MGH The Gray Book 2021-2022
MGH The Gray Book 2021-2022
MGH The Gray Book 2021-2022
Department of Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Andrew Abboud, MD
Nicky Singh, MD
Sean Mendez, MD
MGH Point-of-Care Ultrasound Manual Preface
It is an honor to present the 2nd edition of the MGH Department of Medicine Point-of-Care Ultrasound Manual. In its
second edition, “The Gray Book” is updated as a trusted resource for medical residents and other clinicians at MGH to in-
troduced to the basics of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS).
The Gray Book is comprised of a collective of clinical experiences on the medical services as well as an annual review of the
literature. This book is a product of diligent work of many resident contributors (listed on the bottom of each page) and MGH
Department of Medicine faculty and leadership who are committed to the integration of POCUS into daily medical practice.
We extend our sincere gratitude to those residents who contributed significant time and energy in writing the content for
the entire sections of this manual:
Knobology: Vladislav Fomin, Zachary Sporn Renal: Lauren Maldonado, Esra Gumuser
Cardiac: Chris Marnell, Alli Levin Abdominal: D.J. Flynn, Vladislav Fomin
Pulmonary: Krystle Leung, Krishna Pandya Soft Tissue: D.J. Flynn, Zachary Sporn
We would like to thank the many faculty who assisted with this book, particularly Daniel Restrepo who in his role as the As-
sociate Program Director for POCUS has championed the creation of this manual alongside a POCUS curriculum.
And of course, none of this would be possible without the guidance and support of so many amazing people that make up
the Department of Medicine. In particular, we extend special thanks to Gabby Mills, Libby Cunningham, and Paula Prout for
supporting this project. In addition, we would like to thank our Chief Residents – Ali Castle, Rashmi Jasrasaria, Arielle Med-
ford, and Jon Salik – as well as Jay Vyas and Katrina Armstrong for their undying support and endless devotion to the hous-
estaff and our education. We will always be grateful for their unwavering leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It has been an incredible honor to create and edit The Gray Book. We look forward to the contributions of future generations
of authors and editors in the years to come.
Andrew Abboud, MD
Nicky Singh, MD
Sean Mendez, MD
Department of Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital, June 2021
As with any other medical reference, this manual is NOT intended to provide specific clinical care decisions in an individual
case, and should NOT substitute for clinical judgment. Every clinical care decision must be made by the exercise of
professional judgment by the individual responsible for the care of a patient based on the facts of that individual case, which
may differ from the facts upon which entries in this manual are based. You should consult other references and your fellow
residents, fellows, and attendings whenever possible. We have carefully inspected every page, but errors may exist. If you
find any errors, we would appreciate it if you would inform next year’s editors to make sure these errors are corrected.
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MGH Point-of-Care Ultrasound Manual Table of Contents
Page 1
Cardiac POCUS
Page 7
Pulmonary POCUS
Page 14
Page 21
Abdominal POCUS
Page 25
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Introduction to Ultrasound
What is ultrasound?
• Ultrasounds use an array of high-frequency sound waves to create a cross-sectional 2D image of underlying
structures and acoustic artifact.
How does ultrasound work?
• Piezoelectric crystal in transducer transforms electrical current to sound waves
• Sound waves (usually 2-20 MHz) travel through tissue and bounce back. The sound that bounces back is captured
by the probe and transformed to image on screen
• Higher frequencies provide a higher resolution but are not able to penetrate as deeply. Lower frequencies pene-
trate deeper into tissue but have a lower resolution.
Ultrasounds in the DOM
• 6 Butterfly iQ handheld, all-in-one probes located on White 8, 9, 10, Bigelow 7 and 11, and Lunder 9.
• 1 SonoSite Edge cart-based machine: Blake 15 (through Ellison 15).
• 1 Mindray TE7 cart-based machine: Blake 15 (through Ellison 15). Please discuss with HMU prior to using.
Probe Overview
If using a cart-based machine to perform a diagnostic scan, place the ultrasound at the head of the bed and position yourself between the
machine and the patient. If doing procedures with dynamic ultrasound guidance, place the machine on the opposite side of the bed.
While different exams or situations require adjusting how you hold the probe, the best method is to mimic the way you hold a pencil to
write with the base of your hand planted on the patient’s skin for stability (demonstrated below)
Place the probe surface lightly on the skin provided there is an adequate coupling agent such as gel or sterile lubricant to displace air be-
tween the probe and tissue surface.
Orient the probe marker (a notch or dot on one end of the long axis of the probe) to the orientation marker on the screen. By convention in
general ultrasound, the marker is on the left of the image on the screen, and you will want to keep the probe marker to the patient’s right
or towards the patient’s head.
Slide: Moving the probe over the skin along Y axis without
changing the orientation of the beam
As POCUS use expands within the residency program, there has been a system trialed in order for residents to get
feedback on scans. This is meant for residents with prior experience (from electives, clinical experience, etc) rather
than new learners.
Remember: Do not base clinical decisions on POCUS exams unless the exam and decisions are supported by a super-
vising fellow or attending.
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Focused Assessment Qualitative Assessment
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Conventions in Probe Positioning
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There are two main conventions for cardiac ultrasound probe placement, the
Emergency Medicine Convention and the Cardiology Convention
ED —> probe marker on the right of the screen, Cards —> probe marker on LEFT of
Although the probe orientation is inverted in each, the image procured is the same.
For simplicity the Gray Book images are displayed in the Cardiology Convention,
however each scanner is encouraged to attempt both conventions.
1) Equality
-Qualitative EF
-RV:Ao:LA size is 1:1:1
-RV < LV
2) “Ejection”
-Anterior MV Leaflet
touches the septum
3) Effusion: See Page #13
DTA 4) Exit:
- Aortic root diameter
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Quality Metrics
1) Equality
-RV<LV (best seen in A4)
2) “Ejection”
-Ventricular walls collapse
centrally during systole
-Identify the MV and
the papillary muscles
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Quality Metrics
1) Equality
-RV:LV ratio <1
2) “Ejection”
-Assess for anterior
excursion of the mitral
and tricuspid valves
-Septum should be
centered on the screen
Probe Positioning
• If able, have the patient roll into left lateral decubitus position to improve image
• Place the probe in the left 5 intercostal space at the mid-clavicular line, or at
the PMI, with the indicator oriented superiorly.
• Attempt sliding up or down one rib space until the image comes into view, sliding
laterally if ventricular hypertrophy is suspected.
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Quality Metrics
1) Equality
-RV < LV
2) “Ejection”
-Global assessment of
3) Effusion
-Excellent view to
assess for a pericardial
Make sure the patient is laying completely flat, and place the probe flat
against the patient’s abdomen near the xiphoid process.
Gently push the probe deep, such that the line of sight is aimed beneath the
rib cage.
Slide the probe towards the patient’s right in order to capture more of the
liver, using it as an acoustic window.
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Quality Metrics
1) Entry
-Assess for IVC size and
-Interpret using table
below, and within
clinical context
-Always interpret within
clinical context.
- Not applicable if positive
pressure ventilation.
IVC <1.5cm
Obtain a clear subxiphoid view, and rotate Low CVP, volume likely to help
>50% collapse
the probe indicator superiorly.
IVC 1.5-2.5cm Volume may help, patient likely
Aim the probe deep towards the vertebral >50% collapse to tolerate
column, and fan left and right until a large IVC 1.5-2.5cm
Volume unlikely to help
blood vessel comes into view. <15% collapse
IVC >2.5cm
High CVP, volume likely to hurt
Slide or tilt superiorly to confirm IVC by view- <15% collapse
ing it drain into the right atrium. Measure IVC ~ 2 cm from entry of IVC to RA
Note: above is in setting of hypotension
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Pericardial Effusion
Pericardial Effusion
DTA Pleural Effusion
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Pericardial vs. Pleural Effusions
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Pericardial effusions are best visualized in the PLAX or subxiphoid views, and are easily
visualized as anechoic collections anteriorly between the chest wall and pericardium.
In the PLAX view, effusions can also be visualized posteriorly, however this may represent a
pericardial or pleural.
The position of the descending thoracic aorta (DTA) can help to distinguish
between a pericardial and pleural effusion
Pericardial: Effusions track along the heart and separate the aorta from the pericardium
and cross the midline, note the relationship to the DTA above.
Pleural: Effusions will accumulate posterolateral to the DTA.
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Probe Selection
Use: pleural surface (for lung sliding)
Limitation: does not image deeper structures well
(specifically, cannot be used to visualize B-lines)
Phased Array:
Use: deeper visualization (including B-lines, effu-
sions) and fits neatly between rib spaces.
Allows evaluation of several lung fields within a zone
Patient Positioning
Supine or seated depending on pathology
Transducer Positioning
Probe indicator should be oriented superiorly toward the patient’s head.
Probe should be held perpendicular to the pleura and in between rib spaces.
Note: Best images are obtained when the probe is perpendicular to the pleura which is not necessarily
the same as perpendicular to the chest.
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Volpicelli Lung Zones
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Quality Metrics
Rib Pleural
In the intercostal space,
a pleural line will be
seen slightly below the
surrounding rib lines
(bat wing sign).
A normal scan will show
ribs with posterior
rib shadowing
Lung Sliding
“Sliding” represents the normal movement of visceral pleura
against parietal pleura (occurs with respiration).
In B-mode, the hyperechoic (bright) pleural line between two
ribs appears to move or shimmer (described as “ants-
marching” appearance)
In M-mode, a normal image is described as the “seashore sign”
“Waves” : motionless area superficial to pleural line
“Sand”: grainy image (artifact of lung/air) below the pleural line
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Differential Diagnosis
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Pneumothorax - a large pocket of air physically separates the visceral pleura (which is
still moving) from the parietal pleura
Pleurodesis - chemical pleurodesis or chronic inflammation/fibrosis results in a genuine
loss of movement as the visceral and parietal pleura are fused
Volume loss - pneumonectomy or large volume atelectasis (for instance, from mainstem
Image Acquisition
Use B-mode.
Quality Metric:
Lung, diaphragm, and liver (R) or spleen (L) should be visualized in one view.
Visualizing the diaphragm as a landmark allows for detection of pleural fluid above the dia-
phragm, and abdominal free fluid below the diaphragm (see Pleural Effusion page).
In patients without a pleural effusion, the spine is obscured by air in the lung but may be seen in
the abdomen (see Spine Sign, Page 19).
Healthy aerated lung may fall into view during inspiration as a “Curtain Sign”, obstructing view
of abdominal organs.
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What is a B-line? add photo
B lines are an artifact created by thickened interlobular septa in the lung which
allows ultrasound waves to propagate through the tissue.
B lines have a “comet-tail”-like appearance, with lines that appear to almost origi-
nate from the probe, and move with lung sliding.
Criteria for Pathologic B-line
Comet tail artifact, arising from the pleural line
>3 B-lines in one view
Depth of at least 15cm (i.e. cannot be visualized with the linear probe)
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Differential Diagnosis
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Compressed Diaphragm
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Pleural Effusions add photo
Spine Sign: the spine is only visualized in the presence of an effusion as ultrasound
waves travel through fluid. Normally, the spine is obscured by air in the lung.
Absent Curtain Sign: In the presence of an effusion, aerated lung may no longer
obstruct the view of abdominal organs with inspiration.
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Hepatization Liver
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Created by absence of air in parts of the lung due to any alveolar filling process
or atelectasis, resulting in hepatization (solid-appearance of the lung that ap-
pears as dense as the liver).
Introduction: Renal
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Patient Positioning
Start with the patient in the supine position.
Bowel gas can obscure visualization of the left kidney. Troubleshoot this by repositioning the
Transducer Positioning
Step 1: Place the transducer at the R 10th rib, mid axillary line.
Step 2: Probe marker should be directed toward patient’s head. Slide/Rock the probe
superiorly and inferiorly to locate the longitudinal view of the kidney.
*You may need to rotate the probe to find the kidney in its longest axis.
Step 3: Rotate the transducer 90 degrees, to locate the transverse view of the kidney. Fan
the transducer superiorly and inferiorly to view the kidney from top to bottom.
Step 4: Place the transducer at the L 8th rib, posterior axillary line. Repeat Steps 2-4.
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Introduction: Bladder
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The bladder is an easily identifiable structure on ultrasound. In the setting of retention, POCUS can be used
quickly to estimate bladder volume.
Probe Selection Curvilinear Transducer
Patient Positioning Supine
Transducer Positioning
Step 1: Place transducer mid pelvis, superior to the pubic symphysis, to locate the longitudinal view. The
probe marker should be directed towards patient’s head.
Step 2: Sweep the probe left and right to view the bladder in the longitudinal plane.
Step 3: Rotate the probe 90 degrees to the right, to locate the transverse view. The probe marker should be
directed towards patient’s right
Step 4: Sweep the probe superiorly and inferiorly to view the bladder in the transverse plane.
Renal Anatomy
- Gerota’s Fascia/Capsule: fibrous surface of kidney, appears hyperechoic relative to peri-nephric fat. Using
these margins, the kidney’s pole to pole (longitudinal) length is typically about 10-12 cm.
- Renal cortex: Hypervascular area between the capsule and medulla, appears isoechoic to the liver. The corti-
cal thickness is typically about 7-10 mm, but can be reduced in CKD.
- Renal medulla: Consists of medullary pyramids (hypoechoic to the cortex) which are “bundles” of papillae
draining urine into calyces. They are discrete and separated by columns of Bertin (isoechoic to the cortex)
- Sinus fat: Fatty tissue that is hyperechoic to the cortex and isoechoic to the peri-nephric fat
- Renal pelvis: Area where renal calices meet the ureter that is hypoechoic to the cortex but typically
hyperechoic to the medullary pyramid. They are normally collapsed, but dilated and hypoechoic in obstruction.
Bladder Anatomy
- Bladder: Anechoic fluid filled structure (urine is black on US). Edge artifact casts shadows from the curved
edges of bladder.
- Ureteral Jets: The passage of urine from the ureter into the bladder can be seen when viewing the bladder in
the longitudinal plane in doppler mode indicating that the ureters are patent.
- Bladder volume: Bladder volume can be estimated with three orthogonal measurements of the bladder
Step 1: In the longitudinal view, measure the height of the bladder
Step 2: In the transverse view, measure the length and width of the bladder
Step 3: Estimated volume = L x W x H x 0.7
- Uterus: Visible left and deep of the bladder in longitudinal view
Esra Gumuser & Lauren Maldonado Page 22
Renal & Bladder POCUS
Pathology: Hydronephrosis
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- Obstruction can lead to dilation and decreased echogenicity of the renal collecting system including the re-
nal pelvis and calyces. POCUS has high sensitivity (Gaspari and Horst 2005).
- Mild: Dilation and increased hypoechoity of the of the renal pelvis and calyces with retained architecture of
the pelvis, calyces or medullar pyramids.
- Moderate: Collecting system, open and blunted, mimicing a “cauliflower appearance.” There is flattening of
the medullary pyramids with mild thinning of cortex.
- Severe: Ballooning of the pelvis and calyces with loss of cortico-medullary differentiation. The cortex is thin
and the kidney looks like a fluid filled bag
Question Asked
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- POCUS can visualize stones in the calyces, renal pelvis and upper ureter. However, sensitivity is decreased
when size of stone < 7 mm (Fowler 2004). CT stone protocol is the more sensitive modality
- Stones appear as hyperechoic structures with acoustic shadowing distal to the structure from the probe
(*** in Image A and B)
- Doppler mode can cause a twinkling artifact over a the area of a stone due to turbulent flow of fluid
around the stone (Multicolored/Dopplers in Image A and B)
Standing on the right side of the bed place the curvilinear Quality Metrics
probe in the mid-axillary line between the 8 and 11 rib spaces.
Place the indicator to the head and knuckles to the bed.
Fan the probe anteriorly to see the liver tip. The lung, diaphragm,
Slide the probe caudally to evaluate diaphragm. and liver should be
Slide the probe cephalad to visualize the liver tip, kidney and present in one view.
right paracolic gutter.
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Standing on the right side of the bed place arm over the pa- Quality Metrics
tient and with your knuckles on the edge of the bed place the
ultrasound between the 6th and 9th rib spaces (more posteri-
orly than on the right) with probe indicator facing cephalad.
The lung, diaphragm,
Move the probe caudally to evaluate diaphragm. Move the
probe cephalad to visualize the spleen , kidneys and left
and spleen should be
paracolic gutter. present in one view.
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Standing on the right locate the pubic symphysis and Quality Metrics
place the probe cephalad with the probe marker facing
the right.
Increase the depth to visual behind the bladder. Visualize the bladder
Sweep up and down to visualize the retro vesicular in the transverse and
space in men and the vesico-uterine pouch (pouch of longitudinal views.
Douglas) in women for the transverse view .
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Free Fluid add photo
Ultrasound can typically identify fluid, but cannot typically differentiate the type
of fluid. At best, hemorrhagic or purulent fluid can appear more echoic due to
clot or septations, making it difficult to distinguish from surrounding structures.
Presence of bowel gas can obstruct view. Point the probe posteriorly when
looking in the RUQ and LUQ in order to avoid bowel.
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Ultrasound has high sensitivity and specificity for the soft tissue examination. It
can be used to evaluate for cellulitis, abscesses, and deeper fluid pockets.
Hold transducer perpendicular to the skin To asses a deeper structure in an obese pa-
surface at the area of interest, and visual- tient, a lower frequency curvilinear probe
ize in at least two orthogonal planes. Scan may be substituted for a linear probe for
the entire extent of the affected area increased depth.
AND compared to the unaffected side.
Soft tissue swelling demonstrates cobblestoning and echogenicity higher than normal subcu-
taneous tissue. For example, in cellulitis, inflammatory fluid is visualized around tissue, cre-
ating a cobblestone appearance (above left; seen in any edema and not specific to cellulitis).
Abscesses (right) are typically hypoechoic but may enhance and become more echogenic at
deeper levels (known as posterior acoustic enhancement). They do not demonstrate pulsa-
tile Doppler flow but are often hyperemic on Doppler signal. Other signs include irregular
walls and heterogeneous/anechoic material inside.
A “squish sign” may be observed, where compression causes fluctuance of purulent material
within the abscess. Necrotizing fasciitis will have subcutaneous thickening as in cellulitis, with
anechoic fluid and potentially subcutaneous gas (though ultrasound is not the imaging study
of choice for this).