Bromley 1970

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Heat Capacities and Enthalpies of Sea Salt Solutions to 200OC.


Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720

A pressure calorimeter has been designed. constructed, and used to measure the
heat capacity of sea salt solutions from 80' to 2OO0C. and up to 12% salinity.
C, valuer calculated from experimental measurements are correlated by the use
of extended Debye-Hirckel theoty. Heat capacity values at saturation, C,.,, and partial
and apparent valuer for sea salts and water are included. The heat capacities,
C,-, and C,, are in general considered accurate to fO.OO1 cal. per gram per "C.
with a maximum error of f0.003.Values are smoothed to include previously measured
heat capacities between 0' and 8 0 ' C . All valuer are in defined calories = 4.1840
absolute iodes per gram per C. Enthalpies are given in calories per gram, referred
to pure water and salts a t infinite dilution as zero at Oo C.

IN THE DESIGN or evaluation of sea water conversiu..

equipment i t is necessary to calculate energy requirements.
This can he done accurately only with a knowledge of
the heat capacity of sea water solutions. Bromley et al.
(2, 4 ) have published values to 8PC. as measured in an
atmospheric pressure calorimeter. These data agreed with
the data of Cox and Smith ( 5 ) . Jamieson et al. (6) recently
measured values for a synthetic sea water with 1% accuracy
to 180°C. and 15% salt concentration.
As a guide, for measurement of heat capacity above
8PC. many of the techniques employed were those used
by Osborne et al. (10) in the measurement of the heat
capacity of water.
Sea water solutions are rather corrosive and contain many
ions, including bicarbonate. For this reason, and also
because of the availability of new materials, a new calorim-
eter was designed. From the measured heat capacities the
partial and apparent values as well as enthalpies were cal-

CALORIMETER Figure 1. Pressure calorimeter (upper) and Containment vessel

Figure 1 shows the pressure calorimeter and containment
vessel. The samples were contained in a hemispherically Gold plating was used outside the vessel to minimize
domed "bomb" of about 1400-cc. capacity placed inside radiant heat exchange with the surrounding vessel which
a vacuum chamber whose temperature was controlled. was also gold-plated. The interior plate was an approximately
Figure 2 is a diagram of the calorimeter. The details of 0.002-inch layer of 24-carat gold deposited from a bath,
this calorimeter and results obtained have heen recorded free of organic material, over a layer of nickel previously
by Wilkins (13). deposited on the beryllium copper. It was somewhat dull
The sample chamber was built of beryllium copper (alloy in appearance and has heen tested in boiling 8N HNOa.
Berylco 10) appropriately heat-treated to give it high The exterior plate was bright.
strength. This alloy was chosen, not only because of its During all measurements, the space between the sample
high strength, hut also because of its excellent thermal chamber and surrounding vessel was evacuated to helow
conductivity. lo-' torr through a cold trap by means of an oil diffusion
The vessel lid (bottom flange) was of brass for runs pump. The vacuum was used to minimize conduction and
to 1 4 P C . and of heryllium copper for high-temperature convection. The sample chamber was supported on three
runs. It was sealed with an ethylene-propylene O-ring. A pointed stainless steel pins to reduce conduction heat
new ring was used for each high-temperature run. A Teflon- transfer further.
coated V seal was found to be satisfactory only when the The surrounding vessel, which had annular cavities within
surfaces were carefully machined. The vessel was designed it, was kept a t constant temperature by a bath held to
with a safety factor of 3 and hydraulically tested to 500 +O.OPC. by means of a Hallikainen Thermotrol unit.
psi. This vessel was in turn placed in a constant-temperature
air-thermostated oven maintained to f1" C.
The main heater located within the sample chamber was
'Present address, Lonza, Ltd., Visp, Switzerland Nichrome-V wire of about 110-ohm resistance contained

246 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Doto, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970
4c TO

Figure 2. Pressure calorimeter assembly

1. Heater 6, 11. O-rings 12. Stirrer drive magnet
2. Stirrer 7. Valve 13. Ball bearing (typical)
3. Resistance thermometer 8. Thermocouple boss (typical) 14. Insulation
4. Heater lead 9. Electrical receptacle 15. To vacuum diffusion pump
5. Chamber support 10. Bath resistance thermometer

in an Inconel-w tube, but electrically insulated from it Monel can, supported vertically on a pointed shaft
by compacted magnesium oxide insulation, helically wound and aligned radially by a Teflon sleeve. The master magnet
on gold-plated copper bar supports. Other heaters which was driven by a synchronous motor a t 300 r.p.m. The
proved unsatisfactory included one of anodized aluminum, heat of stirring alone would cause about 0 . l o C . per hour
glass fiber-insulated wire in a copper tube, Teflon-insulated rise if the bomb were perfectly insulated.
wire, and several other variations of these. Bomb temperature measurements were made using a pla-
The energy input to the sample chamber was from a tinum resistance thermometer calibrated by the National
60-cycle, 110-volt constant-voltage source. I t was measured Bureau of Standards. A Leeds & Northrup Mueller bridge,
with a calibrated Sangamo rotating standard, J-5. Its sensitive null detector, and recorder were used to detect
absolute accuracy was &0.17%, although its reproducibility, temperature changes to k0.0002° C.
which is more important, was 10.02%. This easily satisfied Most other temperatures were measured with iron-
the desired accuracy and was simpler to use than the usual constantan thermocouples using a Leeds & Northrup K-5
d.c. system employing accurate measurement of voltage potentiometer. A few temperatures were displayed directly
and amperage as functions of time. on the console by means of indicating thermometers
The stirrer consisted of a slave magnet in a gold-plated accurate to about 1"C.

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970 247
The sea water used for all measurements was taken from The procedure used to evaluate the hypothetical zero
the end of the pier a t Scripps Institution of Oceanography, time and the temperature rise a t that time is the same
La Jolla, Calif., about midway between the free surface as that used previously ( 4 ) .
and the sand. I t was filtered and acidified with concentrated The present calorimeter is essentially one of constant
H S 0 4 to pH 4 as previously described ( 4 ) . The amount volume in which evaporation (or condensation) is expected
of concentrated H2S04 required was about 120 p.p.m. to occur as the temperature rises. The procedure used
For concentrations other than that of normal (La Jolla) is essentially that due to Osborne (9) and corrects for
sea water (about 3.34%), water was carefully removed by the heat of vaporization and the expansion of liquid water.
evaporation, or distilled water was added. The heat, aQ, required to raise the calorimeter and its
All samples were analyzed for chloride by titration with contents an amount dT is given by
silver nitrate, using the Knudsen (11) method. The normal
8Q = dH - VdP (1)
distribution of ions (12) was assumed. The sea salt content
was finally expressed as per cent salinity-i.e., parts per If this is applied separately to the calorimeter and its
hundred as opposed to parts per thousand, O/OO, as used contents and the results are added, one obtains
in oceanography. This is approximately the percentage of
total dissolved solids (1%salinity = 1.00465 total dissolved ( V - Mu)( h ' - h )
solids). 6Q = KdT + MC,,dT -t d
(u' - u )
- ( V - M u ) d P (2)
After weighing, filling, and reweighing the sample cham-
ber, leaving space for expansion, the assembly was inverted
Since all quantities are known or can be estimated with
and evacuated to remove air and carbon dioxide. The cham-
reasonable accuracy, the values of Csat, the heat capacity
ber was again weighed t o 0.2 gram and the necessary air-
a t thermal saturation for the liquid may be calculated.
buoyancy correction was made. For these experiments the order of magnitude of the various
The entire calorimeter was assembled, and the vacuum quantities is
chamber evacuated and heated to the desired temperature.
A small linear increase in temperature with time was SQ= about 3000 cal.
observed and allowed t o stabilize. K = about 300 ca1.i" C.
A predetermined amount of heat (about 3000 cal.) was M = about 1200 grams
added in 2 minutes. V = about 1400 cc.
Temperatures were observed until the drift was again The sum of the last two terms in Equation 2 which
linear downward. A theoretical analysis is performed on represents the evaporation (or condensation) correction and,
the data to evaluate the hypothetical, instantaneous tem- hence, may be positive or negative has not been over 3
perature rise, and, from it, the heat capacity a t saturation. cal. per C.

Table I. Experimental Heat Capacities at Saturation, C,, from 80" to 200°C.

(Calories per gram degree centigrade. Salinities,S, in per cent)
T 1.02 2.00 3.34 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.24 12.00
80 0.9902 0.9781 0.9637 0.9444 0.9264 0.9095 0.8928 0.8760
0.9906 0.9785 0.9642 0.9451 0.9266 0.9093 0.8925 0.8761
90 0.9923 0.9803 0.9658 0.9463 0.9280 0.9110 0.8936 0.8776
0.9922 0.9811 0.9651 0.9466 0.9279 0.9106 0.8937 0.8774
100 0.9947 0.9832 0.9680 0.9477 0.9302 0.9124 0.8950 0.8792
0.9948 0.9829 0.9678 0.9481 0.9303 0.9120 0.8953 0.8785
110 0.9979 0.9856 0.9703 0.9508 0.9321 0.9142 0.8969 0.8804
0.9981 0.9858 0.9706 0.9501 0.9322 0.9134 0.8964 0.8804
120 1.0013 0.9886 0.9735 0.9528 0.9346 0.9162 0.8991 0.8823
1.0011 0.9892 0.9736 0.9529 0.9342 0.9160 0.8982 0.8813
130 1.0044 0.9921 0.9767 0.9559 0.9367 0.9189 0.9004 0.8837
1.0049 0.9926 0.9772 0.9562 0.9370 0.9182 0.9002 0.8834
140 1.0090 0.9969 0.9802 0.9597 0.9395 0.9212 0.9026 0.8854
1.0092 0.9967 0.9812 0.9594 0.9399 0.9206 0.9023 0.8857
150 1.0137 1.0004 0.9830 0.9629 0.9430 0.9237 0.9048 0.8870
1.0137 1.0008 0.9828 0.9632 0.9429 0.9242 0.9055 0.8866
160 1.0204 1.0052 0.9878 0.9673 0.9464 0.9272 0.9075 0.8893
1.0200 1.0059 0.9874 0.9674 0.9468 0.9284 0.9076 0.8899
170 1.0263 1.0123 0.9932 0.9724 0.9509 0.9313 0.9108 0.8921
1.0268 1.0115 0.9930 0.9721 0.9515 0.9308 0.9114 0.8931
180 1.0334 1.0194 0.9994 0.9781 0.9563 0.9347 0.9157 0.8959
1.0338 1.0196 0.9998 0.9778 0.9563 0.9357 0.9153 0.8966
190 1.0421 1.0268 1.0063 0.9846 0.9617 0.9404 0.9202 0.9005
1.0418 1.0268 1.0073 0.9850 0.9622 0.9404 0.9204 0.9006
200 1.0520 1.0359 1.0160 1.9919 0.9686 0.9454 0.9252 0.9055
1.0513 1.0359 1.0154 0.9917 0.9689 0.9468 0.9251 0.9057

248 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970
From the values of C,,, the values of the heat capacity
at constant pressure may be calculated directly as


Extended Debye-Huckel theory as used by Bromley (2) Experimental data for C,,, are given in Table I. Two
was used to correlate these data. Apparent and partial values (those considered the most reliable) are given at
heat capacity are related to heat capacity at constant pres- each temperature and salinity listed.
sure, all per unit mass, as follows: A careful error analysis has been made and indicates
c, = c; (1 - x) + X(4CP ) = q (1 - x ) + xcl; the following for any single measured value of C
,, a t 140" F.
and 6% salinity:
For x , the salinity in mass fraction is used. By extended
Debye-Huckel theory
Maximum Error in C,
Distilled water value for C,,, 0.0005 cal./g. C.
Temperature rise 0.0007
and similar equations may be written for the partial quan- Heat input 0.0005
tities (2). Mass of solution 0.0003
Salinity 0.00004
Absolute temperature 0.00003
Other systematic errors 0.0001
Maximum probable error 0.0022

Table II. Heat Capacity of Sea Salt Solutions

(Defined calories per gram degree centigrade)

Temp., Salinitv. "c

C. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
At Constant Pressure
0 1.0080 0.9911 0.9752 0.9601 0.9458 0.9323 0.9198 0.9081 0.8973 0.8874 0.8785 0.8706 0.8637
10 1.0019 0.9872 0.9731 0.9596 0.9467 0.9343 0.9225 0.9112 0.9006 0.8905 0.8810 0.8722 0.8640
20 0.9995 0.9860 0.9731 0.9606 0.9486 0.9369 0.9257 Q.9148 0.9044 0.8944 0.8848 0.8757 0.8670
30 0.9987 0.9859 0.9737 0.9618 0.9503 0.9391 0.9282 0.9176 0.9074 0.8974 0.8879 0.8786 0.8697
40 0.9987 0.9863 0.9744 0.9629 0.9516 0.9406 0.9300 0.9195 0.9094 0.8995 0.8899 0.8806 0.8716
50 0.9992 0.9869 0.9752 0.9638 0.9527 0.9419 0.9313 0.9209 0.9108 0.9009 0.8913 0.8820 0.8729
60 1.0001 0.9879 0.9762 0.9648 0.9538 0.9430 0.9324 0.9221 0.9120 0.9021 0.8925 0.8831 0.8739
70 1.0013 0.9891 0.9774 0.9660 0.9550 0.9442 0.9336 0.9233 0.9132 0.9033 0.8936 0.8842 0.8750
80 1.0030 0.9907 0.9789 0.9676 0.9565 0.9456 0.9351 0.9247 0.9146 0.9047 0.8950 0.8855 0.8762
90 1.0051 0.9926 0.9808 0.9694 0.9582 0.9474 0.9367 0.9263 0.9162 0.9062 0.8964 0.8869 0.8776
100 1.0076 0.9950 0.9831 0.9715 0.9603 0.9494 0.9387 0.9282 0.9179 0.9079 0.8981 0.8885 0.8791
110 1.0107 0.9979 0.9858 0.9741 0.9628 0.9517 0.9408 0.9303 0.9199 0.9098 0.8998 0.8901 0.8806
120 1.0145 1.0014 0.9890 0.9771 0.9656 0.9543 0.9433 0.9326 0.9220 0.9117 0.9017 0.8918 0.8821
130 1.0189 1.0054 0.9928 0.9806 0.9688 0.9573 0.9461 0.9351 0.9244 0.9139 0.9036 0.8935 0.8837
140 1.0240 1.0101 0.9971 0.9846 0.9725 0.9607 0.9492 0.9380 0.9270 0.9163 0.9057 0.8954 0.8853
150 1.0300 1.0155 1.0021 0.9893 0.9768 0.9647 0.9529 0.9414 0.9301 0.9191 0.9083 0.8977 0.8873
160 1.0368 1.0218 1.0079 0.9947 0.9818 0.9694 0.9572 0.9454 0.9338 0.9225 0.9114 0.9005 0.8899
170 1.0446 1.0290 1.0146 1.0009 0.9876 0.9748 0.9623 0.9502 0.9383 0.9267 0.9153 0.9042 0.8933
180 1.0535 1.0372 1.0222 1.0081 0.9944 0.9812 0.9684 0.9559 0.9437 0.9318 0.9202 0.9088 0.8977
190 1.0635 1.0464 1.0309 1.0162 1.0022 0.9886 0.9754 0.9626 0.9501 0.9380 0.9261 0.9145 0.9032
200 1.0747 1.0567 1.0406 1.0254 1.0108 0.9969 0.9833 0.9702 0.9575 0.9450 0.9329 0.9211 0.9096
At Thermal Saturation
0 1.0080 0.9911 0.9752 0.9601 0.9458 0.9323 0.9198 0.9081 0.8973 0.8874 0.8785 0.8706 0.8637
10 1.0019 0.9872 0.9731 0.9596 0.9467 0.9343 0:9225 0.9112 0.9006 0.8905 0.8810 0.8722 0.8640
20 0.9995 0.9860 0.9731 0.9606 0.9486 0.9369 0.9257 0.9148 0.9044 0.8944 0.8848 0.8757 0.8670
30 0.9987 0.9859 0.9737 0.9618 0.9503 0.9391 0.9282 0.9176 0.9074 0.8974 0.8879 0.8786 0.8697
40 0.9987 0.9863 0.9744 0.9629 0.9516 0.9406 0.9300 0.9195 0.9094 0.8995 0.8899 0.8806 0.8716
50 0.9992 0.9869 0.9752 0.9638 0.9527 0.9419 0.9313 0.9209 0.9108 0.9009 0.8913 0.8820 0.8729
60 1.0000 0.9878 0.9761 0.9648 0.9537 0.9429 0.9324 0.9220 0.9119 0.9021 0.8924 0.8830 0.8739
70 1.0012 0.9890 0.9773 0.9660 0.9549 0.9441 0.9336 0.9232 0.9131 0.9032 0.8936 0.8841 0.8749
80 1.0029 0.9906 0.9788 0.9675 0.9564 0.9455 0.9350 0.9246 0.9145 0.9046 0.8949 0.8854 0.8761
90 1.0049 0.9925 0.9807 0.9693 0.9581 0.9473 0.9366 0.9262 0.9161 0.9061 0.8963 0.8868 0.8775
100 1.0074 0.9948 0.9829 0.9713 0.9601 0.9492 0.9385 0.9280 0.9177 0.9077 0.8979 0.8883 0.8789
110 1.0104 0.9976 0.9855 0.9738 0.9625 0.9514 0.9405 0.9300 0.9196 0.9095 0.8995 0.8898 0.8803
120 1.0139 1.0009 0.9885 0.9766 0.9651 0.9539 0.9429 0.9322 0.9216 0.9113 0.9013 0.8914 0.8817
130 1.0181 1.0047 0.9921 0.9799 0.9681 0.9567 0.9455 0.9345 0.9238 0.9133 0.9030 0.8930 0.8832
140 1.0230 1.0091 0.9961 0.9837 0.9716 0.9599 0.9484 0.9372 0.9262 0.9156 0.9050 0.8947 0.8846
150 1.0285 1.0142 1.0008 0.9881 0.9756 0.9635 0.9517 0.9403 0.9290 0.9181 0.9073 0.8968 0.8864
160 1.0349 1.0200 1.0061 0.9929 0.9801 0.9677 0.9556 0.9439 0.9324 0.9211 0.9101 0.8993 0.8887
170 1.0420 1.0265 1.0122 0.9986 0.9853 0.9726 0.9602 0.9482 0.9364 0.9249 0.9135 0.9025 0.8917
180 1.0500 1.0339 1.0190 1.0050 0.9914 0.9783 0.9656 0.9532 0.9412 0.9294 0.9179 0.9066 0.8956
190 1.0590 1.0420 1.0267 1.0122 0.9983 0.9848 0.9718 0.9592 0.9468 0.9348 0.9231 0.9116 0.9004
200 1.0689 1.0511 1.0352 1.0202 1.0058 0.9921 0.9787 0.9658 0.9533 0.9410 0.9290 0.9174 0.9060

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970 249
A similar value for the highest temperature, 2OO0C., and The values from 0" to 80°C. previously reported ( 4 ) were
maximum salinity, 12%, is 0.003. included in the smoothing process.
I n correlating the values, a power series in molality was
used as suggested by Lewis et al. (7); however, as was
found for the data below 80" C. ( 2 ) ,only the two constants
From each value of Cmt measured, a value for C, was and B' were found to be necessary. The standard
calculated and in turn correlated by extended Debye-Huckel deviation was not reduced significantly as more constants
theory. The resulting smoothed C, values are presented were added.
in Table 11. The smoothed saturation heat capacity values, Figure 3 is a graph of the partial heat capacity of the
,, also shown in Table 11, were calculated from C, values. sea salts a t infinite dilution, c,
as a function of tem-
perature. The previously obtained curve to 80°C. ( 2 ) is
included for comparison.
Table I11 is a set of tabular values of C?, B', A,, and
Table Ill. Constants used in Modified Debye-Huckel
Calculation of Heat Capacities of Sea Water Solutions
The values for A,, c,
and B' were calculated from
Equations 9, 10, and 11, respectively.
c: 7"
%I,- B' A, e;" A, = 7.858661 + 0.04424799t + (0.2129136 x 10-')tZ -
0 -0.7519547 0.2207251 7.859 1.00804
5 -0.6286866 0.1730745 8.131 1.00434 (0.1837382 x 10-'))t3 + (0.7077757 x lO-')t' (9)
10 -0.5326990 0.1384558 8.496 1.00194
15 -0.4591725 0.1131234 8.943 1.00040
20 -0.4039477 0.09444761 9.460 0.99947
25 -0.3634661 0.08057092 10.036 0.99893
30 -0.3347135 0.07017338 10.664 0.99866 --X-- Bromley (2)
35 -0.3151657 0.06231164 11.334 0.99860 -0.2
40 -0.3027379 0.05630773 12.040 0.99869
45 -0.2957356 0.05167180 12.777 0.99889
50 -0.2928088 0.04804805 13.540 0.99919
55 -0.2929087 0.045 17675 14.324 0.99959
60 -0.2952471 0.04286738 15.127 1.00008 9
65 -0.2992585 0.04097953 15.948 1.00065 w
70 -0.3045645 0.03940921 16.786
75 -0.3109415 0.03807911
80 -0.3182903 0.03693145 18.517 1.00299 v)

90 -0.3359688 0.03502087 20.336 1.00506 I "0"

100 -0.3583266 0.03344351 22.279 1.00762

110 -0.3866099 0.03206476 24.395 1.01074
120 -0.4220917 0.03080604 26.754 1.01448
130 -0.4657488 0.02962081 29.441 1.01888
140 -0.5181096 0.02848113 32.557 1.02403 --0*9
150 -0.5792712 0.02737002 36.221 1.02998
160 -0.6490865 0.02627704 40.570 1.03683 - 1-1 0 40
170 -0.7275219 0.02519567 45.756 1.04463 Temperature "C.
180 -0.815 1843 0.02412183 51.951 1.05349
190 -0.9140188 0.02305290 59.340 1.06347
1.07467 Figure 3. Partial heat capacities of sea salts at infinite dilution
200 -1.1028176 0.02198723 68.127
for sea water solutions

Table IV. Apparent Heat Capacity of Salts in Sea Salt Solutions

(Defined calories per gram degree centigrade)
Salinitv. Wt. %
c. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 -0.752 -0.682 -0.635 -0.592 -0.549 -0.506 -0.463 -0.420 -0.376 -0.332 -0.287 -0.241 -0.195
10 -0.533 -0.473 -0.439 -0.409 -0.379 -0.351 -0.322 -0.294 -0.265 -0.236 -0.207 -0.178 -0.148
20 -0.404 -0.347 -0.319 -0.295 -0.273 -0.251 -0.230 -0.210 -0.189 -0.168 -0.147 -0.126 -0.105
30 -0.335 -0.276 -0.251 -0.230 -0.211 -0.193 -0.176 -0.159 -0.143 -0.126 -0.109 -0.093 -0.076
40 -0.303 -0.240 -0.215 -0.196 -0.178 -0.162 -0.147 -0.132 -0.118 -0.103 -0.089 -0.075 -0.060
50 -0.293 -0.225 -0.200 -0.180 -0.163 -0.148 -0.133 -0.119 -0.106 -0.092 -0.079 -0.066 -0.054
60 -0.295 -0.221 -0.195 -0.175 -0.157 -0.142 -0.128 -0.114 -0.101 -0.088 -0.076 -0.064 -0.051
70 -0.305 -0.224 -0.195 -0.175 -0.157 -0.141 -0.127 -0.113 -0.100 -0.088 -0.076 -0.064 -0.052
80 -0.318 -0.230 -0.200 -0.178 -0.160 -0.144 -0.129 -0.115 -0.102 -0.090 -0.077 -0.065 -0.054
90 -0.336 -0.240 -0.208 -0.185 -0.166 -0.149 -0.134 -0.120 -0.106 -0.093 -0.081 -0.069 -0.057
100 -0.358 -0.254 -0.220 -0.195 -0.175 -0.158 -0.142 -0.127 -0.113 -0.100 -0.088 -0.076 -0.064
110 -0.387 -0.273 -0.236 -0.210 -0.189 -0.171 -0.154 -0.139 -0.125 -0,111 -0.098 -0.086 -0.074
120 -0.422 -0.298 -0.259 -0.231 -0.208 -0.189 -0.172 -0.156 -0.141 -0.127 -0.114 -0.101 -0.088
130 -0.466 -0.330 -0.287 -0.257 -0.233 -0.213 -0.194 -0.178 -0.162 -0.148 -0.134 -0.121 -0.108
140 -0.518 -0.369 -0.322 -0.290 -0.264 -0.242 -0.222 -0.205 -0.189 -0.173 -0.159 -0.145 -0.132
150 -0.579 -0.414 -0.363 -0.327 -0.299 -0.275 -0.255 -0.236 -0.219 -0.202 -0.187 -0.173 -0.159
160 -0.649 -0.464 -0.408 -0.369 -0.338 -0.312 -0.290 -0.270 -0.251 -0.234 -0.218 -0.202 -0.188
170 -0.728 -0.520 -0.457 -0.414 -0.380 -0.352 -0.327 -0.305 -0.285 -0.266 -0.249 -0.232 -0.217
180 -0.815 -0.580 -0.509 -0.461 -0.423 -0.392 -0.365 -0.341 -0.319 -0.298 -0.280 -0.262 -0.245
190 -0.914 -0.646 -0.566 -0.512 -0.470 -0.435 -0.404 -0.378 -0.353 -0.331 -0.310 -0.291 -0.272
200 -1.028 -0.722 -0.630 -0.569 -0.521 -0.481 -0.448 -0.418 -0.391 -0.366 -0.343 -0.321 -0.301

250 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970
cl;" = -0.7519547 + 0.02773842t - (0.6551250 x 1 0 - ' ) t 2 + evaluate enthalpies. The enthalpy values given by the
National Engineering Laboratory Steam Tables (8) were
(0 7890734 X 10 ' ) t ' - (0.5240100 x 10 - ) t 4+
considered correct, and deviations from these were cal-
(0.1756529 X 10 ' ) t ' - (0.2361268 x 10 12)t6 (10) culated by use of heat capacity values contained herein.
B' = -(272) (0.171253 X lo3') T r - 0.072070739 + An estimate was made of the correction to be applied
to the calculated enthalpy values due to the effect of pres-
(1.05884208 x 10 ' ) T (11) sure not allowed for in the evaluation of the enthalpy
of water. This was a maximum a t the highest temperature
These equations were obtained by fitting individual values and salinity and was about 0.01 cal. per gram and, hence,
a t each temperature by the method of least squares. The was neglected. These were combined with values of the
23' values did not fit a simple power function but did relative enthalpies a t 25OC. (3) to give enthalpies. These
fit rather well the form of the equation chosen. Individual were then corrected to refer to O O C . , with the values of
values below 80°C. differ somewhat from those given previ- water and the salts a t infinite dilution being taken to be
ously (2). Part of this resulted from the use of a simple zero. Table VI is the resulting values in calories per gram.
power function to correlate values of A , to 200°C. Values Values in B.t.u. per pound may be approximated by multi-
of and B' were found to be not completely independent. plying by 1.8. Since the B.t.u. is now defined ( I ) using
The values given are the best set found by the computer, the CalorieI, = 4.1868 joules, then strictly to convert from
including the 0" to 80" C. data given previously ( 4 ) . defined calories per gram t o B.t.u. per pound multiply
Values of the apparent and partial values for salts and by 1.8 x (4.1840/4.1868) = 1.8/1.0067.
water are calculated as had been done previously ( 2 ) and Calcium Sulfate. The contents of the calorimeter were
are presented in Tables IV and V. carefully examined after each high temperature run. N o
Enthalpy. Values of the heat capacity, C,, expressed in calcium sulfate or other solid was observed to have precipi-
terms of the heat capacity of pure water, were used to tated from the acidified sea water solutions for all salinities

Table V. Partial Heat Capacities of Salts and Water in Sea Salt Solutions
(Defined calories per gram degree centigrade)
Temp., Salinitv. %
OC. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 -0.752 -0.633 -0.548 -0.466 -0.385 -0.303 -0.221 -0.137 -0.053 0.034 0.122 0.211 0.303
10 -0.533 -0.436 -0.377 -0.322 -0.269 -0.216 -0.162 -0.108 -0.054 0.001 0.058 0.115 0.173
20 -0.404 -0.316 -0.270 -0.229 -0.189 -0.151 -0.113 -0.075 -0.036 0.003 0.042 0.082 0.123
30 -0.335 -0.247 -0.207 -0.173 -0.141 -0.110 -0.080 -0.050 -0.020 0.010 0.040 0.070 0.101
40 -0.303 -0.211 -0.173 -0.142 -0.114 -0.088 -0.062 -0.037 -0.011 0.014 0.039 0.064 0.090
50 -0.293 -0.194 -0.157 -0.128 -0.101 -0.077 -0.053 -0.030 -0.007 0.015 0.037 0.060 0.083
60 -0.295 -0.189 -0.151 -0.121 -0.096 -0.072 -0.049 -0.028 -0.006 0.015 0.036 0.056 0.077
70 -0.305 -0.189 -0.150 -0.120 -0.094 -0.070 -0.048 -0.027 -0.007 0.014 0.034 0.054 0.073
80 -0.318 -0.193 -0.152 -0.121 -0.095 -0.071 -0.049 -0.028 -0.008 0.012 0.032 0.051 0.070
90 -0.336 -0.200 -0.156 -0.124 -0.098 -0.074 -0.051 -0.030 -0.010 0.009 0.029 0.048 0.067
100 -0.358 -0.211 -0.165 -0.131 -0.104 -0.079 -0.057 -0.035 -0.015 0.005 0.024 0.043 0.061
110 -0.387 -0.227 -0.178 -0.143 -0.114 -0.089 -0.065 -0.044 -0.023 -0.004 0.016 0.035 0.053
120 -0.422 -0.248 -0.196 -0.159 -0.129 -0.102 -0.079 -0.057 -0.036 -0.016 0.004 0.023 0.041
130 -0.466 -0.276 -0.220 -0.180 -0.149 -0.121 -0.097 -0.074 -0.052 -0.032 -0.012 0.007 0.026
140 -0.518 -0.309 -0.249 -0.207 -0.173 -0.144 -0.119 -0.095 -0.073 -0.052 -0.032 -0.012 0.007
150 -0.579 -0.348 -0.282 -0.237 -0.201 -0.171 -0.144 -0.119 -0.096 -0.074 -0.053 -0.033 -0.014
160 -0.649 -0.392 -0.319 -0.270 -0.231 -0.199 -0.170 -0.144 -0.120 -0.097 -0.076 -0.055 -0.035
170 -0.728 -0.439 -0.358 -0.304 -0.262 -0.227 -0.196 -0.168 -0.143 -0.119 -0.096 -0.075 -0.054
180 -0.815 -0.489 -0.399 -0.339 -0.293 -0.254 -0.221 -0.191 -0.164 -0.138 -0.115 -0.092 -0.070
190 -0.914 -0.543 -0.442 -0.375 -0.323 -0.281 -0.244 -0.212 -0.182 -0.155 -0.130 -0.105 -0.082
200 -1.028 -0.604 -0.489 -0.413 -0.356 -0.309 -0.268 -0.233 -0.201 -0.171 -0.143 -0.118 -0.093
0 1.0080 1.0075 1.0063 1.0042 1.0012 0.9974 0.9926 0.9868 0.9799 0.9719 0.9626 0.9521 0.9402
10 1.0019 1.0016 1.0007 0.9993 0.9973 0.9948 0.9917 0.9880 0.9835 0.9784 0.9725 0.9658 0.9582
20 0.9995 0.9992 0.9985 0.9974 0.9960 0.9942 0.9920 0.9893 0.9862 0.9826 0.9784 0.9738 0.9685
30 0.9987 0.9984 0.9978 0.9969 0.9957 0.9943 0.9925 0.9905 0.9880 0.9853 0.9821 0.9785 0.9745
40 0.9987 0.9984 0.9978 0.9970 0.9960 0.9948 0.9933 0.9915 0.9895 0.9871 0.9845 0.9815 0.9782
50 0.9992 0.9989 0.9983 0.9976 0.9966 0.9955 0.9941 0.9925 0.9907 0.9886 0.9862 0.9836 0.9806
60 1.0001 0.9998 0.9992 0.9984 0.9975 0.9964 0.9951 0.9936 0.9918 0.9899 0.9877 0.9853 0.9825
70 1.0013 1.0010 1.0004 0.9996 0.9987 0.9976 0.9963 0.9948 0.9932 0.9913 0.9892 0.9868 0.9843
80 1.0030 1.0026 1.0020 1.0012 1.0003 0.9992 0.9979 0.9964 0.9948 0.9929 0.9909 0.9886 0.9861
90 1.0051 1.0047 1.0040 1.0032 1.0022 1.0011 0.9998 0.9983 0.9967 0.9949 0.9929 0.9906 0.9882
100 1.0076 1.0072 1.0065 1.0057 1.0046 1.0035 1.0022 1.0007 0.9991 0.9972 0.9952 0.9930 0.9906
110 1.0107 1.0103 1.0095 1.0087 0.0076 1.0064 1.0051 1.0036 1.0019 1.0001 0.9981 0.9958 0.9934
120 1.0145 1.0140 1.0132 1.0123 1.0112 1.0099 1.0086 1.0070 1.0053 1.0035 1.0014 0.9992 0.9968
130 1.0189 1.0183 1.0175 1.0165 1.0154 1.0141 1.0126 1.0111 1.0093 1.0074 1.0054 1.0031 1.0007
140 1.0240 1.0234 1.0225 1.0215 1.0202 1.0189 1.0174 1.0158 1.0140 1.0120 1.0099 1.0076 1.0051
150 1.0300 1.0293 1.0283 1.0272 1.0259 1.0245 1.0229 1.0212 1.0193 1.0173 1.0151 1.0128 1.0102
160 1.0368 1.0361 1.0350 1.0338 1.0324 1.0308 1.0292 1.0274 1.0254 1.0233 1.0210 1.0186 1.0160
170 1.0446 1.0438 1.0426 1.0412 1.0397 1.0381 1.0363 1.0343 1.0323 1.0301 1.0277 1.0252 1.0225
180 1.0535 1.0526 1.0512 1.0497 1.0480 0.0462 1.0443 1.0422 1.0400 1.0377 1.0352 1.0325 1.0297
190 1.0635 1.0624 1.0609 1.0592 1.0574 1.0554 1.0533 1.0510 1.0486 1.0461 1.0434 1.0406 1.0376
200 1.0747 1.0735 1.0718 1.0699 1.0678 1.0656 1.0632 1.0608 1.0582 1.0554 1.0525 1.0495 1.0463

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970 251
Table VI. Enthalpy of Sea Salt Solutions at Thermal Saturation
(Defined calories per gram)

Temp., Salinity, Wt. %

“C. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 0 0.007 0.001 -0.029 -0.076 -0.145 -0.235 -0.345 -0.477 -0.630 -0.805 -0.996 -1.209
5 5.032 4.958 4.874 4.771 4.654 4.520 4.368 4.200 4.014 3.811 3.591 3.358 3.109
10 10.050 9.900 9.744 9.572 9.389 9.191 8.979 8.754 8.515 8.261 7.994 7.718 7.429
15 15.056 14.834 14.610 14.371 14.125 13.866 13.596 13.315 13.023 12.719 12.404 12.084 11.753
20 20.056 19.765 19.475 19.173 18.866 18.548 18.221 17.885 17.541 17.187 16.824 16.458 16.084
25 25.055 24.698 24.344 23.981 23.614 23.239 22.856 22.466 22.070 21.666 21.255 20.843 20.425
30 30.051 29.629 29.214 28.791 28.365 27.934 27.496 27.053 26.605 26.151 25.693 25.235 24.773
35 35.044 34.559 34.083 33.601 33.118 32.631 32.139 31.644 31.145 30.642 30.135 29.631 29.124
40 40.038 39.491 38.955 38.415 37.876 37.333 36.788 36.240 35.691 35.138 34.583 34.032 33.480
45 45.034 44.425 43.830 43.232 42.637 42.040 41.441 40.842 40.241 39.639 39.037 38.439 37.842
50 50.033 49.363 48.709 48.054 47.403 46.752 46.100 45.448 44.797 44.146 43.495 42.851 42.208
55 55.03 54.30 53.59 52.87 52.17 51.46 50.76 50.06 49.35 48.65 47.95 47.26 46.58
60 60.03 59.24 58.47 57.70 56.94 56.18 55.42 54.67 53.91 53.16 52.42 51.68 50.94
65 65.03 64.18 63.35 62.53 61.71 60.90 60.09 59.28 58.48 57.68 56.88 56.10 55.32
70 70.04 69.13 68.24 67.36 66.49 65.62 64.76 63.90 63.04 62.19 61.35 60.52 59.69
75 75.05 74.08 73.13 72.19 71.26 70.34 69.43 68.52 67.61 66.71 65.82 64.94 64.07
80 80.07 79.03 78.03 77.03 76.05 75.07 74.10 73.14 72.19 71.24 70.30 69.37 68.45
85 85.09 83.99 82.93 81.87 80.84 79.80 78.78 77.77 76.76 75.77 74.78 73.80 72.84
90 90.12 88.95 87.83 86.72 85.63 84.54 83.47 82.40 81.35 80.30 79.26 78.24 77.23
95 95.15 93.92 92.74 91.57 90.43 89.29 88.16 87.04 85.93 84.84 83.75 82.68 81.62
100 100.23 98.94 97.70 96.48 95.27 94.08 92.89 91.72 90.57 89.42 88.28 87.16 86.06
105 105.23 103.88 102.58 101.30 100.03 98.79 97.55 96.33 95.12 93.92 92.74 91.57 90.42
110 110.29 108.87 107.51 106.17 104.85 103.55 102.26 100.98 99.72 98.47 97.24 96.02 94.82
115 115.35 113.87 112.45 111.05 109.67 108.31 106.97 105.64 104.33 103.03 101.74 100.48 99.23
120 120.42 118.87 117.39 115.93 114.50 113.08 111.68 110.30 108.93 107.58 106.25 104.94 103.64
125 125.51 123.90 122.35 120.83 119.34 117.87 116.42 114.98 113.56 112.16 110.77 109.41 108.07
130 130.60 128.92 127.31 125.74 124.18 122.66 121.14 119.66 118.18 116.73 115.29 113.88 112.49
135 135.72 133.97 132.30 130.66 129.05 127.46 125.89 124.35 122.82 121.31 119.83 118.36 116.92
140 140.83 139.02 137.28 135.58 133.91 ,132.26 130.64 129.04 127.46 125.89 124.35 122.84 121.35
145 145.97 144.09 142.28 140.52 138.79 137.08 135.40 133.74 132.11 130.49 128.90 127.33 125.79
150 151.13 149.18 147.31 145.48 143.69 141.92 140.18 138.46 136.77 135.10 133.45 131.83 130.24
155 156.30 154.27 152.33 150.44 148.58 146.76 144.95 143.18 141.43 139.70 138.00 136.33 134.68
160 161.48 159.38 157.37 155.41 153.49 151.61 149.75 147.91 146.11 144.32 142.57 140.84 139.14
165 166.70 164.52 162.44 160.41 158.43 156.48 154.56 152.66 150.80 148.96 147.14 145.36 143.61
170 171.91 169.65 167.50 165.41 163.36 161.34 159.36 157.40 155.48 153.58 151.71 149.88 148.07
175 177.17 174.83 172.61 170.44 168.33 166.25 164.20 162.19 160.20 158.24 156.32 154.43 152.56
180 182.43 180.01 177.71 175.48 173.29 171.15 169.04 166.96 164.91 162.90 160.91 158.97 157.05
185 187.73 185.23 182.86 180.56 178.30 176.09 173.91 171.77 169.67 167.59 165.55 163.54 161.57
190 193.04 190.45 188.01 185.63 183.30 181.02 178.78 176.58 174.41 172.28 170.17 168.11 166.08
195 193.39 195.72 193.20 190.74 188.35 186.00 183.69 181.43 179.19 177.00 174.83 172.71 170.62
200 203.77 201.01 198.41 195.88 193.41 190.99 188.62 186.28 183.99 181.73 179.51 177.32 175.18

up to and including 5%. Some precipitation may have NOMENCLATURE

occurred at high temperatures and then redissolved on
cooling. For salinities of 6.7570 and above, calcium sulfate A, = Debye-Huckel constant
B = extended Debye-Hdckel equation constant ( 7 )
was observed ranging up to about 1 gram per kg. of solution. B’ = see Equation 8 and Table IV
No attempt was made to correct the observed heat capac- c, = heat capacity of solution a t constant pressure, cal./g.
ities for this effect. The pH changed from about 4 to “ C.
7.5. This may have been due to some small corrosion of cat = heat capacity of solution at saturation, cal./g. C.
the calorimeter. (4CP8)= apparent heat capacity of salts, cal./g. salts C.
G = partial heat capacity of salts in solution, cal./g. salts
O C .

CONCLUSIONS G =partial heat capacity of salts at infinite dilution, cal./

g. salts c.
Experimental and correlated values for heat capacity and c;h = heat capacity of pure water a t constant pressure, cal. /
enthalpies of sea salt solutions have been presented. A g. C.
new high temperature calorimeter designed for use with G = partial heat capacity of water in solution, cal./g. water
sea water was used and will be used in the future with O

other aqueous ionic solutions. H = enthalpy, cal.

With the aid of thermodynamics, measurements on heats h = specific enthalpy of saturated liquid, cal./ g.
h’ = specific enthalpy of saturated vapor, ca1.i g.
of mixing and of boiling point elevation for sea salt solutions
I = ionic strength = Zm,Z:/2
will be used to confirm the values reported. K = heat capacity of calorimeter, cal./O C.
M = mass of solution in calorimeter, g.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT M , = molecular weight of ion i
zm, = sum of molality of all ions
The authors express appreciation to William Soherr and Zm- = sum of molality of + ions
Marshall W. Cook who aided in the design of the calorim- Zm- = sum of molality of - ions
eter. P = pressure

252 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970
Q = electrical heat input, cal. (7) Lewis, G.N., Randall, M., Pitzer, K.S., Brewer, L.,
S = salinity in weight per cent. Approximately per cent total “Thermodynamics,” 2nd ed., p. 642, McGraw-Hill, New York,
solids (see Procedure section for discussion) 1961.
T = temperature, K. (8) “National Engineering Laboratory Steam Tables,” Her
t = temperature, C. Majesty’s Stationery Office, Edinburgh, 1964.
u = specific volume of saturated liquid, cmS3/g. (9) Osborne, N.S., J . Res. Nail. Bur. Std. 4, 609 (1930).
U’ = specific volume of saturated vapor, ~ m . ~ / g . (10) Osborne, N.S., Stimson, H.F., Ginnings, D.C., Ibid.,
V = internal volume of calorimeter, ~ m . ~ 23, 197 (1939).
x = mass fraction of liquid in calorimeter (11) Oxner, M., Knudsen, M., “Determination of Chlorinity by
2, = charge on ion i the Knudsen Method,” G.M. Mfg. CO.,New York, 1962.
01’ ’13 = ( l i r a*) [I + I”* - I / ( I + I”‘) - 2 In(1 + I”’)] (12) Sverdrup, H.U., Johnson, M.W., Fleming, R.H., “The Oceans.
u = standard deviation Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology,” 8th printing,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1942.
LITERATURE CITED (13) Wilkins, D.G., M.S. thesis, University of California, Berkeley,
Calif., 1968.
(1) Am. SOC.Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center,
New York, “ASME Steam Tables,” 1967.
(2) Bromley, L.A., J. CHEM.ENG.DATA,13, 60 (1968).
(3) Ibid.,p. 399.
(4) Bromley, L.A., De Saussure, V.A., Clipp, J.C., Wright, J.A.,
Ibid.,12, 202 (1967).
(5) Cox, R.A., Smith, N.D., Pmc. Roy. SOC.A252, 51 (1959).
(6) iamieson, D.T., Tudhope, J.S., Morris, R., Cartwright, G., RECEIVED for review August 29, 1969. Accepted February 2, 1970.
Physical Properties of Sea Water Solutions. Heat Capacity,” The authors were aided in this study by a grant from the Office
“Desalination” (to be published). of Saline Water, U. S. Department of the Interior.

Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in the Ethane-n-Hexane System

Texas Petroleum Research Committee, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex. 78712

Vapor and liquid equilibrium phase comporitions were determined in the ethane-
n-hexane system at 150°, 250°, and 350‘ F. at pressures from approximately 60
p.s.i.9. to near the critical. Phase envelopes were extrapolated to yield critical composi-
tion and pressure at each temperature. Equilibrium ratios (K = y / x ) from the
experimental data are compared with those from the most recent revision of the
NGPSA K-charts. As previous studies of the ethane-n-hexane binary are not found
in the literature, no comparison with other experimental work is possible.

MIXTURES of ethane and n-hexane were confined tions of the average cell temperature from the nominal
over mercury in a 35-ml. windowed stainless steel cell. temperature of each isotherm did not exceed 0.25”F.
T h e equilibrium cell was immersed in a controlled- Pressure measurements were made with 1000- and 5000-
temperature oil bath. By means of a magnetic pump, vapor p.s.i.g. Bourdon tube pressure gages with sensitivities of
from the top of the cell was recirculated through the bottom 0.1% of full scale. These gages were calibrated against
of the cell for 2 to 4 hours, after which from 3 t o 6 a dead-weight pressure gage with calibration traceable to
hours were allowed for complete phase separation. Sampling NBS standards. Uncertainties in the reported experimental
was carried out under constant pressure conditions by sim- pressures ale believed not t o exceed 2 p.s.i. below 1000
ultaneously injecting mercury into the bottom of the cell p.s.i.g. but may be as great as 7.5 p s i . for pressures greater
while the sample was being withdrawn. N o single-phase than 1000 p.s.i.g.
samples were taken; however, in a number of instances, Further details of the apparatus and experimental pro-
insufficient amount of one of the equilibrium phases pre- cedures have been given by Roberts et al. ( 3 ) and Poston
cluded its being sampled. and McKetta ( 2 ) . Recent modifications were described by
The equilibrium temperature was determined from the Zais ( 5 ) .
average indication of four iron-constantan thermocouples
a t separate locations near the cell. T h e thermocouple-
potentiometer combination was calibrated against mercury- T h e vapor and liquid phase samples were analyzed by
in-glass thermometers which had been calibrated by the means of a Beckman Model GC-2A gas chromatograph
National Bureau of Standards. T h e accuracy of any equipped with a 6-foot silicone column (Beckman No.
indicated temperature is estimated to be 0.1” F., and devia- 17449). Chromatograms were interpreted by the peak height

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1970 253

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