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Ecological Informatics
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolinf
Keywords: The problem with waste generation and waste treatment that countries worldwide are facing, even after the
Waste management implementation of measures, raises the question of the adequacy and viability of the regulations. The waste
Waste regulations sector has been shown to contribute to a most notable increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in many
Public perception
countries worldwide, mainly coming from solid waste disposal and suggesting the need for a more profound
GHG emissions
observation of the waste management application. Therefore, this study employs an integrated approach to
Natural language processing
Sentiment analysis analyze the environmental, economic and social aspects of waste management, as the three fundamental pillars
of sustainable development. Based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology, a
unique model was developed for the projection of GHG emissions in different scenarios, to evaluate the impact
and cost of proposed waste policies and measures adopted to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well
as the extent to which citizens themselves can contribute to the achievement of the goals. Furthermore, NLP
(Natural Language Processing) methods were used to draw conclusions about the public opinion related to the
waste sector, expressed by citizens and news media and measured on Twitter and news media teasers' data. The
results show that more than 70% of the emissions can be reduced by 2050 with a significant contribution from
the citizens, if all proposed measures are implemented, when compared to a scenario without policies and
measures. The results also suggest a strong correlation between news reports and waste-related tweets, con
firming an alignment in public perceptions and a response connected to waste management policies. The con
clusions of this study offer valuable implications for policy-makers, suggesting the continuous observation and
inclusion of citizens in the process of waste regulations implementation and effect.
* Corresponding author at: Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Rugjer Boskovikj 16, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (I. Gjorshoska), [email protected] (A. Dedinec), [email protected]
(J. Prodanova), [email protected] (A. Dedinec), [email protected] (L. Kocarev).
Received 30 December 2022; Received in revised form 13 April 2023; Accepted 14 May 2023
Available online 19 May 2023
1574-9541/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
a minimum of 25% recycled material (Directive (EU) 2019/904, 2019). paramount importance. There is a lack of understanding of individual
An additional 5 % increases the targets for 2030, and for 2035 the target civic engagement as the vital trigger for bringing change (Teh et al.,
for household waste is increased by another 5 %. For 2035, one addi 2022). Individuals' involvement is deemed as the central point in the
tional goal is set. Namely, only 10% of the waste should end up in achievement of socially, economically and environmentally acceptable
landfills. consumption and waste generation, demanding a deeper insight into
Nevertheless, the trend for enhancing collection and recycling is consumers' emotions and perceptions of issues related to waste pro
expanding wider in Europe, especially to countries from the Western duction and management policies, as an instrument to better understand
Balkans, which aim to meet the EU Waste Management legislation as their effectiveness (Oke et al., 2020).
part of their pro-European policies. Therefore, in the case of Serbia and Therefore, intending to predict the potential of waste management
Montenegro, there were reported 338 kg and 548 kg of municipal solid measures, policies and regulations in relation to individual predisposi
waste per inhabitant in 2019, respectively. North Macedonia reported a tion to contribute to their implementation, we encompass a greater
consistent increase over the last ten years - from 351 kg in 2010 to 452 amount of data from the distinct origin (GHG inventories, individuals,
kg per inhabitant in 2020 (Waste Management in Montenegro, 2021; news) to integrate the environmental, economic and social aspects of
Waste Management in North Macedonia, 2021; Waste Management in waste management. Accordingly, based on the IPCC methodology, a
the Republic of Serbia, 2021), unfortunately, expecting to increase lin model was developed for the projection of GHG emissions in different
early until it reaches the corresponding waste projections of EU28 in scenarios, to show how the application of related policies and measures
2035 (Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning N. M., Long-term can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the waste
strategy on climate action and action plan, 2021). However, already sector, while exploring the extent of citizens' contribution to the
tackling the problem of poor waste management, the latest reports in the achievement of the proposed goals. Furthermore, given that social
countries mentioned above also suggest high collection rates, between media have proven to represent an essential source of information on
70% and 90% of collected waste. In contrast, only up to 3% of the people's perceptions, which reduces the subjectivity brought by ques
collected waste is recycled, and the rest is either landfilled, in both tionnaires and interviews, the Natural Language Processing (NLP)
regulated and unregulated landfills or openly burned. In this line, the method was used to draw conclusions about the public opinion related
insufficient waste treatment and increasing trend of waste generation to the waste sector. For this reason, Twitter data and news media data
plays a major role in greenhouse gas emissions, where up to 80% of were collected in the period from November 1st 2021, until March 17th,
emissions caused by the waste sector come from solid waste disposal in 2022. This period was intentionally chosen for research, because of the
landfills (Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning N. M., Fourth public reaction to the provision of the Law on the Management of
National Communication on Climate Change, n.d.). Packaging and Packaging Waste, referring to the restriction of single-use
The waste management struggle in Western Balkans can be attrib plastic bags and the cost of biodegradable plastic bags, entering into
uted to outdated infrastructure for collection and transport, illegal effect on December 1st, 2021. Additionally, we measured the alignment
dumpsites and the lack of facilities to sort, clean and aggregate recy of citizens' opinions with news content and IPCC-based environmental
clable materials (Waste Management in Montenegro, 2021; Waste and economic aspects modeling, incorporating, in this way, the three
Management in North Macedonia, 2021; Waste Management in the pillars of sustainable development.
Republic of Serbia, 2021). The latest analysis (Ministry of Environment As the trend of waste generated in the world is increasing, analyzing
and Physical Planning N. M., Fourth National Communication on the Waste sector, in terms of GHG emission mitigation, has attracted
Climate Change, n.d.) shows that the waste sector in North Macedonia much interest in research studies. Besides, given that civic engagement
had a 5% share in total greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. However, if and willingness to accept policy changes are one of the main driving
no measures are applied, it is expected to be the sector with the largest wheels towards the reduction of emissions in this sector, several
increase in 2050 (almost four times), compared to 1990, reaching a research papers have evaluated public opinion and sentiments towards
share of 9%. For this reason, it is essential to pay special attention to the waste problems (Shahidzadeh et al., 2022), (Ganczewski and Jemiel
waste sector, emphasizing the need to reduce this trend of drastic niak, 2022). Nonetheless, the extant literature is limited to exploring the
emissions increase, especially visible in developing countries. environmental and economic aspects of the problem, or the social
Various measures are being analyzed and proposed in the literature counterpart, not focusing on the waste regulations effect and their sus
to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Waste sector, tainable management. Therefore, this research contributes to the exist
ranging from recycling, composting (Paes et al., 2020), closing illegal ing body of knowledge with an integrated approach in which NLP
landfills, landfilling with landfill gas treatment, landfilling with energy techniques are combined with the IPCC methodology to evaluate cor
recovery and anaerobic digestion (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2021), to relations between popular news topics and public sentiments about
incineration (Chung et al., 2018). In order to be able to estimate the general waste problems, while evaluating the real GHG emission
efficacy of the waste management measures and regulations in the long reduction potential. Policy-makers can use the results of the research
term, it is necessary to evaluate the level of GHG emissions contributed and can contribute to the creation of new policies and measures, which
to the waste sector, as the means for achieving carbon neutrality. An will help in the more efficient achievement of the set goals. This
effective way for calculating the predicted waste GHG emissions and the approach, in essence, is universal and generalizable to all areas, where it
policy effect has proven to be the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate is imperative to underline the citizens' role in the implementation of
Change (IPCC) methodology, which provides procedures and guidelines measures for emission reduction. It covers, for instance, energy use in
for emissions estimation for each sector from which there are GHG the transport and residential sectors, where individuals choose the
emissions, including the Waste sector (Chung et al., 2018; Ramachandra technology they will use, thus directly influencing the emissions from
et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2022). The governments use this methodology these sectors.
to report their national greenhouse gas inventories to the United Nations As for the contribution of this research, we conclude that by using the
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). IPCC methodology, the uniquely developed models create different
However, inefficient allocation of external resources and insufficient scenarios which highlight the importance of considering all sub
awareness among people and companies have been identified as barriers categories of the waste sector to project emissions until 2050. It em
to transitioning to a green economy (Licastro and Sergi, 2021). Citizens phasizes the need for citizen action as an essential component of
have a massive role in the implementation of the measures, especially reducing greenhouse gas emissions through waste management mea
those related to municipal waste. Public opinion and perception of the sures. While several studies have focused on waste generation as a
sources of greenhouse gas emissions derived from the waste sector, as process or reaction to initiatives like zero waste, recycling, and munic
well as the perception of how human actions affect emissions, are of ipal waste disposal, they often neglect the role of citizens in
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
implementing waste reduction measures. In that sense, this study takes a link for achieving environmental and economic development and sus
broader perspective on the waste sector, identifying sentiments' dy tainability (Jiang et al., 2021; Kurniawan et al., 2021). The extant
namics concerning waste management regulations and offering insights literature has evidenced the importance of consumers' awareness of and
for policymakers on individual attitudes towards the acceptance of these implication in the recycling chain, which, if not managed properly,
measures. By observing sentiments and news teasers before, during, and might generate more waste and endanger public health (Kumar et al.,
after policies are implemented, the NLP technique proves to be a reliable 2018; Wu et al., 2023). In this line, various studies examine public
method for evaluating perceptions and feelings related to waste man awareness of a particular type of waste. In (Garcia-Vazquez and Garcia-
agement regulations in a developing society in a Western Balkan Ael, 2021) and (Menzel et al., 2021), emphasis is placed on the aware
country. ness of waste from microplastics, plastic packaging and plastic waste. It
The remainder of the study presents the theoretical background that is important to note that in Germany, for instance, there is a highly
justifies the need to study the public perception of waste management developed awareness of the problem, and plastic-reduction in
(Section 2), followed by the employed methodology (Section 3), where terventions are recommended to support consumers in acting according
we explain the process of analyzes, the data collection and the actual to their attitudes rather than addressing only awareness and attitude
content analyses. Next, we reveal the results of the estimations of the change (Menzel et al., 2021), however recalling that there are significant
GHG emission reduction and the public perceptions (Section 4). This geographical and cultural gaps. Furthermore, the increased usage of
research finalizes by commenting on the findings and the conclusions electrical and electronic equipment poses a problem, not only to the
drawn from the investigation (Section 5). environment, but also from the social and economic aspects. (Shahrasbi
et al., 2021) reveal that in developing countries, the environmental
2. Theoretical background impact of the use of electrical and electronic equipment is of the least
importance for the public, while in developed countries, this is among
2.1. Public perception of waste management the most important aspects, when compared to the social and economic
dimensions, which calls for greater attention to increasing awareness
Research of public awareness of problems related to climate change regarding the environmental impact of waste in developing countries.
is not uncommon, differing among sectors, observed data (social media, Additionally, (Wu et al., 2021) studied the attitude of the Chinese public
questionnaires), or applied methods. Significant attention is given to the towards a compulsory policy of sorting municipal solid waste. The
energy sector, such as electricity generation, analyzing public awareness conclusion, somewhat surprisingly, shows a negative attitude towards
of the importance of electricity generation from Renewable Energy the policy, because of fines, MSW sorting rules, fees, timing of throwing
Sources (RES) (Almulhim, 2022) (Al-Marri et al., 2018) and the signif waste, and irregular recycling procedures, which could serve as a
icant role of the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology (Lima valuable guide for policy-makers to implement measures more effi
et al., 2021; Perdan et al., 2017). Notable research is presented by ciently. Finally, the food waste problem, especially during the COVID-19
(Zhang et al., 2021), where it is found that people generally have a crisis, has received substantial attention, especially by examining the
negative attitude towards the implementation of carbon taxation in relationship between food waste and social media usage (Lahath et al.,
Europe, the USA, South Africa, Canada and Australia, concluding that 2021). In a number of studies, social media was found to have a positive
although these measures are mainly directly applicable to large pro impact on raising awareness or contributing to consumer food waste
duction and industrial capacities, they must all be accepted by the public reduction (Jenkins et al., 2022). Social media have been proven as an
because of the fear from their impact on individuals. Similarly, (Wei effective tool for promoting and facilitating activities and interaction
et al., 2021) explores citizens' attention and awareness regarding the regarding waste management, where public perceptions, sentiments and
European Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) system, underlining the concerns can also be observed as a source for authorities to take action
conclusion that introducing policies, especially the more severe ones, (Jiang et al., 2021).
must be harmonized with the citizens' views.
Furthermore, GHG emission reduction measures have been equally 2.2. Social media content analysis
associated with rational and sustainable consumption, where the role of
citizens is of absolute importance, in the sense of their level of awareness Social media data provides a valuable resource for evaluating public
about the meaning, method and benefits of rational use of resources. For opinion, as it allows researchers to gather large amounts of data in real-
example, (Huang et al., 2022) analyze public awareness in China about time from a diverse range of sources, and this kind of data reduces the
green consumption and show that environmental awareness has statis subjectivity brought by questionnaires and interviews, as suggested in
tical significance for household energy saving, suggesting decision- (Xiao et al., 2021). They can be used to identify public attitudes towards
makers to define dissemination mechanisms for offering clarified tar specific topics, understand the reasons behind these attitudes, and
geted solutions in social media (Kuai et al., 2022). Additionally, (Aha evaluate the effectiveness of policies or measures aimed at changing
mad and Ariffin, 2018) assess the level of knowledge, attitude and these attitudes (Dong and Lian, 2021). By utilizing social media data,
practice of university students towards sustainable consumption in policymakers can gain insight into the public's views and adapt policies
Malaysia. to meet citizens' needs better. It can lead to more effective policymaking
Similarly to responsible consumption, public opinion research and greater public trust in government institutions.
regarding the waste sector attracts attention in the literature. That oc When evaluating public opinion about a particular topic using social
curs primarily because citizens can significantly influence this sector, media data, one of the widely used techniques is content analysis, which
probably more than any other sector, by undertaking pro-environmental has demonstrated to be of substantial relevance for representing text in a
behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, and perceived control (Garcia-Vazquez precise format (Shahrasbi et al., 2021), identifying positive or negative
and Garcia-Ael, 2021). The waste sector understands the involvement of trends in the public perception or revealing the reasons behind these
different parties in the implementation of policies, processes and re attitudes. Previous literature highlights the potential of social media
sponsibilities to a system that encompasses waste production, selection, data for evaluating public perceptions, concluding that sentiment
treatment and disposal, with the main aim of reducing waste generation, analysis can be a valuable tool for policymakers to understand public
emphasizing the importance of waste management measures to be opinion and improve waste management policies (Wu et al., 2021).
accepted by the citizens (Elsaid and Aghezzaf, 2015). In this sense, content analysis proves useful in elaborating three
Waste management research, often dedicated to promoting the components of the studied content: text preprocessing, sentiment anal
transition to a circular economy, has emphasized individual action, such ysis and topic modeling or clustering. Sentiment analysis is an especially
as households' waste reduction, separation and recycling, as the vital used technique in public opinion research, given its high accuracy and
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
Fig. 4. Quantity of municipal waste per capita in North Macedonia, EU28 and countries in the SEE region (in kg/capita).
(Source: Own elaboration based on data by the Eurostat)
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
the waste per capita amount in North Macedonia with the countries in with the public sentiment regarding waste topics. For the data collec
the nearby region, as well as with the European Union 28 (EU28) tion, we used a web scraping method by the Beautiful Soup python li
(Fig. 4). It is interesting to note that some of the countries have stable brary to scrape the news reports from time.mk and time.rs websites,
waste per capita in the recent 10-year period, such as Austria, as well as which are cluster-based news websites that collect and aggregate news
Greece and Croatia, while in Bulgaria, the amount of waste per capita is from 120 distinct sources (Richardson, 2007; Time.mk, 2022; Time.rs,
reduced by about 30%. It is crucial to notice that at the EU 28 level, there 2022). Similarly, as the tweets, the news reports were filtered using the
is a downward trend (presented with the black dotted line), while in keywords “otpad” (waste) and “отпад” (waste) and were collected
North Macedonia, there is an increasing trend (presented with the red weekly over the same time period as the Twitter data. During this pro
dotted line). It is assumed that these trends will continue until around cess, we collected both the news title and the news preview to get a
2030, after which there will be a decreasing trend in North Macedonia, better picture of the contents of the news reports for the respective week.
which would correspond to the EU 28 trend. The news reports datasets were stored, translated and manually checked
In the reference scenario, without measures, it is also assumed that using the same techniques as the waste-related tweets.
the composition of waste going to solid waste disposal will remain the
same during the whole period as they are for 2018, i.e., food – 36.7%, 3.2. Method for evaluation of GHG emissions
garden – 10.7%, paper – 10.8%, wood – 0.4%, textile – 3.7%, nappies –
5.0%, plastic and other inert – 32.6%. Additionally, the distribution of For the evaluation of the GHG emissions from the waste sector up to
waste-by-waste management treatment will be equal to the distribution 2050, a completely new model was developed, based on the method
in 2018, for the whole period. For the industrial waste calculations, the ology implemented in the IPCC software. This model covers all the
data from the Strategy for Energy Development for the production index subcategories from the waste sector, and instead of calculating only the
growth for the industry was used. historical emissions, it is able to project the emissions in the period up to
2050, by varying the activity data and inserting different assumptions,
3.1.2. Twitter data thus enabling the creation of different scenarios.
For the purpose of the study, we collected tweets related to waste For the purpose of this study, two different scenarios are presented.
content using Twitter's stream Application Programming Interface (API) The first is without measures – WOM scenario, and the second one is
with an authenticated application, which connects to a public stream with all measures (WAM) scenario, in which all the proposed measures
consisting of a sample of tweets posted on Twitter (Roesslein, 2020). (presented in the following section) are implemented. The WOM sce
Although sentiment analysis research often relies on using hashtags for nario is used for comparison to estimate the emissions coming from the
filtering tweets, the selection of relevant tweets in our case was made waste sector if no policies or measures are implemented. In contrast, the
using keywords instead of hashtags. This decision was made due to a mitigating WAM scenario shows the potential of emission reductions up
lack of hashtags relevant to this topic in tweets from the Western Balkan to 2050, if corresponding measures are applied.
region. Macedonian and Serbo-Croatian tweets were filtered with waste- For projecting the emissions for some of the categories in the WOM
related keywords, such as “отпад“(waste), “otpad“(waste), scenario, simple linear regression is used, based on the historical data.
“ѓубре“(garbage) and “рециклира“(recycle). Waste-related tweets were For example, for the emission from mechanical and biological treatment
collected on a weekly basis over a period of 4 and a half months starting with composting, an equation for the trendline of the emissions from
from November 1st, 2021, until March 17th, 2022. composting is obtained. Based on this equation, the emissions for the
This period was crucial since, in the second half of 2021, there have period from 2020 to 2050 are calculated (Fig. 5).
been significant changes regarding waste legislation in the country. The emissions from waste incineration are also considered in the
Namely, besides the more general Law on Environment, the Government WOM scenario. Again, a trendline is calculated based on the available
of North Macedonia has enacted more specific laws on waste manage historical data for the period 2000–2019 (Fig. 6) to calculate the emis
ment, management of packaging and packaging waste, the re sions from waste incineration up to 2050.
sponsibility of producers, management of additional waste flows, In order to estimate the emissions from the industrial wastewater
electrical and electronic equipment and waste electrical and electronic sector, a correlation is made between the total organic degradable ma
equipment, batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accu terial in wastewater with the value added in the industry from 2014 to
mulators. Among these regulations, the most drastic measure concern 2018 (Fig. 7). The derived equation for the correlation is used to
ing the public was the Law on the Management of Packaging and calculate the total organic degradable material in wastewater for the
Packaging Waste, which refers to single-use plastic bags and the cost of period up to 2050, which is used to project the amount of emissions from
biodegradable plastic bags, put into effect on December 1st, 2021. In the industrial wastewater (Fig. 8).
expectance of this law entering into force, we decided to consider the Furthermore, in order to be able to evaluate the impact of waste
public sentiments about this problem as the main focus of this research. policies and measures for reducing GHG emissions, we address five
After the initial collection of the tweets, they were saved as an Excel policies/measures which encompass the overall Waste sector. These
spreadsheet for further data cleansing, which included checking and policies/measures are in line with the various strategic documents, such
filtering the ones associated with the waste-related topics. This sec as the National Waste Management Plan 2021–2031, Strategy for Waste
ondary filtering step was necessary for this study due to language am Management in the Republic of Macedonia, Regional Waste Manage
biguity. Namely, words such as “trash” and “garbage” tend to be used as ment, National Communication, Biennial Update Reports and Long-term
derogatory terms for people, objects or situations not relevant to this strategy on Climate Change:
study objective. The collected tweets were translated into English using
an online document translation tool, and parts of the tweets, such as - Landfill gas flaring – assumes opening new regional landfills and
“RT”, standing for retweet and usernames, were removed from the rehabilitation of the existing landfills and illegal (“wild”) dumpsites
tweets in order to focus on the tweets' content (Online Doc Translator, with very high, high and medium risk in each of the eight waste
2021). The translated text is manually rechecked. management regions. The rehabilitation includes covering the
existing non-compliant landfills, supplemented by gas extraction and
3.1.3. News data flaring. Table 1 presents the assumptions for the timeline for opening
Journalism in Western Balkans significantly enhances societal tran the regional waste management regions.
sitions (Andresen et al., 2017), where pollution issues are constantly - Mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) in new landfills with
covered and evaluated. The decision to analyze news reports was made composting –an installation of a system for MBT and composting is
with the idea of comparing the alignment of the news media content proposed. It includes the reduction of the amount of not treated
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
Fig. 8. Total organic degradable material in wastewater and production index growth in the industry for the period 2012–2050.
(Source: Own elaboration based on data by the State Statistical Office, North Macedonia (for Industrial Index Growth))
3.3. Methods for evaluation of public perception described in Section 3.1.2. For the purpose of the sentiment analysis in
our research, we used a prebuilt Sentiment Intensity Analyzer (Bird
The most basic use of content analysis with NLP is text preprocessing, et al., 2009; Hutto and Gilbert, 2014). The analyzer is built using
as the method for representing the text in a format suitable for com VADER, a human-centered sentiment lexicon that combines lexical
puters (Shahrasbi et al., 2021), i.e. in vector format, which can be done features from well-established sentiment word-banks and features that
using, for example, simple bag-of-words representation (Loureiro and are common in microblogging, including acronyms, slang and emoji.
Alló, 2020), transformation using Term Frequency - Inverse Document The reasons for choosing VADER are twofold: (i) the fact it is an open-
Frequency (TF-IDF) (Loureiro and Alló, 2020) or more advanced options source tool, allowing easy replication of the procedures we performed
such as sentence-BERT framework, which achieves state-of-the-art per in our study; and (ii) VADER's expressive results observed in previous
formance on various problems (Grootendorst, 2022). Furthermore, to experiments. Each candidate feature of this lexicon has been assessed
extract relevant information in terms of the positive or negative attitude using a Wisdom-of-the Crowd approach, as well as using identified
represented in the analyzed content, sentiment analysis can be heuristics humans use to assess sentiment intensity of text, which leads
employed, based on machine learning, such as in the case of (Huang to creating a human-validated sentiment intensity on corpora within
et al., 2022), where a combination of Convolutional Neural Networks four domains including social media text, movie reviews, technical
(CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks is used for this product reviews and opinion news articles. The Sentiment Intensity
purpose or on lexicon dictionary, such as Emolex (Loureiro and Alló, Analyzer from the NLTK library uses this lexicon to assess the sentiment
2020), VADER (Hutto and Gilbert, 2014), SOCAL (Taboada et al., 2011). intensity on a piece of text by verifying the availability of the words
Furthermore, techniques for topic modeling, such as Latent Dirichlet composing the content in the lexicon and produces measurements that
Allocation (LDA) or variations of it (Huang et al., 2022) (Wei et al., assess the sentiment intensity in the text from the identified words.
2021) or more optimized algorithms developed for short texts, such as Using this tool, the tweets and news reports for each week were classi
GPU-PDMM (Shahrasbi et al., 2021), can be useful in the identification fied into three groups, i.e., tweets and news reports containing positive,
of motives for the recognized positive or negative trends in the senti negative or neutral sentiment.
ment analysis.
A variety of research has resorted to general clustering methods to 3.3.2. Dynamic topic modeling
discover the essential topics that represent the documents, such as, for Topic modeling is a method for the unsupervised classification of
example, the bisecting k-means algorithm used to cluster the tweets documents, which finds natural groups of items within a collection and
sample, and text summarization techniques identify the topic of each is used for discovering hidden semantic structures in a body of text.
cluster (Zhang et al., 2021). However, a method that has attracted much Within our analysis, we used a BERTopic model that leverages BERT
attention in the literature due to its competitive and stable performance embedding and c-TFIDF to create dense clusters allowing for easily
across various tasks (Grootendorst, 2022) is the BERTopic, which is interpretable topics (Grootendorst, 2022). BERTopic uses document
represented by a clustering model – hierarchical DBSCAN, but the topic embedding representation with a pre-trained Sentence-BERT frame
of each cluster is calculated using a class-based TF-IDF method. work, which allows converting sentences and paragraphs into vector
representations using the well-known BERT language model. This sen
3.3.1. Sentiment analysis tence embedding is then clustered using Hierarchical DBSCAN, an
Sentiment analysis is the practice of using algorithms to classify extension of the DBSCAN algorithm that is able to find clusters of
various samples of related text into positive and negative categories. varying density, and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
This method is widely applied in analyzing customer reviews and re (UMAP) for vector dimensionality reduction.
sponses and for analyzing online opinions on online social media plat Lastly, topic representations are extracted from the clusters using
forms. Sentiment analysis within microblogging has verified Twitter as a class-based TF-IDF. Furthermore, to create dynamic topic modeling,
valid online indicator of political sentiment reflecting the offline polit BERTopic is first fitted on the entire corpus, not taking into account the
ical landscape (Tumasjan et al., 2010), social events or healthcare issues temporal aspect, in order to create a global view of topics. Then, the
(Gohil et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2013). local representation of each topic is done using the following equation:
Several models and tools can be used for the sentiment analysis of a ( )
text. However, none of the tools available right now can perform Wt,c,i = tf t,c,i *log 1 +
tf t
sentiment analysis on Macedonian or Serbo-Croatian text, resulting in
the previously explained English translation of the collected data,
where tft, c, i is term frequency which models the frequency of the term t
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
Table 1
Proposed policies/measures in the Waste sector.
• Skopje – 2025
Solid waste 10.5 mil. Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public
• East and Northeast – 2026
disposal EUR Private Partnership, EU funds, IFIs
• Polog – 2027
• Southeast – 2030
• Pelagonia and Southeast – 2030
• Vardar 2030
• Skopje – 2025
• East and Northeast – 2026
• Polog – 2027
• Southeast – 2030
Solid waste 36.1 mil. Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public
• Pelagonia and Southeast – 2030
disposal EUR Private Partnership, EU funds
• Vardar 2030
Reduction of the amount of not treated biodegradable components of municipal waste
on an annual level, expressed as a reduction of the percentage of biodegradable
components in municipal waste generated, is assumed with a rate as defined in Table 8
of the National Waste Management Plan 2021–2031 (Ministry of Environment and
Physical Planning, 2021).
3. Selection of waste
Gradual increase (compared to WOM) of
Source: Own elaboration based on the latest national strategic documents, such as the National Communication, Biennial Update Reports and Long-term strategy on
Climate Change.
in a class c, at time i. The “classical” inverse document frequency term is vectors as pairs of features and considers their similarity in a vector
modified and, in this case, represents a metric of how much information space model (Sidorov et al., 2014). Given two N-dimension vectors a and
a term provides to a class. It is calculated by taking the logarithm of the b, the soft cosine similarity is calculated as follows:
average number of words per class - A divided by the term t frequency
across all classes. si,j ai bj
For the purpose of our analysis, fine-tuning on a pre-trained BER i,j
soft cosine1 (a, b) = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
Topic model was done using a minimum topic range of 50 and mono ∑N ∑N
si,j ai aj * si,j bi bj
grams, bigrams and trigrams, which were derived from the translated i,j i,j
tweets and news reports during the fine-tuning process. Additionally,
because the BERTopic model is used to extract topics from large docu where sij = similarity (featurei, featurej).
ments, a count vectorizer model was used to ensure relevant topic To measure the soft cosine similarity between the most common
extraction (Pedregoa et al., 2011). The topic over time modeling was terms found in tweets and news reports for each week, the top 10 most
done using the fine-tuned BERTopic model with weekly timestamps and common bigrams for tweets and news reports were determined using a
global and evolution tuning. count vectorizer model (Pedregoa et al., 2011). All bigrams taken from
tweets and news reports were respectively sorted in ascending order,
3.3.3. Bigram similarity and a similarity matrix was calculated using GloVe vector representa
In order to evaluate the similarity between the tweets and news re tions (Pennington et al., 2014). Soft cosine similarity was calculated on
ports, we used soft cosine similarity as a method of assessing semantic the respective vector representations of the bigrams for each week.
similarity between two documents. This type of measure considers two
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
4. Results the waste sector and, if necessary, to propose appropriate initiatives and
additional policies aimed at raising people's awareness about their part
4.1. GHG emission reduction estimation in emissions mitigation.
When it comes to how the proposed measures affect the categories
The results from the IPCC modeling generally show that if no policies from the waste sector, it can be noted that by MBT, the emissions for
or measures are taken in the waste sector, the emissions will increase by biological treatment will be increased when compared to the WOM
137% in 2050 when compared to the 2019 level (Fig. 9), or they will be scenario, but at the same time, the solid waste disposal emissions will be
4 times higher when compared to 1990 level (Fig. 10). Regarding the reduced. The emissions from domestic wastewater and open burning in
categories, solid waste disposal will remain most dominant, but followed 2050 will decrease mainly as a result of the decrease in the population
by industrial wastewater in the WOM scenario in 2050. and the waste per capita, when compared to the 2019 level. Besides the
It can be noted that in the case of the WAM scenario, instead of an measure proposed for treating industrial wastewater, this sector has a
increase, these measures can reduce emissions by 32% in 2050 dominant role in the 2050 WAM scenario.
compared to 2019, meaning that they will be almost at the same level as Most of the GHG emissions from the Waste sector are emissions of
in 1990 (Fig. 11). If it is compared to the WOM scenario, over 70% lower CH4, but after 2025 the CO2 emissions start to increase due to the
emissions will be obtained in 2050 (Fig. 10). introduction of the process of flaring in the WAM scenario (Fig. 12).
In addition to the analysis of the WAM scenario, the potential for Although the share of the CO2 emissions increase, the total GHG emis
reducing GHG emissions was evaluated for each policy and measured sions will be drastically reduced, by implementing this measure.
separately (Fig. 10). The results show that the highest GHG emission
reduction potential is in covering the existing wild dumpsites and
opening regional landfills in 2025–2030, as expected. The effects of this 4.2. Public perception
measure can be seen immediately in the drastic reduction of emissions,
as new regional landfills are opened, and old ones are closed. In contrast, Regarding the evaluation of the public perception of the emissions
with the implementation of the other measures, an increasing trend can from the waste sector, Figs. 13 and 14 show statistics for the collected
be observed because the emissions in a particular year are based on the data over the analyzed period. The sentiment analysis of the data from
accumulated waste from the previous years. Thus, the emission reduc both sources shows predominantly negative sentiment over positive and
tion effect is even more visible in the period after 2050. However, the neutral content. Additionally, the percentage of texts classified as
increase in the period 2020–2050 for each of the measures is at a much negative is much higher in the news reports compared to the percentage
slower rate when compared to a WOM scenario. of negative sentiment in tweets. In Fig. 14, a stable trend of news reports
Regarding the industry, by implementing the Extended Producer over time can be detected, however, the trend of collected tweets shows
Responsibility schemes to improve waste and materials management at a few bigger peaks. Namely, the first peak around the beginning of
industrial facilities towards a circular economy, the emissions can be December 2021 is connected to the provision of the Law on the Man
reduced by 6% in 2050 when compared to the WOM scenario. Proper agement of Packaging and Packaging Waste and, particularly, the ban on
treatment of industrial wastewater is also critical since, if no measures single-use plastic bags and the additional rise of the cost of biodegrad
are taken in this sector, the emissions will increase ten times in 2050, able plastic bags from 2 Macedonian denars to 15 Macedonian denars
when compared to 2019, provided that they are correlated to the in (Georgievski, 2021). The second peak appearing around the end of
crease of the GDP of the country. However, if mechanisms and processes January 2022 corresponds to the news that 300.000 expired COVID-19
are used to treat contaminated industry waters, emissions can be vaccines would be landfilled by the end of February due to a lack of
reduced by 25% in 2050, compared to the 2019 level. interest in COVID-19 vaccination. The third bigger peak can be noticed
It is interesting to see the potential of reducing emissions in the towards the end of February and beginning of March 2022, which is
measures in which people, that is, their awareness, has a significant part. connected to the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine, precisely the
These are the measures for waste selection, i.e. for the selection of paper, Russian occupation of Chernobyl and possible risks of major nuclear
wood, textile, nappies, plastic and other inert waste and the MBT mea disaster and radioactive contamination across Europe (Polityuk and
sure, where the selection of biodegradable components (garden and food Crellin, 2022). Other smaller peaks include topics associated with plastic
waste) of municipal waste is required. It is important to note that the waste generation during the COVID-19 pandemic (between November
waste selection measure can reduce emissions by about 9% in 2050, 15th and November 29th), total generated municipal waste (between
compared to the WOM scenario, while the MBT measure can reduce the end of December 2021 and the beginning of January 2022), as well
them by about 14%. For the implementation of these two measures, the as electronic waste and landfills regulations (around January 16th,
human factor is of particular importance and it has a primary role in 2022).
their fulfillment. In that direction, it is necessary to evaluate the level of The sentiment analysis of the collected tweets and retweets is shown
awareness of people in the country about the emissions deriving from in Fig. 15 and Fig. 16. The percentage of tweets with negative sentiment
is much higher compared to the percentage of positive and neutral
Fig. 9. Total GHG emissions by categories from the Waste sector – WOM scenario (in Gg CO2-eq).
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
Fig. 11. Total GHG emissions by categories from the Waste sector – WAM scenario (in Gg CO2-eq).
Fig. 12. Total GHG emissions in the Waste sector by gasses (in Gg CO2-eq).
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
100 2014). The highest values for cosine similarity, while not taking into
90 consideration the sentiment, are 0.86, 0.81 and 0.79, corresponding to
80 the periods of the beginning of December 2021, the beginning and end of
70 February 2022, and mid-March 2022. The periods referring to the
60 negative beginning of December and during February are in accordance with the
50 positive previously mentioned news about the plastic bags ban, vaccine disposal
40 neutral and war conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In contrast, the mid-
30 March period also suggests a high similarity value (0.81) and is con
20 nected to various news reports such as inadequate waste disposal, low
10 recycling and waste selection rates and initiatives for landfills cleaning.
0 Similar scores can be observed for cosine similarity of topics with
negative sentiments, where the corresponding cosine similarity scores
for the three major news events are 0.84, 0.83, 0.82 and 0.78.
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
Fig. 21. Soft cosine similarity between tweets and news reports.
the literature, such as for Korea, where certain measures can achieve a practice of disposing of mixed household waste in single-use plastic
17% reduction in emissions in 2050 compared to 2010 from the Waste bags. The topic analysis showed that issues such as low recycling and
sector. Additionally, China investigates the possibility of climate waste selection rates, as well as active burning of toxic waste, were
neutrality of the Municipal Solid Waste sectors, as it plans to achieve discussed during this event. Therefore, although the capacity of the
overall carbon neutrality before 2060. Along with state institutions and competent institutions to implement the measure is criticized, the real
industry, the citizens themselves have a considerable share in the reason for the introduction of a higher price for biodegradable bags,
implementation and achievement of such results, especially in the Solid intended to raise people's awareness about the use of more ecological
Waste Disposal sector. materials and reusable bags, is rarely seen in people's attitudes. There
Moreover, in this study, an analysis was made of the online news fore, it can be concluded that although adopting such legislation is under
media reports about waste, as one of the primary sources from which waste management policies and measures expected to mitigate GHG
citizens obtain pollution information, in general, regardless of the emissions, it is followed by mainly negative remarks from both news
source. The results were contrasted with the findings from the sentiment media and social media. It is noteworthy to highlight that this finding is
analysis of Twitter data, revealing the accordance between news media not unexpected given the numerous studies that have found public op
and public sentiment content. In that sense, besides the environmental position to the adoption of laws and other actions that have a positive
and economic aspects of the waste management regulations, this study impact on the environment (Shahrasbi et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2021;
tackles the social aspect, too, by evaluating public awareness and un Zhang et al., 2021). However, this conclusion suggests that, in order for
derstanding of the proposed measures. the measures to be successfully implemented, it is necessary to
The results obtained from all three analytical methods underline that concentrate on implementing additional measures for increasing public
a greater consciousness around reducing the amount of waste, reuse of knowledge, reaching a level of awareness similar to the one presented in
resources and selection of waste is mainly required. The strong corre (Menzel et al., 2021). In this sense, the findings could be considered for
lation between the news reports and waste-related tweets suggests that implementing similar regulations related to pro-environmental
news media content is highly aligned with the overall public response to behavior, and not just in terms of exploring possibilities for educating
waste management policies. Three major events were identified as in the public but in creating a pro-active response to the climate change
citements of a larger public response during the analyzed period. consequences.
The first event, the one that established the objective of this study, The second event that posed a significant initiator of public reaction
was the law regulating very lightweight plastic bag use in North was the great scale of expired COVID-19 vaccine disposal. In this
Macedonia and the increase of biodegradable plastic bags' prices, instance, the majority of Twitter users showed concerns about the
enforced as of December 1st, 2021 (Georgievski, 2021). The ultimate management of medical waste, not only for the event of vaccine
goal of these legal changes was to promote a switch towards a more pro- disposal, but also for the increased amount of medical waste generated
environmental action, by increasing the consumption of reusable bags over the last years as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (Tonnes of
made of eco-friendly materials. The money paid for purchasing more COVID-19 Health Care Waste Expose Urgent Need to Improve Waste Man
expensive bags goes to a special “environmental fund” at the Ministry of agement Systems, 2022). The Twitter users' responses to 9 are centered
the Environment and Physical Planning, and only in December 235,000 around the distrust of the waste managing facilities in the ability to
EUR were collected. According to the Ministry, this budget will be spent adequately treat medical waste, since poor administration of this type of
to invest in more ecological projects (Од пластични кеси собрани 235 waste can greatly threaten human and environmental health. Such
илјади евра, 2022). concerns might be justified and expected, bearing in mind previous in
However, even though this measure complies with EU regulations, cidents of inappropriate medical waste treatment by certain companies,
the results show negative sentiment across both data sources, news although in this case, the vaccines were destroyed at the Drisla landfill,
media and Twitter data. The main reason for this result is probably due the only managed landfill in North Macedonia. Our results contribute to
to people's skepticism towards the governing bodies responsible for the research analyzing the effect of medical waste created during the
waste management, as it has already been identified in previous COVID-19 pandemic (Harm, 2021; Rayhan et al., 2022) and, likewise,
research of similar regulations' acceptance (Little et al., 2019). Addi emphasize the inappropriate management of assets found indispensable
tionally, the vast majority of Twitter users during this period com for public health during the COVID-19 crisis. The exact footprint that
mented on the ineffectiveness of the ban because of the common this additional medical waste poses on the GHG emissions in North
I. Gjorshoska et al. Ecological Informatics 76 (2023) 102130
Macedonia is still not evaluated since the last year for which GHG in all this, the NLP technique of sentiment analysis and topic modeling
ventory was prepared is 2019. Nevertheless, although medical waste proves to be a reliable solution for evaluating public perceptions and
incineration accounted for only 0.1% of total greenhouse gas emissions feelings regarding waste management regulations, taking effect in a
in 2019, this is not an issue that should be neglected, given that it speaks developing society of a Western Balkan country.
about the poor management of resources. Especially relevant because Additionally, as a suitable tool to reduce data subjectivity (Huang
they regulate public health and related consequences and risks, health et al., 2022), social media have proven to be an essential data source for
policies and interventions' further research should consider all possible extracting large amounts of information from consumers' opinions
sources of pollution affecting citizens' well-being (Gollust et al., 2017). (Shahrasbi et al., 2021). Social media activity has been contemplated in
The last identified event provoking a visible reaction among the this study following previous research, evidencing it not only as an in
public was the armed conflict in Ukraine. The Russian invasion of strument to evaluate the users' perceptions of the waste problem but as a
Ukraine began on February 24th, 2022, and shortly after, the towns of means to raise awareness and stimulate citizens to take an active part in
Chernobyl and Pripyat were under Russian control. The primary concern the problem-solving process promoting mobile phone waste manage
about the nuclear disaster happened a few days after the initial invasion, ment (Pourabbasi and Shokouhyar, 2022), as well as for promoting
following the reports that the radiation level in Chernobyl drastically plastic-free behaviors (Heidbreder et al., 2021). However, given that
increased due to the failure to maintain the nuclear reactor facility research usually addresses precise triggers of certain behavior, it be
(Polityuk and Crellin, 2022). The reaction of the Macedonian users of comes visible the need to widen the perspective and present a more
Twitter was following these concerns, especially because of the general observation of waste management regulations and associated
geographical proximity of the affected region. Although these concerns sentiments, as done in this study. Furthermore, social media have
show public awareness of the adverse effects of the harmful levels of established to have a significant impact on the creation of people's
radiation from uranium, this is not correlated to GHG emissions and thus recycling behavior (Sujata et al., 2019). As our study confirms, this
is not particularly relevant for this study. importance is equally significant for all categories of the waste sector,
underlining the potential of social media to act as a mediator between
5.2. Implications policy-makers and citizens, which can be of substantial importance for
aligning waste management measures and real practices.
The continuous consumeristic trend worldwide has led to a great Over the last few years, the governments in the Western Balkan na
amount of waste generation, challenging to be treated, especially when tions have made significant efforts in plotting a nation-wide plan to
it comes to developing countries with limited resources and regulations. tackle the growing waste management issue. Among the plans for
In order to avoid irrevocable consequences, current research calls for building more efficient waste management systems, the North Mace
practical regulations that would offer socially, economically and donian government also has the intention to further incorporate the
ecologically reasonable solutions headed towards pro-environmental topics of climate change and sustainable development in the overall
behaviors (Oke et al., 2020). Accordingly, it is necessary to accurately national education system, in addition to employing measures to raise
predict waste generation and the provoked GHG emission so that climate awareness among the general public. The ban on single-use
adequate waste management can be modeled and more pragmatic pol plastic was the starting measure aimed at raising public awareness of
icies and measures can be planned (Adusei et al., 2022; Kittipongvises the benefits of waste management regulations. Therefore, it would be
et al., 2022). In this sense, the IPCC methodology is a widely accepted convenient to promote the positive aspect of these measures, initially by
approach that has proven to be valuable not only for reporting historical the news media outlets. Since there is a strong positive correlation be
emissions but also for projecting and forecasting emissions in the future tween the news reports and the social media response concerning waste
and evaluating the effect of implementing related policies or measures. management regulations, more positive news reports informing on the
That has been demonstrated in this paper and supported by previous advantages of waste management, rather than judging individual or
research conducted for evaluating the mitigation pathways up to 2050 organizational attitudes, may play a substantial role in promoting pro-
(Chung et al., 2018) and identifying options for achieving carbon environmental propositions, that could be easily exploited by the so
neutrality in specific waste sectors (Zhang et al., 2022). cial media efficiency for creating public opinion, awareness and action
With this in mind, the general goal of this study is to predict GHG (Sujata et al., 2019).
emissions trends concerning waste management regulations imple
mentation but also to capture public opinion regarding waste manage 5.3. Limitations and future lines of research
ment policies, understand sentiments and recognize concerns around
waste management topics. The uniquely developed models, using the The study's limitations encompass data observation restricted to the
IPCC methodology, create different scenarios that emphasize the need to case of North Macedonia, which could be overcome in future broader
consider all the subcategories of the waste sector for projecting emis research, where a comparison could be made for all countries from the
sions up to 2050. In this line, underlining the importance of citizens' region. Furthermore, a longitudinal study could be helpful to contem
actions as one of the essential wheels in the run for GHG emission plate the reaction to different policies implementation and effects
mitigation through implementing waste measures distinctively adds to related to climate change generally and not limited to the waste sector
the waste management body of knowledge. only. Moreover, as previous research has concluded (Lahuerta-Otero
Moreover, a variety of studies have focused their interest on waste et al., 2018), instead of analyzing only tweets, it can be enriching to
generation as a general process or a reaction to a specific initiative, such include in the analysis the likes and comments to these tweets, given that
as zero waste trend, recycling, and municipal waste disposal (Adusei they could, also, provide information regarding the public opinion.
et al., 2022; Ganczewski and Jemielniak, 2022; Kumar et al., 2018), Additionally, current investigation suggests that citizens' socioeconomic
rather than looking into citizens as one of the main actors in the and demographic characteristics might be a relevant predictor of pro-
implementation of the related measures for achieving waste generation environmental behavior (Yang and Arhonditsis, 2022), variables
decrease. This study observes the waste sector from a broader perspec which could be addressed in further research of an identified group of
tive, identifying sentiments' dynamics in accordance with waste man individuals involved in waste management or other climate-related
agement regulations and offering insights for policy-makers into the causes. Along the same line, the culture of public could play an impor
individual propensity towards measurements' acceptance and imple tant role in citizens' perceptions, predisposition and engagement in pro-
mentation. The fact that sentiments and news teasers are observed environmental behaviors, making this element worth of study. Namely,
before, during and after policies are enacted provides the advantage of an identification of Twitter accounts could be attempted, and a survey
more objectively evaluating the public awareness of waste issues. With could be performed with Twitter users who share and comment on waste
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