RPT Ip Print New
RPT Ip Print New
RPT Ip Print New
Course Code Course Title Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Course Planner
Course Weightage ATT: 15 CA: 30 MTT: 15 ETT: 40 Exam Category: 1EI: MTE: All MCQ: ETE: Third Party Examination (Inside)
CO1 :: identify formal writing skills in drafting various administrative and professional documents
CO2 :: compose grammatically correct communication by using varied structures
CO3 :: analyze sentences containing learned vocabulary and use appropriate grammatical structures in speaking and writing
CO4 :: apply the learned strategies of skimming and scanning to discover the general idea and to find specific information in a familiar text
CO5 :: evaluate their grammatical and communicative competence
CO6 :: develop and assist students to recognize and articulate writing and comprehension skills for employability
Reference Books ( R )
Sr No Title Author Publisher Name
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 1 Lecture 1 Subject-verb agreement R-1 Explaining the usage of Learning the usage of Worksheets and NA
(singular and plural nouns) singular plural nouns singular plural nouns PPT
and verbs and verbs
Subject-verb agreement R-1 Explaining the usage of Learning the usage of Worksheets and NA
(verbs) singular plural nouns singular plural nouns PPT
and verbs and verbs
Lecture 2 Subject-verb agreement R-1 Introduction to the rules Learning subject-verb Worksheets and NA
(rules of subject-verb of subject-verb agreement and PPT
agreement) agreement constructing
sentences using right
Week 2 Lecture 3 Subject-verb agreement R-1 Introduction to the rules Learning subject-verb Worksheets and NA
(rules of subject-verb of subject-verb agreement and PPT
agreement) agreement constructing
sentences using right
Lecture 4 Pronoun Agreement R-1 Illustrating the .usage of Constructing Worksheets and NA
(introduction to pronoun pronoun agreement with effective sentences PPT
agreement) its various types using pronoun
Pronoun Agreement R-1 Illustrating the .usage of Constructing Worksheets and NA
(introduction to various pronoun agreement with effective sentences PPT
types of pronouns) its various types using pronoun
Week 3 Lecture 5 Pronoun Agreement(rules of R-1 Illustrating the .usage of Constructing Worksheets and NA
pronoun agreement) pronoun agreement with effective sentences PPT
its various types and using pronoun
rules. agreement
Lecture 6 Verb tense(introduction to R-1 Explaining the verb Learning to frame Worksheets and NA
verb tense) tense and its types sentences with PPT
accurate verb tense
and its types
Verb tense(rules of verb R-1 Explaining the verb Learning to frame Worksheets and NA
tense errors) tense and its types sentences with PPT
accurate verb tense
and its types
Week 4 Lecture 7 Voice and accent(vowels R-1 Introduction to the Understanding the Worksheets and NA
and consonants) vowels and consonant importance of PPT
sounds along with word different vowel,
stress consonant sounds in
English speech
Voice and accent(word R-1 Introduction to the Understanding the Worksheets and NA
stress) vowels and consonant importance of PPT
sounds along with word different vowel,
stress consonant sounds in
English speech
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 4 Lecture 8 Voice and accent(sentence R-1 Describing and Understanding the Worksheets and NA
stress) illustrating the usage of importance of PPT
sentence stress sentence stress,
accent neutralization
pronunciation in the
English language by
practicing phonic
Week 5 Lecture 9 Vocabulary(root words) R-1 Introduction to the Building academic Worksheets and NA
commonly used root vocabulary PPT
word and explaining the appropriately for oral
usage of synonyms and and written
antonyms communication
Vocabulary(synonyms and R-1 Introduction to the Building academic Worksheets and NA
antonyms) commonly used root vocabulary PPT
word and explaining the appropriately for oral
usage of synonyms and and written
antonyms communication
Lecture 10 Vocabulary(contextual R-1 Explaining the usage of Understanding the Worksheets and NA
vocabulary) contextual vocabulary usage of contextual PPT
and phrasal verbs vocabulary and
phrasal verbs
Vocabulary(phrasal verbs) R-1 Explaining the usage of Understanding the Worksheets and NA
contextual vocabulary usage of contextual PPT
and phrasal verbs vocabulary and
phrasal verbs
Vocabulary(various R-1 Explaining the usage of Understanding the Worksheets and NA
exercises based on antonyms contextual vocabulary usage of contextual PPT
and synonyms) and phrasal verbs vocabulary and
phrasal verbs
Week 6 Lecture 11 Reading comprehension R-1 Introducing various Comprehending Worksheets and NA
(importance of reading types of reading various tips and PPT
comprehension) comprehension techniques to solve
questions and strategies passages
for answering them
Reading comprehension R-1 Introducing various Comprehending Worksheets and NA
(types of questions in types of reading various tips and PPT
reading comprehension) comprehension techniques to solve
questions and strategies passages
for answering them
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 6 Lecture 12 Reading comprehension R-1 Practicing different Applying critical Worksheets and NA
(reading comprehension types of reading thinking skills PPT
questions based on main comprehension including
idea) questions distinguishing fact
from opinion, making
inferences, and
identifying author's
purpose and tone in
intermediate to
advance level
reading material
Week 7 Lecture 13 Reading comprehension R-1 Illustrating the Applying critical Worksheets and NA
(reading comprehension techniques to find thinking skills PPT
questions based supporting supporting ideas in the including
idea) given passage distinguishing fact
from opinion, making
inferences, and
identifying author's
purpose and tone in
intermediate to
advance level
reading material
Week 7 Lecture 14 Spill Over
Week 8 Lecture 15 Email Writing(purpose and R-1 Introduction to common Understanding the Worksheets and
functional role of e-mail) errors in email writing components of email PPT
and important structural for effective
components for presentation of
effective email writing thoughts.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 8 Lecture 15 Email Writing(structural R-1 Introduction to common Understanding the Worksheets and
components of e-mail) errors in email writing components of email PPT
and important structural for effective
components for presentation of
effective email writing thoughts.
Lecture 16 Email Writing(do’s and R-1 Providing different Understanding the Worksheets and
don’ts of e-mail writing) scenarios and possible dos and don'ts of PPT
effective drafting to email writing
ensure proper effective presentation
comprehension of thoughts.
Week 9 Lecture 17 Sentence completion R-1 Illustrating the usage Comprehending Worksheets and
(introduction to cloze test) cloze test various techniques PPT
and tips to solve
cloze test vocabulary
Lecture 18 Sentence completion R-1 Practicing the questions Comprehending Worksheets and
(eliminating options using of cloze test and various techniques PPT
verbal clues) illustrating the usage of and tips to solve
eliminating options questions using
using verbal cues verbal cues
Sentence completion R-1 Practicing the questions Comprehending Worksheets and
(exercises based on cloze of cloze test and various techniques PPT
test) illustrating the usage of and tips to solve
eliminating options questions using
using verbal cues verbal cues
Week 10 Lecture 19 Sentence completion R-1 Practicing the questions Comprehending Worksheets and
(eliminating options using of cloze test and various techniques PPT
verbal clues) illustrating the usage of and tips to solve
eliminating options questions using
using verbal cues verbal cues
Sentence completion R-1 Practicing the questions Comprehending Worksheets and
(exercises based on cloze of cloze test and various techniques PPT
test) illustrating the usage of and tips to solve
eliminating options questions using
using verbal cues verbal cues
Lecture 20 Analogy(types of analogies- R-1 Acquainting with the Learning various Worksheets and
synonym relationship) usage types of analogies types of analogies PPT
and explaining the and their
various relationships relationships
Analogy(antonym R-1 Acquainting with the Learning various Worksheets and
relationship) usage types of analogies types of analogies PPT
and explaining the and their
various relationships relationships
Analogy(cause-effect R-1 Acquainting with the Learning various Worksheets and
relationship) usage types of analogies types of analogies PPT
and explaining the and their
various relationships relationships
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 10 Lecture 20 Analogy(characteristics R-1 Acquainting with the Learning various Worksheets and
relationship) usage types of analogies types of analogies PPT
and explaining the and their
various relationships relationships
Week 11 Lecture 21 Analogy(symbolic R-1 Explaining the Symbolic Learning various Worksheets and
relationship) Relationship, Whole- types of analogies PPT
Part & Part-Part and their
Relationship relationships
Analogy(whole- part & part- R-1 Explaining the Symbolic Learning various Worksheets and
part relationship) Relationship, Whole- types of analogies PPT
Part & Part-Part and their
Relationship relationships
Analogy(analogy questions) R-1 Explaining the Symbolic Learning various Worksheets and
Relationship, Whole- types of analogies PPT
Part & Part-Part and their
Relationship relationships
Analogy(patterns of R-1 Explaining the Symbolic Learning various Worksheets and
questions) Relationship, Whole- types of analogies PPT
Part & Part-Part and their
Relationship relationships
Analogy(common tricky R-1 Explaining the Symbolic Learning various Worksheets and
questions) Relationship, Whole- types of analogies PPT
Part & Part-Part and their
Relationship relationships
Analogy(eliminating options R-1 Explaining the Symbolic Learning various Worksheets and
in analogy) Relationship, Whole- types of analogies PPT
Part & Part-Part and their
Relationship relationships
Lecture 22 Direct and Indirect speech R-1 Training, practicing and Understanding Worksheets and
(narration and narrative) applying rules of speech and to answer PPT
narration/ direct- intermediate to
Indirect speech advance level
questions based on it.
Week 12 Lecture 23 Direct and Indirect speech R-1 Training, practicing and Understanding Worksheets and
(narration and narrative) applying rules of speech and to answer PPT
narration/ direct- intermediate to
Indirect speech advance level
questions based on it.
Lecture 24 Direct and Indirect speech R-1 Training, practicing and Understanding Worksheets and
(descriptive formations) applying rules of speech and to answer PPT
narration to change intermediate to
direct into Indirect or advance level
vice-versa. questions based on it.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 13 Lecture 25 Direct and Indirect speech R-1 Training, practicing and Understanding Worksheets and
(descriptive formations) applying rules of speech and to answer PPT
narration to change intermediate to
direct into Indirect or advance level
vice-versa. questions based on it.
Lecture 26 Direct and Indirect speech R-1 Implementation of the Understanding Worksheets and
(persuasive writing) rules in practical mode speech and to answer PPT
to ensure proper intermediate to
comprehension. advance level
questions based on it.
Week 14 Lecture 27 Direct and Indirect speech R-1 Implementation of the Understanding Worksheets and
(persuasive writing) rules in practical mode speech and to answer PPT
to ensure proper intermediate to
comprehension. advance level
questions based on it.
Week 14 Lecture 28 Spill Over
Week 15 Lecture 29 Spill Over
Lecture 30 Spill Over
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Academic Task Objective Detail of Academic Task Nature of Academic Academic Task Marks Allottment /
Task Mode submission
(group/individuals) Week
Test 1 To critically monitor Online Test with 30 MCQs of errors based on Subject-verb Individual Offline 30 3/4
and evaluate the agreement, Pronoun Agreement, Verb tense
concept knowledge
of the student once
the topic is
discussed in the
Presentation - To critically monitor Speaking activity will be arranged to evaluate how well the students Individual Offline 30 5/6
Individual the conceptual have imbibed voice and accent with vocabulary in their speech.
knowledge of the
Test 2 To acquaint students Writing Test based on vocabulary Reading Comprehension and E- Individual Offline 30 10 / 11
to the topics that are mail writing
common in
placement papers,
evaluate their
writing skills.
Test 3 To critically monitor 30 MCQs based on Sentence completion, Analogy and Narration Individual Offline 30 12 / 13
the concept
knowledge of the
MOOCs/ Certification etc. mapped with the Academic Task(s)
Academic Task Name Of Certification/Online Course/Test/Competition mapped Type Offered By Organisation
Presentation - Individual AMCAT/COCUBES Test/Examination ASPIRING MINDS/COCUBES
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Practical 2 Associated Skills • practice session on subject-verb Learning the implementation of subject-verb
agreement agreement , pronoun agreement and verb tense rules
Practical 3 Associated Skills • practice session on subject-verb Learning the implementation of subject-verb
agreement agreement , pronoun agreement and verb tense rules
Practical 4 Associated Skills • practice session on subject-verb Learning the implementation of subject-verb
agreement agreement , pronoun agreement and verb tense rules
Practical 5 Associated Skills • practice session on subject-verb Learning the implementation of subject-verb
agreement agreement , pronoun agreement and verb tense rules
Practical 6 Associated Skills • practice session on subject-verb Learning the implementation of subject-verb
agreement agreement , pronoun agreement and verb tense rules
Practical 7 Test 1
Practical 8 Speaking • phonic drill based in word and Understanding the importance of different vowel
sentence stress and consonant sounds ;sentence and word stress in
English speech
Practical 9 Speaking • phonic drill based in word and Understanding the importance of different vowel
sentence stress and consonant sounds ;sentence and word stress in
English speech
Practical 10 Associated Skills • Vocabulary games Building academic vocabulary appropriately for
oral and written communication
Practical 11 Associated Skills • Vocabulary games Building academic vocabulary appropriately for
oral and written communication
Practical 12 Presentation - Individual
Practical 13 Reading • practice session on reading Applying critical thinking skills including
comprehension distinguishing fact from opinion, identifying
supporting idea and main idea.
Practical 14 Reading • practice session on reading Applying critical thinking skills including
comprehension distinguishing fact from opinion, identifying
supporting idea and main idea.
Practical 15 Writing • functional session on email writing Understanding the components of email for
effective presentation of thoughts.
Practical 16 Writing • functional session on email writing Understanding the components of email for
effective presentation of thoughts.
Practical 17 Associated Skills • Worksheets-based exercise on Comprehending various techniques and tips to
sentence completion solve questions based on cloze test using verbal
Practical 18 Associated Skills • Worksheets-based exercise on Comprehending various techniques and tips to
sentence completion solve questions based on cloze test using verbal
Practical 19 Associated Skills • Worksheets-based exercise on Comprehending various techniques and tips to
sentence completion solve questions based on cloze test using verbal
Practical 20 Test 2
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Practical 21 Associated Skills • paradigm of the word relationship Learning various types of analogies and their
Practical 22 Associated Skills • paradigm of the word relationship Learning various types of analogies and their
Practical 23 Associated Skills • paradigm of the word relationship Learning various types of analogies and their
Practical 24 Test 3
Practical 25 Spill Over
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.