Ader 1985
Ader 1985
Ader 1985
Nicholas Cohen
Division of Immunology, Department of Microbiology, University of
Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, N.Y. 14642
Abstract: Converging data from different disciplines indicate that central nervous system processes are capable of influencing
immune responses. This paper concentrates on recent studies documenting behaviorally conditioned suppression and enhancement
of immunity. Exposing rats or mice to a conditioned stimulus previously paired with an immunomodulating agent results in
alterations in humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to antigenic stimuli, and unreinforced reexposures to the conditioned
stimuli result in extinction of the conditioned response. Although the magnitude of such conditioning effects has not been large, the
phenomenon has been independently verified under a variety of experimental conditions. The biological impact of conditioned
alterations in immune function is illustrated by studies in which conditioning operations were applied in the pharmacotherapy of
autoimmune disease in New Zealand mice. In conditioned animals, substituting conditioned stimuli for active drugs delays the onset
of autoimmune disease relative to nonconditioned animals using a dose of immunosuppressive drug that, by itself, is ineffective in
modifying the progression of disease. The hypothesis that such conditioning effects are mediated by elevations in adrenocortical
steroid levels receives no support from available data. Despite its capacity for self-regulation, it appears that the immune system is
integrated with other psychophysiological processes and subject to modulation by the brain.
Keywords: adrenocortical steroids; autoimmune disease; cell-mediated immunity; conditioning; cyclophosphamide; humoral
immunity; immunity; immunosuppression; psychosomatics; stress; taste aversion learning
cs0 cs, cs, us
cs0 cs, cs, us
were given a 0.1% solution of sodium saccharin in tap Figure 1. Hemagglutinating antibody titers (mean ± SE)
water instead of plain water during the 15-min drinking measured 6 days after the injection of SRBC. NC, noncondi-
period. Drinking was followed by an intraperitoneal (ip) tioned rats; CSo, conditioned animals that were not reexposed
injection of 50 mg/kg CY. Nonconditioned animals in this to the CS after immunization; CS! and CS 2 , conditioned animals
initial experiment were provided with plain water as reexposed to the CS on one or two occasions, respectively; US,'
usual and injected with 50 mg/kg CY. In subsequent conditioned animals injected with CY at the time of immuniza-
studies, nonconditioned animals received saccharin and tion with SRBC; P, placebo-treated animals. Reprinted from
CY in a noncontingent (unpaired) fashion. Placebo ani- Ader (1981c) by permission of Pergamon Press.
mals in this and subsequent studies drank plain water or
saccharin and were injected with vehicle.
Three days after conditioning, all animals were in- with the titers in Group NC and in Group CSo, condi-
jected ip (intraperitoneally) with antigen, sheep red tioned animals reexposed to the CS on one or two occa-
blood cells (SRBC). Thirty min after immunization, each sions after inoculation with SRBC showed attenuated
animal in one subgroup of conditioned animals (Group antibody responses. These initial results, then, sup-
CS) was provided with a single drinking bottle containing ported the hypothesis that pairing saccharin consumption
the saccharin drinking solution for 15 min and was then with the injection of an immunosuppressive drug would
injected with saline. To control for the effects of condi- enable saccharin to elicit an immunosuppressive re-
tioning per se, a second subgroup of conditioned animals sponse.5
(Group CSo) was provided with plain water and injected Using essentially, the same experimental paradigm,
with saline. To define the unconditioned effects of CY, a Rogers, Reich, Strom, and Carpenter (1976) and Wayner,
third subgroup of conditioned animals (Group US) re- Flannery, and Singer (1978) obtained essentially the
ceived plain water followed by an injection of CY. After same results (Fig. 1). Neither study uncovered an effect of
immunization, nonconditioned rats (Group NC) were a single reexposure to the CS, but two reexposures to
given saccharin-flavored water and injected with saline; saccharin did significantly attenuate the antibody re-
placebo-treated animals (Group P) were given plain water sponse to SRBC in conditioned animals. In these experi-
and no injection. In this first experiment, independent ments, two reexposures to the CS also decreased the
subgroups of conditioned animals were reexposed to magnitude of the conditioned aversion to saccharin, a
saccharin on the day of immunization (Day 0) and/or 3 change that was not observed in the Ader and Cohen
days after being injected with SRBC. For each subgroup (1975) study. In the study by Wayner et al. (1978), the
of conditioned animals there was a subgroup of noncondi- antibody response in conditioned animals that were reex-
tioned animals that received saccharin at the correspond- posed to the CS on three occasions did not differ from that
ing time(s). Six days after immunization, blood samples in Groups NC or CSo, but these control values were not
were obtained, coded, and titrated for hemagglutinating obtained on Day 12 when the experimental animals
antibody activity. reexposed to the CS on three occasions were sampled.
Behaviorally, conditioned rats reexposed to saccharin Nevertheless, the possibility that there may be a dissocia-
reduced their intake of this solution on the day or days tion between the conditioned behavioral and immu-
when it was presented in place of plain water relative to nosuppressive responses is supported by recent data on
the intake of control animals provided with either sac- the rate of extinction of a conditioned taste aversion and a
charin or plain water. Figure 1 contains the immunologi- cell-mediated immune response (Bovbjerg, Ader & Co-
cal data from this initial experiment. The relationship hen 1984; discussed below).
among the several groups was exactly as predicted. In addition to studying immunity to SRBC, a humoral
Placebo-treated animals, having experienced no immu- (antibody) response that involves interactions between
nosuppressive treatment, had the highest antibody titers thymus-dependent helper T lymphocytes and antibody-
and animals injected with CY at the time of immunization producing bone marrow-derived B lymphocytes, Wayner
had the lowest antibody titers. Antibody titers of serum et al. (1978) examined conditioning using Brucella abor-
from nonconditioned animals (Group NC) and from con- tus, a so-called T-cell independent antigen. Their experi-
ditioned animals that were not reexposed to the saccharin ment did not uncover conditioning effects. Cohen, Ader,
solution (Group CSo) did not differ. That both of these Green, and Bovbjerg (1979), however, did observe condi-
groups had lower titers than Group P probably reflects tioned immunosuppression in two experiments with mice
residual immunosuppressive effects of CY administered immunized with the hapten 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl coupled
three days earlier. Groups NC and CSo, then, are the to another relatively thymus-independent carrier,
appropriate control groups against which to evaluate the lipopolysaccharide. Although these data suggest that the
effects of conditioning and CS reexposure. Compared effects of conditioning could be confined to some direct
O 4-
P CS 0 CS P CS 0 CS P C S 0 CS
4 6
Figure 3. Hemagglutinating antibody titers (mean ± SE)
obtained 4, 6, and 8 days after immunization with SRBC from
independent groups of placebo-treated rats (P), and conditioned Figure 4. Plaque-forming cell response to SRBC in mice
animals that were (CS) and were not (CSo) reexposed to the CS conditioned at different times of the day. NC, nonconditioned
during the interval between conditioning and immunization. mice; CSo, conditioned mice that were not reexposed to the CS;
Reprinted from Ader et al. (1982) by permission of the American CS, conditioned mice reexposed to the CS. Adapted from
Psychological Association. Copyright 1982 by the APA. Gorczynski et al. (1984) by permission of the authors.
0, 1, and 2 after the cellular graft (CSr), and conditioned animals 20 ! * • * • • • '
given three low-dose injections of CY on Days 0, 1, and 2.
Reprinted from Ader and Cohen (1981) by permission from
Academic Press. 18
E_ /
single low-dose injection of CY - even in animals pre-
viously treated with 50 mg/kg CY and even in conjunction H 16 •
X /
with saccharin consumption (in Group NC) - yielded only o /
a modest reduction in the GvH response in relation to the UJ j
effects seen in the experimental group. Conditioned 14
animals that received only a single, low-dose injection of UJ
CY and reexposure to the CS showed a significant sup- Q
pression of the GvH response relative to each of these o
z 12
control groups.
Since CS reexposure was able to suppress the GvH
response 7 weeks after conditioning, it became feasible to
introduce unreinforced CS presentations between condi- 3
[ A —ft—
tioning and immunogenic stimulation in order to examine 2 >
extinction of the conditioned immunosuppressive re-
sponse (Bovbjerg et al. 1984). Behaviorally, rats that 1 •
Preliminary data suggest that conditioned alterations component in the precipitation of allergic reactions (e.g.,
in DTH reactions may also be observed in human sub- Dekker et al. 1957).
jects. Based on the studies in animals and the report by These several studies using different antibody- and T-
Black, Humphrey, and Niven (1963) that hypnotized cell-mediated immune responses, different uncondi-
subjects instructed not to respond to tuberculin skin tioned stimuli, and different readout systems provide
testing showed attenuated DTH reactions, Smith and compelling evidence for the acquisition and extinction of
McDaniels (1983) explored the possibility that the DTH conditioned suppression and enhancement of immuno-
response in humans could be reduced using conditioning logical reactivity and reinforce the proposition that asso-
techniques. Seven volunteer subjects completed an ex- ciative processes are involved in the modulation of im-
perimental regimen in which they were subjected to mune responses.
tuberculin skin testing six times at monthly intervals. On
each of the first five trials, a nurse "blinded" to the
experimental protocol performed the skin testing under 4. Conditioning and the development of
precisely the same conditions each month. One arm was autoimmune disease
consistently treated with material (tuberculin) drawn
from a green vial; the other arm was consistently treated Although the effects of conditioning have been consistent
with material (saline) drawn from a red vial. On the sixth and reproducible, the magnitude of the changes in immu-
(experimental) trial, the contents of the vials were re- nological reactivity has been relatively small. What, then,
versed: tuberculin was applied to the arm that had been are the biological effects or implications of a small condi-
treated with saline and vice versa. Treatment with saline tioned change in the level of immunocompetence? To
did not elicit a skin reaction as might have been expected evaluate the biological impact of conditioned alterations
if there was a simple conditioning effect that could induce in immunocompetence, we chose an experimental situa-
a DTH reaction. However, when tuberculin was applied tion in which a diminution in reactivity would be in the
to the arm that had been previously treated with saline, survival interests of the organism. Systemic lupus ery-
there was a significant diminution in erythema and indu- thematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease12 for which
ration compared with the stable level of response re- the female New Zealand (NZBxNZW)F, mouse has be-
corded on the preceding control trials. Consistent with come a standard experimental model (Steinberg, Huston,
the results described by Soviet investigators in similar Taurog, Cowdery & Raveche 1981; Talal 1976; The-
experimental paradigms (Ader 1981c), Smith and ofilopoulos & Dixon 1981). These hybrid mice develop a
McDaniels were able to document a (conditioned) immu- lethal glomerulonephritis that can be delayed by treat-
nodepressed response. They were unable, however, to ment with cyclophosphamide(Hahn, Knotts, Ng& Ham-
detect any enhancement of immunological reactivity. It ilton 1975; Lehman, Wilson & Dixon 1976; Russell &
is possible, though, that the superimposition of a CS on Hicks 1968; Steinberg, Gelfand, Hardin & Lowenthal
the effects of subthreshold immunogenic stimulation, 1975). Based on our conditioning data described above, it
analogous to the subthreshold immunopharmacologic was hypothesized that the substitution of conditioned
stimulation used by Bovbjerg, Ader, and Cohen (1982), stimuli for immunosuppressive therapy in conditioned
might have yielded a potentiation of immunological reac- animals would delay the development of autoimmune
tivity. disease (Ader & Cohen 1982).
Histamine released from mast cells, besides being an Beginning at 4 months of age, individually caged
effector molecule of the immune system, may also mod- hybrid mice were provided with a saccharin drinking
ulate the response of other lymphoid cells. This has solution by pipette once each week for 8 weeks. Mice
been regarded as one of the self-regulatory mechanisms treated under a traditional chemotherapeutic regimen
in inflammation and immunity (Bourne, Lichtenstein, (Group C100) were injected with 30 mg/kg CY after each
Melmon, Henney, Weinstein & Shearer 1974). Russell, exposure to saccharin. As expected, the development of
Dark, Cummins, Ellman, Callaway, and Peeke (1984) proteinuria and mortality was delayed in these animals.
have recently provided evidence for a conditioned re- For Group C50, CY followed saccharin on only half of the
lease of histamine. Guinea pigs were sensitized to bovine weekly trials. Group NC50 received the same number of
serum albumin (BSA) and, 4 weeks later, began a series of saccharin and CY presentations, but in an unpaired (non-
weekly conditioning trials comprised of the random pre- contingent) manner. Group NC50 did not differ from a
sentation of an odor (CS + ) that was invariably paired with no-drug control group. Group C50, conditioned mice also
BSA on five of the trials and a different odor (CS~) that treated with half the amount of CY administered to Group
was always paired with saline on five other trials. Begin- C100, however, developed an unremitting proteinuria
ning two weeks later, the animals were reexposed only to significantly more slowly than untreated controls and
these odors on test trials administered at 2-week inter- significantly more slowly than nonconditioned animals
vals. Reexposure to the odor previously paired with treated with the same amount of drug (Fig. 8). The
antigen resulted in the release of histamine. The response differences are particularly striking when one considers
to the CS + was significantly greater than the response to the progression of disease using as a point of reference the
the CS ~, which in turn did not differ from the pretraining rate of development of proteinuria in the initial 50% of the
baseline. Histamine was also released in response to the population that developed SLE.
second test trial with the CS + odor, but the conditioned The mortality data (Fig. 9) also revealed overall group
response was markedly attenuated, perhaps as a result of differences. Again, since all these mice could be expected
the previously unreinforced presentation of this odor. to develop SLE and die, the longer one follows the
Such results are consistent with the clinical observations progression of disease the less likely it is that one will
and hypotheses regarding a psychosocial or conditioning discern treatment effects. An analysis of these data in
so -
H. 60-
fc 60-1
o (3
CD • C 100% Q NO TRT
A C 50% 20- ACS
o' O CS + US
& NC 50%
10 20 30 40 50 60
10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 10. Mortality rate in (NZBxNZW)F, female mice treat-
WEEKS (POST-CONDITIONING) ed with saccharin and CY weekly and then continued on a
regimen of saccharin and CY (CS + US), continued on placebo
Figure 8. Rate of development of an unremitting proteinuria medication alone (CS), or deprived of both saccharin and CY (No
in (NZBxNZW)F, female mice under different chemotherapeu- treatment). Reprinted from Ader (1985) by permission from
tic regimens. Croup C100 received saccharin followed by an Guilford Press.
injection of CY weekly; Group C50 received saccharin weekly
and CY on 50% of the saccharin trials; Group NC50 received the
same saccharin and CY as Group C50 except that saccharin and
CY were not paired in time; control mice received saccharin
period of chemotherapy, the C100, C33, and NC33
weekly but were not injected with CY. Reprinted from Ader and groups were divided into subgroups that (a) continued to
Cohen (1982) by permission from the American Association for receive saccharin and CY on the same schedule as before,
the Advancement of Science. (b) received saccharin but no CY, or (c) received neither
saccharin nor CY. As hypothesized, unreinforced presen-
tations of the CS influenced the development of autoim-
terms of the rate at which a 50% mortality was reached mune disease in conditioned but not in unconditioned
yielded the same results as the proteinuria data. Noncon- mice. In animals "trained" under a schedule of continu-
ditioned animals did not differ from untreated animals, ous reinforcement, mice that continued to receive CS
whereas conditioned mice treated with the same amount presentations (saccharin plus ip injections of saline) after
of drug survived significantly longer than untreated con- the termination of CY therapy died at a slower rate than
trols and nonconditioned mice. In terms of mortality, animals deprived of both saccharin and CY. Moreover,
Group C50 did not differ statistically from Group C100, the mortality of mice that continued to receive weekly
animals that received twice as much CY. exposure to the CS without CY did not differ from that in
Chemotherapy in this study consisted of a series of mice that continued to receive both saccharin and CY
weekly conditioning trials on which presentation of a CS (Fig. 10).
was pharmacologically reinforced by CY either 100% or Among the animals that were originally treated with
50% of the time. Preliminary data on extinction were CY on only i of the weeks during which saccharin was
obtained in a second experiment that was, during the presented, conditioned mice that were deprived of CY
initial period of therapy, identical to the first, except that but continued to receive saccharin died more slowly than
the experimental animals (Group C33) received CY after mice deprived of both saccharin and CY and, at least for
only 4 of the weekly saccharin trials. Following the initial the initial half of these subgroups, the mortality rate of
mice that received only the CS did not differ from that of
mice continuing on drug treatment. In contrast, con-
100-i tinued exposure to saccharin in unconditioned mice was
without effect; these animals did not differ from animals
that received neither saccharin nor CY (Fig. 11). It was
not possible to assess resistance to extinction as a function
of reinforcement schedule in this experiment because of
the difference in the cumulative amount of drug received
by mice under the continuous and partial treatment
regimens. Such a study, however, is currently in prog-
Even though these data must be considered prelimi-
nary, the (conditioned) modifications in the onset of
autoimmune disease in (NZBxNZW)F! mice are con-
30 40 SO 60 sistent with the immunological effects of conditioning
WEEKS (POST-CONDITIONING) described above and the hypothesis that the conditioning
of immunosuppression would delay the onset of SLE
Figure 9. Cumulative mortality rate in (NZBxNZW)F1 mice
maintained under different chemotherapeutic regimens. Group
under a regimen of chemotherapy that was not in itself
designations are the same as in Figure 8. Reprinted from Ader sufficient to influence the development of autoimmune
and Cohen (1982) by permission from the American Association disease. Confirmation of these results is provided by a
for the Advancement of Science. Copyright 1982 by the AAAS. recent study by Gorczynski, Kennedy, and Ciampi
* 20-
9 lOOn
4 CS
10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 12. Hemagglutinating antibody titers (mean ± SE)
WEEKS (POST-CONDITIONING) obtained 6 days after immunization with SRBC in rats condi-
tioned with LiCl as the UCS. P, placebo-treated animals; NC,
Figure 11. Mortality rate in conditioned (C33) and noncondi-
nonconditioned animals; CSo, conditioned animals that were
tioned (NC33) (NZBxNZW)F, mice that continued to receive
saccharin and CY (CS + US), continued to receive only sac- not reexposed to the CS; CS, conditioned animals that were
charin (CS), or received neither saccharin nor CY (No treat- reexposed to the CS; US, conditioned animals injected with
ment). Reprinted from Ader (1985) by permission from Guilford LiCl at the time of immunization. Reprinted from Ader and
Press. Cohen (1975) by permission from Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.
(1985). In this instance, repeated reexposures to a CS tioned stimuli to yield a conditioned adrenocortical re-
previously associated with CY accelerated tumor growth sponse (Ader 1976). However, in our protocol, LiCl does
and mortality in response to challenge with a syngeneic not suppress the antibody responses to SRBC, and rats
plasmacytoma. These results, then, constitute an elab- conditioned with LiCl instead of CY do not show an
oration of the biological impact of conditioned immuno- attenuated immune response (Fig. 12). To determine
pharmacological responses. Our results also indicate that whether an elevated corticosterone level superimposed
there may be considerable heuristic value in viewing upon the residual immunosuppressive effects of CY could
some pharmacotherapeutic regimens as conditioning par- account for the conditioned suppression of the antibody
adigms. For example, the introduction of partial sched- response, two experiments were conducted in which
ules of pharmacotherapeutic reinforcement may enable subgroups of animals conditioned with CY were injected
the physician to maintain some physiological state within with LiCl or with corticosterone instead of being reex-
normal limits with a lower cumulative amount of active posed to the CS. While antibody titers were lower in
drug than is currently being used. The definition of the conditioned animals reexposed to the CS than in controls,
"placebo effect" as a learned response and the implica- groups that received LiCl or corticosterone did not differ
tions of a conditioning model of pharmacotherapy are from nonconditioned animals or conditioned animals that
elaborated elsewhere (Ader, 1985). were not reexposed to the CS. These experiments, then,
provided no support for the hypothesis that the condi-
tioned immunosuppressive response was mediated by an
5. Adrenocortical mediation of conditioned experimentally induced elevation in glucocorticoids.
immunopharmacological effects Antibody production in response to antigenic stimula-
tion is the net result of a complex chain of events that, at
It has been argued that conditioned alterations in immu- any of several levels, might be influenced by neural and
nological reactivity actually represent adrenocortically endocrine changes that accompany humoral responses
mediated "stress" effects rather than conditioning pro- (e.g., Besedovsky & Sorkin 1981), neuroendocrine
cesses (Dwyer 1983; see also Bovbjerg et al. 1983). In changes that accompany conditioned responses (e.g.,
contrast, we have argued (Ader & Cohen 1975) that these Harris & Brady 1974), or neuroendocrine responses that
are conditioning effects that might be mediated by are themselves conditioned responses (e.g., Ader 1976).
changes in corticosterone levels. The experiments de- The neuroendocrine changes that occur in response to
scribed below were designed to evaluate this possibility antigenic stimulation, however, are common to all the
(Ader & Cohen 1975; Ader et al. 1979) and failed to animals in the conditioning experiments, and we know of
support the hypothesis. no data on the long-term neuroendocrine changes result-
Both LiCl and CY are effective stimuli for inducing a ing from a single, brief exposure to a CS. The adrenocor-
taste aversion, both unconditionally elicit elevations in tical response to brief environmental stimulation, howev-
corticosterone level, and both can be used as uncondi- er, is relatively short-lived (Ader & Friedman 1968). It
would be difficult, therefore, to attribute an attenuated immune network governing immunoregulatory pro-
antibody response to the persistent effect of a conditioned cesses included the observation that certain hormonal or
elevation in plasma corticosterone level when reexposure neurotransinitter manipulations may exert their effects in
to the CS occurred several days before antigenic stimula- vivo only within a host that has a functioning adrenal
tion (Ader et al. 1982). One could still hypothesize that gland (e.g., Besedovsky, del Rey, Sorkin, Da Prada &
conditioned neuroendocrine changes exert their effects Keller 1979) or that certain antibody responses may be
on one and/or another subpopulation of B- and/or T-cells detected in vitro only when steroids are added to the
or macrophages and that such effects are sufficiently long- culture medium (Ambrose 1970). If endogenous cor-
lasting to influence a response to subsequent iinmu- ticosteroids play some "permissive" role in iimnu-
nogenic stimulation. noregulation, interpretations of the immunologica) ef-
It should be noted, though, that Gorczynski et al. fects of conditioning (or other neuroendocrine manipula-
(1984) were unable to observe a conditioned iminunosup- tions) in adrenalectomized animals must be advanced
pressive response in adrenalectomized mice. As men- with caution. It is tempting to speculate, however, that,
tioned previously, these experiments were conducted on in the absence of maintenance steroid therapy, adre-
group-housed animals, so there are no data to verify that nalectomy, in addition to abolishing the adrenal meduF
any association had been made between saccharin and CY lary influences on immunological reactivity, would have
- or how many animals in the group were actually resulted in chronically elevated ACTH levels and that
conditioned.l3 There is, too, the potential confounding of ACTH and ACTH peptide fragments could be operating
altered sensory thresholds that can accompany adrenal to influence immunocompetence. That such substances
insufficiency (Henkin 1970) and that might modify the may act as vehicles of communication between the brain
discriminability of the CS and/or the UCS (and thus the and the immune system is implied by the observations
strength of any conditioned behavioral or immunophar- that lymphocytes are capable of producing immunoreac-
macological response). Assuming, however, that the ef- tive ACTH-like material (Blalock 1984; Smith, Meyer &
fects of adrenalectomy can be taken at face value, these Blalock 1982).
data are interesting in relation to the results obtained by The situation with respect to the role of adrenocortical
varying the time of day at which conditioning occurs. steroids in mediating the effects of conditioning on cell-
Mice were maintained on a 12-hr light-dark schedule mediated responses is less clear because only indirect
with light beginning at 6:30 A.M. Animals conditione it evidence of relevance is available. The effects of glucocor-
7:00 A.M. and, to only a slightly lesser degree, at 1:00 P.M. ticoids on cell-mediated responses have been considered
showed conditioned immunosuppressive responses, minimal (Ahlqvist 1981). In the case of a GvH response,
whereas animals conditioned at 7:00 P.M. did not for example, the reacting donor cells are resistant to
(Gorczynski et al. 1984). On this light-dark regimen, corticosterone effects, but treating recipient animals with
mice conditioned at 7:00 A.M. were manipulated during hydrocortisone during the response does reduce spleno-
the trough in the 24-hour corticosterone rhythm, and megaly (Cohen & Claman, 1971). Plasma corticosterone
animals conditioned at 7:00 P.M. would have been near levels were not measured in the Bovbjerg et al. (1982)
the peak in the daily corticosterone rhythm. That is, study, but animals were reexposed to the CS in a prefer-
steroid levels would have been low in animals condi- ence testing procedure that does not elevate steroid
tioned at 7:00 A.M., high in animals conditioned at 7:00 levels (Smotherman, Hennesey & Levine 1976). In our
P.M., and between these extremes in animals conditioned study of extinction of the GvH response (Bovbjerg et al.
at 1:00 P.M. To the extent that adrenocortical steroids 1984), two placebo groups were used: one was manipu-
were involved in the conditioning of immunosuppres- lated in the same manner as the experimental group that
sion, this relationship between steroid levels and the received the maximum number of extinction trials (i.e.,
conditioned immunosuppressive response would appear manipulations that would have elevated steroid levels),
to be contrary to the effects of adrenalectomy. One could whereas the other remained totally unmanipulated. The
still speculate that, since adrenocortical reactivity is fact that the GvH response of these two groups did not
greater at the trough than at the peak in the daily cycle differ is not in keeping with the hypothesis that an
(Ader & Friedman 1968), some component of the pitui- elevation in steroid levels is a critical factor for the
tary-adrenal axis was involved in the positive effects seen expression of immunological reactivity in these experi-
in mice conditioned early in the light-dark cycle. By the ments.
same token, control animals (e.g., animals that experi- "Stress" in the form of physical restraint, suppresses
ence noncontingent CS and UCS presentations, han- DTH whether it is administered before sensitization or
dling, and ip injection of antigen) would also be more before challenge with SRBC (Blecha, Barry & Kelley
reactive at the trough than at the peak in the daily 1982). Since restraint elevates corticosterone level and
adrenocortical cycle, and there is no reason to believe adrenalectomy and metyrapone block the stress-induced
that there would be a differential elevation in cor- suppression of immunological reactivity under precisely
ticosterone level between conditioned and noncondi- these conditions (Blecha, Barry & Kelley 1982), the
tioned animals, that is, that a conditioned elevation of conditioned enhancement of a DTH response observed
steroid level would exceed the unconditioned adrenocor- by Bovbjerg (1983) would appear to be inconsistent with
tical response to the manipulations imposed upon control the effects that would be expected to occur if a stress-
animals in order to assess immune function. induced or conditioned elevation of adrenocortical
The data obtained by Gorczynski et al. from control steroids were the mediating physiological event. Unless
animals did not suggest any alterations in immunocompe- one hypothesizes that a difference in the magnitude or
tence in the adrenalectomized mice. Nonetheless, a part duration of the restraint-induced and any conditioned
of the evidence for an integrated neural-endocrine- elevation in steroid level would result in a selective effect
of conditioning on steroid-sensitive T-suppressor cells, a The vast majority of the research on hormones and
conditioned elevation of corticosterone level might actu- immunity has concentrated on the thymus (Comsa et al.
ally have acted to reduce the magnitude of the condi- 1982). Because of its central role in the ontogeny of
tioned response. immunocompetence, the neuroendocrine functions of
It is also reasonable to infer that the manipulations the thymus have not, until recently, received the atten-
imposed by Gorczynski et al. (1982) in grafting allogeneic tion they apparently deserve (Hall & Goldstein 1983).
skin tissue would have elicited an adrenocortical re- Conversely, hormones other than those of the thymus
sponse. These glucocorticoid elevations, however, were have not received sufficient attention as modulators of
evidently insufficient to obviate a conditioned enhance- immune function. Considering the fact that endogenous
ment of immunological reactivity as reflected in eleva- levels of glucocorticoids have been associated with both
tions of CTLp. As in the studies cited above, control suppression and enhancement of immunological reac-
animals in the study by Kusnecov et al. (1983) also tivity, any generalization regarding a mediational role of
received the same manipulations as the experimental adrenocortical steroids in the conditioning of immune
animals that displayed conditioned suppression of a cell- responses would be premature and counterproductive
mediated response to rabbit antirat lymphocyte serum, with respect to the possibilities that have yet to be fully
and, according to unpublished data from their laboratory, evaluated - or even identified.
conditioned immunosuppression using ALS was not asso-
ciated with an increase in plasma corticosterone level.
Based on these studies and the larger literature on the 6. Concluding remarks
effects of stress on immune function, it is apparent that
there is a dissociation between alterations in immunologi- If one adopts the position that immunology is confined to
cal and adrenocortical activity. The available data provide the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms by
no support for the hypothesis that conditioned alterations which the organism is capable of recognizing what is a
in humoral immunity are mediated by nonspecific or part of itself and what is not a part of itself and, in the latter
conditioned elevations in adrenocortical steroids. Al- instance, defending itself against what is foreign, none of
though the evidence is less direct, it also appears that the material reviewed in this paper can be construed as
conditioned alterations in cell-mediated immune re- "immunology." Indeed, much has been learned about
sponses are not simply due to changes in steroid level. immunological defense mechanisms by in vitro analysis of
Since different subsets of regulatory T-cells (helpers and immune reactions, and the application of these principles
suppressors) appear to be involved, for example, in the has virtually eliminated- certain diseases. This may be
DTH response to SRBC and in contact hypersensitivity only part of the story, however. While the achievements
reactions (Huber, Devinsky, Gershon & Cantor 1976; of the classic biomedical approach are legion, it has been
McKenzie & Potter 1979), stress, conditioning, or other argued that the strategies handed down by Koch,
behavioral manipulations may exert different effects on Pasteur, and their followers do not apply to all disease
different subpopulations of T lymphocytes rather than (or processes (e.g., Dubos 1959). Dixon (1978) has pointed
in addition to) affecting endocrine (e.g., adrenocortical out that "the dazzling achievements of specific etiology
steroid) responses that are common responses to a wide have now been followed by a situation where all our major
range of environmental circumstances. health problems - most obviously cardiovascular disease,
We do not mean to exclude direct or indirect participa- cancers, and much mental illness - represent areas where
tion of neuroendocrine processes in conditioned altera- the theory has failed." In another context, Smith and
tions of immune processes. Indeed, growing evidence for Steinberg (1983) have stressed the futility of seeking
the immunomodulating effects of a variety of hormones single causes for the multifactorial etiology of the disor-
and neurotransmitter substances provides myriad candi- dered immunoregulatory processes that culminate in
dates for the mediation of behaviorally induced altera- autoimmune diseases.
tions in immune function. Steroid hormones, including There is an alternative to the classic biomedical model
glucocorticoids, androgens, estrogens, and pro- to which the majority of immunologists or immunological
gesterone, are generally immunosuppressive, whereas research seems to have subscribed, and that is to view and
growth hormone, thyroxine, and insulin have been study immunological phenomena as part of an integrated
shown to potentiate immune responses (Ahlqvist 1981; physiological system. Such a position does not deny the
Comsa et al. 1982). These reviews indicate that the effects self-regulating capacities of the immune system; it com-
of hormones and neurotransmitters depend upon a
plements them by adding levels of organization that
number of factors, including the dose of hormone or the
neurotransmitter agonist or antagonist, the timing of acknowledge that the adaptive functions of the immune
administration in relation to immunization, the dose of system of ultimate significance are those that occur in vivo
antigen, and the parameter of immunological reactivity as part of an integrated network of adaptive processes,
under consideration. Pharmacological doses of glucocor- each of which is capable of influencing and being influ-
ticoids, for example, may be immunosuppressive, but the enced by others.
in vivo effects of endogenous adrenocortical steroids are Certainly, it is easier to analyze the mechanisms under-
less clear; and while many of the effects of stress are lying immunity by reducing complex processes to simpler
immunosuppressive, different stressors have different or more discrete elements. Such analyses are essential for
effects and such effects are not always attributable to an understanding of how the components of the immune
elevated steroid levels (Blecha, Kelley & Satterlee 1982; system work. There is a danger, however, of losing sight
Keller et al. 1983; Monjan 1981; Monjan & Collector of the original questions - in forgetting that such reac-
1976). tions are a part of the whole and that the test-tube
medium in which immune reactions can be made to take
Engcl (1954) has been a leader in advocating the "multi- integration of findings from experimental and clinical studies in
factorial" etiology of disease, and more recently (1977), the this area of investigation might do much toward discarding the
biopsychosocial model of disease. In our own writings (Plaut & outdated notion that disease is either psychosomatic or physical,
Friedman 1981), we have suggested that all diseases may be thus providing further confirmation that the very term "psycho-
influenced by psychosocial factors, and that vulnerability to somatic disease" may have outlived its usefulness as a clinical
such factors may be viewed along three continua. First is the concept.
nature of the disease under consideration, with some illnesses or
disease states particularly susceptible to psychological factors
(e.g., ulcerative colitis, hypertension) and others less so (per-
haps CNS [central nervous system] tumors). The second con- "Relatively mild stress" depresses cellular
tinuum comprises the unique biological and psychosocial char-
acteristics of a given patient, both genetic and acquired, with a immunity in healthy adults
range of vulnerability to any given disease. Third, we have Ronald Glaser
emphasized that changes in vulnerability to disease may be
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Comprehensive
related to temporal or developmental factors.
Cancer Center, Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio
With these considerations in mind, infectious disease pro- 43210
vides an interesting model for the understanding of psychoso-
matic concepts (Friedman & Glasgow 1966). The usual medical Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser
thinking is that infectious agents (e.g., bacteria, viruses) cause Department of Psychiatry, Ohio State University College of Medicine,
infectious disease, without due consideration of numerous fac- Columbus, Ohio 43210
tors that modify the host-parasite relationship. That exposure to Ader & Cohen (A & C) have provided an excellent discussion of
an infectious agent is a necessary condition for developing an conditioned immunopharmacological responses. Their work in
infectious disease is not in doubt, yet mere exposure to, or even this area is clearly outstanding. They suggest, however, that
the harboring of, a pathogen does not necessarily result in illness relatively mild stress or conditioned stress may be capable of
or disease. Thus,. only a small proportion of children with exerting their subtle effects only in an already immunocompro-
positive throat cultures for beta-hemolytic streptococcus will miscd host. Though such speculation is consistent with data
develop symptoms of infection (e.g., fever, pharyngitis). The obtained in some studies with rodents as discussed by A & C, it
question that arises is whether psychosocial factors influence is in conflict with the human experimental data discussed below.
which children becoi le clinically ill from the streptococcal Work from our laboratory has demonstrated the immunosup-
organism, and there is evidence that this is indeed the case pressive effects of commonplace acute "stressful" events in
(Myer & Haggerty 1962). otherwise healthy adults. For example, we found replicable and
There are now abundant clinical and experimental (animal) significant decrements in natural killer (NK) cell activity in
studies demonstrating the limitations of the "germ theory" in medical student blood samples obtained on the day of examina-
understanding the development of infectious disease (for re- tions in comparison to baseline samples obtained one month
views of this work see Friedman & Glasgow 1966; Plaut & previously (Kiecolt-Glaser, Garner, Speicher, Penn, Holliday
Friedman 1981). In one early study, for example, we showed & Glaser 1984; Kiecolt-Glaser, Glaser, Strain, Stout, Tarr, Holli-
that the clinical course of Coxsackie B virus infection in the day, & Speicher, in press). Self-report data documented the
mouse reflected, at the very least, the dosage of inoculated virus significantly greater distress associated with examinations.
and the age of the animal, as well as the psychosocial (experi- Other immune functions were also responsive to this relatively
mental) manipulation; a demonstration of the interaction of mild stressful event, including the transformation of B lympho-
biological and psychosocial factors (Friedman, Ader & Glasgow cytes by Epstein-Barr virus (Kiecolt-Glaser, Speicher, Holliday
1965). In this and in numerous other experiments using a variety & Glaser 1984), the percentage of helper T lymphocytes
of murine viruses, however, we were unable to delineate the (Kiecolt-Glaser et al., in press), and the production of inter-
physiological mechanisms that accounted for the modified re- ferons by lymphocytes stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A).
sponse to the infectious agents. Additional demonstrations of the immunodepressive effects
Ader & Cohen (A & C) in their eloquent review of their of acute stress in otherwise healthy adults are seen in data from
experiments and the work of others, clearly demonstrate that Jemmott, Borysenko, Borysenko, McClelland, Chapman,
the conditioning of immune responses may represent a major Meyer, and Benson (1983), who showed that alterations in
mechanism in altering host resistance to a wide range of micro- salivary immunoglobin A in dental students were related to high
organisms. Furthermore, they have suggested logical ap- and low stress periods. Acute stress-related alterations in hu-
proaches to further defining the interactions between the cen- moral immunity have also been shown in nonhuman primates
tral nervous and immunological systems, including the possible (Coe, Wiener, Rosenberg & Levine, in press).
role of adrenocorticoids and other hormones. A & C characterize as "subtle" the immunological conse-
From the point of view of a physician, a practical clinical quences of relatively mild stress or conditioned stress. Although
question remains, namely, will A & C's experimental findings the size of conditioned effects is generally small (while having
ultimately prove important in the daily practice of medicine? survival value, as described by A & C), the effects of relatively
This is not meant to imply that these studies of A & C are not mild stress are frequently of considerable magnitude. For exam-
important in their own right and to the further understanding of ple, the production of interferon by lymphocytes stimulated by
the physiology and pathophysiology of immunity. Nevertheless, Con A declined from a baseline value of 2003.03 U/ml 6 weeks
this commentator would argue for concurrent studies address- before final examinations to a mean of 80.00 U/ml on the day of
ing the question of clinical importance, to the practitioner, of final examination in 40 second-year medical student blood
psychosocial factors in infectious diseases. This would include samples (data submitted for publication). Similarly, exam-relat-
investigations in human subjects related to the etiology of ed decrements in natural killer (NK) cell activity have ranged
infectious illnesses, the clinical course of such illnesses, and from 16% to 43%, depending on the subject sample, the NK
their response to medical therapy and intervention, as well as target cell used, and the effectontarget-cell ratio across three
studies on the underlying physiological mechanisms. Though samples of medical students; the modal decrease is around 33%
numerous clinical studies have focused on these issues, data do of baseline values.
not exist that are influential to the clinician. If psychosocial In further work, we have assessed the possible enhancement
factors are clearly involved in the outcome of individual patients of immune function by simple positive interventions (Kiecolt-
exposed to infectious agents, the area of CNS-immune system Glaser, Glaser, Williger, Stout, Messick, Sheppard, Ricker,
interactions would take on even more importance. Last, the Romisher, Briner, Bonnell & Donnerberg 1985). Forty-five
3. Severe emotional disturbance and mental dysfunction The central nervous system and the immune system have a
should be accompanied by immunologic abnormalities. certain structural similarity. The assumption that these two
4. Diseases of immunologic aberration should, at times, be systems could cooperate as part of an integrated physiological
accompanied by psychological and/or neurological symptoms. entity within the whole network of adaptive processes poses the
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