USA Interview Questions
USA Interview Questions
USA Interview Questions
Q14. Do you know anyone there? Or have you ever traveled to the US?
Ans. No, sir.
Q15. How will you adjust yourself in the US?
Ans. I am confident enough, and making friends is my hobby. I have made up my mind
to tackle any situation that arises there.
Q17. Why you are not doing this course in your own country?
Ans. This course is available in many colleges and universities in India, but I decided to
study in the USA because in India colleges or universities focus on theory than practical
knowledge while in the USA there is a great balance between practical and theory and I
want to be sure what I am learning can be applied directly to the business world itself.
Q42. Have you searched for any companies to which you would like to apply?
Ans: yes, I have searched some companies like: