Atx Uk Syllanstudyguide June22 March23
Atx Uk Syllanstudyguide June22 March23
Atx Uk Syllanstudyguide June22 March23
Taxation –
United Kingdom
Syllabus and study guide
1. Intellectual levels .....................................3
2. Learning hours and education recognition
3. The structure of ACCA qualification ........4
4. Guide to ACCA examination structure and
delivery mode .............................................5
5. Guide to ACCA examination assessment 7
6. Relational diagram linking Advanced
Taxation – United Kingdom (ATX-UK) with
other exams ................................................8
7. Approach to examining the syllabus ........8
8. Introduction to the syllabus......................9
9. Main capabilities ...................................10
10. The syllabus ........................................11
11. Detailed study guide............................13
12. Summary of changes to Advanced
Taxation (ATX-UK) ....................................23
Strategic Professional
4.Guide to ACCA Essentials:
Strategic Business Leader is ACCA’s case
examination structure and study examination at Strategic Professional
delivery mode and is examined as a closed book exam of
four hours, including reading, planning and
The pass mark for all ACCA Qualification reflection time which can be used flexibly
exams is 50%. within the examination. There is no pre-seen
information and all exam related material,
The structure and delivery mode of including case information and exhibits are
examinations varies. available within the examination. Strategic
Business Leader is an exam based on one
Applied Knowledge main business scenario which involves
The Applied Knowledge examinations candidates completing several tasks within
contain 100% compulsory questions to which additional material may be introduced.
encourage candidates to study across the All questions are compulsory and each
breadth of each syllabus. These are examination will contain a total of 80
assessed by a two-hour computer based technical marks and 20 Professional Skills
examination. marks.
The other Applied Skills examinations (PM, From September 2022, AFM, APM and AAA
TX-UK, FR, AA, and FM) contain a mix of will contain a total of 80 technical marks and
objective and longer type questions with a 20 Professional Skills marks.
duration of three hours for 100 marks. These
are assessed by a three hour computer- From June 2023, ATX will similarly contain a
based exam. Prior to the start of each exam total of 80 technical marks and 20
there will be time allocated for students to be Professional Skills marks.
informed of the exam instructions.
The question types used at Strategic
The longer (constructed response) question Professional require students to effectively
types used in the Applied Skills exams mimic what they would do in the workplace.
(excluding Corporate and Business Law) These exams offer ACCA the opportunity to
require students to effectively mimic what focus on the application of knowledge to
they do in the workplace. Students will need scenarios, using a range of tools including
to use a range of digital skills and word processor, spreadsheets and
demonstrate their ability to use spread presentation slides - not only enabling
sheets and word processing tools in students to demonstrate their technical and
producing their answers, just as they would professional skills but also their use of the
use these tools in the workplace. These technology available to today’s accountants.
assessment methods allow ACCA to focus
on testing students’ technical and application
skills, rather than, for example, their ability to
perform simple calculations.
Time management
ACCA encourages students to take time to
read questions carefully and to plan answers
but once the exam time has started, there
are no additional restrictions as to when
candidates may start producing their
This diagram shows links between this exam and other exams preceding or following it.
Some exams are directly underpinned by other exams such as Advanced Taxation – United
Kingdom (ATX-UK) by Taxation – United Kingdom (TX-UK).
Section B consists of two compulsory 20-mark questions, covering both business and
personal tax issues.
Candidates will be expected to undertake both calculation and narrative work. The questions
will be scenario-based and may involve consideration of more than one tax, some elements
of planning and the interaction of taxes.
Tax rates, allowances and information on certain reliefs will be given in the exam.
The aim of the syllabus is to apply relevant knowledge and skills and exercise professional
judgement in providing relevant information and advice to individuals and businesses on the
impact of the major taxes on financial decisions and situations.
The Advanced Taxation - United Kingdom (ATX-UK) syllabus further develops the key
aspects of taxation introduced in the compulsory Taxation – United Kingdom (TX-UK)
syllabus within the Applied Skills module and extends the candidates’ knowledge of the tax
system, together with their ability to apply that knowledge to the issues commonly
encountered by individuals and businesses, such that successful candidates should have
the ability to interpret and analyse the information provided and communicate the outcomes
in a manner appropriate to the intended audience.
The syllabus builds on the basic knowledge of core taxes from the earlier taxation exam and
introduces candidates to stamp taxes. As this is an optional exam, aimed at those
requiring/desiring more than basic tax knowledge for their future professional lives, the
syllabus also extends the knowledge of income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and
inheritance tax to encompass further overseas aspects of taxation, the taxation of trusts and
additional exemptions and reliefs.
Computations will normally only be required in support of explanations or advice and not in
9. Main capabilities
A Apply further knowledge and understanding of the UK tax system through the study of
more advanced topics within the taxes studied previously and the study of stamp taxes
B Identify and evaluate the impact of relevant taxes on various situations and courses of
action, including the interaction of taxes
C Provide advice on minimising and/or deferring tax liabilities by the use of standard tax
planning measures
This diagram illustrates the flows and links between the main capabilities of the syllabus and
should be used as an aid to planning teaching and learning in a structured way.
ii) Understand and apply the rules The use of exemptions and reliefs in
relating to investments in venture deferring and minimising income tax
capital trusts. [3] liabilities:
iii) The threshold level of income below • The conditions that a company
which tapering of the pensions must meet in order to qualify as an
annual allowance does not apply.[2] EIS/SEIS/VCT company.
• The EIS as it applies to knowledge
Excluded topics intensive companies.
• The transfer of pension benefits on
The scope of income tax: death.
• Details of specific anti-avoidance
provisions, except as stated in the 2. Chargeable gains and capital gains
study guide. tax liabilities in situations involving
• Details of what consititutes a further overseas aspects and in
remittance. relation to closely related persons
• Profits of non-residents from a trade and trusts together with the
of dealing in or developing land in application of additional exemptions
the UK. and reliefs.
• Offshore receipts in respect of
intangible property. The contents of the Taxation - United
Kingdom (TX-UK) study guide for
Income from employment: chargeable gains for individuals under
• Explanation of the PAYE system. headings:[2]
• The overseas aspects of income • C1 The scope of the taxation of
from employment, including capital gains
travelling and subsistence • C2 The basic principles of
expenses. computing gains and losses
• C3 Gains and losses on the
Income from self employment: disposal of movable and immovable
• Details of specific anti-avoidance property
provisions, except as stated in the • C4 Gains and losses on the
study guide. disposal of shares and securities
• The tax treatment of overseas • C5 The computation of capital gains
travelling expenses. tax
• C6 The use of exemptions and
Property and investment income: reliefs in deferring and minimising
• Pre-owned assets tax liabilities arising on the disposal
• The accrued income scheme of capital assets
• The computation of income tax
payable by trustees. The following additional material is also
• Overseas aspects of income from examinable:
trusts and settlement.
b) The scope of the taxation of capital
The comprehensive computation of gains: [3]
taxable income and the income tax i) Determine the tax implications of
liability: independent taxation and
• The child benefit tax charge. transfers between spouses.
• Charitable donations. ii) Identify the concepts of
• Social security benefits apart from residence, domicile and deemed
the State Retirement Pension. domicile, and determine their
• The reduced anti-avoidance annual relevance to capital gains tax.
allowance applicable to taxpayers iii) Advise on the availability of the
accessing their pension flexibly. remittance basis to non-UK
domiciled individuals.
3. Advise how taxation can affect the 4. Advise on the mitigation of tax in the
financial decisions made by manner recommended by reference to
businesses (corporate and numerical analysis and/or reasoned
unincorporated) and by individuals. argument.[3]
4. Assess the tax advantages and For example the use of:
disadvantages of alternative • Reports
courses of action.[3] • Letters
• Memoranda
5. Understand the statutory • Meeting notes
obligations imposed in a given
situation, including any time 2. Present written information, in
limits for action and advise on the language appropriate to the purpose
implications of non-compliance.[3] of the communication and the
intended recipient.[3]
C Minimise and/or defer tax
liabilities by the use of 3. Communicate conclusions reached,
together, where necessary with
standard tax planning relevant supporting computations.[3]
4. State and explain assumptions made
1. Identify and advise on the types of or limitations in the analysis
investment and other expenditure that provided; together with any
will result in a reduction in tax inadequacies in the information
liabilities for an individual and/or a available and/or additional
business.[3] information required to provide a
fuller analysis.[3]
2. Advise on legitimate tax planning
measures, by which the tax liabilities 5. Identify and explain other, non-tax,
arising from a particular situation or factors that should be considered.[3]
course of action can be mitigated.[3]
ACCA periodically reviews its qualification syllabuses so that they fully meet the needs of
stakeholders such as employers, students, regulatory and advisory bodies and learning
There are changes to the syllabus and these are summarised in the tables below.
Table 1 – Additions