Credit Limit Inc Req

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HSBC Credit Cards

Credit Limit Increase Request
Complete the form using blue or black pen and print in clear CAPITAL LETTERS

Complete this form to apply for an increase to the credit limit of your credit card. Your account must have been open for at
least six (6) months and maintained in good order. Please allow 7 business days for processing.

Mail the completed form to: Reply Paid 4263, SYDNEY NSW 2001 OR Fax to: (02) 8987 5927

HSBC Credit Card number Please increase my limit to


Title First name(s) Surname

Date of birth Contact phone number Number of dependants under 18 years of age
Current residential address (cannot be a PO Box)

Marital status
Single Married Defacto Separated/Divorced Widowed

Current employment status
Full-time Permanent part-time Casual Unemployed Self-employed Full-time education

Contractor Specify contract length YY MM Other (e.g. Retired/home duties)

Job title/Occupation


NOTE: Non disclosure may result in your application being delayed
Monthly Income Monthly Expenses – Your share of:
Applicant’s salary/wage (after tax) $ Mortgage/rent/board payments $

Other income (after tax) $ Loan repayments (i.e. car, boat, personal loan) $

Assets Living expenses (e.g. food, gas, phone, etc.) $

Real estate property $ Other Credit and Store Cards

Motor vehicles and boats $ Total number of other cards held
Cash/bank/shares/investments $ Total balance owing on all other cards $
Total limits of all other cards $

By signing here, you're telling us that your objectives are to increase your credit card limit and that your requirements are
to continue to use the features and pricing of your existing credit card. You're also telling us that the details in this form are true
and correct, and that you don't think there will be any material adverse change to your financial position within the foreseeable future.
You understand and authorise that we may obtain your personal credit file held with credit reporting bodies to help us assess this
credit limit increase request. Information on how we handle your personal information can be found in our Privacy Policy,
available on Information on how we handle credit information can be found in our
Credit Information Management Policy, available on

Primary Cardholder’s signature Date

On completion of this form, DD MM YY

please print and sign by hand

Credit provided by HSBC Bank Australia Limited ABN 48 006 434 162. AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 232595 HBAA528VCC R03 04/22 Page 1 of 2
CREDIT GUIDE – HSBC Bank Australia Limited

What is this document and what does it apply to?

This credit guide belongs to HSBC Bank Australia Limited ABN 48 006 434 162 (”we”, “our” or “us”) Australian Credit Licence
232595 and provides important information that applies to all our credit cards.
If you have questions about this credit guide or our credit card products, you can contact us:
Mail: GPO Box 5302 Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 132 152

What if the credit is unsuitable?

Then by law we’re not allowed to enter into a credit contract, or increase your existing credit limit, if the credit is ‘unsuitable’.

When will credit be unsuitable?

The credit contract or credit limit increase will be unsuitable if:
• it doesn’t meet your requirements and objectives; or
• you’re likely to be unable to comply with the financial obligations; or
• you could only comply with your financial obligations with substantial financial hardship (for example, by selling your principle
place of residence); or
• the regulations deem the credit contract or credit limit increase to be unsuitable.

How do we assess if the credit will be unsuitable?

We must make reasonable inquiries about your requirements and objectives, and your financial situation, and take reasonable
steps to verify your financial situation.

What if we approve your credit?

Then you may request a free written copy of your assessment up to seven (7) years after the credit contract date or credit limit

When do we have to give you the written assessment?

If you request a copy of the written assessment: Then we’ll give it to you:
Before you enter into the contract or the limit is increased Before you enter into the contract or we increase the limit
Within 2 years of you entering into the contract or the limit Within 7 business days
is increased
After 2 years of you entering into the contract or the limit Within 21 business days
is increased

When don’t we have to give you the written assessment?

We don’t have to give you a copy of the written assessment if we decline your application, or we don’t proceed with lending to
you or increasing your limit.

What if you’ve got a complaint?

Please let us know and we'll do our best to resolve your complaint efficiently, honestly and fairly to your satisfaction.
You can contact us:
• through a branch; or
• by calling 1300 308 188 (toll free) or +61 2 9005 8181 (from overseas, you may be charged by the telephone provider); or
• if you are hearing impaired, by calling 133 677 and asking for 1300 308 188; or
• if you are a speak and listen (speech to speech relay) user, by calling 1300 555 727 and asking for 1300 308 188; or
• by emailing our Customer Relations Team at [email protected] or by mail at HSBC Bank Australia
Limited, Tower 1 International Towers Sydney, 100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Please refer to clause 60 (‘Complaints, Disputed Transactions and Investigations’) of the Personal Banking Booklet for
more details.

If you’re unsatisfied with our resolution or our complaints process, you may contact the Australian Financial Complaints
Authority (AFCA). This is a free service established to provide you with an independent mechanism to resolve specific
complaints. AFCA can be contacted by mail: GPO Box 3 MELBOURNE VIC 3001; by phone 1800 931 678; by email at
[email protected]; and online at

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