Graduates of The K-12 Curriculum Under TVL Strands in The Division of Masbate City
Graduates of The K-12 Curriculum Under TVL Strands in The Division of Masbate City
Graduates of The K-12 Curriculum Under TVL Strands in The Division of Masbate City
landed to? criticisms funding for TVET dried up, with TVET now
2. Is the job they are currently in service to relevant to accounting for just 8 to 9 percent of World Bank
their chosen TVL strands? educational spending (Maclean, 2011).
3. What is the level of satisfaction of the graduates in
terms of sufficiency of remuneration and job Republic Act (R.A.) 10533, Enhance Basic Education
fulfillment? Act, commonly known as K-12 curriculum,
4. What other job opportunities that they look forward commenced its implementation last 2011. This act
to? declares the policy which states that every graduate of
basic education shall be empowered individual who
has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound
Literature Review educational principles and geared towards excellence,
the foundations for learning throughout life, the
Daloz (1990), emphasizes the need for educators in all competence to engage in work and be productive, the
disciplines to align course content and curriculum with ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and
the larger context of learners’ lives and the global global communities, the capability to engage in
issues that challenge them. These issues include: autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the
technological change, nuclear threat, geopolitical capacity and willingness to transform others and one’s
shifts, over-population, spiritual longing and self.
environmental degradation. He also asserts that part of
In accordance to R.A. 9155, the Department of
education should help learners to empower themselves
Education shall establish, maintain, and support a
and to take an active part in improving the world. A
complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic
hard work is essential to make connections between
education relevant to the needs of the people and
the everyday details of the learners’ lives and the
broader world in those details that will make a society. It is one of the main objectives of the
significant difference. In a technical and vocational department to provide an education that will promote
setting, dealing with global issues would help to quality education. Quality, therefore, entails meeting
broaden and enhance the learner’s experience. the needs of the society and to be able to meet the
desired ends, TVL tracks was given a substantial
The early prioritization of TVET was criticized on a focus. This track will pave the way for an ever brighter
number of grounds. Some pointed to the vocational future for young Filipinos by equipping them with
school fallacy (Foster, 1965). Based on studies in the learning that is not congested and seemingly up to
Gold Coast in Ghana, Foster questioned the link international standards.
between the vocationalization of education and the
needs of the labor market. He argued that the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM)
academic/vocational divide created under colonialism of 1991 assessed the Philippine Education and found
remained intact in the post-independence period, and out to that it is irrelevant, and insignificant to the
that academic qualifications were perceived to lead to social and individual needs. As a result, the
more and better opportunities in the labor market. Department of Education listed in the K-12 basic
There was a misconnection between the needs dictated education curriculum framework the needs of national
by labor force planning and the realities of the world & global community. Cited points are poverty
of work. reduction and human development; Strengthening the
moral fiber of the Filipino people; Development of a
Bank also began to question the cost-effectiveness of strong sense of nationalism; Development of
vocational education and the rate of return to productive citizens who contribute to the building of a
investments in TVET (Psacharopoulos, 1991; progressive, just, and humane society; Ensuring
Psacharopoulos and Woodhall, 1985). It was argued environmental sustainability; and Global partnership
that unless the policy environment for TVET was for development.
reformed, further investment would be an inefficient
use of scarce resources. It was argued that investment To better ensure sustainability and poverty reduction,
in basic education provided a much higher rate of the department increased focus on vocational
return than did investment in secondary (including education. The re-introduction of vocational and
vocational) and post-basic education, and this shift in technical education in high schools was imposed,
emphasis provided an economic rationale for which has been designed to give Filipino students
emphasizing primary education in the Millennium practical skills to gain employment after graduation – a
Development Goals as a consequence of these key component in tackling the high youth
The changes culminate in new demands on future TESDA Secretary Joel Villanueva said, “Technical
employees and also find expression in conceptions of vocational education and training (TVET) will play a
vocational education; the vocational school has the central role in the new education model that prepares
responsibility to develop vocational flexibility for students for tertiary education, middle-skills
coping with the changing demands of the world of development, employment and entrepreneurship.”
work and society (cf. KMK 2000). According to Courses include automotive servicing, horticulture,
Wilsdorf, in this context not only the content of welding, consumer electronics, dressmaking or
learning is important, but also the way it is learnt tailoring, carpentry, food processing and beauty care.
(Wilsdorf 1991). Therefore, the vocational school has With such a strong focus on promoting technical-
not only the responsibility to teach vocational and vocational education, foreign providers who are
general learning contents, but also to enable the learner looking to work in the Philippines might want to
to think and act independently and responsibly consider how they can contribute to this development.
considering the demands of the vocational education.
The insight that the modern world of work requires the The need for globally competent workers in today’s
entire personality already found expression in the diverse and globally connected workplace cannot be
pedagogy decades ago. overemphasized. Nowadays, most employers for both
large and small organizations consider themselves as
Mupinga (2015) said that we are in a position today to international or global companies. These organizations
explain that we need two changes of paradigm in order seek employees who can function in a global
to match the requirements needed for coping in workplace, that is, employees who possess global
tomorrow’s world of work. This world is described by competencies. Today’s employers want new hires to
the formula of Industry 4.0. Firstly, we need to have technical knowledge related to the job, but that’s
abandon the concept that young people have to first not nearly as important as good teamwork, decision-
proceed with their general development before they making, communication skills, and the ability to plan
should engage in vocational development. These two and prioritize work (Adams, 2014). Therefore, global
developmental processes actually occur side by side competencies such as knowledge about the world--its
and not in consecutive order. Consequently, because of cultures, languages, and how its economic,
following this misconception, the care for early environmental and social systems work (Jackson,
vocational development has so far been neglected and 2010) -- are essential. In addition to innovative and
should become emphasized. Secondly, we need to creative skills, employees should be able to use
understand that narrow skills will no longer be information and communication technologies
sufficient for successful performance at the place of appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate,
work. Instead we have to be in command of broad and create information ( Since
competences which convey the ability of coping with technical and vocational education and training
increasing complexity and rapid advance at the place (TVET) programs supply employees directly into the
of work. workplace, it behooves us to ask how TVET is
responding to the needs of global economies.
According to Jabbari (2015) Education is not merely
provision of information from trainer to learner, but Naelga and Blane (2017) conducted a study in the
the point is that this person requires practical division of Misamis Oriental on the efforts made in the
educations for some of its tasks. By considering preparation for the full implementation of the Senior
Two (2) graduates per strand were purposively chosen The results of the study on the Graduates of K-12
to be interviewed. Purposive sampling technique is the Curriculum under TVL strands in the Division of
deliberate choice of a participant due to the qualities Masbate City are tackled in this chapter. The data
that the p a r t i c i p a n t possesses. The gathered from the conduct of the interview are
subjects/respondents consist of the K-12 graduates presented, analyzed, and interpreted herein. The
with TVL strands, Academic Year 2017-2018, public themes identified along with the data include: (a)
secondary schools in the division of Masbate city.
The table shows that among the graduates only one (1)
out of twenty (20) respondents pursued self-
employment while the others are employed under
different classification. Under the Labor code of the
Philippines, employees can enjoy the application of
their rights depending upon the status of employment.
One of them is self-employed however, she was also
an employee once but decided to practice her skills on
her own terms after acquiring costumers.
Majority of the respondents describe their salary as worker and that of the job requirement, which can lead
“okay lang” (Just okay). They further discussed that to over education or under-education in that
their monthly salary can be congested on a budget. educational attainment is estimated as an objective
indicator called academic background. (Si-Jeoung and
“If I were to enjoy my salary it should be enough Sang, 2018)
however, I have to wire money to my parents.”
(Graduate-FFP1) Table 4.B. Job Fulfilment
“I have to give way for my older sister who’s studying
in college. That’s where most of my salary is allocated
to.” (Graduate-C1)
“I already have a child, Ma’am. That’s why my five
thousand pesos per month is enough for my baby’s
needs.” (Graduate-AS2)
Table 5.A. Future Opportunities 15% wanted to become future teachers. Two out of the
20 respondents prefer to create and manage their own
business venture. Three (3) out of twenty (20) or 15 %
of the respondents stated that while they desire to
change their job, they still don’t have a clear direction
on the path they wish to take. However, they hope to at
least receive the minimum wage which is far from
what they enjoy in the present moment.
Maclean, R. (2011). Research for TVET Policy Development There practice: transformative learning in action, pp. 153–58. New York,
is a recent book on this long-standing controversy in development NY: Columbia University.
Tuijnman, A. (1997)International Handbook of Education for the
Naelga, S. C. and Blane, A. R. (2017). Identification of the Changing World of Work
technical-vocational track strands to be implemented for senior high
school at the district of claveria-2, Claveria Misamis Oriental, Wakil, Ajibola Asekun, (2015). Survey of Pay Satisfaction, Job
Mindanao, Philippines, 9000 Satisfaction and Employee Turnover in Selected Business
Organisations in Lagos, Nigeria; Global Journal of Social Sciences
Peterman, F. (1997). The lived curriculum of constructivist teacher Vol 14, 2015
education, in V. Richardson (e.d.). Constructivist teacher building
new understanding. London: Falmer Press.
Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Psacharopoulos,G. and Woodhall, M. (1991). Education for
Development (Middleton et al., 1991)
Chinky Mae G. Paladio
Rene T. Malvar Elementary School
Rogers, E.M. (2003). Theory Diffusion of Innovation, 5th ed., Free Department of Education – Philippines
Press (1995), 512 pages, ISBN10: 0-7432-2209-1
Morena C. Buayan
Sarmiento D. H. and Orale, R. L. (2016). Senior High School Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr., Memorial State
Curriculum in the Philippines, USA, and Japan College of Agriculture and Technology
(DEBESMSCAT) - Philippines
Taylor, E. (2000). Journal of Vocational Education & Training Print
ISSN: 1363-6820 Online ISSN: 1747-5090 Fostering transformative
learning in the adult education classroom: a review of the empirical
studies. In: Wiessner, C.A.; Meyer, S.R.; Fuller, D.A., eds. The third
International Transformative Learning Conference. Challenges of