Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS) A Review of System and Technologies
Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS) A Review of System and Technologies
Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS) A Review of System and Technologies
Automotive companies are continuously improving
Given that the vast majority of accidents can be attributed
vehicle safety, whereas safety systems developed in vehicles
to human error, taking the driver out of the loop may reduce
can be divided into two categories: passive safety systems
or even eliminate driver error, which in turn, may lead to
and active safety systems. The passive safety system reduces safer roads. Maturation, integration and affordability of
the injuries sustained by passengers when an accident occurs. enabling technologies have turned self-driving cars from
For example, airbags and seatbelts have saved thousands of science fiction into reality.Google’s self-driving car
lives and became a milestone in the automotive industry. famously has been clocking up thousands of accident-free
Active safety systems refer to systems that try to keep a miles and several countries are now preparing themselves to
vehicle under control and avoid accidents [1]. In this work, adapt laws permitting self-driving cars on public roads [5].
the active safety systems have been proposed and Automated vehicle technologies have a range of
implemented. capabilities, from anti-lock brakes and forward collision
It is expected that active safety systems will play an warning, to adaptive cruise control and lane keeping, to fully
increasing role in collision avoidance in the future. Each automated driving [5].
application supported by ADAS requires its private sensor(s); Following the Society for Automotive Engineers
therefore adding new applications will require more sensors. taxonomy (SAE, 2018), Five levels of vehicle automation
have been defined as below [6]:
Based on the capabilities of ADAS, already in use or
Manuscript received May, 2019.
implementation, the automated vehicles in general and
Bassim Abdulbaqi Jumaa, Computer Engineering Department, University particularly the most popular concept of automated driving
of Technology, Baghdad,, Iraq (e-mail: [email protected]).
become not just a vision of a remote future – rather closed
Anwaar Mousa Abdulhassan, Computer Engineering Department, systems like metros and similar rail systems, and air traffic.
University of Technology, Baghdad,, Iraq (e-mail:
[email protected]).
The levels of automated driving are shown in Fig.2 [7].
Ammar Mousa Abdulhassan, Electric Power and Electrical Engineering
Department, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia (e-mail:
[email protected]). 232
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2019, ISSN: 2278 – 1323
distance and speed of moving objects. It uses 22-29 GHz and determine the distance of an object in relatively close
77-81 GHz radar. There are: proximity. It measures the distance by sending out a sound
- Short-range and wide-angle (typically up to 50 m, wave at a specific frequency and listening for that sound
130 degree field of view). wave to return. It is possible to calculate the distance between
- Mid-range and wide-angle (typically up to 100 m the sensor and the detected object, where (distance = speed x
and more than 30 degree field of view). time) and by recording the elapsed time between the
- Long-range and narrow-angle (typically more than generated sound wave and the returned-back sound wave.
100 m and less than 20 degree field of view). Types Fig.6 shows the ultrasonic sensor that is used in cars [16].
of radars are shown in Fig.4 [17]. All automotive
radars are of Doppler type. Radar sensors for ACC
or AEB usually contain two transmitters and four
receivers or one transmitter and two receivers as a
cheaper option, which is used for detection of rear
vehicles [15], [16].
D. Optical Cameras
Optical or vision systems, such as mono and stereo
cameras, as shown in Fig.7 [17], can be used in some
conditions to effectively map the environment of potential
hazards. The strengths and weaknesses of camera systems for
quantifying the environment are similar to those of human
vision. Camera systems cannot directly sense the relative
speed of a potential hazard and can be sensitive to
environmental conditions such as low sun angle, heavy
precipitation, and fog that reduce visibility. Therefore, they
are often used in concert with radar sensors, where they
complement radar’s limited angular resolution and limited
field of view. Stereo cameras allow the distance of a potential
hazard to be calculated. The usable distance for cameras is
Fig.4. Type of radars on vehicles [16] short-range detection, typically less than 100m. Modern
image processing methods and dedicated image processing
B. LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) hardware have allowed the development of camera systems
Fundamentally, LiDAR is similar to radar, except that it that are very effective at identifying objects in the
utilizes a transmitted laser beam that is then sent as a reflected environment around the vehicle in real time. A vision system
light. It can be similarly used to determine the speed and achieves excellent lateral estimation but can fall short in
distance of potential hazards but from 10 to 20m at low speed. longitudinal parameter estimation. Another usage of cameras
It typically has a shorter effective range than radar. Its is for driver monitoring. These cameras monitor the speed of
wavelength is 850 or 900 nm. LiDARs were first applied as eyes winking and head movements. From such information,
sensors for ACC because they were smaller. Nowadays they the system can recognize that the driver does not pay full
are often replaced by radars or cameras due to high cost and attention and should stop [16].
low resolution capabilities [17] and [18]. Fig.5 shows the
LiDAR look [17].
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