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Relationship between active Helicobacter pylori infection and

anemia, iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia: A cross-
sectional study in a sub-Saharan setting
Bertrand B Eyoum Bille* and Laure B Kouitcheu Mabeku†
*Microbiology and Pharmacology Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, Dschang and †Medical Microbiology
Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Key words Abstract

anemia, Cameroon, Helicobacter pylori infection,
Background and Aim: There have been contradictory reports about the association
iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia.
between Helicobacter pylori infection and iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Based on
Accepted for publication 26 June 2022.
the high frequency of H. pylori infection in Cameroon, we have evaluated the fre-
quency of H. pylori infection as the cause of anemia, and IDA among dyspeptic
Correspondence patients in Cameroon.
Laure B Kouitcheu Mabeku, Medical Microbiology Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 842 dyspeptic patients (472 women and
Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Faculty 370 men) in two reference hospitals in Douala-Cameroon. Each participant gave a
of Science, University of Yaoundé I, P.O. Box 812 written consent, and the study was approved by the National Ethical Committee. Ery-
Yaoundé, Cameroon. throid-related indices and markers of iron deficiency (ID) measurement were done for
Email: [email protected] each participant as well as H. pylori detection. Data were analyzed using SSPS statis-
tical package.
Declaration of conflict of interest: The authors Results: The prevalence of anemia, ID, IDA, and H. pylori infection was 65.08%,
declare that they have no competing interests. 31.47%, 25.65%, and 80.88%, respectively. H. pylori infected individuals had a sig-
nificantly lower mean value of hemoglobin (P = 0.01), hematocrit (P = 0.04), ferritin
(P = 0.03) and coefficient of transferrin saturation (CTS) levels (P = 0.04) and a sig-
nificantly higher mean value of mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
(P = 0.02). Compared with H. pylori non-infected participants, H. pylori infected
patients were 1.2938 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9087–1.8421), 1.1851 (95%
CI: 0.8122–1.7292), and 1.5636 (95% CI: 1.0206–2.3953) times at higher risk to
develop anemia, ID, and IDA, respectively. A significant relationship was found
between H. pylori infection and IDA (P = 0.04 and 0.04 for crude and age/sex-
adjusted, respectively).
Conclusion: H. pylori infection seems to be associated with anemia, and IDA among
dyspeptic patients in our milieu.

sources of occult bleeding like celiac disease.4,5 Celiac disease
Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common nutritional disorder in results in malabsorption of iron and is a well-described cause of
the world, and it is estimated that at least 500 million people IDA, especially among persons from Northern Europe,4 where
have iron deficiency anemia (IDA) worldwide.1 It is a global 2–3% patients with IDA have celiac disease.6 Despite this endo-
public health problem affecting both developing and developed scopic evaluation, approximately 35% of IDA cases remain with-
countries, with major consequences for human health as well as out a clear cause.7,8
social and economic development. The causes of ID anemia Multiple studies on the association between Helicobacter
include inadequate iron intake, chronic blood loss, and impaired pylori (H. pylori) infection and IDA have been documented.4,5
iron absorption. Blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract is the H. pylori is a gram-negative pathogen that is widespread all over
most common cause of ID in men and postmenopausal the world, infecting more than 50% of the world’s population,
women.2,3 Existing practice guidelines recommend that the upper with a predominant distribution in developing countries (up to
and lower gastrointestinal tract be evaluated in patients with con- 80%) compared with industrialized ones (20–50%).9 H. pylori is
firmed IDA to exclude lesions that can cause chronic gastrointes- etiologically associated with several important upper gastrointes-
tinal blood loss such as carcinoma, large adenomas, severe tinal tract conditions, including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer dis-
mucosal erosions, ulcer disease, and vascular lesions or other ease, atrophic gastritis, mucosa-associated-lymphatic tissue

554 JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

(MALT-lymphoma), and gastric adenocarcinoma. The mecha- upper endoscopy with normal EGD and colonoscopy (which did
nisms by which H. pylori may produce IDA such as to impair not show gastrointestinal blood loss) in the Gastroenterology
iron uptake and increase iron loss have been documented.10,11 Department of the selected health centers were enrolled in this
Peptic ulcer disease and malignancies caused by H. pylori infec- study. We employed a consecutive sampling for data collection,
tion can lead to gastrointestinal blood loss and eventually to requesting consent from all volunteer patients in the selected
IDA.4,5 However, patients infected with H. pylori mostly have health facilities who fulfilled the eligibility criteria for the study
chronic gastritis, which is not associated with gastrointestinal during the study period. Were excluded from the study: (i)
bleeding.12 Although gastritis is not associated with gastrointesti- patients who have taken antibiotics 2 weeks before performing
nal blood loss, it may lead to chronic atrophic gastritis, which is the gastroscopy or proton pump inhibitors (PPI) 6 weeks before;
associated with hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria.13 Because gas- (ii) patients who frequently use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
tric acid is critical for the absorption of iron, atrophic gastritis drugs (NSAIDS) or aspirin; (iii) those in other conditions that
can cause malabsorption of iron and IDA.13 cause anemia or interfere with erythropoiesis including malig-
Meta-analyses showed that H. pylori eradication combined nancy, hematological diseases, celiac disease, chronic diseases
with iron administration was more effective than iron administra- (chronic renal failure, chronic liver disease, severe cardiac and
tion alone for the treatment of IDA.14,15 Such observation may respiratory disease); (iv) pregnant and breastfeeding women; (v)
justify the recommendation of The British Society of Gastroen- women with heavy menstrual flow and/or metrorrhagia; (vi)
terology, which persistently insist on H. pylori eradication patients with obvious blood loss (melena, hematochezia, hematu-
in patients with IDA and normal colonoscopy or ria, recurrent epistaxis); and (vii) non-cooperative patients.
esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) (Grade of recommendation,
C),4 and that of the Maastricht IV Consensus on the management
of H. pylori infection, which recommends testing and treatment Variables. From the subjects, the following information were
for H. pylori infection in patients with unexplained IDA.16 requested: age, sex, personal medical history (history of malig-
Recent local and regional estimates show a considerable nancy, hematological diseases, chronic renal failure, chronic liver
prevalence of H. pylori infection in Cameroon. The prevalence disease, severe cardiac disease, respiratory disease), medication
of H. pylori infection in the Littoral region was 64.34%,9 60% in history including current and regular use of antibiotics, PPI, med-
Western region,17 and 64.74% in the Centre region.18 ication, which lead to hemostasis failure such as NSAIDs or aspi-
Despite this high prevalence of H. pylori infection in Cam- rin in a structural questionnaire. For all participants, direct
eroon, its role in peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal malignancies, inquiry about blood loss symptoms, such as melena, hem-
which can bleed and eventually lead to IDA, there is lack of pub- atochezia, hematuria, intestinal worm or hematophagous para-
lished reports focused on ID and anemia status in relation to H. sites, and recurrent epistaxis, was done by a resident physician.
pylori infection or data on the frequency of H. pylori infection as Endoscopic evaluation of the upper and lower gastrointestinal
the cause of IDA in the country. tract for all the recruited patients was also performed by a resi-
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to explore the dent gastroenterologist during the EGD examination in order to
relationship between H. pylori infection and anemia, ID, and identify a source of chronic gastrointestinal blood loss.4,5 The
IDA among dyspeptic patients living in the Littoral region of clinical sign evocative of gastrointestinal blood loss included
Cameroon, an area with high prevalence for H. pylori infection. masses, ulcerations, villous blunting of the small bowel mucosa
The choice of the use of endoscopy with rapid test urease suggestive of celiac disease, colitis, vascular ectasia or arteriove-
as H. pylori diagnostic method in this study is hinged on the nous malformation, inflammatory polyps, or large bleeding hem-
detection of active infection with this pathogen and its probable orrhoids. Endoscopic indications were recorded, and only
link to anemia and iron depletion instead of serological testing, patients with normal EGD and colonoscopy that did not show
which does not indicate a current infection and only shows expo- any sign of gastrointestinal blood loss were included in the
sure to these bacteria. Endoscopic evaluation was performed with study.
the view to exclude patients with blood loss from the gastrointes- Gastric biopsies were collected from all the enrolled dys-
tinal tract, a common cause of anemia and ID. On the other hand, peptic patients for H. pylori screening using the rapid urease test.
our sample population included participants older than 15 years The blood sample was also collected from each patient for
old and both sex in place of children or only women in reproduc- complete blood cell counts and for the determination of ferritin
tive age who have a relatively high iron requirement respectively level, serum iron level, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), and
to meet the demands of growth and menstrual blood loss,19,20 coefficient of transferrin saturation (CTS). The obtained value for
making it difficult to determine whether H. pylori is the cause of all these parameters was compared in both groups of patients
IDA or whether this organism is just a bystander. according to H. pylori status. Anemia was defined according to
the World Health Organization (WHO) sex-based criteria, that is,
Methods hemoglobin level of <13 g/dL (130 g/L) in men and <12 g/dL
(120 g/L) in women.21
Selection of subjects. This study took place in two refer- IDA was defined according to the Guidelines and Proto-
ence health facilities in the Littoral region of Cameroon; the cols Advisory Committee British Columbia,22 which considered
Laquintinie Hospital and the General Hospital all in Douala IDA in the following case: (i) anemia combined with ferritin
metropolis from August 2014 to December 2016. All 15 years or <20 ng/mL in women and <30 ng/mL in men; (ii) anemia com-
older patients complaining of epigastric pain, epigastric burning, bined with serum iron concentration below 10 μmol/L and CTS
abdominal bloating, or nausea/vomiting and who have undergone <0.15; (iii) microcytosis together with hypochromia.

JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568 555
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku

Samples collection and analysis. During EGD exami- used to determine the corresponding concentration of ferritin
nations (FOGD), biopsy samples from the antrum, the fundus, from the standards curve obtained with the reference standard set
and the angulus of the small gastric curvature were collected and provided with the kit. The minimum sensitivity of the test was
analyzed for H. pylori detection using the rapid urease test. 5.0 ng/mL and its specificity was 98.5%. Ferritin level <20 ng/
About 5 mL of venous blood were collected from each mL in women and <30 ng/mL in men was considered as ferritin
subject, then 2.5 mL of it was transferred into a tube containing deficient or decreased ferritin level, while those >100 ng/mL
K3-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (K3-EDTA) for complete were considered as high.
blood counts determination (hemoglobin level, hematocrit, red
blood cell count, mean corpuscular volume [MCV], mean cor- Serum iron dosage. Serum iron was detected using Fer-
puscular hemoglobin [MCH], mean corpuscular hemoglobin con- rimat-Kit (Biomerieux, France). This kit test allows colorimetric
centration [MCHC]). The remaining 2.5 mL of the blood was determination of iron in human serum and plasma without
emptied into disposable clean test tubes, and used for serum iron deproteinization, in an acid medium, and in the presence of gua-
levels, ferritin concentration, and TIBC determination. nidine, using hydroxylamine as a reducing agent and FerroZine
as indicator. In the test mixture, guanidine hydrochloride dena-
Determination of H. pylori status. Biopsy samples were tures the carrier protein, hydroxylamine reduces ferric iron to fer-
analyzed for H. pylori detection using the rapid urease test com- rous iron, which is then chelated with FerroZine to give a
mercial kit HelicotecUT®Plus (Strong Biotech Corporation, Tai- magenta-colored complex. The intensity of the coloration is pro-
pei, Taiwan). The specimens were placed on the test disc portional to the amount of iron present in the sample. The test
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, and the results sensitivity in terms of detection limit was equal to 4 μmol/L or
were read at 5–30 min and 1 h later. The change in the color of 0.22 mg/L or 0.23 μg/dL. Ferrimat-Kit was used following man-
the edge of the disc test from yellow to red was considered as a ufacturer’s procedure. The working solution was prepared by
positive result. emptying the content of reagent 2 (guanidine) into reagent 3
(color reagent) and was gently mixed. Reagent 1 was a standard.
Complete blood cells counts. The complete blood cells Sterile plastic tubes were labeled; blank, standard blank, stan-
counts were measured using an automated electronic counter dard, sample blank, and sample, respectively. The working solu-
(ABX Pentra XL 80 PLC, HORIBA ABX.SAS, France) in blood tion (1 mL) was put in each tube, and 200 μL of the standard
samples collected in K3-EDTA tube. Anemia was defined as a was put in the tubes labeled standard blank and standard. The
hemoglobin level of <130 g/L in men and <120 g/L in women.21 sample (200 μL) was put in the tubes labeled sample blank and
Patients with anemia were further divided into three groups sample. One drop of reagent 3 was put in the tubes labeled sam-
according to the severity of anemia: mild anemia (110 g/ ple and standard. The tubes were vortexed for 1 mn and kept for
L ≤ hemoglobin < 119 g/L for women and 110 ≤ hemoglobin < 10 mn for the reaction to take place, the absorbance was read at
129 g/L for men); moderate anemia (hemoglobin <110 g/L for 562 nm, and the iron concentration was calculated using the fol-
men and women); and severe anemia (hemoglobin <80 g/L). lowing formula:
Other erythroid-related indices such as hematocrit, red blood cell
count, MCV, MCH, and MCHC were also recorded, and patients Sample concentration ¼
were then divided according to reference range value of these
½ðAbs of sample – Abs of sample blankÞ=
indices into the following type of anemia: normocytic anemia
ðAbs of standard – Abs standard blankÞ
(80 ≤ MCV ≤ 100 fl), microcytic anemia (MCV <80 fl), macro-
 n:n : concentration of standard:
cytic anemia (MCV >100 fl), hypochromic anemia (MCHC
<320 pg), and normochromic anemia (320 ≤ MCHC ≤ 360 pg).23
Serum iron concentrations below 10 μmol/L were consid-
ered as low serum iron or decreased serum iron level, those
Ferritin dosage. Serum ferritin concentration was evacuated
between 10–30 μmol/L as normal, and those above 30 μmol/L
using AccuDiag™ ferritin ELISA kit (Diagnostic Automation/
as high.
Cortez Diagnostics. Inc., USA). The ferritin quantitative test kit
is based on a solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
The assay system utilizes one anti-ferritin antibody for solid- TIBC determination. The TIBC was evaluated after satura-
phase immobilization and another mouse monoclonal anti-ferritin tion of transferrin by an iron solution and absorption of the
antibody in the antibody–enzyme (horseradish peroxidase) conju- excess iron on magnesium hydroxycarbonate. The determination
gate solution. The test sample was allowed to react simulta- of iron bound to transferrin is then performed using Ferrimat-Kit
neously with antibodies, resulting in the ferritin molecules being as described above. The test sensitivity in terms of detection limit
sandwiched between the solid-phase and enzyme-linked anti- was equal to 0.54 μmol/L or 0.03 mg/L or 3.0 μg/dL. TIBC
bodies. After a 60-min incubation at room temperature, the wells (μmol/L) normal value was between 40 and 80 μM, and a TIBC
were washed with water to remove unbound labeled antibodies. value above 80 μM was considered as high TIBC or increased
A solution of TMB was added and incubated for 20 min, TIBC value.24
resulting in the development of a blue color. The color develop-
ment was stopped with the addition of 2 N HCl, and the color Percent of transferrin saturation and CTS deter-
was changed to yellow and measured at 450 nm. The concentra- mination. The CTS and the percent of transferrin saturation
tion of ferritin was directly proportional to the color intensity of were calculated from the TIBC and serum iron concentration as
the test sample. The absorbance value of each test sample was follows:

556 JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

Percent of transferrin saturation ¼ ½Serum iron ðμmol=LÞ=TIBC symptoms or endoscopic indications of gastrointestinal blood
 100, loss (n = 142) were excluded, resulting in a final sample of 842
CTS ¼ Serum iron ðμmol=LÞ=TIBC ðμmol=LÞ: subjects (Fig. 1). Of the 842 subjects, 472 (56.06%) were women
and 370 (43.94%) were men: their mean age was 44  17 years
CTS normal value was between 20% and 40%.24 CTS and ranged from 15 to 90 years old.
values below 20% were considered as low CTS or decreased
CTS level. Distribution of erythroid-related indices in the
study population. The mean value of hemoglobin level
among our sample population was 11.64  1.429 g/dL (range 6–
Statistical analysis. Statistical analyses were performed
17 g/dL). Hemoglobin level less than 12 g/dL in men and less
using Statistical Package for SPSS (Windows version 19.0). Con-
than 13 g/dL in women was detected in 548 participants, giving
tinuous variables were expressed as mean  SD. Categorical var-
an overall prevalence of anemia of 65.08% (548/842) in our sam-
iables were expressed as n (%). The Fisher exact test or chi-
ple population. Participants in the age groups less than 20 years
square test was used for the analysis of categorical variables and
old and those above 61 years old with an approximate prevalence
the Student t-test was used for the analysis of continuous vari-
of 70% were most affected by anemia compared with those of
ables. Multivariable logistic regression was used to calculate the
the other age groups, but the difference was not significant
odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) on the
(χ 2 = 4.224, P = 0.51). As far as gender is concerned, men were
association between H. pylori infection and anemia, ID, and
significantly more affected than women (P < 0.0001); anemia
IDA. A probability value of <0.05 was considered statistically
was detected in 80.54% of men versus 52.97% for women
(Table 1).
Regarding the intensity of anemia, mild, moderate, and
Results severe anemia was detected respectively among 44.77% (377/
842), 19.24 (162/842), and 1.06% (9/842) of our sample popula-
Characteristics of the study population. This study tion. Men were the predominant gender among any degree of
included 1465 consecutive dyspeptic subjects who underwent anemia (χ 2 = 70.231, P < 0.0001). Also, mild anemia was seen
upper endoscopy in the Gastroenterology Department of the mostly in participants aged less than 20 and those in the age
selected health facilities. Those having a history of antibiotics, group of 41–50 years old, moderate in those aged above
PPI, NSAIDs, or aspirin consumption (n = 323), those with a 61 years, and severe in the age group 31–40 (χ 2 = 5.310,
history of chronic diseases (n = 158), and those with blood loss P = 0.42) (Table 1).

Initially enrolled subjects in the

Initially enrolled subjects in the
endoscopy department (HGD)
endoscopy department (HLD)
(n = 300)
(n = 1165)

Initially enrolled subjects

(dyspeptic patients who accepted
to participate in the study)
(n = 1465)

Patients with medication history (current

and regular use of antibiotics, proton pump
inhibitors, NSAIDs or aspirin)
Patients with medical (n = 323 )
history of chronic disease
(n = 158) Patients with clinical signs of blood
loss or endoscopic indications of
gastrointestinal blood loss
(n = 142)

Patients included
(n = 842)

Figure 1 Sketch outlining the selection of our sample population

JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568 557
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku


397 (84.11)
323 (87.30)

36 (83.72)
136 (82.93)
156 (87.15)
115 (83.94)
136 (86.07)
141 (87.58)
Examining the type of anemia, microcytic anemia was

n = 720
detected in 14.49% (122/842) and normocytic anemia in 85.51%
of participants. No case of macrocytic anemia was seen. Women

and men were closely affected, 15.89% versus 12.70% for micro-
cytosis and 84.1% versus 87.30% for normocytosis (P = 0.19).
Participants aged less than 30 years old had the highest preva-

2.251 (0.813)
75 (15.89)
47 (12.70)

7 (16.28)
28 (17.07)
23 (12.85)
22 (16.06)
22 (13.92)
20 (12.42)
lence of microcytosis, while those aged above 51 years were
n = 122

found to have the highest prevalence of normocytosis

(P = 0.81). Hypochromic and normochromic anemia was
detected in 27.67% (233/842) and 72.33% (609/842) of partici-
pants, respectively. Men were slightly most affected by hypo-
chromic anemia (29.46% compared with 26.27%) and women by
348 (73.73)
261 (70.54)

34 (79.07)
114 (69.51)
133 (74.30)
92 (67.15)
116 (74.42)
120 (74.53)

normochromic anemia (73.73% compared with 70.54%). But the

n = 609

difference was not significant (P = 0.30). Participants in the age


group of less than 20 years old had the highest prevalence of

hypochromic anemia and the lowest prevalence of normochromic
anemia (P = 0.50) (Table 1).
Type of anemia

4.292 (0.508)
124 (26.27)
109 (29.46)

9 (20.93)
50 (30.49)
46 (25.70)
45 (32.85)
42 (26.58)
41 (25.46)
n = 233

Distribution of markers of ID in the study popula-

tion. The prevalence of iron parameters in the population was
as follows (Table 2). The mean value of serum iron concentration
among our sample population was 16.28  5.63 μmol/L (range
6.08–40 μmol/L). When taking the threshold value for normal
3 (0.63)
6 (1.62)

0 (0.00)
0 (0.00)
4 (2.23)
1 (0.73)
2 (1.26)
2 (1.24)

serum iron concentration (10–30 μmol/L), we noticed that 9.74%

(82/842) of the participants had a decreased serum iron level.
According to gender, decreased serum iron level rate of 9.96%
(47/472) in women and 9.46% (35/370) in men was seen
(χ 2 = 3.720, P = 0.15). Concerning age, the lowest rate of
77 (16.31)
85 (22.97)

8 (18.60)
36 (21.95)
36 (20.11)
19 (13.87)
27 (17.09)
36 (23.36)
n = 162

decreased serum iron level (2.32%) was recorded among partici-

70.231 (0.000)*

pants aged less than 20 years old, and the rate ranged from 8.69
to 11.73% in the other age groups. But the differences were not
Intensity of anemia

significant (χ 2 = 12.893, P = 0.22).

15.310 (0.429)

The mean value of TIBC among our sample population

170 (36.02)
207 (55.94)

22 (51.16)
62 (37.80)
77 (43.02)
71 (51.82)
71 (44.93)
74 (45.96)

N, n, Number; Hypochro, hypochromic; Normochro, normochromic; χ 2, chi-square.

was 57.858  15.958 μmol/L (range 31.64 to 99.9 μmol/L).

n = 377

TIBC increased level was seen in 48.69% (410/842) of partici-


pants. Men (47.84%) and women (49.36%) were similarly con-

cerned with TIBC increased level (X2 = 3.947, P = 0.13).
Nearly similar rate of TIBC increased level was recorded
according to age of participant (X2 = 4.936, P = 0.89).
222 (47.03)
72 (19.46)

13 (30.23)
66 (40.24)
62 (34.64)
46 (33.58)
58 (36.71)
49 (30.44)

The mean value of CST among our sample population

n = 294

was 21.70  7.09% (range 2.00–45.00%). Decreased CST

Erythroid-related indices in the study population


level was detected in 44.89% (378/842) of participants. A rela-

tively similar rate of decreased CST level was seen in men
(47.30%) and women (43.01%) (χ 2 = 1.680, P = 0.43). As
Anemia status

4.224 (0.517)
250 (52.97)
298 (80.54)

30 (69.77)
98 (59.76)
117 (65.36)
91 (66.42)
100 (63.29)
112 (69.56)

age is concerned, a lower rate of decreased CST level

n = 548

(38.41%) was seen in the age group of 21–30 years compared

with the other age groups. However, the difference was not
significant compared with the corresponding peer groups
(χ 2 = 8.489, P = 0.58).
The mean value of ferritin concentration among our sam-
ple population was 57.57  37.11 ng/mL (range 10.00–


221.00 ng/mL). Decreased ferritin level was seen in 26.65%

(216/842) of participants. A significantly higher rate of decreased
ferritin level was seen in men compared with women (41.89% in
men vs 12.92% in women, χ 2 = 96.977, P < 0.0001). Partici-
χ 2 (P value)

χ 2 (P value)
Age (years)

pants in the age group less than 20 years (39.53%) were more
Table 1





represented among subjects with decreased ferritin level. But the


difference was non-significant (χ 2 = 15.301, P = 0.12).

558 JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

H. Pylori infection and erythroid-related indices in positive individuals, rates of 78.05%, 82.44%, 83.86%, and
the study population. The prevalence of H. pylori in the 81.95% were recorded respectively among participants with
study population was 80.88% (681/842): 80.51% (380/472) reduced level of serum iron, increased level of TIBC, reduced
among women and 81.35% (301/370) among men, but the differ- level of CST, and reduced level of ferritin compared with
ence was not significant (P = 0.75). The rate of H. pylori infec- 21.95%, 17.56%, 16.14%, and 18.05% recorded in H. pylori neg-
tion with age was relatively constant with increasing age from ative individuals. However, statistical analysis did not reveal any
less than 20 years to more than 61 years, and the difference was significant difference compared with other corresponding levels
non-significant (χ 2 = 8.381, P = 0.13) (Table 3). for each evaluated iron parameter (P = 0.14, 0.35, 0.09, and
The prevalence of anemia in the H. pylori positive group 0.33, respectively) (Table 6).
was higher than that in the negative group (82.30 [451] vs A non-significantly lower mean value of serum iron con-
17.70% [97]), even if the difference was not significant centration (15.94  0.194 vs 16.57  0.4737 μmol/L, P = 0.17)
(P = 0.15). In addition, H. pylori infected individuals compared and a non-significantly higher level of TIBC (76.19  0.5992 vs
with H pylori uninfected ones had a significantly lower mean 74.5  1.347 μmol/L, P = 0.23) were detected in the H. pylori
value of hemoglobin concentration (11.45  0.048 vs positive group compared with the H. pylori negative group
11.74  0.125 g/dL, t = 2.485, P = 0.01) and hematocrit (Table 5). However, a significantly lower mean value of ferritin
(35.82  0.122 vs 36.68  0.317%, t = 2.9, P = 0.04) and a and CST level was detected in H. pylori infected participants
marginal lower value of red blood cell count (4.273  0.020 vs compared with uninfected ones. The mean value of ferritin con-
4.363  0.520 109/l, t = 1.863, P = 0.06). centration was 55.75  1.334 ng/mL in the H. pylori positive
The strength of the association of H. pylori infection and group and 62.43  2.959 ng/mL in the H. pylori negative group
anemia was analyzed by determining the OR and the (t = 2.143, P = 0.03); the mean value of CST 21.32  0.2498%
corresponding 95% CI value. Our results show that compared was obtained in the H. pylori infected group vs
with H. pylori negative patients, the OR of H. pylori status on 22.57  0.5981% in the uninfected ones (t = 2.099, P = 0.03)
anemia’s prevalence was 1.2938 (95% CI: 0.9087–1.8421; (Table 5).
P = 0.15). We also adjusted for age and sex in the logistic The crude OR of H. pylori status on reduced level of
regression, and similar results were noticed (OR: 1.2907, 95% serum iron, reduced level of CST, and reduced level of ferritin
CI: 0.8912–1.8693, P = 0.17) (Table 4). prevalence were 0.8240 (95% CI: 0.4737–1.4335), 1.4277 (95%
As far as the degree of anemia is concerned; mild, moder- CI: 1.0038–2.0305), and 1.0986 (95% CI: 0.7370–1.6375),
ate, and severe anemia was detected respectively among 82.76%, respectively. Similar trend on age and sex-adjusted OR was
82.72%, and 55.55% of infected subjects compared with17.24%, observed: 0.8482 (95% CI: 0.4871–1.4768), 1.4188 (95% CI:
17.28%, and 44.45% in non-infected ones, but the difference was 0.9967–2.0196), and 1.0513 (95% CI: 0.6881–1.6062), respec-
not significant (χ 2 = 6.279, P = 0.09) (Table 3). Our results also tively (Table 7).
show an OR of 1.2488 (95% CI: 0.8808–1.7704) for mild ane-
mia and 1.1636 (95% CI: 0.7426–1.8234) for moderate anemia Effect of H. pylori status on ID and IDA. Of 842
in the H. pylori positive group compared with H. pylori negative patients enrolled, 265 patients had ID, giving a prevalence of ID
ones. This positive relationship persist even after adjusting with of 31.47% (265/842) in our sample population. When adjusted
potential confounders (1.2339 [95% CI: 0.8637–1.7628]) and with socio-demographic factors, we found a significant relation-
(1.1595 [95% CI: 0.7383–1.8211]) respectively (Table 4). ship between the prevalence of ID and the gender of participants,
Regarding the type of anemia, hypochromic anemia, as with a peak of prevalence in men than in women (45.13% in
well as microcytic anemia, was commonly found among H. men compared with 20.76% in women, P < 0.0001). Regarding
pylori infected individuals compared with non-infected ones. But age, a slightly higher prevalence of ID (39.53%) was detected
the difference was not significant (P = 0.07 and 0.40 for hypo- among participants in the age group less than 20 years. But the
chromia and microcytosis, respectively). Concerning the mean difference was non-significant (χ 2 = 8.7669, P = 0.11)
value of other erythroid-related indices, a higher mean value of (Table 2).
MCHC (32.82  0.084 vs 32.23  0.158 pg) with a significant When examining the prevalence of ID with respect to H.
difference (t = 3.121, P = 0.02), while a lower mean value of pylori status, we found that, of the 265 patients with ID, 219
MCV (82.81  0.192 vs 83.49  0.462 fl) but with no signifi- (82.64%) were H. pylori positive and 46 (17.36%) were negative,
cant difference (t = 1.501, P = 0.13) was noticed in H. pylori whereas among patients without ID, 80.07% vs 19.93% were H.
positive groups versus negative ones (Table 5). The strength of pylori infected. This difference was not significant (P = 0.37).
the association between H. pylori infection and the type of ane- The OR of H. pylori infection on the prevalence of ID was
mia shows an OR of 1.3659 (95% CI: 0.9433–1.9779) and 1.1851 (95% CI: 0.8122–1.7292) and 1.1620 (95% CI: 0.7854–
1.2419 (95% CI: 0.7432–2.0752) for hypochromic and micro- 1.7191) after adjusted with confounding factors (Table 7).
cytic anemia respectively among H. pylori infected patients com- Of the overall recruited participants, 216 were diagnosed
pared with uninfected ones. This relation persists even when with IDA, given the IDA prevalence of 25.65% (216/842) in our
adjusted with confounding factors such as age and sex (1.3555 sample population. Men were significantly more prone to
[95% CI: 0.9351–1.9647]) and (1.2420 [95% CI: 0.7423– develop IDA than women (39.46% vs 14.83%, P < 0.0001).
2.0782]) respectively (Table 4). Also, participants in the age groups less than 20 years old
(30.23%) were more affected by IDA than the other age groups.
Effect of H. pylori status on markers of ID (serum But the difference was non-significant (χ 2 = 5.330, P = 0.37)
iron, TIBC, CST, and ferritin levels). In H. pylori (Table 2).

JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568 559
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
Table 2 Distribution of markers of iron deficiency, iron deficiency, and iron deficiency anemia in the study population

Sex Age (years)

Variable N (%) Women n = 472 Men n = 370 ≤20 n = 43 21–30 n = 164 31–40 n = 179 41–50 n = 137 51–60 n = 158 ≥61 n = 161

Serum iron (μmol/L), mean  SD: 16.28  5.63, range: 6.08–40, median: 5.0
Low level 82 (9.74) 47 (9.96) 35 (9.46) 1 (2.32) 16 (9.76) 21 (11.73) 15 (10.95) 15 (9.49) 14 (8.69)
Normal level 736 (87.41) 407 329 42 144 154 121 134 141
High level 24(2.85) 18 6 0 4 4 1 9 6
χ 2 (P value) 3.720 (0.15) 12.893 (0.22)
TIBC (μmol/L), mean  SD: 57.858  15.958, range 31.64–99.9, median: 80.00
Low level 3 (0.36) 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 0
Normal level 429 (50.95) 239 190 18 90 91 71 80 79
High level 410 (48.69) 233 (49.36) 177 (47.84) 25 (58.14) 73(44.51) 87 (48.60) 66 (48.17) 77 (48.73) 82 (50.93)
χ 2 (P value) 3.947 (0.13) 4.936 (0.89)
CTS (%), mean  SD: 21.70  7.09, range: 2.00–45.00, median: 20.00
Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

Low level 378 (44.89) 203 (43.01) 175 (47.30) 21 (48.84) 63 (38.41) 81 (45.25) 62 (45.25) 71 (44.94) 80 (49.69)
Normal level 443(56.61) 256 187 21 95 95 74 81 77
High level 21(2.49) 13 8 1 6 3 1 6 4
χ 2 (P value) 1.680 (0.43) 8.489 (0.58)
Ferritin (ng/mL), mean  SD: 57.57  37.11, range 10.00–221.00, median: 53.50
Low level 216 (25.65) 61 (12.92) 155 (41.89) 17 (39.53) 50 (30.49) 46 (25.70) 37 (27.01) 30 (18.99) 36 (22.36)
Normal level 524 (61.04) 355 169 22 96 108 85 113 100
High level 102 (12.11) 56 46 4 18 25 15 15 25
χ 2 (P value) 96.977 (P < 0.0001)* 15.301 (0.12)
Iron deficiency
Yes 265 (31.47) 98 (20.76) 167 (45.13) 17 (39.53) 59 (35.97) 60 (33.52) 47 (34.31) 39 (24.68) 43 (26.71)
No 577 (68.53) 374 (79.24) 203 (54.86) 26 (60.47) 105 (64.03) 119 (66.48) 90 (65.69) 119 (75.32) 118 (73.29)
χ 2 (P value) 57.1257 (P < 0.0001)* 8.7669 (0.11)
Iron deficiency anemia
Yes 216 (25.65) 70 (14.83) 146 (39.46) 13 (30.23) 45 (27.44) 49 (23.37) 39 (28.47) 30 (18.99) 40 (24.84)
No 626 (74.35) 402 (85.17) 224 (60.54) 30 (69.77) 119 (72.56) 130 (76.63) 98 (71.53) 128 (81.01) 121 (75.16)
χ 2 (P value) (P < 0.0001)* 5.330 (0.37)

*Bold values are for statistical significant P value.

N, n, Number; SD, standard deviation; χ 2, chi-square.

JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku

© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

Table 3 Anemia-severity-type distribution according to H. pylori status in the study population

Variable Number H. pylori +ve (%) n = 681 H. pylori –ve (%) n = 161 χ 2 value P value

Women 472 380 (80.50) 92 (19.49) 0.75
Men 370 301(81.35) 69 (18.65)
Age (years)
≤20 43 39 (90.70) 4 (9.30) 8.381 0.13
21–30 164 141 (85.97) 23 (14.03)
31–40 179 144 (80.45) 35 (19.55)
41–50 137 111 (81.02) 26 (19.98)
51–60 158 122 (77.21) 36 (22.79)
≥61 161 124 (77.02) 37 (22.98)
Yes 548 451(82.30) 97(17.70) 0.15
No 294 230 (78.23) 64 (21.77)
Intensity of anemia
Mild 377 312 (82.76) 65 (17.24) 6.279 0.09
Moderate 162 134 (82.72) 28 (17.28)
Severe 9 5 (55.55) 4 (44.45)
Hypochromic anemia
Yes 233 180 (77.25) 53 (22.75) 0.07
No 609 501 (82.27) 108 (17.73)
Microcytic anemia
Yes 122 102 (83.61) 20 (16.39) 0.40
No 720 579 (80.42) 141 (19.58)

+ve, positive; ve, negative; χ 2, Chi-square.

Regarding the prevalence of IDA with respect to H. pylori than 61 years (P = 0.13). However, the pattern of age-dependent
status, we noticed a significant difference in H. pylori infection, progression was found in other studies.9,25
between patients with and without IDA (P = 0.04). In fact, The prevalence of anemia in the current study was 65.08%
85.65% versus 14.35% of the patients who had IDA were H. (548/842), which is higher than that obtained in previous studies
pylori positive, while 79.23% versus 20.77% of patients without done in Cameroon and in some countries within Africa. Few
IDA were H. pylori infected. investigations showed that anemia has the greatest burden among
The strength of the association of H. pylori infection and adults or special cohort in Cameroon. Anemia was seen in 39.3%
IDA shows that H. pylori infected patients were 1.5636 times of adults dwelling in urban areas in Cameroon,26 41.4% in a
more subjected to IDA than uninfected patients (OR: 1.5636, cohort of diabetic,27 and 39.8% in pregnant women at an urban
95% CI: 1.0206–2.3953) with a significant difference tertiary hospital.28 In Congo-Brazzaville and Tanzania, a preva-
(P = 0.04). This positive relationship persists even after being lence of 42% in the general population29 and 57% in patients
adjusted with age and sex (OR = 1.5742, 95% CI: 1.0112– with heart failure30 has been reported respectively. However, the
2.4506, P = 0.04) (Table 7). current prevalence of anemia is close to the 64.6% reported by
Mukaya et al. in the emergency setting with prevalent symptoms
of anemia.31
Discussion Regarding the severity of anemia, mild, moderate, and
In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the association between severe anemia were detected respectively among 44.77 (377/
H. pylori infection, anemia, ID, and IDA among dyspeptic 842), 19.24 (162/842), and 1.07% (9/842) of our sample popula-
patients attending two reference health facilities in the Littoral tion. A previous investigation on anemia in Cameroon revealed
region of Cameroon, an area with high prevalence of H. pylori that anemia was mild in 30.5%, moderate in 8.1%, and severe in
infection. Our results showed that anemia has the greatest burden 0.8% among a cohort of 236 participants.26 These findings,
in Cameroon in low-income settings. The prevalence of anemia, coupled with ours, show that the prevalence of anemia decreases
ID, and IDA was 65.08% (548/842), 31.47% (265/842), and with severity in our setting.
25.65% (216/842), respectively, in our sample population. Concerning the type of anemia, the prevalence of micro-
The prevalence of H. pylori in the study population was cytosis, normocytosis, and macrocytosis was 14.49%, 85.51%,
80.88%: 80.51% among women and 81.35% among men. We and 0%, respectively, in our sample population. Regarding red
did not observe any significant difference in relation to gender blood cell color, hypochromia and normochromia were detected
(P = 0.75). Some authors believe that H. pylori infection is more in 27.67% and 73.73% of participants, respectively. The absence
common in male.9,25 The rate of H. pylori infection was rela- of macrocytosis among our anemic population can imply that the
tively constant with increasing age from less than 20 years to less anemia might not be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency32 and the

JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568 561
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku

Table 4 Strength of the association between anemia-severity-type and H. pylori infection in the study population using univariate and multivariate
logistic regression analysis

Univariate logistic regression Multivariate logistic regression

Present Absent
Variable N n (%) n (%) OR (95% CI) P value OR (95% CI) P value

Anemia 548 294

H. pylori status
Yes 681 451(66.23) 230(33.77) 1.2938 (0.9087–1.8421) 0.15 (1.2907 (0.8912–1.8693) 0.1768
No 161 97(60.25) 64(39.75)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 30(69.77) 13 (30.23) 1.2518 (0.6426–2.4386) 0.50 0.7570 (0.3783–1.5148 0.4315
No 799 518 (64.83) 281(35.17)
Female 472 250 (52.97) 222 (47.03) 0.2721 (0.1987–0.3726) <0.0001* 0.2709 (0.1977–0.3713 <0.0001*
Male 370 298 (80.54) 72 (19.46)
Hypochromia 233 (27.67) 609 (72.33)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 180 (26.43) 501 (73.57) 1.3659 (0.9433–1.9779) 0.09 1.3555 (0.9351–1.9647) 0.10
No 161 53 (32.92) 108 (67.08)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 9 (20.93) 34 (79.07) 0.6797 (0.3208–1.4399) 0.31 0.7072 (0.3331–1.5014) 0.36
No 799 224 (28.04) 575 (71.96)
Female 472 124 (26.27) 348 (73.73) 1.1720 (0.8654–1.5873) 0.30 1.1724 (0.8651–1.5890) 0.30
Male 370 109 (29.46) 261 (70.54)
Microcytosis 123 (14.61) 719 (85.39)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 103(15.12) 578(84.88) 1.2419 (0.7432–2.0752) 0.40 1.2420 (0.7423–2.0782) 0.40
No 161 20(12.42) 141(87.58)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 7 (16.28) 36(83.72) 0.8646 (0.3758–1.9896) 0.73 0.8931 (0.3872–2.0602) 0.79
No 799 116(14.52) 683(85.48)
Female 472 76(16.10) 396(83.90) 1.2983 (0.8763–1.9235) 0.19 1.2995 (0.8769–1.9258) 0.19
Male 370 47(12.70) 323(87.30)
Mild anemia 377 (44.77) 465 (55.23)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 312 (82.76) 369 (79.35) 1.2488 (0.8808–1.7704) 0.21 1.2339 (0.8637–1.7628) 0.24
No 161 65 (17.24) 96 (20.65)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 22 (5.84) 21 (4.52) 0.7632 (0.4130–1.4103) 0.38 0.7415 (0.3956–1.3897) 0.35
No 799 355 (94.16) 444 (95.48)
Female 472 170 (45.09) 302 (64.95) 0.4433 (0.3356–0.5855) <0.0001* 0.4418 (0.3343–0.5839) <0.0001*
Male 370 207(54.91) 163 (35.05)
Moderate 162 (19.24) 680 (80.76)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 134 (82.72) 547 (80.44) 1.1636 (0.7426–1.8234) 0.50 1.1595 (0.7383–1.8211) 0.52
No 161 28 (17.28) 133 (19.56)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 8 (4.94) 35 (5.15) 1.0440 (0.4749–2.2954) 0.91 1.0399 (0.4709–2.2965) 0.92
No 799 154 (95.06) 645 (94.85)
Female 472 77 (47.53) 395 (58.09) 0.6536 (0.4634–0.9219) 0.01* 0.6545 (0.4639–0.9233) 0.01*
Male 370 85 (52.47) 285 (41.91)
Severe anemia 9 (1.07) 833 (98.93)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 4 (44.44) 676 (81.15) 0.2903 (0.0771–1.0935) 0.06 0.2960 (0.0784–1.1186) 0.07
No 161 4(44.44) 157 (18.85)


562 JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

Table 4 (Continued)

Univariate logistic regression Multivariate logistic regression

Present Absent
Variable N n (%) n (%) OR (95% CI) P value OR (95% CI) P value

Age ≤20
Yes 43 0 (0.00) 43 (5.16) 64 216.4479 (0.000 > 1.0E12) 0.97 39 458.1756 0.97
No 799 9 (100.00) 790 (94.84) (0.000 > 1.0E12)
Female 472 3 (33.33) 469 (56.30) 0.3881 (0.0964–1.5621) 0.18 0.3857 (0.0955–1.5578) 0.18
Male 370 6 (66.67) 364 (43.70)

*Bold values are for statistical significant P value.

Adjusted OR and 95% CI were calculated by adjusting for the potential confounders, including age, sex.
95% CI, 95% confidence intervals; N, n, number; OR, odds ratio.

Table 5 Mean value + SD of erythroid-related indices and iron parameters according to Helicobacter Pylori status

Variable (n = 842) Mean  SD H. pylori +ve n = 688 H. pylori –ve n = 159 t value P value

HB (g/dL) 11.630  1.429 11.45  0.0478 11.74  0.125 2.485 0.01*

HTC (%) 35 983  3379 35.82  0.122 36.68  0.317 2.9 0.04*
RBC (109/L) 4289  0.555 4.273 0.020 4.363 0.520 1.863 0.06
MCHC (pg) 32 670  2.174 32.82  0.084 32.23  0.159 3.121 0.02*
MCV(fl) 83.088  5293 82.81  0.192 83.49  0.462 1.501 0.13
Serum iron (μmol/L) 16.286  5.63 15.94  0.194 16.57  0.474 1.363 0.17
TIBC (μmol/L) 76.929  15.958 76.19  0.599 74.5  1.347 1.2 0.23
CST (%) 21.702  7.092 21.32  0.249 22.57  0.598 2.099 0.04*
Ferritin (ng/mL) 57.571 + 37.117 55.75  1.334 62.43  2.959 2.143 0.03*

*Bold values are for statistical significant P value.

+ve, positive; ve, negative.
CST, coefficient of transferrin saturation; HB, hemoglobin; HTC, hematocrit; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume;
RBC, red blood cell; SD, standard deviation; TIBC, total iron-binding capacity.

Table 6 Distribution of iron parameters levels according to Helicobacter pylori status

Variable Number H. pylori +ve (%) n = 681 H. pylori –ve (%) n = 161 χ2 P value

Serum iron (μmol/L)

Low level 82 64 (78.05) 18 (21.95) 3.847 0.14
Normal level 736 601 (81.67) 135 (18.33)
High level 24 16 (66.67) 8 (33.33)
TIBC (μmol/L)
Low level 3 310 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 2.0869 0.35
Normal level 429 340 (79.25) 89 (20.75)
High level 410 338 (82.44) 72 (17.56)
CTS (%)
Low level 378 317 (83.86) 61 (16.14) 4.649 (0.09)
Normal level 443 349 (78.78) 94 (21.22)
High level 21 15 (71.43) 6 (28.57)
Ferritin (ng/mL)
Low level 216 177 (81.94) 39 (18.05) 2.199 (0.33)
Normal level 524 427 (81.49) 97 (18.51)
High level 102 77 (75.49) 25 (24.51)

+ve, positive; ve, negative.

CST, coefficient of transferrin saturation; TIBC, total iron-binding capacity.

presence of microcytosis/hypochromia may reflect the prevalence Similarly, high prevalence of ID in children has been described
of ID in this cohort.33 in some African countries: 40% in Tanzania34 and 41% in Nige-
Exploration of ID through serum iron, TIBC, CST, and ria.35 In a study conducted in Nigeria, ID was found to be
ferritin measurements was also investigated. ID and IDA were responsible for 57% of the anemia in 1–15-year-old children.36
found in 31.47% and 25.65% of our sample population. However, the current prevalence of IDA is far higher than the

JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568 563
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
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Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku

Table 7 Strength of the association between iron parameters—iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, and Helicobacter pylori infection in the
study population using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis

Univariate logistic regression Multivariate logistic regression

Variable N Present n (%) Absent n (%) OR (95% CI) P value OR (95% CI) P value

Low iron serum level 82 (9.74) 760 (90.26)

H. pylori status
Yes 681 64 (78.05) 617 (81.18) 0.8240 (0.4737–1.4335) 0.49 0.8482 (0.4871–1.4768) 0.56
No 161 18 (21.95) 143 (18.82)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 1 (1.22) 42 (5.53) 4.7378 (0.6435–34.8801) 0.12 4.6697 (0.6335–34.4186) 0.13
No 799 81 (98.78) 718 (94.47)
Female 472 47 (57.32) 425 (55.92) 1.0583 (0.6678–1.6771) 0.80 1.0660 (0.6721–1.6909) 0.78
Male 370 35 (42.68) 335 (44.08)
Low CST level 378 (44.89) 464 (55.11)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 317 (83.86) 364 (78.45) 1.4277 (1.0038–2.0305) 0.04* 1.4188 (0.9967–2.0196) 0.05*
No 161 61 (16.14) 100 (21.55)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 21 (5.56) 22 (4.74) 0.8453 (0.4575–1.5620) 0.59 0.8693 (0.4692–1.6104) 0.65
No 799 357 (94.44) 442 (95.26)
Female 472 203 (53.70) 269 (57.97) 0.8409 (0.6396–1.1055) 0.21 0.8416 (0.6396–1.1072) 0.21
Male 370 175 (46.30) 195 (42.03)
Low ferritin level 216 (25.65) 626 (74.35)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 177 (81.94) 504 (80.51) 1.0986 (0.7370–1.6375) 0.64 1.0513 (0.6881–1.6062) 0.81
No 161 39 (18.06) 122 (19.49)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 17 (7.87) 26 (4.15) 0.2059 (0.1467–0.2890) <0.0001* 0.4251 (0.2143–0.8434) 0.01*
No 799 199 (92.13) 600 (95.85)
Female 472 61 (28.24) 411 (65.65) 0.5069 (0.2694–0.9536) 0.03* 0.2013 (0.1430–0.2834) <0.0001*
Male 370 155 (71.76) 215 (34.35)
Iron deficiency 265 (31.47) 577 (68.53)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 219 (82.64) 462 (80.07) 1.1851 (0.8122–1.7292) 0.37 1.1620 (0.7854–1.7191) 0.45
No 161 46 (17.36) 115 (19.93)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 17 (6.41) 26 (4.51) 0.6883 (0.3668–1.2917) 0.24 0.6414 (0.3326–1.2368) 0.18
No 799 248 (93.59) 551 (95.49)
Female 472 98 (36.98) 374 (64.82) 0.3185 (0.2354–0.4310) <0.0001* 0.3164 (0.2337–0.4285) <0.0001*
Male 370 167 (63.02) 203 (35.18)
Iron deficiency anemia 216 (25.65) 626 (74.35)
H. pylori status
Yes 681 185 (85.65) 496 (79.23) 1.5636 (1.0206–2.3953) 0.04* 1.5742 (1.0112–2.4506) 0.04*
No 161 31 (14.35) 130 (20.77)
Age ≤20
Yes 43 13 (6.02) 30 (4.79) 0.7860 (0.4022–1.5360) 0.48 0.7531 (0.3720–1.5248) 0.43
No 799 203(93.98) 596 (95.21)
Female 472 70 (32.41) 402 (64.22) 0.2672 (0.1924–0.3710) <0.0001* 0.2652 (0.1907–0.3688) <0.0001*
Male 370 146 (67.59) 224 (35.78)

*Bold values are for statistical significant P value.

Adjusted OR and 95% CI were calculated by adjusting for the potential confounders, including age, sex.
95% CI, 95% confidence intervals; N, n, number; OR, odds ratio.

564 JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
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BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

prevalence of 0.37%: 0.17% for male and 0.20% for female gender. The fact that women commonly have routine follow-up
reported in Chinese population in 2008.37 cares, a good opportunity to get key information/message about
The specialty of our sample population may explain such prevention of anemia from health personals than men who are
a difference. Blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract is the most not used to being frequent in health facilities may also justify
common cause of anemia in men and postmenopausal women. such observation.
This later cause could give credit to the highest prevalence of Examining age and anemia, the peak of anemia (approxi-
anemia in our population because we enrolled only dyspeptic mately 70%) was found in the age groups less than 20 years and
patients or participants with gastrointestinal related disorders above 61 years old (P = 0.51). The present finding on the preva-
who are thought to be at risk of anemia through gastrointestinal lence of anemia relative to age is in accordance with previous
blood loss compared with healthy individuals or general popula- data observed in studies within Africa, reporting that younger
tion. Thus, the incidence rate of anemia, ID, or IDA among dys- ones and seniors are more subjected to anemia. In fact, approxi-
peptic patients would be higher than that in the healthy or mately 80% and 50% of preschool and school children, respec-
general population. As illustrated, the current prevalence of ane- tively, in Benin were found to be anemic,40 and 76% of
mia is comparable to the 64.6% prevalence observed in the emer- preschool children in the Littoral region of Kenya.42 A higher
gency setting with prevalent symptoms of anemia.31 The prevalence of anemia in people older than 50 years was reported
selection of participants for both sex and the age range difference by Mugisha et al.43
in this study compared with previous studies may also explain Younger participants were the most affected by micro-
such observation. In fact, in our sampling processes, we included cytosis (P = 0.81) or hypochromia (P = 0.50) with an age-
both males and females aged up to 15 years old instead of only dependent decrease tendency. Similar decrease in microcytosis
women in reproductive age or children who have a relatively with increasing age was reported in the literature. A previous
high iron requirement to meet the demands of growth and men- investigation on anemia among children revealed that the highest
strual blood loss. Another plausible justification for variation in prevalence of microcytosis (56%) was recorded in the 12-month
the prevalence of anemia and iron deficiencies may be the differ- age group, which then decreased and reached approximately
ence in socioeconomic status, cultural, and dietary patterns across 20% after 18 months.44 These authors also recorded only few
setting or study area.38 cases of macrocytosis in their sample population, which is con-
Regarding the distribution of anemia, ID, and IDA sistent with our result on the rarity of macrocytosis.44
according to gender, men were significantly more affected by No significant relationship was found between age and ID
anemia than women (80.54% men vs 52.97% women, (P = 0.11) nor with IDA, although younger participants were
P < 0.001), and were also significantly more affected at any mostly affected (P = 0.37). The present pattern of anemia, ID,
severity of anemia compared with women (P < 0.001). The pre- and IDA relative to age could be explained by relatively high
sent prevalence of anemia in women is close to the prevalence of iron requirement to meet the demands of growth in children and
59.4% reported among women in the same region of Cameroon occult blood loss in aging men because the burden of anemia
in 2004.39 However, results of the present study showing a increases gradually with age in men.26
higher odd ratio of anemia in men than in women are in dis- The distribution of anemia according to H. pylori status
agreement with previous data revealing a prevalence of 27.7% in showed that H. pylori infected patients were 1.2938 times more
males compared with 55.6% in females with a female sex associ- subjected to anemia than the uninfected ones (P = 0.15), with a
ated high OR for anemia of 3.3 (P < 0.001) in Cameroon.26 Our similar trend after adjusting for age and sex (OR: 1.2907, 95%
findings are also in contrast with previous reports in Benin show- CI: 0.8912–1.8693, P = 0.17). In addition, we observed a signifi-
ing a prevalence of 50% of anemia in women versus 20% in cantly low hemoglobin level (P = 0.01), lower hematocrit level
men.40 (P = 0.04), and a marginal low red blood cell count (P = 0.06)
Mild anemia mostly in men and mild to moderate in in H. pylori positive group compared with H. pylori negative
women had been found in Cameroon (P < 0.001),26 which is not group. Based on the above results, we believe that a positive
consistent with our results. However, the prevalence of 36.02%, association between H. pylori infection and hemoglobin level
16.31% and 0.63%, respectively, for mild, moderate, and severe exists. In a cross-sectional study on asymptomatic male senior
anemia observed among women in this study is near to the prev- citizens at the General Hospital of Chinese, the crude OR of H.
alence of 21.5%, 17.4%, and 0.8% for mild, moderate, and pylori status on anemia prevalence was 2.53 (95% CI: 1.05–
severe anemia reported among women in the 2018 Cameroon 6.09; P = 0.033) compared with the H. pylori negative individ-
Demographic and Health Survey.41 As in anemia, men were sig- uals, with similar results after adjusting for age in the logistic
nificantly more affected than women regarding iron deficiencies: regression.45 Moreover, in the Chinese population, a retrospec-
45.13% versus 20.76% for ID (P < 0.001), 39.46% versus tive study exploring the association between H. pylori infection
14.83% for IDA (P < 0.001). It is known that the burden of ane- and anemia reported a significantly higher prevalence of anemia
mia is highest in females less than 40 years old (premenopausal in the H. pylori positive group than in the H. pylori negative
women) due to blood loss during menstruation, and gradually group after adjusting for potential confounders (OR = 1.19; 95%
declines with increasing age.26 The present fewer odds of ane- CI: 1.03, 1.39; P = 0.021).33 Similarly, a community-based
mia, ID, and IDA among women in this study although unex- study of Arabs found a significantly low hemoglobin level in
pected could be due to the fact that women in our population children aged 6–9 years who were infected with H. pylori com-
were mainly postmenopausal women than premenopausal pared with their uninfected peers.46 Also, a meta-analysis of ran-
women, because approximately 40% (37.9%) of our sample pop- domized control trials of H. pylori eradication has indicated that
ulation was above 40 years old and women are the predominant eradication can increase hemoglobin levels.14

JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568 565
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
23979070, 2022, 8, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgh3.12787 by Yemen Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [21/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku

Regarding the severity of anemia, OR of 1.2488 (95% CI: ID was seen in 82.64% of H. pylori positive patients against
0.8808–1.7704, P = 0.21) for mild anemia and 1.1636 (95% CI: 17.36% in H. pylori negative ones. But this difference was not sig-
0.7426–1.8234, P = 0.50) for moderate anemia were recorded in nificant compared with patients without ID (P = 0.37). The OR of
H. pylori positive group compared with H. pylori negative ones, H. pylori infection on the prevalence of ID was 1.1851 (95% CI:
with a constant trend even after adjusting with potential con- 0.8122–1.7292) and 1.1620 (95% CI: 0.7854–1.7191), respectively,
founders (OR: 1.2339, 95% CI: 0.8637–1.7628, P = 0.24 and before and after adjusting with confounding factors. A significant
1.1595, 95% CI: 0.7383–1.8211, P = 0.52 respectively), but relationship was found between H. pylori infection and IDA, but
without significant difference (Table 4). with a significant difference (P = 0.04). H. pylori infected patients
Analysis of the association between H. pylori infection and were 1.5636 times more subjected to IDA than the uninfected
different types of anemia showed that H. pylori infected patients patients (OR: 1.5636, 95% CI: 1.0206–2.3953, P = 0.04). This
were 1.3659 (95% CI: 0.9433–1.9779, P = 0.09) and 1.2419 (95% positive relationship persists even after adjusted with age and sex
CI: 0.7432–2.0752, P = 0.40) times more affected by hypochromia (OR = 1.5742, 95% CI: 1.0112–2.4506, P = 0.04), indicating that
and microcytosis respectively compared with uninfected patients, H. pylori infected participants are more prone to develop IDA than
even after adjusting for potential confounders (1.3555, 95% CI: the uninfected ones.
0.9351–1.9647, P = 0.10; 1.2420, 95% CI: 0.7423–2.0782, Some previous studies have reported similar observations.
P = 0.40). We also observed a significantly high mean value of One updated systematic review and meta-analysis study has indi-
MCHC (P = 0.02) and lower mean value of MCV (P = 0.13) cated an association between H. pylori infection and an increased
between H. pylori positive and H. pylori negative groups. Simi- likelihood of depleted iron storage.54 Choe et al. also showed that
larly, a study assessing the etiological role of H. pylori infection in H. pylori infection leads to IDA55; Milman et al. showed that H.
adult Egyptian patients with unexplained or refractory IDA pylori infection affects iron metabolism in humans,49 and Seo et
observed a significant correlation of MCV among H. pylori posi- al. showed that H. pylori infection reduced serum ferritin levels
tive individuals and H. pylori negative ones (P = 0.046).47 in children, which therefore may lead to ID.56 On the other hand,
H. pylori infection impairs iron uptake. This mechanism, another study showed there were improvements in hemoglobin
together with others, may contribute to the depletion of iron in levels after the eradication of H. pylori infection, with or without
infected patients. In this study, markers of ID within the abnor- iron supplementation, and suggested that treatment of H. pylori
mal range were mainly seen in H. pylori infected patients. The infection is important to reduce the IDA. In a study carried out
OR of H. pylori status on reduced level of serum iron, reduced by Mozon et al., a significant improvement in IDA was observed
level of CST, and reduced level of ferritin prevalence were in patients with H. pylori infection and IDA after treating the H.
0.8240 (95% CI: 0.4737–1.4335), 1.4277 (95% CI: 1.0038– pylori infection.57 Konno et al. reported that treatment of H.
2.0305), and 1.0986 (95% CI: 0.7370–1.6375), respectively. pylori infection can improve IDA in patients with IDA.58
Similar age and sex-adjusted OR was observed: 0.8482 (95% CI: Several mechanisms that might explain the correlation
0.4871–1.4768), 1.4188 (95% CI: 0.9967–2.0196), and 1.0513 between H. pylori infection and anemia, ID, or IDA have been
(95% CI: 0.6881–1.6062), respectively. On the other hand, t-test suggested. Firstly, H. pylori-induced gastritis or duodenitis can
results showed a significant relationship between H. pylori infec- lead to gastrointestinal blood loss and eventually to IDA.4,5
tion and low serum CST, and low ferritin level (P = 0.03 and Another possibility is that H. pylori sequestrate-free iron, which
0.03, respectively), in addition to a lower mean value of serum affects iron transporter molecules, thereby inhibiting free iron
iron level (P = 0.17) and higher level of TIBC (P = 0.23) in H. absorption.59 In addition, H. pylori for its growth can use the
pylori positive group compared with H. pylori negative group, host’s iron stores60 or can compete with the host for the acquisi-
indicating that H. pylori infection leads to decreased serum iron tion of alimentary iron.49,61 Gastric acid is critical for the absorp-
level, to decreased serum ferritin level, to increased TIBC levels tion of iron, H. pylori infection can decrease iron absorption
and decreased CST level. This finding is in accordance with sev- through chronic atrophic gastritis, which is associated with hypo-
eral studies documented. Increased serum level of TIBC and chlorhydria or achlorhydria13 or by inhibiting the secretion of
decreased serum ferritin level was found in 55.55% (20/36) of H. ascorbic acid into the gastric juice, which alter iron absorption.47
pylori IgG seropositive patients against 2.78% IgG seropositive Although many studies have shown the relationship
patient in control group whose serum TIBC and ferritin levels between H. pylori infection and ID or IDA, other studies have
were normal.48 Milman et al. also found significantly low ferritin not shown reliable evidence for a cause–effect relationship
levels in patients with immunoglobulin G antibodies to H. pylori between H. pylori infection and ID, nor did they reveal clear
than in non-infected patients.49 In Germany, Berg et al. observed improvements in the markers of ID after H. pylori eradication.
a 17% decrease in serum ferritin levels associated with H. pylori Saler et al. in their study concluded that H. pylori infection was
infection.50 In Alaska, Parkinson et al. found significantly low not associated with ID.62 In Latin America, Santos et al. did not
serum ferritin levels related to H. pylori infection among chil- find any significant association between H. pylori infection and
dren.51 An American study found that H. pylori seropositive IDA.63 The serum anti-H. pylori IgG and IgA levels regarding
healthy individuals had significantly low serum ferritin levels IDA did not show any correlation among patients, mostly with
compared with seronegative individuals.52 However, some stud- gastrointestinal complaints in Iran.64 Also, no association was
ies did not find any correlation between iron parameters and H. found between ID/IDA and H. pylori infection in a retrospective
pylori infection. Collett et al. found no tangible differences in study among an older adult population without significant upper
serum ferritin levels between H. pylori infected and non-infected gastrointestinal source of blood loss.47 A study in Australia on
patients.53 Similarly, Hou et al. found no significant association seniors also supports a negative effect of H. pylori on iron sta-
between H. pylori infection and serum iron or ferritin levels.45 tus.65 This variability in studies could be due to differences in

566 JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
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BB Eyoum Bille and LB Kouitcheu Mabeku Anemia, iron deficiency anemia are related to Helicobacter pylori

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568 JGH Open: An open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 6 (2022) 554–568
© 2022 The Authors. JGH Open published by Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

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