Tender Hafizabad 2
Tender Hafizabad 2
Tender Hafizabad 2
Government of the Punjab
Rupees ……………………………………………………………………
5. Issue to …………………………………………………………………………….
(Name of the contractor)
Signature ……………………
(Official issuing the form)
Note: The officer open the tender shall reject the tender which does not hear the stamp
and signature of the issuing official and which is not submitted but the same
contractor to whom the tender form was issued.
(This page is to filled in by the issuing official).
Dear Sir,
(Name of work)
And the works associated therewith, and having examined the site of the above named works, or having
caused the site to be visited on our behalf by my/our competent and reliable agent, and having satisfied
myself/ourselves as to all conditions under which the above named work must be performed, hereby offer to
execute, complete and maintain the whole of the above mentioned work including its ancillary works
associated herewith, in accordance with the said contract documents, including the addenda indicated above,
a tender price of Rs. Rupees)
Or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the said conditions of contract and the rates,
and the prices set forth in the bid schedule.
2. As security for the due performance of the undertaking and obligations of this tender I/We submit
herewith a deposit at call receipt No. Dated in
the amount of Rs. (Rupees)
a) To sign all the necessary documents for entering in to a contract agreement in the form set
out in the contract document with in fifteen (15) days following your notification of such
b) The commence the work within the stipulated time named in item (f) of memorandum
hereto annexed following the date of issuance of your order to proceed with or the handing
over of the site, whichever is later and in the event of my/our failure to do so, the entire
amount of earnest money deposited by me/us for which deposit at call receipt is enclosed
herewith is to be absolutely forfeited to the Government. On the commencement of the
work, I/We hereby also agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms or provisions of the said
conditions of the contract annexed hereto so far as sums of money mentioned in the said
c) To complete and deliver the whole of the work comprised in the contract within the time
stipulated in item No. (g) of the memorandum hereto annexed, subject to such extension
in the time limit as may be granted under the conditions of contract.
d) The furnishing of performance security under item (h) of the memorandum annexed
hereto, in the sum equal to 5(five) percent of the cost of the work in the same form and on
the same conditions as are prescribed by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
5. I/We also agree that when materials and /or equipment for the work are provided by the
Government the rates to be paid for them shall be as provided in appendices annexed hereto.
6. I/We agree to abide by this tender for the period of sixty (60) days following the date set for
receiving of tenders and it shall remain binding upon me/us and may be accepted by you at any time before
the expiration of that period.
7. Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, this tender, together with your
written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us, and shall be deemed for all
purposes to be the contract agreement.
8 I/We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive, and
that you will not defray any expenses incurred by me/us in tendering.
Thanking you,
Your Faithfully,
(Signature of tenderer)
Of 201
Signature of
In case the above address is changed, the contractor will immediately notify in writing to the
Municipal Officer (I&S) his new address.
Memorandum of work
(To be filled in by the Government Department)
(If several sub works are included, they should be detailed in a separate sheet)
Name of Work
Name of Work
Sr. Pay item No. or Description Estimated Unit of Unit Rate (to be Amount (to
No. reference to special of item Quantity Rates filled in by the be filled in
specification supplied contractor) by the
In words contractor)
Name of Work