Paper 1
Paper 1
Paper 1
A facile thermal treatment route was for the first time used to successfully synthesize
amorphous silica nanoparticles. Various techniques were employed to study the structural,
phase and elemental composition of the material at different calcination temperature
between 500750oC. The XRD analysis confirms the formation silica to be in an
amorphous state and further revealed that the material remained in amorphous state even
when calcined at 750oC. The FTIR spectra shows that the calcination process has enable
the removal of organic source from PVP and formation of amorphous silica nanoparticles.
The average particle size of the material estimated from the TEM images shows that the
particle were <10nm. The optical absorbance exhibited in the UV region reveals
amorphous silica nanoparticles possess a wide band gap ranging from 3.8034.126 eV
calcined between 500 to 750 oC. The EDX analysis has confirmed the presence of Si and
O as the only elements in the material formed, which implies thermal treatment method is
effective for the synthesis of amorphous silica nanoparticles.
1. Introduction
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Several procedures and methods have been reported on the synthesis of ASN with the aim of its
improving the chemical and physical features. Such methods include sol-gel technique [5], spray
pyrolysis [6], hydrothermal growth [7] and micro wave assisted method [8]. However, most of
these methods are difficult to apply on large scale production due to the complicated procedure,
high temperature involved, and longer period of reaction, toxic chemical reagent and harmful by
product release to the environment at the end of the experiments [9].
The present study synthesized ASN by simple thermal treatment method from an aqueous
solution containing silicon tetraacetate, PVP Poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) and deionizes water only [9,
10]. The influence of calcination temperature on the structural and optical property have been
studied and discussed in details.
2. Experimental
2.1 Materials
Silicon tetraacetate reagent 𝑆𝑖(𝑂𝐶𝑂𝐶𝐻3 )4(Mw = 264.26 g/mol), was purchased from
sigma Aldrich and used as metallic precursors, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP M w = 29000 g/mol)
was also purchased from sigma Aldrich which served as capping agent, hence reduce
agglomeration and stabilize the nanoparticles. Deionized water served as solvent. All chemicals
used were more than 99% purity and used without any further purification
2.2 Procedure
A solution of PVP was made by dissolving 3 g of PVP in 100 ml of deionized water and
continuously stirred using magnetic stirrer for 2h, until no precipitate formed. Later 0.2 mmol of
𝑆𝑖(𝑂𝐶𝑂𝐶𝐻3 )4was added and stirred continuously for another 2 h, little. The solution was
transferred into a clean petri dish and dried in an oven for 24 h at 80 oC. The resulting solid gel
was grinded in a sterilized mortal into powder form. The powder was placed into crucible boat and
calcinated in a box furnace at 500 oC, 550 oC, 600 oC, 650 oC, 700 oC, and 750 oC, with constant
holding time 3 h to decompose PVP and produce ASN.
2.3 Characterization
The synthesized ASN were characterized by several techniques such as, FT-IR, EDX,
XRD, TEM, FESEM and UV-vis. The precursor before calcination was characterized by TGA
analysis. The bond formation and functional group of ASN has been studied by infrared spectra
(FT-IR Perkin Elmer model 1650). The structural behaviour of the ASN was examine by X-ray
diffraction (XRD Shimadzu model 6000 using Cu kα (0.154 nm) as a radiation source to generate
diffraction patterns from the sample at ambient temperature in 2θ within the range of 20-80°. The
elemental composition was examined using Field electron scanning microscopy (FESEM) (JEOL
JSM-7600F) equipped with EDX. The particle size and distribution were examine by
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (JEOL TEM model 2010F UHR) with an accelerating
voltage of 200 kN. The optical properties were determined by UV-vis spectrometer (Shimadzu
model UV-3600) at room temperature in the range of 200-800 nm.
temperature approached 486 °C. At that instance, there was complete decomposition of PVP, thus
leaving behind only a residue of SiO2.
The FT-IR offers vital evidence on the vibrational frequencies of functional groups and
network structures of a certain material. A certain vibration frequency range can be ascribed to a
bond type, as specific frequencies are absorbed by the molecules of the materials which are
characteristic of their structure. Frequency of the absorbed radiation is attributed to the frequency
of the bond or group that vibrates. In this work, the ASN were examined for the interface between
the formation of the compound and the polymer (PVP) matrix at different calcination temperatures
by the FT-IR.
The analysis of the precursor at room temperature before calcination was conducted, to
observe the organic and inorganic behaviour of the material prior to calcination, as well as after
calcination. The analysis was conducted within the range of 280-400 cm-1 as being shown by the
FTIR spectra in Figure 3, and Table 1 respectively.
The availability of peaks in the precursor before calcination shown in Figure 3, beyond
1000 cm-1 indicates the existence of organic source coming from the PVP. The C-N stretching
vibration peak was observed at 1269 cm-1. The peak appeared at 1431 cm-1 was attributed to C-H
bending vibrations originated from methylene group. The band at 1649 cm-1 was due to N-H
stretching vibration and the two different bands at 2951 cm-1 and 3457 cm-1 observed was assigned
to C-H stretching and N-H stretching vibration respectively. The peak 1045 cm-1 was observed to
be OH group Si-O bending vibration and Si-O bond vibration was observed at 564 and 689 cm-1
The FT-IR spectra of reveals the removal PVP and the effect of the calcination
temperature on bond formation of ASN as shown in Figure 4. The Si-O-Si bending vibration was
observed at 445 cm-1 for the sample calcined at 500-700 °C and shifted to higher wave number of
457 cm-1 when calcine at 750 °C. There were no shifts of peak at 798 cm-1 due to Si-O-Si bond
observed in all the samples calcined. An asymmetric vibration mode of Si-O-Si was exhibited at
1062 cm-1 at all calcination temperature [3, 11]. Band due to water molecules and OH in H-bonded
water where observed respectively between 500-600 °C. The FT-IR analysis revealed the bonds
related to SiO2 and further confirm the formation of SiO2 as shown in the EDX result.
Fig. 4: FT-IR spectra of ASN calcined at various temperatures in the range of 280-4500 cm-1
Fig. 5: XRD patterns for SiO2 precursor before calcination at room temperatures
Upon calcination of the sample between 500-700°C as shown in Figure 6, the samples
behave to be in amorphous state (ASN), as there were no significant peaks. In 2014, Rida and
Harb[12] reported to have produced ASN at the calcination temperature of 650 °C. In the same
vain, an amorphous cobalt doped SiO2 was synthesized between 300-500°C [13]. Nevertheless, in
2014, Musić et al. [14] could not produce crystal phase of SiO2 at 800 oC until the temperature was
elevated to 1000 °C. However, in this work, a peak was observed after calcination at 750 °C at a
position of 2θ=26.56°. The spectrum corresponds to Cristobalite beta high with ICDS collection
code 77401.
Fig. 6: XRD patterns for ASN calcined at temperatures 500, 550, 600, 650, 700 and 750°C.
In this work, the particles size of ASN ranges from 6.28 nm to 9.60 nm as the temperature
varies from 500 to 750 °C shown in Table 2 and Fig 7. The images seems to be <10 nm at the
entire calcination temperatures and obtained the smallest particle size at the temperature of 500 °C
and the particles size reluctantly increases with the increasing in temperature. This implies that
thermal treatment method was for the first time used to prepare amorphous silica nanoparticles
with less than 10 nm particle size.
Where 𝐴 is a constant, the photon energy is denoted by ℎ𝑣 and 𝐸𝑔 is the optical energy band. As
shown in Figure 9 we have plotted the characteristics (∝ ℎ𝑣)2 versus ℎ𝑣 values, where the optical
band gap of the material was determined by simply extrapolating the linear region to where
(∝ ℎ𝑣)2 tends to zero.
Fig. 9: Plot of the (∝ ℎ𝑣)2 as function of photon energy of ASN calcined at various temperatures
Table 2: The average particle size of ASN measured by TEM and comparison of the
band gap energy for samples calcined at various temperatures
The optical band gap was found to be 3.803, 3.965, 4.000, 4.096, 4.126 and 4.352 eV
respectively as the calcination temperature was increase from 500 to 750°C. Figure 10 gives the
relationship between the optical bandgap and the calcination temperature.
4. Conclusions
A simple thermal treatment method was successfully applied to synthesize ASN. The FT-
IR confirmed the bond formation after calcination which reveals the presence of SiO 2 bond and
also completes the disappearance of PVP in the sample. The XRD result reveals the sample to be
ASN at all calcination. A wide band gap energy observed in the material was attributed to the
absorption exhibited in the UV region.
The researchers gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this study from the
Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and Universiti Putra Malaysia through the
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) and Inisiatif Putra Berkumpulan (IPB) research
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