasn’t changed.”
“Yeah?” I answer, not sure where she’s going with this.
“Look around you. Did the view change?”
I look out over the ocean and shake my head. “No, it’s still
the same.”

She pulls me out of the water, and we sit down on the spot
where we left our shoes.
“Southport has seen many hurricanes come and go, but the
town still stays the same. Sure it takes a while for nature to
recover and for the people to patch everything up, but it
doesn’t change the bigger picture.” Nina’s eyes lock with
mine. “The same counts for you, Quinn.”

I glance around us, hearing what she’s saying. “Is that

what you did? Patched up what you could?”

“Yes.” Nina lets out a deep breath. “Alex made it easier for
me, though. He showed me it was okay to lean on someone for
support.” Nina glances out over the ocean. “Honestly, the real
healing only began once I opened up to Alex about my trauma.
It’s like he took some of the pain, making it bearable for me to
There’s a moment’s silence before I admit, “I don’t want to
burden Eli.”
“You won’t burden him, Quinn. Sharing your pain with the
person you love is never a burden. That’s what a relationship
is, sharing the good and the bad.” Her eyes find mine as she
asks, “You’d want Eli to talk to you if he was having a hard
time, right?”

I nod, and then silence falls between us, and I think over
everything Nina’s said.
After a long while, I ask, “How did you get to be so
She laughs. “I married Alex.”

Hearing that makes me chuckle.

After another couple of minutes, I whisper, “Does it ever
get better?”

Nina swallows hard, sorrow shadowing her features. “I lost

my parents when I was eighteen. They were killed.”

I didn’t expect to hear those words from her, and they

shudder through me.
She takes a deep breath before she continues, “My father
and uncle got involved with some terrible people. After my
parents were killed, I was forced to run from South Africa. I
came here, and I managed to hide for seven years before they
found me.” She pauses for a moment, her chin quivering.
Somehow she manages to swallow the emotion down. “I
blamed myself back then.”
My eyes are glued to her face, my heart breaking for her as
she tells me about her past.
A wounded look pulls tightly at her features, and for the
first time, I see all the pain she keeps buried inside of her as
she lets it resurface.
I scoot closer to her and lifting my arm, I wrap it around
her back.

“I was kept in a container for four days and beaten until…

I begged for death.”
Dear, God.
“The fourth day was the worst.” Her face tightens with
pain. “They raped me.”

I gasp with shock and can’t keep the tears as they come.
“I’m so sorry, Nina,” I whisper, my own pain forgotten for a
moment as compassion for Nina fills me.
“Alex found me the next day and saved me,” she murmurs.
“I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for him.”
Her confession makes me see Alex in a whole new light.
He doesn’t seem as scary anymore, but rather a strong force…
strong enough to save Nina.
“Your pain is as real as mine, Quinn. We all deal
differently. No experience is the same for any two people. But,
I won’t lie, the months afterward were a living nightmare. I
couldn’t handle being around people. It took weeks before I
felt semi-comfortable with Alex.”

I rub my hand up and down her back, whispering, “You’re

so strong.”
“It never goes away,” she admits. “I just learned to live
with it.” She turns her eyes back to me. “But I can’t remember
their faces. The memories are like faded stains now. The sharp
edge of pain has been dulled over the years, and it will be the
same for you.”
I nod, believing her.
Nina turns her gaze back to the ocean. “For a long time
afterward, I still gave them the power to hurt me. Whether
they were somewhere out there or ten feet under the ground
didn’t make the pain any less. Only when I saw the beauty that
came from it all did I realize I had to take back control of my
own life.”

“What beauty can ever come from something so horrible?”

I ask.
“Alex. Eli. Ethan.” She smiles, and the pain retreats back
to the depths she pulled it from. “I had to go through hell to
find my heaven.”
Unable to stop myself, I hug her tightly. “You’re the
strongest person I know.”
She pulls back and looks at me. “I wasn’t strong back then,
Quinn. I only made it because I let Alex in. I had to learn to
trust him. I had to make a choice whether I was going to run
forever or stay and fight to be with him.”
It hits me why she shared her story with me. If I want to
remain in a relationship with Eli, I’ll have to open up to him.
I nod, and taking a deep breath, I whisper, “I understand.”
Staring at Nina, I hope I can be as strong as her. “Thank you
so much for sharing your story with me.”
She smiles and brushes some of my hair back. “I’ll always
be here to talk, Quinn. When things get bad, and they will, just
remember one thing for me.”
“People will come into your life, and they will hurt you.
It’s up to you whether you’re going to give them the power to
destroy the rest of your life. Are you going to let them win, or
are you going to fight back and reclaim your life?”
Her words feel freeing. I grab her to me and hug her tightly
as I say, “I’m going to fight back and reclaim my life.”

“That’s what I was hoping to hear,” she chuckles as she

holds me.
Chapter 16


Since last week, Quinn’s been so much better. Mom told me

she and Quinn had a heart-to-heart moment. I don’t care who
Quinn talks to, as long as she talks to someone, but I’m
grateful it’s Mom.
Quinn hasn’t been as withdrawn since she and Mom
talked, and she’s been baking up a storm. I’m now selling
cupcakes at the hardware store, as well.

After showering, I walk into the kitchen, the aroma of

bacon filling the air.
“What are you making?” I ask as I grab a bottle of water
from the fridge, my eyes drifting over Quinn.
“I’m just going to put bacon on some bread and sprinkle
cheese over it, then shove it in the oven for a couple of

“Sounds good.” I take a sip of the water before

mentioning, “Your princess-themed cupcakes are selling fast. I
think all the dads are stopping by the hardware store for their
Quinn chuckles as she glances at me. “Really? You’re not
eating them all?”
“I may have a sweet tooth, but I can only handle so much
Quinn stops placing strips of bacon on the slices of bread,
giving me a surprised look. “They’re really selling?”
“Yeah.” My eyes lock with hers. “You might want to
consider opening a store.”

She instantly shakes her head. “Nah, I just bake for fun.”

I decide to let the idea go for the moment, not wanting to

pressure Quinn.
I watch her as she continues to make the grilled cheese
sandwiches, and when she catches me staring, her cheeks flush
a soft pink.
My heartbeat instantly speeds up as I get a glimpse of the
girl I fell in love with.

“You’re staring,” she whispers.

“Can you blame me? There’s a beautiful woman in my

The corner of her mouth lifts while the pink on her cheeks
deepens in color. Just as she starts to look self-conscious, I
move closer to her and brushing my knuckles over the curve of
her cheek, I whisper, “I’ve missed this.”
“Me blushing up a storm?” she asks.

“Yeah. I love it.” I move my fingers to beneath her chin

and turning her face to me, I press a tender kiss to her mouth.
Keeping my lips to hers, I take a deep breath of her before I
pull back. “I’ll set the table.”

“Okay,” she breathes.

When everything is ready, we sit down at the table. I give
Quinn’s hand a squeeze, saying, “Thank you for making

“It’s the least I can do,” she murmurs. After taking a sip of
her water, she mentions, “My dad will be back in town

“Yeah, he told me.”

“He said I should stay here?” Her eyes flit over my face,
and the fist tightens around my heart as the worry resurfaces.

The asshole in me wants to tell her she doesn’t have a

choice. I’m never letting her move out. Instead, I ask, “How
do you feel about staying here?”

Quinn shrugs, then an awkward expression settles on her

face. “I’ve been visiting for two months already. I guess at
some point, I have to go home.”

My heartbeat speeds up. “Is that what you want?”

Instead of answering me, she asks, “What do you want?”

Reaching for her hand, I wrap my fingers around hers. “I

want you to be happy, Quinn. If you like living with me, then

Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips. “You’ll be okay

with that?”

“Baby, this isn’t just some sleepover for me. I love coming
home to you. I want you here, not for a visit or a couple of
months, but indefinitely.”

Quinn stares at me for a moment, and then a smile

explodes over her face, and for the first time in months, the
sun shines again. “I’d like that too.”

My mouth curves up as I drink in the sight of her, “Yeah?”

She nods, and leaning toward me, she presses a kiss to my

mouth. When she pulls back, she says, “You’re an amazing
man, Eli. Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome,” I murmur, and then I turn my attention

to the food. “Let’s eat.”
She grins, and picking up a slice of grilled cheese, she
sinks her teeth into it. Closing her eyes, she moans as she
enjoys the bite.
Shamelessly, I stare while wondering if she’ll have the
same reaction when she’s naked beneath me.

Christ, help me if she does because I won’t last long if she

moans like that.


It might just be my imagination, but it feels like things have

changed between Eli and me today.

The conversation we had over dinner was something that’s

been worrying me, so I’m glad we discussed it.

I’m glad I don’t have to leave. I thought I liked living

alone, but that’s changed since I came to live with Eli.
I’ve been feeling better since I talked with Nina. It’s as if
hearing her story gave me some strength to fight my own

I let out a contented sigh, thinking today almost felt

normal. It’s as if I’m becoming aware of things around me
again. Like Eli’s intense stare. The fluttering in my stomach
when he’s nearby. Lying in his arms… in his bed.

Some of the excitement I felt before the attack trickles

back, and it feels as if I’m waking up after being stuck in a

I know tomorrow things might be bad again, but I savor

the good moment that’s come my way.

Lying in bed, Eli shifts his body down and props a pillow
beneath his head. I take full advantage, and snuggling against
his side, I rest my head in the crook of his shoulder.

He moves his arm from between us and wraps it around

my shoulders. When his fingers start to brush over my bicep,
my skin’s invaded with goosebumps.

I let myself enjoy his touch, inching closer to him until my

body is pressed against his side.

He tightens his arm around my shoulders, and I move my

head to his chest. Closing my eyes, it feels like home. I take a
deep breath, letting Eli’s masculine scent fill my lungs.

I become aware of his breath stirring my hair while his

fingers continue to move up and down my arm.

Eli turns us onto our sides, wrapping both his arms around
me. Pressing a kiss to the top of my head, he moves one hand
down to my lower back.
I’m so focused on him, all the trauma and pain fade away,
and for a blessed moment, there’s just us.
Then Eli shifts the hem of my t-shirt out of the way, and he
lays his palm over my skin. My stomach flutters, and slowly
my breaths begin to speed up.

His hand starts to move up my back, lifting the fabric

along with it.
My heartbeat increases until I’m pretty sure he can feel it
pounding against his chest.
Lying in the dark with him, I feel braver than I’d normally
be. I flatten my hand on his chest and take a deep breath
before I trail my fingers down, drinking in the feel of the dips
and swells of his muscles beneath my fingertips.
I hold my breath as I push my hand beneath the fabric of
his shirt, and then my heart leaps to my throat when I feel his
warm skin.
Eli pulls his hand out from under my shirt, and I freeze.
But then he frames my face, nudging me up until I’m looking
at him.
From the moonlight shining into the room, I can see the
intensity in his blue eyes, and it feels as if a whole hive of bees
is buzzing around inside of me.
His eyes dance between my mouth and my eyes, and I
wish I knew what he was thinking right now.

Nervously, I wet my lips, and it makes his eyes drift to my

When his head starts to lower, anticipation makes me hold
my breath until his lips press against mine. Tingles rush
through my body, and my heart hammers behind my ribs.

Just like before, when Eli kissed me for the first time, I’m
highly aware of him. His masculine scent fills my lungs. His
touch is warm on me, and his body is solid against mine.

His tongue brushes over my bottom lip before he pulls

back, his eyes caressing my face. “You okay?”
I nod, and pulling my hand from beneath his shirt, I lift it
to his jaw and brush my fingers over the dark bristles. Pushing
myself up, I press my mouth to his.
Eli rolls onto his back, tugging my body on top of his. I
bring my hands to his face, and cupping his jaw, I tilt my head
and let my tongue sweep over his lips.
He opens for me, and the moment my tongue touches his,
Eli lets out a groan. Placing a hand behind my head, he takes
over, and the kiss quickly grows hotter than anything I’ve
shared with him before.

Slowly I burn up with need for Eli, wanting more

touching, more skin on skin, more of everything.
The kiss becomes intense and wild, and it feels as if my
stomach is soaring, dipping, and making flips in the sky. Eli
turns us until I’m on my back, and then my heart explodes as
his body covers mine.

It feels overwhelming and perfect… and protected.

He slows the kiss down, then lifts his head. “You okay
with this?”
Staring up at him where he’s bracing himself over me, I
know I couldn’t be more okay.

When I don’t answer quick enough, he asks, “Quinn, you

okay with us being intimate?”
“Yeah,” I whisper. I brush my fingers up Eli’s jaw, taking
in the rough feel of the bristles before I find the softness of his
hair by his temple.
He leans closer to me, and his eyes are so piercing it sends
shivers racing over my skin. “I love you, Quinn.”

My lips part as emotions crash over me.

“You love me?” I whisper in awe.

“I want to spend every second of every day with you.

You’re my now and forever.”
“Eli,” I breathe his name, unable to express in words what
I’m feeling right now. So I do the next best thing and kiss him.
Eli’s tongue thrusts into my mouth, twisting fast and hard
with mine, making dizzying pleasure course through my veins.

He growls softly, and the vibrations tingle my lips.

I move my hands down his back until I can slip them
beneath his shirt to push the fabric up.

“Wait, Quinn,” he says hoarsely. “I only have so much

I quickly pull my hands away from his back, feeling a little
“I just want to kiss you, baby,” Eli explains. “It would be
the easiest thing to rip your clothes off and fuck you, but I
don’t want it to be like that for our first time.”
My mind zooms in on the ‘rip your clothes off’ and ‘fuck
you’ parts.
Not thinking, I blurt out, “I’d be totally okay with both.”
Eli chuckles, and he pulls me tightly to his chest. “There’s
still a lot I want to do before I take your virginity. Okay?”
“Okay,” I whisper.

Eli lowers his head again, this time brushing his mouth
along my temple and cheek. “Christ, baby, do you have any
idea what you do to me?”

I shake my head, and then Eli pushes his pelvis against

mine, and I feel every inch of his hardness beneath his
The air leaves my lungs in a whoosh right before Eli
claims my mouth in a scorchingly hot kiss.
I don’t know for how long we lie in bed just making out,
but every second of it is perfect.

The world doesn’t feel as dark.

My pain isn’t as raw.

And for the first time in weeks, I want to stay awake

instead of drifting off to sleep where Katie’s waiting.
Chapter 17


Katie smiles at me, her eyes shining like stars. “Tell me what
I’ve missed.”
A soft smile curves my lips. “Eli kissed me again.”
Her face lights up. “Oh yeah? Was it as good as the first
I let out a chuckle. “It was better.”
“Ooh-la-la… look who’s head over heels for Eli Jackson,”
she teases me.

“Yeah,” I grin at her. “He also told me he loves me.”

“Quinn!” Katie grabs hold of my hands, and I soak in the
warmth of her touch. “Really? He said the actual words?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

She hugs me to her, whispering, “I’m so happy for you.”

Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I close my eyes.

After a while, Katie murmurs, “I’ll have to go soon.”

I shake my head. “Just a little while longer.”

Katie takes hold of my shoulders, pushing me back, and

tilting her head, she locks eyes with me. “No, Quinn. I mean, I
have to leave for good.”
“No,” the word bursts over my lips as my heart cracks
open. “Why can’t you stay here with me?”
She shakes her head, her eyes filling with tears. “You know
I don’t belong here, Quinn. You have to let go of me and move
“No.” Panic floods my veins, and I yank her back into a
tight hug. “No, Katie. I can’t let you go.”
“You have to,” she whispers. “Besides, I’ll always be in
your heart.”

“I’m not ready,” I whimper as a sob drifts up my throat.

She begins to fade in my arms. “Wait!” I cry out. “Wait, I’m
not ready, Katie.”

“You are…”

It’s been six months since the attack, and I haven’t dreamt of
Katie in the past nine days.

Now I dread falling asleep, scared another night will pass

where I won’t get to see her.

Walking out to the gazebo, I sit down on one of the

benches and bring my legs up, wrapping my arms around them
before resting my chin on my knees.

Come back, Katie.

Just one more time.

It was too soon. I wasn’t ready.
I hear footsteps, and then Eli comes to sit down across
from me. He leans forward, resting his forearms on his thighs
before staring at me. “Want to talk about it?”

The heavy weight in my heart doubles, and I have to

swallow hard as tears start to burn my eyes. “I haven’t
dreamed of Katie in nine days.”

“Maybe it’s because you’re healing?” he mentions.

“I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know that would be my last time

with her.” I lose the battle against the tears, and one spirals
over my cheek. I brush it away against my knee.

Eli takes a deep breath, and getting up, he comes to sit next
to me. He wraps his arms around me, and when I feel his
breath skim over my ear and hair, he says, “Katie died six
months ago.”
His words hit hard, ripping a sob from me.

The dreams made it feel like I didn’t lose her, not entirely.

“I didn’t get to say goodbye,” I cry as my body begins to

“I know, baby.” Eli pulls me onto his lap, cradling me as
he wipes the tears from my cheeks with his knuckles. “But
maybe it’s time you accept Katie’s gone?”
Suddenly everything stills in me until it feels like there’s
only a vast empty space in my chest. “How do I do that, Eli?
How do I accept Katie was murdered, that she died such a
horrible death, that her last moments were of a guy raping
Eli’s hold on me tightens. “Maybe it would be better to
just accept she’s in a better place where she doesn’t remember
any of that?” His breath skims over my ear again, “Maybe
she’s happy and safe from all the hurt?”

His words are strangely comforting, making the emptiness

“Dying doesn’t have to mean Katie’s journey ended,” he
continues. “She’s just moved on to the next phase of her
“Do you really believe that?” I ask as I burrow deeper into
his embrace.

“I do. With all my heart.”

“Katie’s in a better place,” I whisper, feeling the sting of


Katie’s gone.

Silence falls between us for a while before Eli brings his

hand to my chin, lifting my face to his. When our eyes lock, he
asks, “What about you, Quinn?”

“What about me?”

“You were attacked as well. You’ve never talked about it.
What about what you went through?”

I pull my chin free from his hold, and climbing off his lap,
I stand up. “I’m fine. It happened, and I survived.”

I begin to walk back to the house, but Eli grabs hold of my

arm, darting in front of me to block my way. I keep my eyes
fixed on his black t-shirt.

“Quinn,” he murmurs, his voice sounding strained.

I shake my head. “I’m really okay.”

“Then look at me,” he challenges me.

I manage to lift my eyes to his neck before they stop,
refusing to go higher.

I’m okay.
What happened to me wasn’t half as bad as what was done
to Katie and her parents.

They died, and I survived.

I was lucky.
“Quinn, look at me,” Eli urges.

Instead of doing as he says, I close my eyes. “I was the

lucky one, Eli.” My voice quivers, and I swallow hard.

Eli brushes some hair behind my ear, and I feel him

leaning down. “Open your eyes, baby.”

My lashes lift on his command, and the moment my eyes

meet his, the breath’s knocked from me.
The shock.

The fear.

The blow to my head.

My heart breaking as Katie screamed.

A blow to my side, cracking my ribs and making fire lick at
my insides.
My world shattering.

The terror as I ran from them.

The hopelessness when I was shot.
Thinking I was going to die with the second shot.
It all hits like a tsunami, rocking me on my feet.
“I was so scared,” I whimper.

Eli presses his forehead to mine. “I know, baby. I was

terrified as well.”
“I felt helpless and trapped. I couldn’t get away.” A breath
shudders from me. “I thought I was going to die, and there was
nothing I could do to stop it from happening.”
As more sobs burst from me, Eli wraps me tightly against
his chest. “I’ve got you. Let it out, baby.”
I begin to cry harder, distraught by what happened.
“You’re safe,” Eli whispers. “I’ll always protect you.”

Feeling his strong arms around me, I cry for myself,

purging my soul to Eli.


I held Quinn all night as she finally opened up to me. It was a

long time coming, and I knew it would be upsetting as fuck for
both of us, but it was needed.
I’m hoping it helped Quinn in some way so she can take a
step toward healing.
Ready to head to work, I tuck my gun safely behind my
back, covering the weapon with my shirt.
I’ve been carrying the Baretta since Dad told me to
without Quinn noticing. I’m not sure how she’ll react.
I find her in the kitchen as she reaches for her apron. She
glances at me, then asks, “You heading out?”

I nod as I lean my shoulder against the doorjamb. “Yeah,

but I was hoping you wanted to come along for the day.”
Just as I expected, Quinn freezes. Nervously her tongue
darts out to wet her lips before she says, “Ah… I thought I’d
stay home and bake.”
“You’re always here or visiting my mom. I think it will be
good for you to get out a little.” When she just stares at me, I
add, “We can also stop by your dad’s place to check on

I can see she wants to say no, but then she whispers,
I hate pushing her, but she hasn’t been in town since the
attack, and I don’t want her to lock herself up at home.
Pushing away from the doorjamb, I hold my hand out to
her. “Come on, baby. Let’s go.”

Quinn places the apron on the hook against the back door
and reluctantly comes to take my hand. The corner of my
mouth lifts at the victory as I pull her out of the house. I lock
the front door behind us before we walk to the truck.
Opening the passenger door, I wait for Quinn to climb
inside, then I lean over her and press a quick kiss to her lips.
“Proud of you,” I murmur before pulling back and shutting the

When I slide in behind the steering wheel, I say, “Seat

Her lips curve slightly as she straps the belt on while I start
the engine.

Driving toward town, my eyes keep going to Quinn. She’s

staring out the window, looking a little surprised as if she
expected things to look different.

When I pull up to the hardware store, her eyes lock on the

empty store across the street. I turn off the engine, and
reaching for her hand, I give it a squeeze.

I give her time to process that The Green Leaf is no longer

there, then ask, “Ready to head inside?”

Climbing out of the truck, I wait for Quinn before I walk to
the door. Unlocking it, I say, “How do you feel about stocking
the aisles?”
“Sure, you’ll just have to show me what to do so I don’t
mess things up.”

Stepping into the hardware store, I switch on the lights.

Quinn glances around, and then her eyes lock on the side
of the counter where I display her cupcakes.

“Eli,” she whispers as she walks closer.

I made a sign that reads, Made by Quinn. There’s also a jar
filled with dollar bills.
Quinn points at the jar. “Is that all from sales?”
I nod. “I need to empty it. I opened a saving account until
you’re ready to talk about opening a store.”
Her eyes widen. “There’s a saving account?”
“Yeah,” I grin at her. “Four months’ worth of cupcakes’
sales has added up to a nice little amount.”
Quinn glances at the sign. “A dollar-fifty one? How many
have you sold?”

My smile grows. “There are almost three thousand dollars

in the account.”

Quinn’s eyes fly back to me. “You’re joking!”

“I told you, people are loving your cupcakes. If you open a
store and make a business of it, you could make a hell of a lot
more money.”

I watch as it sinks in, Quinn’s smile slowly growing

bigger, and then she lets out a happy shriek as she darts toward
me. I catch her, and when she wraps her arms around my neck,
I lift her off the floor with a chuckle.
Laughter bubbles from her, the most beautiful sound I’ve
heard in a long while.

“Thank you, Eli,” she breathes, pressing her mouth to

mine. She lets out a giggle against my lips, and then she
peppers kisses all over my face. “Thank you.”
Chapter 18


Since I went into town with Eli, I’ve been thinking about what
he said about opening up a bakery.
I’ve started writing down ideas of what the store could
look like and what other themes would work for the cupcakes.
I call it my dream journal.
Eli brings his truck to a stop in front of his parents’ house.
We’re helping Ethan move into his own place.

As we climb out of the truck, Alex and Ethan are carrying

a couch out of the garage. My eyes scan over all the furniture
Ethan’s collected while living with his parents.

“Wow, that’s a lot of stuff to move,” I mention as I walk

“Luckily, I have the two of you helping,” Ethan chuckles
right before they load the couch onto the back of Alex’s truck.
“I’m just going to start loading,” Eli says as he walks into
the garage.

I follow after Eli and pick up a lamp.

“You don’t have to help, baby,” Eli says as he grabs a box
labeled kitchenware.
“I want to.”
“Quinn,” Ethan says when I start walking back to the

“When we get to my place, would you mind helping Mom

unpack everything?”

“Not at all. Is she already there?” I set the lamp down on

the truckbed.

“Yes, she went ahead to open the window so the place can
air out,” Ethan replies.
We buckle down and load as much as we can before
heading to Ethan’s house. After a ten-minute drive, we pull up
to a house, right on the beach, that’s in need of a lot of TLC.
The white and blue paint’s peeling off in places, and some
of the shutters are missing.

“Shouldn’t he fix the place up before moving in?” I ask Eli

when he brings the truck to a stop.

“You try telling Ethan that,” Eli chuckles.

I help unload the lighter boxes before joining Nina in the
main bedroom. “I’m here to help.”

Nina wipes over her brow with her forearm. “Boy, am I

glad to see you. Grab a bucket of water and a rag from the
kitchen. I want to clean all the rooms before we unpack the

I get to work in one of the guestrooms, and every hour or

so, Eli comes to check on me.
When I walk into the guest toilet, I scrunch my nose at the
ugly lime green tiles. “Dang. If it was up to me, I’d just yank it
all out and redo it,” I mumble to myself.

“From your lips to God’s ears,” Alex says as he passes by

the restroom. “You hear that, Ethan? Quinn agrees with me.”
“Yeah-yeah, I’ll get to it,” Ethan mutters. He comes to lean
his shoulder against the doorjamb and glances around the
small space. “I wonder what the previous owners were
thinking when they chose these tiles?”

“They obviously have zero taste,” I chuckle. “It looks like

someone sneezed, and it splatted against the walls.”
“Ewww,” Nina laughs. “And on that note, it’s time for

Laughing, Ethan and I head to the kitchen where Eli

already has a sandwich in his mouth.

“Couldn’t wait for the rest of us?” Nina playfully chastises


Eli shakes his head as he finishes the bite he just took, then
reaching into the Tupperware, he takes another sandwich and
holds it out to me. “You’ll like this one. It’s bacon and

“Mhh…” I take it from him and sink my teeth into it.

We all gather in the kitchen, jokes being thrown around

while enjoying the lunch Nina prepared.

When we get back to work, time just flies by, and before I
know it, the lights flicker on in the house. I climb to my feet,
stretching my sore muscles. “We’re not going to get it all done
today,” I mention as I glance to the kitchen.

Ethan comes to throw his arm around my shoulders.

“That’s what tomorrow is for.”

“If you don’t remove your arm from Quinn, there will be
no tomorrow for you,” Eli mutters.

Ethan pulls me against his side. “Honestly, Quinn, since

you’ve come along, Eli’s become possessive as hell. What did
you do to him?”

“Me?” I pretend to gasp, struggling to keep my laughter

back. “I didn’t do anything.”

“Three,” Eli begins to count. “Two.” He raises an eyebrow

at Ethan.
Just as Eli darts forward, Ethan tugs me in front of him as
a shield.

Eli grabs hold of my arms, tucking me against his chest.


Nina sits down flat on her butt as she bursts out laughing,
and soon we’re all cracking up.
Eli wraps me up in a tight hug, resting his chin on the top
of my head.

“My caveman,” I say as my laughter dies down.

“Takes after his father,” Nina says, getting back to

scrubbing the floor.

After work, I drive over to Josh’s place. I dropped Quinn off

this morning because she wanted to clean the house before
Josh comes back from a haul.

Parking the truck, I get out. Just as I open the front door,
Quinn’s scream echoes through the house. Slamming the door
shut behind me, I pull the gun from behind my back and run
toward the kitchen.

“Eli,” she cries. “Quick!”

I dart inside and then come to a shuddering stop when I see

the water gushing from a burst pipe beneath the sink.
“Don’t just stand there. Make it stop!”

Putting my gun away, I rush out of the house to grab my

toolbox, and by the time I get back to the kitchen, Quinn’s
clothes are soaked through, wet strands of her hair sticking to
her neck and face.

“Move aside, baby,” I say as I take out a wrench and

crouch in front of the sink. The water soaks me in seconds as I
work to block the flow. I finally manage, then rise to my feet,
wiping the drops from my face.

“It just burst,” Quinn says, scowling at the mess in the

Glancing at Quinn, my eyes lock on her chest. The white
fabric of her dress is completely see-through, sticking to her
like a second skin. My cock hardens, and within a second, it’s
straining against my jeans.

Her gaze drifts over me, and for a moment, we just stare at
each other.
God help me, she looks fucking sexy.

The wrench drops from my fingers, and when Quinn’s

tongue darts out to catch the drops on her lips, I can’t stop
myself from closing the distance between us.

Framing her face, I tilt her head back, and then my mouth
crashes against hers.

With Quinn getting better, day by day, it’s becoming

harder to keep the pace slow between us. My self-control slips
when my tongue brushes over hers, and my hands move down
to her shoulders.

Feeling her wet skin has a groan building in my chest. I

keep moving my hands down her sides until I reach the hem of
her dress. My fingers brush over the sides of her legs as my
lips knead hers.
Gathering the soaked fabric, I pull her dress up until I have
her ass exposed. The groan ripples up my throat when I palm
her firm cheeks, and then I pull her body up against mine so
she can wrap her legs around my waist.
Somehow I manage to walk us to her old bedroom while
still kissing her senseless. Quinn’s fingers tangle in my hair,
and when she moans into my mouth, I almost fucking stumble.
I set her down by the side of the single bed, and reaching
for the hem of my shirt, I pull the fabric over my head.
Quinn begins to struggle with her dress, which makes me
chuckle as I reach down to help her.
“Arms up, baby,” I murmur before dragging the fabric up
her body. It falls with a wet slap to the wooden floor.

My gaze drifts over the white cotton bra and panties, the
sight making me impossibly hard.
“You’re so beautiful,” I whisper in awe.

Closing the distance between us with a single step, I brush

my hands down her arms. I take hold of her hips and push her
back onto the bed.

Quinn lies down, and when I crawl over her, her wide-
green eyes look at me with all the trust in the world.
Wanting Quinn to be on the same page as me, I say, “I’m
not taking your virginity today.” She begins to frown, and it
has me quickly explaining, “There’s something else I want to

“What?” she asks, resting her hands on my shoulders.

“Let’s just explore each other. Okay?”

Quinn sucks in a deep breath, then she nods.

Lowering my head, I nip at her lips before deepening the
kiss. It quickly spirals out of control, and then I place my left
hand on her hips. My fingers flex against the feel of her warm
Quinn brushes her hand down my back, but she jerks away
as she accidentally touches the gun.
I pull quickly back. “Shit, sorry,” Pulling the gun from
behind me, I yank the drawer of her bedside table open and
shove the weapon inside.

“You have a gun?” Quinn asks, a slight frown between her

“Just a precaution.” I brace my forearms on either side of
her head and lock eyes with her. “Don’t worry about it.”
Quinn nods, and placing her hands on my sides, she lifts
her head, pressing her mouth to mine. I kiss her for a moment
before moving down, caressing her skin with my lips as I
make my way to her breasts.
Christ, she tastes good.

I bring my left hand down, and pulling the lace of the bra
down, I expose Quinn’s right nipple. Just like the rest of her,
her breasts are small. My palm completely covers her, and my
eyes drift shut from how good she feels.
“Fuck, baby, could you be any more perfect?” I whisper,
and then I reach behind her to unclasp the bra. Pulling the
cotton away from her, I notice Quinn’s chest practically
fluttering from how fast she’s breathing.
My eyes lift to her face, and when I see her watching me
with anticipation darkening her eyes, it makes a tender
emotion warm my chest.
“Tell me I’m the first guy to touch you,” I say as I lower
my head, sucking her nipple into my mouth until it’s a hard
“You’re the first,” she gasps.
Placing my hands on her hips, I move down her body,
brushing kisses over her skin until I reach her panties. I pull
the cotton down her legs, staring at her naked body.
Christ. No taking her virginity, Eli.
I brush my hands up Quinn’s legs, over her hips, and up to
her breasts, almost getting drunk knowing I’m the first, and
I’ll be the only man, to touch her like this.
Chapter 19


Eli’s hands roaming up my body steal the breath from my

I thought I’d feel self-conscious being naked in front of
him, but the only thing I’m feeling is anticipation. My skin
tingles as if it’s begging Eli to touch me everywhere. Every
nerve ending is highly aware of him.
Eli’s teeth tug at my nipple, sending a streak of lightning to
my abdomen.

Lifting his head, his features are tense, his jaw clenched so
hard a muscle jumps right above his jaw.

“Is something wrong?” I ask, my eyes darting over his

He shakes his head. “Just taking a lot of self-control to
take things slow.”
“You don’t have to,” I say, and placing my hands on his
waist, I pull him down so he’ll lie on top of me.

When his chest presses against mine, he lets out a deep

groan as if he’s in pain. “Fuck, baby.”

Again a frown starts to form on my forehead, but then Eli’s

mouth takes mine in an intense kiss that makes it hard to suck
in a full breath of air.
His hand moves down to my hip, and his mouth leaves
mine, pressing kisses down my neck and shoulder. I hear him
take a deep breath before he looks at me.
Eli shifts slightly off me while his fingers brush over my
abdomen. When his hand slips between my legs, I forget how
to breathe. His touch is soft, his eyes locked on my face.
“Did you fantasize about me touching you?” he asks.

Overwhelmed by his hand covering my most private part,

it takes a moment for me to respond. “Yes.”
“And? Does it feel the way you imagined?”

I shake my head.

Eli parts my folds, and his finger brushes over my sensitive

spot. I shake my head harder, breathing, “A million times

The corner of his mouth curves up, and he begins to stroke

me harder. My abdomen clenches so hard, it makes the air
burst from me.
I’m so focused on how Eli’s making me feel, I forget to
explore his body. My eyes stay locked on his as pleasure
begins to build inside me, swirling and tightening.
His fingers move down, flirting with my opening before
returning to the bundle of nerves, making my hips lift off the
“Do you want my finger inside you, Quinn?” he asks, his
voice hoarse.
“Yes.” My body tenses as the anticipation in me reaches
breaking point.

Eli’s eyes burn on me, and then he pushes a single finger

inside me. His palm flattens against my clit, and as he begins
to massage me, pleasure shoots through me like a rocket. My
hips start to move, and grinding down on his hand, my breaths
become uneven.

My body tenses, and my nails dig into Eli’s sides.

“That’s it, baby. Let go for me.”

It feels like I’m stuck on a cliff, but then Eli presses down
harder on my clit, his finger twirling inside me.

“Come, Quinn.”
My body unravels, and I convulse as if I’m being
electrocuted. A strangled moan slips over my lips while
ecstasy washes through me.
Eli looks at me with so much love, it makes overwhelming
emotions build in my chest.

Slowly I come down from my orgasm, and as Eli pulls his

hand away, I’m surprised when he moves down my body. He
pushes my legs wide apart, making my eyebrows jump into
my hairline, and then my face goes up in flames as he licks me
from my opening to my clit.

I’m slightly dying of a weird mixture of embarrassment

and desire while he kisses his way up my body until he
reaches my mouth.

When he sees that I’m blushing, a hot grin spreads over his
face. “Just marking my territory, baby.”
I let out a chuckle. “I guess that’s one way of doing it.”

Eli braces himself on top of me, and lowering his head, he

kisses me tenderly and deep, making me feel treasured.

With my brain activity returning after the orgasm, I move

my hands up and down his back, drinking in the feel of his
warm skin and toned muscles.

Reaching his lower back, my fingers follow the waistband

of his jeans until I get to the front. I undo the button, but when
I try to pull down the zipper, Eli breaks the kiss, shaking his

Instantly I pout, not happy that he’s stopping me. “I want

to explore you too.”

“I have zero willpower left, Quinn.”

“So?” I worm my way out from under Eli and push him
onto his back. “It’s my turn, and I’m not taking no for an

“Wow, look at you being all bossy,” he teases me as he

settles back against my pillows. His eyes drift over my body,
and reaching a hand out, he brushes his knuckles over my right

Kneeling next to his thigh, I reach for the zipper, and this
time he doesn’t stop me.

Taking hold of his jeans and boxers, I ask, “Can you lift
your hips?”

Eli does as I say, and as I pull the fabric down his legs, my
eyes dart to his groin.

Oh dear God.
I try to hide my shock at his size.

I tried watching porn once but almost died from

embarrassment. It was the only time I saw a man naked, and I
felt a little traumatized.
But Eli…

“You’re beautiful,” I murmur in awe of his body.

“Beautiful?” he asks, cocking his head with a frown

forming between his eyes. “Not a word a guy wants to hear
when his woman’s staring at his cock.”

“What am I supposed to say?” I chuckle, amused by his


I let out a chuckle. “Oh, trust me, you’re impressive.”


I teased Quinn because, for a second there, she looked a little


When she begins to straddle me, I grab hold of her hips to

stop her. “I swear if your pussy comes close to my cock, I’ll be
done for.”
Pushing her a little down, I settle her on my thigh. Not that
the heat coming off her and searing into my skin is any better.
“If it’s so hard for you, why are you delaying us having
sex?” she asks.
“Because I don’t want you to miss out on everything that
comes before it.”

Quinn’s fingers wrap around my cock, and it instantly

ceases all brain activity for me. “Fuck,” I hiss, my eyes
snapping to her face.

She watches me intently as she strokes me once, her touch

“Harder, baby,” I say, and wrapping my hand around hers,
I squeeze. “Like that.”
Keeping my hand around hers, I guide her, teaching her
how I like it. My eyes lower to my cock, and watching
Quinn’s hand stroke me is the hottest thing I’ve seen.
Lifting my left hand, I grab Quinn behind her neck and tug
her toward me. I take her mouth, my tongue thrusting into her
warmth the way I want to sink my cock into her pussy.
Letting go of Quinn’s hand, I give her complete control
over my pleasure.

When my teeth tug at her bottom lip, Quinn tightens her

hold on my cock, and it rips a moan from me. “Christ, baby.

Her confidence grows with every stroke, and she takes

over, raining kisses down my throat, to my chest. Untamed
desire tenses my muscles as I watch Quinn love me, her mouth
exploring my pecks and nipples.
My girl might be innocent when it comes to certain things,
but God, her eagerness to learn feeds the addiction I have.
My lips part as she moves lower to my abs, and then she
fucking trails her tongue through the dips. My body flushes
with heat, and it takes every bit of strength I have to not grab
her hair and fuck her senseless. Instead, my hips begin to
move, and I thrust into her tight fist.

Quinn moves lower still, and I hold my breath. She

exhales, and the warm air hits the head of my cock. Unable to
stop myself, my hand darts to the back of her head, and I fist
her damp strands tightly.
“Quinn,” I whisper, my eyes glued to her.
Her eyes flick to my face, and then her mouth closes over
the head of my cock, and I’m done for.
“Fuck,” I grind the word out, my muscles wound so
fucking tight it feels like I’m going to snap at any moment.

Quinn sucks my cock into her mouth, her eyes darting to

my face to see my reaction. My fist tightens in her hair to keep
her in place as I thrust into her mouth.

“Baby,” I groan, needing to go deeper. “Take a deep

After she inhales deeply, I thrust as far as I can go without
making her gag. Taking hold of her hand, I pull her fingers
away from my cock, and guide her down until she’s cupping
my balls. “Softly.”
I take over stroking myself, and then Quinn fucking moans
from the sight, her eyes darkening with lust. I thrust back into
her mouth until her lips touch my fingers, and then I begin to
set a pace.
“Moan again,” I order breathlessly, wanting to feel the
vibration on the head of my cock.

Quinn moans, and it’s all it takes for me to reach my

climax. I pull her away, and fisting my cock, I pump hard as I
empty myself over my abdomen.

Quinn’s swollen lips are parted as she watches me come,

and it makes my pleasure a million times more intense, ripping
a grunt from me.

As I come down from my high, Quinn leans over me, and

then she fucking licks my cock from base to head, making my
body jerk with residual spasms of ecstasy.

A smile spreads over her face as she looks at me. “Just

marking my territory.”
I let out a chuckle, my muscles finally relaxing, and then I
glance at the mess on my abdomen.
Quinn climbs off the bed, and I get a good look at her ass
as she walks out of the room. A minute later, she comes back
with a washcloth, wiping my abs clean.
When she begins to gather the damp clothes, I say, “This is
the part where you have to cuddle me.”

Her head snaps up. “Crap. Sorry.” She comes to lie down
beside me and presses a kiss to my chest. “I thought we were
Chuckling, I shake my head. “Hell no. I told you I love to

She grins up at me, then her cheeks flush as she admits, “I

really like what we did.”
“Me too.” I wrap my arms tightly around her, and she
presses her face into the side of my neck.
“Thank you, Eli.”
“I’m the one who should say thank you,” I murmur.

Quinn shakes her head lightly. “Thank you for being so

patient and gentle with me. You make me feel treasured.”

“That’s because you are.” I press a kiss to her hair. “You’re

my greatest treasure.” Enjoying the feel of her naked body
against mine, I say, “I love you, baby.”
Quinn lifts her head, and when our eyes meet, she
whispers, “I love you. So, so much.”
Cupping her cheek, I press my mouth to hers, kissing her
slow and deep.
Chapter 20


I’ve been replaying the intimacy Eli and I shared, over and
over in my mind.

Watching Eli orgasm was… mind-blowingly hot.

“What’s that sigh for?” Dad asks as he sits down next to
me. He’s home for Thanksgiving before he has to leave again.
My face goes up in flames, and I quickly shake my head
while lying through my teeth, “Oh, just thinking about the
bakery I might open.”
“Might? You not sure about it?” he asks, placing a hand on
my back.

I shrug. “It’s a big commitment. What if I fail?”

“Then you try something else. Failing isn’t a bad thing.
You gain experience, and next time you start a new business,
you’ll know what not to do.”
“Josh’s right, Quinn,” Alex says as he joins us. “If at first
you don’t succeed, you just try again.”
“So you think I should do it?” I ask, still feeling
apprehensive about taking on such a big task.
Both Dad and Alex nod, then Alex says, “Besides, we’ll all
be here to help.”
“Yeah, and I have some savings set aside to help with the
store’s rent the first couple of months,” Dad offers.
“We’ve got that covered,” Eli jumps in as he hands Dad
and Alex each a beer. “With the sales Quinn’s already made,
she’s saved up a neat amount.”
“Yeah?” Dad gives me a proud look. “Look at my baby
girl becoming a successful businesswoman.”

“Dad,” I mutter, another blush creeping up my face, “I’m

far from successful.”

“I’m getting really good at painting, so if you need a

painter for the store, I’m your man,” Ethan says.
“You’re her man?” Eli comments, giving his brother a
“God, don’t start,” Nina chuckles. “Everyone knows
Quinn’s yours.”

My eyes dart to Dad’s face, but seeing him grinning at Eli

and Ethan’s bantering sets me at ease.

Getting up from my chair, I say, “I’m going to check on

the cake.”
We’re also celebrating Eli’s twenty-fifth birthday that’s
four days from now, and I’m baking him a chocolate cake. I’ve
been checking on it every ten minutes because this is the one
cake I can’t mess up.

Walking into the kitchen, I crouch and peek into the oven.
I also glance at the turkey Alex is making for dinner.
Satisfied everything’s okay, I stand up, and then Eli’s chest
presses against my back, and he kisses the side of my neck.

“Stop worrying about the cake.”

I turn around in his arms, placing my hands on his chest.
“It’s my birthday gift to you. It has to be perfect.”

Eli kisses the tip of my nose. “You’re already the best gift I
could’ve asked for.”

Whenever I think I can’t love Eli more, he says or does

something to make the emotion grow even more.
I move my hands up, wrapping my arms around his neck.
“There is one more gift I still have to give you.”

His one eyebrow lifts. “Yeah?”

Grinning playfully, I say, “My virginity.”

Eli instantly lets go of me, putting space between us.
Shaking his head, he says, “You know you can’t say things
like that when our parents are close by.”
I let out a chuckle, my eyes lowering to his cock.

“Quinn,” he murmurs, a tone of warning lacing my name.

“Just saying,” I shrug. “I’ll even wrap a ribbon around my

neck and put on some sexy lingerie.”
Eli stares at me for a moment, desire making his eyes look
like melted ice. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

I nod, closing the distance between us. “You were the one
who taught me it’s all about the anticipation.”

“What are you anticipating?” Dad suddenly asks as he

comes in via the backdoor.
Eli quickly takes a seat at the kitchen table, and I have to
swallow my burst of laughter.

Eli clears his throat before he says, “Ah… Quinn’s just

telling me how the anticipation’s building to open the bakery.”

“Have you gone to look at any available stores?” Dad asks.

I shake my head, then Eli says, “The Green Leaf is still

The smile drops from my face. “No.”

“It would be perfect,” Dad agrees with Eli.

I shake my head hard, and walking back outside, I snap, “I

said no. Don’t mention it again.”
Sitting down next to Nina, I have to force a smile back to
my face as the guilt and sorrow whirl inside my chest.

Last week I realized I’m thinking less and less about Katie.
But when she pops up in my mind, it’s one hell of a blow to
my heart, and I feel guilty for the moments of happiness I find
with Eli.

I try to listen to the conversation, but my mind drifts off

until I’m staring blankly at my hands in my lap.

Nina’s hand settles on my back, and when my eyes dart to

hers, she gives me a comforting smile.

I’m reminded of everything she shared with me, and taking

a deep breath, I push my sorrow and guilt down and focus on
the people around me.

Making sure all the doors are locked, I head upstairs.

When I walk into the bedroom, Quinn’s in the bathroom,

brushing her teeth.

I join her at the sink, and putting some toothpaste onto my

toothbrush, my eyes lock with Quinn’s in the mirror. I can see
she feels terrible about snapping earlier, and I wink at her to
show her it’s okay.

After we’re done rinsing our mouths out, I take her hand
and pull her to the bed. I sit down, turning my body to face
her, and keeping her hand in mine, I ask, “Gonna talk to me?”

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.

I shake my head. “I’m not upset you snapped, Quinn. I just
want to know why.”

Her shoulders slump, and she lets out a deep breath.

“When you mentioned The Green Leaf, it reminded me that
I’m thinking less and less about Katie.”

Now I understand the guilt in her eyes.

Clearing my throat, I say, “I have an idea you might like.”

Quinn gives me a curious look. “What?”

“Name your bakery after Katie. That way, you’ll

remember her every day.”
Quinn’s lips part, and then a smile begins to tug at her
mouth. “Oh, my God, Eli. That’s the best idea.”
I link my fingers with hers. “So, will you think about
making The Green Leaf your cupcake store?”
Quinn nods. “In memory of Katie.” A frown starts to form
on her forehead, then she asks, “Why is it so important to you
that I open the store where The Green Leaf was?”

Lifting her hand, I press a kiss to the back. “Because you’ll

be close to me, and I can make sure you’re safe.”

“Oh.” Her features soften, then she nods again. “Okay.”

“We can sign the lease?”

I tug her against my chest, wrapping her in a tight hug.

“I’m so happy to hear that.”
Letting go of Quinn, I get up to switch off the bathroom
light. Turning back to her, I say, “Now, let’s talk about you
teasing me with sex.”
A burst of laughter explodes from her, and she darts up,
making a run for the door. I catch her before she can make her
escape, and lifting her off her feet, I toss her on the bed.
I crawl over Quinn, and restraining her hands on either
side of her head, I pretend to scowl at her. “You like making
me hard and then leaving me with your dad?”
She shakes her head, laughter dancing in her eyes.

“Where’s my ribbon and lingerie?” I ask, letting go of her

one hand, so I can brush my fingers down her neck.
“Ah… your birthday is only in four days, and right now,
it’s all imaginary because I don’t own any lingerie.”
Lifting an eyebrow at her as I move lower, cupping her
breast, I ask, “What else can that imagination of yours come
up with?”
Quinn’s lips part, and she arches her back, pressing her
breast harder into my palm. “I can’t think when you’re
touching me like that.”
I slide my hand down her body until I’m cupping her pussy
through her shorts. “And now?”
“Eli,” she breathes my name like it’s a prayer.
I begin to rub her through her clothes, and she lifts her
hips, trying to get more friction.
“Tell me what you’re thinking right now,” I order.
Quinn’s eyes are feverish with need. “I want more.”

“What do you want me to do to you?” I murmur as I lower

my head, letting my breath skim over her jaw.

“Take off my clothes.”

I rub her pussy harder. “And then?”
“Eli,” she groans.

“What do you want me to do then, Quinn?” I demand as I

lift my head so I can capture her eyes.
“Touch me everywhere.”

I move down her body, and taking hold of her shorts and
panties, I drag the fabric down her legs. I drop the clothes on
the floor, then push her legs open, pressing kisses to the inside
of her thigh. Reaching her pussy, I let my breath fan over her.

Quinn begins to tremble, her eyes locked on me.

I part her with my fingers and then swipe my tongue over
her clit.

Air bursts from Quinn’s parted lips, and seeing her tremble
because of me, fills my chest with satisfaction. Taking hold of
her hips to keep her in place, I lower my head again, and then I
fucking devour her, lapping up every drop of her arousal like a
man dying of thirst.
“Eli,” she cries as she grabs fistfuls of the covers.

I thrust my tongue inside her, then suck on her clit, making

her thighs quiver. Quinn tilts her head back, moans drifting
from her, and when she’s close to finding her release, I go in
for the kill, pushing a finger inside her as I suck her clit hard.

“Oh, God,” she gasps, and then she convulses as she

orgasms, her pussy clenching hard around my finger.

I keep fingering her as I move up her body, making her

pleasure last as long as possible. Pressing my mouth to hers, I
thrust my tongue into her, wanting her to taste her arousal.

When Quinn comes down from her release, I pull my

finger out of her, then coat her lips with the wetness. “Next
time you tease me with sex when our parents are around, I’ll
eat your pussy, but I won’t let you come.”

Quinn nods, and then I suck her arousal from her lips
before kissing her with the pent-up frustration of having to
hold back from sinking deep inside her.
It’s not that I have to. I’m giving myself blue balls because
watching the anticipation building in Quinn feeds the
addiction in me.
Chapter 21


Standing in the store that used to be The Green Leaf, my heart

squeezes painfully. Even though it’s empty, I remember
exactly where everything was.
I can almost hear Katie’s laughter.
I can almost feel her next to me.
A wave of sorrow washes over me, and I swallow hard, so
I don’t start crying.
Eli places his hands on my shoulders, his chest pressing
against my bake. Then he points at the one wall. “We can set
up your kitchen there. You always look so peaceful when you
back, I was thinking it should be an open kitchen so the
customers can see you at work.”

I nod, the image of the bakery starting to take shape in my

“And the display counter can go here.”

“Yeah. I can put up shelves for you.”

Turning in his arms, I stare up at his striking blue eyes.

“Thank you, Eli.”
“For what?”

“For giving me a dream.”

His lips curve up, then he glances around the empty space.
“It’s going to look amazing when we’re done.”
Turning around again, I lean back against Eli’s chest. He
wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my
head. “I was thinking of having different themes for the
cupcakes. Fairytale. Avengers. Flowers.”

“Tools,” Eli adds with a chuckle. “To match the hardware

I let out a burst of laughter. “Those would be so cute.” I
grin, enjoying as we dream together about the future. “I can
make mini cupcakes. Maybe give them a galaxy theme.”
“I bet those would sell fast,” Eli says. “How do you feel
about putting up two tables and selling coffee?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” I try to picture it, then shake my head.

“I want to focus on baking. Maybe at a later stage?”

“Okay,” he murmurs.
My phone starts to ring, and I pull it out of my pocket.
Seeing Finlay’s name, a smile tugs at my mouth as I answer,
“Hey, how are you?”
“Good. How are you holding up?” my cousin asks.

“Better,” I murmur. “Any news on when you’re moving


“Dad’s put the house up for sale. As soon as it sells, I’m

“I hope it sells quickly. I can’t wait to have you here.”

“That makes two of us,” Finlay chuckles.

“Dad said he’d give me some money to tide me over until I
can find a job.”

“Well… I’m opening a bakery. If things go well, you can

always work with me.”

“Really? You’re opening your own store?” Finlay gasps.

“Yeah.” Just then, it hits me how much I’ve missed having

a friend, and it has me adding, “I can’t wait for you to come

“I’ve already started packing. I’m so over Naperville.”

“Hopefully, you’ll be on my doorstep soon.”

“With a little luck… ugh… I got to go, there’s a customer.”

“Talk to you soon.”

When I end the call, Eli says, “That sounded promising.”

“Yeah.” I tuck the phone back in my pocket and turn to

face Eli. “Their house is up for sale.”

“Will Finlay stay with us?”

I pause to think. “Maybe for a week or so… if you’re okay

with it. She’ll probably move in with Dad.” I shrug. “She
might find her own place.”

“Of course, Finlay can stay with us,” Eli assures me. “As
long as she needs to.”

Staring up at him, a loving smile curves my lips. “How did

I get so lucky?”
Grinning, he takes hold of my hips, tugging me against
him. “I’m the lucky one, babe.” He presses a quick kiss to my
Letting go of me, Eli says, “Come on, let’s get to work.”
He takes a measuring tape out while I pick up the notebook
and pencil, and then he starts to measure the space where the
shelves will be.

I write down the numbers as he calls them out.

“Is Finlay your only cousin?” he asks.

“No, I have another one in Texas. She’s from my mother’s

side, so I don’t have much contact with her.”

Eli’s eyes dart to me. “Your mom died when you were
young, right?”
I nod. “When I was a baby, so I never knew her.”

“Well, your dad’s done a great job of raising you by

A grin spreads over my face. “Yeah, he’s the best. When I
turned thirteen, he even took me on my first date to show me
how a boy should treat me.”
Eli chuckles. “Damn, I hope I’m living up to the standard
he set.”

“Trust me, you’ve blown those standards out of the water.”

Writing a couple of ideas down on the notepad, I ask, “Do you
have any cousins?”

Eli shakes his head. “Nah, it’s just us.”

“I love how close your family is,” I mention.

Eli comes to crouch in front of me where I’m sitting with
my legs crossed. Lifting a hand to my face, he brushes a
couple of strands behind my ear. “You’re a part of that family.”
My lips curve up in a warm smile as I stare deep into his
eyes. “I wish you could look into my heart to see how much I
love you.”

Eli holds his thumb and pointer finger an inch apart. “This

I shake my head. “A hell of a lot more than that.”

Spreading his arms wide to his side, he asks, “This much?”

I move onto my knees and wrap my arms around him,

burrowing against his chest. “More than anything, Eli. You’re
my life.”

He hugs me tightly, pulling me up onto my feet. “I live

you, Quinn.”

Glancing up, I say, “I’ve heard your parents saying that to

each other.”
“Yeah, Dad says love is too much like hate. It comes and
goes, but you only get one life. You’re the one for me in this
life, so I live you.”
Letting out a happy chuckle, I say, “I like that. I live you

I’m busy putting the shelves up in Quinn’s store when my
phone starts to ring. Setting down the hammer, I check the
screen and see Jason’s name flashing on it.

“Hey, it’s been a while,” I answer. “How are you?”

“Good,” he answers. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” I chuckle.

“How are things there?”

My eyes drift over the shelves I’ve put up. “No
complaints. We’ve been busy getting Quinn’s store ready.”

“That’s good to hear.”

There’s a moment’s silence, then I ask, “You holding up

“Yeah. It is what it is. Life goes on.”

Hearing how tired he sounds, I ask, “You getting enough
“No, my uncle’s working me to the bone.” Then he
chuckles, and I take a relieved breath.

“Any news?” he asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing. Every lead they had ended up
being a dead-end.”

“Sucks,” he mutters. “Well, I just wanted to check in with

“Take care, Jason.”

“You too.”
We end the call, and then I stare at the device, wondering if
Jason will ever recover from losing Katie.
With him reminding me of the case, I bring up my call list
and dial the number for the sheriff’s department.
I ask to speak with Harry, but I’m put through to Cade.
“Hey, Eli,” Cade sighs.

“Yeah, you’re going to get tired of hearing from me until

you find the bastards,” I say.

“You calling all the time isn’t going to make us find them
sooner,” Cade mutters.
“You have DNA samples and sketches. How hard can it
be?” I ask, frustration tightening my voice.
“There weren’t any matches on the system. You try finding
a needle in a haystack,” he grumbles.

I take a deep breath. “Sorry, Cade. I’m just frustrated.”

“We all are, Eli. Trust me, I’m working this case every
minute I have to spare.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“How’s Quinn holding up? I hear she’s opening a store?”
“Yeah, she’s going to sell cupcakes. You should come
when the doors open.”
“I will. I’m glad to hear she’s getting back on her feet. We
were all rooting for her.”

“Thanks,” I murmur. “I’ll be in touch.”

“Right. Talk to you next week,” he chuckles as we end the
“Nooo, Eli,” Quinn exclaims as she comes into the store,
making my eyes dart to her. “It’s your birthday. This can

A frown settles on my forehead. “You walked to town?”

Quinn nods. “It’s only a thirty-minute walk.”

The frustration in me boils over. “Dammit, Quinn! Why

didn’t you call me to pick you up?”
Quinn flinches from my harsh tone, her eyes going wide as
saucers while the blood drains from her face.
Scrubbing a hand over my face, I take a deep breath.
“Sorry, baby.” I quickly close the distance between us, pulling
her against my chest. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to walk by myself,” she
mumbles, her voice sounding cautious.

I press a kiss to her temple, then another to her cheek and

neck. “I just want to make sure you’re safe at all times.”
Quinn nods, burrowing against me. “Okay. I won’t walk by
myself again.”
Not until those bastards are caught.
“Let me pack up. Is there something you needed to get in
town?” I ask as I throw all my tools back into the toolbox.
“Ah… yeah…”
I glance up at her in time to see a blush creep into her
cheeks. My eyebrow darts up. “What do you need to get?”
“Your gift. I just need ten minutes,” she says, taking a step
to the entrance of the store. “Can I go by myself?”
“Of course, baby. I just don’t want you walking to town
alone. When you’re around people, it’s okay.”

Quinn nods. “I’ll be right back.”

I watch her dart out of the store, then let out a heavy

That’s the first time I lost it with Quinn. It can’t happen

It’s just… knowing those bastards are still out there, and
what they’re capable of… I’ll fucking die if they get a hold of
Quinn again.
Shaking my head, I pick up the toolbox, and leaving the
store, I lock the door behind me.
I cross the road, and stepping inside the hardware store, I
glance at Mom. “Thanks for helping out today.”

“Of course.” Her eyes scan over my face, then she asks,
“What’s wrong?”
I shake my head as I set the toolbox down on the counter.
Letting out a sigh, I admit, “I snapped at Quinn.”
Mom’s eyes widen. “Why?”

“I just got off a call with Cade and was frustrated that they
haven’t made any progress. Quinn walked to town by herself.”
“Oh.” Mom comes around the counter and places her hand
on my back. “Is Quinn okay?”
“I think I scared the hell out of her. She couldn’t get away
soon enough.”
Mom glances at the entrance of the store. “Where did she

“To get me a gift.” I let out an empty-sounding chuckle.

“I’m sure she was just startled. Did you explain to her why
you snapped?”

I nod. “Yeah. I just don’t want her walking that distance

with them still out there.”

“Don’t worry about it too much,” Mom says.

I lean back against the counter, crossing my arms over my
chest. “I didn’t know the worry was weighing so heavy on
“That they might come back?”
I nod, lifting my eyes to Mom’s. “After what they did to
Katie…” I shake my head hard.
Mom takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly, before she says,
“We’ll all keep Quinn safe. She now knows not to walk by
Glancing around the store, I ask, “You okay closing for

“Sure. Go celebrate your birthday with Quinn. Try not to

Nodding, I grab the toolbox. “Thanks, Mom.” I press a
kiss on her forehead before leaving the store.
Just as I set the toolbox down in the back of the truck, I see
Quinn coming down the road with a small bag. When she
notices I’m watching her, she tucks the bag behind her back.
I give her a playful grin. “What are you hiding?”

“You’ll see when we get home.”

Lifting my hand, I brush my thumb over her cheek. “You

She nods, then glances at the truck. “Are you ready to

“Yeah, let’s go.”
Chapter 22


After we’re done with dinner, I say, “I’m going to get your
gift. Give me ten minutes.”

Eli sets the plates down in the sink, grinning at me.

“Finally. You’ve kept me waiting for this gift.”
“Will you wait in the living room?”
I dart up the stairs, and shutting the bedroom door behind
me, I go to take the bag with lingerie out of the closet.

I remove the red lace and stare at it, hoping Eli will love it.

Stripping out of the dress I’m wearing, I go to the

bathroom to freshen myself up before pulling the sexy
nightgown on. It falls to just beneath my butt.
Grinning, I tug the g-string on, and then I glance at my
reflection in the mirror. I fluff my hair around my shoulders.
“Shoot! I almost forgot.” Rushing back to the package, I
take out the red ribbon, then go stand in front of the mirror to
tie it in a bow around my neck.
A happy smile spreads over my face when I see the end
result, and feeling sexy, I leave the room. I sneak down the
stairs, and reaching the living room, I peek inside, hiding my
body behind the wall. “Ready?”
Eli glances at me from where he’s sitting on the couch.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Close your eyes, and no peeking.”

He does as I say, and walking into the living room, I

quickly push the coffee table out of the way and switch off the

“How big is this gift that you’re moving the furniture?” Eli
I go stand in front of him, and taking a deep breath to calm
my racing heart, I say, “You can open your eyes.”
Eli’s eyes open, and then the smile drops from his face. He
stares at me, his lips parting as his features begin to tighten
until he looks downright predatory. “Christ, Quinn, you look
like an angel.” He clears his throat as he rises to his feet. “A
fucking sexy one.” He closes the distance between us.
“Scratch that. You look like a sexy little devil.”

Happy with his reaction, I grin up at him. “Yeah?”

“Oh yeah,” he says, lifting his hand to my neck. He tugs at
the bow. “Damn, I really like this. Red’s my new favorite
Eli places his hands on my bare shoulders, then he moves
his palms down until his fingers brush over my breasts. “I’m
not gonna lie, this is one hell of a turn-on.”

My eyes flit up to his face. “I want you to take my

virginity tonight.”
Eli’s eyes meet mine with the intensity that can rival the
sun. Tugging his bottom lip between his teeth, he takes a step
back, letting his scorching gaze drift over me. “At this point,
I’m not going to last a minute once I’m inside you.”

Taking hold of his shirt behind his neck, he yanks the

fabric over his head. My lips part from how hot the move

“Yeah, I’m definitely not going to last if you keep looking

at me like that.”

Eli starts to unfasten his belt, and my eyes zoom in on his

“Gonna make me come, baby?” he asks.

“Oh, yeah,” I breathe. When Eli steps out of his jeans and
boxers, I move closer and push him back so he’ll sit on the
couch. His erection is rock hard, jutting up from his body.

Climbing onto Eli’s lap, I straddle him. I lean forward,

pressing a kiss to his jaw, and as I trail more kisses down his
neck, I wrap my fingers around his cock.

“Harder,” he orders, his jaw locking tight.

I tighten my fist around his thick length and start to stroke

him slowly, my eyes locked on his face.
Eli’s expression becomes carnal with lust, and my
abdomen clenches hard from how hot he looks.

He lifts a hand, and wrapping his fingers around the back

of my neck, he pulls my mouth to his. When his tongue thrusts
into my mouth, his hips start to rock, pumping his cock into
my hand.
Wanting a taste of what’s to come, I pull my hand away
from him, and then I grind down on his erection. I start to
move my hips, rubbing myself up and down his shaft.
“Oh… fuck,” Eli hisses. “Fuck, baby.” Grabbing hold of
my hips, he pushes me down hard on him, his eyes locking on
his cock as he strokes against my lace panties. “Christ, I’m
gonna come.”

He tries to push me back, but I grab hold of his shoulders,

then move my hips faster. “No, I want you to come like this.”
His breaths speed up, his lips parted, and his eyes hooded
on me. I watch as his muscles tighten, then he starts to jerk, his
hips rocking hard into me. “Fuck, Quinn… Baby.” The words
are breathless groans, and then his orgasm hits.

Taking his jaw in my hands, I crush my mouth to his as I

continue to rub myself against him, feeling my own orgasm

“Eli,” I breathe against his lips.

He pushes his hand between us, and then his fingers work
me through the lace until I let out a cry as please rushes
through me.

I’m still gasping through the residual spasms rocketing

through me when Eli moves to the edge of the couch, reaching
for his shirt. He uses the fabric to clean his abdomen, then
says, “Lock your legs around me.”

As he gets up, I cling to him like a spider monkey. He

carries me to the bedroom and lays me on the bed.

For a moment, he stares down at me, then he reaches for

the ribbon around my neck and tugs it loose.
“Arms above your head,” he orders.

I give him a curious look as I do as he said.

Eli takes hold of my wrists, then he ties them together with
the ribbon. “Keep your hands there.”

I nod, watching as he reaches for the bedside drawer. He

removes a condom, placing the foil packet next to my hands.

My stomach dips and soars, knowing what’s coming.


Eli moves down my body, and when he takes hold of the g-

string, I lift my hips so he can remove the lace.

I expect him to kiss me or put on the condom, but instead,

he opens my legs, kneels between them, and then his eyes find
mine, and he just stares at me.

Emotion tightens his features, then he says, “Thank you,

Quinn.” He places his hands on my hips, and leaning down, he
presses a kiss to the mark the bullet left on my collarbone.
“Thank you for saving your virginity for me.” He moves
down, pressing a kiss to the scar on my chest. “Thank you for
fighting so hard and not leaving me.”

His words make me feel emotional, and my chin begins to

quiver as I swallow hard on the tears.

Lifting his head, he places his hands on either side of my

head, and then his eyes lock on mine. “Thank you for being

I nod, unable to say anything back because I know I’ll start

crying then.
“I love you,” he whispers, his eyes reflecting his words.
“More than my life. More than anything.”
A tear escapes and Eli leans down to capture it with his
lips. His breath fans over my cheek and jaw, then he asks,
“Are you ready?”
I nod quickly. “I am.”

Eli’s mouth takes mine in a kiss that goes from deep and
heartfelt to wild and hot in a matter of seconds.
I’m gasping for air by the time he frees my mouth,
showering kisses down on my neck and chest. His muscles
ripple beneath his skin as he covers me with his body before
sucking my nipple into his mouth through the lace.

His hands settle on my thighs, and then he moves them,

pushing the nightgown up until it’s bundled above my breasts.
He presses his chest to mine, then rubs his body down
mine as he moves lower. “Fuck, I love the feel of your skin
against mine,” he groans. He rains hot kisses down on my
breasts and abdomen before burying his face between my legs.

I hear Eli take a deep breath, making my cheeks redden.

His eyes lock on my opening, then he practically growls as he
says, “So fucking wet and ready for me.”

Oh. God.
Eli licks me from my entrance to my clit, stealing the air
from my lungs. “All mine.” The words rumble against my
sensitive flesh.

Then Eli kneels between my legs and reaches for the

condom. My heart shoots to my throat, my eyes glued to his
hands as he tears the foil and rolls the condom onto his cock.
The anticipation in my chest has me holding my breath.
This is it… the moment I’ve been waiting for.


When I have the condom sheathed on my cock, I glance at

Quinn’s face, only to see she’s holding her breath.
Positioning my body over hers, I brace my forearms on
either side of her head, then say, “Breathe, baby.”

I press a kiss to her forehead, then another to her flushed

cheek. “You okay?”
She nods quickly. “Just excited.”

Her honest response makes my lips curve up. My eyes drift

over her beautiful face, the intimacy where sharing becoming
loaded with anticipation.

“I’m going to do my best not to hurt you,” I say, a little

worried about that part of taking her virginity.
Quinn lets out a breath. “It’s okay if it hurts.”

Reaching down between us, I position my cock at her

entrance. Taking hold of her hip, I start to move slowly, just
teasing her.
Quinn starts to bring her arms down, and I shake my head.
“No, keep them above your head. I don’t want you distracted
with touching me. I want all your attention on how it feels
when I make love to you for the first time.”
Lowering my head, I press a kiss to her mouth, and then I
push a little harder, the head of my cock barely entering her.
My ass tightens, and I have to fight the urge to just thrust
inside her.

Christ. Okay… deep breaths.

My cock keeps flirting with her opening as I carefully try
to stretch her to accommodate my size.

Quinn moans, and then she fucking lifts her ass off the
bed, and I thrust deeper than I wanted to. Air explodes from
her, and her features tense while my body freezes.

“Fuck. Don’t move,” I grind the words out, my breaths

rushing from me. “Don’t move.” I lower my forehead to hers
and wait for the intense urge to pass.

“You okay?”
“Yeah,” she whispers. “Just a pinch.”

When I have control over my body, I start to slowly move

again. I keep the thrusts short for a couple of seconds, then
slowly push deeper inside her.

Quinn’s lips part, her breath hitching as pain tightens her

“Sorry, baby,” I whisper.
She shakes her head. “Just go fast.” She gives me a
pleading look. “I think it will be better.”

I press a kiss to her mouth, and tightening my hold on her

hip, I keep my eyes locked with hers as I thrust hard. My cock
powers through her tight inner walls, and then she clamps
down on me, ripping a moan from my chest.
“Fuck.” We both gasp, Quinn’s body tensing beneath mine,
her thighs clenching against me.

“Fuck,” I breathe, intense pleasure surging down my back

and tightening my balls. “Christ, you’re tight.”
A tear spirals into Quinn’s hair, and I quickly press a kiss
to her lips.
“God, I’m sorry. Does it hurt bad?”
She sucks in a couple of breaths, then whispers, “I’m
I become intensely aware of her heat wrapped around my
cock, and slowly pull out. My muscles strain, and it takes
every bit of strength I have to thrust slowly back into her.
She flinches but quickly says, “I’m okay. Don’t stop.”
When I slide into her again, a tidal wave of emotion
washes through my chest as I realize I’ve taken Quinn’s
virginity. The thought shakes my self-control, and I start to
move faster.

Slowly, Quinn’s thighs relax, and she opens wider for me.
“Feel that, baby?” I ask, my eyes taking in every inch of
her face. “Feel me moving inside you?”

She nods, and then her lips curve up.

Pressing my mouth to Quinn’s, I kiss her deeply as I let go
of my tight grip on my self-control. My hips move faster, my
cock sinking deep inside the woman who owns every part of
Quinn moans, the sound drifting into my mouth so I can
devour it.
Lowering my chest to hers, I move my other arm down. I
push my hands beneath her, and gripping hold of her ass, my
fingers relish in the feel of her tight cheeks.
My thighs and hips work together as I drive into her
breathtakingly beautiful body, and I lose myself to the
I bask in the feel of her breasts, squashed beneath my
chest. Her pussy gripping me tightly. The moans and sighs
escaping her lips.
“Oh, baby,” I hiss, my fingers digging deeper into her
perfect ass cheeks as I slam into her, the sound of our skin
slapping making this the most erotic moment of my life.
“Eli,” she whimpers, her body straining for more of me.
By some miracle, I’m able to slow my pace, and I focus on
rubbing my pelvis against her clit, my cock stroking her slow
and deep.
“Oh, God,” she moans. “Eli… crap… Eli,” she whimpers,
her body tensing.
“Come on my cock, baby.”
A hoarse cry tears from her, and then I fucking lose my
mind as her pussy starts to clench around my cock.
Motherfucking hell.

I swear I see stars, and I’m unable to stop myself from

pounding into her as my body searches for its own release.
Pleasure shoots down my spine, my abs tightening, my ass
clenching, and I fucking explode with a groan rumbling from
my chest.
I can’t see shit, my vision going black as my cock spasms
inside Quinn. The orgasm tears through my muscles, numbing
them, and I sink down against her body.
We lie breathless as I gasp against her neck, every inch of
me covering her.
“Holy… shit,” I say, sucking in air. “That was intense.”
Quinn can only manage to nod.

A solid minute passes before I have some strength to push

my chest off hers. My eyes lock on her flushed face, and
seeing the satisfied look in her eyes fills my chest with pride.

Moving to my knees between Quinn’s legs, I pull out of

her, the sight of her blood on my cock filling me with intense

“Wait here,” I murmur, and climbing off the bed, I walk to

the bathroom. I dispose of the condom and clean myself while
the warm water runs. Grabbing the washcloth, I wet it before
heading back to Quinn.
When I gently clean her pussy, I lean down and press a
kiss to her mouth. “Thank you for the greatest birthday gift
She grins up at me. “You’re welcome.” Then she tilts her
head back to look at her tied wrists. “Mind untying me?”

I straighten up and stare down at her naked body on full

display for me. “I don’t know. I might just keep you like this
the entire night.”
“Well, then you better cover me ’cause it’s getting chilly.”
I drop the face cloth to the floor, and lying down on top of
Quinn, I ask, “Better?”
She lets out a chuckle, then groans, “You’re heavy.”
I press a kiss to her jaw, then her neck, before lowering my
head and sucking her nipple into my mouth.
“Okay, you win,” I mutter, reaching for her wrists.
I untie Quinn, and then we crawl under the covers.
Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her body closer, so she’s
partially lying over me. “How do you feel?”
“Just tender.” She pauses for a moment, then adds, “It feels
like you’re still inside me.”

Letting out a growl, I hold her even tighter to me. “You’re

going to make me hard again.”

Quinn lets out a burst of laughter, the sound filled with

Chapter 23


I’m humming a soft tune as I paint the one wall of my store a

pale pink.

Eli grins at me where he’s painting the other wall the same
baby-blue color of his eyes.
We’ve been working on getting everything ready for the
opening that will be next Saturday.

Eli’s phone rings, and setting down the paintbrush, he

checks the device then answers, “Hi, Mom.” He walks to the
door, glancing across the street. “Sure. I’m just going to wash
my hands.”

Ending the call, Eli glances at me. “Wanna pack up? My

mom’s heading home, and she’ll give you a ride.”

“You’re not coming?” I ask as I set the paintbrush down.

“I have to wait for a delivery of plywood.” Eli glances at
his wristwatch. “I’ll be home by six.”


We head to the sink, and after washing our hands, we lock

up and cross the road to the hardware.
“Ready?” Nina asks, smiling at me.
“Yeah.” Placing my hand on Eli’s shoulder, I lift myself on
my tiptoes and press a quick kiss to his mouth. “See you at

He watches as we climb into Nina’s car, and as she steers

the vehicle down the road, she asks, “Sooo… how are things?”
I grin at her. “Good. We’re almost done painting.”

“I mean, how are things between you and Eli?”

“Oh.” I let out a chuckle. “That’s good too.”

“Glad to hear it,” she murmurs. A couple of minutes later,
when she pulls up to the house, she says, “I can’t come in.
Alex’s waiting for me.”

“Sure. No problem.” I climb out of the car. “Thanks for the


“See ya,” Nina says before I shut the door behind me.
I watch as she drives away, and pulling my set of keys
from my pocket, I walk up the steps of the porch and unlock
the door.
“Shoot. I forgot.” I quickly take my phone out and call Eli.

“You home safely?” he answers.

“Yeah.” I shut the front door behind me. “What should I
make for dinner?”
“Don’t worry about cooking. I’ll grab something for us
from the diner.”

“Oooh… I want a cheeseburger,” I say as I walk into the

kitchen. Then, noticing the back door is open, I frown. “We
forgot to lock the back door.”
“What?” Eli asks.

I hear a sound behind me, and glancing over my shoulder,

a scream’s ripped from me when I see the guy who raped and
killed Katie grinning at me with the baseball bat resting on his
Ice-cold panic and shock shudder through me.

“Quinn!” Eli shouts.

“They’re here!” I gasp, darting for the back door.

Before I can escape, the other guy pops up in front of me,

grabbing hold of my waist. “Hey, now. That’s no way to greet
old friends.”

I can hear Eli’s truck starting as he says, “I’m coming,

baby. Hold on..”

The guy rips the phone out of my hands, throwing it to the


“No,” I cry, pushing against his chest while wiggling to get

myself free as my fear darkens and morphs into something

The guy holding me chuckles as he tries to move me

deeper into the kitchen. “Come on, I know you’ve been dying
to see me again.”
I strain back, using all my strength to try to get away from
him, but he just leans forward, then takes a deep breath of me.
His tongue licks me from my jaw to beneath my eye.
“Mmm… sweet.”

I let out a disgusted cry and somehow manage to bring my

knee up, slamming it into his groin. He staggers against the
counter, letting out a pain-filled groan.

Not thinking, I dart out of the house, and then I run as fast
as I can in the direction of Nina and Alex’s house.

I make it to the treeline and weave between them, the air

burning in my lungs. My heart thunders painfully in my chest,
my thoughts nothing but shocked chaos.

“You can fucking run,” the other guy shouts behind me,
and then I hear a bang, and a second later, a bullet slams into a
tree as I duck around it, “but you can’t fucking hide!”

I let out a shriek, raw terror making my body push harder

to get away from them.

“Alex!” I scream as loud as I can, hoping they’ll hear me.

One of the guys plows into my back, and it sends me
sprawling over the leaves, thorns, and undergrowth, knocking
a scorching breath from my lungs.

“You just won’t fucking die,” the guy chuckles, breathing

hard from having to chase me.

Terror engulfs me, and I try to curl my body into a fetal

position as I wait for the shot that’ll kill me.

I feel the cold metal of the gun press against my head, and
then I hear the manic chuckle that’s been haunting me.

“Time to put out, bitch. Fuck, you’ve made us work for

your pussy. It better be good.”

No. No. No.


He starts to push the fabric of my dress up, again

chuckling. “I wonder if your pussy will clench as hard as your
friend’s did when I blew her brains out.”

Bile builds up in my throat, and I let out a broken cry,

desperation and disgust whirling into a destructive force,
clashing with the terror inside me.


Rushing through the house, there’s no sign of Quinn or the

fuckers. I have my gun drawn and ready, the safety off.
Dad didn’t answer his phone, and I had to leave a message.
With no time to call the sheriff, I dart out the back door.

“Fuck, Quinn,” I hiss, my chest tight with fear and anger.

Just then, I hear a horrifying scream coming from the trees,

and I break out into a run.

As I rush by a tree, a bat comes swinging at me, and I

manage to duck to the side, avoiding the blow. Turning
around, I bring my arm up, my finger curling around the
trigger. The gun’s recoil shudders through my hand as the blast
sends a bullet slamming into the fucker’s gut.
My body lurches at him as he staggers backward, shock
rippling over his face. I grab hold of his throat, and lifting him
off his feet, we come face to fucking face.

With murder coursing through my veins, I slam him back

into the tree, and then I fucking keep hitting his head against
the bark until the life drains from his eyes.
Dropping the bastard’s body to the ground, I lift my arm
and train the gun in front of me as I move forward, searching
for Quinn.
Where are you, baby?

“I wonder if your pussy will clench as hard as your friend’s

did when I blew her brains out,” I hear the other fucker

I break out into a run, and when they come into view, and I
see the guy on top of Quinn, I lose my fucking mind.

With the momentum from running, I kick him hard,

sending him flying off Quinn. He hits the ground rolling, then
darts to his feet, raising his gun at me.

A shot echoes through the trees, and Quinn’s scream is

raw, filled with despair so dark it feels as if it blacks out the

The fucker lets out another chuckle as blood starts to

trickle from his sneering mouth, and then Dad comes up
behind him.
“Take care of Quinn,” Dad growls, pressing his gun to the
bastard’s head.
The guy sinks to his knees, but Dad’s gun follows him
down, not moving from his head.
I dart to Quinn and move between her and the sight as Dad
pulls the trigger again. Her body jerks as she cowers between
my thighs, her face pressed to my abs.
It takes a moment for me to gather myself enough, and
then I frame Quinn’s face, lifting her eyes to me. “Are you
A sob sputters from her, and unable to talk, she shakes her
head. Her face crumbles, and she lifts her arms to me.
Wrapping her up against me, I pull her to her feet. I lift her
body to my chest, sucking in a deep breath of air.

Quinn buries her face against my neck as I turn to Dad.

He comes to place a hand on Quinn’s back, patting her
once before giving my shoulder a squeeze as if he needs to
check that we’re both okay.
“Take Quinn to the house. I’ll deal with this.”
I gesture with my head to where I left the other body. “The
other one’s that way.”
Dad nods, patting my back as I start to carry Quinn back to
the house.

“Eli,” she whimpers, holding me so tight, she’s almost

strangling me.

I walk into the house and keep going until I step out onto
the porch. Sitting down on the steps, I cradle Quinn.
“You okay? Did they hurt you?”
Quinn’s trembling hard as she pulls a little back, bringing
her hands between us. The skin’s raw, and then I see the
abrasions on her arms and shoulders.

“I… I… ran,” she says, her teeth starting to clatter from

the trauma. “I… ran.”
Brushing my hand over her hair, I take in the leaves stuck
in the strands. “You were right to run, baby. I’m so proud of
you.” I begin to pick the leaves out of her hair.
Her body jerks, and her eyes fly to my face, her pupils
dilated from the shock.
“They’re dead. They’ll never hurt you again,” I say,
thinking she needs to hear it so it can sink in that she’s safe
from them.
Her movements are fitful as she nods.

Two patrol vehicles come to a screeching stop in front of

the house. Cade and Harry rush toward us.
“My dad’s at the back,” I say, still trying to come down
from the adrenaline rush from hell.
“Are you okay?” Cade asks as Harry jogs through the

I nod, then focus my attention on Quinn, holding her

tightly. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, my body curls around
hers as if I’m trying to hide her from the world.

“You’re safe, baby. I’ve got you,” I whisper, pressing

another kiss to her cold skin.
Only then does the realization hit that I killed a man with
my bare hands. For a moment, everything in me becomes
deathly quiet.
I wait for the guilt to hit, but it never comes because I
know I would do it again.. and again to protect Quinn.
Chapter 24


I’m still trembling after the bodies have been taken away and
we’ve given our statements.

“Let’s get you to the hospital,” Sheriff Miller says,

reaching a hand out to me.
I backpedal, shaking my head, and then I grab hold of Alex
and dart behind him. The last place I want to go to is the

“Quinn?” Alex asks as he turns around, placing an arm

around my shoulders.

“We need to get her to the hospital,” Sheriff Miller tells

I shake my head again. “No. I’m okay. I don’t need to go.”

Alex holds me tighter, then calls out, “Eli, come over


Eli stops talking to Cade, his head snapping toward us,

then he jogs over.

“What’s wrong?” Eli asks, reaching for me.

I dart from Alex’s hold and plaster myself against Eli’s
“We think Quinn should go to the hospital,” Alex says.
“Just for a check-up.”
Eli places a hand on my back, and leaning down, he asks,
“You don’t want to go?”
“No.” Tilting my head back, I give him a pleading look.
“I’m okay. I just want to shower and go to bed.”

“Okay,” he agrees, then he looks at Sheriff Miller and

Alex. “I’ll take care of Quinn’s bruises.”

I wrap my arms tightly around Eli and watch as he shakes

the other men’s hands.
The ambulance drives away, and soon after, the patrol cars
Alex turns to us. “I’m going to head home. Your Mom’s
been calling me every couple of minutes.”

“Why didn’t she come?” Eli asks.

Alex shakes his head hard. “I told her not to. I didn’t want
her seeing any of this.”
Probably because it would trigger her own trauma.

“She’ll be here at the crack of dawn to check on you,”

Alex says, giving Eli a sideways hug.

Eli pulls me to the house, but I stop, then call out, “Alex.”
He turns to look at me, and I quickly close the distance,
hugging him tightly. “I’m so glad you heard me.”

He embraces me. “I’ll always come running when you

need me.” His hold on me tightens for a moment, then he lets
go. “Try to get some sleep.”
I nod and then walk back to where Eli’s waiting.

Eli locks the front door behind us, then asks, “Can you
give me five minutes to fix the back door’s lock?”
I nod and follow him to the kitchen. While Eli takes care
of the lock, I take two bottles of water from the fridge.

I haven’t realized how thirsty I am, and I down half of the

water in one go. I set the bottles down on the kitchen table,
and taking a seat in one of the chairs, I look down at the
scrapes and bruises covering my body.

My eyes drift shut as the evening replays in my mind.

“Come on, baby,” Eli suddenly says, then his arms slip
beneath me, and he lifts me to his chest. “Time to get you
cleaned up.”

I glance at the backdoor as I wrap my arms around Eli’s

neck and see it’s closed.
“I should’ve known when I saw the door standing open
you’d never make a mistake like that,” I mutter as we head up
the stairs.
“It’s okay,” Eli murmurs, walking to our bedroom.

He sets me down in the middle of the bathroom, then

reaches into the shower, opening the faucets.
Taking hold of my dress, I pull the fabric over my head
and drop it to the floor. I tug off my underwear and bra, and
when Eli’s naked, he pulls me under the warm spray.
Before I can reach for the body wash, Eli takes hold of the
bottle and squirting some on a loofah, he carefully starts to
wash the dirt and dried blood from my body.
I overheard he killed one of them, and for a moment, I
wonder if I should keep quiet, but then I whisper, “Thank you
for killing him.”
Eli’s eyes snap to mine, and we stare at each other, then he
says, “I’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt you.”

He continues to clean my body while my eyes remain

locked on him.

Today was a page straight out of my nightmares, but

knowing Eli will always protect me makes the trauma less
potent. It doesn’t dig into my soul like before, and maybe it’s
because I saw one of them die.


But I think it’s because deep down, I know Eli will never
let anything terrible happen to me again. He’ll always be there,
a strong force to be reckoned with whenever trouble comes

“I never thought the seventeen-year-old boy I fell in love

with would turn out to be my hero,” I whisper as an emotional
tear blends with the water.

Eli’s eyes find mine again, and lifting his hand to my

cheek, he brushes his thumb over my skin. “I’ll do my best to
always be your hero.”

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I rest my cheek

against his chest. Eli starts to wash my hair, and I close my
eyes, soaking in how protected he makes me feel.

At first, I waited for the trauma to overwhelm Quinn and drag

her back into a deep depression. But as the days have passed,
the fear lessened.

Watching her as she goes over the list of cupcakes she

wants to bake, I can only admire how strong she’s become.
Her eyes lift to my face, then she asks, “Why are you
staring at me like that?”

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. “Just admiring my

strong woman. You amaze me.”

A bright smile instantly jumps to her face. “I’m only

strong because I have you.”
My phone starts to ring, and pulling the device out of my
pocket, I answer, “Eli Jackson.”

“It’s Harry,” the sheriff says. “We’ve finally identified the

bodies. Want to know their names?”

I almost say no, but then I think of Jason. “Yeah.”

“Steve Aldrin and Jerry Mosby. They’re from Wilmington.

No prior records.” Harry lets out a sigh. “We found out they
met while in a psychiatric hospital. They were both mentally
unstable, and I guess it was a case of evil meeting evil, the
result turning them into killers.”
“Why Quinn and Conleys?” I ask.
“Could’ve been the fight at the bar that triggered them.
They probably fixated on the girls and watched them before
attacking. God only knows, Eli.” Harry takes a deep breath,
sounding tired. “At least they can’t hurt anyone else.”

“Yeah,” I murmur. “Thanks for letting me know.”

“You can collect your gun,” he says.

“I’ll stop by,” I reply, “Need anything else from us?”

“No. The case is closed.”
We end the call, then Quinn asks, “What did the sheriff
I shake my head. “Just that the case is closed.” I walk to
Quinn and press a kiss on her forehead, then decide it might
help her to know why they did what they did. “Harry said the
guys were mentally unstable.”
“Is that why they murdered Katie and her parents?” Quinn
“Yeah. He said it’s a case of evil meeting evil, and the
combination turned explosive.”

Quinn nods, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth as

she takes in the information.
“You okay?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She starts to mix some ingredients. “It helps to

know why they attacked us.”
I stare at her for a moment, making sure she’s okay, then
say, “I’m just going to check on the hardware store. Be back in
ten minutes.”
As I head across the road, I dial Jason’s number.
“Hey,” he answers.

“I have news.” Having been focused on Quinn, I haven’t

told him about the second attack yet.

I walk into the store and glance at Mom, then head to the
stock room. “They came back.”

“They’re dead,” I quickly add.

“My dad shot the one, and I killed the other.”

There’s a moment’s silence, then Jason asks, “How did you
kill him?”

“I crushed his skull against a tree.”

I hear him suck in a breath of air, and his voice is hoarse as
he says, “Thank you, Eli.”
“Want to know their names and why they did it?”
“No.” Jason clears his throat. “I just needed to know
justice was served for Katie and her folks.”
“Okay.” I pause for a moment, then ask, “How are you
holding up?”

“After hearing the bastards got their well deserved, I feel

better. It feels like I can let go and somehow rebuild what’s left
of my life.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” I murmur. “Any chance you’ll
come home?”

Jason doesn’t answer immediately, then he replies, “Maybe

one day.”
“I hope so. I miss you.”

“Miss you too, Eli,” I say, his voice hoarse again. “I got to
go. Talk soon?”

I end the call, then lean back against a wall, the feeling in
my gut telling me Jason will never come back to Southport.
Taking a couple of minutes for myself, I let me miss my
friend, then I lift my chin and walk to the front of the store.
“You okay?” Mom asks.
“Yeah.” I smile at her. “Slow day?”

“Yeah, but as soon as the Christmas lights and décor come

in, we’ll be overrun, so I’m enjoying the quiet.”

Placing my hand on the counter, I say, “I’ll be across the

road if you need me.”
Mom gives me a smile, and then I walk back to Quinn’s
store. I glance up at the space where the sign will go once they
deliver it this afternoon.
Quinn’s started baking, and I move behind the display
fridge. “Which ones are you making first?”

“The fairytales ones,” Quinn replies as she pours the

cupcake mixture into the molds. She glances at me. “Can we
stop somewhere after work?”
“Sure. Where?” I lean back against the counter, crossing
my arms over my chest.

“Katie’s grave.”
Surprise ripples through me. “You ready to visit her?”
Quinn nods. “I want to tell her they’re dead, and I’m
opening a cupcake store in her memory.”
“Okay.” My eyes drift over Quinn’s features. “You okay
after the attack?”

She nods. “Obviously, I’m shaken up, but it could’ve been

a lot worse.” Her eyes meet mine. “And you and Alex saved

“Only protecting what’s ours,” I murmur.

“How am I your dad’s?” she chuckles, scrunching her

“You’ll be his daughter-in-law someday.”

Quinn’s eyes widen. “Oh… ah… right.”

Then the thought strikes.

I’m going to marry this woman.
My heartbeat speeds up, and a grin spreads over my face.

Chapter 25


Climbing out of the truck, Eli leans back against the side of the
vehicle, and crossing his arms over his chest, he says, “You go
ahead, baby. I’ll wait here.”
“Thank you.” I grip the lilies tighter and then walk in the
direction of Katie’s grave.
A light breeze picks up, playing with my dress, and it
reminds me of when Katie had to stop the fabric from flying
A sad smile tugs at my mouth, and when I see her
tombstone, my heart clenches painfully. I stop dead in my
tracks, and my eyes mist up, blurring the words.
Swallowing hard, I whisper, “Hi, Katie.” I step forward,
and crouching, I lay the flowers in front of the tombstone. “I
hope you like them. I know daisies were your favorite, but I
couldn’t find any.”
I sit down flat on my bottom, and pulling my knees to my
chest, I tuck my dress around my legs. “I’m sorry it took me so
long to come to visit.” I rest my cheek on my knees. “I guess I
wasn’t ready to say goodbye.”
My throat closes up, and the tears begin to flow. “I miss
you so much.” I cry for the loss of my beautiful friend until the
tears stop naturally. Using my dress, I dry my cheeks while I
clear my throat. “I’m opening a cupcake store in your memory,
so I’ll never forget you.”

A sad chuckle drifts over my lips. “Also, I had sex with

Eli.” This time a real chuckle escapes me. “Yeah, you can
scream, and yes, it was amazing.” I brush my fingers over the
blades of grass. “Jason moved to Toronto. Eli says he’s doing

I take a deep breath, then lift my eyes to the tombstone.

“I love you, Katie.” I take a shuddering breath. “I’m going
to be happy and live life to the fullest for both of us.”
Climbing to my feet, I straighten my dress, and then I
brush my fingers over the tombstone. “Maybe you can visit me
in my dreams again? I’d really like to give you one last hug.”
I suck in a breath of air, my voice hoarse as I whisper,
“Bye, Katie.”

Turning around, I walk back to Eli.

He straightens out, opening his arms for me, and then I
crash into his chest. Wrapping me in a protective hug, he holds
me while I regain control over my grief.
“You okay?” he asks.

I nod. “Yeah. Just emotional.”

He presses a kiss on my hair, then says, “It’s pretty by

Katie’s grave.”
Pulling back, I look to my friend’s final resting place, and
only then do I see the tree with daisies growing around the
A sob sputters from me. “They’re Katie’s favorite.” I point
to the daisies.

“I know.”
My eyes snap to Eli’s face.

“Mom planted them after the funeral.”

My chin quivers as my heart fills with warmth because of

Nina’s thoughtfulness.

I stare up as Eli and Alex put up the sign for the store.
Katie’s Slice Of Heaven.

“Aww… that’s perfect,” Nina says as she comes up behind


I turn to her with a smile, and when she’s next to me, I

wrap my arm around her waist, giving her a sideways hug.
“Thank you, Nina.”

She gives me a confused smile. “For?”

“Planting the daisies for Katie.”

Her features soften. “I just wanted to do something for

“If she’s looking down on us, I’m sure she loves them.”

“All done,” Alex says. He and Eli climb down their

ladders, and then the four of us stare up at the sign.

“Ready for tomorrow?” Nina asks.

I gesture at the store. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“I’ll be here to help manage the counter because I’m sure

the whole town will come to show their support.” Nina tugs
me into the store, then she points at a dark purple cupcake with
stars sprinkled over it. “I’ll have that one.”

I walk around the counter, and picking up one of the

boxes, I place the cupcake carefully in it.

When I glance up, Nina’s holding six dollars out to me. “I

wanted to be your first customer.”

Letting out a burst of laughter, I take the money and hand

her the box. “I hope you enjoy it. Please come again.”

I put the money away, and then Nina takes a big bite of her
cupcake. She groans, making Alex’s eyes snap to her.
Eli pats his dad on the back. “Easy there, Dad, you’re in a
public place.”

Nina almost chokes as she swallows the bite down, and

soon laughter fills Katie’s Slice Of Heaven.

The ringtone from my phone draws my attention and

picking the device up from where I left it on the counter, I see
it’s Finlay calling.

“Hi,” I answer.

“The house sold!” she shrieks happily in my ear.

“Really? That’s the best news,” I say. “When are you


“Oh, another two weeks. I have to put Dad’s stuff in

storage and clean the place.”
“Still, you’ll be here in two weeks.” I’m so happy she’s
finally coming. “I can’t wait. You need to see how beautiful
the bakery turned out.”

“Send me photos. The opening’s tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, I’m a little nervous, but I’m sure it will go well.”

“Don’t worry if business is slow. I’ll eat all your cupcakes

once I’m there,” she teases.

“I can’t wait.”
“Me too.”

“Let me know what day you’re coming so I can pick you

up from the bus stop.”

“Okay. Talk to you soon.”

We end the call, then I grin at Eli and his parents. “Finlay’s
coming in two weeks.”

“Finally,” Eli says. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“You’ll love her. We could’ve been twins if we didn’t have

different fathers… and if she weren’t two years younger than

Alex frowns at me. “I’m not sure Southport can handle two
of you.”

“Why?” the word pops from me, my eyebrows shooting


“All that sweetness and the bakery…” then he gives me a

playful grin. “Just kidding.”

“Dang, you had me there for a second,” I chuckle.


Walking into my parents’ kitchen, I call out, “Dad?”

“Yeah?” he answers as he comes into the kitchen.
“Do you have a couple of minutes?”

“Sure. What’s up?” he asks as he gestures at the table.

We sit down, and I rest my elbows on the table, giving him
an anxious look.

His features instantly tighten with worry. “Eli?”

“I want to ask Quinn to marry me.”

Dad’s eyebrows dart up, then he lets out a relieved sigh.

“Wow. Okay.” He stares at me for a moment. “You’re ready?”
I nod. “Yes. I want to marry Quinn. Soon.”

“How soon are we talking?”

I shrug. “How long does it take to plan a wedding?”
He lets out a burst of laughter. “Hell if I know.”

“How long did it take to plan your wedding?”

Dad pauses. “It’s too long ago to remember.”

He never forgets anything, and it has me frowning, which

has him rising from the chair.
“Walk with me.”
Getting up, we head outside and toward the beach.
After a while, Dad says, “We never officially got married.”
My eyes snap to his. “What?” Grabbing hold of his arm, I
pull him to a stop. “But… Mom’s last name’s Jackson.”
He takes a deep breath. “For the family’s safety, I can’t tell
you everything.”

Worry begins to spin in my stomach.

“Alex and Nina Jackson weren’t always our names.
They’re identities I created for us.”
“Dad,” I breathe.
“I can’t tell you who we were and why I changed our
names. All that matters is what we have now, the life we’ve
built for ourselves.”
Understanding, I nod. “But, why not make it official?”

Dad chuckles. “Everyone already thinks we’re married.”

“Do it under the pretense of renewing your vows.”
He stares at me for a moment. “That’s actually an excellent
idea.” Placing his hand on my arm, he nudges me to start
walking again. “But let’s talk about you wanting to ask Quinn
to marry you. Have you asked Josh for his blessing?”

“No. I wanted to talk to you first.” We come to a stop on

the beach and stare out over the ocean. “I want to ask her on
her birthday.”

“Isn’t that in three weeks?” Dad asks.

“Yeah. Two days before Christmas.”

“The ring?”
I shake my head. “I still have to get it.”
“Have you planned anything?” he chuckles.

I shake my head, giving him a grin. “Kinda flying by the

seat of my pants.”
“No shit.” Dad shrugs. “You have to ask Josh for his
blessing.” He turns to face me and then locks eyes with me.
“You promise him you’ll protect and love his daughter until
your last breath.”

I nod.
“And when Josh gives you his blessing, you thank him for
the beautiful woman he’s giving to you.”

“I will.”
“Get that done, and for God’s sake, buy a ring. Don’t you
dare propose without one.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “Of course.”

I pull my phone out of my pocket, and it has Dad asking,
“Who are you calling?”

“Josh… to ask for his blessing.” Dad begins to frown, and

it has me explaining, “He’ll only be back the day before
Quinn’s birthday.”

“Right.” Dad gestures for me to continue.

I bring up my contacts list and select Josh’s number.

He answers after a couple of rings, “Hey, how’s Quinn

I let out a chuckle. “She’s doing very well. The store’s
opening was a huge success. I’m sure she told you.”
“Yeah, I hate that I couldn’t be there.”
“I made a video for you. When you’re back, you can watch
it with her.”
“Damn, thanks, son.”
I clear my throat. “There’s something I want to ask you,
and I hate doing it over the phone –”
Josh interrupts me, saying, “If you’re going to ask for my
blessing, you had it the day I let Quinn move in with you.”

I keep quiet for a moment as his words sink in, then a

broad smile stretches over my face. “I still want to ask you.”

Josh’s chuckle comes over the line. “Okay. I’m listening.”

“Mr. Drake,” I start, my heart beating faster even though
he already said yes, “I want to marry your amazingly talented
and beautiful daughter, and it would mean a lot to me if you
gave your blessing.” I clear my throat, then continue, “I
promise I’ll always protect her with my life, and I’ll love her
with every beat of my heart. But, most importantly, I’ll do my
best to be the man she deserves.”
“Damn, son,” Josh chuckles, then he teases me, “If I
wasn’t straight, I’d say yes.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “So what do you say? You

want to become my father-in-law?”
“I’d be honored, Eli.”

I swallow hard as emotion builds in my chest. “Thank you

for Quinn.”

“You’re welcome, son.”

We end the call, and I take a moment to breathe through
the emotions.

“If you’re getting choked up from asking Josh, you’re

going to cry like a baby when you ask Quinn,” Dad chuckles.
“Right.” Then I grin at him. “Time to go buy a ring.”
Chapter 26


I smile when Finlay gets off the bus. Her guitar hangs over her
right shoulder, just the way I remember her. She has an
incredible voice and has always loved music.
“Finlay,” I call as I walk closer, a wide smile on my face.
Gosh, I’ve missed her.
“I made it,” she laughs, looking exhausted from the long
I hug my cousin tightly to me, saying, “I’m so glad you’re
finally here.”
Finlay wraps her arms around me, and for a good minute,
we just hold each other.

When I pull back, Finlay wipes a tear from her cheek, then
she gives me a trembling smile. “I’m glad too.”

“I hope those are happy tears,” I say, giving her a worried

“Yeah. Of course.” Her smile widens. “Let me look at
you.” Her eyes drift over me, then they lock on mine again.
“Dang, girl, you just keep getting prettier.”
I gesture at her light brown hair that has natural blonde
highlights and her gray eyes. “You’re one to talk.” Then I
notice how skinny she is. “I’ll have to feed you, though. Don’t
they have food in Napierville?”
Finlay just smiles as we move closer to the bus to collect
her luggage. I grab two bags while Finlay gets the other one,
and as we turn around, Ethan comes toward us to help.
Nina’s taking care of my bakery, and Alex had to help Eli
at the hardware store, so I asked Ethan for a ride.
Finlay takes a step back, her eyes going wide.

I let out a burst of laughter. “Ethan is Eli’s brother.”

“Oh.” She looks thoroughly uncomfortable, and I assume
it’s because she’s shy like me. It runs in the family.

I grew up around the Jackson’s, but I can see how meeting

one of them for the first time can be intimidating.

“Thanks, Ethan,” I say as he reaches us. “This is my

cousin Finlay.”

They glance at each other before Ethan reaches his hand

out to her. “Nice to meet you.”
Finlay hesitates, but then she shakes his hand. “Same.”

He takes the luggage from us, and heading to his truck, he

places it in the back, then straps the bags down.

He glances at Finlay. “Gonna keep the guitar with you?”

“Oh… yeah.”

We all pile into the truck, and an uncomfortable silence

falls around us. I glance over my shoulder, giving Finlay a
Just as I turn back in my seat, Ethan says, “Seat belts.”
I let out a chuckle. “You sound like Eli.”

Ethan grins at me. “Dad ingrained it into us.”

“You should stay for dinner,” I say. “I can ask Eli to get us
a couple of pizzas on his way home.”

“In that case, I’ll definitely stay.” Ethan glances in the

rearview mirror, then says, “Quinn said you’re from

“Yeah,” she murmurs.

Ethan shoots a look my way, a slight frown on his


I give him a reassuring smile, then ask Finlay, “Did you

manage to get everything into storage?”

“Ah… no. I needed to get out of Napierville. Dad said he’d

have it taken care of,” Finlay explains.

“Dang, was it so bad staying there?” I chuckle.

“You have no idea,” she mutters.

Ethan brings the truck to a stop in front of the house, and

then he helps us carry the luggage inside.

“The first guest room,” I say, giving him a thankful smile.

I turn to Finlay. “Welcome.”

She glances around, and it has me proudly saying, “Eli
built the house.”

“Wow, he sure knew what he was doing,” Finlay says as

she walks into the living room. “It’s a lovely home.”

Ethan stops at the entrance of the living room. “I’m just

going to head home and shower. I’ll be back in time for dinner.
Oh, remember extra cheese.”

When I start to walk toward him, he says, “I’ll close the

door on my way out.”

“Great, see you later. Thanks for your help.”

Only when we hear the front door shut does Finlay say,
“Please tell me he’s the scary brother, and Eli is the nice one.”

Letting out a burst of laughter, I say, “You’ll see, they’re

both really sweet. Intense, but sweet as pie.” Taking hold of
Finlay’s hand, I pull her up the stairs. “Let’s get you settled.”

Walking down the hallway, I gesture to our left. “You’ll

have your own bathroom. It’s through there.”

I tug her into the guest room, then say, “I hope blue’s still
your favorite color.”
Finlay glances at the baby-blue bedspread. “You didn’t
have to go to so much trouble.”

“We wanted you to feel at home. The last thing I want is

you leaving again.”

Finlay’s eyes drift over my face. “How are you holding


“Every day, it gets better. I still miss Katie.”

Finlay comes to give me a hug. “I’m really sorry I didn’t
come sooner.”

Hearing the regret in her voice, I hold her tightly. “You’re

here now.”

Pulling apart, we begin to unpack her clothes and personal

“So, are you going to help me at the store?” I ask as I hang
one of her dresses.

“Yeah, but beware, I’ll probably eat all your profit,” she
chuckles, finally seeming to relax.
“If it means you putting on some weight, I’ll just have to
bake more muffins.”

Finlay gives me a nervous glance. “Ah… so I’ll probably

only stay here until I can find a place to buy.”

“Do you have enough money? There’s no rush. You can

stay here as long as you want, and there’s always Dad’s

“Don’t think I’m ungrateful because I’m not,” Finlay says.

“I appreciate all of this, but I want to get settled and make a
home for myself. Dad said he’ll pay for the house, then he’ll
have a place to crash when he’s home.”

“I guess we’ll have to go house hunting for you then.”

Just as we shove the bags under the bed, we hear a truck

pull up to the house, and it has me saying, “That must be Eli.
Come, I’ll introduce you.”

Finlay hesitates, and I grab her hand, pulling her behind

me. When we come down the stairs, the front door opens, and
Eli comes in. He places his keys in the bowl we have on a
stand by the door, then smiles at us.

“Finally, I get to meet you. Quinn’s been excited since you

said you were coming.” He gives her a warm smile.

Finlay tugs her hand free from mine and stays partially
behind me. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Thank you for letting me
stay here. You have a beautiful home,” the words burst from
Eli’s smile grows. “You’re welcome. If you need anything,
just let Quinn or myself know.”
Finlay nods, looking nervous as hell.
“Don’t worry. I used to be the same around Eli, but you’ll
get used to him.”
“Is that so?” Eli asks, giving me a playful grin.
“I couldn’t even form a sentence around you,” I remind
“True.” Eli comes to press a kiss on my lips.
“I invited Ethan for dinner… shoot, I forgot to ask you to
get pizzas for us.”
“Don’t worry, babe,” Eli says, pulling his phone from his
pocket. “I’ll get them to deliver.”

Smiling, I wrap my arm around Eli’s lower back, then I

glance at Finlay, saying, “See why I love him so much?”


Turning on the lamp on the bedside table, I lie down on the

bed. I close my eyes, and then a smile spreads across my face
as I think of the ring in the safe.
I got it yesterday, and it’s taking a lot to not give it to
Quinn before her birthday.

Six days.
Damn, I can’t wait.

Quinn comes out of the bathroom, and switching off the

light, she walks to her side of the bed and climbs onto the

She pulls the sheet away from my body, and it has me

grinning. “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see,” she whispers with a teasing tone to her voice.

Quinn takes hold of my sweatpants, and when she pulls

them down my legs, I instantly start to harden.
She crawls back up and then straddles my thighs.

“You need to undress, and you definitely need to move

She lets out a chuckle. “What happened to being patient?”

“Baby, when you have me naked, patience goes out the

She lets out a soft burst of laughter, then traces a finger
from my hip to my cock. I have to grab hold of the covers to
let her have control.
My eyes jump between the love on her face and her fingers
wrapping around my cock. Then she leans forward, and I hold
my breath as she sucks me into the warmth of her mouth.
“Fuck,” I hiss.
Thinking of Finlay sleeping down the hallway from us, I
regret not making my bedroom soundproof.

Quinn sucks me deep, and my hands dart to her hair,

grabbing fistfuls of her silky strands.
“Quinn,” I groan as she shows me the meaning of heaven.

When I get close to reaching my climax, I pull her away.

“Take off your clothes, baby,” I whisper as I reach into the
drawer for a condom.

While Quinn quickly undresses, I roll the latex onto my

cock, then I say, “Straddle me again.”
She climbs over me, and I place my left hand on her hip,
taking hold of my cock with my right. I position myself
beneath her, then whisper, “Sink down on me.”
Quinn’s pussy takes me to the hilt, and I struggle to
breathe for a moment from how good she feels wrapped
around me.
“God, baby,” I groan. “Ride me.”

Quinn places her hands on my chest, and then she starts to

move, her eyes locked on my face.
“So good,” I praise her, my fingers digging into her hip as
I have to fight the urge to throw her onto her back and fuck her
Quinn starts to move faster, rubbing her pussy against my
My right hand darts up to the back of her neck, and I pull
her down on top of me as I start to thrust into her. Her mouth
crashes against mine, and the kiss turns hot real fast, our
tongues dancing, our lips kneading, and our teeth tugging.

I thrust harder, my hips working to keep the pace.

“Eli,” Quinn moans against my mouth.
I roll her onto her back, and bracing my hands on either
side of her head, I start to pound into her, branding her pussy
with my cock.
“Fuck, baby,” I groan, my muscles straining as my
pleasure starts to build.
Her body tenses, and her lips part. I crush her mouth
beneath mine, in time to swallow her cry as her orgasm
sweeps through her, making her convulse beneath me.
Feeling her pussy clench around my cock, ecstasy pulses
through me as I empty myself.

When we both come down from our pleasure, I kiss her

deeply, my heart expanding to the point of almost bursting
with love for the woman beneath me.

Breaking the kiss, my eyes find hers, and then I tease her,
“You’re really getting good at this.”
She lets out a chuckle making me slip out of her. “I have a
good teacher.”
“Yeah?” I ask as I roll onto my back.

“An impressive one,” she says, her tone playful.

Getting up, I walk to the bathroom to dispose of the
condom, then I head back to bed and crawl under the sheet
with Quinn.
She snuggles against my side, resting her cheek on my

“What do you think of Finlay?”

I shake my head. “Not a topic I want to discuss right after I
was deep inside you.”

Chuckling, she whispers, “Sorry.” Then she glances up at

me. “But I’m curious.”

My chest vibrates as I let out a burst of silent laughter.

“She seems okay. A bit on the quiet side.”
“She’ll open up when she gets to know you better,” Quinn
says. “Like I did.”
“It’s important to you that we get along.”
She nods. “Yeah.”

“I’ll do my best to make her feel at home,” I assure Quinn.

Tightening my arms around her, I add, “Anything to make my
woman happy.”

She starts to draw random patterns on my chest, then lets

out a contented sigh. “You make me unbelievably happy, Eli.”
Reaching over to the bedside table, I switch off the lamp. I
turn onto my side, holding Quinn against my chest as I take a
deep breath of her hair.
“If you could have one wish, what would it be?” I ask.

“Just one wish?”

I nod. “Yeah, just one.”

Quinn doesn’t hesitate to answer, “A kiss.”

Frowning, I ask, “Why a kiss?”
“Not just any kiss, Eli.” She burrows deeper against my
chest. “One day, when I’m old and wrinkly, I want a kiss from
“Why then?”

“It will mean we grew old together, and that’s all I want.”
Her answer hits me right in the heart, and then a broad
smile spreads over my face.

“I’ll see what I can do to make your wish come true.”

Chapter 27


Opening the oven, I pull a tray of mini cakes out. The

cupcakes are such a hit that I’m trying to add more of a
The bell at the door jingles, then I hear Finlay greeting a
customer, “Morning.”
Recognizing the voice, I set the tray down before turning
to Mrs. Chapel, who I know from experience, can be
challenging to deal with.
She gives us an overly sweet smile. “I want to place a
private order.”

“Sure,” I say, and walking closer, I swipe the notepad up.

“It’s Maddy’s bachelorette next Saturday. Can you make
cupcakes with little penises on them.”
My lips twitch, and I bite back the laughter. “Ah… I can
try. How many do you need?”

“Two dozen.”

“When will you collect them?”

“Saturday morning.”

I nod as I write the order down. “Can you give me a

contact number?”
Mrs. Chapel recites the number, then she gives us her
overly sweet smile again. “Thanks, girls.”
When she walks out of the store, Finlay glances at me.
“Your first order of penis cupcakes?”
I begin to laugh. “Should be interesting.”

“I bet,” she mutters.

I walk back to my tiny kitchen at the side of the store and
add glitter to the stars I made from icing.
“Want to go look at a couple of places after work?” I ask.

“Yeah. Sure.” Finlay’s quiet for a moment, then she asks,

“Do you think there’s anything near the beach?”
“We can check. Ethan got a house right on the beach. He’s
been working his butt off, though. The place was one storm
away from falling apart.”
“Yeah, anything but that. I can’t even fix a plug.”

“Eli’s really good at things like that. Ethan and Alex as

well. I’m sure they’ll help if you need something fixed.”

“I’d rather get a place that doesn’t need any work,” Finlay
I glance over my shoulder and see that she’s staring down
at her hands, her shoulders slumped.
“Everything okay?”

Her eyes dart to me. “Yeah. Of course.” When I keep

looking at her, she adds, “You know me. I’m just adjusting to
the new environment.”
“Okay,” I murmur, turning my attention back to my work.
More customers trickle into the store throughout the day,
and by the time we get to close the door, I’m dead on my feet.

Finlay stretches her body, letting out a groan. “God, who

knew selling cupcakes would be so tiring.”


Taking off my apron, I hang it on a hook, then I check that

everything is switched off. “Ready to go house hunting?”

“Coffee first,” Finlay says as she walks to the door. “My

Joining her, we step out of the store, and then I lock the
door. “Let me just tell Eli.”

We cross the road, and walking into Jackson’s Hardware, a

grin spreads over my face. Eli’s carrying a heavy-looking bag
down an aisle, his muscles rippling as he sets it down on the
Yep, that’s my man.

He glances our way, then the corner of his mouth lifts.

“Done for the day?”

“Yeah.” I walk closer, and standing on my tiptoes, I give

him a kiss. “We’re going to get coffee and walk down to the
beach to see if there are any properties for sale.”
“You have your phone on you?” he asks.

I pull it out of my pocket to show him.

“Is it charged?”

Letting out a chuckle, I unlock the screen and check. “I

have seventy percent left.”
“How long will you be?”

I glance at Finlay. “An hour?”

She nods.

“Meet me here when you’re done,” Eli says, and lifting his
hand to the side of my neck, he presses a tender kiss to my

“Okay.” I give him a smile then walk out of the store with

“He seems very possessive,” Finlay mentions.

My smile grows. “I love it.”


“Eli’s protective of me, and it makes me feel treasured.”

Finlay’s eyes drift over my face. “You love him a lot.”

“With all my heart,” I say as we walk into the diner. “I

want a vanilla latte.”
We place our order, and while we wait, I ask, “When will
your dad be back?”

Finlay thinks for a moment. “Three weeks.”

“Shoot, that’s after Christmas.”

She shrugs. “We’ll celebrate when he’s here.”

“I haven’t seen him in years.”

“He’s gotten gray,” she says.

“Dad as well.” I let out a sigh. “I need to win the lottery, so

he can go on early retirement.”
Finlay lets out a burst of laughter. “You think our fathers
will ever retire?”

“Probably not.”

When our order is ready, Finlay pays.

“Thank you,” I say before taking a sip of my beverage.

We head toward the beach, and I point out several places,
but none of them catch Finlay’s eye.

Taking off our sandals, we head up along the stretch of

sand, and when I realize we’re close to Ethan’s house, I point
at his place. “See that white and blue house?”

Finlay stops to stare at it. “So pretty.” She tilts her head. “I
love it.”

“That’s Ethan’s house.”

Her head snaps to me, her eyes widening. “You said it was
falling apart.”
“He’s done a lot of work on it.”

Finlay turns her gaze back to the house. “I can see why he
bought it.”

We continue walking, and as we’re about to pass by, the

front door opens. Ethan comes out, and it has me calling, “Hi,
He glances our way, then takes the steps down to the
beach. “Taking a walk?” he asks as he gets close to us.
“Yeah, we’re checking to see if there are any houses for
Ethan moves closer to me, and it makes Finlay take a
couple of steps backward. He points to a house up the beach.
“See the one with the yellow shutters?”

I look in the direction he’s pointing out. “Oh… yeah.”

“It’s a bargain. You might want to jump on that.”
“Thanks.” I smile at him, then glance at Finlay. “Let’s go
take a look.”
“Stanley Jefferson’s the owner,” Ethan mentions. “I’ll text
you his number.”

“That would be great,” I say. “Thanks, Ethan.”

He shoots Finlay a glance then walks back to his place.
“Come on.” I take hold of Finlay’s arm, pulling her toward
the house.
When we get close, a smile starts to tug at her mouth. “He
sure has an eye for a house.”

Taking the stairs up to the porch, we glance through the
windows. “I’ll give Stanley a call and ask him to show us the
Finlay turns around and stares out at the ocean. “It’s
We take a seat on the steps then start to dream up ideas of
what she can do with the place.

Nudging her with my elbow, I smile. “This is nice.”

“Yeah.” She rests her head on my shoulder. “It’s so
“It is,” I sigh happily. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too.”


Walking out of the hardware store, I lean back against the

wall, and then my eyes go to the store across the road.

Instantly, a smile tugs at my mouth as I watch Quinn trying

to get Finlay to take a bite of a cupcake. The girls’ laughter
drifts to me.

Emotion wells in my heart from seeing Quinn happy, and I

get a flashback to when we started dating.
Quinn glances in my direction, and saying something to
Finlay, she comes out of the store. She glances up and down
the road, then crosses to me.
Her smile widens. “Hey.”

“Hi,” I murmur. When she’s close enough, I reach for her

hip and pull her against my front. “Having fun?”
She nods, her eyes sparkling up at me.

I bring a hand to her cheek and softly brush my fingers

over her skin. The moment fills with intimacy as I stare deep
into her eyes.
God, can I love her any more than I already do?
“It’s your birthday tomorrow,” I murmur, my fingers
following the curve of her jaw.
She scrunches her nose. “I’m more excited to see my dad.”
My smile widens a little. “It will be a fun day with our
Quinn pushes her body up against mine, pressing a kiss to
the scruff on my jaw.

I lean my head down, letting my breath fan over her skin,

and when I reach her ear, I whisper, “My Quinn.”
She turns her head to me, her lips parted and her eyes dark
with desire.
“Can’t look at me like that in the middle of town, baby.”
Then she fucking bites her bottom lip.

Grabbing hold of her hand, I drag her into the store, all the
way to the storage room. I back her up against a wall, then I
crush my mouth to hers.

Quinn lets out a moan, and I practically ravage her lips

until she’s breathless and grinding her body against mine.

I move my hand down her side and tug up her dress. My

fingers brush over her thigh, and cupping the intense heat
coming from her pussy, I let out a frustrated groan.
“Christ, I want to fuck you,” I growl.

“Do it,” she breathes, scattering kisses down my neck.

“Fuck me, Eli.”
Hearing Quinn curse is fucking hot. I yank away from her,
and closing my eyes, I take deep breaths so I don’t lose
When I find my voice, I say, “No condom.”
“That’s it. I’m going on the pill,” she mutters, sounding
just as frustrated as I feel.
The corner of my mouth curves up, and lifting a hand, I
take hold of her jaw. Pressing a hard kiss to her mouth, I say,
“I’m going to fuck you senseless tonight.”
Quinn looks at me with unadulterated desire. “I can’t

As she turns to leave the storage room, I smack her ass.

With a startled shriek, her eyes fly to my face.
“That’s for making me hard and then walking your sexy
ass back to your store.”
Giving me a fucking tempting grin, Quinn’s eyes scorch
down my body until they lock on my cock. Then she fucking
licks her lips.
“Go,” I grind the word out through clenched teeth. “Now.”
Instead of listening, she steps closer to me.

“You’re playing with fire,” I warn her, my voice low and

deep with the lust coursing through my veins.

Quinn shuts the door, and then she drops to her knees in
front of me.
“Fuck, baby,” I breathe as she undoes my belt and zipper.
She yanks the fabric down, freeing my hard as fuck cock,
and then I sink into the warmth of her mouth, a groan
rumbling from me.
“Fuck,” I hiss. “Take me hard.”
Grabbing hold of her hair, I can’t stop myself from
thrusting into her mouth. Quinn closes her eyes, and then she
hums, the vibration hitting the head of my cock as she sucks
me to high heavens.

I don’t have the strength or time to pull her away as my

orgasm hits. Quinn’s mouth… Christ, my mind ceases to
work, my balls tighten, and I fucking come hard.

“Swallow, baby,” I say, my voice hoarse as I empty myself

in her mouth.
Quinn takes every last drop, and when she pulls back, she
grins up at me, waiting for my praise, and it’s my undoing.
I pull her up to her feet and crush my mouth to hers, a
perverse part of me wanting to taste myself on her tongue.

When I finally free her mouth, I say, “So fucking good,

baby. You blew my mind.”

Satisfaction flutters over her beautiful features.

I tuck my cock back into my boxers and zip up my jeans.
As I fasten my belt, my eyes lock on Quinn.

“You need to fix your hair,” I chuckle. “Or the whole

town’s going to know what we were doing in here.”
With a burst of laughter, she combs her fingers through the
strands. I step forward and help her, then press a last kiss to
her mouth. “Time to get back to work.”
Chapter 28


Sitting next to Dad, with all my loved ones around me, I can’t
stop smiling.

Finlay’s on Dad’s other side, leaning against him. He has

his arm wrapped around her shoulders, and it’s the most
relaxed she’s looked since she arrived in Southport.
“I can’t wait to see this house you want to buy,” Dad says
to her.

“I think you’ll love it,” she murmurs.

“When’s that brother of mine coming home?” he asks.

“He said –”

My eyes snap to the back door, and then Finlay’s up and
practically flying into Uncle David’s arms.

Dad and I get up, both of us with huge smiles on our faces.
Finlay stays glued to her father’s side as Dad and Uncle David
shake hands, and then I get to hug my uncle.

“Happy Birthday, Quinn,” he says.

“This is the best gift ever,” I grin at him. “I can’t

remember when we were last all together.”
Turning to the Jackson’s, I introduce Uncle David to them,
and when we sit down again, a happy sensation spreads
through my heart.

The conversation flows as Dad catches up with Uncle

David. Ethan and Alex are grilling burgers and steaks, and
Nina’s on my left, a content smile tugging at her lips.

It’s only then I realize Eli’s not outside with us.

Just as I get up, Ethan says, “We should play some music.”

He connects his phone to a portable speaker, and then a

familiar song starts to fill the air.
My lips curve up. “That’s my and Eli’s song,” I tell Ethan.
“Good choice.”
I turn to go look for Eli and then stop dead in my tracks.

Oh. My. God.

Eli’s on one knee, looking at me with all the love in the
Everyone’s instantly quiet, only the song playing.

My throat closes up, my eyes start to burn, and a tremble

ripples through my body as emotions build in my chest.
Eli opens his right hand, and the moment I see the ring, my
hands fly up to cover my mouth as a sob bursts from me.
The song ends, then Eli says, “When I’m with you, it feels
like I’m home, where I belong.”

I start to nod even though he hasn’t asked the question.

Eli lets out a chuckle. “Quinn, I want to be the only man

you kiss, the only one you love.” He takes a deep breath. “I
want to make all your dreams come true, and when we’re old,
I’ll give you your wish.”

I’m still nodding, unable to stop, my attention solely

focused on Eli.

He rises to his feet, and lifting a hand to my cheek, there’s

so much emotion on his face, it makes a tear spiral down my

Moving in close to me until it feels like it’s just us, Eli

says, “There’s no one I love more than you, Quinn. I promise
to always protect you. To cherish you. To appreciate you.”

Moving my hands from where they’re still covering my

mouth, I place them against Eli’s chest.

“Marry me, Quinn.”

“Okay,” I breathe, and then I don’t care that we’re

surrounded by family. Pushing up on my toes, I wrap my arms
around his neck and kiss Eli with all the love in my heart.

Cheers explode around us, and Eli grins against my mouth.

“Yeah? You going to wear my ring, baby?”
I nod quickly, then hold my left hand out to him. He slips a
beautiful diamond onto my ring finger, and then I jump into
his arms, laughter bubbling from me.
It hits hard… Eli just asked me to marry him.

A sob bursts from me, and I bury my face against him. His
arms tighten around me, and I’ve never felt more loved than I
do at this moment.

“Happy Birthday, baby.”

“Best gift ever,” I say through tears.

“I thought I was the best gift ever,” Uncle David playfully

I pull back from Eli with a sputter of laughter, wiping the

tears from my face.

One by one, our loved ones congratulate us, and when I

hug Nina, she says, “When you’re comfortable with it, I’d like
for you to call me Mom.” She pulls back, tucking some hair
behind my ear. “I’ve always wanted a daughter.”

I have to fight hard against the urge to cry. “I always

wanted a mother.”

Nina’s chin quivers, and it snaps my fragile control. We

hug again while taking a moment to ride our way through the
overwhelming emotions.

“I love you, Mom,” I whisper.

“My heart,” she sobs. “You’re going to make me ugly cry.”

I laugh through my tears, then she says, “Love you,


“Don’t I get a hug?” Ethan asks. “Wouldn’t mind one of

those I love yous either.”
“Don’t push your luck,” Eli warns him.

My cheeks are starting to hurt from all the smiling as I

give Ethan a hug. He wraps me up in his arms, then he
whispers, “How long do you think Eli will let me hold you
before he smacks me upside the head?”

Suddenly Ethan whirls me around, and I’m pushed into

Eli’s arms as he darts away with a burst of laughter.

When I glance up at Eli, he asks, “Happy baby?”

I nod as I rest my cheek against his chest. “Happiest day of
my life.”


Two years later…

Staring at Katie, my heart is impossibly full.
“Hey, Mrs. Jackson,” she teases me, a sparkle in her eye.
“Missed me?”
“So much,” I whisper.
Katie leans forward and places her hand on my baby
bump. A soft smile curves her lips. “You’re going to be the
best mom.”

I rest my hand over hers, soaking in the warmth from her


Lifting my eyes to hers, I admit, “I thought I’d never see

you again.”
Katie sits back, shrugging, “You’re having your first baby.
I had to make one last appearance.”
Another grin spreads over her face. “She’s going to be
beautiful, just like you.”

“She?” I ask, my heart skipping a beat.

“Yeah. You’re having a girl, Quinn. She’ll have Eli’s dark

hair and your green eyes. She’s going to be the prettiest little
“How do you know that?”
She lets out a sputter of laughter. “I just do.”

“Are you happy, Katie?” I ask the one question I’ve

always wanted to ask her.

“Of course, silly.” Her chuckle is filled with bubbles.

“Every time you smile, I smile.”
“I’ll never stop smiling then.” We stare at each other, then
my chin begins to quiver. “This is goodbye, right?”
“For now,” she nods.

Leaning forward, I wrap my arms tightly around her. “I

love you, Katie. Thank you for being my best friend.”
“I love you, Quinn,” she whispers. “More than I’ve ever
loved anything. I’ll always watch over you.” She pushes me
back so we can look at each other again. “I hope you have a
beautiful life filled with laughter and love.”

Katie tilts her head, her love for me making her eyes
sparkle like the stars above us. “You’re never alone, Quinn.
I’ll be there every step of the way.” She presses her hand to my
chest. “Right here, safely tucked away in your heart.”

I cover her hand with both of mine.

“Bye, Katie.”

Waking up, a smile spreads over my face as I brush my

hand over my baby bump.
“We’re having a girl,” I murmur.

“How do you know?” Eli asks sleepily, his face half

burried in a pillow.
“Katie told me.”

His head pops up. “You dreamed about Katie?”

Letting out a chuckle, I nod. “Yeah. I got to say goodbye.”

Eli wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

“I’m glad, baby.” He’s quiet for a moment, then asks, “So
we’re naming our daughter Katie?”

My eyes dart to his, and a wide smile spreads over my

face. “Can we?”

“Of course.”

I press a kiss to his mouth. “When we have a boy, you can

name him.”

“Hmm… how many kids are we having?” he asks,

pressing his body against mine.

Eli lifts his head then gives me a playful grin. “I have my
work cut out for me.”

“Want to practice?” I ask with a suggestive tone.

“Baby, I’ll never say no to sex,” he chuckles as he moves
over me.

With my husband making love to me, my heart is bursting

with love and happiness.

Eli’s been my hero since I was fourteen, and thinking how

far we’ve come the past ten years, I can’t wait to see what the
rest of our future together holds.


Fifty years later…

“Baby,” I call out as I walk through the house.

“Outside,” I hear her answer.

Stepping out the backdoor, I find Quinn slowly
straightening up after plucking some weeds from the flower
“Remember after we met, you said you had one wish?” I
walk closer to my wife, who’s given me the most incredible
marrage and children, filling my life with happiness.
“What wish?” she says, frowning up at me.

“You said you had one wish… a kiss when you’re old and
Her frown instantly darkens. “You telling me I’m all
wrinkly, Eli?”

I let out a burst of laughter. “But still as beautiful as the

day I married you.”

Her features soften into a playful smile. “I’m just pulling

your leg, but don’t stop with the compliments.”
Capturing her eyes, I say, “If we lived a million lives, I’d
marry you in each one, Quinn.”

Her eyes begin to shimmer with tears. “I love you, baby.”

Pressing my mouth to hers, I give her the one wish she had.
When I pull back, Quinn smiles happily. “Only you can
make my old heart swoon.”

“I better be the only one,” I mutter.

“Always, Eli,” she chuckles. “It’s only ever been you.”

The End.
Published Books
Beautifully Broken Series
Organized Crime / Suspense Romance
(Can be read in this order or as standalones)

Beautifully Broken
(Previously published as Predator)
Alex & Nina

Beautifully Hurt
(Previously published as Redemption)
Eli & Quinn

Beautifully Destroyed
(Previously titled as Legacy)
Ethan & Finlay

Mafia / Organized Crime / Suspense Romance
(Can be read in this order or as standalones)

Damien Vetrov
Lucian Cotroni

Carson Koslov

Demitri Vetrov

Alexei Koslov

Enemies To Lovers
College Romance / New Adult / Billionaire Romance

False Perceptions
(Spin-off Military Romance)

Trinity Academy
College Romance / New Adult / Billionaire Romance

The Epilogue

The Heirs
College Romance / New Adult / Billionaire Romance

Coldhearted Heir
Arrogant Heir
Defiant Heir
Loyal Heir
Callous Heir
Sinful Heir
Tempted Heir
Forbidden Heir

Stand Alone in The Black Mountain Academy Series

Not My Hero
Young Adult / High School Romance

The Southern Heroes Series

Suspense Romance / Contemporary Romance /
Police Officers & Detectives

The Ocean Between Us

The Girl In The Closet
The Lies We Tell Ourselves
All The Wasted Time
We Were Lost
Connect with me




I rewrote Eli and Quinn’s book, feeling that the first story
didn’t do them justice. Thank you for your patience with me
while I created a new life and HEA for them.

To my alpha and beta readers – Leeann, Sheena, Sherrie,

Sarah, and Allyson, thank you for being the godparents of my

Candi Kane PR - Thank you for being patient with me and my

bad habit of missing deadlines.

Yoly, Cormar Covers – Thank you for giving my paper-babies

the perfect look.

My street team, thank you for promoting my books. It means

the world to me!

A special thank you to every blogger and reader who took the
time to participate in the cover reveal and release day.

Love ya all tons ;)

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