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Event Codes When A Malfunction Occurs

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Event Codes

Event Codes When a malfunction occurs

• Lockout/tagout the lift truck.
Access 1 2 3® module listing:
• Continue to Access 1 and access the Service Mode
Access 1
as follows:
Access 3™
– Scroll down through the operator menu to Ser-
Access 4 vice. Press Enter.
– Enter your four-digit service code.
– Navigate to the events menu and press Enter.
WARNING The active menu is displayed.
– Press Enter again to display the event code.
Damage to the Access 1 2 3® modules and control – Press Enter again for a description of the event
circuits of the lift truck. code.
Never turn on the lift truck with any Access 1 2 3® con- Note: Event codes are stored as either active or inac-
trol module connectors disconnected. Damage can be tive codes. When an event code is logged, it appears
done to the Access 1 2 3® modules and control circuits in the Active menu for as long as the condition that
of the lift truck. causes the code is present. Up to 16 event codes can
 Never disconnect or connect any connectors while be stored in the Active menu. If there is more than one
the lift truck is turned on as injury to yourself or to active code, pressing the down arrow shows the other
the lift truck could occur. Active event codes. Event codes are logged (dis-
played) as they appear in a table within the software
but not as the most recent. For example, if event code
158.03 is before 677.06 in the software table, event
code 158.03 is displayed before 677.06 even though
CAUTION the 677.06 event code occurred before 158.03. Look
up the explanation of all the active codes to determine
After replacing an Access 1 2 3® module or updat- if one event code caused the others to occur.
ing the software, make sure that the performance When the conditions causing the event code are elimi-
and features settings are correct. nated, the event code is automatically moved to the In-
The lift truck does not operate as expected. active menu. In the Inactive menu, the number of times
 Calibrate the lift truck after the repairs are made to the event code occurred can also be viewed. This view
the lift truck. See the Access 1 2 3® / Calibration is helpful in isolating an intermittent event.
section. Note: The monitoring system can be accessed at two
levels of authorization:
• Operator Mode
Some troubleshooting basics • Service Mode
Statistically most malfunctions occur in or at the output This section deals with the service mode. For
components such as the relay tips, ignition coils, and information on the operator mode, see the Operator's
solenoid valves. The next components to test are the Manual. See the Access 1 2 3® section for more
connectors, wires, and input devices such as switches service mode information.
and sensors. Use a digital ohmmeter when measuring
Note: While in the operator mode, the following lock-
the voltage and resistance of these components. The
outs are enabled:
last components to suspect are the Access 1,
Access 3™, and Access 4 modules. In all instances, When the forks are below staging, the mast is able to
begin the troubleshooting procedure at the output forward tilt to 5° (optional 10°).
device. Then continue to the input devices and then • When the forks are at or above staging, the forward
continue with the access module to which these tilt is limited to 2°.
devices attach. Make sure to connect all the • When the forks are below staging and the mast is
components previously disconnected after completing tilted 5°, lift is limited to stage height.
the event code steps.
• When the forks are at or above staging, the travel
speed is limited to 8.0 km/h (5.0 mph).

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-001

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Codes

No event code?
WARNING Not all electrical problems result in an event code being
displayed. Open fuses, switches, relay coils, relay tips,
Incorrect operation of the lift truck can cause death or a cut wire keeps some components or the entire lift
or injury. truck from operating. But that does not necessarily
While in the password protected Service Menu, the lift result in an event code being displayed. However,
and tilt lockouts are not disabled. This action allows the when the lift truck malfunctions and no event codes are
technician to operate the mast in its full range of motion entered, it usually means that the malfunction is not
for servicing. electrical.
 Make sure that no load is on the forks when in the
Service Menu. The lift truck stability decreases if Locating components
the load is tilted forward more than 2° above stag- Component and wire location maps are provided at
ing. strategic locations on the lift truck to help you quickly
 If it is necessary to operate the lift truck during ser- determine the physical location of the items in
vicing, travel with the forks close to the floor and the question.
mast tilted back. All components are clearly marked at the connection
 Do not operate with the forks raised above staging points.
and travel more than 8.0 km/h (5.0 mph). An un-
loaded lift truck can tip over. Event codes
This lift truck is equipped with a CAN-based event code
system that follows the SAE J1939 Recommended
Software Practices.
Software updates can sometimes eliminate event
codes so periodically check to make sure that the lift SAE J1939 Standard (Society of Au-
truck has the latest software. Your lift truck includes an tomotive Engineers) summary
application software (makes the lift truck operate),
engine software (makes the engine operate), and SAE J1939 is a Surface Vehicle Recommended
diagnostics software (includes the menus and event Practice guideline developed by the Truck and Bus
codes). To ensure that the software is the latest Control and Communications Network Subcommittee
version, enter the service mode from Access 1 and of the Truck and Bus Electrical and Electronics
scroll to the Utilities Menu. See the Access 1 menu for Committee. The objectives of the subcommittee are to
the display software, Access 3™ for the engine develop information reports, recommended practices,
software, and Access 4 for the lift truck application and standards concerned with the requirement,
software. Consult your local Crown dealer for software design, and usage of Access 3™ which transmits
updates. electrical signals and control information among the
vehicle components. The usage of these
Password Recommended Practices is not limited to the lift truck
and the bus applications. Other applications are
The service mode password can be changed. To accommodated with immediate support being provided
change the password, consult your Crown dealer. for construction and agricultural equipment, and
stationary power systems.
Event codes are supplied to give information on
The accelerator pedal, directional control lever, raise Access 3™, engine, and other lift truck components.
lever, and tilt lever sensors are the only components The event codes are written from the SAE J1939
that require calibration. When you replace any of these standard as a two-part code. The first part is called the
sensors, you must recalibrate them. See the Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) and typically
Access 1 2 3® section for the calibration procedures contains between two and four digits. The second part
when you replace the Access 1 and Access 4 of the code is called the Failure Mode Identifier (FMI)
modules. code.
Example: 110.03 (sometimes shown as 000110.03). In
this example, 110 is the SPN and 03 is the FMI.

M4.8-2515-002 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Codes

SPN Number: The SPN identifies the system or the example, FMI 03 indicates that the value is out of range
component that has the malfunction. For example, high. See the FMI Code Explanations table.
SPN 110 indicates a malfunction in the engine coolant To determine the exact malfunction, both the SPN and
circuit. the FMI are required. Combining SPN 110 with FMI 03
FMI Number: The FMI contains two digits and means that engine coolant temperature input voltage is
identifies the type of failure that has occurred. For out of range high.

FMI Code Explanations

FMI Number Description FMI Number Description

Data valid but above normal operational

00 range 11 Root cause not known
--- extreme level
Data valid but below normal operational
01 range 12 Bad intelligent device or component
--- extreme level
02 Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 13 Out of calibration
03 Value out of range high 14 Special instructions
Data valid but above normal operating
04 Value out of range low 15
range - slight level
Data valid but above normal operating
05 Current below normal 16
range - moderate level
Data valid but below normal operating
06 Current above normal 17
range - slight level
Mechanical system not responding or out of Data valid but below normal operating
07 18
adjustment range - moderate level
08 Abnormal frequency or pulse width or period 19 Received network data in error
09 Abnormal update rate 20–30 Reserved for SAE assignment
10 Abnormal rate of change 31 Not available or condition exists

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-003

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 29.03

Event Code 29.03 Event Code 29.04

Traction sensor channel B Traction sensor channel B
Input voltage on CA410 is out of range high. Engine Input the voltage on CA410 is out of range low. Engine
idles at 800 rpm. idles at 800 rpm.
Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Enter Service Mode 2 then select the Analyzer Menu. Enter Service Mode 2 then select the Analyzer Menu.
Select A2 inputs, A2.4 Access 4, A2.4.12 Accel Pedal, Select A2 inputs, A2.4 Access 4, A2.4.12 Accel Pedal,
then select A2.4.12.2 CH B voltage. Press Enter. then select A2.4.12.2 CH B voltage. Press Enter.
Press the accelerator pedal land record the value. Press the accelerator pedal and record the value.
• If: The voltage is 0–2.5 V while cycling the pedal. • If: The voltage is 0–2.5 V while cycling the pedal.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The voltage is not 0–2.5 V while cycling the • If: The voltage is not 0–2.5 V while cycling the
pedal. pedal.
– Then continue to step 2. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect CA433. Turn Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect CA433. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
age from PC433-D to PC433-E. age from PC433-D to PC433-E.
• If: There is not 4.75–5.25 V across pins D and E. • If: There is not 4.75–5.25 V across pins D and E.
– Then there is a power supply issue or a broken – Then there is a power supply issue or a broken
wire exists in the power supply circuit. wire exists in the power supply circuit.
• If: There is 4.75–5.25 V across pins D and E. • If: There is 4.75–5.25 V across pins D and E.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect CA410. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect CA410.
Measure the resistance from PC433-F and PC410-2. Measure the resistance from PC433-F and PC410-2.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then a broken wire or short circuit to ground on – Then a broken wire or short circuit to ground on
the input pin exists in the harness. Replace the the input pin exists in the harness. Replace the
connectors, the terminals, or the harness. connectors, the terminals, or the harness.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. • The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 4: Connect PC410 and PC433. Turn the key Step 4: Connect PC410 and PC433. Turn the key
switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe into the switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe into the
wires going into PC433-E and PC433-F. wires going into PC433-E and PC433-F.
• If: The output is 0.25–2.25 V while cycling the • If: The output is 0.25–2.25 V while cycling the
pedal. pedal.
– Then replace Access 4. Make sure that Access 4 – Then replace Access 4. Make sure that Access 4
operates correctly. operates correctly.
• If: The output is not 0.25–2.25 V while cycling the • If: The output is not 0.25–2.25 V while cycling the
pedal. pedal.
– Then continue to step 5. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 5: Check the event code. Step 5: Check the event code.
• If: The event code is not active. • If: The event code is not active.
– Then check for an intermittent connection. – Then check for an intermittent connection.
• If: The event code is active. • If: The event code is active.
– Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen- – Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
sor operates correctly. sor operates correctly.

M4.8-2515-004 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 51.03

Event Code 51.03 – Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
sor operates correctly.
Primary air throttle sensor • If: The resistance equals 500–10,000 Ω in either
The primary air throttle position is out of range high. wire.
The lift truck does not start. – Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC322. Access 3™ operates correctly.
Check for bent pins or damaged wires along the routing
path to Access 3™. Event Code 51.04
• If: Issues do exist.
Primary air throttle sensor
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
The primary air throttle position is out of range low. The
lift truck does not start.
• If: Issues do not exist.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310 and
– Then continue to step 2. PC322 and check for pushed out pins or connector
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. damage.
Measure the voltage from PC322-2 to PC322-3. • If: Issues do exist.
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V and event code – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
3510.03 is active. harness.
– Then the power supply is shorted to the battery. • If: Issues do not exist.
• If: The voltage is less than 4.5 V and event code – Then continue to step 2.
3510.03 is not active.
Step 2: Measure the resistance from PC310-48 to
– Then continue to step 3. PC322-3; PC310-32 to PC322-2; PC310-28 to
Step 3: Measure the voltage from PC322-2 to PC322-5 and PC310-24 to PC322-6.
PC322-6. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
• If: The voltage is greater than or equal to 2 V. – Then the sensor is open or shorted to ground.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
• If: The voltage is less than 2 V. – Then continue to step 3.
– Then continue to step 5. Step 3: Connect PC310. Turn the key switch to the
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Insert a probe into ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC322-2 to
PC322-6 and measure the resistance to all other pins PC322-3.
in PC310. Test PC322-6 to all PC310 pins. • If: The voltage is not equal to 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: Any pin is less than 5 Ω. – Then the Access 3™ power supply is open in the
– Then the signal is shorted. harness to the sensor.
• If: No pin is less than 5 Ω. • If: The voltage equals 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. – Then continue to step 4.
There is a possible intermittent connection. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC322. Turn
Step 5: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. the key switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe
Measure the voltage from PC322-2 to PC322-5. into the wires PC322-2 and PC322-5.
• If: The voltage is greater than or equal to 4.6 V. • If: The voltage is less than 0.5 V.
– Then the signal is shorted. – Then the sensor is open or shorted to ground.
• If: The voltage is less than 4.6 V. • If: The voltage is greater than 0.5 V.
– Then continue to step 6. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
across the pins on the sensor from PC322-2 to from PC322-2 to PC322-5 and PC322-2 to PC322-6.
PC322-5 and PC322-2 to PC322-6. • If: The resistance is greater than 10,000 Ω in either
• If: The resistance is less than 500 Ω or is greater wire.
than 10,000 Ω in either wire.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-005

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 91.03

– Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen- – Then check for an intermittent connection.
sor operates correctly. • If: The event code is active.
• If: The resistance is less than 10,000 Ω in either – Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
wire. sor operates correctly.
– Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that
Access 3™ operates correctly. Event Code 91.04
Event Code 91.03 Command traction sensor channel A
The input voltage on pin CA410-1 is out of range low.
Command traction sensor channel A Engine idles at 800 rpm.
The input voltage on pin CA410-1 is out of range high. Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Engine idles at 800 rpm. Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4, A2.4.12 Accel Pedal,
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. then select A2.4.12.1 CH A voltage. Press Enter.
Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4, A2.4.12 Accel Pedal, Press the accelerator pedal and record the value.
then select A2.4.12.1 CH A voltage. Press Enter. • If: The voltage is 0–5 V while cycling the pedal.
Press the accelerator pedal and record the value.
– Then continue to step 4.
• If: The voltage is 0–5 V while cycling the pedal.
• If: The voltage is not 0–5 V while cycling the pedal.
– Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: The voltage is not 0–5 V while cycling the pedal.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC433. Turn
– Then continue to step 2. the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC433. Turn age from PC433-A to PC433-B.
on the lift truck. Measure the voltage from PC433-B to • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
PC433-A with the pedal up.
– Then continue to step 3.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–525 V.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then there is a power supply issue or a broken
– Then there is a power supply issue or a broken
wire exists in the power supply circuit.
wire exists in the power supply circuit.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410.
– Then continue to step 3. Measure the resistance from PC433-C and PC410-1.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect CA410. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Measure the resistance from PC433-C and PC410-1.
– Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then a broken wire or short circuit to ground on
– Then a broken wire or short circuit to ground on
the input pin exists in the harness. Replace the
an input pin in the harness exists. Replace the
connectors, terminals, or the harness.
connectors, terminals, or the harness.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Step 4: Connect PC410 and PC433. Turn the key
– Then continue to step 4. switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe into the
Step 4: Connect PC410 and PC433. Turn the key wires going into PC433-B and PC433-C.
switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe into the • If: The output is 0.5–4.5 V while cycling the pedal.
wires going into PC433-B and PC433-C.
– Then replace Access 4. Make sure that Access 4
• If: The output is 0.5–4.5 V while cycling the pedal. operates correctly.
– Then replace Access 4. • If: The output is not 0.5–4.5 V while cycling the
• If: The output is not 0.5–4.5 V while cycling the pedal.
pedal. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then continue to step 5. Step 5: Check the event code.
Step 5: Check the event code. • If: The event code is not active.
• If: The event code is not active. – Then there is an intermittent connection.

M4.8-2515-006 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 91.14

• If: The event code is active. Event Code 100.01

– Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
sor operates correctly. Low oil pressure
Oil pressure is low. 40% of the engine power is
Event Code 91.14 available.
Step 1: Shut down Engine scrolls on Access 1 with
Command traction sensor channel A
the engine running. Turn off the lift truck immediately.
Throttle inputs mismatch for redundant throttle. Idle Check for any oil leaks or engine damage. Continue to
speed only. step 2.
Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Step 2: Perform an oil pressure measurement. See
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. the ENGINE AND TRANSAXLE / Engine Lubrication
Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4, A2.4.12 Accel Pedal, System section for engine lubrication information. Take
then select A2.4.12.1 CH A voltage. Press Enter. the pressure measurement on the left side of the en-
Press the accelerator pedal and record the value. gine block, near the starter. Attach the oil pressure
• If: CH A voltage is not 0.5–4.5 V. gauge on either port and start the engine. Take the
– Then continue to step 2. measurement as the engine idles. Record and turn off
the lift truck. Add oil as needed.
• If: CH B voltage is not 0.25–2.25 V.
• If: CH A voltage is 0.5–4.5 V and CH B voltage is
LUBRICATION SYSTEM / Troubleshooting section for
0.25–2.25 V.
troubleshooting procedures.
– Then continue to step 4.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Event Code 100.03
Insert a probe into the wires going into PC433-B and
PC433-C. Feedback engine oil pressure sensor
• If: The output is 0.5–4.5 V while pressing the accel- The oil pressure voltage is out of range high. No func-
erator pedal. tion loss.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC326.
• If: The output is not 0.5–4.5 V while cycling the Check the sensor for damaged wires or connector.
pedal. • If: The terminals are not fully pressed into the con-
– Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen- nector.
sor operates correctly. – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
Step 3: Insert a probe into the wires going into harness.
PC433-E and PC433-F. • If: The terminals are fully pressed into the connec-
• If: The output is 0.25–2.25 V while pressing the ac- tor.
celerator pedal. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 2: Connect PC326. Start the engine. Enter Ser-
• If: The output is not 0.25–2.25 V while pressing the vice Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A2
accelerator pedal. Inputs, A2.3 Access 3™, A2.3.18 oil pressure. Press
– Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
sor operates correctly. • If: Oil pressure at engine idle is 1.7–2.1 bar (25–
30 psi).
Step 4: Check the event code.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active.
• If: The event code is not active.
There is a possible intermittent connection.
– Then there is a possible intermittent connection.
• If: Oil pressure at engine idle is not 1.7–2.1 bar
• If: The event code is active. (25–30 psi).
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. – Then continue to step 3.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC326. Turn
sure that Access 4 operates correctly.
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the
power supply output voltage from Access 3™ across
pins PC326-1 and PC326-2.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-007

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 100.04

• If: The voltage is greater than or less than 4.75– – Then there is an internal Access 3™ issue or a
5.25 V. broken wire in the harness from Access 3™. Re-
– Then the signal is shorted or open in the harness. place connectors, terminals, or the harness.
• If: The voltage is equal to 4.75–5.25 V. • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC326. Insert Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC326. Insert
a probe into the wires PC326-1 and PC326-2. Start the a probe into the wires PC326-1 and PC326-3. Start the
engine. engine.
• If: The voltage is not 0.5–4.5 V. • If: The voltage is not 0.5–4.5 V.
– Then replace the oil pressure sensor. – Then replace the oil pressure sensor. Make sure
that the sensor operates correctly.
• If: The voltage is 0.5–4.5 V.
• If: The voltage is 0.5–4.5 V.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make – Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
Event Code 100.04
Event Code 100.18
Feedback engine oil pressure sensor
Low oil pressure
The oil pressure voltage is out of range low. No function
The oil pressure is low. 80% of the engine power is
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the engine oil
Step 1: Shut down Engine scrolls on Access 1 with
pressure sensor for damaged wires and connectors.
the engine running. Turn off the lift truck immediately.
• If: Damage does exist. Check for any oil leaks or engine damage. Continue to
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the step 2.
harness. Step 2: Perform an oil pressure measurement. See
• If: Damage does not exist. the ENGINE AND TRANSAXLE / Engine Lubrication
– Then continue to step 2. System section for engine lubrication information. Take
the pressure measurement on the left side of the en-
Step 2: Start the engine. Enter Service Mode 2 then
gine block, near the starter. Attach the oil pressure
enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A2 Inputs, A2.3
gauge on either port and start the engine. Take the
Access 3™, A2.3.18 Oil Pressure. Press Enter.
measurement as the engine idles. Record and turn off
• If: Oil pressure at engine idle is 1.7–2.1 bar (25– the lift truck. Add oil as needed.
30 psi).
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. LUBRICATION SYSTEM / Troubleshooting section for
There is a possible intermittent connection. troubleshooting procedures.
• If:Oil pressure at engine idle is not 1.7–2.1 bar (25–
30 psi). Event Code 102.03
– Then continue to step 3.
Feedback map sensor
Step 3: Check for other active event codes (such as
106.04). Manifold absolute pressure voltage is out of range
high. The lift truck does not start or starts then stalls.
• If: There are other event codes that are active.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC323.
– Then continue to step 4. Check for damaged wires or connector.
• If: There are other event codes that are not active. • If: The terminals are not fully pressed into the con-
– Then continue to step 5. nector.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC326. Turn – Then the connector, terminal, or harness is dam-
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- aged. Replace the connectors, terminals, or the
age from PC326-1 to PC326-2. harness.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.

M4.8-2515-008 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 102.04

• If: The terminals are fully pressed into the connec- – Then the external power supply has an open cir-
tor. cuit.
– Then continue to step 2. • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. – Then continue to step 4.
Check for Event Code 3509.03. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
• If: Event Code 3509.03 is active. from PC323-3 and PC310-44.
– Then replace Access 3™. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
• If: Event Code 3509.03 is not active. – Then the map sensor has a broken wire or the
– Then continue to step 3. signal shorted to ground.
Step 3: Measure the voltage from PC323-2 to • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
PC323-3. – Then continue to step 5.
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.25 V. Step 5: Connect PC323. Turn the key switch to the
– Then the signal shorted to the battery in the har- ignition position. Insert a probe into PC323-2 and
ness. PC323-3.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V. • If: The voltage is not 1–4 V.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then replace the sensor.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC323. Insert • If: The voltage is 1–4 V.
a probe into PC323-2 and PC323-3. Turn the key – Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
switch to the ignition position. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
• If: The voltage is not 1–4 V. sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
– Then replace the map sensor.
• If: The voltage is 1–4 V. Event Code 106.03
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. Feedback upstream throttle temperature and pres-
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure sensor
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly. The upstream throttle pressure voltage is out of range
high. The lift truck does not start or starts then stalls.
Event Code 102.04 Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
Feedback map sensor damaged wires and connectors.
Manifold absolute pressure voltage is out of range low. • If: Damage does exist.
The lift truck does not start or starts then stalls. – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the map sensor harness.
for damaged wires and connectors. If damage exists, • If: Damage does not exist.
then replace the connectors, terminals, or the harness. – Then continue to step 2.
Continue to step 2.
Step 2: Disconnect connectors PC310 and PC321.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe into PC321-4 and measure the resis-
Check for Event Code 3509.04. tance to all other pins in PC310.
• If: Event Code 3509.04 is active. • If: Any pins with a resistance of less than 5 Ω.
– Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that – Then the signal is shorted in the harness.
Access 3™ operates correctly.
• If: All pins have a resistance greater than 5 Ω.
• If: Event Code 3509.04 is not active.
– Then continue to step 3.
– Then continue to step 3.
Step 3: Measure the resistance of the sensor from
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC323. Turn PC321-1 to PC321-4.
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
age from PC323-1 to PC323-2. • If: The resistance does not equal to 4,000–8,000 Ω.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V. – Then replace the sensor.
• If: M4.8-25The resistance equals 4,000–8,000 Ω.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-009

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 106.04

– Then continue to step 4. Step 5: Connect PC310 and PC321. Turn the key
Step 4: Connect all connectors. Turn the key switch switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe into
to the ignition position. Insert a probe into PC321-1 and PC321-1 and PC321-4.
PC321-4. • If: The voltage is less than 2.5 V with a cool engine.
• If: The voltage is greater than 4 V. – Then replace the sensor.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. • If: The voltage is greater than or equal to 2.5 V with
There is a possible intermittent connection. a cool engine.
• If: The voltage is less than 4 V. – Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
Event Code 108.20
Event Code 106.04 Feedback upstream throttle temperature and pres-
Feedback upstream throttle temperature and pres- sure sensor
sure sensor The upstream throttle pressure voltage is out of range
The upstream throttle pressure voltage is out of range high.
low. The lift truck does not start or starts then stalls. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for damaged wires and connectors.
damaged wires and connectors. • If: Damage does exist.
• If: Damage does exist. – Then replace the damaged connectors, termi-
– Then replace the damaged connectors, termi- nals, or the harness.
nals, or the harness. • If: Damage does not exist.
• If: Damage does not exist. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 2. Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Check the voltage at connector PC321-2.
Check if event code 3673.04 is active. • If: Voltage is more than 4.441 V at 0 rpm.
• If: Other event codes are active. – Then replace the sensor.
– Then there is an external power supply issue, a • If: Voltage is within range.
broken wire, or a short circuit in the harness. Re- – Then replace Access 3™.
place the connectors, terminals, or the harness.
• If: Other event codes are inactive. Event Code 108.21
– Then continue to step 3.
Feedback upstream throttle temperature and pres-
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC321. sure sensor
Measure the resistance from JC321-1 to JC321-4.
The upstream throttle pressure voltage is out of range
• If: The resistance equals 4,000–8,000 Ω. low.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
• If: The resistance does not equal to 4,000–8,000 Ω. damaged wires and connectors.
– Then continue to step 5. • If: Damage does exist.
Step 4: Disconnect PC310. Measure the resistance – Then replace the damaged connectors, termi-
from PC321-4 to PC310-43. nals, or the harness.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: Damage does not exist.
– Then the sensor has a broken wire or the signal – Then continue to step 2.
shorted to ground. Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Check the voltage at connector PC321-2.
– Then continue to step 5. • If: Voltage is less than 3.027 V at 0 rpm.
– Then replace the sensor.

M4.8-2515-010 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 110.00

• If: Voltage is within range. – Then continue to step 3.

– Then replace Access 3™. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC327. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the
Event Code 110.00 power supply output voltage from PC327-A to
Engine temperature high • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
The engine temperature is high. 40% of the engine – Then continue to step 4.
power is available.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the radiator core.
– Then continue to step 5.
• If: The radiator is plugged or damaged.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310 and
– Then clean or repair the core. measure the resistance from PC310-39 to PC327-B
• If: The radiator is not plugged or damaged. and PC310-32 to PC327-A.
– Then check the coolant bottle level. Add coolant • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
as needed. If the event code is still active, con- – Then the signal wire is open.
tinue to step 2.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Step 2: Check the serpentine belt.
– Then continue to step 5.
• If: Damage does exist.
Step 5: Connect PC327 and measure the resistance
– Then replace the belt. from pins PC310-39 to PC310-32.
• If: Damage does not exist. • If: The resistance equals 50–2,000 Ω with a warm
– Then check the coolant pump by removing the engine.
belt and manually cycling the pump by hand. – Then continue to step 6.
• If: The pump is cycling hard. • If: The resistance is not equal to 50–2,000 Ω with a
– Then replace the pump. warm engine.
• If: The pump is not cycling hard. – Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
– Then return the lift truck to operation and monitor sor operates correctly.
the engine temperature. Step 6: Disconnect connectors PC310 and PC327.
Insert a probe into PC327-B and measure the resis-
Event Code 110.03 tance to all other pins in PC310.
• If: All pins have a resistance greater than 5 Ω.
Engine temperature high
– Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that
The engine temperature signal is out of range high.
Access 3™ operates correctly.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC327.
• If: Any pins have a resistance of less than 5 Ω.
Check the area for damaged wires or connector.
– Then the signal is shorted in the harness.
• If: The terminals are damaged near the connector.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
Event Code 110.04
• If: The terminals are not damaged near the connec- Engine temperature sensor
tor. The engine temperature signal is out of range low.
– Then continue to step 2. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
Step 2: Connect PC327. Turn the key switch to the damaged wires or connector.
ignition position. Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the • If: Damage does exist.
Analyzer Menu. Select A2 Inputs, A2.3 Access 3™, – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
A2.3.13 Coolant Temperature. Press Enter. harness.
• If: Coolant temperature is 80–95 °C (175–200 °F. • If: Damage does not exist.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. – Then continue to step 2.
There is a possible intermittent connection.
• If: Coolant temperature is not 80–95 °C (175–
200 °F.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-011

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 110.16

Step 2: Disconnect PC327. Turn the key switch to the – Then check the coolant pump. Remove the belt
ignition position. Measure the power supply output volt- and manually cycle the pump by hand.
age from PC327-A to PC327-B. • If: The pump cycles hard.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V. – Then replace the pump.
– Then continue to step 3. • If: The pump does not cycle hard.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V. – Then return the lift truck to operation and monitor
– Then continue to step 4. the engine temperature.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
from PC327-A to the frame ground. Event Code 158.03
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Battery voltage high
– Then continue to step 4. The ignition battery voltage is out of range high.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then the power supply to ground has an open Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
circuit. Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4, A2.4.13 Battery Volt-
Step 4: Insert a probe into PC327-B. Measure the re- age. Press Enter.
sistance to all the other pins in PC310. • If: The voltage is greater than 11.5 V.
• If: Any pin is less than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then the signal is shorted in the harness. • If: The voltage is less than 11.5 V.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then continue to step 5. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310. Turn
Step 5: Connect PC327. Disconnect PC310. Mea- the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
sure the resistance from pins PC310-32 to PC310-39. age at pin PC310-38.
• If: The resistance is not 50–2,000 Ω with a warm • If: The voltage measurement is greater than 14 V
engine. (not equal to battery voltage).
– Then replace the coolant sensor. – Then there is a printed circuit board issue.
• If: The resistance is 50–2,000 Ω with a warm en- – Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that
gine. Access 3™ operates correctly.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. • If: The voltage measurement is less than 14 V
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make (equal to battery voltage).
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC310. Start
Event Code 110.16 the engine. Measure the voltage from the positive stud
on the alternator to the battery ground.
Engine temperature
• If: The output is greater than 15 V or is unstable.
The engine temperature is high. 80% of the engine
power is available. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the radiator. • If: The output is less than 15 V or is stable.
• If: The radiator core is plugged or damaged. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then clean or repair the core. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC317 and
remove the terminals from the alternator stud. Start the
• If: The radiator core is not plugged or damaged.
engine. Measure the voltage from the positive stud on
– Then check the coolant bottle level. Add coolant the alternator to the battery ground.
as needed. If the event code is active, continue to
• If: The output is greater than 15 V or is unstable.
step 2.
– Then there is an alternator issue.
Step 2: Check the serpentine belt.
• If: The output is less than 15 V or is stable.
• If: The tension is incorrect or damage is found.
– Then continue to step 5.
– Then adjust the belt tension or replace the belt.
Step 5: Check the event code.
• If: There is no damage.

M4.8-2515-012 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 158.04

• If: The event code is active. – Then there is an alternator issue or a broken con-
– Then continue to step 2. nection to the battery.
• If: The event code is inactive.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace the alternator.
Event Code 172.00
Upstream throttle temperature and pressure sen-
Event Code 158.04 sor
Note: High ambient temperatures combined with any
Battery voltage low
of the conditions described below causes this event
The ignition battery voltage is out of range low. code.
Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Access 3™ senses the upstream throttle air
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. temperature is above 78 °C (172 °F). The engine is
Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4, A2.4.13 Battery Volt-
derated 60%. 40% of the engine power is available.
age. Press Enter.
SEVERE HIGH scrolls on Access 1 as the engine
• If: The voltage is less than or equal to 11 V. runs.
– Then continue to step 2. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Turn the key switch to
• If:The voltage is greater than 11 V. the ignition position. Check all the active and inactive
– Then continue to step 4. event codes that relate or contribute to the high tem-
perature event code.
Step 2: Start the engine. If the lift truck does not start,
then charge the battery. After the battery is charged, • If: Other event codes are present.
monitor A2.4.13 Battery Voltage. – Then determine if event code 172.00 issue is re-
• If: The voltage is greater than 13 V. lated.
– Then continue to step 3. • If: There are no other event codes present.
• If: The voltage is less than 13 V. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 2: Check the fan operation.
Step 3: Operate the lift truck for one shift and monitor • If: The fan does not operate properly.
if the battery stays charged. – Then turn off the lift truck and replace the fan.
• If: The lift truck cranks hard after turned off for 1 h. • If: The fan does operate correctly.
– Then the battery needs replaced or the electro- – Then continue to step 3.
lytes are low. Step 3: The fan air shroud is sealed to minimize dirty
• If: The lift truck does not crank hard after turned off air intake. Check the condition of the fan air shroud
for 1 h. seals.
– Then the battery was drained from a component • If: The fan is not sealed.
being left on. – Then replace the fan air shroud seals.
Step 4: Check the alternator excitation PC317 con- • If: The fan is sealed.
– Then continue to step 4.
• If: The battery voltage is present on PC317.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Check the radiator for
– Then continue to step 5. blockage such as dirt and debris.
• If: The battery voltage is not present on PC317. • If: The radiator has blockage.
– Then there is a loose battery cable or a broken – Then clean the radiator.
excitation wire.
• If: The radiator does not have blockage.
Step 5: Load test the battery and check the electro-
– Then continue to step 5.
lyte fluid level (if not a maintenance free battery).
Step 5: Check for a missing heat shield located be-
• If: Either condition is low.
tween the intake and the exhaust manifolds.
– Then the battery needs replaced or the electro-
• If: The heat shield is not missing.
lyte fluid needs added.
– Then see the previous note.
• If: Either condition is not low.
• If: The heat shield is missing.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-013

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 172.03

– Then replace the heat shield. Event Code 172.04

Event Code 172.03 Feedback upstream throttle temperature and pres-
sure sensor
Feedback upstream throttle temperature and pres-
The throttle charge temperature voltage is out of range
sure sensor
low. This action has a small impact on performance.
The throttle charge temperature voltage is out of range
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
high. This action has a small impact on performance.
damaged wires and connectors.
Step 1: Turn on the lift truck. Check the sensor for
• If: The terminals are damaged near the connector.
damaged wires and connectors. Disconnect PC321.
– Then the connectors, terminals, or the harness is
• If: The terminals are damaged near the connector.
damaged. Replace the connectors, terminals, or
– Then the connectors, terminals, or the harness is harness.
damaged. Replace the connectors, terminals, or
• If: The terminals are not damaged near the connec-
• If: The terminals are not damaged near the connec-
– Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then continue to step 2.
Check for other active event codes 106.04 and 100.04.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: Other event codes are active.
Measure the voltage from PC321-1 to PC321-3
– Then continue to step 3.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: Other event codes are not active.
– Then a power supply ground has an open circuit
to the sensor. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC321. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
– Then continue to step 3.
age from PC321-1 to PC321-3.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310 on
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
Access 3™. Measure the resistance from PC310-40 to
PC321-2. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then a signal wire is open in the harness. – Then there is a power supply issue or a broken
wire on the ground side.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310. In-
– Then continue to step 4.
sert a probe into PC321-2 and measure the resistance
Step 4: Insert a probe into PC321-2 and measure the to all other pins in PC310.
resistance to all of the other pins in PC310.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
• If: Any pin has a resistance greater than 5 Ω.
– Then the sensor signal is shorted.
– Then continue to step 5.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 5: Measure the resistance of the sensor from
– Then continue to step 5.
PC321-1 to PC321-2.
Step 5: Connect all the connectors. Turn the key
• If: The resistance is not equal to 500–5,000 Ω with
switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe into
a cool engine.
PC321-1 and PC321-2.
– Then replace the sensor.
• If: The voltage is less than 1 V.
• If: The resistance equals to 500–5,000 Ω with a
– Then continue to step 6.
cool engine.
• If: The voltage is greater than 1 V.
– Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that
Access 3™ operates correctly. – Then make sure that the event code is still active.
There is a possible intermittent connection.
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC321.
Measure the resistance of the sensor from JC321-1 to

M4.8-2515-014 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 172.16

• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Step 5: Check for a missing heat shield located be-
– Then replace the sensor. tween the intake and the exhaust manifolds.
• If: Resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The heat shield is not missing.
– Then replace Access 3™. Turn the key switch to – Then see the previous note.
the ignition position. Make sure that Access 3™ • If: The heat shield is missing.
operates correctly. – Then replace the heat shield.

Event Code 172.16 Event Code 177.00

Upstream throttle temperature and pressure sen- Transmission temperature sensor severely high
Transaxle oil temperature is greater than 113.0 °C
Note: High ambient temperatures combined with any (235.4 °F). Engine derated 40%. 60% of engine power
of the conditions described below causes this event is available.
Step 1: Check the transaxle radiator.
Access 3™ senses an upstream throttle air
• If: The transaxle radiator is plugged or damaged.
temperature above 68 °C (154 °F). Engine derated
20%. 80% of the engine power is available. – Then repair as needed.
EXTREMELY HIGH scrolls on Access 1 as the engine • If: The transaxle radiator is not plugged or dam-
runs. aged.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Then turn the key switch – Then continue to step 2.
to the ignition position. Check all the active and inactive Step 2: Turn on the lift truck. Enter Service Mode 2
event codes that relate or contribute to the high tem- then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A2 Inputs, then
perature event. A2.4 Access 4, then A2.4.11 Trans Temp.
• If: There are other event codes present. • If: The temperature is greater than 113.0 °C
– Then determine if event code 172.16 issue is re- (235.4 °F)
lated. – Then there is a possible sensor issue.
• If: There are no other event codes present. • If: The temperature is greater than 113.0 °C
– Then continue to step 2. (235.4 °F)
Step 2: Check the fan operation. – Then continue to step 3.
• If: The fan does not operate properly. Step 3: Check the transaxle fluid (the oil dipstick on
– Then replace the fan. the side of the transaxle housing).
• If: The fan does operate properly. • If: The transaxle fluid is low or needs changed.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then add or replace the transaxle fluid as
Step 3: The fan air shroud is sealed to minimize dirty
air • If: The transaxle fluid is not low and does not need
intake. Check the condition of the fan air shroud seals.
• If: The fan is not sealed. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then replace the fan air shroud seal. Step 4: Monitor Trans Temp through the Analyzer
• If: The fan is sealed.
• If: The temperature rises above 113.0 °C (235.4 °F)
– Then continue to step 4. in a short time.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Check the radiator for – Then the transaxle radiator is plugged or dam-
blockage such as dirt and debris. aged.
• If: The radiator has blockage. • If: The temperature does not rise above 113.0 °C
– Then clean the radiator. (235.4 °F) in a short time.
• If: The radiator does not have blockage. – Then there is a possible sensor issue or the tran-
– Then continue to step 5. saxle radiator is plugged or damaged.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-015

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 177.03

Event Code 177.03 Event Code 177.04

Transmission temperature sensor Transmission temperature sensor
The transmission temperature sensor voltage is out of The transmission temperature sensor voltage is out of
range high. range low.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
damaged wires and connectors. damaged wires and connectors.
• If: Damage does exist. • If: Damage does exist.
– Then repair or replace the connectors, terminals, – Then repair or replace the connectors, terminals,
or the harness. or the harness.
• If: Damage does not exist. • If: Damage does not exist.
– Then continue to step 2. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Disconnect PC411 and PC454. Measure the Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC454.
resistance from PC454-1 and PC411-2, PC454-2 and Measure the resistance across PC454-2 and frame
PC411-4. ground.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then the sensor input is missing. The circuit is – Then the sensor signal is shorted to ground.
open. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then repair or replace the connectors, terminals, – Then continue to step 3.
or the harness.
Step 3: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Measure the voltage from PC454-1 to PC454-2.
– Then continue to step 3. • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
Step 3: Connect PC411. Turn the key switch to the – Then replace Access 4. Make sure that Access 4
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC454-1 to operates correctly.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 4.
– Then the wire is shorted to the battery voltage in
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
the harness.
of the sensor.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
• If: The resistance does not equal 100–50,000 Ω.
– Then continue to step 4.
– Then replace the sensor.
Step 4: Measure the voltage from PC454-1 to
• If: The resistance equals 100–50,000 Ω.
– Then continue to step 5.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
Step 5: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then continue to step 5.
Check the event code.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.2 5 V.
• If: The event code is active.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active.
– Then there is a possible intermittent connection.
There is a possible intermittent connection.
• If: The event code is not active.
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the sensor re-
sistance. – Then there is a possible intermittent connection.
• If: The resistance does not equal 100–50,000 Ω.
– Then replace the sensor.
Event Code 177.16
• If: The resistance equals 100–50,000 Ω. Transmission temperature sensor is high
– Then replace Access 4. Make sure that Access 4 Transaxle oil temperature is greater than 113.0 °C
operates correctly. (235.4 °F). Engine derated 20%. 80% of engine power
is available.

M4.8-2515-016 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 234.31

Step 1: Check the radiator, fan, and belt area of the

Event Code 234.31
• If: Issues do exist. Software mismatch
– Then repair or replace as needed from the follow- The software in Access 1, Access 3™, and Access 4
ing possible list: modules is not compatible.
– fan obstruction The engine starts but there is no travel or hydraulics.
– broken belt Step 1: Turn on the lift truck.
– plugged radiator • If: Issues do not exist.
– general transaxle event – Then make sure that the Performance and Fea-
• If: Issues do not exist. tures Menu settings match the lift truck hardware
– Then continue to step 2. and customer specifications and return the lift
truck to service.
Step 2: Check the transaxle fluid (the oil dipstick on
the side of the transaxle housing). • If: Issues do exist.
• If: The transaxle fluid is low or needs changed. – Then load the modules with compatible software.
– Then add or replace the transaxle fluid as
needed. Event Code 515.00
• If: The transaxle fluid is not low and does not need REVLIMIT fuel high
Step 1: During normal lift truck operation, press the
– Then continue to step 3. down arrow on Access 1 so travel speed is shown.
Step 3: Turn on the lift truck. Enter Service Mode 2 Continue to step 2.
then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A2 Inputs, then Step 2: Travel slowly and monitor if the speed in-
A2.4 Access 4, then A2.4.11 Trans Temp. creases as expected.
• If: The temperature is greater than 113.0 °C • If: Access 1 shows constant speed increase as the
(235.4 °F) or does not show ERROR lift truck moves faster.
– Then continue to step 4 – Then check for an intermittent connection.
• If: The temperature is greater than 113.0 °C • If: Access 1 does not show constant speed in-
(235.4 °F) or shows ERROR. crease as the lift truck moves faster.
– Then continue to step 5. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 4: Turn on the lift truck after cooling. Monitor the Step 3: 0 km/h (0 mph) travel speed is detected.
transaxle temperature. Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC453. Check the
• If: Derate is shown for less than 30 seconds and is area for damaged wires or connector.
active on the display screen. • If: The terminals are not fully pressed into the con-
– Then continue to step 5. nector.
• If: Derate is not shown for less than 30 seconds – Then repair or replace the connectors, terminals,
and is inactive on the display screen. or the harness.
– Then there is a fan obstruction, broken belt, or • If: The terminals are fully pressed into the connec-
plugged transaxle radiator. tor.
Step 5: Disconnect CA454 and measure the sensor – Then continue to step 4.
resistance from CA411-2 to CA454-1, and CA411-4 to Step 4: Turn on the lift truck. Measure the voltage
CA454-2. from PC453-C to PC453-D.
• If: The voltage is more than 6.3 V. • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then replace the transaxle sensor. – Then there is a possible bad sensor.
• If: The voltage equals 6.3 V. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then replace Access 4. • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then continue to step 6.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-017

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 515.16

Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410. Step 3: 0 km/h (0 mph) travel speed is detected.
Measure the resistance from PC453-A to PC410-8 and Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC453. Check the
PC453-B to PC410-9. area for damaged wires or connector.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The terminals are not fully pressed into the con-
– Then there is a broken wire or short circuit to nector.
ground exists in the harness. Replace the con- – Then repair or replace the connectors, terminals,
nectors, terminals, or the harness. or the harness.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. • If: The terminals are fully pressed into the connec-
– Then continue to step 7. tor.
Step 6: Measure the resistance from PC453-C to – Then continue to step 4.
PC411-3 and PC453-D to PC411-2. Step 4: Turn on the lift truck. Measure the voltage
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. from PC453-C to PC453-D.
– Then there is a broken wire or short circuit to • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
ground exists in the harness. Replace the con- – Then there is a possible bad sensor.
nectors, terminals, or the harness. – Then continue to step 5.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then continue to step 7. – Then continue to step 6.
Step 7: Replace the speed sensor. Start the engine Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410.
and travel slowly. Measure the resistance from PC453-A to PC410-8 and
• If: Issue does not exist. PC453-B to PC410-9.
– Then the speed sensor was the issue. Make sure • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
that the sensor operates correctly. – Then there is a broken wire or short circuit to
• If: Issue does exist. ground exists in the harness. Replace the con-
– Then continue to step 8. nectors, terminals, or the harness.
Step 8: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Start • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
the engine and travel slowly. – Then continue to step 7.
• If: Issue does not exist. Step 6: Measure the resistance from PC453-C to
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that PC411-3 and PC453-D to PC411-2.
Access 4 operates correctly. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
• If: Issue does exist. – Then there is a broken wire or short circuit to
– Then go to step 1. ground exists in the harness. Replace the con-
nectors, terminals, or the harness.
Event Code 515.16 • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 7.
REVLIMIT fuel high
Step 7: Replace the speed sensor. Start the engine
Step 1: During normal lift truck operation, press the
and travel slowly.
down arrow on Access 1 so travel speed is shown.
Continue to step 2. • If: Issue does not exist.
Step 2: Travel slowly and monitor if the speed in- – Then the speed sensor was the event. Make sure
creases as expected. that the sensor operates correctly.
• If: Access 1 shows constant speed increase as the • If: Issue does exist.
lift truck moves faster. – Then continue to step 8.
– Then check for an intermittent connection. Step 8: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Start
• If: Access 1 does not show constant speed in- the engine and travel slowly.
crease as the lift truck moves faster. • If: Issue does not exist.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then Access 4 was the event. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: Issue does exist.

M4.8-2515-018 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 632.06

– Then go to step 1. • If: Damage does not exist.

– Then continue to step 2.
Event Code 632.06 Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Enter Service Mode 2
and enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A2 Inputs then
Fuel lock-off solenoid A2.3 Access 3 then A2.3.10 Engine Speed. Cycle the
There is a short circuit. The lift truck does not start. engine.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC318. In- • If: The engine rpm displays while cycling.
sert the probes from PC318-1 to P318-2 and crank the – Then continue to step 3.
• If: The engine rpm does not display while cycling.
• If: The voltage is 11.5–12.5 V while cranking the
engine. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 2. Step 3: Check if the engine starts.
• If: The voltage is not 11.5–12.5 V while cranking • If: The engine starts.
the engine. – Then there is a possible intermittent connection.
Continue to monitor the event code.
– Then continue to step 3.
• If: The engine does not start.
Step 2: Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the re-
sistance across the terminals of the fuel lock-off sole- – Then continue to step 4.
noid coil. Step 4: Disconnect CA329 and measure Access 3
• If: The resistance is not 10–25 Ω. voltage across PC329-3 to PC329-2.
– Then there is a solenoid issue or a broken wire in • If: The voltage greater than or equal to 5 V.
the solenoid assembly. – Then replace Access 3.
• If: The resistance is 10–25 Ω. • If: The voltage = 5 V.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 3: Disconnect PC310 and PC313. Measure the Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Then turn the key to the
resistance from PC313-H to PC318-1 and from ignition position. If the event code is still active, inspect
PC310-4 to PC318-2. the timing wheel and flywheel for damage.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: Issues do not exist.
– Then there is a broken wire in the harness. – Then replace the crankshaft sensor.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that
Event Code 677.06
Access 3™ operates correctly. Engine starter relay coil K314
Step 4: Turn on the lift truck. Check the event code. There is a short circuit. The lift truck does not start.
• If: The event code is not active. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC314. In-
– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con- sert the probes from PC314-A to P314-G and crank the
nector issue. engine.
• If: The event code is active. • If: The voltage is 11.5–12.5 V while cranking the
– Then continue to step 1. engine.
– Then continue to step 2.
Event Code 637.02 • If: The voltage is not 11.5–12.5 V while cranking the
Crankshaft position sensor – Then continue to step 3.
Crankshaft position sensor noise is detected. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check for damaged across the terminals of the starter relay coil.
wires at the crankshaft position sensor and connectors.
• If: The resistance is not 135–165 Ω.
• If: Damage does exist.
– Then there is a relay issue or a broken wire in the
– Then repair or replace the wires or the connec- relay assembly.
• If: The resistance is 135–165 Ω.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-019

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 698.05

– Then continue to step 4. Step 4: Measure the resistance across the terminals
Step 3: Disconnect PC310 and PC314. Measure the of the lift interlock coil.
resistance from PC313-F to PC314-A and from • If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than
PC310-9 to PC314-G. 10 Ω.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. – Then replace the lift interlock.
– Then there is a broken wire in the harness. • If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then replace Access 3™. Make sure that Step 5: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC426. Turn
Access 3™ operates correctly. the key switch to the ignition position. Check the soft-
Step 4: Turn on the lift truck. Check the event code.
• If: The software was recently loaded.
• If: The event code is not active.
– Then the incorrect software was loaded.
– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con-
nector event. • If: The software was not recently loaded.
• If: The event code is active. – Then continue to step 6.
– Then continue to step 1. Step 6: Check if the event code is still active.
• If: The event code is not active.
Event Code 698.05 – Then check for an intermittent connection.
• If: The event code is active.
Lift interlock solenoid coil is open
– Then continue to step 7.
There is an open circuit. No lift or tilt functions.
Step 7: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC426. In-
the key switch to the ignition position.
sert probes across PC426-1 and PC426-2. Turn the
key switch to the ignition position. Enter Service • If: Issues do not exist.
Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test – Then Access 4 was the event. Make sure that
Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.2 Lift Sol. Press Enter to Access 4 operates correctly.
drive the output from the menu. • If: Issues do exist.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. – Then continue to step 1.
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: Battery voltage is present. Event Code 698.06
– Then continue to step 4. Lift interlock solenoid coil (high or low side)
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and There is a shorted circuit. No lift or tilt function.
PC411. Measure the resistance from PC411-16 to
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC426. In-
PC426-1 and from PC410-30 to PC426-2.
sert probes across PC426-1 and PC426-2. Turn the
• If: The resistance in either wire is greater than 5 Ω. key switch to the ignition position. Enter Service
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test
place the harness. Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.2 Lift Sol. Press Enter to
• If: The resistance in both wires is less than 5 Ω. drive output from the menu.
– Then continue to step 3. • If:Battery voltage is not present.
Step 3: Measure the resistance from PC411-16 to all – Then continue to step 2.
the other pins in PC410. • If: Battery voltage is present.
• If: The resistance in any other wire is greater than – Then continue to step 4.
5 Ω. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and
– Then continue to step 4. PC411. Measure the resistance from PC411-16 to
• If: The resistance in all other wires is less than 5 Ω. PC426-1 and from PC410-30 to PC426-2.
– Then there is a shorted high or low side to • If: The resistance in either wire is greater than 5 Ω.
ground. Replace the harness. – Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
place the harness.

M4.8-2515-020 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 698.12

• If:The resistance in both wires is less than 5 Ω. Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
– Then continue to step 3. Events menu.
Step 3: Measure the resistance from PC411-16 to all • If: Issues do not exist.
the other pins in PC410. – Then Clear All Events fixed the event.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in any of the other • If: Issues do exist.
wires. – Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
– Then there is a shorted high or low side to • If: Issues still exist.
ground. Replace the harness.
– Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in all of the
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. urn
other wires.
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
– Then continue to step 4. Access 4 operates correctly.
Step 4: Measure the resistance across the lift coil ter-
minals. Event Code 698.31
• If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω.
Access 4 internal fault
– Then continue to step 5.
Lift interlock driver is shorted.
• If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than
10 Ω. Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2, then enter the Events
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
– Then replace the lift interlock coil. Events.
Step 5: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC426. Turn Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
the key switch to the ignition position. Check if new
software was recently loaded. Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Events menu.
• If: The new software was recently loaded.
• If: Issues do not exist.
– Then the incorrect software was loaded.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the event.
• If: The new software was not recently loaded.
• If: Issues do exist.
– Then continue to step 6.
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
Step 6: Check if the event code is still active.
• If: Issues still exist.
• If: The event code is not active.
– Then continue to step 4.
– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con-
nector issue. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
• If: The event code is active. Access 4 operates correctly.
– Then continue to step 7.
Step 7: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn Event Code 700.05
the key switch to the ignition position.
Main interlock solenoid coil - high or low side
• If: Issues do not exist.
There is an open circuit. No lift or tilt functions.
– Then the event was Access 4. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC425. In-
sert probes across PC425-1 and PC425-2. Turn the
• If:Issues do exist.
key switch to the ignition position. Enter Service
– Then continue to step 1. Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test
Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.1 Main Sol. Press Enter
Event Code 698.12 to drive output from the menu.
Access 4 internal fault • If: Battery voltage is not present.
Lift interlock driver is open. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2, then enter the Events • If: Battery voltage is present.
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All – Then continue to step 4.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-021

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 700.06

Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and

PC411. Measure the resistance from PC411-16 to
Event Code 700.06
PC425-1 and from PC410-33 to PC425-2. Main interlock solenoid coil - high or low side
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in either wire. There is a grounded circuit. No lift or tilt functions.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC425. In-
place the harness. sert probes across PC425-1 and PC425-2. Enter Ser-
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in both wires. vice Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4
Test Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.1 Main Sol. Press
– Then continue to step 3.
Enter to drive the output from the menu.
Step 3: Measure the resistance between PC410-33
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
and all the other pins on PC410.
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in all other
wires. • If: Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 4 – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in any other wire. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and
PC411. Measure the resistance from PC411-16 to
– Then there is a shorted high or low side to
PC425-1 and from PC410-33 to PC425-2.
ground. Replace the harness.
• If: The resistance for either wire is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 4: Measure the resistance across the terminals
of the main interlock coil. – Then a broken wire exists. Replace the harness.
• If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω. • If: The resistance for both wires is less than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 5. – Then continue to step 3.
• If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than Step 3: Measure the resistance from PC411-16 to all
10 Ω. the other pins on PC410.
– Then replace the main interlock coil. Make sure • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in any of the other
that the main interlock coil operates correctly. wires.
Step 5: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC425. Turn – Then there is a shorted high or low side to
the key switch to the ignition position. Check if new ground. Replace the harness.
software was recently loaded. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in all of the
• If: The software was recently loaded. other wires.
– Then the incorrect software was loaded. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The software was not recently loaded. Step 4: Measure the resistance across the main in-
terlock coil terminals.
– Then continue to step 6.
• If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω.
Step 6: Check if the event code is still active.
– Then continue to step 5.
• If: The event code is active.
• If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than
– Then continue to step 7.
10 Ω.
• If: The event code is not active.
– Then replace the main interlock coil. Make sure
– Then check for an intermittent connection. that the main interlock coil operates correctly.
Step 7: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn Step 5: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC425. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. the key switch to the ignition position. Check if new
• If: Issues do not exist. software was recently loaded.
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that • If: The new software was recently loaded.
Access 4 operates correctly. – Then the incorrect software was loaded.
• If: Issues do exist. • If: The new software was not recently loaded.
– Then continue to step 1. – Then continue to step 6.
Step 6: Check if the event code is still active.
• If: The event code is active.
– Then continue to step 7.

M4.8-2515-022 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 700.12

• If: The event code is not active. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con- on the lift truck. Turn the key switch to the ignition posi-
nection issue. tion. Make sure that Access 4 operates correctly.
Step 7: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Event Code 701.05
• If: Issues do not exist. Forward clutch solenoid coil - high or low side
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that There is an open circuit. No forward travel.
Access 4 operates correctly. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC451. In-
• If: Issues do exist. sert probes across PC451-1 and PC451-2. Turn the
– Then continue to step 1. key switch to the ignition position. Enter Service
Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test
Event Code 700.12 Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.3 Fwd Sol. Press Enter
to drive the output from the menu.
Access 4 internal fault • If: Battery voltage is not present.
Main interlock driver is open. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events • If: Battery voltage is present.
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
– Then continue to step 4.
Events. Press Y to clear all events.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
PC411. Measure the resistance from P411-18 to
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active P451-1 and from PC54-1 to PC451-2.
Events menu.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in either con-
• If: Issues do not exist. nections.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. – Then there is a broken wire issue.
• If: Issues do exist. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in both connec-
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. tions.
• If: Issues still exist. – Then continue to step 3.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 3: Measure the resistance between PC411-18
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn and all the other pins on PC411.
on the lift truck. Turn the key switch to the ignition posi- • If:The resistance is less than 5 Ω in any other wire.
tion. Make sure that Access 4 operates correctly. – Then there is a shorted high or low side to
Event Code 700.31 • If:The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in all the other
Access 4 internal fault wires.
Main interlock driver is shorted. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events Step 4: Measure the resistance across the terminals
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All of the forward clutch solenoid coil.
Events. Press Y to clear all events. • If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active • If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than
Events menu. 10 Ω.
• If: Issues do not exist. – Then replace the forward clutch solenoid coil.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. Make sure that the forward clutch solenoid coil
operates correctly.
• If: Issues do exist.
Step 5: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC451. Turn
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. the key switch to the ignition position. Check if new
• If: Issues still exist. software was recently loaded.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The software was recently loaded.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-023

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 701.06

– Then the incorrect software was loaded. Step 4: Measure the resistance across the forward
• If: The software was not recently loaded. clutch solenoid.
– Then continue to step 6. • If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω.
Step 6: Check if the event code is still active. – Then continue to step 5
• If: The event code is active. • If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than
10 Ω.
– Then continue to step 7.
– Then replace the forward clutch solenoid coil.
• If:The event code is not active.
Make sure that the forward clutch solenoid coil
– Then check for an intermittent connection. operates correctly.
Step 7: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn Step 5: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC451. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. the key switch to the ignition position. Check if new
• If: Issues do not exist. software was recently loaded.
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that • If: The new software was recently loaded.
Access 4 operates correctly. – Then the incorrect software was loaded.
• If: Issues do exist. • If: The new software was not recently loaded.
– Then continue to step 1. – Then continue to step 6.
Step 6: Check if the event code is still active.
Event Code 701.06 • If:The event code is active.
Forward clutch solenoid coil - high or low side – Then continue to step 7.
There is a grounded circuit. No forward travel. • If: The event code is not active.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC451. In- – Then there is an intermittent connection or a con-
sert probes across PC451-1 and PC451-2. Turn the nection issue.
key switch to the ignition position. Enter Service Step 7: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test the key switch to the ignition position.
Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.3 Fwd Sol. Press Enter
to drive output from the menu. • If: Issues do not exist.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. – Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly.
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: Issues do exist.
• Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 1.
– Then continue to step 4.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and Event Code 701.12
PC411. Measure the resistance from PC411-18 to
PC451-1 and from C54-1 to PC451-2. Access 4 internal fault
• If: The resistance for either wire is greater than 5 Ω. Forward travel does not function.
– Then a broken wire exists. Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
• If: The resistance for both wires is less than 5 Ω. Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
Events. Press Y to clear all events.
– Then continue to step 3.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
Step 3: Measure the resistance from PC411-18 to all
the other pins on PC411. Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Events menu.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in any of the
other wires. • If: Issues do not exist.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in all of the other • If: Issues do exist.
wires. – Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
– Then there is a shorted high or low side to • If: Issues still exist.
ground. – Then continue to step 4.

M4.8-2515-024 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 701.31

Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC411.
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that Measure the resistance from PC411-19 to PC452-1.
Access 4 operates correctly. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then there is a broken wire to a connection point
Event Code 701.31 on Access 4.
Access 4 internal fault • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Forward travel does not function. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All from PC452-2 to frame ground.
Events. Press Y to clear all events. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck. – Then there is a broken wire to a connection point
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active to frame ground.
Events menu. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
• If: Issues do not exist. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. Step 5: Measure the resistance of the reverse clutch
• If: Issues do exist. solenoid coil.
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. • If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω.
• If: Issues still exist. – Then continue to step 6.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or greater than
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn 10 Ω.
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that – Then replace the reverse clutch solenoid coil.
Access 4 operates correctly. Make sure that the reverse clutch solenoid coil
operates correctly.
Event Code 702.05 Step 6: Connect PC411 and PC452. Turn the key
switch to the ignition position.
Reverse clutch solenoid coil - high side
• If: The event code is not active.
There is an open circuit. No reverse travel.
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con-
Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. nector issue.
Enter Service Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
• If: The event code is active.
Select A4 Test Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.4 Rev
Sol. Press Enter. Actuate the reverse direction lever. – Then continue to step 7.
• If: Access 1 displays on when the lever is actuated. Step 7: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
– Then continue to step 5.
Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: Access 1 does not display on when the lever is
actuated. Event Code 702.06
– Then continue to step 2.
Note: Reverse clutch solenoid coil - high side
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC452. In-
sert probes across PC452-1 and PC452-2. Turn the There is a grounded circuit. No reverse travel.
key switch to the ignition position. Enter Service Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Mode 3 and enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test Enter Service Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.4 Rev Sol. Press Enter Select A4 Test Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.4 Rev
to drive the output from the menu. Sol. Press Enter. Actuate the reverse direction lever.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. • If: Access 1 displays on when the lever is actuated.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: Battery voltage is present. • If: Access 1 does not display on when the lever is
– Then continue to step 5. actuated.
– Then continue to step 2.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-025

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 702.12

Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC452. In- – Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
sert probes across PC452-1 and PC452-2. Turn the • If: Issues still exist.
key switch to the ignition position. Enter Service
– Then continue to step 4.
Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test
Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.4 Rev Sol. Press Enter Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
to drive the output from the menu. the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
– Then continue to step 3. Event Code 702.31
• If: Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 4. Access 4 internal fault
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC411. Reverse travel does not function.
Measure the resistance from PC411-19 to the frame. Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
Events. Press Y to clear all events.
– Then there is a shorted wire to ground.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
– Then continue to step 4. Events menu.
Step 4: Measure the resistance of the reverse clutch • If: Issues do not exist.
solenoid coil.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
• If: The resistance is less than3 Ω or greater than
10 Ω. • If: Issues do exist.
– Then replace the reverse clutch solenoid coil. – Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
Make sure that the reverse clutch solenoid coil • If: Issues still exist.
operates correctly. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance equals 3–10 Ω.Then continue to Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
step 5. the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
Step 5: Replace Access 4. Connect PC411 and Access 4 operates correctly.
PC452. Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: The event code is not active. Event Code 705.05
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that Operator alarm coil - low side
Access 4 operates correctly.
There is an open circuit. No audible alarm is available
• If: The event code is active. for certain events.
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con- Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect alarm wires
nector issue. PC417 and PC418. Insert probes from PC417 to
PC418. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. En-
Event Code 702.12 ter Service Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Se-
lect A4 Test Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.8 Alarm.
Access 4 internal fault Press Enter and drive the output from the menu.
No reverse travel. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events – Then continue to step 2.
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
Events. Press Y to clear all events. • If: Battery voltage is present.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410.
Events menu. Measure the resistance from PC410-29 to PC418.
• If: Issues do not exist. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. – Then there is a broken wire to a connection point
on Access 4.
• If: Issues do exist.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.

M4.8-2515-026 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 705.06

– Then continue to step 3. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.

Step 3: Measure the resistance from PC417 to – Then there is a broken wire to a connection point
PC902-C. on Access 4.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then a broken wire exists. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Step 4: Connect PC410 and all of the other wires.
– Then continue to step 4. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Check the
event code.
Step 4: Replace the alarm. Connect PC410, PC417,
and PC418. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. • If: The event code is active.
• If: Issues do not exist. – Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
– Then the alarm was the issue.
sure that Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: Issues do exist.
• If: The event code is not active.
– Then continue to step 5.
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con-
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn nector issue.
the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: Issues do not exist. Event Code 705.12
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly. Access 4 internal fault
• If: Issues do exist. Warning alarm does not function.
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con- Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
nector issue. Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
Events. Press Y to clear all events.
Event Code 705.06 Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Operator alarm coil - low side Events menu.
There is a short circuit. No audible alarm available for • If: Issues do not exist.
certain events.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect alarm wires
• If: Issues do exist.
PC417 and PC418. Insert probes from PC417 to
PC418. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. En- – Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
ter Service Mode 3 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Se- • If: Issues still exist.
lect A4 Test Outputs, A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.8 Alarm. – Then continue to step 4.
Press Enter and drive the output from the menu.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
• If: Battery voltage is present. the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
– Then continue to step 2. Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
– Then continue to step 3. Event Code 705.31
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Check if PC417 is on the Access 4 internal fault
positive terminal of the alarm and PC418 is on the neg- Warning alarm does not function.
ative terminal of the alarm.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
• If: The wires are not correct. Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
– Then the connections are reversed. Events. Press Y to clear all events.
• If: The wires are correct. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
– Then replace the alarm. Make sure that the alarm Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
operates correctly. Events menu.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410. • If: Issues do not exist.
Measure the resistance from PC410-29 to PC418. – Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-027

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 751.03

• If: Issues do exist. Step 5: Check the voltage with the direction lever in
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. neutral.
• If: Issues still exist. • If: The voltage does not equal 2.35–2.65 V).
– Then continue to step 4. – Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
sor operates correctly.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that • If: The voltage equals 2.35–2.65 V.
Access 4 operates correctly. – Then replace Access 4. Make sure that Access 4
operates correctly.
Event Code 751.03
Event Code 751.04
Direction lever sensor shorted high
The direction sensor is out of range high. No forward or Direction lever sensor shorted low
reverse lift truck movement. The direction lever sensor is out of range low. No
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around forward or reverse lift truck movement.
PC431 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
path to Access 4. PC431 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
• If: Damage does exist. path to Access 4.
– Then the connector, terminal, or harness is dam- • If: Damage does exist.
aged. Replace the connectors, terminals, or the – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
harness. harness.
• If: Damage does not exist. • If: Damage does not exist.
– Then continue to step 2. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Select A2 Inputs, A4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.3 Dir Lever. Select A2 Inputs, A4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.3 Dir Lever.
Press Enter. Cycle the direction lever from reverse, to Press Enter. Cycle the direction lever from reverse, to
neutral, to forward. neutral, to forward.
• If: The voltage is not 0-5 V and REV, NEU, FWD is • If: The voltage is not 0–5 V and REV, NEU, FWD is
not displayed. not displayed.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then continue to step 3.
• If: The voltage is 0-5 V and REV, NEU, FWD is dis- • If: The voltage is 0–5 V and REV, NEU, FWD is dis-
played. played.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC431. Turn Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC431 and
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- PC411. Measure the resistance from PC431-2 to
age from PC431-1 to PC431-3. P411-5.
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then the Access 4 power supply is shorted to the – Then a sensor input is open or shorted to ground.
battery. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
• If: The voltage is less than 5.5 V. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 4: Connect PC411. Turn the key switch to the
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC431. Turn ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC431-1 to
the key switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe PC431-3.
into the wires on PC431-2 and PC431-3. • If: The voltage does not equal 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: The voltage is greater than or equal to 5 V. – Then the Access 4 power supply is shorted or
– Then a signal input is shorted. there is an open in the harness.
• If: The voltage is less than 5 V. • If: The voltage equals 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then continue to step 5. – Then continue to step 5.

M4.8-2515-028 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 924.05

Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC431. Turn • If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than
the key switch to the ignition position. Insert probes into 10 Ω.
wires PC431-2 and PC431-3. Check the voltage with – Then replace the fan reverse solenoid coil. Make
the direction lever in neutral. sure that the reverse solenoid coil operates cor-
• If: The voltage is not equal to 2.4–2.6 V. rectly.
– Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen- • If: The resistance is 3–10 Ω.
sor operates correctly. – Then continue to step 6.
• If: The voltage equals 2.4–2.6 V. Step 6: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC499. Turn
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. the key switch to the ignition position.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make • If: The event code is active.
sure that Access 4 operates correctly.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
Event Code 924.05 sure that Access 4 operates correctly.
Fan reverse solenoid coil - low side • If: The event code is not active.
There is an open circuit. – Then there is an open circuit or intermittent con-
Step 1: Observe the fan direction. nection issue.
• If: The fan runs only in the forward direction.
Event Code 924.06
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: The fan runs only in the reverse direction. Fan reverse solenoid coil - low side
– Then continue to step 4. There is a short circuit. No fan reversal.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC499. In- Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC499. In-
sert probes from PC499-1 to PC499-2. Turn the key sert probes from PC499-1 to PC499-2. Turn the key
switch to the ignition position and observe the voltage switch to the ignition position and check the voltage
reading. reading.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then continue to step 2.
• If: Battery voltage is present. • If: Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 5. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC411.
PC411. Measure the resistance from PC410-32 to Measure the resistance from PC499-2 to PC411-16.
PC499-2 and from PC499-1 to PC411-16. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. – Then the wire is shorted. Replace the harness.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 3.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
place the harness. of the fan reverse solenoid coil.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC499. • If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than
Measure the resistance between PC499-2 and frame 10 Ω.
– Then replace the fan reverse solenoid coil. Make
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. sure that the reverse solenoid coil operates cor-
– Then there is a wire shorted to ground. Replace rectly.
the harness. • If: The resistance is 3–10 Ω.
• If:The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 5. Step 4: Connect PC411 and PC499. Turn the key
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance switch to the ignition position.
of the fan reverse solenoid coil. • If: The event code is active.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-029

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 924.12

– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4.

Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
Event Code 1071.05
sure that Access 4 operates correctly. Fan speed solenoid coil - low side
• If: The event code is not active. There is an open circuit. No fan control.
– Then there is an intermittent connection issue. Step 1: Observe the fan speed with the engine at
Event Code 924.12 • If: The fan runs high speed even when the engine
is cool.
Access 4 internal fault
– Then continue to step 2.
Fan does not function.
• If: The fan speed is low at engine idle.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All – Then continue to step 5.
Events. Press Y to clear all events. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC498. In-
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck. sert probes from PC498-1 to PC498-2. Turn the key
switch to the ignition position.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Events menu. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
• If: Issues do not exist. – Then continue to step 3.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. • If: Battery voltage is present.
• If: Issues do exist. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and
PC411. Measure the resistance from PC498-2 to
• If: Issues still exist.
PC410-31 and from PC498-1 to PC411-16.
– Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
place the harness.
Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Event Code 924.31 – Then continue to step 4.
Step 4: Measure the resistance between PC498-2
Access 4 internal fault
and the frame.
Fan does not function.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
– Then a wire is shorted to ground. Replace the
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
Events. Press Y to clear all events.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
– Then continue to step 5.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Events menu. Step 5: Disconnect PC498. Measure the resistance
of the fan speed solenoid coil.
• If: Issues do not exist.
• If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or greater than
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
10 Ω.
• If: Issues do exist.
– Then replace the fan speed solenoid coil. Make
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. sure that the fan speed solenoid coil operates
• If: Issues still exist. correctly.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The resistance is 3–10 Ω.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn – Then continue to step 6.
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that Step 6: Connect PC410, PC411, and PC498. Turn
Access 4 operates correctly. the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: The event code is active.

M4.8-2515-030 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1071.06

– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
sure that Access 4 operates correctly. Events. Press Y to clear all events.
• If: The event code is not active. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
– Then there is an intermittent connection issue. Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Events menu.
Event Code 1071.06 • If: Issues do not exist.
Fan speed solenoid coil - low side – Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
There is a shorted high circuit. No fan control or full • If: Issues do exist.
speed always. – Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC498. In- • If: Issues still exist.
sert probes from PC498-1 to PC498-2. Turn the key – Then continue to step 4.
switch to the ignition position. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
• If: Battery voltage is not present. the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
– Then continue to step 2. Access 4 operates correctly.
• If:Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 3.
Event Code 1071.31
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and Access 4 internal fault
PC411. Measure the resistance from PC498-2 to Fan speed does not function.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
– Then a wire is shorted to ground. Replace the Events. Press Y to clear all events.
harness. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
– Then continue to step 3. Events menu.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance • If: Issues do not exist.
of the fan speed solenoid coil. – Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
• If: The resistance is less than 3 Ω or is greater than • If: Issues do exist.
10 Ω.
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
– Then replace the fan speed solenoid coil. Make
• If: Issues still exist.
sure that the fan speed solenoid coil operates
correctly. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is 3–10 Ω. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
– Then continue to step 4.
Access 4 operates correctly.
Step 4: Connect PC410, PC411, and CA498. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Event Code 1083.03
• If: The event code is active.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Tilt lever sensor shorted high
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make The tilt lever sensor is out of range high. No tilt forward
sure that Access 4. operates correctly. or backward.
• If: The event code is not active. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
– Then there an intermittent connection issue. PC422 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
path to Access 4.
Event Code 1071.12 • If: Damage does exist.
– Then the connectors, terminals, or the harness is
Access 4 internal fault damaged. Replace the connectors, terminals, or
Fan speed does not function. the harness.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-031

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1083.04

• If: Damage does not exist. • If: Damage does not exist.
– Then continue to step 2. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Select A2 Inputs, A4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.2 Tilt Lever. Select A2 Inputs, A4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.2 Tilt Lever.
Press Enter. Press Enter.
• If: The voltage is not 0-5 V and FWD, NEU, BAK is • If: The voltage is not 0–5 V and FWD, NEU, BAK is
not displayed. not displayed.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then continue to step 3.
• If: The voltage is 0-5 V and FWD, NEU, BAK is dis- • If: The voltage is 0–5 V and FWD, NEU, BAK is dis-
played. played.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC422. Turn Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- PC422. Measure the resistance from PC410-5 to
age from PC422-1 to PC422-3. PC422-2.
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then the Access 4 power supply is shorted to the – Then there is a broken wire. Replace the har-
battery. ness.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC422. Turn Step 4: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
the key switch to the ignition position. Insert probes into Measure the voltage from PC422-1 to PC422-3.
the wires on PC422-2 and PC422-3. • If: The voltage equals 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: The voltage is greater than or equal to 5 V. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then the tilt lever sensor signal input is shorted. • If: The voltage is not equal to 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: The voltage is less than 5 V. – Then the Access 4 power supply is shorted or
– Then continue to step 5. there is an open in the harness.
Step 5: Check the voltage with the tilt lever in the Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC410 and
home position. PC422. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. In-
• If: The voltage is not 2.0–2.8 V. sert probes into wires PC410-5 and PC422-2. Check
the voltage with the tilt lever in the home position.
– Then replace the tilt lever sensor. Make sure that
the tilt lever sensor operates correctly. • If: The voltage does not equal 2.0–2.8 V.
• If: The voltage is 2.0–2.8 V. – Then replace the tilt lever sensor. Make sure that
the tilt lever sensor operates correctly.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make • If: The voltage equals 2.0–2.8 V.
sure that Access 4 operates correctly. – Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
Event Code 1083.04 sure that Access 4 operates correctly.

Tilt lever sensor shorted low Event Code 1084.03

The tilt lever sensor is out of range low. No tilt forward
or backward. Hoist lever sensor
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around The main hoist sensor is out of range high.
PC422 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
path to Access 4. PC421 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
• If: Damage does exist. path to Access 4.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the • If: Damage does exist.

M4.8-2515-032 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1084.04

– Then the connectors, terminals, or the harness is Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
damaged. Replace the connectors, terminals, or PC421 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
the harness. path to Access 4.
• If: Damage does not exist. • If: Damage does exist.
– Then continue to step 2. – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. harness.
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. • If: Damage does not exist.
Select A2 Inputs, A4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.1 Hoist Le- – Then continue to step 2.
ver. Press Enter. Cycle the hoist lever from lower, to
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
neutral, to raise.
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
• If: The voltage is not 0–5 V and LOW, NEU, RAS is Select A2 Inputs, A4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.1 Hoist Le-
not displayed. ver. Press Enter. Cycle the hoist lever from lower, to
– Then continue to step 3. neutral, to raise.
• If: The voltage is 0–5 V and LOW, NEU, RAS is dis- • If: The voltage is not 0–5 V and LOW, NEU, RAS is
played. not displayed.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC421. Turn • If: The voltage is 0–5 V and LOW, NEU, RAS is dis-
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- played.
age from PC421-1 to PC421-3. – Then continue to step 5.
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC410 and
– Then the Access 4 power supply shorted to the PC421. Measure the resistance from PC410-18 to
battery. PC421-2.
• If: The voltage is less than 5.5 V. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then there is a broken wire. Replace the har-
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC421. Turn ness.
the key switch to the ignition position. Insert probes into • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
wires on PC421-2 and PC421-3. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The voltage is greater than or equal to 5 V. Step 4: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then the main hoist sensor signal input is Measure the voltage from PC421-1 to PC421-3.
shorted. • If: The voltage equals 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: The voltage is less than 5 V. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then continue to step 5. • If: The voltage is not equal to 4.75–5.25 V.
Step 5: Check the voltage with the main hoist in the – Then the Access 4 power supply is shorted or
home position. there is an open in the harness.
• If: The voltage is not equal to 2.3–2.7 V. Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC410 and
– Then replace the main hoist sensor. Make sure PC421. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. In-
that the main hoist sensor operates correctly. sert probes into wires PC410-18 and PC421-3. Check
• If: The voltage equals 2.3–2.7 V. the voltage with the main hoist in the home position.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. • If: The voltage is not equal to 2.0–2.8 V.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make – Then replace the main hoist sensor. Make sure
sure that Access 4 operates correctly. that the main hoist sensor operates correctly.
• If: The voltage equals 2.0–2.8 V.
Event Code 1084.04 – Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4.
Hoist lever sensor Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
sure that Access 4 operates correctly.
The main hoist sensor is out of range low.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-033

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1268.05

Event Code 1268.05 • If: Issues do exist.

– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con-
Engine ignition coil 1 nector issue.
The engine ignition coil 1 signal is open. The cylinder is
not firing. Event Code 1268.06
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
Engine ignition coil 1
PC331 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
path to Access 3™. The engine ignition coil 1 is shorted. The cylinder is not
• If: Damage does exist.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
PC331 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
path to Access 3™.
• If: Damage does not exist.
• If: Damage does exist.
– Then continue to step 2.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
Step 2: Disconnect PC331. Turn the key switch to the harness.
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC331-C to
• If: Damage does not exist.
the frame.
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: The voltage is greater than 1 V.
Step 2: Disconnect PC331. Turn the key switch to the
– Then continue to step 3.
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC331-B to
• If: The voltage is less than 1 V. PC331-C.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance – Then continue to step 4.
from PC331-A to PC331-B.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 3.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310.
place the harness.
Measure the resistance from PC331-B to PC310-2 and
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. from PC331-C to PC310-6.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Step 4: Disconnect PC310. Turn the key switch to the – Then continue to step 4.
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC331-C to
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
the frame.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
• If: The voltage is greater than 1 V.
place the harness.
– Then there is a damaged wire in the lift truck
Step 4: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
frame harness to the engine harness.
Measure the voltage from PC331-A to PC331-D.
• If: The voltage is less than 1 V.
• If: Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 5.
– Then continue to step 6.
Step 5: Measure the voltage from PC331-C to the
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
– Then continue to step 5.
• If: The voltage is greater than 0.5 V.
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
– Then there is a damaged wire in the lift truck
from PC331-A to the frame and from PC331-D to
frame harness to the engine harness.
• If: The voltage is less than 0.5 V.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 6.
– Then continue to step 6.
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
• If: Issues do not exist.
place the harness.
– Then Access 3™ was the issue. Make sure that
Access 3™ operates correctly.

M4.8-2515-034 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1269.05

Step 6: Connect all of the connectors. Turn the key • If: The voltage is greater than 0.5 V.
switch to the ignition position. – Then there is a damaged wire in the lift truck
• If: The event code is not active. frame harness to the engine harness.
– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con- • If: The voltage is less than 0.5 V.
nector issue. – Then continue to step 6.
• If: The event code is active. Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make • If: Issues do not exist.
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
– Then Access 3™ was the issue. Make sure that
Access 3™ operates correctly.
Event Code 1269.05 • If: Issues do exist.
Engine ignition coil 3 – Then there is an intermittent harness or a con-
The engine ignition coil 3 is out of range high. The nector issue.
cylinder is not firing.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around Event Code 1269.06
PC333 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
Engine ignition coil 3
path to Access 3™.
The engine ignition coil 3 is out of range low. The
• If: Damage does exist.
cylinder is not firing.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
PC333 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
• If: Damage does not exist. path to Access 3™.
– Then continue to step 2. • If: Damage does exist.
Step 2: Disconnect PC333. Turn the key switch to the – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC333-C to harness.
the frame.
• If: Damage does not exist.
• If: The voltage is greater than 1 V.
– Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 3.
Step 2: Disconnect PC333. Turn the key switch to the
• If: The voltage is less than 1 V. ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC333-B to
– Then continue to step 4. PC333-C.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
from PC333-A to PC333-B. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- – Then continue to step 3.
place the harness.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Measure the resistance from PC333-B to PC310-2 and
– Then continue to step 4. from PC333-C to PC310-11.
Step 4: Disconnect PC310. Turn the key switch to the • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC333-C to – Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
the frame. place the harness.
• If: The voltage is greater than 1 V. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then there is a damaged wire in the lift truck – Then continue to step 4.
frame harness to the engine harness.
Step 4: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: The voltage is less than 1 V. Measure the voltage from PC333-A to PC333-D.
– Then continue to step 5. • If: Battery voltage is present.
Step 5: Measure the voltage from PC333-C to the – Then continue to step 6.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-035

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1270.05

– Then continue to step 5. Step 4: Disconnect PC310. Turn the key switch to the
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC334-C to
from PC333-A to the frame and PC333-D to P313-F. the frame.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. • If: The voltage is greater than 1 V.
– Then continue to step 6. – Then there is a damaged wire in the lift truck
frame harness to the engine harness.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
• If: The voltage is less than 1 V.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
place the harness. – Then continue to step 5.
Step 6: Connect all the connectors. Turn the key Step 5: Measure the voltage from PC334-C to the
switch to the ignition position. frame.
• If: The event code is not active. • If: The voltage is greater than 0.5 V.
– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con- – Then there is a damaged wire in the lift truck
nector issue. frame harness to the engine harness.
• If: The event code is active. • If: The voltage is less than 0.5 V.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. – Then continue to step 6.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly. Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
• If: Issues do not exist.
Event Code 1270.05 – Then Access 3™ was the issue. Make sure that
Engine ignition coil 4 Access 3™ operates correctly.
The engine ignition coil 4 is out of range high. The • If: Issues do exist.
cylinder is not firing. – Then there is an intermittent harness or a con-
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around nector issue.
PC334 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
path to Access 3™. Event Code 1270.06
• If: Damage does exist. Engine ignition coil 4
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the The engine ignition coil 4 is out of range low. The
harness. cylinder is not firing.
• If: Damage does not exist. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
– Then continue to step 2. PC334 pinched or damaged wires on the routing path
Step 2: Disconnect PC334. Turn the key switch to the to Access 3™.
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC334-C to • If: Damage does exist.
the frame. – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
• If: The voltage is greater than 1 V. harness.
– Then continue to step 3. • If: Damage does not exist.
• If: The voltage is less than 1 V. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 2: Disconnect PC334. Turn the key switch to the
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC334-B to
from PC334-A to PC334-B. PC334-C.
• If: If the resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- – Then continue to step 3.
place the harness. • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310.
Measure the resistance from PC334-B to PC310-2 and
from PC334-C to PC310-21.

M4.8-2515-036 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1271.05

• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: The voltage is less than 1 V.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- – Then continue to step 4.
place the harness. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. from PC332-A to PC332-B.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 4: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. – Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
Measure the voltage from PC334-A to PC334-D. place the harness.
• If: Battery voltage is present. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then continue to step 6. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. Step 4: Disconnect PC310. Turn the key switch to the
– Then continue to step 5. ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC332-C to
the frame.
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
from PC334-A to the frame and from PC334-D to • If: The voltage is greater than 1 V.
PC313-F. – Then a broken wire in the harness. Replace the
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. harness.
– Then continue to step 6. • If: The voltage is less than 1 V.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 5.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- Step 5: Leave PC332 disconnected. Measure the
place the harness. voltage from PC332-C to the frame.
Step 6: Connect all the connectors. Turn the key • If: The voltage is greater than 0.5 V.
switch to the ignition position. – Then a broken wire in the harness. Replace the
• If: The event code is active. harness.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. • If: The voltage is less than 0.5 V.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make – Then continue to step 6.
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly. Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
• If: The event code is not active. Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con- • If: Issues do not exist.
nector issue. – Then Access 3™ was the issue. Make sure that
Access 3™ operates correctly.
Event Code 1271.05 • If: Issues do exist.
Engine ignition coil 2 – Then there is an intermittent harness or a con-
The engine ignition coil 2 is out of range high. The nector issue.
cylinder is not firing.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
Event Code 1271.06
PC332 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing Engine ignition coil 2
path to Access 3™.
The engine ignition coil 2 is out of range low. The
• If: Damage does exist. cylinder is not firing.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
harness. PC332 for pinched damaged wires on the routing path
• If: Damage does not exist. to Access 3™.
– Then continue to step 2. • If: Damage does exist.
Step 2: Disconnect PC332. Turn the key switch to the – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC332-C to harness.
the frame. • If: Damage does not exist.
• If: The voltage is greater than 1 V. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 3.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-037

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1390.03

Step 2: Disconnect PC332. Turn the key switch to the • If: Damage does exist.
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC332-B to – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
PC332-C. harness.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V. • If: Damage does not exist.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then continue to step 2.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V. Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then continue to step 4. Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect CA310. Select Inputs, then select FB FLV SNS. Press Enter.
Measure the resistance from PC332-B to PC310-2 and • If: ERROR does not display.
from PC332-C to PC310-8. – Then make sure that the event code is still active.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. There is a possible intermittent condition.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: ERROR does display.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. – Then continue to step 3.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC439. Turn
place the harness. the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
Step 4: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. age from PC439-1 to P439-2.
Measure the voltage from PC332-A to PC332-D. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
• If: Battery voltage is present. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 6. • If: Battery voltage is present.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. – Then continue to step 6.
– Then continue to step 5. Step 4: Measure the voltage from the B-NEG post to
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance PC437-2.
from PC332-A to the frame and from PC332-D to • If: Battery voltage is present.
PC313-F. – Then continue to step 5.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re- – Then check for a defective FU5 or damaged wire.
place the harness.
Step 5: Measure the voltage from the +BV post to
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. PC439-1.
– Then continue to step 6. • If: Battery voltage is present.
Step 6: Connect all the connectors. Turn the key – Then continue to step 6.
switch to the ignition position.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
• If: The event code is active.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. place the harness.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC439. Turn
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
the key switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe
• If: The event code is not active. into wires PC439-1 and PC439-4.
– Then there is an intermittent harness or a con- • If: The voltage equals 1–5 V.
nector issue.
– Then check the wire and the connections at
Event Code 1390.03 • If: The voltage equals 0 V or +BV is present.
Fuel level pressure sensor – Then replace the fuel level sensor. Make sure
The fuel level pressure sensor voltage is out of range that the fuel level sensor operates correctly.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
PC439 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
path to Access 4.

M4.8-2515-038 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 1390.04

Event Code 1390.04 – Then check the wire and the connections at
Fuel level pressure sensor • If: The voltage is not 0 V or +BV is present.
The fuel level pressure sensor voltage is out of range – Then replace the fuel level sensor. Make sure
low. that the fuel level sensor operates correctly.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
PC439 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing Event Code 2000.09
path to Access 4.
No communication between Access 4 and
• If: Damage does exist.
Access 3™.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
All functions except lower are disabled.
Step 1: Turn on the lift truck.
• If: Damage does not exist.
• If: The engine does not start.
– Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. • If: The engine starts.
Select A2 Inputs, A4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.6 LPG – Then continue to step 3.
Pressure. Press Enter. Step 2: Check the power supply to Access 3™. Dis-
• If: The voltage is 1–5 V. connect PC310 and turn on the lift truck. Measure the
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. voltage between pins 67(+) to 69(-) and 68(+) to 70(-).
There is a possible intermittent condition. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
• If: The voltage is not 1–5 V. – Then check for a blown FU12 or FU13 fuse, or
– Then continue to step 3. damaged connection or wire.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC439. Turn • If: Battery voltage is present.
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- – Then continue to step 3.
age from PC439-1 to PC439-2. Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310 and
• If: Battery voltage is not present. measure the resistance between pins 53 and 36.
– Then continue to step 4. • If: The resistance = 58–62 Ω.
• If: Battery voltage is present. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 6. • If: The resistance is greater than 62 Ω.
Step 4: Measure the voltage from the B-NEG post to – Then check for damaged wires at CA300 from
PC439-2. Access 3™ to the CAN bus.
• If: Battery voltage is present. Step 4: Connect a laptop computer with an interface
– Then continue to step 5. cable in the diagnostics port. Turn the key to the igni-
tion position. Using the Crown Multi-Series Download
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
Tool (MSDT), select all the modules to download the
– Then check for a defective FU21 or damaged software. Load the latest version of software to the lift
wire. truck.
Step 5: Measure the voltage from the +BV post to • If: Access 3™ does not accept the software.
– Then replace Access 3™.
• If: Battery voltage is present.
• If: Access 3™ accepts the software.
– Then continue to step 6.
– Turn off the lift truck and then on again and mon-
• If: Battery voltage is not present. itor the event code frequency.
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
place the harness. Event Code 2391.06
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC439. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Insert probes into Power unit first options overcurrent
wires PC439-1 and PC439-4. There is a short circuit. Power unit first options are not
• If: The voltage is 1–5 V. available with travel in the power unit first direction.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-039

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 2391.12

Note: This module driver drives a number of optional

components that are not present on all lift trucks. Not
Event Code 2391.31
all of the instructions are applicable, depending on lift Forks first options internal short circuit detected.
truck configuration. An internal module issue has been detected. Power
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. CA411 and measure the unit first options are not available with travel in the
resistance from PC411-22 to B-NEG. power unit first direction.
• If: The resistance is greater than 15 Ω Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
– Then reconnect CA411, then turn on the lift truck Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
and monitor the event code frequency. Events. Press Y to clear all events.
• If: The resistance is less than 15 Ω. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and then turn on the lift
– Then check the wire near PC411, then continue
to step 2. Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Events menu.
Step 2: If the lift truck is equipped with CMD LGT
WK3 SW, set the switch to the “On In Reverse” setting. • If: Issues do not exist.
While continuing to monitor the resistance between – Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
PC411-22 and B-NEG, begin disconnecting these con- • If: Issues do exist.
nections and components and follow the steps if the
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
disconnection results in the resistance changing to
greater than 15 Ω. • If: Issues still exist.
– CA950: Check the overhead guard wiring, relay – Then continue to step 4.
K54, and LGT BRK1 / LGT BRK2. Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
– K91: Replace the relay. the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
the lift truck operates correctly.
– CA930: Check the wiring to CMD LGT WK3 SW,
and the wiring to relay K91.
– CR18: Check the ALM TVL, if so equipped, the
Event Code 2395.06
wiring to ALM TVL, and the wiring to CR18. Power unit first options overcurrent
There is a short circuit. Forks first options are not
Event Code 2391.12 available with travel in the power unit first direction.
Power unit first options internal open circuit de- Note: This module driver drives various optional com-
tected ponents that are not present on all lift trucks. Not all of
the instructions are applicable, depending on lift truck
AN internal module issue has been detected. Power
unit first options are not available with travel in the
power unit direction. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect CA411 and
measure the resistance from PC411-20 to B-NEG.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All • If: The resistance is greater than 15 Ω.
Events. Press Y to clear all events. – Then connect CA411, then turn on the lift truck
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck. and monitor the event code frequency.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active • If: The resistance is less than 15 Ω.
Events menu. – Then check the wiring near PC411 and continue
• If: Issues do not exist. to step 2.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. Step 2: While continuing to monitor the resistance
between PC411-20 and B-NEG, begin disconnecting
• If: Issues do exist.
the following connections and components. Follow the
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. steps if the disconnection results in the resistance
• If: Issues still exist. changing to greater than 15 Ω.
– Then continue to step 4. CA950 - Check the overhead guard wiring and relay
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn K53.
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that CR17 - If the lift truck has a travel alarm, check ALM
the lift truck operates correctly. TVL, the wiring to ALM TVL, and the wiring to CR17.

M4.8-2515-040 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 2395.12

Event Code 2395.12 then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test Outputs,
A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.9 Horn. Press Enter and drive the
Access 4 internal fault output from the menu.
Forward alarm does not function. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events – Then continue to step 2.
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All • If: Battery voltage is present.
Events. Press Y to clear all events.
– Then continue to step 4.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck. Measure the resistance
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active from PC412-B to the frame.
Events menu.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
• If: Issues do not exist.
– Then there is a broken wire to a connection point
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. on the frame.
• If: Issues do exist. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. – Then continue to step 3.
• If: Issues still exist. Step 3: Disconnect PC411. Measure the resistance
– Then continue to step 4. from PC412-A to PC411-21.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that – Then there is a broken wire to a connection point
Access 4 operates correctly. on Access 4.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
Event Code 2395.31 – Then continue to step 4.
Access 4 internal fault Step 4: Replace the alarm. Connect PC411 and
Forward alarm does not function. PC412. Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events • If: Issues do not exist.
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All – Then the alarm was the issue. Make sure that the
Events. Press Y to clear all events. alarm operates correctly.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck. • If: Issues do exist.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active – Then continue to step 5.
Events menu. Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
• If: Issues do not exist. the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue. • If: Issues do not exist.
• If: Issues do exist. – The Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: Issues still exist. • If: Issues do exist.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then there is an intermittent connection or a con-
nector issue.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly. Event Code 2641.06
Alarm horn coil - low side
Event Code 2641.05 There is a short circuit. No audible alarm available
Alarm horn coil - low side when you activate the horn switch.
There is an open circuit. No audible alarm is available Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC412. In-
when you activate the horn switch. sert probes from PC412-A to PC412-B. Turn the key
switch to the ignition position. Enter Service Mode 3
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC412. In-
then enter the Analyzer Menu. Select A4 Test Outputs,
sert probes from PC412-A to PC412-B. Turn the key
switch to the ignition position. Enter Service Mode 3

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-041

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 2641.12

A4.4 Access 4, A4.4.9 Horn. Press Enter and drive the Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
output from the menu. the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
• If: Battery voltage is present. Access 4 operates correctly.
– Then continue to step 3.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
Event Code 2641.31
– Then continue to step 2. Access 4 internal fault
Step 2: Disconnect PC411. Measure the resistance Horn does not function.
from PC411-21 to PC412-B. Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω. Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All
– Then there is a shorted wire to ground. Events. Press Y to clear all events.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω. Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck.
– Then continue to step 3. Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active
Events menu.
Step 3: Replace the alarm. Connect PC411 and
PC412. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. • If: Issues do not exist.
• If: Issues do not exist. – Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
– Then the alarm was the issue. Make sure that the • If: Issues do exist.
alarm operates correctly. – Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
• If: Issues do exist. • If: Issues still exist.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. the key switch to the ignition position. Make sure that
• If: Issues do not exist. Access 4 operates correctly.
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly.
Event Code 2819.31
• If: Issues do exist. Power brake lift trucks only
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con- Parking brake pressure switch
nector issue.
There is an open circuit or a grounded circuit. No
parking brake release.
Event Code 2641.12 Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Access 4 internal fault Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Horn does not function. Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.9 Park
Brake SW. Press Enter.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Events
Menu. Select E3, Clear History, and then Clear All • If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po-
Events. Press Y to clear all events. sition, Park Brake SW equals 1.
Step 2: Turn off the lift truck and turn on the lift truck. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 3: Enter the Events menu and go to Active • If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po-
Events menu. sition, Park Brake SW is not equal to 1.
• If: Issues do not exist. – Then the parking brake switch input is shorted to
the battery or a defective parking brake switch.
– Then Clear All Events fixed the issue.
Step 2: Put the parking brake switch in the released
• If: Issues do exist. position.
– Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. • If: Park Brake SW is not equal to 0.
• If: Issues still exist. – Then there is a broken wire to the switch input. or
– Then continue to step 4. a defective parking brake switch
• If: Park Brake SW equals 0.
– Then continue to step 3.

M4.8-2515-042 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 3217.00

Step 3: Navigate to A2.4.10 Park Brake Pres Switch – Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that
in the Analyzer Inputs menu then press Enter. Access 4 operates correctly.
• If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po- • If: Issues do exist.
sition, Park Brake Pres Switch is not equal to 1. – Then there is an intermittent connection or con-
– Then the parking brake pressure switch input is nector issue.
shorted to the battery or a defective parking Step 9: Turn off the lift truck. Replace the parking
brake pressure switch. brake solenoid valve. Turn the key switch to the ignition
• If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po- position.
sition, Park Brake Pres Switch equals 1. • If: Issues do not exist.
– Then continue to step 4. – Then solenoid valve was the issue. Make sure
Step 4: Check the Park Brake Pres Switch input in that the solenoid valve operates correctly.
the released position. • If: Issues do exist.
• If: With the parking brake switch in the released po- – Then continue to step 10.
sition, Park Brake Pres Switch is not equal to 0.
Step 10: Turn off the lift truck. Replace the parking
– Then continue to step 5. brake pressure switch. Turn the key switch to the igni-
• If: With the parking brake switch in the released po- tion position.
sition, Park Brake Pres Switch equals 0. • If: Issues do not exist.
• If: Then continue to step 8. – Then the brake pressure switch was the issue.
Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC435. Turn Make sure that the brake pressure switch oper-
the key switch to the ignition position. With the parking ates correctly.
brake switch in the released position, measure the volt- • If: Issues do exist.
age from PC435-1 to PC435-2.
– Then there is an intermittent connection or con-
• If: Battery voltage is present. nector issue.
– Then continue to step 7.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. Event Code 3217.00
– Then continue to step 6. FB HEG01 SNS high
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC434 and There is an air throttle control issue. There is a
PC435. Measure the resistance from PC434-C to mismatch from the command position to the actual
FB90F5, and from FB90-D10 to PC435-1, and from position. Derate.
PC54-1 frame ground to PC435-2.
Step 1: Check the PCV grommet for leaks.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in any of the
wires. • If: Leaks do exist.
– Then there is a broken wire to the parking brake – Then there is PCV damage or a grommet issue.
solenoid. The brake cannot release. • If: Leaks do not exist.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in all of the wires. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 7. Step 2: Check for vacuum leaks around the intake.
Step 7: Measure the resistance across the parking • If: There is no dirt buildup in this area.
brake solenoid coil. – Then a vacuum leak exists around the intake
• If: The resistance equals 5–25 Ω. manifold.
– Then there is no pressure in the parking brake • If: There is not dirt buildup in this area.
circuit to release the brake. – Then continue to step 3.
– Then continue to step 9 Step 3: Remove the air filter, intake hose, air throttle
• If: The resistance is not equal to 5–25 Ω. assembly, and carburetor and check for any restriction.
– Then there is a parking brake solenoid issue. • If: Issues do exist.
Step 8: Replace Access 4. Turn the key switch to the – Then there is an air restriction at the air filter, in-
ignition position. take hose, carburetor, or throttle assembly.
• If: Issues do not exist. • If: Issues do not exist.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-043

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 3217.01

– Then continue to step 4. Event Code 3217.02

Step 4: Perform the exhaust back pressure test.
Check with Crown Service for the proper specification. FB HEG01 SNS
• If: The pressure is not within specifications. The pre-catalytic converter oxygen sensor is not
– Then there is an exhaust restriction. moving as expected.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
• If: The pressure is within specifications.
damaged wires and connectors.
– Then continue to step 5.
• If: Damage does exist.
Step 5: Replace the air throttle assembly.
– Then replace the damaged connectors, termi-
• If: The event code is not active. nals, or the harness.
– Then the air throttle actuator was the issue. Make • If: Damage does not exist.
sure that the air throttle actuator operates cor-
– Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Turn on the lift truck. Leave the connectors
• If: The event code is active.
connected and the engine running. Check connector
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. CA324-B voltage at idle speed at least 30 seconds af-
There is a possible intermittent connection. ter engine start using the Min/Max functions of the me-
Event Code 3217.01 • If: Voltage minimum is below 0.150 V or maximum
is greater than 1 V.
FB HEG01 SNS low
– Then replace the sensor.
There is an air throttle control issue. There is a
mismatch from the command position to the actual • If: Voltage is in the correct range.
position. – Then replace Access 3™.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC310 and
PC322. Measure the resistance from PC310-52 to Event Code 3217.03
PC322-1 and from PC310-51 to PC322-4.
FB HEG01 SNS high
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in either wire.
The pre-catalytic converter oxygen sensor is out of
– Then there is a broken wire to a connection point
range high.
on Access 3™.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
damaged wires and connectors.
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: Damage does exist.
Step 2: Measure the resistance from PC310-51 to
– Then replace the damaged connectors, termi-
the frame.
nals, or the harness.
• If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω.
• If: Damage does not exist.
– Then there is a short circuit to frame ground.
– Then continue to step 2.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω.
Step 2: Turn on the lift truck. Leave the connectors
– Then continue to step 3. connected and the engine running. Check connector
Step 3: Replace the air throttle actuator. Turn on the CA324-B voltage at idle speed at least 30 seconds af-
lift truck. ter engine start using the Min/Max functions of the me-
• If: Issues do not exist. ter.
– Then the air throttle actuator was the issue. Make • If: Voltage minimum is below 0.150 V or maximum
sure that the air throttle actuator operates cor- is greater than 1 V.
rectly. – Then replace the sensor.
• If: Issues do exist. • If: Voltage is in the correct range.
– Then there is PCV damage, a vacuum leak – Then replace Access 3™.
around the intake manifold, air restriction at the
air filter or intake hose, or a carburetor issue.

M4.8-2515-044 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 3217.04

Event Code 3217.04 Event Code 3227.03

FB HEG01 SNS low FB HEG02 _High Range
The pre-catalytic converter oxygen sensor is out of The post-catalytic converter oxygen sensor is out of
range low. range high.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
damaged wires and connectors. damaged wires and connectors.
• If: Damage does exist. • If: Damage does exist.
– Then replace the damaged connectors, termi- – Then replace the damaged connectors, termi-
nals, or the harness. nals, or the harness.
• If: Damage does not exist. • If: Damage does not exist.
– Then continue to step 2. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Turn on the lift truck. Leave the connectors Step 2: Check connector CA325-B voltage leaving
connected and the engine running. Check connector the connectors connected. Turn on the lift truck. Rev
CA324-B voltage at idle speed at least 30 seconds af- the engine to approximately 1,500 rpm until the engine
ter engine start using the Min/Max functions of the me- temperature (A2.3.13) is at least 90 °C (194 °F).
ter. • If: Voltage is less than 500 mV or more than
• If: Voltage minimum is below 0.150 V or maximum 800 mV.
is greater than 1 V. – Then replace the sensor.
– Then replace the sensor. • If: Voltage is in the correct range.
• If: Voltage is in the correct range. – Then replace Access 3™.
– Then replace Access 3™.
Event Code 3227.04
Event Code 3223.06
FB HEG02 _Low Range
FB HEG01 Htr_Short
The post-catalytic converter oxygen sensor is out of
The pre-catalytic converter oxygen sensor heater range low.
driver is open or shorted. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for damaged wires and connectors.
damaged wires and connectors. • If: Damage does exist.
• If: Damage does exist. – Then replace the damaged connectors, termi-
– Then replace the damaged connectors, termi- nals, or the harness.
nals, or the harness. • If: Damage does not exist.
• If: Damage does not exist. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then continue to step 2. Step 2: Check connector CA325-B voltage leaving
Step 2: Check the resistance between PC313-H and the connectors connected. Turn on the lift truck. Rev
PC310-7. the engine at approximately 1,500 rpm until the engine
• If: If resistance at room temperature is less than 9 Ω temperature is at least 90 °C (194 °F).
and more than 11 Ω. • If: Voltage is less than 500 mV or more than
– Then replace the sensor. 800 mV.
• If: Resistance is in the correct range. – Then replace the sensor.
– Then replace Access 3™. • If: Voltage is in the correct range.
– Then replace Access 3™.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-045

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 3233.06

Event Code 3233.06 • If: Battery voltage is present.

– Then continue to step 6.
FB HEG02 Htr_Short Step 4: Measure the voltage from the B-NEG post to
The post-catalytic converter oxygen sensor heater PC439-2.
driver is open or shorted. • If: Battery voltage is present.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the sensor for – Then continue to step 5.
damaged wires and connectors.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
• If: Damage does exist.
– Then check for a defective FU21 or damaged wir-
– Then replace the damaged connectors, termi- ing.
nals, or the harness.
Step 5: Measure the voltage from the +BV post to
• If: Damage does not exist. PC439-1.
– Then continue to step 2. • If: Battery voltage is present.
Step 2: Check the resistance between PC313-H and – Then continue to step 6.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
• If: If resistance at room temperature is less than 9 Ω
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
and more than 11 Ω.
place the harness.
– Then replace the sensor.
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC439. Turn
• If: Resistance is in the correct range. the key switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe
– Then replace Access 3™. into wires PC439-1 and PC439-3.
• If: The voltage is 1–5 V.
Event Code 3468.03 – Then check the wiring and connections at
Feedback fuel level temperature sensor
• If: The voltage is not 0 V or battery voltage is pres-
The fuel level temperature sensor voltage is out of
range high.
– Then replace the fuel level sensor. Make sure
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
that the fuel level sensor operates correctly.
PC439 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
path to Access 4.
• If: Damage does exist.
Event Code 3468.04
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the Feedback fuel level temperature sensor
harness. The fuel level temperature sensor voltage is out of
• If: Damage does not exist. range low.
– Then continue to step 2. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
PC439 for pinched or damaged wires on the routing
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
path to Access 4.
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.7 LPG • If: Damage does exist.
Temperature. Press Enter. – Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
• If: The voltage is 1–5 V. harness.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. • If: Damage does not exist.
There is a possible intermittent condition. – Then continue to step 2.
• If: The voltage is not 1–5 V. Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
– Then continue to step 3. Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu.
Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.7 LPG
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC439. Turn
Temperature. Press Enter.
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
age from PC439-1 to PC439-2. • If: The voltage is 1–5 V.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. – Then make sure that the event code is still active.
There is a possible intermittent condition.
– Then continue to step 4.
• If: The voltage is not 1–5 V.

M4.8-2515-046 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 3509.03

– Then continue to step 3. Step 2: Disconnect PC323 from the map sensor.
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC439. Turn Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Measure
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- the voltage from PC323-1 to PC323-2.
age from PC439-1 to PC439-2. • If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. – Then the sensor supply connection shorted to a
– Then continue to step 4. higher voltage in the harness.
• If: Battery voltage is present. • If: The voltage is less than 4.5 V.
– Then continue to step 6. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 4: Measure the voltage from the B-NEG post to Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC323. Turn
PC439-2. the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
age from CA310-32 to CA310-48.
• If: Battery voltage is present.
• If: The voltage is less than 4.5 V.
– Then continue to step 5.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active.
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
There is a possible intermittent connection.
– Then check for a defective FU21 or damaged wir-
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3.
Step 5: Measure the voltage from the +BV post to
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
• If: Battery voltage is present.
– Then continue to step 6. Event Code 3509.04
• If: Battery voltage is not present.
Access 3™ 5 V sensor power supply 1
– Then a broken wire exists in the harness. Re-
The sensor supply 1 voltage is out of range low. The
place the harness.
throttle derates.
Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC439. Turn
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around
the key switch to the ignition position. Insert a probe
PC310-48 for pinched or damaged wires.
into wires PC439-1 and PC439-3.
• If: Damage does exist.
• If: The voltage is 1–5 V.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
– Then check the wiring and connections at
• If: Damage does not exist.
• If: The voltage is not 0 V or battery voltage is pres-
ent. – Then continue to step 2.
– Then replace the fuel level sensor. Make sure Step 2: Disconnect PC323 from the map sensor.
that the fuel level sensor operates correctly. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Measure
the voltage from PC323-1 to P323-2.
Event Code 3509.03 • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
Access 3™ 5 V sensor power supply 1 – Then continue to step 4.
The sensor supply voltage 1 is out of range high. The • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
throttle derates. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC433. Turn
PC310-48 for pinched or damaged wires. on the lift truck. Measure the voltage from CA411-2 to
• If: Damage does exist. CA411-3.
– Then Replace the connectors, terminals, or the • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
harness. – Then the sensor supply connection is open or
• If: Damage does not exist. shorted to ground.
– Then continue to step 2. • If:The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then continue to step 4.
Step 4: Check the event code.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-047

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 3510.03

• If: The event code is not active. – Then continue to step 2.

– Then there is an intermittent connection. Step 2: Disconnect PC433. Turn the key switch to the
• If: The event code is active. ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC433-A to
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
Event Code 3510.03 – Then continue to step 3.
Access 4 5 V sensor power supply 1 Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC433. Turn
The sensor supply voltage 1 is out of range high. The the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
throttle derates. age from CA411-2 to CA411-3.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
PC411 for pinched or damaged wires. – Then the sensor supply connection is open or
• If: Damage does exist. shorted to ground.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
harness. – Then continue to step 4.
• If: Damage does not exist. Step 4: Check the event code.
– Then continue to step 2. • If: The event code is not active.
Step 2: Disconnect PC433. Turn the key switch to the – Then there is an intermittent connection.
ignition position. Measure the voltage from PC433-A to • If: The event code is active.
PC433-B. – Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 4.
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V. Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
– Then the sensor supply connection shorted to a sure that Access 4 operates correctly.
higher voltage in the harness.
• If: The voltage is less than 4.5 V. Event Code 3597.03
– Then continue to step 3. Access 3™ module driver output voltage is out of
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC433. Turn range high.
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt- Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check for damaged
age from CA411-2 to CA411-3. wires and connectors CA300, CA310, CA313, and
• If: The voltage is less than 4.5 V. CA314.
– Then make sure that the event code is still active. • If: Damage does exist.
There is a possible intermittent connection. – Then replace the damaged connectors, termi-
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V. nals, or the harness.
– Then replace Access 4. Make sure that Access 4 • If: Damage does not exist.
operates correctly. – Then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Check the voltage at CA300-12.
Event Code 3510.04 • If: Voltage is more than 13 V.
Access 4 5 V sensor power supply 1 – Then make sure that the battery voltage is cor-
The sensor supply voltage 1 is out of range low. The rect.
throttle derates. • If: Voltage is 11.9–13 V.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check the area around – Then replace Access 3™.
PC411 for pinched or damaged wires.
• If: Damage does exist.
– Then replace the connectors, terminals, or the
• If: Damage does not exist.

M4.8-2515-048 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 3597.04

Event Code 3597.04 Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC322. Turn
the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
Access 3™ module driver output voltage is out of age from PC322-2 to PC322-6.
range low. • If: The voltage is not 1.5–2.5 V.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Check for damaged – Then replace the actuator sensor. Make sure that
wires and connectors CA300, CA310, CA313, and the actuator operates correctly.
• If: The voltage is 1.5–2.5 V.
• If: Damage does exist.
– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™.
– Then replace the damaged connectors, termi- Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make
nals, or the harness. sure that Access 3™ operates correctly.
• If: Damage does not exist.
– Then continue to step 2. Event Code 3673.04
Step 2: Check the voltage at CA300-12. Air throttle sensor channel B
• If: Voltage is less than 11.95 V. The backup air throttle position is out of range low.
– Then make sure that the battery voltage is cor- Reduced performance.
rect. Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC322.
• If: Voltage is 11.9–13 V. Check PC322-6 for pushed out pins or connector dam-
– Then replace Access 3™. age.
• If: Issues do exist.
Event Code 3673.03 – Then the connector or the terminal is damaged or
a pin is pushed out. Replace the connectors, ter-
Air throttle sensor channel B
minals, or the harness.
The backup air throttle position is out of range high.
• If:Issues do not exist.
Reduced performance.
– Then continue to step 2.
Step 1: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC322.
Check for bent pins, pinched, or damaged wires on Step 2: Measure the resistance from PC310-48 to
PC322-6 along the routing path to Access 3™. PC322-3, PC310-32 to PC322-2 and PC310-24 to
• If: Issues do exist.
• If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in any wires.
– Then the connector, terminal, or harness is dam-
aged. Replace the connector, terminal, or the – Then the backup sensor is open or shorted to
harness. ground.
• If: Issues do not exist. • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in all wires.
– Then continue to step 2. – Then continue to step 3.
Step 2: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Step 3: Turn the key switch to the ignition position.
Measure the voltage from PC322-2 to PC322-3. Measure the voltage from PC322-2 to PC322-3.
• If: The voltage is greater than 5.5 V. • If: The voltage is not 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then the external 2 power supply is shorted to – Then the Access 3™ power supply is shorted or
the battery. is open in the harness.
• If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V. • If: The voltage is 4.75–5.25 V.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then continue to step 4.
Step 3: Measure the voltage from PC322-2 to Step 4: Turn off the lift truck. Connect PC322. Turn
PC322-5 and from PC322-2 to PC322-6. the key switch to the ignition position. Measure the volt-
age from PC322-2 to PC322-6.
• If: The voltage is greater than or equal to 5 V on
both inputs. • If: The voltage is not 0–5 V.
– Then the signal is shorted. – Then replace the sensor. Make sure that the sen-
sor operates correctly.
• If: The voltage is less than 5 V on both inputs.
• If: The voltage is 0–5 V.
– Then continue to step 4.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18 M4.8-2515-049

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code 524185.09

– Then turn off the lift truck. Replace Access 3™. Select A2 Inputs, A2.4 Access 4 Inputs, A2.4.9 Park
Turn the key switch to the ignition position. Make Brake SW. Press Enter.
sure that Access 3™ operates correctly. • If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po-
sition, Park Brake SW equals 1.
Event Code 524185.09 – Then continue to step 2.
No communication between Access 1 and • If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po-
Access 4 sition, Park Brake SW is not equal to 1.
Step 1: Turn the key to the ignition position. – Then the parking brake switch input is shorted to
• If: Access 1 does not power on. the battery or a defective parking brake switch.
– Then continue to step 2. Step 2: Put the parking brake switch in the released
• If: Access 1 powers on.
• If: Park Brake SW is not equal to 0.
– Then continue to step 3.
– Then there is a broken wire to the switch input.
Step 2: Check for power supply to Access 1. Discon-
nect PC110 and turn on the lift truck. Check the voltage • If: Park Brake SW equals 0.
between pins 3 and 4. – Then continue to step 3.
• If: Battery voltage is not present. Step 3: Go to A2.4.10 Park Brake Pres Switch in the
– Then check for a blown FU11 fuse, damaged Analyzer Inputs menu. Press Enter.
connection, or wiring. • If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po-
• If: Battery voltage is present. sition, Park Brake Pres Switch is not equal to 0.
– Then continue to step 3. – Then the input is shorted to the batter
Step 3: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC110 and • If: With the parking brake switch in the applied po-
measure the resistance between pins 53 and 36. sition, Park Brake Pres Switch equals 1.
• If: The resistance is between 116–124 Ω. – Then continue to step 4.
– Then continue to step 4. Step 4: Check Park Brake Pres Switch input in the
released position.
• If: The resistance is greater than or equal to
116–124 Ω. • If: With the parking brake switch in the released po-
sition, Park Brake Pres Switch is not equal to 0.
– Then check for damaged wires on the CAN bus.
– Then continue to step 5.
Step 4: Connect a laptop computer with an interface
cable in the diagnostics port. Turn the key to the igni- • If: With the parking brake switch in the released po-
tion position. Using the Crown Multi-Series Download sition, Park Brake Pres Switch equals 0.
Tool (MSDT), select all the modules to download the – Then continue to step 8.
software. Load the latest version of software to the lift Step 5: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC435. Turn
truck. the key switch to the ignition position. With the parking
• If: Access 1 does not accept the software brake switch in the released position, measure the volt-
– Then replace Access 1. age from PC435-1 to PC435-2.
• If: Access 1 accepts the software. • If: Battery voltage is present.
– Then turn off the lift truck and then turn on the lift – Then continue to step 7.
truck and monitor the event code frequency. • If: Battery voltage is not present.
– Then continue to step 6.
Event Code Parking Brake Is- Step 6: Turn off the lift truck. Disconnect PC434 and
sue PC435. Measure the resistance from PC434-C to
FB90-F9, from FB90-D10 to PC435-1 and from
Parking brake system (disc brake) PC54-1 frame ground to PC435-2.
There is an open circuit or a grounded circuit. No • If: The resistance is less than 5 Ω in all the wires.
parking brake release. – Then continue to step 7.
Step 1: Turn the key switch to the ignition position. • If: The resistance is greater than 5 Ω in any of the
Enter Service Mode 2 then enter the Analyzer Menu. wires.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code Out of Seat

– Then there is a broken wire to the parking brake

solenoid. The brake cannot release.
Operation Messages
Step 7: Measure the resistance across the parking This message indicates that the operator has done
brake solenoid coil. something that is not a proper operation on the lift
• If: The resistance equals 5–25 Ω.
– Then there is no pressure in the parking brake Out of Seat
circuit to release the brake.
– Then continue to step 9. A mast or traction function is requested without the op-
erator on the seat.
• If: The resistance is not equal to 5–25 Ω.
– Then there is a parking brake solenoid issue. Parking Brake On
Step 8: Replace Access 4. Turn the key switch to the
ignition position. The parking brake is on and a traction function is re-
• If: Issues do not exist.
– Then Access 4 was the issue. Make sure that
Access 4 operates correctly.
Parking Brake Off
• If: Issues do exist. The operator is out of the seat and the parking brake is
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con- off.
nector issue.
Step 9: Turn off the lift truck. Replace the parking
Raise Lockout
brake solenoid valve. Turn the key switch to the ignition The operator attempts to raise the mast into staging
position. after being tilted forward greater than 2°.
• If: Issues do not exist.
– Then the parking brake solenoid valve was the Return to Neutral
issue. Make sure that the parking brake solenoid
valve operates correctly. The operator comes out of the seat and returns while
still requesting a traction function. Or, if the lift truck
• If: Issues do exist.
starts while requesting a traction function.
– Then continue to step 10.
Step 10: Turn off the lift truck. Replace the parking Speed Reduction
brake pressure switch. Turn the key switch to the igni-
tion position. The operator has the lift truck above staging and at-
tempts to accelerate the lift truck faster than 8.0 km/h
• If: Issues do not exist.
(5.0 mph). The operator already has the lift truck mov-
– Then the parking brake pressure switch was the ing faster than 8.0 km/h (5.0 mph) and attempts to
issue. Make sure that the parking brake pressure raise the mast above staging. The speed reduction
switch operates correctly. message is also possible if the seat belt presence op-
• If: Issues do exist. tion is installed and the belt is not latched.
– Then there is an intermittent connection or a con-
nector issue. Tilt and Raise Lockout
Cycle Seat Belt The lift truck is started with the mast above staging and
forward greater than 2°.
This message appears if the seat belt is latched, but
not in the proper order. For example, the lift truck sees Tilt Lockout
a seat switch cycle without seeing the belt cycle.
The operator attempts to tilt forward greater than 2°,
Latch Seat Belt while the mast is raised above staging.

This message appears if the lift truck attempts to travel

without the seat belt being latched.

Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev.12/18 M4.8-2515-051

01 Rev. 12/18
Event Code Shutdown/Derate Messages

Shutdown/Derate Messages
The following messages indicate lift truck issues that
likely need serviced:

See the ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS / Engine Protection
An event code is received regarding:
• engine oil pressure is less than the specified pres-
sure at a specific rpm
• fuel vapor or intake air temperature is above 68 °C
(154 °F)
• engine coolant temperature is greater than 110 °C
(230 °F)
• transaxle oil temperature is greater than 113 °C
(235 °F)
• low EPR pressure
• oxygen sensor input issue
• MAP input issue
Specific event codes for each derate are stored, but not
displayed while the engine runs.

Low Battery
The battery voltage is less than 11.4 V.

Shut Down Engine

The engine oil pressure is low.

M4.8-2515-052 Crown 2017 PF27789 Rev. 12/18

01 Rev. 12/18

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